Another word for but not limited to

You might be looking for another way to say “including but not limited to,” and this article aims to help you. After all, “including but not limited to” is a fairly wordy clause to include in your writing. This article will explore less wordy synonyms that work well.

Other ways to say “including but not limited to” are “including,” “with,” and “possible options.” These remove the redundancies involved with “including but not limited to.” They make your writing more concise and easier for most people to digest when going over it.

Better Ways to Say Including but Not Limited To

“Including” is already a great synonym. You may remove “but not limited to,” and the result will stay the same. “Including” shows what is included within a list without having to go through every detail.

It still gives your reader a chance to explore their options. They do not have to limit themselves to what was “included” in your writing.

  • Including all the options we’ve discussed so far should give us a better understanding of what we should look for.
  • Including this information is all you need to do to ensure you have things right. Do not try to game the system any other way.
  • The letters, which include some information that pertains to you, have been removed from the file. It’s best to leave it that way.

2. With

“WIth” is a much simpler synonym that works here. You can use “with” to show some of the available options. It’s up to you to determine how those options work in your writing.

The reader may also decide whether they want to limit themselves to those options.

  • With the three different clauses in place, you need to ensure something like that doesn’t happen again. Can you do that for me?
  • That’s enough for me. I’m not going to help you. I came up with two ideas with what we’ve already worked out.
  • I’m sure there are other options. With everything you mentioned, you have got to figure something out that works.

3. Possible Options

“Possible options” is a great synonym showing that there are multiple options to consider without limiting the reader to them. You can use “possible” to show more available options without listing them.

It gives the reader a chance to explore what options they have. This is great if you do not want to pressure them into picking an option that might not be included in your original list.

  • Some possible options are going alone, going together, or not going at all. Does that work for you, or have you got a better idea?
  • I need to know the possible options before I can make any arrangements. I don’t want to be stuck deciding something right now.
  • What are the possible options again? I’m not sure if you listed them all. I’d love to hear more about them.

4. Options Are

“Options are” is a great way to create a list with concise wording. You can use this when you want to provide a few options to the reader before they choose something.

“Options are” can cover any number of options. Depending on what works for the context, you may include two, three, or all of the options. You do not have to limit yourself by including all options, though.

  • Your options are going to run out fast. You don’t have a lot of time left before you have to decide. Be quick about it.
  • I’ll tell you what the options are from the list I received. I hope something comes of it, but it’s okay if nothing works out.
  • She told me the options are scarce, but we have plenty of opportunities to make this right. Are you with me?

5. For Instance

“For instance” is a good way to explain a few options. Usually, “for instance” only covers one option that someone might be able to pick. It’s a good choice to allow the reader to explore other options.

  • We could do this in a few ways. For instance, it may work well if we create a team of people who are willing to help.
  • I thought about some choices. For instance, there is Harry or Julia. I’m sure we could ask someone else if need be.
  • I have some ideas that could work. For instance, we could go to the pub or the café. I don’t know if any other places are open.

6. In This Case

“In this case” shows the choices that someone can have within a given context. “Case” refers to the context of your writing here. It lets the reader determine whether there’s anything else to discuss.

It’s not always the best choice because it is a little broader than most of the other synonyms. It shows what relates to the context rather than what is included in a specified list.

  • You need to work out some issues. In this case, I think it’s best if you set yourself a few options that could help you.
  • I have some projects that you could work on. In this case, I’ll let you decide which of the four works best for you.
  • I’m not going to tell you about it. In this case, I believe it’s up to you to determine how many people you need on your team.

7. Could Be

You can use “could be” when you want to show a list that isn’t limited to a selection of options. “Could be” gives someone a brief rundown of what to expect from something.

You do not have to include all the details. It just gives the reader a chance to decide on a few things that might work for them.

  • It could be worth looking into some of these choices. After all, we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible here.
  • I’m not going to tell you what it could be because I don’t have all the answers. You’re going to have to figure it out.
  • It could be tough for us to get this done, but I think it’s worth looking into. Do you want to learn more about it?

8. Refers To

“Refers to” is a good way to show what something can reference. You do not have to include everything that is referenced when using “refers to.” That’s why it works well to replace “including but not limited to.”

If you don’t feel the need to include every option, “refers to” is going to work well.

  • These options refer to the issues that we’ve already had. I’m trying to find the best way to go about fixing them.
  • I think you’ll find they refer to all of the same problems. However, some things have been removed, so it’s worth looking into them.
  • I’m not sure what this refers to anymore. I feel like a lot of the information has been left out of it, which doesn’t bode well.

9. Mentions

“Mentions” means that something mentions specific elements or points without going into detail or listing them all. This might give you a chance to discuss potential options rather than every available one.

It’s a good choice to show that there are a few other options. It reminds people that they aren’t limited in their decisions.

  • You can see that it mentions three of the five options. There are plenty of choices for you here. Pick the right one.
  • I’m not sure why it mentions that information when there is clearly more to discuss. Do you have any ideas about it?
  • It doesn’t mention everything, so it’s left open to interpretation. I’d love to hear what you make of it when you look through it.

10. Notes

“Notes” is similar to “mentions.” It’s a good alternative because it shows what is noted, even if it doesn’t give the full details. This gives the reader a chance to decide on what else might not be “noted” in your writing.

  • You can see that it notes the changes made in the documents early. I think this is supposed to encourage you to leave it untouched.
  • Whatever it notes does not matter. It will never cover all the options, so it’s worth looking into a few other choices as you go.
  • I’m not sure about this. It notes that there are multiple ways for things to go wrong. I hope we can iron those out early.

11. Not Limited To

You do not always have to say, “include but not limited to.” You can simply remove “include” in most written cases.

“Not limited to” is a great way to show that the choices are not final. If you’d like to let people explore their options, “not limited to” is a great way to let them know that there are other possibilities available.

  • It’s not limited to these three choices. There are some others that we have yet to explore. Would you like to find out about them?
  • I’m not sure why it’s like that. It’s not limited to those options, but it seems like the system is having a rough time with it.
  • We figured out that it’s not limited to just these choices. You should be able to work out a better way to do most of this.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

sickness policies, including, but not limited to, cancer

Characteristic of, but not limited to, an early stage of emotional development.

Характеристика, но не ограничиваясь этим, ранняя стадия эмоционального развития.

Individual supplier terms&conditions apply including, but not limited to

The pipes or tubes can be made of any material that is inert and substantially impermeable to C02gas, including but not limited to polyethylene.

Трубы или трубки могут быть изготовлены из любого материала, который является инертным и по существу непроницаемым для газообразного CO2, включая, но не ограничиваясь этим, полиэтилен.

property laws, including, but not limited to copyrights and trademarks.

Данная собственность включает в себя, но не ограничивается авторскими правами, торговыми знаками.

Therefore it is part of the human being, but not limited to the human structure in and of itself.

Поэтому она является частью человеческого существа, но не ограничивается только человеческой структурой.

Refrigeration has many applications, including, but not limited to: household refrigerators, industrial freezers, cryogenics, and air conditioning.

Охлаждение имеет множество применений, включая, но не ограничиваясь: бытовые холодильники, промышленные морозильники, криогенную технику и кондиционирование воздуха.

Advocate cheating during gameplay including, but not limited to, the modification of the game program files.

Пропаганда нечестного поведения в игре, включая, но не ограничиваясь изменением программных файлов.

These shapes can be applied in various fields, including but not limited to the following cases.

Эти фигуры могут применяться в различных областях, включая, но не ограничиваясь следующими случаями.

Any other use, including but not limited to advertising in connection with external products, requires our prior permission.

Любое другое использование, включая, но не ограничиваясь, рекламу совместно с другими продуктами, требует нашего разрешения.

Gas-containing strata, including, but not limited to, coal seams.

Rightholder reserves the right to put up any advertising information including, but not limited to advertising in user’s browsers.

Правообладатель оставляет за собой право размещать любого рода рекламную информацию, в том числе, но не ограничиваясь, рекламу в браузерах пользователя.

Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence,

Ни при каких условиях, включая, но не ограничиваясь невнимательностью или небрежностью

Sony does not warrant the accuracy of any location services including but not limited to navigational services.

Компания Sony не гарантирует точность услуг определения местоположения, включая, но не ограничиваясь, навигационные услуги.

Her work, which is often centered on but not limited to Japanese culture, frequently employs primary colors and repetitive elements.

В ее работе, которая сосредоточена, но не ограничивается японской культурой, часто используются основные цвета и повторяющиеся элементы.

The contents of this Website, including, but not limited to the text and graphics are protected by copyright.

Содержание данного сайта, включая, но не ограничиваясь текстовыми и графическими материалами, защищены авторскими правами.

Cookies gather information about your operating system including, but not limited to, browser type and IP address.

Cookie-файлы собирают информацию о вашей операционной системе, включая, но не ограничиваясь, о типе браузера и IP-адресе.

Copyright infringement is a persistent problem in Russia, including, but not limited to, online piracy.

Нарушение копирайта — вечная проблема в России, включая, но не ограничиваясь, онлайн пиратство.

Just one of many episodes that make up the Dakar, but not limited to the determination of the French, decided as never before.

Просто один из многих эпизодов, которые составляют Дакар, но не ограничиваясь определения французский, решил как никогда раньше.

The review shall be based on, but not limited to, regular reporting by the Parties.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Miss Gertrude Beahan

Score: 4.7/5
(33 votes)

“Including but not limited to” means that the terms listed are not limited to the explicit ideas expressed in the statement. It is a phrase most often used in legal documents or binding contracts. Comma placement in the phrase is most common before the “but” and after the “to”.

What is the meaning including but not limited to?

The expression «including, but not limited to» arose and is usually used in legal or other official contexts. … In essence the phrase is used to mean «including ‘these important things‘, but also including ‘all the other things I can’t think of right now’.

What’s another way to say including but not limited to?

The phrase including but not limited to can be written or used in a variety of ways such as: But not limited to. Not limited to. Such as but not limited to.

Are limited to means?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe limited to somethingbe limited to somethingto exist or happen only in a particular place, group, or area of activity The damage was limited to the roof. → limitExamples from the Corpusbe limited to something• The liability of members is limited to £1 each. •

What does BUT NOT MEAN?

But not, a coordinator with a negative, is used to exclude something after stating a generalization, using words such as all, every, everything, everybody, etc. (In contrast, negative words such as no, any, nothing, nobody are used with except and but.)

25 related questions found

Should you include but not limited to?

“Including but not limited to” means that the terms listed are not limited to the explicit ideas expressed in the statement. It is a phrase most often used in legal documents or binding contracts. Comma placement in the phrase is most common before the “but” and after the “to”.

Are but not limited to in a sentence?

There are many activities, including but not limited to: running, jumping, and swimming. But all of the following are grammatically correct: There are many activities, including, but not limited to, running, jumping, and swimming. There are many activities, including but not limited to, running, jumping, and swimming.

What does it mean when you have limited?

The definition of limited is something or someone with boundaries or restrictions. An example of limited used as an adjective is limited visibility, a lower level of visibility experienced by someone driving in thick fog.

Which mean has limited use?

Limited Use means a use that is permitted subject to specific limitations as described in the Zoning Ordinance.

What does limited time mean?

1. time limit — a time period within which something must be done or completed.

Is there a comma after including but not limited to?

Q. What punctuation is required for “including but not limited to”? … No punctuation is required, but commas after including and to would work just fine; they may be helpful if the phrase introduces a long or complex list. Dashes would work as well.

What is another word for not limited?

not limited; unrestricted; unconfined: unlimited trade. boundless; infinite; vast: the unlimited skies.

What word means not limited?

limitless. adjective. very great, or without any limits.

What does Without limiting the foregoing mean?

Drafters use the phrase without limiting the generality of the foregoing to introduce one or more examples of a concept described in the immediately preceding language. (This is one of the functions of for the avoidance of doubt.)

What does without limitations mean?

: without being controlled or stopped : without being limited allowing costs to increase without limit.

Shall versus Will?

As a general rule, use ‘will’ for affirmative and negative sentences about the future. Use ‘will’ for requests too. If you want to make an offer or suggestion with I/we, use ‘shall’ in the question form. For very formal statements, especially to describe obligations, use ‘shall’.

What limited means in company?

Limited by shares refers to the liability of the shareholders to the creditors of the business for the money that was invested originally. … A company that is limited by shares will divide the share capital into fixed amount shares that can then be issued to shareholders and subsequently become company owners.

What is limited means in economics?

Limited Means — these are our ability to get / obtain the goods and services we would like to have (our unlimited wants). The main ones are: Time — the time we have to fulfill our needs and wants. Income — the money we have available to fulfill our needs and wants.

What always lies between arithmetic mean and mode?

median always lies in between the arithmetic mean and mode true or false​ —

Why do companies have limited in their name?

Limited Liability– The liability of each member or shareholder is limited. It means that if a company faces loss under any circumstances then its shareholders are liable to sell their own assets for payment. … This leads to the perpetual succession of the company. The life of the company keeps on existing forever.

What are the two types of limited companies?

There are two kinds of limited companies: private limited companies and public limited companies. Private limited companies cannot offer shares to the general public. In the UK, this is one of the most common set-ups for small businesses.

What is meant by limited resources?

LIMITED RESOURCES: A basic condition of nature which means that the quantities of available labor, capital, land and entrepreneurship used for the production of goods and services are finite. It means that the economy has only so many resources that can be used AT ANY GIVEN TIME time to produce goods and services.

Where do you put semicolons?

Using Semicolons

  1. A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. …
  2. Use a semicolon between two independent clauses that are connected by conjunctive adverbs or transitional phrases.

How do you say this list is not exhaustive?

How do you say this list is not exhaustive? If you want to simply state the list is incomplete, you can say a “partial list”; if you want to emphasize the list is intentionally not exhaustive, you can say a “selective list”. If you’re simply listing some examples, you can say that.

Is there a comma before the word including?

Use a comma before “including” and “such as” when followed by a nonrestrictive, nonessential phrase or clause. The new policy applies to everyone, including faculty. … Do not use a comma when using a phrase like “as well as,” in which the clause is essential and restrictive.

Asked by: Miss Gertrude Beahan

Score: 4.7/5
(33 votes)

“Including but not limited to” means that the terms listed are not limited to the explicit ideas expressed in the statement. It is a phrase most often used in legal documents or binding contracts. Comma placement in the phrase is most common before the “but” and after the “to”.

What is the meaning including but not limited to?

The expression «including, but not limited to» arose and is usually used in legal or other official contexts. … In essence the phrase is used to mean «including ‘these important things‘, but also including ‘all the other things I can’t think of right now’.

What’s another way to say including but not limited to?

The phrase including but not limited to can be written or used in a variety of ways such as: But not limited to. Not limited to. Such as but not limited to.

Are limited to means?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe limited to somethingbe limited to somethingto exist or happen only in a particular place, group, or area of activity The damage was limited to the roof. → limitExamples from the Corpusbe limited to something• The liability of members is limited to £1 each. •

What does BUT NOT MEAN?

But not, a coordinator with a negative, is used to exclude something after stating a generalization, using words such as all, every, everything, everybody, etc. (In contrast, negative words such as no, any, nothing, nobody are used with except and but.)

25 related questions found

Should you include but not limited to?

“Including but not limited to” means that the terms listed are not limited to the explicit ideas expressed in the statement. It is a phrase most often used in legal documents or binding contracts. Comma placement in the phrase is most common before the “but” and after the “to”.

Are but not limited to in a sentence?

There are many activities, including but not limited to: running, jumping, and swimming. But all of the following are grammatically correct: There are many activities, including, but not limited to, running, jumping, and swimming. There are many activities, including but not limited to, running, jumping, and swimming.

What does it mean when you have limited?

The definition of limited is something or someone with boundaries or restrictions. An example of limited used as an adjective is limited visibility, a lower level of visibility experienced by someone driving in thick fog.

Which mean has limited use?

Limited Use means a use that is permitted subject to specific limitations as described in the Zoning Ordinance.

What does limited time mean?

1. time limit — a time period within which something must be done or completed.

Is there a comma after including but not limited to?

Q. What punctuation is required for “including but not limited to”? … No punctuation is required, but commas after including and to would work just fine; they may be helpful if the phrase introduces a long or complex list. Dashes would work as well.

What is another word for not limited?

not limited; unrestricted; unconfined: unlimited trade. boundless; infinite; vast: the unlimited skies.

What word means not limited?

limitless. adjective. very great, or without any limits.

What does Without limiting the foregoing mean?

Drafters use the phrase without limiting the generality of the foregoing to introduce one or more examples of a concept described in the immediately preceding language. (This is one of the functions of for the avoidance of doubt.)

What does without limitations mean?

: without being controlled or stopped : without being limited allowing costs to increase without limit.

Shall versus Will?

As a general rule, use ‘will’ for affirmative and negative sentences about the future. Use ‘will’ for requests too. If you want to make an offer or suggestion with I/we, use ‘shall’ in the question form. For very formal statements, especially to describe obligations, use ‘shall’.

What limited means in company?

Limited by shares refers to the liability of the shareholders to the creditors of the business for the money that was invested originally. … A company that is limited by shares will divide the share capital into fixed amount shares that can then be issued to shareholders and subsequently become company owners.

What is limited means in economics?

Limited Means — these are our ability to get / obtain the goods and services we would like to have (our unlimited wants). The main ones are: Time — the time we have to fulfill our needs and wants. Income — the money we have available to fulfill our needs and wants.

What always lies between arithmetic mean and mode?

median always lies in between the arithmetic mean and mode true or false​ —

Why do companies have limited in their name?

Limited Liability– The liability of each member or shareholder is limited. It means that if a company faces loss under any circumstances then its shareholders are liable to sell their own assets for payment. … This leads to the perpetual succession of the company. The life of the company keeps on existing forever.

What are the two types of limited companies?

There are two kinds of limited companies: private limited companies and public limited companies. Private limited companies cannot offer shares to the general public. In the UK, this is one of the most common set-ups for small businesses.

What is meant by limited resources?

LIMITED RESOURCES: A basic condition of nature which means that the quantities of available labor, capital, land and entrepreneurship used for the production of goods and services are finite. It means that the economy has only so many resources that can be used AT ANY GIVEN TIME time to produce goods and services.

Where do you put semicolons?

Using Semicolons

  1. A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. …
  2. Use a semicolon between two independent clauses that are connected by conjunctive adverbs or transitional phrases.

How do you say this list is not exhaustive?

How do you say this list is not exhaustive? If you want to simply state the list is incomplete, you can say a “partial list”; if you want to emphasize the list is intentionally not exhaustive, you can say a “selective list”. If you’re simply listing some examples, you can say that.

Is there a comma before the word including?

Use a comma before “including” and “such as” when followed by a nonrestrictive, nonessential phrase or clause. The new policy applies to everyone, including faculty. … Do not use a comma when using a phrase like “as well as,” in which the clause is essential and restrictive.

There is a distinct difference between the formal and informal style in any language, and English is no different. It is quite common to find that specific phrases only apply in particular situations, while other expressions and phrases are mostly used only in a formal context, like in contracts or business.

“Including but not limited to” means that the terms listed are not limited to the explicit ideas expressed in the statement. It is a phrase most often used in legal documents or binding contracts. Comma placement in the phrase is most common before the “but” and after the “to”.

If you are drafting a legal or formal document, using the correct phrases and wording is of the utmost importance to get the proper point across and avoid loopholes. This article will explore the origin and use of the expression, “including but not limited to,” what it means, the punctuation that goes along with it, and how to correctly apply it.

If you use the phrase “including but not limited to” for a very short list of things, punctuating the actual phrase isn’t a grammatical necessity.

However, if you use it along with a very long or complex list, you can use commas so the reader can better understand what you mean.

The word “including” is a gerund, which means it is a verbal ending in -ing. A verbal is a word based on a verb and, therefore, it is used to indicate an action or state of being.

Although gerunds often need little to no punctuation, it is common to place a comma before a gerund like “including” (source).

Some example sentences using a comma before the gerund “including”: 

I have many hobbies, including, but not limited to, horse riding, fencing, cricket, and painting. 

My mom adores great artists, including, but not limited to, Van Gogh, Monet, and Dali.

Comma Use and the Oxford Comma

Writers often use the Oxford comma, also known as the serial comma, in English with long and complex sentences, such as lists for items, which often occurs with the phrase “including but not limited to.”

The Oxford comma’s purpose is to indicate whether the two last things mentioned in a list are two separate things or whether they are examples of the previous thing.

Punctuation Sentence Explanation
No Oxford Comma I love my parents, Rihanna and Sherlock Holmes. This means that the speaker loves their parents and that their parents are Rihanna and Sherlock Holmes.
With Oxford Comma I love my parents, Rihanna, and Garfield. This is a list of people that includes parents, Rihanna, and Garfield, and the speaker loves all of them. 

If you were speaking, you would not be able to see the punctuation used and would have to use the context of the sentence to deduce its meaning.

However, when writing, although the oxford comma is optional, it easily clarifies the meaning of a sentence and makes it easier to read (source). 

When you’re using the phrase “including but not limited to,” you would most likely list a large number of items, so the Oxford comma or serial comma would help with the readability of the sentence as a whole.

“Including but not limited to” Comma Placement

We can use commas in various ways to clarify the meaning and ease the readability of your sentence using “including but not limited to.”

The first is to omit the use of commas entirely. This has the potential to make your sentence seem clumsy and untidy if it includes an extensive list, but it is not wrong. Consider the following example: 

The camp activities include but are not limited to team building, archery, and fishing.

As you can see from the above example, the only commas in use are in the actual list, but that’s because the list is short, and the meaning is still clear.

However, many people may find this writing style clumsy, as it seems like a really long sentence that does not offer the reader any breaks.

Therefore, the better way to write a sentence using the phrase “including but not limited to” would be to place commas after the “including” and after the “to,” as in this example:

The camp activities include, but are not limited to, team building, archery, and fishing. 

This writing style offers the reader two breaks in a very long sentence and, as a bonus, looks neat and tidy.

When using commas to break up a sentence, the important thing to remember is that the first and last parts should still make sense even if you take the bit between the commas away.

The camp activities include team building, archery, and fishing.

As you can see, the sentence has retained its meaning but is now vaguer, and the possibility of other activities isn’t as obvious.

That is why we use the full phrase “including but not limited to” — the “but not limited to” implies there is more to the list than what is mentioned outright.

If you were to use the Oxford comma, it wouldn’t change the sentence’s meaning at all and would still be correct (source).

The camp activities include team building, archery, and fishing.

The camp activities include, but are not limited to, team building, archery, and fishing. 

Using “Including but not Limited To” in a Sentence

As with any English phrase, “including but not limited to” needs to have properly conjugated verbs depending on the context.

For this phrase specifically, you would conjugate only the word “including,” but remember that the rest of the sentence needs to be in line with the proper conjugations related to the subject and the noun.

Because “including but not limited to” is often used with the word “is,” you will need to conjugate the “is” as well. Let’s look at how we conjugate verbs for “including but not limited to” for a singular or plural subject.

Singular Plural
Example The English alphabet includes but is not limited to the letters A, B, and C.  School activities include but are not limited to hockey, netball, and basketball.
Explanation “Alphabet” is singular, so you use “includes” and “is.” “Activities” is plural, so you use “include” and “are.”

Examples Using “Including but not Limited To”

As we’ve discussed, the phrase “including but not limited to” can be used to indicate that the things named in a certain list are part of something larger, and the larger thing may also include other items not mentioned. 

Although it is a legal term, we can also use the phrase in everyday speech, especially if you’re concerned there is something you just couldn’t think of at that moment but that you wouldn’t want to exclude. Below are some sentence examples.

My reading list includes, but is not limited to, Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, and Atonement. 

The company will also pay usual and normal administrative expenses, including, but not limited to, hotel stays, shuttles, and food.

Organizations, including, but not limited to, businesses, unions, charities, and corporations, aren’t citizens and, therefore, cannot vote.

Our itinerary includes but is not limited to a zoo visit, a museum visit, and lunch at the deli.

I enjoy takeaways, including, but not limited to, KFC, Pizza Hut, and McDonald’s. 

Origin and Applications of “Including but not Limited To”

The phrase “including but not limited to” originated in the legal field and has since migrated to other official contexts where specific wording is necessary to cover any potential loopholes.

Although writers mostly use this phrase in a legal or contractual context, it can also be applied in everyday informal speech, although this isn’t a widespread occurrence.

Legal Use

When writing legal documents, exceptional care needs to be paid to word use, as ambiguous meanings or interpretations can have catastrophic or costly impacts.

This is why seemingly redundant phrases such as “including but not limited to” are developed specifically for contractual use. 

Even though the words “including” and “not limited to” are similar in meaning, it is important in a legal context to use both as it limits the possibility of ambiguity.

This means that using “including” by itself can lead to the understanding that only what someone specifically stated or laid out is included.

If you use both “including” and “not limited to,” this opens up the possibility that the person drafting the document implies the inclusion of a large range of items without the need to list every single one of them.

For example, you could say that the alphabet includes the letters A, B, and C. You will notice that, although the other letters have been left out, the possibility remains that they are also included.

Still, the possibility also exists that the drafter deliberately left out the other letters so as to exclude them.

If you were to say that the alphabet includes but is not limited to the letters A, B, and C, you ensure that the others are included as well by default.

Although this is a commonly used phrase in legal jargon, certain judges may still consider it vague if someone were to challenge it.

That means that, should a proper case be made for it, a judge may rule in favor of the opposing party if they said that “including but not limited to” was too vague as it did not specifically note down each of the items to be included (source). 

Everyday Use

Although the expression “including but not limited to” is generally used for formal speech, contracts, or in a legal context, you can also informally use the phrase outside of the context of binding contracts or legal documents.

It isn’t very common for English speakers to use this phrase in their everyday language, but using it does not sound awkward.

In an everyday context, the phrase simply means you are implying the set of items or things you list is part of a larger group of things you are not listing specifically.

For example, you could say, “Our day will include but is not limited to a zoo visit, lunch at the local deli, and a tour of the museum.” If used in this context, you are saying that you may do other things during the day, although you do not specifically state them. 

This merely means that, although there are things you include in the list, you may not have thought of everything yet but don’t want to rule out other possibilities (source).

Although the words “including” and “not limited to” are similar, though not identical, in meaning, adding “not limited to” expands on “including” to broaden the scope of things covered.  

Often words with similar meanings are confused by second-language learners, but that does not mean that it is impossible to learn. Another example is “make do” or “make due,” although both mean the same, only one is generally used.

Final Thoughts

The appropriate way to use the phrase “including but not limited to” is when you list several things as examples of a larger group. The group may be so large that you cannot name all of the items, or you may simply be unable to think of the rest of the list at that moment. 

Writers generally use “including but not limited to” in a legal context and often used in contracts or binding agreements when merely using “including” alone could lead to a costly loophole. 

Using the entire phrase implies that there is more to the list than meets the eye and that it encompasses aspects that you did not state outright. We can also use it in everyday speech, but this is far less common.

Subject English Russian gen. as a minimum but not limited to, the following interface control and alarm shall be provided by the VFD vendor как минимум, но не ограничиваясь, поставщик ЧРП должен обеспечить следующие рычаги управления интерфейса и сигнализацию (eternalduck) gen. but is not limited to среди прочих (Andy) gen. but not limited to но не ограничиваясь приведенным списком (Liolichka) law but not limited to без ограничений (Technical) law but not limited to помимо прочего (LeBoeuf Leonid Dzhepko) gen. but not limited to список может быть продолжен (контекстуально tahana) gen. but not limited to список может быть неполным (контекстуально tahana) gen. but not limited to безограничительно (Altv) law but not limited to но не ограничиваясь этим (Leonid Dzhepko) gen. but not limited to кроме прочего (Maxxicum) law but not limited to среди прочего (Vladimir) offic. but not limited to в частности (Alexander Matytsin) offic. but not limited to в ряду прочего (Vadim Rouminsky) law but not limited to в числе прочего (Charikova) gen. but not limited to но не только (alex) gen. but not necessarily be limited to но не обязательно ограничивающиеся следующими (Yeldar Azanbayev) gen. but not necessarily be limited to включают, помимо прочего (Yeldar Azanbayev) offic. but not necessarily limited to в частности (Alexander Matytsin) Makarov. examples of useful solvents include, but are not limited to примеры пригодных растворителей включают, но не ограничиваются лишь offic. in certain cases including, but not limited to, cases where в отдельных случаях, в частности, когда (Alexander Matytsin) busin. include, but not be limited to включать, но не ограничиваться law include but not be limited to включать, в частности (Technical) gen. include, but not be limited to включать в себя, помимо прочего (Alexander Demidov) law includes, but is not limited to включает, кроме прочего (spanishru) product. includes but is not limited to включает, но не ограничивается (Yeldar Azanbayev) law includes, but is not limited to включает, помимо прочего (spanishru) law includes, but is not limited to включает, среди прочего (spanishru) scient. includes but not limited to включает в себя, но этот перечень не исчерпывающий (I. Havkin) gen. including, but not limited to включая, без ограничения нижеперечисленным (Aiduza) law including, but not limited to в том числе (выражения «включая, но не ограничиваясь», «включая, в частности», «включая, помимо прочего» и т.п. в русском языке несут избыточную семантическую нагрузку (а «включая, но не ограничиваясь» вообще нарушает согласование в предложении). Тех, кому это уши не режет, мне искренне жаль 4uzhoj) law including, but not limited to включают, но не исключительно (Elikos) busin. including but not limited to в том числе и не ограничиваясь (Johnny Bravo) gen. including, but not limited to в частности, хотя ими перечень не исчерпывается, … (I. Havkin) gen. including, but not limited to включая, без ограничения (VictorMashkovtsev) gen. including but not limited to в частности (Only) gen. including but not limited to включая, кроме прочего (считаю этот перевод наиболее близким к «нашим» юридическим штампам Евгений Киян) law including, but not limited to включая, помимо прочего offic. including but not limited to включая , но не ограничиваясь этим /ими (Баян) offic. including but not limited to как то (igisheva) law including but not limited to включая, среди прочего ( Баян) gen. including, but not limited to включая, в частности (Alexander Demidov) gen. including, but not limited to включая, помимо возможных прочих (Ася Кудрявцева) gen. including but not limited to в том числе, но не исключительно (VictorMashkovtsev) gen. including, but not limited to в частности (Stas-Soleil) law including, but not limited to, the following включающий, среди прочего, следующее (Konstantin 1966) gen. not included but not limited to Исключено, но не ограничивается этим: (zhm-zoya) gen. specifically including but not limited to в частности, включая, но, не ограничиваясь (understandings whatsoever, express or implied, specifically including but not limited to warranties of satisfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular … Alexander Demidov) law such as but not limited to такие как … и т.д. (natural disaster such as but not limited to cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, tornado/стихийные бедствия, такие как циклон, тайфун, ураган, торнадо и т.д. snowleopard) law such as but not limited to среди прочего включающий в себя (ilghiz)

The English language is full of important phrases we use and see every day. “Include but not limited to” is one of these phrases. But how do you use this phrase? What does it mean and is there any punctuation for it?

What Does “Include but not limited to” Mean?

When you read the phrase, “include but not limited to,” it’s usually followed by a list of items most often associated with an idea. The caveat with the wording means it can go beyond what’s listed. Although the list mentions specific objects or ideas, the list isn’t bound to only what’s there.

How Do You Use the Phrase?

Often, it’s used in legal documentation and is specific to contracts. Even though the word “include” and the phrase, “not limited to” may seem as though they mean the same thing, they don’t. The qualifying phrase allows for unforeseen items without actually stating them in detail.

Examples of Use

For instance, if you are reading instructions for an all-around multipurpose cleaner, you might read something like: “For use on surfaces that include but not limited to wood, glass, marble, porcelain, stainless steel and etc.”

There will be times when using this phrase that may have a succession of verbs needing agreement. If you were talking about a friend’s many hobbies, you might say, “Her hobbies include but are not limited to – dancing, biking, running, hiking, playing tennis, golfing, swimming and practicing yoga.”

The Verb “to Be”

You will notice the injection of “are” between “but” and “not” to indicate conjugation of the verb “to be.” You always want to ensure your sentence agreement is obvious by making the verb reflect the action of a subject onto an object. In the example above, “her hobbies” is the subject, “are not limited to” is the verb and the subsequent list of hobbies is the object.

How Do You Punctuate the Phrase?

There isn’t any particular punctuation needed when writing “include but not limited to” as long as the list is short. You merely have to put commas in after each item on the list (as given in the examples above) and place the word “and” before the last item.

But, if you have a list that’s longer than five or six items, you want to use a colon (:) or dash (–). Ideally, the dash is for items less than 15 in number but more than five. For 15 items or more, you’d use the colon and then list each item. You can sometimes list each item on a separate line.

Using Language to Convey Meaning

Proper use and command of language allows for better projection of ideas and innermost thoughts. The phrase, “include but not limited to” can apply to daily life and legal documents that will expand your capacity to communicate. You can list concepts in a succinct way so a reader understands the list and knows it can go beyond it.

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

  • 1
    but not limited to

    2) Юридический термин: помимо прочего , но не ограничиваясь этим, в числе прочего

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > but not limited to

  • 2
    including but not limited to

    English-Russian base dictionary > including but not limited to

  • 3
    including but not limited to

    including, but not limited to включая но не ограничиваясь

    including but not limited to включая но не ограничиваясь

    Персональный Сократ > including but not limited to

  • 4
    including, but not limited to

    юр. фраз.

    включая, но не ограничиваясь, …

    The Company has not embedded any open source, copyleft, or community source code in any of its products, including, but not limited to, any libraries or code licensed under any General Public License, Lesser General Public License, or similar license arrangement. — Всякий открытый код, код защищённый «авторским левом», либо любой иной общественный код, включая, но не ограничиваясь, библиотеками или кодом, находящимися под GPL/LGPL лицензиями, либо похожими лицензионными соглашениями, в продуктах Компании использован не был.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > including, but not limited to

  • 5
    including but not limited (to)


    а) включая, но не ограничиваясь…

    б) в том числе включая…

    в) в частности

    Derived from the fact that many Mexicans do yard work, including but not limited to using a leaf blower.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > including but not limited (to)

  • 6
    including but not limited (to)


    а) включая, но не ограничиваясь…

    б) в том числе включая…

    в) в частности

    Derived from the fact that many Mexicans do yard work, including but not limited to using a leaf blower.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > including but not limited (to)

  • 7
    as a minimum but not limited to, the following interface control and alarm shall be provided by the VFD vendor

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > as a minimum but not limited to, the following interface control and alarm shall be provided by the VFD vendor

  • 8
    include but not limited

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > include but not limited

  • 9
    including but not limited

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > including but not limited

  • 10
    including but not limited to

    3) Юридический термин: включая, кроме прочего , включая в числе прочего, такие, как, таких, как, такое, как

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > including but not limited to

  • 11
    including, but not limited to

    1) Общая лексика: ‘включая, как минимум

    2) Юридический термин: включая, но не ограничиваясь этим, в том числе, но не исключительно, включая в том числе, включая, в частности, в частности, но не исключительно, в частности, но, не исключая, включая, по меньшей мере

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > including, but not limited to

  • 12
    include but not limited

    1) включать, но не ограничиваться; 2) включать, но не ограничиваться

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > include but not limited

  • 13
    include but not limited

    /vi, prepositional/ включать, но не ограничиваться

    /vi/ включать, но не ограничиваться

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > include but not limited

  • 14
    including but not limited to

    в том числе, без ограничения,

    включая, без ограничения,

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > including but not limited to

  • 15
    include without limitation, including but not limited to . . .

    Англо-русский словарь по проекту Сахалин II > include without limitation, including but not limited to . . .

  • 16
    Including, but not limited…

    Включая, но без ограничения; включая, но не ограничиваясь…

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > Including, but not limited…

  • 17
    not limited to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not limited to

  • 18
    but not necessarily be limited to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > but not necessarily be limited to

  • 19
    examples of useful solvents include, but are not limited to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > examples of useful solvents include, but are not limited to

  • 20
    include but not be limited to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > include but not be limited to


  • Следующая →
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  • 2
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См. также в других словарях:

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  • limited interdiction — n in the civil law of Louisiana: partial removal of one s rights under limited interdiction he could care for his person but not his estate compare interdiction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Limited liability company — This article is about a U.S. specific business entity form. For limited liability companies in the United Kingdom, see Limited company. For a general discussion of entities with limited liability, see Corporation …   Wikipedia

  • Limited geography model — A limited geography model for the Book of Mormon is one of several theories by Latter Day Saint movement scholars that the book s narrative was a historical record of people in a limited geographical region, rather than of the entire Western… …   Wikipedia

  • limited partner — A partner whose liability is limited to his or her investment in the partnership. A partnership in which one or more (but not all) of the partners are limited partners is called a limited partnership and is governed by the Limited Partnership Act …   Accounting dictionary

  • limited partnership — A partnership in which the liability of some, but not all, members is limited, being formed under laws permitting an individual to contribute a specified sum to the capital of the firm and then limit his liability for losses to that amount,… …   Ballentine’s law dictionary

  • limited admissibility — In law of evidence, testimony or things may be admitted into evidence for a restricted purpose, and the trial judge should so instruct the jury at the time of its admission; e.g. prior contradictory statements are admissible to impeach but not… …   Black’s law dictionary

  • limited admissibility — In law of evidence, testimony or things may be admitted into evidence for a restricted purpose, and the trial judge should so instruct the jury at the time of its admission; e.g. prior contradictory statements are admissible to impeach but not… …   Black’s law dictionary

  • limited legitimation — The legitimation of a child born out of wedlock for some purposes but not to the extent of equalizing its status with that of a legitimate child. 10 Am J2d Bast § 57 …   Ballentine’s law dictionary

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