Another word for but instead

Don’t know what to say instead of but? In this article, I will show you eight easy alternatives for the English word but.

The English word but is a short and easy word. It’s one of the first words you learn when you start learning English. 

As a result, we use it a lot. Maybe even too often.

The problem is that you don’t want to sound repetitive.

As a confident English speaker, you want to know good alternative words you can use instead of “but.”

When you write and speak English professionally, it’s good to know other ways to say but.

The Meaning of “But”

alternatives for but

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The English word but is a conjunction. Therefore, we use it to connect two ideas

By saying but, you add another statement.

Usually, this additional idea is different from the first idea. Thus, you can use but to link and contrast two different ideas.


It’s been a good year for our business, but we have to do a lot more to reach our goals. 

The meaning of but in the dictionary

Keep Punctuation and Sentence Structure in Mind with “But”

but - Business English vocabulary

What do you have to keep in mind if you want to use alternative words for but?

In most cases, the conjunction but will come after a comma.

The country’s economy is in a recession, but people are still buying our products.

If you are wondering what to say instead of but, remember that you sometimes cannot simply replace the word without changing the sentence.

In some cases, you cannot simply swap the words and leave the rest of the sentence.

Instead, you have to start a second sentence or use a semicolon to divide the two ideas in the sentence.

For most of the alternatives I will show you, you have to change the structure or punctuation of your sentence.

You have two options: Start a new sentence or use a semicolon.

___________________; however,______________.

___________________. However, ______________.

You can use a semicolon when you join two independent clauses together. Here is a list of examples you can use with a semicolon, but there are many others that also work.

  • however
  • moreover
  • therefore
  • consequently
  • otherwise
  • furthermore
  • nevertheless
  • thus
  • yet
  • for example
  • namely

Let’s look at eight ways to say but – but by changing each sentence a bit.

1. however


The word however is most often used to show a contrast. 

You can use however to introduce a different idea by starting a new sentence or by separating two closely related sentences with a semicolon. 


Tim is one potential candidate for the job. However, there are others.

It’s been a good year for our business; however, we have to do a lot more to reach our goals. 

2. though


The word though is another alternative to but. It is mainly used in speaking. 


We need to hire help, though it will be difficult to find the right person for the job.

I speak English quite well, though I have never had formal lessons. 

3. whereas


The word whereas is a more formal alternative to but. We use it to show a contrast between two ideas. 


She’s very hard-working, whereas I struggle to achieve my goals.

He complained about the problem, whereas I was looking for solutions.

4. although


You can also use although instead of but to link two different statements. 

Although is used more in writing. Just like though, it means ‘in spite of.’ Read more about the difference between though and although here.


I liked the ideas he presented in the meeting, although I don’t think the board will accept them.

This month has been productive overall, although we had to multitask a few times.

5. yet


The word yet is used to add a new statement that is in contrast to the first statement. We often use yet in writing and rarely in spoken English.


She’s focused on her career. Yet, she also thrives in her personal life.

He presented very good ideas in the meeting. Yet, I don’t think the board will accept them.

6. except


If you want to say but not, you can use the word except instead. It means but not or not  including.


 Our whitepaper includes marketing topics, except social media marketing.

The whole team attended the meeting except Sarah.

7. nevertheless


The word nevertheless is a great alternative to but and however. We use the same punctuation as with however: either after a full stop or after a semicolon, then followed by a comma. 


Nevertheless, there may be other reasons that we don’t know about.

It’s been a good year for our business; nevertheless, we have to do a lot more work to reach our goals. 

8. despite this

/dɪˈspaɪt ðɪs/

If you want to replace but, you can also use despite this. This phrase introduces a contrast, as well. In this case, it means that the second statement is not influenced or prevented by what was said before.


The country’s economy is in a recession. Despite this, people are still buying our products.

She just returned from a business trip this morning. Despite this, she will attend the meeting.

Pro Tip: Use Writing Tools to See the Words in Context

Grammarly is a helpful tool that I use for all my writing. It’s an English proofreader. You can use the Grammarly app or browser extension to mark spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Grammarly even gives you suggestions on how to improve these mistakes!

Still not sure what to say instead of but? On the Thesaurus website, you can test which word you can use in your sentence instead of but. This feature is an easy way to see how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

I also recommend Writefull to any English learner. This is a powerful tool that helps you improve your writing for free. Whenever you are not sure how to use a word in English, you can look it up on Writefull and see how it is used in context with examples from real texts, such as books, news, and scientific articles. 


The English conjunction but is a great word. It’s short and useful. 

But… you can also use many other words and phrases instead of but to avoid repetition. 

Moreover, varying your vocabulary lets you communicate more clearly in English.

When swaping but with another word, pay attention to the sentence structure and punctuation – it might have to change. 

When you choose certain alternative words and phrases for but, you have to change the punctuation in your sentence.

Depending on which alternative you chose, you might need to add a semicolon or divide the sentence into two. 

You can use several online tools to help you write correctly in English.

Further Reading: Business English Words

Use these 20 words instead of “very” in business

15 Words to use instead of “good”

What to say instead of “important” in English

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In a world of contradictions, we have many reasons to say «but». However, you can make your sentences more interesting by replacing «but» with another word.

albeit even if in spite of that save
all the same even so in the face of that still
alternatively except in the meantime still and all
although except for inversely that being said
apart from except that just the same that having been said
aside from excepting nevertheless that notwithstanding
at the same time excepting that nonetheless that said
au contraire excluding notwithstanding then again
bar for all that on the contrary this being said
be that as it may having said that on the one hand…on the other hand though
besides howbeit on the other side of the coin whereas
by contrast however only while
contrariwise in any case other than whilst
conversely in any event per contra with that said
despite that in contrast regardless yet

BUT Synonym! Following are alternative words you can use instead of BUT in English. Each synonym will have an example sentence to help you understand the word clearly.

BUT Synonym List

Learn list of BUT synonyms in English.

  • although
  • though
  • yet
  • only
  • however
  • except
  • nevertheless
  • nonetheless
  • alternatively
  • on the other hand
  • still
  • except for
  • in contrast
  • whereas
  • on the contrary
  • otherwise

Learn synonyms for BUT with example sentences.

  • Although

Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.

  • However

You won’t move that stone, however strong you are.

  • Except

I can give up anything in the world except you.

  • Nevertheless

The news may be unexpected;nevertheless it is true.

  • On the other hand

On the other hand, it keeps us amused, so what the hell?

  • Still

There is still snow on the mountain tops.

  • Though

Though she’s almost 40, she still plans to compete.

  • Yet

It is said that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out.

  • Only

A man is only as good as what he loves.

  • Except for

Except for smoking and drinking, he is a thrifty man.

  • In contrast

In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed

  • Whereas

Death is so final, whereas life is so full of possibilities.

  • On the contrary

It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it’s rather beautiful.

  • Nonetheless

Though he’s fool, I like him nonetheless.

  • Alternatively

Alternatively, you can obtain one from any accredited insurance valuer.

  • Otherwise

Walk slowly on the ice,otherwise you’ll fall.

Another Word for BUT | Infographic

Another Word for BUT: 16 Alternative Ways to Say BUT with Examples

The word but is a useful word that often ominously precedes a lot of bad news or tough criticism. But is a word that appears in many of our sentences and is one of the most commonly used words in the English language. But–and this is a big but–we might be overusing the word just a bit. It makes sense why we would overlay on but; after all, it is a short little word that can easily connect sentences together. However, there are so many other words and phrases that sadly aren’t getting to shine with but hogging all the spotlight. The word but may not like it, but it is time for but to butt out and let someone else slip into our sentences for a little while.

What does but mean, and why do we use it so much?

The word but is often used in two major ways: to express a contrast or to express an exception. The sentence Jenny is tall, but her parents are short is an example of but used to show contrast; Jenny’s height is totally different from her parents’. The sentence Everyone but Rahul was right-handed shows how but is used to express exception; Rahul is the only left-handed person, which makes him unique from everybody else.

In addition to having these two very common uses, the word but is also one of the seven coordinating conjunctions. In short, coordinating conjunctions allow us to easily connect independent sentences by simply using a comma. For example, we can combine the two shorter sentences Rabbits are fast and Turtles are slow into the larger sentence Rabbits are fast, but turtles are slow. This is a fairly easy way of combining sentences, so we often rely on but to join sentences together.

That isn’t all, though. Besides its big job as a conjunction, but can also be used as a preposition as in We tried everything but the kitchen sink or as an adverb as in There is but one road that leads to safety. With how versatile and useful the word but is, it is no wonder that we might overwork it sometimes!

✏️ Examples of but in sentences

The following examples show some of the different ways we often use but in sentences:

  • I thought the book was really boring, but everyone else liked it.
  • Nobody but Camila was able to last more than five minutes in the cold water.
  • We could do nothing but stare in horror as the sandcastle collapsed.
  • She knew of only but one way to calm the crowd: Karaoke!

Alternatives of contrast

The first major way we use but is to show contrast, contradiction, or opposition. Luckily for us, there are plenty of other words we can use to show relationships like these. In fact, we can find one among but’s coordinating conjunction friends in the word yet. Because yet is also a coordinating conjunction, we can swap it in for but without even needing to change the sentence. For example:

•  We need a new car, but we can’t afford one.
•  We need a new car, yet we can’t afford one.

While yet is an easy substitution for but to mean contrast, it isn’t the only option. Some other useful words and phrases that can fill in this role include:

•  although, despite, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, though, even though, on the other hand

Typically, we can use one of the above words/phrases in place of but while only making small changes to our sentences and without changing the sentence’s meaning. For example:

•  The flight is on Saturday, but it might be delayed because of snow.
•  The flight is on Saturday. However, it might be delayed because of snow.

Put some fun into your language by using these alternatives to fun.

Make the swap

The following pairs of sentences show how we can express a contrast by first using but and then by swapping it out for a similar word. Notice that the new sentences still express the same meaning.

•  The painting looks great, but something is still missing.
•  The painting looks great, yet something is still missing.

•  The soldiers were heavily outnumbered, but they stood their ground anyway.
•  The soldiers were heavily outnumbered. Nevertheless, they stood their ground anyway.

•  Jessie and James act mean, but they are good people at heart.
•  Jessie and James act mean. Still, they are good people at heart.

Alternatives of exception

The second major way that we use but is to express an exception. Again, we have a variety of different words and phrases with the same meaning that we can use to give but a break. Some of these words include:

•  except, barring, save, without, excluding, minus, disregarding, omitting, aside from, not including, other than, apart from, leaving out

Most of the time, we can even substitute one of these words/phrases into a sentence without needing to change anything else. For example:

•  Every student but Ryan enjoys basketball.
•  Every student except Ryan enjoys basketball.

Make the swap

The following pairs of sentences show how we can state exceptions by first using but and then swapping it out for a similar word or phrase. Take note that the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change.

•  All the animals but the tigers are sleeping.
•  All the animals apart from the tigers are sleeping.

•  I like all flavors of ice cream but mint.
•  I like all flavors of ice cream other than mint.

•  Every guard was loyal but one.
•  Every guard was loyal, save one.

You can review all these alternatives in our word list here.

Change the sentence

It might be the case that the word but is just not the word we were looking for. In that case, we may need to take more drastic action and really change up a sentence. We might exchange but for a different word that alters the meaning of the sentence or even rewrite our sentences entirely.

Sometimes, we may want to frame our sentence in a way in which we don’t put two things in opposition or contrast, even if they are different. For example, we may just want to present two different options or state two different but equally important opinions.

Whatever our reasons, we have several different ways we could get but out of the sentence. The simplest way, which often won’t involve changing a sentence too much, is to swap out but for one of the other coordinating conjunctions. For example:

•  I like dogs, but I don’t like cats. (Two opposing thoughts.)
•  I like dogs, and I don’t like cats. (Two equal, different thoughts.)

•  She might win big, but she might lose it all. (Two contrasting thoughts.)
•  She might win big, or she might lose it all. (Two alternative outcomes.)

If we can’t use a different coordinating conjunction, we will often need to make more significant changes to our sentences in order to follow proper grammar. So, we might use a subordinating conjunction or split our clauses apart into separate sentences. For example:

•  We wanted to go to the beach, but it rained all day.
•  We didn’t go to the beach because it rained all day.

•  Keith needed new shoes, but he couldn’t afford them.
•  Keith needed new shoes. However, he couldn’t afford them.


Let’s look at different ways we can take but out of a sentence. You’ll notice that some of the sentences will change their grammar or even their meaning after but is replaced.

•  Jason lives at Camp Crystal Lake, but he doesn’t work there.
•  Jason lives at Camp Crystal Lake, and he doesn’t work there.

•  She wants a new pony, but only if she can name it Pinkie Pie.
•  She wants a new pony under the condition that she can name it Pinkie Pie.

•  I didn’t practice much, but I won the game anyway.
•  Despite the fact that I didn’t practice much, I won the game anyway.

Write a better sentence with Grammar Coach™

Need synonyms for overused words? The Grammar Coach™ platform makes writing papers, essays, emails, and a whole lot more a whole lot easier. This writing tool uses machine-learning technology uniquely designed to catch grammar as well as spelling errors. Its Synonym Swap will find the best nouns, adjectives, and more to help say what you really mean, guiding you toward clearer, stronger, writing.

Table of Contents

  1. Is it correct to start a sentence with but?
  2. How do you start a sentence without saying but?
  3. What is it called when you start a sentence with but?
  4. What’s another word for but?
  5. How do you spell butt?
  6. Can I use However instead of but?
  7. What does howbeit mean?
  8. Is howbeit a real word?
  9. What is another word for nevertheless?
  10. Is a malice?
  11. What are the 3 aspects of malice?
  12. What is an example of malice?
  13. Who shows malice?
  14. Where does malice come from?
  15. What is the difference between malice and malicious?
  16. What is another word for malice?
  17. What is the hypocrisy?
  18. What are two synonyms for malice?
  19. What is the verb of malice?
  20. How do you spell Malic?
  21. What word rhymes with malice?
  22. What is opposite of malice?
  23. What is another word for malaise?
  24. What is the opposite of envy?
  25. Is it a sin to be envious?
  26. What is worse envy or jealousy?
  27. How does an envious person behave?

other words for but

Is it correct to start a sentence with but?

Of course, there are style guides that discourage it, but it’s perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with “but” when writing. By all means, start sentences with “but” from time to time, but remember that “but” also belongs after a comma.

How do you start a sentence without saying but?

“Yet” can often replace “but” in a sentence without changing anything else, as both are coordinating conjunctions that can introduce a contrast. Alternatively, you could use one of these subordinating conjunctions: Although (e.g., I like Brian May, although I find his hair ridiculous.)

What is it called when you start a sentence with but?

It’s Fine to Start a Sentence with a Coordinating Conjunction. “And,” “but,” and “or” are the three most common members of a group of words known as coordinating conjunctions.

  • although.
  • however.
  • nevertheless.
  • on the other hand.
  • still.
  • though.
  • yet.

What’s another word for but?

What is another word for but?

nevertheless yet
however though
although still
all the same be that as it may
but still despite that

How do you spell butt?

Your butt is your buttocks, your tush, your rear end. Saying butt is more childish than offensive. Butt is a four-letter word, though using it won’t get you in much trouble — It’s much less offensive than ass.

No, we can not use “However” instead of “But” in each sentence, because both ‘But’ and ‘However’ are two words in English language that have to be understood with precision so that they can be used correctly either in spoken or written English.

What does howbeit mean?

Howbeit. be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; although; albeit; yet; but; however.

Is howbeit a real word?

adverb. Nevertheless; however. ‘But I suspect even that was fueled by the hot coal of self-regard, howbeit self-regard is often the product of self-loathing. ‘

What is another word for nevertheless?

What is another word for nevertheless?

however nonetheless
regardless though
but howbeit
withal all the same
although anyhow

Is a malice?

noun. desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness: the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy. Law. evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others.

What are the 3 aspects of malice?

These are: negligently, recklessly, knowingly and purposefully.

  • Negligence means that the person should be aware that their actions could result in harm to another.
  • Recklessly is when the person knew or should have known that their actions would result in harm to another.

What is an example of malice?

Malice is defined as bad will or the desire to do bad things to another person. An example of malice is when you hate someone and want to seek revenge. The state of mind of one intentionally performing a wrongful act. Intention to harm or deprive in an illegal or immoral way.

Who shows malice?

A person shows malice in this context by: acting deliberately with a calm mind or with a plan, or. committing a purposeful and cruel act without any or without great provocation.

Where does malice come from?

malice (n.) 1300, “desire to hurt another, propensity to inflict injury or suffering, active ill-will,” from Old French malice “ill will, spite, sinfulness, wickedness” (12c.), from Latin malitia “badness, ill will, spite,” from malus “bad, unpleasant” (see mal-).

What is the difference between malice and malicious?

Malicious, Malevolent, and Malice But while malevolent suggests deep and lasting dislike, malicious usually means petty and spiteful. Malice is an important legal concept, which has to be proved in order to convict someone of certain crimes such as first-degree murder.

What is another word for malice?

Some common synonyms of malice are grudge, ill will, malevolence, malignity, spite, and spleen.

What is the hypocrisy?

1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.

What are two synonyms for malice?

other words for malice

  • animus.
  • bitterness.
  • enmity.
  • grudge.
  • hostility.
  • ill will.
  • meanness.
  • resentment.

What is the verb of malice?

To intend to cause harm; to bear malice.

How do you spell Malic?

Medical Definition of malic

  1. completely confused or disordered having or showing great love and support for your country.
  2. scathingly harsh narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned.

What word rhymes with malice?

Words That Rhyme With “Malice” :

  • 2 syllables: Alice, allis, balas, callace, callous, callus, chalice, Dalis, Dallas, gallous, gallus, Kalis, palace, Pallas, phallus, Tallys, thallus, valis, vallis.
  • 3 syllables: canalis, physalis, prothallus.
  • 4 syllables: aryballos, aryballus, digitalis, hypothallus, pectoralis.
  • 5 syllables: hemerocallis.
  • 6 syllables:

What is opposite of malice?

Antonyms: agreement, alliance, amity, concord, friendship, harmony, kindliness, kindness, regard, sympathy. Synonyms: acrimony, animosity, antagonism, bitterness, enmity, hatred, hostility, ill will, malevolence, malignity, rancor, spite.

What is another word for malaise?

What is another word for malaise?

infirmity disease
lassitude angst
discomfort depression
anguish restlessness
melancholy weariness

What is the opposite of envy?

Opposite of the state or feeling of being jealous. admiration. pride. compersion. Noun.

Is it a sin to be envious?

Envy is one of the Seven deadly sins in Roman Catholicism. In the Book of Genesis envy is said to be the motivation behind Cain murdering his brother, Abel, as Cain envied Abel because God favored Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s. Envy is, therefore, a sin deeply ingrained in human nature.

What is worse envy or jealousy?

“Jealous” is defined as “very watchful or careful in guarding or keeping,” and “resentfully envious.”Envy” is defined as “a feeling of discontent and ill will because of another’s advantages, possessions, etc.; resentful dislike of another who has something that one desires.” “Jealousy” has stronger emotions attached.

How does an envious person behave?

Envious people tend to feel hostile, resentful, angry and irritable. Such individuals are also less likely to feel grateful about their positive traits and their circumstances. Envy is also related to depression, anxiety, the development of prejudice, and personal unhappiness.

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word to use instead of but?
  2. What are the three most common conjunctions?
  3. When to use however or but in a sentence?
  4. What is the difference between however and nevertheless?
  5. What is the difference between but and although?
  6. Where we can use however?
  7. Is due the same as Because?
  8. What’s a better word than because?
  9. Does Due mean because?
  10. Can we use due to in the beginning of a sentence?

What is another word for but?

nevertheless yet
however though
although still
all the same be that as it may
but still despite that

What are the three most common conjunctions?

They join words, phrases, and clauses together. Since they serve such an important role, it may not come as a surprise that there are three distinct types of conjunctions used in sentences: coordinating, subordinating and correlative.

When to use however or but in a sentence?

But” is a conjunction, and “however” is a conjunctive adverb. Confused yet? Don’t be! Simply put, “but” would use a comma to split two sentences, while “however” would use a semicolon or full stop to split the same sentence.

What is the difference between however and nevertheless?

However and nevertheless: to express a contrast We can use either of the adverbs however or nevertheless to indicate that the second point we wish to make contrasts with the first point. The difference is one of formality: nevertheless is bit more formal and emphatic than however.

What is the difference between but and although?

But”, “though”, and “although” are three words that mean something very similar in English but have some subtle differences. “But” indicates a complete negation and is usually used after a comma, in the middle of a sentence. “Though” is usually used at the end of a sentence and indicates a partial negation.

Where we can use however?

Howevercan be used to join two simple sentences to make a compound sentence. ‘However‘ indicates that the relationship between the two independent clauses is one of contrast or opposition. The engineers claimed that the bridge was safe; however, they were still not prepared to risk crossing.

Is due the same as Because?

The word pairs “because of” and “due to” are not interchangeable. The reason they are not is that they “grew up” differently in the language. “Because of” grew up as an adverb; “due to” grew up as an adjective. Remember that adjectives modify only nouns or pronouns, whereas adverbs usually modify verbs.

What’s a better word than because?

In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for because, like: since, due-to, for the reason that, by reason of, as, as a result of, on-account-of, therefore, for, in-behalf-of and as things go.

Does Due mean because?

In short, “because of” modifies a verb, but “due to” modifies a noun (or pronoun). In common usage, though, you will often hear/see them being used interchangeably.

Can we use due to in the beginning of a sentence?

First off, because due to is essentially synonymous with caused by, it is almost always grammatically incorrect at the beginning of a sentence.

Vocabulary Tips: Alternatives to “But” for Academic Writing

You’ll use some terms frequently in your written work. “But” is one of these words: the twenty-second most common word in English, in fact! Consequently, you shouldn’t worry too much about the repetition of “but” in your writing. But if you find yourself using it in every other sentence, you might want to try a few alternatives. How about the following?

Other Conjunctions

“But” is a conjunction (i.e., a linking word) used to introduce a contrast. For example, we could use it in a sentence expressing contrasting opinions about Queen guitarist Brian May and his hairdo:

I like Brian May, but I find his hair ridiculous.

One option to reduce repetition of “but” in writing is to use the word “yet:”

I like Brian May, yet I find his hair ridiculous.

“Yet” can often replace “but” in a sentence without changing anything else, as both are coordinating conjunctions that can introduce a contrast.

Alternatively, you could use one of these subordinating conjunctions:

  • Although (e.g., I like Brian May, although I find his hair ridiculous.)
  • Though (e.g., I like Brian May, though I find his hair ridiculous.)
  • Even though (e.g., I like Brian May, even though I find his hair ridiculous.)

As subordinating conjunctions, these terms can also be used at the start of a sentence. This isn’t the case with “but,” though:

Though I like Brian May, I find his hair ridiculous. – Correct

But I like Brian May, I find his hair ridiculous. – Incorrect

Other subordinating conjunctions used to introduce a contrast include “despite” and “whereas.” If you’re going to use “despite” in place of “but,” you may need to rephrase the sentence slightly. For instance:

Despite liking Brian May, I find his hair ridiculous.

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I like Brian May’s guitar solos, whereas I find his hair ridiculous.

How to Use “However”

One common replacement for “but” in academic writing is “however.” But we use this adverb to show a sentence contrasts with something previously said. As such, rather than connecting two parts of a sentence, it should only be used after a semicolon or in a new sentence:

I like Brian May’s guitar solos. However, I find his hair ridiculous.

I like Brian May’s guitar solos; however, I find his hair ridiculous.

“However” can be used mid-sentence, separated by commas. Even then, though, you should separate the sentence in which it appears from the one with which it is being contrasted. For instance:

I like Brian May’s guitar solos. I do, however, find his hair ridiculous.

Here, again, the “however” sentence contrasts with the preceding one.

Other Adverbial Alternatives to “But”

Other contrasting adverbs and adverbial phrases can be used in similar ways to “however” above. Alternatives include:

  • Conversely (I like Brian May’s guitar solos. Conversely, I find his hair ridiculous.)
  • Nevertheless (I like Brian May; nevertheless, I find his hair ridiculous.)
  • In contrast (I like Brian May’s guitar solos. In contrast, I find his hair ridiculous.)

One popular phrase for introducing a contrast is “on the other hand.” In formal writing, though, this should always follow from “on the one hand:”

On the one hand, I like Brian May’s music, so I do admire him. On the other hand, his hairstyle is terrifying, so I do worry about him.

Finally, if you’re ever unsure which terms to use as alternatives to “but” in writing, having your document proofread by the experts can help.

There are no grammatical reasons why you can’t start sentences with “but” (or other conjunctions). Some people don’t like it because they think it’s unoriginal or repetitive, but that doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. Still, this article will look at some other options you can use.

Best Words to Use Instead of But to Start a Sentence

The preferred words include using no conjunction, “however,” and “nevertheless.” If you really want to avoid using a conjunction, it’s possible to reword the sentence to make sure that “but” doesn’t come at the start of a sentence (it could come in the middle).

No Conjunction

Sometimes, no conjunction is needed. “But” doesn’t have to come at the start of the sentence. Instead, you can place it somewhere in the middle (or avoid it entirely) to help make your sentence flow a bit better.

Here’s an example to show you what we mean:

  • Darren and Suzie went to the market. But they weren’t sure what they would find.

In the above example, “but” starts the second sentence. Here are two options that could replace it:

  • Darren and Suzie went to the market, but they weren’t sure what they would find.
  • Darren and Suzie went to the market. They weren’t sure what they would find.

Example one allows “but” to work as a conjunction to connect the clauses rather than start a new sentence. Example two removes “but” entirely and just keeps the sentences independent.

  • Sally and Andrew wanted to go there later, but I wasn’t sure if that was going to work out very well for them.
  • I wanted it to go better, but I suppose I didn’t get much of a say in whether or not that was going to happen.
  • It wasn’t easy going out on that day, but I made sure to get things done my way. I’m glad I took the time to do it.


“However” is a common formal replacement for “but.” It works really well when you’re trying to contradict a previous point and add information that might help the reader to understand something more about what you’re saying.

  • The time is right. However, someone still wasn’t sure whether they wanted to continue moving with the plan, as we discussed.
  • It wasn’t over yet. However, it seemed like the other team had given up already. Maybe the game was closer to the end, after all.
  • You can’t say that. However, I understand why you might be feeling a little bit torn over this. I’ll see what I can do to help.


“Nevertheless” is another great option to use instead of “but.” It allows you to disregard the previous information so that you can make more sense of whatever comes in the clause that follows “nevertheless.”

“Nevertheless” can also be “nonetheless” in some sentences. They are synonymous phrases, so it depends on which one you prefer.

  • They did think about it together. Nevertheless, neither of them could come up with a decent solution that pleased both agendas.
  • I thought you had stopped coming. Nevertheless, you’re here now, and we have a few things that we could really use your help with.
  • We told you to wait. Nonetheless, we suppose you might be able to help us out since you’re here much earlier than we planned.


“Still” is a simple but effective word to replace “but.” It’s not all that common, but it works really well to show that some information still stands strong, even if the previous sentence or information might have gone against it.

“Still” is used when you’re trying to show that something still has meaning even if it contradicts your previous thought or idea.

  • The game was over. Still, both teams looked like they were ready to play some more. The fans were buzzing for extra time.
  • I thought about it. Still, I didn’t see why I had to worry about the outcome. It has nothing to do with me, after all.
  • They wanted more. Still, there wasn’t any way for them to express this to the others. They were going to have to settle with nothing.


“Yet” is a great replacement for “but.” It’s not always the most popular choice at the start of the sentence (most people prefer it in the middle), but it can still work well at the start.

“Yet” and “but” are almost entirely synonymous. If you can use “but” at the start of the sentence, you know you can use “yet” in the same manner. Make sure that a comma comes after it when it’s at the start.

  • Something was wrong. Yet, everyone seemed to be working on their own ideas. It made for a very awkward time for everyone.
  • I wanted to talk about it. Yet, Dan said it would be better if we waited until everyone had left to give us more space and privacy.
  • The teacher walked out of the class. Yet, most people continued working diligently on their assignments. I was very confused.

On The Other Hand

“On the other hand” allows you to introduce a countering point or new information. It works best when you’re creating a narrative that plays with two (or more) explanations or reasons behind something.

It’s commonly used with the introductory sentence “on the one hand.” You might start the first sentence with “on the one hand,” and the second sentence will then begin with “on the other hand.”

  • On the one hand, it made a lot of sense. On the other hand, someone had to do something to make sure that things didn’t go wrong.
  • I needed to know more. On the other hand, I wasn’t sure if it was my place to ask anyone else for help. I thought it best to wait it out.
  • I could have done that alone. On the other hand, it definitely helped to have a few extra hands to get me through it quicker.

To Counter That

“To counter that” is a decent sentence starter to replace “but.” It’s not commonly used because it works best when you’re introducing a counter-argument into a sentence. This is most apparent if you’re debating or discussing with other people.

  • The argument was clear. To counter that, Timmy decided it was better to talk over the student. It wasn’t an effective strategy.
  • I said many things. To counter that, someone else wanted me to explain one of my points, and I really didn’t have a good explanation.
  • The tides were high. To counter that, it seemed like nobody on the beach cared, and most of them stayed where they were.

Even So

“Even so” is a fairly popular choice when it comes to starting a sentence similarly to “but.” It allows you to introduce a contradictory idea to the previous sentence. It usually means you’ve done something against your better judgment.

For example, if someone has told you one thing, you might do something completely different. In this case, even though someone has given you guidance, you’ve ignored it, meaning that “even so” can introduce this ignorance.

  • I needed to go home early. Even so, I made the most of my time out with them. I didn’t just want to leave them all while they had fun.
  • I thought about it before. Even so, I couldn’t come up with a reason why we would ever do things this way. It was a bit ridiculous.
  • The teacher told us what to do. Even so, none of us really understood what was required. We just kind of smiled and laughed.

Despite That

“Despite that” allows you to cancel out the content of the previous sentence. While a fact may be true, “despite that” shows that you’re trying to ignore it, or you’re moving past it without putting any more thought into it.

“Despite that” (or “in spite of that”) are very popular choices when you’re looking for a more formal replacement for “but.” They work well because they allow you to move past the previous sentence without spending longer than you need to explain it.

  • There were a few rumors flying around. Despite that, I put on a brave face and tried to ignore most of the kids. It was hard to do.
  • I knew there was something going on. Despite that, I let it go behind my back. Now, I’m suffering from my negligence.
  • I thought you said something to me about this. Despite that, I guess you’ll have to come back and help me again later today.


“Except” is a tricky word to start a sentence with. People tend to avoid it because it feels more smooth to include in the middle of a sentence. Still, it’s a good choice to replace “but” in some cases.

  • I wanted more out of it. Except, maybe it would have been easier if I could have just done what I was supposed to do in the first place.
  • Tim said he could go. Except that his mother made sure that he wasn’t allowed out of the house after six. Bummer.
  • I could have told you that. Except, I didn’t think it was appropriate at the time. I didn’t mean to waste anybody’s time.

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10 Best Words to Use Instead of “And” to Start a Sentence

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What is another word for “but”? Following is a list of commonly used synonyms for “but” with example sentences and ESL images. Learning these words to use instead of “but” will help you enhance your English vocabulary.

But Synonym

But Definition and Examples

Meaning of “But”: 

Conjunction: It is used to state the improbability of something other than that which is being said; to show something contrary

  • Example. “Everyone but Leela leaves, I need to have a word with her” 

Adverb: To show a state of being lesser than

  • Example. “ That man is a shadow of his former self, you should have seen him in his heyday”

Noun: An argument or quarrel against something

  • Example. “ No buts young lady, it is very late, get back to bed”

Preposition: having an exception of something

  • Example. “ Oh no you are not fooling me this time, last time we went to that place, everyone got hot dogs but me!”

Other Words for “But”

Common synonyms for the word “but”.

  • All the same
  • Although
  • At the same time
  • Be that as it may
  • Despite that
  • Even so
  • For all that
  • However
  • In spite of that
  • Nevertheless
  • Though
  • Yet

A huge list of 95+ different words to use instead of “but”.

  • Accordingly
  • After all
  • Against this background
  • Albeit
  • All the same
  • Although
  • And
  • And this
  • Apart from
  • At that
  • At the same time
  • At this time
  • Be that as it may
  • Besides
  • By so doing
  • Despite that
  • Despite the fact that
  • Even
  • Even so
  • Except
  • Except for
  • Except that
  • For all that
  • For this purpose
  • From there
  • Further
  • Having said that
  • Hence
  • Herewith
  • Howbeit
  • However
  • If
  • If this occurs
  • In any case
  • In any event
  • In consideration of the foregoing
  • In spite of that
  • In such case
  • In such event
  • In the meantime
  • In the premises
  • In these conditions
  • In this connection
  • In this context
  • In this respect
  • In view of this
  • In which case
  • It being understood that
  • It should be noted that
  • Just the same
  • Moreover
  • Nevertheless
  • Nonetheless
  • Not but
  • Not but that
  • Not but what
  • Not the worse
  • Notwithstanding
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing
  • Notwithstanding what has just been said
  • On that basis
  • On that premise
  • On the basis thereof
  • On the contrary
  • On the one hand
  • On the other hand
  • On the strength of
  • Only
  • Reasoning from this fact
  • Save
  • Simultaneously
  • Still
  • Still and all
  • That being said
  • That end
  • That having been said
  • That notwithstanding
  • Then
  • Thereat
  • Thereby
  • Therewith
  • This being said
  • This being the case
  • Though
  • Thus
  • Unless
  • Upon that
  • When
  • When this happens
  • Whereupon
  • While
  • Whilst
  • With
  • With at
  • With regard to the above mentioned
  • With that
  • With that being said
  • With that said
  • Yet

Synonyms for But with Examples

Learn another word for “but” with example sentences.

  • All the same

All the same, there’s some truth in what she says.

  • Be that as it may

Be that as it may, terrible things clearly happened.

  • Despite that

Despite that, he believes the initiative will succeed in helping working for poor families.

  • Even so

The new method is not perfect; even so, it’s much better than the old one.

  • For all that

For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.

  • However

 I feel a bit tired. However, I can hold on.

  • In spite of that

In spite of that, when they arrived, the place took hold of her.

  • Nevertheless

She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working.

  • Though

 She didn’t love him, though she pretended to.

  • Yet

I can’t drive yet I’m still learning.

Another Word for But | Infographic

Another Word for But | 95+ Synonyms for "But" with Useful Examples

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