Another word for but also


What is another word for but also?

Synonyms for but also
but al·so

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Also Synonym! What is another word for also? Helpful list of 25+ synonyms for also with ESL infographics and example sentences. Learning these also synonyms will help you better your vocabulary and your writing skill in English.

Also Synonym

List of Synonyms for Also

Learn list of useful synonyms for also in English.

  • Additionally
  • Again
  • Along with
  • And
  • And all
  • As well
  • As well as
  • Besides
  • Coupled with
  • Either
  • Else
  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • Including
  • Into the bargain
  • More
  • More than that
  • Moreover
  • Otherwise
  • Plus
  • Second of all
  • Secondly
  • Still
  • Then
  • To boot
  • Too

Learn more with the full list of transition words in English.

Another word for Also | Infographic

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Another Word for Also

Another Word for Also with Examples

Learn another word for also with example sentences.

  • Additionally

The birds are additionally protected in the reserves at Birsay.

  • And

There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence.

  • And all

Peter dipped his whole head under, hat and all.

  • As well

He speaks English and Spanish as well.

  • As well as

 He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz.

  • Besides

I need the money. Besides, when I agree to do something, I do it.

  • Coupled with

 Over-use of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.

  • Either

I don’t eat meat and my husband doesn’t either.

  • Else

Marriage! Nothing else demands so much from a man!

  • Furthermore

He is lazy, and furthermore, he has no sense of responsibility.

  • In addition

There is, in addition, one further point to make.

  • Including

She’d undergone 13 operations, including a tummy tuck.

  • Into the bargain

Frank is a teacher, and an artist into the bargain.

  • More

There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.

  • Moreover

 It was, moreover, a waste of time.

  • Otherwise

. I can’t come to dinner on Tuesday- I’m otherwise engaged .

  • Plus

He’s been studying hard for exams. Plus he’s been working in a bar at night.

  • Second of all

 Second of all, if you are using shared data, use mutexes for both reading and writing.

  • Secondly

To start with we haven’t enough money, and secondly we’re too busy.

  • Still

Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage.

  • To boot

She’s an attractive woman, and wealthy to boot.

  • Too

I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too

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What is another word for not only but also?

9 synonyms found


[ nˌɒt ˈə͡ʊnli bˌʌt ˈɒlsə͡ʊ], [ nˌɒt ˈə‍ʊnli bˌʌt ˈɒlsə‍ʊ], [ n_ˌɒ_t ˈəʊ_n_l_i__ b_ˌʌ_t ˈɒ_l_s_əʊ]

Related words: not only but also, not only but also meaning, what does not only but also mean, in addition to

Related questions:

  • What does not only but also mean?
  • What is the meaning of not only but also?
  • When should i use not only but also?
  • Table of Contents

    • adv.

      Other relevant words: (adverb)

      • additionally.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • more,
      • not only,
      • likewise,
      • moreover,
      • further,
      • not only that,
      • furthermore,
      • what is more.

    How to use «Not only but also» in context?

    «not only but also» is a combination of two words, «not only,» and «also.» The phrase means that something is true as well as being additional. For example, «I only drink water» means that the speaker only drinks water, but «I also drink coffee» means that the speaker also drinks coffee. «Not only» is used to introduce a list of things, and «also» is used to emphasize the list. For example, «Not only are you a great basketball player, but you are also very polite» means that not only is the speaker great at basketball, but he is also polite.

    Оглавление —> Все союзы

    Союзы — это слова, которые соединяют в одно целое слова, группы слов, части предложения и предложения. По своей форме союзы бывают простыми, производными и составными. Составные союзы могут быть составлены из двух, трех или четырех слов. Среди составных союзов есть так называемые “balanced” structures , к которым и относится составной союз NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO ….

    В двойной составной союз NOT ONLY… BUT ALSO … входит четыре слова, два из которых — союзы, а два — наречия. Они могут быть самостоятельными единицами. Давайте рассмотрим каждое из этих слов сначала по отдельности.

    Слово NOT может быть только наречием и переводится: НЕ , НЕТ, НИ;

    Слово ONLY может быть прилагательным, наречием и союзом. Союз ONLY переводится: НО, ТОЛЬКО;

    Слово BUT может быть наречием, предлогом, местоимением, существительным и союзом. Союз BUT переводится: НО, А, ОДНАКО, ТЕМ НЕ МЕНЕЕ;

    Слово ALSO может быть только наречием и переводится: ТОЖЕ, ТАКЖЕ, К ТОМУ ЖЕ;

    Итак, двойной составной союз NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO … состоит из двух союзов ( only и but) и двух наречий (not и also) и переводится: НЕ ТОЛЬКО … , НО И … . В предложении он может соединять подлежащие, сказуемые, дополнения, обстоятельства и определения. Давайте посмотрим на примерах.


    Если составной союз NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO соединяет подлежащее, то глагол — сказуемое согласуется с ближайшим к нему подлежащим точно так же, как и в двойных составных союзах EITHER … OR … и NEITHER … NOR … .


    Not only the nurses but also the doctor is coming soon. = Не только медсестры, но и врач скоро придет.

    Not only the doctor but also the nurses are coming soon. = Не только врач, но и медсестры скоро придут.

    Not only the students but also the teacher is allowed to smoke here. = Не только студентам, но и преподавателю здесь разрешается курить.

    Not only the teacher but also the students are allowed to smoke here. = Не только учителю, но и студентам здесь разрешается курить.

    Not only the money but also the jewels were locked up the safe. = Не только деньги, но и драгоценности были заперты в сейфе.

    Not only the jewels but also the money was locked up the safe. = Не только драгоценности , но и деньги были спрятаны в сейфе.

    Not only Ann but also her children speak English well. = Не только Анна, но и ее дети хорошо говорят на английском языке.

    Not only you but also I was sorry about it. = Не только ты, но и я сожалею об этом.

    Not only Mary but also her brothers are fond of music. = Не только Мария, но и ее братья увлекаются музыкой.

    Not only Harry but his brother looks like his mother. = Не только Гарри, но и его брат похож на свою маму.

    Притяжательное местоимение тоже относится к ближайшему подлежащему.


    Not only the director but also the members of the choir invited their friends. = Не только директор, но и члены хора пригласили своих друзей.

    Not only the members of the choir but also the director invited his friends. = Не только члены хора, но и директор пригласил своих друзей.

    Not only the dog but also the cats have on their collars. = Не только собака, но и коты носят ошейники.

    Not only the cats but also the dog has on its collar. = Не только коты, но и собака носит ошейник.


    They not only like their work but also feel responsible for it. = Им не только нравится их работа, но они также чувствуют за нее ответственность.

    He not only shared our meal but also amused us. = Он не только разделил с нами трапезу, но и развлекал нас.

    She not only sings like an angel but also dances divinely. = Она не только поет, как ангел, но и превосходно танцует.

    This little girl can not only read but also write. = Эта маленькая девочка может не только читать, но и писать.

    He plans not only to swim every day but also to run in the morning during his vacation.

    Перед именной частью составного именного сказуемого.

    He was not only a writer but also a scientist. = Он не только писатель, но и ученый.

    The weather was not only cold but also wet and windy. = Погода не только холодная, но также дождливая и ветреная.

    The job is not only difficult but also dangerous. = Работа не только трудная, но также и опасная.

    He was not only handsome but also extremely clever. = Он был не только красив, но и чрезвычайно умен.

    John Glenn has not only been a pilot but also a astronaut. = Джон Гленн был не только летчиком, но также был и астронавтом.



    He plays not only the piano but also the violin.= Он играет не только на пианино, но и на скрипке.

    My uncle helped not only me but also my sister. = Мой дядя помогал не только мне, но и моей сестре.

    I’ve lost not only all my money but also my passport. = Я потерял не только все свои деньги, но и паспорт.

    When I open the envelope I found not only a cheque for 100$ but also a note. = Когда я открыл конверт, я нашел не только чек на 100 долларов, но и записку.

    I’ve been trying to learn not only English but also German. = Я пытаюсь выучить не только английский язык, но и немецкий.



    He does his work not only quickly but also carefully. = Он выполняет свою работу не только быстро, но и тщательно.

    My parents have been not only to England but also to Ireland. = Мои родители побывали не только в Англии, но и в Ирландии.

    She works not only on Saturdays but also on Sundays. = Она работает не только по субботам, но и по воскресеньям.

    I’ve searched not only the whole house but also the garage. = Я обыскал не только весь дом, но и гараж.

    • again
    • further
    • likewise
    • more
    • still
    • too
    • besides
    • additionally
    • along
    • along with
    • and
    • as well
    • as well as
    • conjointly
    • furthermore
    • in conjunction with
    • in like manner
    • including
    • more than that
    • moreover
    • on top of
    • over and above
    • plus
    • to boot
    • together with
    • withal

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 37 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to also, such as: again, further, likewise, more, still, and too.

    TRY USING also

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use also in a sentence

    Gandhi himself signed this page on the following day, giving the date also-August 27, 1935.


    Down it went, rapidly, even as they stared, until it hung just off the also-falling asteroid.


    The said circumstances I owe indirectly to Payne-also a lump on the back of my head; but that is a detail.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • also
    • and
    • plus
    • additionally
    • also
    • besides
    • further
    • furthermore
    • moreover
    • on the contrary
    • on the other hand
    • then
    • accompanying
    • additionally
    • also
    • as companion
    • as well
    • at same time
    • besides
    • coupled with
    • furthermore
    • in addition to
    • likewise
    • moreover
    • side by side
    • simultaneously
    • too
    • with
    • along with
    • also
    • as a consequence
    • as well as
    • furthermore
    • including
    • moreover
    • together with
    • added to
    • additionally
    • along with
    • also
    • and all
    • apart from
    • as well
    • as well as
    • aside from
    • beyond
    • conjointly
    • else
    • exceeding
    • exclusive of
    • extra
    • further
    • furthermore
    • in addition
    • in conjunction with
    • in distinction to
    • in excess of
    • in other respects
    • likewise
    • more
    • more than
    • moreover
    • not counting
    • on the side
    • on top of everything
    • other than
    • otherwise
    • plus
    • secondly
    • supplementary to
    • to boot
    • together with
    • too
    • what’s more
    • with the exception of
    • yet
    • again
    • also
    • as well as
    • besides
    • beyond
    • distant
    • farther
    • in addition
    • moreover
    • on top of
    • over and above
    • then
    • to boot
    • what’s more
    • yet
    • yonder

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    Main Not Only But Also Takeaways:

    • Not only…but also is a correlative conjunction. This means that this construction helps convey two related facts, thoughts, or pieces of information.
    • It expresses unexpected or surprising information, with the second item being more surprising than the first.
    • Use this construction to create parallelism by following each part of the expression with the same part of speech. This helps add balance and flow to your writing.
    • In informal writing, you can omit the word also from the expression without changing the meaning of the sentence.
    • Correlative conjunctions like not only…but also don’t require commas to separate the pairs.
    • Replace not only…but also with synonyms like: moreover, besides, as well as, similarly, and equally important.

    Not only but also is a two-part expression that’s used to create emphasis, convey unexpected information, or add balance to a sentence. See exactly how to use this phrase effectively with tips for parallelism and plenty of examples.

    Two boys labeled as "not only" and "but also" doing a high five.

    Not only but also is a correlative conjunction. It conveys related pieces of information.

    What Does not Only but Also Mean?

    Not only…but also is a way to create parallelism in a sentence. This expression is a correlative conjunction, and is useful for linking two closely connected clauses. Basically, it sets up two related elements of a sentence. You know you’re using this pairing to correctly create parallelism when the same part of speech follows each part of the phrase. For example, if a verb comes after not only, then a verb should come after but also (He not only swims, but also rows). Similarly, if a noun follows not only, then a noun should follow but also (She is not only a doctor but also a lawyer). Use this construction to convey unexpected but related information. Or, to emphasize a surprising fact.

    In a sentence, the actual construct of the expression looks like this: not onlythisbut alsothat.

    Not only…but also is a correlative conjunction, or words or phrases that work together to link words, clauses, or phrases. They are similar to coordinating conjunctions but show a stronger connection between the linked ideas.

    In this example, each part of the not only…but also expression precedes a verb phrase for parallelism.

    In this example, a noun phrase follows both not only and but also to maintain parallelism.

    Two boys doing a high five. Boy on the left is labeled not only and the boy on the right is labeled but also. Additional text reads: Not only... but also is a correlative conjunction. This structure helps improve flow.

    Not only…but also is a correlative conjunction. This means that this construction helps convey two related facts, thoughts, or pieces of information.

    How do you use Not Only in a Sentence?

    You can use not only at the beginning of a clause. In this case, you should use not only followed by the verb (Not only is she sing a captivating dancer, but also a fantastic singer). You can also use not only in the middle of a sentence. In this case, there are two constructions you can can use. The first construction is: Subject + Verb + not only + but also (He made not only the decorations but also the costumes for the party). Alternatively, the second construction is: Subject + not only + Verb + but also (The investigation is not only on-going but also highly-classified).

    Here are examples of how to use not only in a sentence:

    5 Ways to Use Not Only…But Also:

    1. Not only + verb + subject…but also
    2. Not only + verb + subject…but + subject + also + verb…
    3. Subject + verb + not onlybut also + verb…
    4. Subject + not only + verb…but also
    5. Not only + verb + subject…but +subject + also

    A boy labeled as not only... but also is holding a placard that shows a comma mark crossed out. Additional text reads: Correlative conjunctions don't need commas.

    Correlative conjunctions like not only…but also don’t require commas to separate the pairs.

    Where do you put Not Only in a Sentence?

    You can put not only at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. When you start a sentence with not only, the phrase is the beginning of an introductory clause and is acting as the first part of a correlative conjunction. As a result, not only must be followed by but also (Not only is the shuttle fast but also economical). When it appears in the middle of a sentence, not only usually comes after the subject and the verb (Their cat eats not only strawberries but also bananas). However, it can also come between the subject and the verb (Their daughter not onlyplaysthe piano but also runs track).

    Pro Tip: Although but also can be split, the same doesn’t hold true for not only. The first word pair in this two-part expression should never be split.

    Can you start a Sentence with Not Only?

    You can start a sentence with not only, but it must be followed by not also. This is because the expression not only..but also is a correlative conjunction that helps create parallelism, or balance, in a sentence. What’s more, when you start a sentence with not only, follow the not only with a verb (Not only were they polite but also kind). Therefore, the formula for using not only at the beginning of a sentence is: Not only + verb + subject…but also + subject + verb.

    A boy named Jake shown in two scenarios. First scene shows Jake selling fruits. The second scene shows him selling vegetables. Additional text reads: Jake not only sells fruits but also vegetables.

    Not only…but also is a way to create parallelism in a sentence. You know you’re using this pairing to correctly create parallelism when the same part of speech follows each part of the phrase.

    Is There a Comma in Not Only But Also?

    Normally, there is no comma in the construction not only…but also. This is because not only…but also is usually a correlative conjunction that helps create parallelism. Since correlative conjunctions don’t require commas to separate the pairs in the phrase, there is no comma in not only…but also (Not only did they bring drinks but also desserts!). However, you can add a comma to show additional emphasis, but this isn’t required (When planning a party, she considers the not only the quality of the products served, but also the presentation). In the end, adding a comma is a stylistic choice and not grammatically required.

    Note: Although no commas are needed when punctuating this pair, commas may be added in special circumstances for extra emphasis.

    How do you Replace Not Only But Also?

    Here are 20 replacements and synonyms for the correlative conjunction not only but also:

    1. as well as
    2. likewise
    3. similarly
    4. in the same way
    5. and
    6. in addition to
    7. furthermore
    8. additionally
    9. moreover
    10. what’s more
    11. too
    12. also
    13. both…and
    14. another
    15. equally important
    16. besides
    17. further
    18. in fact
    19. as a result
    20. consequently

    Find more not only…but also synonyms in our master list of transition words.

    Examples of Sentences Using Synonyms for Not Only But Also:

    This sentence shows the correct usage of not only…but also. There are, however, other ways of expressing a similar sentiment.

    When comparing these sentences, you may notice that the emphasis changes. For example, each construction places more or less importance on one of the phrases. As a result, the meaning of the sentence may change.

    Whenever you select words, you’re choosing nuances in meaning. By opting for a different word or phrase, you may alter the meaning of your sentence ever so slightly. What’s more, you may also alter the tone of your prose, making it less formal or more conversational.

    Can you use But Also Without Not Only

    You can use but also without not only. On one hand, if you use not only, you must follow it with but also (They not only went fishing but also hiking). On the other hand, if you just use but also, you don’t need to use not only before it (He loves to go to the movies but also enjoys the gym).

    • If you start with not only: you must follow it with but also.
    • If you don’t use not only:you can use but also by itself.

    Do you Have to use but Also With not Only?

    If you use the first part of the correlative conjunction not only, then you must use the second part but also. Conversely, if you just use the second part but also, then you don’t need to include the first part not only. In formal writing, you should use the entire construction not only…but also. However, in informal contexts, you can leave off the also and shorten the phrase to not only…but. The meaning of the sentence shouldn’t change.

    • Formal Writing: use the full construction not only…but also
    • Informal Writing: you can use the shortened construction not only…but

    Some writers may consider not only…but also to be one stylistic choice among many. After all, there are multiple options for linking two related thoughts, with each creating different shades of meaning.

    Whether you opt for this phrase or another one is up to you, and it may depend on the type of writing you’re doing. Most importantly, your sentence should not only sound natural but also be clear in meaning. That, above all, is what writing should be about.

    Quick Not Only…But Also Quiz

    Not Only… But Also Question #1

    A. Correlative conjunction

    B. Coordinating conjunction

    C. Subordinating conjunction


    The answer is A. “Not only…but also” is a correlative conjunction. They’re words or phrases that work together to link words, clauses, or phrases

    Not Only… But Also Question #2

    A. Besides she

    B. But also

    C. As well as

    D. She too


    The answer is B. «Not only…but also» is used to convey two related facts, thoughts, or pieces of information.

    Not Only… But Also Question #3

    A. Before…after

    B. Neither…nor

    C. Whether…or

    D. Either…or


    The answer is A. Correlative conjunctions serve to highlight the relationship between elements in the sentence.

    Not Only… But Also Question #4

    A. And

    B. But also

    C. Nor

    D. Or


    The answer is C. “Neither…nor” are correlative conjunctions.

    Not Only… But Also Question #5


    The answer is TRUE. The phrase becomes: “not only…but.”

    Not Only… But Also Question #6


    The answer is FALSE. Since “not only…but also” is a correlative conjunction, no comma is necessary.

    Read More: What Is Parallelism in Writing?

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