Another word for big change

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большое изменение

большим изменением

серьезное изменение

огромная перемена

большие изменения

большие перемены

большая перемена

больших перемен

больших изменений

серьезные перемены

большим переменам

большой шаг

If nothing changes though, there’s a big change that you have an issue with the battery itself.

Если ничего не изменится, есть большое изменение, что у вас есть проблема с самой батареей.

For the average man, who consumes about 4,200 milligrams a day, that requires a big change.

Для среднего человека, который потребляет около 4200 миллиграммов в день, это большое изменение.

Even that would be a big change for democracy.

Даже только это было бы большим изменением в лучшую стороны для настоящей демократии.

That’s a big change in M.O.

But a big change will tell you definitively which design you customers prefer.

Но большое изменение скажет вам, точно, какой дизайн предпочитают ваши клиенты.

That’s a big change for many folks who barely get their stuff together to file 1099’s.

Это большое изменение для многих людей, которые едва собирают свои вещи, чтобы заработать 1099.

But it’s a big change, because we were never a groovy band.

That’s a big change from the way Juan lived life before the crash.

It’s a big risk for Ford, and a big change for the industry.

Это большой риск для Ford и большое изменение для всей промышленности.

As you can see, this is already a big change from the rate in Atlanta.

Как видите, это уже большое изменение по сравнению с уровнем в Атланте.

This was a big change; it really is with Hummingbird.

Second, a big change in Windows 10 is the «joining» of Office 365.

Во-вторых, большое изменение в Windows 10 — это «объединение» Office 365.

This is especially important if you want to make a big change.

Fast forward 4 years and we see a big change.

Starting childcare is a big change.

Not a big change but the trend is there.

Indeed a big change in me.

This is a big change in his own thinking.

Представляется, что в этом состоит важное изменение в Вашей собственной мысли.

That’s a big change for IBM and the server industry.

Horizon 2020 marks a big change compared to the previous EU framework programmes.

В «Горизонте 2020» произошёл ряд качественных изменений в сравнении с предыдущими рамочными программами ЕС.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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make a big change — перевод на русский

— But sometimes the smallest thing… can make the biggest changes of all.

Но иногда самое малое может произвести самые большие перемены.

There are good people, who are in politics in both parties who hold this at arm’s length because if they acknowledge it and recognize it, then the moral imperative to make big changes is inescapable.

В обеих партиях в политике есть хорошие люди, которые закрывают на это глаза, потому что если они признают существование этого, они будут морально обязаны произвести большие перемены.

I’ve just spent two days in Swindon with Neil, and he’s made some big changes.

Я провела два дня в Свиндоне с Нилом, и у него есть большие подвижки.

Um, I-I feel good about myself for the first time in a really long time. And I’ve made some big changes in my life, and…

Я себя давно так хорошо не чувствовала … и я сделала много изменений в моей жизни, и…

— It feels a little late to be making big changes.

— Не знаю. Мне кажется, для радикальных перемен поздновато.

Always amuses me when corporate thinks they can make some big change with a 20-minute meeting in some fancy high rise.

Меня всегда забавляла уверенность компании в том, что можно достичь больших перемен после 20-минутного собрания в крутом небоскребе.

The only way to get over a boyfriend is to make a big change.

Единственный способ забыть парня — серьезные перемены.

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How is the word change different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of change are alter, modify, and vary. While all these words mean «to make or become different,» change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another.

changed the shirt for a larger size

When might alter be a better fit than change?

Although the words alter and change have much in common, alter implies a difference in some particular respect without suggesting loss of identity.

slightly altered the original design

When is it sensible to use modify instead of change?

The synonyms modify and change are sometimes interchangeable, but modify suggests a difference that limits, restricts, or adapts to a new purpose.

modified the building for use by the disabled

Where would vary be a reasonable alternative to change?

In some situations, the words vary and change are roughly equivalent. However, vary stresses a breaking away from sameness, duplication, or exact repetition.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. changenoun

    To become something different.

    The product is undergoing a change in order to improve it.

    modify, alter

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. changeverb

    To change is distinctively to make a thing other than it has been, in some respect at least; to exchange to put or take something else in its place; to alter is ordinarily to change partially, to make different in one or more particulars. To exchange is often to transfer ownership; as, to exchange city for country property. Change is often used in the sense of exchange; as, to change horses. To transmute is to change the qualities while the substance remains the same; as, to transmute the baser metals into gold. To transform is to change form or appearance, with or without deeper and more essential change; it is less absolute than transmute, tho sometimes used for that word, and is often used in a spiritual sense as transmute could not be; «Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,» Rom. xii, 2. Transfigure is, as in its Scriptural use, to change in an exalted and glorious spiritual way; «Jesus … was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light,» Matt. xvii, 1, 2. To metamorphose is to make some remarkable change, ordinarily in external qualities, but often in structure, use, or chemical constitution, as of a caterpillar into a butterfly, of the stamens of a plant into petals, or of the crystalline structure of rocks, hence called «metamorphic rocks,» as when a limestone is metamorphosed into a marble. To vary is to change from time to time, often capriciously. To commute is to put something easier, lighter, milder, or in some way more favorable in place of that which is commuted; as, to commute capital punishment to imprisonment for life; to commute daily fares on a railway to a monthly payment. To convert (Latin con, with, and verto, turn) is to primarily turn about, and signifies to change in form, character, use, etc., through a wide range of relations; iron is converted into steel, joy into grief, a sinner into a saint. To turn is a popular word for change in any sense short of the meaning of exchange, being often equivalent to alter, convert, transform, transmute, etc. We modify or qualify a statement which might seem too strong; we modify it by some limitation, qualify it by some addition.

    alter, commute, convert, diversify, exchange, metamorphose, modify, qualify, shift, substitute, transfigure, transform, transmute, turn, vary, veer

    abide, bide, continue, endure, hold, keep, persist, remain, retain, stay

    To change a home toilet for a street dress; to change from a caterpillar to or into a butterfly; to change clothes with a beggar.

  2. changenoun

    A change is a passing from one state or form to another, any act or process by which a thing becomes unlike what it was before, or the unlikeness so produced; we say a change was taking place, or the change that had taken place was manifest. Mutation is a more formal word for change, often suggesting repeated or continual change; as, the mutations of fortune. Novelty is a change to what is new, or the newness of that to which a change is made; as, he was perpetually desirous of novelty. Revolution is specifically and most commonly a change of government. Variation is a partial change in form, qualities, etc., but especially in position or action; as, the variation of the magnetic needle or of the pulse. Variety is a succession of changes or an intermixture of different things, and is always thought of as agreeable. Vicissitude is sharp, sudden, or violent change, always thought of as surprising and often as disturbing or distressing; as, the vicissitudes of politics. Transition is change by passing from one place or state to another, especially in a natural, regular, or orderly way; as, the transition from spring to summer, or from youth to manhood. An innovation is a change that breaks in upon an established order or custom; as, an innovation in religion or politics. For the distinctions between the other words compare the synonyms for CHANGE, v. In the religious sense regeneration is the vital renewing of the soul by the power of the divine Spirit; conversion is the conscious and manifest change from evil to good, or from a lower to a higher spiritual state; as, in Luke xxii, 32, «when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.» In popular use conversion is the most common word to express the idea of regeneration.

    alteration, conversion, diversity, innovation, mutation, novelty, regeneration, renewal, renewing, revolution, transformation, transition, transmutation, variation, variety, vicissitude

    constancy, continuance, firmness, fixedness, fixity, identity, invariability, permanence, persistence, steadiness, unchangeableness, uniformity

    We have made a change for the better; the change from winter to spring; the change of a liquid to or into a gas; a change in quality; a change by absorption or oxidation.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. changeverb

    vary, alter, modify, diversify, qualify, transmute, substitute, fluctuate, shift, veer, exchange

    conserve, retain, stabilitate, fix, clinch, stand, endure, last, hold

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.3 / 8 votes

  1. change, alteration, modificationnoun

    an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another

    «the change was intended to increase sales»; «this storm is certainly a change for the worse»; «the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago»

    modification, qualifying, revision, alteration, variety, adjustment, limiting

    stay, rest, remain

  2. changenoun

    a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event

    «he attributed the change to their marriage»

    variety, modification, alteration

    rest, remain, stay

  3. changenoun

    the action of changing something

    «the change of government had no impact on the economy»; «his change on abortion cost him the election»

    variety, modification, alteration

    remain, stay, rest

  4. changenoun

    the result of alteration or modification

    «there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs»; «there had been no change in the mountains»

    variety, modification, alteration

    rest, remain, stay

  5. changenoun

    the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due

    «I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change»

    variety, modification, alteration

    stay, rest, remain

  6. changenoun

    a thing that is different

    «he inspected several changes before selecting one»

    variety, modification, alteration

    rest, remain, stay

  7. changenoun

    a different or fresh set of clothes

    «she brought a change in her overnight bag»

    variety, modification, alteration

    stay, remain, rest

  8. changenoun

    coins of small denomination regarded collectively

    «he had a pocketful of change»

    variety, modification, alteration

    remain, stay, rest

  9. changenoun

    money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency

    «he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver»

    variety, modification, alteration

    stay, remain, rest

  10. variety, changeverb

    a difference that is usually pleasant

    «he goes to France for variety»; «it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic»

    salmagundi, form, multifariousness, variety, motley, modification, mixture, miscellany, variety show, potpourri, kind, diverseness, miscellanea, alteration, smorgasbord, assortment, sort, diversity, mixed bag

    stay, remain, rest

  11. change, alter, modifyverb

    cause to change; make different; cause a transformation

    «The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city»; «The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue»

    interchange, interpolate, alter, modify, vary, qualify, commute, shift, exchange, neuter, falsify, castrate, spay, convert, switch, transfer, deepen

    stay, remain, rest

  12. changeverb

    undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature

    «She changed completely as she grew older»; «The weather changed last night»

    switch, alter, shift, modify, exchange, vary, commute, transfer, convert, interchange, deepen

    rest, remain, stay

  13. change, alter, varyverb

    become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one’s or its former characteristics or essence

    «her mood changes in accordance with the weather»; «The supermarket’s selection of vegetables varies according to the season»

    interchange, variegate, interpolate, alter, motley, modify, vary, commute, shift, exchange, neuter, falsify, castrate, spay, depart, convert, switch, transfer, deviate, diverge, deepen

    rest, stay, remain

  14. switch, shift, changeverb

    lay aside, abandon, or leave for another

    «switch to a different brand of beer»; «She switched psychiatrists»; «The car changed lanes»

    exchange, throw, interchange, budge, careen, agitate, alter, commute, wobble, lurch, tack, alternate, reposition, vary, stir, tilt, shift, switch over, flip-flop, pitch, flip, modify, trade, swop, switch, transfer, change over, deepen, swap, convert, dislodge

    stay, remain, rest

  15. changeverb

    change clothes; put on different clothes

    «Change before you go to the opera»

    switch, alter, shift, modify, exchange, vary, commute, transfer, convert, interchange, deepen

    rest, remain, stay

  16. change, exchange, commute, convertverb

    exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category

    «Could you convert my dollars into pounds?»; «He changed his name»; «convert centimeters into inches»; «convert holdings into shares»

    interchange, vary, replace, permute, alter, modify, transpose, commute, shift, switch over, exchange, win over, convince, convert, switch, transfer, change over, deepen, substitute

    rest, stay, remain

  17. exchange, change, interchangeverb

    give to, and receive from, one another

    «Would you change places with me?»; «We have been exchanging letters for a year»

    alter, interchange, replace, deepen, tack, alternate, modify, vary, commute, shift, switch over, exchange, flip, flip-flop, transpose, convert, switch, transfer, counterchange, substitute

    remain, stay, rest

  18. transfer, changeverb

    change from one vehicle or transportation line to another

    «She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast»

    reassign, alter, interchange, vary, channel, transplant, transport, remove, modify, transpose, commute, shift, exchange, channelize, transmit, convert, switch, channelise, transfer, deepen

    stay, rest, remain

  19. deepen, changeverb

    become deeper in tone

    «His voice began to change when he was 12 years old»; «Her voice deepened when she whispered the password»

    alter, vary, modify, exchange, compound, commute, switch, transfer, convert, heighten, interchange, shift, intensify, deepen

    stay, rest, remain

  20. changeverb

    remove or replace the coverings of

    «Father had to learn how to change the baby»; «After each guest we changed the bed linens»

    switch, alter, shift, modify, exchange, vary, commute, transfer, convert, interchange, deepen

    remain, rest, stay

Matched Categories

    • Action
    • Cash
    • Change
    • Clothing
    • Coin
    • Consequence
    • Dress
    • Happening
    • Move
    • Relation
    • Replace
    • Thing
    • Transfer

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. alter

    Submitted by anonymous on April 2, 2020  

  2. synaptic pruning

    Submitted by anonymous on February 5, 2020  

  3. transformed

    Submitted by rinat on October 2, 2019  

  4. transition

    Submitted by rinat on August 14, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. changeverb

    shift, remove for another, set aside for others

  2. changeverb

    ALTER, vary, modify, make different, make some change in

  3. changeverb

    exchange, barter, commute, give in exchange

  4. changeverb

    alter, vary, shift, veer, turn, undergo change, change about

  5. changenoun

    alteration, variation, mutation, commutation, transition, transmutation, revolution

  6. changenoun

    vicissitude, variety, novelty, innovation

  7. changenoun

    small coin, small money

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. changenoun

    variation, alteration, transition, mutation, transposition, conversion, metamorphosis, innovation, transfiguration, permutation, transference, reversion, reaction, transmutation, substitution, commutation, variety, novelty, vicissitude

    continuation, stability, conservatism, permanence, inertia, monotony, perpetuation, continuance, fixity, invariability, uniformity

    Associated words:

  2. changeverb

    alter, transmute, shift, modulate, reverse, reform, vary, modify, convert, transform, transpose, transfer, exchange, substitute, commute

    continue, persist, remain, abide

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «change»:

    changes, changing, shift, amend, modify, changed, alter, exchange, modification, amendment, variation, climate, amendments, transformation, evolution, alteration, replace, changement, switch, contrast, modifying, shifts, mutations, evolve, vary, amending, transform, modifications, modified, cambio, changeover, altering, gearshift, reform, switching, amended, swap, currency, difference, changements, mutation, shifting, conversion, wandel, developments, variance

Suggested Resources

  1. change

    Song lyrics by change — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by change on the website.

How to pronounce change?

How to say change in sign language?

How to use change in a sentence?

  1. Mayor Paul Esser:

    It’s Groundhog Day; I get it, i think we could make a change into something that is more appropriate.

  2. Sebastian Vettel:

    I think we have the right people on board, obviously it’s a big change now which doesn’t impact on tomorrow’s work but obviously for the future, no doubt about it, but I think things are headed in the right direction.

  3. Chris Murphy:

    I really do worry that there is a quiet, unintentional message of endorsement that’s sent when we do nothing or when all we do is talk, i think when there is not a collective condemnation with policy change from what is supposedly the world’s greatest deliberative body that there are very quiet cues that are picked up by people who are contemplating the unthinkable in their mind.

  4. Prosecutor Gisela Sjovall:

    Up until now, we haven’t come to that point, that could change in ten years.

  5. Armel Arnaud Nibasumba:

    I am here for me. I am here for learning, exploring, meeting new people and expanding my knowledge about nonprofit management and social change, i don’t really care if they address those political issues that are going on.

Translations for change

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • تغيير, فكة, تبديل, يتغير, تغير, غير, يغيرArabic
  • үҙгәрешBashkir
  • змяня́ць, змяня́цца, замяні́ць, змяні́цца, пераапрана́цца, пераапрану́цца, змяні́ць, пераса́джвацца, заме́ньваць, перасадзі́ццаBelarusian
  • промя́на, измене́ние, ресто, смя́на, замя́на, изменям, променям, сменям, заменям, променям сеBulgarian
  • পরিবর্তনBengali
  • cheñch, kemm moneiz, eskemmBreton
  • canvi, modificar, canviarCatalan, Valencian
  • náhrada, záměna, drobné, změna, vyměnit, převléknout, měnit, změnit, proměnitCzech
  • newid, amnewidWelsh
  • udskiftning, skift, forandring, småpenge, ombytning, vekselpenge, ændring, omklædning, ændre, forandre, ombytte, skifte, udskifteDanish
  • Rückgeld, Änderung, Veränderung, Wechselgeld, Wandel, wandeln, ändern, verwandeln, verändern, wechseln, umkleiden, auswechseln, umsteigen, umziehenGerman
  • ψιλά, αλλαγή, ρέστα, αλλάζω, μετεπιβιβάζομαι, μεταβάλλω, αντικαθιστώ, μεταμορφώνομαιGreek
  • ŝanĝmono, ŝanĝo, ŝanĝiĝi, ŝanĝiEsperanto
  • vuelto, mutación, cambio, menudo, feria, evolución, suelto, vueltas, chatarra, morralla, devueltas, sencillo, vuelta, calderilla, modificación, mudar, cambiarse, demudar, recambiar, modificar, cambiar, reemplazarSpanish
  • truke, kanbio, aldaketa, aldatu, trukatuBasque
  • تغییرPersian
  • muutos, vaihtoraha, muuttaa, vaihtaa, muuttuaFinnish
  • changement, monnaie, modification, mutation, évolution, changer, muter, transformer, remplacer, se transformerFrench
  • feroarjeWestern Frisian
  • caochladh, atharrachadh, iomlaid, mùthadh, mùth, atharraichScottish Gaelic
  • cambio, troco, volta, cambiarGalician
  • પરિવર્તન, ફેરફારGujarati
  • השתנות, עודף, החלפה, שינוי, החליף, השתנה, שינהHebrew
  • बदलना, बदलाव, परिवर्तन, छुट्टाHindi
  • chanjeHaitian Creole
  • változás, megváltozás, csere, visszajáró, átszáll, kicserél, megváltozik, vált, változtat, megváltoztat, cserél, változikHungarian
  • մանր, փոխվելArmenian
  • cambiamento, cambiarInterlingua
  • ubah, ganti, tukarIndonesian
  • chanjo, kambio, monetoIdo
  • breytastIcelandic
  • cambio, cambiamento, modifica, resto, cambiare, sostituire, rimpiazzareItalian
  • お釣り, つり銭, 小銭, 変化, 変更, 替える, 換える, 変わる, 変える, 代える, 乗り換えるJapanese
  • ცვლა, ხურდა, გარდაქმნაGeorgian
  • ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ, ផ្លាស់, ផ្លាស់ប្ដូរKhmer
  • ಚಿಲ್ಲರೆಮಾಡುKannada
  • 변화, 잔돈, 變化, 거스름돈, 갈아타다, 변화하다, 변하다, 갈아입다, 바뀌다, 바꾸다Korean
  • گۆڕانKurdish
  • permutatio, cambiatio, mutatio, cambiare, permuto, muto, commuto, cambireLatin
  • ÄnnerungLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • verangeringLimburgish, Limburgan, Limburger
  • permaina, grąža, smulkūs pinigai, pasikeitimas, pokytis, pakeitimas, keistis, pakeisti, persirengti, mainytis, keistiLithuanian
  • izmaiņa, sīknauda, pārmaiņa, nomainīt, aizstāt, pārģērbties, mainīties, mainītLatvian
  • tīni, rerekētanga, whakarerekēMāori
  • ку́сур, си́тно, за́мена, се изме́нува, заменува, се ме́нуваMacedonian
  • മാറ്റം, ചില്ലറMalayalam
  • बदल, बदलनेMarathi
  • tukarMalay
  • endring, veksel, endre, skifte, gjøre om, bytte, erstatte, bytte utNorwegian
  • wisselgeld, andere kleren, aanpassing, verandering, veranderen, overstappen, aanpassen, verwisselen, zich omkleden, vervangen, zich aanpassenDutch
  • veksel, endring, skifte, endre, gjere om, gjøre om, erstatteNorwegian Nynorsk
  • cambiament, cambiarOccitan
  • drobne, zmiana, reszta, zmienić, przebrać się, przebierać się, zmieniać, zamieniać, zmieniać się, zamienić, zmienić się, przesiąść się, przesiadać sięPolish
  • اوړېدل, بدلول, بدلېدل, اړولPashto, Pushto
  • trocado, troco, troca, mudança, modificação, mudar, trocar, baldear, trocar-se, alterarPortuguese
  • schimb, schimb (de bani), schimbare, modificare, înlocui, schimba, transforma, modificaRomanian
  • ме́лочь, заме́на, измене́ние, переме́на, сда́ча, переса́дка, изменя́ться, измени́ть, меня́ться, меня́ть, переоде́ться, переса́живаться, заменя́ть, пересе́сть, измени́ться, замени́ть, изменя́ть, переодева́тьсяRussian
  • sića, promena, промена, promjena, zamena, замена, измјена, sitnina, kusur, промјена, sitniš, izmena, измена, izmjenaSerbo-Croatian
  • zamenjava, sprememba, drobiž, spremeniti, zamenjatiSlovene
  • ndryshimAlbanian
  • växelpengar, ombyte, förändring, växel, byta, ändra, byta om, förändraSwedish
  • mabaliko, mabadiliko, badilishaSwahili
  • மாற்றம்Tamil
  • చిల్లర, మార్పు, మారు, మార్చుTelugu
  • тағйирTajik
  • เงินทอน, แปลง, เปลี่ยนThai
  • sukli, pagbabago, palit, kapalit, barya, ibago, bago, ipalit, palitanTagalog
  • değişmek, bozuk, para üstü, değiştirmekTurkish
  • пересі́сти, пересіда́ти, змі́нюватися, зміни́тисяUkrainian
  • thay, thay đổi, đổiVietnamese
  • votükamVolapük
  • candjmintWalloon
  • 变化Chinese

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Subjects>Arts & Humanities>English Language Arts

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∙ 13y ago

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Words for a big change are «transmutation,» «metamorphosis,» or
«innovation.» When dealing with a character who has had a
realization that leads to a big change, the word to use is

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∙ 13y ago

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Q: What word means big change?

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Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What word means to change something?

A word that means change could be evolution.

Change the word lean into a word that is narrow road?

To change lean into a word that means “Narrow road.” The answer is Lane.

What is the word root of the word metamorphosis?

The root word is -morph- which means to change.

What is a word that means to change?

alter, metamorphose

What is a word that means a change to the constitution?


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