Another word for best fit

Table of Contents

  1. What are 2 synonyms for perfect?
  2. What is a synonym for being fit?
  3. What is the most perfect word?
  4. Is there a word better than perfect?
  5. What is another word for good fit?
  6. What is the synonyms of perfectly?
  7. What is a synonym for high quality?
  8. What is a synonym for best suited?
  9. What is another word for “perfect fit”?
  10. What is a synonym for good fit?
  11. What is another word for having a fit?

Frequently Asked Questions About fitting Some common synonyms of fitting are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable. While all these words mean “right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,” fitting implies harmony of mood or tone.

What are 2 synonyms for perfect?

synonyms for perfect

  • excellent.
  • foolproof.
  • ideal.
  • impeccable.
  • pure.
  • splendid.
  • superb.
  • absolute.

What is a synonym for being fit?

adj.suitable, appropriate. adj.healthy, in good physical shape. nounseizure; sudden emotion. verbbelong, correspond. verbequip.

What is the most perfect word?

“Cellar Door” One of the most famous theories comes from Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien, who proposed in a 1955 speech that “cellar door” is the most beautiful word (or phrase) in the English language.

Is there a word better than perfect?

In grammar, pluperfect is the verb tense that you use to talk about something that was finished or completed in the past. The word pluperfect comes from the Latin phrase plus quam perfectum, “more than perfect.” The Latin perfect tense refers to the past, while the pluperfect references “more than past.”

What is another word for good fit?

good match high affinity
high compatibility harmony

What is the synonyms of perfectly?


  • altogether.
  • completely.
  • entirely.
  • fully.
  • quite.
  • thoroughly.
  • totally.
  • utterly.

What is a synonym for high quality?

excellent. finest. first-rate. prime.

What is a synonym for best suited?

▲ Offering or producing the greatest advantage. best. advantageous. appropriate.

What is another word for “perfect fit”?

other words for perfectly fitted. custom-made. suitable. suited. custom-built. designer. perfect. snug. comfortable.

What is a synonym for good fit?

Synonym of Good fit. good fit. pristajanje. good fit. (n.) = buen ajuste, encajar bien. Ex: Factors making a data base a good fit for an end user requirement include match on subject of interest and the inclusion of full text or abstracts.

What is another word for having a fit?

Synonyms for having a fit include blowing up, flaring up, flipping out, exploding, getting worked up, going wild, seeing red, getting mad, blowing a fuse and getting angry. Find more similar words at!

Asked by: Camille Wilkinson I

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(30 votes)

Some common synonyms of fitting are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable. While all these words mean «right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,» fitting implies harmony of mood or tone.

What is a perfect fit?

(That job) is a perfect fit (for your personality): (That job) suits (your personality) perfectly, is an ideal match (for your personality) idiom.

What is a better word for perfect?

Free from any flaw or defect. flawless. excellent. exquisite. immaculate.

What’s a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What is a word for beyond perfect?

pluperfect Add to list Share. … The word pluperfect comes from the Latin phrase plus quam perfectum, «more than perfect.» The Latin perfect tense refers to the past, while the pluperfect references «more than past.»

27 related questions found

What does the idiom fit like a glove mean?

Be the right size and well suited; also, be in conformity with. For example, That position fits him like a glove. … fitted me like a glove.” [Second half of 1700s] Also see to a T.

What is the meaning of the idiom cat nap?

A very brief but restful period of sleep. I’m going to try to squeeze in a cat nap before my next shift starts, or else I’ll be feeling sluggish for the entire evening.

What does it mean fit the bill?

to have the qualities that someone needs or has asked for. We need a fast car, and this one fits the bill. Synonyms and related words. To be good enough or as good as expected.

Is fit like a glove a metaphor?

Meaning of Idiom “Fits (one, you) Like a Glove’

To fit like a glove, in regards to clothing, means to be the right size and to fit one perfectly. Figuratively, the idiom means to be well suited or to be in conformity.

What figure of speech is fits like a glove?

(simile) To be a perfect fit, to be exactly the right size.

What does fit like mean in Scotland?

“Fit like?” is the typical Doric greeting that you will hear in North-east Scotland. No, it doesn’t mean do you like to keep fit? It is the equivalent of “hello, how are you?”. Similar to “foos yer doos?”.

Where did the saying fit like a glove come from?

Etymology: It is an 18th century expression earlier referring to gloves merely. It was thought that any glove which was not lose that could easily fell off or which was not tight that it was hardly pulled on was considered fit.

Why do we say foot the bill?

This expression dates back to the early 1800s. Foot can mean the bottom of something, such as the bottom of a mountain. In this idiom, it refers to the bottom of a column of prices on a bill. Originally, footing the bill meant to add up the prices of different items on a bill and find the total cost.

Why do we say fit as a fiddle?

The violin was picked out as the exemplar because of the alliteration of fit and fiddle, and because the violin is a beautifully shaped instrument producing a very particular sound. But then fit came to mean ‘in good physical shape’ and so fit as a fiddle came to mean ‘in good condition physically’.

Do you fit the bill or foot the bill?

fit (or fill) the bill: be suitable for a particular purpose (a partner is an ally or a companion, and you don’t seem to fit the bill). foot (or pick up) the bill: (informal) pay the bill, especially when the bill is considered large or unreasonable.

Why do they say 40 winks?

As a blink lasts for a fraction of a second, forty winks take a few seconds. Hence the phrase »forty winks» has come to mean a few moments of sleep, or a very short nap, especially taken during the daytime, while not in a sleeping position.

What is the meaning of idiom raining cats and dogs?

“Cats and dogs” may come from the Greek expression cata doxa, which means “contrary to experience or belief.” If it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining unusually or unbelievably hard.

Is copycat an idiom?

Meaning – A person who copies someone else. Someone or something that closely imitates another. A copycat might copy the words, actions or behaviour of another.

What is the most perfect word?

“Cellar Door” One of the most famous theories comes from Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien, who proposed in a 1955 speech that “cellar door” is the most beautiful word (or phrase) in the English language.

What is the word Perfect?

Something that is perfect is complete and without defect or blemish. It might also be precisely accurate or exact. The word perfect can also be used as a verb meaning — you guessed it! … It originally comes from the Latin word perficere, which breaks down into per- («completely») and facere («do»).

How do you say someone is perfect?


  1. absolute,
  2. faultless,
  3. flawless,
  4. ideal,
  5. immaculate,
  6. impeccable,
  7. indefectible,
  8. irreproachable,

What are 5 synonyms for beautiful?


  • alluring.
  • cute.
  • dazzling.
  • fascinating.
  • fine.
  • graceful.
  • magnificent.
  • marvelous.

What is a beautiful woman called?

belle. noun. old-fashioned a very beautiful girl or woman.

What are 5 synonyms for pretty?


  • beautiful.
  • charming.
  • cute.
  • elegant.
  • good-looking.
  • graceful.
  • neat.
  • pleasant.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

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наилучшего соответствия

наиболее подходящую

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наиболее подходящей

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оптимальный вариант

There are many opportunities for veterinarians, and it’s worth exploring them to discover which is the best fit for you.

Есть много возможностей для ветеринаров, и стоит изучить их, чтобы узнать, что лучше всего подходит для вас.

Half were asked to search for a gift book for a friend that was the best fit for their limited college-student budget.

Половину попросили найти подарок для друга, который лучше всего подходит для ограниченного бюджета колледжа.

They will find out which brand or company offers them the best fit to their expectation.

See here — it’s the best fit they can get of this point.

Let’s take a closer look at them and determine what is the best fit for your bathroom.

Давайте подробно рассмотрим их и определимся, что же лучше подойдет для вашей ванной комнаты.

Determine which site is the best fit for you.

We will be glad to look at both technologies and see which is the best fit for your specific application.

Мы будем рады представить вам обе технологии и поможем определить, какой вариант лучше всего подходит для вашего конкретного применения.

Here’s how to find out what niche is the best fit for you.

Candidates are encouraged to research schools thoroughly to find the best fit for their needs.

Кандидатам рекомендуется тщательно изучать школы, чтобы найти наилучшее соответствие их потребностям.

Ask yourself if your current job is the best fit.

Understanding is understood as the best fit to the data under the current limits (both instrumental and philosophical) of observation.

Научное понимание можно трактовать как наилучшее соответствие данным, полученным в рамках текущих ограничений (и инструментальных, и философских).

Traditional gun-shaped scanners aren’t always the best fit for highly mobile workers.

Традиционные сканеры с пистолетной рукояткой не всегда являются лучшим решением для работников с высокой степенью мобильности.

For renting the best fit 1-2 bedroom apartments in peripheral areas.

Для сдачи в аренду лучше всего подойдут 1-2 комнатные квартиры в периферийных районах.

This supplement seemed like the best fit after much research.

See how to pick the social media that’s the best fit with your business.

Посмотрите, как выбрать социальные сети, которые лучше всего подходят вашему бизнесу.

It’s actually the best fit between you and what the company needs.

It may take several moves before you find the best fit for you.

This is why remote technical support services might be the best fit for your company.

Вот почему удаленная служба технической поддержки может быть наилучшим образом подходит для вашей компании.

With regard to osteochondrosis and the pressure caused by it, prevention is the best fit.

Применительно к остеохондрозу и давлению, вызванному им, профилактика подходит как нельзя лучше.

It may be that bankruptcy is not the best fit for you.

Вполне возможно, что банкротство не является лучшим подходит для вас.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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  1. Some common synonyms of fitting are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable.

similarly, Is there an after collided 3? How many After movies are there? So far, there are three After movies. The first movie, After, was released in 2019. The second movie, After We Collided, was released in 2020 and was added to Netflix in December 2020.

What’s another word for soulmate?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for soul-mate, like: heart’s desire, kindred-spirit, kindred-soul, one’s promised, true-love, companion, lover, partner, helpmate, confidante and alter ego.

What does fit mean slang?

attractive; “hot”. That guy is fit. This girl I saw last night. She was so fit.

How do you say someone is fit? physically fit

  1. firm.
  2. fit.
  3. hale.
  4. solid.
  5. sound.
  6. stalwart.
  7. stout.
  8. well.

What is After 4 called?

Yes, After 4 is happening! The movie is based on the fourth book in Anna Todd’s After book series, and it’s called After Ever Happy.

Why do they keep changing actors in After?

The decision to film in Europe, while the world is still dealing with a pandemic, meant that some actors were not available to reprise their roles. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’s Chance Perdomo has now taken over the role of Landon which was previously played by Shane Paul McGhie.

Will there be an After 5?

The fourth and final movie in the After series is coming. Here’s everything to know about After Ever Happy, including release date, cast, & story.

Will there be a 365 days part two?

Yes! Back in May of 2021, it was revealed that 365 Days would be getting at least two sequels. The first of the two planned movies, 365 Days: This Day, just debuted on Netflix, with the third film (like the first two) being based on Polish author Blanka Lipińska’s literary trilogy.

Will it be 365 days 2?

Now, fans are excited to watch the sequel, 365 Days: This Day, and the sequel after that, but when will the second film be released on Netflix and what will happen? Fortunately, it’s already confirmed that 365 Days: This Day will be released in 2022, so at least we know it will premiere on Netflix this year.

Why was Landon replaced in After?

It was later announced that the characters of Kimberley, Christian Vance, Carol Young, Landon Gibson and Karen Scott were recast because the original actors not being able to travel to Bulgaria due to the COVID-19 pandemic or that they were already committed to other projects.

Is Tessa pregnant in After We Fell movie?

Is Tessa pregnant in After?

Two years after graduating NYU, Hardin and Tessa fall pregnant after trying for quite some time and even sadly suffering a miscarriage. After welcoming a miracle baby girl they welcome a baby boy six years later – who would have thought Hardin would be a parent to two kids!?

Is Perfect Fit a good cat food?

A HIGH QUALITY Developed with our vets and pet nutritionists from WALTHAM® Centre for Pet Nutrition, PERFECT FITTM combines 5 benefits addressing 5 of the most common health needs of all cats , regardless of age or lifestyle , in its unique PERFECT FITTM Total 5 formula.

Who is perfect fit cat food made by?

Mars Petcare has unveiled Perfect Fit, a premium range aimed at addressing the five most common health needs of cats and dogs.

What is the best dry cat food UK?

10 Best Dry Cat Foods in the UK in 2022

  • Harringtons Complete Adult Chicken Dry Cat Food. …
  • James Wellbeloved Complete Turkey and Rice Dry Cat Food. …
  • Meowing Heads 100% Natural Chicken and Fish Dry Cat Food. …
  • Perfect Fit Complete Dry Cat Food. …
  • Scrumbles All Natural Chicken and Fresh Salmon Dry Cat Food.

Who Makes Perfect Fit dog food?

Perfect Fit dog food is expertly created by pet nutritionists and vets from Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition.

  • 1
    good fit

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good fit

  • 2
    good fit

    1) хорошее соответствие; адекватность

    2) хорошая аппроксимация; хорошее приближение

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > good fit

  • 3
    good fit

    1) хорошее соответствие; адекватность

    2) хорошая аппроксимация; хорошее приближение

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > good fit

  • 4
    be a good fit

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be a good fit

  • 5
    be a good fit

    Новый англо-русский словарь > be a good fit

  • 6
    a good fit of (…) to


    хорошее согласие

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a good fit of (…) to

  • 7
    a good fit of the equation to the data

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a good fit of the equation to the data

  • 8
    give a good fit to experimental data

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give a good fit to experimental data

  • 9
    give good fit

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give good fit

  • 10
    to be a good fit

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be a good fit

  • 11
    a good fit of to

    Математика: хорошее согласие

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a good fit of to

  • 12
    give a good fit to experimental data

    The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > give a good fit to experimental data

  • 13



    выравнивание, подбор

    2) годный, подходящий, соответствующий

    3) подгонка, прилаживание || подгонять, прилаживать, приспосабливать

    4) посадка, пригонка || пригонять

    5) пригнанный; прилаженный

    6) прилегание || прилегать

    7) устанавливать, монтировать

    8) соответствие || соответствовать

    to give a good fit — обеспечивать хорошее соответствие; находиться в хорошем согласии

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > fit

  • 14



    reinforcing pads shall have a good fit with the parts to which they are attached подкрепляющие подкладки подгоняются с наилучшим сопряжением к деталям, к которым они привариваются


    all parts to be solidly fit together все детали должны быть плотно подогнаны друг к другу ( указание на чертеже)

    2) комплектовать; укомплектовывать

    3) быть годным к чему-л.

    fit for purpose 1. пригодность для каких-л. целей

    4) подготовить





    make the transformer fit for installation подготовить трансформатор к монтажу

    5) делать


    по месту

    7) аппроксимировать / аппроксимироваться (


    , об уравнении, экспериментальных данных, критерии)

    octahedral shear strain criterion fits the data the best эти данные наиболее точно описываются / аппроксимируются критерием ок-таэдрической деформации сдвига;

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > fit

  • 15

    1) соответствие || соответствовать

    2) подгонка || подгонять

    3) установка; монтаж || устанавливать; монтировать

    4) аппроксимация; приближение; интерполяция; экстраполяция || аппроксимировать; приближать; интерполировать; экстраполировать

    5) межбуквенный просвет, апрош

    6) соответствующий; подходящий; адекватный; пригодный

    — parsimonious fit
    — polynomial fit
    — poor fit
    — press fit

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > fit

  • 16

    1) соответствие || соответствовать

    2) подгонка || подгонять

    3) установка; монтаж || устанавливать; монтировать

    4) аппроксимация; приближение; интерполяция; экстраполяция || аппроксимировать; приближать; интерполировать; экстраполировать

    5) межбуквенный просвет, апрош

    6) соответствующий; подходящий; адекватный; пригодный

    — parsimonious fit
    — polynomial fit
    — poor fit
    — press fit

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > fit

  • 17



    су́дороги, конву́льсии; истери́я;

    2) припа́док, парокси́зм;

    3) при́ступ ( кашля

    и т.п.


    4) поры́в, настрое́ние;



    вспы́шка ( гнева

    и т.п.


    to give smb. a fit ( или fits) разг. порази́ть, возмути́ть, оскорби́ть кого́-л.


    а) разозли́ться; закати́ть исте́рику;

    fit [fɪt]



    приго́нка, поса́дка


    1) го́дный, подходя́щий; соотве́тствующий; приспосо́бленный;

    2) досто́йный; подоба́ющий;

    3) гото́вый, спосо́бный;

    4) в хоро́шем состоя́нии, в хоро́шей фо́рме ( о спортсмене); си́льный, здоро́вый;

    a) соверше́нно здоро́в;

    б) в прекра́сном настрое́нии;

    в) как нельзя́ лу́чше

    1) соотве́тствовать, годи́ться, быть впо́ру; совпада́ть, то́чно соотве́тствовать;

    2) прила́живать(ся); приспоса́бливать(ся);

    3) устана́вливать, монти́ровать

    а) приспоса́бливать(ся); принора́вливать(ся); подходи́ть;

    б) вставля́ть;

    в) подгоня́ть; вти́скивать;

    fit on примеря́ть, пригоня́ть;

    fit out снаряжа́ть, снабжа́ть необходи́мым, экипирова́ть;

    а) снабжа́ть; оснаща́ть; отде́лывать;

    б) собира́ть, монти́ровать

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > fit

  • 18
    fit up

    fit up а) отделывать б) снабжать; оснащать the hotel is fitted up with allmodern conveniences гостиница имеет все (современные) удобства в) собирать,монтировать Please fit the machine up for this afternoon’s class. г) находитьместо для ночлега (with) I’ll fit you up with a bed at my house. Can you fitme up in a good hotel?

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > fit up

  • 19

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > fit

  • 20

    имя прилагательное:


    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > good


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • fit — fit1 [fit] vt. fitted or fit, fitting [ME fitten < ? or akin ? to ON fitja, to knit, tie ends of thread, akin to OHG fizza, skein of thread, ult. < IE * pedyo , fetter, lit., of the foot < base * ped , FOOT] 1. to be suitable or adapted… …   English World dictionary

  • Fit — and FIT have several meanings.Fit can refer to: * Physical fitness, how well a person is suited for physical tasks. * Fitness (biology), how capable a being is at successfully passing on its genes. * tantrum * seizure, or any other sudden… …   Wikipedia

  • fit — fit1 [ fıt ] (past tense and past participle fit or fit|ted) verb *** ▸ 1 be right size/shape ▸ 2 about clothes ▸ 3 be suitable/similar ▸ 4 match truth/description ▸ 5 be appropriate for something ▸ 6 measure for clothes etc. ▸ 7 add equipment to …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fit — I [[t]fɪ̱t[/t]] BEING RIGHT OR GOING IN THE RIGHT PLACE ♦♦ fits, fitting, fitted (In American English the form fit is used in the present tense and sometimes also as the past tense and past participle of the verb.) 1) VERB If something fits, it… …   English dictionary

  • fit — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 way sth fits/way two things match ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, good, nice ▪ We need to achieve the best fit between the staff required and the staff available. ▪ correct, exact …   Collocations dictionary

  • fit — I UK [fɪt] / US verb Word forms fit : present tense I/you/we/they fit he/she/it fits present participle fitting past tense fitted or fit past participle fitted or fit *** Usage note: In British English, the past tense and past participle is… …   English dictionary

  • fit — The matching of the investor s requirements and needs such as risk tolerance and growth potential preference with a specific investment. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. fit fit 1 [fɪt] verb fitted PASTTENSE also …   Financial and business terms

  • fit*/*/*/ — [fɪt] (past tense and past participle fitted) verb I 1) [I/T] to be small enough or the right size and shape to go somewhere, or to manage to put someone or something in a space I don t think that box will fit.[/ex] The book is small enough to… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • fit and finish — The evaluative standard of a vehicle s cosmetics. Good fit and finish means all the body panels and trim are evenly spaced, aligned, and secure. The paint is evenly applied with no bubbles or pit marks …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • fit — [adj1] suitable, appropriate able, adapted, adequate, advantageous, apposite, apt, becoming, befitting, beneficial, capable, comely, comme il faut, competent, conformable, convenient, correct, correspondent, deserving, desirable, due, equipped,… …   New thesaurus

  • fit as a fiddle — informal phrase very fit He was as fit as a fiddle right up to the time he died. Thesaurus: feeling, looking and being healthysynonym Main entry: fiddle * * * I …   Useful english dictionary

  • #1


je ne suis pas certaine de la traduction de best-fit dans le contexte suivant:


Est-ce que «prévisions analogiques qui conviennent le mieux pour l’été» serait une bonne traduction?

Merci à l’avance.


  • #2

Best-fit renvoit je pense à la méthodogie utilisée ( voir définitions sur le net de ce terme)
Analog : Ici, probablement dans le sens de comparable— A noter que «best-fit» est ici entre parenthèses

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Prévisions ( météorologiques) modélisées pour l’été

fitness vocabulary

Last updated:

September 30, 2022

Head, shoulders, knees, toes.

Okay, so you know where each of those body parts is located.

But when you get to the gym or watch an exercise video, the English slang in workout words can be confusing.

This post might be just what you need to improve your English vocab and get fit at the same time.


  • General English Fitness Vocabulary 
  • Fitness Vocabulary for your Workouts
  • English Vocabulary About Running
  • Healthy Living English Idioms

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General English Fitness Vocabulary 

fitness vocabulary

1. Fit

Let’s start with the idea of fitness. Often, fitness is shortened to fit.

A person who has strong muscles and little fat on his or her body is called fit.

2. In shape

It makes sense that if people are physically fit then their bodies have a pleasing shape. A healthy person who is fit is said to be in good shape.

Someone who gets out of breath running up the stairs might be in bad shape. Once they start exercising, they are getting back into shape.

3. Workout

To get into shape, you have to do workouts, which usually means physical training or exercises.

Jillian Michaels is the workout video queen.

Fitness Vocabulary for your Workouts

fitness vocabulary

The slang words used in workout videos can be tough (difficult). Like “fit,” the words can be short versions of longer, more technical terms.

The best way to learn slang is by watching English media made for native speakers. Online programs like FluentU use authentic videos (including workout videos) filled with English slang to help you study.

4. Abs

The abdomen is the belly area between your chest and hips, just above and just below your navel. Abs is simply the short word for it.

Here’s an idiom: six-pack abs.

That means someone whose belly muscles are so well defined that his or her abs look like the top of a six pack of soda (or beer). The muscles are so tight that they ripple.

5. Ripped

That leads to the next slang word: ripped.

Lots of English word experts debate whether ripped comes from “ripple” or “rip.” A ripple is little breaks on water. Rip means to cut cleanly.

Either way, ripped means very clear muscle definition.

6. Toned

The word “tone” has to do with sound waves in music and something similar in exercise. Muscle tone has to do with how tight or loose muscles appear.

Someone with good tone has defined muscles. Someone with weak muscle tone does not have much strength.

To say someone is toned is a more formal way to describe someone as muscular.

7. Crunch

A crunch is a great exercise to build muscle tone in your abs.

“Crunch” means forcing two things to come together. Here, a crunch means to lean forward and tighten your ab muscles.

Sit-ups are sometimes called crunches.

8. Reps

If you are going to repeat an exercise like a crunch, you are doing reps. This word is short for repeat.

9. Sets

You might repeat an exercise 10 times, take a break, then do another ten reps.

That means you did two sets of ten reps. A set is a group.

10. Shed weight

If you are trying to exercise to lose weight, you are trying to shed weight, or shed pounds.

That literally means to get rid of fat.

11. Shred

If you want to lose fat fast and are going to exercise very hard, you are on a shred.

That means you are trying to tear the fat off your body and build muscle in an intense workout.

12. Spare tire

The fat around the side of your body is sometimes called a spare tire. In other words, you look like you are wearing a tire around your middle.

If you are trying to lose weight, you might say: “I’m trying to get rid of my spare tire.

13. Warm-ups

At the beginning of your workout, you do stretching exercises to loosen tight muscles.

These are called warm-ups because you are literally warming up your body.

14. Cool down

At the end of a workout you are very heated.

This is when you do more stretches to cool down your hot muscles.

15. Gear

Your workout gear includes all the tools you need for your exercise.

If you are doing Pilates or yoga, your gear includes a mat. If you are doing weightlifting, your gear might be barbells. Playing tennis means you will need a racquet.

A water bottle should always be part of your gear.

English Vocabulary About Running

fitness vocabulary

Running is also called jogging in English. It’s one of the least expensive (cheapest) forms of exercise.

You need a good pair of running shoes and some specific fitness vocabulary.

16. 5k

A 5k is a run that goes for five kilometers.

17. Fun run

You might want to do a fun run. These kinds of races are all about having fun and less about finishing first. Fun runs are often 5k races.

For example, Color Runs are becoming very popular. Runners wear white T-shirts. During the course, they become covered in yellow, purple, blue and pink chalk.

Color Runs are advertised as the happiest 5k runs on the planet. A Color Run is likely scheduled for your city.

Another type of fun run is a Mud Run. They are very, very challenging. Usually, they involve working as a team to get everyone through an extreme obstacle course.

On Tough Mudder courses, your team might have to swim through ice or haul logs up steep hills.

18. Training routine

To get ready for any of these fun runs, you have to train.

A training routine is your plan to prepare for a race. 

19. Endurance

You want to build up your endurance for a race.

This means you want to work on running farther and farther.

20. Improve your time

Dedicated runners try to improve their time.

They try to go farther in less time.

21. Setting a pace

The speed that you run is called setting a pace.

Usually, you describe your pace as minutes per mile or kilometers, like 13 minutes per kilometer.

22. Wear yourself out

You want to build your strength so that you do not get tired or wear yourself out.

That’s another way of saying you exercised so hard that you are exhausted.

Healthy Living English Idioms

fitness vocabulary

Of course, there are lots of useful English idioms. Here are a few about being healthy:

23. Clean bill of health

This means someone has been to the doctor and the doctor says he or she is healthy.

Some word experts think this phrase dates back to the time when a ship captain had a paper stating that no one on board had the plague.

If someone didn’t have a clean bill of health, the ship would not be allowed to dock at a port.

24. Fit as a fiddle

Fit as a fiddle means you are in really good health.

Fiddle is another word for a violin. Fit means suitable or acceptable.

This phrase began in the 1600s in England. Originally, you were fit as a fiddle if you dressed nicely for a party.

25. New lease on life

A lease is the length of time you can rent something, like an apartment or a car.

This phrase means you were sick but are now feeling much better. To get a new lease on life means you have new opportunities for better things.

26. Prime of life

You are in the best health of your adult life. You are not young anymore, but you are still strong and now wise.

New York Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter was said to be in the prime of life when he retired.

So get out there and enjoy your workout! You have a lot of new English fitness vocabulary words to practice along the way.

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How to pronounce line of best fit?

How to say line of best fit in sign language?


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