Another word for being worked on

Are there any adjectives meaning «being worked on» or «being in progress or development»?
I need an intermediate step between «open» and «close» (talking about the process of fixing a software bug or implementing an application feature).


asked Apr 9, 2015 at 8:42

m93a's user avatar


1451 gold badge1 silver badge6 bronze badges


‘In Progress’ is commonly used. If you want a one-word answer, try:


From Oxford:

Having started and in progress; being done or carried out:

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 13:31

Tushar Raj's user avatar

Tushar RajTushar Raj

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I would say «still in the works» or «in the works». Don’t know if that is professional or not, but everyone understands it!

answered Sep 12, 2017 at 17:30

Heidi's user avatar


111 bronze badge


The word, «processing» might work.

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 10:55

Memo's user avatar


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Observe the relevant regulations in your country for the materials being worked on.


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Соблюдайте действующие в Вашей стране предписания для обрабатываемых материалов.


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Reverse’ plugin solution, where merchants can get paid in fiat and receive crypto;


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для плагина, когда продавцы могут получать платежи в фиатных деньгах и получать криптовалюту;


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Если Уанч узнает, что он работает над делом, она его накажет.

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Мы работает над освещением, милая, хорошо?

Our team has been working on meeting the demand and further product development.


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В настоящее время наша команда работает над удовлетворением спроса и улучшением устройства.


Sheppard‘s working on a grapple system that should


able to raise the Jumper.

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Шеппард работает над системой захвата, способной поднять джампер.

She‘s working on her latest masterpiece and you’re her nude male model.


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Сейчас она работает над своим новым шедевром, а ты позируешь ей обнаженным.


This week the Swiss government said it‘s working on rules for cryptocurrencies.


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На этой неделе правительство Швейцарии заявило, что оно работает над правилами для криптовалют.


He scored a victory for the congressional campaign he‘s working on.

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Он одержал важную победу в кампании по выборам в конгресс, над которой он работает.

Nowadays many of the most prominent scientists are working on solving this problem.


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Сегодня такое количество сильнейших ученых работает над решением этой проблемы.


I promise I won’t say anything about what the other‘s working on.

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Обещаю, что не буду рассказывать им, над чем работает другой.

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Он говорит, что может посадить нас корабли, на которых он работает.

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Сколько времени уже Уэс работает над сценарием?

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Летом того же года вокалистка сообщила, что группа работает над новым материалом.

I have


kind of busy, And he‘s working on a new movie, you know?

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Я была немного занята, а он работает над новым фильмом, понимаешь?

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Это йеменский еврей, он работает над украшением.

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Дэнни работал над некоторыми патентованными системами.

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Разве ты не должен работать над мушкетом Лоренцо?

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Сказала, ты работаешь над статьей о Центре Капри.

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Ты работаешь над новым коллажем о Даге Ньюберге?

Russia is working on this with ASEAN in various ASEAN-centric associations.


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Активная работа на данном направлении ведется с Ассоциацией в различных асеаноцентричных объединениях.


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Я работаю над Тимой по приказу герцога Реда!

We were working on the southern shore of the lake, near the village of Tankhoi.


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Actually, I am working on some tomographic imaging research, And I could use a volunteer.

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На самом деле, я работаю над томографическим исследованием, и мне пригодился бы доброволец.

Results: 3037,
Time: 0.7177





When you describe your job responsibilities, it’s better to start each of your resume bullet points with an action verb instead of simple verbs like “worked.”

“Worked” alternatives for a resume:

  • Accomplished
  • Created
  • Designed
  • Enhanced
  • Executed
  • Facilitated
  • Generated
  • Initiated
  • Oversaw
  • Supervised 

When employers see your resume, they want to know why they should hire you, not just what duties you perform. Using power verbs + listing measurable achievements is the best strategy to make it happen. Keep this in mind when you’re assembling the work experience section of your resume. 

You can find a more extensive list of power words here: Action Verbs, Power Words & Synonyms for Your Resume

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


идет работа над

The matter on expanding the visa-free area is being worked on.

Кстати, прорабатывается вопрос по расширению безвизовой зоны.

Also currently, the expansion of the network of YE’S apart-hotels to Astana is being worked on.

Также на текущий момент прорабатывается расширение сети апарт-отелей YE’S в Астане.

According to him, the film script titled Chocolate Revolver is being worked on now.

По его словам, сейчас идет работа над сценарием под названием «Шоколадный револьвер».

The concept is being worked on by the German company DB International, which is a consultant to international clients and develops innovative and economic solutions in the field of mobility and logistics.

Идёт работа над концепцией, её делает немецкая компания DB International, которая является консультантом международных клиентов и разрабатывает для них инновационные и экономические решения в области мобильности и логистики.

The idea of launching regular container trains to Europe is being worked on.

Прорабатывается идея запуска регулярных контейнерных поездов в европейском направлении.

The idea of the participation of our president in the so-called ‘Normandy format’ is being worked on.

«Прорабатывается идея об участии нашего президента во встрече в так называемом нормандском формате.

«The visit is being worked on, the timing will depend on the president’s schedule,» Bogdanov was quoted as saying by TASS.

«Визит прорабатывается, его сроки зависят от графика президента», — сказал Богданов.

A new national ICT strategy is being worked on.

Fortunately, that is being worked on.

This is being worked on at present.

Examples of attention hijacking is unexpected phone calls, or even emails, which distract from what is being worked on.

Примерами перехвата внимания являются неожиданные телефонные звонки или даже электронные письма, которые отвлекают от того, над чем работают.

This is also an area that is being worked on.

A pilot basin has been assessed and the second basin is being worked on.

He then stated that the problem is being worked on.

This is an issue that is being worked on too.

A mobile version is being worked on.

Management can see what is being worked on throughout the entire enterprise.

There is no official solution, but it is being worked on.

Формального решения нет, но работы уже ведутся.

Another much more demanding objective that is being worked on is the use of the cameras for medical purposes.

Еще одна и при этом очень амбициозная задача, над которой сейчас активно работают, предполагает использовать камеры наблюдения в медицинских целях.

A film is being worked on about him.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Constant or close attention to what one is doing. Marked by care and persistent effort.

Step By Step What Is Another Word For Work On With Creative Ideas, Synonyms for works on include actions, enacts, acts on, affects, executes, accomplishes, applies, effects, fulfils and implements. If working means that works, then you can use functioning, functional, operational, performant.

word usage Can "immortal" be used to describe someone that lives
word usage Can «immortal» be used to describe someone that lives From

Another way to say working on? Find 241 ways to say work, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. If working means related to work, then you can use job, service, task. Synonyms for worked include treated, wrought, processed, created, fashioned, produced, manufactured, constructed, twisted and ornamented.

word usage Can «immortal» be used to describe someone that lives Synonyms for work include occupation, employment, job, livelihood, profession, trade, career, line of business, role and vocation.

Full list of synonyms for work on is here. Find 103 ways to say work together, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Here are the synonyms for electrical work, a list of similar words for electrical work from our thesaurus that you can use. Beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create

Other Ways to Say NO English Study Here

Here are the synonyms for electrical work, a list of similar words for electrical work from our thesaurus that you can use. In the throes of, blandishment, wheedling. If working means related to work, then you can use job, service, task. Find more similar words at. Other Ways to Say NO English Study Here.

Another Word For Work Photos Idea

Find more similar words at! What is another word for work from home? Find 505 ways to say work for, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Another way to say working on? Another Word For Work Photos Idea.

Other Ways to Say GOOD JOB English Study Here

What are another words for work on? The craft of an electrician. More 1700 work on synonyms. What are another words for working on? Other Ways to Say GOOD JOB English Study Here.

There will be people out there that try to take credit for your work

Beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create Find 241 ways to say work, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Find 505 ways to say work for, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. By bus or car, etc.) to a central place of work , such as an office building, warehouse, or store. There will be people out there that try to take credit for your work.

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Synonyms for working include functioning, active, going, operational, running, operating, functional, operative, alive and live. Synonyms for worked include treated, wrought, processed, created, fashioned, produced, manufactured, constructed, twisted and ornamented. Full list of synonyms for working on is here. Find more similar words at. miracle is another name for hard work Tumblr.

word usage Can "immortal" be used to describe someone that lives

Find more similar words at. Here are the synonyms for electrical work, a list of similar words for electrical work from our thesaurus that you can use. Find more similar words at! Find more similar words at! word usage Can «immortal» be used to describe someone that lives.

Another Word For Work YouTube

By bus or car, etc.) to a central place of work , such as an office building, warehouse, or store. Find more similar words at! Another way to say working on? Synonyms for work with include complement, suit, accompany, augment, boost, enhance, match, perfect, go with and harmonize with. Another Word For Work YouTube.

If there's ever a miracle, then another word for miracle is…hard work

Find more similar words at! Synonyms for working on include in the throes of, grappling with, struggling with, tackling, wrestling with, enduring, labouring at, living with, slaving at and toiling at. Find more similar words at. Find 241 ways to say work, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. If there’s ever a miracle, then another word for miracle is…hard work.

Another Word For BAD English Study Here

What is another word for team engagement? Find more similar words at! Find more similar words at. Here are the synonyms for electrical work, a list of similar words for electrical work from our thesaurus that you can use. Another Word For BAD English Study Here.

Another Word For Work Photos Idea

Full list of synonyms for working on is here. Synonyms for worked on include developed, devised, brainstormed, drafted, came up with, carved out, conceived, concocted, contrived and cooked up. Find 103 ways to say work together, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for work include occupation, employment, job, livelihood, profession, trade, career, line of business, role and vocation. Another Word For Work Photos Idea.

Other ways to say "just kidding" Forum

Act, deal (with), decide (upon), do In the throes of, blandishment, wheedling. By bus or car, etc.) to a central place of work , such as an office building, warehouse, or store. Find more similar words at! Other ways to say «just kidding» Forum.

Work ethics word cloud concept. Vector illustration Stock Vector Art

By bus or car, etc.) to a central place of work , such as an office building, warehouse, or store. Find more similar words at. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question. What is another word for work from home? Work ethics word cloud concept. Vector illustration Stock Vector Art.

Another Word For GOOD English Study Here

The craft of an electrician. Associations of work on (30 words) accomplish. Synonyms for work include occupation, employment, job, livelihood, profession, trade, career, line of business, role and vocation. By bus or car, etc.) to a central place of work , such as an office building, warehouse, or store. Another Word For GOOD English Study Here.

Titanium Pro X Blog Kdrama quotes, Words, Work hard

Synonyms for work on include develop, hone, improve, perfect, practise, practice, build up, work up, refine and enhance. Find more similar words at! Telecommuting, also called telework, teleworking, working from home , mobile work , remote work , and flexible workplace, is a work arrangement in which employees do not commute or travel (e.g. Marked by care and persistent effort. Titanium Pro X Blog Kdrama quotes, Words, Work hard.

20 Ways to Say 'GOOD JOB' in English English Learn Site

Synonyms for working include functioning, active, going, operational, running, operating, functional, operative, alive and live. Synonyms for worked include treated, wrought, processed, created, fashioned, produced, manufactured, constructed, twisted and ornamented. What is another word for work from home? Marked by care and persistent effort. 20 Ways to Say ‘GOOD JOB’ in English English Learn Site.

Miracle is another word for hard work. see more photo quotes on http

More 1700 work on synonyms. Act, deal (with), decide (upon), do Find more similar words at! Malayalam english dictionary for android. Miracle is another word for hard work. see more photo quotes on http.

Hoping to work another plan. How to plan, Lettering, Words

If working means that works, then you can use functioning, functional, operational, performant. Find more similar words at! Act, deal (with), decide (upon), do Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question. Hoping to work another plan. How to plan, Lettering, Words.

Another Work Rate Word Problem YouTube

Find 505 ways to say work for, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for working include functioning, active, going, operational, running, operating, functional, operative, alive and live. Synonyms for work with include complement, suit, accompany, augment, boost, enhance, match, perfect, go with and harmonize with. Find more similar words at! Another Work Rate Word Problem YouTube.

The Miracle Is Another Word From Hard Work

Marked by care and persistent effort. Full list of synonyms for working on is here. Synonyms for work include occupation, employment, job, livelihood, profession, trade, career, line of business, role and vocation. Malayalam english dictionary for android. The Miracle Is Another Word From Hard Work.

Work Motivational Timeline Cover A miracle is another word for hard

Another way to say working on? Find more similar words at! Malayalam english dictionary for android. Find 103 ways to say work together, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Work Motivational Timeline Cover A miracle is another word for hard.

Jim Brown's Another person leaving at work so another name

Constant or close attention to what one is doing. Beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create In this page you can discover 71 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for engagement, like: Synonyms for works on include actions, enacts, acts on, affects, executes, accomplishes, applies, effects, fulfils and implements. Jim Brown’s Another person leaving at work so another name.

3 Ways to Collaborate in Office 365 (Without Booking Another Meeting

Find more similar words at! If working means that works, then you can use functioning, functional, operational, performant. Find more similar words at! The planes accomplished their mission. 3 Ways to Collaborate in Office 365 (Without Booking Another Meeting.

Another Word Work Freebie….Sort of 4th Grade Frolics

What is another word for electrical work? The craft of an electrician. What is another word for work from home? Synonyms for worked include treated, wrought, processed, created, fashioned, produced, manufactured, constructed, twisted and ornamented. Another Word Work Freebie….Sort of 4th Grade Frolics.

"Love on another, work hard & have faith, be grateful, use your manners

Find more similar words at. In this page you can discover 71 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for engagement, like: Synonyms for worked include treated, wrought, processed, created, fashioned, produced, manufactured, constructed, twisted and ornamented. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question. «Love on another, work hard & have faith, be grateful, use your manners.

Other Ways To Say GOOD JOB Vocabulary Home

Synonyms for working on include in the throes of, grappling with, struggling with, tackling, wrestling with, enduring, labouring at, living with, slaving at and toiling at. What is another word for work from home? If working means related to work, then you can use job, service, task. In the throes of, blandishment, wheedling. Other Ways To Say GOOD JOB Vocabulary Home.

The assiduity with which he could wear down his opponents. Find more similar words at! Synonyms for working include functioning, active, going, operational, running, operating, functional, operative, alive and live. Full list of synonyms for working on is here.

The Craft Of An Electrician.

Another way to say working on? In the throes of, blandishment, wheedling. What are another words for work on? Synonyms for work with include complement, suit, accompany, augment, boost, enhance, match, perfect, go with and harmonize with.

In This Page You Can Discover 71 Synonyms, Antonyms, Idiomatic Expressions, And Related Words For Engagement, Like:

Find more similar words at. Synonyms for worked include treated, wrought, processed, created, fashioned, produced, manufactured, constructed, twisted and ornamented. Find more similar words at! More 1700 work on synonyms.

The Planes Accomplished Their Mission.

Synonyms for working on (other words and phrases for working on). What is another word for work from home? Telecommuting, also called telework, teleworking, working from home , mobile work , remote work , and flexible workplace, is a work arrangement in which employees do not commute or travel (e.g. If working means that works, then you can use functioning, functional, operational, performant.

19 Synonyms & Antonyms of WORKED (ON) — Merriam …

Details: WebSynonyms of worked (on) worked (on) verb variants or wrought (on) Definition of worked (on) past tense of work (on) as in decided (upon) Synonyms & Similar Words … worked on thesaurus

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What is another word for worked on — WordHippo

Details: WebWhat is another word for worked on? Need from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Contexts To have designed or planned an approach for a given task or project To have … another way to say working on

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19 Synonyms & Antonyms of WORK (ON) — Merriam …

Details: WebSynonyms for WORK (ON): deal (with), decide (upon), act, do; Antonyms of WORK (ON): lay over, hold off (on), hold up, hold over, defer, delay, postpone, put over another phrase for working with

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WORK ON Synonyms: 882 Synonyms & Antonyms for …

Details: WebFind 882 ways to say WORK ON, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. another word for worked up

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WORKED ON in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms …

Details: WebMost related words/phrases with sentence examples define Worked on meaning and usage. Related terms for worked on- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with worked on. … worked synonym list

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Working On synonyms — 184 Words and Phrases for …

Details: WebSynonyms for Working On (other words and phrases for Working On). Log in. Synonyms for Working on. 184 other terms for working on— words and phrases with similar … is working on a

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10 Good Synonyms For «Work With» On Your Resumé

Details: Web“Collaborate” is the best choice to replace “work with.” It works well because it shows that you are working hand in hand with another person or group. This collaboration usually … another word for work related

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WORKED Synonyms: 4 Synonyms & Antonyms for …

Details: Webadj. processed synonyms for worked Compare Synonyms created fashioned treated wrought See also synonyms for: unworked Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third …

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Work Synonyms: 100 Synonyms & Antonyms of Work

Details: WebSynonyms for “work” include labor, job, employment, task, assignment, project, occupation, and profession. What are some antonyms for “work”? Antonyms for …

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98 Synonyms and Antonyms for Worked

Details: WebSynonyms for WORKED: fermented, ripened, turned, soured, molded, formed, kneaded, forged, shaped, managed; Antonyms for WORKED: destroyed, rested, relaxed, lazed

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One who works well with others:
– is a team player 

– is one who embraces teamwork

“A small team of a+ players can run circles around a giant team of b and c players.”

Steve Jobs

– cooperates with other people

– collaborates well with others

– is one who communicates well with others

“Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

– is a dedicated team member

– is a team-oriented worker

Entrust your project to our dedicated team members and enjoy the results of this cooperation.

How to express the same meaning for “Work Well With Others” 

Examples from the Web:

  • “Try to maintain a positive attitude and be supportive” [1]
  • “Offer to assist someone who is overwhelmed”[1]
  • “Taking time to listen to someone who is having a bad day”[1]
  • “Have never an issue when it comes to getting along with others at work” [1]
  • “Work with pretty much anyone” [1]
  • “Work to find common ground”[1]
  • “Enjoy the people you work with and can get along with anyone”[1]
  • “Be able to make some of your closest friends from different workplaces“[1]
  • “Know how important relationships in the office are for not only camaraderie but also for accomplishing tasks within your team” [1]
  • “People person who can find a way to get along with nearly anyone” [1]
  • “When it comes to odd coworkers, you have learned to be glad you don’t live with them!” [1]
  • “Ability to handle most anyone for working hours length of time” [1]
  • “To tend to get along well with coworkers, and if occasionally something comes up, to be sure to address any issue, so it doesn’t get out of hand and create a divisive work environment”[1]
  • “Trying to be supportive, and a team player”[1]
  • “More than anything, you want always to be positive and respectful, regardless of our differences or anything else”[1]
  • “To get along with most anyone you work with, teaching coworkers, supervisors, students, or parents”[1]
  • “Your job is to find common ground no matter what, so I always look for the best”[1]
  • “Even when there are folks who disagree with your teaching style, to look to see it from their perspective and, especially if it’s a student”[1]
  • “To love working with people. Being flexible and approachable in the workplace”[1]
  • “Understanding that things can change quickly, encourage open communication with you coworkers and address the concerns they may have”[1]

Teamwork as a synonym for “Work Well With Others”

work well with others synonym_teamwork

Quotations examples from the Web:

  • “There’s a tremendous incentive for managers to establish a culture of teamwork and emotional support at the office”“ It was all teamwork, everybody working together doing what they had to do and not giving up, just keep going forward”[2]
  • “Sunday said the award is a tremendous honor because it acknowledges law enforcement embracing teamwork, which the district attorney said his office fosters daily” [3]
  • Teamwork helps goals become accomplished more quickly and effectively, it creates new ideas, and it solves issues” [4]
  • “The numbers speak for themselves: Successful teamwork can increase innovation by up to 15% and reduce the time it takes to release a product by 20%.” [5]
  • “Simply acknowledging the importance of teamwork isn’t enough: you need to incorporate team-building strategies into your corporate culture.” [6]
  • “The bottom line is that an organization thrives when teamwork is at its best.”[7]
  • “Over the past twenty years working with thousands of diverse teams across various industries, led me to conclude that the best teamwork is a group of people working together for the greater good of the team – meaning, that each person is willing to forgo their own ego, and make decisions that are truly in the best interest of the team vs their own best interest.”[8]
  • “Effective teamwork is good for business. Stronger relationships between team members, greater job satisfaction, energized employees and a more engaged workforce are just a few of the benefits.”  [9]
  • “Companies who value teamwork understand that their organizational success is tied to how well their team members work collaboratively to achieve the overall goals.” [10]
  • “Therefore, the importance of teamwork is emphasized more and more, with companies spending millions on team building strategies.”[11]
  • “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”[12]

Team Player is another way to say “Work Well With Others”

work well with others synonym_teamplayerQuotations examples from the Web:

  • Team players are entirely different. When others fail, these are the people who step forward to lift the team back instead of playing the blame game. They are persistent to get it done and get it right. Team players are admired by many and envied by those who are not.”[13]
  • “A good team player is straightforward. He or she speaks frankly and bring truth to conversations. Someone you can count on and will tell you everything, regardless of whether it is good news or bad news.” [13]
  • “We often hear players and coaches praising members of the team as a team players. It’s a quality highly regarded because it is so valuable to the team effort.” [14]
  • “You seem like a team player because you volunteer to do things! But if you’re honest, it’s partly because you know that other people will do it wrong.” [15]
  • “A good team player cooperates with others without dominating the group and doing everything their way.” [16]

Cooperates With Other People

work well with others synonym_cooperates with other peopleQuotations examples from the Web:

  • “Secondly, when a manager cooperates with other people in a team, he inspires and motivates them to demonstrate and exploit their abilities and be productive in the workplace. To be more specific, people who are allowed to show their strengths and present innovative, practical and pragmatic solutions for the troubles that the project faces usually feel more satisfied and their senses of self-esteem and self-gratitude improve. “[17]
  • This is the reason in the first civilized nations, individuals decided to cooperate so that fighting enemies and securing food could be easier; thus in this instance, man cooperates with other people, in order to meet the selfish motive of self preservation. [18]




















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