Another word for being placed

What is another word for being placed?

173 synonyms found


[ bˌiːɪŋ plˈe͡ɪst], [ bˌiːɪŋ plˈe‍ɪst], [ b_ˌiː__ɪ_ŋ p_l_ˈeɪ_s_t]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    lie (verb)

    • exist,
    • beset,
    • be established,
    • be interred,
    • be even,
    • belong,
    • reach,
    • spread,
    • prevail,
    • be fixed,
    • be found,
    • be,
    • extend,
    • be beside,
    • be located,
    • occupy,
    • remain,
    • have its seat in,
    • be placed,
    • be buried,
    • be on,
    • be seated,
    • stretch,
    • be level,
    • be smooth.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • circularise,
    • spreadhead,
    • stretching,
    • molest,
    • pass on,
    • gap,
    • get through,
    • follow,
    • load,
    • reach out,
    • offer,
    • make,
    • disperse,
    • lead,
    • worry,
    • set upon,
    • make up,
    • continue,
    • accomplish,
    • orbit,
    • rule,
    • busy,
    • chevy,
    • diffuse,
    • broaden,
    • overspread,
    • hold out,
    • debase,
    • facing pages,
    • predominate,
    • dilute,
    • bed cover,
    • pass,
    • incrust,
    • banquet,
    • compass,
    • ambit,
    • represent,
    • scope,
    • broadcast,
    • constitute,
    • chevvy,
    • go around,
    • survive,
    • cover,
    • harry,
    • gallop,
    • live,
    • stint,
    • lodge in,
    • rest,
    • expand,
    • paste,
    • absorb,
    • spread out,
    • dominate,
    • atomic number 4,
    • grasp,
    • go,
    • chivy,
    • bedspread,
    • bed covering,
    • get to,
    • hassle,
    • equal,
    • counterpane,
    • protract,
    • fill,
    • comprise,
    • feast,
    • extend to,
    • encrust,
    • plague,
    • engross,
    • get on,
    • adulterate,
    • harass,
    • subsist,
    • range,
    • interest,
    • cattle ranch,
    • obtain,
    • progress to,
    • bedcover,
    • distribute,
    • provoke,
    • contact,
    • stay on,
    • scatter,
    • fan out,
    • belong to,
    • cattle farm,
    • reside,
    • stretch out,
    • persist,
    • touch,
    • use up,
    • die hard,
    • prolong,
    • glucinium,
    • outspread,
    • unfold,
    • pass around,
    • circulate,
    • invade,
    • concern,
    • disseminate,
    • poke out,
    • propagate,
    • stretch forth,
    • arrive at,
    • get hold of,
    • give,
    • personify,
    • widen,
    • engage,
    • run,
    • triumph,
    • gain,
    • elongate,
    • stretchability,
    • spreading,
    • cost,
    • put out,
    • hand,
    • hold,
    • stretch along,
    • draw out,
    • dispersed,
    • chivvy,
    • attain,
    • turn over,
    • reign,
    • beryllium,
    • circularize,
    • stay,
    • embody,
    • ranch,
    • strive,
    • endure,
    • reaching,
    • spread head,
    • open,
    • stretchiness,
    • achieve,
    • carry,
    • take,
    • strain.

How to use «Being placed» in context?

«being placed» is a delicate and sometimes overwhelming experience for a newborn. Many parents have a sense of great privilege and awe when their new baby is placed in their arms, but they also may feel an immense sense of responsibility. Doctors and nurses play an important role in placing newborns, creating a safe and comfortable environment while minimizing any stress to the family.

Newborns are usually placed on their back on a sterile sheet or blanket. Parents are usually advised to avoid touching their baby’s skin at this point because it can introduce bacteria.

Word of the Day



Nearby words

  • being pins and needles
  • being pins needles
  • being pissed off
  • being pistol
  • being place of
  • Being placed
  • (be) -uncertain
  • (be) accustomed
  • (be) acquainted
  • (be) agitated
  • (be) aimed at (doing) something


  • BEING PLACED synonyms at
  • BEING PLACED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — BEING PLACED synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of BEING PLACED
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for BEING PLACED


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Compass Placed on a World Map Woman in Beret Looking at Piles of Books Placed in Front of Antique Shop Cake on exquisite plate placed on table Flowers on a Book Page Photographic Composition of Glass Bottle of Perfume Placed on Cut Tree Trunk Aerial View of City Buildings

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lake, water, mountains love, valentine, valentines day valentine, valentines day, vintage fantasy, dream, reality boeing, airliner, airport

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Synonyms for Be placed. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

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Synonyms for Be placed. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.



now routinely screened before being placed on the roster.


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Сейчас кандидаты регулярно проходят проверку перед включением в реестр.


Before being placed in the coma, he had surgery to reduce bleeding and bruising.


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Перед помещением в коме, он перенес операцию, чтобы уменьшить кровотечение и кровоподтеки.


Had there


any instances of prisoners being placed in“dark cells”?


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Имели ли место случаи водворения заключенных в» темные карцеры»?


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However, solid electronic libraries


extremely demanding on the literary level of the works being placed.


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Однако солидные электронные

библиотеки чрезвычайно требовательны к литературному уровню размещаемых произведений.


However, many Rwandans deplore the obstacles still being placed in the way of democratization.


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Однако до сих пор большое число руандийцев сожалеет о преградах, возводимых на пути демократизации.


This inevitably leads to the child being placed in a public institution.


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Это неизбежно ведет к тому, что ребенка помещают в государственное учреждение.




increasing numbers of children,

particularly those from single-parent families, being placed in institutional care;


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Все больше детей, особенно из неполных семей, помещаются в детские учреждения;


In addition, ways and means mentioned above to increase the

efficiency of the process point to additional demand being placed on the ISU.


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Кроме того, упомянутые выше пути и

средства повышения эффективности процесса указывают на дополнительные требования, предъявляемые к ГИП.


Twenty-two days after being placed into IVS custody, Mr. Khuseynov


scheduled to



to the investigation detention centre SIZO.


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Через двадцать два дня после помещения в ИВС г-на Хусейнова должны были

перевести в следственный изолятор СИЗО.


Ms. Halperin-Kaddari asked the delegation to respond to the allegation that before being placed in detention centres female victims of violence


subjected to intrusive and degrading virginity tests.


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Г-жа Гальперин- Каддари просит делегацию прокомментировать заявление о том, что до помещения в центры содержания пострадавшие от насилия женщины

подвергаются ущемляющим их честь и достоинство проверкам на девственность.


Its movement


monitored by a supervisor from the moment of issuing a Booking List for

loading/ transit cargo trans-shipment up to the cargo being placed in cargo compartments.


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Его движение отслеживается супервайзером с момента выдачи Booking List на загрузку или

перегрузку транзитного груза и до размещения груза в грузовых отсеках.


Ensure that the implementation of measures related to the Child Reform Act 2010 provides appropriate support to

families by addressing the risk factors for children being placed into care;


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Обеспечить, чтобы при выполнении мер, связанных с Законом 2010 года о реформе в интересах детей предоставлялась

надлежащая помощь семьям путем устранения причин помещения детей в учреждения по уходу;




formally charged by the examining magistrate, who remanded two of the

officers in custody, the three others being placed under judicial supervision.


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Этот магистрат предъявил им обвинения и распорядился о взятии под стражу двоих из них,

в то время как остальные трое были помещены под судебный надзор.


In late 2017 we


contacted by a UK national who had

found his life turned upside down as the result of being placed on INTERPOL’s red notice list.


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В конце 2017 года с нами связался гражданин Великобритании,

чья жизнь перевернулась с ног на голову в результате размещения его имени в списке« красных уведомлений» Интерпола.


We believe that this


a propitious moment to finally

get work under way to prevent weapons being placed into space.


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Мы полагаем, что это подходящий момент для того,

чтобы наконец начать работу по предотвращению размещения оружия в космосе.


Initially fairywrens


thought to


a member of the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae or

warbler family Sylviidae before being placed in the newly recognised Maluridae in 1975.

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Изначально расписные малюры считались представителями семейств мухоловковых и славковых из Старого Света,

но затем были помещены в недавно образованное семейство малюровых в 1975 году.

Mr. BANTON(Country Rapporteur) said he had no objection to Rwanda being placed on the agenda of the Committee’s next session in August 1998.


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Г-н БЕНТОН( Специальный докладчик по стране) говорит, что ничто не мешает включить вопрос о положении в Руанде в повестку дня следующей сессии Комитета, которая состоится в августе.




a truly multilateral institution, UNHCR also needs a broader financial basis,

so that it can respond effectively to the demands being placed on it by the international community.


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Чтобы стать подлинно многосторонним учреждением, УВКБ необходима также более широкая финансовая

база для более эффективного удовлетворения требований, предъявляемых к нему международным сообществом.


Following endorsement by a central review body, candidates would


administratively cleared before being placed on a roster.


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После одобрения центральным контрольным органом кандидаты будут проходить административную проверку до их включения в реестр.


Being placed in the statute, the arbitration clause becomes(along with the other

provisions of the Articles) obligatory for both the legal entity and its bodies and shareholders.


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Будучи помещенной в устав, третейская оговорка становится, наравне с иными положениями устава,

обязательной как для самого юридического лица и его органов, так и для его акционеров.


As underlined in the MISAB report dated 5 January 1998(S/1998/3),

much hope


being placed in the National Reconciliation Conference.


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Как подчеркивалось в докладе МИСАБ от 5 января 1998 года( S/ 1998/ 3),

сейчас большие надежды возлагаются на проведение конференции по национальному примирению.


Offshore platforms being placed in deeper waters in high sea,

they have to survive more severe conditions than the earlier generations located closer form the seashore.


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Морские платформы, устанавливаемые на большой глубине в открытом море,

должны выдерживать более суровые условия, чем платформы более раннего выпуска, располагавшиеся ближе к побережью.


However, being placed in an adult prison after her sentencing,



unable to meaningfully continue her education.


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Однако, попав в тюрьму для взрослых после вынесенного ей приговора,

она не смогла надлежащим образом продолжать свое образование.


Federal law prohibits juvenile

offenders held in custody of federal authorities from being placed in correctional institutions

or detention facilities in which they could have regular contact with adult offenders.


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Федеральное законодательство запрещает помещать несовершеннолетних преступников, содержащихся под стражей федеральных властей, в исправительные учреждения или центры

содержания под стражей, где они могли бы регулярно контактировать с взрослыми правонарушителями.


In brief, the policy envisages a phased expansion of the evaluation function,

with specific obligations being placed upon EPAU, UNHCR’s regional bureaux and its larger field offices.


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Одним словом,

политика предусматривает поэтапное расширение оценочной функции с возложением конкретных обязанностей на СОАП,

региональные бюро УВКБ и его более крупные отделения на местах.


In Russia, those who do not

have all the required documents


at risk of being placed on the re-entry ban list see below II.2.


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В России мигранты, не имеющие всех

необходимых документов, рискуют быть занесенными в списки лиц, запрещенных к повторному въезду в страну см. ниже II. 2.


The filament lamp being placed with the cap down and the reference axis vertical,

the filament lamp


viewed in a direction at right angles to axis of the major filament.


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Когда лампа накаливания расположена цоколем вниз, ось отсчета- вертикальна

и лампа накаливания рассматривается в направлении, перпендикулярном оси основной нити накала.


The animals


anesthetized with ether and decapitated, their brain being placed in a special chamber filled with Ringer’s solution

at temperature close to 0 C.


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Животные были анестезированы эфиром и декапитированы, затем мозг закреплялся в специальной камере, заполненной модифицированным раствором Рингера

при температуре, близкой к C.


He has often taken part in international competitions, always being placed among the winners, including two gold medals won

at the International Kremlin Culinary Cup in Moscow.


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Принимал участие в международных соревнованиях, всегда занимая призовые, в том числе две золотые медали

на Международном Кремлевском Кулинарном Кубке в Москве.


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What is another word for base?

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positioned, placed ? Situated

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A prefix is a part of a word that is placed at the beginning of
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Prefix — a word, letter, or number placed before another. This, therefore, means that the entire word ‘insufficient’ is not a prefix, however, the first letters «in» in this word is the prefix.

Where should the word THAT be placed?


Table of Contents




1. placed

adjective. [‘ˈpleɪst’] put in position in relation to other things.


  • -ed (English)
  • -od (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
  • place (English)
  • place (Middle English (1100-1500))

Rhymes with Placed

  • interlaced
  • disgraced
  • retraced
  • lambaste
  • foretaste
  • embraced
  • distaste
  • encased
  • defaced
  • debased
  • traced
  • spaced
  • graced
  • erased
  • braced
  • waste
  • waist
  • taste
  • raced
  • paste
  • paced
  • haste
  • faced
  • chaste
  • chased
  • baste
  • based
  • aist

Sentences with placed

Quotes about placed

2. placed

adjective. [‘ˈpleɪst’] situated in a particular spot or position.


  • -ed (English)
  • -od (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
  • place (English)
  • place (Middle English (1100-1500))

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. placenoun

    achieve, make

  2. placenoun

    To put (an object or person) in a specific location.

    He placed the glass on the table.

    location, deposit, lay, lay down, put down, position, situation, spot

  3. placenoun

    To earn a given spot in a competition.

    The win against the Mets placed the Cowboys in third place in the league.

    plaza, square, piazza, courtyard

  4. placenoun

    To sing (a note) with the correct pitch.

    We asked the restaurant to give us a table with three places.

    seat, reach

  5. placenoun

    To arrange for or to make (a bet).

    I’m in a strange place at the moment.

    mood, mindset, frame of mind

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. place

    Put is the most general term for bringing an object to some point or within some space, however exactly or loosely; we may put a horse in a pasture, or put a bullet in a rifle or into an enemy. Place denotes more careful movement and more exact location; as, to place a crown on one’s head, or a garrison in a city. To lay is to place in a horizontal position; to set is to place in an upright position; we lay a cloth, and set a dish upon a table. To deposit is to put in a place of security for future use; as, to deposit money in a bank; the original sense, to lay down or let down (quietly), is also common; as, the stream deposits sediment.

    deposit, lay, put, set

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. place

    locate, assign, fix, establish, settle, attribute, situate

    disturb, remove, unsettle, disarrange, disestablish, misplace, misattribute, misassign, uproot, transplant, extirpate, eradicate, transport

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. topographic point, place, spotnoun

    a point located with respect to surface features of some region

    «this is a nice place for a picnic»; «a bright spot on a planet»

    touch, billet, berth, seat, lieu, spot, plaza, station, dapple, post, property, space, spotlight, topographic point, point, shoes, position, smear, bit, fleck, blank space, slur, maculation, daub, speckle, smudge, home, stead, smirch, situation, piazza, office, stain, pip, patch, blot

  2. place, propertynoun

    any area set aside for a particular purpose

    «who owns this place?»; «the president was concerned about the property across from the White House»

    belongings, property, dimension, shoes, post, topographic point, prop, station, plaza, home, stead, space, holding, position, office, blank space, attribute, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  3. placenoun

    an abstract mental location

    «he has a special place in my thoughts»; «a place in my heart»; «a political system with no place for the less prominent groups»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, station, plaza, home, stead, space, position, office, blank space, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  4. placenoun

    a general vicinity

    «He comes from a place near Chicago»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, station, plaza, home, stead, space, position, office, blank space, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  5. stead, position, place, lieunoun

    the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another

    «can you go in my stead?»; «took his place»; «in lieu of»

    stance, billet, berth, seat, lieu, spot, perspective, locating, plaza, station, view, post, property, space, topographic point, shoes, location, position, spatial relation, status, positioning, blank space, posture, military position, attitude, placement, home, emplacement, stead, situation, side, piazza, office

  6. place, shoesnoun

    a particular situation

    «If you were in my place what would you do?»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, station, plaza, home, stead, space, position, office, blank space, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  7. home, placenoun

    where you live at a particular time

    «deliver the package to my home»; «he doesn’t have a home to go to»; «your place or mine?»

    domicile, billet, berth, seat, lieu, spot, base, plaza, station, plate, post, property, home base, space, topographic point, shoes, position, home plate, household, habitation, family, nursing home, blank space, abode, home, rest home, menage, stead, situation, piazza, office, house, dwelling house, dwelling

  8. position, post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situationnoun

    a job in an organization

    «he occupied a post in the treasury»

    stance, state of affairs, touch, billet, short letter, berth, seat, lieu, spot, perspective, locating, mail, bureau, authority, role, home, station, function, view, post, plaza, property, piazza, mooring, spotlight, topographic point, point, mail service, part, note, position, spatial relation, bunk, power, dapple, speckle, status, positioning, government agency, fleck, agency, blank space, posture, smear, moorage, site, slip, business office, slur, military position, maculation, attitude, daub, placement, bit, smudge, line, emplacement, space, stead, postal service, smirch, office staff, situation, side, location, office, stain, federal agency, pip, stake, built in bed, military post, shoes, patch, blot

  9. position, placenoun

    the particular portion of space occupied by something

    «he put the lamp back in its place»

    stance, billet, berth, seat, lieu, spot, perspective, locating, plaza, station, view, post, property, space, topographic point, shoes, location, position, spatial relation, status, positioning, blank space, posture, military position, attitude, placement, home, emplacement, stead, situation, side, piazza, office

  10. place, stationnoun

    proper or designated social situation

    «he overstepped his place»; «the responsibilities of a man in his station»; «married above her station»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, station, plaza, home, stead, space, position, office, blank space, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  11. seat, placenoun

    a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)

    «he booked their seats in advance»; «he sat in someone else’s place»

    fanny, berth, tail, seat, lieu, spot, rear end, billet, can, nates, station, situation, post, property, fundament, space, topographic point, posterior, buttocks, behind, position, stern, bottom, backside, bum, buns, hindquarters, plaza, tail end, derriere, tooshie, stead, butt, hind end, rump, shoes, keister, ass, prat, arse, rear, blank space, piazza, office, tush, home

  12. placenoun

    the passage that is being read

    «he lost his place on the page»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, station, plaza, home, stead, space, position, office, blank space, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  13. placenoun

    proper or appropriate position or location

    «a woman’s place is no longer in the kitchen»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, station, plaza, home, stead, space, position, office, blank space, lieu, seat, spot, piazza, situation, berth, billet

  14. plaza, place, piazzanoun

    a public square with room for pedestrians

    «they met at Elm Plaza»; «Grosvenor Place»

    property, shoes, post, topographic point, shopping centre, seat, piazza, plaza, home, stead, mall, station, center, shopping center, position, office, blank space, shopping mall, space, situation, spot, lieu, berth, billet

  15. place, positionnoun

    an item on a list or in a sequence

    «in the second place»; «moved from third to fifth position»

    stance, billet, berth, seat, lieu, spot, perspective, locating, plaza, station, view, post, property, space, topographic point, shoes, location, position, spatial relation, status, positioning, blank space, posture, military position, attitude, placement, home, emplacement, stead, situation, side, piazza, office

  16. space, blank space, placeverb

    a blank area

    «write your name in the space provided»

    property, blank, shoes, outer space, topographic point, seat, station, distance, home, post, quad, spot, infinite, position, office, plaza, billet, lieu, situation, space, piazza, stead, berth, blank space

  17. put, set, place, pose, position, layverb

    put into a certain place or abstract location

    «Put your things here»; «Set the tray down»; «Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children»; «Place emphasis on a certain point»

    sit, site, redact, gear up, fructify, send, mystify, put down, coiffure, plant, cast, put, prepare, do, rank, frame, impersonate, fix, countersink, arrange, stick, set up, define, station, gravel, aim, repose, amaze, beat, posture, come out, dress, typeset, localise, dumbfound, localize, mark, go under, point, locate, specify, correct, bewilder, set, personate, position, come in, rate, sic, range, limit, jell, grade, present, coiffe, post, baffle, lay, pose, vex, coif, commit, direct, perplex, stupefy, flummox, ready, rig, get, order, invest, identify, determine, target, puzzle, model, go down, congeal, assign, lay out, couch, adjust, nonplus

  18. placeverb

    place somebody in a particular situation or location

    «he was placed on probation»

    put, come out, grade, aim, set, pose, locate, lay, invest, range, localize, order, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, send, commit, target, come in, post, point, localise

  19. rate, rank, range, order, grade, placeverb

    assign a rank or rating to

    «how would you rank these students?»; «The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide»

    roll, vagabond, dictate, score, rank, ramble, mark, set up, identify, localize, range, enjoin, run, target, stray, rove, tell, post, station, browse, point, come in, regulate, array, graze, say, govern, cast, straddle, arrange, send, pasture, lay, wander, regularize, position, ordinate, aim, ordain, regularise, direct, grade, lay out, swan, site, tramp, value, put, crop, invest, outrank, localise, consecrate, rate, commit, drift, pose, come out, set, prescribe, order, locate, roam, set out

  20. locate, place, siteverb

    assign a location to

    «The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles»

    put, aim, come out, order, range, set, pose, settle, grade, locate, lay, invest, localize, send, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, turn up, come in, target, situate, post, point, commit, localise

  21. placeverb

    to arrange for

    «place a phone call»; «place a bet»

    put, come out, grade, aim, set, pose, locate, lay, invest, range, localize, order, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, send, commit, target, come in, post, point, localise

  22. place, come in, come outverb

    take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal

    «Jerry came in third in the Marathon»

    move into, break through, start, protrude, come, rank, step up, put, show up, go into, range, commit, put in, target, come out of the closet, pop, station, out, go forth, post, bulge, throw in, surface, point, come in, step forward, position, aim, come on, step to the fore, come forward, pop out, lay, appear, interject, get into, direct, localize, get in, identify, come to the fore, bug out, inject, push through, egress, erupt, fall out, turn out, emerge, bulge out, invest, enter, turn up, locate, rate, grade, come forth, send, interpose, issue, come out, set, go in, order, site, pose, localise

  23. target, aim, place, direct, pointverb

    intend (something) to move towards a certain goal

    «He aimed his fists towards his opponent’s face»; «criticism directed at her superior»; «direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself»

    charge, taper, drive, repoint, rank, channelise, get, put, localize, organise, range, commit, target, lead, station, sharpen, maneuver, take, signal, designate, point, come in, betoken, position, grade, steer, purpose, take aim, show, train, lay, calculate, engineer, manoeuver, purport, aspire, aim, address, manoeuvre, direct, level, head, identify, organize, channelize, propose, luff, shoot for, draw a bead on, conduct, post, invest, bespeak, locate, rate, orient, send, orchestrate, mastermind, come out, set, guide, order, site, pose, localise, indicate

  24. identify, placeverb

    recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something

    «She identified the man on the ‘wanted’ poster»

    put, aim, come out, key out, post, grade, range, set, describe, pose, name, locate, lay, invest, localize, send, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, come in, distinguish, target, discover, order, key, point, commit, localise

  25. placeverb

    assign to (a job or a home)

    put, come out, grade, aim, set, pose, locate, lay, invest, range, localize, order, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, send, commit, target, come in, post, point, localise

  26. set, localize, localise, placeverb


    «The film is set in Africa»

    plant, go under, come out, dress, prepare, mark, put, identify, localize, coiffe, fix, commit, target, fructify, station, gear up, go down, post, jell, focalise, point, come in, position, grade, arrange, define, specify, lay, correct, countersink, do, determine, coiffure, aim, order, direct, invest, lay out, coif, ready, set up, congeal, sic, rank, locate, rate, limit, send, focalize, set, typeset, adjust, rig, site, pose, localise, range

  27. place, put, setverb


    «We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M.»

    lay out, go under, dress, rank, prepare, mark, put, localize, range, fix, commit, target, fructify, station, gear up, go down, post, specify, frame, point, come in, position, aim, arrange, cast, assign, redact, lay, correct, countersink, jell, plant, determine, coiffure, do, define, direct, grade, couch, identify, coif, ready, set up, invest, sic, locate, rate, coiffe, limit, send, rig, come out, set, typeset, adjust, order, site, pose, localise, congeal

  28. place, localize, localiseverb

    identify the location or place of

    «We localized the source of the infection»

    put, come out, focalize, grade, aim, set, pose, focalise, locate, lay, invest, range, localize, order, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, send, commit, target, come in, post, point, localise

  29. invest, put, commit, placeverb

    make an investment

    «Put money into bonds»

    dedicate, seat, institutionalize, empower, put, endue, localize, perpetrate, intrust, trust, commit, enthrone, target, vest, post, station, frame, point, come in, gift, position, grade, arrange, adorn, assign, pull, lay, institutionalise, give, aim, cast, devote, redact, couch, identify, direct, charge, practice, endow, indue, site, set up, invest, confide, rank, consecrate, rate, clothe, send, induct, entrust, come out, set, order, locate, pose, localise, range

  30. station, post, send, placeverb

    assign to a station

    stake, ship, beam, get off, rank, put, mail, localize, range, send off, commit, station, put up, post, point, come in, brand, position, grade, target, lay, institutionalise, carry, locate, transport, aim, direct, identify, charge, broadcast, send out, invest, air, rate, institutionalize, send, come out, set, order, site, pose, localise, transmit

  31. placeverb

    finish second or better in a horse or dog race

    «he bet $2 on number six to place»

    put, come out, grade, aim, set, pose, locate, lay, invest, range, localize, order, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, send, commit, target, come in, post, point, localise

  32. placeverb

    sing a note with the correct pitch

    put, come out, grade, aim, set, pose, locate, lay, invest, range, localize, order, site, rank, rate, direct, station, identify, position, send, commit, target, come in, post, point, localise

Matched Categories

    • Assign
    • Cognition
    • Condition
    • Estimate
    • Function
    • Order
    • Passage
    • Point
    • Public Square
    • Race
    • Residence
    • Sing
    • Situate
    • Social Station
    • Space
    • Spend
    • Station
    • Theater
    • Vicinity

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. placenoun

    situation, position, locality, location, station, spot, site, ground

  2. placenoun

    office, charge, function, employment, post

  3. placenoun

    rank, standing, grade, condition, occupation, calling

  4. placenoun

    mansion, residence, abode, dwelling seat

  5. placenoun

    town, village, city

  6. placeverb

    put, set, station, lay, settle, deposit, commit, locate, seat, fix, establish, dispose, arrange

  7. placeverb

    invest, put at interest

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. placeadjective

    position, site, situation, locality, rendezvous, tryst, duty, function, post, work, office, stead, lieu

  2. placeverb

    deposit, locate, dispose, put, set, station, establish, attribute, impute, ascribe, assign, identify

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «place»:

    location, venue, site, held, spot, lieu, rise, seat, platz, force, loc, places, position, put, room, rum, scene, apartment, cape, locations, plaza, stead, foremost, local, situ, space, square, placing, conducted, area, pleasure, ground, point, out, house, occur, install, role

How to pronounce place?

How to say place in sign language?

How to use place in a sentence?

  1. Ken Cuccinelli:

    This is not a vocational center, it is a concentration camp, a place where religious and ethnic minorities are subject to abuse and forced to work in heinous conditions with no recourse and no freedom. This is modern day slavery.

  2. Philippa Langley:

    Whether we bear a white or a red rose, whether for Richard or Henry … whether for Leicester or York, we recognize at the graveside that all our journeys lead us to this place, where reputation counts for nothing and all human striving turns to dust. it’s the conclusion to his story in that he’s been found … and we’re laying his physical remains to rest. But in terms of Richard’s story, that is only just beginning.

  3. Pat Houston:

    She didn’t make it. She found out that I was coming for her, not to do an intervention, because I didn’t want to go through that with her. I just wanted her to come back and talk to me so we could figure out how this was going to take place because she needed to go.

  4. Nick Bonner:

    We were told that this is due to the ongoing precautions that the country has put in place in relation to fears held there over the Ebola virus.

  5. Lopez Obrador:

    With all my heart, I want today’s election to take place without violence, as soon as the election is over, we will begin a period of national reconciliation.

Translations for place

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • مكان, وضعArabic
  • ме́сцаBelarusian
  • мя́стоBulgarian
  • lloc, col·locarCatalan, Valencian
  • místo, umístit, zařaditCzech
  • stedDanish
  • Platz, Stelle, Position, Sitzplatz, Ort, Sitz, Bude, stellen, plazieren, einordnenGerman
  • τόπος, τοποθεσία, χώρος, πλατεία, θέση, περιοχή, μέρος, σημείοGreek
  • lokoEsperanto
  • puesto, casa, lugar, posición, asiento, sitio, plaza, poner, colocarse, entonar, apostar, clasificarse, situar, colocar, contratarSpanish
  • istekoht, koht, plats, paikEstonian
  • محل, جایگاه, مقام, پست, جا, جایPersian
  • paikka, aukio, paikkakunta, kämppä, tehtävä, asia, talot, sija, laittaa, asettaa, sjoittua, paikantaa, sijoittaa, panna, sijoittua, laulaa oikeinFinnish
  • lieu, endroit, place, placer, arriver, faire, poser, se placer, mettreFrench
  • plakWestern Frisian
  • plás, áitIrish
  • ionad, àiteScottish Gaelic
  • lugarGalician
  • מיקום, אזור, בית, מקום, מצב, מיקם, הגיעHebrew
  • जगहHindi
  • andwa, koteHaitian Creole
  • hely, tér, férőhely, ülőhely, helyezni, tenniHungarian
  • տեղArmenian
  • lokoIdo
  • posto, posizione, luogo, piazza, posare, collocare, mettereItalian
  • מקוםHebrew
  • 位置, 役割, 身分, 場所, 職, 空間, 場, 市場, 感覚, 家, 境遇, 環境, 役目, 仕事, 桁, 地位, 役職, 所, 余地, 広場, 団地, 地方, 席, 居場所, 立場, 定まる, 就職させる, 配置, 置く, 付ける, 収める, 入賞する, 思い当たる, なる, つく, 決まる, 賭ける, 任命, 職を与える, 入れる, 定める, 割り当てるJapanese
  • ადგილი, მოედანი, მდებარეობა, ადგილ-მდებარეობაGeorgian
  • ಸ್ಥಳKannada
  • 장소, 곳, 두다Korean
  • جێگه, der, cih, شوێنKurdish
  • positio, platea, locus, status, forum, locōLatin
  • vieta, aikštė, padėtiLithuanian
  • vieta, sēdvieta, likt, nolikt, iecelt, iekārtotLatvian
  • wāhi, panga, whakaawe, whakatakotoMāori
  • ме́сто, пласира, става, сместуваMacedonian
  • газарMongolian
  • tempatMalay
  • plein, huis, thuis, tehuis, plaats, huizen, positie, posities, plaatsenDutch
  • sted, plass, posisjon, rolle, ståsted, plassere seg, plassere, sette, treffeNorwegian
  • luec, luòcOccitan
  • miejsce, placPolish
  • ځایPashto, Pushto
  • lugar, posição, praça, região, casa, algarismo, local, vila, área, mentalidade, assento, papel, colocar, pôr, chegar, obter, cantar, apostar, contratar, classificar-se, lembrar-se, entoar, Lugar, colocarPortuguese
  • churayQuechua
  • liug, liac, plaz, li, lö, lieu, plazzaRomansh
  • pătrat, loc, piață, puneRomanian
  • ме́сто, дом, жили́ще, пози́ция, пло́щадь, до́лжность, положе́ние, положить, помещать, поместить, класть, ставить, поставитьRussian
  • locu, loguSardinian
  • mjesto, место, mesto, gajba, мјестоSerbo-Croatian
  • miestoSlovak
  • mésto, tŕg, kràj, sédežSlovene
  • vendAlbanian
  • säte, gård, plats, post, sittplats, ställe, placering, torg, skaffa, lägga, placera, sätta, anställning, utnämna, erinra, ställaSwedish
  • pahali, mahailSwahili
  • స్థలము, నివాసాలు, గృహాలు, జాగా, ఇల్లు, ఎదురు నిలుచు, సభ్యత్వము, బహిరంగ ప్రదేశం, ఇళ్ళు, స్థానము, చోటు, నిలబడుట, జ్ఞప్తికి వచ్చు, పందెము, సాధించు, స్వరశుద్ధమైన పాట, నిర్ణీత ప్రదేశంలో ఉంచు, తగని నియామకంTelugu
  • บริเวณThai
  • турTatar
  • мі́сцеUkrainian
  • جگہUrdu
  • nơi, địa điểmVietnamese
  • plaece, djîsseWalloon
  • אָרטYiddish
  • 地点Chinese

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Are we missing a good synonym for place?

What another word for a place being in ruins (figuratively). Like a place hit with a tornado and is now in ____?

asked Jun 11, 2014 at 0:24

TreeKing's user avatar


A shambles.

From the OED:

5b. pl. … a scene of disorder or devastation; a ruin; a mess. orig. U.S.

1926 P. H. de Kruif Microbe Hunters iii. iv. 83 Once more his laboratory became a shambles of cluttered flasks and hurrying assistants.

1966 M. R. D. Foot SOE in France viii. 184 Helped the commandos to make a thorough shambles of the main dockyard.

This derives from another sense of shambles, meaning a slaughterhouse or a similarly bloody scene.

answered Jun 11, 2014 at 2:07

Ben Kovitz's user avatar

Ben KovitzBen Kovitz

1,2251 gold badge9 silver badges19 bronze badges

The place is devastated. It has been ravaged.

If, instead of a tornado hitting it, it is falling apart due to age and neglect it could be dilapidated.

answered Jun 11, 2014 at 0:46

Spehro Pefhany's user avatar

Spehro PefhanySpehro Pefhany

9,9441 gold badge28 silver badges51 bronze badges

The place is now reduced to rubble.

The place is now in tatters.
The place has been left in tatters.

The place is now in a state of complete disarray.

answered Jun 11, 2014 at 8:37

Scott's user avatar


211 bronze badge


torn asunder

answered Jun 11, 2014 at 1:13

Emma Dash's user avatar

Emma DashEmma Dash

1,9205 gold badges22 silver badges27 bronze badges

I use the word shambles — a state of total disorder.

other near words are falling to pieces, wrecked, ramshackles…

answered Jun 11, 2014 at 1:23

vickyace's user avatar


14.8k12 gold badges87 silver badges106 bronze badges


Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.



A gradual deterioration to an inferior state: urban decay.

Fallen into ruin.

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 11, 2014 at 4:54


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