Another word for being opened

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. open

    Bluff is a word of good meaning, as are frank and open. The bluff man talks and laughs loudly and freely, says and does whatever he pleases with fearless good nature, and with no thought of annoying or giving pain to others. The blunt man says things which he is perfectly aware are disagreeable, either from a defiant indifference to others’ feelings, or from the pleasure of tormenting.

    abrupt, bluff, blunt, blustering, bold, brusk, coarse, discourteous, frank, impolite, inconsiderate, plain-spoken, rough, rude, uncivil, unmannerly

    bland, courteous, genial, polished, polite, refined, reserved, urbane

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. openverb

    unclose, lay open, lay dare expose, explain, disclose, initiate, begin, commence

    close, shut up, conceal, inclose, mystify, misinterpret, conclude, cover

  2. openadjective

    accessible, free, available, unshut, unfolded, public, free, unrestricted, unreserved, unaffected, genuine, barefaced, undisguised, above-board, liberal, unclosed, candid, frank, ingenuous, unsettled, undetermined

    inaccessible, closed, barred, unavailable, shut, close, secretive, reserved, settled, determined

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. open, clearnoun

    a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water

    «finally broke out of the forest into the open»

    open air, out-of-doors, clear, surface, outdoors

    drawn, unopen, disingenuous, blocked, settled, fine, insusceptible, shut, enclosed, obstructed, closed, stoppered, squinting, squinched, nonopening, inactive, compressed, constricted, unsusceptible, out of use(p), private, unavailable, invulnerable, blinking, union, protected, winking, sealed, artful, tight, restricted, close, fold, close down, close up, shut down

  2. outdoors, out-of-doors, open air, opennoun

    where the air is unconfined

    «he wanted to get outdoors a little»; «the concert was held in the open air»; «camping in the open»

    open air, surface, out-of-doors, clear, outdoors

    shut, squinched, unopen, insusceptible, protected, invulnerable, fine, closed, settled, sealed, artful, drawn, enclosed, union, disingenuous, private, tight, winking, blocked, blinking, inactive, out of use(p), obstructed, nonopening, unsusceptible, constricted, squinting, compressed, unavailable, stoppered, restricted, close, close up, fold, shut down, close down

  3. opennoun

    a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play

    open air, out-of-doors, clear, surface, outdoors

    unopen, settled, blocked, artful, restricted, enclosed, shut, invulnerable, tight, blinking, unavailable, closed, union, unsusceptible, private, protected, sealed, constricted, stoppered, fine, drawn, insusceptible, nonopening, squinting, disingenuous, compressed, inactive, obstructed, squinched, winking, out of use(p), close, close up, fold, close down, shut down

  4. open, surfaceadjective

    information that has become public

    «all the reports were out in the open»; «the facts had been brought to the surface»

    aerofoil, out-of-doors, surface, outdoors, control surface, airfoil, clear, open air

    protected, stoppered, closed, disingenuous, drawn, insusceptible, sealed, unsusceptible, union, blinking, settled, invulnerable, nonopening, fine, compressed, enclosed, obstructed, shut, inactive, tight, unavailable, winking, blocked, squinched, out of use(p), private, unopen, squinting, restricted, constricted, artful, close, close up, fold, shut down, close down

  5. open, unfastenedadjective

    affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed

    «an open door»; «they left the door open»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, untied, unfastened, capable, assailable, unbuttoned, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    enclosed, inactive, shut, unsusceptible, closed, obstructed, protected, compressed, blocked, stoppered, insusceptible, drawn, tight, fine, nonopening, settled, squinched, unavailable, squinting, unopen, blinking, disingenuous, out of use(p), invulnerable, private, union, sealed, restricted, constricted, artful, winking, close, fold, close down, shut down, close up

  6. openadjective

    affording free passage or access

    «open drains»; «the road is open to traffic»; «open ranks»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    closed, obstructed, nonopening, sealed, insusceptible, artful, unsusceptible, protected, settled, constricted, blocked, squinched, unavailable, invulnerable, tight, inactive, drawn, shut, enclosed, out of use(p), restricted, union, winking, fine, stoppered, compressed, disingenuous, private, squinting, blinking, unopen, close, fold, close up, close down, shut down

  7. exposed, openadjective

    with no protection or shield

    «the exposed northeast frontier»; «open to the weather»; «an open wound»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, uncovered, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    disingenuous, stoppered, closed, union, constricted, tight, settled, unavailable, compressed, blocked, private, unsusceptible, winking, shut, obstructed, protected, insusceptible, artful, nonopening, unopen, inactive, fine, blinking, drawn, sealed, out of use(p), enclosed, squinting, squinched, invulnerable, restricted, close, close down, fold, shut down, close up

  8. openadjective

    open to or in view of all

    «an open protest»; «an open letter to the editor»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    unopen, blinking, stoppered, union, protected, shut, disingenuous, settled, closed, unsusceptible, constricted, invulnerable, nonopening, drawn, insusceptible, sealed, fine, artful, squinting, enclosed, tight, out of use(p), winking, obstructed, compressed, blocked, restricted, unavailable, inactive, private, squinched, close, close up, shut down, close down, fold

  9. open, openedadjective

    used of mouth or eyes

    «keep your eyes open»; «his mouth slightly opened»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    inactive, private, stoppered, shut, squinched, unopen, winking, sealed, closed, fine, blinking, obstructed, insusceptible, drawn, artful, settled, tight, blocked, protected, constricted, invulnerable, enclosed, unavailable, out of use(p), disingenuous, unsusceptible, restricted, compressed, squinting, union, nonopening, close up, close, fold, close down, shut down

  10. openadjective

    not having been filled

    «the job is still open»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    squinched, artful, disingenuous, protected, nonopening, inactive, fine, shut, enclosed, drawn, constricted, closed, unavailable, stoppered, union, insusceptible, settled, blocked, private, unopen, out of use(p), winking, sealed, compressed, obstructed, squinting, blinking, invulnerable, restricted, unsusceptible, tight, close down, close up, close, shut down, fold

  11. openadjective

    accessible to all

    «open season»; «an open economy»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    invulnerable, blocked, compressed, drawn, closed, settled, squinting, sealed, shut, stoppered, inactive, protected, winking, tight, unopen, union, private, blinking, nonopening, out of use(p), enclosed, unsusceptible, obstructed, disingenuous, fine, unavailable, constricted, insusceptible, squinched, restricted, artful, close, close up, close down, fold, shut down

  12. assailable, undefendable, undefended, openadjective

    not defended or capable of being defended

    «an open city»; «open to attack»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    closed, inactive, insusceptible, unsusceptible, stoppered, sealed, restricted, artful, compressed, drawn, blocked, winking, constricted, obstructed, squinting, disingenuous, enclosed, unavailable, tight, union, shut, invulnerable, out of use(p), fine, private, settled, blinking, squinched, nonopening, unopen, protected, close up, shut down, close, close down, fold

  13. loose, openadjective

    (of textures) full of small openings or gaps

    «an open texture»; «a loose weave»

    undefended, undetermined, sluttish, wanton, receptive, unresolved, assailable, at large(p), free, heart-to-heart, undecided, subject, promiscuous, undefendable, liberal, opened, exposed, unaffixed, clear, slack, idle, unfastened, on the loose(p), easy, overt, candid, open(a), capable, informal, light, escaped, lax, loose

    squinting, unavailable, tight, closed, squinched, protected, restricted, sealed, obstructed, drawn, shut, insusceptible, disingenuous, blocked, fine, unsusceptible, compressed, union, artful, constricted, enclosed, out of use(p), inactive, unopen, settled, invulnerable, nonopening, stoppered, blinking, winking, private, close, shut down, fold, close up, close down

  14. openadjective

    having no protecting cover or enclosure

    «an open boat»; «an open fire»; «open sports cars»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    drawn, squinched, compressed, out of use(p), private, restricted, disingenuous, closed, shut, constricted, protected, squinting, union, insusceptible, artful, obstructed, winking, settled, stoppered, sealed, inactive, tight, nonopening, fine, blinking, blocked, invulnerable, enclosed, unavailable, unopen, unsusceptible, fold, close, close up, close down, shut down

  15. openadjective

    (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    shut, insusceptible, winking, union, blocked, closed, squinting, squinched, blinking, private, artful, unopen, restricted, disingenuous, invulnerable, constricted, compressed, protected, out of use(p), fine, unavailable, unsusceptible, stoppered, enclosed, tight, inactive, sealed, drawn, obstructed, settled, nonopening, close, fold, close up, shut down, close down

  16. open, undecided, undetermined, unresolvedadjective

    not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought

    «an open question»; «our position on this bill is still undecided»; «our lawsuit is still undetermined»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, dissonant, clear, candid, undecided, on the fence(p), loose, indeterminate, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, unsolved, opened

    disingenuous, settled, blinking, nonopening, compressed, closed, private, squinched, unopen, constricted, squinting, fine, unsusceptible, artful, obstructed, blocked, union, protected, winking, tight, stoppered, restricted, sealed, enclosed, drawn, out of use(p), inactive, shut, invulnerable, insusceptible, unavailable, fold, close, close up, shut down, close down

  17. open, openedadjective

    not sealed or having been unsealed

    «the letter was already open»; «the opened package lay on the table»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    insusceptible, closed, inactive, drawn, winking, invulnerable, sealed, enclosed, restricted, settled, constricted, unopen, tight, artful, unsusceptible, private, nonopening, disingenuous, stoppered, compressed, fine, squinched, squinting, shut, out of use(p), protected, blinking, union, blocked, unavailable, obstructed, close, close up, shut down, fold, close down

  18. openadjective

    without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition

    «the clarity and resonance of an open tone»; «her natural and open response»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    out of use(p), tight, shut, blocked, obstructed, unavailable, inactive, closed, settled, sealed, blinking, artful, unsusceptible, protected, insusceptible, restricted, winking, fine, stoppered, drawn, enclosed, constricted, unopen, squinting, disingenuous, union, nonopening, compressed, squinched, invulnerable, private, close, close down, fold, shut down, close up

  19. receptive, openadjective

    ready or willing to receive favorably

    «receptive to the proposals»

    overt, sensory(a), exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, centripetal, undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, open(a), opened

    shut, unavailable, stoppered, closed, private, insusceptible, union, settled, unopen, squinched, unsusceptible, blocked, inactive, out of use(p), tight, invulnerable, restricted, constricted, compressed, blinking, fine, disingenuous, enclosed, drawn, sealed, winking, nonopening, obstructed, protected, squinting, artful, shut down, close, close down, close up, fold

  20. overt, openadjective

    open and observable; not secret or hidden

    «an overt lie»; «overt hostility»; «overt intelligence gathering»; «open ballots»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    blinking, insusceptible, settled, winking, drawn, constricted, closed, unopen, disingenuous, compressed, tight, enclosed, shut, out of use(p), stoppered, artful, squinched, fine, private, invulnerable, unavailable, sealed, union, protected, restricted, obstructed, nonopening, inactive, unsusceptible, blocked, squinting, close, shut down, close up, close down, fold

  21. open(a)adjective

    not requiring union membership

    «an open shop employs nonunion workers»

    closed, invulnerable, unsusceptible, shut, compressed, blocked, private, union, squinched, unopen, settled, inactive, nonopening, drawn, fine, stoppered, squinting, obstructed, insusceptible, disingenuous, restricted, blinking, unavailable, artful, winking, sealed, constricted, enclosed, out of use(p), protected, tight, close up, close, shut down, fold, close down

  22. capable, open, subjectadjective

    possibly accepting or permitting

    «a passage capable of misinterpretation»; «open to interpretation»; «an issue open to question»; «the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation»

    overt, unfastened, receptive, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, exposed, dependent, clear, candid, undecided, up to(p), loose, capable, assailable, unresolved, equal to(p), undetermined, able, adequate to(p), opened

    squinting, closed, blinking, enclosed, invulnerable, artful, insusceptible, restricted, squinched, compressed, disingenuous, fine, obstructed, blocked, unopen, unsusceptible, shut, out of use(p), sealed, inactive, unavailable, settled, private, constricted, winking, nonopening, union, protected, stoppered, drawn, tight, fold, close down, shut down, close, close up

  23. clear, openadjective

    affording free passage or view

    «a clear view»; «a clear path to victory»; «open waters»; «the open countryside»

    undefended, undetermined, well-defined, receptive, unresolved, assailable, undefendable, exculpated, vindicated, exposed, clean-cut, heart-to-heart, exonerated, clear(p), subject, open(a), opened, unclouded, percipient, clean, readable, absolved, clear, undecided, unfastened, overt, candid, clear-cut, unmortgaged, capable, decipherable, cleared, light, loose

    nonopening, squinting, restricted, out of use(p), settled, inactive, constricted, shut, blocked, unsusceptible, artful, closed, blinking, union, tight, unavailable, obstructed, protected, disingenuous, winking, stoppered, drawn, insusceptible, unopen, enclosed, private, compressed, fine, squinched, sealed, invulnerable, shut down, close down, close, fold, close up

  24. candid, open, heart-to-heartadjective

    openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness

    «his candid eyes»; «an open and trusting nature»; «a heart-to-heart talk»

    overt, exposed, assailable, straight-from-the-shoulder, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), frank, undetermined, plainspoken, unresolved, clear, candid, undecided, free-spoken, loose, outspoken, capable, point-blank, blunt, unfastened, receptive, undefended, subject, opened, forthright

    invulnerable, stoppered, closed, disingenuous, tight, artful, union, unsusceptible, compressed, blinking, constricted, sealed, drawn, shut, settled, squinting, obstructed, fine, unopen, protected, inactive, enclosed, insusceptible, winking, nonopening, unavailable, blocked, private, out of use(p), squinched, restricted, close down, close, shut down, close up, fold

  25. openverb

    ready for business

    «the stores are open»

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

    unavailable, sealed, disingenuous, blinking, protected, stoppered, closed, blocked, squinting, unopen, tight, squinched, out of use(p), fine, constricted, inactive, restricted, private, union, obstructed, nonopening, shut, unsusceptible, insusceptible, settled, winking, artful, enclosed, compressed, drawn, invulnerable, close, close down, fold, close up, shut down

  26. open, open upverb

    cause to open or to become open

    «Mary opened the car door»

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

    squinched, private, protected, nonopening, stoppered, closed, drawn, insusceptible, blocked, shut, restricted, winking, constricted, compressed, artful, tight, out of use(p), obstructed, sealed, invulnerable, inactive, unsusceptible, unopen, settled, fine, squinting, unavailable, union, disingenuous, enclosed, blinking, close, fold, close down, close up, shut down

  27. open, open upverb

    start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning

    «open a business»

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

    tight, blinking, shut, inactive, compressed, union, private, restricted, disingenuous, fine, obstructed, settled, winking, unsusceptible, closed, sealed, protected, blocked, squinched, drawn, artful, unopen, squinting, insusceptible, stoppered, nonopening, unavailable, enclosed, out of use(p), invulnerable, constricted, close, fold, close down, close up, shut down

  28. open, open upverb

    become open

    «The door opened»

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

    fine, protected, constricted, blocked, inactive, artful, invulnerable, tight, union, shut, closed, settled, private, insusceptible, restricted, out of use(p), obstructed, stoppered, sealed, compressed, squinched, blinking, squinting, enclosed, nonopening, drawn, unopen, unavailable, winking, unsusceptible, disingenuous, close, close up, fold, close down, shut down

  29. openverb

    begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.

    «He opened the meeting with a long speech»

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

    unopen, closed, squinched, settled, disingenuous, shut, restricted, drawn, private, union, fine, inactive, enclosed, winking, sealed, unavailable, unsusceptible, obstructed, nonopening, stoppered, blinking, out of use(p), blocked, compressed, squinting, protected, constricted, insusceptible, invulnerable, artful, tight, close, close down, close up, shut down, fold

  30. unfold, spread, spread out, openverb

    spread out or open from a closed or folded state

    «open the map»; «spread your arms»

    fan out, blossom out, unfold, circularise, dissipate, open up, overspread, disseminate, pass around, spread, spread out, broadcast, afford, turn out, stretch, blossom, give, stretch out, extend, scatter, circularize, expand, splay, go around, propagate, blossom forth, rotate, circulate, disperse, distribute, string out, diffuse

    invulnerable, restricted, private, insusceptible, closed, stoppered, sealed, shut, blinking, nonopening, union, enclosed, unsusceptible, inactive, tight, constricted, obstructed, compressed, out of use(p), squinched, blocked, disingenuous, fine, unopen, unavailable, artful, protected, winking, drawn, settled, squinting, close, close up, shut down, close down, fold

  31. open, open upverb

    make available

    «This opens up new possibilities»

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

    disingenuous, invulnerable, settled, tight, out of use(p), protected, squinting, blinking, artful, squinched, private, inactive, sealed, unsusceptible, closed, winking, fine, shut, constricted, unopen, nonopening, blocked, stoppered, drawn, insusceptible, obstructed, unavailable, compressed, union, restricted, enclosed, close, close up, shut down, close down, fold

  32. open, open upverb

    become available

    «an opportunity opened up»

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

    blocked, compressed, closed, unsusceptible, artful, winking, nonopening, sealed, protected, insusceptible, squinting, fine, tight, enclosed, drawn, blinking, obstructed, shut, settled, disingenuous, union, private, out of use(p), restricted, unavailable, stoppered, constricted, squinched, inactive, invulnerable, unopen, close down, close, shut down, close up, fold

  33. openverb

    have an opening or passage or outlet

    «The bedrooms open into the hall»

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

    closed, unavailable, blocked, squinched, settled, compressed, protected, restricted, stoppered, private, sealed, obstructed, enclosed, tight, inactive, winking, shut, fine, blinking, artful, unsusceptible, union, constricted, invulnerable, unopen, insusceptible, drawn, disingenuous, squinting, out of use(p), nonopening, close, shut down, close up, fold, close down

  34. openverb

    make the opening move

    «Kasparov opened with a standard opening»

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

    compressed, invulnerable, enclosed, squinched, obstructed, shut, constricted, artful, fine, unavailable, blocked, restricted, drawn, squinting, out of use(p), nonopening, closed, winking, disingenuous, private, blinking, union, insusceptible, tight, protected, unopen, unsusceptible, stoppered, settled, sealed, inactive, fold, close, shut down, close up, close down

  35. afford, open, giveverb

    afford access to

    «the door opens to the patio»; «The French doors give onto a terrace»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, spread, impart, spread out, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, unfold, grant, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, pass on, ease up, apply, give, open up, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

    closed, settled, nonopening, inactive, squinting, obstructed, drawn, invulnerable, sealed, shut, out of use(p), fine, unavailable, disingenuous, protected, private, unopen, unsusceptible, compressed, winking, artful, squinched, insusceptible, restricted, blinking, tight, stoppered, enclosed, union, blocked, constricted, close, shut down, close down, fold, close up

  36. openverb

    display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

    union, protected, inactive, unsusceptible, blinking, artful, closed, constricted, restricted, winking, settled, private, sealed, insusceptible, shut, nonopening, compressed, squinting, unopen, tight, blocked, squinched, disingenuous, out of use(p), stoppered, unavailable, fine, invulnerable, drawn, obstructed, enclosed, close, close down, fold, shut down, close up

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Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. openverb

    unclose, OPE, lay open

  2. openverb

    exhibit, explain, reveal, interpret, disclose, make manifest, bring to view

  3. openverb

    begin, commence, enter upon

  4. openverb

    OPE, cleave, part, be unclosed, be parted, be sundered, be severed

  5. openverb

    come into view, begin to appear

  6. openverb

    begin, commence

  7. openadjective

    unclosed, not shut

  8. openadjective

    expanded, extended, broad, not folded, not contracted

  9. openadjective

    frank, unreserved, candid, ingenuous, undisguised, undesigning, artless, undissembling, sincere, guileless, fair, honest, single-minded, above-board, open-hearted

  10. openadjective

    liberal, generous, munificent, bountiful, open-handed

  11. openadjective

    exposed, unprotected, undefended

  12. openadjective

    public, unrestricted, clear, unobstructed, free to all

  13. openadjective

    unsettled, undetermined, not adjusted

  14. openadjective

    mild, moderate, not frosty, not cold

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. openadjective

    accessible, clear, unobstructed, unrestricted, ajar, unlocked, extended, expanded, spread, gaping, yawning, unfolded, dehiscent, frank, unreserved, candid, ingenuous, guileless, overt, undisguised, generous, liberal, bounteous, open-handed, revealed, patent, manifest, unsettled, undetermined, debatable, undecided, controvertible, mild, clement, free, disengaged, unappropriated, unemployed

  2. openverb

    spread, expand, unfold, evolve, reveal, disclose, unclose, unlock, unfasten, begin, commence, dehisce

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «open»:

    opened, opening, openly, open-ended, opens, transparent, public, pave, free, openness, fatah, open-minded, abra, unlock, overt, opening-up, frank, ouvert, vacant, initiate, receptive, publicly, inclusive, unlocked, otwarte, ouvertes, accessible, open-air, paved, initiated, ouverte, start, unresolved, open-label, outstanding, inaugurates, commence, franco, tennis, -open, open-door, available

Suggested Resources

  1. OPEN

    What does OPEN stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the OPEN acronym on the website.

How to pronounce open?

How to say open in sign language?

How to use open in a sentence?

  1. Vinod Nair:

    It is expected that we will be out of this virus issue this year. The economy is likely to open further. We will have a strong earnings growth and also have a lot of liquidity in the market. These (expectations) are helping the market.

  2. Gavin Newsom:

    We think this is a sustainable way to keeping our schools open and to address the number one anxiety that parents like California Gov. Gavin Newsom have for young children, and that is knowing that the schools are doing everything in their power to keep our kids safe.

  3. Paul Nolte:

    We are starting to see some states open up, we are starting to see some activity, we are probably now in the midst of the worst period and things will be gradually improving from here.

  4. Gandolfo — (RJ Intindola):

    The path ahead is wide open and you feel a sense of emptiness; in the moment, you realize your heart is empty and the one who can make it overflow with joy, never will.

  5. Fumie Sakamoto:

    If we max out eight beds we can’t place patients who suddenly take a turn for the worse, so we always keep one bed open.

Translations for open

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • oopmaakAfrikaans
  • مَفْتُوحْ, فَتَحَ, يَفْتَحُ, فتحArabic
  • рагьун бугоAvaric
  • açmaqAzerbaijani
  • асыҡBashkir
  • адкры́ты, адчыняць, адкрыць, адкрываць, адчыніцьBelarusian
  • отворен, явен, свободен, обществен, податлив, общодостъпен, склонен, открит, непредубеден, разтворен, неограничен, публичен, отворя, отварямBulgarian
  • খোলাBengali
  • obert, open, lliure, obrir, descloureCatalan, Valencian
  • otevřen, otevřený, veřejný, otevřít, otevírat, OTEVŘENOCzech
  • agored, agorWelsh
  • åben, åbnes, åbne, lukke op, indlede, begyndeDanish
  • offen, aufrichtig, auf, geöffnet, unbedarft, öffentlich, treuherzig, öffnen, aufmachen, eröffnenGerman
  • ʋuEwe
  • ανοιχτός, ανοίγω, ανοιχτόGreek
  • malferma, publika, malfermita, aperta, malfermi, malfermiĝi, komenciEsperanto
  • abierto, open, abrirSpanish
  • lahtine, avalik, avatud, katkestus, aval, avanema, avama, alustamaEstonian
  • ireki, zabal, open, hasiera eman, zabaldu, hasiBasque
  • باز, اوپن, گشودن, باز کردن, باز کنPersian
  • avoin, avoinna, auki, aukea, avonainen, julkisuus, katkos, avata, avautua, aloittaa, aueta, näyttääFinnish
  • opinFaroese
  • ouvert, plein air, grand jour, omnium sportif, ouvrirFrench
  • iepenWestern Frisian
  • oscailte, ar oscailt, oscailteach, oscailIrish
  • fosgailte, fosgailScottish Gaelic
  • foshilManx
  • פתוח, פתוחה, פתחHebrew
  • खुला, खुलना, खोलनाHindi
  • louvriHaitian Creole
  • nyitott, nyílt, kinyit, tárul, nyit, nyílik, nyisd kiHungarian
  • բաց, բացվել, բացել, բանալ, բարձրացնելArmenian
  • aperirInterlingua
  • BukaIndonesian
  • apertarIdo
  • opinn, opnaIcelandic
  • dischiuso, aperto, aprire, toccareItalian
  • לִפְתוֹחַHebrew
  • 開ける, 営業中, 開く, 開いたJapanese
  • ღია, გაღებაGeorgian
  • ашуKazakh
  • ដែលបើក, ដែលចំហរ, បើកKhmer
  • 열다Korean
  • کراوه‌ته‌وه‌, کردنه‌وه‌, vekirinKurdish
  • ачууKyrgyz
  • apertum, aperio, apertusLatin
  • oppenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ເປີດLao
  • atidaryta, atidarytiLithuanian
  • atvērts, atklātais čempionāts, attaisīts, atklāta telpa, atdarīts, atvērtLatvian
  • tuhera, angoMāori
  • отвориMacedonian
  • തുറന്നMalayalam
  • bukaMalay
  • miftuħ, miftuħa, fetaħMaltese
  • ဖွင့်Burmese
  • open, openmaken, openen, opengaan, aansnijden, opendoenDutch
  • openNorwegian Nynorsk
  • åpen, ta opp, åpne, innlede, åpnes, lukke oppNorwegian
  • dobèrt, dobrirOccitan
  • otwarty, otwierać, rozpocząć, podejmować, otworzyć, otwierać sięPolish
  • aberto, abrir, iniciar, começarPortuguese
  • avert, aviert, searver, drivir, darveir, as avrir, earver, sarver, avrir, as drivir, arver, saduvrir, s’avrir, as rivir, rivir, duvrir, sa darveirRomansh
  • deschis, deschideRomanian
  • открытый, открыть, отворять, открыться, открываться, поднять, открывать, отворить, развернуть, отворяться, отвориться, разворачивать, подниматьRussian
  • apèrrere, abbèrrere, abèrririSardinian
  • otvòriti, отво̀ритиSerbo-Croatian
  • අරිනවාSinhala, Sinhalese
  • otvorený, otvoriť, otváraťSlovak
  • odprt, javen, odpretiSlovene
  • hap, çelAlbanian
  • öppen, öppna, öppnas, inleda, ta upp, öppna sigSwedish
  • funguaSwahili
  • திறந்தTamil
  • తెరిచిన, తెరుచుTelugu
  • кушодан, боз кардан, во карданTajik
  • เปิดThai
  • açmakTurkmen
  • açık, açmakTurkish
  • відкри́тий, відкривати, відкрити, ВІДЧИНЕНОUkrainian
  • کھلا, کھولنا, کھلنا, کھولیںUrdu
  • ochmoqUzbek
  • đóng, mởVietnamese
  • douviet, drouviet, å lådje, drovou, droviWalloon
  • עפענעןYiddish
  • 开放Chinese

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Of the total complaints received,


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Из общего количества

полученных жалоб 102 жалобы завершились открытием расследования.


The belt assembly shall


removed from the test trolley without the buckle being opened.


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Комплект ремня снимают с испытательной тележки без открывания пряжки.




an overview of all recordings triggered by a door being opened.


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Открывается обзор всех записей, инициированных открытием двери.


sprung to ensure that it can close immediately after being opened.


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Она должна иметь возвратный механизм, чтобы после открывания сразу же закрываться.


Thus, the volume of positions being opened in your iPA-Investor account will be≈ 0.05 lot.


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Таким образом, объем открываемых позиций на Вашем счете« iPA- Инвестор» будет составлять≈, 05 лота.


One of these mechanisms shall


capable of being opened for slight overpressure within the tank.


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Одно из таких устройств должно открываться при незначительном избыточном давлении внутри танка.


This resulted in an additional 17 cases being opened during the year.


Moreover, in contrast to North America countries, where DFS have already revealed their potential,

this business


only starting to develop in the CIS being opened to investments.


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Кроме того, в отличие от государств Северной Америки, где DFS уже раскрыл свой потенциал,

в странах СНГ данный бизнес только начинает развиваться и открыт для инвестиций.


If this LED


on, the appliance Lid


locked to prevent it from being opened accidentally; to avoid any damages,

you must wait for the lamp to flash before you


the Lid!


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Горящий индикатор означает, что люк заблокирован во избежание его случайного открывания. во избежание повреждений перед тем как открыть люк,

необходимо дождаться, когда замигает индикатор!


We go to see the Russian restaurant ofTianjin,

which isover a hundred years old, being opened in 1901.


context icon

Мы едем смотреть русский ресторан Тяньцзиня,

ему больше 100 лет, открыт с 1901 года.


Marihuana& Hemp Museum(the Museum, for short) attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world.


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музей марихуаны и гашиша ежегодно привлекает огромное количество туристов со всего мира.


Being opened in January 2012 it has received the title of«Best Resort-

2012» and won at the regional stage of Ukrainian contest»Best 100 Products of Ukraine».


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Открытый в январе 2012 года, завоевал титул« Лучший отельный комплекс Закарпатья-

2012», а также победил на региональном этапе Всеукраинского конкурса« 100 лучших товаров Украины».


upon till the moment when criterion requiring its closing triggers.


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После открытия рыночный ордер Buy удерживается открытым до момента,

когда сработает критерий, предписывающий его закрытие.


Thus, the leverage will



and the volume of positions being opened in your iPA-Investor account will be≈ 2.5 lots.


context icon

Таким образом, кредитное плечо будет установлено на

уровне 1: 25, а объем открываемых позиций на Вашем счете« iPA- Инвестор» составит≈ 2, 5 лота.


By default, Kaspersky Anti-Virus scans objects being opened, run, or saved by any program process,

and monitors the activity of all applications and the network traffic they create.


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По умолчанию Антивирус Касперского проверяет объекты, открываемые, запускаемые или сохраняемые любым программным процессом,

а также контролирует активность всех программ и сетевой трафик, создаваемый ими.


These cases involved bank accounts being opened using false identity documents and fraudulent deposits.


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К ним относится открытие банковских счетов с помощью фальшивых документов на вымышленные имена

и использование несуществующих средств.


In health or any other sector being opened to greater private sector participation, regulatory

capacity should


built up before privatization.


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В области здравоохранения, также как в любой другой области открытой для более значительного участия частного сектора,

регулирующая база должны быть создана до начала приватизации.


Installer packages and

files containing OLE objects


executed while being opened, which makes them more dangerous than archives.


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Установочные пакеты и файлы, содержащие ОLЕ- объекты, исполняются при открытии, что делает их более опасными, чем архивы.




hosted by a different Member State each year and supported at the highest level,

typically being opened by the host country’s Minister or Deputy Minister of Health.


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Каждый год школу принимает у себя одно из государств- членов, обеспечивая поддержку на самом высоком уровне,-

обычно мероприятие открывает министр или заместитель здравоохранения принимающей страны.


The generated alarm signal activates the lock in the door frame,

which effectively prevents them from being opened, and thus prevents unauthorized removal of collection items.

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Генерируемый сигнал тревоги активизирует замок в дверной раме,

который эффективно предотвращает их от открытия и, таким образом, предотвращает несанкционированное вынесение печатных изданий из библиотеки.

In the case of an account being opened by correspondence, the sending bank must


asked to make a proper authentication of the signature.


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Если счет открывается заочно, то у банка- отправителя необходимо

запросить надлежащее подтверждение подлинности подписи.


Traffic noise, the door being opened, shop assistant talking over the mobile phone,

moderate volume disco music, doors and traffic again, footsteps.


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Дорожное движение, открывающаяся дверь, разговаривающая по мобильному телефону продавщица, диско-музыка на

средней громкости, снова двери и дорога, шаги.


And then there’s footsteps. the studio door being opened… then, just a few beats later. there.

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А потом раздались шаги… дверь студии приоткрылась… потом, на несколько тактов позже вот.

So far, 11 years after being opened for ratification, it has


ratified by only 83 States.


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К настоящему времени этот документ, который был открыт для ратификации 11 лет назад, ратифицировали лишь 83 государства.


Heavy demand resulted in a new factory being opened in Boulogne-Billancourt 84, rue des Moulineaux.

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Чтобы удовлетворить возросший спрос, был открыт новый завод в Булонь- Бийанкур Рю- де- Мулино 84.

Similarly, did the State party plan to or had it already taken measures to ensure that communications addressed to the European Court of


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Кроме того, какие меры государство- участник планирует принять или уже приняло для того, чтобы сообщения, адресуемые в Европейский суд по правам человека,

направлялись напрямую и без вскрытия?


The market


closed completely in 2008, while another reform took place,


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полностью закрыт в 2008 году для проведения еще одной реновации,

после чего снова был открыт в апреле 2010 года.


It welcomed the establishment in India of the first UNIDO Centre for South-South Industrial Cooperation,

and looked forward to similar centres being opened in Africa.


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Группа приветствует создание в Индии первого центра ЮНИДО по промышленному сотрудничеству Юг- Юг и надеется,


The other doors and the boot lid remain locked and


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Все остальные двери и

дверь багажного отсека отпираются только после повторного отпирания.


In one year alone, 10,800 new primary schools have




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Только за один год было открыто 10 800 новых начальных школ;


Table of Contents

  • 1. opened

  • Rhymes with Opened

  • Opened in a sentence

  • Quotes about Opened

  • 2. opened

  • 3. opened



1. opened

adjective. [‘ˈoʊpənd’] used of mouth or eyes.


  • agape
  • gaping
  • open
  • yawning
  • staring
  • wide-eyed
  • wide


  • cork
  • lock
  • bar
  • seal

Rhymes with Opened

  • abandoned
  • aforementioned
  • airconditioned
  • apportioned
  • auctioned
  • auditioned
  • awakened
  • bargained
  • beckoned
  • blackened
  • bludgeoned
  • brightened
  • broadened
  • burdened
  • burgeoned
  • buttoned
  • captioned
  • cautioned
  • cautioned
  • championed

Sentences with opened

1. Verb, past participle
You will receive an instant decision on whether the account can be opened or not.

2. Verb, past tense
Check the box beside «List my most recently opened documents.»

3. Adjective
Fold the top of a small, opened cereal bag and seal it with a plastic chip clip.

Quotes about opened

1. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller

2. The half hour between waking and rising has all my life proved propitious to any task which was exercising my invention… It was always when I first opened my eyes that the desired ideas thronged upon me.
Walter Scott

3. Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart.
Charles Dickens

2. opened

adjective. [‘ˈoʊpənd’] made open or clear.


  • hate

3. opened

adjective. [‘ˈoʊpənd’] not sealed or having been unsealed.


  • unsealed


  • close
  • bolt

Need another word that means the same as “openness”? Find 3 synonyms and 30 related words for “openness” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Openness as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Openness» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Openness» as a noun (3 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Openness» as a noun
  • Associations of «Openness» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Openness” are: nakedness, receptiveness, receptivity

Openness as a Noun

Definitions of «Openness» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “openness” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility (especially about one’s actions or purposes); without concealment; not secretive.
  • Without obstructions to passage or view.
  • The quality of not being covered with buildings or trees.
  • Lack of secrecy or concealment; frankness.
  • Lack of restriction; accessibility.
  • Willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas.
  • (in sport) a style of play characterized by action which is spread out over the field.
  • Acceptance of or receptiveness to change or new ideas.

Synonyms of «Openness» as a noun (3 Words)

nakedness The state or fact of being naked.
He made no attempt to conceal his nakedness.
receptiveness Willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas.
This receptiveness is the key feature in oestral behavior enabling natural mating to occur.
receptivity Willingness to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.
The sexual receptivity of the camels was tested daily during the course of the experiment.

Usage Examples of «Openness» as a noun

  • Fitness levels have evolved to increase the speed and openness of the game.
  • The openness of the prairies.
  • Our hallmark was openness to all comers.
  • It is the openness to possibilities that creates great research.
  • Total openness to all points of view.
  • The openness of the Western landscape.
  • A democratic society committed to openness and transparency.
  • The openness of the internet makes public debate more possible.

Associations of «Openness» (30 Words)

accountability Responsibility to someone or for some activity.
Lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders.
authenticity The quality of being authentic.
The paper should have established the authenticity of the documents before publishing them.
candid Truthful and straightforward; frank.
It is better to let the photographer mingle among the guests and take candid shots.
candor The quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech.
candour The quality of being open and honest; frankness.
A man of refreshing candour.
decency The quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality.
A loose dress rather too low cut for decency.
directness The quality of proceeding in a straight line without deflection.
He was renowned for the clarity and directness of his sermons.
downright Thoroughgoing.
A downright kind of person.
forthrightness The quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech.
frank Unmistakable; obvious.
Tell me what you think and you may just as well be frank.
friendliness The quality of being friendly; affability.
I was overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people here.
guileless Devoid of guile; innocent and without deception.
His face once so open and guileless.
honest Simple, unpretentious, and unsophisticated.
I did the only right and honest thing.
honesty Referring to or using a way of charging for goods or services that relies on the customers to leave money in an unattended receptacle even though there is no one to collect their payments.
There s a well stocked honesty bar which includes local wine.
integrity The state of being whole and undivided.
The structural integrity of the novel.
naivete Innocence or unsophistication.
Some of the material is laughable in its naïvet.
outspoken Characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion.
Outspoken in their opposition to segregation.
probity The quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.
In a world where financial probity may not be widespread.
rectitude Morally correct behaviour or thinking; righteousness.
Mattie is a model of rectitude.
righteousness The quality of being morally right or justifiable.
Conviction of his own moral righteousness gave his oratory an irresistible power.
sincere Characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions.
An entirely sincere and cruel tyrant.
sincerity A quality of naturalness and simplicity.
The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.
straightness Lack of a tendency to curl.
transparency Permitting the free passage of electromagnetic radiation.
The transparency of ice.
transparent Easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety.
CFCs and water vapour are virtually transparent to incoming short wave solar radiation.
truthful (of artistic or literary representation) characterized by accuracy or realism; true to life.
I think you re confusing being rude with being truthful.
truthfulness The fact of being true; truth.
We have had to judge the truthfulness of the evidence.
uprightness The property of being upright in posture.
Steadying himself he slowly managed to achieve a state of relative uprightness.
veracious Habitually speaking the truth.
A veracious witness.
veracity Conformity to facts; accuracy.
Officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story.


  1. have/keep an open mind. phrase. to be willing to listen to other people’s opinions about someone or something.
  2. liberal. adjective.
  3. tolerant. adjective.
  4. open-minded. adjective.
  5. receptive. adjective.
  6. broad-minded. adjective.
  7. adaptable. adjective.
  8. enterprising. adjective.

Besides, what is the opposite of being open minded?

Since closed is the opposite of open, you won’t be surprised to learn that closed-minded is the opposite of openminded. Closed-minded means, “not willing to consider different ideas or opinions; having or showing a closed mind.”

One may also ask, what does open minded sexually mean?

A sexually open minded person can be bisexual, but a sexually open minded person may also be heterosexual or homosexual only. A sexually open minded person means they are willing to explore and experiment within the boundaries of what they deem as comfortable for them. Even if uncomfortable, at least acceptable.

What does it mean to be close minded?

adjective. having a mind firmly unreceptive to new ideas or arguments: It’s hard to argue with, much less convince, a closedminded person.

What does open minded mean on a dating site?

Although, when you are dating and meeting new people, it’s wise not to be so closed-minded. Being openminded means not closing off people that you could actually have a connection with, and it may not happen on the first date.

Write Your Answer

What is another word for open-minded?

290 synonyms found


[ ˈə͡ʊpənmˈa͡ɪndɪd], [ ˈə‍ʊpənmˈa‍ɪndɪd], [ ˈəʊ_p_ə_n_m_ˈaɪ_n_d_ɪ_d]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    acceptant (adjective)

    • more accepting,
    • most accepting.

    all (adjective)

    • open-minded.

    broad (adjective)

    • open minded,
    • openminded.

    broad-minded (adjective)

    • most undogmatic,
    • most free thinking,
    • more undogmatic,
    • un-bigoted,
    • broad minded,
    • most unbigoted,
    • dis passionate,
    • most free-thinking,
    • most freethinking,
    • dis-passionate,
    • more unbigoted,
    • free thinking,
    • more freethinking,
    • un bigoted,
    • more free thinking,
    • un dogmatic,
    • un-dogmatic,
    • more free-thinking.

    catholic (adjective)

    • World-wide,
    • worldwide,
    • unsectarian,
    • whole,
    • global.

    enlightened (adjective)

    • re fined,
    • knowing whats what,
    • plugged in,
    • in picture,
    • knowing what what,
    • wised up.

    fair-minded (adjective)

    • fair minded,
    • fairminded,
    • fair square.

    humane (adjective)

    • under standing,
    • goodnatured,
    • under-standing,
    • more understanding,
    • un-selfish,
    • kindhearted,
    • more forgiving,
    • un selfish,
    • good natured.

    impartial (adjective)

    • most nondiscriminating,
    • most on the fence,
    • more nondiscriminatory,
    • non partisan,
    • un-colored,
    • more on-the-fence,
    • impartial,
    • more nondiscriminating,
    • most on-the-fence,
    • most nondiscriminatory,
    • un colored,
    • un slanted,
    • most uncolored,
    • more unslanted,
    • nonpartisan,
    • more uncolored,
    • non-discriminating,
    • dis interested,
    • un-slanted,
    • non discriminatory,
    • non-discriminatory,
    • non discriminating,
    • most unslanted,
    • more on the fence,
    • dis-interested.

    mild (adjective)

    • charitable,
    • libertarian,
    • genial,
    • peaceable,
    • kind,
    • quiet,
    • lenient,
    • liberal,
    • even,
    • benevolent,
    • sweet,
    • lax,
    • cordial,
    • forbearing,
    • meek,
    • benign,
    • amiable,
    • moderate,
    • gentle,
    • tolerant,
    • tender,
    • mild,
    • insipid,
    • clement,
    • peaceful,
    • soft.

    objective (adjective)

    • un prepossessed,
    • like is,
    • un-emotional,
    • more unprepossessed,
    • un involved,
    • Unprepossessed,
    • un-involved,
    • un emotional,
    • strictly business.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • non-partisan,
    • progressive,
    • undogmatic,
    • nondiscriminatory,
    • humane,
    • unprejudiced,
    • unbiased,
    • unslanted,
    • free-thinking,
    • freethinking,
    • broad,
    • in sympathy with,
    • easy going,
    • receptive,
    • uncolored,
    • acceptant,
    • on same wavelength,
    • open to suggestions,
    • well-disposed,
    • well-intentioned,
    • permissive,
    • easy-going,
    • nondiscriminating,
    • in the picture,
    • broadminded,
    • catholic,
    • quick on the uptake,
    • on-the-fence,
    • acceptive,
    • broad-minded,
    • tuned in,
    • revolutionary,
    • unbigoted,
    • simpatico,
    • objective,
    • without favor,
    • fair-minded,
    • favorably disposed,
    • knowing what’s what,
    • enlightened,
    • swayable.

    permissive (adjective)

    • most easy going,
    • more allowing,
    • most latitudinarian,
    • most allowing,
    • more easy-going,
    • most approving,
    • most easy-going,
    • all-owing,
    • more approving,
    • more easy going,
    • more latitudinarian,
    • all owing.

    progressive (adjective)

    • bleeding-heart,
    • up-and-coming,
    • forward-looking,
    • gradual,
    • reformist,
    • left of center.

    revolutionary (adjective)

    • innovative,
    • just out.

    sympathetic (adjective)

    • most well-intentioned,
    • more simpatico,
    • more wellintentioned,
    • most simpatico,
    • well intentioned,
    • having a heart,
    • more well intentioned,
    • wellintentioned,
    • most well intentioned,
    • more well-intentioned,
    • most wellintentioned,
    • likeminded,
    • having heart,
    • like minded.

    unbiased (adjective)

    • un-biased,
    • un biased,
    • un interested,
    • even handed,
    • on fence,
    • un-interested.

    unprejudiced (adjective)

    • un-influenced,
    • un influenced,
    • most uninfluenced,
    • uninfluenced,
    • more uninfluenced,
    • un-prejudiced,
    • un prejudiced.
  • n.

    • live and let live,
    • have/keep an open mind.

    • accept,
    • responsive,
    • amenable.

    • attitude,
    • wide.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • character trait.
  • Other synonyms:

    • liberality,
    • enterprising,
    • adaptable,
    • openness.

    • neutral.

    Other relevant words:

    • open.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • susceptible,
    • admissive,
    • altruistic,
    • flexible,
    • loose,
    • dispassionate,
    • considerate,
    • square,
    • proper,
    • candid,
    • sensible,
    • ethical,
    • Unjaundiced,
    • persuasible,
    • patient,
    • uncoloured,
    • educated,
    • pliable,
    • in the know,
    • malleable,
    • sympathetic,
    • pliant,
    • aware,
    • interested,
    • Open-handed,
    • knowledgeable,
    • indulgent,
    • frank,
    • impressionable,
    • magnanimous,
    • well-informed,
    • civilized,
    • unconventional,
    • nontraditional,
    • perceptive,
    • large,
    • hospitable,
    • commonsensical,
    • equitable,
    • common sense,
    • nonrestrictive,
    • influenceable,
    • understanding,
    • detached,
    • radical,
    • libertine,
    • disinterested,
    • suasible,
    • even-handed,
    • uninvolved,
    • big,
    • sophisticated,
    • unorthodox,
    • just,
    • willing,
    • moral,
    • informed,
    • not literal,
    • judicious,
    • fair,
    • nonorthodox,
    • suggestible,
    • generous,
    • latitudinarian,
    • big-hearted,
    • cultivated,
    • right-minded,
    • accessible,
    • movable,
    • pervious,
    • observant,
    • persuadable,
    • impersonal,
    • nonconventional,
    • principled,
    • weak,
    • approachable,
    • plastic,
    • reasonable,
    • rational,
    • free,
    • literate.

How to use «Open-minded» in context?

The word «open-minded» is defined as, » characterized by or showing a lack of preconceptions or bias, especially in regard to ideas, people, or methods.» This is an admirable trait to have as it allows one to be more knowledgeable and understanding of other people and things. It also allows people to be more creative and more influenced by new ideas.

Being open-minded has many benefits. It allows people to see things in a more objective way, which can make them more knowledgeable and less likely to be biased in their thinking. This can also lead to better decisions as the person is not influenced by the prejudices of the past.

Paraphrases for Open-minded:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
  • Forward Entailment

    • Adjective
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Adjective
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      amenable, evenhanded, fair-minded, inclusive, open-ended, opened, overt, responsive, sensitive, tolerant, transparent, unbiased, unlocked, unresolved, far-sighted, even-handed, liberalised, outward-looking, open-door, open-label, opening-up.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      candid, dispassionate, enlightened, impartial, liberal, opening, openness, receptive, broadminded.

  • #1

1)The shop is open.
2)The shop is opened.
Is there a difference between «is open» and «is opened»? Or are they interchangebly?
Thank you.:)

    • #2

    «opened» is the past participle of «open»
    So yoiu would want to say «the shop has opened»

    Will open — future
    Open — present
    Has opened — past

    BUT, in this case — Both «The shop is open» and «The shop has opened» imply the same idea, which is «Time to go shopping».

    • #3

    I wonder why it’s not good to say «The shop is opened (by someone)» since it’s the passive mood.» If it’s in the active mood, is it wrong to say «the shop is opened?» I doubt it because it’s right to say «he is gone» and «he has gone.» Could someone clear up my doubt? Thanks.

    • #4

    You can say «The shop is opened» but only if it’s a habitual action. As in: «The shop is opened up at 7 o’clock each morning by one of our staff.»

    If you want another way of saying «The shop is open», you can also say «The shop has been opened.»

    You can say «He is gone» instead of «He has gone» because «gone» here functions as an adjective.


    • #5

    I wonder why it’s not good to say «The shop is opened (by someone)» since it’s the passive mood.» If it’s in the active mood, is it wrong to say «the shop is opened?» I doubt it because it’s right to say «he is gone» and «he has gone.» Could someone clear up my doubt? Thanks.

    There’s no problem with «The shop is opened (by someone)»
    The shop is opened at 8am by the manager.:tick:

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009


    • #7

    Can I use the following interchangeably?

    1) The shop wasn’t open yesterday.
    2) The shop didn’t open yesterday.

    Thanks! :)


    • #8

    There doesn’t seem to be much difference, though maybe in (2) you were expecting the shop to be open and it failed to open. Sentence (1) sounds somewhat more matter-of-fact. Perhaps yesterday was Sunday and that shop never opens on Sunday anyway.


    • #9

    How about these two sentences:

    1) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is


    there. It opened in 1830.»

    2) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is


    there. It opened in 1830.»

    A guide said this to the tourists to describe the pizza capital city and the fist pizza restaurant.

    • #10

    1) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is


    there. It opened in 1830.»

    2) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is


    there. It opened in 1830.»

    «Is opened» would mean that the restaurant is being opened as a habit, not in the past. So you could just say «The world’s first pizza restaurant opened there in 1830.» (In fact, the first one seems to have been opened in 1738.)


    • #11

    «Is opened» would mean that the restaurant is being opened as a habit, not in the past. So you could just say «The world’s first pizza restaurant opened there in 1830.» (In fact, the first one seems to have been opened in 1738.)

    It might mean it opened in 1830 and it is still open/opened?

    • #12

    It might mean it opened in 1830 and it is still open/opened?

    Yes, or one could also say “It opened in 1830 and closed in 1990.”


    • #13

    Yes, or one could also say “It opened in 1830 and closed in 1990.”

    I mean what word should I choose to describe the situation now:

    1) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is opened there. It opened in 1830.»

    2) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is open there. It opened in 1830.»

    A guide said this to the tourists to describe the pizza capital city and the fist pizza restaurant.

    • #14

    I mean what word should I choose to describe the situation now:

    1) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is opened there. It opened in 1830.»

    2) «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is open there. It opened in 1830.»

    A guide said this to the tourists to describe the pizza capital city and the fist pizza restaurant.

    I think one can’t correct this just by changing one word. You have to change the whole sentence a bit.

    Sentence number 1 would be passive in the present. (to be + past participle)
    In 2., «open there» isn’t wrong, but not very natural. You don’t want to emphasize that it’s open at the time of writing, but that it’s still in business. So you could say, «The world’s first pizza restaurant, opened in 1830, is still doing business there.»

    Or you could write, «The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant was opened there in 1830 and is still serving diners today.»


    • #15

    Does «The shop is open.» is the correct way to express the idea that the shop is running it’s business?


    • #16

    Does «The shop is open.» is the correct way to express the idea that the shop is running it’s business?

    It could mean that.
    It could also mean, simply, that the shop physically open, but not doing business. For example, the door may be open.


    • #17

    It could mean that.
    It could also mean, simply, that the shop physically open, but not doing business. For example, the door may be open.

    Does «The shop is open by the manager» also means the shop physically open, but not doing business.


    • #18

    We don’t say, «The shop is open by the manager.»

    • #19

    Does «The shop is open by the manager» also means the shop physically open, but not doing business.

    If you want to use «open» to mean «doing business», you could say it’s open for business; that sounds a little formal to me however.


    • #20

    We don’t say, «The shop is open by the manager.»

    If you want to use «open» to mean «doing business», you could say it’s open for business; that sounds a little formal to me however.

    Got it. Thank you so much.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    Faith is but another word for victory.

    Вера — это не что иное, как другое слово для победы.

    It all suggests that another word is needed.

    Hope is another word we often associate with religion.

    Надежда — еще одно слово, которое часто путают со словом «вера».

    There is another word for ‘self-discipline’.

    Существует еще одно слово для определения понятия «самодисциплина».

    It would be more precise to call Slavic and then Russian writings with another word.

    Точнее было бы назвать славянскую, а потом и русскую письменность другим словом.

    I would like us to consider another word.

    Maybe waiting is just another word for letting go.

    There is another word that is often used along with savant.

    Существует еще одно слово, которое часто употребляют вместе со словом «мораль».

    Vitality is another word for life force.

    Humiliation is another word that is often confused with shame.

    Унижение — еще одно слово, которое мы часто путаем со стыдом.

    Accountability is another word for consequences.

    «Подотчетность» — это еще одно слово для обозначения ответственности.

    She always said Project is just another word for experiment.

    Она всегда повторяла, что Проект это всего лишь другое слово для эксперимента.

    Life is another word for love.

    But then there’s another word.

    Simplicity is another word I like to use when talking about clean design.

    Простота — еще одно слово, которое я люблю использовать, говоря о чистом дизайне.

    We use another word for describing this unknown space.

    Мы используем другое слово для описания этого неведомого пространства.

    But we are speaking about a company and a business process, so here we should use another word — effectiveness.

    Но мы говорим о компании и бизнес-процессе, поэтому здесь подойдет другое слово — эффективность.

    The rest of the world either calls it some variation of «football» or another word altogether.

    Остальная часть мира либо называет его некоторые вариации слова «футбол» или другое слово в целом.

    As if that’s not enough, another word for submarining is haunting.

    Как будто этого недостаточно, другое слово для подводного плавания преследует.

    Then you looked at the results, and maybe typed another word.

    Затем смотрели на результат и, возможно, вводили еще одно слово.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 1243. Точных совпадений: 1243. Затраченное время: 164 мс


    Корпоративные решения




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