Another word for being hurt

How is the word hurt distinct from other similar verbs?

Some common synonyms of hurt are damage, harm, impair, injure, and mar. While all these words mean «to affect injuriously,» hurt implies inflicting a wound to the body or to the feelings.

hurt by their callous remarks

When can damage be used instead of hurt?

Although the words damage and hurt have much in common, damage suggests injury that lowers value or impairs usefulness.

a table damaged in shipping

When might harm be a better fit than hurt?

The words harm and hurt can be used in similar contexts, but harm often stresses the inflicting of pain, suffering, or loss.

careful not to harm the animals

When could impair be used to replace hurt?

The words impair and hurt are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, impair suggests a making less complete or efficient by deterioration or diminution.

years of smoking had impaired his health

When would injure be a good substitute for hurt?

While in some cases nearly identical to hurt, injure implies the inflicting of anything detrimental to one’s looks, comfort, health, or success.

badly injured in an accident

When is mar a more appropriate choice than hurt?

While the synonyms mar and hurt are close in meaning, mar applies to injury that spoils perfection (as of a surface) or causes disfigurement.

the text is marred by many typos

Another word for Hurt, What is another word Hurt

Word; Hurt

Meaning; damage, harm, loss, detriment

Another Words For Hurt

  • damage
  • harm
  • loss
  • detriment
  • injury
  • pain
  • suffering
  • grief
  • sorrow
  • sting
  • wound
  • sore
  • ulcer
  • cut
  • agony
  • anguish
  • misery
  • affliction
  • sadness
  • regret
  • distress

Here are 800 Another Words List;

Another Words List – A
abandon – desert
abbreviate – shorten
ability – aptitude
able – qualified
above – overhead
abundant – ample
accurate – correct
achieve – accomplish
adjourn – recess
advocate – support
after – following
afraid – scared
aggressive – militant
aid – assist
always – forever
amateur – novice
ambitious – driven
antagonize – embitter
apparent – obvious,evident
approve – ratify,endorse
arrive – come
arrogant – stuck-up
awful – atrocious
awkward – clumsy

Another Words List – B
ban – prohibit
barren – unproductive
bashful – shy
beautiful – pretty,
before – prior
beginning – start
blend – mix
bottom – base
brave – heroic
break – burst
brief – short
broad – wide,expansive
busy – active
buy – purchase

Another Words List – C
calm – quiet
capture – arrest
care – concern
careful – watchful
cease – stop,
certain – positive
charming – enchanting
chilly – cool
chubby – plump
comical – amusing
complex – complicated
competent – capable
comprehend – grasp
complete – conclude
complex – intricate
compress – crush
concrete – real
concur – agree
condemn – ,denounce
condense – compress
confess – admit
confine – contain
conflict – oppose
conflict – fight
conform – comply
confuse – muddle
congested – overcrowded
connect – join
conscientious – scrupulous
conscious – aware
consecutive – successive
conservative – cautious
considerate – thoughtful
constantly – always
contaminate – pollute
contented – satisfied
continue – persevere
convalesce – heal
convenient – handy
cozy – comfortable
cranky – irritable
crazy – daft
cruel – mean
cry – sob

Another Words List – D
dally – linger
damage – hurt
dangerous – perilous
daring – bold
dark – dismal
dawn – daybreak
dead – lifeless
decay – rot
deduct – subtract
defend – protect
defy – resist
delicate – fragile
demolish – destroy
denounce – blame
dense – thick
depart – leave,exit
detach – separate
deter – hinder,prevent
determined – sure
die – expire,perish
different – distinct
difficult – hard
dilute – weaken
drab – dull
drastic – severe
dreadful – terrible
dry – arid,parched
dubious – doubtful
dull – blunt
dumb – dense

Another Words List – E
early – beforetime
easy – simple
eccentric – unusual
ecstasy – elation
empty – unload
encourage – urge
enemy – opponent
enjoy – like
enlarge – expand
evident – apparent
evil – bad
exceptional – outstanding
excite – arouse,
exhilarated – elated
explicit – exact
exquisite – delightful
exterior – outside
extravagant – luxurious

Another Words List – F
fabulous – marvelous
face – confront
fair – honest
fake – artificial
false – incorrect
fancy – ornate
fantastic – outrageous
fast – rapid
fat – chubby
fatal – deadly
fatigue – tire
feasible – possible
feeble – weak
ferocious – fierce
fertile – fruitful
fiction – fantasy
fill – load
fix – mend
follow – succeed
forbid – prohibit
forgive – pardon
former – previous
fraction – part
frank – candid
frenzy – fury
fresh – unused
friend – comrade
frigid – freezing
frivolous – trivial
front – fore
full – packed
furious – enraged
future – coming

Another Words List – G
gain – acquire
gallant – chivalrous
gather – accumulate
gaudy – showy
gaunt – scrawny
generous – giving
gentle – mild
genuine – authentic
gigantic – immense
give – donate,present
glad – happy
gloomy – dark
glorious – splendid,
good – nice
gratitude – thankfulness
great – outstanding

Another Words List – H
handy – useful
hard – firm
hate – loathe
help – aid
high – lofty
hold – grip
honest – sincere
hospitable – welcoming
hostile – antagonistic
huge – vast
humble – modest
humiliate – embarrass

Another Words List – I
identical – alike
idle – inactive
ignorant – uninformed
immaculate – pure
immature – inexperienced
immune – resistant
impartial – neutral
impatient – eager
imperative – mandatory
imperfect – marred
impetuous – impulsive
important – significant
independent – self-reliant
inferior – lesser
infuriate – enrage
intermittent – sporadic
internal – inner

Another Words List – J,K,L
jolly – merry
jubilant – overjoyed
keep – save
kind – considerate
lament – mourn
large – big
last – final
least – fewest
legible – readable
lenient – lax
listless – lethargic
logical – sensible
long – lengthy
loose – slack,limp
lure – attract
luxurious – extravagant

Another Words List – M
magnify – expand
mandatory – required
maneuver – manipulate
maximum – greatest
meager – scanty
mean – unkind
mediocre – fair
mend – repair
migrant – drifting
militant – combative
minor – lesser
mirth – merriment
mischievous – naughty
misfortune – hardship
mobile – moveable
moderate – temperate
momentous – important
monotonous – boring
moral – righteous
morbid – ghastly
morose – moody
mourn – lament
mysterious – occult

Another Words List – N
naughty – wrong
neat – clean
negligent – derelict
nervous – flustered
neutral – impartial
new – unused
nice – pleasing
nonchalant – indifferent
normal – ordinary
numerous – abundant

Another Words List – O
obey – mind
oblivious – dazed
obnoxious – abominable
observe – examine
obsolete – dated
obstinate – stubborn
odd – peculiar
offend – displease
ominous – menacing
opaque – obscure
open – begin
opponent – rival
optimistic – confident
optional – elective
ordinary – average
outrageous – shocking
outstanding – distinguished

Another Words List – P
painstaking – precise
passive – compliant
past – former
patience – tolerance
peculiar – weird
perfect – flawless
permanent – enduring
perpetual – eternal
persuade – convince
plausible – believable
plentiful – ample
pliable – supple
polite – gracious
poor – destitute
portion – part
possible – conceivable
precarious – dangerous
precious – cherished
prejudiced – opinionated
premature – early,hasty
premeditated – intended
preserve – uphold
pretty – lovely
prevalent – widespread
prevent – prohibit
probable – liable
proficient – adept
profit – gain
prohibit – forbid
prominent – eminent
prompt – punctual
prosperous – successful
proud – elated
push – shove,propel

Another Words List – Q,R
qualified – competent
question – interrogate
quiet – silent
quit – cease
racket – noise
radiant – luminous
raise – hoist
ratify – approve
rational – logical
ravage – devastate
raze – destroy
recreation – amusement
reduce – decrease
refute – contradict
regular – routine
regulate – oversee
relevant – pertinent
reluctant – unwilling
remote – secluded
repulsive – hideous
resist – oppose
retaliate – avenge
reveal – disclose
risky – hazardous
rowdy – boisterous
rude – impolite

Another Words List – S
sad – unhappy
same – alike
savage – uncivilized
save – preserve
scarce – scanty
scrawny – skinny
seize – apprehend
separate – divide
serene – peaceful
serious – grave
shrewd – cunning
shy – timid
sick – ailing
slim – thin
sluggish – listless
small – little
smooth – slick
sociable – friendly
sorrow – woe
special – exceptional
spontaneous – instinctive
stable – steady
stationary – fixed
stimulate – motivate
stop – quit
strenuous – vigorous
strict – stringent
strong – powerful
stupid – unintelligent
subsequent – following
successful – thriving
sufficient – ample
superb – magnificent
suppress – restrain
surplus – excess
swift – fast,speedy,hasty
synthetic – artificial

Another Words List – T
tall – high
tangible – concrete
taut – tense,tight,stiff
tender – delicate
terrible – dreadful
thaw – melt,defrost
thrifty – economical
thrive – prosper
total – whole,entire
trivial – insignificant
turbulent – tumultuous
turmoil – commotion

Another Words List – U,V
unbiased – impartial
upset – perturb,ruffle
urgent – crucial
vacant – unoccupied
vague – unclear
valiant – courageous
vibrate – quiver,tremble
vicious – malicious
victory – triumph,win
virtuous – righteous
vulgar – offensive,uncouth

Another Words List – W
wealth – riches,prosperity
weary – tired,fatigued
wholehearted – earnest
wild – uncivilized
win – triumph,prevail
wise – knowing,smart
wonderful – marvelous
worn – used
wrong – mistaken

Another Words List – Y,Z
yield – produce
zenith – peak,pinnacle

What is another word for “hurt”? The list below shows different words you can use instead of “hurt” with meaning and examples. Learn synonyms for “hurt” with ESL picture to improve your English.

Hurt Synonym

Other Words for “Hurt”

Commonly used synonyms for “Hurt”.

  • Abuse
  • Harm
  • Wound
  • Offend
  • Victimize
  • Mistreat
  • Crush
  • Injured
  • Tortured
  • Bleed
  • Ache
  • Cut
  • Damage
  • Disfigured

A huge list of 110+ words to use instead of “hurt”.

  • Injured
  • Harmed
  • Upset
  • Distressed
  • Suffering
  • Disturbed
  • Wronged
  • Unhappy
  • Afflicted
  • Wounded
  • Wounding
  • Offended
  • Aching
  • Saddened
  • Woeful
  • Sore
  • Wrong
  • Pained
  • Evil
  • Ill-used
  • Painful
  • Depressed
  • Annoyed
  • Damaged
  • Irritated
  • Resentful
  • Aggrieved
  • Displeased
  • Ill-treat
  • Affronted
  • Disappointed
  • Maltreated
  • Ill-treated
  • Mistreated
  • Miffed
  • Smart
  • Indignant
  • Bothered
  • Oppressed
  • Persecuted
  • Beat
  • Shocked
  • Angered
  • Poorly
  • Grieving
  • Sick
  • Disgusted
  • Grated
  • Jarred
  • Repelled
  • Scandalized
  • Made
  • Sad
  • Shot
  • Vexed
  • In pain
  • Grieved
  • Sorrowful
  • Good
  • Affected
  • Difficult
  • Broken
  • Ill
  • Discontent
  • Done
  • Cut
  • Struck
  • Abused
  • Victimized
  • Insulted
  • Anguished
  • Poor
  • Okay
  • Corrupt
  • Impaired
  • Mournful
  • Agonized
  • Piqued
  • Scratched
  • Dejected
  • Disquieted
  • Malcontent
  • Cripple
  • Bruised
  • Down
  • Miserable
  • Hurtful
  • Stung
  • Dissatisfied
  • Irked
  • Weakened
  • Marred
  • Mutilated
  • Nicked
  • Boo-boo
  • Lame
  • Chagrined
  • Perturbed
  • Doleful
  • Forlorn
  • Abuse
  • Harm
  • Wound
  • Offend
  • Victimize
  • Mistreat
  • Crush
  • Tortured
  • Bleed
  • Ache
  • Damage
  • Disfigured

Hurt Synonyms with Meaning and Examples


  • Meaning: To make bad use of something, or to use so much of something that it harms your health
  • Example: He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.


  • Meaning: To hurt or injure somebody or to damage something
  • Example: He claimed that he had not intended to harm the girl.


  • Meaning: To injure a part of the body, especially by making a hole in the skin using a weapon
  • Example: He was wounded in the arm.


  • Meaning: Feeling upset because of something said or done that is rude or embarrassing
  • Example: Emily looked rather offended.


  • Meaning: To make somebody suffer unfairly because you do not like them, their opinions, or something that they have done
  • Example: The fat boy was victimized by his classmates.


  • Meaning: To treat a person or an animal in a cruel, unkind or unfair way
  • Example: These animals have been mistreated by their owners.


  • Meaning: To press or squeeze something so hard that it is damaged or injured, or loses its shape
  • Example: The car was completely crushed under the truck.


  • Meaning: Physically hurt; having an injury
  • Example: Luckily, he isn’t injured.


  • Meaning: Suffering severely; involving a lot of suffering and difficulty
  • Example: He fell into a tortured sleep.


  • Meaning: To lose blood, especially from a wound or an injury
  • Example: My finger’s bleeding.


  • Meaning: To feel a continuous dull pain
  • Example: Her eyes ached from lack of sleep.


  • Meaning: To make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors
  • Example: She cut her finger on a piece of glass.


  • Meaning: To harm or spoil something/somebody
  • Example: This development will damage our chances of succeeding.


  • Meaning: To spoil the appearance of a person, thing or place
  • Example: Her face was disfigured by a long red scar.

Another Word for Hurt | List of 110+ Synonyms for "Hurt" in EnglishPin

HURT Synonyms: Useful Synonyms for Hurt in English

Last Updated on January 11, 2021

SYNONYMS. distress, pain, suffering, grief, misery, anguish, torment, trauma, woe, upset, sadness, sorrow, wretchedness. harm, damage, injury, trouble, misfortune, affliction, wrong, detriment, disadvantage. British disbenefit. informal mischief.

In this manner, what does being hurt emotionally mean?

Emotionally hurt means some circumstances or situations that has brought a change in our way of thinking than what we were there in our past. According to me emotions varies from a person to person even though the circumstances are same.

Also Know, is grumbling synonym of hurt?

The word ‘hurt‘ means causing pain or injury. Other synonyms for the word are — damage, wound etc. Grumbling word refers to complaining, about anything person disagrees with, in bad manner. The synonym for this word is — groan, complain.

Why do I hurt others when I’m hurt?

Hurt people tend to interpret words and behaviors personally, and tend to think of themselves as victims who have been treated unfairly. Hurt people tend to mistreat or act harshly toward others — especially those close to them — because those are the people they feel the safest and most secure around.

What’s the opposite of a heart?

What is the opposite of heart?

coldheartedness hard-heartedness
brutishness wickedness
fiendishness evilness
heinousness cold-heartedness
nastiness hardheartedness
Write Your Answer

What is another word for Hurt?

  • injured, physically or mentally injured

  • health, cause mental pain

  • pained, physically or mentally injured

Use filters to view other words, we have 4351 synonyms for hurt.

Synonyms for hurt

If you know synonyms for Hurt, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.

Similar words of hurt

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  • aching
  • aggrieved
  • agonized
  • battered
  • bleeding
  • bruised
  • buffeted
  • burned
  • contused
  • crushed
  • cut
  • damaged
  • disfigured
  • distressed
  • disturbed
  • grazed
  • harmed
  • hit
  • impaired
  • lacerated
  • marred
  • mauled
  • miffed
  • mutilated
  • nicked
  • offended
  • pained
  • piqued
  • scarred
  • scraped
  • scratched
  • shook
  • shot
  • sore
  • struck
  • suffering
  • tender
  • tortured
  • warped
  • wounded
  • all torn up
  • busted up
  • in pain
  • indignant
  • put away
  • resentful
  • rueful
  • sad
  • stricken
  • umbrageous
  • unhappy
  • ache
  • bruise
  • discomfort
  • outrage
  • pain
  • suffering
  • blow
  • chop
  • detriment
  • disadvantage
  • disaster
  • disservice
  • distress
  • down
  • gash
  • harm
  • ill
  • ill-treatment
  • loss
  • mark
  • mischief
  • misfortune
  • nick
  • pang
  • persecution
  • prejudice
  • ruin
  • scratch
  • sore
  • soreness
  • wound
  • wrong
  • black and blue
  • boo-boo
  • ouch
  • bruise
  • damage
  • harm
  • impair
  • injure
  • mar
  • punish
  • sting
  • trouble
  • wound
  • abuse
  • ache
  • afflict
  • ail
  • belt
  • bite
  • blemish
  • burn
  • cramp
  • cut
  • disable
  • flail
  • flog
  • kick
  • lacerate
  • lash
  • maltreat
  • maul
  • nip
  • pierce
  • pinch
  • pommel
  • prick
  • pummel
  • punch
  • puncture
  • slap
  • slug
  • smart
  • spank
  • spoil
  • squeeze
  • stab
  • tear
  • throb
  • torment
  • torture
  • total
  • wax
  • whack
  • whip
  • wing
  • wring
  • be sore
  • be tender
  • cut up
  • do violence
  • mess up
  • rough up
  • shake up
  • wrack up
  • annoy
  • constrain
  • injure
  • punish
  • sadden
  • sting
  • upset
  • wound
  • abuse
  • afflict
  • aggrieve
  • burn
  • chafe
  • discomfit
  • discommode
  • displease
  • distress
  • excruciate
  • faze
  • grieve
  • lambaste
  • martyr
  • martyrize
  • prejudice
  • torment
  • torture
  • try
  • vex
  • vitiate
  • zing
  • cut to the quick
  • give no quarter
  • go for jugular
  • hit where one lives
  • lay a bad trip on
  • lean on
  • put down
  • put out
  • thumb nose at
  • work over

On this page you’ll find 439 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to hurt, such as: aching, aggrieved, agonized, battered, bleeding, and bruised.

  • cheer
  • comfort
  • ease
  • happiness
  • health
  • joy
  • pleasure
  • relief
  • advantage
  • benefit
  • blessing
  • gain
  • good fortune
  • help
  • kindness
  • luck
  • miracle
  • profit
  • prosperity
  • success
  • win
  • aid
  • assist
  • cure
  • healing
  • remedy
  • aid
  • assist
  • benefit
  • cure
  • fix
  • heal
  • help
  • improve
  • mend
  • allow
  • close
  • compliment
  • give
  • make happy
  • please
  • praise
  • protect
  • release
  • sew
  • assuage
  • calm
  • placate
  • relieve
  • remedy
  • soothe
  • aid
  • cure
  • delight
  • heal
  • help
  • let go
  • make happy
  • please
  • approve
  • assist
  • calm
  • comfort
  • praise
  • protect
  • respect
  • satisfy
  • soothe
  • assuage
  • placate
  • relieve
  • remedy

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use hurt in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • crime
  • damage
  • defilement
  • harm
  • hurt
  • impairment
  • injury
  • malevolence
  • maltreatment
  • manhandling
  • misdeed
  • offense
  • pollution
  • violation
  • wrongdoing
  • anguish
  • hurt
  • misery
  • pang
  • pounding
  • soreness
  • spasm
  • suffering
  • throb
  • throbbing
  • throe
  • twinge
  • be sore
  • hurt
  • pain
  • pound
  • smart
  • suffer
  • throb
  • twinge
  • hurt
  • pained
  • pounded
  • smarted
  • suffered
  • throbbed
  • twinged
  • was sore
  • afflicted
  • depressed
  • disturbed
  • grieving
  • harmed
  • hurt
  • injured
  • oppressed
  • pained
  • peeved
  • persecuted
  • saddened
  • unhappy
  • woeful
  • wronged
  • afflict
  • bleed
  • carry on
  • crucify
  • distress
  • disturb
  • eat heart out
  • excruciate
  • harrow
  • hurt
  • labor
  • lament
  • martyr
  • pain
  • rack
  • sing the blues
  • squirm
  • stew over
  • strain
  • strive
  • struggle
  • take it badly
  • torment
  • torture
  • try
  • wince
  • worry
  • writhe

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. hurtverb

    injure, wound

  2. hurtverb

    To be painful.

    Does your leg still hurt? / It is starting to feel better.

    wound, injure

  3. hurtverb


    injure, wound

  4. hurtverb

    To cause (somebody) emotional pain.

    wound, injure

  5. hurtverb

    To undermine, impede, or damage.

    This latest gaffe hurts the MP’s reelection prospects still further.

    wound, injure

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hurt

    Injury (Latin in, not, and jus, juris, right, law) signifies primarily something done contrary to law or right; hence, something contrary to some standard of right or good; whatever reduces the value, utility, beauty, or desirableness of anything is an injury to that thing; of persons, whatever is so done as to operate adversely to one in his person, rights, property, or reputation is an injury; the word is especially used of whatever mars the integrity of the body or causes pain; as, when rescued from the wreck his injuries were found to be very slight. Injury is the general term including all the rest. Damage (Latin damnum, loss) is that which occasions loss to the possessor; hence, any impairment of value, often with the suggestion of fault on the part of the one causing it; damage reduces value, utility, or beauty; detriment (Latin deterere, to rub or wear away) is similar in meaning, but far milder. Detriment may affect value only; damage always affects real worth or utility; as a rule, the slightest use of an article by a purchaser operates to its detriment if again offered for sale, tho the article may have received not the slightest damage. Damage is partial; loss is properly absolute as far as it is predicated at all; the loss of a ship implies that it is gone beyond recovery; the loss of the rudder is a damage to the ship; but since the loss of a part still leaves a part, we may speak of a partial or a total loss. Evil commonly suggests suffering or sin, or both; as, the evils of poverty, the social evil. Harm is closely synonymous with injury; it may apply to body, mind, or estate, but always affects real worth, while injury may concern only estimated value. A hurt is an injury that causes pain, physical or mental; a slight hurt may be no real harm. Mischief is disarrangement, trouble, or harm usually caused by some voluntary agent, with or without injurious intent; a child’s thoughtless sport may do great mischief; wrong is harm done with evil intent. An outrage combines insult and injury. Compare synonyms for BLEMISH; CRIMINAL; INJUSTICE.

    blemish, damage, detriment, disadvantage, evil, harm, impairment, injury, injustice, loss, mischief, outrage, prejudice, wrong

    advantage, amelioration, benefit, blessing, boon, help, improvement, remedy, service, utility

    The injury of the cause; an injury to the structure; injury by fire; by or from collision, interference, etc.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hurtverb

    wound, bruise, harm, injure, damage, pain, grieve

    heal, soothe, console, repair, reinstate, compensate, benefit

  2. hurtnoun

    harm, injury, damage, wound, detriment, mischief

    benefit, pleasure

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. injury, hurt, harm, traumanoun

    any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.

    wound, injury, distress, detriment, harm, accidental injury, psychic trauma, impairment, suffering, trauma, damage, scathe, combat injury

    uninjured, undamaged

  2. distress, hurt, sufferingnoun

    psychological suffering

    «the death of his wife caused him great distress»

    injury, distress, detriment, harm, excruciation, damage, distraint, suffering, trauma, agony, scathe, woe

    undamaged, uninjured

  3. suffering, hurtnoun

    feelings of mental or physical pain

    injury, distress, detriment, harm, excruciation, damage, agony, suffering, trauma, woe, scathe

    uninjured, undamaged

  4. detriment, hurtnoun

    a damage or loss

    injury, distress, detriment, harm, damage, suffering, trauma, scathe

    uninjured, undamaged

  5. damage, harm, hurt, scatheadjective

    the act of damaging something or someone

    suffering, injury, distress, detriment, price, harm, damage, terms, legal injury, impairment, wrong, trauma, equipment casualty, scathe

    uninjured, undamaged

  6. hurt, woundedadjective

    suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle

    «nursing his wounded arm»; «ambulances…for the hurt men and women»

    weakened, wounded

    undamaged, uninjured

  7. hurt, weakenedverb

    damaged inanimate objects or their value

    lessened, thinned, faded, cut, diminished, weakened, vitiated, attenuate, attenuated, wounded

    undamaged, uninjured

  8. ache, smart, hurtverb

    be the source of pain

    smart, languish, wound, injure, yearn, bruise, offend, ache, suffer, pine, anguish, spite, pain, yen

    uninjured, undamaged

  9. hurtverb

    give trouble or pain to

    «This exercise will hurt your back»

    smart, wound, injure, bruise, offend, ache, suffer, anguish, spite, pain

    undamaged, uninjured

  10. pain, anguish, hurtverb

    cause emotional anguish or make miserable

    «It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school»

    smart, pain, trouble, injure, wound, bruise, suffer, offend, ache, ail, anguish, spite

    undamaged, uninjured

  11. hurt, injureverb

    cause damage or affect negatively

    «Our business was hurt by the new competition»

    smart, wound, injure, bruise, offend, ache, suffer, anguish, spite, pain

    undamaged, uninjured

  12. hurt, wound, injure, bruise, offend, spiteverb

    hurt the feelings of

    «She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests»; «This remark really bruised my ego»

    injure, suffer, smart, violate, shock, appall, wound, transgress, scandalise, pique, contuse, appal, scandalize, outrage, bruise, go against, breach, pain, offend, infract, spite, anguish, ache, break

    undamaged, uninjured

  13. hurt, ache, sufferverb

    feel physical pain

    «Were you hurting after the accident?»

    injure, get, abide, endure, stand, suffer, lose, smart, tolerate, meet, support, stick out, wound, stomach, sustain, pine, spite, brook, bear, yen, bruise, yearn, pain, offend, languish, digest, have, anguish, ache, put up

    uninjured, undamaged

  14. suffer, hurtverb

    feel pain or be in pain

    injure, get, have, put up, offend, stand, smart, abide, support, wound, stomach, digest, suffer, spite, brook, anguish, stick out, tolerate, sustain, pain, meet, endure, bruise, bear, ache, lose

    uninjured, undamaged

Matched Categories

    • Arouse
    • Be
    • Cause To Be Perceived
    • Damage
    • Indispose
    • Pain
    • Perceive
    • Upset

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hurtverb

    injure, harm, damage, mar, impair, do harm to

  2. hurtverb

    pain, wound, give pain to

  3. hurtnoun

    harm, injury, damage, detriment, mischief, disadvantage

  4. hurtnoun

    wound, bruise

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hurtnoun

    injury, wound, detriment, harm, damage

  2. hurtverb

    damage, wound, impair, harm, injure, offend, harry

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «hurt»:

    injured, wounded, harm, injure, wrong, harmed, bad, poorly, evil, wound, injury, badly, pain, hit

Suggested Resources

  1. hurt

    Song lyrics by hurt — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by hurt on the website.

  2. HURT

    What does HURT stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the HURT acronym on the website.

How to pronounce hurt?

How to say hurt in sign language?

How to use hurt in a sentence?

  1. Christopher Moltke-Leth:

    If we see massive losses, that could hurt consumer confidence and Chinese demand as a whole, if they’re not able to stem the current collapse in the market there is a real risk it will spread to the broader economy.

  2. Jessica Mackler:

    One thing we learned about research is that you have to start early, we saw in the Republican field that a lack of preparation really hurt them against Trump. We wanted to make sure that didn’t happen in the general election campaign.

  3. Bill Koch:

    It can hurt so much more when we feel like we’re making other people uncomfortable by talking about our kids, don’t push military family members away because you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing. Just asking us means you care, and that means everything.

  4. Ian Kille:

    Every time I think about it I’m heartbroken, mainly for my daughter, because such an important role model in her life is gone, i think about the kids that were hurt also and even the bus driver.

  5. Sarah McLachlan:

    If you love large, you’ve got to hurt large. If you’ve got a lot of light, you’ve probably got an equal amount of darkness.

Translations for hurt

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • جرح, آلَمَArabic
  • параніць, хварэ́ць, раніць, бале́цьBelarusian
  • doler, ferir, doldreCatalan, Valencian
  • bolet, poranit, ranitCzech
  • verletzen, schmerzen, verletzt, weh tun, quälenGerman
  • lastimar, [[hacer]] [[daño]], dolerSpanish
  • زخمیPersian
  • satuttaa, sattua, koskeaFinnish
  • blesser, faire mal, blesséFrench
  • ciùrrte, ciùrrScottish Gaelic
  • ferirGalician
  • פגעHebrew
  • घायल, आहतHindi
  • fájHungarian
  • վնասել, ցավել, ցավեցնել, վիրավորArmenian
  • luka, menyakitiIndonesian
  • særa, vera vont, meiðaIcelandic
  • fare male, ferire, ferito, dolereItalian
  • 傷つける, 痛いJapanese
  • სტკივა, ზიანის მიყენებაGeorgian
  • 아프다Korean
  • doleōLatin
  • wéi doenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • sāpēt, sāpinātLatvian
  • гэмтээх, өвтгөхMongolian
  • နာBurmese
  • kwetsen, gekwetst, pijnigen, geblesseerd, pijn gedaan, pijn aandoen, gewond, pijn doen, kwellenDutch
  • skadetNorwegian
  • dòler, dòlreOccitan
  • boleć, [[sprawiać]] [[ból]]Polish
  • machucar, doer, ferido, magoar, aleijar, machucado, ferirPortuguese
  • nanayQuechua
  • duleir, dular, duler, dulair, dolairRomansh
  • vătăma, durea, răniRomanian
  • пора́нить, боле́ть, оби́женный, ра́неный, [[причини́ть]] [[боль]], пострада́вший, [[причиня́ть]] [[боль]], ра́нить, повреждённыйRussian
  • आहतSanskrit
  • firiri, doli, dòliri, dòlereSardinian
  • рањен, boljeti, повређенSerbo-Croatian
  • såra, skadad, sårad, göra ontSwedish
  • kilembaSwahili
  • గాయపడు, గాయము చేయు, బాధాకరం, మనసు మెలిపెట్టు, బాధపడిన, నొప్పించుTelugu
  • เจ็บThai
  • ağrıtmak, acımak, acıtmak, ağrımakTurkish
  • хворі́ти, захворі́ти, болі́тиUkrainian
  • اہت, زخمیUrdu
  • đauVietnamese
  • 伤害Chinese

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[ hˈɜːt], [ hˈɜːt], [ h_ˈɜː_t]

Table of Contents

Similar words for hurt:

  • aggrieved (adjective)

  • all (adjective)

  • broken (adjective)

  • damaged (adjective)

  • disabled (adjective)

  • huffy (adjective)

  • imperfect (adjective)

  • incapacitated (adjective)

  • injured (adjective)

  • insulted (adjective)

  • miserable (adjective)

  • other relevant words (adjective)

  • physically or mentally injured (adjective)

  • resentful (adjective)

  • ruined (adjective)

  • struck (adjective)

  • uncomfortable (adjective)

  • upset (adjective)

  • wounded (adjective)

  • abuse (noun)

  • ache (noun)

  • angry (noun)

  • anguish (noun)

  • blemish (noun)

  • bruise (noun)

  • bruised (noun)

  • cost (noun)

  • damage (noun)

  • detraction (noun)

  • detriment (noun)

  • discomfort (noun)

  • disservice (noun)

  • evil (noun)

  • feeling (noun)

  • harm (noun)

  • hurt (noun)

  • ill (noun)

  • injury, loss (noun)

  • injury; damage (noun)

  • loss (noun)

  • mischief (noun)

  • offense (noun)

  • other relevant words (noun)

  • outrage (noun)

  • pain (noun)

  • pique (noun)

  • resentment (noun)

  • ruffled feathers (noun)

  • scar (noun)

  • scratch (noun)

  • stab (noun)

  • trauma (noun)

  • wounded (noun)

  • wrong (noun)

  • ache (verb)

  • agonize (verb)

  • attack (verb)

  • batter (verb)

  • blemish (verb)

  • blemished (verb)

  • bother (verb)

  • cause mental pain (verb)

  • cause physical pain; experience pain (verb)

  • chafe (verb)

  • corrupt (verb)

  • cost (verb)

  • cripple (verb)

  • damage (verb)

  • debilitate (verb)

  • defile (verb)

  • deplore (verb)

  • disagree (verb)

  • disfigure (verb)

  • displease (verb)

  • disserve (verb)

  • distress (verb)

  • excruciate (verb)

  • fix (verb)

  • grieve (verb)

  • harm (verb)

  • impair (verb)

  • incapacitate (verb)

  • injure (verb)

  • injured (verb)

  • knife (verb)

  • knock (verb)

  • lament (verb)

  • maim (verb)

  • maul (verb)

  • miff (verb)

  • molest (verb)

  • mourn (verb)

  • mutilate (verb)

  • offend (verb)

  • pain (verb)

  • pained (verb)

  • prejudice (verb)

  • punish (verb)

  • rankle (verb)

  • slander (verb)

  • stab (verb)

  • sting (verb)

  • suffer (verb)

  • taint (verb)

  • tarnish (verb)

  • torment (verb)

  • trample (verb)

  • turn (verb)

  • undermine (verb)

  • wound (verb)

  • wreak vengeance on (verb)

  • wring (verb)

  • wrong (verb)

  • other synonyms
  • aroused

  • attack

  • blemish

  • carry on

  • chafe

  • claw

  • crackle

  • cripple

  • damage

  • disable

  • disagree

  • displease

  • emasculated

  • harm

  • hit

  • lacerate

  • lament

  • maltreated

  • maul

  • miff

  • mutilate

  • other relevant words

  • punish

  • slander

  • trample

  • weaken

  • wring

  • wrong

  • other relevant words (noun)

How to use «hurt» in context?

for hurt

Homophones for hurt

Hypernyms for hurt

Hyponyms for hurt

Antonyms for hurt

  • adj.

    aggrieved (adjective)

    • de-pressed,
    • un happiest,
    • more wronged,
    • most wronged,
    • most persecuted,
    • un happier,
    • un-happier,
    • more grieving,
    • more saddened,
    • unhappy,
    • most saddened,
    • de pressed,
    • un-happy,
    • un-happiest,
    • most grieving,
    • more persecuted,
    • un happy.

    all (adjective)

    • hurt,
    • wounded,
    • weakened.

    broken (adjective)

    • more rent,
    • most slivered,
    • more disintegrated,
    • more collapsed,
    • more crumbled,
    • most fragmented,
    • more dismembered,
    • most shredded,
    • more ruptured,
    • most pulverized,
    • more fragmented,
    • more mangled,
    • most demolished,
    • most crushed,
    • most mangled,
    • most burst,
    • dis integrated,
    • more split,
    • dis-membered,
    • fragmentary,
    • most crumbled,
    • most busted,
    • more severed,
    • more shredded,
    • most severed,
    • most shattered,
    • dis-integrated,
    • dis membered,
    • more shattered,
    • most ruptured,
    • more slivered,
    • most rent,
    • most disintegrated,
    • more pulverized,
    • mangled,
    • more burst,
    • most collapsed,
    • more shivered,
    • more demolished,
    • more busted,
    • most dismembered,
    • more crushed,
    • most riven,
    • more fractured,
    • most split,
    • most fractured,
    • most shivered,
    • more riven.

    damaged (adjective)

    • out of action,
    • snafued,
    • no go,
    • in smithereens,
    • totaled,
    • flawed,
    • in need of repair,
    • flubbed,
    • harmed,
    • in poor condition,
    • mucked up,
    • beat-up,
    • out of whack,
    • kaput,
    • glitched,
    • out of kilter.

    disabled (adjective)

    • incapacitated,
    • out-of-commission,
    • sidelined,
    • out-of-action,
    • in firm,
    • broken down,
    • helpless,
    • incapable.

    huffy (adjective)

    • more nettled,
    • most nettled,
    • ex asperated,
    • most huffish,
    • most riled,
    • ex-asperated,
    • more piqued,
    • more pettish,
    • more huffish,
    • huffy,
    • more exasperated,
    • most irked,
    • most vexed,
    • more moping,
    • more irked,
    • most pettish,
    • most moping,
    • more riled,
    • most piqued,
    • more vexed,
    • snappish,
    • most exasperated,
    • fractious.

    imperfect (adjective)

    • faulty.

    incapacitated (adjective)

    • in-capacitated,
    • in capacitated,
    • out commission,
    • most immobilized,
    • more immobilized,
    • impotent.

    injured (adjective)

    • maimed,
    • afflicted,
    • mutilated.

    insulted (adjective)

    • more defamed,
    • more vilified,
    • more affronted,
    • most vilified,
    • most slighted,
    • more outraged,
    • more dishonored,
    • most dishonored,
    • more libeled,
    • most defamed,
    • more ridiculed,
    • de famed,
    • most libeled,
    • more slandered,
    • Mocked,
    • more slighted,
    • de-famed,
    • out raged,
    • most affronted,
    • most outraged,
    • most reviled,
    • most slandered,
    • dis honored,
    • out-raged,
    • most mocked,
    • dis-honored,
    • Vilified,
    • dis graced,
    • more reviled,
    • most ridiculed,
    • Ridiculed,
    • reviled,
    • dis-graced,
    • more mocked.

    miserable (adjective)

    • more anguished,
    • de-stroyed,
    • ruthful,
    • more agonized,
    • Racked,
    • most discontented,
    • de stroyed,
    • most agonized,
    • down mouth,
    • most hurting,
    • on downer,
    • dis-contented,
    • more tormented,
    • most racked,
    • more suffering,
    • more tortured,
    • more racked,
    • down the mouth,
    • most anguished,
    • dis contented,
    • most tormented,
    • more hurting,
    • most suffering,
    • most tortured.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • offended,
    • all torn up,
    • broken,
    • insulted,
    • unglued,
    • come apart,
    • disabled,
    • in pain,
    • broken up,
    • stricken,
    • aggrieved,
    • ruined,
    • injured,
    • down in mouth,
    • bummed out,
    • damaged,
    • over-wrought,
    • Slivered,
    • up set,
    • wornout,
    • miserable,
    • impaired,
    • upset,
    • tipped over,
    • pettish,
    • on a downer,
    • huffish,
    • anguished,
    • psyched out,
    • in pieces,
    • uncomfortable,
    • fractured.

    physically or mentally injured (adjective)

    • buffeted,
    • burned,
    • disturbed,
    • put away,
    • lacerated,
    • busted up,
    • Piqued,
    • indignant,
    • HIT,
    • aching,
    • resentful,
    • crushed,
    • bleeding,
    • shook,
    • sad,
    • umbrageous,
    • warped,
    • rueful,
    • grazed,
    • tender,
    • cut.

    resentful (adjective)

    • bitter,
    • vexed,
    • infuriated,
    • splenetic,
    • malevolent,
    • stung,
    • Huffed,
    • discontent,
    • galled,
    • acerbic,
    • spiteful,
    • antagonistic,
    • embittered,
    • Spleenful,
    • irritated,
    • envious,
    • vindictive.

    ruined (adjective)

    • more pillaged,
    • more robbed,
    • de-faced,
    • plundered,
    • more botched,
    • de faced,
    • most pillaged,
    • most robbed,
    • more plundered,
    • more defaced,
    • most defaced,
    • most botched,
    • most plundered.

    struck (adjective)

    • more pounded,
    • most battered,
    • most smacked,
    • most pounded,
    • more smacked,
    • more battered.

    uncomfortable (adjective)

    • un comfortable,
    • ill ease,
    • most wracked,
    • most disquieted,
    • dis-quieted,
    • more disquieted,
    • more galled,
    • most discomposed,
    • un easy,
    • un-easier,
    • dis composed,
    • un-easiest,
    • more discomfited,
    • most discomfited,
    • more chafed,
    • un easiest,
    • self conscious,
    • selfconscious,
    • most galled,
    • dis quieted,
    • dis-composed,
    • more discomposed,
    • un easier,
    • most chafed,
    • un-comfortable,
    • more wracked.

    upset (adjective)

    • most ruffled,
    • more dismayed,
    • top-pled,
    • more tumbled,
    • in disarray,
    • un glued,
    • dis-concerted,
    • dis mayed,
    • more ruffled,
    • most toppled,
    • most unzipped,
    • most amazed,
    • un-glued,
    • most dismayed,
    • upsidedown,
    • dis-mayed,
    • dis ordered,
    • more unzipped,
    • dis-ordered,
    • up-set,
    • most tumbled,
    • more grieved,
    • un-settled,
    • dis concerted,
    • top pled,
    • over turned,
    • un zipped,
    • most unglued,
    • more rattled,
    • over-turned,
    • more dragged,
    • un settled,
    • un-zipped,
    • more unglued,
    • most rattled,
    • more toppled,
    • most dragged,
    • more amazed,
    • most grieved.

    wounded (adjective)

    • most bruised,
    • more bruised.
  • n.

    • hysterical,
    • ardent,
    • emotional,
    • passionate,
    • soulful,
    • histrionic,
    • torrid,
    • intense,
    • tempestuous,
    • impassioned.

    • destroy.

    • dismay,
    • devastate,
    • hang over,
    • worry,
    • disturb,
    • depress.

    • stiff.

    • twinge.

    • detract from,
    • better.

    abuse (noun)

    • in-jury,
    • in jury,
    • mis deed,
    • manhandlings,
    • mis-deed,
    • in-juries,
    • mis-deeds,
    • in juries,
    • mis deeds.

    ache (noun)

    • throbbings,
    • smartings.

    angry (noun)

    • sore.

    anguish (noun)

    • anguish.

    blemish (noun)

    • lesion,
    • rift,
    • weal,
    • disfigurement,
    • deformity,
    • distortion,
    • eyesore,
    • defacement,
    • brand,
    • fault,
    • imperfection,
    • spoilage,
    • abrasion,
    • wart,
    • blotch,
    • impurity,
    • stigma,
    • discoloration,
    • drawback.

    bruise (noun)

    • bruise.

    bruised (noun)

    • bruised.

    cost (noun)

    • de-privations,
    • de-privation,
    • de privations,
    • de privation.

    damage (noun)

    • cave-in,
    • cave-ins,
    • mutilations,
    • cave in,
    • mutilation.

    detraction (noun)

    • scandal,
    • muckraking,
    • scandalmongering,
    • in justice,
    • pejoratives,
    • running down,
    • injustice,
    • libel.

    detriment (noun)

    • spoilings.

    discomfort (noun)

    • dis-composures,
    • dis composures,
    • dis comfort,
    • dis-composure,
    • dis comforts,
    • un-easiness,
    • dis composure,
    • un pleasantness,
    • dis-comfort,
    • un-easinesses,
    • in-quietude,
    • dis pleasures,
    • un easiness,
    • un-pleasantness,
    • in-quietudes,
    • un easinesses,
    • dis-pleasures,
    • dis-comforts,
    • un pleasantnesses,
    • dis pleasure,
    • in quietude,
    • dis-pleasure,
    • un-pleasantnesses,
    • in quietudes.

    disservice (noun)

    • bad turn.

    evil (noun)

    • looseness,
    • sinfulness,
    • criminalities,
    • Peccancy,
    • diabolisms,
    • criminality,
    • obscenity,
    • vileness,
    • knavery,
    • diabolism,
    • infamy,
    • Knaveries.

    feeling (noun)

    • suffering.

    harm (noun)

    • mis chances,
    • deleteriousnesses,
    • mis-chances,
    • mis-chance,
    • perniciousnesses,
    • mis chance,
    • wear tear,
    • banefulnesses,
    • noxiousnesses.

    hurt (noun)

    • scathe,
    • injury.

    ill (noun)

    • dis-ease,
    • dis-order,
    • dis eases,
    • badnesses,
    • dis order,
    • dis ease,
    • in dispositions,
    • in-dispositions,
    • dis-eases,
    • dis orders,
    • in disposition,
    • dis-orders,
    • in-disposition.

    injury, loss (noun)

    • damage(s).

    injury; damage (noun)

    • down,
    • misfortune,
    • chop,
    • blow,
    • disadvantage,
    • boo-boo,
    • soreness,
    • black and blue,
    • ill-treatment,
    • disaster,
    • persecution,
    • pang,
    • Ouch.

    loss (noun)

    • losses,
    • misplacement,
    • retardation,
    • losing,
    • losings.

    mischief (noun)

    • mis-chiefs,
    • mis-conduct,
    • mis-doing,
    • mis conduct,
    • mis chief,
    • mis conducts,
    • mis doings,
    • mis behaviors,
    • mis behavior,
    • mis-behavior,
    • mis-behaviors,
    • mis-conducts,
    • devilments,
    • waywardnesses,
    • funny businesses,
    • mis-chief,
    • mis-doings,
    • mis chiefs,
    • mis doing.

    offense (noun)

    • ruffled feathers,
    • zingers,
    • slap in the face,
    • putdown,
    • slap in face,
    • muggings,
    • slap the face,
    • zinger,
    • dirty dig.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • outrage,
    • pinch,
    • inhumanity,
    • badness,
    • detraction,
    • loss,
    • scar,
    • trauma,
    • evil,
    • Cicatrices,
    • prankishness,
    • wrong,
    • funny business,
    • pain,
    • scratch,
    • abuse,
    • poundings,
    • devilment,
    • cost,
    • rascality,
    • discomfort,
    • wound,
    • stab,
    • waggery,
    • flare up,
    • roguery,
    • harm,
    • mischievousness,
    • mischief,
    • cicatrice,
    • detriment,
    • incision,
    • Banefulness,
    • resentment,
    • disservice,
    • Waggeries,
    • damage,
    • scabs,
    • wrath,
    • shenanigan,
    • piercings,
    • impishness,
    • offense,
    • ill,
    • Transfixion,
    • waywardness,
    • slow burn,
    • roguishness,
    • pollution,
    • embitterment,
    • perniciousness,
    • scab,
    • cicatrix,
    • deleteriousness,
    • noxiousness,
    • dirty trick,
    • pique,
    • prankster,
    • ache.

    outrage (noun)

    • out rage,
    • flareup,
    • in humanities,
    • out-rages,
    • ravishings,
    • in humanity,
    • in-humanity,
    • out-rage,
    • in-humanities,
    • out rages.

    pain (noun)

    • chafing,
    • crick,
    • headache,
    • malaise,
    • irritation,
    • Back Ache,
    • wrench,
    • infliction,
    • Migraine,
    • affliction,
    • misery,
    • earache,
    • agony,
    • smarting,
    • rack,
    • stitch,
    • throe,
    • painfulness,
    • inflammation,
    • spasm,
    • grief.

    pique (noun)

    • slow burns,
    • pro-vocations,
    • pro vocations,
    • pro vocation.

    resentment (noun)

    • rancorousness,
    • virulency,
    • resentfulness,
    • ill feelings,
    • bad feeling,
    • ill feeling,
    • dudgeon,
    • virulence.

    ruffled feathers (noun)

    • ruffled-feathers.

    scar (noun)

    • dis-colorations,
    • dis-coloration,
    • dis colorations,
    • dis coloration.

    scratch (noun)

    • claw marks,
    • claw mark.

    stab (noun)

    • transfixions.

    trauma (noun)

    • traumatization.

    wounded (noun)

    • in a serious state,
    • winged,
    • sorely hurt,
    • slightly wounded,
    • severely wounded,
    • stabbed.

    wrong (noun)

    • in equity,
    • bad deed,
    • bad deeds,
    • tort,
    • Torts.
  • v.

    ache (verb)

    • being sore,
    • art sore,
    • is sore,
    • wast sore,
    • wert sore,
    • were sore,
    • am sore,
    • are sore.

    agonize (verb)

    • eats heart out,
    • sang blues,
    • singing blues,
    • stewing over,
    • stewed over,
    • took it badly,
    • taking it badly,
    • sings the blues,
    • took badly,
    • ate heart out,
    • stews over,
    • sang the blues,
    • eating heart out,
    • take badly,
    • sung the blues,
    • takes it badly,
    • taking badly,
    • sung blues,
    • sings blues,
    • takes badly,
    • sing blues.

    attack (verb)

    • knocked for loop,
    • set up on,
    • co-oking,
    • over-whelm,
    • laying siege to,
    • knocked block off,
    • be-set,
    • co oking,
    • knocked cold,
    • lighting into,
    • in-filtrating,
    • lighting in to,
    • in-filtrate,
    • laid siege to,
    • knocks block off,
    • be-sieged,
    • knocks for loop,
    • be-setting,
    • be-sieges,
    • be sets,
    • boffing,
    • in filtrating,
    • boffs,
    • knocking for loop,
    • over whelmed,
    • pouncing up on,
    • co-oked,
    • took the offensive,
    • knocks cold,
    • knocking block off,
    • taking the offensive,
    • be-siege,
    • over-whelmed,
    • be-sets,
    • knocks for a loop,
    • in-filtrated,
    • sets up on,
    • pouncing upon,
    • in filtrated,
    • pounces up on,
    • knocking for a loop,
    • took offensive,
    • takes offensive,
    • lays siege to,
    • in-filtrates,
    • lit into,
    • takes the offensive,
    • over-whelming,
    • light in to,
    • in filtrates,
    • pounces upon,
    • knocking cold,
    • be-sieging,
    • in filtrate,
    • be siege,
    • taking offensive,
    • lighted in to,
    • knock for loop,
    • pounce up on,
    • lighted into,
    • pounced upon,
    • over whelm,
    • pounced up on,
    • over whelming,
    • lights into,
    • be sieging,
    • over-whelms,
    • over whelms,
    • be sieges,
    • boffed,
    • setting upon,
    • lights in to,
    • chopping down,
    • take offensive,
    • co oked,
    • setting up on,
    • be setting,
    • be sieged,
    • lit in to,
    • chops down.

    batter (verb)

    • de stroying,
    • de-face,
    • de-stroys,
    • de-stroy,
    • de-stroying,
    • de face,
    • de stroys,
    • de-faces,
    • de stroy,
    • de faces,
    • de facing,
    • de-facing.

    blemish (verb)

    • blister,
    • freckle,
    • score,
    • speck,
    • scuff,
    • distort,
    • gash,
    • flaw,
    • check,
    • deface,
    • hack,
    • scrape,
    • chip,
    • dot,
    • pockmark,
    • spoil,
    • deform,
    • fracture,
    • mark,
    • fleck,
    • spot,
    • discolor,
    • abrade,
    • stain,
    • defect,
    • kink,
    • notch,
    • splotch,
    • blot,
    • nick,
    • slit.

    blemished (verb)

    • flecked,
    • slitted,
    • dotted,
    • Scored,
    • Nicked,
    • marred,
    • freckled,
    • spoiled,
    • gashed,
    • splotched,
    • scarred,
    • cracked,
    • spotted,
    • scraped,
    • blemished,
    • scratched,
    • defaced,
    • Scuffed,
    • specked,
    • tainted,
    • tarnished,
    • Kinked,
    • discolored,
    • defected,
    • stained,
    • distorted,
    • chipped,
    • deformed,
    • notched,
    • Blotted,
    • checked,
    • abraded,
    • disfigured,
    • marked.

    bother (verb)

    • dis-commode,
    • up-sets,
    • dis-gusting,
    • picks on,
    • dis-gust,
    • dis may,
    • dis-may,
    • be-deviled,
    • in-conveniences,
    • dis gust,
    • grates on,
    • ex-acerbated,
    • dis commodes,
    • dis-maying,
    • be deviled,
    • intrude up on,
    • be-devilling,
    • carped at,
    • dis-concert,
    • dis gusted,
    • in convenience,
    • intruded up on,
    • carps at,
    • dis-gusts,
    • ex-acerbate,
    • dis quieting,
    • dis quiet,
    • dis concerting,
    • dis gusts,
    • intruded upon,
    • dis quiets,
    • ex-asperate,
    • carping at,
    • up-setting,
    • dis gusting,
    • dis concerts,
    • ex acerbated,
    • in-convenience,
    • dis-mays,
    • dis commode,
    • up setting,
    • ex acerbates,
    • dis-quieting,
    • ex-asperating,
    • dis concert,
    • be-devil,
    • ex asperate,
    • ex-acerbates,
    • dis-concerting,
    • dis mays,
    • intrudes up on,
    • be deviling,
    • ex asperating,
    • intruding upon,
    • dis-quiet,
    • ex acerbating,
    • be-devils,
    • dis maying,
    • be devil,
    • be-devilled,
    • grated on,
    • ex acerbate,
    • dis-commodes,
    • ex-acerbating,
    • intruding up on,
    • dis-quiets,
    • ex asperates,
    • dis-gusted,
    • grating on,
    • be devilled,
    • be-deviling,
    • up sets,
    • be devils,
    • be devilling,
    • dis-concerts,
    • in conveniences,
    • ex-asperates,
    • intrudes upon.

    cause mental pain (verb)

    • martyrize,
    • discommode,
    • vex,
    • constrain,
    • sadden,
    • put out,
    • hit where one lives,
    • go for jugular,
    • put down,
    • lambaste,
    • annoy,
    • cut to the quick,
    • work over,
    • give no quarter,
    • zing,
    • try,
    • lay a bad trip on,
    • discomfit,
    • thumb nose at,
    • lean on,
    • faze,
    • martyr.

    cause physical pain; experience pain (verb)

    • pummel,
    • throb,
    • ail,
    • flail,
    • cramp,
    • slap,
    • puncture,
    • whack,
    • spank,
    • wax,
    • do violence,
    • whip,
    • flog,
    • nip,
    • cut up,
    • pommel,
    • wing,
    • torture,
    • trouble,
    • injure,
    • shake up,
    • kick,
    • punch,
    • bite,
    • slug,
    • total,
    • afflict,
    • tear,
    • wrack up,
    • squeeze,
    • lash,
    • pierce,
    • rough up,
    • belt,
    • be tender.

    chafe (verb)

    • in flaming,
    • in flame,
    • in flamed,
    • in-flamed,
    • in-flames,
    • in-flaming,
    • in-flame.

    corrupt (verb)

    • de-composed,
    • dis-honor,
    • de cays,
    • de-composes,
    • mis-treating,
    • de-spoiling,
    • dis honor,
    • de cay,
    • de grading,
    • de meaning,
    • de-basing,
    • de spoils,
    • de composing,
    • de-form,
    • re duces,
    • re duce,
    • de-forming,
    • de-spoils,
    • dis-honors,
    • de moralize,
    • de moralized,
    • de-spoil,
    • de-spoiled,
    • dis gracing,
    • mis treated,
    • de-moralized,
    • de spoiling,
    • de forms,
    • de-formed,
    • de-means,
    • de spoiled,
    • de-composing,
    • de mean,
    • out raging,
    • de-moralizing,
    • greasing palm,
    • de-cay,
    • dis-gracing,
    • de moralizes,
    • DE Form,
    • greased palm,
    • out-raging,
    • de-moralizes,
    • mis using,
    • greases palm,
    • dis-grace,
    • ill treat,
    • de grade,
    • mis used,
    • de composes,
    • de moralizing,
    • de-grading,
    • dis honors,
    • de-graded,
    • dis-graces,
    • de based,
    • de-grades,
    • de base,
    • re-duces,
    • de basing,
    • mis-treat,
    • mis-treats,
    • mis-used,
    • mis treating,
    • mis-using,
    • de formed,
    • mis treats,
    • de-meaning,
    • dis graces,
    • de-base,
    • de spoil,
    • de-compose,
    • de forming,
    • de-cays,
    • de graded,
    • mis treat,
    • re-duce,
    • de-grade,
    • de-based,
    • de means,
    • de-mean,
    • de-forms,
    • de-moralize,
    • dis grace,
    • de grades,
    • dis honoring,
    • de composed,
    • dis-honoring,
    • mis-treated,
    • de compose.

    cost (verb)

    • didst disservice to,
    • re quires,
    • re quired,
    • re-quire,
    • doing disservice to,
    • doeth disservice to,
    • co-sting,
    • re quire,
    • co sting,
    • re-quires,
    • re-quiring,
    • doth disservice to,
    • doest disservice to,
    • re-quired,
    • dost disservice to,
    • did disservice to,
    • re quiring,
    • does disservice to.

    cripple (verb)

    • dis-limbed,
    • dis members,
    • un-strengthening,
    • un-strengthens,
    • dislimbing,
    • unstrengthens,
    • dis-limb,
    • dis member,
    • unstrengthening,
    • un strengthens,
    • dis limbing,
    • dis-member,
    • dis-arming,
    • sidelining,
    • un strengthen,
    • dis-members,
    • dis-limbs,
    • dislimbs,
    • dis-arms,
    • un strengthening,
    • dis arms,
    • dis-limbing,
    • dis arming,
    • dis limbs,
    • un strengthened,
    • dis limb,
    • un-strengthened,
    • dis limbed,
    • un-strengthen.

    damage (verb)

    • dis mantles,
    • dis-mantling,
    • bangs up,
    • dis mantle,
    • dis-integrates,
    • dis color,
    • dis coloring,
    • dis-mantled,
    • dis-integrating,
    • dis-colored,
    • banged up,
    • dis-color,
    • dis integrating,
    • disco-loring,
    • disco loring,
    • dis colored,
    • dis-mantles,
    • dis-integrate,
    • wore away,
    • dis-mantle,
    • dis mantled,
    • dis integrates,
    • dis-colors,
    • wrought havoc on,
    • dis mantling,
    • wreaking havoc on,
    • dis integrate,
    • banging up,
    • wreaks havoc on,
    • wreaked havoc on,
    • dis-coloring,
    • dis colors.

    debilitate (verb)

    • de-vitalizes,
    • de-vitalized,
    • de vitalizes,
    • un-braces,
    • un bracing,
    • de vitalizing,
    • unbraces,
    • unbracing,
    • de vitalized,
    • de-vitalizing,
    • un-braced,
    • re-lax,
    • un-bracing,
    • un braces,
    • re lax,
    • un braced,
    • un brace,
    • de vitalize,
    • un-brace,
    • de-vitalize.

    defile (verb)

    • be-smirching,
    • be smirching,
    • be smirched,
    • be-fouled,
    • scuzzing up,
    • be-smirch,
    • mucks up,
    • de filing,
    • maculating,
    • be foul,
    • de file,
    • de-filed,
    • de-flowered,
    • made foul,
    • scuzzed up,
    • de-filing,
    • de filed,
    • de-file,
    • de-flowers,
    • de-flowering,
    • be fouls,
    • be-fouling,
    • pro fane,
    • be-fouls,
    • de files,
    • making foul,
    • de-flower,
    • de flowered,
    • scuzzes up,
    • makes foul,
    • de flowering,
    • be-smirches,
    • de-files,
    • be fouling,
    • pro fanes,
    • be-foul,
    • pro-fanes,
    • maculates,
    • pro-fane,
    • be-smirched,
    • be smirch,
    • be fouled,
    • de flower,
    • mucking up,
    • de flowers,
    • be smirches.

    deplore (verb)

    • be-wail,
    • be moaning,
    • wert against,
    • grieved for,
    • be moan,
    • were against,
    • be-moans,
    • grieves for,
    • grieving for,
    • sorrows over,
    • disapproves of,
    • disapproved of,
    • eat ones heart out,
    • be wails,
    • be-moaned,
    • being against,
    • be moaned,
    • wast against,
    • be-moan,
    • sorrowed over,
    • am against,
    • objecting to,
    • be-moaning,
    • disapproving of,
    • ate ones heart out,
    • be wailing,
    • are against,
    • art against,
    • eating ones heart out,
    • was against,
    • objects to,
    • be wailed,
    • be wail,
    • ate one’s heart out,
    • eating one’s heart out,
    • be-wailing,
    • eats one heart out,
    • be-wailed,
    • sorrowing over,
    • objected to,
    • eats ones heart out,
    • eating one heart out,
    • be moans,
    • be-wails,
    • eat one heart out,
    • eats one’s heart out,
    • ate one heart out.

    disagree (verb)

    • are unsuitable,
    • am distasteful,
    • am unsuitable,
    • dis agree,
    • dis agrees,
    • art unsuitable,
    • dis-comforted,
    • dis-agreed,
    • being unsuitable,
    • dis agreed,
    • goes against grain,
    • are distasteful,
    • is unsuitable,
    • was distasteful,
    • go against grain,
    • being distasteful,
    • making ill,
    • were distasteful,
    • being disturbing,
    • went against grain,
    • was unsuitable,
    • were disturbing,
    • are disturbing,
    • made ill,
    • going against the grain,
    • is distasteful,
    • am disturbing,
    • were sickening,
    • being sickening,
    • dis-agree,
    • wert unsuitable,
    • dis-agrees,
    • wast unsuitable,
    • goes against the grain,
    • wast disturbing,
    • makes ill,
    • dis-agreeing,
    • wert disturbing,
    • dis comforting,
    • wast sickening,
    • wert sickening,
    • dis agreeing,
    • were unsuitable,
    • art sickening,
    • is disturbing,
    • going against grain,
    • wast distasteful,
    • went against the grain,
    • wert distasteful,
    • dis-comforting,
    • am sickening,
    • dis comforted,
    • are sickening,
    • was sickening,
    • is sickening,
    • was disturbing.

    disfigure (verb)

    • dis figures,
    • dis features,
    • disfashioned,
    • disfashioning,
    • dis-fashions,
    • disfeatures,
    • dis figured,
    • dis featured,
    • disfashions,
    • dis-figured,
    • dis fashions,
    • dis-fashioned,
    • dis featuring,
    • dis-featured,
    • dis-features,
    • dis-fashioning,
    • dis-fashion,
    • dis-feature,
    • dis figure,
    • dis-figure,
    • dis fashion,
    • dis figuring,
    • disfeaturing,
    • dis feature,
    • dis-featuring,
    • dis fashioned,
    • dis-figuring,
    • dis fashioning,
    • dis-figures.

    displease (verb)

    • dis pleased,
    • re volts,
    • dis-satisfies,
    • re-volts,
    • cutting quick,
    • dis-obliged,
    • dis appointed,
    • dis-oblige,
    • re-volt,
    • dis obliging,
    • dis contents,
    • dis obliged,
    • dis-pleases,
    • dis-contents,
    • in censing,
    • dis pleases,
    • cut to quick,
    • re volt,
    • dis content,
    • dis-pleasing,
    • dis obliges,
    • in-censed,
    • dis-content,
    • zinged,
    • dis pleasing,
    • dis satisfying,
    • dis appoint,
    • cuts to quick,
    • in censed,
    • dis-appoint,
    • in-censes,
    • cut the quick,
    • dis-satisfying,
    • dis satisfied,
    • dis-obliges,
    • cuts the quick,
    • dis please,
    • in-cense,
    • dis-appoints,
    • dis-pleased,
    • dis appointing,
    • in-censing,
    • dis contenting,
    • dis-satisfied,
    • dis-appointing,
    • cuts to the quick,
    • cuts quick,
    • dis-please,
    • dis-obliging,
    • cutting to quick,
    • cut quick,
    • cutting to the quick,
    • dis satisfy,
    • dis oblige,
    • dis-satisfy,
    • dis appoints,
    • in censes,
    • dis-appointed,
    • cutting the quick,
    • in cense,
    • dis satisfies,
    • dis-contenting.

    disserve (verb)

    • dis serving,
    • dis serves,
    • dis-serve,
    • dis-serving,
    • dis-serves,
    • dis-served,
    • dis serve,
    • dis served.

    distress (verb)

    • didst a number on,
    • nit picked,
    • was on one case,
    • making tough for,
    • are on one’s case,
    • is ones case,
    • was one’s case,
    • be one’s case,
    • dis-tressed,
    • burns up,
    • doing number on,
    • is one case,
    • be on case,
    • were on one case,
    • doeth number on,
    • are on one case,
    • de solating,
    • pushing buttons,
    • de press,
    • de solated,
    • be ones case,
    • are on case,
    • nit-picks,
    • are one case,
    • were one’s case,
    • am one’s case,
    • am on ones case,
    • made it tough for,
    • make tough for,
    • gave a hard time,
    • am on one’s case,
    • burnt up,
    • makes it tough for,
    • doth a number on,
    • does a number on,
    • wast case,
    • de-press,
    • is on one’s case,
    • were on case,
    • de-solated,
    • dis-tresses,
    • being on case,
    • doest a number on,
    • dost number on,
    • de solates,
    • doth number on,
    • ticking off,
    • was case,
    • de-presses,
    • dis tressed,
    • are one’s case,
    • being on one case,
    • art one’s case,
    • nit-picked,
    • de-pressing,
    • did number on,
    • am one case,
    • is one’s case,
    • gotten to,
    • was on case,
    • de pressing,
    • are case,
    • wast one’s case,
    • was on one’s case,
    • ticks off,
    • is on case,
    • am on one case,
    • does number on,
    • were case,
    • were on ones case,
    • giving a hard time,
    • give hard time,
    • wert one’s case,
    • wert ones case,
    • being on ones case,
    • is on ones case,
    • is case,
    • wast on ones case,
    • giving hard time,
    • pushed buttons,
    • am case,
    • was on ones case,
    • being ones case,
    • wert on one case,
    • wert one case,
    • dost a number on,
    • art ones case,
    • are on ones case,
    • making it tough for,
    • be on ones case,
    • am on case,
    • was one case,
    • art case,
    • doing a number on,
    • de solate,
    • dis tress,
    • made tough for,
    • nit picking,
    • de-solating,
    • did a number on,
    • pushes buttons,
    • nit picks,
    • be case,
    • de presses,
    • are ones case,
    • being case,
    • doeth a number on,
    • wert on ones case,
    • wast on one case,
    • being on one’s case,
    • dis tresses,
    • be one case,
    • were one case,
    • wast one case,
    • de-solates,
    • gives hard time,
    • was ones case,
    • wert case,
    • am ones case,
    • wert on case,
    • dis-tress,
    • were ones case,
    • didst number on,
    • gave hard time,
    • being one’s case,
    • nit pick,
    • gives a hard time,
    • wert on one’s case,
    • wast on one’s case,
    • doest number on,
    • wast on case,
    • were on one’s case,
    • is on one case,
    • being one case,
    • wast ones case,
    • makes tough for,
    • gat to,
    • de-solate,
    • be on one case.

    excruciate (verb)

    • ex-cruciate,
    • ex cruciate.

    fix (verb)

    • cooked someone goose,
    • cooked someone’s goose,
    • cooking someone’s goose,
    • cooks someones goose,
    • cooks someone’s goose,
    • took retribution,
    • takes retribution,
    • cooks someone goose,
    • taking retribution,
    • cook someone goose,
    • gat revenge,
    • cooked someones goose,
    • cook someones goose,
    • got revenge,
    • getting revenge,
    • payed back,
    • pays back,
    • gets revenge,
    • cooking someones goose,
    • gotten revenge,
    • cooking someone goose.

    grieve (verb)

    • breaking heart of,
    • brake the heart of,
    • breaks heart of,
    • breaking the heart of,
    • broke heart of,
    • break heart of,
    • broke the heart of,
    • brake heart of,
    • breaks the heart of.

    harm (verb)

    • doing violence to,
    • doest violence to,
    • doth violence to,
    • dost violence to,
    • did violence to,
    • does violence to,
    • dumps on,
    • in-commode,
    • in commodes,
    • in commode,
    • didst violence to,
    • doeth violence to,
    • dumping on,
    • in-commodes.

    impair (verb)

    • de valuing,
    • de-valued,
    • de creased,
    • de values,
    • de valuating,
    • loses strength,
    • made useless,
    • de-creasing,
    • de-valuate,
    • de-valuates,
    • lost strength,
    • de-values,
    • de-value,
    • de value,
    • de creasing,
    • de valuate,
    • losing strength,
    • de-valuated,
    • de creases,
    • de valued,
    • de-creased,
    • de crease,
    • de valuated,
    • de-valuing,
    • making useless,
    • de-crease,
    • de-valuating,
    • de valuates,
    • de-creases,
    • makes useless.

    incapacitate (verb)

    • in capacitates,
    • in-capacitating,
    • in-capacitate,
    • in capacitate,
    • in capacitating,
    • puts out commission,
    • clipped wings,
    • putting out of commission,
    • puts out of commission,
    • putting out commission,
    • in-capacitates,
    • clipping wings,
    • hog tie,
    • clips wings,
    • put out commission.

    injure (verb)

    • mangle.

    injured (verb)

    • Ached.

    knife (verb)

    • opens up,
    • shivving,
    • shivved.

    knock (verb)

    • ko’ing,
    • koing,
    • roughhoused,
    • ko’d,
    • KOD.

    lament (verb)

    • kicked self,
    • beats breast,
    • took hard,
    • took it hard,
    • re-pine,
    • re pining,
    • beats ones breast,
    • beating ones breast,
    • re pines,
    • takes it hard,
    • beating one breast,
    • re pine,
    • beats one breast,
    • re-pines,
    • re-pining,
    • re pined,
    • kicks self,
    • re-pined,
    • beats one’s breast,
    • takes hard,
    • beat one breast,
    • kicking self,
    • beat breast,
    • beating one’s breast,
    • take hard,
    • beat ones breast,
    • taking it hard,
    • beating breast,
    • taking hard.

    maim (verb)

    • mayheming,
    • mayhemed,
    • gimping,
    • gimped.

    maul (verb)

    • lets have it,
    • breaks face,
    • wrought over,
    • handling roughly,
    • putting the hospital,
    • leans on,
    • puts in the hospital,
    • brake face,
    • broke face,
    • put hospital,
    • put the hospital,
    • leant on,
    • works over,
    • letting have it,
    • taking care of,
    • puts the hospital,
    • leaned on,
    • handled roughly,
    • putting in hospital,
    • puts in hospital,
    • letted have it,
    • putting hospital,
    • breaking face,
    • put in hospital,
    • handles roughly,
    • putting in the hospital,
    • puts hospital.

    miff (verb)

    • re-sents,
    • re-sent,
    • re sents,
    • re sent.

    molest (verb)

    • dis placing,
    • dis places,
    • dis organizing,
    • inter feres,
    • dis-places,
    • dis place,
    • inter-feres,
    • dis organize,
    • dis organizes,
    • dis-organize,
    • inter fere,
    • dis-organizes,
    • inter-fere,
    • dis-placed,
    • dis-organized,
    • dis-place,
    • dis-organizing,
    • dis organized,
    • dis-placing,
    • dis placed.

    mourn (verb)

    • wert brokenhearted,
    • art brokenhearted,
    • are brokenhearted,
    • were sad,
    • wast brokenhearted,
    • wrings hands,
    • wringing hands,
    • wast sad,
    • being sad,
    • wore black,
    • wears black,
    • wearing black,
    • is brokenhearted,
    • were brokenhearted,
    • was sad,
    • is sad,
    • wert sad,
    • art sad,
    • was brokenhearted,
    • are sad,
    • wrung hands,
    • am sad,
    • being brokenhearted,
    • longed for,
    • am brokenhearted.

    mutilate (verb)

    • cuts to pieces,
    • cut pieces,
    • cuts pieces,
    • cutting to pieces,
    • hashes up,
    • hashing up,
    • cutting pieces.

    offend (verb)

    • turned one off,
    • is disagreeable,
    • being disagreeable,
    • re pulses,
    • wast disagreeable,
    • was disagreeable,
    • are disagreeable,
    • art disagreeable,
    • am disagreeable,
    • re-pulsed,
    • re-pulses,
    • wert disagreeable,
    • turns one off,
    • re pulsing,
    • were disagreeable,
    • re-pulsing,
    • re pulsed,
    • turning one off.

    pain (verb)

    • irritate,
    • inflame.

    pained (verb)

    • pained,
    • distressed,
    • tormented,
    • stitched,
    • agonized,
    • cramped,
    • Discomforted,
    • Suffered,
    • Throbbed,
    • Smarted,
    • chafed,
    • inflamed,
    • tortured,
    • Wrenched.

    prejudice (verb)

    • pre dispose,
    • in-cline,
    • pre possessing,
    • pre possess,
    • pre-dispose,
    • pre-judging,
    • pre disposing,
    • pre-possessing,
    • co loring,
    • pre judging,
    • dis posed,
    • co-loring,
    • in clines,
    • pre disposes,
    • dis posing,
    • pre-disposing,
    • pre-judged,
    • pre possessed,
    • in-clines,
    • pre possesses,
    • dis-posing,
    • pre-disposes,
    • pre-judges,
    • pre-possess,
    • pre-possessed,
    • dis pose,
    • pre-possesses,
    • dis-posed,
    • dis-pose,
    • pre judges,
    • in cline,
    • pre-disposed,
    • pre judged.

    punish (verb)

    • gave a going over,
    • cracks down on,
    • threw the book at,
    • giving works,
    • giving going over,
    • dis-missed,
    • throws book at,
    • teaching a lesson,
    • gave works,
    • throws the book at,
    • giving the works,
    • de frocking,
    • de-barring,
    • slapped wrist,
    • gives going over,
    • de-frocked,
    • re prove,
    • attending to,
    • de-frocks,
    • re-proved,
    • gave the works,
    • re-proving,
    • cracked down on,
    • taught lesson,
    • re proves,
    • de frock,
    • defrocks,
    • gave going over,
    • slaps wrist,
    • re proved,
    • rapped knuckles,
    • taught a lesson,
    • threw book at,
    • de-frock,
    • throwing the book at,
    • attends to,
    • gives a going over,
    • de frocked,
    • re-prove,
    • gives works,
    • teaches lesson,
    • de-bars,
    • give going over,
    • teaching lesson,
    • teach lesson,
    • de barring,
    • de frocks,
    • de-barred,
    • raps knuckles,
    • gives the works,
    • rapt knuckles,
    • de bars,
    • give works,
    • de-frocking,
    • rapping knuckles,
    • dis-missing,
    • dis missed,
    • de-bar,
    • re-proves,
    • teaches a lesson,
    • dis missing,
    • throwing book at,
    • slapping wrist,
    • giving a going over,
    • de bar,
    • de barred.

    rankle (verb)

    • gat one’s goat,
    • gat ones goat,
    • gets goat,
    • getting one goat,
    • getting goat,
    • gotten ones goat,
    • gotten one goat,
    • gets ones goat,
    • gotten one’s goat,
    • gat goat,
    • getting one’s goat,
    • get one goat,
    • gat one goat,
    • got one goat,
    • got goat,
    • got ones goat,
    • gotten goat,
    • getting ones goat,
    • gets one goat,
    • got one’s goat,
    • get ones goat.

    slander (verb)

    • de fame,
    • gave a bad name,
    • re-vile,
    • casting slur on,
    • de-crying,
    • slings mud,
    • slung mud,
    • de cry,
    • blackens name,
    • casting a slur on,
    • muckrakes,
    • give bad name,
    • blackening name,
    • re vile,
    • de-faming,
    • strumpeted,
    • de-fame,
    • de tract,
    • be-little,
    • casts a slur on,
    • de tracts,
    • de-cries,
    • giving a bad name,
    • de cried,
    • be-lying,
    • gives bad name,
    • be-littles,
    • de-cried,
    • de fames,
    • bad mouth,
    • de-tracts,
    • casts slur on,
    • ran smear campaign,
    • gives a bad name,
    • de crying,
    • giving bad name,
    • de-fames,
    • de-cry,
    • slinging mud,
    • be littles,
    • running smear campaign,
    • gave bad name,
    • de faming,
    • be lying,
    • de cries,
    • de-tract,
    • be lied,
    • runs smear campaign,
    • be-lied,
    • blackened name.

    stab (verb)

    • trans fix,
    • trans-fixes,
    • trans-fix,
    • trans-fixing,
    • trans-fixt,
    • Sabering,
    • trans fixt,
    • Sabered,
    • trans fixing,
    • trans fixed,
    • trans fixes.

    sting (verb)

    • in spiring,
    • in spires,
    • in-spire,
    • in-spiring,
    • in-spires,
    • in-spired,
    • in spire,
    • in spired.

    suffer (verb)

    • feels wretched,
    • having a bad time,
    • am handicapped,
    • wast handicapped,
    • wert convulsed,
    • sat take it,
    • all owed,
    • being at disadvantage,
    • was convulsed,
    • were impaired,
    • complains of,
    • wast impaired,
    • are handicapped,
    • was wounded,
    • were at disadvantage,
    • sits take it,
    • are wounded,
    • haddest bad time,
    • am racked,
    • is affected,
    • is convulsed,
    • waits out,
    • is handicapped,
    • carried the torch,
    • is at disadvantage,
    • have bad time,
    • sit take it,
    • art handicapped,
    • wert handicapped,
    • art convulsed,
    • is impaired,
    • carrying the torch,
    • hadst a bad time,
    • under gone,
    • am at disadvantage,
    • is disadvantage,
    • all-owed,
    • had a bad time,
    • were wounded,
    • wert racked,
    • all owing,
    • wast racked,
    • were convulsed,
    • being convulsed,
    • wast affected,
    • was impaired,
    • am impaired,
    • is racked,
    • were racked,
    • is wounded,
    • were disadvantage,
    • hast bad time,
    • being disadvantage,
    • waited out,
    • was disadvantage,
    • under-going,
    • was racked,
    • sitting take it,
    • waiting out,
    • art at disadvantage,
    • having bad time,
    • lived with,
    • wast at disadvantage,
    • carry torch,
    • un-derwent,
    • wert impaired,
    • feeling wretched,
    • be disadvantage,
    • hath a bad time,
    • art disadvantage,
    • sat and take it,
    • are convulsed,
    • under-went,
    • under-gone,
    • being handicapped,
    • am disadvantage,
    • has a bad time,
    • sate take it,
    • carries the torch,
    • carrying torch,
    • are racked,
    • am convulsed,
    • wert wounded,
    • wast wounded,
    • art wounded,
    • has bad time,
    • complained of,
    • am wounded,
    • was affected,
    • hath bad time,
    • complaining of,
    • are disadvantage,
    • carries torch,
    • under going,
    • was handicapped,
    • hast a bad time,
    • wert at disadvantage,
    • wert affected,
    • hadst bad time,
    • carried torch,
    • un derwent,
    • art racked,
    • had bad time,
    • under went,
    • are impaired,
    • am affected,
    • sits and take it,
    • wast disadvantage,
    • being impaired,
    • putting with,
    • all-owing,
    • being racked,
    • art impaired,
    • were affected,
    • were handicapped,
    • being wounded,
    • are affected,
    • sate and take it,
    • felt wretched,
    • wast convulsed,
    • haddest a bad time,
    • art affected,
    • are at disadvantage,
    • sitting and take it,
    • was at disadvantage,
    • being affected,
    • wert disadvantage.

    taint (verb)

    • dis crediting,
    • dis credits,
    • dis-credits,
    • casts a slur,
    • casting a slur,
    • casts slur,
    • crudding up,
    • cast slur,
    • broke down,
    • cruds up,
    • dis credit,
    • dis-credit,
    • brake down,
    • dis-crediting,
    • breaks down,
    • dis credited,
    • dis-credited,
    • casting slur,
    • crudded up.

    tarnish (verb)

    • be-grimed,
    • be griming,
    • be-griming,
    • be-grimes,
    • be grime,
    • be grimes,
    • loses shine,
    • lost shine,
    • losing shine,
    • losing luster,
    • be grimed,
    • be-grime,
    • loses luster,
    • lost luster.

    torment (verb)

    • drove wall,
    • drives bananas,
    • plays cat and mouse,
    • driving the wall,
    • drive up wall,
    • plays cat mouse,
    • drave up wall,
    • drave the wall,
    • drives wall,
    • play cat mouse,
    • playing cat and mouse,
    • driving wall,
    • rub salt wound,
    • drove bananas,
    • rubbing salt wound,
    • drave wall,
    • drave up the wall,
    • driving up wall,
    • drive the wall,
    • rubbing salt in wound,
    • played cat and mouse,
    • drives up the wall,
    • rubbed salt in wound,
    • drave bananas,
    • playing cat mouse,
    • rubs salt in wound,
    • putting through wringer,
    • played cat mouse,
    • drives up wall,
    • rubs salt wound,
    • drives the wall,
    • puts through wringer,
    • rubbed salt wound,
    • driving up the wall,
    • drove up wall,
    • driving bananas,
    • drove the wall,
    • drive wall,
    • drove up the wall.

    trample (verb)

    • in fringes,
    • in-fringe,
    • over ridden,
    • over rode,
    • over riding,
    • steps on,
    • rode roughshod over,
    • over rides,
    • runs over,
    • in fringe,
    • over-ridden,
    • in-fringed,
    • in fringed,
    • over-rode,
    • over-riding,
    • rides roughshod over,
    • riding roughshod over,
    • over-rides,
    • over ride,
    • rid roughshod over,
    • in-fringes.

    turn (verb)

    • dis locates,
    • dis locate,
    • dis-locate,
    • dis locating,
    • dis-locates,
    • dis located,
    • dis-locating,
    • cricking,
    • dis-located.

    undermine (verb)

    • hollowed out,
    • clipping ones wings,
    • whittling away,
    • under cut,
    • clipping one wings,
    • whittles away,
    • ex-cavate,
    • under cuts,
    • under cutting,
    • under-mined,
    • knocking the bottom out of,
    • knocking bottom out of,
    • poke full holes,
    • digging out,
    • dug out,
    • knocked the bottom out of,
    • clipping one’s wings,
    • whittled away,
    • digs out,
    • under-cuts,
    • ate away,
    • under mining,
    • ex cavate,
    • knocks bottom out of,
    • clipped ones wings,
    • digged out,
    • clip one wings,
    • clip ones wings,
    • pokes full holes,
    • under-mining,
    • under-cut,
    • clips ones wings,
    • clips one’s wings,
    • clipped one’s wings,
    • poked full of holes,
    • hollows out,
    • pokes full of holes,
    • hollowing out,
    • under-cutting,
    • under mined,
    • poking full of holes,
    • poked full holes,
    • clips one wings,
    • knocked bottom out of,
    • knocks the bottom out of,
    • poking full holes,
    • clipped one wings.

    wound (verb)

    • hurting one’s feelings,
    • hurts feelings,
    • ouching,
    • hurts ones feelings,
    • ouched,
    • hurt one feelings,
    • hurting ones feelings,
    • hurts one feelings,
    • hurting one feelings,
    • hurt ones feelings,
    • hurting feelings,
    • hurts one’s feelings.

    wreak vengeance on (verb)

    • fix.

    wring (verb)

    • ex-act,
    • shook down,
    • shaking down,
    • ex-acting,
    • ex acting,
    • ex torts,
    • ex tort,
    • ex acts,
    • ex tract,
    • ex-tracts,
    • shakes down,
    • ex-torts,
    • ex-acted,
    • ex act,
    • ex-tract,
    • ex-tort.

    wrong (verb)

    • mis represent,
    • mis representing,
    • imposes up on,
    • impose up on,
    • imposing up on,
    • imposed up on,
    • mis-represented,
    • mis-represents,
    • mis represented,
    • imposing upon,
    • mis-represent,
    • mis represents,
    • mis-representing.
  • Other synonyms:

    • knackered,
    • churn up,
    • smash into,
    • thump,
    • black-and-blue,
    • smash down,
    • impoverish,
    • wear out,
    • weather,
    • mess up,
    • rub,
    • pound,
    • rust,
    • ding,
    • footsore,
    • pollute,
    • blight,
    • plow up,
    • dislocate,
    • saddle sore,
    • adulterate,
    • Disserve,
    • gangrenous,
    • ruin,
    • bitten,
    • despoil,
    • affect,
    • affected,
    • snarl,
    • Sprained,
    • cut-up,
    • desecrate,
    • deafen,
    • battle-scarred,
    • snag,
    • overload,
    • squash,
    • overexpose,
    • bang up,
    • wither,
    • swollen,
    • smash,
    • corrode,
    • play up,
    • run over,
    • sully,
    • agonised.

    • scorch,
    • punch-drunk,
    • stifle,
    • skin,
    • aggrieve,
    • prickle,
    • tingle,
    • lay about one,
    • wretchedness,
    • wear,
    • funeral,
    • sabotage,
    • strike,
    • Punchy.

    • crash,
    • bring down,
    • break up,
    • vitiate,
    • itch,
    • battered.

    • lay up,
    • right.

    • comfortable.

    • beaten.

    • game.

    • happy.

    • shot.


    • excited.


    • Larruping,
    • knock block off,
    • clocking,
    • Braining,
    • lay siege to,
    • infiltrate,
    • larrup,
    • beaning,
    • be set,
    • whopped,
    • blistered,
    • overwhelms,
    • Brained,
    • knocked for a loop,
    • knock for a loop,
    • knock cold,
    • chopped down,
    • light into,
    • turning on,
    • beaned,
    • Larruped,
    • whop,
    • boff,
    • take the offensive,
    • clocked,
    • pounce upon,
    • wallop,
    • chop down,
    • sets upon,
    • larrups,
    • whops,
    • set upon.


    • spoilt,
    • wrenching,
    • blotching,
    • blotched,
    • smudge.

    carry on

    • act up.


    • in flames,
    • grate.


    • tore,
    • scrabble,
    • scrabbles,
    • Scrabbling,
    • Scrabbled,
    • ripping.


    • splutter.


    • hamstring.


    • tampered with,
    • tamper with,
    • tampers with,
    • wears away,
    • wreak havoc on,
    • tampering with,
    • wear away,
    • wearing away.


    • render incapable,
    • shot down,
    • took out,
    • Pinioning,
    • take out,
    • shoot down,
    • hogtie,
    • pinioned,
    • pinion,
    • unfitted,
    • unfits,
    • takes out,
    • disenable,
    • throw monkey wrench in,
    • immobilize,
    • put out of action,
    • taking out,
    • unfitting,
    • pinions.


    • be sickening,
    • be disturbing,
    • make ill,
    • go against the grain,
    • be unsuitable,
    • be distasteful.


    • Discontenting,
    • curdled,
    • curdling,
    • Winging,
    • zinging,
    • play dirty,
    • Nettles.


    • castrated.


    • dirt.


    • struck.


    • serrates,
    • serrating.


    • Regretted,
    • repine,
    • take it hard,
    • kick self,
    • beat one’s breast,
    • lament.


    • abused.


    • Muscled,
    • let have it,
    • bludgeoned,
    • handle roughly,
    • take care of,
    • leaning on,
    • takes care of,
    • Muscling,
    • bludgeoning,
    • knock about,
    • break face,
    • Mauled,
    • worked over,
    • took care of,
    • knock around,
    • paws,
    • put in the hospital.


    • miffed,
    • miff.


    • cut to pieces,
    • hashed up,
    • hash up.

    Other relevant words:

    • wring hands,
    • dump on,
    • kos,
    • molest,
    • Shanked,
    • sandbagging,
    • grease palm,
    • impeded,
    • whacked,
    • be wounded,
    • quash,
    • unstrengthen,
    • wear black,
    • sit and take it,
    • rue,
    • Devilled,
    • cripple,
    • incapacitate,
    • slander,
    • break down,
    • Maculated,
    • Tars,
    • living with,
    • mar,
    • eating,
    • take retribution,
    • hated,
    • Hacking,
    • rotted,
    • crack,
    • traumatize,
    • heckling,
    • pummelling,
    • suffer,
    • roughhouse,
    • get goat,
    • cast a slur,
    • jaundice,
    • hurt one’s feelings,
    • maculate,
    • taint,
    • offend,
    • Experiencing,
    • be impaired,
    • eaten,
    • contuse,
    • begrime,
    • Dislimb,
    • claw,
    • be disagreeable,
    • do number on,
    • Laming,
    • harrow,
    • put up with,
    • quell,
    • eat one’s heart out,
    • Winced,
    • actioned,
    • disfigure,
    • knife,
    • prejudice,
    • Lames,
    • plowed,
    • lame,
    • ravaged,
    • griming,
    • feel wretched,
    • pay back,
    • longs for,
    • sorrow over,
    • eat,
    • make it tough for,
    • Contusing,
    • excruciate,
    • begrimed,
    • do disservice to,
    • torpedoed,
    • torpedo,
    • displease,
    • grimed,
    • was sore,
    • play cat and mouse,
    • eats away,
    • Martyred,
    • make foul,
    • Palsying,
    • Torpedoes,
    • Jagging,
    • prepossess,
    • sandbagged,
    • dilapidate,
    • whacking,
    • prickling,
    • wince,
    • nitpick,
    • Disfeature,
    • make useless,
    • burn up,
    • exacerbate,
    • knock,
    • Dilapidating,
    • dilapidates,
    • Disfashion,
    • Quashed,
    • lose shine,
    • gimp,
    • opened up,
    • dig out,
    • knock the bottom out of,
    • shanking,
    • grieve for,
    • paid back,
    • sideline,
    • sing the blues,
    • Dulling,
    • whittle away,
    • Devilling,
    • writhing,
    • hollow out,
    • Hacked,
    • crush,
    • agonize,
    • ticked off,
    • maul,
    • keens,
    • boned,
    • Deviling,
    • Martyring,
    • Muddying,
    • obsessing,
    • Lamed,
    • be racked,
    • be handicapped,
    • drive up the wall,
    • got to,
    • pronged,
    • blemish,
    • dumped on,
    • do violence to,
    • rankle,
    • scuzz up,
    • stew over,
    • pick on,
    • mutilate,
    • Spearing,
    • disapprove of,
    • defile,
    • be affected,
    • contuses,
    • heckle,
    • queering,
    • lacerate,
    • warp,
    • brutalize,
    • irritates,
    • hurt feelings,
    • do a number on,
    • disable,
    • prick,
    • maim,
    • getting to,
    • ridden,
    • Twinging,
    • keened,
    • keening,
    • deplore,
    • be brokenhearted,
    • maltreat,
    • put out of commission,
    • muck up,
    • dulls,
    • open up,
    • grate on,
    • eat away,
    • attack,
    • Rued,
    • necessitate,
    • crud up,
    • prickled,
    • tarnish,
    • nit-pick,
    • take it badly,
    • muddies,
    • pink,
    • turn,
    • paying back,
    • shatter,
    • batter,
    • knock bottom out of,
    • be at disadvantage,
    • get to,
    • cook someone’s goose,
    • distress,
    • punish,
    • intrude upon,
    • muddied,
    • SHIVS,
    • vandalize,
    • tar,
    • break the heart of,
    • Illtreat,
    • give a hard time,
    • putting up with,
    • needling,
    • mourn,
    • pronging,
    • tarnishes,
    • Begriming,
    • lose,
    • torment,
    • burn,
    • perturb,
    • is against,
    • Trashed,
    • Tarring,
    • Struggled,
    • chafe,
    • GIMPS,
    • spite,
    • irk,
    • Hates,
    • be against,
    • sting,
    • get revenge,
    • infect,
    • poke full of holes,
    • be on one’s case,
    • object to,
    • Tarred,
    • get one’s goat,
    • gets one’s goat,
    • live with,
    • clip one’s wings,
    • torturing,
    • gets to,
    • embitter,
    • lose luster,
    • wring,
    • Boning,
    • Speared,
    • burned up,
    • wait out,
    • eating away,
    • contused,
    • smart,
    • longing for,
    • relaxes,
    • disfeatured,
    • sandbags,
    • be sore,
    • put with,
    • trample,
    • grieve,
    • breaking down,
    • be convulsed,
    • debilitate,
    • drive bananas,
    • hinders,
    • tick off,
    • sandbag,
    • complain of,
    • clip wings,
    • roughhousing,
    • long for,
    • be sad,
    • eat heart out,
    • burning up,
    • ill-treat,
    • queers,
    • queered,
    • singing the blues,
    • opening up,
    • disagree,
    • dislimbed,
    • have a bad time,
    • put through wringer,
    • nit-picking,
    • shiv,
    • unbrace,
    • bother,
    • turn one off,
    • Palsies,
    • carry the torch,
    • gripe,
    • palsy,
    • lose strength,
    • actioning,
    • Unstrengthened,
    • Deviled,
    • prepossesses,
    • Moaned,
    • corrupt,
    • begrimes,
    • Twinged,
    • unbraced,
    • torpedoing,
    • impair,
    • cricked,
    • Fracturing,
    • rub salt in wound,
    • Spraining,
    • carp at.


    • throw the book at,
    • throw book at,
    • teach a lesson,
    • cracking down on,
    • defrock,
    • defrocked,
    • Disciplining,
    • disciplined,
    • crack down on,
    • rap knuckles,
    • slap wrist,
    • give a going over,
    • attended to,
    • attend to,
    • give the works,
    • defrocking.


    • be little,
    • cast a slur on,
    • strumpeting,
    • run smear campaign,
    • sling mud,
    • badmouth,
    • blacken name,
    • cast slur on,
    • muckraked,
    • muckrake,
    • strumpet,
    • give a bad name.


    • ride roughshod over,
    • Tromp,
    • over-ride,
    • running over,
    • stepped on,
    • stomping,
    • stepping on,
    • step on,
    • ran over.


    • undermine.


    • shake down.


    • impose upon,
    • imposes upon,
    • imposed upon.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • hurtle,
    • hurting,
    • impairment,
    • feel pain,
    • give pain,
    • liability,
    • bleed,
    • disinterest.

How to use «Hurt» in context?

When we hurt, our body sends us a message that we’re in danger. Our brain perceives danger in the form of a potential threat and signals our muscles to tense and prepare for action. Physical pain is a bodily response to a threatening experience, such as when we’re being injured.

Physically experiencing pain is unpleasant, but it’s a necessary part of being able to defend ourselves. Our brain can’t process danger if we’re in constant pain, so when we’re hurt it sends us a warning to stop and take care. In some cases, however, physical pain can be an indication that we’re actually in danger.

Paraphrases for Hurt:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Forward Entailment

    • Verb, past tense
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Proper noun, singular
    • Verb, past tense
    • Verb, past participle
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      damaging, upset, wounded.
    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, singular or mass
      suffering, trauma, trouble, wounded.
    • Verb, past tense
      burned, collected, contracted, covered, destroyed, disrupted, earned, eroded, experienced, felt, found, handled, hinder, infected, inhibited, intended, involved, left, made, maimed, missed, moved, pointed, received, reported, slashed, sliced, spoke, stabbed, struck, sustained, tarnished, tired, violated, Began, Came, Caused, Dampened, Delivered, Deplored, Detracted, Did, Enjoyed, Erred, Gave, Went, Happened, Hindered, Infringed, Interfered, Jeopardized, Looked, Occurred, Ran, Reached, Resulted, Scored, Threw, Punched, Suffered, undermined, contacted, breaches, gripped, kicked, sabotaged, laid.
    • Verb, past participle
      abused, accomplished, addressed, afflicted, aggrieved, altered, assaulted, attained, battered, beaten, bloodied, born, breached, broken, buffeted, burdened, burned, certified, collected, complicated, concerned, confirmed, confused, connected, constrained, contested, corrupted, covered, crippled, crushed, decreased, defeated, demolished, depleted, desired, destroyed, devastated, diminished, disabled, disappointed, dismantled, disrupted, disturbed, drawn, earned, effected, embarrassed, endangered, eroded, experienced, exposed, faced, failed, felt, found, frightened, frustrated, gone, handicapped, handled, healed, impaired, impeded, impressed, infected, insulted, intended, involved, jammed, known, licked, limited, lost, made, maimed, misplaced, misunderstood, mixed, moved, obstructed, offended, paid, penalised, penalized, permitted, plagued, pointed, pressed, pronounced, punished, realized, received, reduced, removed, reported, restricted, risen, ruined, shaken, shattered, shocked, sounded, stabbed, strained, struck, supposed, sustained, tagged, taken, tarnished, tears, threatened, torn, understood, upset, vexed, victimized, violated, vitiated, weakened, worsened, wounded, wronged, Achieved, Aggressed, Appealed, Arrived, Attacked, Been, Borne, Befallen, Benefited, Bummed, Caused, Challenged, Dealt, Deteriorated, Detracted, Discriminated, Earmarked, Encountered, Endured, Fought, Flouted, Gotten, Grieved, Hampered, Happened, Hindered, Impinged, Impugned, Incurred, Inflicted, Influenced, Infringed, Jeopardized, Met, Occurred, Picked, Racked, Reached, Referred, Resulted, Sacrificed, Sapped, Scored, Screwed, Tackled, Tampered, Targeted, Told, Trafficked, Undergone, Compromised, Confronted, Contravened, Punched, Pushed, Subjected, Suffered, undermined, mugged, allocated, misinterpreted, misdirected, kicked, sabotaged, clobbered, jeopardised, pissed, fucked, criminalized, criminalised.
    • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
      afflict, ruined, suffer, undermine.
    • Verb, base form
      bother, detract, disrupt, endanger, hamper, hinder, impair, impede, jeopardise, jeopardize, lay, offend, ruin, suffer, undercut, undermine, upset, wounded.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      harm, hurtful.
    • Proper noun, singular
      harm, harms.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      harm, wounding.
    • Verb, past participle
    • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
    • Verb, base form

Homophones for Hurt:

  • herdt, hurtt, HIRT, Hert.

Hypernym for Hurt:

  • n.

    • feeling
      irritation, agony, discomfort, throes, torment, torture, soreness.
  • v.

    • body
      injure, disagree with, wound, trouble, pain, ail.
    • perception
      hunger, bite, shoot, itch, thirst, burn, throb, act up, sting.

Hyponym for Hurt:

  • n.

    • feeling
      painfulness, pain.
  • v.

    • body
    • perception
      cause to be perceived.

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