Another word for add more

What is another word for Add?

  • append

    attach, joining

  • total

    add up, activity

  • sum

    addition, accumulation

  • attach

    joining, give

  • annex

    attach, joining

  • tot

    addition, accumulation

  • add up

    count up

  • affix

    attach, joining

  • augment

    increase, adjoin

  • tally

    addition, quantity

  • tot up

    accumulation, count up

  • contribute


  • sum up

    add up, count up

  • reckon

    quantity, accumulation

  • include

    adjoin, interject

  • compute

    addition, accumulation

  • subjoin

    joining, attach

  • tack on


  • count

    quantity, calculate

  • calculate

    add up, activity

  • adjoin

    attach, include

  • add together

    add up

  • lend


  • supplement

    adjoin, include

  • enlarge


  • enumerate

    add up, quantity

  • insert


  • summate

  • impart

  • bestow


  • bring

  • increase


  • join

  • tag


  • give

    contribute, impart

  • cast


  • supply

  • count up

  • multiply


  • introduce

    bring, interject

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Synonyms for Add. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

Synonyms for Add. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Add. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

Предложения с «add more words»

Palchinsky, on the other hand, implored engineers to look at the economic, political and social consequences of their actions; in other words , be more public-focused.

Пальчинский же заклинал инженеров посмотреть на экономические, политические и социальные последствиях их действий; иначе говоря, обратиться к проблемам общества.

I don’t think there’s an English word I dislike more than emasculation.

Мне кажется, я ненавижу эти два слова больше всего: Мужское достоинство.

More of us should reclaim that word.

Нас больше, чем нам кажется.

Our language has homonyms, words with more than one meaning.

В нашем языке есть омонимы, слова, имеющие более, чем одно значение.

We’re all just sort of trapped in our own lexicons that don’t necessarily correlate with people who aren’t already like us, and so I think I feel us drifting apart a little more every year, the more seriously we take words .

Все мы находимся в ловушке нашего собственного лексикона, который не обязательно созвучен отличающимся от нас людям, и, я думаю, с каждым годом этот разрыв тем сильнее, чем серьёзнее мы воспринимаем слова.

I want to hear more on this, because the very words global governance are almost the epitome of evil in the mindset of a lot of people on the alt-right right now.

Я хотел бы развить эту тему, потому что само выражение глобальное правительство означает чуть ли не воплощение зла в представлении многих альтернативных правых.

When my neurologist gave me that diagnosis in 2012, he was echoing Freud’s words verbatim, and even today, women are 2 to 10 times more likely to receive that diagnosis.

Когда в 2012 году невролог поставил мне этот диагноз, он буквально повторил слова Фрейда, и даже сегодня этот диагноз ставят женщинам от двух до десяти раз чаще, чем мужчинам.

Each word you speak against my wife invites more retribution…

Каждое твоё слово против моей жены увеличивает мою жажду возмездия.

Some of these example words may belong to more than one word category.

Некоторые из этих примеров слов могут принадлежать к нескольким категориям слов.

It is very hard to create a new brand name, as more than 365,000 brands were registered in October, 2000 by American Patent Organization, whereas Oxford dictionary consists of 615,100 words , so some companies use brand stretching — using a leader-brand to launch a new product in a new category.

Очень трудно создать новый бренд, так как более 365 тысяч марок было зарегистрировано в октябре 2000 года Патентной организации США, в то время как Оксфордский словарь состоит из 615 100 слов, поэтому некоторые компании используют расширение фирменного наименования — сначала для лидера марки, а потом для запуска нового продукта в новой категории.

Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human.

Театры учат Вам чувствовать ненависть и любовь, радость и несчастье … Другими словами, театр помогает Вам становиться более человеческими.

From lesson to lesson we improved our knowledge, learnt more and more new words , grammatical structures and put them into practice of speaking.

С каждым уроком мы улучшали свои знания, изучали больше и больше новых слов, грамматических структур и применяли их в разговорной практике.

His words conjured seething horror, but more than that they inspired awe, a creeping paralysis, a lassitude of terror.

Его слова вызывали ужас и одновременно внушали благоговейный страх, парализовали, заставляли трепетать от страха.

In those still ambiguous words he kept eagerly looking for something more definite and conclusive.

В двусмысленных еще словах он жадно искал и ловил чего — нибудь более точного и окончательного.

Like words hollered down a bottomless pit that come back occluded and more complex.

Будто слова, которые крикнули в бездонную яму, вернулись к тебе более цельными и сложными.

The words came more easily and the memories they aroused were less painful.

Говорить стало значительно легче, и воспоминания были уже не столь мучительны.

Sometimes understanding comes and the temporary words can be replaced with words that have more meaning.

Иногда понимание приходит, и временные слова заменяются другими, имеющими больше смысла.

It had been many, many years since he had heard or spoken more than a few words in the elven tongue.

Вот уже много — много лет он почти не слышал настоящей эльфийской речи.

The words hurt her, one more casualty in a war they never should have had to fight.

Эти слова причинили ей боль, еще одна утрата на войне, которую девушкам не следовало вести.

Now I’m gonna ask you a question that’s gonna demand more than a one-word answer.

Тогда я хочу задать тебе вопрос, который потребует нечто большее, чем односложный ответ.

Lena flinched at the words , then hunched forward even more.

При этих словах Лена вздрогнула и сгорбилась еще сильнее.

And Alia noted that the crowd once more was listening with avid submission to The Preacher’s every word.

И Алия отметила, что толпа вновь с алкающей покорностью прислушивается к каждому слову Проповедника.

She looked slowly around the circle, and let the silence emphasize her previous words far more ably than any speech.

Она медленно обвела взглядом круг стоящих чародеев, и наступившая тишина подчеркнула ее последние слова.

More sorry than I know how to put into words .

Так жаль, что не могу выразить словами.

The Security Council has always been committed to Georgia’s territorial integrity and has more than once affirmed this commitment by word and deed.

Совет Безопасности был неизменно привержен территориальной целостности Грузии и неоднократно подтверждал эту приверженность словом и делом.

I should also like to express appreciation to those who preferred silence in the Council, inasmuch as their silence was more eloquent than any words .

Я хотел бы также выразить признательность тем, кто хранил молчание в Совете, поскольку их молчание было красноречивее любых слов.

I spoke the words the spirits told me to speak, nothing more.

Я говорила лишь теми словами, которыми говорил со мной дух, ничего больше.

And if you say one more word, you could find yourself in a very tight spot.

И если вы скажете ещё хоть слово, то можете оказаться в очень тяжелом положении.

We could let her spread word that folks got road agents to fear more than Indians.

Пусть она тогда рассказывает, что людям надо больше боятся бандитов, чем индейцев.

In other words , I would have expected more flexibility and more understanding from all sides.

Иными словами, я ожидал большей гибкости и большего понимания от всех сторон.

In other words , through its catalytic role, UNIDO seeks to add value and generate more impact than the limited resources at its disposal would imply.

Другими словами, используя свою роль катализатора, ЮНИДО стремится повышать цен — ность своих услуг и добиваться большей отдачи чем та, которая может быть получена за счет имеющих — ся в ее распоряжении ограниченных ресурсов.

His words are all the more significant today.

Его слова сегодня как никогда актуальны.

The new wording was considered preferable as it reflected the Commission’s intentions more clearly and avoided any misunderstanding.

Новой формулировке было отдано предпочтение, поскольку она более четко отражает намерения Комиссии и позволяет избежать возможных неясностей.

In other words , a global assessment of the implementation measures should be more clearly stated.

Иными словами, общая оценка мер по выполнению рекомендаций должна излагаться более четко.

Those awful figurines say more about the people in this town than many words .

Эти жуткие статуэтки могут сказать о жителях города гораздо больше, чем любые слова.

He doubted that the Committee was in a position to determine who was right, and thought it would therefore be more prudent to keep the current wording .

Он выражает сомнение, что Комитет сможет определять, кто прав, и высказывает мнение, что было бы благоразумно сохранить действующую формулировку.

In other words , if for a newborn weightlessness is more natural, a woman needs gravity, earth’s pull.

Словом, если для родившегося ребенка невесомость более естественное состояние, то для женщины — необходима гравитация, сила тяжести.

I use the word power broadly, because even more important than military and indeed economic power is the power of ideas, the power of compassion, and the power of hope.

Я широко использую слово ‘власть, потому что важнее военной и, несомненно, экономической власти — власть идей, власть сострадания и власть надежды.

In other words , costs comfortably exceed revenues by $10 billion or more.

Другими словами, расходы вполне превышают доходы на $10 миллиардов или больше.

For more information, see Key tasks: Create and use a Word template by using the Office Add-ins or Key tasks: Create and share an Excel template by using the Office Add-ins.

Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Основные задачи. Создание и использование шаблона Word с помощью надстроек Office или Основные задачи: Создание и совместное использование шаблона Excel с помощью надстроек Office.

A more general approach for existing tanks is by adding the words “vacuum valves” on the tank plate or on the shell itself, only if vacuum valves are essential to protect the tank

Применительно к уже существующим цистернам более общий подход может заключаться во включении слов вакуумные клапаны в надпись на прикрепленной цистерне табличке или на самом корпусе, но лишь в том случае, если наличие вакуумных клапанов крайне необходимо для защиты цистерны.

In other words , over the past two years, the number of Russians who indicated a willingness to vote for Navalny for president shrank by more than 50%.

Иными словами, за два года число россиян, готовых голосовать за Навального, чтобы он стал президентом, сократилось в два с лишним раза.

If no word is given by January, it is more likely that those securities are in the clear.

Если до января никакой информации от них не поступит, то, скорее всего, этим ценным бумагам ничего не грозит.

Beyond showing a clear willingness to inject more liquidity into the economy, these words also show that Draghi is sticking by his guns, despite pushback from other ECB members.

Помимо того, что эти слова отражают явное намерение о вливании дополнительной ликвидности в экономику, они также демонстрируют, что Драги остается при своем мнении, несмотря на несогласие других членов банка.

Make custom changes to word wrapping by clicking Format > Wrap Text > More Layout Options.

Чтобы настроить обтекание в Word выберите Формат > Обтекание текстом > Дополнительные параметры разметки.

Most couples wait only a date or two to kiss but quite a few more before dropping the three-word “L-Bomb.”

Большинство пар решаются поцеловаться на первом или втором свидании, а вот на то, чтобы окончательно добить партнера заветной фразой из трех слов, требуется времени побольше.

In other words , a more balanced income distribution is not only a social or ethical issue; it is crucial for macroeconomic and, indeed, long-term corporate success.

Другими словами, более сбалансированное распределение доходов не только социальная, но и этическая проблема; это важно для макроэкономики и, по сути, долгосрочного корпоративного успеха.

The word hacking can cause tempers to flare up to 120 degrees or more among hard core computer geeks.

Термин «взлом» (“hacking”) может не на шутку разозлить заядлых компьютерных фанатов.

Are there more four-letter English words with R in the third place or R in the first place?

Каких слов из четырех букв в английском больше — с буквой R на третьем месте или на первом?

One is tempted to side also with Mallarmé, who urged us, in more or less the same terms, to “give a purer meaning to the words of the tribe.”

Хочется присоединиться и к Малларме, который призывал нас – примерно в тех же выражениях – «очистить значение слов племени».

Automatic Ad Placement will be enabled if an article has more than one ad for every 350 words or if ads exceed 20% percent of the total content.

Функция автоматического размещения рекламы будет включена, если в статье несколько рекламных объявлений на каждые 350 слов или если реклама занимает больше 20% объема всех материалов.

For or more information and examples of text wrapping, see Wrap text around pictures in Word

Дополнительные сведения и примеры см. в статье Обтекание рисунков текстом в Word.

And I’m not even talking about magazines. I’m not talking about blogs — and I find more new words on BoingBoing in a given week than I do Newsweek or Time.

И я даже не говорю о журналах, я не говорю о блогах, а я нахожу больше новых слов на BoingBoing за неделю, чем в Newsweek или Time.

Thankfully, the flux, in other words , the flow of emissions from the ocean to the atmosphere and vice versa, is more or less balanced.

К счастью, приток, другими словами, поток выбросов из океана в атмосферу и наоборот, более или менее сбалансирован.

They will not hear any more harsh words from the US about their regimes’ contempt for democracy, freedom, or human rights.

Они не будут больше слышать резких осуждений из США об отсутствии в их режимах демократии, о свободе или правах человека.

In other words , the secret of Merkel’s election victory was to secure a majority for the center-right in order to pursue, more or less, a center-left policy agenda.

Другими словами, секрет победы Меркель на выборах заключался в том, чтобы обеспечить большинство голосов в пользу правоцентристов для того, чтобы придерживаться, в большей или меньшей мере, левоцентристской политической программы.

You can find more info about a specific word, phrase, or image on a webpage.

Вы можете выполнить поиск по слову, фразе и даже изображению.

In other words , Putin represents a safer future for Russia, but a more menacing future for its neighbors and investors.

Другими словами, Путин представляет собой более безопасное будущее для России, но более зловещее и опасное будущее для ее соседей и инвесторов.

Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people.

Коко знает и использует больше чем 500 слов на языке знаков, языке глухих людей.

I didn’t know the city, and what’s more, I couldn’t speak a word of the language.

Я не знал город, и более того, не мог сказать ни слова на этом языке.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. addverb

    annex, unite, join, coalesce


  2. addverb

    To join or unite, as one thing to another, or as several particulars, so as to increase the number, augment the quantity or enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate. Hence: To sum up; to put together mentally.

    After engaging the boss for one minute, two adds will arrive from the back and must be dealt with.

    join, unite, annex, mention, note, coalesce


  3. addverb

    To combine elements of (something) into one quantity.

    to add a column of numbers

    annex, join, coalesce, note, unite, mention


  4. addverb

    To give by way of increased possession (to any one); to bestow (on).

    mention, unite, coalesce, note, join, annex


  5. addverb

    To append, as a statement; to say further.

    coalesce, note, join, unite, mention, annex


  6. addverb

    To make an addition. To add to, to augment; to increase.

    It adds to our anxiety.

    annex, note, mention, coalesce, unite, join


  7. addverb

    To perform the arithmetical operation of addition.

    He adds rapidly.

    unite, note, annex, join, mention, coalesce


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. add

    To add is to increase by adjoining or uniting: in distinction from multiply, which is to increase by repeating. To augment a thing is to increase it by any means, but this word is seldom used directly of material objects; we do not augment a house, a farm, a nation, etc. We may enlarge a house, a farm, or an empire, extend influence or dominion, augment riches, power or influence, attach or annex a building to one that it adjoins or papers to the document they refer to, annex a clause or a codicil, affix a seal or a signature, annex a territory, attach a condition to a promise. A speaker may amplify a discourse by a fuller treatment throughout than was originally planned, or he may append or subjoin certain remarks without change of what has gone before. We cast up or sum up an account, though add up and make up are now more usual expressions.

    adjoin, affix, amplify, annex, append, attach, augment, cast up, enlarge, extend, increase, join on, make up, subjoin, sum up

    abstract, deduct, diminish, dissever, lessen, reduce, remove, subtract, withdraw

    Other items are to be added to the account.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. add

    adduce, adjoin, increase, extend, enlarge, sum up, cast up, subjoin, amplify, annex

    deduct, subtract, dissever, abstract

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. attention deficit disorder, ADD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, hyperkinetic syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain damage, MBDverb

    a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders

    hyperkinetic syndrome, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, minimal brain damage, minimal brain dysfunction

    deduct, take off, subtract, take away, take out

  2. addverb

    make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of

    «We added two students to that dorm room»; «She added a personal note to her letter»; «Add insult to injury»; «Add some extra plates to the dinner table»

    add up, summate, lend, sum, supply, total, add together, bestow, impart, append, contribute, tally, tote up, bring, tot up, sum up, tot

    deduct, take away, subtract, take off, take out

  3. add, append, supplyverb

    state or say further

    «`It doesn’t matter,’ he supplied»

    hang on, add up, summate, lend, sum, supply, furnish, issue, total, add together, tack, bestow, tag on, impart, render, affix, append, supplement, tack on, contribute, tally, ply, provide, add on, tote up, bring, tot up, sum up, tot, cater

    take away, subtract, take out, deduct, take off

  4. lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add, bringverb

    bestow a quality on

    «Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company»; «The music added a lot to the play»; «She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings»; «This adds a light note to the program»

    supply, tot, land, get, tote up, bring in, bring, impart, pass on, lead, put up, take, sum, add up, conduce, fetch, channel, tot up, sum up, work, carry, give, make for, bestow, play, loan, append, institute, tally, convey, leave, conduct, confer, kick in, add together, chip in, contribute, total, summate, wreak, lend, transmit

    take out, take off, subtract, deduct, take away

  5. add, add togetherverb

    make an addition by combining numbers

    «Add 27 and 49, please!»

    add up, summate, lend, sum, supply, total, add together, bestow, impart, append, contribute, tally, tote up, bring, tot up, sum up, tot

    take off, take out, take away, subtract, deduct

  6. total, tot, tot up, sum, sum up, summate, tote up, add, add together, tally, add upverb

    determine the sum of

    «Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town»

    supply, tot, resume, tote up, bring, impart, hit, rack up, match, fit, sum, add up, make sense, summarize, agree, tot up, sum up, chalk up, summarise, bestow, number, score, gibe, append, tally, correspond, come, add together, jibe, contribute, total, summate, lend, amount, check

    subtract, deduct, take away, take off, take out

  7. addverb

    constitute an addition

    «This paper will add to her reputation»

    add up, summate, lend, sum, supply, total, add together, bestow, impart, append, contribute, tally, tote up, bring, tot up, sum up, tot

    take away, deduct, subtract, take off, take out

Matched Categories

    • Form
    • Increase
    • State

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. addverb

    join, subjoin, annex, affix, append, superadd, tag, tack

  2. addverb

    sum, sum up, cast up, add together

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. addverb

    sum up, foot up, append, supplement, subjoin, affix, adjoin, superadd, annex

    subtract, deduct, detract, remove

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «add»:

    adding, insert, added, adds, addition, add.1, addendum, append, say, continued, dda, aggregating, complement, include, tda, aggregate, rda, increase

Suggested Resources

  1. ADD

    What does ADD stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the ADD acronym on the website.

How to pronounce add?

How to say add in sign language?

How to use add in a sentence?

  1. Ashley Davis:

    Kids with Down syndrome are already at a disadvantage, as far as speech is concerned, they already have speech delays — so to add hearing loss to that, the odds are stacked against Ashley Davis. Tonya Nussbaum, an audiologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, said Sarah Grace Davis has conductive hearing loss stemming from structural problems with Sarah Grace Davis ear. The hearing nerve is working fine.

  2. Ismael Roig:

    There’s a significant amount of opportunity across all of the commodity streams at low level sophistications or high level sophistications to add a significant amount of margin and that’s how we are thinking about the strategy going forward.

  3. Ignacio Jurado:

    The situation is highly complicated, I don’t see an easy outcome, the PP will be the first to try and form a coalition but the left-wing bloc has more chances because they add up to more seats.

  4. Thomas Zurbuchen:

    It’s so important to go observe them because these asteroids tell us about a chapter of our own story — in this case, the history when the outer planets were forming in the solar system, i’m still amazed by the fact that if you pick up a rock or you look at one of those planetary bodies and you add science to it, it turns into a history book.

  5. Eric Roberts:

    It’s actually the law that all kids who qualify for Medicaid get tested for lead, so that’s been an easy way for people to notice that the numbers don’t add up and the majority of kids who qualify for Medicaid actually don’t get tested.

Translations for add

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • جمع, اضافArabic
  • дадаць, дадавацьBelarusian
  • сумирам, разширявам, прибавям, добавямBulgarian
  • afegir, sumarCatalan, Valencian
  • přidat, sečístCzech
  • ychwaneguWelsh
  • summere, addere, lægge sammenDanish
  • hinzufügen, addierenGerman
  • προσθέτω, αθροίζωGreek
  • aldoniEsperanto
  • sumar, adicionar, añadirSpanish
  • laskea yhteen, summata, lisätäFinnish
  • additionner, faire une addition, ajouter, sommerFrench
  • חיבר, הוסיףHebrew
  • जोड़नाHindi
  • ավելացնել, հավելել, գումարելArmenian
  • tambahIndonesian
  • aggiungereItalian
  • 加える, 足す, 追加Japanese
  • დამატებაGeorgian
  • 추가하다, 덧셈하다, 늘리다, 덧붙이다, 보태다, 더하다, 더하기하다, 부연하다, 합산하다Korean
  • addeLatin
  • pievienot, pieliktLatvian
  • нэмэхMongolian
  • tambah, campurMalay
  • żiedMaltese
  • optellen, toevoegen, bijtellenDutch
  • dodać, dodawaćPolish
  • adicionar, acrescentar, somarPortuguese
  • yapayQuechua
  • adăuga, adunaRomanian
  • прибавлять, добавлять, прибавить, добавитьRussian
  • додати, сабратиSerbo-Croatian
  • lägga till, tillägga, summera, lägga ihop, adderaSwedish
  • dagdagan, idugtongTagalog
  • جوڑناUrdu
  • nói, thêm, cộngVietnamese
  • 添加Chinese

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  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

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Add Past Tense

The past tense of Add is added.

1. add

verb. [‘ˈæd’] make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of.


  • gild the lily
  • button
  • increase
  • fortify
  • string
  • intercalate
  • supplement
  • enrich
  • welt
  • stud
  • include
  • punctuate
  • butylate
  • concatenate
  • qualify
  • inject
  • put on
  • string up
  • mix
  • mark
  • add on
  • paint the lily
  • compound
  • milk
  • modify
  • combine
  • mix in
  • work in


  • impoverish
  • take away
  • diverge
  • unfasten


  • addere (Latin)

Rhymes with Add

  • sociedad
  • shahrzad
  • ciudad
  • shabad
  • mossad
  • mirad
  • hlad
  • forbad
  • arvad
  • vlad
  • scad
  • riyadh
  • riyad
  • plaid
  • grad
  • glad
  • flad
  • clad
  • brad
  • thad
  • tad
  • shad
  • schad
  • sad
  • rad
  • pad
  • nad
  • mad
  • lad
  • khad

Sentences with add

1. Verb, base form
Make sure to know how much it will cost to ship so you can add shipping into your price.

2. Adjective
Varying shades of green add visual interest to the costume.

3. Verb, non-3rd person singular present
Warm spices add hints of complementary sweetness to yam sweet potato recipes.

4. Adverb
You can also insert links and comments, add bulleted lists and numbering and change line spacing.

Quotes about add

1. Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.
Nido Qubein

2. I am an enthusiast, but not a crank in the sense that I have some pet theories as to the proper construction of a flying machine. I wish to avail myself of all that is already known and then, if possible, add my mite to help on the future worker who will attain final success.
Wilbur Wright

3. When we think of the ideal, we do not add virtue to virtue, but think of Jesus Christ, so that the standard of human life is no longer a code, but a character.
— E. Stanley Jones

2. add-in

noun. a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer’s capabilities.


  • circuit board
  • printed circuit
  • PC board
  • CPU board
  • board
  • mother board
  • plug-in
  • circuit card


  • get off
  • disembark
  • live out
  • starve


  • add (English)
  • addere (Latin)
  • in (English)
  • inne (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

3. add-on

noun. a supplementary component that improves capability.


  • computer accessory
  • accessory
  • element
  • supplement
  • fitting
  • fixings
  • component
  • appurtenance
  • trimmings
  • constituent


  • curve
  • decolonize
  • decolonise
  • contraction

4. add-on

noun. a component that is added to something to improve it.


  • annexe
  • element
  • afterthought
  • annex
  • extension
  • component
  • additive
  • addition
  • improver
  • wing
  • elongation
  • constituent


  • flexion
  • subtractive
  • nonlinear
  • subtraction

5. add

verb. [‘ˈæd’] state or say further.


  • append
  • state
  • stick in
  • toss in
  • tell
  • insert
  • say
  • sneak in
  • slip in


  • depreciate
  • contraction
  • minimization
  • weakening


  • addere (Latin)

6. add

verb. [‘ˈæd’] bestow a quality on.


  • throw in
  • tinsel
  • factor
  • instill
  • transfuse
  • bring
  • alter
  • lend
  • modify
  • change
  • bestow
  • contribute


  • depreciation
  • narrowing
  • nonproliferation
  • decrement


  • addere (Latin)

7. add

verb. [‘ˈæd’] make an addition by combining numbers.


  • add up
  • compute
  • tot up
  • calculate
  • sum
  • tally
  • foot
  • sum up
  • foot up
  • add together
  • work out
  • figure
  • total
  • tote up
  • summate
  • cipher
  • cypher
  • tot


  • unbutton
  • natural object
  • de-escalate
  • reduce


  • addere (Latin)

8. add

verb. [‘ˈæd’] determine the sum of.


  • add up
  • count
  • sum up
  • tot up
  • tot
  • tote up
  • add together
  • number
  • numerate
  • sum
  • total
  • summate
  • enumerate


  • minimise
  • shorten
  • wane
  • narrow


  • addere (Latin)

9. ADD

noun. a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders.


  • ADHD
  • hyperkinetic syndrome
  • hyperactivity
  • MBD
  • minimal brain dysfunction
  • attention deficit disorder
  • minimal brain damage
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

10. add

verb. [‘ˈæd’] constitute an addition.


  • form
  • make


  • waning
  • devitalize
  • weaken


  • addere (Latin)

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for removing something?
  2. What word means to take away or remove?
  3. What is another name for a program or programs?
  4. What is another name for writing programs?
  5. What is a good synonym for program?
  6. Whats the opposite of program?
  7. What means schedule?
  8. What do you call someone who wants things done their way?
  9. What’s it called when someone knows what they’re doing?
  10. What do you call someone who has a lot of knowledge?
  11. What’s a word for someone who thinks they are better than everyone else?

What is another word for adding?

What is another word for removing something?

SYNONYMS FOR eliminate 1 do away with, banish, abolish, eradicate, erase, exterminate, cut out, annihilate, weed out, stamp out, rub out. 2 throw out, exclude, drop, delete, except.

What word means to take away or remove?

whisk away, whisk off. take away quickly and suddenly. type of: remove, take, withdraw. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract.

addition inclusion
interpolation supplement
admittance affixing
extension influx
insert annexation

What is another name for a program or programs?

What is another word for program?

plan method
project scheme
arrangement course
game solution
initiative line

What is another name for writing programs?

What is another word for write software?

programmeUK programUS
code compile
compute process

What is a good synonym for program?

Synonyms of program

  • agenda,
  • calendar,
  • docket,
  • schedule,
  • timetable.

Whats the opposite of program?

What is the opposite of program?

cessation idleness
inaction inactivity
indolence inertia
inutility laziness
passivity repose

What means schedule?

A schedule is a plan that gives a list of events or tasks and the times at which each one should happen or be done. He has been forced to adjust his schedule. We both have such hectic schedules. Synonyms: plan, programme, agenda, calendar More Synonyms of schedule. 2.

What do you call someone who wants things done their way?

resolute Add to list Share. Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way.

What’s it called when someone knows what they’re doing?

ability, adroitness, aptitude, capability, craft, dexterity, experience, expertise, faculty, flair, ingenuity, knack, knowledge, proficiency, savoir-faire, skill, talent. known, knowing, know-all, know-how. It’s as broad as it is long. exp.

What do you call someone who has a lot of knowledge?

savant. noun. literary someone who has a lot of knowledge.

What’s a word for someone who thinks they are better than everyone else?


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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

другое слово для

еще одно слово для

новое слово в

синоним слова

еще один синоним

другого слова для

другой термин для

один термин для

Другим словом для

другое название для

еще сообщения от

She always said Project is just another word for experiment.

Она всегда повторяла, что Проект это всего лишь другое слово для эксперимента.

Another word for magical powers was ‘akhu’, this is sometimes translated as meaning ‘enchantments, sorcery or spells’.

Другое слово для магической силой был «akhu», это иногда переводится как чары колдовства или заклинания.

There is another word for ‘self-discipline’.

Another word for courage is faith.

Salad: Another word for hair.

Another word for military science

Another word for supply is «retail.»

Another word for an insufferable self-centred egotist is diva.

Другое слово для невыносимого эгоцентричного индивидуалиста — «diva».

Another word for the same thing is austere.

Another word for duplicate content is plagiarism where you directly pick content published on other websites.

Другое слово для дублированного контента — плагиат, когда вы напрямую выбираете контент, опубликованный на других сайтах.

Another word for a supply level is «retail».

«Another word for creativity is courage.»

Another word for schema is «markup» so don’t be quick to throw an SEO company to the wolves if they say it differently.

Другое слово для схемы — «разметка», поэтому не спешите бросать SEO-компанию волкам, если они говорят по-другому.

Another word for Orient in German is Morgenland (now mainly poetic), which.

Другое слово для Востока на немецком языке — Morgenland (теперь главным образом поэтичный), который буквально переводит как «утренняя земля».

Another word for medical care

Another word for political sphere

Another word for fitting.

Another word for staff office

Another word for office staff

Another word for guiding light

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 399. Точных совпадений: 399. Затраченное время: 142 мс


Another word for add

Another word for add word list. Below are a number of words whose meaning is similar to add.

  • adjoin
  • affix
  • amplify
  • annex
  • append
  • attach
  • augment
  • castup
  • enlarge
  • extend
  • increase
  • joinon
  • makeup
  • subjoin
  • sumup

Hope this list of synonyms for add proved helpful. This post may be useful to those searching to find another word for add and synonyms for add.

Are any words missing? You can list them here. Thanks!


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  • Another word for annex
  • Another word for attach
  • Another word for affix
  • Another word for amplify
  • Another word for enlarge

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What is another word for added?

1733 synonyms found


[ ˈadɪd], [ ˈadɪd], [ ˈa_d_ɪ_d]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    additional (adjective)

    • overtime,
    • perker,
    • on the side,
    • over-and-above.

    aggregate (adjective)

    • more amassed,
    • most accumulated,
    • more piled,
    • most piled,
    • most amassed,
    • more accumulated.

    attached (adjective)

    • connected,
    • Suffixed,
    • Prefixed,
    • joined,
    • married,
    • Hitched,
    • embellished,
    • merged,
    • Annexed,
    • Spliced,
    • augmented,
    • bound,
    • subscripted,
    • extended,
    • related.

    collateral (adjective)

    • more under,
    • subber,
    • subbest,
    • most confirmatory,
    • de-pendent,
    • most satellite,
    • de pendent,
    • sub-ordinate,
    • more satellite,
    • sub best,
    • co ordinate,
    • more adjuvant,
    • re-lated,
    • most under,
    • most adjuvant,
    • sub-best,
    • more appurtenant,
    • co incident,
    • supporting,
    • most appurtenant,
    • more incident,
    • co-incident,
    • most accessory,
    • most incident,
    • more accessory,
    • sub ordinate,
    • most adjunctive,
    • more adjunctive,
    • more confirmatory.

    • be yond,
    • in reserve,
    • tipper,
    • over above,
    • most another,
    • more button,
    • icest,
    • un-used,
    • fussest,
    • un-necessary,
    • graviest,
    • more beyond,
    • most button,
    • gravier,
    • un needed,
    • ICER,
    • sur plusser,
    • be-yond,
    • more gingerbread,
    • surplus,
    • most lagniappe,
    • in-essential,
    • more lagniappe,
    • re serve,
    • most beyond,
    • tippest,
    • sur plussest,
    • gravy,
    • un necessary,
    • super-numerary,
    • sur-plusser,
    • sur-plussest,
    • un used,
    • in essential,
    • most gingerbread,
    • most reserve,
    • un-needed,
    • re-serve,
    • more another,
    • super numerary,
    • extra-ordinary,
    • more reserve.

    inserted (adjective)

    • stuck in.

    more (adjective)

    • ex-tended,
    • ex tended,
    • most also,
    • more likewise,
    • andest,
    • more enhanced,
    • most enhanced,
    • be sides,
    • more augmented,
    • in numerable,
    • more besides,
    • be-sides,
    • more also,
    • most massed,
    • most exceeding,
    • more massed,
    • most besides,
    • most augmented,
    • innumerable,
    • most likewise,
    • more exceeding,
    • enhanced,
    • more expanded,
    • most expanded,
    • most aggrandized,
    • massed,
    • more aggrandized,
    • in-numerable.

    multiplied (adjective)

    • more compounded,
    • more amplified,
    • more aggregated,
    • most amplified,
    • most compounded,
    • multi plied,
    • more reduplicated,
    • re-duplicated,
    • re-produced,
    • most reduplicated,
    • multi-plied,
    • re produced,
    • most aggregated,
    • most duplicated,
    • re duplicated,
    • more duplicated.

    new (adjective)

    • newest.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • adjuvant,
    • fusser,
    • co-ordinate,
    • over and above,
    • gingerbread,
    • multiplied,
    • appurtenant,
    • additional,
    • more,
    • reduplicated,
    • confirmatory,
    • more than that,
    • adjunctive,
    • extra,
    • too many,
    • aggregate,
    • collateral,
    • extra ordinary,
    • not lineal,
    • in store,
    • Ander.

    overtime (adjective)

    • over-time,
    • over time.

    various (adjective)

    • multiple.
  • n.

    • besides,
    • fresh,
    • new,
    • in addition,
    • together with something,
    • too,
    • increase,
    • also,
    • as well.

    accessorial (noun)

    • accessorial.

    added (noun)

    • else,
    • supplemental,
    • value-added,
    • intercalary,
    • superimposed,
    • adscititious,
    • side,
    • supplementary.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • additive,
    • secondary,
    • other.
  • prep.

    another (preposition)

    • some other,
    • a further,
    • a separate,
    • one more,
    • a distinct.

    Other relevant words: (preposition)

    • another.
  • v.

    accompanied (verb)

    • attended,
    • affixed,
    • accessorized,
    • garnished,
    • Chaperoned,
    • attached,
    • Seconded,
    • accompanied,
    • adorned,
    • Supplemented,
    • Escorted.

    acquired (verb)

    • landed,
    • Pocketed,
    • Retrieved,
    • Took,
    • Bought,
    • secured,
    • Fetched,
    • collected,
    • Palmed,
    • Caught,
    • Procured,
    • received,
    • Got,
    • netted,
    • Garnered,
    • Purchased,
    • Incurred,
    • Bagged,
    • Wrangled,
    • Claimed,
    • won,
    • cornered,
    • Harvested,
    • taken,
    • Gotten,
    • assumed,
    • amassed,
    • Captured,
    • heaped,
    • Reaped,
    • Obtained,
    • Lured.

    added (verb)

    • accumulated,
    • increased,
    • accrued,
    • acquired,
    • attained,
    • incremented,
    • Aggregated.

    calculated (verb)

    • estimated,
    • Assessed,
    • Weighed,
    • valued,
    • Gauged,
    • programmed,
    • calculated,
    • figured,
    • thought,
    • quantized,
    • Guessed,
    • Counted,
    • quantified,
    • Judged,
    • Triangulated,
    • Accounted,
    • determined,
    • systematized,
    • scheduled,
    • Computed,
    • Approximated,
    • rationalized,
    • evaluated,
    • Inferred,
    • Appraised,
    • plotted,
    • divided,
    • Reckoned,
    • measured,
    • Surmised,
    • considered,
    • totaled,
    • Tallied,
    • presumed,
    • ranked,
    • Scored,
    • supposed,
    • Rated,
    • Schemed,
    • Enumerated,
    • Summed,
    • concluded,
    • studied,
    • planned,
    • Deduced.

    increased (verb)

    • enlarged,
    • lengthened,
    • expanded,
    • inflated,
    • upgraded,
    • Boosted,
    • reinforced,
    • Widened,
    • magnified,
    • Grew,
    • Heightened,
    • elevated,
    • advanced,
    • maximized,
    • Amplified,
    • grown,
    • burgeoned,
    • raised,
    • fattened,
    • Broadened.
  • Other synonyms:

    • Inserted.

    • further.


    • farther.

    Other relevant words:

    • butt in,
    • exaggerate,
    • rely,
    • set,
    • however,
    • gross profit margin,
    • redundant,
    • innumerous,
    • nicknack,
    • swell,
    • matrimonial,
    • unitedly,
    • third,
    • poised,
    • dumper,
    • distend,
    • allude,
    • jump,
    • cognitive content,
    • exaggerated,
    • improver,
    • proficient,
    • compulsive,
    • icing the puck,
    • respectable,
    • yield,
    • blend,
    • imprecate,
    • catch one’s breath,
    • unofficially,
    • substantiative,
    • gratuitous,
    • sham,
    • tended to,
    • pure,
    • ensuant,
    • soundless,
    • checkered,
    • manner,
    • enjoin,
    • message,
    • hypothetical,
    • buff,
    • nevertheless,
    • concur,
    • but,
    • extend to,
    • abide by,
    • endure,
    • fond regard,
    • open,
    • fender,
    • godsend,
    • rush,
    • grammatical case,
    • attention,
    • assume,
    • confer,
    • alike,
    • check,
    • spinning top,
    • wear,
    • form,
    • hump,
    • arrant,
    • automobile trunk,
    • load-bearing,
    • trade good,
    • senseless,
    • butt on,
    • linkup,
    • detonating device,
    • divinatory,
    • buffer store,
    • minimal brain damage,
    • ease,
    • conflate,
    • nail,
    • keep,
    • matter,
    • lapplander,
    • right,
    • handgrip,
    • impound,
    • withal,
    • total,
    • gain,
    • breathe,
    • get into,
    • sleep,
    • advance,
    • cypher,
    • elevated railway,
    • abide,
    • hood,
    • championship,
    • summate,
    • unused,
    • o’er,
    • fortune,
    • guinea pig,
    • crown,
    • lapp,
    • affiliated,
    • espouse,
    • cargo hold,
    • modify,
    • full-grown,
    • capacity,
    • bandaged,
    • fall over,
    • change,
    • make,
    • go after,
    • bounds,
    • subject,
    • step-up,
    • conjectural,
    • extension,
    • stir,
    • have a go at it,
    • tonic,
    • falsify,
    • the boot,
    • decorated,
    • hired hand,
    • contributive,
    • reboot,
    • keep abreast,
    • utilize,
    • storage area,
    • bridge player,
    • mode,
    • time lag,
    • mental object,
    • trammel,
    • showcase,
    • committed,
    • silence,
    • elbow room,
    • easily,
    • fictitious,
    • equal,
    • lot,
    • simply,
    • numberless,
    • upside,
    • raise,
    • pinch,
    • observe,
    • resile,
    • hold out,
    • considerably,
    • figure,
    • grand,
    • poke out,
    • path,
    • intact,
    • supposititious,
    • border,
    • interpreted,
    • nemesis,
    • even,
    • sequent,
    • tolerance,
    • use,
    • destiny,
    • way of life,
    • warmheartedness,
    • stand-in,
    • custody,
    • entertain,
    • respite,
    • netlike,
    • articled,
    • calm down,
    • lay out,
    • do it,
    • offend,
    • substance,
    • arrange,
    • lone,
    • mite,
    • recite,
    • unspoiled,
    • advantageously,
    • expert,
    • comfortably,
    • wasted,
    • linked,
    • lend oneself,
    • destined,
    • resultant,
    • secondary coil,
    • hush up,
    • guard,
    • extra time,
    • jot,
    • economic assistance,
    • blown-up,
    • infract,
    • mbd,
    • liaison,
    • get it on,
    • smooth,
    • clean,
    • halt,
    • comparable,
    • anathemise,
    • coordinate,
    • ghost,
    • outstrip,
    • financial support,
    • hex,
    • boost,
    • bear,
    • instead,
    • fuse,
    • hold up,
    • corroborative,
    • webbed,
    • swearing,
    • accidental,
    • boom,
    • accumulative,
    • otiose,
    • establish,
    • profit,
    • accomplished,
    • infinite,
    • refreshful,
    • count,
    • frost,
    • high-flown,
    • fount,
    • mix,
    • distillery,
    • radio link,
    • staring,
    • meld,
    • protract,
    • link up,
    • subsidiary company,
    • paw,
    • wing,
    • retain,
    • enounce,
    • lawsuit,
    • moderate,
    • transit,
    • go off,
    • surveil,
    • back up,
    • helping hand,
    • conducive,
    • unspoilt,
    • tot up,
    • top side,
    • honest,
    • gross,
    • modern,
    • linear,
    • transmit,
    • bounty,
    • tip truck,
    • attendant,
    • typesetter’s case,
    • confiscate,
    • expound,
    • practice,
    • keep an eye on,
    • encouraging,
    • inordinateness,
    • tack on,
    • harbor,
    • pertain,
    • heart,
    • condemnation,
    • enforce,
    • don,
    • residuum,
    • wind,
    • pillowcase,
    • wait,
    • join,
    • consider,
    • hyponym,
    • look into,
    • estimate,
    • view as,
    • overabundance,
    • thoroughgoing,
    • spay,
    • have intercourse,
    • get across,
    • manna from heaven,
    • perfect,
    • sum,
    • detonator,
    • immaterial,
    • foster,
    • corresponding,
    • drawn-out,
    • stock-still,
    • relaxation,
    • expatiate,
    • exposit,
    • plug in,
    • contain,
    • substantially,
    • reach,
    • saucy,
    • eff,
    • branch out,
    • flesh out,
    • spring,
    • asset,
    • purposeless,
    • practiced,
    • diversify,
    • clear,
    • skip,
    • adjudge,
    • motley,
    • all the same,
    • add together,
    • early,
    • rarefied,
    • near,
    • lie,
    • be,
    • limit,
    • dump truck,
    • chequered,
    • imagine,
    • break in,
    • number,
    • fix,
    • integrated,
    • right smart,
    • sami,
    • security deposit,
    • buffer zone,
    • ceiling,
    • look,
    • engage,
    • flush,
    • sound out,
    • reside,
    • gross profit,
    • forward-looking,
    • tending,
    • sodding,
    • torment,
    • the likes of,
    • anathemize,
    • metrical,
    • preferably,
    • overfly,
    • style,
    • subordinate word,
    • stand by,
    • surmount,
    • affectionateness,
    • multitudinous,
    • contented,
    • lower-ranking,
    • nothingness,
    • invigorated,
    • defend,
    • uncalled-for,
    • corroborate,
    • cut across,
    • bear upon,
    • violate,
    • prolong,
    • in concert,
    • nexus,
    • curse word,
    • as yet,
    • bric-a-brac,
    • direct,
    • kick,
    • bet,
    • lengthy,
    • in agreement,
    • heretofore,
    • rig,
    • nonetheless,
    • insert,
    • lacy,
    • impertinent,
    • curb,
    • maledict,
    • false,
    • financial backing,
    • maintain,
    • idealistic,
    • minor expense,
    • careful,
    • gull,
    • solely,
    • flux,
    • comrade,
    • put one across,
    • affirm,
    • safe,
    • outside,
    • overdraw,
    • execration,
    • alone,
    • found,
    • cargo area,
    • reinvigorated,
    • accompany,
    • substitute,
    • represent,
    • font,
    • increment,
    • charge,
    • round top,
    • itemize,
    • whirligig,
    • stand,
    • immix,
    • turn in,
    • backup man,
    • reliever,
    • tinge,
    • ice,
    • unified,
    • high-sounding,
    • cutaneous senses,
    • bind,
    • hypertrophied,
    • advert,
    • capital,
    • serious,
    • name,
    • beneficial,
    • affect,
    • tip,
    • discharge,
    • reserve,
    • cushion,
    • dicker,
    • tie,
    • articulate,
    • on,
    • add-on,
    • touch modality,
    • vermiform process,
    • wellspring,
    • merely,
    • interpose,
    • arrest,
    • notwithstanding,
    • living,
    • suppositional,
    • appurtenance,
    • tranquillize,
    • accompaniment,
    • nimiety,
    • take in,
    • uncovered,
    • have sex,
    • ascertained,
    • tot,
    • self-contained,
    • have got,
    • succeed,
    • grasp,
    • charge per unit,
    • brocaded,
    • teetotum,
    • patronize,
    • interpolate,
    • signature,
    • just,
    • coalesce,
    • accouterment,
    • innovative,
    • secure,
    • extensive,
    • clasp,
    • adult,
    • read,
    • companion,
    • confine,
    • smart,
    • machine-accessible,
    • postscript,
    • stack away,
    • pronounce,
    • draw out,
    • bring,
    • take a breather,
    • have it off,
    • indirect,
    • butt against,
    • add up,
    • residue,
    • touch on,
    • remain,
    • fool,
    • travel along,
    • allowance,
    • pass on,
    • tack,
    • go for,
    • outmatch,
    • disregarding,
    • relate,
    • in any case,
    • shut up,
    • cling,
    • sassy,
    • incorporate,
    • rest period,
    • transcend,
    • margin of safety,
    • full,
    • kind of,
    • contribute,
    • cut through,
    • accession,
    • barge in,
    • count on,
    • agiotage,
    • institute,
    • harbour,
    • coupled,
    • residual,
    • tactual sensation,
    • mensurable,
    • break,
    • casing,
    • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
    • pass,
    • work out,
    • refreshed,
    • patronise,
    • contributing,
    • appreciation,
    • keep back,
    • interject,
    • height,
    • and so,
    • cowcatcher,
    • ended,
    • sin,
    • instance,
    • hang on,
    • forecast,
    • speck,
    • peripheral device,
    • agree,
    • range,
    • whammy,
    • put,
    • aforethought,
    • pillow,
    • agio,
    • only when,
    • go against,
    • review,
    • equanimous,
    • constrain,
    • consort,
    • orthogonal,
    • stomach,
    • protracted,
    • dispatch,
    • self-collected,
    • aggregative,
    • fuck,
    • suppose,
    • reinforcement,
    • assemble,
    • leave,
    • play along,
    • at bay,
    • check up on,
    • steal,
    • oath,
    • confirmative,
    • lie with,
    • appoint,
    • think,
    • make out,
    • no matter,
    • honorable,
    • rebound,
    • parenthetic,
    • regard,
    • swear,
    • dictated,
    • oblige,
    • static,
    • welfare,
    • yoke,
    • entirely,
    • salutary,
    • stark,
    • leaping,
    • follow up on,
    • tributary,
    • dear,
    • sum up,
    • bounce,
    • layered,
    • terminated,
    • only if,
    • ricochet,
    • frosting,
    • in force,
    • assistant,
    • fill out,
    • motionless,
    • corporate,
    • love,
    • hush,
    • guess,
    • roll in the hay,
    • delay,
    • more and more,
    • fashion,
    • subjunctive mood,
    • livelihood,
    • tipper lorry,
    • fate,
    • sophisticated,
    • watch over,
    • plump for,
    • treed,
    • at the same time,
    • tinct,
    • nominate,
    • computer peripheral,
    • assort,
    • cause,
    • seize,
    • mentation,
    • insurance premium,
    • incline,
    • passenger,
    • hypothetic,
    • quietus,
    • bang,
    • be intimate,
    • pass through,
    • lowly,
    • check out,
    • reverberate,
    • match,
    • overbold,
    • eccentric,
    • consociate,
    • perimeter,
    • validating,
    • countless,
    • value,
    • to a fault,
    • sustenance,
    • impudent,
    • disdain,
    • junior-grade,
    • thoroughly,
    • suffer,
    • prevail,
    • aver,
    • condescension,
    • fictive,
    • effectuate,
    • shared,
    • adopt,
    • top of the inning,
    • cargo deck,
    • parenthetical expression,
    • balance,
    • hive away,
    • fill-in,
    • agency,
    • check into,
    • plant,
    • unfold,
    • tolerate,
    • tighten,
    • castrate,
    • room,
    • low-level,
    • enclose,
    • survey,
    • so-called,
    • until now,
    • cipher,
    • order,
    • quieten,
    • financial aid,
    • entrap,
    • plug into,
    • inter-group communication,
    • perch,
    • stick out,
    • adhesion,
    • contact,
    • quest after,
    • partake,
    • slope,
    • circus tent,
    • enunciate,
    • tag on,
    • damn,
    • place,
    • integral,
    • everlasting,
    • incidental expense,
    • surpass,
    • what is more,
    • tally,
    • quite,
    • rarified,
    • utilise,
    • clench,
    • continue,
    • bonanza,
    • overhead railway,
    • touch base,
    • contents,
    • submit,
    • commodity,
    • overstate,
    • reach out,
    • fountainhead,
    • spear carrier,
    • come after,
    • indorse,
    • idle words,
    • channel,
    • jacket crown,
    • incident,
    • knickknackery,
    • remainder,
    • meet,
    • related to,
    • take for,
    • dependable,
    • crownwork,
    • thorough,
    • bonk,
    • freshly,
    • vary,
    • spare,
    • lull,
    • allay,
    • disregardless,
    • big,
    • stash away,
    • unrelieved,
    • come off,
    • concern,
    • let out,
    • put one over,
    • so far,
    • book,
    • stretch forth,
    • admit,
    • tie in,
    • plunk for,
    • minimal brain dysfunction,
    • likewise,
    • erect,
    • sleep together,
    • install,
    • fondness,
    • prosecute,
    • care,
    • move through,
    • wise,
    • detention,
    • tenderness,
    • loan,
    • conduct,
    • upright,
    • wish,
    • slip,
    • bear on,
    • thinking,
    • restrict,
    • buy,
    • go past,
    • declare,
    • foot soldier,
    • abut,
    • encase,
    • opine,
    • position,
    • stick on,
    • crest,
    • warmness,
    • embossed,
    • keep going,
    • pointless,
    • summation,
    • funding,
    • depend,
    • clientele,
    • conglomeration,
    • clutch,
    • traverse,
    • foreign,
    • confirming,
    • sequester,
    • english,
    • handle,
    • cover,
    • weblike,
    • lonesome,
    • sustain,
    • calm,
    • promote,
    • ilk,
    • stick to,
    • direction,
    • all over,
    • luggage compartment,
    • take hold,
    • do good,
    • idea,
    • pace,
    • miscellaneous,
    • exalted,
    • means,
    • graded,
    • bond,
    • divided up,
    • eternal sleep,
    • take a hop,
    • prolonged,
    • myriad,
    • irrespective,
    • bane,
    • so,
    • inactive,
    • swearword,
    • magnify,
    • refreshing,
    • data link,
    • stillness,
    • indentured,
    • lucubrate,
    • surfeit,
    • meridian,
    • roost,
    • associate degree,
    • disturb,
    • polisher,
    • underpin,
    • eternal rest,
    • get in touch,
    • the like,
    • kinda,
    • account,
    • in advance,
    • commingle,
    • sublime,
    • strain,
    • typeface,
    • repose,
    • jacket,
    • add on,
    • sole,
    • tactile sensation,
    • stick with,
    • withstand,
    • obligate,
    • consummate,
    • stretch out,
    • causa,
    • colligate,
    • inflate,
    • get over,
    • vermiform appendix,
    • big top,
    • affiliate,
    • standard,
    • secondary winding,
    • grownup,
    • over again,
    • hyperbolise,
    • butt,
    • young,
    • iron boot,
    • sleep with,
    • numerate,
    • novel,
    • take after,
    • comprise,
    • chance,
    • befool,
    • event,
    • grip,
    • adhesiveness,
    • comply,
    • connection,
    • freeze,
    • allege,
    • aide,
    • defy,
    • connexion,
    • tint,
    • external,
    • put up,
    • hint,
    • opinion,
    • set aside,
    • overindulgence,
    • strengthened,
    • give,
    • positive,
    • sheath,
    • grade,
    • concord,
    • handwriting,
    • supplement,
    • newly,
    • back,
    • state,
    • scourge,
    • soupcon,
    • skin senses,
    • relief,
    • assistance,
    • combine,
    • cut in,
    • hold back,
    • verificatory,
    • stick,
    • march,
    • excessively,
    • quiet,
    • blaspheme,
    • computer backup,
    • flourish,
    • put out,
    • in effect,
    • sense of touch,
    • hazard,
    • thought process,
    • rank,
    • fall,
    • top off,
    • accommodate,
    • overlying,
    • mitt,
    • cross,
    • double-dyed,
    • fully grown,
    • filler,
    • subject matter,
    • lead,
    • fill in,
    • roof,
    • thrive,
    • substantiate,
    • nonessential,
    • touch sensation,
    • soundly,
    • stallion,
    • unnumbered,
    • webby,
    • help,
    • hold in,
    • chime in,
    • fellow,
    • built,
    • up to now,
    • mass,
    • touching,
    • screw,
    • bread and butter,
    • pillow slip,
    • feeling,
    • accoutrement,
    • assorted,
    • aim,
    • financial assistance,
    • have,
    • unnumerable,
    • sundry,
    • tranquil,
    • hyperkinetic syndrome,
    • musical accompaniment,
    • noneffervescent,
    • inject,
    • confirm,
    • quest for,
    • sort of,
    • intimately,
    • tell,
    • ensnare,
    • exchange premium,
    • salt away,
    • unadulterated,
    • employ,
    • act on,
    • interracial,
    • precious,
    • equipped,
    • subscribe,
    • recoil,
    • placid,
    • pan gravy,
    • throw in,
    • mensural,
    • implement,
    • bedamn,
    • attention deficit disorder,
    • pinnacle,
    • make love,
    • intellection,
    • cuss,
    • hyperbolic,
    • knickknack,
    • come to,
    • chapiter,
    • observed,
    • alleged,
    • substantiating,
    • skilful,
    • impact,
    • metric,
    • neuter,
    • suit,
    • reenforcement,
    • blow up,
    • spread out,
    • malarkey,
    • go,
    • utter,
    • prepare,
    • iron heel,
    • shell,
    • come in,
    • trace,
    • tiptop,
    • brook,
    • chisel in,
    • cerebration,
    • subaltern,
    • once again,
    • ripe,
    • know,
    • unexampled,
    • to a greater extent,
    • cohere,
    • get laid,
    • take,
    • outperform,
    • offer,
    • totality,
    • adept,
    • gear up,
    • instal,
    • sentiment,
    • estimable,
    • driven,
    • stay,
    • deliberate,
    • outdo,
    • assist,
    • fastening,
    • overstep,
    • have it away,
    • peak,
    • type,
    • accompanying,
    • convey,
    • obtain,
    • character,
    • turn over,
    • launch,
    • underling,
    • uncounted,
    • petty,
    • marital,
    • effective,
    • dupe,
    • pileus,
    • elevation,
    • view,
    • inclose,
    • unruffled,
    • stick in,
    • digest,
    • encourage,
    • clutches,
    • throw,
    • tranquilize,
    • special,
    • duplicate,
    • lofty,
    • growth,
    • face,
    • see,
    • sound,
    • bring up,
    • windfall,
    • trapped,
    • compositor’s case,
    • noble-minded,
    • acme,
    • bear out,
    • lay in,
    • beshrew,
    • frame,
    • suppositious,
    • display case,
    • put together,
    • hyperbolize,
    • raw,
    • hired man,
    • connectedness,
    • unfermented,
    • contentedness,
    • saltation,
    • outgo,
    • bank,
    • debar,
    • business,
    • track,
    • pretended,
    • surplusage,
    • tie-in,
    • affair,
    • tote up,
    • make up,
    • rival,
    • subdue,
    • trespass,
    • manus,
    • effect,
    • safety margin,
    • self-possessed,
    • persuasion,
    • nurse,
    • wipe,
    • elaborate,
    • leeway,
    • postponement,
    • caseful,
    • jinx,
    • upper side,
    • brisk,
    • el,
    • sooner,
    • carry,
    • apprenticed,
    • run,
    • unnumberable,
    • bunce,
    • fend for,
    • summit,
    • elevated railroad,
    • congeries,
    • accessary,
    • similar,
    • tipper truck,
    • shared out,
    • gold rush,
    • introduce,
    • finish,
    • leap,
    • itemise,
    • sweet,
    • circumstances,
    • in time,
    • gallop,
    • bracing,
    • stand out,
    • soften,
    • portion,
    • throttle,
    • supply,
    • endorse,
    • breach,
    • spot,
    • hitherto,
    • restrain,
    • overly,
    • check over,
    • postdate,
    • documentation,
    • once more,
    • kicking,
    • thrill,
    • elongated,
    • control,
    • verifying,
    • excessiveness,
    • validatory,
    • malarky,
    • edge,
    • excommunicate,
    • have to do with,
    • watch,
    • second,
    • store,
    • ready,
    • supererogatory,
    • unify,
    • progressively,
    • slang,
    • relieve,
    • careless,
    • hold fast,
    • cleave,
    • quantal,
    • dependent,
    • economic aid,
    • superlative,
    • corroboratory,
    • thus far,
    • solitary,
    • silent,
    • boundary,
    • consequent,
    • stated,
    • depicted object,
    • deal,
    • former,
    • example,
    • tranquillise,
    • bed,
    • pass across,
    • pilot,
    • concomitant,
    • keep up,
    • side of meat,
    • tack together,
    • conform to,
    • stratified,
    • trunk,
    • buffer storage,
    • script,
    • trade,
    • dual-lane,
    • skip over,
    • stick by,
    • stretch,
    • pitch,
    • fall out,
    • goodness,
    • piece,
    • skillful,
    • mount,
    • refer,
    • even so,
    • high-minded,
    • adhd,
    • rear,
    • exclusively,
    • come.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • ancillary,
    • mixed,
    • annexe,
    • curse,
    • adjoin,
    • added up,
    • lend,
    • Rendered,
    • combined,
    • widen,
    • hold,
    • put in,
    • amplify,
    • Adjectitious,
    • ultras,
    • subsidiary,
    • affixation,
    • expletive,
    • supportive,
    • exceed,
    • afford,
    • connect,
    • needless,
    • broaden,
    • jump over,
    • Supervenient,
    • Issued,
    • link,
    • incorporated,
    • furnished,
    • unneeded,
    • dilate,
    • Advene,
    • put on,
    • Subjoined,
    • transgress,
    • enumerate,
    • suspend,
    • attachment,
    • urged on,
    • extraneous,
    • Jibed,
    • Supplied,
    • matched,
    • presented,
    • agreed,
    • bestowed,
    • Corresponded,
    • Divulged,
    • adventitious,
    • declared,
    • patronage,
    • adhere,
    • add,
    • incidental,
    • bestow,
    • append,
    • Totted,
    • expand,
    • support,
    • Suppletive,
    • go over,
    • go beyond,
    • apply,
    • merge,
    • Adjoined,
    • revealed,
    • conveyed,
    • Loaned,
    • Totalled,
    • reckon,
    • Appended,
    • contributory,
    • addendum,
    • accessory,
    • backing,
    • undiminished,
    • called up,
    • appendix,
    • subtracted,
    • Contingencies,
    • incidentals,
    • Contributed,
    • played,
    • adherence,
    • mixed in,
    • accrue,
    • Suppletory,
    • Resumed,
    • checked,
    • exposed,
    • summarised,
    • follow,
    • discovered,
    • adjunct,
    • plus,
    • supernumerary,
    • summated,
    • Ascititious,
    • extend,
    • complete,
    • appendant,
    • Plied,
    • liking,
    • superfluous,
    • associate,
    • gathered,
    • enlarge,
    • deem,
    • addition,
    • excess,
    • beyond,
    • included,
    • disclosed,
    • Non-essential,
    • set up,
    • unessential,
    • Tacked,
    • alter,
    • Catered,
    • constitute,
    • added to,
    • Imparted,
    • calculate,
    • affection,
    • inessential,
    • excel,
    • pass over,
    • subordinate,
    • impart,
    • aid,
    • benefit,
    • Numbered,
    • fasten,
    • sat up,
    • supervene,
    • more than,
    • backup,
    • auxiliary,
    • united,
    • unite,
    • entire,
    • affix,
    • peripheral,
    • Gibed,
    • Instituted,
    • laid on,
    • annex,
    • pursue,
    • Toted,
    • Conduced,
    • unnecessary,
    • attach,
    • compute,
    • on the increase,
    • summed up,
    • Extras,
    • subjunctive,
    • enclosed.

How to use «Added» in context?

At the supermarket, the added sugar option is often seen as the healthier option. However, a new study has revealed that added sugar can have negative health consequences.

The study, which was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that people who ate the most added sugar had an increased risk of developing type II diabetes. The researchers also found that people who ate the most added sugar were more likely to have a higher body mass index (BMI) and to have a greater waist circumference.

The study’s lead author, Susan J. Swithers, said that the findings challenge the prevailing assumption that added sugar is benign.

Paraphrases for Added:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
    • Proper noun, singular
      add, adds.
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      additional, closer, Adding, Addenda, Aggregated, Heightened, adds, widest.
    • Proper noun, singular
      addition, additional, Adding, Aggregated, attaches, additions, corporations, clauses, rises.
    • Verb, past tense
      abuse, accepted, accompanied, accused, achievement, acknowledged, acquired, action, additional, address, addressed, admitted, adopted, advice, advised, affected, affecting, affirmed, agreed, alleged, also, altered, announced, any, apart, asserted, assured, based, behaviour, beneficial, besides, body, broadcast, built, called, cancelled, changed, clarified, clarify, clarifying, clause, collaborate, collaboration, common, communicate, compounded, concerned, conduct, confirmed, considered, contained, cooperate, cooperation, covered, crisis, cut, dangerous, declared, deepen, deepened, defined, demonstrated, described, details, determined, develop, developed, developing, development, disclosed, donated, drew, dropped, effect, egypt, elaborated, elevated, emphasise, emphasised, emphasize, emphasized, endeavour, endorsed, engaged, established, estimated, expressed, facilitated, fed, fell, felt, finished, formed, fostered, found, founded, functional, genuine, goal, healthy, heard, hired, identified, identify, illustrated, imbued, implemented, imposed, information, informed, initiated, inscribed, institution, intake, invited, involved, item, joined, la, led, lent, let, liaison, linked, made, mainstreamed, maintained, marked, me, modernization, mutually, news, next, noted, nourished, objective, observed, one, opened, opinion, opposed, organs, original, outcome, outlined, paid, paragraph, party, peace, permitted, piled, placed, planned, played, pledged, pointed, posted, priced, proceed, produced, progress, proposed, published, pursued, qualified, raised, reaffirm, received, recommended, recorded, reiterate, relationship, released, renewed, reported, represented, resolved, resolving, respect, respected, revealed, road, role, safety, said, same, saw, security, sent, service, services, set, settled, severed, shared, signed, six, solved, solving, space, specified, specify, spirit, spoke, stated, stressed, suggested, support, supported, talks, text, thought, transposed, uncovered, underline, unit, unity, useful, valued, voiced, water, welcomed, within, work, works, worsened, Acceded, Accounted, Achieved, Addenda, Agencies, Aggregated, Allowed, Amounted, Argued, Asked, Attracted, Was, Became, Began, Believed, Benefited, Beside, Bodies, Boosted, Brought, Broadened, Came, Carried, Caused, Cited, Claimed, Climbed, Deemed, Delivered, Deposited, Did, Digressed, Discussed, Enabled, Enshrined, Exceeded, Explained, Explored, Facilities, Filed, Followed, Gained, Gave, Generated, Went, Got, Grew, Had, Heightened, Helped, Himself, Hoped, Indicated, Indicating, Injected, Inserted, Insisted, Installed, Introduced, Issued, Launched, Levied, Mentioned, Numbered, Offered, Opined, Participated, Performed, Policies, Quoted, Reached, Recruited, Referred, Regarded, Reiterated, Remarked, Remitted, Replied, Resulted, Samarra, Served, She, Signaled, Took, Talked, Told, Territories, Testified, Urged, Warned, Were, Widened, Wished, Worked, Wrote, Hiked, Totalled, Commented, Contended, Cooperated, Created, Praised, Promoting, Prosecuted, Provided, Stipulated, started, Submitted, Summed, Supplemented, Supplied, Surged, Alia, Clients, Measures, contacted, underlined, arrangements, states, tabled, articles, powers, functions, clauses, changes, showed, co-operate, exacerbated, co-operation, allocated, questions, developments, linkages, items, hosted, views, mandates, recalled, 532, reaffirmed, complemented, highlighted, additives, reminded, underscored, laid, 2004, 2006, 1991, @, precised.
    • Verb, gerund or present participle
    • Verb, past participle
      absorbed, accepted, accompanied, accumulated, acquired, adapted, additional, admitted, adopted, advanced, affected, affixed, aggravated, agreed, aligned, alleged, altered, anticipated, applied, appointed, approved, arranged, assigned, assisted, assured, authorised, authorized, backed, become, bolted, built, calculated, called, changed, charged, chosen, clarified, come, committed, complicated, composed, compounded, concerned, conducted, conference, conferred, confirmed, conjugated, connected, considered, constituted, contained, cooperation, coupled, covered, credited, decided, declared, dedicated, deducted, deepened, defined, demonstrated, derived, described, designated, designed, destined, detailed, determined, developed, devoted, directed, discarded, disposed, documented, donated, done, drawn, dumped, elaborated, elongated, embed, embodied, emphasised, emphasized, enclosed, endorsed, enforced, engaged, entitled, entrenched, equipped, established, establishment, expected, expressed, facilitated, fed, filled, financed, finished, fixed, focused, foreseen, formed, formulated, fortified, found, founded, fulfilled, funded, furnished, given, granted, grown, have, held, hired, identified, implemented, implicated, imposed, inclined, informed, initiated, inscribed, intended, involved, joined, kept, known, led, left, lent, linked, list, loaded, located, made, mainstreamed, maintained, marked, me, merged, mixed, moved, multiplied, named, needed, noted, nova, observed, opened, organised, organized, outlined, packaged, paid, party, perceived, permitted, pinned, placed, planned, played, pointed, posted, prepared, prescribed, presented, printed, processed, produced, projected, proposed, published, raised, read, received, recognized, recorded, reduced, refined, reflected, released, remembered, renewed, repeated, reported, requested, required, restored, retained, risen, said, scheduled, seen, selected, serviced, set, settled, shed, signed, site, sought, specified, spent, stated, stopped, stored, stressed, stuck, studied, suggested, supported, suspended, taken, tempered, text, thrown, tightened, transposed, treated, unchanged, united, used, valued, vested, voiced, warranted, welcomed, worn, worsened, written, Acceded, Accentuated, Aggregated, Aimed, Allowed, Amplified, Appended, Argued, Arisen, Arrived, Asked, Assimilated, Attributed, Awarded, Been, Begun, Boosted, Brought, Broadened, Bundled, C, Capitalized, Captured, Carried, Caught, Caused, Challenged, Cited, Claimed, Dealt, Delivered, Deployed, Disbursed, Earmarked, Embraced, Emerged, Enabled, Enacted, Enriched, Enshrined, Equated, Escorted, Exceeded, Excluded, Explained, Filed, Fitted, Followed, Gained, Generated, Got, Had, Has, Heightened, Helped, Indicated, Injected, Inserted, Installed, Instituted, Introduced, Issued, Launched, Lodged, Managed, Meant, Mentioned, Numbered, Nurtured, Offered, Participated, Passed, Performed, Questioned, Quoted, Reached, Recruited, Referred, Regarded, Remitted, Rendered, Repealed, Replenished, Resulted, Returned, Served, Told, Transferred, Translated, Undertaken, Widened, Worked, Yielded, Hiked, Totalled, Commingled, Communicated, Compared, Computed, Constructed, Cooperated, Created, Cumulated, Purchased, Provided, Stepped, started, Submitted, Supplemented, Supplied, Alia, contacted, escalated, inputs, complimented, finalized, tabled, stockpiled, groups, exacerbated, allocated, replaced, complements, positioned, withheld, fuelled, leveraged, staffed, complemented, redacted, highlighted, updated, website, underscored, laid, finalised, criminalized, ..

Homophones for Added:

  • adh, auto, awaited, awed, ahead, adit, aided, add to, audit, aid, ad, adieu, ate, adhd, aoudad, a.d., attitude, ado, aythya, aide, aditya, ao dai, athodyd, aditi, at, adad, ada, ahuehuete, ade, await, audio, audad.

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