Another word for a beautiful girl

What is another word for beautiful girl?

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[ bjˈuːtɪfə͡l ɡˈɜːl], [ bjˈuːtɪfə‍l ɡˈɜːl], [ b_j_ˈuː_t_ɪ_f_əl ɡ_ˈɜː_l]

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How to use «Beautiful girl» in context?

There are many things to admire about a beautiful girl. She is oftenarrogant and independent, which gives her an edge in social life. Her attractiveness is often spoken of in awed tones, and she has the ability to flatter men without even trying. On the inside, she is often kind and compassionate. A beautiful girl is hard to forget and impossible to ignore.

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

Who is beautiful girl in Word?

Bella Hadid is Most Beautiful Woman in the World, According to Science.

How do you say beautiful lady?

Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

  1. You look gorgeous!
  2. You look as pretty as always!
  3. You look drop dead gorgeous!
  4. I think you are very attractive!
  5. Wow, you are gorgeous!
  6. I think you are stunning!
  7. I think you are super cute!
  8. You look absolutely fantastic!

What makes a woman beautiful inside?

Standing tall can make everything else about you look and feel more attractive. A woman’s smile is reported as the single most important physical feature that leads to being viewed as attractive. Women say it conveys what they call their inner beauty. Think of a baby’s smile.

How do I make her blush?

How to Make a Girl Blush

  1. Make Her Smile with You. Your smile is something which can turn the tables for you, if you possess a nice smile then it is no doubt a plus point for you.
  2. With Your Eye Contact.
  3. Some Unexpected Compliments.
  4. Tease Her Lightly.
  5. Crack a Joke which You Both Know Only.
  6. Flirt with Her.
  7. Show Her Importance.

How can I express my love to a girl?

Here are 50 ways to show her you really do love her:

  1. Talk respectfully. Don’t make her feel like she is less important.
  2. Listen to her.
  3. Compliment her.
  4. Try to show interest in things she enjoys.
  5. Consider her opinion before making a decision.
  6. Be forgiving.
  7. Plan a small trip.
  8. Set goals together.


An attractive woman

A beautiful and attractive person, typically female and in a bathing suit


An attractive woman


























good looker



bit of all right

sight for sore eyes



















dolly bird

beauty queen

head turner


femme fatale

English rose

good-looking person

glamour puss



A beautiful and attractive person, typically female and in a bathing suit

bathing beauty


attractive woman

glamour girl

cover girl


























bit of alright


raving beauty





dream girl


good looker

good-looking woman


beauty queen

hot dish




English rose

hot number

sex kitten

sight for sore eyes

sex bunny






joy to behold



glamor girl

sex pot





dolly bird


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What is the opposite of beautiful woman?

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What is another word for Beautiful Girl?

Synonyms for Beautiful Girl
beau·ti·ful girl

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Synonyms for Beautiful woman. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

Telling someone that they are beautiful and praising their beauty is so common nowadays. Especially when it comes to women, they need some attractive words for their beauty. There are many striking ways of calling someone beautiful. Some of the words to describe the girlfriend and his grace are below.

1) Glamorous

You can say this to describe someone’s beauty in one word. Charming is someone attractive excitedly and uniquely.

2) Stunning

Someone extremely attractive and impressive. This is the word used for extraordinary beautiful women.

3) Jaw-Dropping

When you see a girl and fell in awe of that girl. This word can describe how beautiful the girl is.

4) Elegant

This word can describe the girl who looks ladylike, delightful, and amiable. Smart is used to tell someone that they are sophisticated and graceful.

5) Divine

You can say this to that girl who is so delightful and seraphic to make her feel loved and special. This word can define her beauty in perfect words.

6) Heart-Stopping

This means that the girl is taking your breath away from her beauty or style. You can say this to the beautiful girl.

7) Overwhelming

This word shows strong emotions towards others. This means that you are crushing on someone’s beauty.

8) Luxuriant

This means that the girl is breathtakingly beautiful. You can say this to a girl who dressed up all the time.

9) Fascinating

This means that the girl is captivating and so charming. Speaking to her, “you look fascinating” means that you are complimenting her by heart.

10) Show Stopper

You can use this word for a girl who looks beautiful and charming in every look. The one who always gain attention in a group and seems jaw-droppingly beautiful.

Words to Describe a Girl’s Personality

11) Graceful

You can use this word for the girl who got an elegant personality. The one who is beautiful and shows grace.

12) Talkative

The one who talks so much. Girls are mostly chatty, so this word suits to everyone who talks too much.

beautiful girl

13) ButterScotch

This is also for the girls who talk too much. This means that the girl has a habit of talking so much and you are unable to stop her.

14) Shy

This word describes the personality of those who are unable to speak first. The girls who are conservative shows shy personality.

15) Innocent

This word shows the innocence and virtuousness of girls. This shows the nature of those girls who are too good with others. It is one of the most cutest words to describe a girl’s personality.

16) Grumpy

This means being cranky. This word used for the girls with short temperateness. The girls with no tolerance level.

17) Vain

Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth. This word can use for the girls with self-obsession. The girls who are narcist in nature.

18) Sly

This word shows the cunning personality of the girl. The one who is sharp and knows how to tackle things in the right way.

19) Polite

The girls are sweet and innocent. Courteous girls are friendly and got a good personality.

20) Confused

The girls who are always disorganized and unbalanced. The girls who are not clear towards anything and are bewildered.

21) Funny

Girls who talk hilarious and turn everything into something humorous. Simply the girls who got comical personality are known as funny girls.

funny girl

22) Introvert

The girls who keep themselves isolate and prefer to spend time alone rather than being in groups of people. The girls who love their own company are introvert. They are mostly quiet and shy.

23) Extrovert

The socially confident girls, who want to spend most of the time with people around. They freely mingle with people around without any hesitation.

Best Words to Describe a Girlfriend

24) Angelic

If your girl is too caring and angel-like, you can call her heavenly. This means that she is taking care of you so much and supports you in every thick and thin.

25) Enchanting

If your girl is so charming and attractive, you can call her enchanting. Mostly the seductive girls are known as enchanting. The best word to describe a beautiful girlfriend.

26) Doll

You can say this word to your girl if she is as cute as a doll. Describing your girl like a doll can make her happy and shows your love for her.

27) Goddess

Describing your girl as a goddess is like praising her. This word is a particular female deity. This mostly used for the girl who is much admired, exclusively for her gorgeousness.

28) Hottie

This word can describe the girl who is attractive and captivating. You can use this word to describe your girl as the most charming and an alluring person. The best word to describe a hot girlfriend.

Words to Describe Someone Special

29) Apple of an Eye

Calling girls or anyone as an apple of my eye are the most beautiful. Words to describe the beauty of the girl in front of others. This shows your possessiveness about them and shows how much they mean to you.

30) Honey Bunch

Describing someone special as a honeybunch is a different way of describing them in front of others. Calling them honey bunch shows your love for them.

31) Cute

Cute is a word that you can use to describe someone special. Girls mostly love the word cute. Lovely is a word to describe someone sweet and endearing. This shows that your girl is perfect and innocent.

describe beautiful girl

32) Pretty

Describing someone as a pretty is something cute and adorable. You can describe someone special by calling them pretty. This shows your attractiveness towards them.

33) Spectacular

Spectacular means beautiful in a dramatic and eye-capturing way. This indicates that they are unique to you, and you like them so much.

34) Amiable

Amiable means are having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. You can use this word for your special friends or for any particular person who is essential to you.

Tell someone they are Amazing and Beautiful

35) Hot

Calling someone hot shows that you are describing their beauty. This shows that another person is unusual in a unique way.

36) Adorable

This word shows your affection and love for another person who is fantastic and beautiful. Telling someone that they are adorable is the cutest way of telling them that they are perfect.

37) Seductive

If you want to describe someone’s beauty, call them seductive. This shows that they are tempting and can attract anyone towards themselves.

38) Ravishing

Telling someone that they look ravishing is just like saying them they look amazing and beautiful. This word means that the other person has got a dazzling personality.

39) Lusty

You can tell this to the energetic person. Hearty means that the other person is energetically beautiful and is so blooming.

40) Loveable

Telling someone that they are loveable is something affectionate. This shows your love and cares about them. This also indicates that they are beautiful by all means.

41) Hypnotizing

This word means to capture the undivided attention of someone or to fascinate them. Telling someone that they are captivating implies that they are amazing, and eye-catching and can stupefy anyone by their beauty.

42) Incredible

Telling someone that they are impossible means that they look so beautiful and attractive. You can say this to someone who is dressed up for a party or any function.

words to describe beauty

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman

43) Gorgeous

Gorgeous is a sophisticated word use to tell some women that they look beautiful. This is the most decent way of saying a woman that she is good-looking.

44) Marvellous

Calling some woman marvellous is telling them that look extraordinarily beautiful. This also shows some element of decency.

45) Lady-Like

This is the politest way of drawing any woman beautiful. Telling them that they look ladylike is the most charming and attractive way of praising someone’s beauty.

46) Alluring

This word shows that the woman is so powerfully and mysteriously attractive and beautiful. This shows your love and attraction towards them.

47) Dazzling

Dazzling means extremely bright, especially to blind the eyes temporarily. This is the most striking way of calling a woman beautiful.

48) Classy

Classy implies that the person got some class and level. This shows that the woman is characteristically beautiful. You can tell this to a woman who is sophisticated and stylish.

49) Magnificent

This word means that the other person is gorgeous, elaborate, or impressive. You can use this word for an astoundingly attractive woman.

50) Mesmerizing

When you are crushing on some woman and want to express your feelings for her that she looks beautiful, you can tell her that she seems mesmerizing, which means capturing someone’s complete attention as if by magic. Indirectly you are calling their beauty like a magical and enchanted.

51) Splendid

When some woman impresses you, and you want to tell that to her tell her that she is a magnificent woman. This means that they are sumptuous and unusual.

52) Superb

Calling someone superb is a sweet and beautiful way of describing their prettiness. This shows your love and affection for them and the element of respect you got for them in your heart.

tell girl she is beautiful

Different Ways to Tell a Woman She is Beautiful

53) You are so Beautiful.

You can say this to tell a woman that she is beautiful in her way of styling. Calling her beautiful like this is a decent way of telling her that she is gorgeous.

54) You are One in Millions.

This means that she is so different and beautiful, and no one can in a million surpass her beauty. This shows your love and cares for them.

55) You are Drop Dead Gorgeous.

Telling someone that they are drop-dead gorgeous is something cute. This is the most attractive way of telling a woman that she is nice-looking.

56) You are so Amazing.

Just tell a woman that she is amazing. This makes her feel happy and can enhance their feelings towards you.

57) You are Attractive.

This means that they are a magnet and can attract anyone towards them. Calling someone attractive is the cutest way of telling them that they are beautiful and lovely.

58) You got the World’s Best Smile.

Complimenting their smile is so cool and so cute. The woman mostly got beautiful smiles. You can say this to someone with a gorgeous smile. These are the perfect words to describe the beauty of and its beautiful smile.

59) Your hair is like a black waterfall.

Boys mostly fall for the hair of girls. Being Flattered about hair is natural. Complimenting a woman that she got beautiful hair makes her happy. Comparing them with black waterfall is something cute and impressive.

60) Your eyes are so deep.

Eyes are the captivating element for a woman. Complimenting her eyes is so sweet and telling them they are so deep and attractive is another way of calling them beautiful.

61) You are breathtakingly beautiful.

You can say this to a woman who is strikingly gorgeous in all manners. This makes her happy and shows your love and attraction words her.

62) You got the alluring personality.

This means that you are complimenting her personality. Telling a woman that she got a good character makes her feel unique and superior.

63) No one is perfect, but you are.

No one in this world is perfect. But if you say this to a woman that “no one is perfect, but you are,” can express your feelings for her. This is another way of calling a woman beautiful.

Funny Ways to Call Someone Hot

64) You look shmexy,

This is the most entertaining way of calling someone hot. The word shmexy got no specific meaning, but this used on behalf of sexy. This makes your compliment funny.

65) Hey, hottie.

The best funny words to describe the beauty of a girl because telling someone hot is so captivating. This shows you are intimate towards them. Saying hottie itself is a funny way of calling someone hot.

beautiful girl

66) Olala, you look stunned.

When you add your expressions like olala or tchtchtch can make your compliment funny and cute.

67) Gorgeous babe.

Calling someone gorgeous is something attractive and cute. Calling them babe is entertaining and amusing.

68) You look so banging.

Banging and words like that are the funny words to describe the beauty of a girl. You can say this to someone too pleasant and enjoyable; you can describe them as a banging girl.


61 Synonyms for Beautiful

Published February 14, 2011



admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting, lovely, magnetic, magnificent, marvelous, mesmeric, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, slightly, splendid statuesque, stunning, sublime, superb, symmetrical, taking, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, well-formed, winning, wonderful.

English is a beautiful language as it is filled with all the amazing words which have the power to influence your day. Now if you are one of those who is looking for a good list of beautiful words then perhaps you have come to the right place. Whenever you are describing a woman you look of some of the best words that can make her feel confident hand happy. But sometimes you get stuck with the vocabulary. It would not happen to you anymore.

We will help you with learning some adjectives that will help you to describe a beautiful woman. We have already been into the fact that “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” which is a true fact. Hence we can say that everyone who could potentially have a different opinion of what the word beautiful means and what would be a beauty for them.

Following is a list of adjectives to describe a beautiful woman and girl in writing:

Wonderful Magnificent Superb Grand
Splendid Groovy Astonishing Stylish
Fabulous Clever Lovable Remarkable
Glorious Sensual Vibrant Effervescent
Strong Scrumptious Succulent Cute
Radiant Adorable Exquisite Radiant
Clever Curvy Fox Sexy

Now we realize that this is a very subjective topic and it can be very difficult to pick out wrong and right here. So just to help you out we have come up with some really good adjectives that would be defining a beautiful woman.

1. Cute

The most common word that we hear for all girls and women. Cute is a word which means someone is very appealing and pretty in away. It can be used for a person you are usually attracted to. It is used to symbolize somebody whether in a romantic way or in a non-romantic way.

2. Adorable

The meaning of the word can be similar to that of cute, which means someone who is really pretty and quite appealing in the appearance. It can also be used to describe the way to talk about in a lighter and more playful form.

Adore as you see is a verb and means that you have a deep love and respect for someone.

3. Attractive

It is a bit strong word to describe a woman. It can also be considered as one of the most generic and objective ways to describe a woman. “Attractive” means that a person has a pleasing appearance which does not necessarily mean to denote romantic interest.

4. Exquisite

The word by definition means that something or someone which is very beautiful as well as very delicate in a refined way.

It is very similar to the word lovely. It is used when you wish to define a person’s extreme feminine beauty and shows that you are giving importance to the details.

5. Radiant

The word itself means that something which very bright and shining. It is a kind of beautiful and specifically used to describe feminine beauty. With this word, you can describe the beauty in a very light, manner full of energy.

6. Fox

By definition, it is a word that is used to describe a woman who is very attractive and with her boldness and confidence. It is her look that makes her appear wild and superior. It is a British slang word that is mostly used to describe a confident woman.

7. Pretty

It is similar to beautiful in meaning but in a more innocent and/or physical way. 

Ex. Ashima was standing next to me. I was astonished to see that she has turned out to be so pretty.

8. Gorgeous

It is another synonym for beautiful that denotes a very powerful physical attraction. While the world beautiful may have more of an inner/outer quality, gorgeous is purely physical attraction. 

Ex. It was a cocktail party yesterday. You could have met gorgeous ladies in the party.

9. Lovely

It is a synonym for what is generally a feminine beauty that describes an elegant and/or radiant beauty.

Ex. I gifted my wife a saree and it looked lovely on her.

10. Exquisite

It means to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way. 

Ex. I was mesmerised by witnessing her exquisite beauty when she walked on the ramp for the first time. 

11. Stunning

Defined as a surprising and/or shocking appearance, which supposedly may even cause the loss of consciousness. 

Ex. She was looking stunning with the outfits she bought from the online store.

12. Sexy

It is a word that I believe translates into other languages and most people have an understanding of. It means that the person is attractive in a very sexual, sensual way, that they cause excitement. 

Ex. Maya was looking sexy when she was dressed for the cocktail party. 

13. Alluring

Something that seduces or lures you in a mysterious way.  You can say this about a person or a thing.

Ex. You can see Smriti entering the Great Hall and spread the alluring effect in the air. Everyone was stunned by the look of Smriti.

14. Bewitching/Bewitched (adj)

The quality of “casting a spell” on somebody, being hypnotized, or losing control, as is often the case with romantic desires.

Ex. The Yule Ball was the deciding event that took place before Triwizard Tournament. Mohini was looking bewitching in her white dress and surprised everyone by her look. 

15. Good-looking

It is one of the most common ways to describe a person who is attractive.

Ex. There was a gang of girls staying at the Resort. They all were good-looking and had a glow on their faces. It was because their team won the championship.

16. Breathtaking

It is something that takes the breath away and is often used to describe natural beauty or something of extreme grace.

Ex. The queen of the Mehrana Gharanas has breathtaking beauty that was taking the town by surprise. 

17. Blooming: thriving in vigor, health, and beauty.

Ex. If you want to have a blooming beautiful look. Go for eyelash extensions. It will make you look beautiful and young. 

18. Classy: stylish; elegant; fashionable.

Ex. She was a classy woman and had immense energy to balance work life and personal life. 

19. Dazzling

It is something or someone who dazzles you or blinds you with a bright and surprising light that confuses your vision.

Ex. When you are happy from inside, your beauty is dazzling.

20. Dashing spirited: elegant; audacious; fashionable; showy.

Ex. If you wan to look dashing, just wear your confidence. It will do the magic. 


The English dictionary is filled with a lot more word that can be used to describe a woman in a positive way. These are some of the sweet words that you can use for your female friends, colleagues or even your elders.

These are some of the words which can make her day. Being positive does not cost you anything so always be positive. If you can put up some more words then they are always welcomed. For more updates stay tuned to EnglishBix.

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  1. Adjectives for Beautiful Smile
  2. Adjectives for Beautiful Eyes
  3. Words for Valentine’s Day

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