Another one in a sentence for each word

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1 People need to know one another to be at their honest best. 

2 All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 

3 The women took an instant dislike to one another.

4 Liz and I have known one another for years.

5 Sadness and gladness succeed one another.

6 These myths have a startling likeness to one another.

7 We have to help one another now.

8 The children here are quite friendly with one another.

9 The children are chasing one another among the bushes.

10 The tiles on the roof overlap one another.

11 The two men greeted one another warmly.

12 Firms can contract out work to one another.

13 Tell them to bear up to one another.

14 They recited poetry to one another.

15 Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science.

16 Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs.

17 Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that.

18 A throng of shoppers pushed against one another to the display tables of the department store.

19 All the units interlock with one another rigidly.

20 They tried to underwork one another.

21 The team members felt tremendous loyalty towards one another.

22 In a marriage,[] you need to honour one another.

23 We all try and help one another.

24 They have allowed themselves to disconnect from one another.

25 How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work. 

26 To hedge around a partnership of love with control by law would be to destroy its base of trust in one another.

27 By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.

28 Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.

29 To hedge about a partnership of love with control by law would be to destroy its base of trust in one another.

30 50 years on, the couple are still devoted to one another.

More similar words: one after another, another, piano, anonymous, neat, sneak, nearby, near to, on earth, nearly, beneath, not nearly, far and near, lean, mean, bean, jeans, Korean, peanut, here and now, European, meantime, by any means, by means of, by all means, meanwhile, by no means, other, meaningful, bother. 

Video Transcript
Section 1
What’s the difference between these two words? If you’re learning English, words like this might seem a little confusing or maybe even frustrating. I’m Emma from mmmEnglish and today I’m going to explain the difference between ‘other’ and ‘another’ and show you how to use each of those words correctly. Well I’m ready to get started, are you?

He lives on the other side.
He lives on another side.

Are they really that different? They’re definitely similar and that’s what’s tricky about them but they’re not the same. Let’s talk about the meaning of these two words first. ‘Other’ can mean additional or extra.

What other countries has he travelled to besides France?

So I know that he’s travelled to France but what additional countries has he travelled to other than France or apart from France? But it’s not exactly the same.

We use ‘another’ to say one more.

There’s another sandwich if you’re hungry.

So that means, well you’ve already had a sandwich but now I’m offering you more.

So both ‘other’ and ‘another’ can mean additional or extra but they can also both mean different or alternative. I can ask: Do you have any other types of juice?

So I don’t want that type of juice, I want to know if there are alternatives, other types of juice, different ones from the juice that I’ve been offered.

Now ‘another’ is similar to ‘other’ but it’s not exactly the same.

There’s so much traffic. Is there another way to go?

So I want to know is there an alternative way to get to my destination? Is there a different route that I can take?

So again, using ‘another’ means one more but did you notice that the way they’re used, the structure of the sentences can be a little different for each word. It’s not always possible to simply swap one for the other, you know. You can’t just switch them. So in a moment, we’re going to take a closer look at why that is.

Both ‘other’ and ‘another’ can be used as determinants. Now if you can’t remember exactly what a determiner is, well that’s okay. It’s a type of word that introduces a noun and it makes it clear what we’re talking about.

  • all of us
  • the cookie
  • each person
  • the other job
  • another friend

Now notice how ‘other’ is used here. We use it after ‘the’ or a possessive word like ‘his other job’ then followed by a singular or plural noun. So can you think of some of your own examples like this? Add them to the comments if you can.

  • Her other house
  • The other lesson

Most of the time ‘other’ is used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. Do you have any other information for me? So here ‘other’ is a determiner for information. ‘Information’ is an uncountable noun.

Do you know any other good books by this author?

So ‘other’ is determining ‘books’, a plural countable noun. Got it so far?

But what about if the noun was singular like: his other job? So ‘other’ can be used with singular countable nouns that it needs another determiner, usually an article or a pronoun.

So you can’t say “I don’t like other dog” You need to say: “I don’t like her other dog” or “the other dog”

We can use the single article ‘an’ as well. Another, another dog. So when the noun is singular and countable, you can use ‘another’ as the determiner.

One of the sandwiches has cheese, the other sandwich doesn’t.

Notice the article ‘the’ here, before ‘other’. This makes it possible to use ‘other’ with singular countable nouns and this happens in really specific situations. You can use ‘the other’ when you’re talking about two things or people and you want to talk about two things or people and you want to talk about the second thing or person.

The first sandwich has cheese, the second or the other doesn’t.

She has a bracelet on one wrist and on the other she wears a watch.

So she has two wrists, the first has a bracelet and the second has a watch. I can’t just say: “On the other wrist she wears a watch”, right? Because the idea is incomplete, I would really leave the listener asking a question like: what was on the first wrist then?

‘Another’ is also used as a determiner so it can be used with singular countable nouns. Do you have another room available? So here ‘another’ is the determiner to the singular countable noun, ‘room’. I can’t use ‘another’ with the plural form, I can’t use ‘another’ with ‘rooms’.

If I want to ask if there are extra rooms available, more than one room, I need to use ‘other’ instead, okay?

Do you have other rooms available? Or do you have another room available?

There is one exception to this rule though. ‘Another’ can be used with a determiner with plural nouns when a plural noun has a number or a number phrase in front of it like ‘a few’ or ‘a couple’.

I can’t say “I need another weeks to finish the report” because ‘weeks’ is plural and it’s countable. But I can say “I need another two weeks to finish the report” or “I need another couple of weeks to finish the report” Got it?

Now the other way to use these words is to use them as pronouns. So again, ‘another’ can only be used with singular countable nouns.

I’m going to order a drink. Would you like another?

So in this sentence ‘another’ is replacing the noun ‘drink’ but remember, I can only use ‘another’ here because we’re talking about a singular drink not multiple drinks. And guess what? There aren’t any exceptions here. ‘Another’ is just used as a singular pronoun.

Now you’ll see ‘other’ used as a pronoun too. You can use it when you’re talking about two things and the first thing has already been mentioned.

So for example. My first wish is to go to Alaska. The other is to see the Northern Lights.

So ‘other’ is acting as a noun here, it’s a pronoun replacing ‘wish’. And it’s okay to do this because it’s clear what we’re talking about, we already mentioned that the first wish was I want to go to Alaska so when we use the ‘other’, we’re obviously referring to ‘wish’ but there is something that you need to keep in mind. As a pronoun, ‘other’ can be singular or plural. Now remember when I was talking about ‘other’ as a determiner, I said it can’t be plural. But you will see a plural form and that’s when it’s used as a pronoun.

So let’s look at a couple of examples.

Part of the group has already arrived. The others will be here very soon.
Today we tried three traditional foods. Tomorrow we’ll try three others.

So are you feeling a little more confident about these two words now? Now is your chance to test yourself and to practise what you’ve just learned so get ready after this super short break, I’ve got a mini quiz for you. Okay let’s practise, see if you can choose the correct word to complete each sentence, okay? Choose ‘other’ or ‘another’.

1. I don’t like that movie. Is there ________ one that we can watch?

So we know that the word has to replace the noun ‘movie’, right? Meaning an additional or a different movie. So we need to choose a pronoun for a singular countable noun, it must be ‘another’.

2. Are there any ___________ dishes without meat?

So check out the noun here, it’s plural, ‘dishes’. And we can’t say ‘any’ with ‘another’ right? So ‘other’ is the correct answer.

3. Do you accept __________ type of payment besides cash?

‘Another’ is right but what if it was ‘types’ – plural? Then it would be ‘other’.

4. I need to buy _________ phone charger, I lost mine!

So it’s a singular countable noun. So it must be ‘another’.

5. I don’t like oysters, but I love ____________ kinds of seafood.

We have a plural countable noun here so we need to use ‘other’.

Awesome! How did you go? Remember that your decision to use ‘other’ or ‘another’ really depends on the noun that you’re using, whether it’s singular, plural or uncountable. Now for the ultimate challenge, can you write a sentence into the comments below this video that uses both words? That would be awesome! I’m going to come down and check out your sentences very soon and if you’ve got any questions about this lesson at all then please add them to the comments below.

Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t done it already, just down there and check back soon for some other useful videos to help you improve your English. If you especially like this video, well you’re in luck because there’s another just like it right here. And I’ll make another one soon. I’ll see you then!

mmmEnglish Video Lessons are a series of video lessons created to build confidence in English learners and focus on English in daily life. Download them and watch them anywhere! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be the first to get my new videos, and come and say hi on my Facebook page!!

Looking for sentences with «each one«? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

A team of sumpter horses, each one in the care of its own sumpterrnan, riding his own horse, was sent up to carry the queen’s baggage.
For instance, if you assemble carbon atoms so that each one bonds to four others in a tetrahedral pattern, you end up with diamond.
I took an empty clear plastic 750 ml Coke bottle for each one, screwed the top on firmly and made a small hole in it, then sawed off the base.
And I thought, will I go the whole hog and put on a splash of colour on each one?
The others barked the logs, the sawing was done, and each one of the nine men received two wagon loads of good lumber for his share.
Grunting, I twisted my head and spied a few fallen fragments of scale, each one a dull matt black.
Using 4 fine, long, wooden kebab skewers, thread a mixture of ingredients onto each one.
He dropped each one into the bucket, and his mother pushed them under with a forked stick.
God wants each one of us to be an agent through whom he brings his life into the world.
Frequencies of recombination correspond to the median value of two or three fluctuation tests, each one done with six independent colonies.
It protects each one of us impartially, embodying the belief that all are equal.
The interesting aspect of this dual soundtrack is that each one presents a noticeably different version of the film.
There were no spare vacant spaces, and at least three cars fought over each one that came free.
Our sentiments of love, hate, fear, anxiety, are each one of them the fertile source of whole series of illustrative dreams.
Four of his hit films have had sequels, and each one of the follow-ups has been a colossal misfire.
Make about 18 small balls of the mixture, using a heaped tablespoon of pork for each one.
Those four brought their swords down at once, but the dark wizard parried them all, holding each one and grinning toothily.
The crystals hit the glass with a distinctive, bell-like chiming, each one on a slightly different note.
All of them have been so varied and each one is always totally different form the last.
Termite mounds dot the roadside, rising in vertical shafts to tapering points, each one a tiny architectural marvel, a many-towered Camelot.

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4 Cross out one extra word in each sentence.
1 It’s a difficult race A few people have managed
to finish it in under one hour.
2. I would like both of students to report to my
office at one o’clock
3 All of people enjoy some form of social
4. They gave us a little new information, so it was
hard to write another story
5 There are a lots of friendly generous people
here. You’ll find it easy to make friends​

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Is there a difference between EACH OTHER and ONE ANOTHER? These are both very useful expressions you can use when you are speaking or writing English. In this advanced English grammar lesson, you will learn how to use these expressions, and also learn about the broader topics of reciprocal pronouns and reflexive pronouns. Watch the video now to understand the differences between these expressions, so that you can use them correctly. If you watch engVid lessons with a friend, you can test each other’s understanding. Students studying alone can test themselves with the quiz!

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