Английский язык complete the sentences with the new word

Complete the sentences with the new words.
1) In Russia it is cold in the … and hot in the … .
2) The family made a wonderful … to the sea in summer.
3) Yesterday I saw a picture with an old … . It had high walls and tall towers.
4) The Volga … is one of the biggest rivers in Russia.
5) … or …, home is best.
6) There is a big green … near our town.
7) I don’t know where Scotland is … . Can you tell me?
8) On Sunday my family went on a … . We visited a beautiful old .. which is .. near our town.


ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 5. Step 1. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения, используя новые слова.
1) В России холодно на …, и жарко на … .
2) Семья сделала великолепную … к морю летом.
3) Вчера я видел картину старого … . У него были высокие стены и высокие башни.
4) Волга … – одна из самых больших рек в России.
5) … или …, дом – самый лучший.
6) Около города есть большой зеленый … .
7) Я не знаю, где Шотландия … Ты мне можешь сказать?
8) В воскресенье моя семья отправилась в … Мы посетили красивый старый …, который … около города.

1) In Russia it is cold in the north and hot in the south.
2) The family made a wonderful trip to the sea in summer.
3) Yesterday I saw a picture with an old castle. It had high walls and tall towers.
4) The Volga river is one of the biggest rivers in Russia.
5) East or west, home is best.
6) There is a big green forest near our town.
7) I don’t know where Scotland is situated. Can you tell me?
8) On Sunday my family went on a trip. We visited a beautiful old castle which is situated near our town.
Перевод ответа
1) В России холодно на севере, и жарко на юге.
2) Семья сделала великолепную поездку к морю летом.
3) Вчера я видел картину старого замка. У него были высокие стены и высокие башни.
4) Волга река – одна из самых больших рек в России.
5) Восток или запад, дом – самый лучший.
6) Около города есть большой зеленый лес.
7) Я не знаю, где Шотландия находится. Ты мне можешь сказать?
8) В воскресенье моя семья отправилась в поездку. Мы посетили красивый старый замок, который располагается около города.

Опубликовано 11.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

ДАЮ 50б.Помогите мне пожалуйста в этом упражнении.
Complete the sentences with the new words
still, other, enemies, century, defend, architect, fairly
1) I have no …, only friends. 2) We all live in the 21st … . 3) I can say that I know my home town … well. 4) they want to travel to Great Britain and some … places. 5) He is not a child but he … likes ice cream. 6) This is my home and I must … it. 7) My brother says he would like to become an … .

Ответ оставил Гость

1) I have no enemies,only friends. 2) We all live in the 21st century. 3) I can say that I know myhome town fairly well. 4) They want to travel to Great Britain and some otherplaces. 5) He is not a child but he still likes ice cream. 6) This is my homeand I must defend it. 7) My brother says he would like to become an architect.

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Complete the sentences with the new words. (stand, statues, wooden, road, cathedral, buildings, built, side)

1) the pet shop is on the opposite … of the street.

2) in old Russia you could see only … houses in cities and towns.

3) A … is the most important church on some territory.

4) the old castle … on the hill, you can see it from faraway.

5) there are a lot of beautiful … in Moscow and st. Petersburg.

6) there a ligh buildings on the two sides of the …

7) the summer Garden is famous for its beautiful white marble …

8) they … a new supermarket in the city centre last month.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Complete the sentences with the new words. (stand, statues, wooden, road, cathedral, buildings, built, side) 1) the pet shop is on the …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the new words. (stand, statues, wooden, road, cathedral, buildings, built, side) 1) the pet shop is on the opposite … of the street. 2) in old Russia you could see only … houses in cities and towns. 3) A …

Complete the sentences with the new words


His ___________________ was born in 1939 and her husband in 1935.

2. Their_________________ _________ live in different parts of the world.

3. She has a very famous ________________________ — her uncle Fred.

4. His ______________ __ ________________ was a pilot during the war.

5. My ________ ___________ _________________ usually meet at Christmas.

6. Her rich __ ____________ ________________________ ______is aunt Poly.

7. Their _________________ ________________ ___ was an actress.

8. Her ___ _______________ ________________worked as a policeman




great — grandmother

nephew son

uncle brother







great — grandfather



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Complete the sentences with the new words.

1. Sports can——- everyone.

2. It’s better to— a disease than to spend a lot of time on its


3. is good not only for your body but also for the soul.

4. There is a famous Lermontov—— in the Caucasus.

5. If you swim in the ice hole, then you can be called a ——— .

6. The best—— for the cold is hot milk.

7. To —- a disease is easier than to it.

8. One can’t be called a—— if they swim in a cold

in summer.


28 Май, 18



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