And word in hindi

meaning in Hindi is
Aur. Find all of the relevant Hindi meanings of
below. English translation along with definitions is also mentioned. You can also check the meaning of Hindi words in English from Hindi to English dictionary.

  1. Bread and butter latter
  2. I tried tooth and nail
  3. Roads and bridges are being repaired

Similar Words With Hindi Meaning

And Definition & Meaning In English


  1. (conj.) If; though. See An, conj.
  2. (conj.) In order to; — used instead of the infinitival to, especially after try, come, go.
  3. (conj.) It is sometimes, in old songs, a mere expletive.
  4. (conj.) A particle which expresses the relation of connection or addition. It is used to conjoin a word with a word, a clause with a clause, or a sentence with a sentence.


  1. () This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called the indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the singular number only, and signifies one, or any, but somewhat less emphatically. In such expressions as «twice an hour,» «once an age,» a shilling an ounce (see 2d A, 2), it has a distributive force, and is equivalent to each, every.
  2. (conj.) If; — a word used by old English authors.


  1. (n.) Alt. of Androides
  2. (a.) Resembling a man.

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In this Hindi Lesson

You’ll learn how to use Hindi conjunctions “and”  and “or”.

“and” is tranalted to “और(aur)” in Hindi while “or” is translated to “या (yaa)”

Let us learn this through the examples

रेस्तरो और बार

(restaurant aur bar)

Restaurant and bar
पीटर और मोनिका

(peter aur monica)

Peter and Monica
तुम और मैं

(tum aur main)

You and I
पानी और नमक

(paani aur namak)

Water and salt
पेड़ और पंछी

(ped aur panchee)

Tree and birds
ठंडा या गरम

(thandaa yaa garam)

Cold or hot
हलका या भारी

(halkaa yaa bhaari)

Light or heavy
तुम या मैं

(tum ya main)

You or I
चाय या कॉफ़ी

(chaay yaa coffee)

Tea or coffee
अच्छा या बुरा

(acchhaa yaa buraa)

Good or bad

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What is And meaning in Hindi?

The word or phrase And refers to . See And meaning in Hindi, And definition, translation and meaning of And in Hindi. Learn and practice the pronunciation of And. Find the answer of what is the meaning of And in Hindi. देखें And का हिन्दी मतलब, And का मीनिंग, And का हिन्दी अर्थ, And का हिन्दी अनुवाद।

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What is And meaning in Hindi, And translation in Hindi, And definition, pronunciations and examples of And in Hindi. And का हिन्दी मीनिंग, And का हिन्दी अर्थ, And का हिन्दी अनुवाद

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Hindi conjunctions are quite significant to the whole framework of the Hindi language. Just like in English, conjunction words in Hindi do the job of cementing two correlated sentences or phrases together.

One can easily find a conjunction in Hindi PDF online. But as a beginner, if you don’t understand the concept first, the meaning of conjunctions in Hindi and conjunction grammar rules in Hindi would be difficult to comprehend. This makes it imperative to learn Hindi conjunctions from the ground up, and becoming familiar with the most common Hindi conjunction words.

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Table of Contents

  1. Importance of the Conjunction in Hindi
  2. Hindi Conjunctions: Definition and Concept
  3. Hindi Conjunctions: Types & Exercises
  4. About the Hindi Conjunction List
  5. Conjunctions to Correlate Similar Thoughts
  6. Conjunctions to Express Condition
  7. Conjunctions to Express Cause
  8. Conjunctions to Express Opposition
  9. Conjunctions to Express Purpose
  10. Conjunctions to Express Alternatives
  11. Grow Your Hindi Knowledge with

1. Importance of the Conjunction in Hindi

Sentence Patterns

In Hindi grammar, conjunctions are vital. Without the use of conjunctions in Hindi, even a proper sentence structure would lose its meaning and create enormous confusion!

It’s the conjunction in Hindi that specifies whether two joined sentences contain similar thoughts, reflect two completely unrelated thoughts, or express a condition or underlying cause.

The bottom line is that the conjunction in Hindi grammar is something you just can’t afford to miss! Hindi sentences with conjunctions are just so much more sensical and fluid.

So, why don’t we start with the conjunction definition in Hindi before covering our complete conjunction list with Hindi words!

2. Hindi Conjunctions: Definition and Concept

What is a conjunction? A conjunction is a word or phrase that connects two or more words or phrases in a sentence. There! You’ve got the simplest definition for it.


In literal terms, the conjunction meaning in Hindi is संयोजन (SanyojaN), whereas for the word “conjunctive,” the meaning in Hindi would be संयोजक (Sanyojak) or जोड़ने वाला (jodaNe vaaLaa).

Adding to that, the natural translation and meaning of “all conjunctions” in Hindi would be सभी संयोजक (Sabhii Sanyojak).

And while we’re at it, let’s quickly check out how to say “connectors” in English with the Hindi word. The connectors are called योजक (yojak) in Hindi.

3. Hindi Conjunctions: Types & Exercises

The conjunction in Hindi is divided and then subdivided into many categories. The two main classes are Coordinating Conjunctions and Subordinating Conjunctions.

1- Coordinating Conjunctions in Hindi

The coordinating conjunctions in Hindi are also known as the cumulative conjunction in Hindi. These are the words or phrases which are used to join two similar clauses or phrases of equal importance. For example: “and,” “but,” “so,” “for,” etc.

2- Subordinating Conjunctions in Hindi

The function of the subordinate conjunction in Hindi is to connect a dependent clause with an independent clause in a sentence. For example: “because,” “although,” “until,” etc.

Now that we have a basic idea about the two main types of conjunctions, it will be easier to understand the English conjunction in Hindi in more detail.

In the section below, we’ll study a comprehensive Hindi conjunction examples list with Hindi conjunctions in English as well as Hindi, to not only help you learn Hindi connecting words, but also craft Hindi conjunction sentences.

4. About the Hindi Conjunction List

Improve Listening

Finally, it’s time to go through the list of connectors. This conjunction list (English to Hindi) is a great way to practice and improve spoken and written Hindi in daily life.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that there can be multiple conjunctions with a similar meaning. So, while translating a conjunction, don’t be surprised if you come across conjunction with more than one word for it.

Without further ado, our comprehensive Hindi conjunctions list and several Hindi conjunctions examples!

5. Conjunctions to Correlate Similar Thoughts

Improve Listening Part 2

The most common English conjunction words to express two similar thoughts together are “and” and “also.” But how do you say them in Hindi? Find out in this full list of conjunctions in Hindi for correlating similar thoughts.

1- And

Normally, in everyday conversations, Indians opt for और (aur) in place of “and.” In most cases, it comes between two clauses or words. But sometimes, और (aur) can be placed at the beginning of the sentence. This happens when the person has finished talking but needs to add something important (probably because he or she forgot to do so in the first place).


  • मुझे आम पसंद है। मुझे सेब पसंद है।
    (mujhe aam paSaND hai. mujhe Seb paSaND hai.)
    “I like mangoes. I like apples.”
  • मुझे आम और सेब पसंद हैं।
    (mujhe aam aur Seb paSaND hain.)
    “I like mangoes and apples.”

The other substitutes for और (aur) are (va), तथा (TaTHaa), and एवं (evam). Keep in mind that they’re rarely spoken in day-to-day Hindi conversations and are merely confined to official uses. However, these can be used in the same way as the above example.

For instance, here are these conjunctions in Hindi with examples:

  • मुझे आम तथा सेब पसंद हैं।
    (mujhe aam TaTHaa Seb paSaND hain.)
    “I like mangoes and apples.”
  • मुझे आम सेब पसंद हैं।
    (mujhe aam va Seb paSaND hain.)
    “I like mangoes and apples.”

6. Conjunctions to Express Condition

Talking about a particular (necessary) condition requires the speaker to use certain other kinds of conjunctions.

2- If/Then

In situations where people like to express a peculiar condition, the Hindi phrases अगर (agar) / तो (To) are used. The examples below will help you understand how to use it in a sentence.


  • अगर तुम थक गयी हो, तो सो जाओ।
    (agar Tum THak gayii ho, To So jaao.)
    “If you’re tired, then get some rest.”

अगर (agar) / तो (To) can easily be replaced with यदि (yaDi). Although यदि (yaDi) is more formal and less frequently used in daily Hindi talks and chats, Indians still prefer to use it in official documents.


  • यदि आज बारिश हुई, तो दफ़्तर बंद रहेगा।
    (yaDi aaj baaris huyii, To DafTar baND rahegaa.)
    “If it rains today, the office will remain closed.”

As you can see, having a voluminous vocab in Hindi is great, but it’s not a substitute for learning parts of speech, such as prepositions and conjunctions in Hindi.

Man with an A+ Assignment

3- Since

Another terrific conjunction in Hindi is “since.” In Hindi, it’s translated as चूंकि (cuunki). The unique thing about this word is that more often than not, it’s placed at the beginning of a sentence. In Hindi conjunction sentences, it may look something like the example below.


  • चूँकि तुम मेरे दोस्त हो, मैं तुम्हारी मदद करूंगी।
    (cuunki Tum mere DoST ho, main Tumhaarii maDaD karuungii.)
    “Since you are my friend, I’d like to help you out.”

7. Conjunctions to Express Cause

There are times when things go wrong, or at least they don’t really happen the way we expected. In such cases, we need to express causes and reasons using conjunctions in Hindi grammar. In this section of the Hindi conjunctions list, we’ll shed some light on these similar conjunctions.

4- So

You’ll hear Indians using this word quite frequently. In Hindi sentences, “so” means इसलिए (iSLiye). Let’s see how it connects two similar clauses below.


  • सीमा की बस छूट गयी थी, इसलिए उसे देर हो गयी।
    (Siimaa kii baS chuut gayi THii, iSaLiye uSe Der ho gayii.)
    “Seema missed her bus, so she was late.”

5- Before

The conjunction “before” translates as पहले (pehLe). पहले (pehLe) is placed in between two clauses, but at times it may also be placed at the beginning of the sentence.


  • फ़ल और सब्ज़ियों को खाने से पहले हमेशा धो लेना चाहिए.
    (faL aur Sabziyon ko khaaNe Se pehLe hamesaa DHo LeNaa caahiye.)
    “You should always wash vegetables and fruits before eating them.”

6- Because

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to give valid reasons for why things didn’t go as you planned! In such cases, the conjunction “because” comes to your rescue. In Hindi, it’s known as क्योंकि (kyonki) and is an inseparable part of daily Hindi chitchats.


  • बाज़ार बंद है क्योंकि आज रविवार है।
    (baazaar baND hai kyonki aaj ravivaar hai.)
    “The market is closed because it’s Sunday today!”

8. Conjunctions to Express Opposition

But what about when we have to express contradiction? Whoa! Did you notice the conjunction we used so seamlessly? Yes, you’ve guessed it right. Our next word is “but.”

Notes with Plants

7- But

The conjunction “but” can be translated into multiple words in Hindi. And we’ll share at least four of them with you.

We’ll start with the most popular one, which is लेकिन (LekiN). लेकिन (LekiN) is rightfully visible everywhere, in daily talks, in books, on the news, etc. So, let’s see how to put it in a sentence.


  • मेरी तबियत ख़राब है लेकिन मुझे विद्यालय जाना होगा।
    (merii TabiyaT kharaab hai LekiN mujhe viDyaaLay jaaNaa hogaa.)
    “I am not well but I must go to school.”

The other regularly used translations for “but” are परन्तु (paraNTu), मगर (magar), and पर (par). They work in the same way as लेकिन (LekiN).


  • दिल्ली अच्छा शहर है पर वहाँ प्रदूषण बहुत है।
    (DiLLii acchaa sahar hai par vahaan praDuusan bahuT hai.)
    “Delhi is a great city, but it’s highly polluted.”

8- And yet

The Hindi phrase for “and yet” is फिर भी (phir bhii). It serves the same purpose, indicating contradiction or opposition. You can understand this better with the example below.


  • राज ने इतनी मेहनत की, फिर भी वह परीक्षा में पास नहीं हो पाया।
    (raaj Ne iTaNii mehaNaT kii, phir bhii vah pariiksaa men paaS nahiin ho paayaa.)
    “Raj worked so hard, and yet he couldn’t clear the exams.”

9. Conjunctions to Express Purpose

How do you convince people? Well, whatever skills you use for that, it can’t be done without conjunctions for expressing purpose. And our first one in the conjunction words list is “so that.”

9- So that

In Hindi, saying ताकि (Taaki) is a great way to persuade people and bring more conviction to your speech.


  • रोज़ कसरत करो, ताकि स्वस्थ रह सको।.
    (roz kaSaraT karo, Taaki SvaSTH rah Sako.)
    “Exercise daily, so that you stay healthy.”

10- That’s why

When you’re in a position to give reasons and explanations, इसलिए (iSLiye) is the perfect Hindi word you’re looking for.


  • आज क्रिसमस है इसलिए हम सबने नए कपड़े पहने हैं।
    (aaj Christmas hai iSaLiye ham SabaNe Naye kapade pahaNe hain.)
    “It’s Christmas today, and that’s why we have all put on new clothes.”

Boy on Bed Listening to Something

10. Conjunctions to Express Alternatives

11- Or

“Or” is heavily used in Hindi conversation, maybe while requesting food preferences, choice of beverage, clothing, or anything like that. In Hindi, it can be translated as अथवा (aTHavaa) or या (yaa).


  • तुम्हें भारत ज़्यादा पसंद है या जापान?
    (Tumhen bhaaraT zyaaDaa paSaND hai yaa JaapaaN?)
    “Do you like India better, or Japan?”

12- Either … Or

“Either … or” is just an extended version of “or.” Its Hindi translation is या तो (yaa To) … या फिर (yaa phir). No matter how much we try to put the concept into words, it’s much better to learn it through sentence usage.


  • या तो मैं फ़िल्म देखूँगा या फिर ख़रीदारी करूँगा।
    (yaa To main fiLm Dekhuungaa yaa phir khariiDaarii karuungaa.)
    “Either I’ll watch a movie or I’ll go shopping.”

13- Otherwise

Another common and widely used term to indicate contradictions is वरना (varNaa). It’s a popular word and worth learning if you’re going to be staying in India for a while.


  • जल्दी करो वरना हमें देर हो जाएगी।
    (jaLDii karo varaNaa hamen Der ho jaayegii.)
    “Hurry up, otherwise we’ll be late.”

14- Instead of

The last conjunction in our all conjunction list with Hindi words is “instead of,” which simply means के बजाय (ke bajaay) in Hindi.


  • सुमित को घूमने के बजाय पढ़ना ज़्यादा पसंद है।
    (SumiT ho ghuumaNe ke bajaay padhaNaa zyaaDaa paSaND hai.)
    “Instead of going out, Sumit prefers reading.”

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And before you go, let us know how you feel about conjunction words in Hindi now. Do you feel more confident using them, or are there still some things you’re having a hard time grasping? Let us know in the comments; we look forward to hearing from you!
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common hindi words

This list is a collection of more than 1000 Hindi Words with their pronunciation and meanings in English. There are more than 500 million people who speak Hindi all over the world and learning these 1000 Hindi words will help you to talk or communicate with those people.

Below given words are most widely used by Hindi speaking people and the collection of most common Hindi words will help you make your Hindi Vocabulary very strong. The meaning of a particular Hindi word is given in the next column to help you to know the use of that word.

common hindi words
1000+ Most Used Hindi Words
पूर्वाह, दोपहर पहले poorvah AM
अपराह्न, दोपहर बाद apraahn PM
जन्मा janmaa born
अंक ank numeral
अंग ang organ
अंगूठी angoothee ring
अंजीर anjeer fig
अंडा anda egg
अंत ant end
अंतरिक्ष antriksh space
अंतिम antim final
अंधेरा andhera dark
अंश ansh fraction
अक्सर aksar often
अगर agar if
अगला aglaa next
अचानक achanak sudden
अच्छा achchha good
अच्छी तरह से achchhee tarah se well
अजीब ajeeb strange
अणु anu molecule
अतीत ateet past
अथवा athva or
अधिक adhik more
अधिक over
अधिनियम adhiniyam act
अध्ययन adhyayan study
अनुभव anubhav experience
अनुभाग anubhag section
अनुमान anuman guess
अन्य anya other
अपना apna one’s, one’s own
अपनी apnee her own; hers
अपने apne your
अब /ab/ now
अब तक aab tak still
अभी तक abhee tak yet
अभ्यास abhyas practice
अमीर ameer rich
अलग alag differ
अलग separate
अवधि avadhi period
अवधि term
असली aslee real
aa come
आंकड़ा aankda figure
आंख aankh eye
आकर्षित aakarshit draw
आकार aakar shape
आकार size
आग aag fire
आगे aage forward
आठ aath eight
आत्म aatm self
आदमी aadmee man
आदि aadi et cetera
आदेश aadesh order
आधा aadha half
आधार aadhaar base
आधुनिक aadhunik modern
आप aap you
आपूर्ति aapoorti supply
आबाद aabad populate
आम aam common
आया aayaa came
आयोजित aayojit held
आवश्यक aavashyak necessary
आवश्यकता avashyaktaa need
आवश्यकता require
आवाज aavaaj voice
आविष्कार avishkar invent
आशा aasha hope
आश्चर्य aashcharya wonder
आश्चर्य surprise
आसमान aasmaan sky
आसानी aasaanee ease
इंच inch inch
इंजन injan engine
इंतजार intjaar wait
इकट्ठा ikatthaa collect
इकट्ठा gather
इकाई ikaai unit
इच्छा ichchha wish
इतिहास itihas history
इन in these
इस is this
इस प्रकार is prakaar thus
इसका iskaa his (informal)
इसके iske of this; for this
इसलिए islie so; therefore
इसी isee this (emphatic)
इसी तरह isee tarah similar
उंगली ungalee finger
उचित uchit proper
उच्च uchch high
उज्ज्वल ujjval bright
उठाओ uthaao pick
उठाना uthana raise
उत्तर uttar north
उत्तर reply
उत्तेजित uttejit excite
उत्पाद utpaad product
उत्पादन utpaadan produce
उदाहरण udaharan example
उद्योग uddhog industry
उन un those
उनका unkaa theirs; his (formal)
उनकी unkee theirs; his (formal)
उनके unke their
उन्हें unhein them
उन्होंने unhone oblique case of they
उपकरण upakarana tool
उपयोग upyog use
उम्मीद um’mīda expect
उम्र umra age
उसके uske his
उसके (स्त्रीलिंग) her
उसे use him
ऊपर oopara up
ऊपर above
ऊर्जा urja energy
एक ek one
एक a
एक an
एक बार ek baar once
एक साथ ek saath together
एकल ekal single
अणु anu atom
एवं evam 1. thus, so. 2. and.
एहसान ahsaan favor
ऐसा aisa such
ऐसा नहीं aisaa nahee don’t
ऐसी aisee of this sort
ऐसे aisee of this sort
ऑक्सीजन ŏksījana, okseejana oxygen
ओह oha oh
और aura and
और न ही aura nahee nor
और भी aura bhee even
कंधे kandhe shoulder
कंपनी kampanī, kampanee company
कई kai many
कई several
कटौती katautee cut
कठिन kathin hard
कदम kadama step
कनेक्ट kanekt connect
कपड़े kapaṛē, kapare clothe
कपास kapaas cotton
कप्तान kaptaan captain
कभी kabhee ever
कभी नहीं kabhee nahee never
कम kam low
कम short
कम less
कम से कम kam se kam least
कमरे kamre room
कर kar do
कर make
कर सकते हैं kar sakte hain can
करता है karta hai does
करीब kareeb close
करेगा karega shall
कला kalaa art
कल्पना kalpna imagine
कवर kavar cover
कविता kavita poem
कहना kahna say
कहा kahaa said
कहानी kahanee story
का पालन करें ka paalan karein follow
का प्रतिनिधित्व kaa paratinidhitva represent
कांच kaanch glass
कागज kagaj paper
कान kaanch ear
कानून kanoon law
काफी kafee quite
काम kaam work
काम job
कार kaar car
कारण kaaran cause
कारण reason
कार्ड kard card
कार्य kaarya 1. action, act; activity. 2. work, task duty.
कार्यालय kaaryalaya office
काला kaalaa black
कि ki that
किताब kitab book
किनारे kinare shore
किया kiya did
किया done
किसी भी kisee bhee any
की kee of
की अनुमति kee anumati allow
की ओर kee or toward
कीट keet insect
कुंजी kunjee key
कुक kuk cook
कुछ kuccha some
कुछ few
कुछ certain
कुछ नहीं kuchha nahee nothing
कुत्ते kutte dog
कुर्सी kursee chair
कूद kood jump
कृपया kripya please
के खिलाफ le khilaf against
के बाद ke baad after
के बाद से ke baad se since
के बारे में ke baare mein about
के बीच ke beech between
के बीच among
के माध्यम से ke madhyam se through
के लिए ke lie for
केंद्र kendra center
केवल keval only
कैसे kaise how
कॉल kaal call
कॉलोनी kolonee colony
कोई koi becoming
कोट kot coat
कोने kone corner
कोमल komal gentle
कोर्स korsa course
कोशिश koshish try
कौन kaon who
कौशल kausahal skill
क्या kyaa what
क्यों kyon why
क्रिया kriya verb
क्रीज kreez crease
क्रोध krodh anger
क्लास klaas class
क्षेत्र kshetra area
क्षेत्र field
क्षेत्र region
खंड khand segment
खंड khand block
खड़ा हुआ khada hua stood
खड़े khade stand
खतरे khatre danger
खत्म khatm finish
खरीद khareed buy
खरीदा khareeda bought
खर्च kharch spend
खाने khaane eat
खिंचाव khinchaav stretch
खिड़की khidkee window
खींच kheench pull
खुद khud own
खुला khula open
खुश khush happy
खून khoon blood
खेत khet farm
खेल khel game
खेलने khelne play
खोज khoj search
खोया khoya lost
खोल khol shell
गंध gandh smell
गति gati speed
गया gaya been
गयी gayee went
गये gaye plural perfective aspect of जाना
गरम garam hot
गरीब gareeb poor
गर्दन gardan neck
गर्म garm warm
गर्मियों garmiyon summer
गर्मी garmee heat
गलत galat wrong
गहरा gahraa deep
गांव gaanv village
गाइड gā’iḍa, gaaida guide
गाना gaanaa sing
गाय gaay cow
गिनती ginatee count
गिर गया gir gaya fell
गिरावट giravat fall
गीत geet song
गुणा guna multiply
गुलाब gulab rose
गुलाम gulam slave
गेंद gend ball
गैस gais gas
ग्रह grah planet
ग्रे gray gray
घंटे ghante hour
घटना ghatnaa event
घटाना ghataanaa subtract
घटित ghatit occur
घड़ी ghadee watch
घड़ी clock
घर ghar home
घर house
घाटी ghaatee valley
घास ghaas grass
घोड़ा ghoda horse
चढ़ाई chadhai climb
चमक chamak shine
चयन chayan choose
चयन select
चरित्र charitra character
चर्चा charchaa discuss
चलना chalanaa walk
चला गया chala gyaa went
चला गया gone
चलाने chalaane run
चलो chalo let
चांद chaand moon
चांदी chandee silver
चादर chadar sheet
चार char four
चार्ज charg charge
चार्ट chart chart
चाल chaal move
चाहते हैं chahte he want
चाहिए chahiye must
चाहिए should
चाहे chahe whether
चिकित्सक chiktsik doctor
चिल्लाओ chillao shout
चीनी cheen sugar
चुंबक chumbak magnet
चुप chup silent
चेहरा chehra face
चौथाई गेलन chauthaai gelan quart
छड़ी chhadee stick
छह chhah six
छात्र chhatra student
छेद chhed hole
छोटे chhote small
छोटे chhote tiny
छोड़ chhod leave
छोड़ा chhoda left
जंगली jangalee wild
जगह jagah place
जगह stead
जड़ jad root
जन्मा janma born
जब jab when
जब तक jab tak until
जबकि jabki while
जमीन jameen ground
जला jalaa burn
जल्दी करो jaldee karo hurry
जवाब javaab answer
जहां jahaan where
जहाज jahaaj ship
जाँच jaanch check
जादू jaadoo spell
जाना jaana go
जारी रखने के jaree rakhne ke continue
जिसका jiskaa whose
जीत jeet win
जीना jeenaa live
जीवन jeevan life
जूता jootaa shoe
जैसा jaisa as
जैसा like
जो jee which
जोड़ jod add
जोड़ी jodee pair
जोर jor loud
ज्यादा jyaada much
झटका jhataka blow
झील jheel lake
झूठ jhooth lie
टाई taai tie
टायर tayar tire
टीम teem team
टुकड़ा tukda piece
टोपी topee hat
ट्यूब ṭyūba, tyooba tube
ट्रक traka truck
ट्रैक traik track
ठंड thand cold
ठीक theek fine
डबल dabal double
डर dar fear
डर afraid
डाल daal put
डिग्री digree degree
डिजाइन dezine design
डॉलर ḍŏlara, dolara dollar
ड्राइव ḍrā’iva, draaiva drive
ड्रॉप draup drop
ढोंग dhong pose
तक taka to
तक पहुँचने tak pahuchne reach
तट tata coast
तत्व tatva element
तथा tatha 1. conj. and. 2. adv. in the same way as
तथ्य tathya fact
तय taya decide
तरल taral liquid
तरह tarah kind
तल tal bottom
तस्वीर tasveer picture
ताजा taaja fresh
तापमान taapmaan temperature
तार taar wire
तालिका taalikaa table
तीन teen three
तीसरे teesre third
तुम tum you (informal)
तुलना tulna compare
तेज़ tej sharp
तेजी tejee fast
तेल tel oil
तैयार taiyaar ready
तैयार prepare
तैरना tairnaa swim
तो to then
तो so
तोड़ tod break
तोड़ दिया tod diya broke
त्रिकोण trikon triangle
त्वचा twacha skin
त्वरित twarit quick
था thaa was
था had
थी thee was
थे the were
थोड़ा thoda little
दक्षिण dakṣiṇa, dakshina south
दरवाजा darvaajaa door
दर्ज darja enter
दशमलव dashmalav decimal
दस dashmalav ten
दांत daant teeth
दावा daavaa claim
दिन din day
दिया diya gave
दिल dil heart
दीवार deevaar wall
दुकान dukaan store
दुकान shop
दुनिया duniya world
दुश्मन dushman enemy
दूध doodh milk
दूर door far
दूर distant
दूसरा doosraa second
दूसरे doosre another; secondly
दृष्टि drashti sight
दे de give
देखना dekhna see
देखभाल dekhbhaal care
देखा dekha saw
देखें dekhein view
देखो dekho look
देर से der se late
देश desh country
दो do two
दोनों donon both
दोपहर dopahar noon
दोस्त dost friend
दोहराना doharaana repeat
दौड़ daud race
दौर daur round
दौरान dauraan during
द्वारा dwaaraa by
द्वीप dweep island
धक्का dhakka push
धन dhan money
धन्यवाद dhanyavaad thank
धातु dhaatu metal
धारा dhaaraa stream
धीमी dheemee slow
धोने dhone wash
ध्वनि dhwani sound
नई nai new
नकल nakal copy
नक्शा nakshaa map
नदी nadee river
नमक namak salt
नमस्कार namaskaar Welcome, Greetings, Casual Greetings
नमस्ते namaste Hello, Hi, Greetings on first meet, Welcome
नहीं nahee no
नहीं होगा nahee hogaa won’t
नाक naak nose
नाप naap measure
नाम naam name
नाव naav boat
निकट nikat near
नियंत्रण niyantran control
नियम niyam rule
निरीक्षण nireekshana observe
निर्धारित nirdhaarit determine
निर्भर nirbhar depend
निर्मित nirmit made
नींद neend sleep
नीचे neeche under
नीचे neeche down
नीला neelaa blue
नृत्य nritya dance
नेतृत्व netratwa lead
नेतृत्व led
नोट not note
नोटिस notis notice
नौ nau nine
पंक्ति pnkti row
पंख pankh wing
पकड़ pakad hold
पकड़ catch
पकड़ा pakadaa caught
पक्ष paksha side
पक्षी pakshee bird
पड़ोसी padausee neighbor
पढ़ा padhaa read
पतली patlee thin
पता pata know
पता था pataa thaa knew
पत्थर patthar stone
पत्नी patnee wife
पत्र patra letter
पथ path path
पदार्थ padaartha substance
पर par on
पर at
परिणाम parinaam result
परिवर्तन parivartan change
परिवार parivaar family
परीक्षण pareekshan test
पर्ची parchee slip
पर्याप्त paryaapt enough
पल pal moment
पल instant
पशु pashu animal
पश्चिम passchim west
पहनना pahnanaa wear
पहले pahle before
पहले first
पहले ago
पहाड़ pahaad mountain
पहाड़ी pahaadee hill
पहिया pahiyaa wheel
पहुंचना pahuchnaa arrive
पांच paanch five
पाउंड paaund pound
पानी paanee water
पाया paayaa found
पार paar cross
पार्टी paartee party
पास paas pass
पिच pich pitch
पिछले pichhale last
पिता pita father
पिता dad
पीछे peechhe behind
पीले peele yellow
पुराना puraanaa old
पुरुषों purushon men
पूंछ poonchh tail
पूछना poochhna ask
पूरा pooraa complete
पूरे poore whole
पूर्ण poorna full
पूर्व poorva east
पृथ्वी prathvee earth
पेज pej page
पेड़ ped tree
पेय pey drink
पैटर्न paitarn pattern
पैमाने paimaane scale
पैर pair feet
पैर foot
पैर leg
पैरा pairaa paragraph
पोशाक poshaak dress
पोस्ट post post
प्यार pyar love
प्रकट prakata appear
प्रकार prakar type
प्रकाश prakash light
प्रकृति prakrati nature
प्रक्रिया prakriya process
प्रणाली pranaalee system
प्रति prati f. noun) copy of an original.
प्रतिशत pratishat cent
प्रतीक prateek symbol
प्रतीत prateet seem
प्रत्यक्ष pratyakṣa, pratyaksha direct
प्रत्यय pratyaya suffix
प्रत्येक pratyek each
प्रदान pradaan provide
प्रभाव prabhaav effect
प्रमुख pramukh chief
प्रमुख major
प्रयोग prayog experiment
प्रवाह pravaah flow
प्रसन्न prasanna glad
प्रसार prasaar spread
प्रसिद्ध prasaddhi famous
प्रस्ताव prastaav offer
प्रस्ताव motion
प्राकृतिक praakratik natural
प्राप्त praapt get
प्राप्त करना praapt karnaa receive
प्रारंभ करना praarambh karnaa begin
प्रिंट print print
प्रिय priya dear
प्रेस press press
फल fal fruit
फसल fasal crop
फार्म farm form
फिट fit fit
फिर fir again
फ़ीड feed feed
फूल fool flower
फेंक fenk throw
फ्लैट flait flat
बंद band off
बंदरगाह bandargaah port
बंदूक bandook gun
बगीचा bageechaa garden
बचा bachaa save
बच्चे bachche child
बच्चे baby
बच्चों bachchon children
बड़ा badaa large
बड़ा big
बड़ी badee big, large; great
बड़े bade big; large; great; elder
बढ़त badhat edge
बढ़ने badhne grow
बढ़ी badhee grew
बतख batakh duck
बता bataa tell
बताया bataayaa told
बना bana create
बनाना banaanaa build
बराबर baraabar equal
बर्फ barf snow
बर्फ ice
बल bal force
बल्कि balki rather
बल्ला balla bat
बस bas just
बसा basaa settle
बहन bahan sister
बहुत bahut very
बहुत lot
बहुवचन bahuvachan plural
बांह baanh arm
बाकी baakee rest
बाकी else
बाजार baazaar market
बात baat thing
बात spoke
बाद baad speech; discussion, dispute; argument
बादल baadal cloud
बार baar bar
बारिश baarish rain
बारी baaree turn
बाल baal hair
बाहर baahar out
बिंदु bindu point
बिजली bijalee power
बिजली electric
बिट bit bit
बिल्ली billee cat
बिस्तर bistar bed
बीच beech middle
बीज beej seed
बीस bees twenty
बुनियादी buniyaadee basic
बुरा buraa bad
बेचने bechne sell
बेटा beta son
बेल bel bell
बेहतर behtar better
बैंक baink bank
बैंड baind band
बैठना baithnaa sit
बॉक्स bauks box
बोर्ड bord board
बोलना bolnaa speak
ब्याज byaaj interest
ब्राउन brā’una, braauna brown
भरने bharne fill
भव्य bhavya grand
भाई bhaai brother
भागफल bhagfal quotient
भागा bhaagaa ran
भाप bhaap steam
भारत bhaarata India
भारी bhaaree heavy
भारी huge
भालू bhaaloo bear
भावना bhaavnaa sense
भाषण bhaashanaa speech
भाषा bhaasha language
भिन्न हो bhinna ho vary
भी bhee also
भी too
भी either
भीड़ bheed crowd
भुगतान bhugtaan pay
भूमि bhoomi land
भेजा bhejaa sent
भेजें bhejein send
भोजन bhojana food
मंजिल manjil floor
मई mai may
मकई makai corn
मक्खी makkhee fly
मछली machhalee fish
मजबूत majboot strong
मज़ा majaa fun
मतलब matlab mean
मतलब meant
मदद madad help
मन man mind
मरना marnaa die
मशीन masheen machine
महाद्वीप mahadweep continent
महान mahaan great
महिला mahilaa lady
महिला woman
महिलाओं mahilaaon women
मां māṁ, maan mother
मांस maans meat
माउंट maunt mount
माता पिता mata pita parent
मानव maanav human
मामला maamlaa matter
मामले maamle case
मारना maarna hit
मार्क maark mark
मास्टर mastar master
माह maah month
मिट्टी mittee soil
मिनट minat minute
मिला milaa got
मिलो milo meet
मिश्रण miśraṇa, mishrana mix
मिस mis miss
मील meel mile
मुंह munh mouth
मुक्त mukta free
मुख्य mukhya main
मुझे mujhe me
मुलायम mulayam soft
मुश्किल mushkil difficult
मुसीबत museebat trouble
मुस्कान muskaan smile
मूल mool original
मूल्य mulya value
मृत mrat dead
में mein in
मेरा meraa mine
मेरे mere my
मेला melaa fair
मैं main I
मैंने maine I
मैच maich match
मोटी motee thick
मौत maut death
मौसम mausam weather
मौसम season
यकीन yakeen sure
यदि yadi if; whether
यह yah it
यहाँ yahaan here
या yaa or
यात्रा yatra travel
यात्रा visit, trip
याद yaad remember
यार्ड yard yard
युद्ध yuddha war
युवा yuvaa young
योजना yojana plan
रंग rang color, Paint
रक्षा rakshaa protect
रखना rakhnaa keep
रखना lay
रखा rakhaa kept
रगड़ ragad rub
रस्सी rassee rope
रहना rahanaa stay
रहा rahaa (auxiliary verb)
रही rahee (auxiliary verb)
रहे rahe masculine plural form of continuous aspect auxiliary verb
राग raag melody
राग chord
राजधानी raajdhaanee capital
राजा raajaa king
राज्य raajya state
रात raat night
राष्ट्र raashtra nation
रास्ता raastaa way
रिकॉर्ड rikord record
रूप roop form; shape; appearance; aspect
रेखा rekhaa line
रेगिस्तान registaan desert
रेडियो rēḍiyō, rediyo radio
रेत ret sand
रेल rel rail
रॉक rauk rock
रोक rok stop
रोटी rotee bread
रोना ronaa cry
रोल rol roll
लंबा lambaa tall
लंबाई lambaai length
लंबे समय तक lambe samay tak long
लकड़ी lakdee wood
लग रहा है lag rahaa hai feel
लगता है lagtaa hai think
लगता है find
लगा lagaa felt
लड़का ladkaa boy
लड़की ladkee girl
लड़की chick
लड़ाई ladaai fight
लहर lahar wave
लाख laakh million
लागत laagat cost
लाना laanaa bring
लाया laayaa brought
लाल laal red
लिए lie holding; taking with one
लिखना likhana write
लिखा likhaa wrote
लिखित likhit written
लिफ्ट lift lift
लिया lia taken
लिये lie took; received; accepted
ले le carry
ले लिया le liya took
लेकिन lekin but
लेना lena take
लॉग इन करें log in karein log
लोग log people
लोगों logon people (plural)
लोन loan lone
लोहा loha iron
वजन vajan weight
वन van forest
वर्ग varg square
वर्णन varṇana, varnana describe
वर्तमान vartmaan present
वर्तमान current
वर्ष varsh year
वसंत vasant spring
वसा vasaa fat
वस्तु vastu object
वह wah he
वह she
वहाँ wahaan there
वही wahee same
वाक्य vaakya sentence
वाक्यांश vaakyansh phrase
वापस vaapas back
वार्ता vaartaa talk
वाली vaalee of him or her’ used in feminine way
वाले vale used to denote a relationship to the noun, verb, or adjective preceding the postposition (male term)
विकसित viksit develop
विकास vikaas opening, expanding
विचार vichar idea
विचार करना vichaar karnaa consider
विज्ञान vigyaan science
विधि vidhi method
विपरीत vipreet opposite
विभाजन vibhaajan divide
विभाजन division
विमान vimaan plane
विशेष vishesh special
विशेष particular
विशेष रूप से vishesh roop se especially
विश्वास vishwaas believe
विषय vishay subject
विस्तृत vistrat wide
विस्तृत broad
वृत्त vratt circle
वृद्धि vraddhi rise
वे ve they
व्यंजन vyanjan consonant, dishesh
व्यक्ति vyakti person
व्यवस्था vyavsthaa arrange
व्यस्त vyasta busy
व्यापार vyaapar trade
व्यायाम vyaayam exercise
शनि shani sat
शब्द shabd word
शब्दकोश shabdkosh dictionary
शब्दांश shabdaansh syllable
शरीर shareer body
शर्त shart condition
शहर shahar city
शहर town
शांत shaant quiet
शाखा shaakha branch
शाम shaam evening
शामिल shaamil include
शामिल होने shamil hone join
शायद shayad perhaps
शासन shaasan govern
शिकार shikaar hunt
शिविर shivir camp
शीघ्र sheegra soon
शीघ्र early
शीतल sheetal cool
शीर्ष sheersha top
शुरुआत shuruaat start
शुरू हुआ shuru hua began
शेयर sheyar share
शो sho show
शोर shor noise
संकेत मिलता है sanket milta hai indicate
संख्या sankhya number
संगीत sangeet music
संचालित sanchaalit operate
संज्ञा sangyaa noun
संपत्ति sampatti property
संपूर्ण sanpporna total
संभव sambhav possible
संभावित sambhaavit probable
संयंत्र sanyatra plant
संयोग sanyog chance
सकता है saktaa hai could
सक्षम saksham able
सच sach TRUE
सटीक sateek exact
सड़क sadak street
सड़क road
सतह satah surface
सदी sadee century
सदैव sadaiv always
सपना sapnaa dream
सप्ताह saptaah week
सफर safar train
सफलता saflataa success
सफेद safed white
सब sab all
सबसे sabse most
सभी sabhee every single one; absolutely all
समय samaya time
समर्थन samarthan support
समस्या samasya problem
समाधान samaadhaan solution
समानता samaantaa equate
समुद्र samudra sea
समूह samooh group
सरल saral simple
सर्दियों sardiyon winter
सर्वश्रेष्ठ sarvshreshtha best
सवारी savaaree ride
सवाल sawaal question
सहमत sahmat agree
सही sahee right
सही correct
साइन sā’ina, saaina sign
सागर saagar ocean
सात saat seven
साथ saath with
सादे sade plain
साधन saadhan instrument
साफ saaf clean
साबित saabit prove
सामग्री saamagree material
सामने saamne front
सामान्य saamanya general
सामूहिक saamoohik mass
सिखाना sikhaanaa teach
सितारा sitara star
सिर sir head
सिवाय sivaay except
सीखना seekhna learn
सीट seet seat
सीधे seedhe straight
सीमा seemaa range
सुंदर sundar pretty
सुंदरता sundartaa beauty
सुझाव है sujhaav hai suggest
सुनना sunanaa hear
सुना sunaa heard
सुनो suno listen
सुप्रभात suprabhaat Good Morning
सुबह subaha morning
सुरक्षित surakshit safe
सूखा sookhaa dry
सूची soochee list
सूट soot suit
सूरज sooraj sun
से se from
से than
सेट set set
सेब seb apple
सेल sel cell
सेवा कर seva kar serve
सैनिक sainik soldier
सोचा sochaa thought
सोना sona gold
सौ sau hundred
सौदा sauda deal
स्कूल skool school
स्कोर skor score
स्टील steel steel
स्टेशन sṭēśana, steshana station
स्ट्रिंग istring string
स्तंभ istambh column
स्तर istar level
स्थिति isthiti position
स्थिति जानें isthiti janein locate
स्पर्श sparsh touch
स्पष्ट spasht clear
स्वर swar vowel
स्वर tone
स्वागत swaagat Welcome
हंसी hansee laugh
हजार hazaar thousand
हड्डी haddee bone
हत्या hatyaa kill
हम ham we
हमारे hamare our
हमें hamein us
हमेशा की तरह hameshaa kee tarah usual
हर har every
हरा haraa beat
हरे रंग hare rang green
हर्ष harsh joy
हल hal solve
हवा hawaa air
हवा wind
हां haan yes
हाजिर haajir spot
हाथ haath hand
हालांकि haalanki though
हिस्सा hissaa part
हुआ hua became; came about; was
हुई hui becoming
हुए hue becoming
हूँ hoon am
है hai is, has. have
हो ho be
हो सकता है ho saktaa hai might
होगा hogaa will
होगा would
होता hota happening
होती hotee happening
होते hote are
होते हैं hote hain contain
होना hona happen
होने hone be
आराम ārāma, aaraama rest
मित्रों Mitron Friends
लड़ना ladnaa fight
1000+ Most Common Hindi Words

Exercise Questions about Common Words in Hindi:

If you have seriously learned the above given 1000+ Words of Hindi language then answering the below questions will be very easy.

  1. What is मित्रों (Mitron) means in English?
  2. What is the word ‘Idea’ means in Hindi
  3. How many people speak Hindi worldwide?
  4. What is ‘wife’ called in Hindi?
  5. Do you know the Hindi word for ‘Students’

Please tell us the answers to the above questions about Hindi Words in the comments section.

Other Common Words:

  • 1000 Most Common Spanish Words
  • 1000+ Common French Words

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