анализировать, разбирать, продумывать, разлагать
глагол ↓
- анализировать, исследовать; подробно разбирать, подвергать анализу; продумывать
carefully [profoundly, chemically, scientifically] analyse — подвергать тщательному [глубокому, химическому, научному] анализу
logically [minutely] analyse — разбирать логически [до мельчайших подробностей]
to analyse legally [financially] — тщательно продумать с юридической [финансовой] точки зрения
- грам. разбирать (предложение)
- подвергать психоанализу; лечить психоанализом
- хим. разлагать
- тлв. разлагать (изображение)
- бухг. распределять, разносить
Мои примеры
carefully analyse — подвергать тщательному анализу
logically analyse — разбирать логически
to analyse risks — анализировать риски
analyse for bending — рассчитывать на изгиб
analyse for tension — рассчитывать на растяжение
analyse for torsion — рассчитывать на кручение
analyse for — рассчитывать на
analyse information — анализировать информацию; обрабатывать информацию
analyse legally — тщательно продумать с юридической точки зрения
analyse the scene — разлагать изображение
Примеры с переводом
Let us attempt to analyse this utterance.
Давайте попытаемся проанализировать это высказывание.
Joe had never tried to analyze their relationship.
До этого Джо никогда не пытался анализировать их отношения.
You need to sit down and analyse why you feel so upset.
Нужно сесть и проанализировать, почему вы так расстроились.
She still needs to analyse the data.
Ей по-прежнему необходимо проанализировать данные.
She showed us different methods of how to analyse simple sentences.
Она показала нам разные виды разбора простого предложения.
The cell samples are analyzed by a lab.
Образцы клеток анализируются в лабораториях.
We haven’t had time to analyse those samples yet.
У нас ещё не было времени проанализировать эти образцы.
Возможные однокоренные слова
analyses — анализ, исследование, разбор, психоанализ, разложение, проба
analyser — анализатор, тестер, рассеивательная призма
analysing — разложение изображения, развертка, анализ
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: analyse
he/she/it: analyses
ing ф. (present participle): analysing
2-я ф. (past tense): analysed
3-я ф. (past participle): analysed
Main Difference
The main difference between Analyse and Analyze is that the word Analyse is standard in British English, whereas Analyze is standard in American English.
Difference Between Analyse and Analyze
Analyse vs. Analyze
Analyse is standard in British English, whereas analyze is preferred in American English.
Analyse vs. Analyze
The second last letter in analyse is “s”; on the other hand, the second last letter in analyze is “z.”
Analyse vs. Analyze
The meaning of the verb analyseis “to examine in detail,” while the meaning of analyze is also “the detailed examination of anything.”
Analyse vs. Analyze
The use of analyse is more common in British English; on the flip side, the use of analyze is more common in American English.
Analyse vs. Analyze
The other forms of analyse are analysing, analyser, and analysable; on the contrary, the other forms of analyze are analyzing, analyzer, and analyzable.
Analyse vs. Analyze
Analyse is the common spelling outside North America; conversely, analyze is preferred spelling in the American and Canadian English.
standard spelling of from=British spelling|analyze
(transitive) To subject to analysis.
consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning;
analyze a sonnet by Shakespeareanalyze the evidence in a criminal trialanalyze your real motives
(transitive) To resolve (anything complex) into its elements.
break down into components or essential features;
analyze today’s financial market
(transitive) To separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose of an examination of each separately.
make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features;
analyze a specimenanalyze a sentenceanalyze a chemical compound
(transitive) To examine in such a manner as to ascertain the elements or nature of the thing examined; as, to analyze a fossil substance, to analyze a sentence or a word, or to analyze an action to ascertain its morality.
subject to psychoanalytic treatment;
I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist
consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning;
analyze a sonnet by Shakespeareanalyze the evidence in a criminal trialanalyze your real motives
make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features;
analyze a specimenanalyze a sentenceanalyze a chemical compound
break down into components or essential features;
analyze today’s financial market
subject to psychoanalytic treatment;
I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist
Comparison Chart
Analyse | Analyze |
“To examine in detail is analyse.” | “The detailed examination of anything is analyze.” |
Parts of Speech | |
Verb | Verb |
Common Use | |
British English | American English |
Distinction in Spelling | |
Second last letter is “s.” | Second last letter is “z.” |
Other Forms | |
Analysing, analyser, analysable | Analyzing, analyzer, analyzable |
Preference | |
Outside North America | In American and Canadian English |
Analyse vs. Analyze
The meaning of the verb analyse is “to examine in detail.” On the other hand, the meaning of analyze is also “the detailed examination of anything.” The second last letter in analyse is “s,” whereas the second last letter in analyze is “z.”
The use of analyse is more common in British English; on the flip side, the use of analyze is preferred in American English.
Analyse and British both share the letter S; on the contrary, the other variant analyze has Z in place of S. Spelling of analyse is the commonly used outside the North America; on the other hand, analyzeis the preferred spelling in American and Canadian English. This distinction of the letters s and z extends to the participles.
Other forms of the word analyse are analysing, analyser, analysable; on the other hand, other forms of the word analyze are analyzing, analyzer, analyzable.
What is Analyse?
Analyse is a verb, which means “the detailed examination of anything.” The word ‘analyse’ contains seven letters. The second last letter in analyse is “s,” which makes it different from its counterpart analyze. The origin of this word analyse dates back to the late 16th century under the influence of the French word “analyser” through the Latin word “analysis.” This word analysis derived from analuein, ana- meaning ‘up’ and -luein ‘loosen.’ This spelling “analyse” is standard in British English. The use of word analyse is more common in British English. Other forms of analyse are analysing, analyser, and analyzable.
It is appropriate to use each of these spelling by the region. There is a trick to remember the use of these two variants concerning British and American English. Analyse and British both share the letter S. The other variant analyze has Z in place of S. The detailed meaning of analyse is “to inspect an object or person with the intent to discover, reveal or explain. The things which one can analyse are any person, the number of fields of study, or grammar. The spelling of analyse is commonly used outside the North America.
The noun for the verb analyse is analysis. The plural form of analysis is analyses. Another meaning of analyse is the “identification and measurement of chemical constituents of any substance.” In the context of mathematics, analyze means “a specific part of mathematics that is concerned with the use of limits, continuity, the theory of functions, and the operations of calculus.”
- “Phil, I want you to analyse this data set as early as possible and get me a report by next Saturday.”
- “The psychiatrist will analyse all the results of your tests.”
- “Please analyse the problem and find a solution.”
What is Analyze?
Analyze is a verb which means “to examine something in detail.” The word analyze is also used for the short term of psychoanalysis. Analyze is also used as a noun in the English language. As a noun, analyze means “ the examination of the elements or structure of anything in detail.”
Analyze is the other variant of the same verb “analyse.” This spelling “analyze” is commonly used in American English. This variant with a different spelling having a different second last letter “z” is in contrast with its counterpart that has “s” as its second-last letter. The use of this spelling “analyze” is preferred in American English. Analyze is the preferred spelling in American and Canadian English. The other forms of analyze are analyzing, analyzer, and analyzable.
- “The day time training limits the work possibilities, but it allows time to analyze, prepare, and train” [Sydney Morning Herald]
- “Here, I will present a metric that will help you analyze that risk.” [Forbes]
- “The goal of analyzing the data on a player’s in-game behavior is to make gaming an interactive experience.” [Financial Post]
The words analyse and analyze have the same meaning, pronunciation, usage, and context, and both the words have distinction based on their preference of use in British and American English.
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- British
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ an-l-ahyz ]
/ ˈæn lˌaɪz /
See synonyms for: analyses on Thesaurus.com
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
verb (used with object), an·a·lysed, an·a·lys·ing.Chiefly British.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Words nearby analyse
anal retentive, anal sex, anal stage, anal vein, analysand, analyse, analyses, analysis, analysis of variance, analysis situs, analyst
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to analyse
consider, evaluate, figure out, inspect, interpret, investigate, resolve, scrutinize, spell out, study, test, determine, dissect, parse, assay, confab, estimate, figure, hash, judge
How to use analyse in a sentence
When users perform searches and interact with websites on Google’s index, Google analyses its users behavior and often runs multiple recurrent tests, in order to make sure it is aligned with their intents and needs.
“OTT-Brasil’s main mission is to remove all citizens from organized gang looting routes, false police blitzes, and stray bullets, with information that is collected, analysed, and disseminated in a very short period of time,” he says.
A handy way to analyse this is through N-gram analysis reporting.
They then analysed the combined data on body shape measures, looking at waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-thigh ratio, and waist and thigh circumference – in other words, all the areas where a person naturally stores fat.
Now it feels like every operation we analyse tries this at least once.
Analyse him with syntax and dictionary, and you will find «mistakes» and startling neology.
Analyse the causes that the ludicrous weakens memory, and laughter, mechanically, makes it difficult to remember a good story.
Analyse the seeds with the finest tools, and let the solar microscope come in aid of your senses, what do you find?
About the earliest as well as one of his most important separate works is Anleitung zur Analyse organischen, Korper, 1837.
Analyse this statement in its bearing upon the play-producing societies.
British Dictionary definitions for analyse
verb (tr)
to examine in detail in order to discover meaning, essential features, etc
to break down into components or essential featuresto analyse a financial structure
to make a mathematical, chemical, grammatical, etc, analysis of
Derived forms of analyse
analysable or US analyzable, adjectiveanalysation or US analyzation, nounanalyser or US analyzer, noun
Word Origin for analyse
C17: back formation from analysis
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
- consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning (syn: analyze, canvass, examine, study)
- break down into components or essential features (syn: analyze)
- make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features (syn: analyze, break down, dissect)
- subject to psychoanalytic treatment (syn: analyze, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze)
Extra examples
We haven’t had time to analyse those samples yet.
She showed us different methods of how to analyse simple sentences.
She still needs to analyse the data.
You need to sit down and analyse why you feel so upset.
Joe had never tried to analyze their relationship.
The cell samples are analyzed by a lab.
Let us attempt to analyse this utterance.
Word forms
I/you/we/they: analyse
he/she/it: analyses
present participle: analysing
past tense: analysed
past participle: analysed