Anagrams an anagram is a word made by using letters

Animation for the anagram «Listen = Silent»

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once.[1] For example, the word anagram itself can be rearranged into nag a ram, as well as the word binary into brainy and the word adobe into abode.

The original word or phrase is known as the subject of the anagram. Any word or phrase that exactly reproduces the letters in another order is an anagram. Someone who creates anagrams may be called an «anagrammatist»,[2] and the goal of a serious or skilled anagrammatist is to produce anagrams that reflect or comment on their subject.


Anagrams may be created as a commentary on the subject. They may be a parody, a criticism or satire. For example:

  • «New York Times» = «monkeys write»
  • «Church of Scientology» = «rich-chosen goofy cult»
  • «McDonald’s restaurants» = «Uncle Sam’s standard rot»
  • «coronavirus» = «carnivorous»
  • «She Sells Sanctuary» = «Santa; shy, less cruel» or «Satan; cruel, less shy»

An anagram may also be a synonym of the original word. For example:

  • «evil» = «vile»
  • «a gentleman» = «elegant man»
  • «eleven plus two» = «twelve plus one»

An anagram that has a meaning opposed to that of the original word or phrase is called an «antigram».[3] For example:

  • «restful» = «fluster»
  • «cheater» = «teacher»
  • «funeral» = «real fun»
  • «adultery» = «true lady»
  • «forty five» = «over fifty»
  • «Santa» = «Satan»

They can sometimes change from a proper noun or personal name into an appropriate sentence:

  • «William Shakespeare» = «I am a weakish speller»
  • «Madam Curie» = «Radium came»
  • «George Bush» = «He bugs Gore»
  • «Tom Marvolo Riddle» = «I am Lord Voldemort»

They can change part of speech, such as the adjective «silent» to the verb «listen».

«Anagrams» itself can be anagrammatized as «Ars magna» (Latin, ‘the great art’).[4]


Anagrams can be traced back to the time of the ancient Greeks, and were used to find the hidden and mystical meaning in names.[5]
They were popular throughout Europe during the Middle Ages, for example with the poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut.[6] They are said to date back at least to the Greek poet Lycophron, in the third century BCE; but this relies on an account of Lycophron given by John Tzetzes in the 12th century.[7]

In the Talmudic and Midrashic literature, anagrams were used to interpret the Hebrew Bible, notably by Eleazar of Modi’im. Later, Kabbalists took this up with enthusiasm, calling anagrams temurah.[8]

Anagrams in Latin were considered witty over many centuries. Est vir qui adest, explained below, was cited as the example in Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language. They became hugely popular in the early modern period, especially in Germany.[9]

Any historical material on anagrams must always be interpreted in terms of the assumptions and spellings that were current for the language in question. In particular, spelling in English only slowly became fixed. There were attempts to regulate anagram formation, an important one in English being that of George Puttenham’s Of the Anagram or Posy Transposed in The Art of English Poesie (1589).

Influence of Latin[edit]

As a literary game when Latin was the common property of the literate, Latin anagrams were prominent.[10] Two examples are the change of Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum (Latin: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord [is] with you) into Virgo serena, pia, munda et immaculata (Latin: Serene virgin, pious, clean and spotless), and the anagrammatic answer to Pilate’s question, Quid est veritas? (Latin: What is truth?), namely, Est vir qui adest (Latin: It is the man who is here). The origins of these are not documented.

Latin continued to influence letter values (such as I = J, U = V and W = VV). There was an ongoing tradition of allowing anagrams to be «perfect» if the letters were all used once, but allowing for these interchanges. This can be seen in a popular Latin anagram against the Jesuits: Societas Jesu turned into Vitiosa seces (Latin: Cut off the wicked things). Puttenham, in the time of Elizabeth I, wished to start from Elissabet Anglorum Regina (Latin: Elizabeth Queen of the English), to obtain Multa regnabis ense gloria (Latin: By thy sword shalt thou reign in great renown); he explains carefully that H is «a note of aspiration only and no letter», and that Z in Greek or Hebrew is a mere SS. The rules were not completely fixed in the 17th century. William Camden in his Remains commented, singling out some letters—Æ, K, W, and Z—not found in the classical Roman alphabet:[11]

The precise in this practice strictly observing all the parts of the definition, are only bold with H either in omitting or retaining it, for that it cannot challenge the right of a letter. But the Licentiats somewhat licentiously, lest they should prejudice poetical liberty, will pardon themselves for doubling or rejecting a letter, if the sence fall aptly, and «think it no injury to use E for Æ; V for W; S for Z, and C for K, and contrariwise.

— William Camden, Remains

Early modern period[edit]

When it comes to the 17th century and anagrams in English or other languages, there is a great deal of documented evidence of learned interest. The lawyer Thomas Egerton was praised through the anagram gestat honorem (‘he carries honor’); the physician George Ent took the anagrammatic motto genio surget (‘he rises through spirit/genius’), which requires his first name as Georgius.[12] James I’s courtiers discovered in «James Stuart» «a just master», and converted «Charles James Stuart» into «Claims Arthur’s seat» (even at that point in time, the letters I and J were more-or-less interchangeable). Walter Quin, tutor to the future Charles I, worked hard on multilingual anagrams on the name of father James.[13] A notorious murder scandal, the Overbury case, threw up two imperfect anagrams that were aided by typically loose spelling and were recorded by Simonds D’Ewes: «Francis Howard» (for Frances Carr, Countess of Somerset, her maiden name spelled in a variant) became «Car findes a whore», with the letters E hardly counted, and the victim Thomas Overbury, as «Thomas Overburie», was written as «O! O! a busie murther» (an old form of «murder»), with a V counted as U.[14][15]

William Drummond of Hawthornden, in an essay On the Character of a Perfect Anagram, tried to lay down rules for permissible substitutions (such as S standing for Z) and letter omissions.[16] William Camden[17] provided a definition of «Anagrammatisme» as «a dissolution of a name truly written into his letters, as his elements, and a new connection of it by artificial transposition, without addition, subtraction or change of any letter, into different words, making some perfect sense appliable (i.e., applicable) to the person named.» Dryden in MacFlecknoe disdainfully called the pastime the «torturing of one poor word ten thousand ways».[18]

«Eleanor Audeley», wife of Sir John Davies, is said to have been brought before the High Commission[clarification needed] in 1634 for extravagances, stimulated by the discovery that her name could be transposed to «Reveale, O Daniel», and to have been laughed out of court by another anagram submitted by Sir John Lambe, the dean of the Arches, «Dame Eleanor Davies», «Never soe mad a ladie».[19][20]

An example from France was a flattering anagram for Cardinal Richelieu, comparing him to Hercules or at least one of his hands (Hercules being a kingly symbol), where Armand de Richelieu became Ardue main d’Hercule («difficult hand of Hercules»).[21]

Modern period[edit]

Examples from the 19th century are the transposition of «Horatio Nelson» into Honor est a Nilo (Latin: Honor is from the Nile); and of «Florence Nightingale» into «Flit on, cheering angel».[22] The Victorian love of anagramming as recreation is alluded to by the mathematician Augustus De Morgan[23] using his own name as an example; «Great Gun, do us a sum!» is attributed to his son William De Morgan, but a family friend John Thomas Graves was prolific, and a manuscript with over 2,800 has been preserved.[24][25][26]

With the advent of surrealism as a poetic movement, anagrams regained the artistic respect they had had in the Baroque period. The German poet Unica Zürn, who made extensive use of anagram techniques, came to regard obsession with anagrams as a «dangerous fever», because it created isolation of the author.[27] The surrealist leader André Breton coined the anagram Avida Dollars for Salvador Dalí, to tarnish his reputation by the implication of commercialism.


While anagramming is certainly a recreation first, there are ways in which anagrams are put to use, and these can be more serious, or at least not quite frivolous and formless. For example, psychologists use anagram-oriented tests, often called «anagram solution tasks», to assess the implicit memory of young adults and adults alike.[28]

Establishment of priority[edit]

Natural philosophers (astronomers and others) of the 17th century transposed their discoveries into Latin anagrams, to establish their priority. In this way they laid claim to new discoveries before their results were ready for publication.

Galileo used smaismrmilmepoetaleumibunenugttauiras for Altissimum planetam tergeminum observavi (Latin: I have observed the most distant planet to have a triple form) for discovering the rings of Saturn in 1610.[29][30] Galileo announced his discovery that Venus had phases like the Moon in the form Haec immatura a me iam frustra leguntur oy (Latin: These immature ones have already been read in vain by me -oy), that is, when rearranged, Cynthiae figuras aemulatur Mater Amorum (Latin: The Mother of Loves [= Venus] imitates the figures of Cynthia [= the moon]). In both cases, Johannes Kepler had solved the anagrams incorrectly, assuming they were talking about the Moons of Mars (Salve, umbistineum geminatum Martia proles) and a red spot on Jupiter (Macula rufa in Jove est gyratur mathem), respectively.[31] By coincidence, he turned out to be right about the actual objects existing.

In 1656, Christiaan Huygens, using a better telescope than those available to Galileo, figured that Galileo’s earlier observations of Saturn actually meant it had a ring (Galileo’s tools were only sufficient to see it as bumps) and, like Galileo, had published an anagram, aaaaaacccccdeeeeeghiiiiiiillllmmnnnnnnnnnooooppqrrstttttuuuuu. Upon confirming his observations, three years later he revealed it to mean Annulo cingitur, tenui, plano, nusquam coherente, ad eclipticam inclinato (Latin: It [Saturn] is surrounded by a thin, flat, ring, nowhere touching, inclined to the ecliptic).[32]

When Robert Hooke discovered Hooke’s law in 1660, he first published it in anagram form, ceiiinosssttuv, for ut tensio, sic vis (Latin: as the extension, so the force).[33]


Anagrams are connected to pseudonyms, by the fact that they may conceal or reveal, or operate somewhere in between like a mask that can establish identity. For example, Jim Morrison used an anagram of his name in the Doors song «L.A. Woman», calling himself «Mr. Mojo Risin'».[34] The use of anagrams and fabricated personal names may be to circumvent restrictions on the use of real names, as happened in the 18th century when Edward Cave wanted to get around restrictions imposed on the reporting of the House of Commons.[35] In a genre such as farce or parody, anagrams as names may be used for pointed and satiric effect.

Pseudonyms adopted by authors are sometimes transposed forms of their names; thus «Calvinus» becomes «Alcuinus» (here V = U) or «François Rabelais» = «Alcofribas Nasier». The name «Voltaire» of François Marie Arouet fits this pattern, and is allowed to be an anagram of «Arouet, l[e] j[eune]» (U = V, J = I) that is, «Arouet the younger». Other examples include:

  • «Damon Albarn» = «Dan Abnormal»
  • «Dave Barry» = «Ray Adverb»
  • «Arrigo Boito» = «Tobia Gorrio»
  • «Buckethead» = «Death Cube K»
  • «Daniel Clowes» = «Enid Coleslaw»
  • «Siobhán Donaghy» = «Shanghai Nobody»
  • «Glen Duncan» = «Declan Gunn»[36]
  • «(Theodor) Geisel» = «(Theo) Le Sieg»
  • «Edward Gorey» = «Ogdred Weary», = «Regera Dowdy» or = «E. G. Deadworry» (and others)
  • «Anna Madrigal» = «A man and a girl»
  • «Ted Morgan» = «(Sanche) de Gramont»
  • «Lorin Morgan-Richards» = «Marcil d’Hirson Garron»
  • «Vladimir Nabokov» = «Vivian Darkbloom», = «Vivian Bloodmark», = «Blavdak Vinomori», or = «Dorian Vivalkomb»

Several of these are «imperfect anagrams», letters having been left out in some cases for the sake of easy pronunciation.


Anagrams used for titles afford scope for some types of wit. Examples:

  • Homer Hickam Jr.’s book Rocket Boys was adapted into the 1999 film October Sky.[37]
  • The tapes for the revival of the BBC show Doctor Who were labeled with the anagram Torchwood, which later went on to be used as the name for a spin-off show. In multi-episode shows, the program occasionally substitutes the anagram of an actor’s name for the actual name to prevent revealing the true identity of the role (for instance, The Master) being played by the actor.
  • The New Wave band Missing Persons’ best-selling album was called Spring Session M.
  • Hip-hop artist MF Doom recorded a 2004 album called Mm..Food.
  • Brian Eno’s album Before and After Science includes a song entitled «King’s Lead Hat», an anagram of «Talking Heads», a band Eno has worked with.
  • Juan Maria Solare’s piano ballad «Jura ser anomalía» (literally «he/she swears to be an anomaly») is an anagram of the composer’s full name. His composition for English horn titled «A Dot in Time» is an anagram of «Meditation», which describes the piece. The title of his piano piece that is a homage to Claude Debussy is «Seduce Us Badly».
  • Bill Evans’s overdubbed piano elegy for fellow jazz pianist Sonny Clark is titled «N.Y.C.’s No Lark,» and another composition, «Re: Person I Knew» is a tribute to his producer, Orrin Keepnews.
  • The title of Imogen Heap’s album iMegaphone is an anagram of her name.
  • Progressive rock group Rush published a song on their 1989 album Presto titled «Anagram (for Mongo)» that makes use of anagrams in every line of the song.
  • The title of the fifth album by American rock band Interpol, El Pintor, is an anagram of the band’s name and also Spanish for «the painter».
  • Many of the song titles on Aphex Twin’s …I Care Because You Do are anagrams of either «Aphex Twin», «The Aphex Twin», or «Richard D. James».
  • In Disney’s 1964 film Mary Poppins, Dick Van Dyke played Mr. Dawes Sr. as the anagram of his name, Navckid Keyd. In the credits, the words unscrambled themselves to reveal his name.
  • The title of King Crimson’s 1982 song Thela Hun Ginjeet is an anagram of «heat in the jungle».
  • Two albums released in 2022 by Australian rock band King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard titled «Made in Timeland» and «Laminated Denim».


In Hebrew, the name «Gernot Zippe» (גרנוט ציפה), the inventor of the Zippe-type centrifuge, is an anagram of the word «centrifuge» (צנטריפוגה).

The sentence «Name is Anu Garg», referring to anagrammer and founder of Anu Garg, can be rearranged to spell «Anagram genius».[38]

Games and puzzles[edit]

Anagrams are in themselves a recreational activity, but they also make up part of many other games, puzzles and game shows. The Jumble is a puzzle found in many newspapers in the United States requiring the unscrambling of letters to find the solution. Cryptic crossword puzzles frequently use anagrammatic clues, usually indicating that they are anagrams by the inclusion of a descriptive term like «confused» or «in disarray». An example would be Businessman burst into tears (9 letters). The solution, stationer, is an anagram of into tears, the letters of which have burst out of their original arrangement to form the name of a type of businessman.

Numerous other games and contests involve some element of anagram formation as a basic skill. Some examples:

  • In Anagrams, players flip tiles over one at a time and race to take words. They can «steal» each other’s words by rearranging the letters and extending the words.
  • In a version of Scrabble called Clabbers, the name itself is an anagram of Scrabble. Tiles may be placed in any order on the board as long as they anagram to a valid word.
  • On the British game show Countdown, contestants are given 30 seconds to make the longest word from nine random letters.
  • In Boggle, players make constrained words from a grid of sixteen random letters, by joining adjacent cubes.
  • On the British game show BrainTeaser, contestants are shown a word broken into randomly arranged segments and must announce the whole word. At the end of the game there is a «Pyramid» which starts with a three-letter word. A letter appears in the line below to which the player must add the existing letters to find a solution. The pattern continues until the player reaches the final eight-letter anagram. The player wins the game by solving all the anagrams within the allotted time.
  • In Bananagrams, players place tiles from a pool into crossword-style word arrangements in a race to see who can finish the pool of tiles first.


Multiple anagramming is a technique used to solve some kinds of cryptograms, such as a permutation cipher, a transposition cipher, and the Jefferson disk.[39] Solutions may be computationally found using a Jumble algorithm.

Methods of construction[edit]

Sometimes, it is possible to «see» anagrams in words, unaided by tools, though the more letters involved the more difficult this becomes. The difficulty is that for a word of n different letters, there are n! (factorial of n) different permutations and so n!-1 different anagrams of the word. Anagram dictionaries can also be used. Computer programs, known as «anagram search», «anagram servers», «anagram solvers», offer a much faster route to creating anagrams, and a large number of these programs are available on the Internet.[40][41] Some programs use the Anatree algorithm to compute anagrams efficiently.

The program or server carries out an exhaustive search of a database of words, to produce a list containing every possible combination of words or phrases from the input word or phrase using a jumble algorithm. Some programs (such as Lexpert) restrict to one-word answers. Many anagram servers (for example, The Words Oracle) can control the search results, by excluding or including certain words, limiting the number or length of words in each anagram, or limiting the number of results. Anagram solvers are often banned from online anagram games. The disadvantage of computer anagram solvers, especially when applied to multi-word anagrams, is their poor understanding of the meaning of the words they are manipulating. They usually cannot filter out meaningful or appropriate anagrams from large numbers of nonsensical word combinations. Some servers attempt to improve on this using statistical techniques that try to combine only words that appear together often. This approach provides only limited success since it fails to recognize ironic and humorous combinations.

Some anagrammatists indicate the method they used. Anagrams constructed without the aid of a computer are noted as having been done «manually» or «by hand»; those made by utilizing a computer may be noted «by machine» or «by computer», or may indicate the name of the computer program (using Anagram Genius).

There are also a few «natural» instances: English words unconsciously created by switching letters around. The French chaise longue («long chair») became the American «chaise lounge» by metathesis (transposition of letters and/or sounds). It has also been speculated that the English «curd» comes from the Latin crudus («raw»). Similarly, the ancient English word for bird was «brid».

Notable anagrammatists[edit]

The French king Louis XIII had a man named Thomas Billon appointed as his Royal Anagrammatist with an annual salary of 1200 pounds.[42] Among contemporary anagrammers, Anu Garg, created an Internet Anagram Server in 1994 together with the satirical anagram-based newspaper The Anagram Times. Mike Keith has anagrammed the complete text of Moby Dick.[43] He, along with Richard Brodie, has published The Anagrammed Bible that includes anagrammed version of many books of the Bible.[44] Popular television personality Dick Cavett is known for his anagrams of famous celebrities such as Alec Guinness and Spiro Agnew.[45]

Anagram animation[edit]

A computer-generated anagram animation

An animated anagram displays the letters of a word or phrase moving into their new positions.

See also[edit]

  • Acronym
  • Ambigram
  • Anagrammatic poem
  • Anagrams, a board game
  • Ananym
  • Blanagram
  • Constrained writing
  • Isogram
  • Letter bank
  • Lipogram
  • List of geographic anagrams and ananyms
  • List of taxa named by anagrams
  • London Underground anagram map
  • Palindrome
  • Pangram
  • Rebus
  • Sator Square
  • Spoonerism
  • Tautonym
  • Word play


  1. ^ «anagram». HarperCollins Publishers. Retrieved 22 September 2017.
  2. ^ Anagrammatist, Retrieved on 12 August 2008.
  3. ^ «antigram». Retrieved 31 July 2019.
  4. ^ «Ars Magna». PBS. 1 July 2008. Archived from the original on 22 June 2009. Retrieved 9 January 2017. This Emmy-nominated short enters the obsessive and fascinating world of anagrams. [Original article’s link to video is dead, but link in archived article works.]
  5. ^ Of Anagrams, By H.B. Wheatley pg. 72, printed 1862 T. & W. Boone, New Bond Street, London
  6. ^ Guillaume de Machaut, «Here of a Sunday Morning», WBAI
  7. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). «Lycophron» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 17 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 153.
  8. ^ Isaac Broydé, «Anagram » in Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906 full text
  9. ^ «Secrets of a Lost Art, part 1: Latin Anagrams — in Medias Res». 6 May 2018.
  10. ^ «Secrets of a Lost Art, part 1: Latin Anagrams — in Medias Res». 6 May 2018.
  11. ^ Cited in Henry Benjamin Wheatley, Of anagrams: a monograph treating of their history (1862); online text.
  12. ^ Stephen, Leslie, ed. (1889). «ENT, SIR GEORGE, M.D. (1604–1689)». Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. XVII (1st ed.). Smith, Elder & Co. p. 377. Retrieved 15 September 2019.
  13. ^ Lee, Sidney, ed. (1896). «QUIN, WALTER (1575?–1634?)». Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. XLVII (1st ed.). Smith, Elder & Co. p. 111. Retrieved 21 September 2019.
  14. ^ Early Stuart Libels
  15. ^ Early Stuart Libels
  16. ^ Henry Benjamin Wheatley, On Anagrams (1862), p. 58.
  17. ^ Remains, 7th ed., 1674.
  18. ^

    Thy genius calls thee not to purchase fame
    In keen iambics, but mild anagram:
    Leave writing plays, and choose for thy command
    Some peaceful province in acrostic land.
    There thou may’st wings display and altars raise,
    And torture one poor word ten thousand ways.

  19. ^ Oxford Book of Word Games
  20. ^ Hugh Trevor-Roper, Archbishop Laud (2000), p. 146.
  21. ^ H. W. van Helsdingen, Notes on Two Sheets of Sketches by Nicolas Poussin for the Long Gallery of the Louvre, Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, Vol. 5, No. 3/4 (1971), pp. 172–184.
  22. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). «Anagram» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 910.
  23. ^ In his A Budget of Paradoxes, p. 82.
  24. ^ Robert Edoward Moritz, On Mathematics and Mathematicians (2007), p. 151.
  25. ^ Anna Stirling, William De Morgan and His Wife (1922) p. 64.
  26. ^ «AIM25 home page». Archived from the original on 6 June 2011. Retrieved 6 March 2009.
  27. ^ Friederike Ursula Eigler, Susanne Kord, The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature (1997), pp. 14–5.
  28. ^ Java, Rosalind I. «Priming and Aging: Evidence of Preserved Memory Function in an Anagram Solution Task.» The American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 105, No. 4. (Winter, 1992), pp. 541–548.
  29. ^ Miner, Ellis D.; Wessen, Randii R.; Cuzzi, Jeffrey N. (2007). «The scientific significance of planetary ring systems». Planetary Ring Systems. Springer Praxis Books in Space Exploration. Praxis. pp. 1–16. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73981-6_1. ISBN 978-0-387-34177-4.
  30. ^
    «Galileo’s Anagrams and the Moons of Mars». Math Pages: History. Retrieved 16 March 2009.
  31. ^ «Galileo, Kepler, & Two Anagrams: Two Wrong Solutions Turn into Two Correct Solutions». Judge Starling.
  32. ^ Campbell, John W. Jr. (April 1937). «Notes». Beyond the Life Line. Astounding Stories. pp. 81–85.
  33. ^ Gjertsen, Derek (1986). The Newton Handbook. Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 16. ISBN 9780710202796.
  34. ^ «Mr Mojo Risin’«. BBC Radio 2. 29 June 2011. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  35. ^ «Institute of Historical Research (IHR) home page». Archived from the original on 30 September 2007. Retrieved 7 March 2009.
  36. ^ I, Lucifer (Glen Duncan)
  37. ^ Lundin, Leigh (29 November 2009). «Anagrams». Word Play. Criminal Brief.
  38. ^ «The Anagram Hall of Fame». Retrieved 2 March 2021.
  39. ^ Bletchley Park Cryptographic Dictionary. Retrieved on 2014-05-12.
  40. ^ «anagram search engine». Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  41. ^ «internet anagram server». Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  42. ^ Southey, Robert (1865). «CLXXIX». The Doctor, Etc. Longman, Greens, and Co. p. 467.
  43. ^ «Anagram by Mike Keith».
  44. ^ The Anagrammed Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon: Keith, Michael, Brodie, Richard: 9780963009722: Books. ISBN 0963009729.
  45. ^ Williams, Alex (4 August 2018). «Dick Cavett’s Best Outtakes». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on 1 January 2022. Retrieved 4 December 2019.

Further reading[edit]

  • Henry Benjamin Wheatley. Of Anagrams: A Monograph Treating of Their History from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Williams & Norgate, 1862.
  • Word Ways: The Journal of Recreational Linguistics. Greenwood Periodicals et al., 1968–. ISSN 0043-7980.
  • Howard W. Bergerson. Palindromes and Anagrams. Dover Publications, 1973. ISBN 978-0486206646.

External links[edit]

Look up anagram in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • nAsagram — A web app for creating anagrams interactively.

Anagram definition: An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters in another word or phrase.

What does anagram mean? An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters in another word or phrase.

It is important to note that the word or phrases that an anagram creates must be actual words or phrases, otherwise it is just gibberish.

Anagram Examples:

For example, let’s look at the word “anagram” itself.

These letters can be rearranged to make another phrase:

  • nag a ram

What is a anagram words“Nag a ram” may not mean anything particular, but that is often the purpose of an anagram. Anagrams are typically meant to be comedic in nature.

What is most important is that the word anagram actually has an anagram—the fact that “anagram” has an anagram makes a commentary about the subject.

  • Did you know that nag a ram is an anagram?
  • You can write an anagram or you can nag a ram.

You can see here that this is a play on words.

Modern Examples of Anagrams

Whats an anogram and anogramsAnagrams are a great way to make a commentary about a particular subject. In fact, that is their purpose and intent.

Modern Anagram Examples:

Let’s look at some modern and popular anagrams that do just that.

  • Term: George Bush
  • Anagram: He bugs Gore.

This anagram of George Bush’s name is a commentary on him, the subject. The best anagrams do this. To say that his name actually means something he does or might do, makes this a successful anagram.

  • Term: Presbyterian
  • Anagram: best in prayer

This anagram of Presbyterian name is a commentary on the subject itself. To say that the term actually means something a Presbyterian does makes this a successful anagram.

List of Anagrams

what are anagrams for namesThere are hundreds of different English anagrams. Here, we have compiled a list of our favorite anagrams.

  • the Morse code – Here come dots
  • statue of liberty – built to stay free
  • I think therefore I am – I fear to think I’m here
  • monasteries – Amen stories
  • meal for one – for me alone
  • considerate – care is noted
  • astronomers – no more stars
  • signature – a true sign
  • school student – tends to slouch
  • saintliness – least in sins
  • asteroid threats – disaster to earth
  • a gentleman – elegant man

The Function of Anagrams

Word annagram or annogram or annagrams or anagramerWhat do anagrams do? An anagram is a play on words.

The letters of many word or phrases can be rearranged to form an anagram. However, a gifted writer will purposefully use an anagram to make some sort of commentary.

A writer will use an anagram to make a comment about the subject he is discussing. Anagrams are meant to be clever, witty, playful, and catchy.

For example, an anagram for “astronomer” is “moon starer.” This particular anagram is amusing and smart because the anagram itself is a commentary on the original term.

Writers need to be very selective when using anagrams. They are only meant for a particular tone. However, they are a great play on words that can be add a witty element to writing.

They can also add a layer of suspense. As The Atlantic writes,

  • Cameos are a small part of why that might be; arguably the biggest source of suspense from last night’s finale was the fan realization that the first letters of the season’s episode titles make an anagram for “FRINGS BACK.” –The Atlantic

Related Terms and Other Word Games

Whats an anagram finderPalindromes

What is a palindrome? A palindrome is a term that reads the same forward and backward. An example is: racecar.


What is a pangram? A pangram is a sentence that “pans” the alphabet and therefore contains every letter of the alphabet. A common sentence is: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


What is a heterogram? A heterogram is a word, phrase, or sentence where no letter of the alphabet occurs more than once. An example is: pecuniary.


What is a lipogram? A lipogram is an extended piece of writing where a particular letter is avoided. Often, a writer will try to write a lipogram avoiding a vowel.

Anagrams Examples in Literature

What is anagram gameAnagrams for kids: An unexpected use of an anagram occurs in the Harry Potter Series. Author J.K. Rowling reveals that Lord Voldemort’s name is actually an anagram of his given name.

  • Term: Tom Marvolo Riddle
  • Anagram: I am Lord Voldemort.

Rowling writes Voldemort’s name as an anagram for several reasons.

First, Voldemort thinks he is the most talented wizard. In his vanity, his character would do something so egotistical.

Second, Voldemort believes no one would ever discover this anagram, since, again, he believes he is the most gifted wizard.

Third, Rowling uses this as a clever twist in her plot, a way to have even more buy-in from her audience. Her reader wonders, “Did she have this planned since the first text? Did she have that much forethought? It all makes sense now!” For Rowling’s readers, this revealing this anagram provided significant insight to her writing style and to Voldemort as a character.

J.K. Rowling also revealed a clue about a movie based on her book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by tweeting out an anagram to be solved by supporting fans.

Clearly, the author of the Harry Potter series is a fan of anagrams.

Summary: What are Anagrams?

Define anagram: the definition of anagram is a word or phrase that uses exactly the same letters to create a new word or phrase.

Many anagrams have a comedic or satiric intent. The most successful anagrams make a commentary about their subject matter.

To see other literary devices explained, visit our full dictionary page.


  • 1 What is an Anagram?
  • 2 Modern Examples of Anagrams
  • 3 List of Anagrams
  • 4 The Function of Anagrams
  • 5 Related Terms and Other Word Games
  • 6 Anagrams Examples in Literature
  • 7 Summary: What are Anagrams?



Anagram: List of Common Anagrams, Functions, and Examples

February 19, 2022

Anagrams are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations. The term “anagram” is itself an anagram of the word “graham”. They can be fun to make and even more fun to solve. In this blog post, we will provide a list of common anagrams along with their functions and examples.

Function of Anagram

The basic function of an anagram is to rearrange the letters of a word or phrase to make a new word or phrase, using the exact same letters but in a different order. Anagrams are very popular and widely used in advertisements and business names. The whole name or phrase is unique and catchy, thus acquiring more attention from the public.

Here are some examples of anagrams: “A big mess” rearranged as “I’m a mess”, etc.

Anagrams Video Lessons

List of Common Anagrams

sadder ~ dreads state ~ taste save ~ vase
night ~ thing players ~ parsley peach ~ cheap
dusty ~ study inch ~ chin elbow ~ below
bored ~ robed cider ~ cried cat ~ act
angel ~ glean brag ~ grab arc ~ car

Cool Anagram Examples

Cool anagrams are great for practicing your anagram-solving skills. These examples are created by taking a word or phrase and scrambling it up to create another word or phrase. Many of these will stump you!

  • young lady ~ an old guy
  • video game ~ give a demo
  • they see ~ the eyes
  • the classroom ~ schoolmaster
  • sweep the floor ~ too few helpers
  • study ~ dusty
  • older and wiser ~ I learned words
  • night ~ thing
  • meteor ~ remote
  • meal for one ~ for me alone
  • gainly ~ laying
  • funeral ~ real fun
  • eleven plus two ~ twelve plus one
  • dessert ~ stressed
  • conversation ~ voice rants on
  • coins kept ~ in pockets
  • below ~ elbow
  • bad credit ~ debit card
  • anagram ~ nag a ram
  • act ~ cat

Simple Anagram Words

When you are learning how to anagram, one of the most basic examples is transforming a single word into another. This may sound easy at first glance but can be difficult once you get started.

  • Charm ~ March
  • Car ~ Arc
  • Cafe ~ Face
  • Binary ~ Brainy
  • Best ~ Bets
  • Below ~ Elbow/Bowel
  • Below ~ Elbow
  • Beak ~ Bake
  • Are ~ Ear
  • Act ~ Cat
  • Wrap ~ Warp
  • Rat ~ Tar
  • Pat ~ Tap
  • Nap ~ Pan
  • Listened ~ Enlisted
  • Limped ~ Dimple
  • Laps ~ Alps/Slap
  • Lamp ~ Palm
  • Keen ~ Knee
  • Impart ~ Armpit
  • Iced ~ Dice
  • Heater ~ Reheat
  • Grab ~ Brag
  • Glean ~ Angel
  • Wand ~ Dawn
  • Waits ~ Waist
  • Votes ~ Stove
  • Vase ~ Save
  • Top ~ Pot
  • Thing ~ Night
  • Thicken ~ Kitchen
  • Taste ~ State
  • Tan ~ Ant
  • Sue ~ Use
  • Study ~ Dusty
  • Spots ~ Posts/Stops
  • Sink ~ Skin
  • Robed ~ Bored
  • Fringe ~ Finger
  • Fired ~ Fried
  • Earth ~ Heart
  • Diary ~ Dairy
  • Desserts ~ Stressed
  • Cried ~ Cider
  • Chin ~ Inch

Names of People Anagram Words

Sometimes you need to put your anagram skills to the test. One of the best ways is by anagramming a familiar person’s name, living or dead. Can you spell out the name in front of you?

  • Angelina Jolie – Jealous Alien Gin
  • Brad Pitt – Drab Pitt
  • Charlize Theron – Enrich Total Zero
  • Clint Eastwood – Old West Action
  • Emma Watson – A New Moat
  • Hugh Jackman – Man Jack Hug
  • Jennifer Aniston – Finest Joiner, Enjoins Fainter
  • Johnny Depp – Enjoyed PNP
  • Julia Roberts – Jail Burstier
  • Kate Winslet – Stale Twin Kite
  • Leonardo DiCaprio – A Cool Pioneer Lair
  • Meryl Streep – Termly Peers
  • Ryan Reynolds – Narrowly Senor
  • Scarlett Johansson – So Can’t Jolt Hanson
  • Tom Cruise – So I’m Cuter
  • Will Smith – Slim Wilts
  • Anne Hathaway – A New Hay Than
  • Cate Blanchett – Leant Cab Catcher
  • Charlton Heston – Not So Chortles Hen
  • Daniel Radcliffe – Rad Elf Inclined
  • Denzel Washington – A Non-Lionized Show
  • Emma Stone – Ammonites
  • George Clooney – O, Lonely Ogre
  • Heath Ledger – Hard Lethedge
  • Hugh Grant – Rang Through
  • Julianne Moore – Joinable Moron Lune
  • Keanu Reeves – Eureka Seven
  • Morgan Freeman – One From Manager
  • Natalie Portman – Atop Trainmen Role
  • Nicole Kidman – Dime Conk In Lo
  • Reese Witherspoon – Strep Nowhere Else
  • Robert De Niro – Torn Bored Brie
  • Sandra Bullock – Balks Rounded All
  • Al Pacino – A Oil Panic
  • Anthony Hopkins – Nonstop Hoot Any
  • Antonio Banderas – A Radiant Abner Soon
  • Bruce Willis – Criswell Blues
  • Dustin Hoffman – Nod Tiffs Human
  • Jeff Bridges – Jibes Fed Grief
  • Jim Carrey – My Racier J
  • Jodie Foster – Softer Dojo
  • John Travolta – John Total Trava
  • Kate Hudson – Unhated Sook
  • Kirsten Dunst – Stunk Tendrils
  • Liv Tyler – Ply Rivet
  • Matt Damon – Damn At Tom
  • Meg Ryan – En Ragym
  • Michelle Pfeiffer – I’m Elf Chief Repel
  • Robert Downey Jr. – Jet-Down Bury Error
  • Sean Connery – Noisy Can Earn
  • Susan Sarandon – And So Runs Anus
  • Uma Thurman – Mantra Humor
  • Wesley Snipes – Spies New Sly
  • Brad Garrett – Bad Tarter Rug
  • Cameron Diaz – Mad Zircon Ace
  • Danny DeVito – Vain Odd Yeti
  • Diane Keaton – Anoint A Keen Do
  • Eddie Murphy – Drury Empire
  • Emma Roberts – Boss Tremble
  • Gwyneth Paltrow – Hotly Wept Prawn
  • Halle Berry – Heral by Lee
  • Jack Nicholson – I Join Conch Talk
  • Kevin Costner – Veto Sick Nerve
  • Marlon Brando – Brand Normal Or
  • Matthew McConaughey – They Match Moment Com
  • Meryl Streisand – Lenders Marty Rise
  • Michael Caine – I’m A Nice Leech
  • Naomi Watts – I Won’t Atoms
  • Nicolas Cage – Cooing La Cage
  • Oprah Winfrey – Frown Pay Hire
  • Pierce Brosnan – Snipe Sober Scorn
  • Robin Williams – Blows Million Air
  • Sandra Oh – A Shorn Ad
  • Sigourney Weaver – Riven Weary Gouges
  • Uma Thurman – Unhurt Mama
  • Drew Barrymore – Weary Doer Rerob
  • Edward Norton – Need Rot Word
  • Kate Beckinsale – Stalk Like A Been
  • Bill Murray – Rarely Limb Ul
  • Tim Robbins – Snot Rib Bomb

List of Four-Letter Anagrams

This list contains anagrams that can be made by rearranging the letters into four-letter words. The list is sorted by word length and then alphabetically within that category.

  • Mora ~ Omar ~ Roma
  • Isra ~ Rais ~ Sari ~ Sira
  • Enzo ~ Zeno
  • Elroy, Wisconsin ~ Leroy
  • Arlo ~ Orla
  • Macy ~ Myca
  • Ilsa ~ Isla ~ Lisa
  • Elly ~ Lyle
  • Carol City, Florida ~ Coral
  • Anne ~ Nena
  • Paris ~ Pairs
  • Kory ~ York
  • Flor ~ Rolf
  • Egnar, Colorado ~ range
  • Chaz ~ Zach
  • Alec ~ Cale
  • Liam ~ Mila
  • Las Vegas ~ Salvages
  • Hans ~ Nash ~ Shan
  • Dave ~ Deva/Veda
  • Alli ~ Lila
  • Lula ~ Ulla
  • Ilma ~ Liam ~ Mali ~ Mila
  • Elin ~ Leni ~ Neil
  • Boncar, West Virginia ~ carbon
  • Anja ~ Jana
  • Statue of Liberty ~ Built to stay free
  • Lina ~ Nila
  • Ilka ~ Kali
  • Eino ~ Ione
  • Alma ~ Amal ~ Mala
  • San Diego ~ Diagnose
  • Lane ~ Lena ~ Neal ~ Nela
  • Gina ~ Inga
  • Ekoms, Oregon ~ smoke
  • Clay ~ Lacy
  • Alex ~ Axel ~ Lexa
  • Shallmar, Maryland ~ Marshall
  • Saul ~ Sula
  • Kami ~ Mika
  • Etta ~ Tate
  • Cary ~ Cyra
  • Aino ~ Iona
  • Reva ~ Vera
  • Jane ~ Jean ~ Jena
  • Etna ~ Nate
  • El Jobean, Florida ~ Joel Bean
  • Aviv ~ Viva
  • Leon ~ Noel
  • Hale ~ Leah
  • Denver ~ Nerved
  • Cleo ~ Cole
  • Aliz ~ Liza
  • Nita ~ Tina
  • Ivan ~ Vina
  • Garus, California ~ sugar
  • Erik ~ Keri
  • Ashe ~ Shae ~ Shea
  • Mary ~ Myra
  • Iris ~ Siri
  • Elsa ~ Sela
  • Dongola, Wisconsin ~ Gondola
  • Arik ~ Kira
  • Sita ~ Tisa
  • Karl ~ Lark
  • Evan ~ Neva ~ Vena
  • Cash ~ Chas
  • Atokad Park ~ Dakota
  • Alan ~ Lana ~ Nala

20 Easy Anagram Words

  1. Race – Care
  2. Tea – Eat
  3. Listen – Silent
  4. Angel – Angle
  5. Cinema – Iceman
  6. Elvis – Lives
  7. Ache – Each
  8. Stop – Post
  9. Dormitory – Dirty Room
  10. Election – One Lice
  11. Heart – Earth
  12. Tar – Rat
  13. Act – Cat
  14. Stone – Notes
  15. Cider – Dicer
  16. Star – Arts
  17. Stop – Pots
  18. Brag – Grab
  19. Charm – March
  20. Parts – Strap

20 Funny Anagrams Words

  1. Dormitory – Dirty Room
  2. Listen – Silent
  3. Eleven plus two – Twelve plus one
  4. Clint Eastwood – Old West Action
  5. Desperation – A Rope Ends It
  6. Astronomer – Moon Starer
  7. The eyes – They see
  8. Funeral – Real Fun
  9. Schoolmaster – The classroom
  10. Mother-in-law – Woman Hitler
  11. Election results – Lies – Let’s recount
  12. Debit card – Bad credit
  13. Statue of Liberty – Built to stay free
  14. Western Union – No wire unsent
  15. Slot machines – Cash lost in ’em
  16. A decimal point – I’m a dot in place
  17. Presbyterian – Best in prayer
  18. George Bush – He bugs Gore
  19. Hamburgers – Shrub manager
  20. An elephant – A thin, pale net

10 Anagram Sentence Examples

  1. Eleven plus two” can be rearranged to form “Twelve plus one”.
  2. Astronomer” can be rearranged to form “Moon starer”.
  3. The eyes” can be rearranged to form “They see”.
  4. Dormitory” can be rearranged to form “Dirty room”.
  5. Clint Eastwood” can be rearranged to form “Old West action”.
  6. A gentleman” can be rearranged to form “Elegant man”.
  7. Punishments” can be rearranged to form “Nine thumps, sis!”.
  8. Listen” can be rearranged to form “Silent”.
  9. Conversation” can be rearranged to form “Voices rant on”.
  10. School master” can be rearranged to form “The classroom”.

Anagram Worksheet

Anagram: List of Common Anagrams, Functions, and Examples

Other Lessons:

  1. 100 Collective Nouns for Animals
  2. +300 Adjectives to Describe a Girl

About Author


Meet Simeron Khan, an experienced ESL teacher with a passion for guiding students towards fluency in English. With a knack for making even the most complex grammar rules accessible and enjoyable, Simeron has helped countless learners achieve their language goals.

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An anagram (< Greek anagramma ‘letters written anew’, passive participle of ana- ‘again’ + gramma ‘letter’) is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce other words, using all the original letters exactly once; e.g., Eleven plus two=Twelve plus one, A Decimal Point=I’m a Dot in Place, Astronomers=Moon Starers. Someone who creates anagrams is called an anagrammist. The original word or phrase is known as the subject of the anagram. Technically, any word or phrase which exactly reproduces the letters in another is an anagram; e.g., saltine = entails. However, the goal of serious or skilled anagrammists is to produce anagrams which, in some way, reflect or comment on the subject. Such an anagram may be a synonym or antonym of its subject, a parody, a criticism, or praise. Another goal of anagrammists is to produce an anagram which is not only new, or previously unknown to others (this is known as «discovering» an anagram), but also one that is considered clever enough that it becomes widely known and enters the canon of famous or classic anagrams, like the examples below.


The construction of anagrams is an amusement of great antiquity. They were popular throughout Europe during the Middle Ages, although it is widely believed the art of anagramming was invented by the Greek poet Lycophron.

W. Camden (Remains, 7th ed., 1674) defines «Anagrammatisme» as «a dissolution of a name truly written into his letters, as his elements, and a new connection of it by artificial transposition, without addition, subtraction or change of any letter, into different words, making some perfect sense applyable (i.e., applicable) to the person named.» Dryden disdainfully called the pastime the «torturing of one poor word ten thousand ways» but many men and women of note have found amusement in it.

A well-known anagram is the change of «Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum» (Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord [is] with you) into «Virgo serena, pia, munda et immaculata» (Serene virgin, pious, clean and spotless). Among others are the anagrammatic answer to Pilate‘s question, «Quid est veritas?» (What is truth?), namely, «Est vir qui adest» (It is the man who is here); and the transposition of «Horatio Nelson» into «Honor est a Nilo» (Latin = Honor is from the Nile); and of «Florence Nightingale» into «Flit on, cheering angel». James I’s courtiers discovered in «James Stuart» «a just master», and converted «Charles James Stuart» into «Claims Arthur’s seat» (even at that point in time, the letters I and J were more-or-less interchangeable). «Eleanor Audeley», wife of Sir John Davies, is said to have been brought before the High Commission in 1634 for extravagances, stimulated by the discovery that her name could be transposed to «Reveale, O Daniel», and to have been laughed out of court by another anagram submitted by the dean of the Arches, «Dame Eleanor Davies», «Never soe mad a ladie».


The pseudonyms adopted by authors are sometimes transposed forms, more or less exact, of their names; thus «Calvinus» becomes «Alcuinus» (V = U); «Francois Rabelais» = «Alcofribas Nasier»; «Arrigo Boito» = «Tobia Gorrio»; «Edward Gorey» = «Ogdred Weary», = «Regera Dowdy» or = «E. G. Deadworry» (and others); «Vladimir Nabokov» = «Vivian Darkbloom», = «Vivian Bloodmark» or = «Dorian Vivalcomb»; «Bryan Waller Proctor» = «Barry Cornwall, poet»; «Henry Rogers» = «R. E. H. Greyson»; «(Sanche) de Gramont» = «Ted Morgan«, and so on. It is to be noted that several of these are «imperfect anagrams», letters having been left out in some cases for the sake of easy pronunciation.

For his book Mu Revealed, a spoof on the works of James Churchward, occult writer Raymond Buckland used the pseudonym «Tony Earll», an anagram for «Not Really».[1]

«Telliamed», a simple reversal, is the title of a well known work by «De Maillet». One of the most remarkable pseudonyms of this class is the name «Voltaire», which the celebrated philosopher assumed instead of his family name, François Marie Arouet, and which is now generally allowed to be an anagram of «Arouet, l[e] j[eune]» (U=V, J=I) that is, «Arouet the younger». Anagramming may also be used to good effect in farce or parody. A writer might take an unpleasant person he knows, base a character in a book on him, and then transpose the letters in the source’s name.


Some of the following anagrams are from a jokes page on the GNU General Public License website. The Harry Potter ones are from The I am that is anagram comes from the novel Redwall by Brian Jacques. The Alec Guinness one is attributed to Dick Cavett.

Original word or phrase (or subject) Anagram
Eric Rice
Doctor Who Torchwood
Gregory House
Eric Foreman
Allison Cameron
Robert Chase
Huge Ego, Sorry
Ace Informer
Nonsocial Lamer
Case Brother
Dormitory Dirty Room
Evangelist Evil’s agent
Tom Marvolo Riddle I am Lord Voldemort
The Morse Code Here Come Dots
Slot Machines Cash Lost in ’em
Animosity Is No Amity
Mother-in-law Woman Hitler
Snooze Alarms Alas! No More Z’s
Alec Guinness Genuine Class
Semolina Is No Meal
The Public Art Galleries Large Picture Halls, I Bet
The Earthquakes That Queer Shake
Eleven plus two Twelve plus one
Contradiction Accord not in it
Astronomer Moon Starer
Princess Diana End is a car spin
Year Two Thousand A year to shut down
Presbyterian Best in prayer
Presbyterians Britney Spears
Nessiteras rhombopteryx Monster hoax by Sir Peter S»
The eyes They see
Sean Connery On any screen
Election results Lies — let’s recount
«To be or not to be: that is the question, whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.» «In one of the Bard’s best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.»
«That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.» —Neil Armstrong «A thin man ran; makes a large stride, left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars
Mike Newell’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Enthralling film, yet we prefer to read the books!
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson Cue fine new film drama starring Potter lad
The children’s author JK Rowling hint: her skill conjured Hogwart!
The Germans soldiers Hitler’s men are dogs
I am that is I Matthias
Clint Eastwood Old West action
Why shouldn’t America go re-elect President Clinton in Ninety-Six? He has a prime or cunning tendency to wildly solicit Internet sex.
Astronomers No more stars
Astronomers Morons stare
Astronomers A moron rests
Vala Mal Doran Amoral Vandal
Atheism It has me
«Godless: The Church of Liberalism» O, hell: Coulter‘s highbred fascism
«The Dark Tower» A word: the trek
Annuit Coeptis, Novus Ordo Seclorum A Cut In On U.S. Providence! So, Lust Room!
Révolution Française Un veto corse la finira (in English : French Revolution is the anagram of A Corsican veto will end it)


Summary anagrams

Another genre of anagramming is that which deals with using anagrams of quoted literature in order to convey the essence of the work itself. This style is commonly referred to as summary anagramming and is a favorite genre of noted contemporary anagrammatists such as Simon Woodard. Below is an example of one of Woodard’s polished summary anagrams, on Homer’s Odyssey:

«Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns,
driven time and again off course, once he had plundered
the hallowed heights of Troy.»
-Homer’s Odyssey
Hurrying home to his wife, Odysseus shoved off,
fled the sea god’s wrath, endured many moments of mistreatment,
then landed on southern Ithaca…a long epic![2]


One practical use to which anagrams have been turned is to be found in the transpositions in which some of the astronomers of the 17th century embodied their discoveries with the design apparently of avoiding the risk that, while they were engaged in further verification, the credit of what they had found out might be claimed by others. Thus Galileo announced his discovery that Venus had phases like the Moon in the form «Haec immatura a me iam frustra leguntur -oy» (Latin: These immature ones have already been read in vain by me -oy), that is, when rearranged, «Cynthiae figuras aemulatur Mater Amorum» (Latin: The Mother of Loves [= Venus] imitates the figures of Cynthia [= the moon]). Similarly, when Robert Hooke discovered Hooke’s law in 1660, he first published it in anagram form. One might think of this as a primitive example of a zero-knowledge proof.

There are also a few «natural» anagrams, English words unconsciously created by switching letters around. The French chaise longue («long chair») became the American «chaise lounge» by metathesis (transposition of letters and/or sounds). It has also been speculated that the English «curd» comes from the Latin crudus («raw»).

Notable anagrams

  • In 1975, British naturalist Sir Peter Scott coined the scientific term «Nessiteras rhombopteryx» (Greek for «The monster {or wonder} of Ness with the diamond shaped fin») for the aprocryphical Loch Ness Monster. Shortly afterwards, several London newspapers pointed out that «Nessiteras rhombopteryx» anagrams into «Monster hoax by Sir Peter S».[3]
  • The related words «parental», «prenatal», and «paternal» are all anagrams of one another.
  • «Eleven plus two» is an anagram of «Twelve plus one», and they have the same sums.
  • The antonyms «united» and «untied» are anagrams of each other.
  • Teachers often use the fact that Listen is an anagram of Silent when encouraging their students to listen quietly.
  • Walker Texas Ranger is an anagram of Karate Wrangler Sex, and this is one of the Chuck Norris Facts.
  • In Harry Potter series, Tom Marvolo Riddle is an anagram of «I am Lord Voldemort»
  • In Kingdom Hearts II, name of each member of Organization XIII is an anagram of each member’s original name plus letter X.


=Anagram construction

Before the Computer Age, anagrams were constructed using a pen and paper or lettered tiles, by playing with letter combinations and experimenting with variations. (Some individuals with prodigious talent have also been known to ‘see’ anagrams in words, unaided by tools.) Anagram dictionaries could also be used to create anagrams.

Computers have enabled a new method of creating anagrams, the anagram server, anagram solver or anagrammer. These are often used to find solutions for crosswords, Scrabble, Boggle and other word games. A large number of these are available on the Internet. When the anagrammist enters a word or phrase the program or server utilizes an exhaustive database of words to produce a list containing every possible combination of words or phrases from the input word or phrase. Some programs such as Lexpert (used for Scrabble) only allow one-word answers. Many anagram servers can control the search results, by excluding or including certain words, limiting the number or length of words in each anagram, or limiting the number of results. Anagram solvers are often banned from online anagram games, such as Yahoo! Literati where they can be used for an unfair advantage, in some cases allowing a player to never miss a single word.

Anagram solving

Main article: Anagram problem solving

Anagram solvers do not have to use English. Any language can be used, particularly those which use the Roman alphabet. Anagrammers can even find solutions in multiple languages at the same time. Anagrammers may have other related functions, such as fitting the letters into a certain sequence. If while doing a crossword the reader knows he has a seven letter word in the form Z?R??N? (the question marks represent a blank square) then an anagram solver can tell us all the words that fit this pattern, for example zeroing and zircons.

When sharing their newly discovered anagrams with other enthusiasts, some anagrammists indicate the method they used. Anagrams constructed without aid of a computer are noted as having been done ‘manually’ or ‘by hand’; those made by utilizing a computer may be noted ‘by machine’ or ‘by computer’, or may indicate the name of the computer program (using ‘Anagram Genius’).

Main article: List of anagrams used in psychological research

See also

  • ambigram
  • blanagram
  • palindrome
  • pangram
  • constrained writing
  • letter bank
  • Erewhon
  • wordplay


External links

  • The Anagrammy Awards — a monthly anagram competition
  • Scrabble Anagram Solver
  • Internet Anagram Server
  • Word Finder and Anagram Solver
  • Anagram Generator
  • Anagram Genius
  • Anagram Logic
  • Funravel A game that involves unravelling funagrams.
  • Downloadable Anagram Generator Software from Fourmilab
  • WordList07 — A reference of official word lists(scrabble), with anagrams and wildcard searches

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