An adjective is a word that describes a noun

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • I like blue skies and fluffy clouds.
  • He is a nice man.
  • It was a very ‘cold’ day.
  • My friend is very tall with brown eyes
  • They are good people.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it. It is a part of speech.

Often, the adjective is before the noun it describes. Sometimes an adjective is not followed by a noun:

  • The sky is blue.
  • The joke she told was so nice, I could not stop laughing all day.
  • It is still an adjective, because we could have «the blue sky», «the funny joke», and «the crazy man». The adjective is still describing the noun though they are not side by side.
  • There is a tall man.

An adjective is a word that gives instant information about a noun to make a clear picture of the noun in the mind of the reader and create a feeling to the writer.

Comparative and superlative[change | change source]

Sometimes there are different forms of the same adjective. If one joke makes a person laugh more than another joke, then that joke is funnier. This is called the comparative form. The day that is colder than any other is the coldest day. This is the superlative form of «cold». Some adjectives need additional words when we want to compare them. For instance, one car may be cheaper than another, but the second car may be more reliable (we use «more reliable», instead of «reliabler»). Reliable means worthy of trust.

The rule is:

For short adjectives ending in a consonant like «cold,» «black,» or «fast,» one adds the suffix er to make a comparison of greater magnitude. Example: «The North Pole is colder than Florida.» The greatest possible comparison is made by adding the suffix est. Example: «The North Pole is the coldest place on the Earth.» For long adjectives like intelligent, conscientious, comprehensive, one uses the word more to make a comparison of greater magnitude. Example: «Children are more intelligent than adults.»

A superlative makes the greatest possible comparison. One uses the word most. Example: «She is the most conscientious person I have ever known.»

Nouns as noun modifiers[change | change source]

In the English language, it is possible for a noun to modify (describe) another noun. Example: take the noun «angel» and the noun «face.» Put them together and the result is «angel face.» The first noun is acting as an adjective, because it is giving us information about the second noun.

Adjectives and adverbs[change | change source]

Adjectives are words we use to describe the noun. Simple words like «warm» and «fat» are adjectives commonly used in writing. One can make adverbs from some adjectives by adding the suffix ly. Example: take the adjective «beautiful,» the adverb is beautifully. One can do it the other way around: take an adverb like «presumably,» the adjective is «presumable». «Presumable innocence» means the accused is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty.

The adjective «guilty» becomes the adverb «guiltily» and vice versa (the opposite), the adverb «guiltily» becomes the adjective «guilty.»

100 Adjectives used in Basic English[change | change source]

able • acid • angry • automatic • beautiful • black • boiling • bright • broken • brown • cheap • chemical • chief • clean • clear • common • complex • conscious • cut • deep • dependent • early • elastic • electric • equal • fat • fertile • first • fixed • flat • free • frequent • full • general • good • great • gray • hanging • happy • hard • healthy • high • hollow • important • kind • like • living • long • male • married • material • medical • military • natural • necessary • new • normal • open • parallel • past • physical • political • poor • possible • present • private • probable • quick • quiet • ready • red • regular • responsible • right • round • same • second • separate • serious • sharp • smooth • sticky • stiff • straight • strong • sudden • sweet • tall • thick • tight • tired • true • violent • warm • wet • wide • wise • yellow • young

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What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes something (a noun).
An adjective gives us more information about a person or thing.

Correct order of adjectives

Adjectives sometimes appear after the verb To Be (CARD – LINK TO VIDEO)

The order is To Be + Adjective.

  • He is tall.
  • She is happy.

Adjectives sometimes appear before a noun.

The order is Adjective + Noun.

  • Slow car
  • Brown hat

BUT… Sometimes you want to use more than one adjective to describe something (or someone).

What happens if a hat is both brown AND old?

Do we say… an old brown hat OR a brown old hat?

An old brown hat is correct because a certain order for adjectives is expected.

A brown old hat sounds incorrect or not natural.

So what is the correct order of adjectives before a noun?

The order of adjectives before a noun is usually the following:

Opinion – Size – Age – Shape – Color – Origin – Material – Purpose

If we take the first letter of each one, it creates OSASCOMP which is an easy way to remember the order.

Let’s look at an example about describing a bag.

  • It is an ugly small old thin red Italian cotton sleeping bag

It is not common to have so many adjectives before a noun, but I do this so you can see the correct order of adjectives.

Ugly is an opinion, small is a size, old refers to age, thin refers to shape, red is a color, Italian refers to its origin, cotton refers to the material the bag is made of, sleeping is the purpose of the bag.

I will go into more details about each of these categories in a moment. First, let’s see two more examples:

  • A beautiful long white French silk wedding dress.
  • Large ancient Greek clay flower vases.

Let’s study the first one.

Here we have a dress. Dress is a noun, the name of a thing. Let’s describe this dress.

What type of dress is it? What is the purpose of this dress?
It is used for weddings so it is…

  • a wedding dress.

Let’s image the dress is made of silk. It isn’t made of plastic or gold, it is made of silk.
Silk is a material so it goes before the purpose. We say it is:

  • a silk wedding dress.

Now, this dress was made in France. France is a noun, its adjective is French.
Its origin is French. Its origin, French, goes before the material, Silk. So we say it is:

  • a French silk wedding dress.

Let’s add the color of the dress. What color is it? White. Color goes before Origin so we say it is:

  • a white French silk wedding dress.

What is the shape of this dress? Is it long or short? It is long. The adjective Long goes under the category of shape because shape also covers weight or length. (We will see more about this in a moment) We now say it is:

  • a long white French silk wedding dress.

Let’s add one more adjective. Is the dress beautiful or ugly? Well, you should always say it is beautiful or it will ruin her wedding day.
Beautiful is an opinion and adjectives about opinions go before all the other adjectives. So our final description of the dress is:

  • a beautiful long white French silk wedding dress.

Now of course we don’t normally add so many adjectives before a noun. This example is just to show you the order of adjectives.

The order is NOT fixed

IMPORTANT: The order of adjectives before a noun is NOT 100% FIXED.

This chart is only a guide and is the order that is preferred.

You may see or hear slight variations of the order of adjectives in real life though what appears in the chart is the order that is expected the most.

Now, let’s look at each type of adjective in more detail (with examples)…

Types of Adjectives


Opinion: These adjectives explain what we think about something. This is our opinion, attitude or observations that we make. Some people may not agree with you because their opinion may be different. These adjectives almost always come before all other adjectives.

Some examples of adjectives referring to opinion are:

  • delicious, lovely, nice, cool, pretty, comfortable, difficult

For example: She is sitting in a comfortable green armchair.

Comfortable is my opinion or observation, the armchair looks comfortable. The armchair is also green.
Here we have two adjectives. The order is comfortable green armchair because Opinion (comfortable) is before Color (green).


Size: Adjectives about size tell us how big or small something is.

Some examples of adjectives referring to size are:

  • big, small, tall, huge, tiny, large, enormous

For example: a big fat red monster.

Notice how big is first because it refers to size and fat is next because it refers to shape or weight. Then finally we have the color red before the noun.


Age: Adjectives of age tell us how old someone or something is. How old is it?

Some examples of adjectives referring to age are:

  • old, young, new, antique, ancient

For example: a scary old house

Scary is my opinion, old refers to the age of the house. Scary is before old because opinion is before age. 


Shape: Also weight and length. These adjectives tell us about the shape of something or how long or short it is. It can also refer to the weight of someone or something.

Some examples of adjectives referring to shape are:

  • round, square, long, fat, heavy, oval, skinny, straight

For example: a small round table.

What is the shape of the table? It is round.
What is the size of the table? It is small.
The order is small round table because size is before shape.


Color: The color or approximate color of something.

Some examples of adjectives referring to color are:

  • green, blue, reddish, purple, pink, orange, red, black, white

(adding ISH at the end makes the color an approximate color, in this case reddish is “approximately red”)

Our example: a long yellow dress.

What is the color of the dress? It is yellow.
The dress is also long. Long which is an adjective of shape or more precisely length, is before an adjective of color.


Origin: Tells us where something is from or was created.

Some examples of adjectives referring to origin are:

  • American, British, Indian, Turkish, Chilean, Australian, Brazilian

Remember, nationalities and places of origin start with a capital letter.

For example: an ancient Egyptian boy.

His origin is Egyptian. Egyptian needs to be with a capital E which is the big E.
Ancient refers to age so it goes before the adjective of origin.


Material: What is the thing made of or what is it constructed of?

Some examples of adjectives referring to material are:

  • gold, wooden, plastic, synthetic, silk, paper, cotton, silver

For example: a beautiful pearl necklace

Pearl is a material. They generally come from oysters.
The necklace is made of what material? It is made of pearls.
The necklace is also beautiful so I put this adjective of opinion before the adjective referring to material.


Purpose: What is it used for? What is the purpose or use of this thing? Many of these adjectives end in

–ING but not always.

Some examples of adjectives referring to purpose are:

  • gardening (as in gardening gloves), shopping (as in shopping bag), riding (as in riding boots)

Our example: a messy computer desk

What is the purpose of the desk? It is a place for my computer, it is designed specifically to use with a computer. It is a computer desk. In this case, the desk is also very messy. Messy is an opinion. Some people think my desk is messy. So, the order is opinion before purpose.

Adjectives Word Order in English - OSASCOMP

So this is the general order of adjectives in English and you can remember them by the mnemonic OSASCOMP.

BUT did you know that we could add some extra categories?


We can add the adjective categories of Number and Condition.


Number: Tells us the amount or quantity of something.

It is not only for normal cardinal numbers like, one, two, three… but also other words that refer to quantity such as many or several.

Our examples of adjectives referring to numbers are:

  • One, two, three, many, several

For example: three hungry dogs

Number adjectives go before all the other adjectives, including adjectives about opinion.
Hungry is a condition or state so the order is Three hungry dogs.


Condition: Tells us the general condition or state of something

Our examples of adjectives referring to condition or state are:

  • Clean, wet, rich, hungry, broken, cold, hot, dirty

For example: Two smelly old shoes.

Smelly is a condition or state. Smelly is before old which refers to age. The number two is at the beginning as numbers always are.

Adjectives – Word Order – Summary Chart

Correct Word Order of Adjectives in English

Adjectives Word Order – Practice Quiz

Lesson tags: Adjectives, Grammar, Mnemonics, Parts of Speech, Vocabulary, Word Order
Back to: English Course > Descriptions in English

What is an adjective and are they important in English? An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. And yes, they are important in English, as they are in every language because they allow us to give more descriptive information in a sentence. There are lots of types of adjectives that work in different ways, so let’s have a look at them. 

Adjectives in English explained

Attributive adjectives

An adjective usually appears before a noun. Adjectives give us more information about something and they can name a lot of different qualities like shape, size, colour and material. 

For example: 

  • It’s a brown dog. (colour)
  • It’s a small cat. (size)
  • It’s a round fruit. (shape)
  • It’s a new car. (age)
  • It’s a gold ring. (material)
  • It’s an American magazine. (origin)
  • It’s a beautiful day. (opinion)

Predicative adjectives

Predicative adjectives appear after the noun and after a verb too. They are used with linking verbs such as be, seems and becomes but they always describe the noun. Here are some examples: 

  • Julie is pretty. 
  • The shop looks empty. 
  • Alex seems unhappy. 
  • I feel sick today. 
  • That sounds brilliant!

It’s important to learn about predicative adjectives because people often get confused and use an adverb instead of an adjective. We have a blog about this, so you can check it out. 

Demonstrative adjectives

There are four demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those. These adjectives are used to indicate specific nouns. 

  • This cat is my favourite; I don’t like that one. 
  • Those dogs over there are very loud. 
  • These plants belong in the garden. 

I know these adjectives are tricky for people learning English to get right, so here’s a quick reminder of how we use them: 

Near objects Far objects
Singular this that
Plural these those

Number adjectives

Numbers used in sentences are often adjectives. They are used to answer the question How many?. Take a look at these examples: 

  • We looked at twelve houses before we bought this one. 
  • They are a close family of five. 

Indefinite adjectives

Indefinite adjectives describe nouns; they are also called quantifiers and you might know them by this name. The most common ones are any, each, few, many, much, most, several, and some.

  • Most children like chocolate. 
  • Would you like some wine? 
  • I made several people ill last time I cooked. 

Adjective endings in English

Most adjectives have certain endings that help you recognise them. The most common ones are –ed and –ing, as in bored and boring. Here are some other common endings: 

  • -able/-ible: comfortable, suitable, responsible
  • -ful/-less: careful, careless, helpful, helpless
  • -ous: dangerous, enormous, glamourous
  • -ish/-like: childish, childlike, stylish, lifelike
  • -y: happy, pretty, angry

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Quite a lot of adjectives have a comparative and superlative form. For example: 

  • happy – happier – the happiest
    • She was happy when he left.
    • She was happier when he left. 
    • She was the happiest when he left. 
  • delicious – more delicious – the most delicious.
    • That cake was delicious.
    • That cake was more delicious than I thought it would be.
    • That was the most delicious cake I’ve ever had!
  • good – better – best: 
    • He was a good player. 
    • He was a better player than Tom.
    • He was the best player.

Nouns that look like adjectives

Sometimes nouns look and behave like adjectives. In fact, most nouns can modify another noun and the examples are everywhere. We can take the noun a glass, as in something we drink from. If we want to be more descriptive, we can add another noun: a wine glass. Wine is a noun but it looks like an adjective. Here are some more examples: 

  • A history teacher
  • A race horse
  • A shoe shop
  • Football teams
  • Cherry trees

You can notice that when we want to make a plural, we only make the second noun plural. We don’t say footballs teams, for example. 

The most spoken words in English

Adjectives that look like nouns

Just as nouns can behave like adjectives, adjectives can also behave like nouns sometimes. Think about the sentence We can read about the lives of the rich and famous. Rich and famous are both adjectives but in this sentence we are using them like nouns. We do this when we talk about groups of people, but it doesn’t work with all adjectives. Here are a couple more examples: 

  • This charity helps the homeless
  • This house is for the elderly

As you’ve seen, there are lots of ways we can use adjectives in English so we encourage you to experiment! 

An adjective (abbreviated adj.) is a word that describes a noun or noun phrase. Its semantic role is to change information given by the noun.

Traditionally, adjectives were considered one of the main parts of speech of the English language, although historically they were classed together with nouns.[1] Nowadays, certain words that usually had been classified as adjectives, including the, this, my, etc., typically are classed separately, as determiners.

Here are some examples:

  • That’s a funny idea. (attributive)
  • That idea is funny. (predicative)
  • Tell me something funny. (postpositive)
  • The good, the bad, and the funny. (substantive)


Adjective comes from Latin nōmen adjectīvum,[2] a calque of Ancient Greek: ἐπίθετον ὄνομα, romanized: epítheton ónoma, lit. ‘additional noun’ (whence also English epithet).[3][4] In the grammatical tradition of Latin and Greek, because adjectives were inflected for gender, number, and case like nouns (a process called declension), they were considered a type of noun. The words that are today typically called nouns were then called substantive nouns (nōmen substantīvum).[5] The terms noun substantive and noun adjective were formerly used in English but are now obsolete.[1]

Types of use[edit]

Depending on the language, an adjective can precede a corresponding noun on a prepositive basis or it can follow a corresponding noun on a postpositive basis. Structural, contextual, and style considerations can impinge on the pre-or post-position of an adjective in a given instance of its occurrence. In English, occurrences of adjectives generally can be classified into one of three categories:

  1. Prepositive adjectives, which are also known as «attributive adjectives», occur on an antecedent basis within a noun phrase.[6] For example: «I put my happy kids into the car», wherein happy occurs on an antecedent basis within the my happy kids noun phrase, and therefore functions in a prepositive adjective.
  2. Postpositive adjectives can occur: (a) immediately subsequent to a noun within a noun phrase, e.g. «The only room available cost twice what we expected»; (b) as linked via a copula or other linking mechanism subsequent to a corresponding noun or pronoun; for example: «My kids are happy«, wherein happy is a predicate adjective[6] (see also: Predicative expression, Subject complement); or (c) as an appositive adjective within a noun phrase, e.g. «My kids, [who are] happy to go for a drive, are in the back seat.»
  3. Nominalized adjectives, which function as nouns. One way this happens is by eliding a noun from an adjective-noun noun phrase, whose remnant thus is a nominalization. In the sentence, «I read two books to them; he preferred the sad book, but she preferred the happy», happy is a nominalized adjective, short for «happy one» or «happy book». Another way this happens is in phrases like «out with the old, in with the new», where «the old» means «that which is old» or «all that is old», and similarly with «the new». In such cases, the adjective may function as a mass noun (as in the preceding example). In English, it may also function as a plural count noun denoting a collective group, as in «The meek shall inherit the Earth», where «the meek» means «those who are meek» or «all who are meek».


Adjectives feature as a part of speech (word class) in most languages. In some languages, the words that serve the semantic function of adjectives are categorized together with some other class, such as nouns or verbs. In the phrase «a Ford car», «Ford» is unquestionably a noun but its function is adjectival: to modify «car». In some languages adjectives can function as nouns: for example, the Spanish phrase «un rojo» means «a red [one]».

As for «confusion» with verbs, rather than an adjective meaning «big», a language might have a verb that means «to be big» and could then use an attributive verb construction analogous to «big-being house» to express what in English is called a «big house». Such an analysis is possible for the grammar of Standard Chinese, for example.

Different languages do not use adjectives in exactly the same situations. For example, where English uses «to be hungry» (hungry being an adjective), Dutch, French, and Spanish use «honger hebben«, «avoir faim«, and «tener hambre» respectively (literally «to have hunger», the words for «hunger» being nouns). Similarly, where Hebrew uses the adjective זקוק‎ (zaqūq, roughly «in need of»), English uses the verb «to need».

In languages that have adjectives as a word class, it is usually an open class; that is, it is relatively common for new adjectives to be formed via such processes as derivation. However, Bantu languages are well known for having only a small closed class of adjectives, and new adjectives are not easily derived. Similarly, native Japanese adjectives (i-adjectives) are considered a closed class (as are native verbs), although nouns (an open class) may be used in the genitive to convey some adjectival meanings, and there is also the separate open class of adjectival nouns (na-adjectives).


Many languages (including English) distinguish between adjectives, which qualify nouns and pronouns, and adverbs, which mainly modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Not all languages make this exact distinction; many (including English) have words that can function as either. For example, in English, fast is an adjective in «a fast car» (where it qualifies the noun car) but an adverb in «he drove fast» (where it modifies the verb drove).

In Dutch and German, adjectives and adverbs are usually identical in form and many grammarians do not make the distinction, but patterns of inflection can suggest a difference:

Eine kluge neue Idee.

A clever new idea.
Eine klug ausgereifte Idee.

A cleverly developed idea.

A German word like klug («clever(ly)») takes endings when used as an attributive adjective but not when used adverbially. (It also takes no endings when used as a predicative adjective: er ist klug, «he is clever».) Whether these are distinct parts of speech or distinct usages of the same part of speech is a question of analysis. It can be noted that, while German linguistic terminology distinguishes adverbiale from adjektivische Formen, German refers to both as Eigenschaftswörter («property words»).


Linguists today distinguish determiners from adjectives, considering them to be two separate parts of speech (or lexical categories). Determiners formerly were considered to be adjectives in some of their uses.[a] Determiners function neither as nouns nor pronouns but instead characterize a nominal element within a particular context. They generally do this by indicating definiteness (a vs. the), quantity (one vs. some vs. many), or another such property.

Adjective phrases[edit]

An adjective acts as the head of an adjective phrase or adjectival phrase (AP). In the simplest case, an adjective phrase consists solely of the adjective; more complex adjective phrases may contain one or more adverbs modifying the adjective («very strong»), or one or more complements (such as «worth several dollars«, «full of toys«, or «eager to please«). In English, attributive adjective phrases that include complements typically follow the noun that they qualify («an evildoer devoid of redeeming qualities«).

Other modifiers of nouns[edit]

In many languages (including English) it is possible for nouns to modify other nouns. Unlike adjectives, nouns acting as modifiers (called attributive nouns or noun adjuncts) usually are not predicative; a beautiful park is beautiful, but a car park is not «car». The modifier often indicates origin («Virginia reel»), purpose («work clothes»), semantic patient («man eater») or semantic subject («child actor»); however, it may generally indicate almost any semantic relationship. It is also common for adjectives to be derived from nouns, as in boyish, birdlike, behavioral (behavioural), famous, manly, angelic, and so on.

In Australian Aboriginal languages, the distinction between adjectives and nouns is typically thought weak, and many of the languages only use nouns—or nouns with a limited set of adjective-deriving affixes—to modify other nouns. In languages that have a subtle adjective-noun distinction, one way to tell them apart is that a modifying adjective can come to stand in for an entire elided noun phrase, while a modifying noun cannot. For example, in Bardi, the adjective moorrooloo ‘little’ in the phrase moorrooloo baawa ‘little child’ can stand on its own to mean ‘the little one,’ while the attributive noun aamba ‘man’ in the phrase aamba baawa ‘male child’ cannot stand for the whole phrase to mean ‘the male one.’[7] In other languages, like Warlpiri, nouns and adjectives are lumped together beneath the nominal umbrella because of their shared syntactic distribution as arguments of predicates. The only thing distinguishing them is that some nominals seem to semantically denote entities (typically nouns in English) and some nominals seem to denote attributes (typically adjectives in English).[8]

Many languages have participle forms that can act as noun modifiers either alone or as the head of a phrase. Sometimes participles develop into functional usage as adjectives. Examples in English include relieved (the past participle of relieve), used as an adjective in passive voice constructs such as «I am so relieved to see you». Other examples include spoken (the past participle of speak) and going (the present participle of go), which function as attribute adjectives in such phrases as «the spoken word» and «the going rate».

Other constructs that often modify nouns include prepositional phrases (as in «a rebel without a cause«), relative clauses (as in «the man who wasn’t there«), and infinitive phrases (as in «a cake to die for«). Some nouns can also take complements such as content clauses (as in «the idea that I would do that«), but these are not commonly considered modifiers. For more information about possible modifiers and dependents of nouns, see Components of noun phrases.


In many languages, attributive adjectives usually occur in a specific order. In general, the adjective order in English can be summarised as: opinion, size, age or shape, colour, origin, material, purpose.[9][10][11] Other language authorities, like the Cambridge Dictionary, state that shape precedes rather than follows age.[9][12][13]

Determiners and postdeterminers—articles, numerals, and other limiters (e.g. three blind mice)—come before attributive adjectives in English. Although certain combinations of determiners can appear before a noun, they are far more circumscribed than adjectives in their use—typically, only a single determiner would appear before a noun or noun phrase (including any attributive adjectives).

  1. Opinion – limiter adjectives (e.g. a real hero, a perfect idiot) and adjectives of subjective measure (e.g. beautiful, interesting) or value (e.g. good, bad, costly)
  2. Size – adjectives denoting physical size (e.g. tiny, big, extensive)
  3. Shape or physical quality – adjectives describing more detailed physical attributes than overall size (e.g. round, sharp, swollen, thin)
  4. Age – adjectives denoting age (e.g. young, old, new, ancient, six-year-old)
  5. Colour – adjectives denoting colour or pattern (e.g. white, black, pale, spotted)
  6. Origin – denominal adjectives denoting source (e.g. Japanese, volcanic, extraterrestrial)
  7. Material – denominal adjectives denoting what something is made of (e.g., woollen, metallic, wooden)
  8. Qualifier/purpose – final limiter, which sometimes forms part of the (compound) noun (e.g., rocking chair, hunting cabin, passenger car, book cover)

This means that, in English, adjectives pertaining to size precede adjectives pertaining to age («little old», not «old little»), which in turn generally precede adjectives pertaining to colour («old white», not «white old»). So, one would say «One (quantity) nice (opinion) little (size) old (age) round (shape) [or round old] white (colour) brick (material) house.» When several adjectives of the same type are used together, they are ordered from general to specific, like «lovely intelligent person» or «old medieval castle».[9]

This order may be more rigid in some languages than others; in some, like Spanish, it may only be a default (unmarked) word order, with other orders being permissible. Other languages, such as Tagalog, follow their adjectival orders as rigidly as English.

The normal adjectival order of English may be overridden in certain circumstances, especially when one adjective is being fronted. For example, the usual order of adjectives in English would result in the phrase «the bad big wolf» (opinion before size), but instead, the usual phrase is «the big bad wolf».

Owing partially to borrowings from French, English has some adjectives that follow the noun as postmodifiers, called postpositive adjectives, as in time immemorial and attorney general. Adjectives may even change meaning depending on whether they precede or follow, as in proper: They live in a proper town (a real town, not a village) vs. They live in the town proper (in the town itself, not in the suburbs). All adjectives can follow nouns in certain constructions, such as tell me something new.

Comparison (degrees)[edit]

In many languages, some adjectives are comparable and the measure of comparison is called degree. For example, a person may be «polite», but another person may be «more polite», and a third person may be the «most polite» of the three. The word «more» here modifies the adjective «polite» to indicate a comparison is being made, and «most» modifies the adjective to indicate an absolute comparison (a superlative).

Among languages that allow adjectives to be compared, different means are used to indicate comparison. Some languages do not distinguish between comparative and superlative forms. Other languages allow adjectives to be compared but do not have a special comparative form of the adjective. In such cases, as in some Australian Aboriginal languages, case-marking, such as the ablative case may be used to indicate one entity has more of an adjectival quality than (i.e. from—hence ABL) another. Take the following example in Bardi:[7]

Jalnggoon oysters are bigger than niwarda oysters

In English, many adjectives can be inflected to comparative and superlative forms by taking the suffixes «-er» and «-est» (sometimes requiring additional letters before the suffix; see forms for far below), respectively:

«great», «greater», «greatest»
«deep», «deeper», «deepest»

Some adjectives are irregular in this sense:

«good», «better», «best»
«bad», «worse», «worst»
«many», «more», «most» (sometimes regarded as an adverb or determiner)
«little», «less», «least»

Some adjectives can have both regular and irregular variations:

«old», «older», «oldest»
«far», «farther», «farthest»


«old», «elder», «eldest»
«far», «further», «furthest»

Another way to convey comparison is by incorporating the words «more» and «most». There is no simple rule to decide which means is correct for any given adjective, however. The general tendency is for simpler adjectives and those from Anglo-Saxon to take the suffixes, while longer adjectives and those from French, Latin, or Greek do not—but sometimes sound of the word is the deciding factor.

Many adjectives do not naturally lend themselves to comparison. For example, some English speakers would argue that it does not make sense to say that one thing is «more ultimate» than another, or that something is «most ultimate», since the word «ultimate» is already absolute in its semantics. Such adjectives are called non-comparable or absolute. Nevertheless, native speakers will frequently play with the raised forms of adjectives of this sort. Although «pregnant» is logically non-comparable (either one is pregnant or not), one may hear a sentence like «She looks more and more pregnant each day». Likewise «extinct» and «equal» appear to be non-comparable, but one might say that a language about which nothing is known is «more extinct» than a well-documented language with surviving literature but no speakers, while George Orwell wrote, «All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others». These cases may be viewed as evidence that the base forms of these adjectives are not as absolute in their semantics as is usually thought.

Comparative and superlative forms are also occasionally used for other purposes than comparison. In English comparatives can be used to suggest that a statement is only tentative or tendential: one might say «John is more the shy-and-retiring type,» where the comparative «more» is not really comparing him with other people or with other impressions of him, but rather, could be substituting for «on the whole» or «more so than not». In Italian, superlatives are frequently used to put strong emphasis on an adjective: bellissimo means «most beautiful», but is in fact more commonly heard in the sense «extremely beautiful».


Attributive adjectives and other noun modifiers may be used either restrictively (helping to identify the noun’s referent, hence «restricting» its reference) or non-restrictively (helping to describe a noun). For example:

He was a lazy sort, who would avoid a difficult task and fill his working hours with easy ones.

Here «difficult» is restrictive – it tells which tasks he avoids, distinguishing these from the easy ones: «Only those tasks that are difficult».

She had the job of sorting out the mess left by her predecessor, and she performed this difficult task with great acumen.

Here «difficult» is non-restrictive – it is already known which task it was, but the adjective describes it more fully: «The aforementioned task, which (by the way) is difficult»

In some languages, such as Spanish, restrictiveness is consistently marked; for example, in Spanish la tarea difícil means «the difficult task» in the sense of «the task that is difficult» (restrictive), whereas la difícil tarea means «the difficult task» in the sense of «the task, which is difficult» (non-restrictive). In English, restrictiveness is not marked on adjectives but is marked on relative clauses (the difference between «the man who recognized me was there» and «the man, who recognized me, was there» being one of restrictiveness).


In some languages, adjectives alter their form to reflect the gender, case and number of the noun that they describe. This is called agreement or concord. Usually it takes the form of inflections at the end of the word, as in Latin:

puella bona (good girl, feminine singular nominative)
puellam bonam (good girl, feminine singular accusative/object case)
puer bonus (good boy, masculine singular nominative)
pueri boni (good boys, masculine plural nominative)

In Celtic languages, however, initial consonant lenition marks the adjective with a feminine singular noun, as in Irish:

buachaill maith (good boy, masculine)
girseach mhaith (good girl, feminine)

Here, a distinction may be made between attributive and predicative usage. In English, adjectives never agree, whereas in French, they always agree. In German, they agree only when they are used attributively, and in Hungarian, they agree only when they are used predicatively:

The good (Ø) boys. The boys are good (Ø).
Les bons garçons. Les garçons sont bons.
Die braven Jungen. Die Jungen sind brav (Ø).
A jó (Ø) fiúk. A fiúk jók.



This section needs expansion with: other aspects of adjective semantics. You can help by adding to it. (talk) (August 2022)

Semanticist Barbara Partee classifies adjectives semantically as intersective, subsective, or nonsubsective, with nonsubsective adjectives being plain nonsubsective or privative.[14]

  • An adjective is intersective if and only if the extension of its combination with a noun is equal to the intersection of its extension and that of the noun its modifying. For example, the adjective carnivorous is intersective, given the extension of carnivorous mammal is the intersection of the extensions of carnivorous and mammal (i.e., the set of all mammals who are carnivorous).
  • An adjective is subsective if and only if the extension of its combination with a noun is a subset of the extension of the noun. For example, the extension of skillful surgeon is a subset of the extension of surgeon, but it is not the intersection of that and the extension of skillful, as that would include (for example) incompetent surgeons who are skilled violinists. All subsective adjectives are intersective, but the term ‘subsective’ is sometimes used to refer to only those subsective adjectives which are not intersective.
  • An adjective is privative if and only if the extension of its combination with a noun is disjoint from the extension of the noun. For example, fake is privative because a fake cat is not a cat.
  • A plain nonsubsective adjective is an adjective that is not subsective or privative. For example, the word possible is this kind of adjective, as the extension of possible murderer overlaps with, but is not included in the extension of murderer (as some, but not all, possible murderers are murderers).

See also[edit]

  • Attributive verb
  • Flat adverb
  • Grammatical modifier
  • Intersective modifier
  • List of eponymous adjectives in English
  • Noun adjunct
  • Part of speech
  • Predication (philosophy)
  • Privative adjective
  • Proper adjective
  • Subsective modifier

Explanatory notes[edit]

  1. ^ In English dictionaries, which typically still do not treat determiners as their own part of speech, determiners are often recognizable by being listed both as adjectives and as pronouns.


  1. ^ a b Trask, R.L. (2013). A Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics. Taylor & Francis. p. 188. ISBN 978-1-134-88420-9.
  2. ^ adjectivus. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  3. ^ ἐπίθετος. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project
  4. ^ Mastronarde, Donald J. Introduction to Attic Greek. University of California Press, 2013. p. 60.
  5. ^ McMenomy, Bruce A. Syntactical Mechanics: A New Approach to English, Latin, and Greek. University of Oklahoma Press, 2014. p. 8.
  6. ^ a b See: «Attributive and predicative adjectives» at Lexico, archived 15 May 2020.
  7. ^ a b Bowern, Claire (2013). A grammar of Bardi. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 978-3-11-027818-7. OCLC 848086054.
  8. ^ Simpson, Jane (6 December 2012). Warlpiri Morpho-Syntax : a Lexicalist Approach. Dordrecht. ISBN 978-94-011-3204-6. OCLC 851384391.
  9. ^ a b c Order of adjectives, British Council.
  10. ^ R.M.W. Dixon, «Where Have all the Adjectives Gone?» Studies in Language 1, no. 1 (1977): 19–80.
  11. ^ Dowling, Tim (13 September 2016). «Order force: the old grammar rule we all obey without realising». The Guardian.
  12. ^ Adjectives: order (from English Grammar Today), in the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary online
  13. ^ R. Declerck, A Comprehensive Descriptive Grammar of English (1991), p. 350: «When there are several descriptive adjectives, they normally occur in the following order: characteristic – size – shape – age – colour – […]»
  14. ^ Partee, Barbara (1995). «Lexical semantics and compositionality». In Gleitman, Lila; Liberman, Mark; Osherson, Daniel N. (eds.). An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Language. The MIT Press. doi:10.7551/mitpress/3964.003.0015. ISBN 978-0-262-15044-6.

Further reading[edit]

  • Dixon, R. M. W. (1977). «Where Have All the Adjectives Gone?». Studies in Language. 1: 19–80. doi:10.1075/sl.1.1.04dix.
  • Dixon, R. M. W. (1993). R. E. Asher (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (1st ed.). Pergamon Press Inc. pp. 29–35. ISBN 0-08-035943-4.
  • Dixon, R. M. W. (1999). «Adjectives». In K. Brown & T. Miller (eds.), Concise Encyclopedia of Grammatical Categories. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN 0-08-043164-X. pp. 1–8.
  • Rießler, Michael (2016). Adjective Attribution. Language Science Press. ISBN 9783944675657.
  • Warren, Beatrice (1984). Classifying adjectives. Gothenburg studies in English No. 56. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. ISBN 91-7346-133-4.
  • Wierzbicka, Anna (1986). «What’s in a Noun? (Or: How Do Nouns Differ in Meaning from Adjectives?)». Studies in Language. 10 (2): 353–389. doi:10.1075/sl.10.2.05wie.

External links[edit]

Look up adjective in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • List of English collateral adjectives at Wiktionary

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it. It is a part of speech.

Often, the adjective is before the noun it describes. Sometimes an adjective is not followed by a noun:

  • The sky is blue.
  • The joke she told was so funny, I could not stop laughing all day.
  • It is still an adjective, because we could have «the blue sky», «the funny joke», and «the crazy man». The adjective is still describing the noun though they are not side by side.
  • There is a tall man.

An adjective is a word that gives instant information about a noun to make a clear picture of the noun in the mind of the reader and create a feeling to the writer.


  • Comparative and superlative
  • Nouns as noun modifiers
  • Adjectives and adverbs
  • 100 Adjectives used in Basic English

Comparative and superlative

Sometimes there are different forms of the same adjective. If one joke makes a person laugh more than another joke, then that joke is funnier. This is called the comparative form. The day that is colder than any other is the coldest day. This is the superlative form of «cold». Some adjectives need additional words when we want to compare them. For instance, one car may be cheaper than another, but the second car may be more reliable (we use «more reliable», instead of «reliabler»). Reliable means worthy of trust.

The rule is:

For short adjectives ending in a consonant like «cold,» «black,» or «fast,» one adds the suffix er to make a comparison of greater magnitude. Example: «The North Pole is colder than Florida.» The greatest possible comparison is made by adding the suffix est. Example: «The North Pole is the coldest place on the Earth.» For long adjectives like intelligent, conscientious, comprehensive, one uses the word more to make a comparison of greater magnitude. Example: «Children are more intelligent than adults.»

A superlative makes the greatest possible comparison. One uses the word most. Example: «She is the most conscientious person I have ever known.»

Nouns as noun modifiers

In the English language, it is possible for a noun to modify (describe) another noun. Example: take the noun «angel» and the noun «face.» Put them together and the result is «angel face.» The first noun is acting as an adjective, because it is giving us information about the second noun.

Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives are words we use to describe the noun. Simple words like «warm» and «fat» are adjectives commonly used in writing. One can make adverbs from some adjectives by adding the suffix ly. Example: take the adjective «beautiful,» the adverb is beautifully. One can do it the other way around: take an adverb like «presumably,» the adjective is «presumable». «Presumable innocence» means the accused is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty.

The adjective «guilty» becomes the adverb «guiltily» and vice versa (the opposite), the adverb «guiltily» becomes the adjective «guilty.»

100 Adjectives used in Basic English

able • acid • angry • automatic • beautiful • black • boiling • bright • broken • brown • cheap • chemical • chief • clean • clear • common • complex • conscious • cut • deep • dependent • early • elastic • electric • equal • fat • fertile • first • fixed • flat • free • frequent • full • general • good • great • gray • hanging • happy • hard • healthy • high • hollow • important • kind • like • living • long • male • married • material • medical • military • natural • necessary • new • normal • open • parallel • past • physical • political • poor • possible • present • private • probable • quick • quiet • ready • red • regular • responsible • right • round • same • second • separate • serious • sharp • smooth • sticky • stiff • straight • strong • sudden • sweet • tall • thick • tight • tired • true • violent • warm • wet • wide • wise • yellow • young

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