An 11 letter word for normal

Are you looking for 11 letter words? Then, the following list of over over 9530 words is for you. All these 11 letter words are validated using recognized English dictionaries.

A word is a

key element in a language that is used to express something meaningful

. Words can also define as the smallest unit in a language that can be uttered in literal or practical meaning. In theory, a morpheme is the smallest element in the English language but morphemes may or may not stand on its own whereas words are always freestanding. Words make sentences with the help of other words or sometimes even alone. In English language, words are usually shown separated by a space. You can find many 11 letter words from the following list to enhance your English word knowledge. is popular among all kinds of English language users including College & University students, Teachers, Writers and Word game players. We are happy to know your story of how this list of words from helped you as a comment at the bottom of this page and also if you know any other ’11 letter words’ other than mentioned in the below list, please let us know.

11 letter words that start with

11 letter words that end with

There are tons of exceptional words that are 11 letters long: 11 letter words! They do not all start with the same letter, contain the same letters throughout, or end with the same letter. And the terms have different meanings too. So, with a little research, you should be able to find one to say exactly what it is that you’re trying to say. Don’t run off and perform a Google search just yet, though. Instead, stick around and read on to learn about some terms of 11 letters in length right here.

What are 11 letter words?

11 letter words are exactly what they sound like, terms that consist of eleven letters. The words are similar in that regard, but that’s usually where it ends. That’s because they look different, and unless they’re synonyms, they’re defined differently too. Let’s go take a look at some examples so that you can see everything for yourself.

List of 11 Letter Words

The following list contains 11 letter words that one might not use in everyday conversation or writing. However, they’re still parts of the subject at hand and deserve recognition. Stay put, though, because some more commonly used terms and their meanings are coming soon.

11 Letter Words with A

  • Abandonable
  • Abandonment
  • Abandonware
  • Abashedness
  • Abbreviator
  • Abecedarian
  • Abecedarium
  • Abhominable
  • Abidingness
  • Abiogenesis
  • Abiogenetic
  • Abiological
  • Abiotrophic
  • Ablactation
  • Ablutionary
  • Abnormalise
  • Abnormality
  • Abolishable
  • Abolishment
  • Abomination
  • Aboveground
  • Abracadabra
  • Abranchiate
  • Abridgeable
  • Abscondence
  • Absentation
  • Absenteeism
  • Absorptance
  • Abstentious
  • Abstraction
  • Abstractive
  • Abstriction
  • Abusiveness
  • Academician
  • Academicise
  • Acanthocyte
  • Acanthodian
  • Acanthology
  • Acarologist
  • Acarophobia
  • Acarpellous
  • Acatalectic
  • Acataleptic
  • Acaulescent
  • Accelerable
  • Accelerando
  • Accelerator
  • Accentuable
  • Accentuator
  • Acceptation
  • Accessional
  • Accessorial
  • Accessorize
  • Accipitrine
  • Acclamation
  • Acclamatory
  • Acclimation
  • Acclivitous
  • Accommodate
  • Accompanist
  • Accordatura
  • Accordature
  • Accountable
  • Accountancy
  • Acculturate
  • Acculturize
  • Accumulable
  • Accumulator
  • Accusatival
  • Acesodynous
  • Acetanilide
  • Acetimetric
  • Acetobacter
  • Acetometric
  • Acetylation
  • Achievement
  • Achlamydate
  • Achondritic
  • Achromatise
  • Achromatism
  • Achromatous
  • Acicularity
  • Acidanthera
  • Acidifiable
  • Acidimetric
  • Acidization
  • Acidophilic
  • Acidulation
  • Acinaciform
  • Acknowledge
  • Acmesthesia
  • Acoustician
  • Acquiescent
  • Acquirement
  • Acquisition
  • Acquisitive
  • Acquisitory
  • Acquittance
  • Acriflavine
  • Acrimonious
  • Acrocarpous
  • Acrocentric
  • Acrochordon
  • Acrodontism
  • Acromegalic
  • Acropolitan
  • Acrosporous
  • Actinodrome
  • Actinograph
  • Actinolitic
  • Actinometer
  • Actinometry
  • Actinomycin
  • Actualistic
  • Acumination
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture

11 letter words


11 Letter Words with B

  • Babyishness
  • Bacchanalia
  • Bacciferous
  • Baccivorous
  • Bachelordom
  • Bachelorism
  • Bacilliform
  • Backbencher
  • Backbreaker
  • Backchannel
  • Backscatter
  • Backslapper
  • Backslidden
  • Backstabber
  • Backstopper
  • Backstretch
  • Backstroker
  • Backswimmer
  • Baconburger
  • Bactericide
  • Bacteriuria
  • Bacteroidal
  • Baddeleyite
  • Bailiffship
  • Balanceable
  • Baldacchino
  • Balefulness
  • Balistraria
  • Balletomane
  • Balloonfish
  • Balloonlike
  • Bambocciata
  • Bambocciate
  • Bandboxical
  • Banefulness
  • Bankability
  • Bannerstone
  • Baptizement
  • Barbitalism
  • Barbiturate
  • Barbiturism
  • Baresthesia
  • Bargainable
  • Barnstormer
  • Baroclinity
  • Barographic
  • Baronetical
  • Barquentine
  • Barrelhouse
  • Bashfulness
  • Basidiocarp
  • Basiliscine
  • Bastnaesite
  • Batholithic
  • Bathymetric
  • Bathyscaphe
  • Bathysphere
  • Batsmanship
  • Battlefield
  • Battlefront
  • Battleplane
  • Battologise
  • Battologist
  • Beachcomber
  • Beachmaster
  • Beanshooter
  • Beardedness
  • Beardtongue
  • Bearishness
  • Beaugregory
  • Beautyberry
  • Beaverboard

11 Letter Words with C

  • Calligraphy
  • Collocation
  • Complicated
  • Cabbagehead
  • Cabbagelike
  • Cabbagetown
  • Cackleberry
  • Cacodemonic
  • Calcifugous
  • Calcination
  • Calcinatory
  • Calibration
  • Californite
  • Californium
  • Calisthenic
  • Campanology
  • Campanulate
  • Canalicular
  • Cancelation
  • Cancellable
  • Canceration
  • Candelabrum
  • Candescence
  • Candidature
  • Candidiasis
  • Candleberry
  • Candlelight
  • Candlepower
  • Candlestand
  • Candlestick
  • Cannabidiol
  • Capitalness
  • Capitulator
  • Cappelletti
  • Capriccioso
  • Caprolactam
  • Capsulation
  • Captainship
  • Captionless
  • Captivation
  • Carabiniere
  • Carabinieri
  • Caravansary
  • Cardinalate
  • Certificate
  • Cervelliere
  • Cesarevitch
  • Cetological
  • Chaetognath
  • Chainstitch
  • Chimneylike
  • Chinoiserie
  • Chirography
  • Chiromancer
  • Choirmaster
  • Chokecherry
  • Cholecystic
  • Circularity
  • Circulation
  • Circulative
  • Coalitioner
  • Coarctation
  • Coatimundis
  • Cobblestone
  • Coccidiosis
  • Coccolithic
  • Cockleshell
  • Codefendant
  • Codependent
  • Codicillary
  • Codominance
  • Coexistence
  • Coextension
  • Coextensive
  • Coextrusion
  • Collunarium
  • Collutorium
  • Cologarithm
  • Colonelship
  • Combinative
  • Combinatory
  • Combustible
  • Comedogenic
  • Comeuppance
  • Comfortable
  • Comfortless
  • Comicalness
  • Condensable
  • Condensible
  • Condimental
  • Confabulate
  • Confarreate
  • Confederacy
  • Confederate
  • Conferrable
  • Confessable
  • Congealable
  • Congealment
  • Congelation
  • Counterfire
  • Counterfoil
  • Counterfort
  • Countryseat
  • Countryside
  • Countrywide
  • Courtliness
  • Coxcombical
  • Crabbedness
  • Cranioscopy
  • Crapehanger
  • Crapshooter
  • Crashworthy
  • Cravingness
  • Creationary
  • Creationism
  • Creationist
  • Creatorship
  • Credibility
  • Cremasteric
  • Criminatory
  • Crustaceous
  • Cryobiology
  • Cryohydrate
  • Cryosurgery
  • Cryotherapy
  • Cryptogamic
  • Cryptogenic
  • Cryptograph
  • Cryptologic
  • Cryptomonad
  • Cushionless
  • Cushionlike
  • Cuspidation
  • Customhouse
  • Cyclosporin
  • Cyclostylar
  • Cyclothymia
  • Cyclothymic
  • Cylindrical
  • Cymographic

11 Letter Words with D

  • Dacarbazine
  • Dacryorrhea
  • Dactylogram
  • Dactylology
  • Dangleberry
  • Daredevilry
  • Darkishness
  • Darlingness
  • Dartingness
  • Datableness
  • Debouchment
  • Debridement
  • Decadrachma
  • Decahydrate
  • Decalcifier
  • Decalescent
  • Decantation
  • Decapitator
  • Decarbonate
  • Declaration
  • Declarative
  • Declaratory
  • Declination
  • Declinatory
  • Declinature
  • Declivitous
  • Decollation
  • Decolletage
  • Decolorizer
  • Decolourant
  • Decommunize
  • Decondition
  • Deconstruct
  • Decorticate
  • Decremental
  • Decrepitate
  • Deferential
  • Defibrinate
  • Definiendum
  • Definientia
  • Deflagrable
  • Deflectable
  • Defloration
  • Defoliation
  • Deforcement
  • Deformalize
  • Deformation
  • Delitescent
  • Demibastion
  • Demigoddess
  • Demyelinate
  • Demystifier
  • Denigration
  • Denigrative
  • Denigratory
  • Denitration
  • Deploration
  • Deplumation
  • Depolarizer
  • Depollution
  • Depopulator
  • Deportation
  • Depravation
  • Deprecation
  • Deprecative
  • Desensitise
  • Deserpidine
  • Desexualize
  • Desiccation
  • Desiccative
  • Destabilize
  • Desterilize
  • Destination
  • Destitution
  • Destroyable
  • Destruction
  • Destructive
  • Detonatable
  • Detoxicator
  • Detrainment
  • Detribalise
  • Detrimental
  • Detritivore
  • Detrivorous
  • Detumescent
  • Deuteration
  • Devotedness
  • Diaphaneity
  • Diaphoresis
  • Diaphoretic
  • Diapophysis
  • Diapositive
  • Diarrhoetic
  • Diarthrosis
  • Diastrophic
  • Diatessaron
  • Dichromatic
  • Dicotyledon
  • Dictational
  • Dictatorial
  • Didacticism
  • Diencephala
  • Differentia
  • Diffraction
  • Dinosaurian
  • Dinotherium
  • Directional
  • Directorate
  • Directorial
  • Disablement
  • Discalceate
  • Discernable
  • Discernment
  • Discifloral
  • Disciplinal
  • Discussable
  • Discussible
  • Disencumber
  • Disentangle
  • Disenthrall
  • Disenthrone
  • Disentrance
  • Disfunction
  • Distantness
  • Distasteful
  • Distrustful
  • Disturbance
  • Disulphuric
  • Disunionism
  • Diurnalness
  • Divaricator
  • Diverseness
  • Divulgatory
  • Divulgement
  • Dockominium
  • Doctorspeak
  • Doctrinaire
  • Documentary
  • Dolorimetry
  • Dolphinfish
  • Doltishness
  • Domesticate
  • Domesticity
  • Domiciliary
  • Domiciliate
  • Douricoulis
  • Douroucouli
  • Downtrodden
  • Doxological
  • Doxorubicin
  • Drunkometer
  • Dualization

11 Letter Words with E

  • Earthenware
  • Earthperson
  • Earthshaker
  • Easefulness
  • Easternmost
  • Eavestrough
  • Eccentrical
  • Ecclesiarch
  • Eccrinology
  • Ecumenicist
  • Effectivity
  • Efficacious
  • Egalitarian
  • Egocentrism
  • Egomaniacal
  • Egotistical
  • Eigenvector
  • Einsteinium
  • Eisegetical
  • Ejaculation
  • Ejaculative
  • Ejaculatory
  • Elaboration
  • Elastomeric
  • Elderliness
  • Electioneer
  • Electrician
  • Electricity
  • Electrifier
  • Electrocute
  • Electroform
  • Electrolyte
  • Electrolyze
  • Electronica
  • Electroplax
  • Electrotype
  • Electrotypy
  • Electroweak
  • Elephantine
  • Elephantoid
  • Elicitation
  • Eligibility
  • Elimination
  • Eliminative
  • Eliminatory
  • Ellipsoidal
  • Ellipticity
  • Elsewhither
  • Elucidation
  • Emasculator
  • Embarcadero
  • Embarcation
  • Embarkation
  • Embellisher
  • Emblematist
  • Emblematize
  • Embraceable
  • Embracement
  • Embrocation
  • Embroiderer
  • Embroilment
  • Embrutement
  • Embryectomy
  • Embryogenic
  • Embryologic
  • Embryotoxic
  • Embryotroph
  • Emmenagogic
  • Emmenagogue
  • Emotionless
  • Emotiveness
  • Emperorship
  • Emplacement
  • Empowerment
  • Encapsulant
  • Enchainment
  • Enchantment
  • Enchantress
  • Enchiridion
  • Enchondroma
  • Encomiastic
  • Encounterer
  • Enculturate
  • Endometrial
  • Endometrium
  • Endomorphic
  • Enfeoffment
  • Enforceable
  • Enforcement
  • Enfranchise
  • Engagedness
  • Engorgement
  • Engraftment
  • Enigmatical
  • Enteropathy
  • Enterostomy
  • Enterotoxin
  • Enteroviral
  • Enterovirus
  • Enthralment
  • Epiphragmal
  • Epiphylline
  • Equiangular
  • Equicaloric
  • Equidistant
  • Equilateral
  • Equilibrant
  • Equilibrate
  • Equilibrist
  • Equilibrium
  • Equinoctial
  • Equipollent
  • Equivalence
  • Equivalency
  • Equivocator
  • Eradication
  • Eradicative
  • Ergographic
  • Esotericist
  • Esthetician
  • Estheticism
  • Ethereality
  • Etherealize
  • Ethionamide
  • Ethnobotany
  • Ethnography
  • Ethnologist
  • Ethological
  • Etiological
  • Etymologize
  • Eubacterium
  • Euchologion
  • Euchromatic
  • Euchromatin
  • Eudaemonism
  • Eudiometric
  • Euphemistic
  • Eurythermal
  • Eurythermic
  • Evagination
  • Evanescence
  • Evanescible
  • Evangeliary
  • Evaporation
  • Excerptible
  • Excitomotor
  • Exclamation
  • Exclamatory
  • Exclusivism
  • Exclusivist
  • Exclusivity
  • Expiscatory
  • Explainable
  • Explanation
  • Explanative
  • Explanatory
  • Explicandum
  • Explicantia
  • Explication

11 Letter Words with F

  • Fabrication
  • Facilitator
  • Factorylike
  • Falconiform
  • Fanfaronade
  • Fantabulous
  • Fantastical
  • Fantasyland
  • Farcicality
  • Farkleberry
  • Farthingale
  • Fascination
  • Fashionable
  • Fashionista
  • Faultfinder
  • Fauxbourdon
  • Favellidium
  • Favoredness
  • Feasibility
  • Featherback
  • Featherbone
  • Featheredge
  • Featherhead
  • Fecundatory
  • Feedthrough
  • Feldspathic
  • Felspathose
  • Feoffeeship
  • Fergusonite
  • Fermentable
  • Ferrocement
  • Ferrocerium
  • Ferrochrome
  • Ferromagnet
  • Ferronickel
  • Ferruginous
  • Fertileness
  • Festination
  • Festschrift
  • Fetishistic
  • Fibrocystic
  • Fibromatous
  • Fibronectin
  • Fibroplasia
  • Fiddlededee
  • Fiddlerfish
  • Fiddlestick
  • Fieldworker
  • Filamentary
  • Filamentous
  • Filmization
  • Filmography
  • Fimbriation
  • Fimbrillate
  • Fingerboard
  • Fingerprint
  • Fingerspell
  • Fingerstall
  • Firmamental
  • Fishability
  • Fisherwoman
  • Fissionable
  • Flabbergast
  • Flamboyance
  • Flankerback
  • Flannelette
  • Flatulation
  • Flexibility
  • Flexitarian
  • Flexography
  • Flickertail
  • Flimflammer
  • Flitchplate
  • Flittermice
  • Flocculable
  • Flocculator
  • Flocculence
  • Floorwalker
  • Florescence
  • Florilegium
  • Flowability
  • Floweriness
  • Fluctuation
  • Flucytosine
  • Fluegelhorn
  • Flumadiddle
  • Fluorescein
  • Fluorescent
  • Fluorometer
  • Fluorometry
  • Fluoroscope
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Flushometer
  • Fomentation
  • Forbearance
  • Forbiddance
  • Forcepslike
  • Foreclosure
  • Foreglimpse
  • Foremanship
  • Foreseeable
  • Forestation
  • Forethought
  • Forevermore
  • Foreverness
  • Forfeitable
  • Forgettable
  • Forgiveness
  • Forlornness
  • Formability
  • Formalistic
  • Formational
  • Formatively
  • Formicarium
  • Formication
  • Formulation
  • Fornicatory
  • Fornicatrix
  • Forniciform
  • Fractionate
  • Fracturable
  • Franklinite
  • Fratricidal
  • Fraudulence
  • Freemasonic
  • Freemasonry
  • Freewheeler
  • Fricandeaux
  • Frigatebird
  • Frigidarium
  • Fringilline
  • Fritillaria
  • Frondescent
  • Frowardness
  • Frugivorous
  • Frustration
  • Frustrative
  • Fustigatory

11 Letter Words with G

  • Gallerylike
  • Gallimaufry
  • Gallinacean
  • Gallowglass
  • Gametangium
  • Gametogenic
  • Gametophore
  • Gametophyte
  • Ganglioside
  • Gangsterism
  • Garlandlike
  • Garnishment
  • Gastrectomy
  • Gastrocoele
  • Gemmulation
  • Gemological
  • Gendarmerie
  • Generalness
  • Generalship
  • Genotypical
  • Genuflexion
  • Genuineness
  • Geochemical
  • Geoengineer
  • Geoisotherm
  • Geolocation
  • Geomagnetic
  • Geomedicine
  • Geometrical
  • Geophysical
  • Geostrophic
  • Geosyncline
  • Geotectonic
  • Geratologic
  • Germaphobia
  • Gingerbread
  • Glabrescent
  • Glaciologic
  • Glassblower
  • Glaucescent
  • Glauconitic
  • Glaucophane
  • Globigerina
  • Globularity
  • Glycuronide
  • Gradational
  • Grammalogue
  • Grammatical
  • Gramophonic
  • Grandeeship
  • Grandfather
  • Grandiflora
  • Grandmaster
  • Grandmother
  • Grandnephew
  • Grandparent
  • Granitelike
  • Graniteware
  • Granularity
  • Granulation
  • Granulocyte
  • Granulomata
  • Graphologic
  • Graphomotor
  • Graphophone
  • Graphotypic
  • Graptolitic
  • Grasscutter
  • Grasshopper
  • Gratifiable
  • Gratulation
  • Gratulatory
  • Gravedigger
  • Graveldiver
  • Graverobber
  • Gravimetric
  • Gravisphere
  • Gravitation
  • Gravitative
  • Greaseproof
  • Greenbottle
  • Groundwater
  • Gubernacula
  • Gynecopathy
  • Gynostegium
  • Gynostemium
  • Gypsiferous
  • Gyrocompass

11 Letter Words with H

  • Habituation
  • Habitudinal
  • Haggadistic
  • Hagiography
  • Hagioscopic
  • Hairbreadth
  • Hallucinate
  • Halobiontic
  • Haloperidol
  • Halophilous
  • Hamantashen
  • Hammercloth
  • Hammerstone
  • Hammocklike
  • Handbreadth
  • Handicapper
  • Handsomeish
  • Heartedness
  • Hearthstone
  • Heathenhood
  • Heathenship
  • Heavyweight
  • Hebdomadary
  • Hebephrenia
  • Hebephrenic
  • Hectocotyli
  • Hectogramme
  • Hemihydrate
  • Hemimorphic
  • Hemisection
  • Hemispheric
  • Heptangular
  • Heptarchist
  • Heptavalent
  • Herbivority
  • Herbivorous
  • Herbologist
  • Hereinabove
  • Hereinafter
  • Hereinbelow
  • Heresiology
  • Hermeneutic
  • Hermeticism
  • Herpesvirus
  • Herpetology
  • Herringbone
  • Herringlike
  • Hesperidate
  • Hesperidium
  • Hetaeristic
  • Heteroauxin
  • Heterocarpy
  • Heterotopia
  • Heterotopic
  • Heterotrich
  • Heterotroph
  • Heterotypic
  • Hexadecimal
  • Hexagonally
  • Hexahemeric
  • Hexahemeron
  • Hexahydrate
  • Hexahydroxy
  • Hexanitrate
  • Hexapartite
  • Hexaplarian
  • Hexastichic
  • Historicism
  • Historicist
  • Historicity
  • Historicize
  • Hobbledehoy
  • Holluschick
  • Holoblastic
  • Holocarpous
  • Holocaustal
  • Holocaustic
  • Hologonidia
  • Homothallic
  • Homothermal
  • Homotypical
  • Honeymooner
  • Honeysucker
  • Honeysuckle
  • Honorifical
  • Hooliganism
  • Hopefulness
  • Hoppergrass
  • Horizonless
  • Hormogonium
  • Hormogonous
  • Hornblendic
  • Hornswoggle
  • Horological
  • Horseradish
  • Hydrargyrum
  • Hydrobromic
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Hydrocodone
  • Hydrocyanic
  • Hydrogenate
  • Hydrolysate
  • Hydromantic
  • Hydrothorax
  • Hydrotropic
  • Hydroxylase
  • Hydroxylate
  • Hydroxyurea
  • Hypermetric
  • Hyperovaria
  • Hyperoxemia
  • Hyperphagia
  • Hyperphagic
  • Hyperplasia
  • Hypoacidity
  • Hypoadrenia
  • Hypoblastic
  • Hypochromia
  • Hypochromic
  • Hypocrinism
  • Hypocycloid
  • Hypodescent
  • Hypokalemia
  • Hypokalemic
  • Hypolimnial
  • Hypolimnion
  • Hyponitrite
  • Hyponitrous
  • Hypopharynx
  • Hypophyseal
  • Hypophysial
  • Hyposthenia
  • Hypostomial
  • Hyposulfite
  • Hypotension
  • Hypotensive
  • Hypothalami
  • Hypothecary
  • Hypothecate
  • Hysterotomy
  • Hythergraph
  • Haberdasher

11 Letter Words with I

  • Ichnography
  • Ichthyoidal
  • Ichthyolite
  • Ichthyology
  • Ichthyosaur
  • Iconography
  • Icosahedral
  • Icosahedron
  • Ideographic
  • Ideological
  • Idioblastic
  • Idioglossia
  • Idioglottic
  • Idiographic
  • Idiomatical
  • Idiomorphic
  • Idioplasmic
  • Idolization
  • Idoxuridine
  • Illimitable
  • Imbrication
  • Imbricative
  • Imitability
  • Imitational
  • Immanentism
  • Immediatism
  • Immediatist
  • Immigration
  • Immunoassay
  • Immunogenic
  • Immunologic
  • Immunotoxin
  • Impassivity
  • Impastation
  • Immunoassay
  • Immunogenic
  • Immunologic
  • Immunotoxin
  • Impanelment
  • Impartation
  • Impassivity
  • Impastation
  • Impatiently
  • Impeachment
  • Impecunious
  • Impedimenta
  • Impertinent
  • Imperviable
  • Impetration
  • Implication
  • Implicature
  • Imploration
  • Impoundment
  • Impractical
  • Imprecation
  • Imprecatory
  • Imprecision
  • Impressment

11 Letter Words with J

  • Jactitation
  • Jasminelike
  • Jejunectomy
  • Jinrickshaw
  • Journeywork
  • Joylessness
  • Judgemental
  • Judgmatical
  • Juramentado
  • Justiceless
  • Justiceship
  • Justiciable
  • Justifiable
  • Justifiably
  • Juvenescent

11 Letter Words with K

  • Kabbalistic
  • Kailyardism
  • Kamelaukion
  • Katamorphic
  • Keelboatman
  • Keepability
  • Keratectomy
  • Keratoderma
  • Keratolytic
  • Keratometer
  • Keratometry
  • Keratoscope
  • Keratoscopy
  • Ketosteroid
  • Kindredless
  • Kindredness
  • Kindredship
  • Kinematical
  • Kinesiology
  • Kinesthesia
  • Kinesthesis
  • Kinesthetic
  • Kinetochore
  • Kinetograph
  • Kinetoscope
  • Kinnikinick
  • Kinnikinnic
  • Kinnikinnik
  • Kissability
  • Kitchenette
  • Kitchenless
  • Kitchenmaid
  • Kitchenware
  • Kleptocracy
  • Kleptomania
  • Knuckleball
  • Knucklebone
  • Knucklehead
  • Koilonychia
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Kymographic

1800+ Useful 11 Letter Words from A-Z in English 1


11 Letter Words with L

  • Labefaction
  • Labiodental
  • Labradorite
  • Labyrinthic
  • Laccolithic
  • Lacertilian
  • Lachrymator
  • Lacquerware
  • Lacrimation
  • Lacrimatory
  • Lactalbumin
  • Lactational
  • Lactescence
  • Lactovarian
  • Lagomorphic
  • Laicization
  • Lalapalooza
  • Lamellicorn
  • Lamelliform
  • Lamellosity
  • Lamentation
  • Lamprophony
  • Lamprophyre
  • Lancination
  • Landaulette
  • Landgravine
  • Landlordism
  • Landscapist
  • Landsknecht
  • Langbeinite
  • Langoustine
  • Languidness
  • Lanternfish
  • Laparoscope
  • Laparoscopy
  • Larrikinism
  • Laterigrade
  • Lateritious
  • Latifundium
  • Latitudinal
  • Latreutical
  • Latticeleaf
  • Latticelike
  • Latticework
  • Laudability
  • Laudatorily
  • Launderable
  • Launderette
  • Leaseholder
  • Leatherback
  • Leatherette
  • Leatherfish
  • Leatherhead
  • Leatherleaf
  • Leatherneck
  • Leatherwear
  • Leatherwood
  • Leatherwork
  • Lectureship
  • Legerdemain
  • Legionnaire
  • Legislation
  • Legislative
  • Legislatrix
  • Legislature
  • Leiomyomata
  • Leishmanial
  • Leisurewear
  • Lentiginose
  • Lentiginous
  • Lepidoptera
  • Lepidoptery
  • Lepromatous
  • Leprosarium
  • Leprousness
  • Leptokurtic
  • Leptospirae
  • Leptospiral
  • Lesquerella
  • Lestobiotic
  • Lethargical
  • Leucoplakia
  • Leukotriene

11 Letter Words with M

  • Machicolate
  • Machination
  • Machineable
  • Machineless
  • Machinelike
  • Macrobiotic
  • Macrocosmic
  • Macrocyclic
  • Macrodontia
  • Macrodontic
  • Macrofossil
  • Macrogamete
  • Macrography
  • Macromutant
  • Macrophagic
  • Macropodous
  • Macroscopic
  • Macrosporic
  • Madreporian
  • Madreporite
  • Madrigalian
  • Madrigalist
  • Magisterial
  • Magisterium
  • Magnanimity
  • Magnetogram
  • Magnetotail
  • Magnifiable
  • Magnificent
  • Magnisonant
  • Maidishness
  • Maidservant
  • Mailability
  • Maintenance
  • Maisonnette
  • Maladaptive
  • Malapropism
  • Malariology
  • Malediction
  • Maledictive
  • Maledictory
  • Malefaction
  • Maleficence
  • Malevolence
  • Malfeasance
  • Malfunction
  • Malonylurea
  • Malposition
  • Malpractice
  • Mammiferous
  • Mammillaria
  • Mammography
  • Mammonistic
  • Mammoplasty
  • Mandibulate
  • Mandolinist
  • Manducation
  • Manducatory
  • Manipulator
  • Manneristic
  • Mannishness
  • Manorialism
  • Mantelboard
  • Mantelletta
  • Mantelpiece
  • Mantelshelf
  • Mantlepiece
  • Manuduction
  • Manuductive
  • Manufactory
  • Manufacture
  • Manumission
  • Maquiladora
  • Maraboutism
  • Marcescence
  • Marchioness
  • Marconigram
  • Marginality
  • Margination
  • Margraviate
  • Mariculture
  • Marigraphic

11 Letter Words with N

  • Naggingness
  • Nameability
  • Nannofossil
  • Nanomachine
  • Naphthacene
  • Naphthalene
  • Naphthaline
  • Narcodollar
  • Narcoleptic
  • Narcomaniac
  • Narrational
  • Narrativize
  • Nasogastric
  • Nasopharynx
  • Nateglinide
  • Nationalism
  • Nationalist
  • Nationality
  • Natriuretic
  • Naturopathy
  • Neanderthal
  • Neanthropic
  • Necessitude
  • Neckerchief
  • Necromancer
  • Necromantic
  • Necrophilic
  • Necrophobia
  • Necrophobic
  • Needlecraft
  • Needlepoint
  • Needlewoman
  • Neencephala
  • Negationist
  • Negotiation
  • Nemathecial
  • Nemathecium
  • Nematicidal
  • Nematocidal
  • Nematomorph
  • Neoadjuvant
  • Neocolonial
  • Neocortical
  • Neologistic
  • Neonatology
  • Neopaganism
  • Neopopulism
  • Neopopulist
  • Neostigmine
  • Nephrectomy
  • Nephropathy
  • Nephrostome
  • Nervulation
  • Nervuration
  • Netherworld
  • Neurilemmal
  • Neurocelian
  • Neurofibril
  • Neuroleptic
  • Neurologist
  • Neuromastic
  • Neuromatous
  • Neuropathic
  • Neuropteran
  • Neuropteron
  • Neuroticism
  • Neurotomist
  • Neurotrophy
  • Neurotropic
  • Neurulation
  • Neutralizer
  • Neutropenia
  • Neutropenic
  • Neutrophile
  • Niacinamide

11 Letter Words with O

  • Oarsmanship
  • Obfuscation
  • Obfuscatory
  • Objectivism
  • Objectivist
  • Objectivity
  • Objectivize
  • Objurgation
  • Objurgative
  • Objurgatory
  • Obliterable
  • Obliterator
  • Obscuration
  • Obscureness
  • Obsecration
  • Obsequeence
  • Observation
  • Observatory
  • Obsessional
  • Obsolescent
  • Obstetrical
  • Obstipation
  • Obstruction
  • Obstructive
  • Obtestation
  • Obumbration
  • Obviousness
  • Occultation
  • Ochlocratic
  • Ochlophobia
  • Octahedrite
  • Octillionth
  • Octuplicate
  • Odometrical
  • Odontoblast
  • Odontogenic
  • Odontograph
  • Odontophore
  • Odoriferous
  • Odorousness
  • Oecumenical
  • Oenological
  • Oesophageal
  • Officerhood
  • Officerless
  • Officership
  • Officialdom
  • Officialese
  • Officiation
  • Olecranioid
  • Oleographic
  • Olethreutid
  • Oligodontia
  • Oligotrophy
  • Ombudswomen
  • Ommatophore
  • Omniscience
  • Onagraceous
  • Oncological
  • Oneiromancy
  • Onomasticon
  • Ontogenesis
  • Ontogenetic
  • Ontological
  • Opalescence
  • Operability
  • Operational
  • Operativity
  • Ophiologist
  • Opportunism
  • Opportunist
  • Opportunity
  • Optionality
  • Optometrist

11 Letter Words with P

  • Pachydermal
  • Pachydermic
  • Pachysandra
  • Pacificator
  • Packability
  • Packageable
  • Paddleboard
  • Painfulness
  • Palankeener
  • Palaverment
  • Paleobotany
  • Paleocortex
  • Paleography
  • Paleolithic
  • Paleologist
  • Palettelike
  • Palindromic
  • Palingenist
  • Palladinize
  • Palmatisect
  • Palpability
  • Palpitation
  • Palsgravine
  • Paludamenta
  • Pamphleteer
  • Panathenaic
  • Panchreston
  • Pandemoniac
  • Pandemonium
  • Panduriform
  • Panegyrical
  • Panhellenic
  • Panlogistic
  • Panpsychism
  • Panpsychist
  • Panromantic
  • Pansophical
  • Pantheistic
  • Pantography
  • Pantologist
  • Pantomimist
  • Pantonality
  • Pantropical
  • Paperperson
  • Papilliform
  • Papillomata
  • Papillosity
  • Papovavirus
  • Pappardelle
  • Papyraceous
  • Papyritious
  • Parablastic
  • Parabolical
  • Parachutist
  • Paragenetic
  • Paragogical
  • Paragrapher
  • Paragraphic
  • Paraldehyde
  • Paramorphic
  • Paramountcy
  • Paraphernal
  • Parascenium
  • Paraselenae
  • Paraselenic
  • Parasensory
  • Parasitical

11 Letter Words with Q

  • Quacksalver
  • Quadraphony
  • Quadrasonic
  • Quadrennial
  • Quadrennium
  • Quadricycle
  • Quadrillion
  • Quadrumvirs
  • Quadrupedal
  • Quaestorial
  • Qualifiable
  • Qualitative
  • Qualityless
  • Quarantiner
  • Quarrelsome
  • Quarterback
  • Quarterdeck
  • Quartersawn
  • Queersplain
  • Questionary
  • Quicksilver
  • Quinazoline
  • Quinceanera
  • Quincuncial
  • Quincunxial
  • Quindecagon
  • Quinhydrone
  • Quinonimine
  • Quinoxaline
  • Quinquennia
  • Quinternion
  • Quintillion
  • Quodlibetic
  • Quotability
  • Quoteworthy

11 Letter Words with R

  • Rabbitbrush
  • Racialistic
  • Racquetball
  • Radiability
  • Radiational
  • Radioactive
  • Radiocarbon
  • Radiocesium
  • Radiography
  • Radioiodine
  • Radiolarian
  • Radiologist
  • Radiolucent
  • Radiometric
  • Radiopacity
  • Radiosodium
  • Radiotracer
  • Radiovision
  • Raffishness
  • Railwayless
  • Rainbowlike
  • Rallentando
  • Rammishness
  • Rangefinder
  • Rangemaster
  • Rapscallion
  • Raptureless
  • Rarefaction
  • Rarefactive
  • Ratatouille
  • Rathskeller
  • Ratiocinate
  • Rationalist
  • Rationality
  • Rattlebrain
  • Rattlesnake
  • Reacclimate
  • Reaccompany
  • Reactionary
  • Reactionism
  • Reactionist
  • Readability
  • Readaptable
  • Readmission
  • Readornment
  • Reaffiliate
  • Reaggravate
  • Reaggregate
  • Realignment
  • Realization
  • Reallotment
  • Realpolitik
  • Realterable
  • Reamendment
  • Reapologize
  • Reapportion
  • Reapprehend
  • Rearbitrate
  • Reassertion
  • Reassociate
  • Reassurance

11 Letter Words with S

  • Sacculation
  • Sacramental
  • Sacrificial
  • Sacrolumbar
  • Saddlecloth
  • Safecracker
  • Sagittiform
  • Sailboarder
  • Saintliness
  • Saleability
  • Salespeople
  • Salesperson
  • Salinometer
  • Salinometry
  • Salmonberry
  • Salmonellae
  • Salpingitic
  • Saltational
  • Saltatorial
  • Saltimbocca
  • Saltirewise
  • Saltishness
  • Salvability
  • Salvageable
  • Salvational
  • Sandblaster
  • Sanguinaria
  • Sanguineous
  • Sansevieria
  • Sapiosexual
  • Saplessness
  • Saponaceous
  • Saprogenous
  • Saprophytic
  • Sarcodinian
  • Sarcolemmic
  • Sarcomatoid
  • Sarcomatous
  • Sarcophagus
  • Sardonicism
  • Sauerbraten
  • Saurischian
  • Sausagelike
  • Saussuritic
  • Savableness
  • Saxophonist
  • Scagliolist
  • Scalariform
  • Scalpriform
  • Scammoniate
  • Scaremonger
  • Scarlatinal
  • Scattergood
  • Scattergram
  • Scatterplot
  • Scattershot
  • Scaturience
  • Scenography
  • Scepterless
  • Schatchanim
  • Schistosity
  • Schistosome
  • Schizogenic
  • Schizogonic

11 Letter Words with T

  • Tachygraphy
  • Taciturnity
  • Taeniacidal
  • Tagliatelle
  • Tagmemicist
  • Tamperproof
  • Tangibility
  • Taphephobia
  • Taphonomist
  • Tarnishable
  • Tarradiddle
  • Taurobolium
  • Taurocholic
  • Tautologise
  • Tautologism
  • Taxgatherer
  • Taxlessness
  • Taxonomical
  • Tchervonetz
  • Tchervontzi
  • Teacherless
  • Teachership
  • Tearfulness
  • Teaspoonful
  • Technocracy
  • Technologic
  • Technophile
  • Technophobe
  • Tediousness
  • Teemingness
  • Teenybopper
  • Teeterboard
  • Teetotalism
  • Telecommute
  • Telefeature
  • Teleferique
  • Telegnostic
  • Telegrammic
  • Telegrapher
  • Telegraphic
  • Telekinesis
  • Telekinetic
  • Teleologism
  • Teleologist
  • Telepathise
  • Telepathist
  • Telephonist
  • Teleplasmic
  • Teleprinter
  • Teleshopper
  • Telesterion
  • Telesthesia
  • Telesthetic
  • Teletheater
  • Teletherapy
  • Teliosporic
  • Telocentric
  • Telodynamic
  • Temperament
  • Temperature
  • Tempestuous

11 Letter Words with U

  • Ulcerogenic
  • Ulotrichous
  • Ultracasual
  • Ultrafilter
  • Ultramarine
  • Ultramodern
  • Ultrasecret
  • Ultrasimple
  • Ultraviolet
  • Ultravirile
  • Unabrogable
  • Unabsorbent
  • Unaccordant
  • Unacuminous
  • Unadaptable
  • Unadducible
  • Unadeptness
  • Unadmirable
  • Unadmissive
  • Unadoptable
  • Unadornment
  • Unaesthetic
  • Unairworthy
  • Unalienable
  • Unallowable
  • Unalterable
  • Unambiguous
  • Unambitious
  • Unamendable
  • Unannexable
  • Unapposable
  • Unarbitrary
  • Unarousable
  • Unarrestive
  • Unascendant
  • Unascendent
  • Unaspersive
  • Unassertive
  • Unassiduous
  • Unassuasive
  • Unassumable
  • Unasthmatic
  • Unattentive
  • Unaudacious
  • Unauthentic
  • Unautomatic
  • Unavailable
  • Unaxiomatic
  • Unbarricade
  • Unbeautiful
  • Unbeknownst
  • Unbellicose
  • Unbenignant
  • Unbenignity
  • Unbombastic

1800+ Useful 11 Letter Words from A-Z in English 2


11 Letter Words with V

  • Vacationist
  • Vaccination
  • Vaccinology
  • Vacillation
  • Vacillatory
  • Vacuolation
  • Vagabondage
  • Vagabondish
  • Vagabondism
  • Vaginectomy
  • Valediction
  • Valedictory
  • Valentinite
  • Valinomycin
  • Valleculate
  • Valuational
  • Valvulotomy
  • Vandalistic
  • Vanguardism
  • Vanguardist
  • Vaporescent
  • Vaporimeter
  • Vaporizable
  • Variability
  • Variational
  • Varicelloid
  • Variegation
  • Vasodilator
  • Vasopressin
  • Vasopressor
  • Vaticinator
  • Vellication
  • Vellicative
  • Velocimeter
  • Vendibility
  • Venereology
  • Venesection
  • Venlafaxine
  • Ventilation
  • Ventilative
  • Ventilatory
  • Ventricular
  • Ventriloquy
  • Venturesome
  • Veratridine
  • Verbalistic
  • Verisimilar
  • Vermiculate
  • Vermiculite
  • Verrucosity
  • Versatility
  • Versicolour
  • Verticalism
  • Verticality
  • Vertiginous
  • Vexillology
  • Vibraculoid
  • Vibratility
  • Viceroyship
  • Vichyssoise
  • Viciousness
  • Victimology
  • Videocamera
  • Videography
  • Videoscreen
  • Vigilantism
  • Vinaigrette
  • Vinblastine
  • Vincibility
  • Vincristine
  • Vindication
  • Vindicative

11 Letter Words with W

  • Waggishness
  • Wagonmaster
  • Walkability
  • Warlessness
  • Warrantable
  • Warrantless
  • Warriorlike
  • Washability
  • Wastebasket
  • Watercourse
  • Waterfinder
  • Waterthrush
  • Waterturkey
  • Wearability
  • Weathercast
  • Weathercock
  • Weatherfish
  • Weathervane
  • Weatherworn
  • Weighbridge
  • Weightiness
  • Weldability
  • Weltschmerz
  • Westernmost
  • Wettability
  • Whalesucker
  • Whangdoodle
  • Wharfmaster
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Wheelwright
  • Wheresoever
  • Wherewithal
  • Whichsoever
  • Whiffletree
  • Whigmaleery
  • Whippletree
  • Whistleable
  • Whitesplain
  • Whitethroat
  • Whitewasher
  • Whitherward
  • Whitleather
  • Whitlowwort
  • Whoremaster
  • Whoremonger
  • Whorishness
  • Whosesoever
  • Widowerhood
  • Wienerwurst
  • Windbaggery
  • Windcheater
  • Windlestraw
  • Winnability
  • Winterberry
  • Wintergreen

11 Letter Words with X, Y, Z

  • Xanthophore
  • Xanthophyll
  • Xenoblastic
  • Yachtswoman
  • Yachtswomen
  • Yellowbelly
  • Zealousness
  • Zeptosecond
  • Zestfulness

Hopefully, all goes well now that you’re armed with these 11 letter words. However, you shouldn’t be afraid to seek out other terms if you need them. A quick Google search should do the trick for that.

Common 11 Letter Words with Meanings

If you’re trying to look or sound smart, knowing these 11 letter words and their definitions could come in handy. Of course, there are other reasons for needing the terms too. So, don’t fret whatever yours is. Here you go.


Bakersfield is a noun and an eleven-letter word that begins with B. It is a city in California and the largest city in Kern County. If a person wanted to use Bakersfield in a sentence, they could say, “Bob accepted a new position with the company and has to relocate to Bakersfield.”


The word complicated has eleven letters, and it is an adjective. It means intricate or consisting of many interconnecting parts/elements. This term can be used to ask a question or make a statement. An example of a question could look like this, “Why do the instructions for connecting this TV to the web have to be so complicated?”.


Calligraphy is a noun that belongs to the 11-letter word club. This term can be defined as decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering. The letters provide invitations, posters, documents, etc., with visual appeal. An artistic writing style such as Calligraphy can make your invitations pop, is how to use the term in a sentence.


The word application also contains eleven letters. It can be defined in various ways, but it means the application of putting something on a surface today. The instructions on the sealant said to put the first application on with a brush and allow it to dry for two hours before applying the second coat. That is how this word of 11 letters can be used.

Eleven Letter Words | Pictures

List of 11 Letter Words 1

11 Letter Words


List of 11 Letter Words 2

11 Letter Words


List of 11 Letter Words 3

11 Letter Words


Last Updated on February 10, 2023

A list of scrabble words starting with Normal

Normal is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with normal for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with normal
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Normal
  • 11-letter words starting with Normal
  • 10-letter words starting with Normal
  • 9-letter words starting with Normal
  • 8-letter words starting with Normal
  • 7-letter words starting with Normal
  • 6-letter words starting with Normal
  • FAQs about words starting with Normal

17 Scrabble words starting with Normal

7 Letter Words That Start With Normal

  • normals9

6 Letter Words That Start With Normal

  • normal8

FAQ on words starting with Normal

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Normal?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Normal is Normalizing, which is worth at least 23 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Normal is normalising, which is worth 14 points.
Other high score words starting with Normal are
normalizes (21),
normalizer (21),
normalcies (14),
normalcy (15),
normalizers (22),
normalized (22),
normals (9).

How many words start with the
letters Normal?

There are 17 words that start with the letters
Normal in the Scrabble dictionary.

Of those
4 are 11 letter
6 are 10 letter
3 are 9 letter
2 are 8 letter
1 is a 7 letter
1 is a 6 letter

Page 1: undemanding, information, preposition, abomination, personality, subtraction, quadrillion, syllabicate, alternative, celebration, cleanliness, anniversary, forgiveness, belligerent, imagination, serendipity, segregation, inspiration, marshmallow, electricity, caterpillar, abiogenesis, intelligent, Shakespeare, environment, destination, Christopher, advertising, excoriation, unstoppable, appreciated, quintillion, invigilator, exterminate, photography, responsible, collocation, accessories, complicated, agriculture, perambulate, demarcation, barbiturate, rebarbative, certificate, worldliness, colonoscopy, androgynous, ablactation, and nothingness

Word Length Consonants Vowels Syllables Origin Favourite
Undemanding 11 7 4 4
Information 11 6 5 4 Anglo Norman
Preposition 11 6 5 4 Latin
Abomination 11 5 6 5 Middle English
Personality 11 7 4 5 Middle English
Subtraction 11 7 4 3
Quadrillion 11 6 5 3 French
Syllabicate 11 7 4 4
Alternative 11 6 5 4 Middle French
Celebration 11 6 5 4 Old French
Cleanliness 11 7 4 3
Anniversary 11 7 4 5 Latin
Forgiveness 11 7 4 4 Middle English
Belligerent 11 7 4 4 Latin
Imagination 11 5 6 5 Old French
Serendipity 11 7 4 5
Segregation 11 6 5 4 Latin
Inspiration 11 6 5 4 Old French
Marshmallow 11 8 3 3 Old English
Electricity 11 7 4 5
Caterpillar 11 7 4 4 Middle English
Abiogenesis 11 5 6 6
Intelligent 11 7 4 4 Middle French
Shakespeare 11 6 5 3
Environment 11 7 4 4 Middle French
Destination 11 6 5 4 Latin
Christopher 11 8 3 3 Ancient Greek
Advertising 11 7 4 4
Excoriation 11 5 6 5
Unstoppable 11 7 4 4
Appreciated 11 6 5 5
Quintillion 11 6 5 3
Invigilator 11 6 5 5 Latin
Exterminate 11 6 5 4 Latin
Photography 11 8 3 4
Responsible 11 7 4 4 French
Collocation 11 6 5 4 Latin
Accessories 11 6 5 4
Complicated 11 7 4 4
Agriculture 11 6 5 4 Latin
Perambulate 11 6 5 4 Latin
Demarcation 11 6 5 4 Spanish
Barbiturate 11 6 5 4
Rebarbative 11 6 5 4 French
Certificate 11 6 5 4 French
Worldliness 11 8 3 3
Colonoscopy 11 7 4 5
Androgynous 11 7 4 4 Latin
Ablactation 11 6 5 4 Middle English
Nothingness 11 8 3 3

The largest free 11 letters words list online. Does not include all of the plural forms of eleven letter words.

Completed AZ word finder features completed

  • Word Unscambler has been renamed and will be altered to a complete Anagram Solver
  • Syllable counter is now available for text and documents.
  • In The Middle / In The Center word finding. Searching «two syllable words with qu in the middle», «ab in the center»,etc. will bring you to a list of words spelled with _a-z_. For «exactly center» use a search like «6 letters with qu in the middle»
  • Word unscrambling. For fastest speed possible, you will now land on the top viewed set of characters for that set of letters.
  • New search abilities «words with all vowels» or «words with no vowels», «ends in a vowel», or «start with a vowel».
  • EzoicPuzzle solving using underscores or dashes such as «solve _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _, singular nouns 4 vowels and 3 syllables»
  • Find words or names by their second, third and fourth letter up to the eighth letter with eazy search like «words with the second letter b».
  • Puzzle solver & missing letters. Wordbrain Themes, Words With Friends, Scrabble, 4Pics1Word, Word Cookies cheats, answers, and more. Example answers search: «solve the puzzle b_r», complete this 6 letter word from o-e-h, «spelled like out», «words containing out». Use an underscore or dash where the puzzle is missing a letter.
  • Length queries including 6 letter words now include quick navigation for speech type and starts/ends letters such as 6 letter words with the second letter c.
  • Rhymes and sounds like tool for any word, spelling, or text entered. Different results appear for sounds and rhymes.
  • Palindromes word Lists now available by searching palindrome words.
  • Unscrambler & Decoder — decode phrases such as «dining table» for «egbindinatl».
  • Negative search filters words that do not have the letter e
  • Quick word find. Single word searches bring you to the word page. Solving word puzzles using an underscore or dash ( Example: _a_t_i_a ). All words/letters without a dedicated page will be unscrambled.
  • Find scrabble words by points! Add «scrabble» in your query, such as Scrabble words with 14 points.
  • Favorite words to your account

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Are you interested in learning Japanese while improving your English with You Go Words!? You can learn Japanese online and free with Misa of Japanese Ammo including grammer and vocabulary.

In Progress Finder features I’m working on.

  • Phonograms searching coming soon due to many users searching such as «words ending with a multiple phonogram»
  • Root word search. Show with prefix and suffix options, only if it has a root word.
  • Alternative spelling of words from American English to British English. Mouse over example: Color
  • Printable & downloadable word lists.
  • Frequency of a words appearance in books, and other texts.
  • Allow word find such as «words which contain the consonants N, T, and R». This would provide a list of words with letters in a specific order, such as the consonants in the order of ntr.
  • Plural and singular words with information and example sentences.
  • Word games by school grade from Kindergarten to grade 12.
  • Provide words that can be used twice or more in one sentence with example sentences.
  • Paraphrasing, pronunciation, and free grammar tools.
  • Seperate words by area of focus. ( Technology, Education, Science, Psychology, etc. )

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