American word for trousers

21 сентября 2018

Не секрет, что американский английский отличается от истинного, британского. Если в Англии мы пойдем в shop, то в Америке это уже будет store. Конечно, вас поймут, если вы используете «неродное» слово для этого региона. Но если вы знаете американские аналоги английских слов, то вы будете намного быстрее пониматься все вокруг и отлично ориентироваться на местности. Мы выбрали самые популярные слова, которые вы можете встретить везде: в аэропорту, магазине, ресторане и просто прогуливаясь по городу.

British English — American English


  • bin – trash can – мусорное ведро
  • lift – elevator — лифт
  • flat – apartment – квартира
  • autumn – fall – осень
  • cooker – stove – кухонная плита, печь
  • tap – faucet – водопроводный кран
  • postal code, postcode – zip code – почтовый индекс
  • dustbin – garbage can, trash can – бак для мусора
  • rubbish – garbage, trash – мусор
  • surname – last name, family name – фамилия
  • holiday – vacation – каникулы, отпуск
  • queue – line – очередь
  • cinema – movie theater – кинотеатр
  • film – movie, film – фильм
  • mobile phone, mobile – cellular phone, cell phone – мобильный телефон
  • bill – check — счет
  • book a seat – reserve a seat – забронировать место


  • trainers – sneakers – кроссовки
  • trousers – pants – штаны
  • pants (трусы мужские и женские) – underpants (мужские трусы)
  • purse (кошелёк) – purse (женская сумочка)



  • shop – store – магазин
  • car park – parking lot – парковка
  • taxi – cab – такси
  • pavement – sidewalk – тротуар
  • pharmacy – drugstore – аптека
  • crossroads – intersection – перекрёсток
  • underground, tube – subway – метро
  • railway – railroad – железная дорога
  • single ticket / a single – one-way ticket – билет в одну сторону
  • petrol – gasoline, gas – бензин


  • biscuit — cookie – печенье
  • chips – French fries – жареный картофель
  • crisps, potato crisps – chips, potato chips – чипсы
  • sweets – candies – конфеты
  • tin – can – консервная банка

Это была первая статья из серии «Британский vs Американский». В других статьях рассмотрим нюансы в написании слов, фонетике и грамматике. Stay tuned! ;)

Британский vs Американский: написание слов  

Британский vs Американский: грамматика   

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In the US you will almost never hear, «trousers», if at all, outside of certain written texts (though anyone will understand what you mean). It’s just exceedingly rare to hear a native US citizen say something like, «Wow, it’s so cold out, I’m glad I wore trousers today.». Extremely rare.

US: pants = vernacular for a garment covering your entire legs (such as jeans, slacks, sweats, etc… which are just more specific forms of the same thing).

UK: trousers = vernacular for a garment covering your entire legs (such as jeans, slacks, sweats, etc… which are just more specific forms of the same thing).

US AND UK: underpants/underwear = the garments you wear underneath your main garments (such as pants or trousers or shorts) to cover your private areas and keep things clean.


Myself. I’m a US citizen from central Texas in my 40s. This is based on 40 years of experience listening to people, reading, and watching TV. I have rarely heard this usage outside academic speeches, papers, and some other forms of writing (i.e. fictional works). In hearing parents, friends, co-workers, an ex-wife, my children, their friends, acquaintances, and even strangers, I have rarely ever heard the word «trousers» in everyday vernacular.

It is somewhat anecdotal, I’ll give you that much, but it’s also so obvious that I would venture more than 99% of native Americans would not use trousers in everyday speech. The word pants is without question the most dominant form of describing a garment that covers one’s legs in the US (or the specific forms of pants: slacks, jeans, sweats, etc.). This does not mean it’s never used, or that Americans don’t know what trousers are; that would be an absurd notion and should not be the idea gathered from this answer.



n. often trousers

A pair of pants, especially when extending from waist to ankles.

[Back-formation from trousers, alteration of obsolete trouse, from Scottish Gaelic triubhas.]

trou′sered (-zərd) adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



pl n

1. (Clothing & Fashion) a garment shaped to cover the body from the waist to the ankles or knees with separate tube-shaped sections for both legs

2. wear the trousers informal Brit to have control, esp in a marriage. US equivalent: wear the pants

[C17: from earlier trouse, a variant of trews, influenced by drawers]

ˈtrousered adj

ˈtrouserless adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtraʊ zərz)

n. (used with a pl. v.)

Sometimes, trouser. a usu. loose-fitting outer garment for the lower part of the body, having individual leg portions, usu. of full length.Also called pants. Compare slacks.

[1585–95; trouse (< Irish triubhas; see trews) + (draw) ers]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • fob — A small pocket close to the waistband of trousers.
  • galluses — Another name for suspenders for trousers.
  • plus fours — Got their name (c. 1920) from the fact that such trousers were made four inches longer than standard knickerbockers or shorts, which came to just above the knee.
  • trousers, trouse — The singular of trousers is trouse.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Trousers are a piece of clothing that covers your body from the waist downwards, and covers each leg separately. Trousers is a plural noun. You use a plural form of a verb with it.

His trousers were covered in mud.

Don’t talk about ‘a trousers‘. You say some trousers or a pair of trousers.

It’s time I bought myself some new trousers.

Umar was dressed in a pair of black trousers.

You usually use a singular form of a verb with a pair of trousers.

There was a pair of trousers in his carrier-bag.

The form trouser is often used in front of another noun.

The waiter took a handkerchief from his trouser pocket.

Hamo was rolling up his trouser leg.

In American English, more common words for this item of clothing are pants or slacks.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012



Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:


plural noun slacks, pants (U.S.), strides (chiefly Austral. informal), kecks (Brit. informal) He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.

Trousers and shorts

bell-bottoms, Bermuda shorts, bloomers, breeches, britches, or (Scot.) breeks, buckskins, Capri pants or Capris, cargo pants, chinos, churidars, combats, cords or corduroys, culottes, cycling shorts, denims, drainpipes, dungarees, flannels, flares, galligaskins or gallygaskins, hipsters or (U.S.) hip-huggers, hot pants, jeans, jodhpurs, Kachera, knickerbockers or (U.S.) knickers, lederhosen, leggings, Levis (trademark), loon pants or loons, overalls, Oxford bags, palazzo pants, pantaloons, pedal pushers, plus fours, pyjamas, riding breeches, salopettes, shalwar, ski pants, slacks, slops, smallclothes, spatterdashes, stovepipes, sweat-suit trousers, tracksuit trousers, jogging trousers, or joggers, toreador pants, trews, trouse (Brit.), trunk hose

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002





















Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈtrauzəz) noun plural

an outer garment for the lower part of the body, covering each leg separately. He wore (a pair of) black trousers; She was dressed in trousers and a sweater.


of trousers. a trouser-button; That dog has torn my trouser-leg.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بَنْطَلُون kalhoty bukser Hose παντελόνι pantalón housut pantalon hlače pantaloni ズボン 바지 broek bukser spodnie calças брюки byxor กางเกง pantolon quần 裤子

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n., pl. pantalones.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • May I try on these pants? (US)
    Can I try on these trousers? (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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Write American English words for these British nouns.
Задание рисунок 1
1. Trousers
2. petrol
3. lorry
4. chips
5. cinema
6. film
7. sweets
8. lift
9. biscuit
10. jumper
11. pavement
12. chemist’s
Задание рисунок 2
1. pants



Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Two. IV. Use of English. Номер №15


Перевод задания
Запишите американские английские слова для этих британских существительных.
Британский английский
1. брюки
2. бензин
3. грузовик
4. картофель−фри
5. кино
6. фильм
7. конфеты
8. лифт
9. печенье
10. джемпер
11. тротуар
12. аптека
Американский английский
1. брюки



1. pants
2. gas / gasoline
3. truck
4. (french) fries
5. movie house
6. movie
7. candies
8. elevator
9. cookie
10. sweater
11. sidewalk
12. drug store

Перевод ответа
1. брюки
2. бензин
3. грузовик
4. картофель−фри
5. кино
6. фильм
7. конфеты
8. лифт
9. печенье
10. джемпер
11. тротуар
12. аптека

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