American word for fridge

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    Ali Smith

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    Sep 12, 2021

Ali Smith

Ali Smith

Senior Member

Urdu — Pakistan

  • Sep 12, 2021

  • #1


What do you call a «fridge» in American English? My dictionary says it’s a British term.


  • Cenzontle


    Senior Member

    English, U.S.

    • Sep 12, 2021

    • #2

    «Fridge» is widely used and understood in Am.Eng., informal for «refrigerator».



    Senior Member

    BC, Canada


    • Sep 12, 2021

    • #3

    Some parts of the US might still use ‘icebox’, but ‘fridge’ is commonest term, I think.

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    холодильник, рефрижератор, конденсатор, тереть, вытирать


    - холодильник (домашний)

    Мои примеры


    hungry soccer players who will gormandize whatever they happen to find in the fridge — голодные футболисты, которые сожрут всё, что им удастся найти в холодильнике  
    an awful pong in the fridge — ужасная вонь в холодильнике  
    fridge-freezer — холодильник с морозильной камерой  
    fridge compartment — холодильник  
    fridge-freeze — двухкамерный холодильник  
    fridge van — авторефрижератор  

    Примеры с переводом

    Please put the milk in the fridge.

    Положите /поставьте/, пожалуйста, молоко в холодильник.

    There is some cheese in the fridge.

    В холодильнике есть немного сыра.

    That fridge smells awful.

    Из этого холодильника ужасно воняет.

    Chill the dessert in the fridge for about two hours.

    Охлаждайте десерт в холодильнике примерно два часа.

    The fridge was sent back to the manufacturers.

    Холодильник был отправлен /отправили, вернули / обратно производителям.

    Peter went into the kitchen to raid the fridge.

    Питер пошёл в кухню, чтобы совершить набег на холодильник.

    There were two pictures taped to the side of the fridge.

    Там были две фотографии, прикреплённые скотчем к холодильнику (сбоку).

    ещё 8 примеров свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    If you get hungry, there’s some cold chicken in the fridge.

    There’s some cheese in the fridge and that’s about it.

    There should be an envelope on top of the fridge.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): fridge
    мн. ч.(plural): fridges

    • 1

      Русско-английский синонимический словарь > холодильник

    • 2

      1) General subject: cold storage, cold-storage, cooler, freezer, ice-box, ice-chest, icebox, reefer, refrigerator, safe, thermostat, coolbox

      7) Engineering: chill , chiller, cold store , cold-air unit, cold-storage establishment , cold-storage warehouse , cool store , coolhouse , cooling bank , cooling bed, cooling house, cooling table, iron chill, refrigerated store , refrigerated warehouse , stave , water cooler, wind box

      17) Jargon: coolerator , chilly bin , box

      29) Logistics: cold storage box, cold storage facility, cold storage point, cool house, cooler room, freezer storage, freezing plant, ice-cooled refrigerator, perishable warehouse, reefer bank, reefer box, refrigerated boxcar, refrigerating plant, refrigeration car, refrigerator car

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > холодильник

    • 3

      1) refrigerator; (тж. шкаф) fridge разг.; (для вина) wine-cooler; (склад) cold store

      2) тех. (конденсатор паровой машины) condenser

      * * *

      * * *

      refrigerator; fridge wine-cooler; cold store

      * * *











      Новый русско-английский словарь > холодильник

    • 4
      забить холодильник

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > забить холодильник

    • 5

      1) General subject: a funny little chap, a queer card, a queer specimen, an excentric man, an odd bird, case, cough drop, crackpot, crank, cure, droll fellow, eccentric, erratic, excentric, faddist, fantast, foul ball, freak, fruitcake, gay bird, jigger, kook, maverick, nut, odd card, odd egg, odd fish, oddball, oddity, original , queer (rum) devil, queer bird, queer card, queer customer, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, queer stick, ratbag, rum fellow, rummy fellow, run customer, screw ball, squirrel, strange card, strange dude, strange fish, viewy person, way out, odd bird, bats in the belfry, geek, nerd, rare bird

      4) Obsolete: quiz

      6) Jargon: curer, curing, dude, food for the squirrels, lamb, oddbod, psycho, schmoe, screwball, weirdy, wierdie, zombie, ice cream , fridge , lemon , dorf, odd-ball, pretzel-bender, prune

      7) American English: dink

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > чудак

    • 6

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > авторефрижератор

    • 7
      двухкамерный холодильник

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > двухкамерный холодильник

    • 8
      ей нужна машина, холодильник, цветной телевизор — все сразу!

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ей нужна машина, холодильник, цветной телевизор — все сразу!

    • 9
      если мне не изменяет память

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > если мне не изменяет память

    • 10
      коврик для холодильника

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > коврик для холодильника

    • 11
      магнит на холодильник

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > магнит на холодильник

    • 12
      не отличаться умом

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не отличаться умом

    • 13
      не по адресу

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не по адресу

    • 14
      пережить пик популярности

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пережить пик популярности

    • 15
      размораживать холодильник

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > размораживать холодильник

    • 16
      рыться в холодильнике

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > рыться в холодильнике

    • 17
      со странностями

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > со странностями

    • 18
      фригидная женщина

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > фригидная женщина

    • 19
      холодильник с морозильной камерой

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > холодильник с морозильной камерой

    • 20

      1. refrigerator; () fridge

      ; () wine-cooler; () cold store

      Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > холодильник


    • Следующая →
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    • 2
    • 3

    См. также в других словарях:

    • Fridge — ist eine britische Band, die 1994 von den Schulfreunden Kieran Hebden, Adem Ilhan und Sam Jeffers im englischen Putney gegründete wurde. Die Musik ist rein instrumental und basiert auf Gitarre, Bass, Elektronik und Schlagzeug. Inhaltsverzeichnis… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • fridge — [ frıdʒ ] noun count * a piece of equipment used for storing food at low temperatures: REFRIGERATOR: Chill the wine in the fridge first. You can spread this butter straight from the fridge (=it remains soft when it is cold) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • Fridge — Fridge, v. t. [AS. frician to dance, from free bold. Cf. {Freak}, n.] To rub; to fray. [Obs.] Sterne …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Fridge — est un groupe britannique de musique post rock à tendance électronique. Il a été formé en 1994 à Putney par les camarades de classe Kieran Hebden, Adem Ilhan, et Sam Jeffers. Initialement, Kieran Hebden jouait de la guitare, Adem Ilhan de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

    • fridge — S2 [frıdʒ] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: refrigerator] a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, used for keeping food and drinks cool = ↑refrigerator →↑freezer …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • fridge — shortened and altered form of REFRIGERATOR (Cf. refrigerator), 1926, perhaps influenced by Frigidaire (1919), a popular early brand name of the appliances. Frigerator as a colloquial shortening is attested by 1886 …   Etymology dictionary

    • fridge — ► NOUN ▪ a refrigerator …   English terms dictionary

    • fridge — [frij] n. Informal a refrigerator …   English World dictionary

    • fridge — (BrE) noun ⇨ See also ↑refrigerator ADJECTIVE ▪ domestic ▪ walk in ▪ empty, full VERB + FRIDGE ▪ raid …   Collocations dictionary

    • fridge */ — UK [frɪdʒ] / US noun [countable] Word forms fridge : singular fridge plural fridges a piece of equipment that is used for storing food at low temperatures Chill the wine in the fridge first. You can spread this butter straight from the fridge (=… …   English dictionary

    • fridge — 1. verb /frɪʤ/ To rub, chafe. , 1761: You might have rumpled and crumpled, and doubled and creased, and fretted and fridged the outsides of them all to pieces Laurence Sterne, The Life Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, vol. III (Penguin… …   Wiktionary

    Table of Contents

    1. Why refrigerator is called fridge?
    2. What is Fridge short for?
    3. What is the meaning of the word fridge?
    4. Who invented fridge?
    5. Who is the father of refrigerator?
    6. Who invented the first electric refrigerator?
    7. Who invented TV?
    8. When were fridges widely used?
    9. When did they stop using Freon in refrigerators?
    10. How did they keep food cold in the 1800s?
    11. Why ammonia is not used in domestic refrigerator?
    12. When did fridges stop using ammonia?
    13. Is ammonia still used in refrigeration?
    14. Is ammonia still used in fridges?
    15. What is the disadvantage of ammonia using a refrigerant?
    16. Why does fridge smell like ammonia?
    17. What kind of ammonia is used in refrigeration?
    18. What are the dangers of ammonia?
    19. What absorbs ammonia?
    20. Can I mix ammonia and vinegar?
    21. What kills the smell of ammonia?
    22. How do you neutralize ammonia in water?
    23. What happens when ammonia is mixed with water?
    24. Why is the ammonia still high after water change?
    25. Does water change lower ammonia?

    ◊ In U.S. English, fridge is informal, but in British English it is the usual word for a refrigerator.

    Why refrigerator is called fridge?

    The principal historical dictionary of the English language describes fridge as “a colloquial abbreviation for refrigerator,” and says that the “frig” spelling was likely influenced by the brand name Frigidaire.

    What is Fridge short for?

    The OED describes “fridge” as a colloquial abbreviation for “refrigerator,” a much older term that showed up in the early 1600s. It suggests that the ‘frig’ spelling may have been influenced by the brand name “Frigidaire” (a play on “frigid air”).

    What is the meaning of the word fridge?

    Word forms: plural fridges. countable noun. A fridge is a large metal container which is kept cool, usually by electricity, so that food that is put in it stays fresh. [mainly British]regional note: in AM, use refrigerator.

    Who invented fridge?

    William Cullen

    Who is the father of refrigerator?

    Jacob Perkins

    Who invented the first electric refrigerator?

    Fred W. Wolf Jr.

    Who invented TV?

    Philo Farnsworth

    When were fridges widely used?

    Refrigerators started to see widespread adoption in the 1930s. At the beginning of the decade, only 8 percent of American homes had one: by the end, that number had jumped to 44 percent. By the end of the 1940s, they were a common feature of American homes.

    When did they stop using Freon in refrigerators?

    In 1994, governments banned the use of R-12 in new refrigerators and air-conditioning systems due to its damage to the ozone layer. Since 1990, the less harmful replacement for R-12, R-134a, has been used in many old systems.

    How did they keep food cold in the 1800s?

    By the end of the 1800s, many American households stored their perishable food in an insulated “icebox” that was usually made of wood and lined with tin or zinc. A large block of ice was stored inside to keep these early refrigerators chilly. Left: An “iceman” would make daily rounds, delivering ice.

    Why ammonia is not used in domestic refrigerator?

    Pure ammonia gas is highly toxic to people and would pose a threat if the refrigerator were to leak, so all home refrigerators don’t use pure ammonia.

    When did fridges stop using ammonia?

    Ammonia commands respect, and ammonia has received that respect. Consider the fact that from 1834 up until the late 1920s, the majority of all refrigeration applications used ammonia.

    Is ammonia still used in refrigeration?

    Ammonia has been continuously used as a refrigerant since the initial practical use of the vapor- compression refrigeration cycle was developed. It has remained the main refrigerant used in industrial refrigeration systems because of its superior thermodynamic properties and low cost.

    Is ammonia still used in fridges?

    Long before the development of modern coolants, ammonia, or NH3, was routinely used to keep refrigerators cool, allowing homeowners to store fresh foods for short periods. While ammonia refrigeration is not as common these days, it is still used in miniature refrigerators or for portable units found in campers and RVs.

    What is the disadvantage of ammonia using a refrigerant?

    There are two key disadvantages to using ammonia as a refrigerant: It is not compatible with copper, so it cannot be used in any system with copper pipes. Ammonia is poisonous in high concentrations.

    Why does fridge smell like ammonia?

    In particular, you want to watch out for the sharp smell of ammonia, as this could be a sign that the gases within the fridge are leaking. Once cooled, the gas flows as a liquid through a valve, which forces it back into a gas. The gas then goes through the coils in your fridge to keep the whole thing cool.

    What kind of ammonia is used in refrigeration?

    anhydrous ammonia

    What are the dangers of ammonia?

    Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in air causes immediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract and can result in blindness, lung damage or death. Inhalation of lower concentrations can cause coughing, and nose and throat irritation.

    What absorbs ammonia?

    After synthesis, ammonia can be selectively absorbed by calcium chloride; nitrogen and hydrogen are not absorbed.

    Can I mix ammonia and vinegar?

    “Many cleaning products use either bleach or ammonia, and mixing them [with vinegar] can cause this reaction, which is why you should never mix any kind of cleaning product,” says Sansoni.

    What kills the smell of ammonia?

    The smell of ammonia is an offensive odor that will require a strong, and powerful solution to eliminate from both the air and the surfaces. Often people will turn to natural household deodorizers such as vinegar, baking soda, and even hydrogen peroxide to eliminate this odor.

    How do you neutralize ammonia in water?

    Add acid. In theory, adding acid (such as hydrochloric acid) to water will reduce pH. This can shift the ammonia equilibrium to favour the non-toxic form.

    What happens when ammonia is mixed with water?

    Ammonia gas dissolves easily in water to form ammonium hydroxide, a caustic solution and weak base. Ammonia gas is easily compressed and forms a clear liquid under pressure.

    Why is the ammonia still high after water change?

    Ammonia tends to remain high after a partial water change due to deep cleanings, in which ammonia reducing bacteria is removed from the tank. However, ammonia also spikes after water changes due to inadequate cycling, de-chlorinators that turn chlorine into ammonia, and malfunctioning filters.

    Does water change lower ammonia?

    One of the first things you should do when you notice that your ammonia levels are high is to perform a 50% water change. The water change won’t remove all the ammonia, but it reduces the amount by adding clean water, which will allow your biological filter to catch up.

    level 1

    I also call it a fridge (american)

    level 1

    I’m can’t recall a time when someone in my life said refrigerator. It has always been fridge.

    level 1

    I use both with equal regularity

    level 1

    I only say «fridge» including all of the people I’ve ever encountered. It’s similar how people rarely say television and say «TV» instead or in the case of the British term, «telly»

    level 1

    (U.S.A.) I’m 75 years old and when I was a kid we called it the icebox. We never called it the fridge, but did eventually call it the refrigerator.

    level 1

    Who calls it a «refrigerator» in casual conversation??? Too many syllables! Everyone I know usually calls it a «fridge» (I’m American BTW)

    level 1

    If you want to speak clearly, you would say «refrigerator.» Like if you go to Home Depot, you might say «I am looking for copper tubing to connect the water to my refrigerator.» There are literally thousands of things for sale there and if you speak unclearly and use slang terms they’re not going to give you a helpful answer.

    If your friend is over you might say «If you want a beer, it’s in the fridge.»

    level 1

    Now we call it the cool closet or the frigo. I never thought about this until now

    level 1

    I’ve always referred to it as the fridge.

    level 1

    My mom says «refridge» she also says «bought’n» in stead of have/has bought.

    level 1

    I have always heard people say fridge on tv before.

    level 1

    It might be a regional thing, but I’ve almost never heard anyone call it a «refrigerator». It’s almost always fridge, especially in general/casual conversations.

    level 1

    To us Americans, we like making things easy, and refrigerator is such a clunky word to use that we had to make it easier for our pea sized brains. So we took the first and last part of the word, and took it from a 17 syllable word to a 1 syllable word

    level 2

    Didn’t you choose to say automobile instead of car for a few decades?

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