What is another word for Energy?
characteristic, liveliness
strength, quality
quality, property
quality, property
liveliness, action
liveliness, action
vitality, characteristic
strength, quality
liveliness, vitality
strength, quality
vitality, activity
activity, characteristic
characteristic, animation
strength, property
characteristic, vivacity
action, zip
strength, effect
physical condition
spirit, vivacity
activity, generated power
spirit, vivacity
vitality, spirit
life, animation
action, generated power
spirit, vivacity
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energetic, energise, energize, energetically, energizing, energization, energetics
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Synonyms for Energy. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/energy
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Synonyms for Energy. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/energy.
What is another word for energy?
859 synonyms found
[ ˈɛnəd͡ʒi], [ ˈɛnədʒi], [ ˈɛ_n_ə_dʒ_i]
Table of Contents
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- property,
- characteristic.
- balance,
- starch,
- calorific,
- amplitude,
- centripetal force,
- absorbance,
- air resistance,
- bonding,
- capillary action,
- attraction,
- centrifugal force.
- aspiration,
- vehemence,
- resolve,
- will,
- effectiveness.
- current,
- friction,
- atomic energy,
- gravity,
- potential,
- response,
- horsepower,
- electricity,
- suction,
- reaction,
- pressure,
- resistance,
- voltage,
- service.
- fuel.
• action (noun)
- Movements,
- big idea,
- in the works,
- enterprises,
- hoppers,
- hopper,
- stir,
- haste,
- ballgame,
- in work,
- enterprise,
- motion,
- flurry.
• activity (noun)
- business,
- stirring,
- kinetics,
- agility,
- exercise,
- conduct,
- performance.
• ambition (noun)
- get and goes,
- pre tension,
- pre-tensions,
- get go,
- get up goes,
- de-sires,
- de-sire,
- get goes,
- de sire,
- fire belly,
- get and go,
- pre-tension,
- get up go,
- pre tensions,
- de sires.
• animal spirits (noun)
- spritelinesses,
- nervous spirit,
- animal-spirits.
• animation (noun)
- brisknesses,
- high spiritses,
- dynamisms,
- vibrancies.
• bounce (noun)
- re-bounds,
- re-coils,
- re coil,
- re-coil,
- re coils,
- re-bound,
- re bound,
- re bounds.
• brawn (noun)
- robustnesses,
- beefinesses.
• dash (noun)
- impressivenesses,
- birrs.
• department of energy (noun)
- department of energy.
• determination (noun)
- de-termination,
- in-dependence,
- re solve,
- de-terminations,
- single mindedness,
- firm nesses,
- firm ness,
- indomitabilities,
- in-dependences,
- de termination,
- in dependences,
- firm-nesses,
- re solves,
- re-solves,
- dogmatisms,
- selfconfidence,
- re-solve,
- stiff upper lips,
- single-mindednesses,
- self confidence,
- single mindednesses,
- de terminations,
- singlemindednesses,
- in dependence.
• dint (noun)
- in dentation,
- in-dentation,
- in dentations,
- in-dentations.
• drive (noun)
- impellents,
- what take,
- what it take,
- what takes.
• efficacy (noun)
- efficacies,
- efficacy,
- capableness.
• efficiency (noun)
- re sourcefulness,
- re sourcefulnesses,
- skillfulnesses,
- know how,
- re-sourcefulness,
- re-sourcefulnesses.
• effort (noun)
- pro ducts,
- under-takings,
- under taking,
- pro duct,
- pro-ducts,
- pro-duct,
- under-taking.
• energy (noun)
- verve,
- vitality,
- vim,
- vigor,
- vigour,
- snap,
- spunk,
- puissance,
- effervescence,
- zip,
- fervor,
- spark,
- force.
• enthusiasm (noun)
- fieriness,
- Ardency,
- impetuosity,
- zealousness.
• excitement (noun)
- attentiveness,
- inflammation,
- electrification,
- anxiety,
- furor,
- stimulation,
- turbulence,
- disquietude,
- exhilaration,
- arousal,
- feverishness.
• fire (noun)
- virtuosities,
- calentures.
• forcefulness (noun)
- forcefulness,
- assertiveness.
• fury (noun)
- flareup,
- rabidities,
- slow burns,
- boiling points,
- rampancies,
- tempestuousnesses.
• generated power (noun)
- conductivity,
- wattage,
- kilowatts,
- magnetism.
• get-up-and-go (noun)
- get up and go,
- Vitali,
- Vitalis.
• health (noun)
- haleness,
- hardiness,
- well-being,
- fitness,
- salubriousness,
- wholesomeness.
• healthiness (noun)
- SH.
• heartiness (noun)
- s’s,
- s’.
• impetus (noun)
- in citation,
- in-citation,
- in citations,
- in-citations.
• industry (noun)
- tirelessnesses,
- intentnesses.
• initiative (noun)
- re source,
- re-source,
- re sources,
- re-sources.
• intensity (noun)
- in-tensities,
- high pitches,
- in-tenseness,
- in tensenesses,
- in tensities,
- in tenseness,
- weightinesses,
- in-tensenesses,
- tensenesses,
- ex cess,
- ex-cesses,
- ex-cess,
- in tensity,
- wildnesses,
- intensenesses,
- in-tensity.
• intestinal fortitude (noun)
- stick to it iveness,
- intestinal-fortitude,
- brass ball.
• irateness (noun)
- wrathfulnesses.
• labor (noun)
- gruntworks.
• life (noun)
- viability,
- sentience,
- lifeblood.
• liveliness (noun)
- spiritednesses.
• mettle (noun)
- dis position,
- dis-position,
- dis positions,
- dis-positions.
• might (noun)
- strenuousnesses,
- qualifiednesses,
- forciblenesses.
• motivation (noun)
- incentive,
- impulse,
- inducement,
- instigation,
- motivation,
- incitement,
- stimulus,
- lure,
- prod.
• motive (noun)
- induction,
- trigger,
- provocation,
- motive,
- prompting,
- fermentation,
- goading,
- facilitation,
- catalyst,
- urge,
- compulsion,
- fomentation,
- enticement.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- efficiency,
- prowess,
- pluck,
- pertness,
- pep,
- Calenture,
- elasticity,
- bounce,
- Qualifiedness,
- sinew,
- Kidneys,
- vital spark,
- might,
- Spriteliness,
- impellent,
- ferocity,
- stamina,
- peppers,
- product,
- strength,
- Rabidity,
- flare up,
- love,
- zeal,
- travails,
- industry,
- resourcefulness,
- labor,
- steam,
- tirelessness,
- spiritedness,
- fire,
- singlemindedness,
- high pitch,
- skillfulness,
- Forcibleness,
- life,
- vibrancy,
- virtuosity,
- intentness,
- Intenseness,
- power of endurance,
- muscle,
- vinegar,
- motivations,
- intestinal fortitude,
- nerve,
- wrathfulness,
- vivaciousness,
- robustness,
- sparkle,
- fervency,
- Muscularity,
- single-mindedness,
- severity,
- briskness,
- get-up-and-go,
- what it takes,
- fearlessness,
- ss,
- kidney,
- dynamism,
- strong arm,
- intensity,
- hus,
- dint,
- effort,
- high spirits,
- oomph,
- drive,
- ambition,
- enthusiasm,
- persistence,
- indomitability,
- brio,
- impetus,
- power,
- luster,
- vivacity,
- push,
- dash,
- boiling point,
- propulsion,
- weightiness,
- ginger,
- stiff upper lip,
- gruntwork,
- health,
- go,
- S,
- wildness,
- mettle,
- fire in belly,
- strenuousness,
- slow burn,
- initiative,
- animal spirits,
- impressiveness,
- peppiness,
- Vehemency,
- nervous spirits,
- fury,
- knowhow,
- pepper,
- spirit,
- tenseness,
- animation,
- action,
- dogmatism,
- Gayety,
- zing,
- brawn,
- brass balls,
- ferocities,
- travail,
- impulsion,
- Rampancy,
- impulsions,
- life force,
- potency,
- liveliness,
- vinegars,
- sores,
- beefiness,
- momentum,
- HU,
- tempestuousness,
- zap,
- irateness,
- indefatigability,
- firm-ness,
- resolution,
- thrustings,
- birr.
• person’s spirit and vigor (noun)
- élan,
- zest,
- toughness.
• phenomenon (noun)
- free energy,
- energy.
• power (noun)
- command,
- competence,
- grasp,
- authority,
- control,
- mastery.
• propulsion (noun)
- full head of steam.
• push (noun)
- drivings,
- shovings,
- forcings,
- strainings,
- exertings.
• resolution (noun)
- immovability,
- immovabilities,
- fixed purpose,
- purposiveness.
• spirit (noun)
- out look,
- sub-stance,
- out-look,
- Mettled,
- sub stances,
- sub-stances,
- vital sparks,
- out looks,
- out-looks,
- frame mind,
- sub stance.
• stamina (noun)
- power endurance,
- indefatigabilities.
• strength (noun)
- firmness,
- huskiness,
- stoutness,
- clout,
- stability,
- sturdiness.
• vigor (noun)
- passion,
- agitation,
- gusto,
- excitement,
- lustiness,
- earnestness,
- industriousness,
- friskiness,
- relish,
- sprightliness,
- exuberance,
- eagerness.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- activity,
- quality,
- movement,
- physical condition.
Other synonyms:
• Energy Department
- energy department.
- beef,
- endurance,
- leadership,
- calling,
- radioactivity,
- torque,
- biofuel,
- biogas,
- staying power,
- solid fuel,
- perversity,
- athleticism,
- the law of the jungle,
- fossil fuel,
- resilience,
- tenacity,
- backbone,
- perseverance,
- renewables,
- solar energy,
- coal-fired,
- solar panel,
- virility.
- determination,
- fix on,
- tolerance,
- biomass,
- megalomania,
- grit,
- wood.
- heat,
- fight.
- commitment,
- nature,
- direction,
- turf.
- pulse.
- head.
- call.
- on.
- burn.
• capacity
- potentiality.
• electromagnetic radiation
- X-rays.
• fusion
- nuclear fission.
• hydraulics
- Water power.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- brightness,
- productiveness,
- striving,
- vibrations,
- freshness,
- pith,
- concentration,
- fervour,
- electromagnetic radiation,
- voltaic electricity,
- daring,
- adventurousness,
- avidity,
- cogent,
- charisma,
- true grit,
- medium,
- long pull,
- appetite,
- juice,
- audacity,
- feeling,
- spontaneity,
- break,
- tension,
- Energeticalness,
- hustle,
- struggle,
- soul,
- manliness,
- disposition,
- exceedingly,
- urgency,
- rush,
- dedicated,
- ride,
- working,
- perturbation,
- delicate,
- immediately,
- mightily,
- superiority,
- gumption,
- sand,
- virulence,
- Brawniness,
- extremely,
- tonicity,
- destructiveness,
- thoroughly,
- defer,
- ferment,
- solid-fuel,
- sturdy,
- button,
- flavour,
- moxie,
- desperately,
- mettlesomeness,
- focus,
- ardor,
- excessively,
- hard,
- vigorousness,
- perfectly,
- terribly,
- flower power,
- inclination,
- vis inertiae,
- cheer,
- right arm,
- relentlessness,
- influential,
- voracity,
- yield,
- heartily,
- dazzle,
- hence,
- firepower,
- goad,
- fierceness,
- assiduousness,
- zipper,
- directly,
- splutter,
- emotion,
- inertia,
- strength of mind,
- influence,
- intense,
- vital,
- strongly,
- excellent,
- gaiety,
- instrumentality,
- power pack,
- purposefulness,
- revelation,
- zilch,
- considerably,
- encouragement,
- heartiness,
- ebullient,
- enormously,
- exquisite,
- attitude,
- joyfulness,
- suggest,
- give way,
- excitation,
- gameness,
- give,
- ambitiousness,
- intercession,
- badly,
- graceful,
- joy,
- force majeure,
- game,
- solar power,
- galvanism,
- hydroelectric power,
- devotedness,
- soberly,
- stalwartness,
- spur,
- vital force,
- desperation,
- Armipotence,
- bubbliness,
- esprit,
- avidness,
- main,
- nuclear power,
- strong,
- labour,
- instantly,
- persona,
- purpose,
- desire,
- able,
- healthiness,
- accede,
- iron will,
- provide,
- breeziness,
- electromagnetism,
- caloric,
- physical,
- motive power,
- cypher,
- decisiveness,
- entirely,
- invigoration,
- ability,
- ruggedness,
- lend,
- flourish,
- ebullience,
- aplomb,
- moil,
- steady,
- style,
- sedulousness,
- aught,
- gas,
- Power Source,
- trouble,
- bustle,
- panache,
- live rail,
- poop,
- balls,
- impact,
- hardihood,
- laboriousness,
- greatly,
- afflatus,
- totally,
- intervention,
- operation,
- mightiness,
- elan,
- ferociousness,
- fortitude,
- Thew,
- sedulity,
- endeavor,
- pizzazz,
- abandon,
- enlivenment,
- be able,
- clever,
- pull,
- correctly,
- lusty,
- press,
- obey,
- elegant,
- submit,
- courage,
- obstinacy,
- intent,
- polite,
- pungency,
- seriously,
- Energies,
- hopelessly,
- enlightenment,
- devotion,
- powerfully,
- Voltaism,
- charge,
- keenness,
- arm,
- fairly,
- refined,
- weight,
- extensively,
- means,
- mental energy,
- pains,
- hard pull,
- ardour,
- Ebullition,
- thermonuclear power,
- heftiness,
- assiduity,
- specialize in,
- spice,
- Potence,
- fundamentally,
- superpower,
- deliver,
- power struggle,
- operativeness,
- quicksilver,
- power structure,
- pizazz,
- spring,
- stick-to-it-iveness,
- indomitableness,
- Light-heartedness,
- exertion,
- amperage,
- potent,
- potential energy,
- proficient,
- high pressure,
- unsparingness,
- effect,
- diligence,
- push button,
- warmth,
- offer,
- boldness,
- buoyancy,
- awakening,
- cheerfulness,
- work,
- emphasis,
- staunchness,
- capacity,
- drastically,
- certain something,
- sentiment,
- bottle,
- acute,
- thrust,
- invigorate,
- character,
- sincerity,
- powerfulness,
- duress,
- duty,
- full blast,
- adroit,
- doe,
- atomic power,
- skilled,
- full force,
- able to,
- guts,
- activeness,
- nada,
- nip,
- wind power,
- agency,
- intention,
- Empressement,
- insight,
- grossly,
- punch,
- completely,
- refresh,
- total energy,
- tuck,
- intermediation,
- toil,
- brute force,
- lust,
- very,
- decision,
- resoluteness,
- beautiful,
- propose,
- qualification,
- temper,
- solar panels,
- fully,
- productivity,
- exhibit,
- exactly,
- wittiness,
- afford,
- succumb,
- capability,
- robust,
- thermic,
- temperament,
- severely,
- dynamic energy,
- hunger,
- application,
- heavily,
- mechanism,
- sap,
- moving spirit,
- bent,
- mind,
- accordingly,
- stable,
- proffer,
- Prepotency,
- inspiration,
- cogence,
- endeavour,
- elbow grease,
- acquiesce,
- virtue,
- might and main,
- gravely,
- Mana,
- get,
- flair,
- violence,
- ravenousness,
- cogency,
- Black Power,
- fuel cell,
- Lustihood,
- tidal power,
- mental,
- essentially,
- live wire,
- effectuality,
- validity,
- vis viva,
- gutsiness,
- strain,
- comply,
- aggressiveness,
- potently,
- capable,
- tone.
How to use «Energy» in context?
Energy is a vital resource for our daily lives. We need it to run our appliances, heat our homes, and power our electronic devices. And despite its importance, energy is surprisingly complex. There are just too many forms and sources to cover in one article! So we’ll focus on two of the most important types of energy: fossil fuels and renewable resources.
Fossil fuels are resources that were once inside the earth, like coal, oil, and natural gas. They are used to generate electricity and heat, and they are a big part of our energy landscape. But fossil fuels are dwindling and they’re not going to last forever.
Paraphrases for Energy:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Reverse Entailment
energy-saving, energy-efficiency, energy-related.
Proper noun, singular
power, energy-related.
Noun, singular or mass
power, energy-saving.
Proper noun, singular
Activities, Policies, expenses, Charges, Fees, Programs, safeguards, buildings, resolutions, problems, requirements, energie, energia.
Noun, plural
applications, calories.
Noun, singular or mass
stamina, strength, vigour, energii, energije.
Verb, 3rd person singular present
provides, consumes.
Proper noun, singular
Other Related
Noun, singular or mass
Homophones for Energy:
- emery rock, enuresis, enrage, emerge, energize, energise, enrich.
Hypernym for Energy:
atomic energy, electricity, heat energy, activation energy, binding energy, heat, radiant energy, power, electrical energy, energy level, rest energy, alternative energy, energy state, separation energy, radiation, energy of activation, mechanical energy, nuclear energy, chemical energy, work.
Hyponym for Energy:
physical phenomenon.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.7 / 3 votes
Power is the most general term of this group, including every quality, property, or faculty by which any change, effect, or result is, or may be, produced; as, the power of the legislature to enact laws, or of the executive to enforce them; the power of an acid to corrode a metal; the power of a polished surface to reflect light. Ability is nearly coextensive with power, but does not reach the positiveness and vigor that may be included in the meaning of power, ability often implying latent, as distinguished from active power; we speak of an exertion of power, but not of an exertion of ability. Power and ability include capacity, which is power to receive; but ability is often distinguished from capacity, as power that may be manifested in doing, as capacity is in receiving; one may have great capacity for acquiring knowledge, and yet not possess ability to teach. Efficiency is active power to effect a definite result, the power that actually does, as distinguished from that which may do. Competency is equal to the occasion, readiness prompt for the occasion. Faculty is an inherent quality of mind or body; talent, some special mental ability. Dexterity and skill are readiness and facility in action, having a special end; talent is innate, dexterity and skill are largely acquired. Our abilities include our natural capacity, faculties, and talents, with all the dexterity, skill, and readiness that can be acquired. Efficacy is the power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it; as, the efficacy of a drug. Efficiency is effectual agency, competent power; efficiency is applied in mechanics as denoting the ratio of the effect produced to the power expended in producing it; but this word is chiefly used of intelligent agents as denoting the quality that brings all one’s power to bear promptly and to the best purpose on the thing to be done. Compare ADDRESS; DEXTERITY; SKILFUL.
ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, cleverness, cogency, competency, dexterity, efficacy, efficiency, expertness, faculty, force, might, power, qualification, readiness, skill, strength, susceptibility, talentAntonyms:
awkwardness, dulness, feebleness, helplessness, imbecility, impotence, inability, inaptitude, incapacity, incompetence, inefficiency, maladroitness, stupidity, unskilfulness, weakness
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.0 / 4 votes
energy, free energynoun
(physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs
«energy can take a wide variety of forms»
vim, vitality, vigour, push, zip, muscularity, free energy, vigor, energy, get-up-and-go -
energy, vigor, vigour, zipnoun
forceful exertion
«he plays tennis with great energy»; «he’s full of zip»
postal code, vigor, muscularity, zip, energy, vitality, goose egg, dynamism, postcode, naught, aught, zero, cipher, nix, cypher, nil, vigour, get-up-and-go, slide fastener, null, zip fastener, zipper, heartiness, vim, zilch, zippo, nothing, nada, push, free energy -
energy, push, get-up-and-gonoun
enterprising or ambitious drive
«Europeans often laugh at American energy»
vim, vitality, thrust, vigour, energy, push, zip, muscularity, free energy, vigor, push button, button, pushing, get-up-and-go -
energy, muscularity, vigor, vigour, vimnoun
an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)
«his writing conveys great energy»; «a remarkable muscularity of style»
vigor, muscularity, vim, zip, energy, heftiness, dynamism, muscle, vigour, get-up-and-go, brawn, brawniness, heartiness, sinew, vitality, push, free energy -
energy, vim, vitalitynoun
a healthy capacity for vigorous activity
«jogging works off my excess energy»; «he seemed full of vim and vigor»
vim, vitality, vigour, elan vital, animation, push, zip, muscularity, free energy, vigor, life force, vital force, energy, verve, get-up-and-go -
any source of usable power
«the DOE is responsible for maintaining the energy policy»
vim, vitality, vigour, push, zip, muscularity, free energy, vigor, get-up-and-go -
Department of Energy, Energy Department, Energy, DOEnoun
the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States; created in 1977
vim, vitality, vigour, push, zip, muscularity, free energy, vigor, get-up-and-go
Matched Categories
- Executive Department
- Physical Phenomenon
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
force, power, might, efficacy, potency, efficiency, strength, activity, intensity -
spirit, spiritedness, animation, life, vigor, manliness, zeal, pluck, bottom, animal spirits
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «energy»:
power, energies, ‘énergie, energia, énergie, energije, energii, electricity, vigour, energetyki, energetic
How to pronounce ENERGY?
How to say ENERGY in sign language?
How to use ENERGY in a sentence?
William Barr:
Ukraine certainly puts a greater emphasis on the need for us to stop all this nonsense about stopping our own energy production.
Loren Weisman:
Playing the blame game is stupid and childish. Even if it is someone else’s fault, the blame game is wasted time, effort, and energy that takes you somewhere that is not going to get you anywhere.
Kyle Larson:
I love this place. This is by far my favorite track. This is why, you guys are amazing, loud. We feel the energy while we’re out there racing. Thanks, everyone, for spending your hard-earned money to come watch us putting on a show.
Richard Slark:
I believe we are looking at a 2-3 year hiatus in those large-scale energy projects where financing would be international.
Vladimir Airapetian:
Solar flares represent the most violent eruptions in the solar system, they release energy comparable to a couple billion megatons of TNT in a few minutes.
Translations for ENERGY
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- طاقةArabic
- enerjiAzerbaijani
- энергіяBelarusian
- сила, енергияBulgarian
- energiaCatalan, Valencian
- energieCzech
- egniWelsh
- energiDanish
- EnergieGerman
- ενέργειαGreek
- energioEsperanto
- energíaSpanish
- energiaEstonian
- adoreBasque
- انرژیPersian
- energiaFinnish
- énergie, courageFrench
- enerzjyWestern Frisian
- fuinneamhIrish
- neart, brìgh, lùthsScottish Gaelic
- enerxíaGalician
- אנרגיהHebrew
- ऊर्जाHindi
- enèjiHaitian Creole
- energiaHungarian
- ուժ, էներգիա, եռանդ, կորովArmenian
- energiaInterlingua
- tenaga, energiIndonesian
- orkaIcelandic
- forza, energiaItalian
- אֵנHebrew
- エネルギー, 動力Japanese
- ენერგიაGeorgian
- 에너지, 에네르기Korean
- industriaLatin
- energijaLithuanian
- enerģijaLatvian
- riakaMāori
- енергијаMacedonian
- tenagaMalay
- energieDutch
- energiNorwegian
- energiaOccitan
- energiaPolish
- energiaPortuguese
- energieRomanian
- энергияRussian
- енергија, energijaSerbo-Croatian
- energiaSlovak
- energíjaSlovene
- energjiAlbanian
- energiSwedish
- kaniSwahili
- ஆற்றல்Tamil
- శక్తిTelugu
- энержӣTajik
- พลังงานThai
- enegi˙aTurkmen
- erke, güç, enerjiTurkish
- енергіяUkrainian
- توانائیUrdu
- energiyaUzbek
- năng lượngVietnamese
- nämetVolapük
- ענערגיעYiddish
- 能源Chinese
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Are we missing a good synonym for ENERGY?
How does the noun energy contrast with its synonyms?
Some common synonyms of energy are force, might, power, and strength. While all these words mean «the ability to exert effort,» energy applies to power expended or capable of being transformed into work.
a worker with boundless energy
When is it sensible to use force instead of energy?
While in some cases nearly identical to energy, force implies the actual effective exercise of power.
used enough force to push the door open
In what contexts can might take the place of energy?
While the synonyms might and energy are close in meaning, might implies great or overwhelming power or strength.
the belief that might makes right
When would power be a good substitute for energy?
In some situations, the words power and energy are roughly equivalent. However, power may imply latent or exerted physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon.
the awesome power of flowing water
When is strength a more appropriate choice than energy?
The synonyms strength and energy are sometimes interchangeable, but strength applies to the quality or property of a person or thing that makes possible the exertion of force or the withstanding of strain, pressure, or attack.
use weight training to build your strength
Rhymes with Energy
- allergy
- cenergy
- cinergy
- dramaturgy
- entergy
- lethargy
- liturgy
- metallurgy
- synergy
How do you pronounce energy?
Pronounce energy as ˈɛnərʤi.
US — How to pronounce energy in American English
UK — How to pronounce energy in British English
Sentences with energy
Quotes about energy
5. energy
noun. [‘ˈɛnɝdʒi’] forceful exertion.
- ἐνέργεια (Ancient Greek (to 1453))