Alt letters in word

Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ
Alt+1 Alt+21 § Alt+41 ) Alt+61 = Alt+81 Q Alt+101 e Alt+121 y
Alt+2 Alt+22 Alt+42 * Alt+62 > Alt+82 R Alt+102 f Alt+122 z
Alt+3 Alt+23 Alt+43 + Alt+63  ? Alt+83 S Alt+103 g Alt+123 {
Alt+4 Alt+24 Alt+44 , Alt+64 @ Alt+84 T Alt+104 h Alt+124 |
Alt+5 Alt+25 Alt+45 Alt+65 A Alt+85 U Alt+105 i Alt+125 }
Alt+6 Alt+26 Alt+46 . Alt+66 B Alt+86 V Alt+106 j Alt+126 ~
Alt+7 Alt+27 Alt+47 / Alt+67 C Alt+87 W Alt+107 k Alt+127
Alt+8 Alt+28 Alt+48 0 Alt+68 D Alt+88 X Alt+108 l Alt+128 А
Alt+9 Alt+29 Alt+49 1 Alt+69 E Alt+89 Y Alt+109 m Alt+129 Б
Alt+10 Alt+30 Alt+50 2 Alt+70 F Alt+90 Z Alt+110 n Alt+130 В
Alt+11 Alt+31 Alt+51 3 Alt+71 G Alt+91 [ Alt+111 o Alt+131 Г
Alt+12 Alt+32 пробел Alt+52 4 Alt+72 H Alt+92 Alt+112 p Alt+132 Д
Alt+13 Alt+33 ! Alt+53 5 Alt+73 I Alt+93 ] Alt+113 q Alt+133 Е
Alt+14 Alt+34 « Alt+54 6 Alt+74 J Alt+94 ^ Alt+114 r Alt+134 Ж
Alt+15 Alt+35 # Alt+55 7 Alt+75 K Alt+95 _ Alt+115 s Alt+135 З
Alt+16 Alt+36 $ Alt+56 8 Alt+76 L Alt+96 ` Alt+116 t Alt+136 И
Alt+17 Alt+37 % Alt+57 9 Alt+77 M Alt+97 a Alt+117 u Alt+137 Й
Alt+18 Alt+38 & Alt+58 : Alt+78 N Alt+98 b Alt+118 v Alt+138 К
Alt+19 Alt+39 Alt+59 ; Alt+79 O Alt+99 c Alt+119 w Alt+139 Л
Alt+20 Alt+40 ( Alt+60 < Alt+80 P Alt+100 d Alt+120 x Alt+140 М
Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ
Alt+141 Н Alt+161 б Alt+181 Alt+201 Alt+221 Alt+241 ё
Alt+142 О Alt+162 в Alt+182 Alt+202 Alt+222 Alt+242 Є
Alt+143 П Alt+163 г Alt+183 Alt+203 Alt+223 Alt+243 є
Alt+144 Р Alt+164 д Alt+184 Alt+204 Alt+224 р Alt+244 Ї
Alt+145 С Alt+165 е Alt+185 Alt+205 Alt+225 с Alt+245 ї
Alt+146 Т Alt+166 ж Alt+186 Alt+206 Alt+226 т Alt+246 Ў
Alt+147 У Alt+167 з Alt+187 Alt+207 Alt+227 у Alt+247 ў
Alt+148 Ф Alt+168 и Alt+188 Alt+208 Alt+228 ф Alt+248 °
Alt+149 Х Alt+169 й Alt+189 Alt+209 Alt+229 х Alt+249
Alt+150 Ц Alt+170 к Alt+190 Alt+210 Alt+230 ц Alt+250 ·
Alt+151 Ч Alt+171 л Alt+191 Alt+211 Alt+231 ч Alt+251
Alt+152 Ш Alt+172 м Alt+192 Alt+212 Alt+232 ш Alt+252
Alt+153 Щ Alt+173 н Alt+193 Alt+213 Alt+233 щ Alt+253 ¤
Alt+154 Ъ Alt+174 о Alt+194 Alt+214 Alt+234 ъ Alt+254
Alt+155 Ы Alt+175 п Alt+195 Alt+215 Alt+235 ы Alt+255 неразрывный
Alt+156 Ь Alt+176 Alt+196 Alt+216 Alt+236 ь Alt+256 Ā
Alt+157 Э Alt+177 Alt+197 Alt+217 Alt+237 э Alt+257 ā
Alt+158 Ю Alt+178 Alt+198 Alt+218 Alt+238 ю Alt+258 Ă
Alt+159 Я Alt+179 Alt+199 Alt+219 Alt+239 я Alt+259 ă
Alt+160 а Alt+180 Alt+200 Alt+220 Alt+240 Ё Alt+260 Ą
Английская раскладка

Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ
Alt+0127 пусто Alt+0154 š Alt+0180 ´ Alt+0206 Î Alt+0232 è
Alt+0128 Ђ Alt+0155 Alt+0181 µ Alt+0207 Ï Alt+0233 é
Alt+0129 пусто Alt+0156 œ Alt+0182 Alt+0208 Ð Alt+0234 ê
Alt+0130 Alt+0157 пусто Alt+0183 · Alt+0209 Ñ Alt+0235 ë
Alt+0131 y Alt+0158 ž Alt+0184 ¸ Alt+0210 Ò Alt+0236 ì
Alt+0132 Alt+0159 Ÿ Alt+0185 ¹ Alt+0211 Ó Alt+0237 í
Alt+0133 Alt+0160 неразрывный
Alt+0186 º Alt+0212 Ô Alt+0238 î
Alt+0134 Alt+0161 ¡ Alt+0187 » Alt+0213 Õ Alt+0239 ï
Alt+0135 Alt+0162 ¢ Alt+0188 ¼ Alt+0214 Ö Alt+0240 ð
Alt+0136 Alt+0163 £ Alt+0189 ½ Alt+0215 × Alt+0241 ñ
Alt+0137 Alt+0164 ¤ Alt+0190 ¾ Alt+0216 Ø Alt+0242 ò
Alt+0138 Š Alt+0165 ¥ Alt+0191 ¿ Alt+0217 Ù Alt+0243 ó
Alt+0139 Alt+0166 ¦ Alt+0192 À Alt+0218 Ú Alt+0244 ô
Alt+0140 Œ Alt+0167 ! Alt+0193 Á Alt+0219 Û Alt+0245 õ
Alt+0142 Ž Alt+0168 ¨ Alt+0194 Â Alt+0220 Ü Alt+0246 ö
Alt+0143 Џ Alt+0169 © Alt+0195 Ã Alt+0221 Ý Alt+0247 ÷
Alt+0144 пусто Alt+0170 ª Alt+0196 Ä Alt+0222 Þ Alt+0248 ø
Alt+0145 Alt+0171 « Alt+0197 Å Alt+0223 ß Alt+0249 ù
Alt+0146 Alt+0172 ¬ Alt+0198 Æ Alt+0224 à Alt+0250 ú
Alt+0147 Alt+0173 ­­н Alt+0199 Ç Alt+0225 á Alt+0251 û
Alt+0148 Alt+0174 о Alt+0200 È Alt+0226 â Alt+0252 ü
Alt+0149 Alt+0175 ¯ Alt+0201 É Alt+0227 ã Alt+0253 ý
Alt+0150 Alt+0176 ° Alt+0202 Ê Alt+0228 ä Alt+0254 þ
Alt+0151 Alt+0177 ± Alt+0203 Ë Alt+0229 å Alt+0255 ÿ
Alt+0152 ˜ Alt+0178 ² Alt+0204 Ì Alt+0230 æ
Alt+0153 Alt+0179 ³ Alt+0205 Í Alt+0231 ç
Русская раскладка

Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ Alt-код Символ
Alt+0127 пусто Alt+0154 љ Alt+0180 ґ Alt+0206 О Alt+0232 и
Alt+0128 Ђ Alt+0155 Alt+0181 µ Alt+0207 П Alt+0233 й
Alt+0129 Ѓ Alt+0156 њ Alt+0182 Alt+0208 Р Alt+0234 к
Alt+0130 Alt+0157 ќ Alt+0183 · Alt+0209 С Alt+0235 л
Alt+0131 ѓ Alt+0158 ћ Alt+0184 ё Alt+0210 Т Alt+0236 м
Alt+0132 Alt+0159 џ Alt+0185 Alt+0211 У Alt+0237 н
Alt+0133 Alt+0160 неразрывный
Alt+0186 є Alt+0212 Ф Alt+0238 о
Alt+0134 Alt+0161 Ў Alt+0187  » Alt+0213 Х Alt+0239 п
Alt+0135 Alt+0162 ў Alt+0188 ј Alt+0214 Ц Alt+0240 р
Alt+0136 Alt+0163 Ј Alt+0189 Ѕ Alt+0215 Ч Alt+0241 с
Alt+0137 Alt+0164 ¤ Alt+0190 ѕ Alt+0216 Ш Alt+0242 т
Alt+0138 Љ Alt+0165 Ґ Alt+0191 ї Alt+0217 Щ Alt+0243 у
Alt+0139 Alt+0166 ¦ Alt+0192 А Alt+0218 Ъ Alt+0244 ф
Alt+0140 Њ Alt+0167 § Alt+0193 Б Alt+0219 Ы Alt+0245 х
Alt+0142 Ћ Alt+0168 Ё Alt+0194 В Alt+0220 Ь Alt+0246 ц
Alt+0143 Џ Alt+0169 © Alt+0195 Г Alt+0221 Э Alt+0247 ч
Alt+0144 ђ Alt+0170 Є Alt+0196 Д Alt+0222 Ю Alt+0248 ш
Alt+0145 Alt+0171 « Alt+0197 Е Alt+0223 Я Alt+0249 щ
Alt+0146 Alt+0172 ¬­ Alt+0198 Ж Alt+0224 а Alt+0250 ъ
Alt+0147 Alt+0173 ­­- Alt+0199 З Alt+0225 б Alt+0251 ы
Alt+0148 « Alt+0174 ® Alt+0200 И Alt+0226 в Alt+0252 ь
Alt+0149 Alt+0175 Ї Alt+0201 Й Alt+0227 г Alt+0253 э
Alt+0150 Alt+0176 ° Alt+0202 К Alt+0228 д Alt+0254 ю
Alt+0151 Alt+0177 ± Alt+0203 Л Alt+0229 е Alt+0255 я
Alt+0152 пусто Alt+0178 І Alt+0204 М Alt+0230 ж
Alt+0153 Alt+0179 і Alt+0205 Н Alt+0231 з

Как вводить Alt-коды
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An Accent is a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed below or above a letter (or a vowel) to indicate a special pronunciation.

Due to improved keyboard controls on devices, typing or putting accents on letters (accented letters) becomes very easy. Whether you are using a desktop (be it Windows or Mac), laptop, or even on mobile devices, you can easily type accents on letters with some cool tricks and techniques you’ll learn about in this article.

There are some specialized keyboards that allow you to type these accented letters easily. Thus, if you don’t use these special Accent keyboards, you’ll need some of the techniques in this article to be able to type any letter with an accent or symbol into your Work on any device.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

There are several approaches to typing or inserting accented letters into Microsoft Windows.

Since these characters are not readily available on the keyboard, using their alt codes is the simplest way to type them on Windows.

In this section, I’ll show you how to type accents in windows using the characters’ alt codes.

Using the Letters with Accents Alt Code

Each letter with an accent has an alt code with which you can use to type it anywhere in Windows, whether in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, in your Browser, and so on. You’ll learn the alt code to all the accented characters in a moment. For now, let’s look at the steps.

To type letters with accents on top, obey the following instruction:

  • First of all, know the alt code of the letter with accent you want to type. The alt codes are listed just below these instructions.
  • Turn on your Num Lock. Press Fn+NmLk to turn on Num Lock on laptops without the numeric keypad.
  • Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • Whilst still holding on to the Alt key, press the character’s alt code.
  • For example, to type e with an acute accent (é), press and hold the Alt key, then type the alt code 0233 on the numeric keypad.
  • Now release the Alt key.

You should see the accented letter inserted as soon as you release the Alt key.

Below are the alt codes for the various accented letters.

Letters with Acute accents Alt Codes

Description Symbol Alt Codes
A acute – Uppercase Á Alt 0193
a acute – Lowercase á Alt 0225
E acute – Uppercase É Alt 0201
e acute – Lowercase é Alt 0233
I acute – Uppercase Í Alt 0205
i acute – Lowercase í Alt 0237
O acute – Uppercase Ó Alt 0211
o acute – Lowercase ó Alt 0243
U acute – Uppercase Ú Alt 0218
u acute – Lowercase ú Alt 0250
Y acute – Uppercase Ý Alt 0221
y acute – Lowercase ý Alt 0253

Letters with Grave accents Alt Codes

Description Symbol Alt Codes
A grave – Uppercase À Alt 0192
a grave – Lowercase à Alt 0224
E grave – Uppercase È Alt 0200
e grave – Lowercase è Alt 0232
I grave – Uppercase Ì Alt 0204
i grave – Lowercase ì Alt 0236
O grave – Uppercase Ò Alt 0210
o grave – Lowercase ò Alt 0242
U grave – Uppercase Ù Alt 0217
u grave – Lowercase ù Alt 0249

Letters with Circumflex accents Alt Codes

Description Symbol Alt Codes
A circumflex – Uppercase  Alt 0194
a circumflex – Lowercase â Alt 0226
E circumflex – Uppercase Ê Alt 0202
e circumflex – Lowercase ê Alt 0234
I circumflex – Uppercase Î Alt 0206
i circumflex – Lowercase î Alt 0238
O circumflex – Uppercase Ô Alt 0212
o circumflex – Lowercase ô Alt 0244
U circumflex – Uppercase Û Alt 0219
u circumflex – Lowercase û Alt 0251

Letters with Tilde accents Alt Codes

Description Symbol Alt Codes
A tilde – Uppercase à Alt 0195
a tilde – Lowercase ã Alt 0227
N tilde – Uppercase Ñ Alt 165
n tilde – Lowercase ñ Alt 164
O tilde – Uppercase Õ Alt 0213
o tilde – Lowercase õ Alt 0245

Letters with Umlaut Accents Alt Codes

Description Symbol Alt Codes
A umlaut – Uppercase Ä Alt 0196
a umlaut – Lowercase ä Alt 0228
E umlaut – Uppercase Ë Alt 0203
e umlaut – Lowercase ë Alt 0235
I umlaut – Uppercase Ï Alt 0207
i umlaut – Lowercase ï Alt 0239
O umlaut – Uppercase Ö Alt 0214
o umlaut – Lowercase ö Alt 0246
U umlaut – Uppercase Ü Alt 0220
u umlaut – Lowercase ü Alt 0252
Y umlaut – Uppercase Ÿ Alt 0159
y umlaut – Lowercase ÿ Alt 0255

Note: Using the alt code approach means that you have a lot to learn. And as we all know, learning these alt codes will take a lot of practice as there are many alt codes to remember. However, you can create a cheat sheet for quick reference if you happen to type accents frequently. If you are using any of the Microsoft Office Apps like Word or Excel, you can reconfigure some hotkeys to better suit your typing needs – We’ll discuss that later in this article.

How to type Accents on Mac

Typing accents on Mac is a lot easier with shortcuts. There are some combinations of keys for typing any accented letter on Mac. Let’s take a look at how to use each of these shortcuts.

Typing Letters with grave accents on Mac

Obey the following steps to type any letter with the grave accent mark on top of it:

  • First of all, press [Option]+[`] on your keyboard.
  • Then press the letter to be accented.

For example, to type è (e with the grave accent), press and hold [OPTION], then press the [`] grave accent key. Release the two keys and then type [e]. The ‘e’ with grave should be inserted into your work. The same technique can be used to type à, ì, ò and ù.

The [`] mark is called the grave accent and the key for typing this mark is the key on top of the [Tab] key and before the [1] key.

grave accent key on Mac

Letters with grave accent shortcuts are listed in the table below:

Symbol Description Shortcut on Mac
à a grave [OPTION]+[`] then a
è e grave [OPTION]+[`] then e
ì i grave [OPTION]+[`] then i
ò o grave [OPTION]+[`] then o
ù u grave [OPTION]+[`] then u

Typing Letters with acute accents on Mac

Obey the following steps to type any letter with the acute accent mark on top of it:

  • First of all, press [Option]+[e] on your keyboard.
  • Then press the letter to be accented.

For example, to type é (e with the acute accent), press and hold OPTION, then press the e key. Release the two keys and then type e. The letter é should be inserted for you. The same technique can be used to type á, í, í, ó, ú and ý.

Letters with acute accent shortcuts are listed in the table below:

Symbol Description Shortcut on Mac
á a acute [OPTION]+[e] then a
é e acute [OPTION]+[e] then e
í i acute [OPTION]+[e]  then i
ó o acute [OPTION]+[e] then o
ú u acute [OPTION]+[e] then u
ý y acute [OPTION]+[e] then y

Typing Letters with circumflex accents on Mac

Obey the following steps to type any letter with the circumflex accent mark on top of it:

  • First of all, press [Option]+[i] on your keyboard.
  • Then press the letter to be accented.

For example, to type ê (e with the circumflex accent), press and hold the [OPTION] key, then press the [i] key. Release the two keys and then type e. The letter ê should be inserted into your work. The same technique can be used to type â, î, ô and û.

Letters with circumflex accent shortcuts are listed in the table below:

Symbol Description Shortcut on Mac
â a circumflex [OPTION]+[i] then a
ê e circumflex [OPTION]+[i] then e
î i circumflex [OPTION]+[i] then i
ô o circumflex [OPTION]+[i] then o
û u circumflex [OPTION]+[i] then u

Typing Letters with the tilde accents on Mac

Obey the following steps to type any letter with the tilde accent mark on top of it:

  • First of all, press [Option]+[n] on your keyboard.
  • Then press the letter to be accented.

For example, to type ã (a with the tilde accent), press and hold the [OPTION] key, then press the [n] key. Release the two keys and then type a. The letter ã should be inserted into your work. The same technique can be used to type ñ and õ.

Letters with tilde accent shortcuts for Mac are listed in the table below:

Symbol Description Shortcut on Mac
ã a tilde [OPTION]+[n] then a
ñ n tilde [OPTION]+[n] then n
õ o tilde [OPTION]+[n] then o

Letters with umlaut accents on Mac

Obey the following steps to type any letter with the umlaut accent mark on top of it:

  • First of all, press [Option]+[u] on your keyboard.
  • Then press the letter to be accented.

For example, to type ë (e with the umlaut accent), press and hold the [OPTION] key, then press the [u] key. Release the two keys and then type e. The letter ë should be inserted into your work. The same technique can be used to type ä, ï, ö, ü and ÿ.

Letters with umlaut accent shortcuts are listed in the table below:

Symbol Description Shortcut on Mac
ä a umlaut [OPTION]+[u] then a
ë e umlaut [OPTION]+[u] then e
ï i umlaut [OPTION]+[u] then i
ö o umlaut [OPTION]+[u] then o
ü u umlaut [OPTION]+[u] then u
ÿ y umlaut [OPTION]+[u] then y

These are the easy ways to type letters with accents on top of them on Mac.

How to Type Accents on Letters in Word

In this section, we’ll discuss the various options you can use to type accents in Microsoft Word.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Keyboard shortcuts for typing accents in Word

If you are using Microsoft Word for typing your projects which requires you to frequently type accented letters, you’ll be happy to learn that Word has made typing accents very easy with some combinations of keys.

For example, to type é ( e with acute accent) in Word, press Ctrl+’ (apostrophe), then hit on the letter [e].

This means that Ctrl+’ then [a] gives you á, Ctrl+’ then [u] gives you ú, and so on.

Below is a table of shortcut keys to type accents in Word:

Accented Letters Shortcut Key in MS Word
à, è, ì, ò, ù, À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù Ctrl+` (accent grave), the letter
á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý Ctrl+’ (apostrophe), the letter
â, ê, î, ô, û, Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û Ctrl+Shift+^ (caret), the letter
ã, ñ, õ, Ã, Ñ, Õ Ctrl+Shift+~ (tilde), the letter
ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ, Ä, Ë, Ï, Ö, Ü, Ÿ Ctrl+Shift+: (colon), the letter
å, Å Ctrl+Shift+@ (At), a or A

Typing Letters with accents in Word using Alt Codes

One of the easiest ways you can get any accented letter in Word is to use the character’s alt code. All you have to do is to key in the alt code whilst you press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.

Below are the steps to type any accented letter in Word using the character’s Alt code:

  • First of all, identify the alt code of the accented letter you wish to type. In this example, we will type the letter e with an acute accent (é). The Alt code for this letter is 130.

Note: Refer to the first section of this article for a list of alt codes for all the accented letters.

  • Press and hold the Alt key and type the alt code of the letter you wish to type. In this example, we are typing é whose alt code is 130. Therefore, whilst holding down the Alt key, press 130 on the numeric keypad at the right-hand side of your keyboard.

This is how you may type accents into Microsoft Word with the help of character codes.

Insert Accents using the Insert symbol’s dialog

This particular method involves a little bit of workaround. But it’s fairly simple. It doesn’t involve using the keyboard though.

And once you get the accented you want into your document; you can always copy and paste it again as and when the need arises.

Obey the following instructions to insert accents in Word using the insert symbol dialog.

  • On the Insert tab, click the Symbol button and choose More Symbols…
Go to Symbols>More Symbols

These few clicks will display the Symbol dialog box. Now it’s time to look for the symbol you want to insert.

The Symbol's dialog boxs
  • Locate the Symbol

To easily find all the accents in the dialog box, look at the bottom right area of the Symbol dialog box and select Unicode (hex) in the from: drop-down. Then look again at the top right area of the dialog and select Latin-1 Supplement in the Subset: drop-down.

This will filter out all the letters with accents.

how to insert accents in Word
  • Select the symbol, then click Insert. Alternatively, double-click on your choice to insert it into your document.
  • After inserting, close the Symbol dialog box by clicking on the Cancel button.

This is how you may insert letters with accents in Word using the insert symbol dialog.

How to Type Accents in Excel

There are two simple ways to type accents in Excel. The use of character codes and using the insert symbol’s dialog box.

In this section, I’ll go through these two options one after the other.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Using the insert Symbol’s dialog

The following steps will show you how to insert letters with accents in Excel using the insert symbol’s dialog box.

  • Select the cell that will contain the accented letter you wish to insert. If you want the accented letter to come before or after a particular character in a cell, place the insertion pointer right there.
  • Click on the Insert tab.
Excel insert tab to get accents on the Symbols dialog
  • Click on the Symbols drop down and select Symbol to display the Symbol’s dialog box.
Go to Symbols>More Symbols for Excel
  • The Symbols dialog box will appear.
  • From this Symbol dialog box, search for the letter with an accent you want and double click it to insert. Alternatively, just select and click on the Insert button at the bottom of the dialog.
typing accents in Excel
  • Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog.

This is how you may use the Symbol’s dialog box to insert letters with accents in Excel.

Using alt codes to type accents in Excel

Another easy way to type letters with accents in Excel is to use alt codes. This method will work for you if you are using a Windows PC. If it looks like you, just obey the instructions below:

  • First of all, identify the alt code of the accented letter you wish to type. In this example, we will type the letter e with an acute accent (é). The Alt code for this letter is 130.

Note: Refer to the first section of this article for list of alt codes for all the accented letters.

  • Now, Select the cell that will contain the letter with an accent.
  • Press and hold the Alt key and type the alt code of the accented letter. In this example, we are typing é whose alt code is 130. Therefore, whilst holding down the Alt key, press 130 on the numeric keypad at the right-hand side of your keyboard.
  • After typing the code, release the alt key.

This is how you may type accents in Microsoft Excel using alt codes.

You can use Alt codes in programs like Excel and Word to insert special characters such as £ (Alt 0163), © (Alt 0169), ° [degree symbol] (Alt 0176) and ½ (Alt 0189)

You can also use Alt codes to insert commonly used non-English characters that are not found on a standard US keyboard such as á («a» with acute accent — Alt 160), ö («o» with diaeresis — Alt 148), ñ (enye — alt 164) and ç (cedilla — Alt 135)

1.  What is an ALT code?

Alt codes are based largely on ASCII, which stands for «American Standard Code for Information Interchange». Each ASCII code represents a different character. It was developed in the sixties as a standard character set for computers and electronic devices. The character sets used in modern computers, in HTML, and on the Internet, are all based on ASCII.

2. How to insert an Alt code

Just hold the ALT key and type the appropriate 3 or 4 digit code. Here are some of the more useful ones.

You must use the numeric keypad on the right hand side of an extended keyboard. Make sure that the NumLock is switched on. If you use the numbers along the top of the regular keyboard, you will inadvertently activate a tab, command or Quick Access function.

3. Currency Symbols

£  ALT + 0163
¥  ALT + 0165
¢  ALT + 0162
  ALT + 0128

4. Legal symbols

©  ALT + 0169
®  ALT + 0174
§  ALT + 0167
  ALT + 0153

5. Mathematical symbols

°  ALT + 248 / 0176
¹  ALT + 251
²  ALT + 253
³  ALT + 252
÷  ALT + 246
¼  ALT + 0188
½  ALT + 0189
¾  ALT + 0190
±  ALT + 0241

6. Chevrons

«  ALT + 174 / 0171
»  ALT + 175 / 0187

7. Diacritical characters (non-English letters not found on a standard US keyboard)

à  ALT + 0195
å  ALT + 0229
Å  ALT + 143
å  ALT + 134
Ä  ALT + 142
ä  ALT + 132
À  ALT + 0192
à  ALT + 133
Á  ALT + 0193
á  ALT + 160
  ALT + 0194
â  ALT + 131
Ç  ALT + 128
ç  ALT + 135
É  ALT + 144
é  ALT + 130
È  ALT + 0200
è  ALT + 138

Ê  ALT + 202
ê  ALT + 136
Ë  ALT + 203
ë  ALT + 137
Ï  ALT + 0207
ï  ALT + 139
Î  ALT + 0206
î  ALT + 140
Í  ALT + 0205
í  ALT + 161
Ì  ALT + 0204
ì  ALT + 141
Ñ  ALT + 165
ñ  ALT + 164
Ö  ALT + 153
ö  ALT + 148
Ô  ALT + 212
ô  ALT + 147

Ō  ALT + 229
ō  ALT + 228
Ò  ALT + 0210
ò  ALT + 149
Ó  ALT + 0211
ó  ALT + 162
Ø  ALT + 157
Ü  ALT + 154
ü  ALT + 129
Û  ALT + 0219
û  ALT + 150
Ù  ALT + 0217
ù  ALT + 151
Ú  ALT + 233
ú  ALT + 163
ÿ  ALT + 152

8. What next?

I hope you found plenty of value in this post. I’d love to hear your biggest takeaway in the comments below together with any questions you may have.

Have a fantastic day.

Jason Morrell blog signature

About Jason Morrell

About the author

Jason Morrell

Jason loves to simplify the hard stuff, cut the fluff and share what actually works. Things that make a difference. Things that slash hours from your daily work tasks. He runs a software training business in Queensland, Australia, lives on the Gold Coast with his wife and 4 kids and often talks about himself in the third person!



Alt+128 Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla


Alt+129 U with two Dots


Alt+130 Latin Small Letter E with Acute


Alt+131 Latin Small Letter a with Circumflex


Alt+132 Latin Small Letter a with Diaeresis


Alt+133 Latin Small Letter a with Grave


Alt+134 Latin Small Letter a with Ring Above


Alt+135 Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla


Alt+136 Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex


Alt+137 Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis


Alt+138 Latin Small Letter E with Grave


Alt+139 Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis


Alt+140 Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex


Alt+141 Latin Small Letter I with Grave


Alt+142 Latin Capital Letter a with Diaeresis


Alt+143 Latin Capital Letter a with Ring Above


Alt+144 Latin Capital Letter E with Acute


Alt+145 Latin Small Letter Ae


Alt+146 Latin Capital Letter Ae


Alt+147 Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex


Alt+148 Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis


Alt+149 Latin Small Letter O with Grave


Alt+150 Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex


Alt+151 Latin Small Letter U with Grave


Alt+152 Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis


Alt+153 Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis


Alt+154 Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis


Alt+155 Cent Sign


Alt+156 Pound Sign


Alt+157 Yen Sign

Alt+158 Peseta Sign


Alt+159 Latin Small Letter F with Hook


Alt+160 Latin Small Letter a with Acute


Alt+161 Latin Small Letter I with Acute


Alt+162 Latin Small Letter O with Acute


Alt+163 Latin Small Letter U with Acute


Alt+164 Latin Small Letter N with Tilde


Alt+165 Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde


Alt+166 Feminine Ordinal Indicator


Alt+167 Masculine Ordinal Indicator


Alt+168 Inverted Question Mark

Alt+169 Reversed Not Sign


Alt+170 Not Sign


Alt+171 Vulgar Fraction One Half


Alt+172 Vulgar Fraction One Quarter


Alt+173 Inverted Exclamation Mark


Alt+174 Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark


Alt+175 Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark

Alt+176 Light Shade

Alt+177 Medium Shade

Alt+178 Dark Shade

Alt+179 Box Drawings Light Vertical

Alt+180 Box Drawings Light Vertical and Left

Alt+181 Box Drawings Vertical Single and Left Double

Alt+182 Box Drawings Vertical Double and Left Single

Alt+183 Box Drawings Down Double and Left Single

Alt+184 Box Drawings Down Single and Left Double

Alt+185 Box Drawings Double Vertical and Left

Alt+186 Box Drawings Double Vertical

Alt+187 Box Drawings Double Down and Left

Alt+188 Box Drawings Double Up and Left

Alt+189 Box Drawings Up Double and Left Single

Alt+190 Box Drawings Up Single and Left Double

Alt+191 Box Drawings Light Down and Left

Alt+192 Box Drawings Light Up and Right

Alt+193 Box Drawings Light Up and Horizontal

Alt+194 Box Drawings Light Down and Horizontal

Alt+195 Box Drawings Light Vertical and Right

Alt+196 Box Drawings Light Horizontal

Alt+197 Box Drawings Light Vertical and Horizontal

Alt+198 Box Drawings Vertical Single and Right Double

Alt+199 Box Drawings Vertical Double and Right Single

Alt+200 Box Drawings Double Up and Right

Alt+201 Box Drawings Double Down and Right

Alt+202 Box Drawings Double Up and Horizontal

Alt+203 Box Drawings Double Down and Horizontal

Alt+204 Box Drawings Double Vertical and Right

Alt+205 Box Drawings Double Horizontal

Alt+206 Box Drawings Double Vertical and Horizontal

Alt+207 Box Drawings Up Single and Horizontal Double

Alt+208 Box Drawings Up Double and Horizontal Single

Alt+209 Box Drawings Down Single and Horizontal Double

Alt+210 Box Drawings Down Double and Horizontal Single

Alt+211 Box Drawings Up Double and Right Single

Alt+212 Box Drawings Up Single and Right Double

Alt+213 Box Drawings Down Single and Right Double

Alt+214 Box Drawings Down Double and Right Single

Alt+215 Box Drawings Vertical Double and Horizontal Single

Alt+216 Box Drawings Vertical Single and Horizontal Double

Alt+217 Box Drawings Light Up and Left

Alt+218 Box Drawings Light Down and Right

Alt+219 Full Block

Alt+220 Lower Half Block

Alt+221 Left Half Block

Alt+222 Right Half Block

Alt+223 Upper Half Block


Alt+224 Greek Small Letter Alpha


Alt+225 Latin Small Letter Sharp S


Alt+226 Greek Capital Letter Gamma


Alt+227 Greek Small Letter Pi


Alt+228 Greek Capital Letter Sigma


Alt+229 Greek Small Letter Sigma


Alt+230 Micro Sign


Alt+231 Greek Capital Letter Tau


Alt+232 Greek Capital Letter Phi


Alt+233 Greek Capital Letter Theta


Alt+234 Greek Capital Letter Omega


Alt+235 Greek Small Letter Delta

Alt+236 Infinity


Alt+237 Greek Small Letter Phi


Alt+238 Greek Small Letter Epsilon

Alt+239 Intersection

Alt+240 Identical To


Alt+241 Plus minus symbol

Alt+242 Greater-Than or Equal To

Alt+243 Less-Than or Equal To

Alt+244 Top Half Integral

Alt+245 Bottom Half Integral


Alt+246 Division Sign

Alt+247 Almost Equal To


Alt+248 Degree Sign

Alt+249 Bullet Operator


Alt+250 Middle Dot

Alt+251 Square Root

Alt+252 Superscript Latin Small Letter N


Alt+253 Superscript Two

Alt+254 Black Square


Alt+255 No-Break Space

Alt+0128 Euro Sign

Alt+0130 Single Low-9 Quotation Mark


Alt+0131 Latin Small Letter F with Hook

Alt+0132 Double Low-9 Quotation Mark

Alt+0133 Horizontal Ellipsis

Alt+0134 Dagger

Alt+0135 Double Dagger


Alt+0136 Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent

Alt+0137 Per Mille Sign


Alt+0138 Latin Capital Letter S with Caron

Alt+0139 Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark


Alt+0140 Latin Capital Ligature Oe


Alt+0142 Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron

Alt+0145 Left Single Quotation Mark

Alt+0146 Right Single Quotation Mark

Alt+0147 Left Double Quotation Mark

Alt+0148 Right Double Quotation Mark

Alt+0149 Bullet

Alt+0150 En Dash

Alt+0151 Em Dash


Alt+0152 Small Tilde

Trade Mark Sign

Alt+0153 Trade Mark Sign


Alt+0154 Latin Small Letter S with Caron

Alt+0155 Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark


Alt+0156 Latin Small Ligature Oe


Alt+0158 Latin Small Letter Z with Caron


Alt+0159 Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis


Alt+0160 No-Break Space


Alt+0161 Inverted Exclamation Mark


Alt+0162 Cent Sign


Alt+0163 Pound Sign


Alt+0164 Currency Sign


Alt+0165 Yen Sign


Alt+0166 Broken Bar


Alt+0167 Section Sign


Alt+0168 Diaeresis

Copyright Sign

Alt+0169 Copyright Sign


Alt+0170 Feminine Ordinal Indicator


Alt+0171 Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark


Alt+0172 Not Sign


Alt+0173 Soft Hyphen

Registered Sign

Alt+0174 Registered Sign


Alt+0175 Macron


Alt+0176 Degree Sign


Alt+0177 Plus minus symbol


Alt+0178 Superscript Two


Alt+0179 Superscript Three


Alt+0180 Acute Accent


Alt+0181 Micro Sign

Alt+0182 Pilcrow Sign


Alt+0183 Middle Dot


Alt+0184 Cedilla


Alt+0185 Superscript One


Alt+0186 Masculine Ordinal Indicator


Alt+0187 Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark


Alt+0188 Vulgar Fraction One Quarter


Alt+0189 Vulgar Fraction One Half


Alt+0190 Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters


Alt+0191 Inverted Question Mark


Alt+0192 Latin Capital Letter a with Grave


Alt+0193 Latin Capital Letter a with Acute


Alt+0194 Latin Capital Letter a with Circumflex


Alt+0195 Latin Capital Letter a with Tilde


Alt+0196 Latin Capital Letter a with Diaeresis


Alt+0197 Latin Capital Letter a with Ring Above


Alt+0198 Latin Capital Letter Ae


Alt+0199 Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla


Alt+0200 Latin Capital Letter E with Grave


Alt+0201 Latin Capital Letter E with Acute


Alt+0202 Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex


Alt+0203 Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis


Alt+0204 Latin Capital Letter I with Grave


Alt+0205 Latin Capital Letter I with Acute


Alt+0206 Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex


Alt+0207 Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis


Alt+0208 Latin Capital Letter Eth


Alt+0209 Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde


Alt+0210 Latin Capital Letter O with Grave


Alt+0211 Latin Capital Letter O with Acute


Alt+0212 Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex


Alt+0213 Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde


Alt+0214 Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis


Alt+0215 Multiplication Sign


Alt+0216 Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke


Alt+0217 Latin Capital Letter U with Grave


Alt+0218 Latin Capital Letter U with Acute


Alt+0219 Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex


Alt+0220 Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis


Alt+0221 Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute


Alt+0222 Latin Capital Letter Thorn


Alt+0223 Latin Small Letter Sharp S


Alt+0224 Latin Small Letter a with Grave


Alt+0225 Latin Small Letter a with Acute


Alt+0226 Latin Small Letter a with Circumflex


Alt+0227 Latin Small Letter a with Tilde


Alt+0228 Latin Small Letter a with Diaeresis


Alt+0229 Latin Small Letter a with Ring Above


Alt+0230 Latin Small Letter Ae


Alt+0231 Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla


Alt+0232 Latin Small Letter E with Grave


Alt+0233 Latin Small Letter E with Acute


Alt+0234 Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex


Alt+0235 Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis


Alt+0236 Latin Small Letter I with Grave


Alt+0237 Latin Small Letter I with Acute


Alt+0238 Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex


Alt+0239 Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis


Alt+0240 Latin Small Letter Eth


Alt+0241 Latin Small Letter N with Tilde


Alt+0242 Latin Small Letter O with Grave


Alt+0243 Latin Small Letter O with Acute


Alt+0244 Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex


Alt+0245 Latin Small Letter O with Tilde


Alt+0246 Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis


Alt+0247 Division Sign


Alt+0248 Latin Small Letter O with Stroke


Alt+0249 Latin Small Letter U with Grave


Alt+0250 Latin Small Letter U with Acute


Alt+0251 Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex


Alt+0252 U with two Dots


Alt+0253 Latin Small Letter Y with Acute


Alt+0254 Latin Small Letter Thorn


Alt+0255 Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis

How to Insert Symbols and Special Characters using ALT Key Shortcuts in Word, Excel and PowerPoint Documents?

Inserting symbols and special characters like Trademark and Copyright in any Windows software like Word, PowerPoint and Excel is very simple with the use of ALT key in the keyboard. Probably ALT key in the keyboard is one of the least used keys but having more hidden functions. Here is the list of ALT key codes which makes the symbol insertion in Windows based computers very simple. Please drop a comment if you find some useful shortcut is missing in the below lists, we will add it in the list so that others will also get benefited.

Download printable alt code shortcuts eBook in PDF format.

Alt Key Shortcuts – Symbol Categories

Below table shows the complete list of Alt key shortcuts with search function. By default the table is sorted with the first column “Alt + Key”. You can change the filtering based on any column or enter the description in the search box and the results will be automatically filtered. The shortcuts are categorized under the last column “Symbol Category” for easy to filter with the following categories:

  • Accented Characters – accented vowel letters used in different languages.
  • Currency – all currency and money related symbols.
  • Gaming – symbols related to games and sports.
  • Hearts – since there are many heart symbols, we have a dedicated category.
  • Human – covers different face symbols and other human related stuffs.
  • Keyboard Defaults – all default keys available on standard international English keyboard.
  • Language Characters – special language characters.
  • Mathematics – Mathematical symbols like degree, plus or minus, etc.
  • Musical Symbols – covers all music related symbols and instruments.
  • Playing Cards – symbols of playing card deck.
  • Special – special characters like copyright, trademark, registered, etc.
  • Zodiac Symbols – covers zodiac symbols.
  • Transport Symbols – all vehicles and signboard symbols.
  • Arrows – covers different types of arrows.
  • Numbers – rounded numbers in white and black.
  • Stars – different kinds of star symbols.

Example Search – type “tick” in the search box to find all related tick mark symbols.

How to Use Alt Key Shortcuts?

All the shortcuts are checked on Microsoft Word 2019 and Office/Microsoft 365 on Windows 11/10 platforms, hence some of the codes may not work on other software like Excel and PowerPoint. In this case you can just copy and paste the symbols. Also, the symbols may look different on Microsoft Office documents compared to the ones displayed on the above table as this is a browser display. Follow the below instructions on how to use these Alt key shortcuts:

  • Press and Hold any of the ALT key and then press the numbers one by one.
  • Make sure Numeric lock is switched on.
  • Shortcut keys with numbers will only work with ALT and the number pad keys as shown in the below keyboard picture. It may not work as expected with the number keys part of the regular keyboard.
Key Board Image for ALT Key Use
Alt Code Using Number Pad

If you don’t have separate number pad on your keyboard, enable the number lock and using the shortcuts with keyboard numbers as shown below. In most cases, you have to use function key with alt and press numbers.

Alt Code without Separate Number Pad
Alt Code without Separate Number Pad

Learn more on how to use alt codes on different computers.

Alt Key Keyboard Shortcuts without Numbers:

There are also shortcuts without using numbers to insert symbols like trademark, copyright, registered, etc. which should work in all type of keyboards.

Alt Code Shortcuts Images – Currency, Math, Special, Zodiac and All Symbols

If you are looking for alt key shortcuts in image format, click the below links to get download the shortcuts images. Once the image is opened in a new tab, right click and save to your PC or Mac for offline use. Check out the shortcuts list for using options or alt code in Mac.

  • Currency symbols
  • Mathematical expressions
  • Zodiac signs
  • Animals symbols
  • Weather symbols
  • Smileys and emoticons
  • Clocks and time related symbols
  • Punctuation symbols
  • Communication related symbols
  • Hand signs
  • Star symbols
  • Sport symbols
  • Music symbols
  • Heart signs
  • Food items
  • All other special symbols

Download 1000+ alt code emoji shortcuts in printable PDF eBook format.

Alt-код – метод вставки символа сочетанием нажатой клавиши Alt и числа, набранного на цифровой клавиатуре (Num Lock должен быть включен).



Символ Alt-код Мнемоника HTML CSS Юникод
alt+1 263A U+263A
alt+2 263B U+263B
alt+3 &hearts; 2665 U+2665
alt+4 &diams; 2666 U+2666
alt+5 &clubs; 2663 U+2663
alt+6 &spades; 2660 U+2660
alt+7 &bull; 2022 U+2022
alt+8 25D8 U+25D8
alt+9 25CB U+25CB
alt+10 25D9 U+25D9
alt+11 &male; 2642 U+2642
alt+12 &female; 2640 U+2640
alt+13 &sung; 266A U+266A
alt+14 266B U+266B
alt+15 263C U+263C
alt+16 25BA U+25BA
alt+17 25C4 U+25C4
alt+18 2195 U+2195
alt+19 203C U+203C
alt+20 &para; 0B6 U+00B6
§ alt+21 &sect; § 0A7 U+00A7
alt+22 25AC U+25AC
alt+23 21A8 U+21A8
alt+24 2191 U+2191
alt+25 2193 U+2193
alt+26 2192 U+2192
alt+27 2190 U+2190
alt+28 &angrt; 221F U+221F
alt+29 2194 U+2194
alt+30 25B2 U+25B2
alt+31 25BC U+25BC
alt+32 020 U+0020
! alt+33 &excl; ! 021 U+0021
» alt+34 &quot; " 022 U+0022
# alt+35 &num; # 023 U+0023
$ alt+36 &dollar; $ 024 U+0024
% alt+37 &percnt; % 025 U+0025
& alt+38 &amp; & 026 U+0026
alt+39 &apos; ' 027 U+0027
( alt+40 &lpar; ( 028 U+0028
) alt+41 &rpar; ) 029 U+0029
* alt+42 &ast; * 02A U+002A
+ alt+43 &plus; + 02B U+002B
, alt+44 &comma; , 02C U+002C
alt+45 - 02D U+002D
. alt+46 &period; . 02E U+002E
/ alt+47 &sol; / 02F U+002F
0 alt+48 0 030 U+0030
1 alt+49 1 031 U+0031
2 alt+50 2 032 U+0032
3 alt+51 3 033 U+0033
4 alt+52 4 034 U+0034
5 alt+53 5 035 U+0035
6 alt+54 6 036 U+0036
7 alt+55 7 037 U+0037
8 alt+56 8 038 U+0038
9 alt+57 9 039 U+0039
: alt+58 &colon; : 03A U+003A
; alt+59 &semi; ; 03B U+003B
< alt+60 &lt; < 03C U+003C
= alt+61 &equals; = 03D U+003D
> alt+62 &gt; > 03E U+003E
? alt+63 &quest; ? 03F U+003F
@ alt+64 &commat; @ 040 U+0040
A alt+65 A 041 U+0041
B alt+66 B 042 U+0042
C alt+67 C 043 U+0043
D alt+68 D 044 U+0044
E alt+69 E 045 U+0045
F alt+70 F 046 U+0046
G alt+71 G 047 U+0047
H alt+72 H 048 U+0048
I alt+73 I 049 U+0049
J alt+74 J 04A U+004A
K alt+75 K 04B U+004B
L alt+76 L 04C U+004C
M alt+77 M 04D U+004D
N alt+78 N 04E U+004E
O alt+79 O 04F U+004F
P alt+80 P 050 U+0050
Q alt+81 Q 051 U+0051
R alt+82 R 052 U+0052
S alt+83 S 053 U+0053
T alt+84 T 054 U+0054
U alt+85 U 055 U+0055
V alt+86 V 056 U+0056
W alt+87 W 057 U+0057
X alt+88 X 058 U+0058
Y alt+89 Y 059 U+0059
Z alt+90 Z 05A U+005A
[ alt+91 &lbrack; [ 05B U+005B
] alt+93 &rbrack; ] 05D U+005D
^ alt+94 &hat; ^ 05E U+005E
_ alt+95 &lowbar; _ 05F U+005F
` alt+96 &grave; ` 060 U+0060
a alt+97 a 061 U+0061
b alt+98 b 062 U+0062
c alt+99 c 063 U+0063
d alt+100 d 064 U+0064
e alt+101 e 065 U+0065
f alt+102 f 066 U+0066
g alt+103 g 067 U+0067
h alt+104 h 068 U+0068
i alt+105 i 069 U+0069
j alt+106 j 06A U+006A
k alt+107 k 06B U+006B
l alt+108 l 06C U+006C
m alt+109 m 06D U+006D
n alt+110 n 06E U+006E
o alt+111 o 06F U+006F
p alt+112 p 070 U+0070
q alt+113 q 071 U+0071
r alt+114 r 072 U+0072
s alt+115 s 073 U+0073
t alt+116 t 074 U+0074
u alt+117 u 075 U+0075
v alt+118 v 076 U+0076
w alt+119 w 077 U+0077
x alt+120 x 078 U+0078
y alt+121 y 079 U+0079
z alt+122 z 07A U+007A
{ alt+123 &lbrace; { 07B U+007B
| alt+124 &vert; | 07C U+007C
} alt+125 &rbrace; } 07D U+007D
~ alt+126 &tilde; ~ 07E U+007E
alt+127 2302 U+2302


Английская раскладка

Символ Alt-код Мнемоника HTML CSS Юникод
Ç alt+128 &ccedil; Ç 0C7 U+00C7
ü alt+129 &uuml; ü 0FC U+00FC
é alt+130 &eacute; é 0E9 U+00E9
â alt+131 &acirc; â 0E2 U+00E2
ä alt+132 &auml; ä 0E4 U+00E4
à alt+133 &agrave; à 0E0 U+00E0
å alt+134 &aring; å 0E5 U+00E5
ç alt+135 &ccedil; ç 0E7 U+00E7
ê alt+136 &ecirc; ê 0EA U+00EA
ë alt+137 &euml; ë 0EB U+00EB
è alt+138 &egrave; è 0E8 U+00E8
ï alt+139 &iuml; ï 0EF U+00EF
î alt+140 &icirc; î 0EE U+00EE
ì alt+141 &igrave; ì 0EC U+00EC
Ä alt+142 &auml; Ä 0C4 U+00C4
Å alt+143 &aring; Å 0C5 U+00C5
É alt+144 &eacute; É 0C9 U+00C9
æ alt+145 &aelig; æ 0E6 U+00E6
Æ alt+146 &aelig; Æ 0C6 U+00C6
ô alt+147 &ocirc; ô 0F4 U+00F4
ö alt+148 &ouml; ö 0F6 U+00F6
ò alt+149 &ograve; ò 0F2 U+00F2
û alt+150 &ucirc; û 0FB U+00FB
ù alt+151 &ugrave; ù 0F9 U+00F9
ÿ alt+152 &yuml; ÿ 0FF U+00FF
Ö alt+153 &ouml; Ö 0D6 U+00D6
Ü alt+154 &uuml; Ü 0DC U+00DC
¢ alt+155 &cent; ¢ 0A2 U+00A2
£ alt+156 &pound; £ 0A3 U+00A3
¥ alt+157 &yen; ¥ 0A5 U+00A5
alt+158 20A7 U+20A7
ƒ alt+159 &fnof; ƒ 192 U+0192
á alt+160 &aacute; á 0E1 U+00E1
í alt+161 &iacute; í 0ED U+00ED
ó alt+162 &oacute; ó 0F3 U+00F3
ú alt+163 &uacute; ú 0FA U+00FA
ñ alt+164 &ntilde; ñ 0F1 U+00F1
Ñ alt+165 &ntilde; Ñ 0D1 U+00D1
ª alt+166 &ordf; ª 0AA U+00AA
º alt+167 &ordm; º 0BA U+00BA
¿ alt+168 &iquest; ¿ 0BF U+00BF
alt+169 2310 U+2310
¬ alt+170 &not; ¬ 0AC U+00AC
½ alt+171 &frac12; ½ 0BD U+00BD
¼ alt+172 &frac14; ¼ 0BC U+00BC
¡ alt+173 &iexcl; ¡ 0A1 U+00A1
« alt+174 &laquo; « 0AB U+00AB
» alt+175 &raquo; » 0BB U+00BB
alt+176 2591 U+2591
alt+177 2592 U+2592
alt+178 2593 U+2593
alt+179 2502 U+2502
alt+180 2524 U+2524
alt+181 2561 U+2561
alt+182 2562 U+2562
alt+183 2556 U+2556
alt+184 2555 U+2555
alt+185 2563 U+2563
alt+186 2551 U+2551
alt+187 2557 U+2557
alt+188 255D U+255D
alt+189 255C U+255C
alt+190 255B U+255B
alt+191 2510 U+2510
alt+192 2514 U+2514
alt+193 2534 U+2534
alt+194 252C U+252C
alt+195 251C U+251C
alt+196 2500 U+2500
alt+197 253C U+253C
alt+198 255E U+255E
alt+199 255F U+255F
alt+200 255A U+255A
alt+201 2554 U+2554
alt+202 2569 U+2569
alt+203 2566 U+2566
alt+204 2560 U+2560
alt+205 2550 U+2550
alt+206 256C U+256C
alt+207 2567 U+2567
alt+208 2568 U+2568
alt+209 2564 U+2564
alt+210 2565 U+2565
alt+211 2559 U+2559
alt+212 2558 U+2558
alt+213 2552 U+2552
alt+214 2553 U+2553
alt+215 256B U+256B
alt+216 256A U+256A
alt+217 2518 U+2518
alt+218 250C U+250C
alt+219 2588 U+2588
alt+220 2584 U+2584
alt+221 258C U+258C
alt+222 2590 U+2590
alt+223 2580 U+2580
α alt+224 &alpha; α 3B1 U+03B1
ß alt+225 &szlig; ß 0DF U+00DF
Γ alt+226 &gamma; Γ 393 U+0393
π alt+227 &pi; π 3C0 U+03C0
Σ alt+228 &sigma; Σ 3A3 U+03A3
σ alt+229 &sigma; σ 3C3 U+03C3
µ alt+230 &micro; µ 0B5 U+00B5
Τ alt+231 &tau; Τ 3A4 U+03A4
Φ alt+232 &phi; Φ 3A6 U+03A6
Θ alt+233 &theta; Θ 398 U+0398
Ω alt+234 &omega; Ω 3A9 U+03A9
δ alt+235 &delta; δ 3B4 U+03B4
alt+236 &infin; 221E U+221E
φ alt+237 &phi; φ 3C6 U+03C6
ε alt+238 &epsilon; ε 3B5 U+03B5
alt+239 &cap; 2229 U+2229
alt+240 &equiv; 2261 U+2261
± alt+241 &plusmn; ± 0B1 U+00B1
alt+242 &ge; 2265 U+2265
alt+243 &le; 2264 U+2264
alt+244 2320 U+2320
alt+245 2321 U+2321
÷ alt+246 &divide; ÷ 0F7 U+00F7
alt+247 &asymp; 2248 U+2248
° alt+248 &deg; ° 0B0 U+00B0
alt+249 2219 U+2219
· alt+250 &middot; · 0B7 U+00B7
alt+251 &radic; 221A U+221A
alt+252 207F U+207F
² alt+253 &sup2; ² 0B2 U+00B2
alt+254 25A0 U+25A0
  alt+255 &nbsp;   0A0 U+00A0
alt+0128 20AC U+20AC
alt+0130 &sbquo; 201A U+201A
ƒ alt+0131 &fnof; ƒ 192 U+0192
alt+0132 &bdquo; 201E U+201E
alt+0133 &hellip; 2026 U+2026
alt+0134 &dagger; 2020 U+2020
alt+0135 &dagger; 2021 U+2021
ˆ alt+0136 &circ; ˆ 2C6 U+02C6
alt+0137 &permil; 2030 U+2030
Š alt+0138 &scaron; Š 160 U+0160
alt+0139 &lsaquo; 2039 U+2039
Œ alt+0140 &oelig; Œ 152 U+0152
Ž alt+0142 &zcaron; Ž 17D U+017D
alt+0145 &lsquo; 2018 U+2018
alt+0146 &rsquo; 2019 U+2019
alt+0147 &ldquo; 201C U+201C
alt+0148 &rdquo; 201D U+201D
alt+0149 &bull; 2022 U+2022
alt+0150 &ndash; 2013 U+2013
alt+0151 &mdash; 2014 U+2014
˜ alt+0152 ˜ 2DC U+02DC
alt+0153 &trade; 2122 U+2122
š alt+0154 &scaron; š 161 U+0161
alt+0155 &rsaquo; 203A U+203A
œ alt+0156 &oelig; œ 153 U+0153
ž alt+0158 &zcaron; ž 17E U+017E
Ÿ alt+0159 &yuml; Ÿ 178 U+0178
  alt+0160 &nbsp;   0A0 U+00A0
¡ alt+0161 &iexcl; ¡ 0A1 U+00A1
¢ alt+0162 &cent; ¢ 0A2 U+00A2
£ alt+0163 &pound; £ 0A3 U+00A3
¤ alt+0164 &curren; ¤ 0A4 U+00A4
¥ alt+0165 &yen; ¥ 0A5 U+00A5
¦ alt+0166 &brvbar; ¦ 0A6 U+00A6
§ alt+0167 &sect; § 0A7 U+00A7
¨ alt+0168 &uml; ¨ 0A8 U+00A8
© alt+0169 &copy; © 0A9 U+00A9
ª alt+0170 &ordf; ª 0AA U+00AA
« alt+0171 &laquo; « 0AB U+00AB
¬ alt+0172 &not; ¬ 0AC U+00AC
­ alt+0173 &shy; ­ 0AD U+00AD
® alt+0174 &reg; ® 0AE U+00AE
¯ alt+0175 &macr; ¯ 0AF U+00AF
° alt+0176 &deg; ° 0B0 U+00B0
± alt+0177 &plusmn; ± 0B1 U+00B1
² alt+0178 &sup2; ² 0B2 U+00B2
³ alt+0179 &sup3; ³ 0B3 U+00B3
´ alt+0180 &acute; ´ 0B4 U+00B4
µ alt+0181 &micro; µ 0B5 U+00B5
alt+0182 &para; 0B6 U+00B6
· alt+0183 &middot; · 0B7 U+00B7
¸ alt+0184 &cedil; ¸ 0B8 U+00B8
¹ alt+0185 &sup1; ¹ 0B9 U+00B9
º alt+0186 &ordm; º 0BA U+00BA
» alt+0187 &raquo; » 0BB U+00BB
¼ alt+0188 &frac14; ¼ 0BC U+00BC
½ alt+0189 &frac12; ½ 0BD U+00BD
¾ alt+0190 &frac34; ¾ 0BE U+00BE
¿ alt+0191 &iquest; ¿ 0BF U+00BF
À alt+0192 &agrave; À 0C0 U+00C0
Á alt+0193 &aacute; Á 0C1 U+00C1
 alt+0194 &acirc;  0C2 U+00C2
à alt+0195 &atilde; à 0C3 U+00C3
Ä alt+0196 &auml; Ä 0C4 U+00C4
Å alt+0197 &aring; Å 0C5 U+00C5
Æ alt+0198 &aelig; Æ 0C6 U+00C6
Ç alt+0199 &ccedil; Ç 0C7 U+00C7
È alt+0200 &egrave; È 0C8 U+00C8
É alt+0201 &eacute; É 0C9 U+00C9
Ê alt+0202 &ecirc; Ê 0CA U+00CA
Ë alt+0203 &euml; Ë 0CB U+00CB
Ì alt+0204 &lgrave; Ì 0CC U+00CC
Í alt+0205 Í 0CD U+00CD
Î alt+0206 &lcirc; Î 0CE U+00CE
Ï alt+0207 &luml; Ï 0CF U+00CF
Ð alt+0208 &eth; Ð 0D0 U+00D0
Ñ alt+0209 &ntilde; Ñ 0D1 U+00D1
Ò alt+0210 &ograve; Ò 0D2 U+00D2
Ó alt+0211 &oacute; Ó 0D3 U+00D3
Ô alt+0212 &ocirc; Ô 0D4 U+00D4
Õ alt+0213 &otilde; Õ 0D5 U+00D5
Ö alt+0214 &ouml; Ö 0D6 U+00D6
× alt+0215 &times; × 0D7 U+00D7
Ø alt+0216 &oslash; Ø 0D8 U+00D8
Ù alt+0217 &ugrave; Ù 0D9 U+00D9
Ú alt+0218 &uacute; Ú 0DA U+00DA
Û alt+0219 &ucirc; Û 0DB U+00DB
Ü alt+0220 &uuml; Ü 0DC U+00DC
Ý alt+0221 &yacute; Ý 0DD U+00DD
Þ alt+0222 &thorn; Þ 0DE U+00DE
ß alt+0223 &szlig; ß 0DF U+00DF
à alt+0224 &agrave; à 0E0 U+00E0
á alt+0225 &aacute; á 0E1 U+00E1
â alt+0226 &acirc; â 0E2 U+00E2
ã alt+0227 &atilde; ã 0E3 U+00E3
ä alt+0228 &auml; ä 0E4 U+00E4
å alt+0229 &aring; å 0E5 U+00E5
æ alt+0230 &aelig; æ 0E6 U+00E6
ç alt+0231 &ccedil; ç 0E7 U+00E7
è alt+0232 &egrave; è 0E8 U+00E8
é alt+0233 &eacute; é 0E9 U+00E9
ê alt+0234 &ecirc; ê 0EA U+00EA
ë alt+0235 &euml; ë 0EB U+00EB
ì alt+0236 &igrave; ì 0EC U+00EC
í alt+0237 &iacute; í 0ED U+00ED
î alt+0238 &icirc; î 0EE U+00EE
ï alt+0239 &iuml; ï 0EF U+00EF
ð alt+0240 &eth; ð 0F0 U+00F0
ñ alt+0241 &ntilde; ñ 0F1 U+00F1
ò alt+0242 &ograve; ò 0F2 U+00F2
ó alt+0243 &oacute; ó 0F3 U+00F3
ô alt+0244 &ocirc; ô 0F4 U+00F4
õ alt+0245 &otilde; õ 0F5 U+00F5
ö alt+0246 &ouml; ö 0F6 U+00F6
÷ alt+0247 &divide; ÷ 0F7 U+00F7
ø alt+0248 &oslash; ø 0F8 U+00F8
ù alt+0249 &ugrave; ù 0F9 U+00F9
ú alt+0250 &uacute; ú 0FA U+00FA
û alt+0251 &ucirc; û 0FB U+00FB
ü alt+0252 &uuml; ü 0FC U+00FC
ý alt+0253 &yacute; ý 0FD U+00FD
þ alt+0254 &thorn; þ 0FE U+00FE
ÿ alt+0255 &yuml; ÿ 0FF U+00FF


Русская раскладка

Символ Alt-код Мнемоника HTML CSS Юникод
А alt+128 А 410 U+0410
Б alt+129 Б 411 U+0411
В alt+130 В 412 U+0412
Г alt+131 Г 413 U+0413
Д alt+132 Д 414 U+0414
Е alt+133 Е 415 U+0415
Ж alt+134 Ж 416 U+0416
З alt+135 З 417 U+0417
И alt+136 И 418 U+0418
Й alt+137 Й 419 U+0419
Р alt+144 Р 420 U+0420
С alt+145 С 421 U+0421
Т alt+146 Т 422 U+0422
У alt+147 У 423 U+0423
Ф alt+148 Ф 424 U+0424
Х alt+149 Х 425 U+0425
Ц alt+150 Ц 426 U+0426
Ч alt+151 Ч 427 U+0427
Ш alt+152 Ш 428 U+0428
Щ alt+153 Щ 429 U+0429
а alt+160 а 430 U+0430
б alt+161 б 431 U+0431
в alt+162 в 432 U+0432
г alt+163 г 433 U+0433
д alt+164 д 434 U+0434
е alt+165 е 435 U+0435
ж alt+166 ж 436 U+0436
з alt+167 з 437 U+0437
и alt+168 и 438 U+0438
й alt+169 й 439 U+0439
alt+176 2591 U+2591
alt+177 2592 U+2592
alt+178 2593 U+2593
alt+179 2502 U+2502
alt+180 2524 U+2524
alt+181 2561 U+2561
alt+182 2562 U+2562
alt+183 2556 U+2556
alt+184 2555 U+2555
alt+185 2563 U+2563
alt+186 2551 U+2551
alt+187 2557 U+2557
alt+191 2510 U+2510
alt+192 2514 U+2514
alt+193 2534 U+2534
alt+196 2500 U+2500
alt+201 2554 U+2554
alt+202 2569 U+2569
alt+203 2566 U+2566
alt+204 2560 U+2560
alt+205 2550 U+2550
alt+207 2567 U+2567
alt+208 2568 U+2568
alt+209 2564 U+2564
alt+210 2565 U+2565
alt+211 2559 U+2559
alt+212 2558 U+2558
alt+213 2552 U+2552
alt+214 2553 U+2553
alt+217 2518 U+2518
alt+219 2588 U+2588
alt+220 2584 U+2584
alt+222 2590 U+2590
alt+223 2580 U+2580
р alt+224 р 440 U+0440
с alt+225 с 441 U+0441
т alt+226 т 442 U+0442
у alt+227 у 443 U+0443
ф alt+228 ф 444 U+0444
х alt+229 х 445 U+0445
ц alt+230 ц 446 U+0446
ч alt+231 ч 447 U+0447
ш alt+232 ш 448 U+0448
щ alt+233 щ 449 U+0449
Ё alt+240 Ё 401 U+0401
ё alt+241 ё 451 U+0451
Є alt+242 Є 404 U+0404
є alt+243 є 454 U+0454
Ї alt+244 Ї 407 U+0407
ї alt+245 ї 457 U+0457
alt+249 2219 U+2219
alt+252 &numero; 2116 U+2116
  alt+255 &nbsp;   0A0 U+00A0
Ђ alt+0128 Ђ 402 U+0402
Ѓ alt+0129 Ѓ 403 U+0403
ѓ alt+0131 ѓ 453 U+0453
alt+0133 &hellip; 2026 U+2026
alt+0134 &dagger; 2020 U+2020
alt+0135 &dagger; 2021 U+2021
alt+0137 &permil; 2030 U+2030
Љ alt+0138 Љ 409 U+0409
alt+0139 &lsaquo; 2039 U+2039
ђ alt+0144 ђ 452 U+0452
alt+0145 &lsquo; 2018 U+2018
alt+0146 &rsquo; 2019 U+2019
alt+0149 &bull; 2022 U+2022
alt+0150 &ndash; 2013 U+2013
alt+0151 &mdash; 2014 U+2014
alt+0152 ˜ 098 U+0098
alt+0153 &trade; 2122 U+2122
љ alt+0154 љ 459 U+0459
Ј alt+0163 Ј 408 U+0408
Ґ alt+0165 Ґ 490 U+0490
Ё alt+0168 Ё 401 U+0401
Є alt+0170 Є 404 U+0404
Ї alt+0175 Ї 407 U+0407
І alt+0178 І 406 U+0406
і alt+0179 і 456 U+0456
ґ alt+0180 ґ 491 U+0491
ё alt+0184 ё 451 U+0451
alt+0185 &numero; 2116 U+2116
є alt+0186 є 454 U+0454
ј alt+0188 ј 458 U+0458
Ѕ alt+0189 Ѕ 405 U+0405
ѕ alt+0190 ѕ 455 U+0455
ї alt+0191 ї 457 U+0457
А alt+0192 А 410 U+0410
Б alt+0193 Б 411 U+0411
В alt+0194 В 412 U+0412
Г alt+0195 Г 413 U+0413
Д alt+0196 Д 414 U+0414
Е alt+0197 Е 415 U+0415
Ж alt+0198 Ж 416 U+0416
З alt+0199 З 417 U+0417
И alt+0200 И 418 U+0418
Й alt+0201 Й 419 U+0419
Р alt+0208 Р 420 U+0420
С alt+0209 С 421 U+0421
Т alt+0210 Т 422 U+0422
У alt+0211 У 423 U+0423
Ф alt+0212 Ф 424 U+0424
Х alt+0213 Х 425 U+0425
Ц alt+0214 Ц 426 U+0426
Ч alt+0215 Ч 427 U+0427
Ш alt+0216 Ш 428 U+0428
Щ alt+0217 Щ 429 U+0429
а alt+0224 а 430 U+0430
б alt+0225 б 431 U+0431
в alt+0226 в 432 U+0432
г alt+0227 г 433 U+0433
д alt+0228 д 434 U+0434
е alt+0229 е 435 U+0435
ж alt+0230 ж 436 U+0436
з alt+0231 з 437 U+0437
и alt+0232 и 438 U+0438
й alt+0233 й 439 U+0439
р alt+0240 р 440 U+0440
с alt+0241 с 441 U+0441
т alt+0242 т 442 U+0442
у alt+0243 у 443 U+0443
ф alt+0244 ф 444 U+0444
х alt+0245 х 445 U+0445
ц alt+0246 ц 446 U+0446
ч alt+0247 ч 447 U+0447
ш alt+0248 ш 448 U+0448
щ alt+0249 щ 449 U+0449

Excel for Microsoft 365 Word for Microsoft 365 Outlook for Microsoft 365 PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 Project Online Desktop Client Excel 2021 Word 2021 Outlook 2021 PowerPoint 2021 Office 2021 Office 2021 for Mac Excel 2019 Word 2019 Outlook 2019 PowerPoint 2019 Office 2019 Office 2019 for Mac Excel 2016 Word 2016 Outlook 2016 PowerPoint 2016 Office 2016 Office 2016 for Mac Office 2013 SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Sway More…Less

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is it worth to people who cannot see? In our digital world, it is easy for people with a visual disability to miss critical information or have a frustrating and negative experience. Imagine, for example, that a keynote speaker sends out their presentation after a conference. The presentation contains infographics to illustrate a key point. Without descriptions of the infographics, anyone with a visual disability cannot understand the infographic and misses out on key information.

Alternative text (alt text) is descriptive text which conveys the meaning and context of a visual item in a digital setting, such as on an app or web page. When screen readers such as Microsoft Narrator, JAWS, and NVDA reach digital content with alt text, they will read the alt text aloud, allowing people to better understand what is on the screen. Well-written, descriptive alt text dramatically reduces ambiguity and improves user experience.

People hear words objectively but understand them subjectively. This topic describes how to understand, write, and use effective alt text in Microsoft 365 products.

A group of people sitting in front of a computer

When to use alt text?

Images and pictures

Make sure to convey the content and the purpose of an image in a concise and unambiguous manner. The alt text shouldn’t be longer than a sentence or two—most of the time a few thoughtfully selected words will do. Consider what is important about an image. For example, important context might be the setting, the emotions on people’s faces, the colors, or the relative sizes.

The alt text pane showing an example of a good alt text.

Do not repeat the surrounding textual content as alt text or use phrases referring to images, such as, «a graphic of» or «an image of.» In the example below, the alt text is referring to the image and does not describe the content of the image sufficiently.

The alt text pane showing an example of a bad alt text.

 You can also add alt text as an argument to the IMAGE function either by using text in quotes or by using a cell reference that contains the text. For example, IMAGE(«», «Contoso logo»). 

Diagrams, flow charts, and charts

When dealing with objects that give detailed information, such as an infographic, use alt text to provide the information conveyed in the object. Describing a chart as ‘A bar chart showing sales over time,’ for example, would not be useful to a blind person. Try to convey the insight; for example, ‘A bar chart showing sales over time. In July, sales for brand A surpassed sales for brand B and kept increasing throughout the year.’ Alt text should also clearly describe the beginning point, progress, and conclusion of flow charts.

A pie chart for pie sales showing an example of a good alt text.


Videos that don’t explain their content require alt text to describe the visual experience, even if the user hears music, background sounds, and speech. Alt text should describe the content and purpose of the video.

Ideally, a video should contain a second audio track with a description of the video elements that are purely visual and not accessible to people with a visual disability.


The Microsoft 365 Accessibility Checker does not flag if a table is missing alt text. However, it is always a good practice to write a clear, descriptive, and concise alt text for a table.

When not to use alt text?

Decorative visual objects

Decorative objects add visual interest but aren’t informative (for example, stylistic borders). People using screen readers will hear these are decorative so they know they aren’t missing any important information. To mark a visual as decorative, simply select the Mark as decorative checkbox when the Alt Text pane is open. The text entry field becomes grayed out.

Image marked as decorative in the Alt text pane.

Tip: If you export your document as a PDF, any visuals you have marked as decorative will be automatically tagged as artifacts, which means they will be ignored by screen readers when navigating through PDFs. 


If the Microsoft 365 Accessibility Checker doesn’t flag an object when it’s missing alt text, you don’t have to write alt text for it. A slicer is an example of such an object.

How to add alt text to an object?

For instructions on how to add alt text in Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, go to Add alternative text to a shape, picture, chart, SmartArt graphic, or other object.

Tips for using alt text in Microsoft 365

  • Remember to use the Microsoft 365 Accessibility Checker during your review process. It checks that all relevant visual content has alt text and also gives you other suggestions for improving the accessibility of your content, such as checking contrast ratios. To run the Accessibility Checker, simply click the Review tab on the ribbon, and then click Check Accessibility. For more info on the Accessibility Checker, go to Improve accessibility with the Accessibility Checker.

  • Do not use a file name, duplicate text, or URLs as alt text. The Accessibility Checker will flag these since they are not useful to someone with a visual disability. For more info, go to Rules for the Accessibility Checker.

  • If there is a group of objects that forms a semantic group, such as a group of photos that all show dogs, assign alt text for the whole group. If objects have been grouped together for formatting reasons, ungroup the objects and assign appropriate alt text for each object.

Note: If you have used Microsoft 365 for a while, you might have noticed that the Alt Text pane used to have two fields, Title and Description. Now we use a single Description field in most of our apps—it has been found that having a single field is easier and less confusing for both you as the author and also anyone using a screen reader to consume the content.

Automatic alt text

In Microsoft 365, alt text can be generated automatically. When you insert a picture, you might see a bar show up at the bottom of the picture with automatically generated alt text.

In Office 2019, alt text is not generated automatically when you insert an image. If you want to add automatic alt text, select the Generate a description for me button in the Alt Text pane. Depending on the content of the image, sometimes the feature gives you descriptive tags and sometimes you get full sentences.

If automatic alt text is generated, remember to review and edit it in the Alt Text pane and remove any comments added there such as «Description generated with high confidence.»

An image with automatically generated alt text at the bottom edge of the image in Word for Windows.

Turn automatic alt text on

Note: Before you can use automatic alt text, you might have to enable Microsoft 365 Intelligent Services in any Microsoft 365 product. Select File > Options > General and check that Enable services is selected under Microsoft 365 intelligent services. For more info, refer to Connected experiences in Microsoft 365.

  1. Select File > Options > Accessibility

  2. Check that Automatically generate alt text for me is selected under Automatic Alt Text.

Approve automatic alt text

  1. In the  Microsoft 365 app, right-click the item whose alt text you want to review and then select Edit Alt Text. The Alt Text pane opens.

  2. If the alt text is satisfactory, select the Approve alt text checkbox.

Automatic alt text shown in the Alt Text pane with the Approve alt text checkbox selected.

Turn automatic alt text off

  1. Select File > Options > Accessibility and unselect Automatically generate alt text for me under Automatic Alt Text.

Where to find alt text functional guidelines

Get additional resources to help you write effective alt text:

  • Improve accessibility with the Accessibility Checker

  • Rules for the Accessibility Checker

  • Make your content accessible to everyone

  • Make your Word documents accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your Excel documents accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your OneNote notebooks accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your Outlook email accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your Project Online sites and projects accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your SharePoint site accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your Sway design accessible to people with disabilities

  • Make your Visio diagram accessible to people with disabilities

  • Use the Accessibility Reminder to notify authors of accessibility issues

  • For more information on how to ensure that Microsoft 365 products and user experiences meet the requirements for accessibility, visit our accessibility sites An inclusive, accessible Microsoft 365 and Make your content accessible to everyone with the Accessibility Checker.

Need more help?

Images can add context, clarity, and meaning to a document; in other words, images can enhance the accessibility of your document.  However, it is essential that you add strong alt text to each image, chart, graph, or other non-text element in your document — otherwise, screen reader users will hear the word «image» but not know what the image is. 

Creating alt text in Microsoft Word

  1. Choose one of the following:
    • Select any image and press the Alt Text button in the Format ribbon tab.
    • Right-click an image and select Edit Alt Text.The Alt Text pane opens on the right side of the document body
  2. Describe the image content and context.
    • Be accurate and equivalent 
      Think: what is the meaning that a sighted user gets from this image, in this context?  Or, what meaning would be lost if this image disappeared from this page? Use those ideas to write your alt text.
    • Be succinct, not redundant. 
      Typically no more than a few words are necessary. Do not provide information that is already in the text surrounding the image.
    • Omit the phrases «image of …» or «graphic of …» to describe the image. 
      If the fact that an image is a photograph or illustration, etc. is important, it may be useful to include this in alternative text. Otherwise, screen readers already announce that the item is an image.

Marking an image as «decorative»

Decorative objects add visual interest but aren’t informative (for example, stylistic borders). People using screen readers will hear that these are decorative, so they will know they aren’t missing any important information.

We recommend that you explain the content and context of an image, even if you initially think it is decorative.  If it truly carries no meaning, consider removing it entirely.

  1. Right-click any visual element.
  2. Select Edit Alt Text. The Alt Text pane opens on the right side of the document body.
  3. Select the Mark as decorative check box. The text entry field will be grayed out.

Alt text resources

  • An Alt Text Decision Tree
    A list of questions to help you decide how to craft your alt text
  • Video (Links to an external site.)Writing Great Alt Text
    A lecture by UMN developer Kim Doberstein (July 2019)
  • WebAIM: Alternative Text
    An authoritative article about alternative text

Альт коды – таблица всех символов

Приветствую вас снова на нашем сайте! Вы знали, что с помощью самой обыкновенной клавиатуры можно вводить гораздо больше символов, чем на ней нарисовано? Ну, скорее всего, знали, если вы попали в эту статью с поиска. Если нет, то сегодня вы узнаете, что такое альт коды и как ими пользоваться, а также, почему они могут не сработать.

Некоторые символы, которые можно ввести при помощи альт кодов, вы конечно же знаете (например ТМ, градусы, длинное тире, диаметр). Но также не лишним будет узнать, что же есть вы можете иметь в своем арсенале. Мало ли когда это вам пригодится.

Если вам нужны только таблицы альт кодов со всеми символами, то сразу проматывайте статью до картинок с таблицами. Если же хотите узнать что-то другое, то читайте статью внимательно.

Для чего нужны альт коды

Вот, допустим, вы пишете какую-нибудь работу, скажем, по физике, и вам необходимо написать «60 градусов по Цельсию». Если вы пишите в MS Word, то символ градуса Цельсия вы всегда сможете найти в спецсимволах. Но не все знают, как это сделать. Да и к тому же, поиски некоторых редких символов могут отнять достаточно много времени.

Уверяю вас, когда вы научитесь пользоваться альт кодами, то у вас вставка градуса Цельсия займет не более пары секунд.

Еще распространенная ситуация – это когда дефис упорно не хочет автоматически превращаться в тире (удлиняться). Проблему с тире тоже вам помогут решить Alt коды.

Как воспользоваться этими скрытыми символами

Использовать символы, которых нет на клавиатуре предельно просто. Нужно просто зажать левый Alt на клавиатуре и параллельно с этим набрать цифровой код символа.

Например, Alt + 1 даст вам такой вот смайлик ☺. Можете потренироваться в комментариях. PS: в текстовых документах смайлик будет не цветным, а черно-белым.

Тут правда есть один нюанс – цифры, которые расположены над буквами, не сработают. Нажимать нужно именно на цифры, расположенные на правой части клавиатуры. Поэтому вот на такой компактной клавиатуре альт коды не работают.

Какими-то символами пользуются реже, какими-то чаще. Сейчас мы приведем примеры самых часто используемых символов, которые желательно выучить наизусть. Остальные же вы всегда сможете подсмотреть в шпаргалке, если оставите эту статью в закладках или сделаете ее репост, чтобы она оставалась у вас на виду.

Альт коды символов, которые вам точно пригодятся:

Название Символ Альт коды Примечание
Градус Цельсия ° Alt + 0176
Диаметр Ø Alt + 0216 Альт код диаметра доступен только на латинской раскладке клавиатуры
Alt + 0150
Alt + 0151
Их два. Работают на обеих раскладках.
Кавычки елочки «» Alt + 0171
Alt + 0187
Если в вашем шрифте по умолчанию вот такие кавычки “”
Плюс/минус ± Alt + 0177

Alt + 251
Alt + 10003
Alt + 10004
Несколько вариантов, которые можно назвать галочками.
Галочка в квадрате Alt + 9745 На случай важных переговоров!
Стрелка вправо, влево, вверх, вниз ←→↑↓ Alt + 26
Alt + 27
Alt + 24
Alt + 25
Альт код стрелки вправо бывает необходим, когда нужно показать следствие из чего-либо.
Знак ударения ударе́ние Alt + 769 Ставим курсор после нужной буквы и набираем альт код ударения. Важно! Через поиск это слово больше не найдется, так как символы «е» и «е́» это совершенно разные символы.
Знак копирайта © Alt + 0169
Сердечко Alt + 3 Есть еще альт код белого сердечка, но он у меня не работает почему-то, поэтому я его не даю вам. У нас только проверенная информация.
Бесконечность Alt + 8734
Неразрывный пробел Пример: а, б, в, г, д, е Alt + 0160 Мы применили альт код неразрывного пробела между буквами. Несмотря на то, что «а» и «б» могли бы поместиться на первой строке, они приклеились к остальным буквам.
Параграф § Alt + 0167

Альт коды всех основных символов в таблице

В этих таблицах представлены все основные символы, которые можно ввести при помощи альт кодов. Однако не берусь утверждать, что это абсолютно все символы. Их очень много, и часто бывает, что несколько кодов могут выдавать один и тот же символ. Если что-то не нашли, то спрашивайте в комментариях, попробуем разобраться вместе.

альт коды - таблица символов, которых нет на клавиатуре

альт коды - таблица символов, которых нет на клавиатуре

 Только для русской раскладки клавиатуры

Alt коды - таблица для русской раскладки клавиатуры
 Только для английской раскладки клавиатуры

альт коды - таблица с символами для латинской раскладки

Зачем использовать альт коды для букв

Вы, конечно же, заметили, что помимо всяких необычных знаков и символов в таблице есть также аль коды обыкновенных букв. Это абсолютно те же самые буквы, которые вы вводите с клавиатуры и даже через поиск можно будет найти слово, в котором одна из букв вставлена Alt кодом.

Это, пожалуй, может пригодиться вам, если у вас на клавиатуре не работает какая-то клавиша. Это неудобно, но на первое время это может вас спасти, если есть срочные дела.

Другого полезного применения таких букв я не нашел. Если у вас есть интересные идеи, блесните ими в комментариях.

Если не работают альт коды, то…

То значит, вы что-то делаете не так. В принципе альт коды могут не работать по нескольким причинам.

Например, вы не очень внимательно прочитали инструкцию и пытаетесь использовать цифры, расположенные над буквенными клавишами. Они не сработают. Вам нужно использовать только те цифры, которые расположены справа (numpad).

Если у вас небольшой ноутбук, то и клавиатура на нем, скорее всего, урезанная. В таком случае есть небольшая вероятность, что вы сможете использовать верхние цифры, если дополнительно зажать клавишу Fn. У меня этот способ не сработал, но его активно советуют в интернете.

Также если у вас неправильно работают альт коды (получается не тот символ, который должен быть), то попробуйте сменить раскладку клавиатуры (Alt+Shift).

Еще очень банальная причина – проверьте, включен ли numpad (кнопка NUM над ним).

Вместо итога

Даже не знаю, чем подытожить. Просто пользуйтесь на здоровье. Потренироваться вы можете прям тут, в комментариях. Давайте посмотрим, насколько вы усвоили тему. Если возникли трудности, то не стесняйтесь спрашивать совета и вам помогут (либо я, либо другие пользователи). Чтобы не запоминать все коды, просто добавьте эту статью в закладки в своем браузере.

Понравилась статья?

Нам очень приятно! Не могли бы вы поделиться этой статьей с друзьями? А также мы будем рады, если вы оставите комментарий.

Обещаем исправиться! Если вам есть, чем дополнить статью, напишите об этом в комментариях. А также будем благодарны за конструктивную критику. Спасибо!

Here are instructions for several methods on how to use ALT codes to insert special characters and symbols using a keyboard in Microsoft Windows. These methods to insert special characters and symbols using ALT codes will work on Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint. ALT codes are sometimes referred to as ALT key codes or ALT numeric pad codes. For the the complete list of the first 256 Windows ALT Codes, visit Windows ALT Codes for Special Characters & Symbols.

Method A – How to use ALT codes on a desktop keyboard with a dedicated numeric keypad

  1. Make sure your keyboard has a numeric keypad.
  2. Make sure the numeric keypad is enabled by pressing the Num Lock key. The Num Lock’s led light will turn on indicating that the numeric keypad is enabled.
  3. Place your screen cursor on the location where you want to insert the special character.
  4. Press and hold down the ALT key on the left side of the keyboard.
  5. On the numeric keypad, type the sequence of numbers (decimal code point value) that corresponds to the character you want to insert.
  6. Release the ALT key.
  7. The special character will appear at your cursor’s location.

For example:

The ALT code for the Greek capital letter omega Ω is 234 on the Windows ALT Code Symbols page.
Press and hold the ALT key, type 2 3 4 on the numeric keypad, then release the ALT key.

The ALT code for the Latin small letter e with circumflex ê is 0234 on the Windows ALT Code Symbols page.
Press and hold the ALT key, type 0 2 3 4 on the numeric keypad, then release the ALT key.

Note that the leading zero makes a distinct difference:

ALT+<nnn>, where nnn is the decimal code point value of a character, generates an OEM-encoded character (IBM Code Page 437 / MS-DOS).
ALT+<0nnn>, where nnn is the decimal code point value of a character, generates a Windows-encoded character (Code Page 1252 Windows Latin 1 ANSI).

For Unicode special characters and symbols whose decimal code points are beyond 255 or 0255 and are not listed on the Windows ALT Code Symbols page, refer to the Unicode Character Lookup Table page to obtain their decimal code points.

Method B – How to use ALT codes on a laptop keyboard without a dedicated numeric keypad

On a laptop keyboard, a set of keys have a secondary function, that when enabled, makes them act as a numeric keypad, as shown in the image below:

Numeric keypad on laptop keyboard

Image Credit:
  1. Locate the Function or Fn key on the bottom left of the keyboard.
  2. Locate the Num Lock or Num Lk key on the top right of the keyboard.
  3. Press and hold the Fn key, press and release the Num Lk key, release the Fn key. The laptop’s numeric keypad is now enabled.
  4. Place your screen cursor on the location where you want to insert the special character.
  5. Press and hold down the ALT key on the left side of the keyboard.
  6. On the numeric keypad, type the sequence of numbers (decimal code point value) that corresponds to the character you want to insert.
  7. Release the ALT key.
  8. The special character will appear at your cursor’s location.
  9. Repeat step 3 to disable the numeric keypad.

Note: On some laptops, simply pressing Fn and ALT at the same time, then typing the sequence of numbers (decimal code point value) on the numeric keypad will work.

Method C – How to use ALT codes by using the hexadecimal code point of a character.

Special characters are usually notated in Unicode as U+nnnn, where nnnn is the hexadecimal code point value of the character. For example, the yin yang symbol ☯ is notated in Unicode as U+262F, so its hexadecimal code point is 262F.

  1. Place your screen cursor on the location where you want to insert the special character.
  2. Type the hexadecimal Unicode code point of the character (using the numeric keypad for the numerals and the normal keys for the letters), and immediately after;
  3. Press and hold the left ALT key, press the X key, then release both keys.
  4. The special character will appear at your cursor’s location.

Example: Type 262F, then press and hold the left ALT key, press the X key, then release both keys. This enters the yin yang symbol ☯.

Method D – How to use ALT codes by editing the registry setting and using the hexadecimal code point of a character.

This is for experienced Windows users. Enabling this universal input method, that is independent of your computer’s language settings, requires a one-time editing of your computer’s registry setting. It is important to back up your registry before editing it.

Set or create the registry key below then restart your computer.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Input Method/EnableHexNumpad with string type REG_SZ assigned a data value of 1.

The following method can then be used to enter Unicode codepoints:

  1. Place your screen cursor on the location where you want to insert the special character.
  2. Press and hold down the ALT key on the left side of your keyboard.
  3. Press and release the + key on the numeric keypad.
  4. Type the hexadecimal Unicode code point, using the numeric keypad for digits 0–9 and the normal keys for letters A–F.
  5. Release the ALT key.
  6. The special character will appear at your cursor’s location

Example: Press and hold the left ALT key, press and release the numeric keypad’s plus + key, type 262F, then release the ALT key. This enters the yin yang symbol ☯.

Note: This method may not work for 5-digit hexadecimal codes like U+1F4B0.

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