Alot is not a word

There is a surprising amount of confusion between these two words (one of which isn’t actually a word) and which is the correct form to appear in your sentences.

Today, I want to go over the difference between a lot vs. alot and show you a few tricks to remember which of them to use. After reading this post, you won’t ever confuse them again.

While it may be common to see the word “alot” throughout Internet commenting or text messaging, the word is never seen in print, and the reason is simple: it isn’t an actual word.

That’s right. If you go to any dictionary, you will not find the word “alot” as an entry, which makes it all the more interesting why the confusion between the two exists.

What Is a “Lot”?

are alot or a lot the same wordsThe two-word construction a lot is just that: two separate words. You have the article a and the noun lot. The word lot is defined as, “a large number or amount, a great deal.”

For example,

  • You just drank a lot of milk with dinner.
  • Your car uses a lot of gas.
  • You read a lot of books.

Just as you wouldn’t combine other instances of article + noun constructions in your sentences, adog, acat, ahorse, etc., you don’t combine the two words a lot. There’s no rhyme or reason to why people combine the words, but plenty of people make the mistake.

And no one knows exactly why. It could be that since the word lot isn’t used in many other instances besides the phrase a lot that writers began to think of alot as the actual word being used and not lot.

Other uses of lot, such as a beautiful lot of land or a parking lot, often pale in comparison to the frequency of the phrase a lot, so it’s easy to see how people could get mixed up. Even this, however, isn’t a totally convincing reason because the plural use of lot (lots) is used correctly with great frequency.

Another possible explanation is the similar features the phrase a lot has with the unrelated word allot.

When to Use Allot

Despite sounding similar to—and being spelled similar as—a lot, the single word allot is an unrelated verb. To allot something is “to give or apportion something to someone as a share.”

For example,

  • Will you please allot me my share of the inheritance?
  • The lawyer allotted the remained assets from the will.
  • During the debate, equal time will be allotted to each party.

As I said above, the fact that this word sounds alike and looks similar to a lot may cause some people to confuse the two.

Remember the Difference

allot vs alot grammarNow that we know a lot is the correct choice for our sentences, here are a few tricks to remember this fact.

Something my grade school English teacher would say to help us remember is,

  • A lot is a lot of words.

Another great trick I learned from a reader of mine is similar to the analogy I gave above about combining words like a dog into adog.

  • You cannot say “alittle,” so you cannot say “alot.”

Makes sense doesn’t it?


It’s important to keep track of these two words in your writing because alot vs. a lot are very different.

Alot is not a word.

A lot is the correct choice.


  • 1 Alot vs. A lot?
  • 2 What Is a “Lot”?
  • 3 When to Use Allot
  • 4 Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

Alot is a common misspelling of a lot. A lot should always be spelled as two words. The meaning of a lot depends on the context.


  • 1 Is alot one word or two words?
  • 2 Why is alot not a word?
  • 3 What is alot?
  • 4 What is the correct way to use a lot?
  • 5 How do you spell a lot a lot?
  • 6 Why is it a lot not alot?
  • 7 Is Lots a real word?
  • 8 Is alot a Scrabble word?
  • 9 How do you spell thanks a lot?
  • 10 What kind of word is alot?
  • 11 How do you use a lot and alot?
  • 12 What kind of word is a lot?
  • 13 What’s a word for a lot?
  • 14 What is the difference between alot and alot of?
  • 15 Is a lot informal?
  • 16 Does lots have an apostrophe?
  • 17 How can I use lots of love?
  • 18 What is the meaning of Lot of 2?
  • 19 Is there a space in a lot?
  • 20 Is alright a word?

Is alot one word or two words?

First thing’s first: “alot” is not a word. If you want to say that someone has a vast number of things, you would say they have “a lot” of things. “A lot” is always two words. “Allot” means to give or apportion something to someone as a share or task.

Why is alot not a word?

While it may be common to see the word “alot” throughout Internet commenting or text messaging, the word is never seen in print, and the reason is simple: it isn’t an actual word. That’s right.

What is alot?

A lot, which is often misspelled as alot, means “a large number or quantity” or “very much,” and it can be used as a noun or an adverb.

What is the correct way to use a lot?

Should I use a lot or alot? Only one of these is the correct spelling. A lot is the correct form and it means many or much. Alot is an incorrect spelling of a lot, so make sure to never make this error.

How do you spell a lot a lot?

A lot should always be spelled as two words. The meaning of a lot depends on the context. Usually, it means “many” or “to a great extent.” Let’s look at some examples. Shelley reads a lot of books during her morning commute.

Why is it a lot not alot?

The most common mistake involving these words is writing “alot” instead of “a lot.” Remember that the word “alot” does not exist (unless you mean the Indian town of Alot). There is a town in India called “Alot.” That aside, the word “alot” does not exist in English.

Is Lots a real word?

In today’s synonym/antonym thread, one of our faithful and excellent contributors used the word “lots“.Some dictionaries include the word “lots”, others use it only to define the idea of “drawing lots”, etc.

Is alot a Scrabble word?

No, alot is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you spell thanks a lot?

It is two words. Alot isn’t a word. “alot” is a typographic error or misspelling. Always use “a lot.”

What kind of word is alot?

Alot can be a noun or an adverb.

How do you use a lot and alot?

A lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions: We’ve got lots of things to do. That’s a lot of money.

What kind of word is a lot?

As a noun and adverb, a lot is frequently misspelled as alot.

What’s a word for a lot?

What is another word for a lot?

lots plenty
tonsUS a boatload
a heap a huge amount
a large number a multitude
an abundance a plethora

What is the difference between alot and alot of?

For example: “I have a lot of cars in my driveway” means the exact same thing as “I have lots of cars in my driveway.” A ‘lot’ as used in the expression ‘a lot of’ and ‘lots of’ refers to a unit of something or an amount of units or a parcel that is offered together as one complete unit.

Is a lot informal?

A lot of and lots of
These are rather informal. There is not much difference between a lot of and lots of. They are both used mainly before singular uncountable and plural nouns, and before pronouns. When a lot of/lots of is used before a plural subject, the verb is plural.

Does lots have an apostrophe?

lots – it never has an apostrophe
Unless you are referring to Lot’s wife or the parking lot’s borders.

How can I use lots of love?

So for example, the sentence “I wish you are having a great time, surrounded by lots of love” is correct? We normally say “I hope you are having a great time.” “Wishing” is for something we want to happen in the future. “Surrounded by lots of love” is fine.

What is the meaning of Lot of 2?

First you get both products for the one price. Or Second you they are selling two items but for two separate transactions.

Is there a space in a lot?

To summarize, there should not be any confusion with the use of a lot and alot. The correct form requires a space–a lot–and the one without space, alot, is not an acceptable word.

Is alright a word?

People are often surprised to learn that alright is not an accepted spelling of all right. Although the one-word spelling of alright is seen in informal writing, teachers and editors will always consider it incorrect. To use the expression with impunity, it is best to spell it as two words: all right.

Alot is not a word it is actually among the top offenders when it comes to misspellings and grammar errors. This guide will help you understand a lot or alot.

In the English language, there are a lot of commonly misspelled words. Often, these misspellings come from the way a word sounds when spoken. The misspelling “alot” is one of those.

Writers can make their English teachers cringe quickly with the wrong use of “alot.” This word will also trigger problems in grammar checking programs like Grammarly. Yet it is commonly used incorrectly.

This guide will help writers sort it out and use both British and American English properly.

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  • What Does “Alot” Mean?
  • The Meanings of “A Lot”
  • Remembering the Rule   
  • The Final Word on Alot is not a word
  • FAQs on Alot Is Not A Word
  • Author

What Does “Alot” Mean?

Why alot is not a word

“Alot” is not a word in the English language, and the correct form of this word is the two-word spelling “a lot.” Sometimes it is also mistakenly spelled as “allot.”

The phrase “a lot” includes the word “lot” and the indefinite article “a.” When combined as “a lot” in informal writing, the indefinite article is simply merged with the word “lot.” However, this is not acceptable in formal writing.

No matter how it is misspelled, any spelling other than “a lot” is incorrect. By cleaning this up in their writing, English writers can polish their writing and make it more professional.

The One Exception

There is one exception to this rule. Alot is actually the name of a town in India. If you are talking about Alot, India, then you are talking about a real word and a real place, but otherwise “alot” is not a real word.

The Meanings of “A Lot”

Since “alot” is not a word, the true question is, “What does a lot mean.” This phrase can be several different parts of speech that are worth looking at individually.

Using “A Lot” as a Noun

Alot is not a word

A lot can be used as a noun and can mean “a large extent, number or amount”

One way to use “a lot” is as a noun. In this use, it can mean “a large extent, number or amount.”

Having a lot of an item is the opposite of having a little of that item.

Here are some examples of using “a lot” as a noun in a sentence:

  • The workload the new manager gave felt like a lot more than in the past.
  • The girl had a lot of homework to finish before she could call her friend.
  • A lot of health problems start with the diet.

Using “A Lot” as an Adverb

“A lot” also can function as an adverb. In this case, it means “to a great extent or degree.” It usually modifies the verb and tells more about how much extent the subject does the action.

Here are some example sentences using “a lot” as an adverb:

  • The card meant a lot after mom passed away. (In this case, “a lot” modifies the verb “meant.”)
  • The time went by a lot faster after the intermission. (In this case, “a lot” modifies the adverb “faster.”)
  • We traveled a lot slower as we passed through the winding mountain roads. (In this case, “a lot” modifies the verb “went.”)

What About “Allot?”

Allot is sometimes a misspelling of a lot, but it is the correct spelling of a completely different verb. Allot as a verb means “to give out or distribute.” This is actually a correctly used word.

Here are some examples:

  • I will allot the necessary money in the budget.
  • You must allot sufficient time to get your chores done.
  • The allotted snacks were not enough for the hungry group of teenagers.

Remembering the Rule   

So how can a writer remember that “alot” and “a lot” are not the same thing? Thinking of the phrase “a whole lot” can help. Though this is not often used in formal writing, it is grammatically correct, and in order to put “whole” in the middle, “a lot” must be used.

Another trick is thinking of “a lot of space.” There is a lot of space between the word “a” and the word “lot” in the proper spelling of the phrase.

The Final Word on Alot is not a word

“Alot” is never correct in formal writing. It is a misspelling of the phrase “a lot.” While it may be acceptable in informal writing and on social media, professional and formal writing needs to use the correct spelling of this phrase.

FAQs on Alot Is Not A Word

Is “alot” in the dictionary?

Even though it is often used in informal writing, “alot” does not hold a space in the Miriam-Webster Dictionary. The idiom “a lot of” does, however.

How do you use “a lot?”

“Alot” is a common misspelling or typo in English. It means “a lot,” and it should always be used as two words.” This phrase can be either a noun or an adverb, depending on its use in the sentence.

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  • Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today’s online marketing world.

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Main Alot or A Lot Takeaways:

  • A lot is correct and is often misspelled alot.
  • A lot is a word, but alot is not a word (unless you’re talking about a town in India).
  • A lot and allot are different words.
  • A lot refers to a large quantity of a given item.
  • Allot means to assign a portion of something to a person or set aside a share.

The alot or a lot or allot debate may be one of the most confusing issues in grammar. Two are real words, one is not.

Is it A lot or Alot?

Alot is not a word. Instead, it’s a misspelling of the term a lot. While you might see alot in texts, emails, and other content, it’s a mistake. An easy way to remember the correct spelling is to associate what a lot means with the space between the word contains. For example, a lot means a large quantity of something, like room or space. You know alot is incorrect because there’s no room between the “a” and the “l.” On the other hand, you know that a lot is correct because there is a lot of space between the”a” and the “l.”

Correct spelling is a lot. A boy holding two placards. Placard on the left says A Lot with a check mark, while placard on the right shows the word Alot that's been crossed out.

“Alot” is a common misspelling of the phrase “a lot.”

[Incorrect]I can’t stand alot of talking while I’m trying to study[/incorrect].

[Correct]He always wears a lot of cologne when he does out on dates.[/correct]

The second way to remember the difference between a lot vs. alot is a bit more technical.

You can think about a lot and alot in terms of articles and nouns. For instance, alittle or abunch are in correct.

In the same way, combining a and lot into alot doesn’t work, either.

Bottom line: When it comes to using alot or a lot, only a lot is correct.

The Only Time Alot is Correct

Is alot a word? Only if you’re referring to a town in the Ratlam District of India.

What is the Meaning of A lot?

A lot means a large number, great deal, or big quantity of something. It can be an adverb or a pronoun. Use a lot whenever you want your reader to understand that you’re referring to a large quantity of something. That something could be a tangible object, like fruit. It could also be something intangible, like time.

A girl confused on whether to use a lot, alot, or allot.

Is it a lot, alot, or allot? Two of these words are correct, one is not. Can you guess the misspelled word?

What can I write Instead of A lot?

Usually, a lot is more appropriate for informal writing or speaking. Here are some alternatives you can use instead of a lot:

  • myriad
  • plethora
  • numerous
  • ample
  • many
  • several
  • a good deal (of)
  • a great deal (of)
  • a whole heap (of)
  • a large number (of)
  • an endless amount (of)
  • an abundance (of)
  • a copious amount (of)
  • an enomous amount (of)
  • a slew (of)
  • a surplus (of)
  • plenty (of)
  • a legion (of)
  • bunches (of)
  • heaps (of)
  • loads (of)
  • tons (of)
  • masses (of)

Is Thanks a lot Rude?

It can be. It all depends on the tone you use and your intention when you say it. On one hand, it can be an informal way of saying “thank you very much.” On the other hand, “thanks a lot” can also be a sarcastic remark in American English. To avoid sending the wrong message, we recommend going for the more formal (and neutral) “thank you very much.” A more informal alternative is “thanks a bunch.”

[Example] Sarcastic: I thought you were going to give me a ride home from the grocery store! I had to walk all the way back carrying everything. Thanks a lot for nothing![/example]

[Example]When referring to a portion of land: Stephanie’s dream is to buy that lot of land and build her dream house.[/example]

[Example]For a person’s fate: My uncle was never satisfied with his lot in life.[/example]

[Example]When referring to a quantity: I tend to eat a lot of fruit in the morning[/example]

But, where does allot come in?

"Allot" means to give or assign a portion of something to someone. A man giving a slice of cake to a little girl.

“Allot” means to give or assign a portion of something to someone.

Define Allot: What Does Allot Mean?

Add an “l” to alot, and you get allot. It’s just one little letter, but that addition creates an entirely new meaning. Allot is a verb that means to give someone a share of an item or set aside part of a task.

  • A lot is the opposite of a little. Both have spaces, and both refer to quantities.
  • Allot takes all of something and divides into portions or shares.

Use allot whenever you’re assigning part of a task or object to a specific person or group.

Is it a Lot or Alot or Alot? You Tell us!

Alot or A Lot Question #1


The answer is FALSE. “A lot” is used to quantify an item. On the other hand, “allot” means to assign a portion of something to a person or set aside a share.

A Lot vs. Alot Question #2


The answer is ALOT. “Alot” is a common misspelling of a lot.

Alot vs A Lot Question #3

A. A lot can only be used as an adverb.

B. A lot can only be used as a pronoun.

C. A lot can be used as an adverb or a pronoun.

D. None of the above.


The answer is C. “A lot” can be used as an adverb or a pronoun in a sentence.

Allot Question #4


The answer is VERB. “Allot” is a verb that means to give someone a share of an item or set aside part of a task.

A Lot or Alot Question #5

A. A lot of people enjoy playing video games.

B. Allot of people enjoy playing video games.

C. Alot of people enjoy playing video games.


The answer is A. Use “a lot” whenever you want your reader to understand that you’re referring to a large quantity of something.

Alot Question #6

A. It would be best if you didn’t alot blame for the error before reading the report.

B. It would be best if you didn’t allot blame for the error before reading the report.

C. It would be best if you didn’t a lot blame for the error before reading the report.


The answer is B. “Allot” means to assign or give a portion.

Read More: Bear With Me or Bare With Me?

Why is alot not a word?

Alot is not a word. Instead, it’s a misspelling of the term a lot. You know alot is incorrect because there’s no room between the “a” and the “l.” On the other hand, you know that a lot is correct because there is a lot of space between the”a” and the “l.” “Alot” is a common misspelling of the phrase “a lot.”

Which is correct allot or a lot?

“A lot” is always two words. “Allot” means to give or apportion something to someone as a share or task. It can also mean to appropriate for a special purpose.

How many is in a lot?

A lot of is more than five and less than infinity. Many – see a lot. For me a couple of is not exactly two. It means approximately 2, sometimes 3, or even 4.

Is alot in the dictionary?

! Note – Many people write a lot as one word “alot”, probably because it is pronounced like one word. However it does not exist! There is no such word in the English language.

What does Alit mean?

(əˈlɪt ) verb. a rare past tense and past participle of alight1. Collins English Dictionary.

What are the 4 types of bipolar?

Here are the four types of bipolar disorder and how they’re characterized:

  • Bipolar 1. This type of bipolar disorder is characterized by manic episodes, with or without depression symptoms.
  • Bipolar 2. Bipolar 2 disorder is characterized by having both manic and depressive episodes.
  • Cyclothymic disorder.
  • Other types.

What is mood anxiety?

Ohrt defines anxiety as a feeling of intense worry, fear or unease. She says it can be caused by several things, including fear of the unknown, unrealistic expectations, physical problems, substances and poor coping skills.

What are grandiose tendencies?

Symptoms. The term “grandiosity” refers to an unrealistic sense of superiority in which you consider yourself unique and better than others. It also infers a disdain for those people you consider to be inferior to you (by way of class, intelligence, beauty, or heritage, etc.).

What is narcissistic grandiosity?

Grandiosity is the defining characteristic of narcissism. More than just arrogance or vanity, grandiosity is an unrealistic sense of superiority. Narcissists believe they are unique or “special” and can only be understood by other special people.

Can narcissists be kind?

Another report from the University of Louisiana found that all kinds of narcissists, along with manipulators and psychopaths, (the so-called “dark triad” of personality traits) are capable of being caring towards others; as long as they see benefit to themselves in doing so.

Do narcissists enjoy hurting others?

Most narcissists enjoy an irrational and brief burst of relief after having suffered emotionally (“narcissistic injury”) or after having sustained a loss. It is a sense of freedom, which comes with being unshackled.

Do narcissists like to be touched?

Narcissists Have a Very Specific Reason They Like to Stay in Touch With Their Exes. “The central motivator for narcissists is validation,” she explains. “And an ex is often a really interesting place to get it… They constantly need that fresh narcissistic supply, and they kind of know what an ex’s supply is like.”

Do narcissists cheat more?

“Relative to nonnarcissists, narcissistic individuals tend to be less committed to their romantic partners and to play games with their romantic partners; they also tend to be less satisfied with their relationships and engage in infidelity more often,” the authors say.

Will a narcissist ever be happy?

Narcissists might have “grandiose” delusions about their own importance and an absence of “shame” – but psychologists say they are also likely to be happier than most people. Psychologist Dr Kostas Papageorgiou says negative responses to narcissism can overlook the positive benefits to the narcissists themselves.

Why is alot not a word?

Alex Heath


Why is alot not a word?

Alot is not a word. Instead, it’s a misspelling of the term a lot. You know alot is incorrect because there’s no room between the “a” and the “l.” On the other hand, you know that a lot is correct because there is a lot of space between the”a” and the “l.” “Alot” is a common misspelling of the phrase “a lot.”

Is a lot a compound word?

“A lot” is an idiom, and means “very much.” Brian rocks out a lot when he listens to Nevermind. “Alot,” on the other hand, isn’t a word, so you shouldn’t use it.

Why do people spell a lot as one word?

Possibly people have a natural tendency to spell “alot” in a single word because the brain processes it as a single word. At any rate, with its use for quantification, it clearly has some “special” properties. Notice the difference in verb agreement between: A lot of the problems are due to bad planning.

What type of word is a lot?

More about “A Lot” As a noun, “lot” means “a large extent,” “a large amount,” or “a large number.” As an adverb, “a lot” means “to a great extent” or “to a great degree.” Here are some examples of “a lot” in a sentence: Mark has a lot of toys. (“Lot” is a noun in this example.)

Is a lot or alot?

Alot is a common misspelling of a lot. A lot should always be spelled as two words. The meaning of a lot depends on the context. Usually, it means “many” or “to a great extent.” Let’s look at some examples.

What is difference between defining and non-defining?

Non-defining clauses still add extra information, but not in the same way. While they tell you something additional, they’re not necessary to the meaning of the sentence, but just add an extra non-essential dimension. The only difference is that you cannot use “that” with a non-defining clause, unlike defining clauses.

What is a defining sentence?

Defining relative clauses are composed of a relative pronoun (sometimes omitted), a verb, and optional other elements such as the subject or object of the verb. Commas are not used to separate defining relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.

What language is needed for a relative clause?

A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun.

Do all languages have relative clauses?

Even among languages which clearly do have relative clauses, there are some differences which might make learning difficult. Word order is something that second language learners might have trouble with, and languages differ with respect to the relationship between a relative clause and the noun which modifies.

Where do we use relative clauses?

We can use relative clauses to join two English sentences, or to give more information about something.

  • I bought a new car.
  • She lives in New York.
  • A defining relative clause tells which noun we are talking about:
  • A non-defining relative clause gives us extra information about something.

Back to overview

Which Is Correct—“Alot,” “A Lot,” or “Allot”?

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“Alot” is not a word. We’ll discuss the correct spelling of this word (a lot), and go over another word that many people also commonly get confused with: “allot.”

White text over green background that reads "a lot vs. allot." (Alot or a lot or allot)

“A lot” is often misspelled as “alot.”
The store offered alot of student discounts.

The store offered allot of student discounts.

The store offered a lot of student discounts.

Alot (with no space) is an incorrectly spelled word. The correct spelling is always a lot (two words).

When used as a noun, the meaning of a lot is “a considerable number, quantity, or amount.”

We had a lot of fun during our vacation.

As an adverb, a lot means “a great deal” or “often.”

I care for her a lot.

We have been performing a lot during the tour.

What’s Another Word For “A Lot”?

When using a lot as a noun, you can replace it with these more concise alternatives:

1) Numerous

A lot of studies show that high social media usage has a detrimental effect on teens.

Numerous studies show that high social media usage has a detrimental effect on teens.

2) Several

There are a lot of types of bananas.

There are several types of bananas.

3) Many

If you make a right on Main Street, you’ll see that a lot of houses have been decorated for the festivities.

If you make a right on Main Street, you’ll see that many houses have been decorated for the festivities.

What Does “Allot” Mean?

A lot is also often confused with the verb allot, which means “to give or assign as a share or portion.” Therefore, it would be wrong to write allot of:

Allot of the concert-goers were unhappy with the late start.

A lot of the concert-goers were unhappy with the late start.

The correct usage of the word allot is:

We were told to allot five minutes to respond to questions after the presentation.

How To Remember the Difference Between “Allot” or “A Lot”

Remember, when it comes to alot and a lot, the correct choice is always a lot. If you’re trying to “allocate a certain portion,” then the word you want is allot.

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Table of Contents

  1. What kind of word is alot?
  2. Is it a lot or allot?
  3. Is a lot proper English?
  4. Is Alit a word?
  5. What does Alit stand for?
  6. What Alit means?
  7. What is alighted mean?
  8. What does alighting only mean?
  9. What does coaxed mean?
  10. What does menacingly mean?
  11. Is it pronounced Ethernet or Ethernet?
  12. What’s the Ethernet connection?
  13. How do you say Internet in British?
  14. What is Ethernet vs Internet?
  15. How do you spell Ethernet?
  16. Is Ethernet faster than WiFi?
  17. Is Ethernet a real word?
  18. How do you spell Ethernet C?

Alot is not a word. Instead, it’s a misspelling of the term a lot. While you might see alot in texts, emails, and other content, it’s a mistake. An easy way to remember the correct spelling is to associate what a lot means with the space between the word contains.

What kind of word is alot?

As a noun, “lot” means “a large extent,” “a large amount,” or “a large number.” As an adverb, “a lot” means “to a great extent” or “to a great degree.” Here are some examples of “a lot” in a sentence: Mark has a lot of toys. (“Lot” is a noun in this example.)

Is it a lot or allot?

“A lot” is always two words. “Allot” means to give or apportion something to someone as a share or task. It can also mean to appropriate for a special purpose.

Is a lot proper English?

A lot should always be spelled as two words. The meaning of a lot depends on the context. Usually, it means “many” or “to a great extent.” Let’s look at some examples. Shelley reads a lot of books during her morning commute.

Is Alit a word?

verb. a simple past tense and past participle of alight1.

What does Alit stand for?

ALIT Automatic Line Insulation Test Computing » Telecom Rate it:
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What Alit means?

(əˈlɪt ) verb. a rare past tense and past participle of alight1. Collins English Dictionary.

What is alighted mean?

verb (used without object), a·light·ed or a·lit, a·light·ing. to dismount from a horse, descend from a vehicle, etc. to settle or stay after descending: The bird alighted on the tree. to encounter or notice something accidentally.

What does alighting only mean?

verb alights, alighting, alighted or alit (intr) (usually foll by from) to step out (of) or get down (from)to alight from a taxi. to come to rest; settle; landa thrush alighted on the wall.

What does coaxed mean?

1 : to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : wheedle coaxed him into going. 2 : to draw, gain, or persuade by means of gentle urging or flattery unable to coax an answer out of him coaxing consumers to buy new cars.

What does menacingly mean?

/ˈmen.ɪ.sɪŋ.li/ in a way that makes you think that someone is going to do something bad or that something bad is going to happen: She glared menacingly at him. Black clouds gathered menacingly over the hills.

Is it pronounced Ethernet or Ethernet?

Us Americans pronounce it as ee-ther-net and rou-ter.

What’s the Ethernet connection?

Ethernet is a way of connecting computers and other network devices in a physical space. This is often referred to as a local area network or LAN. The idea of an Ethernet network is that computers and other devices can share files, information and data between each other efficiently. Ethernet was released in 1980.

How do you say Internet in British?

Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce ‘internet’….Below is the UK transcription for ‘internet’:

  1. Modern IPA: ɪ́ntənɛt.
  2. Traditional IPA: ˈɪntənet.
  3. 3 syllables: “IN” + “tuh” + “net”

What is Ethernet vs Internet?

Ethernet vs Internet Comparison Table

Ethernet Internet
An example of Ethernet is LAN (Local Area Network). An example of the Internet is WAN (Wide Area Network).
Ethernet is more secure because outside devices have no access to the network. Internet is less secure as anyone can access the network and gain information.

How do you spell Ethernet?

Correct spelling for the English word “ethernet” is [ˈiːθənɪt], [ˈiːθənɪt], [ˈiː_θ_ə_n_ɪ_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is Ethernet faster than WiFi?

A WiFi connection transmits data via wireless signals, while an Ethernet connection transmits data over cable. An Ethernet connection is generally faster than a WiFi connection and provides greater reliability and security.

Is Ethernet a real word?

adjective. light, airy, or tenuous: an ethereal world created through the poetic imagination. extremely delicate or refined: ethereal beauty.

How do you spell Ethernet C?

How Do You Spell ETHERNET CABLE? Correct spelling for the English word “Ethernet Cable” is [ˈiːθənɪt kˈe͡ɪbə͡l], [ˈiːθənɪt kˈe‍ɪbə‍l], [ˈiː_θ_ə_n_ɪ_t k_ˈeɪ_b_əl] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

In an age where you are supposed to learn how to express yourself in 160 characters or less, it’s no surprise that many words end up shortened or combined to help meet these parameters.

Unfortunately, this also means that these abbreviations and misspellings make their way into other forms of written communication and can create confusion at best or misunderstandings at worst.

“A lot” vs. “alot” is the perfect example of this. One is a two-word phrase, and the other isn’t a word at all. But it is used in shorthand, informal writing scenarios – such as social media posts.

Let’s take a look at “a lot” and “alot” so you can better understand why you need to know the difference if you want your reader to understand what you are trying to portray.

What Is the Difference Between A Lot and Alot?

Grammarist Article Graphic V4 2022 12 26T214635.096

A lot is like any two-word phrase with the indefinite article (a) followed by a noun (lot). For instance, a cow, a cloud, and a burrito are similarly constructed phrases, but no one would write acow, acloud, and aburrito.

Lot is defined as “a great deal, large number or amount of something.”

For example:

  • He carries a lot of books across campus each day to class.
  • I had a lot of water to drink, and now I needed a restroom stop.
  • The students had a lot of time to complete their finals.

Why a lot is so often compounded into alot is an interesting linguistic mystery. As suggested above, it is likely due to the combination of words and phrases to create shorthand options for social media.

The ngram below graphs the use of a lot and alot in a large number of texts published between 1800 and 2019. As you can see, alot (the red line) does not pass through the editorial process.

A lot vs. Alot Ngram

A lot and alot usage trend.

Should You Use Alot in Writing?

The short answer to this question is NO! Do not use alot in your writing. It is not a word and, even when used in an informal text, looks out of place and can cause confusion. There is no meaning to this non-word.

Examples of “a Lot” in a Sentence

If you need examples of how to properly use the phrase a lot in sentences, these examples can help you ensure you use the correct form each and every time.

  • As the head of the department, Sarah McMillan worries a lot about how to secure funding for supply each year.
  • There has been a lot happening with our school this academic season.
  • It’s a lot easier to understand once you see it in person.
  • She had a lot of work to complete over her winter vacation if she planned on passing the class.

Let’s Review

A lot is a phrase made up of an indefinite article and a noun. It means there is a great deal of something. Alot isn’t a word. It most likely became popular due to the popular practice of abbreviating and combining words in social media commenting and posting.

Using alot in writing can create confusion and should be avoided.

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alot versus a lot

What’s the Difference Between A Lot and Alot?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between A Lot and Alot?
  • 2 Using A Lot in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Alot in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering A Lot vs. Alot
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Alot vs. A Lot
  • 7 Article Summary

A lot and alot might seem like alternate spellings of the same word. However, this is not the case. Alot is simply a common misspelling of a lot.

A lot is an expression that means a large number or a great quantity.

  • There are a lot of people who live in New York City.

Alot is an incorrect way to spell a lot. Many people think that because a lot is pronounced without a pause between the two words that it is okay to spell the two words without a space between them. However, these are actually two separate parts of speech: the article a and a noun lot.

  • Look at all the sand on this beach! There’s alot. (Incorrect spelling – use a lot instead)

Let’s look at some of the ways to use, and not use, these words in English.

Using A Lot in a Sentence

When to use a lot: A lot is actually just the word lot with the article a in front of it. It has the same meaning as a great amount or a large number.

For example:

  • We need a lot of ice for all the people at this party and their drinks.
  • Today it rained a lot.

A lot also appears in many idioms and expressions, some of which appear below:

  • to have a lot on one’s plate: to have many things to do or be responsible for
    • You’re a full time father, businessman, and volunteer. Of course you have a lot on your plate!
  • that says a lot about someone or something: an action shows the character of a person or other thing
    • He’s a famous actor but he donates most of what he earns to good causes. That says a lot about him.
  • to have a lot of nerve: to be brazen or audacious (usually used in an accusatory manner)
    • You have a lot of nerve to steal my dog and then come ask me for money!

A lot often appears followed by of when it is important to know what there is a lot of.

Using Alot in a Sentence

When to use Alot: Alot is not a word at all, so you shouldn’t ever use it. It’s just a common misspelling of a lot.

For example:

  • I need to make alot of cash in a short amount of time. (incorrect spelling – use a lot instead)
  • Did you see any llamas in Peru? Apparently there are alot there. (incorrect spelling – use a lot instead)

Some words are used together so often that they become a compound word over time and the development of English. A lot has not yet turned in to one of those words.

Remembering A Lot vs. Alot

One way to help you remember to use a lot and avoid alot is to use their spellings and grammatical rules.

Try to think of a lot this way: The expression is two separate words because lot is actually a noun means a big amount. Just as you need a before big amount, you must use a before lot. Likewise, you cannot combine a and big to say abigamount just as you cannot combine a and lot.

Outside Examples

  • “I really enjoy the golf course,” McCarron said. “The par 5s I can get to. I drive one of the par 4s, so if I’m driving it well, I’ll have a lot of wedges in my hand and if I can hit the wedges good I’ll have some good opportunities.” –Houston Chronicle
  • “The pressure is on them,” Oakley said. “They’re making a lot of money. The major leagues are very unforgiving. Expectations are there. They’ve got to perform. If anything comes up that gets in the way of that, the pressures can bounce really quickly.” –LA Times
  • “The phase we’re in, what we’re looking to do and acquiring all these players, there is a lot of work to be done,” he said. “None of us are satisfied and we’ll never be satisfied because we want to grow these players into what we envision them to be. It’s been an exhilarating experience, it really has. –Chicago Sun Times
  • My dad cooked a lot, so I knew how to use knives. I collected knives as a kid. I just thought they were interesting; kind of cool. –Chicago Tribune

Quiz: Alot vs. A Lot

Instructions: Fill in the blank with either alot or a lot.

  1. You’re moving too slow. You need to pick up _______ of speed. (incorrect spelling)
  2. Where did all my socks go? I used to have ________. (incorrect spelling)
  3. You know, if you like running ______________, you should join the cross country team at our school. (correct spelling)
  4. Be careful if you’re going to eat my sister’s cooking. She always adds _____________ of salt. (correct spelling)
  5. I’m not a professional golfer, but I do play the sport ____________. (correct spelling)

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use a lot or alot? Only one of these is the correct spelling.

  • A lot is the correct form and it means many or much.
  • Alot is an incorrect spelling of a lot, so make sure to never make this error.

Use the information in this article to ensure you accidentally write a lot instead of alot.


  1. alot
  2. alot
  3. a lot
  4. a lot
  5. a lot

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