All the bad words in the word list

Bad Words List, Google Blacklist Words, Swear Words List In English


Full List of Bad Words and Top Swear Words Banned by Google

1730+ Bad words and Swear words list, Google blacklist words. Includes; curse words, insulting words, offensive words, dirty words, vulgar words, and more.

We have done the job for you! After that, you don’t need to make many searches! Moreover, you don’t need to spend hours and days to find only a few bad words. All are included in our Full List.

Please note that new English bad words had been added to our Full List.

Bad Words Types & Meaning

It’s important to mention that there are many types of bad words. Our full list of bad words includes all the following types:

  • Curse Words – Profane or obscene words, especially as used in anger or for emphasis.
  • Insults Words – Words used to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt, also to affect offensively or damagingly.
  • Offensive Words – Words that arouse resentment, annoyance, or anger.
  • Dirty Words – A vulgar or taboo word or any word, name, or concept considered reprehensible.
  • Rude Words – Discourteous or impolite words, used especially in a deliberate way.
  • Sexual Words – Words related to male and female, mother, father, sister, wife, lesbians, homosexuals, people, animals, intersex organisms, and their body parts.
  • Vulgar Words – Words that are characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste.
  • Obscene Words – Offends you because it relates to sex or violence in a way that you think is unpleasant and shocking.
  • Naughty Words – Means disobedient, mischievous, or generally misbehaving, particularly when applied to children.
  • Inappropriate Words – Words not useful or suitable for a particular situation or purpose.

Our list has been tested by more than one thousand of our visitors! All have confirmed that our full list works perfectly. Moreover,  they did not have any banning by Google or by any other authority.

Bad Words list for Facebook

We also offer a list of bad words for Facebook, our Facebook bad words list is a text file including comma-separated words that have a singular form of each word, and a plural form whenever available, and setting up your page is easy, you have just to copy and paste the block words list….. Read more and download  Facebook Bad Words List

Youtube Blacklist Words List

YouTube Comment Blacklist can help you to avoid and filter all words and phrases in the user comments that are regarded as inappropriate, unacceptable, or profane words, and automatically will hold for review and moderation any comment has a word that closely matches these words in the blacklist, moreover, blocks any live chats matching these words….. Read more and download   YouTube Blacklist.

WordPress Comment Blacklist

To have complete control over which comments appear on your WordPress site, Keeping your comments clean from unacceptable, profanities, or untrustworthy words/phrases can greatly enable your visitors to interact with your website in a safe environment, and that increases your traffic and of course, increase your website rank….. Read more and download  WordPress Blacklist.

Bad Words List for Every Culture and Language!

Bad words or bad language are common in most cultures but it varies from one place to another, for example, the American swear words list differs from Swiss swear words, bad words in Spanish differ from bad words in French, and Russian swear words differ from Hindi swear words. Evidently, there’s a bad word list for every culture and every language!

Bad Words from all over the World in All Languages

All the bad Words in the World in multi-Languages will be added gradually!

1- British Swear Words List (NEW)

150+ British swear words list, including curse words, insults words, cuss words, offensive words, sexual words, dirty words, and more for Free Download. Britain, officially the United Kingdom (UK), is… Read more and download the British Swear Words List

2- French Swear Words List and Bad Words Free Download

360+ French swear words and phrases list, including Curse words, Cuss words, Insults words, Offensive words, Rude words, Dirty words, Vulgar words, and more. Our French swear words list is….. Read more and download the  List of French Swear Words.

3- German Swear Words List (NEW)

210+ German swear words and phrases list, including curse words, insult words, vulgar words, dirty words, offensive words, obscene words, and naughty words. The German language is one….. Read more and download  German Swear Words List.

4- Italian Swear Words List

820+ Italian swear words list and bad words, including Curse words, Insulting words, Offensive Words, Vulgar words, Rude Words, and more for free download. The Italian Language is used by 90 million….. Read more and download the  Italian Bad Words List.

5- Spanish Bad Words List

Spanish profanity has a wide range of swear words that are often of a sensitive nature, and it varies between Spanish-speaking nations, such as South America, and the subcultures of each nation….. Read more and download the  Spanish Bad Words List.

6- Chinese Swear Words List (NEW)

740+ Chinese swear words and phrases list, including curse words, insult words, offensive words, dirty words, rude words, sexual words, and vulgar words. China is officially the People’s Republic….. Read more and download the  Chinese Swear Words List.

7- Indonesian Bad Words List

There are more than 300 native languages spoken in Indonesia. According to Languages of Indonesia in Wikipedia, there are more than 700 living languages spoken in Indonesia. A major part of them belongs to the Austronesian language family, while over 270 Papuan (non-Austronesian) languages are spoken in eastern Indonesia…… Read more and download the  Indonesian Bad Words List.

New Lists Are Coming Soon!

  • Polish Swear Words List
  • Danish Bad Words List
  • Dutch Bad Words List
  • Russian Bad Words List
  • Japanese Swear Words List
  • Arabic World Swear Words List

Google Blacklist Words

As the biggest internet company, and as the sole of the internet, Google is taking great care of an internet searches to offer clean and useful results. Therefore, whenever you type a word to search for, Google filters its results to show the most relevant matches and keeps its results safe, and clean from any bad words or offensive words.
Right now, if you search for any explicit word or image, you never get what is typing because SafeSearch is always active.

Please note that Google neither released the official Google profanity list nor given any free license for any site to release Google blacklist words, what we are offering here is the full list of Google bad words that many developers and coders had made so many try and error search trials in Google Chrome, and dig through Google source codes, and extracted Google profanity list.

So, it’s important for anyone to try to avoid any bad words on his website or blog to have the chance to be shown in Google’s search results and have traffic and score in search engines.

How can I know if that word is bad?

There is a very simple way to check your word whether bad or not:

When Google released a new version of its keyboard for Android, it comes along with Google banned words list. Google’s recently launched a new site named; What Do You Love? It is a neat showcase for some of the company’s services, you may try to check some words from our list, and you will be asked; What Do You Love?.

  • Type a word from Google bad words on the Keyboard – Google will offer NO HELP.
  • Disable the Google profanity filter in Keyboard settings, then all words will be available for auto-complete.
  • If you type any word from our bad words list, you will be falsely redirected to “kittens” instead of your word, which means that word is one of Google banned words list.
  • For example type “Flowers” and you will be right redirected to “Flowers”, which means that this word is not banned by Google.

Unfortunately Google’s site; What Do You Love? It is offline now!

What to do with the bad words list?

  • Bloggers may use the list to filter their writing and replace bad words with more safe words for visitors.
  • Site owners and admins, that have user-contributed content or user-generated content may use the bad words list to filter their site content, emails, comments, and forums to keep their site clean.
  • Copywriters need the bad words list to be sure that their articles have no swear words or offensive words that harm their readers.
  • Developers and Web Designers essentially need to know all swear words, to avoid adding these words to their own JavaScript code, Apps EDU domain, and their titles too.
  • Generally, taking care and avoiding these bad words on any website or blog, surely will score in SERPs.

Protect Your Business and Family!

It’s really recommended to use the Full Words List to protect your website, your business, your brand, your family, and your kids from these kinds of profane words!.. Moreover, you can protect your visitors and customers from user-generated content and comments, which contains offensive, and bad words.

Profanity Filter

A Profanity filter is a content moderation tool or a content censor plugin. Profanity filter scans user content to filter out bad words. It is very important for your personal and business websites, and social media pages. You can also use it in online communities, marketplaces, and any platforms that rely on user-generated content.

Profanity Filter needs a list of Bad Words List (Blacklist Words) to filter your content, either blocking out the bad words or replacing them with special characters or Unicode characters.

How to use our Full List Of Bad Words List

  1. Use a Profanity Filter to censor content on your website to easily filter and block out all swear words from your website.
  2. Copy all the swear words from the Bad Words List and paste them into the Profanity Filter “Keywords Comment Moderation Box”. You may also add any specific words or any forms of unwanted content which you want also to be filtered and blocked out.

Please note that most platforms have a profanity filter, just as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, WordPress, and many more. And according to your platform, you can also find so many free profanity filters and plugins on the net.

There are two lists for free download; the first list is “Full List of Bad Words in English” which is a complete list. The second list is the “Base List of Bad Words in English” which has only a few original bad words. Both lists are offered in two different file formats, TXT file format, and comma-separated TXT format (comma-delimited), so you are free to download the one that met your requirements.

Full List of Bad Words in English

Full List of Bad Words in English (Text File – One word per line)

Full List of Bad Words in English (Comma-separated Text File)

Base List of Bad Words in English

Base List of Bad Words in English (Text File – One word per line)

Base List of Bad Words in English (Comma-separated Text File)

Thank you for stopping by, have a nice day!

Last Update: Dec 6, 2022


Our List of Dirty, Naughty, Obscene, and Otherwise Bad Words

With millions of images in our library and billions of user-submitted keywords, we work hard at Shutterstock to make sure that bad words don’t show up in places they shouldn’t. This repo contains a list of words that we use to filter results from our autocomplete server and recommendation engine.

Please add to it as you see fit (particularly in non-English languages) or use it to spice up your next game of Scrabble :)

Obvious warning: These lists contain material that many will find offensive. (But that’s the point!)

Miscellaneous caveat: Clearly, what goes in these lists is subjective. In our case, the question we use is, «What wouldn’t we want to suggest that people look at?» This of course varies between culture, language, and geographies, so in the end we just have to make our best guess.


Name Code
Arabic ar
Chinese zh
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
English en
Esperanto eo
Filipino fil
Finnish fi
French fr
French (CA) fr-CA-u-sd-caqc
German de
Hindi hi
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese ja
Kabyle kab
Klingon tlh
Korean ko
Norwegian no
Persian fa
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Russian ru
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Thai th
Turkish tr

See also the list of projects, documents, and organizations that use these lists.

Node Module

If you are using the word lists as .json, or in an npmproject, you can install the word list using the naughty-words package.

npm install naughty-words

© 2012–2020 Shutterstock, Inc.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

10m — 10 man

1337 — elite

1h — 1 handed

25m — 25 man

2h — 2 handed

4hm — four horsemen

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ab — arathi basin

abg — Ashmaul Burial Grounds

acc — account

achi — Achievement

achiev — achievement

add — additional monster

aep — agility equivalence points

afc — away from computer

afk — away from keyboard

aggro — focus of monster’s aggression

agi — agility

ah — auction house

ak — ahn’kahet

alch — alchemist

ali — alliance

alli — Alliance

ally — alliance

alt — alternate character

alts — alternative character

amg — oh my god

an — azjol-nerub

ank — Ahn’kahet the old kingdom

any1 — Anyone

aoa — Amphitheatre of Anguish

aoe — area of effect

aop — aspect of the pack

aotc — the current ahead of the curve achievement

aotp — aspect of the pack

ap — attack power

aq — Anh’Qiraj

arp — armor penetration

asap — as soon as possible

asl — age, sex, location

asslock — poorly skilled warlock

atm — at the moment

auch — auchindoun

av — alterac valley

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b00mkin — moonkin

b4 — before

baf — bring a friend

bamf — bad ass mother fucker

bb — bye bye

bbl — be back later

bbs — be back soon

bc — burning crusade

bd — Blackwing Descent

be — Blood Elf

belf — blood elf

bem — blades edge mountains

bet — blood elf tower

bf — Blood Furnace

bfd — blackfathom deeps

bg — battleground

bgs — battleground

bh — bubble hearth

bh10 — Baradin Hold 10-man

bh25 — Baradin’s Hold 25-man

bis — best in slot

bl — blood lust

blizz — blizzard

bm — Beast Mastery

boa — binds on account

boe — bind on equip

bok — Blessing of Kings

bom — blessing of might

boomchicken — moonkin

boomkin — moonkin

bop — bind on pickup

bos — blessing of sanctuary

bot — Bastion of Twilight

bou — bind on use

bow — blessing of wisdom

brb — be right back

brc — Black Rock Caverns

brd — blackrock depths

bres — battle resurrect

brez — battle resurrect

brf — blackrock foundry

brm — blackrock mountain

brs — blackrock spire

brt — be right there

bs — blacksmith

bt — black temple

bt5k — Blingtron 5000

btw — by the way

buff — beneficial spell

bwd — Black Wing Decent

bwl — blackwing lair

byob — bring your own buffs

byom — bring your own materials

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c — copper

cata — Cataclysm

cbt — Closed Beta Test

cc — crowd control

ccg — collectible card game

cd — cooldown

cds — Cool Downs

ce — Collector’s Edition

chanter — enchanter

char — character

cheev — achievement

chickenbutt — moonkin

cm — Challenge mode

coa — Curse of agony

coc — crucible of champions

cod — curse of doom

coe — curse of elements

coex — curse of exhaustion

cos — Culling of Strathholme

cot — caverns of time

cow — Tauren

cp — combo points

cr — combat ressurect

crit — critical hit

critchicken — moonkin

cs — crusader strike

cya — see you

c’g — cho’gall

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dailies — Daily repeatable quests

dal — dalaran

dala — Dalaran

darn — darnassus

db — Deadly Boss

dbm — Deadly Boss Mods

dc — disconnect

dc’d — disconnected

dd — direct damage

ddi — dont do it

de — disenchant

deathtard — Unskilled Death Knight

debuff — reductionary spell

deeps — damage per second

demo — Demonology

demon — demonology

demos — demolishers

destro — destruction

dflt — default

ding — levelled

ding! — level up

disc — Discipline (Priest spec).

dk — death knight

dkp — dragon kill points

dl — drain life

dm — dire maul

dmg — damage

dnd — do not disturb

dn’d — death and decay

dot — damage over time

dpm — damage per mana

dps — damage per second

dr — Diminishing returns

drood — druid

dru — druid

drunkin — drunk moonkin

ds — dragon soul

dtk — drak’tharon keep

dudu — Druid

dung — dungeon

dw — dual weild

dwm — dustwallow marsh

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ea — each

ef — Elwynn Forest

efc — enemy flag carrior

ek — Easturn Kingdoms

emfhs — Every Man for Himself

en — Emerald Nightmare

eoc — emblem of conquest

eoe — eye of eternity

eos — eye of the storm

eots — eye of the storm

epgp — effort points/ gear points

epl — eastern plague lands

er — Entangling Roots

erp — erotic role-play

exp — experience points

expn — expansion

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f2p — free to play

failadin — unskilled paladin

fap — Feral Attack Power

fc — flag carrior

felpup — felhunter

felpuppy — felhunter

feral — druid tank

ffa — free for all

ffs — for fuck’s sake

fl — firelands

fm — focus magic

fml — fuck my life

fok — Fan of Knives

fol — Flash of light

fos — Forge of Souls

fp — flight point

fps — frames per second

fr — flag room

frr — frost resistance

ft — flametongue

fta — for the alliance

fth — For the Horde

ftk — for the kill

ftl — for the loss

ftw — for the win

fu — Fuck You

fz — for zangarmarsh

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g — gold

g l — Good Luck

g2g — got to go

gal — Galleon

gank — kill

ganked — killed

gb — Guild Bank

gbok — greater blessing of kings

gbom — greater blessing of might

gc — guild chat

gcd — global cooldown

gd — good duel

gf — girlfriend

gg — Good Game

ghettokings — Drums of Blessing of Kings

gj — good job

gl — good luck

gm — game master

gnomer — gnomeregan

goblock — Goblin Warlock

gotw — gift of the wild

gr8 — great

gratz — congratulations

gryv — graveyard

gs — Gearscore

gtaoe — ground targeted area of effect

gtfo — get the fuck out

gtg — good to go

guildies — guild members

gy — graveyard

gz — congratulations

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h — heroic

h4x — hacks

hax — hacks

hc — Heroic

healadin — holy paladin

heals — healer

hf — have fun

hfc — hellfire citadel

hfp — hellfire peninsula

hh — honor hold

hk — honourable kill

hlp — help

hm — hardmode

hoj — Hammer of Justice

hol — halls of lightning

hor — Halls of Reflection

hos — halls of stone

hot — heal over time

hott — Herald of the Titans

hp — hit points

hp5 — health per 5 seconds

hps — heal per second

hs — hearth stone

huntard — poorly skilled hunter

huntards — poorly skilled hunters

hvh — heroic Violet Hold

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ib — Ice Barrier

ic — Icecrown Citadel

icc — Icecrown Citadel

idc — i don’t care

idk — i don’t know

if — Ironforge

ikr — I know Right

ikw — I know

ilvl — Item Level

imba — imbalanced

imo — in my opinion

inc — incoming

int — intellect

intrpt — interrupt

inv — invite

ioc — isle of conquest

iqd — isle of quel’danas

irl — in real life

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jc — jewelcrafter

jcj — player versus player

jip — Justice Point

jk — just kidding

jking — joking

jp — Justice Points

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kara — karazhan

kb — killing blow

kek — laughing out loud

kk — ok

kos — kill on sight

ks — Kingslayer

kt — Kel’Thuzad

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l2 — Learn to

l2p — learn to play

l2pyc — Learn to play your Class

l33t — elite

l8 — late

l@u — Laughing at you

lawl — laugh out loud

lazorchicken — Moonkin

lbrs — lower blackrock spire

lc — lower city

ld — link disconnect

leet — elite

lf — looking for

lf1m — looking for one more

lf2m — looking for two more

lf3m — looking for three more

lf4m — looking for four more

lfg — looking for group

lfm — looking for more

lfr — looking for raid

lfw — looking for work

lg — Let’s go

lib — library

lightning turkey — Moonkin

lk — lich king

lm — lumber mill

lmao — laugh my ass off

lmfao — laugh my fuckung ass off

lock — warlock

locks — warlocks

loh — lay on hands

lol — laugh out loud

lom — low on mana

looms — Heirlooms

los — line of sight

lotp — Leader of the Pack

lrn2 — learn to

ltb — Looking to Buy

ltp — learn to play

ltpnoob — Learn to play noob

lts — Looking to Sell

lvl — level

lw — leatherworker

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m8 — Mate

maly — malygos

mancow — tauren

mass rez — Mass Resurrection

mats — materials

mb — mana break

mc — mind control or molten core

mdps — melee damage per second

mgt — magisters’ terrace

mh — Main Hand

ml — master looter

mmog — massively multiplayer online game

mmorpg — massively multiplayer online roleplaying game

moar — more

mob — mobile object or monster

mod — moderator

mop — Mists of Pandaria

motd — message of the day

motw — mark of the wild

mow — mark of the wild

mp5 — mana per five seconds

mq — Molten Quarry

mr — Mass Resurrection

mrt — magisters’ terrace

ms — mortal strike

ms/os — main spec over other spec

msv — Mogushan’Vaults

mt — miss tell or main tank

mut — Mutilate

mv — morgan’s vigil

mw — Mage Ward

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n — need

n00b — new, unskilled player

n00bs — multiple new, unskilled players

n00bz — multiple new, unskilled players

nax — naxxramas

naxx — Naxxramas

naxx25 — Naxxramas Heroic (25-man)

ne — Night Elf

ne1 — anyone

nelf — night elf

nerf — to make weaker

nerfed — made weaker

newb — A new player

nh — night hold

ninja — player that steals loot

nm — never mind

nmjc — nothing much just chilling

noob — new, unskilled player

noobid — poorly skilled druid

noobie — novice

noobs — multiple new, unskilled players

noobsauce — new player

noobz — multiple new, unskilled players

norp-elf — Blood elf

np — no problem

npc — non player character

nr — nature resist

nsb — north side base

nub — Unskilled player

nubcaik — unskilled player

nubcake — unskilled player

nuke — deal damage while ignoring threat and aggro

nvm — never mind

nvrmnd — Never mind

nx — The Nexus

nyi — not yet implemented

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obo — or best offer

occ — the oculus

og — Ogrimmar

oh — Off Hand

ohb — old hillsbrad foothills

ohf — old hillsbrad foothills

ohko — one hit kill

ok — Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom

omfg — oh my fucking god

omg — oh my god

omw — on my way

one-shot — kill with 1 hit

oneshot — kill with 1 hit

ony — onyxia’s lair

onyx — onyxia’s lair

ooc — out of combat

oom — out of mana

oomkin — moonkin

oor — out of range

oos — out of sight

oow — on our way

op — overpowered

org — orgrimmar

os — obsidian sanctum

ot — off tank

owned — defeated easily

ox — onyxia

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p2p — player to player

pala — paladin

pally — paladin

pat — patrol

pbaoe — point blank area of effect

pc — player character

pk — player kill

pker — player killer

pl8 — plate armor

plox — please

plz — please

pm — private message

pmsl — pissing myself laughing

poly — polymorph

port — portal

pos — Pit of Saron

pot — potion

powned — dominated

ppl — people

ppr — points per run

prefs — preferences

proc — to activate upon certain conditions

prot — protection

protadin — Protection speced paladin

pst — please send tell

ptr — Public Test Realm

pug — pick up group

pve — player versus environment

pvp — player versus player

pwn — to dominate

pwned — dominated

pwning — dominating

pwnt — dominated

pzous — perfect zone of ultimate safety

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qft — quoted for truth

qm — quartermaster

qq — tears

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r — are

raf — Recruit a Friend

raid — group of 6 to 40 players

rap — ranged attack power

rbg — rated battle ground

rbgs — Rated Battlegrounds

rdf — Random Dungeon Finder

rdps — range damage per second

rdy — ready

re roll — to switch to a new main character

reg — regular

rep — reputation

res — ressurect

respec — to change talent point allocation

ress — ressurect

resto — restoration

ret — a paladin specification

retadin — ret spec’d paladin

retardin — lousy ret spec’d paladin

retnoob — retribution spec’d paladin

rez — ressurect

rfc — rage fire casm

rfd — Razor Fen Downs

rfk — razorfen kraul

rgb — rated battlegrounds

rh — relief hut

rhc — random heroic

rl — real life

rmp — Rogue, Mage, Priest

rng — Random Number Generater

rob — Ring of Blood

roc — Ring of Conquest

rof — ring of frost

rofl — rolling on floor laughing

roflmao — rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

ros — reliquary of souls

rotfl — Rolling on the floor laughing

rp — role playing

rps — rage per second

rq — real quick

rrq — repeatable reputation quest

rs — Ruby Sanctum

rts — real time strategy

rw — real world

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s — silver

sarth — sartharion

sb — Sholazar Basin

sc — Silvermoon City

scen — Scenario

scholo — scholomance

sfk — shadowfang keep

sh — Shattered Halls or Sethekk Halls

sham — shaman

shammy — shaman

shat — Shattrath City

shatt — shattrath city

shb — stonehearth bunker

sl — shadow labyrinth

slab — shadow labyrinth

slabs — shadow labyrinth

sls — shroud loot system

sm — scarlet monastery

smc — silvermoon city

smv — shadowmoon valley

snd — Slice and Dice

soa — strand of ancients

soj — seal of justice

soo — Seige of Orgimmar raid

sota — strand of the ancients

soz — sorry

sp — spell power

spacegoat — Draenei

spawn — origin point

spec — talent specialization

spr — spirit

spriest — shadow spec’d priest

squishy — a cloth wearing player.

srry — sorry

ss — soul stone

ssc — serpentshrine cavern

st — stables

stack — group up / stay together

stam — stamina

stfu — shut the fuck up

stock — the stockade

stocks — the stockade

str — strength

strat — stratholme

stv — stranglethorn vale

sv — steamvault

sw — stormwind city

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t&s — tank and spank

t1 — Raid teir 1

t2 — Raid teir 2

t3 — Raid teir 3

t4 — Raid teir 5

t6 — Raid teir 6

t7 — Raid teir 7

tab — Tabard

tabby — Tabard

tag — Hit a monster first

tankadin — paladin tank

tap — to hit a monster before anyone else

taq — temple of ahn’qiraj

taunka — tauren

tauradin — Tauren Paladin

tb — thunder bluff

tbc — The Burning Crusade

tbh — To be honest

teh — the

tf — Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

th — Twilight Highlands

thunder chicken — moonkin

thunder clucker — moonkin

thx — thanks

tic — increment of damage over time

tis — this

tk — tempest keep

tm — tauren mill

tnx — thanks

toc — Trail of Champions

togc — Trial of the Grand Crusader

toon — character

tot — Tricks of Trade

totc — Trial Of The Champion

tp — tower point

tps — threat per second

tpw — total party wipe

ts — teamspeak

ttyl — talk to you later

tv — templar’s verdict

tw — Time Warp

ty — thank you

tysm — thank you so much

tyt — Take your time

tyvm — thank you very much

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u — you

ua — Unstable Affliction

ub — underbog

uber — very

ubrs — upper blackrock spire

uc — undercity

udder — Female Tauren

uk — utgarde keep

ul — unlucky

uld — uldaman

uldy — Ulduar

up — Utgarde Pinnacle

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vanilla — Original/classic World of Warcraft

vc — van cleef (in the deadmines)

vent — ventrilo

vh — the violet hold

vip — Valor Point

voa — Vault of Archavon

vos — Valley of Storm

vp — Vortex Pinnacle

vr — void reaver

vw — voidwalker

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w2g — Way to go

w8 — wait

waggro — wife aggro

warr — warrior

wb — welcome back

wc — wailing caverns

wd — Well Done

wg — wintergrasp

wipe — when everybody dies

wlock — warlock

wod — Warlords of Draenor

wotf — will of the forsaken

wotlk — wrath of the lich king

wow — World of Warcraft

wp — Well Played

wpl — western plague lands

wrg — Worg

wsg — warsong gulch

wtb — want to buy

wtf — what the fuck

wtg — want to give

wth — what the hell

wts — want to sell

wtsf — want to sell fast

wtt — want to trade

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xeido — awesome druid

xfer — transfer

xmog — transmogrification

xmute — transmute

xp — experience points

xpac — expansion

xr — crossroads

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yik — yea i know

yw — you’re welcome

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za — zul’aman

zang — zangarmarsh

zd — Zul’Drak

zerg — rush

zf — zul’farrak

zg — zul’gurub

damn, jerk, ugly, stupid, fart knocker…. Or he could be legitimately swearing like a sailor, in which case he’d be using Elizabethan English: Block, stone, fool, beslubbering, bawdy, yeasty, vassal, rank, pox-marked, pus-filled, vagrant, tooth-spitting, filthy, villainous, wretch, etc.

Likewise, Is Frick a bad word?

Frick isn’t a swear word. I know there are certain individuals who think c r a p is a swear word (even though it really isn’t), but “frick” isn’t a swear word by any sense of the meaning of “swear word”. No one is going to get offended by someone saying “frick”.

Also, What’s the baddest word?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries.

Secondly, What does the F word say?

—used as a way to refer to the offensive word « fuck » without saying it or writing it He got in trouble for using the f-word on television.

Furthermore What bad word is number 11? Krabs: Yes sirree, that’s bad word number 11. In fact, there are 13 bad words you should never use.

What is the D word?

The D-Word is an online community for professionals in the documentary film industry. … The name « D-Word » is defined as « industry euphemism for documentary, » as in: « We love your film but we don’t know how to sell it. It’s a d-word. » As of 2019 it has over 17,000 members in 130 countries.

Does freakin mean the F word?

Yes, “fricking” or “freaking” are basically milder substitutes for the “F-word”. They are thus LESS offensive than that word. But among people who do not use vulgar language, these words could still be offensive. …

What is the T word?

What parents need to know. Parents need to know that Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word is a documentary featuring transgender young adults speaking honestly about their lives. There’s no foul language, nudity, sex, drinking, or drugs.

What is the P word?

P word is a euphemism that may refer to the following: Paki, a derogatory term for a person from South Asia (particularly Pakistan), mainly used in the United Kingdom. Prostitute, considered an offensive term by most sex workers’ rights activists.

What is the H word?

h-word (plural h-words) (euphemistic) The word hell/Hell.

Why is bloody a bad word?

After the mid 18th century until quite recently bloody used as a swear word was regarded as unprintable, probably from the mistaken belief that it implied a blasphemous reference to the blood of Christ, or that the word was an alteration of ‘by Our Lady’; hence a widespread caution in using the term even in phrases, …

What is the H word?

Welcome to the H-Word, a series dedicated to evaluating, challenging, and re-presenting sex worker portrayals in the media from a feminist, pro-sex worker (though not necessarily pro-sex work) stance. … And yes, the “H-Word” is hooker.

What is the G cuss word?

List of Curse Words Beginning With G. gay – homosexual. gayass – butt. gaybob – homosexual. gaydo – homosexual.

What does frickin mean?

« Frickin’ » is where the rebellion REALLY starts to creep in. To use it is to play with fire. Examples: « It’s frickin’ tax season. »

Is it a sin to say fudge?

Children learn very early that uttering these words is extremely serious. It’s not just a matter of politeness or social nicety. Saying the words is a very serious sin and represents a departure from godliness that no true Christian could even find thinkable.

Is friggin a swear?

Frigging is a vulgar slang term defined as emphasize upset, anger or annoyance. “Frigging,” previously profanity in its own right, lost both its edge and its original meaning and became wholly acceptable as an anodyne substitute for a completely different swear word.

What is the Z word swear?

zilch is the word you are all looking for.

What is the U word swear?

starting with the letter u. uglyfuck – idiot. unclefucker – homosexual. More Slang Translators: Text Slang.

What is the meaning of the word f * * * * *?

/ (fʌk) taboo, slang / verb. to have sexual intercourse with (someone) noun. an act of sexual intercourse.

What does H word mean on Tiktok?

(H) is an emoticon which means means « Cool Dude » or « Heart. » This emoticon may be typed as (H), but is more commonly typed as (h).

What is H word on twitter?

The h/t is most at home on Twitter, where it’s used to tell the people your followers that something you’re tweeting about was brought to your attention by someone else: … The h/t is a way of acknowledging a source. You didn’t stumble upon the interesting article on your own; someone steered you to it.

Is Dang a bad word?

As an expletive, it’s a nonsense word with no meaning, thus not offensive. Dang is nothing but a nonsense word with no meaning except that produced by its habitual use as an expletive. Thus is it not offensive.

Is cuss a Southern word?

If you happen to learn southern slang by hanging around a bunch of southerners who are a little “rough around the edges,” cuss words are probably going to be the first words you learn. … This means that southern slang isn’t some kind of strange dialect spoken only by a handful of Americans…

What’s a bad Word that starts with y?

List of Negative Words Starting With Y

  • Yammered – talk foolishly or incessantly.
  • Yell – a loud, sharp cry of pain, surprise, or delight.
  • Yobbish – (especially of a young person) rude, noisy, and aggressive.

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A negative word is something that is considered to be bad. It carries a meaning opposite to positive ones. And It is not easy to use negative words in the English language. Because if we don’t use them, it will be risky for us.

If you want to speak or write English well, it’s important to learn negative words. Without negative words, you are not able to write content or speak perfectly. If you know details about negative words, you will use them in the proper places and as well you will understand any negative sentences or lectures.

So, we seem that every people should need proper knowledge about negative words. That’s why on our website we shared many lists of negative words. But in this guide, our team is going to discuss bad words or negative words that start with M. So, to increase your vocabulary skill, try to read all the words.

Madness Madly Mendacity
Madman Measly Mindlessly
Malicious Manic Mindless
Meanness Miseries Mischief
Maliciously Miserly Misread
Manipulation Mishap Misinform
Manipulate Mishandle Misreading
Mendacious Misrepresent Mistrustful
Meddle Mockery Mistrust
Malice Mocking Mockingly
Moribund Muddle Musty
Mordantly Mushy Mysterious
Mournfully Muddy Madly
Mashed Maltreatment Madder
Massacres Malodorous Madman
Measly Massacre Malignant
Mendacious Meddle Mystify
Meddlesome Midget Mystery
Menacingly Messy Muddy
Menacing Mope Muddle
Messing Morbid Morbidly
Mudslinger Misuse Moan
Molestation Molest Mobster
Misaligned Misalign Mistrust
Monotonous Mire Misshapen
Miscalculate Miseries Mistrustful
Miscalculation Misinterpret Mistrustfully
Miserableness Missed Mockeries
Miscellaneous Misjudge Mockery
Miserably Misses Mocking
Monstrosities Mangle  Melodramatic
Maltreatment  Mangled Misaligns
Monstrosity Mediocrity Misalign 
Monstrous Melancholy  Misaligned
Misinform    Misuse  Mobster
Mishap   Moan Muddle

Negative Adjectives That Start With M:

Maddening Maggoty Moron
Malnourished Marred Moronic
Malodorous Maimed Muted
Malignant Meager Mutilated
Meanness Modest Mutilating

Mean Words, Swear Words, Curse Words Starting With M:

Mothafucka  Mick Muff 


Last Thought:

We hope that today’s topic gives you very well support to boost your negative words vocabulary. From this guide, you have also know why negative words are important to us and where we will use them. If you want to know more guidelines on negative words then you check our previous post.

Hey, I’m Luna Moncada. I’m an English Instructor at Dhaka University. I Completed My Master’s in English at Dhaka University and Working 8 Years as an English Instructor. So, In This Website, I Try To Share Huge Resources Of Vocabulary and English Related Things.

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