All excel миф functions

totn Excel Functions

Learn how to use all Excel VBA functions used in Macros. VBA functions are built-in functions that are used in Excel’s programming environment called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Below is a list of Excel VBA functions sorted alphabetically. If you would like a list of these functions sorted by category, click on the following button:

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(Enter a value in the field above to quickly find functions in the list below)

Lookup/Ref Functions

CHOOSE (VBA) Returns a value from a list of values based on a given position

String/Text Functions

ASC (VBA) Returns ASCII value of a character
CHR (VBA) Returns the character based on the ASCII value
CONCATENATE with & (VBA) Used to join 2 or more strings together using the & operator
FORMAT STRINGS (VBA) Takes a string expression and returns it as a formatted string
INSTR (VBA) Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
INSTRREV (VBA) Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string, starting from the end of the string
LCASE (VBA) Converts a string to lowercase
LEFT (VBA) Extract a substring from a string, starting from the left-most character
LEN (VBA) Returns the length of the specified string
LTRIM (VBA) Removes leading spaces from a string
MID (VBA) Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)
REPLACE (VBA) Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters
RIGHT (VBA) Extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character
RTRIM (VBA) Removes trailing spaces from a string
SPACE (VBA) Returns a string with a specified number of spaces
SPLIT (VBA) Used to split a string into substrings based on a delimiter
STR (VBA) Returns a string representation of a number
STRCOMP (VBA) Returns an integer value representing the result of a string comparison
STRCONV (VBA) Returns a string converted to uppercase, lowercase, proper case or Unicode
STRREVERSE (VBA) Returns a string whose characters are in reverse order
TRIM (VBA) Returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed
UCASE (VBA) Converts a string to all uppercase
VAL (VBA) Returns the numbers found in a string

Date/Time Functions

DATE (VBA) Returns the current system date
DATEADD (VBA) Returns a date after which a certain time/date interval has been added
DATEDIFF (VBA) Returns the difference between two date values, based on the interval specified
DATEPART (VBA) Returns a specified part of a given date
DATESERIAL (VBA) Returns a date given a year, month, and day value
DATEVALUE (VBA) Returns the serial number of a date
DAY (VBA) Returns the day of the month (a number from 1 to 31) given a date value
FORMAT DATES (VBA) Takes a date expression and returns it as a formatted string
HOUR (VBA) Returns the hours (a number from 0 to 23) from a time value
MINUTE (VBA) Returns the minutes (a number from 0 to 59) from a time value
MONTH (VBA) Returns the month (a number from 1 to 12) given a date value
MONTHNAME (VBA) Returns a string representing the month given a number from 1 to 12
NOW (VBA) Returns the current system date and time
TIMESERIAL (VBA) Returns a time given an hour, minute, and second value
TIMEVALUE (VBA) Returns the serial number of a time
WEEKDAY (VBA) Returns a number representing the day of the week, given a date value
WEEKDAYNAME (VBA) Returns a string representing the day of the week given a number from 1 to 7
YEAR (VBA) Returns a four-digit year (a number from 1900 to 9999) given a date value

Math/Trig Functions

ABS (VBA) Returns the absolute value of a number
ATN (VBA) Returns the arctangent of a number
COS (VBA) Returns the cosine of an angle
EXP (VBA) Returns e raised to the nth power
FIX (VBA) Returns the integer portion of a number
FORMAT NUMBERS (VBA) Takes a numeric expression and returns it as a formatted string
INT (VBA) Returns the integer portion of a number
LOG (VBA) Returns the natural logarithm of a number
MOD (VBA) Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor
RANDOMIZE (VBA) Used to change the seed value used by the random number generator for the RND function
RND (VBA) Used to generate a random number (integer value)
ROUND (VBA) Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits
SGN (VBA) Returns the sign of a number
SIN (VBA) Returns the sine of an angle
SQR (VBA) Returns the square root of a number
TAN (VBA) Returns the tangent of an angle

Logical Functions

AND (VBA) Returns TRUE if all conditions are TRUE
CASE (VBA) Has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement
FOR…NEXT (VBA) Used to create a FOR LOOP
IF-THEN-ELSE (VBA) Returns a value if a specified condition evaluates to TRUE or another value if it evaluates to FALSE
OR (VBA) Returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE
SWITCH (VBA) Evaluates a list of expressions and returns the corresponding value for the first expression in the list that is TRUE
WHILE…WEND (VBA) Used to create a WHILE LOOP

Information Functions

ENVIRON (VBA) Returns the value of an operating system environment variable
ISDATE (VBA) Returns TRUE if the expression is a valid date
ISEMPTY (VBA) Used to check for blank cells or uninitialized variables
ISERROR (VBA) Used to check for error values
ISNULL (VBA) Used to check for a NULL value
ISNUMERIC (VBA) Used to check for a numeric value

Financial Functions

DDB (VBA) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the double-declining balance method
FV (VBA) Returns the future value of an investment
IPMT (VBA) Returns the interest payment for an investment
IRR (VBA) Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows
MIRR (VBA) Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of cash flows
NPER (VBA) Returns the number of periods for an investment
NPV (VBA) Returns the net present value of an investment
PMT (VBA) Returns the payment amount for a loan
PPMT (VBA) Returns the payment on the principal for a particular payment
PV (VBA) Returns the present value of an investment
RATE (VBA) Returns the interest rate for an annuity
SLN (VBA) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the straight-line depreciation method
SYD (VBA) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation method

File/Directory Functions

CHDIR (VBA) Used to change the current directory or folder
CHDRIVE (VBA) Used to change the current drive
CURDIR (VBA) Returns the current path
DIR (VBA) Returns the first filename that matches the pathname and attributes specified
FILEDATETIME (VBA) Returns the date and time of when a file was created or last modified
FILELEN (VBA) Returns the size of a file in bytes
GETATTR (VBA) Returns an integer that represents the attributes of a file, folder, or directory
MKDIR (VBA) Used to create a new folder or directory
SETATTR (VBA) Used to set the attributes of a file

Data Type Conv. Functions

CBOOL (VBA) Converts a value to a boolean
CBYTE (VBA) Converts a value to a byte (ie: number between 0 and 255)
CCUR (VBA) Converts a value to currency
CDATE (VBA) Converts a value to a date
CDBL (VBA) Converts a value to a double
CDEC (VBA) Converts a value to a decimal number
CINT (VBA) Converts a value to an integer
CLNG (VBA) Converts a value to a long integer
CSNG (VBA) Converts a value to a single-precision number
CSTR (VBA) Converts a value to a string
CVAR (VBA) Converts a value to a variant
String/Text Functions ASC Returns ASCII value of a character CHR Returns the character based on the ASCII value CONCATENATE with & Used to join 2 or more strings together using the & operator FORMAT STRINGS Takes a string expression and returns it as a formatted string INSTR Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string INSTRREV Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string, starting from the end of the string LCASE Converts a string to lowercase LEFT Extract a substring from a string, starting from the left-most character LEN Returns the length of the specified string LTRIM Removes leading spaces from a string MID Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position) REPLACE Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters RIGHT Extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character RTRIM Removes trailing spaces from a string SPACE Returns a string with a specified number of spaces SPLIT Used to split a string into substrings based on a delimiter STR Returns a string representation of a number STRCOMP Returns an integer value representing the result of a string comparison STRCONV Returns a string converted to uppercase, lowercase, proper case or Unicode STRREVERSE Returns a string whose characters are in reverse order TRIM Returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed UCASE Converts a string to all uppercase VAL Returns the numbers found in a string Format Applies a format to an expression and returns the result as a string. String Creates a string consisting of a number of repeated characters. Date/Time Functions DATE Returns the current system date DATEADD Returns a date after which a certain time/date interval has been added DATEDIFF Returns the difference between two date values, based on the interval specified DATEPART Returns a specified part of a given date DATESERIAL Returns a date given a year, month, and day value DATEVALUE Returns the serial number of a date DAY Returns the day of the month (a number from 1 to 31) given a date value FORMAT DATES Takes a date expression and returns it as a formatted string HOUR Returns the hours (a number from 0 to 23) from a time value MINUTE Returns the minutes (a number from 0 to 59) from a time value MONTH Returns the month (a number from 1 to 12) given a date value MONTHNAME Returns a string representing the month given a number from 1 to 12 NOW Returns the current system date and time TIMESERIAL Returns a time given an hour, minute, and second value TIMEVALUE Returns the serial number of a time WEEKDAY Returns a number representing the day of the week, given a date value WEEKDAYNAME Returns a string representing the day of the week given a number from 1 to 7 YEAR Returns a four-digit year (a number from 1900 to 9999) given a date value Second Returns the second component of a supplied time. Time Returns the current time. Timer Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight. Math/Trig Functions ABS Returns the absolute value of a number ATN Returns the arctangent of a number COS Returns the cosine of an angle EXP Returns e raised to the nth power FIX Returns the integer portion of a number FORMAT NUMBERS Takes a numeric expression and returns it as a formatted string INT Returns the integer portion of a number LOG Returns the natural logarithm of a number RANDOMIZE Used to change the seed value used by the random number generator for the RND function RND Used to generate a random number (integer value) ROUND Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits SGN Returns the sign of a number SIN Returns the sine of an angle SQR Returns the square root of a number TAN Returns the tangent of an angle MOD Returns the remainder after division operator (Integer). XOR The bitwise exclusion operator. Logical Functions AND Returns TRUE if all conditions are TRUE CASE Has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement FOR…NEXT Used to create a FOR LOOP IF-THEN-ELSE Returns a value if a specified condition evaluates to TRUE or another value if it evaluates to FALSE OR Returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE SWITCH Evaluates a list of expressions and returns the corresponding value for the first expression in the list that is TRUE WHILE…WEND Used to create a WHILE LOOP IS Compares two object reference variables. LIKE The pattern matching operator. Information Functions ENVIRON Returns the value of an operating system environment variable ISDATE Returns TRUE if the expression is a valid date ISEMPTY Used to check for blank cells or uninitialized variables ISERROR Used to check for error values ISNULL Used to check for a NULL value ISNUMERIC Used to check for a numeric value IsArray Tests if a supplied variable is an array. IsMissing Tests if an optional argument to a procedure is missing. IsObject Tests if a supplied variable represents an object variable. Financial Functions DDB Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the double-declining balance method FV Returns the future value of an investment IPMT Returns the interest payment for an investment IRR Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows MIRR Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of cash flows NPER Returns the number of periods for an investment NPV Returns the net present value of an investment PMT Returns the payment amount for a loan PPMT Returns the payment on the principal for a particular payment PV Returns the present value of an investment RATE Returns the interest rate for an annuity SLN Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the straight-line depreciation method SYD Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation method File/Directory Functions CHDIR Used to change the current directory or folder CHDRIVE Used to change the current drive CURDIR Returns the current path DIR Returns the first filename that matches the pathname and attributes specified FILEDATETIME Returns the date and time of when a file was created or last modified FILELEN Returns the size of a file in bytes GETATTR Returns an integer that represents the attributes of a file, folder, or directory MKDIR Used to create a new folder or directory SETATTR Used to set the attributes of a file FileAttr Returns the mode of a file that has been opened using the Open statement. FILECOPY Copies a file from one directory to another. FREEFILE Returns the next valid free file number (Integer). GET Reads data from a text file into a record. INPUT Returns the open stream of an Input or Binary file (String). EOF Returns the value indicating if the end of a file has been reached (Boolean). WRITE Writes data to a sequential file. PRINT Writes display-formatted data to a sequential file. PUT Writes data from a record into a text file. KILL Deletes an existing file. SEEK — Function Returns the current read/write position within a file opened using the Open statement (Long). SEEK — Statement Repositions where the next operation in a file will occur. OPEN Opens a text file or CSV file. LINE INPUT Reads a single line from an Open sequential file and assigns it to a string. CLOSE Closes a text file. LOADPICTURE Loads a picture from a file into a Picture or Image control (IPictureDisp). LOC Returns the current read/write position within an open file (Long). LOCK Locks access to parts of a file for other processes. LOF Returns the length or size of an open file, in bytes (Long). NAME Renames an existing file or directory. SAVEPICTURE Saves a graphic image from an objects Picture or Image property to a file. Data Type Conv. Functions CBOOL Converts a value to a boolean CBYTE Converts a value to a byte (ie: number between 0 and 255) CCUR Converts a value to currency CDATE Converts a value to a date CDBL Converts a value to a double CDEC Converts a value to a decimal number CINT Converts a value to an integer CLNG Converts a value to a long integer CSNG Converts a value to a single-precision number CSTR Converts a value to a string CVAR Converts a value to a variant CLNGLNG Returns the expression converted to a longlong (64 bit platform) data type. CLNGPTR Returns the expression converted to a longptr data type. CVDATE Returns the expression converted to a date variant-subtype (Variant). FormatCurrency Applies a currency format to an expression and returns the result as a string. FormatDateTime Applies a date/time format to an expression and returns the result as a string. FormatNumber Applies a number format to an expression and returns the result as a string. FormatPercent Applies a percentage format to an expression and returns the result as a string. Hex Converts a numeric value to hexadecimal notation and returns the result as a string. Oct Converts a numeric value to octal notation and returns the result as a string. MACID Converts a four character constant to a value that can be used by Dir, Kill, Shell and AppActivate. VBA Array Functions Array Creates an array, containing a supplied set of values. Filter Returns a subset of a supplied string array, based on supplied criteria. Join Joins a number of substrings into a single string. LBound Returns the lowest subscript for a dimension of an array. UBound Returns the highest subscript for a dimension of an array. REDIM Initialises and resizes a dynamic array. VBA Message Functions InputBox Displays a dialog box prompting the user for input. MsgBox Displays a modal message box. VBA Error Handling Functions CVErr Produces an Error data type for a supplied error code. Error Returns the error message corresponding to a supplied error code. Lookup/Ref Functions CHOOSE Returns a value from a list of values based on a given position VBA Program Flow Functions IIf Evaluates an expression and returns one of two values, depending on whether the expression evaluates to True or False. Others Vlookup in VBA Use the Excel spreadsheet Vlookup function from within VBA APPACTIVATE Activates an application or window currently running on Windows. BEEP Produces a single beep noise. CALL Transfers control to a subroutine or function. CALLBYNAME Returns, sets or executes a method or property of an object (Variant). COMMAND Returns the argument portion of the command line used to launch the application (Variant). CREATEOBJECT Returns a reference after creating a new ActiveX or OLE object (Variant). DELETESETTING Removes (or deletes) a key or section from the registry. DOEVENTS Pauses execution to let the system process other events. EQV The bitwise comparison operator. ERASE Reinitialises the elements of an array. GETALLSETTINGS Returns the list of key settings and their values from the registry (Variant). GETOBJECT Returns the reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component. GETSETTING Reads from the registry and returns the value or key from the registry (String). GOTO Transfers control to the subroutine indicated by the line label. IMESTATUS Returns the current Input Method Editor mode of Microsoft Windows (Integer). IMP The logical implication from two values (Variant). IMPLEMENTS Specifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module. LET Computes a value and assigns it to a new variable. LOAD Loads an object but doesn’t display it. LSET Left aligns a string within a string variable. NOT The logical ‘NOT’ operator (Boolean). OBJPTR Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version. PARTITION Returns a string indicating which particular range it falls into (String). QBCOLOR Returns the RGB colour corresponding to the specified colour number (Long). RAISEEVENT Fires an event declared at module level within a class, form or document. REM Specifies a single line of comments. RESET Closes all files open with the Open statement. RGB Returns the number representing an RGB colour value (Long). RMDIR Removes an existing directory. RSET Right aligns a string within a string variable. SAVESETTING Writes to the registry and saves a section or key in the registry. SENDKEYS Sends keystrokes to an application. SET Assigns an object reference to an object variable. SHELL Returns the program’s task id from running an executable programs (Double). SPC Inserts a specified number (n) of spaces when writing or displaying text. STOP Suspends execution. STRPTR Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version. TAB Used with the Print # statement or the Print method to position output. TYPENAME Returns the data type of the variable as a string (String). TYPEOF Returns the object data type. UNLOAD Removes an object from memory. UNLOCK Controls access to a file. VARPTR Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version. VARTYPE Returns the number indicating the data type of a variable (Integer). WIDTH Assigns an output line width (characters) for the open file.

VBA Excel Functions are most important which are used while writing procedures or macros. We have list of Functions in Excel VBA. These functions are built in functions. We can also write user defined functions as per our requirements. We have different categories of functions.

Those are VBA Date and Time Functions, VBA Text/String Functions, VBA Information Functions, VBA Logical Functions, VBA File and Directory Functions, VBA Math and Trig Functions, VBA Financial Functions and VBA Lookup and Reference Functions. Each category has list of functions to deal with different type of data. In this tutorial all functions are explained with syntax and multiple examples.

Table of Contents:

  • VBA Date & Time Functions
  • VBA Text/String Functions
  • VBA Information Functions
  • VBA File & Directory Functions
  • VBA Data Type Conversion Functions
  • VBA Logical Functions
  • VBA Math(Mathematical) & Trig Functions
  • VBA Financial Functions
  • Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code
  • Other Useful Resources

Here are the different categories and list of all VBA Excel Functions.

VBA Date & Time Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Date and Time Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA Date VBA Date function returns current system date.
VBA DateAdd VBA DateAdd function returns a date after which a certain time or date interval has been added.
VBA DateDiff VBA DateDiff function returns the difference between two date values, based on the interval specified.
VBA DatePart VBA DatePart function returns a specified part of a supplied date or time
VBA DateSerial VBA DateSerial function returns a date value from a supplied year, month and day.
VBA DateValue VBA DateValue function returns the date value for specified string input.
VBA Day VBA Day function returns day from date.
VBA Hour VBA Hour function returns hour from time.
VBA Minute VBA Minute function returns Minute from time.
VBA Month VBA Month function returns month from date.
VBA MonthName VBA MonthName function returns a string representing the month given a number from 1 to 12.
VBA Now VBA Now function returns system date and time.
VBA Time VBA Time function returns current system time.
VBA TimeSerial VBA TimeSerial function returns time.
VBA TimeValue VBA TimeValue function returns the date value for specified input represents date.
VBA Weekday VBA Weekday function returns a number representing the day of the week, given a date value.
VBA WeekdayName VBA WeekdayName function returns a string representing the day of the week given a number from 1 to 7.
VBA Year VBA Year function returns year from date.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Date & Time functions.

VBA Date & Time Functions

VBA Projects with Source Code

Help Desk Management System

Help Desk Management System is an Excel VBA Project with Full Source Code, realtime VBA Project to Manage Help desk Tickets. Explore the Code and Professional VBA Applications.

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Ultimate TOC Builder

Ultimate TOC Builder is Excel VBA Project with Source Code. Real-time VBA Project to Create TOC. Explore the Code to Build Professional VBA Applications.

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  • Real time VBA Projects
  • Access to Full VBA Source Code
  • Well commented Code

VBA Text/String Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Text/String Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA Asc VBA ASC function returns the ASCII value of the first character from a string.
VBA Chr VBA Chr function returns a character of the ASCII value.
VBA Format VBA Format function returns a formatted string from a string expression.
VBA InStr VBA InStr function returns the position of a substring within a string.
VBA InStrRev VBA InStrRev function returns the position of a substring within a string, searching from right to left.
VBA LCase VBA LCase function converts a string to lowercase text.
VBA Left VBA Left function returns the specified number of characters from a given string, starting from the left most character.
VBA Len VBA Len function returns the length of a given string.
VBA LTrim VBA LTrim function removes leading spaces from a given string.
VBA Mid VBA Mid function returns a specified number of characters from a specified string.
VBA Replace VBA Replace function replaces a substring with another string in a given string.
VBA Right VBA Right function returns the specified number of characters from a given string, starting from the right most character.
VBA RTrim VBA RTrim function removes trailing spaces from a given string.
VBA Space VBA Space function returns a string with a specified number of spaces.
VBA Split VBA Split function returns an array of substrings based on a delimiter.
VBA Str VBA Str function returns a string which represents a number.
VBA String VBA String function returns a string which consists of repeated characters.
VBA StrComp VBA StrComp function returns an integer value representing the result of string comparision.
VBA StrConv VBA StrConv function converts a string to a specified format(vbUpperCase, vbLowerCase, vbUnicode, vbWide, vbNarrow, vbProperCase, etc.)
VBA StrReverse VBA StrReverse function reverses a given string.
VBA Trim VBA Trim function removes leading and trailing spaces from a given string.
VBA UCase VBA UCase function converts a string to uppercase text.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Text/String functions

VBA Text/String Functions

VBA Information Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Information Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA ENVIRON VBA ENVIRON function returns value of the current operating system environment variable.
VBA IsArray VBA IsArray function checks a specified variable is an array or not.
VBA IsDate VBA IsDate function checks specified Expression is date or not. It returns True if it is valid date.
VBA IsEmpty VBA IsEmpty function checks specified Expression is empty or not.
VBA IsError VBA IsError function checks specified Expression is error or not.
VBA IsMissing VBA IsMissing function checks specified an optional argument is missing or not.
VBA IsNull VBA IsNull function checks specified Expression is Null or not.
VBA IsNumeric VBA IsNumeric function checks specified Expression is Numeric or not.
VBA IsObject VBA IsObject function checks specified variable is an object or not.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Information functions

VBA Information Functions

VBA File & Directory Functions:

Here are the list of VBA File & Directory Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA ChDir VBA ChDir function changes the current folder or directory.
VBA ChDrive VBA ChDrive function changes the current drive.
VBA CurDir VBA CurDir function returns the current path.
VBA Dir VBA Dir function returns the first name of a file or directory that matches a pattern.
VBA FileAttr VBA FileAttr function returns the file mode for opened files using the open statement.
VBA FileCopy VBA FileCopy function copies a file from the source directory to the destination directory.
VBA FileDateTime VBA FileDateTime function returns the date and time when a file or directory was created or last modified.
VBA FileLen VBA FileLen function returns the size / length of a file in bytes.
VBA GetAttr VBA GetAttr function returns the attributes of a file or directory.
VBA Kill VBA Kill function deletes a file based on the specified Path Name.
VBA MkDir VBA MkDir function creates a new folder or directory .
VBA Name VBA Name function moves the file to the new directory or folder.
VBA RmDir VBA RmDir function removes an existing directory or folder.
VBA SetAttr VBA SetAttr function sets the attributes of a file or directory.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA File & Directory functions

VBA File & Directory Functions

VBA Data Type Conversion Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Data Type Conversion Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA CBool VBA CBool function converts an expression to a Boolean data type.
VBA CByte VBA CByte function converts an expression to a Byte data type.
VBA CCur VBA CCur function converts an expression to a Currency data type.
VBA CDate VBA CDate function converts an expression to a Date data type.
VBA CDbl VBA CDbl function converts an expression to a Double data type.
VBA CDec VBA CDec function converts an expression to a Decimal data subtype.
VBA CInt VBA CInt function converts an expression to an Integer data type.
VBA CLng VBA CLng function converts an expression to a Long data type.
VBA CSng VBA CSng function converts an expression to a Single data type.
VBA CStr VBA CStr function converts an expression to a String data type.
VBA CVar VBA CVar function converts an expression to a Variant data type.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Data Type Conversion functions

VBA Data Type Conversion Functions

VBA Projects with Source Code

Help Desk Management System

Help Desk Management System is an Excel VBA Project with Full Source Code, realtime VBA Project to Manage Help desk Tickets. Explore the Code and Professional VBA Applications.

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Ultimate TOC Builder

Ultimate TOC Builder is Excel VBA Project with Source Code. Real-time VBA Project to Create TOC. Explore the Code to Build Professional VBA Applications.

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  • Real time VBA Projects
  • Access to Full VBA Source Code
  • Well commented Code

VBA Logical Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Logical Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA AND VBA AND function returns true, if all the conditions are TRUE.
VBA OR VBA OR function returns TRUE, if any one condition is TRUE.
VBA NOT VBA Not function returns TRUE, if a condition is False. It returns False, if condition is TRUE.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Logical functions

VBA Logical Functions

VBA Math(Mathematical) & Trig Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Math(Mathematical) & Trig Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA Abs VBA Abs function converts a value to an absolute number.
VBA Atn VBA Atn function returns the arctangent of a number in radians, not degrees.
VBA Cos VBA Cos function returns the cosine value of an angle in radians.
VBA Exp VBA Exp function returns an exponential value for a specified number.
VBA Fix VBA Fix returns the integer portion of a number.
VBA FormatNumber VBA FormatNumber function converts the given expression as formatted number.
VBA FormatCurrency VBA FormatCurrency function converts the given expression as formatted currency.
VBA FormatPercent VBA FormatPercent function converts the given expression as formatted percentage.
VBA Int VBA Int function rounds a specified number down to an integer.
VBA Log VBA Log function returns the natural logarithm of a specified number.
VBA Randomize VBA Randomize function changes the number in RND function which is used for random number generator.
VBA Rnd VBA Rnd function returns random number between 0 and 1.
VBA Round VBA Round function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal digits.
VBA Sgn VBA Sgn function returns the sign of a number.
VBA Sin VBA Sin function returns the sine value of an angle in radians.
VBA Tan VBA Tan function returns the tangent value of an angle.
VBA Sqr VBA Sqr function returns the square root of a number.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Math(Mathematical) & Trig functions

VBA Math(Mathematical) & Trig Functions

VBA Financial Functions:

Here are the list of VBA Financial Functions.

Function Name Description
VBA DDB VBA DDB calculates the future value of an asset over a specified period of time.
VBA FV VBA FV function calculates the future value of an annuity.
VBA IPmt VBA IPmt function calculates the interest part of a payment in a specific period of regular interval time.
VBA IRR VBA IRR function calculates the interest rate of return for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals.
VBA MIRR VBA MIRR function calculates the modified interest rate of return for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals.
VBA NPer VBA NPer function calculates the number of periods for an annuity.
VBA NPV VBA NPV function calculates the net present value of an annuity.
VBA Pmt VBA Pmt function calculates the number of periodic payments of an annuity.
VBA PPmt VBA PPmt function calculates the principal amount paid in a specific period for an annuity.
VBA PV VBA PV function calculates the present value of an annuity.
VBA Rate VBA Rate function calculates the interest rate per payment period of an annuity.
VBA SLN VBA SLN function calculates the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period of time.
VBA SYD VBA SYD function calculates the sum of years’ digits depreciation of an asset for a specific period of time.

Click on the following link for quick reference of VBA Financial functions

VBA Financial Functions

Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:

You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.

Instructions to run VBA Macro Code

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Once you get started with VBA, the next important thing is to learn how to use in-built VBA functions while writing a VBA code.

So here I have listed the Top 100 VBA Functions (Category Wise) in detail with examples and sample codes, and these functions are listed under specific categories (10) to make you understand the purpose of each function easily.

Below is the list of categories of the major VBA functions, all the functions are further listed under these categories:

VBA TEXT (String) Functions

VBA TEXT functions help you to manipulate text value(s) from a cell, range of cells, or from an entire worksheet or workbook. In simple words, these functions are specifically built for changing text values.

Below we have a list of 18 TEXT functions that you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA FORMAT Function It helps you to apply a specific format and then return that string in the result.
VBA INSTR Function It looks for a sub-string from a string and returns the starting position of the sub-string in the result.
VBA INSTRREV Function It also looks for a substring from a string and returns the starting position of the sub-string in the result (looking from right to left.)
VBA LCASE Function It converts a string into a lowercase string where you have all the characters small.
VBA LEFT Function Return a substring from a string using the count of characters supplied (starting from the left side of the string).
VBA LEN Function It counts the number of characters from the supplied value and returns a number as the count of those characters.
VBA LTRIM Function It removes the leading spaces (from the left side) from a string and returns that string without those spaces in the result.
VBA MID Function Return a substring from a string using the starting position and count of characters supplied.
VBA REPLACE Function It finds a substring from a string and replaces it with another substring and returns the new string in the result.
VBA RIGHT Function Return a substring from a string using the count of characters supplied (starting from the right side of the string).
VBA RTRIM Function It removes the trailing spaces (from the right side) from a string and returns that string without those spaces in the result.
VBA SPACE Function It creates a string with a specified number of spaces by the user and returns it in the result.
VBA STRCOMP Function It compares two strings and returns the result as an integer.
VBA STRCONV Function It converts a string into a specific format and returns a new string in the result.
VBA STRING Function It takes a character and repeats it a number of times and returns it in the result as a string.
VBA STRREVERSE Function It reverses a string and returns it in the result.
VBA TRIM Function It removes the spaces from the starting and ending of a string and returns a new string in the result.
VBA UCASE Function It converts a string into an upper case string where you have all the characters are in the capital.

VBA DATE functions are specifically built to deal with dates from data. With these functions, you can extract part of a date, add or subtract days from a date, and the difference between two dates.

Below we have a list of 12 DATE functions that you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA DATE Function It returns the current date value in the result using the system’s setting.
VBA DATEADD Function It adds an interval to the date (and time).
VBA DATEPART Function It returns part (day, month, and years) from a date.
VBA DATESERIAL Function It creates a date by using the day, month, and year supplied.
VBA DATEVALUE Function It converts a date that is stored as a string or a string that represents a date into an actual date.
VBA DAY Function It takes the day value from a valid date and ignores the rest of the components (month and year) and returns it in the result.
VBA FileDateTime Function It returns the last modified date and time (as a string) of a file (workbook).
VBA MONTH Function It takes the month value from a valid date and ignores the rest of the components (day and year) and returns it in the result.
VBA MONTHNAME Function It returns the name of the month using the month number (ranging from 1 to 12).
VBA WEEKDAY Function It returns the weekday (ranging from 1 to 7) of a date supplied.
VBA WEEKDAYNAME Function It returns the name of the day using the day number (ranging from 0 to 7).
VBA YEAR Function It takes the year value from a valid date and ignores the rest of the components (day and month) and returns it in the result.

VBA TIME Functions

VBA Time functions help you to work with time values and manipulate them if you want. You can extract a part from a time value, add hours, minutes, and hours to a time, and calculate the difference between two-time values.

Below we have a list of 8 TIME functions that you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA HOUR Function It takes the hour value from a valid time and ignores the rest of the components (minutes and seconds) and returns it in the result.
VBA MINUTE Function It takes the minutes value from a valid time and ignores the rest of the components (hours and seconds) and returns it in the result.
VBA NOW Function It returns the current date and time value in the result using the system’s setting.
VBA SECOND Function It takes the seconds value from a valid time and ignores the rest of the components (hours and minutes) and returns it in the result.
VBA TIME Function It returns the current time value in the result using the system’s setting.
VBA TIMER Function It returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight (12:00 AM).
VBA TIMESERIAL Function It returns a valid time value (as per VBA) by using hours, minutes, and seconds specified by the user.
VBA TIMEVALUE Function It takes time value from a value that has date and time and returns it in the result.

VBA MATHS Functions

VBA MATHS functions are designed to perform specific mathematical calculations. In simple words, these functions perform calculations that are complex to perform otherwise.

Below we have a list of 13 MATHS functions that you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA ABS Function It converts a numeric value into an absolute number and returns it in the result.
VBA ATN Function It calculates the arctangent of the number supplied and returns it in the result.
VBA COS Function It calculates the cosine of the angle supplied and returns it in the result.
VBA EXP Function It calculates the value of ex for the value of x supplied and returns it in the result.
VBA FIX Function It returns a number in the result after truncating a number to an integer.
VBA INT Function It takes a number and returns the integer part of it in the result as a number.
VBA LOG Function It calculates the natural logarithm for the natural logarithm by the user and returns it in the result.
VBA RND Function It returns a random number in the result ranging from 0 to 1.
VBA ROUND Function It rounds a number to a specific number of decimals and returns the new rounded number in the result.
VBA SGN Function It returns an integer representing the arithmetic sign of the number supplied.
VBA SIN Function It calculates the sine of the angle supplied and returns it in the result.
VBA SQR Function It calculates the square root of the number supplied and returns it in the result.
VBA TAN Function It calculates the tangent of the angle value supplied.

VBA Logical Functions

VBA LOGICAL functions help you to test conditions and return a value if that condition and other if that value is FALSE.

Below we have 1 LOGICAL function which you can learn to use and you can also use VBA IF in your codes:

Name Description
VBA IIF Function It tests a condition and returns the specified value if the condition is TRUE and some other value (specified) if that condition is FALSE.

VBA Information Functions

VBA INFORMATION functions help you to get specific information from the Excel application environment. You can check if a value is a date if there’s an error or if you have an object.

Below we have a list of 8 INFORMATION functions that you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA ISARRAY Function It tests if the supplied expression is an array and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISDATE Function It tests if the supplied expression is a date and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISEMPTY Function It tests if the supplied expression is empty and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISERROR Function It tests if the supplied expression is an error and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISMISSING Function It tests if an argument for a procedure is missing and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISNULL Function It tests if the supplied expression is NULL and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISNUMERIC Function It tests if the supplied expression is a number and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.
VBA ISOBJECT Function It tests if the supplied expression is an object and returns the result as TRUE or FALSE.

VBA Financial Functions

VBA Financial functions help you to perform financial calculations with the values you input. You can calculate depreciation, future values, or rate of interest for investments and loans.

Below we have a list of 12 FINANCIAL functions which you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA DDB Function It calculates depreciation on an asset for a specific period using the Double Declining Balance Method.
VBA FV Function It calculates the future value of a loan or investment.
VBA IPMT Function It calculates the interest amount of a loan or investment for a specific period.
VBA IRR Function It calculates the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows.
VBA MIRR Function It calculates the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows.
VBA NPER Function It calculates the number of periods for an investment or a loan.
VBA NPV Function It calculates the net present value of an investment.
VBA PMT Function It calculates the principal amount of a loan or investment for a specific period.
VBA PV Function It calculates the present value of a loan or investment.
VBA RATE Function It calculates the interest rate for a loan or investment.
VBA SLN Function It calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period.
VBA SYD Function It calculates the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation for a specified period in the lifetime of an asset.

VBA ARRAY Functions

VBA ARRAYS functions help you deal with arrays. You can filter values from an array, and join and split a string.

Below we have a list of 6 ARRAY functions that you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA ARRAY Function It creates an array with a set of values supplied by you.
VBA FILTER Function It returns a subset from an array of strings using criteria.
VBA JOIN Function It joins multiple strings into one string and returns it as the result.
VBA LBOUND Function It returns the lowest subscript for a dimension of an array.
VBA SPLIT Function It splits a string into multiple strings using.
VBA UBOUND Function It returns the upper subscript for a dimension of an array.

VBA Data Type Conversion Functions

VBA Data Type Conv. functions help you convert a value from one data type to another data type, like converting a number which is stored as text into a long data type.

Below we have a list of 20 Data Type Conv. functions which you can learn to use:

Name Description
VBA CBOOL Function It converts the supplied expression into the boolean data value and returns it in the result.  
VBA CBYTE Function It converts the supplied expression into the byte data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CCUR Function It converts the supplied expression into the current data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CDATE Function It converts the supplied expression into the date data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CDBL Function It converts the supplied expression into the double data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CDEC Function It converts the supplied expression into the decimal data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CHR Function It returns the character using a character code supplied.
VBA CINT Function It converts the supplied expression into the integer data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CLNG Function It converts the supplied expression into the long data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CSNG Function It converts the supplied expression into a single data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CSTR Function It converts the supplied expression into the string data value and returns it in the result.
VBA CVAR Function It converts the supplied expression into the variant data value and returns it in the result.
VBA FORMATCURRENCY Function It applies the currency format to the supplied expression and returns it in the result.
VBA FORMATDATETIME Function It applies the date format to the supplied expression and returns it in the result.
VBA FORMATNUMBER Function It applies the number format to the supplied expression and returns it in the result.
VBA FORMATPERCENT Function It applies the percentage format to the supplied expression and returns it in the result.
VBA HEX Function It returns a string by converting a numeric value to hexadecimal notation.
VBA OCT Function It returns a string by converting a numeric value into an octal notation
VBA STR Function It converts a numeric value into a string and returns the result.
VBA VAL Function It converts a string into a numeric value and it returns it in the result.

VBA Error Handling Functions

VBA Error Handling functions help you to get information about the error that occurs in a VBA code. Below we have 1 Error Handling function which you can learn to use and you can also use error handling techniques in your codes:

Name Description
VBA CVERR Function It returns an error data type by using the error data number supplied.

Excel VBA Functions

We have seen that we can use the worksheet functions in VBA, i.e., the Excel worksheet functions in VBA coding using the Application.Worksheet method. But how do we use a function of VBA in Excel well? Such functions are called user-defined functions. When a user creates a function in VBA, we can use it in an Excel worksheet.

Although we have many functions in Excel to manipulate the data, sometimes we need to have some customization in the tools to save time as we do some tasks repeatedly. For example, we have predefined functions in excel like SUM, COUNTIFThe COUNTIF function in Excel counts the number of cells within a range based on pre-defined criteria. It is used to count cells that include dates, numbers, or text. For example, COUNTIF(A1:A10,”Trump”) will count the number of cells within the range A1:A10 that contain the text “Trump”
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, SUMIFThe SUMIF Excel function calculates the sum of a range of cells based on given criteria. The criteria can include dates, numbers, and text. For example, the formula “=SUMIF(B1:B5, “<=12”)” adds the values in the cell range B1:B5, which are less than or equal to 12.
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, COUNTIFS,”COUNTIFSread more VLOOKUPThe VLOOKUP excel function searches for a particular value and returns a corresponding match based on a unique identifier. A unique identifier is uniquely associated with all the records of the database. For instance, employee ID, student roll number, customer contact number, seller email address, etc., are unique identifiers.
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, INDEX, MATCH in excelThe MATCH function looks for a specific value and returns its relative position in a given range of cells. The output is the first position found for the given value. Being a lookup and reference function, it works for both an exact and approximate match. For example, if the range A11:A15 consists of the numbers 2, 9, 8, 14, 32, the formula “MATCH(8,A11:A15,0)” returns 3. This is because the number 8 is at the third position.
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, etc., but we do some tasks daily for which a single command or function is not available in Excel. Using VBA, we can create the User Defined Functions (UDFUser Defined Function in VBA is a group of customized commands created to give out a certain result. It is a flexibility given to a user to design functions similar to those already provided in more) custom function.

Table of contents
  • Excel VBA Functions
    • What do VBA Functions do?
    • How to Create Custom Functions using VBA?
      • Example
        • Step 1: Find Total Marks
        • Step 2: Create ResultOfStudent Function
        • Step 3: Apply ResultOfStudents Function to Get Result
        • Step 4: Create ‘GradeForStudent’ Function to get Grades
    • Recommended Articles

VBA Functions

What do VBA Functions do?

  • They carry out certain calculations; and
  • Return a value

In VBA, while defining the function, we use the following syntax to specify the parameters and their data type.

Data type here is the type of dataData type is the core character of any variable, it represents what is the type of value we can store in the variable and what is the limit or the range of values which can be stored in the variable, data types are built-in VBA and user or developer needs to be aware which type of value can be stored in which data type. Data types assign to variables tells the compiler storage size of the more the variable will hold. It can hold any value (data type or class object).

Marks as Integer

We can connect the object with its property or method using the period or dot (.) symbol.

How to Create Custom Functions using VBA?

You can download this VBA Function Excel Template here – VBA Function Excel Template


Suppose we have the following data from a school where we need to find the total marks scored by the student, result, and grade.

VBA Function Example 1

To sum up, the marks scored by an individual student in all subjects, we have an inbuilt function, SUM. But, determining the grade and result based on the criteria set out by the school is not available in Excel by default.

It is the reason why we need to create user-defined functions.

Step 1: Find Total Marks

First, we will find the total marks using the SUM function in excelThe SUM function in excel adds the numerical values in a range of cells. Being categorized under the Math and Trigonometry function, it is entered by typing “=SUM” followed by the values to be summed. The values supplied to the function can be numbers, cell references or more.

VBA Function Example 1-1

Then, press the “Enter” key to get the result.

VBA Function Example 1-2

Drag the formula to the rest of the cells.

VBA Function Example 1-3

Now, to find out the result (passed, failed, or essential repeat), the criteria set by the school is that.

  • Suppose a student has scored more than or equal to 200 as total marks out of 500. In addition, suppose they have also not failed in any subject (scored more than 32 in each subject), a student is passed.
  • If the student scored more than or equal to 200 but failed in 1 or 2 subjects, then a student will get “Essential Repeat” in those subjects.
  • If the student has scored either less than 200 or fails in 3 or more subjects, then the student failed.
Step 2: Create ResultOfStudent Function

To create a function named ‘ResultOfStudent,’ we need to open “Visual Basic Editor” by using any of the methods below:

  • Using the Developer tab excel.Enabling the developer tab in excel can help the user perform various functions for VBA, Macros and Add-ins like importing and exporting XML, designing forms, etc. This tab is disabled by default on excel; thus, the user needs to enable it first from the options more

VBA Function Example 1-4

If the Developer tab is not available in MS Excel, then we can get that by using the following steps:

  • Right-click anywhere on the ribbon. Then, choose to Customize the Ribbon in excelRibbons in Excel 2016 are designed to help you easily locate the command you want to use. Ribbons are organized into logical groups called Tabs, each of which has its own set of more.

VBA Function Example 1-5

When we choose this command, the “Excel Options” dialog box opens.

  • We need to check the box for “Developer” to get the tab.

VBA Function Example 1-6

  • Using the shortcut key, Alt+F11.

VBA Function Shortcut Key

  • When we open the VBA editorThe Visual Basic for Applications Editor is a scripting interface. These scripts are primarily responsible for the creation and execution of macros in Microsoft more, we need to insert the module by going to the Insert menu and choosing a module.

VBA Function Example 1-7

  • We need to paste the following code into the module.
Function ResultOfStudents(Marks As Range) As String

Dim mycell As Range
Dim Total As Integer
Dim CountOfFailedSubject As Integer

For Each mycell In Marks
Total = Total + mycell.Value

If mycell.Value < 33 Then
CountOfFailedSubject = CountOfFailedSubject + 1
End If

Next mycell
If Total >= 200 And CountOfFailedSubject <= 2 And CountOfFailedSubject > 0 Then
ResultOfStudents = "Essential Repeat"

ElseIf Total >= 200 And CountOfFailedSubject = 0 Then
ResultOfStudents = "Passed"

ResultOfStudents = "Failed"
End If

End Function

VBA Function Example 1-8

The above function returns the result for a student.

We need to understand how this code is working.

The first statement, ‘Function ResultOfStudents(Marks As Range) As String,’ declares a function named ‘ResultOfStudents’ that will accept a range as input for marks and return the result as a string.

Dim mycell As Range
Dim Total As Integer
Dim CountOfFailedSubject As Integer

These three statements declare variables, i.e.,

  • ‘myCell’ as a Range,
  • ‘Total’ as Integer (to store total marks scored by a student),
  • ‘CountOfFailedSubject’ is an Integer (to store the number of subjects a student has failed).
For Each mycell In Marks
Total = Total + mycell.Value

If mycell.Value < 33 Then
CountOfFailedSubject = CountOfFailedSubject + 1
End If

Next mycell

This code checks for every cell in the ‘Marks’ range. It adds the value of every cell in the ‘Total’ variable. If the cell’s value is less than 33, add 1 to the ‘CountOfFailedSubject’ variable.

If Total >= 200 And CountOfFailedSubject <= 2 And CountOfFailedSubject > 0 Then
ResultOfStudents = "Essential Repeat"

ElseIf Total >= 200 And CountOfFailedSubject = 0 Then
ResultOfStudents = "Passed"

ResultOfStudents = "Failed"
End If

This code checks the value of ‘Total’ and ‘CountOfFailedSubject’ and passes the Essential Report,’ ‘Passed,’ or ‘Failed’ to the ‘ResultOfStudents.’

Step 3: Apply ResultOfStudents Function to Get Result

ResultOfStudents function takes marks, i.e., selecting 5 marks scored by the student.

VBA Function Example 1-10

Now, select the range of cells, B2: F2.

Example 1-11

Drag the formula to the rest of the cells.

Example 1-13

Step 4: Create ‘GradeForStudent’ Function to get Grades

Now to find out the grade for the student, we will create one more function named ‘GradeForStudent.’

The code would be:

Function GradeForStudent(TotalMarks As Integer, Result As String) As String

If TotalMarks > 440 And TotalMarks <= 500 And ((Result = "Passed" Or Result = "Essential Repeat") 
Or Result = "Essential Repeat") Then GradeForStudent = "A"

ElseIf TotalMarks > 380 And TotalMarks <= 440 And (Result = "Passed" Or Result = "Essential Repeat") Then
GradeForStudent = "B"

ElseIf TotalMarks > 320 And TotalMarks <= 380 And (Result = "Passed" Or Result = "Essential Repeat") Then
GradeForStudent = "C"

ElseIf TotalMarks > 260 And TotalMarks <= 320 And (Result = "Passed" Or Result = "Essential Repeat") Then
GradeForStudent = "D"

ElseIf TotalMarks >= 200 And TotalMarks <= 260 And (Result = "Passed" Or Result = "Essential Repeat") Then
GradeForStudent = "E"

ElseIf TotalMarks < 200 Or Result = "Failed" Then
GradeForStudent = "F"

End If

End Function

This function assigns a ‘Grade’ to the student based on the ‘Total Marks’ and ‘Result.’

VBA Function Example 1-9

We need to write the formula and open the brackets in cell H2. Press Ctrl+Shift+A to find out the arguments.

VBA Function Shortcut arguments

The GradeForStudent function takes Total marks (sum of marks) and the result of the student as an argument to calculate the grade.

Example 1-14

Now, select the individual cells, G2 and H2.

Example 1-15

Now, we need to press Ctrl+D after selecting the cells to copy down the formulas.

Example 1-16

We can highlight the values of less than 33 with the red background color to find out the subjects in which the student failed.

Example 1-17

Recommended Articles

This article is a guide to VBA Functions. Here, we discuss creating custom functions using VBA code, practical examples, and a downloadable Excel template. You may learn more about VBA from the following articles:-

  • VBA IIFThe «VBA IIF» condition evaluates the supplied expression or logical test and returns TRUE or FALSE as a more
  • SUMIF With VLOOKUPSUMIF is used to sum cells based on some condition, which takes arguments of range, criteria, or condition, and cells to sum. When there is a large amount of data available in multiple columns, we can use VLOOKUP as the more
  • Excel SUMIF Between Two DatesWhen we wish to work with data that has serial numbers with different dates and the condition to sum the values is based between two dates, we use Sumif between two dates. read more
  • Excel VBA Delete RowIn VBA, to delete the command and to delete any rows together, the trick is that we give a single row reference if we need to delete a single row. However, for the multiple columns, we can provide numerous row more

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