All 4 letter word combinations

Four letter words. Come on, it’s no secret that four-letter words are the most popular in Scrabble, but are you getting the most out of your tiles? fizz, fuzz, jazz, words that you need to know if you want to get ahead of your Scrabble and Words with Friends opponents! Check out our perfect guide to words with four letters: Four letter words, and take your game to the next level! Have a look at these useful lists too: Two letter words and Three letter words!

Four letter words are the bricks in the «wall of Scrabble.» In the beginning and midgame, you will play more 4 letter words than any other, often using an S to make both the word you’re playing and another word into plurals. Four letter words can also help you get rid of less-than-optimal letters and then restore rack balance.

Four-Letter Strategy

Whether you’re playing Words With Friends, Scrabble, or any other word games, you have to know your four-letter word strategy. The trick is to play the letters with which it is difficult to make bingos so that you can get better letters for your next play. Most 4 letter words starting with Z are perfect for this, and they include ZANY, ZOON, ZYME, and ZOUK. You can also use 4 letter words starting with E to get rid of excess vowels. Examples include ECRU, EELS, EERY, and ECHO.

When it comes to 4 letter words starting with A, the same «get rid of excess vowels» trick applies. Some of the good words that will fulfill this include AGUE, AAHS, AERO, and ALAE. While having too many vowels is easier to deal with than having too many consonants, knowing these 4 letter words starting with A and 4 letter words starting with E are a terrific tool in maintaining rack balance. The same holds true of 4 letter words starting with Z, which is how you can get rid of troublesome consonants.

By judiciously playing four-letter words, you can become a stronger word games player after building your vocabulary.

4-Letter Words FAQ

How many 4 letter words are there?

There are 3,996 legal four-letter words, according to the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Volume 6.

What are some cool four-letter words?

Well, aside from the obvious BLUE language, there are AXEL, which is good for X hooking on triples, QUIZ, which is always fun on a triple-word score, hooking the I, and ZARF, which just sounds cool!

What are some four-letter words that start with A?


4 Letter Words: List of 2400+ Words that Have 4 Letters in English

4 letter words! In this article, you will learn a list of common words that have 4 letters in English with ESL pictures to help you expand your vocabulary words.

4 Letter Words – A

  • abed
  • abet
  • able
  • ably
  • abut
  • acai
  • aced
  • aces
  • ache
  • achy
  • acid
  • acme
  • acne
  • acre
  • acts
  • adds
  • adit
  • adze
  • aeon
  • afar
  • afro
  • agar
  • aged
  • ages
  • agog
  • ague
  • ahem
  • aide
  • aids
  • ails
  • aims
  • airs
  • airy
  • ajar
  • akin
  • alar
  • alas
  • ales
  • alga
  • ally
  • alms
  • aloe
  • also
  • alto
  • alum
  • ambo
  • amen
  • amid
  • ammo
  • amok
  • amps
  • amyl
  • ands
  • anew
  • ankh
  • anna
  • anon
  • anti
  • ants
  • apes
  • apex
  • apps
  • apse
  • aqua
  • arch
  • arcs
  • area
  • aria
  • arid
  • aril
  • arks
  • arms
  • army
  • arse
  • arts
  • arty
  • arum
  • aryl
  • ashy
  • asks
  • atom
  • atop
  • aunt
  • aura
  • auto
  • aver
  • avid
  • avow
  • away
  • awed
  • awes
  • awls
  • awry
  • axed
  • axel
  • axes
  • axil
  • axis
  • axle
  • axon

4 Letter Words – B

  • baba
  • babe
  • baby
  • bach
  • back
  • bade
  • bads
  • bags
  • baht
  • bail
  • bait
  • bake
  • bald
  • bale
  • balk
  • ball
  • balm
  • band
  • bane
  • bang
  • bank
  • bans
  • barb
  • bard
  • bare
  • barf
  • bark
  • barn
  • bars
  • base
  • bash
  • bask
  • bass
  • bast
  • bath
  • bats
  • batt
  • baud
  • bawl
  • bays
  • bead
  • beak
  • beam
  • bean
  • bear
  • beat
  • beau
  • beck
  • beds
  • beef
  • been
  • beep
  • beer
  • bees
  • beet
  • begs
  • bell
  • belt
  • bend
  • bent
  • berg
  • berm
  • best
  • beta
  • bets
  • bevy
  • beys
  • bias
  • bibb
  • bibs
  • bide
  • bids
  • bier
  • biff
  • bike
  • bile
  • bilk
  • bill
  • bind
  • bint
  • bios
  • bird
  • bite
  • bits
  • blab
  • blah
  • bleb
  • bled
  • blew
  • blip
  • blob
  • bloc
  • blog
  • blot
  • blow
  • blue
  • blur
  • boar
  • boas
  • boat
  • bobs
  • bode
  • bods
  • body
  • bogs
  • bogy
  • boil
  • bola
  • bold
  • bole
  • boll
  • bolo
  • bolt
  • bomb
  • bond
  • bone
  • bong
  • bonk
  • bony
  • boob
  • book
  • boom
  • boon
  • boor
  • boos
  • boot
  • bore
  • born
  • boss
  • both
  • bots
  • bout
  • bowl
  • bows
  • boxy
  • boyo
  • boys
  • bozo
  • brad
  • brag
  • bran
  • bras
  • brat
  • bray
  • bred
  • brew
  • brie
  • brig
  • brim
  • brio
  • bris
  • brit
  • bros
  • brow
  • buck
  • buds
  • buff
  • bugs
  • bulb
  • bulk
  • bull
  • bump
  • bums
  • bund
  • bung
  • bunk
  • buns
  • bunt
  • buoy
  • burb
  • burg
  • burl
  • burn
  • burp
  • burr
  • bury
  • bush
  • busk
  • buss
  • bust
  • busy
  • butt
  • buys
  • buzz
  • byes
  • byre
  • byte

4 Letter Words – C

  • cabs
  • cads
  • cafe
  • caff
  • cage
  • cake
  • calf
  • call
  • calm
  • came
  • cami
  • camo
  • camp
  • cams
  • cane
  • cans
  • cape
  • capo
  • caps
  • carb
  • card
  • care
  • carp
  • carr
  • cars
  • cart
  • case
  • cash
  • cask
  • cast
  • cats
  • caul
  • cava
  • cave
  • cavy
  • caws
  • cays
  • cede
  • cell
  • cels
  • celt
  • cent
  • cess
  • chad
  • chai
  • chap
  • char
  • chat
  • chef
  • chew
  • chic
  • chin
  • chip
  • chit
  • chop
  • chow
  • chub
  • chug
  • chum
  • ciao
  • cite
  • city
  • clad
  • clam
  • clan
  • clap
  • claw
  • clay
  • clef
  • clip
  • clod
  • clog
  • clop
  • clot
  • club
  • clue
  • coal
  • coat
  • coax
  • cobs
  • coca
  • cock
  • coco
  • coda
  • code
  • cods
  • coed
  • cogs
  • coho
  • coif
  • coil
  • coin
  • coir
  • coke
  • cola
  • cold
  • cole
  • colt
  • coma
  • comb
  • come
  • comp
  • cone
  • conk
  • conn
  • cons
  • cook
  • cool
  • coop
  • coos
  • coot
  • cope
  • cops
  • copy
  • cord
  • core
  • cork
  • corm
  • corn
  • cosh
  • cost
  • cosy
  • cote
  • cots
  • coup
  • cove
  • cowl
  • cows
  • cozy
  • crab
  • crag
  • cram
  • crap
  • craw
  • crew
  • crib
  • crit
  • croc
  • crop
  • crow
  • crud
  • crus
  • crux
  • cube
  • cubs
  • cuds
  • cued
  • cues
  • cuff
  • cull
  • culm
  • cult
  • cups
  • curb
  • curd
  • cure
  • curl
  • curs
  • curt
  • cusp
  • cuss
  • cute
  • cuts
  • cyan
  • cyst
  • czar

4 Letter Words – D

  • dabs
  • dace
  • dada
  • dado
  • dads
  • daft
  • dais
  • dale
  • dame
  • damn
  • damp
  • dams
  • dank
  • dare
  • dark
  • darn
  • dart
  • dash
  • data
  • date
  • daub
  • dawn
  • days
  • daze
  • dead
  • deaf
  • deal
  • dean
  • dear
  • debt
  • deck
  • deed
  • deem
  • deep
  • deer
  • deft
  • defy
  • deke
  • deli
  • dell
  • delt
  • demo
  • dens
  • dent
  • deny
  • derm
  • desk
  • dews
  • dewy
  • dhal
  • dhow
  • dial
  • dice
  • died
  • dies
  • diet
  • digs
  • dike
  • dill
  • dime
  • dims
  • dine
  • ding
  • dink
  • dino
  • dint
  • dips
  • dire
  • dirt
  • disc
  • dish
  • disk
  • diss
  • diva
  • dive
  • dock
  • docs
  • dodo
  • doer
  • does
  • doff
  • doge
  • dogs
  • dojo
  • dole
  • doll
  • dolt
  • dome
  • done
  • dong
  • doom
  • door
  • dope
  • dork
  • dorm
  • dory
  • dosa
  • dose
  • dote
  • doth
  • dots
  • dour
  • dove
  • down
  • doxy
  • doze
  • dozy
  • drab
  • drag
  • dram
  • draw
  • dray
  • drew
  • drip
  • drop
  • drug
  • drum
  • drys
  • dual
  • dubs
  • duck
  • duct
  • dude
  • duds
  • duel
  • dues
  • duet
  • duff
  • dugs
  • duke
  • dull
  • duly
  • dumb
  • dump
  • dune
  • dung
  • dunk
  • duns
  • duos
  • dupe
  • dura
  • dusk
  • dust
  • duty
  • dyad
  • dyed
  • dyer
  • dyes
  • dyke

4 Letter Words – E

  • each
  • earl
  • earn
  • ears
  • ease
  • east
  • easy
  • eats
  • eave
  • ebbs
  • echo
  • ecru
  • eddy
  • edge
  • edgy
  • edit
  • eels
  • eggs
  • eggy
  • egos
  • ekes
  • elan
  • elks
  • ells
  • elms
  • else
  • emic
  • emir
  • emit
  • emmy
  • emus
  • ends
  • envy
  • eons
  • epee
  • epic
  • eras
  • ergs
  • errs
  • eruv
  • etas
  • etch
  • euro
  • even
  • ever
  • eves
  • evil
  • ewer
  • ewes
  • exam
  • exec
  • exit
  • exon
  • expo
  • eyed
  • eyes

4 Letter Words – F

  • fabs
  • face
  • fact
  • fade
  • fado
  • fads
  • fail
  • fain
  • fair
  • fake
  • fall
  • fame
  • fang
  • fans
  • fare
  • farm
  • faro
  • fart
  • fast
  • fate
  • fats
  • faun
  • fava
  • fave
  • fawn
  • faze
  • fear
  • feat
  • feck
  • feed
  • feel
  • fees
  • feet
  • fell
  • felt
  • fend
  • fens
  • fern
  • fess
  • fest
  • feta
  • fete
  • feud
  • fiat
  • fibs
  • fief
  • fife
  • figs
  • file
  • fill
  • film
  • filo
  • find
  • fine
  • fink
  • fins
  • fire
  • firm
  • firs
  • fish
  • fist
  • fits
  • five
  • fizz
  • flab
  • flag
  • flak
  • flam
  • flan
  • flap
  • flat
  • flaw
  • flax
  • flay
  • flea
  • fled
  • flee
  • flew
  • flex
  • flip
  • flit
  • floc
  • floe
  • flog
  • flop
  • flow
  • flub
  • flue
  • flus
  • flux
  • foal
  • foam
  • fobs
  • foci
  • foes
  • fogs
  • fogy
  • foil
  • fold
  • folk
  • fond
  • font
  • food
  • fool
  • foot
  • fops
  • ford
  • fore
  • fork
  • form
  • fort
  • foul
  • four
  • fowl
  • foxy
  • frag
  • frat
  • fray
  • free
  • fret
  • frig
  • frog
  • from
  • fuel
  • fugu
  • full
  • fume
  • fund
  • funk
  • furl
  • furs
  • fury
  • fuse
  • fuss
  • futz
  • fuzz

4 Letter Words – G

  • gaff
  • gage
  • gags
  • gain
  • gait
  • gala
  • gale
  • gall
  • gals
  • game
  • gams
  • gang
  • gaol
  • gape
  • gaps
  • garb
  • gash
  • gasp
  • gate
  • gave
  • gawk
  • gawp
  • gays
  • gaze
  • gear
  • geek
  • gees
  • gels
  • gelt
  • gems
  • gene
  • gens
  • gent
  • genu
  • germ
  • geta
  • gets
  • ghat
  • ghee
  • gibe
  • gift
  • gigs
  • gild
  • gill
  • gilt
  • gimp
  • gins
  • gird
  • girl
  • girt
  • gist
  • gite
  • gits
  • give
  • glad
  • glam
  • glee
  • glen
  • glia
  • glib
  • glob
  • glom
  • glop
  • glow
  • glue
  • glug
  • glum
  • glut
  • gnar
  • gnat
  • gnaw
  • gnus
  • goad
  • goal
  • goat
  • gobs
  • goby
  • gods
  • goer
  • goes
  • gold
  • golf
  • gone
  • gong
  • good
  • goof
  • gook
  • goon
  • goop
  • goos
  • gore
  • gory
  • gosh
  • goth
  • gout
  • gown
  • goys
  • grab
  • grad
  • gram
  • gran
  • gray
  • gree
  • grew
  • grey
  • grid
  • grim
  • grin
  • grip
  • grit
  • grog
  • grow
  • grub
  • grue
  • guar
  • guff
  • gulf
  • gull
  • gulp
  • gums
  • gunk
  • guns
  • guru
  • gush
  • gust
  • guts
  • guys
  • gyms
  • gyre
  • gyro

4 Letter Words – H

  • hack
  • haft
  • hags
  • hail
  • hair
  • hajj
  • hake
  • half
  • hall
  • halo
  • halt
  • hams
  • hand
  • hang
  • hank
  • haps
  • hard
  • hare
  • hark
  • harm
  • harp
  • hart
  • hash
  • hasp
  • hate
  • hath
  • hats
  • haul
  • have
  • hawk
  • haws
  • hays
  • haze
  • hazy
  • head
  • heal
  • heap
  • hear
  • heat
  • heck
  • heed
  • heel
  • heft
  • heir
  • held
  • hell
  • helm
  • helo
  • help
  • heme
  • hemp
  • hems
  • hens
  • herb
  • herd
  • here
  • hero
  • hers
  • hewn
  • hews
  • hick
  • hide
  • hied
  • high
  • hike
  • hill
  • hilt
  • hind
  • hint
  • hips
  • hire
  • hiss
  • hits
  • hive
  • hiya
  • hoar
  • hoax
  • hobo
  • hock
  • hoed
  • hoes
  • hogs
  • hold
  • hole
  • holo
  • holt
  • holy
  • home
  • hone
  • hong
  • honk
  • hood
  • hoof
  • hook
  • hoop
  • hoot
  • hope
  • hops
  • hora
  • horn
  • hose
  • host
  • hour
  • hove
  • howl
  • hubs
  • huck
  • hued
  • hues
  • huff
  • huge
  • hugs
  • hula
  • hulk
  • hull
  • hump
  • hums
  • hung
  • hunk
  • hunt
  • hurl
  • hurt
  • hush
  • husk
  • huts
  • hymn
  • hype
  • hypo

4 Letter Words – I

  • ibex
  • ibis
  • iced
  • ices
  • icky
  • icon
  • idea
  • idle
  • idly
  • idol
  • iffy
  • ikat
  • ikon
  • ills
  • imam
  • imps
  • inch
  • info
  • inks
  • inky
  • inns
  • into
  • ions
  • iota
  • iris
  • irks
  • iron
  • isle
  • isms
  • itch
  • item

4 Letter Words – J

  • jabs
  • jack
  • jade
  • jail
  • jake
  • jamb
  • jams
  • jape
  • jars
  • java
  • jaws
  • jays
  • jazz
  • jean
  • jeep
  • jeer
  • jeez
  • jefe
  • jell
  • jerk
  • jest
  • jets
  • jibe
  • jibs
  • jigs
  • jilt
  • jink
  • jinn
  • jinx
  • jive
  • jobs
  • jock
  • joey
  • jogs
  • john
  • join
  • joke
  • jolt
  • josh
  • jots
  • jowl
  • joys
  • judo
  • judy
  • jugs
  • juju
  • juke
  • jump
  • junk
  • jury
  • just
  • jute
  • juts

4 Letter Words – K

  • kaka
  • kale
  • kami
  • kart
  • kata
  • kava
  • keel
  • keen
  • keep
  • kegs
  • kelp
  • kept
  • kerb
  • kerf
  • keto
  • keys
  • khan
  • khat
  • kick
  • kids
  • kill
  • kiln
  • kilo
  • kilt
  • kind
  • king
  • kips
  • kiss
  • kite
  • kith
  • kits
  • kiva
  • kiwi
  • knee
  • knew
  • knit
  • knob
  • knot
  • know
  • koan
  • kohl
  • koji
  • kola
  • kook
  • kora
  • koto
  • kudu

4 Letter Words – L

  • labs
  • lace
  • lack
  • lacy
  • lads
  • lady
  • lags
  • laid
  • lain
  • lair
  • lake
  • lakh
  • lama
  • lamb
  • lame
  • lamp
  • lams
  • land
  • lane
  • laps
  • lard
  • lark
  • lash
  • lass
  • last
  • late
  • lath
  • lats
  • laud
  • lava
  • lave
  • lawn
  • laws
  • lays
  • laze
  • lazy
  • lead
  • leaf
  • leak
  • lean
  • leap
  • leas
  • leek
  • leer
  • leet
  • left
  • legs
  • leis
  • lend
  • lens
  • lent
  • less
  • lest
  • levy
  • lewd
  • leys
  • liar
  • libs
  • lice
  • lick
  • lids
  • lied
  • lien
  • lier
  • lies
  • lieu
  • life
  • lift
  • like
  • lilt
  • lily
  • lima
  • limb
  • lime
  • limn
  • limo
  • limp
  • line
  • ling
  • link
  • lint
  • lion
  • lips
  • lira
  • lisp
  • list
  • lite
  • live
  • load
  • loaf
  • loam
  • loan
  • lobe
  • lobs
  • loch
  • lock
  • loco
  • lode
  • loft
  • loge
  • logo
  • logs
  • loin
  • loll
  • lone
  • long
  • look
  • loom
  • loon
  • loop
  • loos
  • loot
  • lope
  • lops
  • lord
  • lore
  • lose
  • loss
  • lost
  • loth
  • lots
  • loud
  • lout
  • love
  • lows
  • luau
  • lube
  • luck
  • luff
  • luge
  • lugs
  • lull
  • lump
  • lune
  • lung
  • lure
  • lurk
  • lush
  • lust
  • lute
  • luvs
  • lynx
  • lyre
  • lyse

4 Letter Words – M

  • mace
  • mach
  • mack
  • macs
  • made
  • mage
  • magi
  • mags
  • maid
  • mail
  • maim
  • main
  • make
  • maki
  • mako
  • male
  • mall
  • malt
  • mama
  • mane
  • mans
  • many
  • maps
  • mare
  • mark
  • marl
  • mars
  • mart
  • masa
  • mash
  • mask
  • mass
  • mast
  • mate
  • math
  • mats
  • maul
  • maws
  • maxi
  • maya
  • mayo
  • maze
  • mazy
  • mead
  • meal
  • mean
  • meat
  • meek
  • meet
  • mega
  • meld
  • melt
  • memo
  • mend
  • menu
  • meow
  • mere
  • mesa
  • mesh
  • mess
  • meta
  • mete
  • mewl
  • mews
  • meze
  • mica
  • mice
  • mics
  • mids
  • mien
  • mike
  • mild
  • mile
  • milk
  • mill
  • mime
  • mina
  • mind
  • mine
  • mini
  • mink
  • mint
  • minx
  • mire
  • miry
  • mise
  • miso
  • miss
  • mist
  • mite
  • mitt
  • moan
  • moat
  • mobs
  • mock
  • mode
  • mods
  • mojo
  • mola
  • mold
  • mole
  • moll
  • molt
  • moms
  • monk
  • mono
  • mood
  • mook
  • moon
  • moor
  • moos
  • moot
  • mope
  • mops
  • more
  • morn
  • mosh
  • moss
  • most
  • mote
  • moth
  • move
  • mows
  • much
  • muck
  • muds
  • muff
  • mugs
  • mule
  • mull
  • mums
  • mung
  • muon
  • murk
  • muse
  • mush
  • musk
  • muss
  • must
  • mute
  • mutt
  • myth

4 Letter Words – N

  • naan
  • nabe
  • nabs
  • naff
  • nags
  • nail
  • name
  • nana
  • nans
  • napa
  • nape
  • naps
  • narc
  • nard
  • nary
  • nave
  • navy
  • nays
  • neap
  • near
  • neat
  • neck
  • need
  • neem
  • nene
  • neon
  • nerd
  • ness
  • nest
  • nets
  • news
  • newt
  • next
  • nibs
  • nice
  • nick
  • nigh
  • nine
  • nips
  • nite
  • nobs
  • nock
  • node
  • nods
  • noel
  • noir
  • nome
  • none
  • nook
  • noon
  • nope
  • nori
  • norm
  • nose
  • nosh
  • nosy
  • note
  • noun
  • nous
  • nova
  • nubs
  • nude
  • nuke
  • null
  • numb
  • nuns
  • nuts

4 Letter Words – O

  • oafs
  • oaks
  • oaky
  • oars
  • oath
  • oats
  • obey
  • obit
  • oboe
  • odds
  • odes
  • odor
  • ogee
  • ogle
  • ogre
  • oils
  • oily
  • oink
  • okay
  • okra
  • olds
  • oldy
  • oleo
  • olla
  • omen
  • omit
  • once
  • ones
  • only
  • onto
  • onus
  • onyx
  • oops
  • ooze
  • oozy
  • opal
  • open
  • opts
  • opus
  • oral
  • orbs
  • orca
  • ordo
  • ores
  • orgy
  • oryx
  • orzo
  • otic
  • otto
  • ouch
  • ours
  • oust
  • outs
  • ouzo
  • oval
  • oven
  • over
  • ovum
  • owed
  • owes
  • owls
  • owns

4 Letter Words – P

  • pace
  • pack
  • pact
  • pads
  • page
  • paid
  • pail
  • pain
  • pair
  • pale
  • pall
  • palm
  • palp
  • pals
  • pane
  • pang
  • pans
  • pant
  • papa
  • paps
  • para
  • pare
  • park
  • pars
  • part
  • pass
  • past
  • pate
  • path
  • pats
  • pave
  • pawn
  • paws
  • pays
  • peak
  • peal
  • pear
  • peas
  • peat
  • peck
  • pecs
  • peds
  • peed
  • peek
  • peel
  • peep
  • peer
  • pees
  • pegs
  • pelt
  • pens
  • pent
  • peon
  • pepo
  • peri
  • perk
  • perm
  • perp
  • pert
  • perv
  • peso
  • pest
  • pets
  • pews
  • phew
  • phis
  • pica
  • pice
  • pick
  • pics
  • pied
  • pier
  • pies
  • pigs
  • pika
  • pike
  • pile
  • pill
  • pimp
  • pine
  • ping
  • pink
  • pins
  • pint
  • pion
  • pipa
  • pipe
  • pish
  • piss
  • pita
  • pith
  • pits
  • pity
  • pixy
  • plan
  • plat
  • play
  • plea
  • pleb
  • pled
  • plex
  • plod
  • plop
  • plot
  • plow
  • ploy
  • plug
  • plum
  • plus
  • pock
  • pods
  • poem
  • poet
  • poke
  • poky
  • pole
  • poll
  • polo
  • pols
  • poly
  • pome
  • pomp
  • pond
  • pone
  • pong
  • pony
  • poof
  • pool
  • poop
  • poor
  • pope
  • pops
  • pore
  • pork
  • porn
  • port
  • pose
  • posh
  • post
  • posy
  • pots
  • pouf
  • pour
  • pout
  • poxy
  • pram
  • pray
  • prep
  • prey
  • prez
  • prig
  • prim
  • prob
  • prod
  • prof
  • prog
  • prom
  • prop
  • pros
  • prow
  • psis
  • pubs
  • puck
  • puds
  • puff
  • pugs
  • puja
  • puke
  • pull
  • pulp
  • puma
  • pump
  • punk
  • puns
  • punt
  • puny
  • pupa
  • pups
  • pure
  • puri
  • purl
  • purr
  • push
  • puss
  • puts
  • putt
  • putz
  • pyre
  • pyro

4 Letter Words – Q

  • quad
  • quay
  • quid
  • quip
  • quit
  • quiz

4 Letter Words – R

  • race
  • rack
  • racy
  • rads
  • raft
  • raga
  • rage
  • rags
  • raid
  • rail
  • rain
  • raja
  • rake
  • raki
  • raku
  • rale
  • rami
  • ramp
  • rams
  • rang
  • rank
  • rant
  • rape
  • raps
  • rapt
  • rare
  • rash
  • rasp
  • rate
  • rath
  • rats
  • rave
  • rays
  • raze
  • razz
  • read
  • real
  • ream
  • reap
  • rear
  • redo
  • reed
  • reef
  • reek
  • reel
  • refs
  • rein
  • rely
  • rems
  • rend
  • rent
  • repo
  • repp
  • reps
  • rest
  • rete
  • rhea
  • ribs
  • rice
  • rich
  • ride
  • rids
  • rife
  • riff
  • rift
  • rigs
  • rile
  • rill
  • rime
  • rims
  • rind
  • ring
  • rink
  • riot
  • ripe
  • rips
  • rise
  • risk
  • rite
  • ritz
  • road
  • roam
  • roan
  • roar
  • robe
  • robs
  • rock
  • rode
  • rods
  • roes
  • roil
  • role
  • roll
  • romp
  • roms
  • rood
  • roof
  • rook
  • room
  • roos
  • root
  • rope
  • ropy
  • rose
  • rosy
  • rota
  • rote
  • roti
  • roto
  • rots
  • rout
  • roux
  • rove
  • rows
  • rube
  • rubs
  • ruby
  • ruck
  • rude
  • rued
  • rues
  • ruff
  • rugs
  • ruin
  • rule
  • rump
  • rums
  • rune
  • rung
  • runs
  • runt
  • ruse
  • rush
  • rust
  • ruth
  • ruts

4 Letter Words – S

  • sack
  • sacs
  • safe
  • saga
  • sage
  • sago
  • sags
  • said
  • sail
  • sake
  • saki
  • sale
  • salt
  • same
  • sand
  • sane
  • sang
  • sank
  • saps
  • sari
  • sash
  • sass
  • sate
  • sati
  • save
  • sawn
  • saws
  • says
  • scab
  • scad
  • scam
  • scan
  • scar
  • scat
  • scot
  • scow
  • scud
  • scum
  • seal
  • seam
  • sear
  • seas
  • seat
  • sect
  • seed
  • seek
  • seem
  • seen
  • seep
  • seer
  • sees
  • self
  • sell
  • semi
  • send
  • sent
  • sept
  • sere
  • serf
  • seta
  • sets
  • sett
  • sewn
  • sews
  • sexy
  • shad
  • shag
  • shah
  • sham
  • shed
  • shew
  • shim
  • shin
  • ship
  • shit
  • shiv
  • shod
  • shoe
  • shoo
  • shop
  • shot
  • show
  • shul
  • shun
  • shut
  • sibs
  • sick
  • side
  • sift
  • sigh
  • sign
  • sika
  • silk
  • sill
  • silo
  • silt
  • sine
  • sing
  • sink
  • sins
  • sips
  • sire
  • sirs
  • site
  • sits
  • size
  • skeg
  • skew
  • skid
  • skim
  • skin
  • skip
  • skis
  • skit
  • skua
  • slab
  • slag
  • slam
  • slap
  • slat
  • slaw
  • slay
  • sled
  • slew
  • slid
  • slim
  • slip
  • slit
  • slob
  • sloe
  • slog
  • slop
  • slot
  • slow
  • slug
  • slum
  • slur
  • smog
  • smug
  • smut
  • snag
  • snap
  • snip
  • snit
  • snob
  • snog
  • snot
  • snow
  • snub
  • snug
  • soak
  • soap
  • soar
  • soba
  • sobs
  • soca
  • sock
  • soda
  • sods
  • sofa
  • soft
  • soil
  • sold
  • sole
  • solo
  • soma
  • some
  • song
  • sons
  • soon
  • soot
  • sops
  • sora
  • sore
  • sort
  • sots
  • souk
  • soul
  • soup
  • sour
  • sown
  • sows
  • soya
  • spam
  • span
  • spar
  • spas
  • spat
  • spay
  • spaz
  • spec
  • sped
  • spew
  • spin
  • spit
  • spot
  • spry
  • spud
  • spun
  • spur
  • stab
  • stag
  • star
  • stat
  • stay
  • stem
  • step
  • stew
  • stir
  • stop
  • stow
  • stub
  • stud
  • stun
  • stye
  • subs
  • such
  • suck
  • sued
  • sues
  • suet
  • suit
  • sulk
  • sumo
  • sump
  • sums
  • sung
  • sunk
  • suns
  • sups
  • sura
  • sure
  • surf
  • suss
  • swab
  • swag
  • swam
  • swan
  • swap
  • swat
  • sway
  • swig
  • swim
  • swum
  • sync

4 Letter Words – T

  • tabs
  • tabu
  • tach
  • tack
  • taco
  • tact
  • tags
  • tail
  • take
  • talc
  • tale
  • talk
  • tall
  • tame
  • tamp
  • tang
  • tank
  • tans
  • tapa
  • tape
  • taps
  • tare
  • tarn
  • taro
  • tarp
  • tars
  • tart
  • task
  • taut
  • taxa
  • taxi
  • teak
  • teal
  • team
  • tear
  • teas
  • teat
  • tech
  • teem
  • teen
  • tees
  • teff
  • tele
  • tell
  • temp
  • tend
  • tent
  • term
  • tern
  • test
  • text
  • than
  • that
  • thaw
  • thee
  • them
  • then
  • thew
  • they
  • thin
  • this
  • thou
  • thro
  • thru
  • thud
  • thug
  • thus
  • tian
  • tick
  • tics
  • tide
  • tidy
  • tied
  • tier
  • ties
  • tiff
  • tiki
  • tile
  • till
  • tilt
  • time
  • tine
  • ting
  • tins
  • tint
  • tiny
  • tipi
  • tips
  • tire
  • toad
  • toby
  • toed
  • toes
  • toff
  • tofu
  • toga
  • toil
  • toke
  • told
  • tole
  • toll
  • tomb
  • tome
  • tone
  • tong
  • tony
  • took
  • tool
  • toon
  • toot
  • topi
  • topo
  • tops
  • torc
  • tore
  • torn
  • torr
  • tort
  • tory
  • toss
  • tote
  • tots
  • tour
  • tout
  • town
  • tows
  • toys
  • tram
  • trap
  • tray
  • tree
  • trek
  • trey
  • trig
  • trim
  • trio
  • trip
  • trod
  • trot
  • tsar
  • tuba
  • tube
  • tubs
  • tuck
  • tufa
  • tuff
  • tuft
  • tugs
  • tule
  • tums
  • tuna
  • tune
  • turd
  • turf
  • turk
  • turn
  • tush
  • tusk
  • tuts
  • tutu
  • twee
  • twig
  • twin
  • twit
  • twos
  • tyke
  • type
  • typo
  • tyre
  • tyro

4 Letter Words – U

  • udon
  • ugly
  • ulna
  • umma
  • umps
  • undo
  • unit
  • unto
  • updo
  • upon
  • urea
  • urge
  • uric
  • urns
  • used
  • user
  • uses

4 Letter Words – V

  • vacs
  • vail
  • vain
  • vale
  • vamp
  • vane
  • vans
  • vary
  • vasa
  • vase
  • vast
  • vats
  • veal
  • veep
  • veer
  • vees
  • veil
  • vein
  • veld
  • vena
  • vend
  • vent
  • verb
  • vert
  • very
  • vest
  • veto
  • vets
  • vial
  • vibe
  • vice
  • vids
  • vied
  • vies
  • view
  • vile
  • vill
  • vims
  • vine
  • vino
  • viol
  • visa
  • vise
  • vita
  • viva
  • void
  • vole
  • volt
  • vote
  • vows

4 Letter Words – W

  • wack
  • wade
  • wadi
  • wads
  • waft
  • wage
  • wags
  • waif
  • wail
  • wait
  • wake
  • wale
  • wali
  • walk
  • wall
  • wand
  • wane
  • wans
  • want
  • ward
  • ware
  • warm
  • warn
  • warp
  • wars
  • wart
  • wary
  • wash
  • wasp
  • wast
  • watt
  • wave
  • wavy
  • waxy
  • ways
  • weak
  • weal
  • wean
  • wear
  • webs
  • weds
  • weed
  • week
  • weel
  • ween
  • weep
  • wees
  • weft
  • well
  • went
  • were
  • west
  • what
  • when
  • whom
  • wide
  • wife
  • wild
  • will
  • wind
  • wine
  • wing
  • wins
  • wipe
  • wire
  • wise
  • wish
  • with
  • woke
  • wolf
  • wood
  • wool
  • word
  • wore
  • work
  • worm
  • worn
  • wrap

4 Letter Words – Y, Z

  • yard
  • yarn
  • yeah
  • year
  • yoga
  • your
  • zero
  • zinc
  • zone
  • zoom

Learn more with 5 letter words in English.

4 Letter Words Infographic

4 Letter Words: List of 2400+ Words that Have 4 Letters in English

4 Letter Words: List of 2400+ Words that Have 4 Letters in English

Related Resources

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4 Letter Words

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8 Letter Words

Four letter words are some of the easiest words to find in Scrabble and Words With Friends. Every letter in the English alphabet has a 4-letter word, and every good Scrabble player knows that four-letter words can be very helpful tool to increase your score. Click on any word to find the meaning, points, the words jumbled within, and more.

This is a list of all 4 letter words. We have 5641 words in this word list.

Filter Your Word List

Use the letter filter below, word search, or word finder to narrow down your 4 letter words. There are 5641 words in this word list, so narrowing it down might be a good idea.

4-Letter Words List

Take a look at the list of popular Four letter words starting with I below. They are valid in most word scramble games, including Scrabble and Words With Friends.

  • inby
  • impi
  • inns
  • icky
  • ilka
  • ixia
  • iamb
  • imps
  • idle
  • iggs
  • iron
  • ions
  • immy
  • ingo
  • isle
  • inly
  • iglu
  • ices
  • iwis
  • inch

Four Letter Words: FAQs

Our word generator can help you find a list of four letter words or word lists with any letters you choose if you are not in the mood to browse. You can also fillter by lets or search for your word in the word finder section above. Need practice? You can practice unscrambling words with this 4 Letter Word Scramble. It will generate and scramble random four letter words. All you have to do is unscramble it!

What are Some Common 4 Letter Words?

These are the most frequently used four-letter words, according to I am sure you already know these words, but remember that they are available in Scrabble and Words With Friends and are worth many points. You never know when they might come in handy! Keep these words in your back pocket as a secret cheat to win every game!

  • that
  • with
  • have
  • this
  • will
  • your
  • from
  • they
  • know
  • want
  • been
  • good
  • much
  • some
  • time

What is the Most Used 4 Letter Word?

THAT is an excellent question, and THAT is also the answer. The # 1 most used 4-letter word is THAT, followed by THIS, WITH, FROM, and YOUR.

How Many Four-Letter Words Are There?

Depending on which word list you are using, you will find different amounts of valid four-letter words.

  • Default Word List

    In our Default word list, which includes words from all dictionaries, we have 5,639 words with four letters

  • NASPA Word list

    In our NWL, we have 4,030 4-letter words

  • Collins Word List

    In the CSW, we have 5,454 four-letter words

  • ENABLE Word List

    In the ENABLE lexicon, which is used for Words With Friends, we have 3,903 four letter words

What Are The Highest-Scoring 4 Letter Words?

In Scrabble US and Words With Friends the word with the highest value and four letters is JAZZ. JAZZ is worth a whopping 29 points. In the Scrabble Collins lexicon, the highest value word with four letters is ZIZZ. ZIZZ is an odd word, but it is worth 31 points!

What Are Some 4-Letter Words Starting With Z?

The highest-scoring four letter words with z are zack (19) from Scrabble UK, zags (14) from Scrabble US, zags again, but worth 15 points in  Words With Friends.

Fun Word Games

Believe it or not, there is actually a word game based off the number four. It is called 4 Pics 1 Word. Your job is to solve for a word based off four picture clues. Give it a shot.

Word Dictionaries, Word Lists, and Lexicons

Each word game uses its own dictionary. These word game dictionaries also work for other popular word games, such as, the Daily Jumble, Text Twist, Word Cookies, and other word puzzle games. We also have a Word Unscrambler for each word puzzle game.

These are the Word Lists we have:

  • «All» contains an extremely large list of words from all sources.
  • Scrabble US — NWL — contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL (USA, Canada and Thailand)
  • Scrabble UK — CSW — contains Scrabble words from the Collins Scrabble Words, formerly SOWPODS (All countries except listed above)
  • Words With Friends — WWF — contains Words With Friends words from the ENABLE word list

If you’re a fan of word games like Scrabble or Words with Friends where you have to unscramble letters to make words, you’ll want to seek out a word finder that lists words by length, such as by 4 letter words, for fitting words into limited spaces.

The WordFinderX Guide to 4-Letter Words

Although a dictionary can provide you with this information, it’s easier to look for a premade list that caters to players of these games when broadening your vocabulary.

The Most Common Four-Letter Words

Four letter words are commonly used when playing these games as they’re readily used in the English language. While these common words may not produce the highest scores, they’re great for getting rid of difficult or excessive letters in your rack.

They — They is a common multipurpose pronoun used to talk about many people or objects.
From — People typically like to talk about where they originally come from.
That — From this to that, this word is so popular you may hear it so frequently that you don’t even notice.
With — When you’re with someone else or completing a project with a certain tool, it would be hard to say it without this word.
Some — When you don’t want all or none of something, the word some comes in handy.
What — What would you do without the word what?
Were — This past tense verb is a great way to find out what they were doing or where they were going.
Word — Considering you’re likely looking for a word to play for a word game, it’s only natural to think of this word.
Said — Words can’t be unspoken once they’ve been said.
Good — It’s always good to have a word where you can use up some extra vowels.

What are a few 4 letter words that have only one consonant?

A few 4 letter words with only one consonant are Auto, Aqua, Aero, Euro, Beau, Idea, Iota, Aide, Zoea, Jiao, Ilea, Onie, Agio, etc

What are words with 4 letter without vowels?

A few words of 4 letters without vowels are Lynx, Hymn, Wych, Myth, Typy, Scry, Sync, Spry, etc

What are a few 4 letter words with S?

A few common four letter words are Star, Snow, Slow, Shop, Swan, Sore, Soar, Soft, Salt, Soap, Snap, Site, Side, Slip, Soak, Sing, Song, etc

What are a few 4 letter words with Q?

A four letter words with Q are Quiz, Quit, Qilt, Quar, Qual, Quey, Quep, Quod, Quob, Quat, Qazi, Qaaf, Qjus, etc

What are a few 4 letter words with In?

A few words with 4 letters starting with ‘In’ are Into, Info, Inch, Inks, Inox, Inby, Inge, Init, Indy, Inuk, Inga, Intr, Inia, Ings, etc

What are a few 4 letter words with At?

A few four letter words with AT are Atmo, Atoc, Atma, Atap, Atok, Ates, Atty, Atta, Atom, Atop, Atum, Aten, etc

What are a few 4 letter words with An?

A few 4 letter words using letter AN are Anus, Andy, Anal, Anga, Anew, Anti, Ante, Anta, Ants, etc

What are a few 4 letter I words?

A few 4 letter word with I are Inch, Isle, Into, Idle, Idol, Itch, Iota, Idea, Item, Iris, Icon, Icky, Inns, Ikat, Inro, Iffy, Idem, etc

What are a few 4 letter A words?

A few 4 letter words starting with A are Area, Ally, Adds, Anus, Atom, Alas, Army, Axel, Away, Arts, Arms, Able, Arid, Aunt, etc

How do I choose a four letter word finder that will be right for me?

It is you who can make best 4 letter words by using our free online word finder tool. Just visit website.

Which is the best four letter word unscrambler platform?

If you are looking for four letter word unscrambler platform then is the great choice to begin with.

How many 4 letter words are there?

According to the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, there are 3,996 legal four letter words.

How to use four letter word generator?

To use a four letter word generator, go to type your letters in the search area, and then click the search button. The advanced filter can be used to get results that are more precise.

What four letter words can be made from the letters G and K?

The 4 letter words from these letters G and K are Gack, Geek, and Gawk.

What are four letter words with these letters ‘Salt’?

The four letter words with these letters are Alts, Last, Slat, and Lats.

What is a combination of four letter words using these letters ‘SURE’ that can become a word in any order?

The combination of four letters word using these letters that become a word in an order are Ruse, User, Ruer, and Suer.

What are some top scoring 4 letter words in Scrabble?

Top scoring 4 letter words in scrabble are Jeez, Dozy, Cozy, Mazy, Quiz, Zerk, Chez, Jack, Fozy, Jock, Hazy, Zonk, Whiz, Zeks, Jivy, Jeux, Mazy, Qoph, Foxy, Jiff, Phiz, Zyme, Joky, Zouk, and Jink.

What are few common 4 letter words ?

Few common 4 letter words used in scrabble are Able, Have, Show, Kill, Hair, Nose, Snow, What, Love, Peer, Here, Bomb, Bank, Sake, Ware, Mole, Pack, Lack, Away, Slow, Fast, etc

Is FUJI a scrabble word?

Yes, FUJI is a valid scrabble word

Is AAHS a scrabble word?

Yes, AAHS is a valid scrabble word

Is ALBA a scrabble word?

Yes, ALBA is a valid scrabble word

Is ZONK a scrabble word?

Yes, ZONK is a valid scrabble word

Is CZAR a scrabble word?

Yes, CZAR is a valid scrabble word

Is OYEZ a scrabble word?

Yes, OYEZ is a valid scrabble word

Is ZOIC a scrabble word?

Yes, ZOIC is a valid scrabble word

Is OOZY a scrabble word?

Yes, OOZY is a valid scrabble word

Is PIXY a scrabble word?

Yes, PIXY is a valid scrabble word

Is ZEBU a scrabble word?

Yes,ZEBU is a valid scrabble word

What are a few 4 letter word that starts with U?

A few 4 letter word that starts with U are Urea, Ulna, Upto, Ugly, Utah, Unch, Utus, Upon, Unum, Undo, Unto, Updo, Uric, Umra, Ulwa, Ubac, Urbe, Unce, Utas, Ughs, Ulex, etc

What is the 4 letter word that starts with Z?

A few 4 letter word that starts with Z are Zeks, Zero, Zerk, Ziff, Zack, Zoom, Zizz, Zeal, Zone, Zing, Zits, Zail, Zoos, Zinc, Zyme, Zari, etc

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters MUZJIKS ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters MUZJIKS are musk,skim, imus, sumi

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters QXAZOGS ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters QXAZOGS are zags, goas,

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters BNIEATA?

4letter words that you can create with letters BNIEATA are bane, bani, bean, bent, bien, bine, bint, nabe, abet, bait, bate, beat, beta, bite, tabi, aint

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters GOJOKLE ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters GOJOKLE are joke, jook, jole, koel, kolo, look, loge, logo, ogle, oleo

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters KOLIPER ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters KOLIPER are kelp, kepi, kopi, perk, pike, pirk, poke, pork, kilo, koel, like, keir, kier, kore, kori

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters OWUIAG ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters OWIUG is agio

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters VGINOPE ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters VGINOPE are give, ping, pong, nevi, oven, pego, vein, vine, vino, nope, open, pein, peon, pine etc

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters BNEGRA ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters are bang, berg, brag, garb,grab, bane, barn, bean, bran, bren, nabe, bare, bear, brae, gaen, gane etc

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters KOLPING ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters KOLPING are knop, pink, gink, king, kopi, glop, kiln, link, ping, pong, ikon, kilo, kino, oink, ling

How many 4 letter words can you create with the letters GHOFUR ?

4 letter words that you can create with letters GHOFUR are frug, frog, four, hour

How many 4 letter words are there in the English language?

There are around 149,165 four letter words in English Dictionary, but there are 3,996 valid four letter words according to the Scrabble Dictionary.

How many 4 letter words are present in TWL06 scrabble dictionary ?

There are 5,638 valid 4 letter words present in TWL06 scrabble dictionary

How many 4 letter words are present in SOWPODS scrabble dictionary ?

There are 5,454 valid 4 letter words present in SOWPODS scrabble dictionary

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word FLAX ?

Meaning- A type of plant that is native to New Zealand.Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word FIXT ?

Meaning- A term that was earlier used as simple past tense or past participle for the word FIX.Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word ZING ?

Meaning- It refers to the high pitched humming sound made by a bullet or vibrating instruments.Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word HOAX ?

Meaning- Anything which is done intentionally to deceive someone. Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word LYNX ?

Meaning- A kind of constellation that appears in northern sky.Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word DAZE ?

Meaning-A feeling of distress that usually occurs when something bad happens.Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word ?

Meaning-Zag is the word opposite of zig that means to change the direction suddenly.ZAGS is just plural of zag.Score- 14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word VEXT ?

Meaning- To cause trouble or irritate someone.Score-14

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word SPAZ ?

Meaning- A derogatory or offensive slang used in Britain.Score-15

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 4 letter word DEXY ?

Meaning-A short form of a drug called dexedrine which is illegal to use.Score-15

What is a 4 letter word starting with X?

Some 4 letter word starting with X are xxxv,xxix,xxxi,xxiv,xxvi,xxii etc

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