Adjectives for the word man

Man is what a male human being is called. A man is the sum total of interior and exterior characteristics. We can literally use many words to talk about man. Adjectives that could describe a man are:

List of Adjectives For Man | Words to Describe about Man

1. handsome
2. strong
3. brave
4. determined
5. passionate
6. hardworking
7. honest
8. trustworthy
9. reliable
10. intelligent
11. wise
12. thoughtful
13. considerate
14. helpful

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Adjectives for man and woman

15. energetic
16. active
17. cheerful
18. playful
19. friendly
20. loving
21. kind
22. gentle
23. compassionate
24. caring
25. sensitive
26. observant
27. intuitive
28. imaginative

Adjectives For Man

Adjectives for Man Personality

29. confident
30. optimistic
31. insightful
32. perceptive
33. open-minded
34. fair-minded
35. just
36. principled
37. resolute
38. tenacious
39. persistent
40. determined

Adjectives for man of my world

41. strong-willed
42. self-disciplined
43. self-reliant
44. resourceful
45. ingenious
46. creative
47. original
48. independent
49. self-confident
50. courageous
51. bold

Adjectives for Man of faith

52. devout
53. spiritual
54. religious
55. God-fearing
56. pious
57. reverent
58. faithful
59. worshipful
60. prayerful
61. grateful
62. blessed
63. humble

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64. cozy
65. comfortable
66. well-equipped
67. stylish
68. manly
69. rugged
70. sporty
71. modern
72. sleek
73. luxurious
74. spacious
75. private

Adjectives for Gingerbread man

76. delicious
77. sweet
78. moist
79. aromatic
80. rich
81. flavorful
82. festive
83. colorful
84. pretty
85. charming
86. adorable
87. tasty
88. yummy

Adjectives for boyfriend

89. loving
90. affectionate
91. attentive
92. supportive
93. considerate
94. helpful
95. understanding
96. patient
97. generous
98. trustworthy
99. reliable
100. down to earth

Adjectives for Alpha Male

101. dominant
102. powerful
103. influential
104. respected
105. commanding
106. assertive
107. self-assured
108. confident
109. decisive
110. leader
111. trailblazer
112. mover and shaker

Adjectives for Boy Personality

113. outgoing
114. lively
115. enthusiastic
116. playful
117. daring
118. mischievous
119. curious
120. imaginative
121. creative
122. energetic
123. active
124. athletic

Positive words to describe a man

125. great
126. terrific
127. awesome
128. grand
129. splendid
130. marvelous
131. wonderful
132. excellent
133. fabulous
134. fantastic
135. incredible
136. phenomenal

Conclusion: Therefore, these are some of the adjectives which can be used to describe a man. A man can be described in many ways depending on his personality, behavior, looks, and character. Choose the words carefully to get the exact feel and meaning that you want to convey.

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How do you describe your man?

There are many ways to describe your man. Some of the qualities that you might want to use to describe your man include: loving, supportive, helpful, understanding, patient, generous, trustworthy, and reliable. You can also use physical adjectives to describe your man such as handsome, strong, and brave

Can you describe a man as beautiful?

A man can be described as beautiful if he has qualities that are traditionally associated with beauty such as a symmetrical face, even skin tone, and healthy hair. He can also be described as beautiful if he has a pleasant personality and is kind and compassionate.

I am James Jani here, a frequent Linguist, English Enthusiast & a renowned Grammar teacher, would love you share with you about my learning experience. Here I share with my community, students & with everyone on the internet, my tips & tricks to learn adjectives fast.

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

One day, a plain, quiet little man stepped into the chief hospital, looked about a moment, and set to work.

This appears to be a fundamental economic law: Every physical, mental, or spiritual advantage offered to an honest working man or woman increases his economic efficiency.

He was a tall, goodlooking man, with a charming easy manner, very cultivated and very keen about everythingart, literature, politics.

Captain Parkinson, they must have been brave men who faced the unknown terrors of that prodigy.

It was now clearly remembered that there had once been rumors of terrible cruelties by a PENDRAGON family to an aged colored man of great piety; who, because he incessantly sang hymns in the cottonfield, was sent to a field farther from the PENDRAGON mansion, and ultimately died.

Seven blind men were given employment at their own homes in London; materials were supplied to them at cost price, they manufactured them, and received the full price that the articles were sold for.

«If you must go,« said Chief Edem, «then you must take two armed men with you.

Do what has to be done: Kill him, and let a better man rule in empty court.

But Lachesis, quite as ready to cast a favourable eye on a handsome man, spins away by the handful, and bestows years and years upon Nero out of her own pocket.

We hear of occasional great reformers, but forget that there has been a prevailing influence extending over the ages, of holy men of God, who have preached and taught and prayed; who have preserved our social institutions of spiritual import, and have been a mighty and continuous force working for righteousness and peace.

A gentleman of my acquaintance long ago (he was a middleaged man when I was a small boy.

We had not long left Vindar‘s house, before we saw a short fat man in the suburbs, preparing to climb to the top of a plane tree, on which there was one of the tail feathers of a sort of flamingo.

He was also a very able man, one of the pillars of the ministry, au courant of every treaty and negotiation for the last twenty years, very prudent and clearheaded.

«That you pick out a worthy man belonging to your own section of the Union,« he continues hastily.

i, 17] Claudius was delighted to find literary men up there, and began to hope there might be some corner for his own historical works.

This I took out of the earth and tendered to my master, having previously engaged a free negro man to take take his security for it, as I was the property of my master, and therefore could not safely take his obligation myself.

We made a run for the slough which was only a short distance off, and succeeded in safely reaching it, bringing with us the wounded man.

I trust, my dear sir, that, if you are as yet free, you will take the wellintended advice of a sufferer, and steer entirely clear of the shoals and quicksands peculiar to the life of a married man, by never embarking in the matrimonial ship.

Last night, I was a comparatively strong, though elderly man; and now, only a few hours later!

Beyond us, through an opening in the trees, we could see the lake, sparkling and shining in the evening sunbeams, and we were talking about the beauty of the view, and the calmness and repose that seemed resting upon all things, when, of a sudden, there came up from that shadowy dell a sound, the most unearthly that ever broke upon the astonished ear of mortal man.

These were all sent off in a van early one morning, and after luncheon I went over, having given rendezvous to Pontecoulant and M. Kruft, chef du materiel, an excellent, intelligent man, who was most useful and devoted to me the two years I lived at the ministry.

The shark, who was a master of finesse, swam out a little way, to where the water was deeper, and then slowly sank, intending, if Mr. P. followed him again to the bottom, to stay there long enough to drown the unfortunate man.

He is an interesting, clever man, knows England and the English wellspeaks English remarkably well.«

We love the farm, but our happiness here would be doubled if we had some occupation to keep us busy, and this philanthropic undertaking would furnish us with no end of fun, even while we were benefiting our fellow man.

As calmminded, philanthropic men, we, the American people, should look into this subject, and, regardless of jeer and scoff, do what justice, humanity, and the right demand of us, in regard to some of the social and legal inequalities between the sexes, pertaining to the married state.

Are you looking for adjectives with man? Then, the following list of over over 225 adjectives is for you. All these adjectives with man are validated using recognized English dictionaries.

Adjectives in laymen words are the

class of words that used to describe, clarify or modify a noun or a pronoun

. Adjectives give extra information about the focused object’s size, quantity, age, color, shape etc. to make the focused object obvious. Therefore, when adjectives are used the language becomes captivating. Based on the nature adjectives are categorized as Descriptive adjectives, Quantitative adjectives, Demonstrative adjectives etc. By using the following adjectives with man, you can make your language skills interesting and vibrant. is popular among all kinds of English language users including College & University students, Teachers, Writers and Word game players. We are happy to know your story of how this list of adjectives from helped you as a comment at the bottom of this page and also if you know any other ‘adjectives with letter MAN’ other than mentioned in the below list, please let us know

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How do you describe Man?

  • 1. He is the rich man who can avail himself of all men’s faculties. 🔊
  • 2. You have been here for days and nights with this young man who loves you and he has given you his name. 🔊
  • 3. Nor was this the only abnormal peculiarity of the sick man’s eyes. 🔊
  • 4. While here she was kept in a stockade and it was several years before she again was bought by a white man. 🔊
  • 5. He hasn’t been the same man since he was cut down about a month ago. 🔊
  • 6. You’ll do very well, Sir Martin, for you’ll never be your own man, I assure you. 🔊
  • 7. Andy spoke of Annersley, «A fine old man,» but Pete had no comment to make. 🔊
  • 8. The irreligious man‘s correspondences are concentrated upon himself. 🔊
  • 9. That young man suspects—curse him! 🔊
  • 10. One recognises the knowledge of a great man in the fear with which he does a thing the more he understands it. 🔊
  • 11. It was an extraordinary coincidence that he had been brought into touch with this young man only a few days before. 🔊
  • 12. During all of that long forenoon’s fighting he was a marked man. 🔊
  • 13. I shouted—and the young man heard me not. 🔊
  • 14. One of my brother’s intimates is a very great man of science. 🔊
  • 15. Then he had drowned himself in a little brook too shallow for the death of any but a desperate man. 🔊
  • 16. To a responsible professional man his extraordinary precautions were at once an affront and a challenge. 🔊
  • 17. Are you in favor of a white man‘s government in this country? 🔊
  • 18. There’s a bitterness about it that the poor man can never know. 🔊
  • 19. The poet has now grown so cautious that he will not declare his own knowledge to be valid for any other man. 🔊
  • 20. It had been the dead man‘s wish that there should be no delay in the marriage. 🔊
  • 21. When I got home, I took my brother-in-law, and my young man, and four horses, and went back. 🔊
  • 22. One of them was a learned man and the other was a peasant who earned his living by cultivating his fields. 🔊
  • 23. Da, wo gute passende Erde vorkommt, baut man auch quadratische Häuser mit plattem Dache. 🔊
  • 24. Even in the presence of her mistress there was a suggestion of frigidity that was galling to a sensitive man. 🔊
  • 25. The agent of the estate was with him—a hard man. 🔊
  • 26. There isn’t a better fellow or a more upright man in the city. 🔊
  • 27. Founded 1910 by H. Grade, who was the first man in Germany to fly with a German machine. 🔊
  • 28. Young—a young man of about twenty-three. 🔊
  • 29. Here’s a handsome young man sighing himself into a consumption for you. 🔊
  • 30. The possessor was an old man—a bachelor. 🔊
  • 31. He was a great man—a very great man. 🔊
  • 32. He was more and more afraid of her as the despair of the jobless man in the hard city settled down on him. 🔊
  • 33. Ellison turned the dead man‘s effects over with a strange thrill. 🔊
  • 34. Because if he didn’t get the things for her he was afraid some other man would. 🔊
  • 35. Close against the door she discovered the young man whom she had seen only a few moments before in the street. 🔊
  • 36. And he was a dear—such a kind-hearted man. 🔊
  • 37. Because you are a great artist—and a brave man! 🔊
  • 38. I don’t want him to think he can pose as a decent man again. 🔊
  • 39. But she knew in that moment in the moonlight if he was not to be in her future no other man would ever be. 🔊
  • 40. The old man‘s own daughters were too terrified to approach him. 🔊
  • 41. The minute-men of Acton were commanded by Captain Isaac Davis, a brave and energetic man. 🔊
  • 42. It’s a bore there being no resident medical man there at this moment. 🔊
  • 43. The young man who had just entered was so plainly not of themselves or their interests that they paid no attention to him. 🔊
  • 44. Let any young man ask his parents if they have been compensated for all the sacrifices they have made for him. 🔊
  • 45. A GHOST is the freak of a sick man‘s brain? 🔊
  • 46. Toffy, old man—what are we to do? 🔊
  • 47. Do you think it’s that dead man, now? 🔊
  • 48. Wonder the old man didn’t make it solid gold while he was about it. 🔊
  • 49. Take this young man—he is practically a stranger. 🔊
  • 50. Lessingham’s face for a moment was the face of a stricken man. 🔊

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Are you looking for some words to describe a man? It can sometimes be difficult to accurately describe your partner, brother, father, crush, co-worker, friend or the pizza guy.

Is he good looking, adventurous, charismatic, kind-hearted, wonderful or just some crazy lazy and annoying dude? How about his style, personal appearance, characteristics and his traits?

Whenever you feel the need to find the right words to describe a handsome man, dorky brother, supporting friend, or more, this list will be here for you to help you out.

We’ve gathered here for you a vast collection of adjectives for a man that should help express yourself.

Whether you want some words to describe a good man, words to describe a hot guy, words to describe a man you love, or adjectives for the dude you just can’t stand, you’ll find them right here.
words to describe a handsome man

Words To Describe A Man


  • able-bodied
  • abrasive
  • absentminded
  • abusive
  • accepting
  • acclaimed
  • accommodating
  • accountable
  • active
  • admirable
  • adoptive
  • adorable
  • adroit
  • adult
  • adventurous
  • affable
  • affectionate
  • ageless
  • aggressive
  • agreeable
  • words to describe a woman
  • alert
  • alone
  • aloof
  • amazing
  • ambitious
  • amiable
  • amusing
  • angelic
  • angry
  • animated
  • annoying
  • antisocial
  • antsy
  • anxious
  • apathetic
  • apologetic
  • appalling
  • aristocratic
  • arresting
  • arrogant
  • artistic
  • artless
  • assertive
  • assured
  • athletic
  • attentive
  • attractive
  • authoritative
  • available
  • average
  • awesome
  • awful
  • awkward


  • bad
  • bad-tempered
  • bald
  • balding
  • barren
  • bashful
  • beautiful
  • believable
  • bellicose
  • belligerent
  • best
  • better
  • bighearted
  • blissful
  • boastful
  • boisterous
  • bold
  • breathtaking
  • bright
  • bright-eyed
  • brilliant
  • broken
  • broken-hearted
  • bubbly
  • bulky
  • burly


  • calm
  • cantankerous
  • capable
  • captivating
  • carefree
  • careful
  • careless
  • caring
  • cautious
  • celebrated
  • centered
  • charismatic
  • charitable
  • charmed
  • charming
  • chauvinistic
  • cheap
  • cheerful
  • cheery
  • chicken
  • chivalrous
  • chubby
  • chunky
  • civilized
  • classy
  • words to describe a friend
  • clean
  • clear-headed
  • clever
  • clownish
  • clueless
  • clumsy
  • cocky
  • cold-hearted
  • colorful
  • colorless
  • comfortable
  • committed
  • compassionate
  • competent
  • competitive
  • compulsive
  • conceited
  • condescending
  • confident
  • congenial
  • conscientious
  • considerate
  • content
  • controlling
  • convivial
  • cool
  • cool-headed
  • corny
  • corpulent
  • courageous
  • courteous
  • cowardly
  • crabby
  • cranky
  • crazy
  • creative
  • creepy
  • crotchety
  • curious
  • cute
  • cynical


  • dandy
  • dangerous
  • dapper
  • daring
  • dark
  • dashing
  • debonair
  • deceitful
  • deceiving
  • decent
  • decisive
  • decrepit
  • dedicated
  • defensive
  • defiant
  • delightful
  • delinquent
  • demanding
  • demented
  • democrat
  • demonstrative
  • dependable
  • depressed
  • deranged
  • desirable
  • desperate
  • determined
  • devious
  • devoted
  • devout
  • difficult
  • dignified
  • diligent
  • direct
  • disciplined
  • dishonest
  • dishonorable
  • disingenuous
  • disloyal
  • disreputable
  • disrespectful
  • domestic
  • dogged
  • doting
  • dreamy
  • driven
  • dutiful
  • dynamic


  • eager
  • easy
  • easy-going
  • ebullient
  • educated
  • egocentric
  • egotistical
  • elderly
  • elegant
  • eligible
  • eloquent
  • embittered
  • eminent
  • emotional
  • emotionless
  • enchanting
  • endearing
  • energetic
  • engaging
  • words to describe love
  • enthusiastic
  • equable
  • equanimous
  • even-tempered
  • evil
  • exceptional
  • exotic
  • explosive
  • extraordinary
  • exuberant


  • faithful
  • faithless
  • famous
  • fashionable
  • fat
  • fatherly
  • fearless
  • feckless
  • feeble-minded
  • fertile
  • fierce
  • fine
  • fit
  • flamboyant
  • flashy
  • flirtatious
  • focused
  • foolish
  • forceful
  • forgiving
  • formal
  • freaky
  • freckled
  • friendly
  • frisky
  • frugal
  • frumpy
  • frustrated
  • fun
  • fun-loving
  • funny
  • furious
  • fussy


  • gabby
  • gallant
  • garrulous
  • gaunt
  • generous
  • genial
  • gentle
  • genuine
  • giant
  • giddy
  • gifted
  • gilded
  • giving
  • glamorous
  • glib
  • god-awful
  • god-like
  • godly
  • good
  • good-for-nothing
  • good-looking
  • good-natured
  • goofy
  • gorgeous
  • grand
  • great
  • greedy
  • gregarious
  • groggy
  • groovy
  • grotesque
  • grouchy
  • grown-up
  • grumpy
  • guarded
  • guileless
  • guiltless
  • guilt-ridden
  • guilty
  • gullible
  • gushy
  • gutsy


  • hairless
  • hairy
  • half-hearted
  • handsome
  • handy
  • happy
  • happy-go-lucky
  • hardworking
  • harmless
  • harsh
  • hasty
  • healthy
  • heartbroken
  • heavy
  • hefty
  • helpful
  • heroic
  • hideous
  • high-spirited
  • hilarious
  • words to describe someone
  • homely
  • honest
  • honorable
  • horrible
  • hospitable
  • hostile
  • hot
  • hot-blooded
  • hot-headed
  • hot-shot
  • hot-tempered
  • hubristic
  • huge
  • huggable
  • hulking
  • humble
  • humongous
  • humorless
  • humorous
  • husky
  • hypercritical
  • hypnotic
  • hysterical


  • ill-humored
  • illiterate
  • illustrious
  • imaginative
  • immature
  • immoral
  • impatient
  • imperfect
  • impolite
  • important
  • impossible
  • impoverished
  • impressive
  • impulsive
  • incapable
  • incompetent
  • inconsiderate
  • incorrigible
  • incredible
  • indecisive
  • independent
  • industrious
  • infamous
  • inflexible
  • influential
  • inhospitable
  • innocent
  • innovative
  • insane
  • insecure
  • insensitive
  • inspiring
  • instinctive
  • intelligent
  • interesting
  • intransigent
  • intrepid
  • irresistible
  • irresponsible
  • irritable


  • jealous
  • jolly
  • joyful
  • joyless
  • joyous
  • jubilant
  • judgmental
  • jumpy
  • juvenile


  • kind
  • kind-hearted
  • kindly
  • kingly
  • adjectives that start with K
  • knightly
  • knowledgeable
  • known


  • lame
  • lanky
  • large
  • lascivious
  • lavish
  • lazy
  • lean
  • learned
  • level-headed
  • liberal
  • lighthearted
  • likable
  • little
  • lively
  • livid
  • lonely
  • loose
  • loquacious
  • lost
  • lovable
  • loveable
  • lovely
  • loving
  • loyal
  • lucky
  • luscious


  • macho
  • mad
  • magnanimous
  • maniacal
  • manipulative
  • manly
  • married
  • masculine
  • massive
  • mature
  • mean
  • mean-spirited
  • meek
  • memorable
  • mercurial
  • merry
  • messy
  • meticulous
  • mindful
  • mischievous
  • miscreant
  • miserable
  • mistrustful
  • modern
  • modest
  • monstrous
  • moody
  • moronic
  • mournful
  • multi-talented
  • munificent
  • muscular
  • mysterious

words to describe a man


  • naïve
  • narcissistic
  • nasty
  • natural
  • naughty
  • neat
  • negative
  • neighborly
  • adjectives that start with N
  • nervous
  • nice
  • noble
  • noisy
  • nonchalant
  • normal
  • notorious
  • nutty


  • obedient
  • obese
  • obliging
  • oblivious
  • obnoxious
  • obsessive
  • obstinate
  • odd
  • okay
  • old
  • old-fashioned
  • openhearted
  • opinionated
  • oppressive
  • optimistic
  • ordinary
  • ornery
  • outgoing
  • outspoken
  • overactive
  • overambitious
  • overbearing
  • overcritical
  • overenthusiastic
  • overjoyed
  • overoptimistic
  • overprotective
  • overqualified
  • overrated
  • oversensitive
  • overwhelmed
  • overwhelming
  • overworked
  • overzealous


  • parsimonious
  • particular
  • passionate
  • passive
  • pathetic
  • pathological
  • patient
  • patriotic
  • peaceable
  • peaceful
  • peevish
  • peppery
  • perfect
  • perky
  • persevering
  • persistent
  • personable
  • persuasive
  • perverse
  • pessimistic
  • pettish
  • petulant
  • phenomenal
  • philanthropic
  • philosophical
  • phobic
  • pigheaded
  • pious
  • pitiless
  • adjectives that start with P
  • placid
  • plain
  • plausible
  • playful
  • pleasant
  • pleased
  • pleasing
  • plodding
  • plucky
  • plump
  • poised
  • polished
  • polite
  • pompous
  • poor
  • poor-mannered
  • popular
  • portly
  • positive
  • possessive
  • potent
  • powerful
  • powerless
  • practical
  • praiseworthy
  • presentable
  • presumptuous
  • pretentious
  • pretty
  • prickly
  • prim
  • princely
  • principled
  • private
  • profane
  • professional
  • profound
  • profuse
  • prominent
  • promising
  • proper
  • protective
  • proud
  • provocative
  • prudent
  • psychotic
  • public
  • puckish
  • pugnacious
  • punctual
  • puny
  • pusillanimous


  • quarrelsome
  • queer
  • querulous
  • questionable
  • quick
  • quick-minded
  • quick-tempered
  • quick-witted
  • quiet
  • quintessential
  • quirky
  • quizzical


  • rakish
  • rational
  • real
  • reasonable
  • reassuring
  • rebellious
  • reckless
  • red-blooded
  • regal
  • regular
  • relatable
  • relaxed
  • reliable
  • adjectives that start with R
  • remarkable
  • republican
  • resentful
  • reserved
  • resilient
  • resolute
  • resourceful
  • respectable
  • respectful
  • responsible
  • revengeful
  • rich
  • righteous
  • romantic
  • rotund
  • rough
  • rude
  • ruthless


  • saintly
  • sane
  • scholarly
  • secure
  • seductive
  • self-absorbed
  • self-assured
  • self-centered
  • selfish
  • selfless
  • self-satisfied
  • senior
  • sensational
  • senseless
  • sensitive
  • sentimental
  • serious
  • short
  • short-tempered
  • shrewd
  • silly
  • simpleminded
  • sincere
  • sinful
  • single
  • skilled
  • slender
  • slim
  • sly
  • small
  • smart
  • sneaky
  • snotty
  • sociable
  • softhearted
  • special
  • speechless
  • spineless
  • spirited
  • spiritless
  • splendid
  • stable
  • steaming
  • stern
  • straight
  • strong
  • stubborn
  • stuck-up
  • studious
  • stylish
  • suave
  • submissive
  • successful
  • super
  • sweet


  • taciturn
  • tactful
  • tactless
  • talented
  • tall
  • tame
  • tan
  • tanned
  • temperamental
  • tempestuous
  • tenacious
  • tender
  • tenderhearted
  • testy
  • tetchy
  • thankful
  • theatrical
  • thick
  • thin
  • thorough
  • thoughtful
  • thoughtless
  • threatening
  • thriftless
  • thrifty
  • tidy
  • tight
  • timid
  • tiny
  • tired
  • toothsome
  • touchy
  • tough
  • towering
  • traditional
  • traitorous
  • treasured
  • tremendous
  • tremulous
  • tricky
  • troubled
  • truculent
  • trusting
  • trustworthy
  • truthful
  • twitterpated


  • ugly
  • unabashed
  • unaccountable
  • unapologetic
  • unapproachable
  • unattached
  • unavailable
  • unbalanced
  • unblemished
  • unbreakable
  • unchangeable
  • uncharitable
  • uncivilized
  • uncomfortable
  • unconvincing
  • uncoordinated
  • uncouth
  • understanding
  • unfaithful
  • unfaltering
  • unflappable
  • unforgettable
  • unforgiving
  • unfriendly
  • ungrateful
  • unhappy
  • unhealthy
  • unkempt
  • unkind
  • unlikable
  • unmanly
  • unpleasant
  • unpredictable
  • unpretentious
  • unprincipled
  • unprofessional
  • unreasonable
  • unreliable
  • unscrupulous
  • unselfish
  • unsociable
  • unsophisticated
  • unsound
  • unstable
  • untidy
  • untroubled
  • untrustworthy
  • unusual
  • unwise
  • unworthy
  • upbeat
  • uppity
  • upright
  • uptight
  • urbane


  • vacuous
  • vain
  • valiant
  • valorous
  • vehement
  • venerable
  • venturesome
  • versed
  • vigorous
  • vile
  • violent
  • virtuous
  • visionary
  • adjectives that start with V
  • vital
  • vivid
  • vocal
  • vulgar
  • vulnerable


  • wacky
  • warm
  • warm-blooded
  • weak-willed
  • wealthy
  • weird
  • well adjusted
  • well balanced
  • well dressed
  • well endowed
  • well groomed
  • well heeled
  • well known
  • well liked
  • well mannered
  • well-off
  • well read
  • well rounded
  • well spoken
  • well-to-do
  • whimsical
  • wholehearted
  • wicked
  • willful
  • willing
  • wily
  • winsome
  • wise
  • witty
  • wonderful
  • wondrous
  • worried
  • worse
  • worthless


  • xanthoriatic
  • xaroncharoo
  • xenodochial
  • xenophobic
  • adjectives that start with X


  • yappy
  • yellow
  • yielding
  • young
  • young-looking
  • yucky
  • yummy


  • zany
  • zealous
  • zen
  • zero
  • zestful
  • zooty

What characteristics, personality or traits did you like the most or find interesting in this comprehensive list of words to describe men?

Did you find masculine, powerful, soft or bold words to describe a guy?

We hope you found the best and most precise words that will help you to really paint a picture of the man you are describing, and that you enjoyed our list and found it useful.

Whether positive words, words to encourage, motivate or inspire the man in your life, words to describe a great man, or even some negative words, chances are you will find it here.

Descriptive words / Adjectives for Man below.

Words are listed in Alphabetical Order.

Adult Male
Family Man
Gentleman’s Gentleman
Homo Sapiens
Human Being
Human Beings
Military Man
Military Personnel
Valet De Chambre

If you know of some descriptive words that should go on this list, please email us and we will add it in our next update. Thank you and we hope Descriptive Words ORG is helpful to you.

(Visited 15,620 times, 1 visits today)

What is the adjective for man?

manlike, unfeminine, unladylike, unwomanly, masculine, butch, Amazonian, hoydenish, tomboyish, viraginous, viragoish, macho, mannified, manly, virile, he-man, muscular, male, unruly, potent, boisterous, manful, boyish, red-blooded, swashbuckling, impolite, ill-bred, ungracious, aggressively masculine, chauvinist, beefy …

What is the adjective form of proper?

Proper is an adjective that describes something that is appropriate, adheres to polite behavior, or is correct. Proper is also used in grammar to refer to nouns that identify specific people, places, or things. The word proper has additional senses as an adjective, adverb, and noun.

What do you mean by proper adjective?

: an adjective that is formed from a proper noun and that is usually capitalized in English.

What is the proper adjective for Switzerland?


Country or region Adjective Noun
Sudan Sudanese a Sudanese person
Sweden Swedish a Swede
Switzerland Swiss a Swiss person
Syria Syrian a Syrian

What is the proper adjective for West Indies?

Proper Adjectives

Poland Polish
Puerto Rico Puerto Rican
Denmark Danish
West Indies West Indian

What is the proper adjective for Greece?

‘Greek’, ‘Grecian’, and ‘Hellenic’ are the proper adjectives which refer to Greece.

What proper adjective is formed from Persia?

The proper adjective Persian was formed from Persia.

What is the main religion in Persia?

The vast majority of Persians practice Shīʿite Islam. Before the Muslim conquest of Persia in the 7th century ce, most Persians followed Zoroastrianism, based on the teachings of the ancient prophet Zoroaster (Zarathustra), who lived during the first half of the 1st millennium bce.

What must you do if the adjective is being used as a nationality?

Nationality adjectives must always start with a capital letter – ‘Italian’, not ‘italian’. We can also ask, ‘What nationality is he?’ Remember, we also use nationality adjectives to describe the things that come from a country, not just the people. For example, Italian cars, Mexican food and (my favourite) German beer!

Is or are for a country?


What are types of nationality?

List of Countries, Nationalities and their Languages

Country Nationality (Adjective) Language
Algeria Algerian Arabic
Argentina Argentine Argentinian Spanish
Australia Australian English
Austria Austrian German

Is Great Britain masculine or feminine?

Similarly, Velikobritanija (Great Britain) is feminine, as is Anglija (England), a term often used informally for the whole UK. In contrast, Soedinënnoe korolevstvo (United Kingdom) is grammatically neuter.

Why is Britain called her?

People use the word ‘She’ to describe their motherland as an expression of love or fondness for Britain. Britain was in ancient times a Roman territory, known as Brittania, which was depicted as a Goddess holding a trident in her hand, that is why Britain is She.

What is the most masculine country?


Is a country feminine or masculine?

Country is neither a masculine or feminine word. Nouns in English are not generally assigned genders. It is relatively common (although slightly old-fashioned) to refer to a country as a person when talking about it.

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