Adjectives for the word color

What’s the adjective for color? Here’s the word you’re looking for.

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the
verbs color, colorize, colour, colourise, colourish, colourize and encolour which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.







































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The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

The viper, when in a state of repose, is of an olivebrown color; but, if trodden upon, turns rusty.

She had evidently been a hard drinker for years, as her face was of a brilliant carmine color.

This skin was a beautiful one, of light yellowish color, and although our men wanted to present it to us, neither Blake nor I cared to bring it home with the trophies we had shot.

The wood is finegrained and of a beautiful, creamy yellow color like box, sweetscented when dry, though the green leaves emit a disagreeable odor.

The cones are about two inches long, growing in stiff clusters among the needles, without making any striking effect, except while very young, when they are of a vivid crimson color, and the whole tree appears to be dotted with brilliant flowers.

« She came to say one more forgotten thing, «Just see that Aaron gets a white handkerchief: he‘s fond of gay colors, you know.

Some people think nothing of sailing under false colors; and if it turns out that Roland has taken up with such a disreputable character as this drunken guide seems to be, I don’t wonder at him wanting to hide his identity.

Indeed, there was a faint color in his cheeks.

Those willing to join in must lay aside all clothing, painting their bodies with a reddish gray color, like the elk‘s.

Whirling thus upon the crowd, she shocked them to a pause, with her parted lips, her flare of delicate color.

Close at hand it appeared but a dull purple, and made little impression on the eye; it was even difficult to detect; and if you plucked a single plant, you were surprised to find how thin it was, and how little color it had.

« She heard him with downcast eyes; and her cheeks flushed a pink color that was agreeable to contemplation.

The trunk becomes deep brown and rough, like that of the Mountain Pine, while the young cones are of a strange, dull, blackishblue color, clustered on the upper branches.

He had chin whiskers of a sandy gray color and small gray eyes that were both shrewd and suspicious in expression.

Add the whites of eggs, beaten stiff and let fry a golden color; then spread with jam and serve hot.

As it swung back, he saw, first, a burst of rosy color as a room panelled in exquisite pink burst upon his sight; then the great picture of his lifethe bloodless features of Carmel, calmed for the moment into sleep.

The good man would use no purple or violet colors for the facings of his dress.

What are the primary colors?

Color N. color, hue, tint, tinge, dye, complexion, shade, tincture, cast, livery, coloration, glow, flush; tone, key. pure color, positive color, primary color, primitive complementary color; three primaries; spectrum, chromatic dispersion; broken color, secondary color, tertiary color.

They were like what gold is, beautiful and clear, of a lovely color, but softer in tone than metal ever was, and as cool and fresh to walk upon and to touch as if they had been velvet grass.

See, too, the Rose, above the western portal Flamboyant with a thousand gorgeous colors, The perfect flower of Gothic loveliness!

Fer the fust time in her life, she looked harnsome,leastways I thought so,with a pretty color in her cheeks, somethin’ brighter’n a larf shinin in her eyes, and her lips smilin an tremblin, as she come to me an whispered so’s’t none er the rest could hear, «Hiram, don’t yeou dew it, ef yeou’d ruther not.

«What‘ll you give me, Ruby, if I tell you whose favorite color is pink?« «Aw, Vetsy!«

The King‘s letter was written in blue characters upon a rare and precious skin of yellowish color, and these were the words of it: «The King of the Indies, before whom walk a thousand elephants, who lives in a palace, of which the roof blazes with a hundred thousand rubies, and whose treasurehouse contains twenty thousand diamond crowns, to the Caliph HarunalRashid sends greeting.

A violet color is obtained which deepens on boiling.

Colors and Shades of Color

Hyphen in compound adjectives of color

A two-word compound adjective denoting color is usually hyphenated before a noun: a light-gray coat; a grayish-green car. After a verb, such adjectives are usually written without a hyphen: Her coat is light gray. His car is grayish green. Adjectives of color can function as nouns: a light gray; a reddish brown. There is no hyphen in such combinations. One-word coordinate adjectives before a noun are written without a hyphen: a bright, deep, brilliant red color.

Compound adjectives in the list below are hyphenated in order to show their spelling as attributes before nouns. Compound adjectives denoting color may be written without a hyphen in the position before a noun if the meaning is clear: a dark brown jacket; a bluish green dress. But a hyphen is necessary in cases where misunderstanding may occur. Compare: a light-brown jacket (color: light-brown) – a light brown jacket (weight or color? not heavy or not dark?).

(Brief description of the use of the hyphen in compound adjectives can be found in Stress in Compound Words in the section Phonetics.)

Дефис в сложных прилагательных цвета

Сложное прилагательное, обозначающее цвет, обычно пишется через дефис перед существительным: a light-gray coat; a grayish-green car. После глагола, такие прилагательные обычно пишутся без дефиса: Her coat is light gray. His car is grayish green. Прилагательные цвета могут функционировать как существительные: a light gray – светлый серый цвет; a reddish brown – красноватый коричневый цвет. В таких сочетаниях нет дефиса. Простые однородные прилагательные перед существительным пишутся без дефиса: a bright, deep, brilliant red color – яркий, густой, блестящий красный цвет.

Сложные прилагательные в списке ниже даны с дефисом, чтобы показать их написание как определений перед существительными. Сложные прилагательные, обозначающие цвета, могут быть написаны без дефиса в положении перед существительным, если значение ясно: a dark brown jacket – темно-коричневая куртка; a bluish green dress – голубовато-зеленое платье. Но дефис необходим в случаях, где может возникнуть неправильное понимание. Сравните: a light-brown jacket (цвет: светло-коричневый) – a light brown jacket (вес или цвет? легкий или светлый?).

(Краткое описание употребления дефиса в сложных прилагательных можно найти в статье Stress in Compound Words в разделе Phonetics.)

Names of colors

Black, blue, brown, gray (grey), green, orange, pink, purple, red, violet, white, yellow are the most frequently used names of colors.


black – черный; deep-black – насыщенный черный, густой черный;

black-and-white – черно-белый; black-and-tan – черный с рыжими подпалинами;

jet-black – густой черный; coal-black – угольно-черный; pitch-black – крайне черный, крайне темный; inky, ink-black – чернильно-черного цвета;


blue – синий, голубой; light-blue – светло-синий, голубой; dark-blue – темно-синий, темно-голубой; deep-blue – темно-синий;

gray-blue – серо-голубой; grayish-blue – серовато-голубой; greenish-blue – зеленовато-синий, зеленовато-голубой;

sky-blue – небесно-голубой; pastel-blue – нежно-голубой, пастельно-голубой; baby-blue – светло-голубой, нежно-голубой;


brown – коричневый; light-brown – светло-коричневый; dark-brown – темно-коричневый;

red-brown – красно-коричневый; reddish-brown – красновато-коричневый, бурый; purplish-brown – пурпурно-коричневый;

yellowish-brown – желтовато-коричневый; golden-brown – золотисто-коричневый; chestnut-brown – каштановый, каштаново-коричневый;


gray – серый; gray – седой (о волосах); grayish – сероватый; light-gray – светло-серый; dark-gray – темно-серый;

blue-gray – сине-серый; bluish-gray – синевато-серый, голубовато-серый; greenish-gray – зеленовато-серый;

pearl-gray – бледный голубовато-серый; ash-gray – пепельно-серый; dirty gray – грязный серый;


green – зеленый; greenish – зеленоватый; light-green – светло-зеленый; bright-green – ярко-зеленый; dark-green – темно-зеленый; deep-green – темно-зеленый;

gray-green – серо-зеленый; grayish-green – серовато-зеленый; blue-green – сине-зеленый; bluish-green – синевато-зеленый, голубовато-зеленый;

yellow-green – желто-зеленый; yellowish-green – желтовато-зеленый; apple-green – светло-зеленый;


orange – оранжевый; light-orange – светло-оранжевый; dark-orange – темно-оранжевый;

red-orange – красно-оранжевый; reddish-orange – красновато-оранжевый; yellow-orange – желто-оранжевый; carrot-orange – морковно-оранжевый;


pink – розовый; pinkish – розоватый; light-pink – светло-розовый; dark-pink – темно-розовый; deep-pink – темно-розовый;

reddish-pink – красновато-розовый; yellowish-pink – желтовато-розовый; rose-pink – бледно-розовый; pale pink – бледно-розовый; hot pink – ярко-розовый;


purple – пурпурный, багряный, фиолетовый, лиловый, сиреневый; deep-purple – темно-пурпурный; pale-purple – бледно-лиловый, бледно-пурпурный;

reddish-purple – красновато-пурпурный; blackish-purple – черно-пурпурный; bluish-purple – синевато-пурпурный; aubergine-purple – фиолетово-пурпурный;


red – красный; рыжий (о волосах); reddish – красноватый; bright-red – ярко-красный; dark-red – темно-красный; deep-red – темно-красный;

purple-red – пурпурно-красный; purplish-red – пурпурно-красный; brownish-red – коричневато-красный; orange-red – оранжево-красный;

rose-red – цвета красной розы; scarlet-red – алый красный; brick-red – кирпично-красный;


violet – фиолетовый, фиалковый, темно-лиловый;

light-violet – светло-фиолетовый; dark-violet – темно-фиолетовый; deep-violet – темно-фиолетовый; bright-violet – ярко-фиолетовый;


white – белый; whitish – беловатый; blue-white – сине-белый; bluish-white – голубовато-белый; grayish-white – серовато-белый;

snow-white – белоснежный; lily-white – чисто-белый, лилейный; milk-white – молочно-белый, голубовато-белый; off-white – не чисто-белый, с оттенком;


yellow – желтый; yellowish – желтоватый; light-yellow – светло-желтый; pale-yellow – бледно-желтый; dark-yellow – темно-желтый;

pinkish-yellow – розовато-желтый; orange-yellow – оранжево-желтый; reddish-yellow – красновато-желтый; brownish-yellow – коричневато-желтый;

greenish-yellow – зеленовато-желтый; straw-yellow – соломенно-желтый;

Other colors

Note: The word «colored» is often used as the second component of compound adjectives of color (for example, cherry-colored, coffee-colored, amber-colored) in order to indicate clearly that the color is meant, not the content, material, shape or taste. Compare these adjectives: almond; almond-shaped; almond-colored.

Примечание: Слово «colored» часто используется как второй компонент сложных прилагательных цвета (например, cherry-colored, coffee-colored, amber-colored) для того, чтобы указать ясно, что имеется в виду цвет, а не содержание, материал, форма или вкус. Сравните эти прилагательные: almond (миндальный, миндалевидный, цвета миндаля); almond-shaped (миндалевидный); almond-colored (цвета миндаля).

almond, almond-colored – цвета миндаля, светлый желтовато-коричневый, светло-коричневый;

amber, amber-colored – янтарный, желтый, оранжево-желтый, красновато-желтый;

apricot, apricot-colored – абрикосовый, розовато-желтый;

aqua; aqua-blue; aqua-green – цвет воды; бледный зеленовато-голубой; бледный голубовато-зеленый;

aquamarine – аквамариновый, зеленовато-голубой, голубовато-зеленый, цвета морской волны;

ashen, ash-colored – пепельный, пепельного цвета, мертвенно-бледный;

aubergine – баклажанового цвета, темно-фиолетовый;

auburn – золотисто-коричневый, золотисто-каштановый, красновато-коричневый, рыжеватый;

azure – лазурный, небесно-голубой, чисто-голубой;

beige – бежевый, бледный светло-коричневый, светло-серый с коричневатым оттенком;

blond – светлый, светловолосый, русый, белокурый (обычно о волосах);

brass, brassy – цвета латуни, цвета меди;

bronze, bronze-colored – бронзовый, красновато-коричневый;

burgundy – бордовый, темно-бордовый;

canary, canary-yellow – канареечного цвета, светло-желтый;

caramel, caramel-colored – светло-коричневый, цвета жженого сахара;

cardinal, cardinal-red – ярко-красный, пунцовый, насыщенный темно-красный;

carmine – пунцовый, карминный, малиново-красный;

carrot-colored – морковного цвета;

cerise – светло-вишневый; вишнево-красный;

cerulean – небесно-голубой, лазурный;

cherry, cherry-colored – вишневый, ярко-красный;

chestnut, chestnut-colored – каштановый, каштанового цвета;

chocolate, chocolate-colored – шоколадный, шоколадного цвета, средне-коричневый, темно-коричневый;

cocoa, cocoa-colored – цвет какао, светло-шоколадный;

coffee, coffee-colored – цвета кофе с молоком, средне-коричневый; кофейного цвета, темно-коричневый;

copper, coppery, copper-colored – медный, медно-красный, цвета меди;

coral, coral-red – кораллового цвета, желтовато-красный, кораллово-красный;

corn-colored – бледно-желтый, золотистый, цвета спелой кукурузы;

cream, cream-colored – кремовый, кремового цвета;

crimson – малиновый, багровый, пунцовый, темно-красный;

cyan, cyan-blue – светлый зеленовато-голубой, голубовато-зеленый;

emerald, emerald-green – изумрудный, изумрудно-зеленый;

fawn, fawn-colored – желтовато-коричневый;

fuchsia – пурпурно-красный, розовато-пурпурный;

golden, gold, gold-colored – золотистый, блестящий желтый, золотой, цвета золота;

hazel – светло-коричневый, красновато-коричневый;

henna – красновато-коричневый; (henna – хна; henna-dyed hair – окрашенные хной волосы);

honey-colored – цвета меда;

indigo, indigo-blue – темно-синий, сине-фиолетовый;

ivory, ivory-colored, ivory-white – цвета слоновой кости, кремово-белый, желтовато-белый;

jade, jade-colored – желтовато-зеленый, нефритовый;

khaki, khaki-colored – цвета хаки, защитного цвета;

lavender, lavender-colored – светло-сиреневый, бледно-лиловый, цвета лаванды;

lemon, lemon-yellow – светло-желтый, лимонного цвета, лимонно-желтый;

lilac – сиреневый, лиловый, цветом как цветки сирени;

lime, lime-colored, lime-green – зеленый, желтовато-зеленый;

magenta – красновато-лиловый, красновато-пурпурный, пурпурно-красный;

mahogany – цвет красного дерева, красновато-коричневый;

maroon – темный коричневато-красный, темно-бордовый;

mauve – розовато-лиловый, розовато-сиреневый;

metallic – с металлическим блеском, например: metallic gray, metallic green, metallic blue;

mocha – шоколадного цвета, кофейного цвета, цвета мокко;

navy, navy-blue – синий, темно-синий;

ocher (ochre), ocher-colored – цвета охры, желтый разных оттенков (бледно-желтый, оранжево-желтый, красновато-желтый);

olive, olive-colored, olive-green – оливковый, оливково-зеленый, желтовато-зеленый, коричневато-зеленый;

peach, peach-colored, peachy – персиковый, светлый розовато-желтый;

pearly – жемчужный, жемчужного цвета;

platinum – цвета платины, светло-серый с металлическим блеском;

plum, plum-colored – сливового цвета, темно-фиолетовый;

puce – темно-красный, пурпурно-коричневый;

raspberry – малиновый;

redwood – цвет красного дерева;

rose, rose-colored, rosy – розовый, розово-красный;

ruby, ruby-colored – рубиновый, темно-красный;

russet – желтовато-коричневый, светло-коричневый, красновато-коричневый;

rust, rust-colored, rusty – цвета ржавчины, красновато-желтый, красновато-коричневый;

saffron, saffron-yellow – оранжево-желтый, желто-оранжевый, шафранно-желтый;

salmon, salmon-colored, salmon-pink – светлый желтовато-розовый, цвета лососины;

sand-colored, sandy – песочного цвета, рыжеватый;

scarlet – алый, ярко-красный;

sienna – желто-коричневый; красновато-коричневый; (sienna – краска сиена)

silver, silvery – серебряный, серебристый;

slate, slate-colored – тусклый темный синевато-серый;

straw-colored – бледно-желтый, цвета соломы, соломенного цвета;

tan – цвета загара, желтовато-коричневый;

taupe – темный коричневато-серый;

tawny – темный желтовато-коричневый, смуглый;

teal, teal-blue – темный зеленовато-синий, темный серовато-синий;

terra-cotta – терракотового цвета, коричневато-оранжевый, коричнево-красный;

turquoise, turquoise-blue – бирюзовый, зеленовато-голубой, голубовато-зеленый;

ultramarine – ультрамариновый, ярко-синий;

vermilion – ярко-красный, блестящий алый красный, пунцово-красный;

wheat-colored – цвета спелой пшеницы;

wine, wine-colored – темно-красный, темно-бордовый, цвета красного вина.

Related vocabulary

The colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

primary colors – основные цвета, первичные цвета; secondary colors – вторичные цвета, составные цвета;

dark colors – темные цвета; light colors – светлые цвета;

bright color – яркий цвет; deep color – густой, темный, насыщенный цвет; rich color – густой, интенсивный, яркий цвет;

soft color – мягкий, нежный, неяркий цвет; pale color – бледный, неяркий цвет;

pastel color – пастельный, неяркий цвет; pastel shade – пастельный оттенок;

dull color – тусклый, неяркий цвет; faded color – потускневший, выцветший, блеклый цвет; discolored – обесцвеченный, выцветший;

quiet colors – спокойные цвета; loud colors – кричащие цвета;

warm colors – теплые цвета; cold colors – холодные цвета;

colorful – яркий, красочный, разноцветный; colorless – бесцветный, бледный, неинтересный; multicolor, multicolored – многоцветный.

Colors, paints, painting, picture

paint – краска; to paint – писать красками, заниматься живописью; красить (красками, кистью), окрашивать;

to paint a picture – написать картину; изображать, описывать (события), нарисовать картину (происходящего);

watercolor – акварельная краска, акварель; картина, написанная акварельными красками;

oil color, oil paint – масляная краска; oil painting – картина, написанная масляными красками;

to paint in watercolors – писать акварельными красками; to paint in oils – писать маслом, писать масляными красками;

painting – живопись; картина, изображение; the art of painting – искусство живописи;

picture – картина, рисунок, портрет, изображение, образ, фотография, фильм;

drawing – рисунок, чертеж; рисование, черчение; sketch – эскиз, набросок, зарисовка; краткий обзор, очерк;

artist – художник, артист; painter – художник, маляр; easel – мольберт; canvas – холст, полотно; brush – кисть; palette – палитра.

Color, shade, hue, tinge, tint, dye

color (colour) – цвет, тон, оттенок, расцветка, колорит, краска; to color – красить, окрашивать, расцвечивать, раскрашивать, принимать окраску;

shade – оттенок, тон, тень; various shades of green – различные оттенки зеленого; a shade of brown – оттенок коричневого; a delicate shade of blue – мягкий оттенок голубого; a lighter shade of violet – более светлый оттенок фиолетового;

hue – оттенок, тон, цвет; reddish hue – красноватый тон / оттенок; pale hues – бледные тона; all the hues of the rainbow – все цвета радуги;

tinge – легкая окраска, примесь, тон, оттенок; brown with a tinge of red – коричневый с примесью / оттенком красного; to tinge – слегка окрашивать, придавать оттенок;

tint – тон, оттенок, краска; to tint – придавать оттенок, подкрашивать, подцвечивать, тонировать; She tinted her hair red. – Она подкрасила / придала волосам рыжий оттенок / оттенок красного.

dye – краска, краситель, красящее вещество, окраска, цвет; to dye – красить, окрашивать, прокрашивать; She dyed her hair red. – Она окрасила волосы в рыжий цвет.

Note: Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Adjectives denoting color form the comparative degree and the superlative degree in the same way as other adjectives: black – blacker – the blackest; blue – bluer – the bluest; orange – more orange – the most orange.

Прилагательные, обозначающие цвет, образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения так же, как другие прилагательные: black – blacker – the blackest; blue – bluer – the bluest; orange – more orange – the most orange.

Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных, включая прилагательные, обозначающие цвета, описано на русском языке в ответе на вопрос посетителя Елена (от 17.12.09) в подразделе Messages about Grammar раздела Messages. (Можно найти в поиске по сайту по фразам Степени сравнения прилагательных или Degrees of comparison of adjectives.) Посмотрите также материал Degrees of Comparison (на английском языке с переводом на русский язык) в разделе Miscellany.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a collection of colors called?
  2. What do you call something with a lot of colors?
  3. What is multicolor called?
  4. What’s another word for rainbow?
  5. What does the word jazzy mean?
  6. What is a jazzy girl?
  7. What is another word for Jazzy?
  8. What Chammak Challo means in English?
  9. What’s chammak?
  10. Why did Akon sing Chammak Challo?
  11. What does too flashy mean?
  12. Is Flashy an insult?
  13. What means frumpy?
  14. Who is a flashy person?
  15. What’s another word for quiet?
  16. Is flashy a real word?
  17. What means obnoxious?
  18. What kind of word is obnoxious?
  19. What is obnoxious Behaviour?
  20. How do I know if Im obnoxious?
  21. How do you tell if a guy finds you annoying?
  22. How do you ask if someone is annoyed with you?
  23. Can you annoy yourself?
  24. How do you stop yourself from being annoying?
  25. What to do when you are annoyed with yourself?
  26. How do I stop myself from being annoying?
  27. Why do I always feel like I’m annoying everyone?
  28. Why do I get annoyed so easily?
  29. Why am I always irritated with my boyfriend?

Bright – Brilliant in color. Colorful – Full of vivid colors. Dappled – Having a spotted surface. Deep – Dark; rich.

What is a collection of colors called?

multichromatic/multicoloured/polychromatic: Involving more than one colour. showing a variety, having many colours; multicoloured.

What do you call something with a lot of colors?

colorful. adjective. something that is colorful has bright colors or a lot of different colors.

What is multicolor called?

Having a variety of colors; variegated. 13. 2. multicolor.

What’s another word for rainbow?

Rainbow Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for rainbow?

kaleidoscopic motley
prismatic polychromatic
variegated chromatic
multicolouredUK multicoloredUS
coloredUS colouredUK

What does the word jazzy mean?

jazzy in American English 1. characterized by the qualities of jazz music, often, specif., the more superficial and showy qualities. 2. Slang. lively, bright, showy, etc.

What is a jazzy girl?

You can also use this adjective to describe something that’s fancy in a flashy or ostentatious way: “She wore a long, jazzy gown that was covered in glittering sequins.” Jazzy, coined around 1919, comes from jazz, which probably stems from the Creole slang jass, “strenuous activity.” Definitions of jazzy.

What is another word for Jazzy?

What is another word for jazzy?

animated lively
spirited vivacious
zippy active
airy animate
bouncing brisk

What Chammak Challo means in English?

The word Chhammakchhallo (Spelt chammak challo also) is used for a girl who is flashy in appearance. The word can be called part of slang, and can be derogatory as well, though it’s not a swear word.

What’s chammak?

So what exactly is a ‘chammak challo’? Hindi purists say it’s slang used to talk about a flashy girl who walks with a jingling sound; it’s not a word that would be used in the purest sense of the language.

Why did Akon sing Chammak Challo?

According to the music directors, the Senegalese American R&B singer had no problems voicing the Hindi lyrics: “It was really easy for Akon. When he came to the studio and we told him that he would have to sing in Hindi too, he got really excited. Once he heard the lines, he started singing fluently.

What does too flashy mean?

( flashier comparative) ( flashiest superlative ) If you describe a person or thing as flashy, you mean they are smart and noticeable, but in a rather vulgar way. INFORMAL adj.

Is Flashy an insult?

If you describe a person or thing as flashy, you mean they are fashionable and noticeable, but in a somewhat vulgar way.

What means frumpy?

: dowdy, drab: such as. a : dressed in an unattractive way He’s a frumpy dresser.

Who is a flashy person?

(flæʃi ) Word forms: comparative flashier , superlative flashiest. adjective. If you describe a person or thing as flashy, you mean they are smart and noticeable, but in a rather vulgar way.

What’s another word for quiet?

What is another word for quiet?

silent still
quieted muted
peaceful placid
untroubled mute
inaudible halcyon

Is flashy a real word?

adjective, flash·i·er, flash·i·est. sparkling or brilliant, especially in a superficial way or for the moment: a flashy performance. ostentatiously or vulgarly smart; showy; gaudy: flashy clothes.

What means obnoxious?

1 : odiously or disgustingly objectionable : highly offensive. 2 archaic : exposed to something unpleasant or harmful —used with to. 3 archaic : deserving of censure.

What kind of word is obnoxious?

adjective. highly objectionable or offensive; odious: obnoxious behavior. annoying or objectionable due to being a show-off or attracting undue attention to oneself: an obnoxious little brat.

What is obnoxious Behaviour?

Obnoxious is defined as behavior that is extremely unpleasant, offensive, or distasteful. As a parent, you might feel annoyed or irritated by your child’s behavior.

How do I know if Im obnoxious?

This Is a Surefire Sign Other People Find You Annoying, Experts Say

  1. You always steer conversations back to you.
  2. Most of your conversations are vent sessions.
  3. You can feel the energy change in a room when you enter.
  4. Your conversations are full of awkward silences.
  5. Their pupils constrict.
  6. Their voice gets louder.

How do you tell if a guy finds you annoying?

So here are some signs that your partner may be annoyed and what you can do about it.

  1. Their Jokes Seem To Have Hidden Meanings.
  2. They’re Super Defensive Most Of The Time.
  3. They Keep “Forgetting” To Respond To Your Texts Or Calls.
  4. They Don’t Seem To Be Present When You’re Together.

How do you ask if someone is annoyed with you?

  1. It can be appropriate to ask someone if you are annoying them.
  2. If you are worried that you are annoying someone, but that person is not giving you any indication that you are annoying them, you can usually say something like, “I’m sorry I have so many questions about this, I apologize if I’m becoming annoying.”

Can you annoy yourself?

Annoying yourself comes from a temporary loss of self-control when you do something that you know is foolish, dangerous, or will have other unpleasant consequences. It’s frighteningly easy to annoy yourself in a restaurant. You know what you really like but you insist on having something else just to be different.

How do you stop yourself from being annoying?

How to Be Less Annoying (According to 11 Experts)

  1. Check yourself.
  2. Stop focusing.
  3. Think about tone.
  4. Distract yourself.
  5. Check-in with those whom you trust to ask them about your communication style.
  6. Try to become aware of what feelings are triggered by your thoughts.
  7. Take time to process these feelings before you react.

What to do when you are annoyed with yourself?

When You Feel Extremely Angry…

  1. Let it Happen. You’ve been given a wide spectrum of emotions for a reason, so use them.
  2. Separate Emotion from Action.
  3. Identify Why.
  4. Cool Off with Exercise.
  5. Delay Your Reaction.
  6. Distract Yourself.
  7. Do Your Homework.
  8. Don’t Play the Victim.

How do I stop myself from being annoying?

But there are 7 key things you can do to bring yourself down when you’re feeling irritable or on edge.

  1. Figure out the source.
  2. Reduce caffeine and alcohol.
  3. It’s often the little things.
  4. Get in touch with your compassion.
  5. Gain perspective.
  6. Rid yourself of nervous energy.
  7. Get quiet or alone time.
  8. Copyright 2015 Guy Winch.

Why do I always feel like I’m annoying everyone?

You might be hypersensitive and thinking that you are annoying your friends by being yourself, if you genuinely are annoying them and you’re not trying to be someone, you’re actually being who you are, then it is time to find new friends, as adapting constantly to feeling like you’re not annoying people being true to …

Why do I get annoyed so easily?

Many factors can cause or contribute to irritability, including life stress, a lack of sleep, low blood sugar levels, and hormonal changes. Extreme irritability, or feeling irritable for an extended period, can sometimes indicate an underlying condition, such as an infection or diabetes.

Why am I always irritated with my boyfriend?

If you’re constantly irritated with your partner, it could be a sign that this just isn’t the right relationship for you. That being said, I think it’s just as likely that your irritation is the result of having been with your boyfriend for a while. Your issue is one that a lot of women can relate to.

Learning adjectives is an important part of learning a new language. It can be difficult, however, to know which adjectives to use when describing colors. In this blog post, we will explore some common English adjectives used to describe colors.

We will also look at how to use these adjectives in sentences. So, whether you are just starting out with English or looking to improve your color vocabulary, read on for some helpful tips!

Here are some of the most popular options:

  • Amazing
  • Astounding
  • Beautiful
  • Breathtaking
  • Captivating
  • Charming
  • Colorful
  • Crisp
  • Dazzling

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are literally hundreds of color adjectives out there starting with the letter A. So whether you’re looking for a way to describe the sky on a clear day or you’re trying to find the perfect word to describe your new nails, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for on this list.


  • Adjectives to describe colors
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J | K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q
    • R
    • S
    • T
    • u
    • V | W | Y | Z

Color adjectives are a popular topic among English language learners. There are so many of them, and they can be used in so many different ways. You can use them to describe people, places, things, or even feelings. 

Adjectives to describe colors

But what exactly are color adjectives? And how can you use them correctly? In this article, we’ll answer all those questions and more. So keep reading to learn everything you need to know about color adjectives.


Ablaze Ablazing Absolute
Accent Accented Accurate
Achromatic Actual Additive
Alluring Ancient Angry
Arab Artificial Ashen
Ashy Assorted Astral
Atomic Attractive Auric
Autumnal Azure


Barbaric Basic Beaming
Beautiful Bi-Color Bizarre
Black Blackish Blazing
Bleached Bleak Blended
Blind Blotchy Blue
Bluish Blurred Bold
Bounteous Brash Brave
Brazilian Bright Brilliant
British Brown Brownish


We all know that the English language is full of strange and wonderful words. And, as it turns out, there are plenty of Color Adjectives that start with the letter C. 

For example, you might use the word “cerulean” to describe a deep blue color, or “chartreuse” to describe a yellow-green color. And those are just two of the many Color Adjectives that start with C! So next time you’re looking for the perfect word to describe a color, be sure to check out this list of Color Adjectives that start with C. You’re sure to find just the right word for the occasion.

Canary Carbonized Carthagenian
Celestial Certain Changeable
Changed Characteristic Chastened
Checkered Cheery Chestnut
Chief Chromatic Claret
Classic Clean Clear
Clever Close Cmyk
Cold Colombian Colored
Colorful Colorless Complementary
Complementing Complex Complimentary
Conceivable Consistent Conspicuous
Constant Contrasting Cool
Coordinating Costly Creamy
Crimson Crisp Curious
Customary Customizable Chartreuse


Dainty Dappled Dark
Dayglo Dazzling Dead
Decorative Deep Deepened
Delicate Delightful Digital
Dim Dingy Dirty
Distinct Distinctive Dominant
Dotted Drab Dreadful
Dreary Dull Dusky


This article is a real Gem! I’m so glad that somebody finally took the time to write about Color Adjectives that starts with E. It’s been a real challenge for me to find decent information on this topic, but this article really delivers. I’m sure that everyone will find it very informative and helpful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Earth Easy Ecclesiastical
Effectthe Electric Elementary
Emerald English Engraving
Evident Exact Excellent
Exclusive Exotic Exquisite
Exterior Extra Extraordinary
Eye-Catching Eyesbluevioletgrayall


Faded Faint Fair
Familiar Fanciful Fancy
Fantastic Fascinating Fatty
Favorable Favorite Federal
Feelingful Festal Festive
Feverish Fierce Fiery
Final Fine Flamboyant
Flaming Flashy Flat
Flattering Flecked Fleeting
Floral Florescent Font
Forbidden Freeman French
Fresh Frosty Full-Toned


Green is the color of envy, but also of new beginnings. It’s the color of money, but also of nature. And it’s the perfect way to describe someone who is feeling down in the dumps. 

“He’s looking a little green around the gills” or “She’s looking a little green with envy.” Green is a versatile color that can be used to describe a wide range of emotions and situations. So if you’re looking for a word to describe someone who is feeling a little out of sorts, or if you’re trying to describe a situation that is a bit unusual, consider using the color green.

Gaudiest Gayest Gentlemanly
German Giddiest Girlish
Glaring Glistening Glittering
Gloomy Glorious Glossy
Glowing Gold Golden
Gorgeous Gracious Gray
Grayish Green Greenish


If you’re looking for a word to describe colors that starts with H, you might be at a loss. There are so many different shades and hues, it can be hard to choose just one word. 
However, if you’re looking for a word to describe bright colors, “hueful” is the perfect word for the job. It’s a play on the word colorful, and it’s sure to make your listener stop and think. So next time you’re asked to describe a color, don’t be afraid to reach for the thesaurus. With a little creativity, you can find the perfect word for any occasion.

Handsome Happy Hard
Harmonious Harsh Hasty
Hazy Headerbar Healthy
Heather Heavenly Heavy
Heightened Hidden Hideous
Hoisted Horrible Hot
Hued Hungarian Hueful
Adjectives to describe colors


Is “interesting” an adjective? I can never remember. Anyway, if we’re talking about color adjectives that start with the letter I, then I can think of a few. “Intense” is a good one. It’s perfect for describing that bright red dress you just bought or that neon green sign you’re trying to ignore. “Invasive” is another adjective that starts with I.

It’s perfect for describing your neighbor’s obnoxious flower bed or that weed-like plant that’s taking over your garden. And then there’s “iridescent,” which is perfect for describing those pretty soap bubbles or that rainbow-colored lipstick you’re wearing. So there you have it: a few color adjectives that start with I. Use them wisely.

Icy Ideal Identical
Identifiable Illuminated Imaginable
Imaginary Impenetrable Imperishable
Imposible Impressive Inaccurate
Inappropriate Incandescent Incredible
Indefinite Indelible Indeterminate
Indian Indistinguishable Inexpensive
Infrared Inharmonious Inherent
Innocent Intense Interesting
Intermediate Interwoven Invisible
Iridescent Ish

J | K

Jazzy Jeweled Joyful
Joyous Juicy Junethe
Juvenile Kaleidoscopic


Lambent Large Lavender
Lavish Layered Leadenish
Light Livid Loud
Loveliest Lovely Loyal
Luminous Lusterless Lustrous
Luxuriant Luxurious


When it comes to describing colors, there are plenty of options starting with the letter “M.” For example, you could say that something is “magnificent” or “marvelous.” If you’re looking for something a little more subtle, you could describe a color as “misty” or “muted.” 

And if you’re feeling really creative, you could even try using a word like “murky” or “muddled.” Of course, there are also plenty of more traditional options starting with “M” like “red,” “blue,” and “green.” So whatever you’re looking for, there’s sure to be a perfect color adjective starting with “M” to fit the bill.

Magnificent Majestic Marvelous
Matte Mature Maximum
Mean Medium Mellow
Menacing Metallic Milky
Mingled Mixed Modern
Modest Moist Monochromatic
Moorish Motley Mottled
Muddy Multicolored Multihued
Multitudinous Murky Musical
Myriad Mysterious Misty


Native Natural Neutral
Nice Noble Novel
Nude Nutty


Official Olive Opalescent
Opaque Opposite Optional
Orange Orchestral Ordinary
Original Outrageous Overused


There are so many great color adjectives that start with the letter P. First, there’s purple – the color of royalty and luxury. 

Then there’s pink – the color of love and romance. And let’s not forget about peach – the perfect hue for a summery day. Of course, there are plenty of other colors that start with P, but these are some of our favorites. So next time you’re looking for just the right word to describe a color, be sure to remember these fabulous options.

Pale Pan Pastel
Patchwork Patchy Patterned
Peculiar Perceptible Perfect
Permanent Perpetual Petal
Pheomelanin Picturesque Pink
Pinkish Plain Pleasing
Polish Poor Popular
Portentous Portuguese Positive
Powerful Predominant Preferred
Present Preset Pretty
Prevailing Previous Primal
Primary Primitive Principal
Prismatic Prominent Proper
Protective Proudest Psychedelic
Pure Purple


Queer Quick Quiet


Racetheir Radiant Random
Rare Real Realistic
Red Reddish Reflective
Refreshing Regimental Regular
Relative Reliable Religious
Remarkable Republican Restful
Restrained Revered Reverse
Rich Rigid Riotous
Ripe Robesthe Romantic
Rose Rosy Royal
Ruddy Rudimentary Russian
Adjectives to describe colors


There’s just something about bright colors that can lift our moods and make us feel happy. And what’s not to love about that? If you’re looking for a word to describe bright colors, then we’ve got just the one for you: sunny. 

Of course, sunny isn’t the only word that can describe bright colors. Other options include cheerful, vibrant, and luminous. 

No matter which word you choose, there’s no denying that bright colors are simply delightful. So go ahead and enjoy them to your heart’s content!

Sable Sacred Sandy
Satiny Saturated Scarlet
Scarleta Secondary Selective
Separate Serene Shaded
Shamed Shining Shiny
Shocking Showy Sickly
Silver Silvery Single
Singular Sinister Sleek
Slightest Smoky Smooth
Sober Soft Solid
Somber Sombre Soothing
Sooty Spanish Sparkling
Speckled Splendid Stained
Standard Strange Streaked
Streaky Striking Strong Neutral
Stubble Stunning Stylish
Subtle Sudden Suited
Sunny Superior Sweet
Swift Swirling Symbolic


Taupe Tawdry Telltale
Tertiary Thick Tight
Tinged Tinted Tonal
Toned Toothsome Traditional
Translucent Transparent Tremendous
Tri Tropical Turbid
Turcophile Two-Tone Typical


Ugly Ultimate Ultramarine
Unbecoming Uncased Unclear
Undiluted Undiscoverable Uneasy
Unequal Uneven Unfavorable
Unhealthy Uniform Unique
Universal Unobtrusive Unrelieved
Untrodden Unusual Unwonted

V | W | Y | Z

Variant Varied Vibrant
Violent Violet Vital
Vivid Wan Warm
Washed-Out Watery Waxen
Wearable Wild Wondrous
Wonted Worthy Wrong
Yellow Yellowish Zambian

Final verdict

To conclude, bright colors are often used to describe objects or experiences that are positive and uplifting. They can add a touch of fun and playfulness to any situation. So next time you’re feeling down, try reaching for something bright and colorful to help turn your day around.

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