Adjective or adverb chose the correct word

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4) Max is a … (well,good)singer.

5) He sings …(well,good)

6) Tom is a … (snowly,snow)worker.

7) He works …(snowly,snow)

8) Please be …(carefully,careful)

9) My neighbor always plays…(loud,loudly) music on the weekends. It’s so annoying.

10) He’s always in a rush. I don’t understand why he walks so …(quickly,quick)

Ответ №1

1) Tim runs fast.
Jane speaks fluently English.
3) They make a really hard job.
4) Max is a good singer.
5) He sings well.
6) Tom is a snow worker.
7) He works snow.
8) Please be careful.
9) My neighbor always playsм loud music on the weekends. It’s so annoying.
10) He’s always in a rush. I don’t understand why he walks so quickly.

1. Choose an adjective or an adverb to make sentences grammatically correct.

Examples: It is clear. I see it clearly.

1. It is (correct, correctly).

2. Spell the word (correct, correctly).

3. You know it (good, well).

4. Of course it is (good, well).

5. It is (cold, coldly) in the room.

6. Don’t look so (cold, coldly) at me.

7. It is (easy, easily).

8. I can do it (easy, easily).

9. It is (warm, warmly) today.

10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

2. Give the Comparative and Superlative Degrees.

Sad, grey, bad, old, happy, free, far, dry, big, near, shy, unusual, able, mountainous, little, polite, famous, well-known, heavy.

3. Put adjectives into correct forms.

1. John is (young) of the 3 brothers.

2. The Sun is (bright) the Moon.

3. Is the diameter of Jupiter (big) than that of the Earth?

4. That room is (light) than yours.

5. This room is (large) than the one upstairs.

6. It doesn’t take (much) than four days to cross the Atlantic, does it?

4. Choose the correct form of an adjective.

1. Jane is the (taller — tallest) of the 2 girls.

2. Father was the (eldest — elder) of seven sons.

3. Albert is (elder — older) than John.

4. I think your plan is the (best — better) of the two.

5. This is the (most large-largest) power — station, I’ve ever seen.

6. Henry is the (oldest — eldest) of the 3 brothers.

Правильные ответы:

1. Выберите прилагательное или наречие, чтобы сделать предложения грамматически правильными.

1. correct | 2. correctly | 3. well | 4. good | 5. cold | 6. cold | 7. easy | 8. easily | 9. warm | 10. warmly

2. Приведите сравнительную и превосходную степени.

sad — sadder — (the) saddest

grey — greyer — (the) greyest

bad — worse — (the) worst

old — older (elder) — (the) oldest (eldest)

happy — happier — (the) happiest

free — freer — (the) freest

far — farther (further) — (the) farthest (furthest)

dry — drier — (the) driest

big — bigger — (the) biggest

near — nearer — (the) nearest

shy — shyer — (the) shyest

unusual — more unusual — (the) most unusual

able — abler — (the) ablest

mountainous — more mountainous — (the) most mountainous

little — less — (the) least

polite — politer — (the) politest

famous — more-famous — (the) most-famous

well-known — more well-known — (the) most well-known

heavy — heavier — (the) heaviest

3. Поставьте прилагательные в правильной форме.

1. youngest | 2. brighter | 3. bigger | 4. lighter | 5. larger | 6. more

4. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного.

1. tallest | 2. eldest | 3. older | 4. best | 5. largest | 6. eldest


Choose the correct word. 1. The boys played (quiet/quietly). 2. It was snowing (heavy/heavily) the day before yesterday. 3. He gave it a (careful/carefully) look. 4. He speaks (perfect/perfectly) English. 5. Have you seen your friend (recent/recently)? 6. She’s a (slow/slowly) runner. 7. She draws (good/well). 8. They bought a (nice/nicely) car. 9. She likes sitting (near/nearly) the fire. 10. She left too (late/lately) to catch the bus. 11. Have you seen Ann (late/lately)? 12. He tries very (hard/hardly) to make his family happy. 13. She (hard/hardly) plays the piano. 14. Computers are (wide/widely) used in schools nowadays. 15. I think she’s a (pretty/prettily) good singer.

1 ответ:



1 quietly 2 heavy 3 careful 4 perfect 5 recently 6 slow 7 well 8 a nice 9 near 10 late 11 lately 12 hard 13 hardly 14 widely 15 pretty 

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A donkey так как слово начинается на гласную букву.

2 They should congratulate each other since they both worked hard on their projects.
3 My children have brown hair.
4 Each person in my family helps to keep the house clean.
5 Every man, woman and child needs to have a good education.
6 There are many sitcoms that are really stupid.
7 His answers are always intelligent.
8 My friends have five children in the family.
9 I have a lot of homework to finish in the next five days.
10 If global warming continues geese may no longer south for the winter.
1 One of the most realistic movies I’ve seen is Saving Private Rayn.

1.Germs can get  into our body through  our skin.2.We need to breathe fresh air.3.A toothache is very painful.4.When we are ill we feel unhappy.5.You should regularly go in for sport.6.Do you keep your home clean?

1) —
2) —
3) the
4) the, -, —
5) —
6) the,

1) took
2) were
3) would have known
4) would continue
5) had heard
6) would have known

Составить 10 правдивые предложения о себе используя фразы внизу.

I don’t like eat Mexican food . It is very hot. Мне не нравится Мексиканская еда . Она очень острая
I usually go to the theatre ones a month. Обычно я хожу в теарт раз в месяц.
I never have been on TV. Я никогда не была на телевидение.
I have a pet. У меня есть домашнее животное.
I always make a snowman in winter. Я всегда делаю снеговика зимой.
Yesterday I saw a tiger in Zoo. Вчера я видела тигра в зоопарке.
I will go to the concert tomorrow. Завтра я пойду на концерт.
I love sing karaoke. Я люблю петь караоке

надеюсь достаточно?


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