Add emphasis to a word

If you need to emphasize a word or a particular fact in a sentence, you can use italics to stress it. That said, italics and other font changes lose their impact if overused. It is best to use such devices sparingly and rely on strong writing and strategic word placement to get your point across.


  • 1 How do you emphasize a word in writing?
  • 2 What symbol is used to emphasize a word?
  • 3 How do you add emphasis?
  • 4 Which technique is used to add emphasis in this sentence?
  • 5 How do you put emphasis on a word without italics?
  • 6 What punctuation is used to emphasize?
  • 7 How do you emphasis an asterisk?
  • 8 Where do I put emphasis mine?
  • 9 How do you cite original emphasis?
  • 10 Is emphasis added capitalized?
  • 11 How do you write emphasis in an essay?
  • 12 How does adverb add emphasis in writing?
  • 13 What does it mean to add emphasis?
  • 14 Can I use quotation marks for emphasis?
  • 15 How do you put emphasis on a word MLA?
  • 16 What does it mean to put * around a word?
  • 17 How do you emphasize a word on twitter?
  • 18 How do you write emphasis supplied?
  • 19 Where do you put emphasis added in Chicago style?
  • 20 How do you say emphasis on your own?

How do you emphasize a word in writing?

Still, especially for academic writing, italics or underlining is the preferred way to emphasize words or phrases when necessary. Writers usually choose one or the other method and use it consistently throughout an individual essay. In the final, published version of an article or book, italics are usually used.

What symbol is used to emphasize a word?

A colon is used to give emphasis, present dialogue, introduce lists or text, and clarify composition titles. Emphasis—Capitalize the first word after the colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence. (She had one love: Western Michigan University.)

How do you add emphasis?

To “emphasize a word or words in a quotation, use italics. Immediately after the italicized words, insert ’emphasis added’ within square brackets as follows: [emphasis added]” (APA, 2020, p. 275). For example, “They [the judges] were convinced that the swimmer had missed the two-handed [emphasis added] turn.”

Which technique is used to add emphasis in this sentence?

Punctuation and Formatting
The simplest way to add emphasis in writing is to use punctuation, such as the exclamation point (!) for dramatic sentences, or formatting, such as using italics, to draw attention to particular words or phrases.

How do you put emphasis on a word without italics?

Quotation marks for ’emphasis’ are common in unedited writing but rare in formal prose, where italics are the usual approach. Bold and underlines are occasionally used; ditto *asterisks* and _underscores_.

What punctuation is used to emphasize?

Em dashes are used to indicate a pause or an emphasis. They often take the place of many other punctuation marks, such as colons, commas, or parentheses.

How do you emphasis an asterisk?

Italics and Bold: use asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis. Use one asterisk (or underscore) for italics and two asterisks (or two underscores) for bold. For example… Some of these words *are emphasized*.

Where do I put emphasis mine?

When so altering an original quote, the phrase “emphasis mine” generally follows the emphatic text and is placed inside the quotation marks, but separated from the text of the original quotation by use of parentheses or brackets.

How do you cite original emphasis?

(Emphasis in original)
This phrase is used inside the in-text citation to indicate that the word/s in italics were emphasised in the source. For example: Novick (2012, p. 379, emphasis in original) refers to a previous proof ‘known as allowable sequences of permutation’.

Is emphasis added capitalized?

Most other sources indicate that the words “emphasis added” should be at the end of the sentence, either in parentheses and lowercase letters before the quoted sentence’s ending punctuation or in parenthesis with upper case “e” in “emphasis” after the quotation’s ending punctuation with a period within the parenthesis.

How do you write emphasis in an essay?

Here are five of those techniques.

  1. Make an Announcement. The least subtle way of achieving emphasis is sometimes the most effective: tell us you’re making an important point.
  2. Vary the Length of Your Sentences.
  3. Give an Order.
  4. Reverse the Normal Word Order.
  5. Say It Twice.

How does adverb add emphasis in writing?

In English grammar, adverb of emphasis is a traditional term for an intensifier used to give added force or a greater degree of certainty to another word in a sentence or to the sentence as a whole. Adverbs of emphasis are also called emphasizers and emphasizing adverbs.

What does it mean to add emphasis?

When part of a quote is emphasized by bolding, italicizing, or underlining them. to indicate that the emphasis is the author’s or reviewer’s note, these words are typically enclosed in square brackets following the quote.

Can I use quotation marks for emphasis?

Emphasis. Do not use quotation marks to emphasize a word. Just don’t.The strength of your words should make any formatting unnecessary, but if you really want to emphasize something, use boldface or italics.

How do you put emphasis on a word MLA?

The simplest way to add emphasis in writing is to use punctuation, such as the exclamation point (!) for dramatic sentences, or formatting, such as using italics, to draw attention to particular words or phrases.

What does it mean to put * around a word?

Linguistics. In linguistics, an asterisk is placed before a word or phrase to indicate that it is not used, or there are no records of it being in use. This is used in several ways depending on what is being discussed.

How do you emphasize a word on twitter?

Bold in Tweets
Enter the text you want bolded into the “Your Text” box. Then click the “copy” button next to the specific style that you’d like to use. Your bold text is now copied to your computer’s clipboard. Go back to your post and paste the bold text that you copied from the previous step.

How do you write emphasis supplied?

Formatting Requirements
Indicate emphasis by underlining. When you wish to add emphasis on quoted material, the footnote following the quote should include the phrase “(emphasis supplied).” The word “section” is spelled out in the text, but the symbol “§” is used in footnotes unless it is the first word of a sentence.

Where do you put emphasis added in Chicago style?

Within quotations.
When this is done the note [emphasis added] or [italics added] must be inserted in brackets at the end of the quotation (within the quotation marks), or if the emphasis comes at the end of the sentence, in parentheses outside the quotation marks.

How do you say emphasis on your own?

Use italics to add emphasis to a specific word or words in a direct quotation that were not originally emphasized by the author. Additionally, type the phrase emphasis added and enclose it in brackets directly after the emphasized words to indicate to the reader that the emphasis is not present in the original text.

Adding emphasis is a necessary ingredient in your speech.

Adding emphasis to your speech is like adding salt to your food. Don’t use too much or you’ll ruin it, but if you don’t use any there’s no flavour. Emphasis comes in many forms. You can add little words like ‘really’, ‘do’ or ‘so & such’; or you can use complicated constructions.

But before we get started let’s take a minute to discuss what exactly emphasis is and what it does.

I will be using two terms throughout this post; straight & emphatic.

Straight refers to a statement without any emotion.

Jake likes pizza.

Emphatic refers to a statement with more emotion.

Jake really likes pizza.

Straight statements follow regular grammar tendencies, (We’ll be mainly talking about word order.), and are used most of the time.

Emphatic statements change regular grammar tendencies and are used sparingly, (remember the salt?).

When you add emphasis you are trying to be dramatic, to be poetic, to be funny or trying to make your opinion stronger. If you add emphasis, you must also add it to the intonation of your voice. If you maintain a flat intonation, similar to a straight statement, you will lose the emphasis.

If you overuse it, you’ll sound like a walking-talking Shakespeare! If you don’t use it you’ll sound very dull and boring. Getting the right amount is important and noticing when and how native speakers use it, is the key. After you read my explanation, try to keep your ears open for emphatic speech used by native speakers, take notes and imitate a few of their words and structures.

Adding Emphasis with Strong Words

We’ll look at 3 common words that are used to add emphasis. You can start including these words in your everyday speech and informal writing.


Use this adverb before the item that needs to be emphasized. Make sure that you emphasis the word really in your speech. Make it louder and longer than usual.

Jake is walking slowly.

Jake is really walking slowly–really-walking

Jake is walking really slowly–really slowly

Emphatic DO

In straight statements, we eliminate the auxiliary verb ‘do’ in the simple aspects of positive sentences.

Question: Do you like pizza?

Negative- He does not like pizza/he doesn’t like pizza

Positive- He likes pizza.

If we put the auxiliary verb ‘do’ into a positive statement of the simple aspect, we create emphasis.

A: Let’s order pizza!

B: Unfortunately, Jake doesn’t like pizza.

A: (You’re wrong!) He does like pizza!

The use of ‘do’ tells the person you are speaking to that their information is incorrect. In the example above I put ‘you’re wrong’ in brackets because we don’t need to say it. That is the job of emphatic ‘do’. It has two functions.

One is that it emphasizes the fact that Jake likes pizza. The second more subtle job is that it allows me to correct you without saying that you are wrong. This helps people to maintain civility.

Such & So

These two words are used in a similar way to ‘really’. Place them in front of the word or phrase that you want to emphasize. make sure you also use words that are emphatic. For example don’t use ‘big’, use ‘enormous’.

Use ‘such‘ with a noun phrase, (such + article+ adjective+ noun)

It is such an enormous elephant!

and use ‘so‘ before an adjective on its own.

It is so enormous!

emphatic speech

Emphasis with set phrases

There are many set phrases that you can use to make questions more emphatic and many that I strongly advise you NOT to use. Swear words are obviously emphatic. Language learners should not use swear words until they are at a very advanced level and even then you need to be very careful. Using the exact intonation and knowing the proper situation is critical with swear words. It’s best to use the following 3 set phrases:

on earth, the devil, in heaven

Simply use the set phrase as an adverb and place it before the auxiliary verb.

Jake comes home with a new dog.

Celia, straight: Where did you get that dog?

Celia, emphatic: Where on earth did you get that dog?

Celia, emphatic: Where the devil did you get that dog?

Celia, emphatic: Where in heaven did you get that dog?

Jake comes home with an abstract sculpture.

Celia, straight: What is that?

Celia, emphatic: What on earth is that?

Celia, emphatic: What the devil is that?

Celia, emphatic: What in heaven is that?

You can use these three set phrases in any question.

Adding Emphasis by Inversion

Now we come to the biggie! These structures require a lot of phrase manipulation. To make an emphatic structure you need to move big pieces of a sentence into different places. We’ll start with something fairly easy; agreement.

If you want to express that you agree with someone or that you have the same opinion, you can answer straight or emphatically. If you answer straight, the other person may think that you don’t want to continue the conversation.

Jake: I like pizza.

You: I like pizza too.

Jake: Oh, well, see you later.

Jake thinks that you are bored. Most native speakers will answer with an emphatic structure.

Jake: I like pizza.

You: So do I.

Jake: Do you like extra cheese?

You see in that conversation you have encouraged Jake to continue speaking about pizza. You are showing interest in the conversation. Let’s look at what we did with the straight construction to make it more emphatic.

Consider the difference between straight word order and word order for a question.

adverb–(?aux.verb)–subject–(+/-aux.verb)–adverb–main verb–extra

Where        do            you                                               live?

I                                                   live            in Paris.

Questions have Emphasis!

Have you ever noticed that the intonation of a question is much different than the intonation for a straight statement? Questions are emphatic! To make a straight statement emphatic we simply change the word order from straight to question.

adverb–(?aux.verb)–subject–(+/-aux.verb)–adverb–main verb–extra

I                                                    like            pizza

I                                                    like            pizza too–(straight)

So          do                 I!                                                                                      (emphatic)

If you want to agree with a negative opinion, use ‘neither’ as the adverb instead of ‘so’

adverb–(?aux.verb)–subject–(+/-aux.verb)–adverb–main verb–extra

I                     don’t                            like            hamburgers

I                      don’t                           like            hamburgers either   (straight)

Neither         do           I!                                                                                                          (emphatic)

To use this structure, you need to locate the auxiliary verb. Remember that in simple aspects ‘do’ is invisible in positive statements. Every other auxiliary verb is visible

adverb–(?aux.verb)–subject–(+/-aux.verb)–adverb–main verb–extra

I                     can                           swim.

So                can          I

I                     haven’t                      seen       Jake

Neither         have      I!                                                                                                          (emphatic)

I                     will                             go

So                 will        I

I                    shouldn’t                  eat           any more chocolate.

Neither      should     I

emphatic speech

Negative Inversion

We can use the same construction to make negative statements more emphatic. Notice that the adverbs are negative, (rarely, never, little, not only, not until). Other negative adverbs are; seldom, hardly ever, scarcely, etc. I have written the following examples in pairs. the first of each pair is straight with normal font and the second is emphatic in italic font.

There are 2 emphatic examples with the adverb ‘little’.

The adverb ‘not only’ uses inverted word order for the first clause and straight word order for the second clause.

The adverb ‘not until’ uses straight word order for the first clause and inverted word order for the second clause.

adverb–(?aux.verb)–subject–(+/-aux.verb)–adverb–main verb–extra

He                                     rarely     goes          to London.

Rarely          does            he                                                    go              to London.

I                have                 never     seen          an elephant as big as that one.

Never          have             I                                                      seen           such a big elephant.

Jane          didn’t                              know          he was handsome.

Little            did              she                                                   know          he was so handsome.

Little            did              she                                                   know          how handsome he was.

She               is                                                     beautiful and kind.

Not only     is                she                                                                        beautiful, but she is also kind.

Harry         didn’t                                eat             until the guests had gone.

Not until                  the guests      had                                    gone,

                did               Harry                                                      eat.

What do you think? It’s really an awful lot of information for just one post. How on earth will you ever be able to digest it all? Seldom do I explain so much grammar at one go! Not only have I given you a few phrases, but I’ve also given you some structures. Little did I know how long this would be.

Ok, enough already!

As you can see there are many ways to add emphasis to your speech. Try a little at a time and give some flavour to your conversations.

I’ll be writing more about emphatic speech soon so look for notifications in your email.

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Emphasizing a word can be a way to make your point clearer or highlight key terms or phrases. Whether you’re emphasizing a word in writing or text, the process is fairly simple. In texts, things like bold and italics are usually used as emphasis. You can pause and elongate a word to emphasize it in speech. With some attention to detail, you can really make your point clear through emphasis.

  1. Image titled Write a Blog Post Step 3


    Stick to italics or underlining in academic writing. In academic writing or professional writing, italics and underlining are usually the preferred means of emphasis. Italics are somewhat preferred, as underlining was mostly used in the age of typewriters, but check with your teacher or the publication first. Underlining may sometimes be the standard.[1]

    • For example, if you’re trying to emphasize a major point in an academic paper, you could use italics in a sentence like, «This new study actually poses a major challenge to conventional medical practices.»
    • If you’re writing a paper for class or a particular journal, check the publication. Sometimes, things like book titles may be underlined instead of italicized.
  2. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 4


    Opt for bold text for key information. Bold text is more often used in things like syllabi, instructions manuals, and other materials where key terms need emphasis. It’s generally not used in academic or creative writing, but can be very useful when introducing key terms.[2]

    • For example, if you’re writing instructions on how to assemble a vacuum cleaner, you may write something like, «The upholstery brush is then attached to the end of the nozzle


  3. Image titled Write a Letter of Intent Step 6


    Use exclamations points in informal or creative writing. Exclamation points are generally used sparingly, even in creative works. However, in dialogue especially, they can be used on occasion for major emphasis. Exclamation points usually indicate a change in tone, so you can add them to scenes or moments in creative works that are meant to be particularly dramatic.[3]

    • For example, you may use an exclamation point in a sentence like, «She screamed as he made his way to the train platform, ‘Stop and listen to me!'»
    • Exclamation points can come off as melodramatic if they’re overused, so stick to using exclamation points for very big moments. If you’re using text as a visual aid, such as in a presentation, try to incorporate other forms of emphasis such as using a bigger or bolded font, changing the spacing around the word, or changing the color of the word.
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  1. Image titled Write a Letter of Intent Step 7


    Slow down your rate of speech. As you’re reaching the sentence that contains the important word, slow down your rate of speech. Slowed speech helps your audience catch every detail, indicating you’re conveying important information.

  2. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 13


    Pause before the word you want to emphasize. If you want to emphasize a word in a speech, make a short pause just before introducing the term. This will grab your audience’s attention, indicating important information is coming. Pause for a few seconds in your sentence just before introducing the important word.[4]

    • For example, in the sentence, «This new technique led to a 30% increase in sales.» You want to emphasize the phrase «30% increase,» so pause for a moment after «a.»
  3. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 14


    Raise your voice only slightly. You do not want to yell, as this can startle your audience. However, raise your voice just slightly louder than your normal tone. This will let your audience know that the word you’re saying is important.[5]

    • Make sure to pronounce each syllable as clearly as possible and elongate the important word.
  4. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 15


    Repeat the word for extra emphasis. It can sometimes help to repeat the word just once. This gives added emphasis to make sure your audience heard the key information.

    • For example, «This new technique led to a 30% increase, a 30% increase, in sales this quarter.»
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  1. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 7


    Adhere to the style guide you’re working within. While there are general rules of thumb to follow when it comes to emphasizing in writing, it’s always best to follow the standard of the publication. If you’re writing for school, ask your teacher how to emphasize words. If you’re submitting to a magazine or other publication, browse that magazine to see their standard form for emphasizing words and terms.

    • Some publications may have their own unique style, using unconventional means like quotation marks as emphasis.
  2. Image titled Write a Letter of Intent Step 8


    Avoid all caps except in informal settings. Writing in caps lock for emphasis is generally considered poor writing. It can come off as yelling. Avoid all caps unless you’re emphasizing words in a very informal setting, like an e-mail to a friend or a social media post.[6]

  3. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 8


    Remain still when speaking. Many people have the inclination to pace while they’re speaking. However, this makes you look nervous, which can take away from you emphasizing certain terms. It may also distract your audience. Instead of pacing, stand tall and still in a power stance. This will make you look more confident and draw more attention to the words you choose to emphasize.

  4. Image titled Write a Speech Introducing Yourself Step 12


    Practice emphasis for big presentations. You should never go into a presentation without practicing your speech, including your use of emphasis. Practice in front of a mirror and in front of others. This will ensure you go into a speech confident and relaxed.[7]

    • To help you remember which words to emphasize as you practice your speech, try bolding certain terms or using ellipses around them as a visual signal in your notes or script.
  5. Advertisement

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Still, especially for academic writing, italics or underlining is the preferred way to emphasize words or phrases when necessary. Writers usually choose one or the other method and use it consistently throughout an individual essay. In the final, published version of an article or book, italics are usually used.

How do you emphasize a word in a text message?

Here we have discussed 5 common ways to emphasize text:

  1. Italicize. Italics are a nice improvement from the days of the typewriter when underlining was the norm. …
  2. Bold. Using bold text is more dramatic and easily recognizable than italics. …
  3. Change Size. …
  4. Use Space. …
  5. Add Color.

What is an example of putting emphasis on a word?

The definition of emphasis is special attention put on something to give it importance. An example of emphasis is bolding the font of a particular word in a document to bring attention to it. An example of emphasis is a woman wearing a low cut shirt in order to bring attention to her cleavage.

What does it mean to emphasize words?

: to give special attention or importance to He emphasized the word «maybe.» More from Merriam-Webster on emphasize.

What punctuation do I use to emphasize a word?

Em dashes are used to indicate a pause or an emphasis. They often take the place of many other punctuation marks, such as colons, commas, or parentheses.

16 related questions found

How do you use emphasize?

Emphasize Sentence Examples

  1. To emphasize his words, he lifted her hand and placed it over his heart.
  2. He spoke louder to emphasize his next point in the speech.
  3. The chroniclers emphasize the fact that this king was not of royal descent.

How do you emphasize a word in text without italics?

Most forums provide the possibility to provide italics, though lacking that, you need to surround the word with *. Despite the fact that it is not preferable, it’s perhaps the only way to emphasize without italics or bold typing.

How do you write emphasis in a speech?

10 Ways To Emphasize An Important Point During Your Presentation

  1. Call It Out. …
  2. Use Repetition. …
  3. Talk Softly (aka Whisper) …
  4. Slow Down Your Voice During The Point You Want To Emphasize. …
  5. Instigate Intense Eye Contact With Your Audience. …
  6. Stop Moving Around The Stage and Assume The Power Stance. …
  7. Sit Down. …
  8. Simplify Your Slides.

How do you emphasize a word in an email?

Italics: Italics is the best tool for emphasizing a word. It’s read more slowly than both ordinary and bold text. Don’t over-use it, but use it ahead of bold. Bold: Use bold for your most important words and points.

How do you emphasize a word in text on Iphone?

Add a full-screen effect

  1. Open Messages and tap the Compose button to start a new message. Or go to an existing conversation.
  2. Enter your message.
  3. Touch and hold the Send button. , then tap Screen.
  4. Swipe to the left to see full-screen effects.
  5. Tap the Send button .

How do you emphasize a phrase in a sentence?

If you need to emphasize a word or a particular fact in a sentence, you can use italics to stress it. That said, italics and other font changes lose their impact if overused. It is best to use such devices sparingly and rely on strong writing and strategic word placement to get your point across.

How do you email etiquette?

15 Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Follow

  1. Include a clear, direct subject line. …
  2. Use a professional email address. …
  3. Think twice before hitting «Reply all.» …
  4. Include a signature block. …
  5. Use professional salutations. …
  6. Use exclamation points sparingly. …
  7. Be cautious with humor.

What’s the best technique for emphasizing a key point?

7 Ways You Can Emphasize an Important Point During Your Presentation

  1. Be Blatant. …
  2. Repeat Yourself. …
  3. Whisper. …
  4. Slow Your Pace. …
  5. Engage Your Audience with Eye Contact. …
  6. Assume the Power Stance. …
  7. Make Your Point the Moral of a Story.

How do you emphasize a word in a poem?

If you need to add emphasis, you are using the wrong words. Or, maybe you just need to trust the intelligence of the reader. Italics, by the way, designate a spoken line in a poem – a quote or sound that comes from a voice other than the speakers. Quotation marks can be used for this too in poetry.

What is emphasis in speech?

In writing and speech, the emphasis is the repetition of key words and phrases or the careful arrangement of words to give them special weight and prominence. The most emphatic spot in a sentence is usually the end.

What can I use instead of italics?

Most word processors can produce italics, which are slanted letters — like these. If you can’t produce italics, the conventional substitute is to use underlining — like this.

How do you emphasis an asterisk?

Italics and Bold: use asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis. Use one asterisk (or underscore) for italics and two asterisks (or two underscores) for bold. For example… Some of these words *are emphasized*.

How would you use illustrate in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word «Illustrate» in Example Sentences Page 1

  • [S] [T] This book is beautifully illustrated. ( …
  • [S] [T] The teacher will illustrate how to do it. ( …
  • [S] [T] This diagram will illustrate what I mean. ( …
  • [S] [T] He illustrated the problem with an example. (

What is a good sentence for convey?

They conveyed the goods by ship. The pipes convey water to the fields. The message conveyed a sense of urgency. He conveyed the estate to his son.

How do you emphasize a word on twitter?

Bold in Tweets

Enter the text you want bolded into the «Your Text» box. Then click the «copy» button next to the specific style that you’d like to use. Your bold text is now copied to your computer’s clipboard. Go back to your post and paste the bold text that you copied from the previous step.

How do you email like a professional?

Here are some tips and tricks for writing a successful and meaningful professional email:

  1. Start with a meaningful subject line. …
  2. Address them appropriately. …
  3. Keep the email concise and to the point. …
  4. Make it easy to read. …
  5. Do not use slang. …
  6. Be kind and thankful. …
  7. Be charismatic. …
  8. Bring up points in your previous conversation.

What is good email netiquette?

Make sure emails are self explanatory.

The other person should understand your views and ideas. Don’t use capital letters in emails unless and until it is the first alphabet of a word. Turn off the CAPS lock key. Emails written in all capitals are considered rude and loud.

What does it mean when an Iphone user emphasizes a text?

You can use the exclamation point to emphasize a text for one of two reasons: to agree with said text, or to remind someone of a question that they have not answered.

How do I add animation to text?

Add animations to text, pictures, shapes, and more in your presentation

  1. Select the object or text you want to animate.
  2. Select Animations and choose an animation.
  3. Select Effect Options and choose an effect.

What is Iphone emphasize?

Yes. So iPhones have a feature to do different things to message bubbles within. For example, we can put a thumbs up, thumbs down, or in your case an exclamation mark that “emphasizes” the message. It is possible to do it with regular non iMessage texts, but will show up how it did on your phone.

Hi English learners! Welcome to a new lesson. We will discuss different ways to add emphasis to your writings or speech.

Here is the list:

  • Using inversion
  • Using passive voice
  • Use of the present continuous tense
  • Use of auxiliary verbs
  • Cleft sentences with “it” and “what”

Using inversion to add emphasis

We can add emphasis to our sentences by placing a negative adverb at the beginning of the sentence and inverting the word order. You can look at the lesson about inversion with negative adverbs and adverb phrases here. We can also use “so” and “such” to emphasise the quality of something.

  • Only then did I dare to look into his eyes.
  • Rarely did they talk about that night.
  • On no account should you buy a house in that part of the city.
  • So high were the prices that we hesitated to buy anything.
  • Such a nice and polite gentleman was he; she wished they were friends.

Using the passive voice to add emphasis

We can also emphasise something by using passive voice. When we use the passive construction, we put the object at the beginning of the sentence, which brings more attention to it.

  • The approval of the budget is expected by the end of the month.
  • It was too late to do anything because the document was released to the public.
  • Most of the world’s coffee is grown in Brazil.
  • The key was hung on the nail all the time.
  • The missing book was given to a student who moved abroad later that year.

Use of the present continuous with “always”

As you probably know, “always” is a frequency adverb we normally use with the simple present tense. However, we can use it with the present simple tense to emphasise something annoying.

  • I hate my sister. She is always using my make-up.
  • That woman is never silent. She is always talking.
  • People are constantly complaining about the quality of the goods in that shop.

Use of auxiliary verbs to add emphasis

We don’t normally use the auxiliary verbs “do”, “does” and “did” in affirmative sentences unless we want to emphasise something. We should stress the auxiliary verb in these sentences.

  • Why did you say that I never listen to you? I do listen to you.
  • You may not believe it, but he really does try really hard to understand what’s going on.
  • Do be quiet! I’m trying to study here.

Cleft sentences with “it” and “what”

A cleft sentence is a structure in which some words are moved to a position they’re not normally used in to add emphasis.

  • It was the babysitter who killed the postman.
  • Remember that it was me who found came up with the idea, not you.
  • What the world needs is peace.
  • I’m not saying that you’re a bad worker. What I’m saying is that you are not suitable for this position.

Ways to Add Emphasis

Ways to Add Emphasis

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