Actions speak louder than word essay

There are several wise proverbs that are quite popular. One such proverb is Action speaks louder than words. Like old golden proverbs, this proverb also holds a lot of value. This proverb is wise, still holds relevance in current scenarios. The meaning of this proverb is, that your actions or doings have more value and have more impact than what you speak. This indicates that most people believe in what you do rather than what you tell them.

Many times we have studied a lot of wise proverbs and have understood their hidden meanings. As we grow up and mature, we find the relevance of these proverbs in our daily life. One of the most important proverbs we have learned in our school is “action speaks louder than words”. It is an old proverb that originated during the English Civil War. It was used by John Pym, the contemporary parliamentarian. He explained that there is no need to bark words when your actions speak for you. It also depicts that those who want to show the world how capable they are, should act and set an example.

So, today in this blog we will read about this proverb in detail and look up for action that speaks louder than word essay examples.

Things to Ponder while Writing Action Speaks Louder than Words Essay


Action speaks louder than words essay is quite a common essay topic students get during their high school or in college. You might get confused when you get this topic for essay writing. Therefore, I am mentioning some points to write upon if you get action speaks louder than words essay for writing. 

  • Always focus on writing about famous personalities. These personalities could be from history or from contemporary time. Mention their achievements, or talk about extraordinary qualities. Every personality has some noticeable facts. You can elaborate on such facts. For example, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela and more. These famous people had attained exceptional results in their work. These personalities have never believed in showing off, rather they have worked dedicatedly to bring change in the world. Saying I will change the world will lead you to nowhere, rather take steps that can bring the results. 
  • Talk about your dreams that you have actually achieved and not about the imagined one or the one that are based on assumptions. Also, tell about the steps you took to achieve them? If your dream is worth praising, then you have surely made several sacrifices to achieve it. You can discuss them and motivate other people in achieving their success apart from facing many challenges. Motivate them about if you can do it then they can also achieve their goals.  
  • Discuss the importance of practicality over theory.  When deciding to write action speaks louder than words essay, talk about the obstacles that come in life. Write the importance of action in dealing with the obstacles rather than just thinking about it and wasting time. Here also you can talk about the conscience of great personality. How their conscience let them do what they believed in. Such great personalities avoid talking about their plans and ideas. They always tried to execute them in a successful manner. 
  • Ideal talks and ideas never take you anywhere. Actions should be a basis for a successful life. Your happiness is also dependent on your actions. Good deeds will bring happiness and success, whereas bad deeds will take you down in life. While wriitng your essay you should always focus on wwriting the points that could help you in achieving good success in your life.

These are points on which one can write an essay on action that speaks louder than words. If you are still experiencing issues in writing an essay on this topic, then take essay help online from expert writers. Our team has qualified experts and they have ample years of experience in writing assignments and essays. So, you don’t need to worry more just contact the experts and get relaxed.

Now, I would like to show you some examples of activities that speak louder than a words essay. Read these example essays to get some idea about it. 

Action speaks louder than words, this statement can motivate a person to achieve something good in life. Working hard with determination will always bring fruits of sweetness. People nowadays lack this type of attitude, they claim a lot but achieve nothing. There are many examples from history that show how actions help to achieve great things rather than just speaking.

Rosa Parks

She is better known for her work for equality. Rosa Park is not a famous personality at that time. She was just a normal person who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her refute was against racial discrimination.

Say it loud, but your action should also support your voice. People show a lot of resentment against color discrimination, but a handful of persons like Rosa Parks. She acted and made a great impact in the racist society. 

The above example is of Action speakers louder than words essay in just 150 words. As you can see in this essay, how I have talked about the topic, along with an example in a short and crisp manner. 

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Action Speaks Louder than Words Essay in 250 Words

Action speaks louder than words, don’t you find this proverb as an example of building trust through your deeds than just blabbering about good things. You might have noticed several people in your life, who speak a lot about various things. They try to persuade you or manipulate you with their words. But when it comes to acting, they make excuses. For example, some of your friends make a new year resolution to study well this year. But when the time arrives, they forget their resolution and get back to their normal lethargic routine. Such people are not goal-oriented. Making resolutions is a waste if you cannot make efforts to fulfill them

To create a success story, one needs to act. You cannot climb Everest by just talking about it, you have to make the required efforts for it, and then only you can achieve it. 

People whose actions speak louder than words are more trustworthy people. Their actions will help in building trust that remains for a longer period. One more example to justify this proverb is good parenting. Children learn from their parents. They don’t focus much on words but on actions. A child will learn through the actions of parents. That is why it is important to act well in front of your child.

I hope you have got a pretty good idea of the proverb action speaks louder than words. Now, it has time to read some examples of action speaks louder than words essay representing famous personalities from history.

Action Speaks Louder Than Words Essay in 500 Words

Action speaks louder than words this old proverb has a lot to convey. This proverb carries a deep meaning that needs to be comprehended to have achievements in life. A large number of people boast about things with a lot of pride. You might listen to them saying I would have achieved this if I were you, or I would have done this and that. These things are just excuses to hide a lack of determination. Determined minds never speak or boast about themselves. Their performance and action have more voices than words. These are the people who achieve their aims in life. 

Most people forget that speaking about achievements is a futile task. If your achievements are big and worth praising, then people will know about them without mentioning them. Everyone should understand that working hard to achieve dreams would be a better thing than discussing them. The simplest example can be seen in a student’s life. If you are a hardworking student, don’t say it each and every day. Rather, show it by your academic grades. Most of the students who are toppers, never speak much about their success, rather keep working with determination to achieve that success. Their grades speak for them.

Such students are the building blocks of a developed nation. Any nation’s development lies on actions rather than just blabbering words by leaders. A leader who is more into action and less into words can take your nation towards success. 

Action speaks louder than words this quote has been proven right in every field. If you want success then you should focus on actions. A man is made up of his actions. Moreover, your actions will help in determining your personality. Actions show that something is alive, dead doesn’t move. Therefore, actions are also proportional to progress. 

Everyone in life wants to progress, but for that one has to come out of their comfort zone and take appropriate actions for it. One cannot predict the future, your future lies in your present. The decisions you take in your present will frame your future. For instance, if you are not making efforts to learn a new language, then you will never be going to learn it. Students talk about grades, they all want an A in academics, but if you are not studying how can you imagine getting an A grade. Similarly, the world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt has achieved this status not just by thinking to run fast, but he practiced a lot to get that speed. He had worked on his physique and fitness for getting that pace in a race.  

In a nutshell, I would like to emphasize the importance of actions in life. Every person who has achieved success in life had done a lot of hard work for it. Therefore, making actions in life is much better than just speaking about it. 

Refer: Get a Free 500-word essay example 

Essay Writing Tips for Students


Every student wants to compose a flawless English essay that can help him/her to get an excellent grade. But everyone is not born with the skills to frame perfect essays. Therefore, such students have to make extra efforts for it. Here you can follow some tips to excel in academic essays. Additionally, there are many students who wish to write a flawless essay but due to a lack of proper knowledge and understanding, they end up doing mistakes and also they lose grades in their academics. So, our team of experts has mentioned some points that will help you in writing your essay in a better way.

Choose the Right Topic

Picking the right topic is quite an irksome task but you have to deal with it. You are a writer, so you must know your strong areas where you can research well. Never take a topic that does not have much information on the internet. Also, while you choose your topic for writing be selective for your choice. Never choose your topic just because you like anything about it. Before writing on a particular topic choose at least 3-4 topics and do proper research on those and then select a final topic for writing on which you get sufficient information.

Make an Outline of your Essay

Once you have chosen a topic, do brainstorming and come up with ideas. Write all your ideas on paper. Now, do research and place your information, the way you wanted. While you come up with different ideas never forget to pen down those. Also, while you research for different topics make different notes and make an outline of the topic. This will help you in drafting your essay properly.

Write a Perfect Thesis Statement

A thesis statement provides an insight into your essay. It should be of one to two-line and should be placed in the middle of the introduction or at the end. Read more to learn how to write a thesis statement. The thesis statement always plays an important role in writing your essay. Try to define your thesis statement properly and in a manner that it is clearly understood by the people. While you write your thesis statement make sure that it is very well-written without any chances of error. In case you feel that you are not able to write your essay assignment properly just contact the experts today.

Frame an Introduction

Now, the introduction is the first thing the reader will read. So, make it appealing and intriguing. Your introduction should bind the reader. For this, you can start it with a question or with a hook statement. While you write your introduction you should understand it very well that introduction is an important part of your essay. Your introduction will decide that the reader will take interest in your essay or not. So, make sure you start really interesting.

Start Writing the Body of your Essay

Here you have to provide your argument or your point of view with evidence and examples. This is a detailed section of the essay, write it well after doing proper research. While you write your body paragraph always try to support your thesis statement. And never use any assumption-based languages or thoughts. Just use simple language and mention proper references from the articles. Always focus on writing the correct and valid information.

Complete your Essay with a Conclusion

A conclusion is a must. It provides a perfect ending to the work you have started. Write a conclusion that can make the reader ponder over the things you have discussed in the essay. You can end your essay with a question as well. Conclusion is as important as the introduction. when you write the conclcusion always focus on summarizing your idea in just 4 to 5 lines. Don’t write the conclusion of 4-5 paragraphs. The conclusion must be summed in a few lines.

Give a Finishing Touch

Once you are done with the writing part, proofread your essay. Do the needful editing and make it grammatically correct. If you make grammatical errors, the examiner will deduct your marks for sure. Proofreading of the essay will help you in finding the mistakes if there would be any. Also, it will help you in adding the important imformation if you had forgot to add.

For more essay writing tips visit Khan Academy and get tips from expert writers. You will also get valuable information for your essay as well.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Do action really speaks louder than words?
If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people’s actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive.

Q2. Who said actions are louder than words?
“Actions speak louder than words.” – It has been reported that this phrase dates back as far as the 1550s, when the French writer Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) said, “Saying is one thing and doing is another.”

Q3. Which culture believes in actions speak louder than words?
Australian Culture beleives in this.

Q4. Where did the phrase actions speak louder than words come from?
The phrase was first used in the form we use today in the United States written by Abraham Lincoln in 1856. He stated: “’Actions speak louder than words’ is the maxim; and, if true, the South now distinctly says to the North, ‘Give us the measures, you take the men.”

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

“Actions speak louder than words.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

You should write at least 250 words.

***Note: This PTE Essay was recently asked in the PTE Academic Exam.

actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words

Model Answer 1:

People either communicate with their words or through their actions. Words are merely sounds uttered by the tongue. The action is what puts the meaning into the words said. I completely agree with the statement “Actions speak louder than words.”

To say something and to do something are two different things. It is a well-known fact that people often do not do what they say. It is why people value hard work more than mere promises. For example, politicians make many heart touching promises before elections. But after the election is over, and they get elected we all know how their action goes.

Secondly, actions depict a person’s character and personality. What someone does and how he behaves in that particular situation reveals his real side. For example, if a town next to you experienced a flood, a real hero would do what he can do within his means to help the people instead of only feeling bad for them.

In conclusion, actions carry more meaning and importance than what a person says. A person must hence, think twice before saying anything because words can be easily expressed but doing it, in reality, takes real effort and dedication.

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Model Answer 2:

[Submitted by - Nirav]

Words convey an offer or invitation for some action whereas performing the action is what completes a task. The only reason behind the famous phrase that “action speaks louder than words” is the fact that taking action brings the destination closer. Hence, I also firmly believe that actions speak louder than words.

In any environment, be it work, household chores or national politics, there are always people who only talk about taking actions and the ones who get the work done. Though it is essential to convey the message of the action to be performed to all the stakeholders, it is imperative that the task is worked upon since the spoken word is a double-edged sword where the authenticity of the spoken word can be questioned later by work performed.

If you have ever worked at a job where there is a lazy boss, then you can relate to this. The employees always look up to the upper management / the boss for motivation. When they find their boss doing nothing & unmotivated then employees replicate the same traits. But when the boss gets their hands dirty and shows the passion they have for making things better, employees are more motivated to work and feel more passionate about what they are doing.z

Accordingly, even though the spoken word is a vital step towards proper communication of the actions that need to be performed, it is much more important that timely performance of the required action is taken.


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Action Speak Louder than Words Essay: Many sayings in English hold a lot of value. “Action Speaks Louder than Words” is one such proverb that is wise and is useful in various instances. This proverb has a very deep meaning to it which would help an individual to achieve his or her dreams in their life.

In simplest of terms, this proverb means that no matter what you speak, but your actions and doings will have a far greater impact.

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Long and Short Essays on Action Speak Louder than Words for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Action Speak Louder Than Words” for reference.

Long Essay on Action Speak Louder than Words Essay 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Action Speak Louder than Words Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

This age-old proverb has a beautiful message to convey. One who boasts about his work lacks determination. But the one who lets his or her work do the talking, then that person is the determined one. The performance and action of every person have a lot more strength than mere words.

For achieving success in life, one must act on it, rather than just talking about it. One cannot expect to climb Mount Everest simply by talking about it and doing nothing. Efforts are always required for achieving something great in life.

We all are in the habit of making new year resolutions. More than often, most of us fail to achieve what we committed for, and are more prone to follow the sluggish course of work. We forget our goals and do not take action on the words that we have spoken.

The people who let their action do the talking are more often trustworthy people. The action they take helps build the trust of the people near them. The most accurate example of this statement can be when a child learns from their parents. It is the actions that they learn and not the words. For building any form of relationship, trust is extremely important.

For commitment to goals, many people make mere claims. But these goals will not be fulfilled by words, but they require action. Parenting makes this statement very clear. Kids get well aware that their parents make false promises. If there is no action to the promise made by their parents, then kids also stop trusting their parents.

You can now access Essay Writing on this topic and many more.

Mahatma Gandhi, who is a well-known figure not only in India but all around the world, contributed much to the Indian freedom struggle with his actions. His concepts of non-violence, civil disobedience, non-cooperation, farmer support are still very much popular today. He made his contribution to his actions, not words.

Another popular example is the soldiers of any country. The soldiers risk their lives only for the sake of their country. They sacrifice their lives for the national security. They work selflessly, have no desire for fame. There are not many soldiers whose names are even known.

We have all heard the name of Rosa Parks, who contributed to the movement against racial discrimination, through the Montgomery Bus Incident. It was a very important movement that took place in America. The actions that were taken by her made her a role model in the later years.

The then America had very harsh rules for black people, who had to travel in separate buses, studied in separate schools. When she was asked to sacrifice her seat for a white man, she denied. This action marked the beginning of the civil rights movement against racial discrimination.

There are many ways in which we can ensure we do exactly what we say. We should make only those promises that we can keep. We should start accepting our mistakes. These are the two most effective ways.

Essay about Action Speak Louder than Words

Short Essay on Action Speak Louder than Words Essay 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Action Speak Louder than Words Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

From our childhood, we have grown up learning many golden sayings that are full of wisdom. This proverb is also one among those. This proverb signifies the importance of what we should do, instead of simply saying that we will do.

The habit of building castles in the air is a bad one, as that makes us prone to committing to false promises. What one should do is take a step ahead and work hard to achieve one’s goals. There is no need for someone to boast about their work; if their work deserves recognition, then it will surely receive so one day.

There are only two obstacles in the path of achievement that any person has to overcome: ego and pride. If we are determined to see a change, then we must pledge to be that change first. We should always be ready to face the consequences of our work, and we should never back away from accepting our mistakes.

10 Lines on Action Speak Louder than Words Essay in English

1. When it comes to leadership, actions are very important.
2. A lazy boss will never encourage work from employees.
3. For good parenting, false promises should never be made.
4. For success in life, people need to act more.
5. Working hard with a determined soul is the key to success.
6. The most suitable example of a good action is Rosa Parks.
7. A resolution goes to waste if it is not backed by action.
8. For a nation to progress, people need to work hard.
9. Come out of your comfort zone and take action.
10. Usain Bolt never only spoke of running but did it.

Essay on Action Speak Louder than Words

FAQ’s on Action Speak Louder than Words Essay

Question 1. 
Is it important to act on promises?

Yes, it is extremely important, especially to your loved and close ones. Doing so will make you a trustworthy person.

Question 2. 
Why are soldiers important?

Soldiers are important to a nation for different reasons, but doing their duty to the nation tops the list.

Question 3.
How to fulfil our resolutions?

The only way to fulfil the resolution is to get out of your comfort zone and take some action for the promise you made to yourself.

Question 4. 
How to build trust?

For building trust in a relationship with your near and dear ones, try to back your words with actions of equal effort.

Proverbs are traditional sayings based on common sense and wit of a person related to practical lives. Lots of proverbs in different languages are present. The English language has a rich store of such witty proverbs. With our increasing maturity level, we understand the inner meanings of wise proverbs and their relevance to our daily practical lives. Out of this rich store of English proverbs ‘action speaks louder than words is a relevant easy proverb used at the school level. Usually, the creation of proverbs has a history beyond it. This proverb was also used by a famous parliamentarian at the time of the English Civil War. He meant that there is no need to shout strong words especially when action can do the work better.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

In the long run, trust is grown in those people who do not speak much but do the right action at the right time. In any situation, people believe those who actually act and do not claim to act. Talks can bring momentary satisfaction but only proper action can bring trust and respect in the long run. Thus the wise men rightly used this proverb to make people say what they understood much before but could not express. Action is the actual deciding factor of a word and justifies what you claim to do. Wise men never speak about their plans and claim to do this and instead they prefer to show the energy only in their actions. If your actions are implemented successfully, they themselves will speak the unspoken words with better understanding and faith. People will respect you when they understand that you can actually do what you claim and this will earn trust for you and a better world for you to survive.

Nobody’s a fool that can make them understand anything you want. Maybe that can happen a few times but not for long. Your claims alone can never make you a trustworthy person in the eye of others but your actions can.  Your labour can bring you the fruits of success but not your big talk. Your action can make the path easy for you to gain the confidence of others. You need to prove your capabilities by your action since no one is going to believe your words without a result. You need to build a foundation of trust to get respect from society and ultimately build a strong personality that will gain people’s admiration. Action is the other word for commitment. Suppose in a class of students a particular student speaks big words and claims to bring top marks in the class but does not give any effort or labour to do so and ultimately land up with poor marks. Then the student will not only lose his or her reputation but also will never be believed by anyone. Instead, he or she will create a mockery of themselves.

Importance of Action than Words

People who show action and speak less are actually the ideal persons who are given big tasks and important responsibilities. The most important criteria of a successful professional life are to gain the trust of your boss and colleagues and that can be achieved only by your actions and not big words. All your claims will be useless and laughed at if your action is not up to the standard.

It’s wise to never speak more than that you can actually perform. Words should get the stamp of recommendation only with your right actions. Empty words will bring you neglect and disrespect from others so never use them if you are not sure that you can actually perform them.


A strong personality makes your life smooth and better livable and for that act smartly and speak less. This is true for every phase of your life. A successful team leader, a successful professional, a successful parent or even a student needs the right actions and efforts, not big talks.

Essay on Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words Essay

All of us are born preachers, but when it comes to practicing what we preach, we find excuses. Just telling someone what to do or how to behave is not enough. Behaving in the way that one wants us to behave has a more powerful effect. 

Telling others what to do and not doing oneself is absolute hypocrisy. Children quickly observe the gulf between the speech of adults and their actual behavior. They are influenced more by the action of the elders than by their words, the immediate actions inculcate the habits.

Gandhi Ji impressed villagers with the importance of cleanliness by taking a broom and sweeping those fruits. His action had more effect than any speech he might have given. 

A father who smokes cannot scold his son when they find him smoking. He should first give up smoking himself. In short, we should have to do what we want others to do. This is because actions speak louder than words. An ounce of example is worth much more than the dawn of precept.

Actions speak louder than words in speech

Stop whatever it is you’re doing right now focus and blackout whatever it is that has you distracted block in and listen to words are the talk actions are the walking people don’t really care,

what you say they are more concerned with what you do we hear people say that actions speak louder than words but those same people are saying it more than they are doing it ultimately your daily actions determine.

what you go it’s up to you to make sure your actions and goals know what the Rose means you must self-assess and know where the holes are and execute towards your true passion and soon you’ll get that gold star 

see stars like you know that on the road to glory, there will be moments that will define your story think about what I’m saying words are the TUC actions are the walk don’t tell me you’re going to do something, I’d rather you show me don’t talk about it, I’d rather you be about it and all of a sudden

you want to quit all of a sudden you want to drop out all of a sudden you want to give up like in and listen harder than you ever listened before because quitting is not an option dropping out is not an option giving up is not an option the only option is for you to start living up to your potential what I need you to understand is words are the talk actions are the walk because at this very moment in time

you’re ready to break like a glass Shawn you are ready to break like a speedy car breaking is not who you are seeing right now my friend it’s simple and you know what I need you to do for me when you’re in the dark turn the lights

on what I’m talking to you because you said you go with the graduate you said you’re going to make yourself your parents and your family proud those are your words, not mine because, at the end of the day, your words don’t mean much it’s your actions.

now you feel like the world’s most significant but this is the moment that I need you to transform and become the world’s biggest user because I need you to choose to start deep I need you to select the start I need you to select the star to redefine it

I need you to choose to start realigning and priming yourself for a major comeback be different think different words are the tough actions are the walk, now all you got to do is walk the talk your actions are what people will remember you by not your words

now they might remember you said a cool quote or how much you sounded like some intellectual philosopher but if you don’t practice what you preach how much do people really believe you 

so let’s do the math the common denominator is you and you are falling into that well with Smith syndrome but I need you to detox and get that wine out of your system and change that Louis meat syndrome to the OS Smith syndrome because yes my friend you are the problem,

And so I need you to own and not rich that fact your actions are what makes your words believable it’s not the words that make the actions believable don’t get mixed up if you want someone to believe you when you say something then you have to do something words alone can’t cut it you never have will word are the top actions are the walk 

we all know someone that says I’m going to be successful I’m going to be famous I’m going to be a millionaire but every time you see them they’re just chilling relaxing pain getting outpost it up just being lazy

so, what that tells me is that they have the words but not the action the fact of the matter is if you’re being totally transparent it’s apparent that you’re not maximizing your time you are not in recycling mode because you continue to waste countless hours only needless time-wasting activities I need you to take it out at least enough sit.

your butt down reevaluate you need a self to assess look in that mirror and confess that you are not given 1000% you are not putting every ounce of your heart and soul into now Miss vixens you teach your professor assigns the work you teacher professor schedule is the test it’s up to you to manage your study time 

so you can put your best foot forward so when you’re playing video games when you’re shopping at tomorrow when you’re at the party and the DJ is right when you’re surfing the internet at your leisure well yeah what you’re free is grabbing a pizza I did a host of other things that don’t involve studying or complete an assignment that’s what I mean.

when I say your actions and your goals are not in alignment because you wrote down graduate Thanks so now it’s time for you to reenact this part of your movie, talk is cheap your actions are expensive you want people to value who you are then you have to be worth something 

how do you become worth something by doing what you say you’re going to do in other words we’re talking about action words don’t do many actions do everything and think about it?

all of the famous people that have become success stories didn’t get there by simply talking about being there they did something about it, they worked their butts off to be where they are today they got off the couch they made something happen

they realize that words are weak they realize that talk is cheap they realize that if they didn’t get up and do something about their situation then they’d still be in that situation 

now it’s time for you to reenact this part of your movie by going all-in on all things related to passing in every class this semester so replace the wasted time with study and watch how quickly

you become an excellent test Yakka demi ki stock one store like an eagle this may require you for a short period to become a hangout with friends protesting 

because she’s so hungry to pass every class with flying colors you understand you must eat and trick your subjects and become an official scholastic digest now this goes for every aspect of your life think about it but it’s the action it’s the act of showing up to pass the exam that counts never forget your daily actions determine

what your goals it’s up to you to make sure your actions and goals know what their roles are meaning you must self-assess and know what a holder and execute towards your true passion and soon you’ll graduate and get that gold star aka your diploma 

so here’s to you and the future success that awaits and your testimony of going from almost flunking out to all smiles with your diploma when your class graduates

you got this my friend so keep pushing with purpose focus and determination and never lose sight, you hold the key to your success it just requires preparation dedication calculation and eternal motivation now throw your cap in the air and celebrate.

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Thank you so much

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