Action word что это


What are action words in the English language?

Action words are the words used to express an action done by the subject. There are numerous action words in English vocabulary. And in most cases, an action word marks its appearance right next to the subject.


List 25 commonly used action words in the English Language.

Ride, Sit down, Win, Drink, Stand, Throw, Close, Open, Sleep, Cut , Eat, Cook, Fight, Play, Give, Dig , Laugh, Dance, Climb, Talk, Knit, Kiss, Hug, Bath, Ski


List 100 action words in the English language.

Calculate, Earn, Endure, Examine, Enter, Edit, Energise, Identify, Import, Install, Investigated, Idealise, Improve, Instituted, Imitate, Idolise, Improvise, Instruct, Implant, Navigate, Nominate, Negotiate, Notify, Nominate, Nourish, Normalise, Notice, Observe, Overcame, Open, Obtain, Overhaul, Operate, Offer, Oversaw, Oppose, Officiate, Obey, Participate, Predict, Progress, Paint, Perceive, Prepare, Project, Pamper, Perfected, Prescribe, Promote, Rate, Redesign, Recharge, Renegotiate, Realign, Reduce, Reconquer, Reorganise, Rebuilt, Reengineer, Record, Satisfy, Solve, Scream, Shop, Schedule, Specify, Scribble, Slap, Secure, Speak, Scrub, Smash, Select, Standardise, Seal, Smell, Separate, Stimulate, Search, Smile, Target, Translate, Touch, Teach, Tear, Trade, Talk, Think, Transfer, Terminate, Thank, Transform, Unify, Undress, Unite, Uninstall, Update, Unleash, Upgrade, Unlock.

The English language is vast, with many different words and rules to learn. We are here to tell you about one such set of rules/words—action words. Read on to learn about action words and how to use them effectively in written and oral communication.

Table of Contents
  1. Action wordsWhat are they?
  2. Types of action words 
    1. Physical action verbs 
    2. Mental action verbs 
  3. Examples of action verbs in sentences
  4. Using action words to make a compelling resume
    1. 1. Action verbs showcasing a willingness to work
    2. 2. Action verbs showcasing goal-orientation 
    3. 3. Action words list displaying the skill of team-work 
    4. 4. Action verbs showcasing creation and innovation 
  5. Key Takeaways 
  6. FAQs 

Research has revealed that close to 1.35 billion people globally speak English, of which 360 million have English as their first language! That means a significant proportion of the English-speaking population has to learn the necessary rules of English. 

There are close to 3500 rules in the language, in addition to a wide range of words and terminologies. These, put together, allow millions of individuals to communicate clearly. 

Of the different kinds of words used in the English language, action words are among the most popular. A common part of written and spoken communication, these words help facilitate a clear understanding of messages between two or more people. 

So, discover all you need to know about action words below! 

Action wordsWhat are they?

Actions words, also known as action verbs, are words that quite simply express an action. The action is often done by the subject of the clause or sentence and includes eating, sleeping, and sitting, among other activities! It is even possible for there to be an action with no movement!

Action verbs express that a person, object, animal, or process is in a state of being. These verbs, however, should not be confused with two other kinds of verbs, i.e., linking verbs and stative verbs. 

  • Linking verbs serve as a connecting link between a subject and a complement.

For example: Tomorrow is Wednesday. 

Here, ‘is’ is a linking verb because the word links a subject with a subject complement rather than expressing an action taken. 

  • Stative verbs, on the other hand, express the state of being and provide information about the subject. 

For example: John hates spicy food. 

The verb ‘hates’ is a stative verb that provides information about the subject rather than expressing any action that the subject has taken. 

Learning the meaning of difficult words and adding action words to your vocabulary can help you carry excellent conversations in your everyday life!

Types of action words 

Make sure you are using the right kind of action words while conversing or writing!

Action words in English or action verbs are broadly categorized into two main types:

  • Physical action verbs  
  • Mental action verbs

Physical action verbs 

Physical action verbs describe actions that require the movement of bodies and objects. Some of the most commonly used physical action verbs include: 

  • Swim 
  • Tumble 
  • Bend 
  • Ask 
  • Frolic 
  • Hang 
  • Drive 
  • Climb 
  • Kick 

Mental action verbs 

Mental action verbs, on the other hand, are slightly trickier to identify. These may not seem like action verbs at first but can refer to mental activities that a person can undertake. An interesting fact to learn is that many mental action verbs classify as stative verbs because they express conditions or states of being! 

Some examples of mental action verbs include: 

  • Analyze 
  • Dream 
  • Imagine 
  • Consider 
  • Remember 
  • Forget 
  • Memorize 
  • Learn 
  • Condemn 

Examples of action verbs in sentences

Go through the examples of action words to know how to use them in a sentence.

The best way to understand how to use action words or action verbs is to note their meaning when placed in a sentence. 

Here are examples of action verbs: 

  1. The bird sings a beautiful song every morning. 
  2. Close the door when you walk out! 
  3. The horse galloped down the trail. 
  4. It’s the perfect weather to swim in the pool. 
  5. We will eat lunch together tomorrow. 
  6. My baby sleeps in her nursery. 
  7. The piglet grunts
  8. Dr. Silver examines her patient. 
  9. The roof of the house is leaking. 
  10. Joy solved the mystery! 
  11. Harold found a green crayon. 
  12. I have been waiting at the bank for hours. 
  13. I feed my six cats every day. 
  14. The children play basketball during recess. 
  15. She has been sleeping all day. 
  16. Can I buy you dinner? 
  17. We like eating healthy food. 
  18. What would you like to drink
  19. A toddler learns to crawl before she learns to walk. 
  20. Please throw me that ball.
  21. She gave a theatrical bow (bow is the action word depicting what the subject has undertaken). 
  22. Please do not talk to any strangers. 
  23. No, I did not laugh at you. 
  24. Can you smell something funny? 
  25. I am going to paint my picket fence white. 
  26. My daughter is learning to ride a horse. 
  27. Can you please open the door? 
  28. Dolphins dive to depths of as much as two hundred meters.
  29. I enjoy cooking. 
  30. I would like to buy a gift for my fiance. 

Using action words to make a compelling resume

You can make your resume stand out by using some action words in sentences.

Did you know that the right use of action words in English can help you create a compelling resume? Employers are more likely to hire individuals who are energetic, active, and can communicate efficiently. 

So, here is an excellent action words list for you! Use some of these words in your resume to make it stand out from the crowd: 

  • Invented 
  • Founded 
  • Executed 
  • Demonstrated 
  • Created 
  • Computed 
  • Compiled 
  • Calculated 
  • Briefed 
  • Investigated 
  • Edited 
  • Evaluated 
  • Tested 
  • Restored 
  • Reviewed 
  • Surveyed 
  • Synthesized 
  • Promoted 
  • Produced

Additionally, there is a wide range of action words that can be used to demonstrate abilities like creation, goal orientation, people management, and teamwork. 

Here are some examples you can use to add value to your resume.

1. Action verbs showcasing a willingness to work

  • Fulfilled 
  • Organized 
  • Enforced 
  • Realized 
  • Performed 
  • Implemented 
  • Administered 
  • Prepared 
  • Accomplished 

2. Action verbs showcasing goal-orientation 

  • Boosted 
  • Outpaced 
  • Converted 
  • Created 
  • Amplified 
  • Delivered 
  • Maximized 
  • Improved 
  • Generated 
  • Expedited 

3. Action words list displaying the skill of team-work 

  • Collaborated 
  • Merged 
  • Joined 
  • Co-Authored 
  • Wove 
  • United 
  • Partnered 
  • Forged 
  • Gathered
  • Co-Produced 
  • Blended 

4. Action verbs showcasing creation and innovation 

  • Conceptualized 
  • Outlined 
  • Established 
  • Engineered 
  • Composed 
  • Conceived 
  • Crafted 
  • Designed 
  • Built 
  • Authored 
  • Devised 

Key Takeaways 

  • Action verbs are words used to describe the action of a subject, object, or event. These words express the mental or physical state of being of a body. 
  • Action words are often used in daily conversations to convey meaning concerning a situation or an event. These words can also be used in documents like a resume to create a compelling application. 
  • Understanding the rules of using action verbs can help in communicating effectively and efficiently in everyday life. 

We hope you enjoyed learning about action words in this blog! If you have any questions/suggestions, drop a comment below or reach out to us!


Q1. Can action words be used in different tenses? 

Answer – Yes, action words are often used in different tenses. 

Q2. What are transitive action words? 

Answer – Transitive action words take the object. To find the object, we ask the verb questions such as ‘whom and ‘what’. In these verbs, the object performs an action. 

Q3. What is an example of a non-action verb? 

Answer – An example of a non-action verb is ‘prefer’ and ‘want’. These words represent an opinion or a sense. 

Action Words: Action words are used in almost every sentence that we employ in the English language. But, do you happen to know what action words are? Action words are those words in the English language which describe any action. In this article, we have mentioned a list of action words that we use in our day-to-day life.

This list of action words for kids will also give you a better grip over the language. We have also mentioned action word example sentences which will also give you a view of the practical use of these words.

Study the most important English Vocabulary Words identified by our experts and learn the right vocabulary to use in your day to day conversations

  • Name of Action Words
  • Description of Action Words on the list

Name of Action Words

  • Growing
  • Caring
  • Bouncing
  • Talking
  • Skiing
  • Climbing
  • Sharing
  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Writing
  • Working out
  • Playing cards
  • Sitting
  • Listening
  • Playing instrument
  • Working
  • Saving
  • Bathing
  • Skateboarding
  • Cycling
  • Painting
  • Playing
  • Shouting
  • Running
  • Sky diving
  • Dancing
  • Catching
  • Cooking
  • Experimenting
  • Swimming
  • Singing
  • Kicking
  • Lifting
  • Cleaning
  • Looking
  • Surfing
  • Juggling
  • Staring
  • Camping
  • Sleeping
  • Counting
  • Watching
  • Jogging
  • Fishing
  • Riding
  • Encouraging
  • Cycling
  • Turning down
  • Sinking
  • Addressing
  • Discussing
  • Flying

Description of Action Words on the list


Example: The plant I planted last week has been growing rapidly.


Example: Ms Anne is an extremely caring and welcoming person.


Example: Stop bouncing the pen on the table; it is making an annoying noise.


Example: What are you guys talking about?


Example: Last summer vacation, my family and I went on a skiing trip to Colorado.


Example: Stop climbing the tree; you are going to hurt yourself.


Example: When we were in school, our teacher taught us that sharing is caring.


Example: You should never be eating food with your mouth open; it’s terrible table manners.


Example: Have you been drinking my orange juice?


Example: She was writing something on the wall.

Working out

Example: I have been working out since last year March.

List of Action Words 1

Playing cards

Example: The kids are playing cards in the basement.


Example: Last time I saw Akash, he was sitting on the sofa.


Example: Are you even listening to what I am saying?

Playing instrument

Example: I have always wanted to learn how to play an instrument.


Example: My sister has been working since morning; she is a really hardworking person.


Example: You should be saving up some of the money that you are earning.


Example: You have not been bathing for the last week; you must take a bath today.


Example: Jessi learned skateboarding when she was very young.


Example: We were cycling near our locality today when Akash had a terrible accident.


Example: My sister makes paintings in her room; do you want me to call her?


Example: You need to stop playing and come home soon.


Example: Why are you shouting at her? It was not her fault.


Example: You should not be running from your problems; face them head-on.

List of Action Words 2

Sky diving

Example: It was always on my bucket list to ski diving before my 25th birthday, and today I finally did it.


Example: I have been dancing since when I was four years old.


Example: I have been out of station since last month; I have a lot of catching up to do.


Example: What will you be cooking for tomorrow’s get-to-gather?


Example: You need to stop experimenting on your body by trying out these diets.


Example: I find swimming extremely therapeutic; I can do it every day.


Example: Will you be singing at my wedding?


Example: Stop kicking the ball against the door.


Example: You should not be lifting anything heavy until your hand heals.


Example: Why haven’t you been cleaning the fish tank?


Example: What are you looking at in that direction?


Example: How come you are so good at surfing yet are scared of the water?


Example: The man at the party was juggling with five balls; it was fascinating to watch.


Example: Why is that lady constantly staring at me?


Example: We are going camping next week with the whole family.


Example: I don’t feel very good cause I’ve not been sleeping much lately.


Example: Have you been counting stars in the sky? It’s impossible!


Example: Have you been watching the new series that has been coming on Netflix?


Example: Do you go jogging every morning?


Example: Tomorrow my father and I are going fishing at the lake. Would you like to come?


Example: Will you be riding the roller coaster at the amusement park?


Example: You should be encouraging your sister with her dreams.


Example: Have you been cycling your whole life?

Turning down

Example: You should not be turning down this fantastic offer.


Example: I saw the ship sinking right in from my eyes; it was heartbreaking to watch.


Example: We should be addressing this situation immediately.


Example: Today in class, we were discussing the trip that we are going on next week.


Example: My dream is flying my own aeroplane.

Action Words! List of useful action vocabulary words in English with ESL pictures and examples. Actions are taken in almost every sentence that we speak and so learning how to say them in English can be one of the most integral things that you learn within your language learning. Being able to correctly refer to various actions in English will greatly help your ability to form sentences and explain what people and objects are doing. Not only this but you will also benefit from being better able to understand when listening to other speakers.. In this section, take the time to look over and commit to memory this useful list of action words.

List of Action Vocabulary Words

  • Sharing
  • Playing cards
  • Playing instrument
  • Playing chess
  • Bathing
  • Skateboarding
  • Cycling
  • Playing volleyball
  • Shouting
  • Lifting
  • Cleaning
  • Swimming
  • Surfing
  • Camping
  • Flying a kite
  • Counting
  • Fishing

Learn these action words list to improve and enlarge your vocabulary about verbs.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with PicturesPin

Action Words with Pictures


Marriage is a life of sharing.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 2Pin

Playing cards

Playing cards is a popular pastime.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 3Pin

Playing instrument

I’ve always wanted to play an instrument.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 4Pin

Playing chess

Can you teach me to play chess?

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 5Pin


She is bathing the baby.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 6Pin


I injured my elbow while skateboarding.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 7Pin


She was cycling home when she had a puncture .

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 8Pin

Playing volleyball

I sprained my finger while playing volleyball.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 9Pin


We were shouting for an encore.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 10Pin


She was lifting things from the market.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 11Pin


Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 12Pin


They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 13Pin


I like surfing,but I wiped out twice yesterday.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 14Pin


The students love camping out in summer holidays.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 15Pin

Flying a kite

There isn’t enough wind to fly a kite.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 16Pin


I’m counting the days till I see you again.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 17Pin


Fishing is the main source of livelihood for many people in the area.

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with Pictures 18Pin

Action Words in English | Picture

Action Words: List of Common Action Words with PicturesPin

Verbs with Pictures for Kids

Learn useful list of verbs commonly used in English with verb pictures for kids.

  • List of action verbs with images.
  • Classroom verbs vocabulary in English.
  • Restaurant verbs in English.
  • Household chores with pictures in English.
  • List of daily routines in English.
  • Body movement verbs with images in English.
  • Action words with pictures.
  • List of cooking verbs in English.
  • Sport words and exercise actions vocabulary words.

Learn common verbs video in English with American English pronunciation.

Last Updated on February 27, 2023

Are you looking for a list of action words in English for kids with pictures? We compel a list of action words in the below section. It is helpful for kindergarten school students.

Action words are words that can help you convey a message quickly and effectively. They are used to describe actions, state changes, and events, and they are often used in persuasive writing to help draw the reader’s attention.

Action words provide clarity and direction when communicating ideas or instructions, making them an important part of effective communication. By using action words strategically, you can create powerful messages that will resonate with your audience.

action words in english

Action Words in English

Answer Lie
Approve Listen
Arrange Look
Bathe Lose
Bow Meet
Break Open
Build Paint
Buy Play
Catch Read
Clap Read
Climb Ride
Close Run
Complete See
Cook Sew
Cough Shake
Crawl Sing
Create Sit Down
Cry Ski
Cut Sleep
Dance Smell
Describe Snore
Dig Solve
Dive Stack
Dream Stand Up
Drink Study
Eat Talk
Edit Teach
Enter Think
Fall Throw Away
Fight Touch
Fly Turn Off
Give Turn On
Hug Wait
Invent Wash
Jump Watch Tv
Kiss Whistle
Knit Win
Laugh Write
Learn Zip

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  1. 1000 Daily use English Words
  2. 100 Opposite Words in English
  3. Small Letters A To Z
  4. A Sound Words in English
  5. Words to Describe Yourself
  6. Simple Opposite Word

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