Act without thinking word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

действовать, не задумываясь

The scammer is only trying to get you to act without thinking.

The best way to get over our laziness may just be to act without thinking.

And anxiety tends to drive us to act without thinking — great for real survival maneuvers but really damaging when the original panic button should not have been pressed in the first place.

Тревога же обычно заставляет нас действовать, не подумав — что отлично для настоящего выживания, но разрушительно в тех случаях, когда кнопку паники вообще не нужно было нажимать.

He has to act without thinking about the consequences, for one day in his life, when he was enticed into a mysterious plot against the government, forever changed his life.

Ему приходится действовать, не думая о последствиях, ведь один день в его жизни, когда тот был завлечен в таинственный заговор против правительства, навсегда изменил его жизнь.

They may be impulsive and seem to act without thinking, touching objects that are off limits or running into the street to chase a ball with-out apparent regard for their own safety.

Они могут быть слишком импульсивны и совершать необдуманные действия, трогать неразрешенные предметы или выбегать на улицу, чтобы поймать мяч, не подумав о своей безопасности.

Walter Nehring said, «His thoughts would race ahead, and sometimes he had to be pulled back, and while he was a deep thinker, he was also liable to act without thinking

Вальтер Неринг, один из самых способных штабных работников, сказал мне: «Его мысли убегали далеко вперед и иногда приходилось возвращать его назад, и хотя он мыслил очень глубоко, иногда был способен действовать необдуманно».

tends to act without thinking, such as starting on tasks without adequate preparation (for example, before listening or reading through directions) or blurting out answers before questions have been completed, hyper-reactive

склонны действовать, не задумываясь — например, приступать к решению задач без достаточной подготовки (например, до того, как прослушают или прочитают инструкции) или выкрикивать ответы ещё до того, как вопросы звучат до конца

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 7. Точных совпадений: 7. Затраченное время: 59 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Aries’ is the most impulsive energy in astrology, it pushes one to act without thinking, which is why they need to learn the art

of restraining the desire for their own satisfaction and to control their impulsivity.


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Овен- самая импульсивная энергия в астрологии, она действует, не задумываясь, и поэтому ему следует учиться искусству сдерживать

стремления к собственному удовлетворению и контролировать свою импульсивность.


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Following the brawl with Joyce, her husband was

imprisoned and her estate made vulnerable, and she’s always been someone who acted without thought.

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После потасовки с Джойсом ее мужа арестовали,

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Никлаус, иногда наша сестра не думает, о том что делает.

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Results: 10630,
Time: 0.1733





Предложения с «act without thinking»

Morley and I got into a brisk discussion about my tendency to act without thinking .

Мы с Морли вступили в оживленную дискуссию по поводу моей склонности к необдуманным действиям .

And then we build McMansions without even thinking about how people are going to get between them and their job.

Мы строим дешёвое жильё, даже не думая о том, как люди будут добираться от дома до работы.

Right now most people are thinking about sexting without really thinking about consent at all.

Сейчас большинство людей, занимающихся секстингом, вообще не задумываются о согласии.

Parents and educators are also responding to sexting without really thinking too much about consent.

Родители и педагоги тоже склонны реагировать на секстинг, не слишком задумываясь о вопросе взаимного согласия.

We train them, on the range and in specific contexts, over and over and over until lifting their weapon and engaging their target is so engrained into muscle memory that it can be performed without even thinking , even under the most stressful conditions you can imagine.

Мы тренируем их на полигоне и в специфической обстановке снова, и снова, и снова, до тех пор, пока вскидывание оружия и прицеливание не укоренятся в их мышечной памяти и не будут производиться без раздумий, даже в самых напряжённых условиях, какие только можно представить.

It’s a word we use a lot, without always thinking about what it really means and how it works in different contexts of our lives.

Мы часто пользуемся этим словом, не всегда задумываясь над его значением в разных жизненных ситуациях.

I spend it without thinking and just I’m very lazy looking for bargains and things, whereas I have friends who look really carefully for the cheapest option.

Я трачу не задумываясь и мне просто очень лень искать скидки и подобные вещи, в то время как у меня есть друзья, которые очень тщательно ищут самый дешевый вариант.

I did it without thinking .

Я сделала это не задумываясь.

You think I don’t know you pretend to fool around without thinking … while planning on stabbing me in the back?

Не понимаю, что ты лишь притворяешься дурачком, а сам замышляешь ударить меня в спину?

Blackthorne felt an itch on his bare leg and he rubbed it without thinking .

Блэксорн почувствовал зуд в босой ноге и машинально почесал ее.

Ortega didn’t get to be a warlord without thinking things through, Harry.

Ортега не стал бы военачальником, если бы не умел шевелить мозгами.

But without thinking Major Palgrave must have put back my snapshot into his wallet and returned it to his pocket.

И майор Пэлгрейв машинально сунул мой снимок в бумажник, а бумажник положил в карман.

Caroline was well used to her flaw of often speak-ing without first thinking about her words, but to-day she seemed to be blurting out utter nonsense.

Каролина привыкла, что часто говорит не подумав, но сегодня она несла совершенную ерунду.

I just can’t help thinking you can’t feel all the loving, tender things without feeling the painful things, too.

Я просто не могу не думать о том что ты не можешь испытывать нежные чувства без того чтобы испытывать и боль тоже.

I keep doing things and saying things without thinking .

Продолжаю делать и говорить вещи, не думая.

Shot yer mouth off, or acted without thinking of the consequences, as ye have done all yer life.

Что — то наговорил лишнего или сделал, не подумав о последствиях, как и все время делаешь.

They also have to be selective when what matters most is to be popular and have thousands of friends, without thinking of the consequences he adds.

Также чтобы они были избирательны, в то время как важнее всего для них быть популярными, иметь тысячи друзей, не думая о последствиях, — добавляет она.

How shall we provide a comfortable environment, without which it is absolutely impossible to facilitate creative and innovative thinking ?

Как нам обеспечить комфортную среду, без которой абсолютно невозможно формирование творческого и инновационного мышления ?

I haven’t been able to look at an iPod or iPad or iPhone without thinking about that interview.

Я не могу смотреть на iPod, iPad или iPhone, не вспоминая слова Джобса из того интервью.

Yet society puts them together without anybody thinking about it.

Между тем, общество объединяет этих людей, даже не осознавая этого.

He forgot about the rumor that identified Strelnikov with her husband and, without thinking , told her about his encounter with the commissar on the train.

Он забыл о том отождествлении, которое проводила молва между Стрельниковым и ее мужем, и не задумываясь рассказал о своей встрече с комиссаром в вагоне.

One is how to discover, against his will, what another human being is thinking , and the other is how to kill several hundred million people in a few seconds without giving warning beforehand.

Первая — как вопреки желанию человека узнать, что он думает, и вторая — как за несколько секунд, без предупреждения, убить несколько сот миллионов человек.

But on thinking I realized a phone could be switched on by central switching system without human intervention-if switching system had volition.

Однако, подумав, я сообразил, что центральная система управления телефонной сетью может и без вмешательства человека подключиться к любому номеру, если обладает свободой воли.

However, putting the husband as it were in parentheses, he was thinking of her without him.

Впрочем, помня этого мужа в скобках, он думал о ней вне этого мужа.

And yet, she went on, he seems to do things without thinking of himself at all, as if he were a martyr or a saint.

И тем не менее, — продолжала она, — он совершает такие поступки, как будто совсем о себе не думает, будто он мученик или святой.

To have seen Phelim skulking off, it might have been supposed, that he was profiting by the chance offered for escape-saving his own life, without thinking of his master.

Можно было подумать, что Фелим, воспользовавшись удобным случаем, спасает свою жизнь и уже больше не заботится о хозяине.

He stayed up for three days and three nights without any sleep, just thinking solidly about the problem.

Он не спал три дня и три ночи, всецело размышляя только об этой проблеме.

Montag moved out through the french windows and crossed the lawn, without even thinking of it.

Монтэг вышел через стеклянную дверь и, не отдавая себе отчета в том, что делает, пересек лужайку.

Without thinking , he frankly answered that he had not; but she refused to believe him.

Не задумываясь, он честно ответил, что не было, но она не хотела ему верить.

He let her follow him without thinking of any protest, as if they had been indissolubly united.

Он не подумал протестовать, когда она пошла за ним, словно они были неразрывно связаны.

Without thinking much about it, he moved in the direction of the highest dome on the horizon.

Не веря в это, он взял направление на самый высокий куполообразный свод.

In course of thirty years he had been sub-editor of eleven different papers, without in any way modifying his way of thinking or acting.

В продолжение тридцати лет он перебывал секретарем в одиннадцати разных газетах и при этом ни в чем не изменил своего образа мыслей и образа действий .

Without thinking , she grabbed him by the ear, as she used to do when they were children.

Не подумавши, она ухватила его за ухо, совсем как в детстве.

Would you get the blue robe from the closet for me, please, he called automatically, without thinking .

Будьте добры, принесите мне голубой халат из стенного шкафа, — не задумываясь, крикнул он.

Did it very well, too, no doubt, and without thinking much about it either, except afterwards to brag of what he had gone through in his time, perhaps.

Вынес молодцом, не тратя времени на размышления, и только впоследствии хвастался, быть может, вспоминая все, что пришлось ему перенести.

We’re doing this to shame the councils that put these things up without thinking about it.

Мы обсуждаем это, чтобы пристыдить госорганы, бездумно расставляющие эти штуковины.

Without thinking about my warrior.

Не вспомнив о моём войне.

That’s why you attacked him without thinking ?

Поэтому ты накинулся на него? Чем ты думал?

My dad spotted a woman cowering with her baby, and, without thinking , he just ran forward to save them but he didn’t see the landmine.

Папа увидел женщину с младенцем. Он ни минуты не думал и бросился спасать их… но… он не увидел противопехотную мину…

My dad spotted a woman, cowering with her baby. Without thinking , he ran forward to save her but he didn’t see the landmine.

Отец увидел женщину с ребенком и бросился спасать их.

Now, without thinking allow your hand to make a mark inside the circle.

Теперь, не думая, позволь руке провести линию в круге.

Constance, for her part, had hurried across the park, home, almost without thinking .

Констанция же спешила тем временем через парк домой и ни о чем не задумывалась.

There are platitudes you learn somewhere or other and go on using without thinking about them.

Есть пошлости, которые случайно западут в голову, и их, не задумываясь, повторяешь.

And will you consent to dispense with a great many conventional forms and phrases, without thinking that the omission arises from insolence?

И вы согласны обойтись без некоторых общепринятых фраз и форм вежливости и не считать, что это дерзость?

I’ve got enough to do, and little enough to get for it without thinking .

У меня и без думанья работы хватает, а вот заработка не хватает.

You know, a less magnanimous man than I might just be thinking he could beat the ever-living snot out of you right now without fear of reprisal.

Знаешь, менее благородный человек чем я подумал бы, что может прямо сейчас выбить из тебя весь дух, не боясь получить сдачи.

And you have a history of making some big decisions without thinking things through.

И у тебя уже есть история принятия одного большого решения без хорошего обдумывания.

Without thinking , but with a beating heart, he hurried till he came alongside, and then, when the woman turned, he saw it was someone unknown to him.

Не рассуждая, задыхаясь, он кинулся ее догонять, пошел рядом, а когда женщина повернулась, увидел, что это не она.

He’ll kill them all without thinking twice.

Он перебьёт их всех, не раздумывая.

So Charley laid it on the table and went to bed, and I sat looking at it without taking it up, thinking of many things.

Чарли положила письмо на стол и ушла спать, а я сидела, глядя на конверт, но не дотрагивалась до него и думала о многом.

Well, I’m a thick-headed Irish mutt who barged in here without thinking about the consequences.

Ну, я всего лишь тупоголовый ирландский олух, который просто ворвался сюда, не думая о последствиях.

Without thinking about it, he accepted this disappearing into the wall as a peculiarity of his father, as milk and half-digested meat were peculiarities of his mother.

Не задумываясь, он принял исчезновение отца за его отличительное свойство, так же как молоко и мясная жвачка были отличительными свойствами матери.

I was trying to get you to internalize the material without thinking about it.

Я же хотел, чтобы ты проще усваивала материал.

You’re walking on the edge of an abyss without thinking of it.

Вы, не помышляя о том, ходите по краю пропасти.

Everybody else jumps in and does things quick, without thinking !

Остальные кидаются в пекло, и делают все быстро, не думая!

They raise the stone, without thinking on what the valley of the roof caved in.

Они поднимают камень, не думая, на какую долину обрушится лавина.

Without thinking twice, Yuri Andreevich seized a moment when the sentry turned into the yard and the blizzard whirled an especially thick cloud of snow up in the air.

Юрий Андреевич не задумываясь улучил минуту, когда часовой завернул во двор, а налетевший вихрь закрутил в воздухе особенно густую тучу снежинок.

Your trouble started when you rushed in to help Kahlan without thinking .

Все беды начались, когда ты бросился безрассудно помогать КЭйлин.

Yeah, Hannah, look, I’m all for diving right in. But I can’t start thinking about the beginning of the story without knowing how it… you know.

Ханна, послушайте, я очень хочу приступить к написанию, но не могу, пока не узнаю, как он… ну вы понимаете.

He took hold of her arm and without thinking what he was doing tried to drag her away.

Он схватил ее за руку и, не отдавая себе отчета в том, что делает, потащил за собой.

If you’re stumped for a decent word to use for when somebody is doing something without thinking, this article is your best bet. We’ll cover some of the best adjectives for this situation and cover as many of the implications as we can.

Which Words Can Describe Doing Something Without Thinking?

There are a few varying implications for doing something without thinking. Sometimes, it can be something silly that you shouldn’t have said. Other times, you might be falling in love (without realizing it). Sometimes, you don’t know what you’re doing.

Doing something without thinking isn’t always a “bad” thing. Some of the words we’ll cover in this article will demonstrate both the good and the bad sides of the word.

  • Subconsciously
  • Instinctively
  • Mindlessly
  • Inadvertently
  • Automatically
  • Unwittingly
  • Unknowingly

Which Words Can Describe Doing Something Without Thinking?

The preferred version from these words is “subconsciously” because it refers to doing something without thinking in many regards. We might simply forget about something, do something without knowing we’re doing it, or do something without realizing it’s happening.

You’ll also notice that all of the words are adverbs (ending in “ly”). That’s because these are the most appropriate words to use when talking about the way that somebody does things without thinking.


We’ll start with the closest relation of the group of words. “Subconsciously” is your best choice if you want to talk about something happening without somebody thinking about it.

“Subconsciously” means that someone hasn’t put any thought into what they’re doing and instead acts through their subconscious alone. Their subconscious is a part of their mind that notices and remembers information and actions without someone actively needing to think of it.

The definition of “subconsciously,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that uses or relates to the subconscious.”

We can use “subconsciously” in a few different ways. First, and most simply, it means that someone is doing something without thinking about it because their subconscious is acting for them.

Secondly, we can also say that somebody is doing something without necessarily thinking it through. Again, if their subconscious is acting for them, they don’t have to put any active thought into what’s happening and generally will still succeed.

Thirdly, someone might do something subconsciously without knowing it. As long as they’ve seen something done before, their subconscious might choose to do it too without them knowing they’re able to do it.

Lastly, it’s possible to do something without realizing it by using your subconscious. For example, you might fall in love with someone subconsciously, which refers to them doing things that appeal to your subconscious without you realizing they also appeal to you.

Here are some examples of it in use:

  • He kissed me subconsciously, but I knew he wanted to kiss me.
  • They acted subconsciously on the project, but it still turned out amazing.
  • I subconsciously fell in love with you, and I realize now that I’m ready for more.


“Subconsciously” is the most well-rounded word on this list. It applies to all situations where you might be able to act without thinking about it. However, “instinctively” works really well when we do something without knowing about it.

“Instinctively” means that we do something without knowing it. We might do something to protect ourselves or do something that we think is right without knowing that we should. It uses our “instincts” to do something for us, which is our animalistic ability to act without thought.

The definition of “instinctively,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not thought about, planned, or developed by training.”

Generally, “instinctively” refers to you doing something without knowing about it. This usually means that it’s a good thing, and you’re doing something to put yourself in a better position.

If you live a particular lifestyle (for example, as a military professional), you might instinctively choose to take some survival techniques into your everyday life when you’re not on a battlefield, which is a great example of how instincts might kick in for different people.

  • I instinctively search for an escape route from birthday parties because you never know what might happen.
  • You acted instinctively, and you managed to save us all from that building!
  • You appealed to me instinctively, and I knew that I needed to have you as my wife!


“Mindlessly” is the first word on this list that connotes something bad. Generally, we use it to insult somebody and say that they did something with very little thought or effort.

“Mindlessly” means that someone lacked their “mind” in the thinking process, thus making whatever action they did a silly thing to do. Generally, we use this for people who do something without thinking about the consequences.

The definition of “mindlessly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that does not involve thought or mental effort.”

Generally, “mindlessly” refers to somebody who does something without thinking about it. It’s generally an insult, meaning that if somebody just put in a little extra thought, things wouldn’t have gone wrong for them.

In some situations, “mindlessly” is also neutral. We might say that a boring task allows us to work mindlessly, meaning we can easily get through it and do the same thing every time without thinking about what we’re doing.

  • He worked mindlessly for days, and I didn’t see him leave his office.
  • You’re a mindless buffoon! I don’t know how we hired you.
  • I acted mindlessly, and I truly am sorry for the damage I caused you!


“Inadvertently” means that we did something without reason or intention. We might apply this to multiple situations where we act without thinking, though we generally do it in an accidental way, where harm can happen to somebody other than ourselves.

The definition of “inadvertently,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not intentional.”

“Inadvertently” is similar to “subconsciously,” but it implies more accidental behavior. It’s also a well-rounded word that allows us to talk about actions that we didn’t think about or think through, but we might also do things without knowing that we’ve done them.

Generally, “inadvertently” is used in a negative context, meaning that you or somebody else did something foolish without thinking about it. Even if it was accidental, you might have caused problems for others.

  • You inadvertently caused us to lose about three months work of work.
  • Inadvertently, I think I deleted the main hard drive from my computer.
  • They acted inadvertently to rescue the helpless, but they only caused more issues.


“Automatically” is an adverb we mostly use to talk about mechanical processes that happen without human input. In this context, we can apply it to someone’s mind acting without any mental input from that person, resulting in action without thinking about it.

The definition of “automatically,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “happening or reacting without the need to consider or do anything extra.”

Generally, “automatically” is a positive word. We talk about things that we do without thinking too much about them, and it works in a similar way to “subconsciously” (though it’s a little more restrictive in the cases we can use it).

If we work automatically, it means we’re not thinking too much about the thing and allowing the subconscious in our minds to think things through.

  • I automatically filled in all the documents, making my work much easier that day.
  • You always do things automatically, and sometimes I think you don’t care.
  • I can’t help but process things automatically when I’m around you.


“Unwittingly” means that we do something without knowing about it. Generally, we’ve done something accidentally without much planning going into it, and it can mean both good and bad things depending on the context.

The definition of “unwittingly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is done without knowing or planning.”

“Unwittingly” refers to our mind’s “wit.” We use the prefix “un-” to show that there’s a lack of “wit” in our mind, meaning that we’re not thinking clearly or not allowing ourselves to plan and process things.

  • You unwittingly managed to stop the herd, though you had no idea what you were doing.
  • I’ve unwittingly caused a huge family rift, and I don’t know how to fix it.
  • She’s mad at me for something that I’m sure I did unwittingly because I can’t figure it out!


“Unknowingly” means that we do something without “knowing” or planning it. We might use it to talk about our subconscious acting for us to do something without knowing.

The definition of “unknowingly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not conscious of a particular situation or problem.”

“Unknowingly” uses the root word “know” to talk about what our brain processes. We again use the prefix “un-” to show that we don’t “know” anything that we’re doing.

  • He unknowingly fixed the issues in the system, and everything worked great.
  • You’ve unknowingly undone everything that we’ve worked so hard for.
  • I unknowingly fell in love with her, and I didn’t know what to do.

You may also like: 10 Formal Ways To Say “Without Reason”

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Table of Contents

  1. Is humble an adverb or adjective?
  2. Is humble an adjective?
  3. Is humility an adverb?
  4. Is mindlessly a word?
  5. What’s a word for mindless?
  6. What is a mindless person called?
  7. What is a mindless action?
  8. What is opposite of mindless?
  9. Is Idiotic a word?
  10. How do you use mindless in a sentence?
  11. Is absentmindedly a word?
  12. What is the adjective of absent minded?
  13. What does scatterbrained mean?
  14. Why have I become so scatterbrained?
  15. Are people with ADHD scatterbrained?
  16. Is scatterbrain a bad word?
  17. How do I stop being scatterbrained?
  18. What is another word for scatterbrain?
  19. What does scattered thinking mean?
  20. What is disordered thinking?
  21. Is scattered an emotion?
  22. Why are my thoughts so jumbled?
  23. What does Scattered mean?
  24. Why does my mind jump from one thing to another?
  25. How a person with ADHD thinks?

If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through.

Is humble an adverb or adjective?

adjective, hum·bler, hum·blest. low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc.; lowly: of humble origin;a humble home.

Is humble an adjective?

humble adjective (NOT PROUD)

Is humility an adverb?

The characteristic of being humble; humbleness in spirit and deportment.

Is mindlessly a word?

Giving or showing little attention or care; heedless: mindless of the dangers. mind′less·ly adv. mind′less·ness n. Adv.

What’s a word for mindless?

Words related to mindless silly, thoughtless, senseless, foolish, gratuitous, unmindful, forgetful, asinine, careless, daydreaming, heedless, idiotic, inattentive, moronic, neglectful, negligent, obtuse, out, rash, simple.

What is a mindless person called?

dim-witted, doltish, dopey. (also dopy), dorky.

What is a mindless action?

If you describe a violent action as mindless, you mean that it is done without thought and will achieve nothing. If you describe a person or group as mindless, you mean that they are stupid or do not think about what they are doing.

What is opposite of mindless?

Antonyms: wise, meaningful, sensible, intellectual, reasonable. Synonyms: oblivious, unmindful, fatuous, vacuous, inane, reasonless, short, asinine, unretentive, oblivious(p), unmindful(p), forgetful, senseless. asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless, vacuousadjective.

Is Idiotic a word?

adjective. of, relating to, or characteristic of an idiot. senselessly foolish or stupid: an idiotic remark.

How do you use mindless in a sentence?

  1. The film is full of mindless violence.
  2. A moment of mindless violence snuffed out his life.
  3. She wasn’t at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be.
  4. It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
  5. His drinking bouts often ended in acts of mindless violence.

Is absentmindedly a word?

: tending to forget or not pay attention Two absentminded students forgot their homework today. absentmindedly adverb He absentmindedly drove past his exit.

What is the adjective of absent minded?

adjective. /ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd/ /ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd/ ​tending to forget things, perhaps because you are not thinking about what is around you, but about something else synonym forgetful.

What does scatterbrained mean?

: a person who is forgetful, disorganized, or unable to concentrate or think clearly The English, who had raised eccentricity and poor organization to a high art, and placed the scatterbrain on a pedestal, loathed such Middle European things as rules, conventions, and dictatorships.—

Why have I become so scatterbrained?

Powerful feelings, such as being stressed, angry or sad, can cloud your thinking brain, hampering your ability to reason effectively. “Those primary emotions — anxiety, sadness, anger — are the ones more likely to be associated with those who feel disorganised, distracted and overwhelmed,” he writes.

Are people with ADHD scatterbrained?

A 2012 study based on interviews with almost 1,500 people by researchers in the Netherlands found that 2.8 percent of adults older than 60 have ADHD, with 4.2 percent of people in that age group reporting several ADHD symptoms and some impairment. But just being forgetful or scatterbrained doesn’t mean you have ADHD.

Is scatterbrain a bad word?

So, sometimes a scatterbrain seems a little bit crazy, or something like that. So, this term “scatterbrain” it’s a little bit negative, but it’s not that negative, just a little bit.

How do I stop being scatterbrained?

How to start mindfulness meditation

  1. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Sit on a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.
  3. Focus on your breath.
  4. Feel your breath going in and out.
  5. Notice the thoughts that arise in your mind.
  6. Let the thoughts pass and gently return to your breath.

What is another word for scatterbrain?

What is another word for scatterbrain?

featherbrain flibbertigibbet
imbecile dolt
twit oaf
moron dunce
halfwit dimwit

What does scattered thinking mean?

adjective. lacking orderly continuity. “scattered thoughts” synonyms: confused, disconnected, disjointed, disordered, garbled, illogical, unconnected incoherent. without logical or meaningful connection.

What is disordered thinking?

Disordered thinking: A failure to be able to “think straight.” Thoughts may come and go rapidly. The person may not be able to concentrate on one thought for very long and may be easily distracted, unable to focus attention.

Is scattered an emotion?

It can be different for everyone, but overall, feeling scattered means that you can’t really focus on any one thing. Even when you need to do something, your mind jumps from one thing to another and you can’t seem to get anything done.

Why are my thoughts so jumbled?

The conditions most commonly linked to racing thoughts are bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, sleep deprivation, amphetamine dependence, and hyperthyroidism.

What does Scattered mean?

adjective. distributed or occurring at widely spaced and usually irregular intervals: scattered villages; scattered showers. dispersed; disorganized: scattered forces. distracted or disorganized: scattered thoughts.

Why does my mind jump from one thing to another?

When talking with someone experiencing racing thoughts, it’s usually readily apparent because they not only speak at a rapid clip but also quickly jump from one topic to another. This outward manifestation of racing thoughts is called flight of ideas.

How a person with ADHD thinks?

People with ADHD are both mystified and frustrated by secrets of the ADHD brain, namely the intermittent ability to be super-focused when interested, and challenged and unable to start and sustain projects that are personally boring. It is not that they don’t want to accomplish things or are unable to do the task.

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