Accounting word for difference

women’s average hourly wage rate is 92.6 per cent of the men’s average.


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После учета различий в наборе наблюдаемых характеристик работника и рабочего места средняя

почасовая оплата труда женщин составляет 92, 6% от соответствующего показателя мужчин.


The bank reconciliation process is the key control in identifying,


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Процесс выверки банковских ведомостей является ключевым элементом для выявления,

устранения и учета различий между системой бухгалтерской отчетности и остатками средств в банках.


In developing such requirements, it will be necessary to look

closely at current battery manufacturing practices, while accounting for differences in materials and chemical composition from manufacturer to manufacturer.


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При разработке таких предписаний необходимо будет внимательно рассмотреть

нынешнюю практику в области изготовления батарей с учетом различий в используемых материалах и в химическом составе в зависимости от производителя.


most notably actual labour market experience and major field of study, women’s average hourly wage rate is 89.4 per cent of the men’s average.


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После учета различий в наблюдаемых характеристиках, а именно

фактического стажа на рынке труда и области специализации, среднечасовая заработная плата женщин составляет 89, 4% от соответствующего показателя мужчин.


The publication by OECD of its Occasional Paper»Net Public Social Expenditure», which contains indicators on net public social expenditure


six countries and

facilitates cross-country comparisons by accounting for differences in the tax-systems and transfers which,

although mandatory, are not paid


by government.


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Опубликование ОЭСР своего тематического документа под названием» Чистые государственные расходы на социальные нужды», который содержит показатели чистых государственных расходов на социальные нужды по шести странам и

облегчает проведение межстрановых сопоставлений вследствие учета различий, касающихся налоговых систем,

а также трансфертов, которые, хотя и являются обязательными, не покрываются правительством.


There was a need to provide guidance on comparables to developing countries, given the frequent absence of local comparables and the need to make the necessary


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Необходимо разработать для развивающихся стран руководящие указания


отношении сопоставимых данных ввиду частого отсутствия таких сопоставимых данных на местном уровне и необходимости внесения требуемых корректировок


зарубежные сопоставимые данные,



these contaminants, the doses can be summed up,

if necessary, after


for differences in potency and then compared to the critical exposure.


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При рассмотрении таких загрязнителей дозы могут быть суммированы,

при необходимости с учетом разницы в мощности, а затем сопоставлены


критическим уровнем воздействия.


Those military orders were not changed when the law on incarceration was changed

in Israel, thereby


for differences in measures of incarceration or imprisonment.


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Эти военные приказы не были изменены после пересмотра закона Израиля о водворении в карцер,

что объясняет различия в применении мер в форме водворения в карцер или тюремного заключения.


What is sometimes called the»new economy», with its emphasis on knowledge, information and communications,

can only reinforce the prominence of this cultural element in


for differences in economic performance.


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То, что иногда называют<< новой экономикой>> с ее акцентом на знания, информацию и коммуникацию, может

лишь подчеркивать важное значение этого культурного элемента как одного из факторов, определяющих качественные различия в функционировании экономики.



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Учетом курсовых разниц для налогообложения/ вычета из налогооблагаемой базы в момент возникновения этих



There are differences between the accounting


depreciation related to the useful life of an assets and the depreciation rates allowed to be expensed for the purposes of taxation.


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Существуют разногласия между учетом амортизации на основе срока эксплуатации объекта и амортизационными нормативами, которые можно отнести на затраты для целей налогообложения.


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Данные отражаются в налоговых регистрах учета разниц по группам однородных объектов.


In addition, it aims to get the

students acquainted with the various aspects of harmonization for diverse


procedures of different countries in order to make the students understand how companies operating internationally cope with the accounting differences in countries across which they operate.


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Кроме того, предмет стремится познакомить студентов с

различными аспектами гармонизации по различным процедурам

бухгалтерского учета

разных стран для того, чтобы студенты могли понять, каким образом компании, работающие на международном уровне, справляются с отличиями бухгалтерского учета в странах, в которых они работают.


It is possible to establish a helium concentration criteria which is equivalent to 4 per cent hydrogen

concentration by volume, but the relationship needs to be adjusted for the difference in temperature of the gas between the operating LHSS and the temperature during the helium leak test in addition to

accounting for 

differences in physical properties.


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Можно определить предельный уровень концентрации гелия, который эквивалентен 4- процентной объемной концентрации водорода,

однако данное соотношение необходимо скорректировать на разницу в температуре газа, используемого в СХСжВ, и температуре, при которой проводится испытание


утечку гелия, а также


различия в физических свойствах.


Hence, only major




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Исходя из этого подобные


в учете выплат учреждениям- исполнителям могут объясняться лишь существенными различиями в организации работы.


The difficulty in

accounting for

them is that there are differences in bookkeeping and tax accounting


reflecting operations connected with fixed assets.


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Трудности их


заключаются в том, что существуют различия между бухгалтерским и налоговым учетом в порядке отражения операций, связанных с основными средствами.


The FAO report offered recommendations to Governments, donors and development practitioners to close the gender gap,

ensuring gender equality


rural women in law and in practice, including holding Government officials accountable; providing information and training to women and girls; and easing time constraints


women through provision of essential public services and improved technologies.


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В докладе ФАО предлагаются рекомендации для правительств, доноров и практикующих специалистов, занимающихся проблемами развития, для преодоления гендерного неравенства,

включающие: учет гендерных различий в политике развития сельских районов;

обеспечение гендерного равенства для женщин сельских районов по закону и в действительности, в том числе возможность привлечения к ответственности правительственных чиновников; предоставление информации и обучения для женщин и девочек; а также обеспечение более рационального использования времени для женщин путем предоставления основных коммунальных услуг и улучшенных технологий.


The Board recognizes that accounting policy differences arising from entity-specific characteristics will become

more apparent over time.


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Комиссия признает тот факт, что различия в методах учета, обусловленные конкретными характерными особенностями организаций,

со временем станут еще более очевидными.


Note: Differences in accounting procedures and definition of transfer dates may create discrepancies

with figures from importer states.


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Примечание: различия в процедурах учета и в датах регистрации поставок могут вызвать

расхождения с данными государств- импортеров.


The purpose of this work was to eliminate differences in accounting training and create a single global profession.


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Эта работа имеет целью устранить различия в подготовке бухгалтеров и обеспечить формирование единой профессии во всем мире.


Note: Differences in accounting procedures and definition of transfer dates may create

discrepancies with figures from exporter States.


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Примечание: Различия в методике подсчета и определении сроков передачи могут вызвать

несоответствие с данными государств- экспортеров.


As it is known, the subject to the income tax is the financial result before taxation,

determined by the rules of


and adjusted for tax differences.


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Как известно, объектом налогообложения налогом


прибыль является финансовый результат до налогообложения,

определенный по правилам бухучета и скорректированный на налоговые разницы.


According to the proposed wording of section III of the Tax Code, the object of taxation is calculated on the

basis of the financial result before tax based on


data adjusted for tax differences.


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Согласно предложенной редакции III раздела Налогового кодекса объект налогообложения рассчитывается


основании финансового результата до налогообложения по данным бухгалтерского учета,

скорректированного на налоговые разницы.


IBRACON has worked jointly with the CVM and its consultative body on


standards towards the goal of gradually reducing existing differences between Brazilian accounting standards and IFRS.


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ИБРАКОН работает совместно с КЦБ и его консультативным органом по



стремясь к достижению цели постепенного уменьшения имеющихся различий между бразильскими бухгалтерскими стандартами и МСФО.


The Board also recommends that,

when UNOPS has resolved its accounting differences with UNDP, it establish additional safeguards to avoid


arising in the future, including by fully settling transactions in cash at regular intervals.


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Комиссия также рекомендует ЮНОПС после урегулирования своих учетных расхождений с ПРООН предусмотреть дополнительные гарантии,

чтобы избежать возникновения


в будущем, в том числе путем регулярного полного расчета по сделкам наличными.


The application of full accrual basis


in accordance with IPSAS leads to a number of‘accounting basis differences’ which impact the result for the year.


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Применение предусмотренного МСУГС учетного метода

полного начисления вызывает ряд« расхождений в базисе учета», что влияет на итоговые показатели за год.


and central to holistic and evidence-based response.


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Вследствие этого учет гендерных различий в сфере научных исследований является важнейшим

и необходимым фактором для целостных и научно- обоснованных мер реагирования.


or non-deductible from the taxable base until the moment of their sale until a payment is made.


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или не подлежащих вычету из налогооблагаемой базы до момента их реализации пока не будет произведен платеж.


Asked by: Dr. Clinton Blick

Score: 4.4/5
(68 votes)

synonyms for accounted for

  • clarify.
  • elucidate.
  • explain.
  • justify.
  • resolve.

What does it mean when someone says accounted for?

Definition of account for (someone or something)

1 : to show what happened to (someone or something) : know where (something or someone) is We have to account for the time we spend on each activity. The government couldn’t account for millions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money. Is everyone accounted for?

What’s another way of saying taking into account?

Alternate Synonyms for «take into account»:

allow; calculate; estimate; reckon; count on; figure; forecast.

What are 2 synonyms for account?

synonyms for account

  • detail.
  • explanation.
  • history.
  • narrative.
  • report.
  • story.
  • tale.
  • version.

What is the synonym and antonym of account?

noun. ( əˈkaʊnt) A record or narrative description of past events. Antonyms. indication falsehood overstatement truth pro con augmentation.

22 related questions found

What is the synonyms of approximately?

In this page you can discover 51 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for approximately, like: roughly, almost, just-about, approximatley, close-to, on the edge of, in the neighborhood of, approaching, proximately, pretty nearly and around.

What take account means?

: to give attention or consideration to (something) a plan that failed to take account of possible weather delays = a plan that failed to take possible weather delays into account She took account of everything he did and said, pondering it, and trying to make out exactly what he meant, to the inflection of a syllable, …

What is another word for taking in?

In this page you can discover 85 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take-in, like: embrace, comprehend, receive, accept, swindle, welcome, absorb, artifice, gather in, draw and catch.

What is a word for made up?

Find another word for made-up. In this page you can discover 38 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for made-up, like: invented, unreal, fabricated, fictitious, cosmeticized, painted, colored, created, imaginary, concocted and contrived.

What is the definition of adjudge?

transitive verb. 1a : to decide or rule upon as a judge : adjudicate. b : to pronounce judicially : rule. 2 archaic : sentence, condemn.

How do you use accounted for?

account for somebody/something

  1. 1to know where someone or something is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident All passengers have now been accounted for. Three files cannot be accounted for.
  2. (informal) to defeat or destroy someone or something Our antiaircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.

What does the idiom What a small world mean?

used to show surprise when one meets someone one knows at an unexpected place or finds out that one shares a friend, acquaintance, etc., with another person You know him, too? Wow, it’s a small world.

Do my accounts meaning?

14 If you do something on your own account, you do it because you want to and without being asked, and you take responsibility for your own action. ♦ on one’s own account phrase PHR after v. I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.

What can I say instead of take?

  • capture.
  • earn.
  • seize.
  • receive.
  • win.
  • reach.
  • pick up.
  • accept.

What’s a better word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

Is in sync with meaning?

1 : in a state in which two or more people or things move or happen together at the same time and speed The dancers moved in sync. The film’s sound and picture need to be in sync. —often + with She moved in sync with her partner.

What do you mean by rapport?

: a friendly, harmonious relationship especially : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.

Should I take the account of?

take account of someone or something

to pay attention to someone or something. You should take account of Tom. He has some good advice.

Is taking into account?

If you take something into account, or take account of something, you consider it when you are thinking about a situation or deciding what to do.

What is the short form of approximately?

abbreviation. /əˈprɒks/ /əˈprɑːks/ ​(in writing) approximate, approximately.

What are the synonyms of percentage?

synonyms for percentage

  • bonus.
  • chunk.
  • fee.
  • interest.
  • proportion.
  • rate.
  • ratio.
  • duty.

What does Accounting Mean?


Definition as Noun
  • a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes
  • a system that provides quantitative information about finances
  • a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
  • the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business
  • a bookkeeper’s chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts


  • «he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions»
  • «they send me an accounting every month»

Part of Speech


  • Accounting vs account
  • Accounting vs account statement
  • Accounting vs accountancy
  • Accounting vs accounting system
  • Accounting vs method of accounting

See also

accounting | account | Synonyms |

Accounting is a synonym of account.

In context|accounting|lang=en terms the difference between accounting and account

is that accounting is (accounting) the development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions and financial status of a business or other organization while account is (accounting) a registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review.

As verbs the difference between accounting and account

is that accounting is (account) while account is to provide explanation.

As nouns the difference between accounting and account

is that accounting is (accounting) the development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions and financial status of a business or other organization while account is (accounting) a registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review.

Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?




(wikipedia accounting)

  • (accounting) The development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions and financial status of a business or other organization.
  • A relaying of events; justification of actions.
    He was required to give a thorough accounting of his time.
  • Derived terms

    * creative accounting



    Etymology 1

    * First attested around 1300. ((reckoning of moneys received and paid))
    * (banking) First attested in 1833.
    * (narration) First attested in the 1610’s.
    * From (etyl), from (etyl)


    (en noun)

  • (accounting) A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review
  • (banking) A sum of money deposited at a bank and subject to withdrawal.
    to keep one’s account at the bank.
  • A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event; a reason of an action to be done.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-01, author=Stephen Ledoux
    , title=Behaviorism at 100
    , volume=100, issue=1, page=60
    , magazine=
    , passage=Becoming more aware of the progress that scientists have made on behavioral fronts can reduce the risk that other natural scientists will resort to mystical agential accounts when they exceed the limits of their own disciplinary training.}}

    No satisfactory account has been given of these phenomena.
  • A reason, grounds, consideration, motive.
    on no account
    on every account
    on all accounts
  • * Episode 16
    …who evidently a glutton for work, it struck him, was having a quiet forty winks for all intents and purposes on his own private account while Dublin slept.
  • (business) A business relationship involving the exchange of money and credit.
  • A record of events; recital of transactions; a relation or narrative; a report; a description
    An account of a battle.
  • * (rfdate) A laudable account of the city of London. — Howell
  • A statement explaining one’s conduct.
  • * (rfdate) Give an account of thy stewardship. — Luke 16:2
  • An estimate or estimation; valuation; judgment.
  • * (rfdate) To stand high in your account — Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, III-ii
  • Importance; worth; value; esteem; judgement.
  • * (rfdate) Men of account
  • * (rfdate) To turn to account — Shakespeare
  • An authorization to use a service.
    I’ve opened an account with Wikipedia so that I can contribute and partake in the project.
  • (archaic) A reckoning; computation; calculation; enumeration; a record of some reckoning.
  • Profit; advantage.
  • Usage notes

    * Abbreviations: (business)
    * of Account , narrative, narration, recital. These words are applied to different modes of rehearsing a series of events
    * Account‘ turns attention not so much to the speaker as to the fact related, and more properly applies to the report of some single event, or a group of incidents taken as whole; as, an ‘ account of a battle, of a shipwreck, etc.
    * A narrative‘ is a continuous story of connected incidents, such as one friend might tell to another; as, a »’narrative»’ of the events of a siege, a ‘ narrative of one’s life, etc.
    * Narration‘ is usually the same as »’narrative»’, but is sometimes used to describe the »’mode»’ of relating events; as, his powers of ‘ narration are uncommonly great.
    * Recital‘ denotes a series of events drawn out into minute particulars, usually expressing something which peculiarly interests the feelings of the speaker; as, the ‘ recital of one’s wrongs, disappointments, sufferings, etc.


    * (registry of pecuniary transactions)
    * (statement of occurrences) narrative, narration, relation, recital, description, explanation
    * (a statement of reasons) accounting, explanation
    * (a reason)
    * (a vindication) defense, excuse, explanation
    * (estimate)
    * (authorization to use a service) membership, registration, username

    Derived terms

    (Financial terms)
    * account balance
    * account book
    * account code
    * account executive
    * account number
    * account payable
    * account receivable
    * account stated
    * active account
    * bank account
    * book account
    * capital account
    * cash account
    * cast accounts
    * charge account
    * checking account
    * concentration account
    * control account
    * credit account
    * current account
    * custodial account
    * deferred account
    * deposit account
    * discretionary account
    * dormant account
    * drawing account
    * escrow account
    * expense account
    * final account
    * frozen account
    * general account
    * giro account
    * house account
    * insured account
    * joint account
    * managed account
    * margin account
    * merchant account
    * mixed account
    * money of account
    * nostro account
    * NOW account
    * numbered account
    * omnibus account
    * open account
    * option account
    * overdraft checking account
    * pension account
    * profit and loss account
    * reserved account
    * restricted account
    * retirement account
    * savings account
    * separate account
    * share premium account
    * suspense account
    * sweep account
    * trading account
    * transaction account
    * trust account
    * trustee account
    * undermargined account
    * undivided account
    * valuation account
    * vostro account
    * western account
    * wrap account
    * zero-balance account
    (Non-financial terms)
    * account current: a running or continued account between two or more parties, or a statement of the particulars of such an account
    * call to account
    * cast up one’s accounts
    * hold to account
    * in account with: in a relation requiring an account to be kept
    * no-account
    * on account of: for the sake of; by reason of; because of
    * on no account
    * on one’s own account: for one’s own interest or behalf
    * make account: (Obsolete): to have an opinion or expectation; to reckon
    * make account of: to hold in estimation; to esteem; as, he makes‘ small ‘ account of beauty
    * shell account
    * short account
    * take account of, or take into account: to take into consideration; to notice
    * a writ of account: (Law): a writ which the plaintiff brings demanding that the defendant shall render his just account, or show good cause to the contrary; — called also an action of account — Cowell
    * take into account
    * theoretical account

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) acounter, (accomptere) et al., (etyl) aconter, (acompter), from (a-) + . Compare (count).


    (en verb)

  • to provide explanation
  • # (obsolete) To present an account of; to answer for, to justify.
  • #
  • # To estimate, consider (something to be as described).
  • #* 1843 , (Thomas Carlyle), , III.8:
  • The Pagan Hercules, why was he accounted a hero?
  • # To consider (that).
  • #* 1611 , Bible , Authorized (King James) Version, Hebrews XI.19:
  • Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
  • # To give a satisfactory evaluation (for) financial transactions, money received etc.
  • An officer must account with or to the treasurer for money received.
  • # To give a satisfactory evaluation (for) (one’s actions, behaviour etc.); to answer (for).
  • We must account for the use of our opportunities.
  • # To give a satisfactory reason (for); to explain.
  • Idleness accounts for poverty.
  • # To establish the location (for) someone.
  • After the crash, not all passengers were accounted for.
  • # To cause the death, capture, or destruction of someone or something (+ (for)).
  • to count
  • #
  • #* 1646 , (Sir Thomas Browne), Pseudodoxia Epidemica :
  • neither the motion of the Moon, whereby moneths are computed; nor of the Sun, whereby years are accounted , consisteth of whole numbers, but admits of fractions, and broken parts, as we have already declared concerning the Moon.
  • # (obsolete) To count (up), enumerate.
  • # (obsolete) To recount, relate (a narrative etc.).
  • #* 1590 , (Edmund Spenser), The Faerie Queene , III.6:
  • Long worke it were / Here to account the endlesse progeny / Of all the weeds that bud and blossome there […].
  • Derived terms

    * account for
    * account of



    They are more or less interchangeable. Accounting has different meanings and in one sense refers to the process of keeping or maintaining financial records; while accountancy, according to OED, specifically refers to the duties(which consists of accounting, bookkeeping, auditing, etc.) or profession of an accountant.

    When it comes to which is the child and which is the parent, accountancy seems to be the parent term in finance. Here is the definition from Wikipedia:

    Accountancy is the process of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers.1 The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management; the art lies in selecting the information that is relevant to the user and is reliable.[2] The principles of accountancy are applied to business entities in three divisions of practical art, named accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing.[3]
    The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) defines accountancy as «the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.»[4]

    That said, when referring to the field itself, I’ll never use accountancy and will stick with accounting.

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