Academic reading word list

Headword    Sublist    Related word forms    analyse 1 analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analysing, analysis, analyst, analysts, analytic, analytical, analytically, analyze, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing approach 1 approachable, approached, approaches, approaching, unapproachable area 1 areas assess 1 assessable, assessed, assesses, assessing, assessment, assessments, reassess, reassessed, reassessing, reassessment, unassessed assume 1 assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions authority 1 authoritative, authorities available 1 availability, unavailable benefit 1 beneficial, beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefited, benefiting, benefits concept 1 conception, concepts, conceptual, conceptualisation, conceptualise, conceptualised, conceptualises, conceptualising, conceptually consist 1 consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, consists, inconsistencies, inconsistency, inconsistent constitute 1 constituencies, constituency, constituent, constituents, constituted, constitutes, constituting, constitution, constitutional, constitutionally, constitutions, constitutive, unconstitutional context 1 contexts, contextual, contextualise, contextualised, contextualising, contextualize, contextualized, contextualizing, uncontextualised, uncontextualized contract 1 contracted, contracting, contractor, contractors, contracts create 1 created, creates, creating, creation, creations, creative, creatively, creativity, creator, creators, recreate, recreated, recreates, recreating data 1 define 1 definable, defined, defines, defining, definition, definitions, redefine, redefined, redefines, redefining, undefined derive 1 derivation, derivations, derivative, derivatives, derived, derives, deriving distribute 1 distributed, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributions, distributive, distributor, distributors, redistribute, redistributed, redistributes, redistributing, redistribution economy 1 economic, economical, economically, economics, economies, economist, economists, uneconomical environment 1 environmental, environmentalist, environmentalists, environmentally, environments establish 1 disestablish, disestablished, disestablishes, disestablishing, disestablishment, established, establishes, establishing, establishment, establishments estimate 1 estimated, estimates, estimating, estimation, estimations, over-estimate, overestimate, overestimated, overestimates, overestimating, underestimate, underestimated, underestimates, underestimating evident 1 evidence, evidenced, evidential, evidently export 1 exported, exporter, exporters, exporting, exports factor 1 factored, factoring, factors finance 1 financed, finances, financial, financially, financier, financiers, financing formula 1 formulae, formulas, formulate, formulated, formulating, formulation, formulations, reformulate, reformulated, reformulating, reformulation, reformulations function 1 functional, functionally, functioned, functioning, functions identify 1 identifiable, identification, identified, identifies, identifying, identities, identity, unidentifiable income 1 incomes indicate 1 indicated, indicates, indicating, indication, indications, indicative, indicator, indicators individual 1 individualised, individualism, individualist, individualistic, individualists, individuality, individually, individuals interpret 1 interpretation, interpretations, interpretative, interpreted, interpreting, interpretive, interprets, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misinterpretations, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets, reinterpret, reinterpretation, reinterpretations, reinterpreted, reinterpreting, reinterprets involve 1 involved, involvement, involves, involving, uninvolved issue 1 issued, issues, issuing labour 1 labor, labored, labors, laboured, labouring, labours legal 1 illegal, illegality, illegally, legality, legally legislate 1 legislated, legislates, legislating, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislators, legislature major 1 majorities, majority method 1 methodical, methodological, methodologies, methodology, methods occur 1 occurred, occurrence, occurrences, occurring, occurs, reoccur, reoccurred, reoccurring, reoccurs percent 1 percentage, percentages period 1 periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicals, periods policy 1 policies principle 1 principled, principles, unprincipled proceed 1 procedural, procedure, procedures, proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeds process 1 processed, processes, processing require 1 required, requirement, requirements, requires, requiring research 1 researched, researcher, researchers, researches, researching respond 1 responded, respondent, respondents, responding, responds, response, responses, responsive, responsiveness, unresponsive role 1 roles section 1 sectioned, sectioning, sections sector 1 sectors significant 1 insignificant, insignificantly, significance, significantly, signified, signifies, signify, signifying similar 1 dissimilar, similarities, similarity, similarly source 1 sourced, sources, sourcing specific 1 specifically, specification, specifications, specificity, specifics structure 1 restructure, restructured, restructures, restructuring, structural, structurally, structured, structures, structuring, unstructured theory 1 theoretical, theoretically, theories, theorist, theorists vary 1 invariable, invariably, variability, variable, variables, variably, variance, variant, variants, variation, variations, varied, varies, varying achieve 2 achievable, achieved, achievement, achievements, achieves, achieving acquire 2 acquired, acquires, acquiring, acquisition, acquisitions administrate 2 administrates, administration, administrations, administrative, administratively, administrator, administrators affect 2 affected, affecting, affective, affectively, affects, unaffected appropriate 2 appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately aspect 2 aspects assist 2 assistance, assistant, assistants, assisted, assisting, assists, unassisted category 2 categories, categorisation, categorise, categorised, categorises, categorising, categorization, categorized, categorizes, categorizing chapter 2 chapters commission 2 commissioned, commissioner, commissioners, commissioning, commissions community 2 communities complex 2 complexities, complexity compute 2 computable, computation, computational, computations, computed, computer, computerised, computers, computing conclude 2 concluded, concludes, concluding, conclusion, conclusions, conclusive, conclusively, inconclusive, inconclusively conduct 2 conducted, conducting, conducts consequent 2 consequence, consequences, consequently construct 2 constructed, constructing, construction, constructions, constructive, constructs, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, reconstruction, reconstructs consume 2 consumed, consumer, consumers, consumes, consuming, consumption credit 2 credited, crediting, creditor, creditors, credits culture 2 cultural, culturally, cultured, cultures, uncultured design 2 designed, designer, designers, designing, designs distinct 2 distinction, distinctions, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, indistinct, indistinctly element 2 elements equate 2 equated, equates, equating, equation, equations evaluate 2 evaluated, evaluates, evaluating, evaluation, evaluations, evaluative, re-evaluate, re-evaluated, re-evaluates, re-evaluating, re-evaluation feature 2 featured, features, featuring final 2 finalise, finalised, finalises, finalising, finality, finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finally, finals focus 2 focused, focuses, focusing, focussed, focussing, refocus, refocused, refocuses, refocusing, refocussed, refocusses, refocussing impact 2 impacted, impacting, impacts injure 2 injured, injures, injuries, injuring, injury, uninjured institute 2 instituted, institutes, instituting, institution, institutional, institutionalise, institutionalised, institutionalises, institutionalising, institutionalized, institutionalizes, institutionalizing, institutionally, institutions invest 2 invested, investing, investment, investments, investor, investors, invests, reinvest, reinvested, reinvesting, reinvestment, reinvests item 2 itemisation, itemise, itemised, itemises, itemising, items journal 2 journals maintain 2 maintained, maintaining, maintains, maintenance normal 2 abnormal, abnormally, normalisation, normalise, normalised, normalises, normalising, normality, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizes, normalizing, normally obtain 2 obtainable, obtained, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable participate 2 participant, participants, participated, participates, participating, participation, participatory perceive 2 perceived, perceives, perceiving, perception, perceptions positive 2 positively potential 2 potentially previous 2 previously primary 2 primarily purchase 2 purchased, purchaser, purchasers, purchases, purchasing range 2 ranged, ranges, ranging region 2 regional, regionally, regions regulate 2 deregulated, deregulates, deregulating, deregulation, regulated, regulates, regulating, regulation, regulations, regulator, regulators, regulatory, unregulated relevant 2 irrelevance, irrelevant, relevance reside 2 resided, residence, resident, residential, residents, resides, residing resource 2 resourced, resourceful, resources, resourcing, under-resourced, unresourceful restrict 2 restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictions, restrictive, restrictively, restricts, unrestricted, unrestrictive secure 2 insecure, insecurities, insecurity, secured, securely, secures, securing, securities, security seek 2 seeking, seeks, sought select 2 selected, selecting, selection, selections, selective, selectively, selector, selectors, selects site 2 sites strategy 2 strategic, strategically, strategies, strategist, strategists survey 2 surveyed, surveying, surveys text 2 texts, textual tradition 2 non-traditional, traditional, traditionalist, traditionally, traditions transfer 2 transferable, transference, transferred, transferring, transfers alternative 3 alternatively, alternatives circumstance 3 circumstances comment 3 commentaries, commentary, commentator, commentators, commented, commenting, comments compensate 3 compensated, compensates, compensating, compensation, compensations, compensatory component 3 componentry, components consent 3 consensus, consented, consenting, consents considerable 3 considerably constant 3 constancy, constantly, constants, inconstancy, inconstantly constrain 3 constrained, constraining, constrains, constraint, constraints, unconstrained contribute 3 contributed, contributes, contributing, contribution, contributions, contributor, contributors convene 3 convened, convenes, convening, convention, conventional, conventionally, conventions, unconventional coordinate 3 co-ordinate, co-ordinated, co-ordinates, co-ordinating, co-ordination, co-ordinator, co-ordinators, coordinated, coordinates, coordinating, coordination, coordinator, coordinators core 3 cored, cores, coring corporate 3 corporates, corporation, corporations correspond 3 corresponded, correspondence, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponds criteria 3 criterion deduce 3 deduced, deduces, deducing, deduction, deductions demonstrate 3 demonstrable, demonstrably, demonstrated, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrations, demonstrative, demonstratively, demonstrator, demonstrators document 3 documentation, documented, documenting, documents dominate 3 dominance, dominant, dominated, dominates, dominating, domination emphasis 3 emphasise, emphasised, emphasising, emphasize, emphasized, emphasizes, emphasizing, emphatic, emphatically ensure 3 ensured, ensures, ensuring exclude 3 excluded, excludes, excluding, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusions, exclusive, exclusively framework 3 frameworks fund 3 funded, funder, funders, funding, funds illustrate 3 illustrated, illustrates, illustrating, illustration, illustrations, illustrative immigrate 3 immigrant, immigrants, immigrated, immigrates, immigrating, immigration imply 3 implied, implies, implying initial 3 initially instance 3 instances interact 3 interacted, interacting, interaction, interactions, interactive, interactively, interacts justify 3 justifiable, justifiably, justification, justifications, justified, justifies, justifying, unjustified layer 3 layered, layering, layers link 3 linkage, linkages, linked, linking, links locate 3 located, locating, location, locations, relocate, relocated, relocates, relocating, relocation maximise 3 max, maximisation, maximised, maximises, maximising, maximization, maximize, maximized, maximizes, maximizing, maximum minor 3 minorities, minority, minors negate 3 negated, negates, negating, negative, negatively, negatives outcome 3 outcomes partner 3 partners, partnership, partnerships philosophy 3 philosopher, philosophers, philosophical, philosophically, philosophies, philosophise, philosophised, philosophises, philosophising, philosophize, philosophized, philosophizes, philosophizing physical 3 physically proportion 3 disproportion, disproportionate, disproportionately, proportional, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportions publish 3 published, publisher, publishers, publishes, publishing, unpublished react 3 reacted, reacting, reaction, reactionaries, reactionary, reactions, reactivate, reactivation, reactive, reactor, reactors, reacts register 3 deregister, deregistered, deregistering, deregisters, deregistration, registered, registering, registers, registration rely 3 reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, reliant, relied, relies, relying, unreliable remove 3 removable, removal, removals, removed, removes, removing scheme 3 schematic, schematically, schemed, schemes, scheming sequence 3 sequenced, sequences, sequencing, sequential, sequentially sex 3 sexes, sexism, sexual, sexuality, sexually shift 3 shifted, shifting, shifts specify 3 specifiable, specified, specifies, specifying, unspecified sufficient 3 insufficient, insufficiently, sufficiency, sufficiently task 3 tasks technical 3 technically technique 3 techniques technology 3 technological, technologically valid 3 invalidate, invalidity, validate, validated, validating, validation, validity, validly volume 3 volumes access 4 accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible adequate 4 adequacy, adequately, inadequacies, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately annual 4 annually apparent 4 apparently approximate 4 approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations attitude 4 attitudes attribute 4 attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution civil 4 code 4 coded, codes, coding commit 4 commitment, commitments, commits, committed, committing communicate 4 communicable, communicated, communicates, communicating, communication, communications, communicative, communicatively, uncommunicative concentrate 4 concentrated, concentrates, concentrating, concentration confer 4 conference, conferences, conferred, conferring, confers contrast 4 contrasted, contrasting, contrastive, contrasts cycle 4 cycled, cycles, cyclic, cyclical, cycling debate 4 debatable, debated, debates, debating despite 4 dimension 4 dimensional, dimensions, multidimensional domestic 4 domestically, domesticate, domesticated, domesticating, domestics emerge 4 emerged, emergence, emergent, emerges, emerging error 4 erroneous, erroneously, errors ethnic 4 ethnicity goal 4 goals grant 4 granted, granting, grants hence 4 hypothesis 4 hypotheses, hypothesise, hypothesised, hypothesises, hypothesising, hypothesize, hypothesized, hypothesizes, hypothesizing, hypothetical, hypothetically implement 4 implementation, implemented, implementing, implements implicate 4 implicated, implicates, implicating, implication, implications impose 4 imposed, imposes, imposing, imposition integrate 4 integrated, integrates, integrating, integration internal 4 internalise, internalised, internalises, internalising, internalize, internalized, internalizes, internalizing, internally investigate 4 investigated, investigates, investigating, investigation, investigations, investigative, investigator, investigators job 4 jobs label 4 labeled, labeling, labelled, labelling, labels mechanism 4 mechanisms obvious 4 obviously occupy 4 occupancy, occupant, occupants, occupation, occupational, occupations, occupied, occupier, occupiers, occupies, occupying option 4 optional, options output 4 outputs overall 4 parallel 4 paralleled, parallelled, parallelling, parallels, unparalleled parameter 4 parameters phase 4 phased, phases, phasing predict 4 predictability, predictable, predictably, predicted, predicting, prediction, predictions, predicts, unpredictability, unpredictable principal 4 principally prior 4 professional 4 professionalism, professionally, professionals project 4 projected, projecting, projection, projections, projects promote 4 promoted, promoter, promoters, promotes, promoting, promotion, promotions regime 4 regimes resolve 4 resolution, resolved, resolves, resolving, unresolved retain 4 retained, retainer, retainers, retaining, retains, retention, retentive series 4 statistic 4 statistical, statistically, statistician, statisticians, statistics status 4 stress 4 stressed, stresses, stressful, stressing, unstressed subsequent 4 subsequently sum 4 summation, summed, summing, sums summary 4 summaries, summarisation, summarisations, summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarization, summarizations, summarize, summarized, summarizes, summarizing undertake 4 undertaken, undertakes, undertaking, undertook academy 5 academia, academic, academically, academics, academies adjust 5 adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, adjustments, adjusts, readjust, readjusted, readjusting, readjustment, readjustments, readjusts alter 5 alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alternate, alternating, alters, unalterable, unaltered amend 5 amended, amending, amendment, amendments, amends aware 5 awareness, unaware capacity 5 capacities, incapacitate, incapacitated challenge 5 challenged, challenger, challengers, challenges, challenging clause 5 clauses compound 5 compounded, compounding, compounds conflict 5 conflicted, conflicting, conflicts consult 5 consultancy, consultant, consultants, consultation, consultations, consultative, consulted, consulting, consults contact 5 contactable, contacted, contacting, contacts decline 5 declined, declines, declining discrete 5 discretely, discretion, discretionary, indiscrete, indiscretion draft 5 drafted, drafting, drafts, redraft, redrafted, redrafting, redrafts enable 5 enabled, enables, enabling energy 5 energetic, energetically, energies enforce 5 enforced, enforcement, enforces, enforcing entity 5 entities equivalent 5 equivalence evolve 5 evolution, evolutionary, evolutionist, evolutionists, evolved, evolves, evolving expand 5 expanded, expanding, expands, expansion, expansionism, expansive expose 5 exposed, exposes, exposing, exposure, exposures external 5 externalisation, externalise, externalised, externalises, externalising, externality, externalization, externalize, externalized, externalizes, externalizing, externally facilitate 5 facilitated, facilitates, facilitating, facilitation, facilitator, facilitators, facilities, facility fundamental 5 fundamentally generate 5 generated, generates, generating generation 5 generations image 5 imagery, images liberal 5 liberalisation, liberalise, liberalised, liberalises, liberalising, liberalism, liberalization, liberalize, liberalized, liberalizes, liberalizing, liberally, liberate, liberated, liberates, liberating, liberation, liberations, liberator, liberators licence 5 licences, license, licensed, licenses, licensing, unlicensed logic 5 illogical, illogically, logical, logically, logician, logicians margin 5 marginal, marginally, margins medical 5 medically mental 5 mentality, mentally modify 5 modification, modifications, modified, modifies, modifying, unmodified monitor 5 monitored, monitoring, monitors, unmonitored network 5 networked, networking, networks notion 5 notions objective 5 objectively, objectivity orient 5 orientate, orientated, orientates, orientating, orientation, oriented, orienting, orients, reorient, reorientation perspective 5 perspectives precise 5 imprecise, precisely, precision prime 5 primacy psychology 5 psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychologists pursue 5 pursued, pursues, pursuing, pursuit, pursuits ratio 5 ratios reject 5 rejected, rejecting, rejection, rejections, rejects revenue 5 revenues stable 5 instability, stabilisation, stabilise, stabilised, stabilises, stabilising, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stabilized, stabilizes, stabilizing, unstable style 5 styled, styles, styling, stylise, stylised, stylises, stylish, stylising, stylize, stylized, stylizes, stylizing substitute 5 substituted, substitutes, substituting, substitution sustain 5 sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, sustains, sustenance, unsustainable symbol 5 symbolic, symbolically, symbolise, symbolised, symbolises, symbolising, symbolism, symbolize, symbolized, symbolizes, symbolizing, symbols target 5 targeted, targeting, targets transit 5 transited, transiting, transition, transitional, transitions, transitory, transits trend 5 trends version 5 versions welfare 5 whereas 5 abstract 6 abstraction, abstractions, abstractly, abstracts accurate 6 accuracy, accurately, inaccuracies, inaccuracy, inaccurate acknowledge 6 acknowledged, acknowledgement, acknowledgements, acknowledges, acknowledging aggregate 6 aggregated, aggregates, aggregating, aggregation allocate 6 allocated, allocates, allocating, allocation, allocations assign 6 assigned, assigning, assignment, assignments, assigns, reassign, reassigned, reassigning, reassigns, unassigned attach 6 attached, attaches, attaching, attachment, attachments, unattached author 6 authored, authoring, authors, authorship bond 6 bonded, bonding, bonds brief 6 brevity, briefed, briefing, briefly, briefs capable 6 capabilities, capability, incapable cite 6 citation, citations, cited, cites, citing cooperate 6 co-operate, co-operated, co-operates, co-operation, co-operative, co-operatively, cooperated, cooperates, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, cooperatively discriminate 6 discriminated, discriminates, discriminating, discrimination display 6 displayed, displaying, displays diverse 6 diversely, diversification, diversified, diversifies, diversify, diversifying, diversity domain 6 domains edit 6 edited, editing, edition, editions, editor, editorial, editorials, editors, edits enhance 6 enhanced, enhancement, enhances, enhancing estate 6 estates exceed 6 exceeded, exceeding, exceeds expert 6 expertise, expertly, experts explicit 6 explicitly federal 6 federation, federations fee 6 fees flexible 6 flexibility, inflexibility, inflexible furthermore 6 gender 6 genders ignorant 6 ignorance, ignore, ignored, ignores, ignoring incentive 6 incentives incidence 6 incident, incidentally, incidents incorporate 6 incorporated, incorporates, incorporating, incorporation index 6 indexed, indexes, indexing inhibit 6 inhibited, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitions, inhibits initiate 6 initiated, initiates, initiating, initiation, initiations, initiative, initiatives, initiator, initiators input 6 inputs instruct 6 instructed, instructing, instruction, instructions, instructive, instructor, instructors, instructs intelligent 6 intelligence, intelligently, unintelligent interval 6 intervals lecture 6 lectured, lecturer, lecturers, lectures, lecturing migrate 6 migrant, migrants, migrated, migrates, migrating, migration, migrations, migratory minimum 6 ministry 6 ministered, ministerial, ministering, ministries motive 6 motivate, motivated, motivates, motivating, motivation, motivations, motives, unmotivated neutral 6 neutralisation, neutralise, neutralised, neutralises, neutralising, neutrality, neutralization, neutralize, neutralized, neutralizes, neutralizing nevertheless 6 overseas 6 precede 6 preceded, precedence, precedent, precedes, preceding, unprecedented presume 6 presumably, presumed, presumes, presuming, presumption, presumptions, presumptuous rational 6 irrational, rationalisation, rationalisations, rationalise, rationalised, rationalises, rationalising, rationalism, rationality, rationalization, rationalizations, rationalize, rationalized, rationalizes, rationally recover 6 recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovers, recovery reveal 6 revealed, revealing, reveals, revelation, revelations scope 6 subsidy 6 subsidiary, subsidies, subsidise, subsidised, subsidises, subsidising, subsidize, subsidized, subsidizes, subsidizing tape 6 taped, tapes, taping trace 6 traceable, traced, traces, tracing transform 6 transformation, transformations, transformed, transforming, transforms transport 6 transportation, transported, transporter, transporters, transporting, transports underlie 6 underlay, underlies, underlying utilise 6 utilisation, utilised, utiliser, utilisers, utilises, utilising, utilities, utility, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizes, utilizing adapt 7 adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adaptations, adapted, adapting, adaptive, adapts adult 7 adulthood, adults advocate 7 advocacy, advocated, advocates, advocating aid 7 aided, aiding, aids, unaided channel 7 channelled, channelling, channels chemical 7 chemically, chemicals classic 7 classical, classics comprehensive 7 comprehensively comprise 7 comprised, comprises, comprising confirm 7 confirmation, confirmed, confirming, confirms contrary 7 contrarily convert 7 conversion, conversions, converted, convertible, converting, converts couple 7 coupled, couples, coupling decade 7 decades definite 7 definitely, definitive, indefinite, indefinitely deny 7 deniable, denial, denials, denied, denies, denying, undeniable differentiate 7 differentiated, differentiates, differentiating, differentiation dispose 7 disposable, disposal, disposed, disposes, disposing dynamic 7 dynamically, dynamics eliminate 7 eliminated, eliminates, eliminating, elimination empirical 7 empirically, empiricism equip 7 equipment, equipped, equipping, equips extract 7 extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts file 7 filed, files, filing finite 7 infinite, infinitely foundation 7 foundations globe 7 global, globalisation, globalization, globally grade 7 graded, grades, grading guarantee 7 guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees hierarchy 7 hierarchical, hierarchies identical 7 identically ideology 7 ideological, ideologically, ideologies infer 7 inference, inferences, inferred, inferring, infers innovate 7 innovated, innovates, innovating, innovation, innovations, innovative, innovator, innovators insert 7 inserted, inserting, insertion, inserts intervene 7 intervened, intervenes, intervening, intervention, interventions isolate 7 isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, isolationism media 7 mode 7 modes paradigm 7 paradigms phenomenon 7 phenomena, phenomenal priority 7 priorities, prioritisation, prioritise, prioritised, prioritises, prioritising, prioritization, prioritize, prioritized, prioritizes, prioritizing prohibit 7 prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitions, prohibitive, prohibits publication 7 publications quote 7 quotation, quotations, quoted, quotes, quoting release 7 released, releases, releasing reverse 7 irreversible, reversal, reversals, reversed, reverses, reversible, reversing simulate 7 simulated, simulates, simulating, simulation sole 7 solely somewhat 7 submit 7 submission, submissions, submits, submitted, submitting successor 7 succession, successions, successive, successively, successors survive 7 survival, survived, survives, surviving, survivor, survivors thesis 7 theses topic 7 topical, topics transmit 7 transmission, transmissions, transmits, transmitted, transmitting ultimate 7 ultimately unique 7 uniquely, uniqueness visible 7 invisibility, invisible, visibility, visibly voluntary 7 voluntarily, volunteer, volunteered, volunteering, volunteers abandon 8 abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons accompany 8 accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied accumulate 8 accumulated, accumulates, accumulating, accumulation ambiguous 8 ambiguities, ambiguity, unambiguous, unambiguously append 8 appended, appendices, appending, appendix, appendixes, appends appreciate 8 appreciable, appreciably, appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, appreciation, unappreciated arbitrary 8 arbitrarily, arbitrariness automate 8 automated, automates, automatic, automatically, automating, automation bias 8 biased, biases, biasing, unbiased chart 8 charted, charting, charts, uncharted clarify 8 clarification, clarified, clarifies, clarifying, clarity commodity 8 commodities complement 8 complementary, complemented, complementing, complements conform 8 conformability, conformable, conformance, conformation, conformed, conforming, conformist, conformists, conformity, conforms, non-conformist, non-conformists, non-conformity, nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformity contemporary 8 contemporaries contradict 8 contradicted, contradicting, contradiction, contradictions, contradictory, contradicts crucial 8 crucially currency 8 currencies denote 8 denotation, denotations, denoted, denotes, denoting detect 8 detectable, detected, detecting, detection, detective, detectives, detector, detectors, detects deviate 8 deviated, deviates, deviating, deviation, deviations displace 8 displaced, displacement, displaces, displacing drama 8 dramas, dramatic, dramatically, dramatisation, dramatisations, dramatise, dramatised, dramatises, dramatising, dramatist, dramatists, dramatization, dramatizations, dramatize, dramatized, dramatizes, dramatizing eventual 8 eventuality, eventually exhibit 8 exhibited, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitions, exhibits exploit 8 exploitation, exploited, exploiting, exploits fluctuate 8 fluctuated, fluctuates, fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuations guideline 8 guidelines highlight 8 highlighted, highlighting, highlights implicit 8 implicitly induce 8 induced, induces, inducing, induction inevitable 8 inevitability, inevitably infrastructure 8 infrastructures inspect 8 inspected, inspecting, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, inspects intense 8 intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensified, intensifies, intensify, intensifying, intension, intensity, intensive, intensively manipulate 8 manipulated, manipulates, manipulating, manipulation, manipulations, manipulative minimise 8 minimised, minimises, minimising, minimize, minimized, minimizes, minimizing nuclear 8 offset 8 offsets, offsetting paragraph 8 paragraphing, paragraphs plus 8 pluses practitioner 8 practitioners predominant 8 predominance, predominantly, predominate, predominated, predominates, predominating prospect 8 prospective, prospects radical 8 radically, radicals random 8 randomly, randomness reinforce 8 reinforced, reinforcement, reinforcements, reinforces, reinforcing restore 8 restoration, restored, restores, restoring revise 8 revised, revises, revising, revision, revisions schedule 8 reschedule, rescheduled, reschedules, rescheduling, scheduled, schedules, scheduling, unscheduled tense 8 tensely, tenser, tensest, tension, tensions terminate 8 terminal, terminals, terminated, terminates, terminating, termination, terminations theme 8 thematic, thematically, themes thereby 8 uniform 8 uniformity, uniformly vehicle 8 vehicles via 8 virtual 8 virtually visual 8 visualisation, visualise, visualised, visualising, visualization, visualize, visualized, visualizing, visually widespread 8 accommodate 9 accommodated, accommodates, accommodating, accommodation analogy 9 analogies, analogous anticipate 9 anticipated, anticipates, anticipating, anticipation, unanticipated assure 9 assurance, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring attain 9 attainable, attained, attaining, attainment, attainments, attains, unattainable behalf 9 bulk 9 bulky cease 9 ceased, ceaseless, ceases, ceasing coherent 9 coherence, coherently, incoherent, incoherently coincide 9 coincided, coincidence, coincidences, coincident, coincidental, coincides, coinciding commence 9 commenced, commencement, commences, commencing, recommenced, recommences, recommencing compatible 9 compatibility, incompatibility, incompatible concurrent 9 concurrently confine 9 confined, confines, confining, unconfined controversy 9 controversial, controversially, controversies, uncontroversial converse 9 conversely device 9 devices devote 9 devoted, devotedly, devotes, devoting, devotion, devotions diminish 9 diminished, diminishes, diminishing, diminution, undiminished distort 9 distorted, distorting, distortion, distortions, distorts duration 9 erode 9 eroded, erodes, eroding, erosion ethic 9 ethical, ethically, ethics, unethical format 9 formats, formatted, formatting found 9 founded, founder, founders, founding, unfounded inherent 9 inherently insight 9 insightful, insights integral 9 intermediate 9 manual 9 manually, manuals mature 9 immature, immaturity, maturation, maturational, matured, matures, maturing, maturity mediate 9 mediated, mediates, mediating, mediation medium 9 military 9 minimal 9 minimalisation, minimalise, minimalised, minimalises, minimalising, minimalist, minimalistic, minimalists, minimalization, minimalize, minimalized, minimalizes, minimalizing, minimally mutual 9 mutually norm 9 norms overlap 9 overlapped, overlapping, overlaps passive 9 passively, passivity portion 9 portions preliminary 9 preliminaries protocol 9 protocols qualitative 9 qualitatively refine 9 refined, refinement, refinements, refines, refining relax 9 relaxation, relaxed, relaxes, relaxing restrain 9 restrained, restraining, restrains, restraint, restraints, unrestrained revolution 9 revolutionaries, revolutionary, revolutionise, revolutionised, revolutionises, revolutionising, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizes, revolutionizing, revolutions rigid 9 rigidities, rigidity, rigidly route 9 routed, routes, routing scenario 9 scenarios sphere 9 spheres, spherical, spherically subordinate 9 subordinates, subordination supplement 9 supplementary, supplemented, supplementing, supplements suspend 9 suspended, suspending, suspends, suspension team 9 teamed, teaming, teams temporary 9 temporarily trigger 9 triggered, triggering, triggers unify 9 unification, unified, unifies, unifying violate 9 violated, violates, violating, violation, violations vision 9 visions adjacent 10 albeit 10 assemble 10 assembled, assembles, assemblies, assembling, assembly collapse 10 collapsed, collapses, collapsible, collapsing colleague 10 colleagues compile 10 compilation, compilations, compiled, compiles, compiling conceive 10 conceivable, conceivably, conceived, conceives, conceiving, inconceivable, inconceivably convince 10 convinced, convinces, convincing, convincingly, unconvinced depress 10 depressed, depresses, depressing, depression encounter 10 encountered, encountering, encounters enormous 10 enormity, enormously forthcoming 10 incline 10 inclination, inclinations, inclined, inclines, inclining integrity 10 intrinsic 10 intrinsically invoke 10 invoked, invokes, invoking levy 10 levies likewise 10 nonetheless 10 notwithstanding 10 odd 10 odds ongoing 10 panel 10 panelled, panelling, panels persist 10 persisted, persistence, persistent, persistently, persisting, persists pose 10 posed, poses, posing reluctance 10 reluctant, reluctantly so-called 10 straightforward 10 undergo 10 undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent whereby 10

Sublist 1

sector • available • financial • process • individual • specific • principle • estimate • variables • method • data • research • contract • environment • export • source • assessment • policy •identified • create • derived • factors • procedure • definition • assume • theory • benefit • evidence • established • authority • major • issues • labour • occur • economic • involved • percent• interpretation • consistent • income • structure • legal • concept • formula • section • required • constitutional • analysis • distribution • function • area • approach • role • legislation •indicate • response • period • context • significant • similar •

Sublist 2

community • resident • range • construction • strategies • elements • previous • conclusion • security • aspects • acquisition • features • text • commission • regulations • computer • items• consumer • achieve • final • positive • evaluation • assistance • normal • relevant • distinction • region • traditional • impact • consequences • chapter • equation • appropriate • resources •participation • survey • potential • cultural • transfer • select •credit • affect • categories • perceived • sought • focus • purchase • injury • site • journal • primary • complex • institute •investment • administration • maintenance • design • obtained • restricted • conduct

Sublist 3

comments • convention • published • framework • implies • negative • dominant • illustrated • outcomes • constant • shift • deduction • ensure • specified • justification • funds • reliance •physical • partnership • location • link • coordination • alternative • initial • validity • task • techniques • excluded • consent • proportion • demonstrate • reaction • criteria • minorities •technology • philosophy • removed • sex • compensation • sequence • corresponding • maximum • circumstances • instance • considerable • sufficient • corporate • interaction •contribution • immigration • component • constraints • technical • emphasis • scheme • layer • volume • document • registered • core •

Sublist 4

overall • emerged • regime • implementation • project • hence • occupational • internal • goals • retained • sum • integration • mechanism • parallel • imposed • despite • job • parameters •approximate • label • concentration • principal • series • predicted • summary • attitudes • undertaken • cycle • communication • ethnic • hypothesis • professional • status • conference •attributed • annual • obvious • error • implications • apparent • commitment • subsequent • debate • dimensions • promote • statistics • option • domestic • output • access • code •investigation • phase • prior • granted • stress • civil • contrast • resolution • adequate •

Sublist 5

alter • stability • energy • aware • licence • enforcement • draft • styles • precise • medical • pursue • symbolic • marginal • capacity • generation • exposure • decline • academic • modified• external • psychology • fundamental • adjustment • ratio • whereas • enable • version • perspective • contact • network • facilitate • welfare • transition • amendment • logic • rejected •expansion • clause • prime • target • objective • sustainable • equivalent • liberal • notion • substitution • generated • trend • revenue • compounds • evolution • conflict • image • discretion •entities • orientation • consultation • mental • monitoring • challenge •

Sublist 6

intelligence • transformation • presumption • acknowledged • utility • furthermore • accurate • diversity • attached • recovery • assigned • tapes • motivation • bond • edition • nevertheless •transport • cited • fees • scope • enhanced • incorporated • instructions • subsidiary • input • abstract • ministry • capable • expert • preceding • display • incentive • inhibition • trace •ignored • incidence • estate • cooperative • revealed • index • lecture • discrimination • overseas • explicit • aggregate • gender • underlying • brief • domain • rational • minimum • interval •neutral • migration • flexibility • federal • author • initiatives • allocation • exceed •

Sublist 7

intervention • confirmed • definite • classical • chemical • voluntary • release • visible • finite • publication • channel • file • thesis • equipment • disposal • solely • deny • identical • submitted • grade • phenomenon • paradigm • ultimately • extract • survive • converted •  transmission • global • inferred • guarantee • advocate • dynamic • simulation • topic • insert •reverse • decades • comprise • hierarchical • unique • comprehensive • couple • mode • differentiation • eliminate • priority • empirical • ideology • somewhat • aid • foundation • adults •adaptation • quotation • contrary • media • successive • innovation • prohibited • isolated •

Sublist 8

highlighted • eventually • inspection • termination • displacement • arbitrary • reinforced • denote • offset • exploitation • detected • abandon • random • revision • virtually • uniform •predominantly • thereby • implicit • tension • ambiguous • vehicle • clarity • conformity • contemporary • automatically • accumulation • appendix • widespread • infrastructure • deviation •fluctuations • restore • guidelines • commodity • minimises •practitioners • radical • plus • visual • chart • appreciation • prospect • dramatic • contradiction • currency • inevitably •complement • accompany • paragraph • induced • schedule • intensity • crucial • via • exhibit • bias • manipulation • theme • nuclear •

Sublist 9

bulk • behalf • unified • commenced • erosion • anticipated • minimal • ceases • vision • mutual • norms • intermediate • manual • supplementary • incompatible • concurrent • ethical •preliminary • integral • conversely • relaxed • confined • accommodation • temporary • distorted • passive • subordinate • analogous • military • scenario • revolution • diminished •coherence • suspended • mature • assurance • rigid • controversy • sphere • mediation • format • trigger • qualitative • portion • medium • coincide • violation • device • insights • refine •devoted • team • overlap • attained • restraints • inherent • route • protocol • founded • duration •

Sublist 10

whereby • inclination • encountered • convinced • assembly • albeit • enormous • reluctant • posed • persistent • undergo • notwithstanding • straightforward • panel • odd • intrinsic •compiled • adjacent • integrity • forthcoming • conceived • ongoing • so-called • likewise • nonetheless • levy • invoked • colleagues • depression • collapse •

This list features academic words that you may see or hear on the reading and/or listening sections of the TOEFL and IELTS tests. Becoming familiar with these and similar words will also help you on the writing and speaking portions of the tests.

*note: this list uses British spelling. (ex. 'maximise' — not 'maximize'.)

v. = verb, n. = noun, adj. = adjective

Academic Word List
access verb to be able to enter, reach, approach, etc. something
“He couldn’t access his email account because someone had changed his password.”
access noun the ability or right to enter, reach, approach, etc. something
“I don’t have access to those files.”
accurate adjective precise or exact; free from error (opposite = inaccurate)
“The victim was unable to provide an accurate description of the criminal.”
achieve verb to accomplish; to reach a certain standard
“As a result of her hard work, she achieved an excellent score on her final.”
acquire verb to get or come into possession of something; to accumulate or collect
“Over 20 years of collecting stamps, I’ve acquired over 4,000 of them!”
analyse verb to look at something closely; to examine in detail
“After analysing the DNA sample, the police were able to identify the killer.”
aspect noun a part or an element of something
“Flexibility is just one aspect of being a successful gymnast.”
assist verb to help or aid someone (noun = assistance)
“They were assisted by an outside company when designing the program.”
available adjective free to help; present or in stock (in regards to inventory)
“We do not have enough resources available to complete the project.”
aware adjective having knowledge of something; being conscious or cognizant of something
“I wasn’t aware of the problem. Thank you for informing me.”
benefit (from) verb to receive an advantage or make an improvement
“Society has greatly benefited from technological advancements.”
benign adjective gentle or kind; favorable; passive or inactive
“ The military cannot afford to be benign in this war.”
comment (on) verb to make a statement about something
“First, I would like to comment on the current environmental situation”
compensate (for) verb to give an equivalent or a return for something else
“If the government expects citizens to do this, they must compensate their citizens fairly.”
component noun a part or element of something (see also: aspect)
“To understand the whole problem, you must look at all of its separate components.”
concentrate (on) verb to focus your attention on something
“In order to move forward, we must concentrate on finding realistic solutions to the problem.”
consequence noun a result or effect of something
“He was executed as a consequence for his heinous actions.”
consist (of) verb to be made of something; to be composed of something
“A healthy relationship must consist of trust and mutual respect.”
constant adjective regular and seemingly permanent (adverb = constantly)
“It is difficult to deal with constant disagreement when working in a group.”
construct verb to develop or build; to make
“Numerous condos are currently being constructed in the downtown core.”
contribute verb to give to a common cause, supply, or fund
“I contributed over $300 to charity last year.”
convert (into) verb to change or transform into
“That building was recently converted into a restaurant.”
correspond (with/to) verb to be similar to something; to be in agreement with something
“The words of politicians often don’t correspond with their actions.”
crucial adjective very important; vital
“The media was crucial to changing public opinion about the Viet Nam war.”
define (as) verb to provide a definition; to give clarity or definition to something
“The word ‘crucial’ can be defined as ‘extremely important’ or ‘vital.’”
demonstrate verb to provide a demonstration or to show how something functions
“This satellite will demonstrate the technological power of our organization”
design verb to create or model
“The factory assembly line was partially designed by Henry Ford.”
disposal noun the act of arranging or distributing; getting rid of something
“A general is responsible for the effective disposal of his soldiers.”
distinct adjective clear and having easily-identifiable or specific characteristics
“Dark chocolate is known for its distinct smell and taste.”
emphasise verb to place emphasis or special focus on something
“The media constantly emphasises the dangers of illegal drugs.”
erode verb to destroy slowly over time; to disintegrate
“Many religious leaders feel that secularism has eroded morality.”
error noun a mistake
“Despite constant reminders and protests, governments continue to make errors.”
estimate verb, noun to make an educated guess; to give a projection
“Scientists have been estimating a massive population explosion over the next two decades.”
exclude verb to keep someone/something from entering a group, society, project, etc.
“When I was in high school, I was excluded from many activities due to my disability.”
extract verb to get or obtain something from something else
“Physical torture is not an effective means of extracting information from a human being.”
flexible adjective not rigid; able to be shaped (opposite = inflexible)
“Employers need to be flexible to the needs of their employees.”
function noun the working purpose of something; ability
“Cell phones are useful because they can serve multiple useful functions.”
identical adjective the same or alike in appearance and/or character
“The problem I have with suburban neighbourhoods is that all the houses look identical.”
identify verb to recognise or verify the identity of someone/something
“Even today, scientists continue to identify new types of plants and animals.”
indicate verb to show or give evidence of something
“Research indicates that cell phones can cause cancer.”
indication (of) noun a sign or token
“High blood pressure is a clear indication of stress.”
interpretation noun an explanation or perception of something
“Religious writings can have multiple interpretations.”
item noun a separate piece or article of something
“Anthropologists have recently uncovered 200 physical items pertaining to the Incas.”
legislation noun the act or process of making laws; the laws which have been made
“The current health legislation will be difficult for all political parties to accept.”
location noun the place of something
“Niagara Falls is a popular location for tourists.”
logical adjective able to be explained or understood clearly (opposite = illogical)
“The CEO has promised to take logical steps to ensure the future success of the company.”
majority noun the greater part or number; over 50% of the population
“The majority of citizens oppose the government’s proposed budget.”
maximise verb to use to maximum effect or potential
“The goal of any business is to maximise its profits.”
minimise verb to reduce as much as possible
“In any war, one of the primary objectives should be to minimise civilian casualties.”
monitor verb to watch and give attention
“Companies have numerous ways to monitor employee behaviour.”
obtain verb to get or receive
“In order to obtain respect, a person has to earn it.”
obvious adjective clear and easy to see
“There are some obvious similarities between French and English vocabulary.”
occur verb to happen or take place
“An earthquake is expected to occur here in the next 2-3 years.”
option noun a choice; one of several possibilities to be chosen
“When our options are limited, we are more likely to act decisively.”
participate verb to take part in something
“Thousands of talented athletes participate in the Olympics.”
participation noun the act of taking part in something
“Portugal was ridiculed for its participation in slavery.”
period noun a portion of time; a significant interval of time in history
“The 1700s were a period of great scientific advance.”
precise adjective exact or definite
“It is important for a teacher to give precise instructions.”
predictable adjective able to be predicted (opposite = unpredictable)
“The goal of science is to find predictable results.”
prohibited adjective, verb not allowed; forbidden
“These days, smoking is prohibited in many public places.”
proportion noun a part of a larger whole; the size of something
“A large proportion of modern problems are a result of negligence.”
prospect noun a potential candidate; a possibility of success, profit, etc.
“I was excited by the prospect of winning the lottery.”
psychological adjective relating to the mind or psychology
“We must pay attention to our psychological health.”
purchase verb to buy
“We’re planning to purchase a house next year.”
pursue verb to chase or follow
“Acting is a difficult career to pursue.”
relevant adjective connected to the current situation; pertinent (opposite = irrelevant)
“In an essay, we must only focus on relevant supporting details.”
reliable adjective able to be predicted or trusted; dependable (opposite = unreliable)
“Finding a reliable babysitter is difficult for most parents.”
require verb to have need of something; to need
“To take a masters course, one requires an undergraduate degree.”
requirement noun something which is obligatory, demanded, or needed
“You do not meet the requirements for this position”
resource noun a support, supply, or aid of something that can be used when needed
“If you want me to do this presentation, I will need more resources.”
respond verb to reply
“When faced with a bully, it is important not to respond with anger.”
retain verb to remember; to continue to use
“The most difficult part of learning is retaining the information”
role noun a position or customary function
“The role of a parent is to provide safety for his/her child.”
sector noun a part or subdivision
“It is the government’s job to protect all sectors of society.”
secure adjective safe; protected from harm (opposite = insecure)
“Everyone wants to live in a secure neighbourhood.”
select verb to choose
“We selected the best candidate for the job.”
significant adjective important; of consequence (opposite = insignificant)
“Man landing on the moon was a significant achievement for science.”
source noun any place, person, or thing from which something else comes or originates
“We can’t seem to locate the source of the problem.”
status noun someone’s position in relation to other people; the state or condition
“His status as the top player in the game is unquestionable.”
structure noun the organization or arrangement of something
“The structure of the education system needs to change.”
substitute noun, verb a replacement for someone/something
“If you want to succeed, there is no substitute for hard work.”
symbolise verb to represent or be a symbol for something
“In most cultures, it is understood that the dove symbolises peace.”
task noun a job or duty to be performed
“Raising a family is not an easy task.”
technique noun a specific way of doing something; a certain skill
“Most people don’t know that cooking requires hundreds of difficult techniques.”
topical adjective pertaining to current or local events or interests
“Global warming has been extremely topical in the first half of the 21st century.”
transform verb to change into a different form
“The internet has transformed the way we communicate.”
trend noun a style that is currently popular; the general course of something
“Fashion trends are always changing.”
vary verb to be different; to alternate; to change or alter; to diversify
“To write a good essay, you need to vary your vocabulary.”
veritable adjective being truly or very much so
“I felt a veritable pain in my abdomen”
visible adjective able to be seen (opposite = invisible)
“There has been a visible shift in public opinion towards the government.”
wane verb to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.
“My interest in the movie waned the longer we watched it.”

The Academic Word List (AWL) is made up of the 570 most common academic words found in academic texts. As you prepare for the test, get into the habit of learning 10 – 15 of these words every week. In this way, you will be better able to understand academic texts and express yourself in academic language.

To help you learn the words on the academic word list, we have built an Android app called Key English | IELTS Vocabulary. We have organized the vocabulary of the Academic Word List from most to least common. The app enables you to play a range of games with academic vocabulary to help you learn and remember the definitions, examples, synonyms, word-types and spelling.

Below is the Academic Word List.

Our Writing Ebooks

Download our FREE academic task 1 and task 2 pdf eBooks. Learn from tasks with model answers and explanatory notes.

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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 List
    • 2.1 Sublist 1
    • 2.2 Sublist 2
    • 2.3 Sublist 3
    • 2.4 Sublist 4
    • 2.5 Sublist 5
    • 2.6 Sublist 6
    • 2.7 Sublist 7
    • 2.8 Sublist 8
    • 2.9 Sublist 9
    • 2.10 Sublist 10
  • 3 Other websites


The Academic Word List (AWL) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts. The list does not include words that are in the most frequent 2000 words of English (the General Service List), thus making it specific to academic contexts. The AWL was primarily made so that it could be used by teachers as part of a programme preparing learners for tertiary level study or used by students working alone to learn the words most needed to study at colleges and universities.

The 570 words are divided into 10 sublists. The sublists are ordered such that the words in the first sublist are the most frequent words and those in the last sublist are the least frequent.


Sublist 1

sector •
available •
financial •
process •
individual •
specific •
principle •
estimate •
variables •
method •
data •
research •
contract •
environment •
export •
source •
assessment •
policy •
identified •
create •
derived •
factors •
procedure •
definition •
assume •
theory •
benefit •
evidence •
established •
authority •
major •
issues •
labour •
occur •
economic •
involved •
percent •
interpretation •
consistent •
income •
structure •
legal •
concept •
formula •
section •
required •
constitutional •
analysis •
distribution •
function •
area •
approach •
role •
legislation •
indicate •
response •
period •
context •
significant •
similar •

Sublist 2

community •
resident •
range •
construction •
strategies •
elements •
previous •
conclusion •
security •
aspects •
acquisition •
features •
text •
commission •
regulations •
computer •
items •
consumer •
achieve •
final •
positive •
evaluation •
assistance •
normal •
relevant •
distinction •
region •
traditional •
impact •
consequences •
chapter •
equation •
appropriate •
resources •
participation •
survey •
potential •
cultural •
transfer •
select •
credit •
affect •
categories •
perceived •
sought •
focus •
purchase •
injury •
site •
journal •
primary •
complex •
institute •
investment •
administration •
maintenance •
design •
obtained •
restricted •
conduct •

Sublist 3

comments •
convention •
published •
framework •
implies •
negative •
dominant •
illustrated •
outcomes •
constant •
shift •
deduction •
ensure •
specified •
justification •
funds •
reliance •
physical •
partnership •
location •
link •
coordination •
alternative •
initial •
validity •
task •
techniques •
excluded •
consent •
proportion •
demonstrate •
reaction •
criteria •
minorities •
technology •
philosophy •
removed •
sex •
compensation •
sequence •
corresponding •
maximum •
circumstances •
instance •
considerable •
sufficient •
corporate •
interaction •
contribution •
immigration •
component •
constraints •
technical •
emphasis •
scheme •
layer •
volume •
document •
registered •
core •

Sublist 4

overall •
emerged •
regime •
implementation •
project •
hence •
occupational •
internal •
goals •
retained •
sum •
integration •
mechanism •
parallel •
imposed •
despite •
job •
parameters •
approximate •
label •
concentration •
principal •
series •
predicted •
summary •
attitudes •
undertaken •
cycle •
communication •
ethnic •
hypothesis •
professional •
status •
conference •
attributed •
annual •
obvious •
error •
implications •
apparent •
commitment •
subsequent •
debate •
dimensions •
promote •
statistics •
option •
domestic •
output •
access •
code •
investigation •
phase •
prior •
granted •
stress •
civil •
contrast •
resolution •
adequate •

Sublist 5

alter •
stability •
energy •
aware •
licence •
enforcement •
draft •
styles •
precise •
medical •
pursue •
symbolic •
marginal •
capacity •
generation •
exposure •
decline •
academic •
modified •
external •
psychology •
fundamental •
adjustment •
ratio •
whereas •
enable •
version •
perspective •
contact •
network •
facilitate •
welfare •
transition •
amendment •
logic •
rejected •
expansion •
clause •
prime •
target •
objective •
sustainable •
equivalent •
liberal •
notion •
substitution •
generated •
trend •
revenue •
compounds •
evolution •
conflict •
image •
discretion •
entities •
orientation •
consultation •
mental •
monitoring •
challenge •

Sublist 6

intelligence •
transformation •
presumption •
acknowledged •
utility •
furthermore •
accurate •
diversity •
attached •
recovery •
assigned •
tapes •
motivation •
bond •
edition •
nevertheless •
transport •
cited •
fees •
scope •
enhanced •
incorporated •
instructions •
subsidiary •
input •
abstract •
ministry •
capable •
expert •
preceding •
display •
incentive •
inhibition •
trace •
ignored •
incidence •
estate •
cooperative •
revealed •
index •
lecture •
discrimination •
overseas •
explicit •
aggregate •
gender •
underlying •
brief •
domain •
rational •
minimum •
interval •
neutral •
migration •
flexibility •
federal •
author •
initiatives •
allocation •
exceed •

Sublist 7

intervention •
confirmed •
definite •
classical •
chemical •
voluntary •
release •
visible •
finite •
publication •
channel •
file •
thesis •
equipment •
disposal •
solely •
deny •
identical •
submitted •
grade •
phenomenon •
paradigm •
ultimately •
extract •
survive •
converted •
transmission •
global •
inferred •
guarantee •
advocate •
dynamic •
simulation •
topic •
insert •
reverse •
decades •
comprise •
hierarchical •
unique •
comprehensive •
couple •
mode •
differentiation •
eliminate •
priority •
empirical •
ideology •
somewhat •
aid •
foundation •
adults •
adaptation •
quotation •
contrary •
media •
successive •
innovation •
prohibited •
isolated •

Sublist 8

highlighted •
eventually •
inspection •
termination •
displacement •
arbitrary •
reinforced •
denote •
offset •
exploitation •
detected •
abandon •
random •
revision •
virtually •
uniform •
predominantly •
thereby •
implicit •
tension •
ambiguous •
vehicle •
clarity •
conformity •
contemporary •
automatically •
accumulation •
appendix •
widespread •
infrastructure •
deviation •
fluctuations •
restore •
guidelines •
commodity •
minimises •
practitioners •
radical •
plus •
visual •
chart •
appreciation •
prospect •
dramatic •
contradiction •
currency •
inevitably •
complement •
accompany •
paragraph •
induced •
schedule •
intensity •
crucial •
via •
exhibit •
bias •
manipulation •
theme •
nuclear •

Sublist 9

bulk •
behalf •
unified •
commenced •
erosion •
anticipated •
minimal •
ceases •
vision •
mutual •
norms •
intermediate •
manual •
supplementary •
incompatible •
concurrent •
ethical •
preliminary •
integral •
conversely •
relaxed •
confined •
accommodation •
temporary •
distorted •
passive •
subordinate •
analogous •
military •
scenario •
revolution •
diminished •
coherence •
suspended •
mature •
assurance •
rigid •
controversy •
sphere •
mediation •
format •
trigger •
qualitative •
portion •
medium •
coincide •
violation •
device •
insights •
refine •
devoted •
team •
overlap •
attained •
restraints •
inherent •
route •
protocol •
founded •
duration •

Sublist 10

whereby •
inclination •
encountered •
convinced •
assembly •
albeit •
enormous •
reluctant •
posed •
persistent •
undergo •
notwithstanding •
straightforward •
panel •
odd •
intrinsic •
compiled •
adjacent •
integrity •
forthcoming •
conceived •
ongoing •
so-called •
likewise •
nonetheless •
levy •
invoked •
colleagues •
depression •
collapse •

Other websites

For more information about the AWL, please see Massey University — New Zealand’s defining university

For more practice with the words from the AWL, please see

  • The University of Nottingham
  • Using English for Academic Purposes
  • Compleat Lexical Tutor
  • AWL Exercises Homepage, featuring 170 exercises to learn and review AWL vocabulary in context
 4000 IELTS Academic Words

1   Overview:

IELTS academic test is widely accepted in English countries. Its score is one of the keys to university or college admission. This 4000 IELTS vocabulary is to help you own a strong words list in the IELTS academic test.

In all English tests, vocabulary level is an essential factor in evaluating language ability; IELTS has no exception. All test sections rely on strong vocabulary to succeed. However, IELTS academic word list isn’t a fixed or constant word set. If you search on the Internet, you can see many vocabularies called IELTS academic vocabularies.

So the first step is to choose an IELTS vocabulary for your circumstance: Does this 4000 IELTS Vocabulary Words meet your case? We divide the words into 3 levels; each level consists of 4 groups. If you are interested in the words of all groups (1-12), watch them here.

If you think it matches your case, you can start to work on it. It’s long but deserves to spend time. Besides, we remind you this list is based on IELTS general vocabulary. As academic test-takers, IELTS general vocabulary is the foundation, which you shouldn’t ignore.

Last but not least, you should know that building vocabulary takes lots of time, and its result plays a crucial factor in the final score. We hope this word list can assist you in building IELTS academic vocabulary. If you cannot set your goal or doubt your plan, go to the IELTS Official Website, which will help you make a right decision.

2   Alternative Solutions:

If you doubt whether this 4000 IELTS Academic Vocabulary is the right option, this section gives you some alternative methods and vocabularies.

Alternative Methods

Study a word list isn’t a unique way to enrich IELTS vocabulary, and this 4000 vocabulary isn’t the only list either. If you have half or one year to prepare, there are some other options to accumulate IELTS vocabulary. 20 Ways to Build IELTS Vocabulary introduces some proven ways.

You may learn new words in TV, news, ads, and daily readings that IELTS exam materials likely come from. Every word has own frequency in specified circumstance. IELTS test has own convention to select materials too, for example, many recent academic reading objects are originated from Economist or BBC.

Alternative Vocabularies — Writing and Speaking

However, if your time frame is very tight, or this 4000 vocabulary is relatively tough, you have to get a more flexible and practical substitute to work. Pick up a dictionary by random to prepare IELTS test isn’t a good idea. Your effort and reward both depend on your current level.

For those who want to sharpen IELTS writing vocabulary, this 4000 words list seems large. Instead, IELTS Writing Task Vocabulary collects a short but hard writing vocabulary.

If speaking test is your shortage, enhance speaking vocabulary from 100 IELTS Speaking Words will strengthen your confidence to face examiners.

Alternative Vocabularies — Other Wordlists

Students with separate levels or situations may choose differently. Some like a shortlist because time matters; others prefer to learn difficult and large vocabulary in order to pursue a high score. We do know this 4000 IELTS vocabulary cannot cover all test takers’ cases, for those who are looking for lighter or smaller lists, 10 Popular IELTS Vocabularies may give some clues.

Two of them possibly you are interested.

If your schedule is very tight, or you just need a passed score, suggest to view 500 IELTS Vocabulary, a short but proven academic vocabulary for students who are in English countries.

The 6000 IELTS Vocabulary Words actually consists of 2000+ words that are not in the 4000 IELTS Academic Words, low frequency but useful, an excellent supplement after your finishing the first 4000 words.

3   Words’ EBook, PDF, and Cards:

IELTS Vocabulary EBook

We have published ebook that exactly matches the 4000/6000 IELTS Academic Words. Students can buy from main ebook distributors.

Apple iBookKoboBarnes & NobleAmazon Kindle

IELTS Vocabulary PDF List

Some students like using PDF lists to learn and review words. We do offer a handy feature to make a PDF word list of each group. Below are demos of Level 1’s first group, including 9 non-English explanations.

If you have a VIP account, you can print all groups’ word list from the website; the details are in:

IELTS Vocabulary Cards

Cards are useful tools for some students to study new words. We offer two buttons to make one-side and two-side flashcards for each group. Below are one-side cards for Level 1’s first group, including 9 non-English explanations.

If you have a VIP account, you can print all groups’ cards, either one-side or two-side, from the website; the details are in:

DIY — PDF of IELTS vocabulary

May I DIY PDF file of the 4000 IELTS words? Yes, you can run Print Vocabulary in PDF directly. This app can load all vocabularies of this website, please select ‘4000 IELTS Academic Words’, filter and edit words, and create PDF by browsers. It’s a free and handy tool to make your IELTS vocabulary PDF file.

If you need more flexible solutions, please go to Download IELTS Vocabulary PDF. In addition to print the whole group, it tells you how to leverage other free Internet PDF tools to produce a PDF file based on this IELTS vocabulary in a few minutes.

4   Manage Word Status:

To speed up your studying, you can manage words by marking them as New, Known, and Review status. There are two ways: Note page or Panel page to manage words’ statuses. You can also save statuses to the cloud and sync back if your device has trouble or want to switch to other devices.

Word status works for all vocabularies on the website, including 4000 IELTS Academic Words. It is a handy flag to skip known words and focus on new and half-familiar words.

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By Panel

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6   Demonstrate word list style:

v. be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of
I am truly thankful for the stocks, which would appreciate in value considerably in future years.
Show examples and contexts  

v. acquire; take possession of for one’s own use; set apart for specific use
The ranch owners appropriate the lands that have originally been set aside for the Indians’ use.
Show examples and contexts  

n. a plane surface, as of the floor of a room; open space in a building; the enclosed space; extent; scope; range
His special interest lies in the area of literature.
Show examples and contexts  

a. arising from feeling or assumption of one’s superiority toward others
He often speaks in an arrogant tone, which doesn’t encourage others to discuss with him.
Show examples and contexts  

a. affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt
Are you ashamed for having lied?
Show examples and contexts  

n. white crystalline compound drug to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation
Plavix, along with aspirin, is widely used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Show examples and contexts  

7   Word meaning matching — Test words you know:

album  Speak

talk without exchanging too much information; informal conversation


group of persons appointed by a head of state or a prime minister; hut; cottage; small house; small room; a closet


a list of names; a register for visitors; a blank book to insert autographs sketches, memorial writing, photographs


treated with confidence; trusted in; trustworthy; secret

appointment  Speak

difficult to analyze or understand


act of putting a person into a non-elective position; arrangement


stop; terminate before completion; terminate a pregnancy


money paid at the time of purchase; money in the form of bills or coins; currency

associate  Speak

the action of trying at something


the field where the buildings of a university are situated


connect or join together; combine


state of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character


jurisdiction; power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge; government


motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles; source of moral or ethical judgment


greatly loved; dear to the heart


connect or join together; combine

bizarre  Speak

fantastic; violently contrasting; strangely unconventional in style or appearance


act of putting a person into a non-elective position; arrangement


direct the course of; manage or control; lead or guide


state of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character

blank  Speak

direct the course of; manage or control; lead or guide


wealth in the form of money or property; assets available for use; a city that is the official seat of government


act of putting a person into a non-elective position; arrangement


of white or pale color; without color; empty; void

8   Interactive spelling — Check your spelling skill online:

Read [Esc]
n. fondness; tender feeling toward another; fondness

Spelling Word: affection

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a. dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed in nature; very different place, society, or person

Spelling Word: alien

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v. invent and offer reasons to support or overthrow a proposition, opinion, or measure; debate

Spelling Word: argue

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n. essay; editorial; individual thing or element of a class

Spelling Word: article

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n. the action of trying at something

Spelling Word: attempt

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v. shield away from; prevent

Spelling Word: avoid

The Academic Word List (AWL) contains 570 of the most important words you need to know to be successful in your studies.

Four great reasons to learn the AWL

  1. Understand your lectures more easily.
  2. Read your course material more quickly and effectively.
  3. Improve your academic writing and complete assignments more quickly.
  4. Build your confidence in talking with lecturers and other students.

How to use this resource

Start at list 1 & 2.  The games and quizzes will help you check that you really know these words and can use them effectively. Then continue with the other lists. There are 10 lists in total. You’ll be surprised what a difference 10 minutes a day can make!


The Using English for Academic Purposes website has a great resource on the Academic Word List with links to definitions as well as other practice activities.


Coxhead A (2000) ‘A new academic word list’, TESOL Quarterly, 34(2):213-238, doi:10.2307/3587951.

Coxhead A (1998) An academic word list, ELI Occasional Publications 18, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington.

In this tutorial

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