About cities in word

How well can you talk about cities in IELTS Speaking? Read on if you want to expand your vocabulary and get some good ideas to answer common questions! In this IELTS Speaking lesson on the topic of Town and City, you will learn how to talk about your city and the problems of living in cities.

Describing Cities in IELTS Speaking

When describing cities in IELTS Speaking, you may want to talk about the following,  

  • Location / Size  
  • History  
  • Industry  
  • Interesting places  
  • Weather   

Here are some useful phrases to talk about some these different aspects. 


If asked about the products that are produced in your city, or what kind of work people do there, you can talk about different kinds of industries, as below… 

Primary industries (dealing with raw materials) 

  • Agriculture 
  • Mining  
  • Farming  
  • Fishing  
  • Oil and Gas  

The manufacturing industry  

The service industry 

  • Tourism 
  • Hospitality  
  • Recreation  
  • Food and beverage  

The finance industry 

The IT industry 

The entertainment industry   

My hometown relies mainly on tourism / the service industry  

It’s famous for tourism/ the service industry  

Its main source of revenue comes from tourism/ the service industry  

The economy depends mainly on tourism/ the service industry 

Collocations to Describe Cities

Here are some collocations to describe the city where I live, Santander, in Spain.    

  • Bustling center
  • Urban living
  • Reliable public transport
  • Long opening hours (shops and restaurants)
  • Upmarket shops
  • Pricey /overpriced restaurants(expensive)
  • Lively bars
  • Fashionable clubs
  • High-rise flats

Adjectives to Describe Cities

For good points of cities you could use the following adjectives: 

  • picturesque
  • historic
  • spacious
  • elegant
  • magnificent
  • lively 

The comfortable suburbs (the suburb is just outside the city center)

For the negative points of cities you could use the following adjectives: 

  • deserted( no one on the street at night) city
  • packed (very crowded) 
  • filthy (very dirty)/
  • run-down ( in a very bad condition) 
  • sprawling city
  • a shanty town (=houses made of discarded materials, e.g.tin cardboard, plastic)

Bustling (=with lots of movement) can be positive or negative 

Cities and Their Problems

Urban wasteland (in bad condition)

No-go areas (with the high crime)

Run-down buildings (falling apart)

Deprived areas (without necessary things, e.g. enough money, good living conditions)

  1. Bumper-to-bumper traffic all day long
  2. The volume of traffic (amount)
  3. Exhaust fumes
  4. The incessant roar of trucks and buses (very loud noise)

Describe The City Where You Live

Here is a description of the city where I peresently live: Santander, in Spain.

It has rather dreary weather = dull weather  

Mild climate = not hot or cold  

Overcast (adj).= cloudy  

As for the weather, it’s often overcast in my city.  

The city looks over the bay   

Holiday-makers = people on holiday  

People like to nibble snacks in the bars to eat in small bites (usually snacks)  

Local people love going for a stroll in the afternoon = go for a short walk   

Big attraction = popular attraction   

There is a lot of heavy rain 

It often throws it down = it often rains heavily 

IELTS Speaking Sample: Town and City

Part 1

Describe your hometown.

-My hometown is a small city. It is both traditional and modern because of having several festivals celebrated by the locals, and at the same time it is starting to be developed with increasing number of infrastructures and establishments.

Where is your hometown located?

-My hometown, Sorsogon City is located in the southernmost tip of the Bicol Peninsula and the Luzon Island. Bicol is one of the regions in the Philippines and Luzon is the biggest island in the country.

Is it easy to travel around your hometown?

– Yes, it is. It is a small city but there are different kinds of transportation available.

What is it known for?

-It is known for “Pili nuts”. They are said to grow in volcanic soil.

What do people in your town do?

Agriculture and fishing are common in my hometown. Also, with the latest modernization, numerous office jobs have appeared in my town.

Part 2

Describe your home town. You should say:

  • Describe the place
  • What is special about it?
  • Compare it to other cities in the world?

My hometown is called Sorsogon. I was born and raised there and I can say it is definitely my favorite place. It is located in the southernmost tip of the largest island in my country. I cannot tell that it is a very big province. The town is both traditional and modern. I call it traditional because there still are many festivals celebrated by the locals, yet modern, as it is starting to be developed just like other province having much more sophisticated infrastructure.

Sorsogon is a province that is about 12-hour bus ride from the capital city of the Philippines. Main roads are part of the national highway, so they are wide and huge. The highway happens to be an important place, because it is a key passage for buses and cars that cross it on their way from the North to the South.

Sorsogon is also special as it offers many tourist attractions. For example, in a close vicinity, there are an active volcano and a lake with very beautiful scenery.

Among all the places I have been to, I think Sorsogon is one of the best. There are wonderful places to visit – not crowded and not polluted. I frequently go to beautiful and clean beaches. Sogroson is located on many islands that are not yet developed and are very peaceful and relaxing to stay in. On top of that, natural cold and hot springs are popular here as well. Many people visit this place to experience them.

Part 3

In what ways can you improve your hometown?

One problem in my hometown is a low accessibility of some places due to problems of public transportation systems. Although there are different means of transportation, it can still take you hours to get to certain venues. For example, the earliest bus leaves at 5:00 am and the latest – around 5:30 pm. Therefore, for those who go back from work after 5:30 pm, it gets increasingly difficult to commute.

What is the main reason for liking a hometown other than the fact you were born there?

I reckon, we all love our hometowns, because we were raised there. I am personally used to this place and I have become very comfortable with it. I have created some very pleasant memories here – met friends, family, my first love, first academic achievements. In my hometown I was formed physiologically as an individual.

Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?

Well, I guess the majority of people feel that there could be more opportunities outside of their hometowns and consequently – comfort zones. Therefore, many believe that living in such a comfortable place, with relatives and friends can be distracting and too relaxing on the way of pursuing goals. Also, people (not only youth) strive to explore other places and experience different cultures across the globe.

Why do you think people like visiting their hometown if they don’t live there anymore?

Speaking for myself, I love coming back to my hometown to visit family and friends. Also, I’m amazed at how things have changed like new businesses such as fast food restaurants and even shopping centers. Generally speaking, I think most people who no longer live in their hometown enjoy returning for the same reasons as me.

Why do some people prefer to live in a town?

I would have to say that town folk desire a tranquil and unbusy lifestyle where they can live a non stressful existence and not worry about things like traffic jams, rude people, and crowded streets. On top of that, they want to be able to go to the supermarket and not worry about long lines of people waiting to check out. If you ask me, I’m right with them. Who wants to put up with the rush hour traffic in a big city, certainly not me!

How can traffic be reduced in a city?

This is a really good question, and I don’t feel there’s a good solution to cut down on the amount of cars driving on the city roads. One possible way would be for more people to use public transportation instead of using their private vehicles. In order for this to work, some cities might have to undergo major urban development to build more subway and bus lines because these transportation systems may become too crowded.

IELTS Speaking Practice: Town and City

Part 1 -style questions 

Examiner: What is it like where you live?

Christiane: I live in a residential area of a busy town in the south of Spain … we have all the facilities you need … good public transport … a good shopping centre … it’s nice …

Examiner: Do you like living in the city?

Andrea: Yes I do … I like going out with my friends and there are lots of lively bars and restaurants within walking distance of my apartment … I’m a bit of a culture vulture as well so it’s great to have access to art exhibitions and that kind of thing …

Examiner: Do you get many tourists visiting your area?

Mandy: Not really no … I live in the inner-city and the area is a little run down … it’s basically a lot of high-rise flats and many of the shops are boarded up … so nothing to interest tourists really …  

Part 2 -style task      

Describe an interesting town or city in your country that visitors might enjoy. You should say
   – what the place is called
   – where the place is
   – what the facilities are like
and say why visitors might enjoy going there.

Monique: Anyone who comes to my country really should spend some time in Barcelona … it’sa beautiful place … it’s not what you would call a sprawling city … it’s quite compact really and you could walk across the city in a couple of hours … but there’s no need to do that as we have a fantastic public transport system so it’s easy to get around … there are various districts all with their own character … you have the upmarket shops in the centre … you’ll find lots of chain stores you’ll recognise from your own country but also local brands as well … we have the narrow streets in the Gothic district with lots of fashionable boutiques and tourist attractions … there’s the Olympic area and the beaches along the coast … and dotted around the city are some lovely public spaces … parks and squares in the city centre and on the outskirts of Barcelona where people relax with their friends and family … and of course pavement cafes everywhere … all that and some great historical places of interest … so a great destination for tourists …

Part 3 -style questions     

Examiner: What are the advantages of living in a city or big town?

Carrie: I think it’s having access to local facilities really … local shops as well as access to larger shopping malls in the city centre … and if you’re well-off you can afford to live in the suburbs away from the busy traffic …

Examiner: In your experience are city centres usually attractive places?

Mary: Some can be yes … especially those with a historical interest … but sometimes they’re full of ugly office blocks … multi-story car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends on the city doesn’t it?

Examiner: What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?

Penny: I suppose traffic congestion is a major problem … and the growth in out-of-town supermarkets and retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down … plus a shortage of good quality housing … I think these are the major challenges …


boarded up shops: shops that are no longer doing business

chain stores: well-known brands with shops in multiple cities

to close down: to stop doing business

fashionable boutiques: fashionable clothes shops

to get around: to travel around

high-rise flats: multi-story apartments

inner-city: the central part of a city where people live and where conditions are often poor

in the suburbs: the outer area of large towns and cities where people live

lively bars/restaurants: bars or restaurants with a good atmosphere

local facilities: local buildings or services serving the public

multi-story car parks: car parks on several floors

office block: a large building that contains offices

out of town shopping centre/retail park: large shopping centres outside of the town or city

pavement cafe: cafes with tables outside on the pavement

places of interest: buildings that have a particular interest for visitors

poor housing: housing that is not in good condition

public spaces: areas in a town or city that are open to the public

public transport system: public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes

residential area: an area where people live

run down: old and of a poor standard

shopping centre: an area consisting of multiple shops

shopping malls: large indoor shopping centres

sprawling city: a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area

tourist attraction: a place of interest to tourists

traffic congestion: heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city

upmarket shops: expensive fashionable shops

City and Country Life (тексты на английском языке для начинающих)

Posted or Updated on 2 января, 2022

Данные тексты на английском языке для начинающих предлагается читать в рамках изучения темы «City and Country Life / Жизнь в городе и в деревне.»

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Сегодня мы выучим слова и фразы по теме «Город». Здесь собрана вся лексика по теме City на английском языке с переводом.

В английском языке есть 2 слова для обозначения города – city и town и различаются они по размеру населенного пункта. Так, city используется для обозначения большого города, а town – маленького. Также большой, крупный город называется словом metropolis (мегаполис). Например: Berlin is one of Europe’s great metropolises. – Берлин – один из крупнейших европейских мегаполисов. 

В городе выделяют такие части как downtown (city center) – деловая часть города, residential district/residential areaжилой, спальный район, suburbsпригород или часть большого города, удаленная от центра, outskirtsокраина города, отдаленная часть города, districtрайон города, block – квартал, industrial district/industrial quarterпромышленный район.

Места и здания в городе

Слово на английском Перевод
Airport Аэропорт
Apartment building Многоквартирное здание
Bakery Пекарня, булочная,
Bank Банк
Barber shop Парикмахерская
Bus stop Автобусная остановка
Bus terminal / Bus station Автовокзал
Cafe Кафе
Cathedral Собор
Church Церковь
Convenience store Мини супермаркет, круглосуточный минимаркет
Department store Универмаг
Fire department Пожарное депо
Gas station Автозаправочная станция
Hospital Больница
Library Библиотека
Mosque Мечеть
Movie theatre / Cinema Кинотеатр
Museum Музей
Monument Памятник
Office building Административное здание
Post office Почта
Restaurant Ресторан
Shopping mall Торговый центр
Supermarket Супермаркет
Train station Железнодорожный вокзал
Attractions Аттракционы
ATM Банкомат
Currency exchange Обмен валюты
Corner Угол
Bridge Мост
Crossroads / crossing Перекресток
Playground Игровая площадка
Pavement Тротуар
Fountain Фонтан
Square Площадь
Park Парк
Zoo Зоопарк
Residential area Жилой квартал
Outskirts / suburbs Пригород
Neighbourhood Район
Traffic lights Светофор
Zebra crossing / crosswalk Пешеходный переход
Car park Авто парковка
Underground Подземка
Metro Метро
Castle Замок
Skyscraper Небоскреб
Police department Полицейский участок
Guesthouse Гостевой дом
Youth hostel Молодежный хостел
Concert hall Концертный зал
Circus Цирк
Laundry Прачечная
Rental agency Агентство по сдаче в аренду
Hair salon Парикмахерский салон
Swimming pool Бассейн

Знаки и вывески

Слово на английском Перевод
Danger Опасно
Caution Осторожно
Attention Внимание
Wet paint Окрашено
No swimming Купаться запрещено
Beware of the dog Осторожно, злая собака
Keep off the grass По газонам не ходить
Private property Частная собственность
No trespassing Посторонним вход воспрещён

 знаки и вывески на английском с переводом

Надписи в учреждениях

Слово на английском Перевод
Open Открыто
Closed Закрыто
Closed on Sundays Закрыто по воскресеньям
Pull На себя (надпись на двери)
Push От себя (надпись на двери)
Entrance / Way in Вход
Admission by ticket only Вход только по билетам
No entrance / No entry Входа нет
Employees only / Staff only Только для персонала
Authorised personnel only / no admittance Посторонним вход воспрещен
Exit to street Выход на улицу
Exit / Way out Выход
No exit Выхода нет
Emergency exit Запасной выход
Entrance fee Плата за вход
Keep the door closed Закрывайте дверь за собой
Smoking section Секция для курящих
No smoking section Секция для некурящих
Reserved Забронировано
Occupied Занято
No vacancies Нет свободных мест
Elevator / Lift Лифт
Out of order Не работает / Сломан


  • Street – «St»
  • Avenue (проспект) – “Ave”
  • Lane — «Ln»
  • Road — «Rd»
  • Apartment – “Apt”

Проверьте свои знания с карточками Quizlet:

Вам может быть интересно: 

  • Слова на тему “Отель” на английском
  • Тема “Транспорт” на английском
  • Слова на тему “Шопинг” на английском

Topic Vocabulary >> Lesson 15: Town and City

In the IELTS Speaking exam you may be called upon to showcase your vocabulary to describe towns and cities. Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the phrases in bold. Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: What is it like where you live?
Christiane: I live in a residential area of a busy town in the south of Spain … we have all the facilities you need … good public transport … a good shopping centre … it’s nice …

Examiner: Do you like living in the city?
Andrea: Yes I do … I like going out with my friends and there are lots of lively bars and restaurants within walking distance of my apartment … I’m a bit of a culture vulture as well so it’s great to have access to art exhibitions and that kind of thing …

Examiner: Do you get many tourists visiting your area?
Mandy: Not really no … I live in the inner-city and the area is a little run down … it’s basically a lot of high-rise flats and many of the shops are boarded up … so nothing to interest tourists really …

Part 2-style task

Describe an interesting town or city in your country that visitors might enjoy. You should say

  • what the place is called
  • where the place is
  • what the facilities are like

and say why visitors might enjoy going there.

Monique:  Anyone who comes to my country really should spend some time in Barcelona … it’s a beautiful place … it’s not what you would call a sprawling city … it’s quite compact really and you could walk across the city in a couple of hours … but there’s no need to do that as we have a fantastic public transport system so it’s easy to get around … there are various districts all with their own character … you have the upmarket shops in the centre … you’ll find lots of chain stores you’ll recognise from your own country but also local brands as well … we have the narrow streets in the Gothic district with lots of fashionable boutiques and tourist attractions … there’s the Olympic area and the beaches along the coast … and dotted around the city are some lovely public spaces … parks and squares in the city centre and on the outskirts of Barcelona where people relax with their friends and family … and of course pavement cafes everywhere … all that and some great historical places of interest … so a great destination for tourists …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner:  What are the advantages of living in a city or big town?
Carrie: I think it’s having access to local facilities really … local shops as well as access to larger shopping malls in the city centre … and if you’re well-off you can afford to live in the suburbs away from the busy traffic …

Examiner: In your experience are city centres usually attractive places?
Mary: Some can be yes … especially those with a historical interest … but sometimes they’re full of ugly office blocksmulti-story car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends on the city doesn’t it?

Examiner: What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?
Penny: I suppose traffic congestion is a major problem … and the growth in out-of-town supermarkets and retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down … plus a shortage of good quality housing … I think these are the major challenges …


  • boarded up shops: shops that are no longer doing business
  • chain stores: well-known brands with shops in multiple cities
  • to close down: to stop doing business
  • fashionable boutiques: fashionable clothes shops
  • to get around: to travel around
  • high-rise flats: multi-story apartments
  • inner-city: the central part of a city where people live and where conditions are often poor
  • in the suburbs: the outer area of large towns and cities where people live
  • lively bars/restaurants: bars or restaurants with a good atmosphere
  • local facilities: local buildings or services serving the public
  • multi-story car parks: car parks on several floors
  • office block: a large building that contains offices
  • out of town shopping centre/retail park: large shopping centres outside of the town or city
  • pavement cafe: cafes with tables outside on the pavement
  • places of interest: buildings that have a particular interest for visitors
  • poor housing: housing that is not in good condition
  • public spaces: areas in a town or city that are open to the public
  • public transport system:  public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes
  • residential area: an area where people live
  • run down: old and of a poor standard
  • shopping centre: an area consisting of multiple shops
  • shopping malls: large indoor shopping centres
  • sprawling city: a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area
  • tourist attraction: a place of interest to tourists
  • traffic congestion: heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city
  • upmarket shops: expensive fashionable shops

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от Katusha822

City Stars to be

City Stars to be

от Olysher

2-й класс
3 класс
City Stars 2
Spotlight 1
Spotlight 2

Crossword about places in a city

Crossword about places in a city

от Sbelaev49

city speaking questions

city speaking questions
Случайные карты

от Bataimpp


Warm up City Questions

Warm up City Questions
Случайные карты

от Efremovaa25

Talking about interests. Questions

Talking about interests. Questions
Откройте поле

от Irisla72

Questions about you ELEMENTARY

Questions about you ELEMENTARY
Откройте поле

от Maltaza

Questions about books

Questions about books
Откройте поле

от Azapart

Questions about job

Questions about job
Привести в порядок

от Allaenglishteac

English File elementary

1B - Questions about Future

1B — Questions about Future
Случайные карты

от Belankahelen

English File intermediate

Questions about films (Teens)

Questions about films (Teens)
Перевернуть плитки

от Meinherzschlagt

6A - Questions about films

6A — Questions about films
Случайные карты

от Belankahelen

English File intermediate

Questions about school subjects

Questions about school subjects
Случайное колесо

от Lisa98

Questions about typical morning

Questions about typical morning
Случайные карты

от Kseniateacher

New English File Beginner
New english file

Questions about social media

Questions about social media
Случайные карты

от Nkrupeichenko

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