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Word Changer is a free online tool by SEO Tools Centre which would help you easily change words for paragraphs, essays, articles or any kind of piece of writing that you want. This tool offers the best content rewording performance that would allow you to paraphrase formal business as well as academic documents with ease.        

What is the World’s Best Essay Word Changer?

Expressing an existing idea in a new way can get quite overwhelming sometimes. When rewriting a piece of content, you can always do better by using unique words and structuring your content in a way that feels appealing to the reader.

SEO Tools Centre Word Changer

But this also gives rise to a problem. What if you can’t come up with new words to reword the piece of writing? Or worse, what if you have a lot of different synonyms for a word and you can’t get yourself to choose one?

This is where the Word Changer Online comes to rescue!

Through its intelligent design, this software will come up with just the right words for your essay or article that you can use to take the effectiveness of that piece of writing to a whole new level.

This tool carefully analyzes the context of your writing, understands what it is about and then comes up with words and phrases that can be used in the place of the original content.

This tool will prove to be a huge time saver for you, especially when you are on a deadline and you have to reword a lot of content in that limited time.     

Paragraph Word Changer That’s Easy to Use

This tool delivers excellent rewording performance, better than most free online paraphrasing tools. And it does it in a more intuitive way than other tools.

You’d find this tool to be simple to use. All the features of this tool are displayed in a clear ways so that even if you are a new users and you’ve never used the article rewriting tool before; this essay changer will make the job entirely easy for you.   

Best Tool for Students

Preparing academic documents like essays, thesis, reports and papers is quite challenging. Your entire learning experience as well as your academic future also depends on these documents to some extent. You want to do everything that you can to create the best piece of writing that gets you’re the grade that you want.

Essay Changer Online can prove to be quite useful for students. They can use this tool to learn about different ways they can write the same piece of content. This will get the students to learn about different types of writings and would help them build their writing skills. Not to mention the time students will be saving by rewording documents with this amazingly powerful tool.          

Write SEO Friendly Content in a Natural Way

Content is a crucial need for every online business. Written content is what google bases its website ranking on. Coming up with new content is not always easy. And if you are not consistently coming up with new content, your website ranking is bound to go down.

With the essay changer tool, you’d be able to rewrite existing content in the fastest way possible. This tool works a lot like plagiarism remover and allows you to come up with unique content that is SEO friendly as well as feels natural to the reader.   

How does this SEOToolsCentre’s Word Reworder Work?

This tool works a lot like an online thesaurus, but the fact that it can reword an entire essay in a short amount of time, and this is what makes it stand out from the rest of the rewording tools online. This tool is powerful and efficient. It understands how natural writing works and it uses the same rewriting tone as used by humans.

This tool is Ai based and it keeps learning new ways to be better. The more you use this tool, the better it would get at rewording the content for you.    

How to use SEOToolsCentre’s Word’s Changer Tool?

  • First, select the words replacer tool https://seotoolscentre.com/word-changer.

How to change word online step 1

  • Copy and paste the text that you want to rewrite in this tool.

  • Select the your required language.

  • Hit Enter or click on the given spin button to start processing.

  • Wait for a few minutes and replace your favourite suggestions.

  • Copy and use the converted text any way you want or download the text file format.

  •  You may click the Try New Document to change for the words for another document.

Word Changer Tool Best Features

Free, Fast and Simple Word Changer: This tool delivers super-fast performance in record time. It is faster than most of the free text changer tools that you can find out there. It is simple and comes with easy navigation experience. 

Ai Based Writing Assistant: The word changer is Artificial Intelligence based so its paraphrasing performance would be better than most of the tools that you find out there. It would convert and rewrite your essays in a more effective way.     

Plagiarism Changer for All Types of Content: You can use this tool to rewrite sentences and remove plagiarism from it. Whether it is web content or an academic piece of writing, this tool will make the process of removing plagiarism simpler and easy for you.  

Web App That Works on Cloud Servers: The word changer works in the web browser. It won’t use your local system resources. You are just going to need a web browser like chrome for using this software. 

Supported by All Mainstream Web Browsers: This word changer works on all web browsers like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and so much more. You can even use this rewording tool on your mobile device.  

STC Word Changer’s FAQs

What is word changer and how does it work?

A word changer is a paraphrasing tool that allows you to reword a piece of writing with ease. With this tool, the user can rewrite any kind of content that they want. It works like an online thesaurus but can convert large lengths of content easily.

Why use the Word Changer Tool?

When you are having a hard time rewording a piece of writing, add it into this tool and it will take care of the rest. This tool helps students as well as digital marketers come up with fresh and plagiarism free content using an existing piece of writing.      

What is the best word changer online?

The Word Changer by SEO Tools Centre is the best tool that you can find for paraphrasing and rewriting essays, articles, reports, thesis etc. This tool is free and works in a fast and efficient way.   

How can I reword an academic article into an interesting book?

You can reword an academic article using the free Word Changer by SEO Tools Centre. This tool will maintain the formatting of the content and will help you reword academic article using rich and rare words.

How to change the words in an essay with ease?

You can use this Word Changer tool for changing words in an essay. This tool makes the process of rewriting much easier and simpler for its users.   

One more factor, which influence the process of first and second language acquisition by children and adult learners is – degree of linguistic abilities development.

The problem of linguistic abilities interested many scientists both domestic, and foreign. Research of abilities to mastering foreign languages in the most developing kind have found reflections in works of Vedenyapina B. V. Gohlerner M. M., Zimnyaya I. A., Kabardov M. K., Саггоl J. B., Karpov A.F., Kaulfers W.V., Leontev A.N., Polyanskaya O.S., Pimsluer P., Pinfield W., Solomon E., Тоdd J.W. etc.

Not all authors understand special abilities to mastering foreign language as linguistic abilities or «language abilities». So, for example, Leontyev A.A. determines language abilities as «totality of the psychological and physiological conditions providing mastering, manufacture and adequate perception of language marks by members of language collective»

Judith L. Green examines language ability «as something such, that makes ability to speak in the given language». But the author doesn’t specify, about which language there is a speech: native or foreign.

Chomsky N. considers that language ability is a congenital knowledge of grammatical system of language, universal rules, comparing semantic interpretation of the sentence with its phonetic interpretation. Mastering of this system’s rules at a unconscious level the person corrected acquires syntactic structures of language.

Language ability is considered as specific human ability to mastering the language, it is general, peculiar equally to each healthy person in all these interpretations. Any individual distinctions in success and speeds of mastering in the given definitions are not allocated with language. Therefore it is more expedient to use terms «speaking another language abilities» and «linguistic abilities» for allocation of any individual distinctions in speed and ease of mastering of foreign language more expediently.

There is also interesting fact that existence of specific abilities to mastering by a foreign language admits not as all researchers. In particular, Vedenjapina B.V. holds the opinion, that such factors, as skill to generalize (to use receptions of the analysis and synthesis), a level of development of verbal intelligence, logic and effective thinking influence on the ability of teaching to foreign languages. Proceeding from this, the author offers to diagnose the ability of teaching to foreign language by Wexler tests revealing a degree of development of the general mental faculties.

Foreign scientists Carrol J., Kaulfers W.V., Pimsluer P. adhere to other opinion, which emphasizing an essential role of the general intelligence in mastering foreign language, do not deny presence and other, special abilities, such specific features which allow learning successfully master language.

Abilities to studying foreign language differ cardinally from abilities to mastering the native language. Mastering of the native language and foreign language occurs by means of various ways, as proves this statement.

The child seizes the native language in the early childhood during dialogue with adults, «unconsciously and unintentionally». It’s well-known, that the period early ontogenesis is the most sensitive for mastering by speech as this is favored with the certain physiological preconditions. As show data Pinfield U., the bark of the big hemispheres of a brain that causes high rate of mastering by speech skills is very plastic in this period at the child. Besides Pinfield U. emphasizes, that changes of development of language abilities is identical absolutely at all people, that here there are no specific features.

Otherwise the case is somewhat different with mastering by a foreign language. First, starting to its studying, the person bases on the system of concepts of the native language already available at him. Second, the modern language, as a rule, is acquired by the individual not in natural, but in educational conditions, without the constant communications with native speakers. Here mastering by language is made absolutely in other plan, than mastering of the native language. Vygotskii L.S. believes that the person studies a modern language since comprehension and intentionality. «Mastering of foreign language goes in the way, opposite to a volume with which goes development of the native language. Development of the native language goes from below upwards while development of foreign language goes from the top downward. In the first case there are elementary, lowest properties of speech earlier and only its complex forms connected to comprehension of phonetic structure of language, its grammatical forms and any construction of speech develop later. In the second case the maximum complex properties of speech connected to comprehension and intentionality develop earlier, and only there are more elementary properties connected to spontaneous, free using by another’s speech» later.

Studying of foreign language usually begin at such age when the period special susceptibilities, sensitivity to mastering by speech was already finished. However at the given age stage the maximum mental functions of the person such as the perception, memory, thinking already reach a high level of the development and can become basic «means» of mastering by the individual speech activity in foreign language that true data of psychology and psycholinguistics prove.

Thus, all told proves existence of specific linguistic abilities to mastering by a foreign language. High rate and ease of mastering of foreign language in advanced age are caused by other factors, rather than mastering of the native language in the early childhood. Thus mastering by a foreign language occurs to a support on a known level of development of speech ability on the native language.

There are various points of view about structure of linguistic abilities. First of all, it is necessary to allocate the different points of view of domestic and foreign psychologists about essence of linguistic abilities.

Foreign researchers develop a problem of linguistic abilities with reference to tasks in the field of testing, in connection with necessity of distribution of students for language classes, definitions of influence of knowledge of one foreign language on studying of another, with the requirement «revealing of individual distinctions and assignments of people for such work to which they are most capable, without a prodigal trial and error method».

Existence of special abilities to mastering foreign language which sometimes name «linguistic talent» admits as the majority of foreign psychologists. However it is necessary to notice, that speaking another language abilities are determined differently. So, Carrol J. under linguistic abilities understands amount of time which is required to the student for achievements of the certain successes in training. Thus the scientist assumes that the student has optimum motivation of educational activity and during training follows qualitative instructions.

Solomon E. in understanding of essence of linguistic abilities also puts the factor of time. She considers if trained in comparison with others for smaller or identical amount of time acquires the greater volume of a material he has the greater ability to training. The author urgently emphasizes, that any invented «the linguistic talent» does not exist, is simple in some departments of a brain there is original “readiness”, a potential opportunity of mastering of foreign language in the work.

In work of Тоdd J.W. we find an explanation of a nature of linguistic abilities, a source of their formation and development. In the scientist’s opinion, presence of abilities to mastering foreign language is predetermined by the factor of heredity. «Similarly to color of hair, their complete characteristic can be transferred from generation to generation only with little changes». The author approves that «the special talent» for one language should be accompanied and ability to studying other languages.

Foreign psychologists are unanimous that abilities to languages represent set of separate independent abilities closely connected among themselves. With the help of the factorial analysis researchers reveal those qualities of mentality of the individual which are lawful for including in structure of linguistic abilities.

Among works of the given direction the special place is taken researches of Carrol J. In opinion of the scientist, the model of speaking other language abilities can be presented as system of the following factors.

1. Phonetic coding — ability of the individual to represent by means of the certain images the heard sound material so that was available an opportunity through some of time of it to identify and recall. Carrol J. considers, that pupils with a low level of development of the given ability will experience difficulties as with storing a phonetic material (words and their forms), and in imitation of sounds of speech.

2. Grammatical sensitivity — ability to feel function of a word in different contexts. The high level of development of the given quality correctly allows the pupil to operate with forms of words, grammatically correctly to make out speaking other language statements.

3. Mechanical memory — ability to storing a speaking another language material for short time.

4. Ability to study language inductively that is to draw conclusions on language rules on the basis of several language forms and to carry out their carry on new examples

Interesting ideas concerning structure of linguistic abilities states Pimsluer P. According to his theory, the given kind of abilities includes three factors:

1. The factor of verbal intellect which is meant as knowledge vocabulary of the native language, skill to analyze a verbal material, to deduce rules on the basis of several speaking other language linguistic structures.

2. Motivation of studying of foreign language.

3. The acoustical factor determined in two various directions: as differentiation of similar sounds and as making of sound-sign conformity.

It is necessary to notice, that the role of an audiotive component in structure of linguistic abilities is marked by many foreign researchers. So, the structure of abilities includes ability to distinction inside a word of the phonemes similar on sounding. Here, as scientists approve, it is necessary skill to differentiate height, a timbre, their duration, loudness. Besides it is considered necessary for revealing a level of development of linguistic abilities to measure sensory acuity.

Also many foreign psychologists specify the high importance of verbal memory. According ideas of Тоdd J.W., «memory is the most powerful force in purchase of speaking other language skills». In opinion of the scientist, verbal memory is extremely important for mastering speaking another language vocabulary, at studying conjugations of verbs and declinations of names of nouns. Work of Clifford J. it is devoted to research of mechanical memory which the author offers to measure with the help of a technique of learning of pair associations, using as a material for storing artificial syllables. During research he comes to a conclusion about existence of positive correlations between high speed of studying of units of pair associations and ability to mastering languages.

The Russian scientists hold essentially other opinion in understanding of essence of linguistic abilities. Their approach is based on the characteristic of specific features of mental processes since from it, in their opinion, successful mastering by concrete operations of speech activity in foreign language depends.

As an example it is possible to consider realization of the act of perception and understanding of the speech statement on hearing and those mental processes which function thus. In activity of audition 5 separate operations are allocated: the identification of sounds; the identification of words; association of a sound with value; comprehension of the logic plan of speech; preservation of the understood previous contents in memory. First two operations are carried out with the help of functioning of operative, long-term memory and phonemic hearing as trained should remember a required linguistic material and to have ability of distinction of phonemes on hearing. For formation of adequate associations of sounds of speech with values and comprehension of the logic plan of speech skill to predict value of a word or the statement in the given concrete situation and skill to establish logic connections between heard is necessary. It is provided with presence of the certain level formation of verbal-logic thinking and ability to probabilistic forecasting. To keep in memory the contents of the statement, ability to keep the heard information in consciousness is required and to take advantage of the saved up material in a new situation that is provided with the advanced operative and long-term memory.

Thus, Russian are understood as such specific features of cognitive processes which promote easy, fast and effective mastering by speech and linguistic skills with reference to foreign languages by researchers linguistic abilities. As the basic mechanisms of speech activity shown, equally at mastering any foreign language are considered: verbal thinking, quality of operative, long-term and verbal memory, feature of acoustical perception, speech hearing and its compound components, phonemic and intonational hearing, individual properties of imagination and attention.

In the theory there is no uniform classification of linguistic abilities. Belyaev B.V. offers classification of speaking other language abilities on the basis of various kinds of activity on studying foreign language, according to different aspects of language and types of speech activity. Belayev B.V. allocates abilities to translation from foreign language on native, abilities to mastering grammatical rules, to learning foreign words in their correlation with Russian equivalents, abilities to reading, to the letter, to in investigated language, to understanding of speech of the interlocutor, ability to mastering by skills oral (speaking and understanding) and written (reading and the letter) speeches, abilities to mastering by phonetics, vocabulary, grammar of investigated language. In turn, each of these kinds of abilities breaks up to even more elementary abilities. For example, grammatical abilities, on Belyaev B.V., it is possible to divide into ability to change a word according to rules of their grammar and to unite them in complete offers; ability of the correct use of an article; ability of the correct coordination of words etc.

The special place in a problem of classifications of linguistic abilities is taken with works of Kabardov M.K. He subdivides abilities to languages on communicative-speech (other language-speech) and cognitive-linguistic (language), formal-dynamic characteristics which are expressed in rate of mastering of means of language, speeds of transition from mastering to their application, in speed of overcoming of a communicative barrier. Cognitive-linguistic abilities are individual-psychological features which promote fast and strong formation of skills and skills at mastering by language system – phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, reading. Communicative-speech is psychophysiological features which provide fast and qualitative mastering by skills, and here the author possession and paralinguistic by means — mimicry, gestures is included also. As, he allocated the basic characteristics of the individuals having this or that kind of abilities. So, at owners of abilities communicative — speech high parameters of communicative activity are marked, namely: initiative in dialogue in foreign language, ease of understanding and speaking, high fluency of speech. But trained the given category frequently are at a loss at a presence of linguistic laws, rules in unfamiliar language; decisions them of linguistic tasks, as a rule, have stereotyped character. The individuals described by presence of cognitive-linguistic abilities, have an orientation, first of all on studying of theoretical bases of language, its systems, but experience difficulties understanding and speaking, that is practical using language.

But nevertheless, in Polyanskaya O.S. opinion, such classifications of linguistic abilities are not absolutely exact since they allocate speech and language knowledge faster, skills, but not abilities to mastering by languages. For example, correctly to use articles, quickly and competently make translation from one language on another the person with average or even rather low abilities to foreign languages if he can also and was purposefully trained in the given skills regularly during long time. As excessive «crushing» of linguistic abilities on their elementary components complicates realization of their diagnostics, makes practically impossible creation of test techniques for definition of a level of development of this or that kind of abilities. She offers qualitatively other classification of linguistic abilities. The functional-genetic concept of human abilities is put in its basis. For classification of linguistic abilities from this position to cognitive functions and the processes making a basis of the mechanism of perception and generation of speaking other language speech, it is necessary to approach not as to structural components of the common ability to mastering foreign language and to study them as separate kinds of this ability and to consider from positions of studying of individuality. So it is possible to allocate – perceptive, mnemonic, speech understanding abilities to foreign languages (concerning mastering by skills of speaking other language speech), and also ability of linguistic thinking (concerning mastering by skills of the analysis of system of investigated language).

Mnemonic speaking other language ability includes all kinds of verbal memory playing an essential role in mastering by skills of foreign speech. In particular: memory long-term and operative; acoustical, visual both impellent; mechanical and logic. The importance of memory for fast and easy mastering by a foreign language, it is especial at the initial stages of training, it is emphasized by all without exception by the researchers engaged in this question. Mastering of any language begins with storing separate lexical units, it means, that well advanced mechanical memory based on repeated recurrence of a material as the word is remembered, first of all, is necessary for fast purchase of a required lexicon not as semantic structure and as set of visual, acoustical and impellent sensual representations.

According to Albina A.T.’s researches, verbal memory is the important differential attribute on which precisely differ capable and unable to languages trained. The importance of verbal memory is caused not only necessity of mastering by speaking another language lexicon. During mastering foreign language in educational conditions from trained storing and reproduction of the whole texts (art, publicistic) frequently is required with the purpose of development of phonetic, intonational structures, grammatical models of investigated language. Memorizing of texts is considerably facilitated by use of special receptions of comprehension of a learnt material, namely exarticulation in it of the certain semantic units, allocation of strong points with which the contents of the given fragment of the text easily associates. Efficiency of use of such receptions just depends on a level of development of verbal memory.

The role of a high level of verbal operative memory as conditions and means of successful realization of speech activity proves to be true that success of realization of all kinds of speaking another language speech activity is influenced essentially with volume of operative memory, i.e. quantity of elements of the information. Operative memory at realization of speech activity is closely connected to long-term verbal memory. The high level of development of long-term memory as structural making speaking other language abilities provides strong storing and long preservation of a plenty of a speaking other language verbal material.

Well advanced impellent memory easily allows trained to remember position of bodies of an articulation at pronouncing sounds of speaking other language speech and determines a level of development of so-called articulation abilities.

Well advanced visual memory promoting fast and strong storing of an alphabetic image of a word and its exact reproduction is necessary for correct perception, understanding and reproduction of the written information, providing formation at trained to spelling vigilance.

First of all, perceptive ability to foreign language is acoustical perception. As the basic component of the given ability it is possible to consider the speech hearing providing perception and understanding of speaking other language speech, promoting fast accumulation in memory trained acoustical images of lexical units and their combinations. To audition belong to the greater densities in speech dialogue, than to other kinds of speech activity. Hence, one of the most significant elements of structure of abilities to mastering by foreign languages is the acoustical perception. It underlies speaking another language speech activity since is the natural channel through whom the word will penetrate into a brain.

Speech understanding ability is ability of the pupil to the effective decision of any verbal task, to successful realization speech understanding activity in foreign language which is considered as «process of formation and a formulation of idea by means of language for its external expression» One of components speech understanding abilities to foreign language lawful counts and a high level of development of the mechanism probabilistic forecasting.

Ability of linguistic thinking with reference to mastering by a foreign language represents set of the cogitative operations, allowing comprehending laws of construction of system of investigated foreign language.

Linguistic abilities play the important role in mastering by trades — the teacher of foreign language or the translator. In concept of the linguistic abilities necessary for successful mastering by foreign languages include — mnemonic abilities, perceptive abilities (first of all acoustical perception), speech understanding abilities and ability of linguistic thinking.

Thus, before to reveal the modern requirements showed to professional and personal qualities of the future philologists, it is necessary to understand, in the future they will face which kind of activity. The future philologists can become depending on specialization of training either teachers, or translators. Accordingly the requirements showed to students, it is possible to divide into two groups — common and special requirements. We have referred linguistic abilities to the common requirements. To special requirements we have refer personal qualities and the abilities making a complex of professionally important qualities, i.e. the requirements showed by a separate trade.

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Практические расчеты на срез и смятие При изучении темы обратите внимание на основные расчетные предпосылки и условности расчета…

Функция спроса населения на данный товар Функция спроса населения на данный товар: Qd=7-Р. Функция предложения: Qs= -5+2Р,где…

I have a very long file which refers certain persons as Petitioners and certain persons as Respondents. I want to swap these two words so that the Petitioner is changed to Respondent, and vice versa.
Can this be done automatically?

asked Jan 6, 2018 at 7:10

Usman's user avatar

Use a third word that does not occur in your text.

  • change (find and replace) all ‘Petitioner’ to ‘PetitionerXX’,
  • then change all ‘Respondent’ to ‘Petitioner’,
  • and finally change all ‘PetitionerXX’ to ‘Respondent’.

answered Jan 6, 2018 at 7:24

muclux's user avatar


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Перевод по словам

you [pronoun]

pronoun: вас, вам, вы, вами, тебя, тебе, ты, тобой

  • annoying you — раздражаю тебя
  • aks you — АКС вы
  • As you make your bed, so you must lie in it — Как сделать вашу кровать, так что вы должны лежать в ней
  • you postpone — откладываешь
  • besides you — кроме вас
  • devour you — объедает
  • failing you — неудачу вас
  • meat you — мясо вас
  • contradict you — противоречат вам
  • you can do what you want — Ты можешь делать, что хочешь

have [verb]

verb: иметь, обладать, получать, содержать, испытывать, проводить, знать, родить, говорить, подвергаться

noun: обман, мошенничество

  • have scruples — смущать
  • you have — у тебя есть
  • have spiked — шипами
  • have resonance — имеют резонанс
  • have stalled — застопорились
  • possibly have — возможно есть
  • have sustained — понесли
  • have incentives — стимулы
  • have mellowed — смягчилось
  • have curated — был куратор
  • in the very sense of the word — в самом смысле этого слова
  • net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously — нетто-основе, либо реализовать актив и исполнить обязательство одновременно
  • in the light of the above considerations — в свете изложенных выше соображений
  • the results of the survey will be — результаты исследования будут
  • at the other end of the table — на другом конце стола
  • praise the lord and pass the ammunition — славить Господа и передать боеприпасы
  • the right to life and the death — право на жизнь и смерть
  • in the second part of the year — во второй половине года
  • under the leadership of the chairman — под руководством председателя
  • on the side of the phone — на боковой стороне телефона

ability [noun]

noun: способность, возможность, умение, ловкость, дарование, компетенция

  • ability to function — способность действовать
  • disable the ability to — отключить возможность
  • giving you the ability to — давая вам возможность
  • ability to standardize — возможность стандартизации
  • tactical ability — тактические способности
  • the ability of the organization — способность организации
  • reduction of the ability — снижение способности
  • lack the ability — не имеют возможности
  • ability to present — умение представить
  • ability to win — Возможность выиграть

to [preposition]

preposition: к, в, до, на, для

abbreviation: телеграфная контора, телеграфное отделение

  • to make yourself out to be sth — чтобы сделать себя, чтобы быть STH
  • to put to the worse — положить в худшей стороне
  • want to talk to you — хочу поговорить с вами
  • i have to go to the restroom — я должен пойти в туалет
  • do you want to go to bed — Вы хотите, чтобы лечь в постель
  • need to go to the restroom — должны пойти в туалет
  • you have to pretend to be — Вы должны притворяться
  • be able to talk to you — быть в состоянии говорить с вами
  • to gain access to the site — чтобы получить доступ к сайту
  • need to find something to do — нужно найти что-то делать

change [noun]

noun: изменение, перемена, смена, замена, сдвиг, преобразование, превращение, мелочь, пересадка, отклонение

verb: изменять, менять, изменяться, меняться, заменять, переодеваться, сменять, пересаживаться, преображаться, обмениваться

adjective: разменный

  • loose change — свободная смена
  • change alter — изменение альтер
  • must change — необходимо изменить
  • change process — процесс изменения
  • change overnight — изменение в течение ночи
  • purposeful change — целенаправленное изменение
  • change initiated — изменение инициировано
  • accepting change — принятие изменений
  • will not change — не изменится
  • change management capacity — способность управления изменениями

Предложения с «you have the ability to change»

Imagine a society where we had rules of engagement where every child grew up believing that they could stand here and be a technologist of the future, or where every adult believed that they had the ability not just to understand but to change how science and technology impacts their everyday lives.

Представьте себе общество, где были бы правила, при которых каждый ребёнок рос, веря, что он может быть на моём месте, может стать технологом будущего, или где каждый взрослый считал бы, что он обладает способностью не просто понять, но и изменить то, как наука и техника влияет на их повседневную жизнь.

Now, we actually have the ability to change the world on this one.

Сейчас у нас есть возможность изменить мир в этом вопросе.

So every day that you go home thinking that you should do something about global warming, at the end of that week, remember: somebody fired up a coal plant that’s going to run for 50 years and take away your ability to change it.

Если каждый день вы идёте домой, думая, как предотвратить глобальное потепление, в конце недели вспомните, что кто — то запустил угольную станцию, которая будет работать в течение 50 лет, лишая вас возможности что — либо изменить .

My claim is that understanding has to do with the ability to change your perspective.

Я считаю, что понимание — это способность смотреть на вещи с разных точек зрения.

There’s one thing that’s a little bit deeper, and that has to do with the ability to change your perspective.

Кое — что лежит глубже, и это связано с возможностью менять ваш угол зрения.

So my conclusion is the following: understanding something really deeply has to do with the ability to change your perspective.

Мой вывод заключается в следующем: чтобы глубоко понимать что — то, нужно уметь смотреть на вещи с разных сторон.

Suggests that our brain has the ability to change and grow throughout our life.

Предполагает, что наш мозг обладает способностью изменяться и расти на протяжении всей нашей жизни.

The change management initiative would enhance the ability of UNIDO to deal effectively with challenges.

Инициатива в области управления преобразованиями укрепит способность ЮНИДО эффективно решать задачи.

In recent years, implementation of national initiatives has always been focused on the ability to achieve desired change in the selected areas.

В последние годы предпринимавшиеся национальные инициативы всегда были направлены на создание потенциала для достижения желаемых изменений в выбранных областях.

When Willbender is turned face up, change the target of target spell or ability with a single target.

Когда Своевольник переворачивается лицом вверх, измените цель целевого заклинания или способности с одиночной целью.

And this is the ability to program physical and biological materials to change shape, change properties and even compute outside of silicon-based matter.

Это — возможность программировать неживую и живую материю на изменение формы и свойств и даже на выполнение вычислений без использования кремниевых устройств.

Based on this dogma, students of both fields were taught that neural plasticity, or the ability of the nervous system to grow and change, was extremely limited after childhood.

Основываясь на данной догме, студенты, изучающие обе науки, узнавали, что пластичность нейронов, или другими словами способность нервной системы расти и изменяться , чрезвычайно ограничена после детства.

Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.

Население и использование ограниченных ресурсов Земли растут экспоненционально, также как и наши технические возможности изменения окружающей среды к лучшему или к худшему.

Advantages of using the Shell are the ability to change the properties that aren’t available in the EAC and change properties for multiple groups.

Преимущества использования командной консоли — возможность изменения свойств, которые отсутствуют в EAC, и возможность изменять свойства для нескольких групп.

The former, in turn, draw upon the ability to recognize complex patterns of association and key structuring variables which often change from problem to problem.

Эстетические суждения, в свою очередь, основаны на способности узнавать сложные закономерности ассоциаций и ключевых структурных переменных, которые меняются от задачи к задаче.

All of which reminds us that we must be — yes, my favorite word — realistic about the ability of complex societies to change their spots overnight.

Все это напоминает нам, что мы должны быть — мое любимое слово — реалистами в отношении вероятности мгновенного преображения сложных обществ.

If we combine these natural abilities with the best of our imagination and our biggest ideas then surely our cities can adapt and change.

Если мы соединим эти природные способности с нашей лучшей находчивостью и самыми грандиозными идеями, тогда наши города точно смогут приспособиться к переменам.

or, you can focus your energy on true, meaningful, lasting, holistic change which actually has the realistic ability to support and free all humans with no one left behind.

или можете сфокусировать вашу энергию на подлинные, значимые, целостные изменения , которые действительно смогут поддержать и освободить всех людей, до единого.

Certain materials have the ability to change visible wavelengths into longer invisible reflective ones if you shine a luminescent infrared light at them.

Некоторые материалы обладают способностью в люминисцентном инфракрасном свете увеличивать длину коротких видимых волн, превращая их в невидимые отраженные.

I have also been blessed with the ability to change lanes, because my car belongs to me, and I take it where I want to go.

Я также счастлива иметь возможность менять зоны, потому что у меня своя машина, и я еду, куда хочу.

You see, children, life has the amazing ability to change, to adapt.

Видите ли, дети, жизнь обладает потрясающей склонностью к развитию, адаптации.

The automatic transmission also has the ability to change the shift points, and hold the gears longer when the engine is operating at higher RPMs.

Автоматическая коробка передач также имеет возможность менять точки переключения передач и дольше удерживать передачи, когда двигатель работает на более высоких оборотах.

The ultimate success of any Theory of Change lies in its ability to demonstrate progress on the achievement of outcomes.

Конечный успех любой теории изменений заключается в ее способности демонстрировать прогресс в достижении результатов.

The ultimate success of any Theory of Change lies in its ability to demonstrate progress on the achievement of outcomes.

Конечный успех любой теории изменений заключается в ее способности демонстрировать прогресс в достижении результатов.

The mixture which has ability to resist change in pH when small amount of acid or base or water is added to it, is called buffer solution.

Смесь, обладающая способностью противостоять изменению рН при добавлении в нее небольшого количества кислоты, основания или воды, называется буферным раствором.

Man-E-Faces is a multi-faced Heroic Warrior, with the ability to change his faces from a human face to a monster face to a robot face.

Man — E — Faces — это многоликий героический воин, обладающий способностью менять свои лица с человеческого лица на лицо монстра и лицо робота.

The T-Probe is what causes Miles Teg’s brain to change its structure, giving him the blinding speed and amazing abilities seen at the end of Heretics of Dune.

Т — зонд — это то, что заставляет мозг Майлза тега изменять свою структуру, давая ему ослепительную скорость и удивительные способности, замеченные в конце еретиков дюны.

This change was enacted to prevent any one judge from having the ability to disqualify a punster by giving a much lower score than the other judges.

Это изменение было введено для того, чтобы ни один судья не имел возможности дисквалифицировать каламбуриста, дав ему гораздо более низкий балл, чем другие судьи.

Accessibility features also help people with temporary disabilities, like a broken arm, or ageing users as their abilities change.

Специальные возможности также помогают людям с временной инвалидностью, например, сломанной рукой, или стареющим пользователям по мере изменения их способностей.

A change in the solvating ability or dielectric constant can thus influence the acidity or basicity.

Таким образом, изменение сольватирующей способности или диэлектрической проницаемости может влиять на кислотность или основность.

When these reforms did begin to change women’s lives legally, they also helped to expand their abilities socially.

Когда эти реформы начали изменять жизнь женщин юридически, они также помогли расширить их возможности в социальном плане.

The ability to change the gender of this barnstar was introduced on January 19, 2018 by Noah Kastin.

Возможность менять пол этого барнстара была введена 19 января 2018 года Ноем Кастином.

He also has the ability to change the vibration of his vocal cords making it so he can change how his voice sounds to others.

Он также обладает способностью изменять вибрацию своих голосовых связок, делая ее такой, чтобы он мог изменить то, как его голос звучит для других.

What does change, over time, is the size of the connection between the stomach and intestine and the ability of the small intestine to hold a greater volume of food.

Со временем изменяется размер связи между желудком и кишечником и способность тонкого кишечника удерживать больший объем пищи.

Even with the ability to change the functionality of buttons, these devices may be difficult for left-handed use.

Даже с возможностью изменения функциональности кнопок, эти устройства могут быть трудны для левшей.

Proteins also play a large role in the cryoprotective compounds that increase ability to survive the cold hardening process and environmental change.

Белки также играют большую роль в криопротекторных соединениях, которые повышают способность выдерживать процесс холодного отверждения и изменения окружающей среды.

Adopting The Toyota Way increased company efficiency and ability to change its manufacturing process within a few minutes.

Внедрение Toyota Way повысило эффективность компании и способность изменять производственный процесс в течение нескольких минут.

I’m praising their ability and their desire to demonstrate peacefully for change that I think they deserve.

Я восхваляю их способность и желание мирно демонстрировать перемены, которых, как мне кажется, они заслуживают.

This cripples Indian firms ability to rapidly expand or adjust with changes in global economy, both during early opportunity phase and during economic change.

Это подрывает способность индийских фирм быстро расширяться или приспосабливаться к изменениям в мировой экономике, как на ранней стадии создания возможностей , так и во время экономических изменений .

The nature of Marxist feminists and their ability to mobilize to promote social change has enabled them to engage in important activism.

Природа марксистских феминисток и их способность мобилизоваться для содействия социальным переменам позволили им принять активное участие в жизни общества.

Key to this posthuman practice is the ability to fluidly change perspectives and manifest oneself through different identities.

Ключом к этой постчеловеческой практике является способность плавно менять перспективы и проявлять себя через различные идентичности.

He was accused of not inspiring his team, lacking the ability to change policy when plan A was not working and not providing enough leadership on the field.

Его обвинили в том, что он не вдохновлял свою команду, не имел возможности изменить политику, когда план а не работал, и не обеспечивал достаточного лидерства на поле.

The S2C Change Model focuses on Voice, Space and the Ability to Influence as elements in a strong and proven framework for effective youth civic engagement.

Модель изменений S2C фокусируется на Голосе, пространстве и способности влиять как элементах прочной и проверенной структуры для эффективного участия молодежи в гражданской жизни.

In the future timeline of the 1999 Earth X miniseries, Montana had mutated where he developed the ability to change his hands into lassos.

В будущей временной шкале минисериала Земля Икс 1999 года Монтана мутировал, где он развил способность превращать свои руки в лассо.

After making the dietary change, he lost 50 pounds, regained his ability to walk and became healthier overall.

После изменения рациона он похудел на 50 фунтов, восстановил способность ходить и стал здоровее в целом.

They have acted as a unified voting bloc in the past, giving its members some ability to change legislation, depending on their numbers in Congress.

В прошлом они действовали как единый избирательный блок, предоставляя своим членам некоторую возможность изменять законодательство в зависимости от их числа в Конгрессе.

Multicellular complexes of bacterial cells also change the ability of protist’s ingestion.

Многоклеточные комплексы бактериальных клеток также изменяют способность к проглатыванию протиста.

Most systems employ eddy current, oil hydraulic, or DC motor produced loads because of their linear and quick load change abilities .

Большинство систем используют вихретоковые, масляные гидравлические или DC — моторные нагрузки из — за их линейной и быстрой смены нагрузки.

Hydraulic dynos are renowned for having the quickest load change ability , just slightly surpassing eddy current absorbers.

Гидравлические динамометры славятся тем, что обладают самой быстрой способностью менять нагрузку, лишь немного превосходя вихретоковые поглотители.

Swoon describes that as a young woman she did not have a sense of her ability to make a change.

Обморок описывает, что в молодости у нее не было ощущения своей способности что — то изменить .

Research has expanded our understanding of causal relations, links with historic data and ability to model climate change numerically.

Исследования расширили наше понимание причинно — следственных связей, связей с историческими данными и способность численно моделировать изменение климата.

UR’s songs created a sense of self-exploration, experimentation and the ability to change yourself and circumstances.

Песни УРА создавали ощущение самоисследования, экспериментирования и способности менять себя и обстоятельства.

To suggest this kind of change one needs to lack any scientific objectivity and ability to apply the knowledge.

Чтобы предложить такое изменение , нужно лишиться какой — либо научной объективности и способности применять полученные знания.

The ability to change blades allows boat to make adjustments in pitch for various performance needs or a change in altitude.

Врач, живший неподалеку от места катастрофы, Вместе с другим человеком, приехавшим на разведку, спасли Пуччини из — под обломков самолета.

This gives Yaldabaoth the ability to change lies into truth, driving people into despair and complacency and erasing his enemies.

Это дает Ялдабаофу способность превращать ложь в истину, приводя людей в отчаяние и самодовольство и стирая своих врагов.

The change also restricts ability of using multiple accounts via the API.

Это изменение также ограничивает возможность использования нескольких учетных записей через API.

They may also be blue-gray, bright yellow or green and this species has the ability to change its color to camouflage itself.

Они также могут быть сине — серыми, ярко — желтыми или зелеными, и этот вид обладает способностью менять свой цвет, чтобы маскироваться.

Brain plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change structure and function.

Пластичность мозга относится к способности мозга изменять структуру и функции.

They were tested on maximum sprinting ability and overall change in flexibility.

Они были протестированы на максимальную спринтерскую способность и общее изменение гибкости.

Proteases not only have the ability change the availability of growth factors, but can also modify their properties.

Протеазы не только обладают способностью изменять доступность факторов роста, но и могут изменять их свойства.

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