Abbreviation for the word each

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East Camden and Highland Railroad Company

Regional » Railroads

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Empowerment, Accountability, Commitment, and Heart

Community » Religion

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European Association of CCP Clearing Houses

Business » Finance

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European Association for Children in Hospital

Regional » European

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European Association for Communication in

Regional » European

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Evolution of Alturistic and Cooperative Habits

Academic & Science » Psychology

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East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices

Miscellaneous » Unclassified

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Educational Action Challenging Homophobia

Community » Educational

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Eastern Access Community Health

Medical » Hospitals

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East Anglias Childrens Hospices

Medical » Hospitals

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East Camden and Highland Railroad

Regional » Railroads

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  • #1

I’m looking for the abbreviation of the word «each» in Spanish. As in how much an item will cost, e.g. apples cost .50 cents each. Each is abbreviated as «ea» in English, each is translated as «cada uno» in Spanish. Is there an abbreviation for «cada uno»?

I’ve search Wordreference and online, to no avail…Thanks,

Adolfo Afogutu

  • #2

Puedes abreviarlo como «c/u»

  • #5

Gracias a todos por su ayuda… Por el momento me parece bien «c/u» pero si alguien de México o de los Estados Unidos me puede dar su opinión me cayera bastante bien.

  1. soft____

  2. a word ______.

  3. ______-friendly

  4. ______-literate

  5. key_____

  6. lap_____

  7. system _____

  8. search ______

  9. tool_____

  10. ____sheet

1.12 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss and cross out a word/phrase in each box that is not usually used when talking about computers.

a) b)

a new password

a hard copy


a new document

print out

a soft copy

a new printer

a document

c) d)

a file

a chartroom


an e-mail


a website

a document

a document

e) f)

a file

your software


a software


your hardware

a hardware

the menu

g) h)

a key word

an icon

type in

the keyboard

click on

a hyperlink

the password

a bug

i) j)



cut and paste



an e-mail



k) l)

start up

go on

shut down



the Internet



Do you know any
other useful “computer” words and phrases? Share them with your

1.13 Study the vocabulary you may need to understand the text below. After that

  • count
    how many words/word combinations you’ve known before

  • elicit
    words/word combinations you would like to learn

(v) постепенно прекращать,
свертывать (выпуск, производство и

outtheproductionofthismodel. —
Производитель решил постепенно прекратить
производство этой модели.

(n) разница; отличие,

— значительное различие

slightdifference— незначительная разница

Itmakesnodifference. — Нет никакой
разницы; это не имеет значения.

— Это существенно меняет дело; это очень

(adj) портативный, переносный

portability(n) портативность

(n) изготовитель,

производитель машин

computermanufacturer— производитель

matter(n) вопрос, дело

Itisamatterofafewmonths. —
“Это дело/вопрос нескольких месяцев.

(v) весить, иметь вес

the computer weighs
quite a lot — чемодан весит
довольно много

How much do you weigh?
— Cколько вы весите?

(n) вес; масса

heavy weight
тяжелый вес

light weight
— легкий вес

average weight
— средний вес

(n) единица веса — фунт

(современная мера веса, используемая
в англоговорящих странах; = 453,6 г)

fit(v) умещаться, помещаться,

умещаться в портфеле

lap(n) колени
(верхняя часть ног у сидящего человека)Themotherhadhersononherlap. —
Мать держала сына на коленях.

somewhat(adv) отчасти,
до некоторой степени, слегка

(adv) первоначально, вначале;
сначала, поначалуComputersoriginallywereverybig. —
Компьютеры вначале были очень громоздкими.

(n) особенность, характерная
черта; признак, свойство

компьют.:функция, функциональность,

сленг: фича (у программного продукта,

(n) компромисс

(v) уменьшать(ся),
сокращать(ся) (in- в чем-л.)

to decrease in
size — уменьшаться в

(n) уменьшение, убывание,
понижение; спад

to be on the decrease
— идти на убыль

(n) устройство, механизм;
аппарат, прибор

term(n) термин

reason[‘ri:zn] (n)
причина, повод, основание, основа

byreasonof— по причине; из-за

— иметь уважительную причину (для)

(adj) сравнимый, сопоставимый,

comparableresults— сравнимый результат

comparable prices— сопоставимая цена

lead(v) вести, приводить

heat(n) жар, тепло, теплота

(adj) подходящий, пригодный

(adv) заменяя друг друга,
попеременно, поочередно

(adj) дешевый, недорогой

powerful[‘paυ əfl] (adj) мощный, сильный

(n) поколение

(n) основное направление,
главная линия, тенденция (в искусстве,
технологии, и т. п.)

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase. Here are some examples of abbreviations and their meanings:

MP – Member of Parliament
Dr – Doctor
NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
app – application
They’d – They would

There are four different types of abbreviations in English:

  1. Initialism
  2. Acronym
  3. Shortening
  4. Contraction

Let’s look at each type in more detail.


An initialism is formed from the first letters of a group of words.
We pronounce each letter individually.
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
ASAP – as soon as possible
CD – compact disc
CEO – Chief Executive Officer
FAQ – frequently asked questions
PLC – public limited company
UFO – unidentified flying object
USA – United States of America
VAT – value added tax

Rules for capital letters

If the first letters of the full form are capital letters, then we always write the abbreviation with capital letters:

For example, in the full form, we always write “Federal Bureau of Investigation” with capital letters for the first letter of each word because it is the name of an official organisation. Therefore we have no choice. We must also write the abbreviated form in capitals: FBI

FBI correct
fbi wrong

For the others (the full form is not in capital letters), both forms are acceptable. It is a style choice:

“frequently asked questions” – The full form is not in capital letters, therefore we can choose:
FAQ correct
faq correct

Rules for full stops (periods)

In British English, we do not usually use full stops between each letter for initialisms.
FBI correct
F.B.I. wrong
In American English, it is a question of style. Using full stops is more common in American English.
FBI correct
F.B.I. correct


An acronym is formed from the first letters of a group of words.
We pronounce the acronym as a word.
NASA – National Aeronautical and Space Administration
NATO – North American Treaty Organisation
OPEC – Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
PIN – personal identification number (code for bank card)
RAM – random access memory (computer memory)
SIM – subscriber identification module (card for mobile phone)
VAT – value added tax (sales tax in the UK)
ZIP – zone improvement plan (post code in the USA)

VAT (value added tax) is a special case. It can be 2 types of abbreviation:
It can be an acronym and we pronounce it as one word /væt/ (rhymes with cat)
It can also be treated as an initialism and we pronounce each letter separately “v”, “a”, “t”

Rules for capital letters

This is the same rules as for the initialisms. If the first letters of the full form are capital letters, then we always write the acronym with capital letters:

Example, we always write “North American Treaty Organisation” with capital first letters because it is the name of an official organisation. Therefore we also write the acronym in all capitals: NATO

NATO correct
nato wrong

For the others (the full form is not in capital letters), both forms are acceptable. It is a style choice.

“personal identification number” – The full form is not in capital letters, therefore we can choose:
PIN correct
pin correct

Rules for full stops (periods)

We do NOT use full stops after each letter of an acronym. This because we treat acronyms as words and pronounce them as words. We never write full stops in the middle of words.

Example for “personal identification number”:
The PIN for my credit card is 1234 correct
The P.I.N. for my credit card is 1234 wrong


A shortening is an abbreviation in which the beginning or end of the word has been omitted. There are 2 types:

Type 1 shortenings (treated as real words)

ad – advertisement (to promote a product or service)
app – application (software)
flu – influenza (an illness)
blog – weblog (a type of website)
rhino – rhinoceros (wild animal)

We use type 1 shortenings like real words. We write them and say them as one word.

Rules for capital letters

The first letter is a capital letter only if the full word starts with a capital letter:

Example: full form is “Briton” (with a capital first letter) therefore the shortening also must start with a capital letter: “Brit”
Example sentence: There are lots of Brits living in Spain.

Rules for full stops (periods)

We do NOT use a full stop after type 1 shortenings:
I placed an ad in the newspaper. correct
I placed an ad. in the newspaper. wrong

Type 2 shortenings (not treated as real words)

Feb. – February
Sat. – Saturday
etc. – et cetera (Latin for “and the rest”)

Type 2 shortenings are only used in writing. But when we say or read them, we say the full version of the word.

Writing: “Please send me the Feb accounts.”
Speaking: “Please send me the February accounts.”

Rules for capital letters

The first letter of a type 2 shortening is a capital letter only if the full word starts with a capital letter.

Rules for full stops (periods)

We have the choice to use full stops (periods) at the end of the abbreviation.


Full form: February
Feb. correct
Feb correct


Contractions are abbreviations in which we omit letters from the middle of a word. We do NOT write a full stop at the end of a contraction. The first letter is a capital letter only if the full word starts with a capital letter.

Type 1 contractions (missing letters from 1 word)

Dr – Doctor
govt – government
St – Saint
Mr – Mister

Type 2 contractions (missing letters from more than 1 word)

We use an apostrophe to represent the missing letters:

hes – he is
theyd – they would
Ive – I have

Video lesson

Слайд 2Английский язык имеет сильную тенденцию к различного рода сокращениям слов. В

английском словарном составе большое место занимают короткие, односложные и двусложные слова, а более длинные воспринимаются как нечто инородное.

Английский язык имеет сильную тенденцию к различного рода сокращениям слов. В английском словарном составе большое место занимают

Слайд 3An abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning short) is a shortened form

of a word or phrase. Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., abbrv. or abbrev.

An abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning short) is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually,

Слайд 4types of cuts
(типы сокращений)


(графические) (лексические)

types of cuts(типы сокращений)   graphical

Слайд 5 Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and

word-groups only in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms are used. They are used for the economy of space and effort in writing.
e.g. – for example,
a.m. –in the morning (ante meridiem),
p.m. – in the afternoon,
No — number (numero), i.e. – that is (id est).
P.S. — post script
Etc – et cetera

Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and word-groups only in written speech while

Слайд 6
Abbreviation types


Abbreviation typesInitialism AcronymTruncationClipped

Слайд 7Initialism – Also called alphabetism, this is a group of letters,

each pronounced separately, used as an abbreviation for a name or expression.
Examples include:
UK (United Kingdom) – Соединенное Королевство;
the USA (the United States of America) — США;
AB (Activity Book) – рабочая тетрадь;
WB (Work Book)- рабочая тетрадь;
SB (Student’s Book) — учебник;
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) – Британская вещательная корпорация;

Initialism – Also called alphabetism, this is a group of letters, each pronounced separately, used as an

Слайд 8 Acronym – this forms a word using the

initial parts or first letters of a name.
For example:
UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific, Cultural Organization) – Организация Объединённых наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры, ЮНЕСКО;
OPEC (Oil Producing European Countries) — ОПЕК,
SAM (Secure Access Management) — управление защищенным доступом;

and are all acronyms that take the first letter from each word to form a new word.

Acronym – this forms a word using the initial parts or first letters of

Слайд 9WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) – протокол мобильной интерактивной связи с Интернетом;

(unidentified flying object) — неопознанный летающий объект, НЛО;
UNO (United Nations Organization) — Организация Объединённых Наций, ООН.

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) – протокол мобильной интерактивной связи с Интернетом;UFO (unidentified flying object) - неопознанный летающий

Слайд 10

Truncation – This type of abbreviation consists only of the first

part of a word. These are most often used when referring to proper titles such as months of the year or days of the week, e.g.,
Tues. = Tuesday;
Dec. = December;
Minn. = Minnesota;
Eur = Europe, European

Truncation – This type of abbreviation consists only of the first part of a word. These are

Слайд 11Clipped – similar to truncation in that you are using a

part of the word to form the abbreviation, but in this case you’re using either the middle or end. Common clipped abbreviations include
phone (telephone)
fridge (refrigerator).
labware (laboratory ware) – лабораторное оборудование;
T-shirt (tee-shirt) – футболка;
commode (communications mode) – режим связи;
A-bomb (atomic bomb) — «атомная бомба»;
e-mail (electronic mail) – электронная почта.

Clipped – similar to truncation in that you are using a part of the word to form

Слайд 12Commonly used abbreviations
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Би-би-си, Британская вещательная корпорация;
CD (compact

disc) компакт-диск;
CDROM (compact disk read-only memory) – компакт-диск без возможности перезаписи;
DJ ( disc jockey) ди-джей;
DVD (Digital Video Disk) цифровой видеодиск;
SMS (Short Message Service) — служба коротких сообщений;
SOS (Save our souls) — радиосигнал бедствия, «спасите наши души»;
TV ( television) – телевидение;
USB (Universal Serial Bus) универсальная последовательная шина;
VIP (very important person) ВИП, очень важная персона, особо важная персона

Commonly used abbreviationsBBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Би-би-си, Британская вещательная корпорация;CD (compact disc) компакт-диск;CDROM (compact disk read-only memory)

Слайд 13A unique language in text messages
KIT (Keep in touch) – оставайся

на связи
AUOK? (Are you Ok?) – ты в порядке?
W4u (Waiting for you) – жду тебя
HRU? (How are you?) – Как дела?
Cm (Call me) – позвони мне
T2ul (Talk to you later) – поговорим позже
PCM (Please call me) – позвони мне, пожалуйста
NP (no problem) – без проблем
BBS (Be back soon) – буду скоро (скоро вернусь)
Сu (See you) – увидимся
IM (I am) F2Т (Free to talk) – я могу разговаривать
T2Go (Time to Go) – пора идти
ILBL8 (I’ll be late) – Я опоздаю!

A unique language in text messagesKIT (Keep in touch) – оставайся на связи AUOK? (Are you Ok?)

Слайд 14Tty to explain the abbreviations:


Tty to explain the abbreviations:2MORO04UT2ulT2GoThxSRYSMSWCBKSAiD

Слайд 15
Thk U 4 d lesson ,
Im glad 2 MEt U

wsh U evry sukses.

Thk U 4 d lesson , Im glad 2 MEt U & wsh U evry sukses.

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