Abbreviation for the word computer

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Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research

Computing » Hardware

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Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Technical, Education and Research


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Common Oriented Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research

Community » Educational

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Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used for Technical and Education Research

Business » General Business

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Commonly Oriented Machine Particullarly Used for Trade Education and Research

Computing » General Computing

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Common Operations Made Possible Under Technical Engineering Researches

Miscellaneous » Funnies

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Computing Oriented Manipulation Programming Used in Technoloy Education and Research

Computing » General Computing

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Common Oriented Machine Purely Used for Technical and Educational Research


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Capable Of Making Perfectly Uncomplicated Tasks Extremely Rigorous


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Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade Export and Research

Miscellaneous » Funnies

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Common Operating machine Particularly Used for Training, Education, and Reporting

Miscellaneous » Funnies

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Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical Education and Reasearch

Computing » Software

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Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Technical And Reasearch

Miscellaneous » Funnies

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Complicted Office Machine Put Under Tremendous Effort to Reduce manpower

Miscellaneous » Funnies

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Commonly operating machine programming useful technology electronic researh

Computing » Assembly

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Compute Operating Memory Particularly Used
for Transfer Educational Research

Miscellaneous » Funnies

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Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Trade Education And Research

Academic & Science » Research — and more…

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How do you abbreviate computer? There are two common ways to abbreviate computer.

It is,

  • Comp.
  • CMP

For example,

  • Comp. technology
  • New CMP

When to Use This Abbreviation

These abbreviations are commonly found in everyday life, in homes and offices, in all corporate offices, in the technology field, etc.

You would likely abbreviate the word computer to comp. in note taking or writing a checklist of work orders.

A boss might write a to-do list for an employee that saying install updated software on comp.

What Does Computer Mean?

definition of compDefinition of Computer: Computer is defined as an electronic device for storing and processing data.

For example,

  • All of my photos are stored on my computer.
  • Computers are progressing faster and faster every year.

The word computer functions as a noun in the above sentences.

Outside Examples of Computer

  • abbreviation of computer abbreviationThe project was delayed by insufficient demand for Intel’s high-powered computer chips, but the company now expects to finish the factory within four years because it anticipates business growth. –The Boston Herald
  • Senate Democrats’ computer network, including their email system, remained inaccessible Monday, three days after the attack was discovered early Friday by information technology staff who received an alert that the network had been breached. –Chicago Tribune

There are a two primary abbreviations of computer: comp. and CMP.


  • 1 When to Use This Abbreviation
  • 2 What Does Computer Mean?
  • 3 Outside Examples of Computer
  • 4 Summary: Computer Abbreviation

Asked by: Loren Kessler

Score: 4.3/5
(66 votes)

Computer is not an acronym, it is a word derived from a word «compute» which means to calculate. … Some people say that COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

Who is computer abbreviation usually?

OS computer Abbreviation usually means OPERATING SYSTEM.

What are some computer abbreviations?

BIOS Basic Input/Output System (system chips) BPS Bits Per Second + Bytes Per Second. BsoD Blue (or black) Screen of Death: Windows just died (again) CAD Computer Aided Design. CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting.

What are the basic computer terminologies?

Basic Computer Terminologies

  • CPU. CPU means ‘Central Processing Unit’. …
  • RAM. Specifically, RAM stands for “Random Access Memory” or “Ready Access Memory”. …
  • Hard-disk Drive. …
  • Floppy Disk. …
  • Hardware. …
  • Software.

What does PC abbreviation mean?

Word forms: PCs

PC is an abbreviation for personal computer.

24 related questions found

What is the abbreviation of DB in computer terms?

Database (DB), an organized collection of data on a computer system.

What does DTP computer abbreviation usually means?

A. Digital Transmission Protocol. Desktop Publishing.

How many generations of computers can be classified?

Solution(By Examveda Team)

There is 5 generation of computer available till now. 1st Generation of Computer = The period of first generation: 1946-1959. Vacuum tube based. 2nd Generation of Computer = The period of second generation: 1959-1965.

What are the 5 classification of computer?

The following are the classification of computers according to speed from fastest to lowest: Supercomputers, Mainframe computers, Minicomputers, and personal computers.

Who invented computer?

English mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer. During the mid-1830s Babbage developed plans for the Analytical Engine.

What are the 5 types of computer generation?

What Are The Five Generations of Computer Technology?

  • First Generation (1940-1956)
  • Second Generation (1956-1963)
  • Third Generation (1964-1971)
  • Fourth Generation (1971-2010)
  • Fifth Generation (Present Day)

What does BCD stand for?

(Binary Coded Decimal) The storage of numbers in which each decimal digit is converted into a binary number and stored in a single 8-bit byte. For example, a 12-digit decimal number would be represented as 12 bytes. BCD uses more storage for numbers than binary encoding (see below).

What is the term to ask the computer to put?

The correct answer is Sort. Sorting means to arrange data in a proper sequence. It is a common method used to visualize data.

Which runs on computer hardware and serves as platform for other software to run on?

Operating system runs on a computer hardware and serve as platform for other software’s to run on it. The other software that run on operating system platform are known as application or application programs.

What is FMD in computer science?

(Fluorescent Multilayer Disk/Card) An optical storage technology from Constellation 3D Inc., New York, that offered a dramatic increase in capacity, but never became a commercial success. An FMD disk was expected to have the capacity of 200 CD-ROMs or 15 dual-layer DVDs.

What is FMD Mcq?

Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc.

What does DB stand for in ICT?

In electronics and communications, the decibel (abbreviated as dB, and also as db and DB) is a logarithmic expression of the ratio between two signal power, voltage, or current levels. In acoustics, the decibel is used as an absolute indicator of sound power per unit area.

Which of the following is not a computer language?

The answer to your query is option {c} LASER. Because LASER is not a programming language for computers. As all the other options are examples of true programming languages like BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, along with C, C++, JAVA, etc.

What do you call a computer on a network that requests files from another computer?

Answer: It will be Client computer.

Who built the world’s first binary digit computer?

The Z1 was a motor-driven mechanical computer designed by Konrad Zuse from 1936 to 1937, which he built in his parents’ home from 1936 to 1938. It was a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator with limited programmability, reading instructions from punched celluloid film.

What is Bitcoin diamond?

Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) is a fork of Bitcoin that occurs at the predetermined height of block 495866 and therewith a new chain will be generated as the BCD. … The Bitcoin Diamond price page is part of Price Index that features price history, price ticker, market cap and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies.

What does VCD stand for?

abbreviation for. video compact disc: an optical disc used to store audio, video, or computer data, esp feature films for home viewing.

What are the 7 generations of computer?

How many generations of computers are there?

  • First generation (1940 — 1956)
  • Second generation (1956 — 1963)
  • Third generation (1964 — 1971)
  • Fourth generation (1972 — 2010)
  • Fifth generation (2010 to present)
  • Sixth generation (future generations)

Check out the updated list of computer related abbreviations and their full forms? Most people know that a computer is an electronic device.

This has several hardware components inside. These components work in tandem using a set of instructions called software to perform some essential computing tasks.

Well, there are lots of other abbreviations used in the field of computer that you may not be aware of.


  • The word ‘computer’ is actually an acronym which stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.
  • Right from A to Z, there are several such acronyms related to computers one way or the other, either in combination or in isolation.

In This Article

Updated List of Computer Related Abbreviations and Their Full Forms

Computer Related Abbreviations

There are lots of different hypothetical full forms of COMPUTER, but the most commonly used one is – Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

However, this is just a myth with no proper sense because a computer was invented to be a calculating machine only.

As a result, different people interpret the word ‘computer’ in different ways.

Some other common forms of the word COMPUTER are:

  • Common Oriented Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research
  • Computing Oriented Manipulation Programming Used in Technology Education and Research
  • Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Training, Education, and Reporting
  • Common Operations Made Possible Under Technical Engineering Researches and
  • Capable Of Making Perfectly Uncomplicated Tasks Extremely Rigorous.

So, you can see, everyone seems to have a different full form created with the letters COMPUTER which leads to a lot of discrepancies.

Leaving the discrepancies surrounding the word ‘computer’ aside, if you want to know what exactly the full forms of the other abbreviations related to computer are, go through this list minutely.

This contains more than a thousand common computer related abbreviations along with their exact full forms, all arranged chronologically from A to Z for your better understanding and knowledge.

Full Form of Abbreviations with A:

AAC – Advanced Audio Coding

ABC – Atanasoff–Berry Computer

ABCL – Actor-Based Concurrent Language

ABI – Application Binary Interface

ABR – Available Bit Rate

ABR – Auto Baud-Rate detection

ACE – Advanced Computing Environment

ACL – Access-Control List

ACM – Association for Computing Machinery

ACPI – Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

AD – Active Directory

AD – Administrative Domain

ADC – Apple Display Connector

ADC – Analog-to-Digital Converter

ADO – ActiveX Data Objects

ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AGP – Accelerated Graphics Port

AHA – Accelerated Hub Architecture

AI – Artificial Intelligence

AIFF – Audio Interchange File Format

AIX – Advanced Interactive eXecutive

AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

ALGOL – Algorithmic Language

ALI – Automatic Location Indicator

Alt – Alternate

ALU – Arithmetic Logical Unit

AM – Amplitude Modulation

AMD – Advanced Micro Devices

AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMR – Audio Modem Riser

AMR – Adaptive Multi-Rate

AMR-WB – Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

APC – Advanced Personal Computer

APCI – Application-Layer Protocol Control Information

API – Application Programming Interface

APIPA – Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing

APK – Android Application Package

APM – Application Performance Management

APM – Advanced Power Management

APR – Apache Portable Runtime

ARC – Adaptive Replacement Cache

ARP – Address Resolution Protocol

ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASET – Automated Security Enhancement Tool

ASF – Advanced Systems Format

ASIC – Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

ASLR – Address Space Layout Randomization

ASM – Algorithmic State Machine

ASP – Application Service Provider

ASP – Active Server Pages

ASPI – Advanced SCSI Programming Interface

ASR – Automated Speech Recognition

ASR – Automated System Recovery

AST – Abstract Syntax Tree

AT – Advanced Technology

AT – Active Terminator

ATA – Advanced Technology Attachment

ATAPI – Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface

ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATM – Automatic Teller Machine

ATX – Advanced Technology eXtended

AVC – Advanced Video Coding

AVI – Audio Video Interleave

AWT – Abstract Windowing Toolkit

Full Form of Abbreviations with B:

BAL – Basic Assembly Language

BASIC – Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BAT – Batch

BB – Brontobyte

BCC – Blind Carbon Copy

BCC – Block Check Character

BCD – Binary Coded Decimal

BCD – Boot Configuration Data

BCR – Business Card Reader

BCR – Bar Code Reader

BER – Bit Error Rate

BFD – Bidirectional Forwarding Detection

BFD – Binary File Descriptor

BGP – Border Gateway Protocol

BiDi – Bi-Directional

BIN – BINary

BINAC – Binary Automatic Computer

BIOS – Basic Input/output System

BPS – Bits per Second

BIPS – Billion Instructions per Second

Bit- Binary Digit

BLOB – Binary Large OBject

BLOG – Web Log

BMP – Bitmap

BMP – Basic Multilingual Plane

BNA – Bunch Note Acceptor

BNC – Bayonet-Neill-Concelman

BOM – Byte Order Mark

BPI – Bits per Inch

BPL – Broadband over Power Lines

BPS – Bytes per Second

bPS – Bits per Second

BRI – Basic Rate Interface

BSC – Binary Synchronous Communications

BSD – Berkeley Software Distribution

BT – Bluetooth

BT – BitTorrent

BTU – British Thermal Unit

BTX – Balanced Technology eXtended

BW – Business Warehousing

BW – Bandwidth

BWF – Broadcast Wave Format

Full Form of Abbreviations with C:

CAD – Computer-Aided Drafting

CAE – Computer-Aided Engineering

CAI – Computer Assisted Instruction

CAL – Computer-Aided Learning

CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing

CAN – Controller Area Network

CAPTCHA – Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

CAQ – Computer-Aided Quality Assurance

CAQA – Computer-Aided Quality Assurance

CAS – Column Address Strobe/ Signal

CASE – Computer-Aided Software Engineering

CAT – Computer-Aided Translation

CATIA – Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application

CC – Carbon Copy

CCD – Charged-Coupled Device

CD – Compact Disk

CD – Change Directory

CDFS – Compact Disc File System

CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access

CDR – Call Detail Record

CD-R – Compact Disk–Recordable

CD-RW – Compact Disc-Rewritable

CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read-Only Memory

CF – Compact Flash

CFM – Cubic Feet per Minute

CG – Computer graphics

CGA – Color Graphics Adapter

CGI – Computer Generated Imagery

CGI – Common Gateway Interface

CIFS – Common Internet File System

CIM – Computer Integrated manufacturing

CIM – Common Information Model

CISC – Complex Instruction Set Computing

CL – Combinatory Logic

CL – Command Line

CLI – Command Line Interface

CLR – Common Language Runtime

CMD – Command

CMOS – Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CNC – Computerized Numerical Control

CNR – Communications and Networking Riser

COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language

CODASYL – Conference on Data System Language

COM – Component Object Model

COM1 – Communication Port 1

COMAL – Common Algorithmic Language

CPLD – Complex Programmable Logic Device

CPPM – Content Protection for Prerecorded Media

CPRM – Content Protection for Recordable Media

CPS – Character per Second

CPU – Central Processing Unit

CR – Carriage Return

CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRIMM – Continuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module

CRM – Customer Relationship Management

CRS – Computer Reservation System

CS – Clear Screen

CSCW – Computer Supported Cooperative Working

CSI – Common System Interface

CSMA – Carrier Sense Multiple Access

CSR – Certificate Signing Request

CSR – Command Success Rate

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

CSV – Comma Separated Values

CTCP – Computer To Conventional Plate

CTCP – Client-To-Client Protocol

CTL – Computation Tree Logic

CTR – Cathode Ray Tube

CTR – Click-Through Rate

CTRL – Control

CTS – Cheque Truncation System

CTS – Clear To Send

CU – Control Unit

CUA – Common User Access

CUI – Character User Interface

Full Form of Abbreviations with D:

DAC – Digital-to-Analog Converter

DAC – Discretionary Access Control

DAO – Data Access Objects

DAP – Direct Access Protocol

DAT – Digital Audio Tape

DB – DataBase

dB – Decibel

DBA – DataBase Administrator

DBMS – DataBase Management System

DBS – Data Bus Simulator

DBSN – DataBase Source Name

DCC – Direct Cable Connection

DCC – Direct Client–to–Client

DCD – Data Carrier Detect

DCE – Data Circuit-terminating Equipment

DCE – Data Carrier Equipment

DCE – Distributed Computing Environment

DCL – Data Control Language

DCL – Digital Command Language

DCS – Distributed Control System

DD – Double Density

DDoS – Distributed Denial of Service

DDR – Double Data Rate

DDR-SDRAM – Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory

DDS – Digital Data Storage

DEC – Digital Equipment Corporation

DEL – Direct Exchange Line

DEL – Delete

DES – Data Encryption Standard

DFD – Data-Flow Diagram

DFS – Distributed File System

DFS – Depth-First Search

DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHTML – Dynamic HyperText Markup Language

DIF – Data Integrity Field

DIMM – Dual Inline Memory Module

DIN – Deutsche Industrie Norm

DIP – Dual Inline Package

DIVX – Digital Video eXpress

DL – DataLink

DL – Download

DLL – Dynamic-Link library

DLP – Digital Light Processing

DLT – Digital Linear Tape

DMA – Direct Memory Access

DMCA – Digital Millennium Copyright Act

DML – Data Manipulation Language

DNS – Domain Name System

DNS – Domain Name Server

DOC – Document

DOCX – Document eXtended

DOM – Document Object Model

DOS – Disk Operating System

DoS – Denial-of-Service

DOS-PMI – Disk Operating System–Protected Mode Interface

DPE – Dynamic Provisioning Environment

DPE – Data Parity Error

DPI – Dots per Inch

DPI – Deep Packet Inspection

DPMS – Display Power Management Signaling

DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

DS – Data Storage

DS – Data Structure

DS – Data System

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line

DSL – Domain–Specific Language

DSN – Data Source Name

DSP – Digital Signal Processing

DSR – Data Set Ready

DTA – Digital Telephone Adapter

DTC – Data Terminal Controller

DTE – Data Terminal Equipment

DTP – Desktop Publishing

DTR – Data Terminal Ready

DTS – Digital Theater Sound

DVD – Digital Versatile Disk

DVD-R – Digital Versatile Disc-Recordable

DVD-RW – Digital Versatile Disk-Rewritable

DVD-ROM – Digital Versatile Disk–Read Only Memory

DVD-RAM – Digital Versatile Disk-Random Access Memory

DVE – Digital Video Effects

DVI – Digital Visual Interface

DVR – Digital Video Recorder

DW – Data Warehouse

Full Form of Abbreviations with E:

EAI – Enterprise Application Integration

EAP – Extensible Authentication Protocol

EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

EC – Error Check

ECC – Error Correcting Code

ECOM – Electronic Commerce

ECOS – Embedded Configurable 0perating System

ECP – Extended Capabilities Port

ECP – Enhanced Communication Port

ECS – Electronic Clearing Service

ECS – Elitegroup Computer Systems

ECU – Engine Control Unit

EDA – Electronic Design Automation

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EDO – Extended Data Output

EDP – Electronic Data Processing

EDSAC – Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

EFI – Extensible Firmware Interface

EFS – Encrypting File System

EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer

EGA – Enhanced Graphics Adapter

EID – Electronic Identity Document

EID – Equipment Identifier

EIDE – Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics

EIGRP – Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

EISA – Extended Industry Standard Architecture

ELF – Executable and Linkable Format

ELM – Electronic Mail

EMAIL – Electronic Mail

EMI – Electromagnetic Interference

EMM – Expanded Memory Manager

EMP – Electromagnetic Pulse

EMS – Element Management System

EMS – Expanded Memory Specification

ENIAC –    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

EOF – End of File

EOL – End of Line

EOM – End of Message

EOS – End of Support

EPG – Electronic Programming Guide

EPIC – Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing

EPP – Enhanced Parallel Port

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

ERD – Entity-Relationship Diagram

ERD – Emergency Repair Disk

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

ESB – Enterprise Service Bus

Esc – Escape

ESCD – Extended System Configuration Data

ESD – Electrostatic Discharge

ESDI – Enhanced Small Device Interface

EUC – End-User Computing

EUC – Extended UNIX Code

EULA – End User License Agreement

EVDO – Evolution Data Only

EVDO – Evolution-Data Optimized

EVGA – Extended Video Graphics Array

EXE – Executable

Full Form of Abbreviations with F:

FAT – File Allocation Table

FCAL – Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop

FC-PGA – Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array

FCS – Frame Check Sequence

FD – Floppy Disk

FDC – Floppy Disk Controller

FDD – Floppy Disk Drive

FDD – Final Draft Document

FDDI – Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FDM – Frequency Division Multiplexing

FDMA – Frequency Division Multiple Access

FDx – Full Duplex

FE – Front End

FEC – Forward Error Correction

FEP – Front End Processor

FF – Fast Forward

FF – Form Feed

FHS – Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

FHS – File Handling System

FIFO – First In, First Out

FILO – First In, Last Out

FL – Function Level

FLAC – Free Lossless Audio Codec

FLOPS – Floating-point Operations per Second

FLV – Flash Video

FM – Frequency Modulation

FMS – Fiber Management System

FMS – File Management System

Fn – Function

FORTRAN – FORmula TRANslation

FOSI – Formatted Output Specification Instance

FOSS – Free and Open Source Software

FPGA – Field-Programmable Gate Array

FPM – Fast Page Mode

FPS – Frames per Second

FPU – Floating Point Unit

FQDN – Fully Qualified Domain Name

FRU – Field-Replaceable Unit

FSAA – Full Screen Anti Aliasing

FS – File System

FS – Frame Size

FS – File Server

FSAA – Full-Screen Anti Aliasing

FSB – Front Side Bus

FSF – Free Software Foundation

FSK – Frequency-Shift Keying

FT – Fixed Terminals

FTP – File Transfer Protocol

FTPS – File Transfer Protocol Secure

FXP – File eXchange Protocol

Full Form of Abbreviations with G:

GB – Gigabyte

Gb – Gigabit

GBps – Gigabytes Per Second

Gbps – Gigabits per second

GCP – Google Cloud Platform

GCR – Group Code Recording

GDI – Graphics Device Interface

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format

GIGO – Garbage In, Garbage Out

GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program

GIMPS – Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

GIS – Geographical Information System

GLUT – OpenGL Utility Toolkit

GML – Geography Markup Language

GP – Graphics Port

GP – Game Play

GPIB – General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus

GPL – General Public License

GPRS – General Packet Radio Service

GPS – Global Positioning System

GPU – Graphics Processing Unit

GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications

GTLDs – Generic Top Level Domains

GUI – Graphical User Interface

GUID – Globally Unique IDentifier

Full Form of Abbreviations with H:

HAL – Hardware Abstraction Layer

HBA – Host Bus Adapter

HCI – Human-Computer Interaction

HCL – Hardware Compatibility List

HD – High Definition

HD DVD – High Definition Digital Versatile Disc

HDL – Hardware Description Language

HDD – Hard Disk Drive

HDFS – Hadoop Distributed File System

HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface

HDX – High-Density Expansion

HDX – Half-Duplex

HFS – Hierarchical File System

HPFS – High-Performance File System

HHD – Hybrid Hard Drive

HID – Human Interface Device

HIG – Human Interface Guideline

HIS – Human Instruction Set

HLL – High-Level Language

HMA – High Memory Area

HP – Hewlett-Packard

HPFS – High-Performance File System

HSDPA – High-Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSF – Heat Sink and Fan

HT – Hyper-Threading

HT – Hyper Transport

HTC – High-Throughput Computing

HTM – Hierarchical Temporal Memory

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTPD – HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemon

HTTPS – HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

HTX – HyperTransport eXpansion

HURD – Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons

HVD – Holographic Versatile Disk

Hz – Hertz

Full Form of Abbreviations with I:

IBG – Inter Block Gap

IBM – International Business Machines

ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

IC – Integrated Circuit

I²C – Inter-Integrated Circuit

ICE – In Circuit Emulator

ICE – Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics

ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol

ICP – Internet Cache Protocol

ICR – Intelligent Character Recognition

ICS – Internet Connection Sharing

ICT – Information and Communication Technology

IDE – Integrated Development Environment

IDE – Integrated Drive Electronics

IDF – Intermediate Distribution Frame

IDL – Interface Definition Language

IDS – Intrusion Detection System

IE – Internet Explorer

IFS – InFormatics and Security

IGMP – Internet Group Management Protocol

IGRP – Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

IHV – Independent Hardware Vendor

lICT – Information and Communication Technology

IIOP – Internet Inter-ORB-Protocol

IIS – Internet Information Service

IM – Instant Messaging

IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol

I/O – Input/output

IOS – Internetwork Operating System

iOS – iPhone Operating System

IP – Internet Protocol

iPad OS – iPad Operating System

IPC – Inter-Process Communication

IPCONFIG – Internet Protocol Configuration

IPP – Internet Printing Protocol

IPsec – Internet Protocol Security

IPTV – Internet Protocol Television

IPX – Internetwork Packet eXchange

IR – Information Retrieval

IR – Infrared

IRC – Internet Relay Chat

IrDA – Infrared Data Association

IRPs – I/O Request Packet

IRQ – Interrupt Request

ISA – Industry Standard Architecture

ISA – Instruction Set Architecture

ISAM – Indexed Sequential Access Method

ISC – Internet Storm Center

ISDN – Integrated Service Digital Network

ISH – Information Super Highway

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

ISOC – Internet Society

ISP – Internet Service Provider

ISR – Interrupt Service Routine

ISV – Independent Software Vendor

IT – Information Technology

ITL – Interval Temporal Logic

ITU – International Telecommunication Union

IVT – Intel Virtualization Technology

IVT – Interrupt Vector Table

Full Form of Abbreviations with J:

J2EE – Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition

J2ME – Java 2 Platform Micro Edition

J2SE – Java 2 Platform Standard Edition

JAD – Java Application Descriptor

JAR – Java Archive

JAXB – Java Architecture for XML Binding

JCE – Java Cryptography Extension

JCL – Job Control Language

JDBC – Java Database Connectivity

JDK – Java Development KIT

JEE – Java Enterprise Edition

JFS – Journaled File System

JNI – Java Native Interface

JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group

JRE – Java Runtime Environment

JS – JavaScript

JSP – JavaServer Pages

JUG – Java Users Group

JSON – JavaScript Object Notation

JSP – Java Server Pages

JVM – Java Virtual Machine

Full Form of Abbreviations with K:

KB – Kilobyte

Kb – Kilobit

Kbps – Kilobits Per Second

KBps – Kilobyte Per Second

kHz – kilohertz

KIPS – Knowledge Information Processing System

KM – Knowledge Machine

KRL – Knowledge Representation Language

KVA – Kilo-Volt-Ampere

KVM – Keyboard, Video, and Mouse

Full Form of Abbreviations with L:

LAN – Local Area Network

LBA – Logical Block Addressing

LBA – Linear Block Array

LC – Lucent Connector

LC – Logic Channel

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDT – Lightning Data Transport

LDU – Loop Diagnostic Unit

LED – Light-Emitting Diode

LF – Line Feed

LIF – Logical Interface

LIFO – Last In, First Out

Li-ion – Lithium-Ion

LIM – Logical Information Machine

LiPo – Lithium-ion Polymer

LIPS – Linear Inferences per Second

LLC – Logical Link Control

LLL – Low-Level Language

LOGO – Language Of Graphics-Oriented

LPD – Laser Phosphor Display

LPD – Line Printer Daemon

LPM – Lines per Minute

LPR – Line Printer Remote

LPT – Line Printer Terminal

LPX – Low Profile eXtension

LRU – Line Replaceable Unit

LSB – Least Significant Bit

LSD – Least Significant Digit

LSI – Large Scale Integration

LTE – Long-Term Evolution

LUN – Logical Unit Number

LV – Logical Volume

LVD – Low Voltage Differential

LVM – Logical Volume Management

LZW – Lempel-Ziv-Welch

Full Form of Abbreviations with M:

M2G – Mobile 3D Graphics

MAC – Media Access Control

Mac – Macintosh

MAC OS – Macintosh Operating System

MAD – Michigan Algorithm Decoder

MAN – Metropolitan Area Network

MANET – Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

MAP – Message Acceptance Pulse

MAP – Missed Approach Point

MAP – Modified Atmosphere Pack

MAP – Maintenance Automation Program

MAPI – Messaging Application Programming Interface

MAR – Memory Address Register

Mb – Megabit

MB – Megabyte

MB – Motherboard

MBps – Megabyte per Second

Mbps – Megabit per Second

MBCS – Multi Byte Character Set

MBR – Master Boot Record

MBSA – Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

MCA – Micro Channel Architecture

MCGA – Master of Computer Graphics and Animation

MCM – Multi-Chip Module

MCR – Multivariate Curve Resolution

MDA – Mail Delivery Agent

MDF – Main Distribution Frame

MDI – Multiple Document Interface

MDI – Medium Dependent Interface

MFD – Multi-Function Device

MFLOPS – Million Floating-Point Operations per Second

MFM – Modified Frequency Modulation

MFP – Multi-Function Product

MFT – Managed File Transfer

MFT – Multiprogramming with Fixed Task

MHz – Megahertz

MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

MicroDIMM – Micro Dual Inline Memory Module

MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface

MIMD – Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data

MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

MIMO – Multiple-In, Multiple Output

MIPS – Million Instructions per Second

MIPS – Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages

MIS – Management Information Systems

MISD – Multiple Instruction, Single Data

MLI – Measurement Layer Interface

MLID – Multiple Link Interface Driver

MMC – Microsoft Management Console

MMC – MultiMediaCard

MMF – MultiMode Fiber

MMU – Memory Management Unit

MMX – MultiMedia eXtensions

MNG – Multiple-image Network Graphics

MNP – Microcom Networking Protocol

MNP – Mobile Number Portability

MODEM – Modulator-Demodulator

MOPS – Million Operations per Second

MOSFET – Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MP3 – Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3

MP – Multi-Processor

MPEG – Motion Pictures Experts Group

MPI – Message Passing Interface

MPL – Mozilla Public License

MPS – Megabits per Second

MS – Memory Stick

MSB – Most Significant Bit

MSCDEX – Microsoft CD-ROM eXtensions

MSConfig – Microsoft Configuration

MSD – Most Significant Digit

MSDN – Microsoft Developer Network

MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet

MS-DOS – Microsoft Disk Operating System

MSI – Micro-Star International

MSI – Medium Scale Integration

MSI – Microsoft Installer

MTBF – Mean Time between Failure

MUI – Multilingual User Interface

MVS – Multiple Virtual Storage

MVS – Multiple Vendor System

MVT – Multiprogramming with Variable Tasks

MX – Mail eXchange

Full Form of Abbreviations with N:

NAP – Network Access Points

NAP – Network Access Protection

NAS – Network-Attached storage

NAT – Network Address Translation

NCSA – National Center for Supercomputing Applications

NetBIOS – Network Basic Input/output System

NetBEUI – Networked BIOS Extended User Interface

NEP – Network Equipment Provider

NEXT – Near End Cross Talk

NFC – Near Field Communication

NFS – Network File System

NGSCB – Next Generation Secure Computing Base

NIC – Network Interface Controller

NIO – New Input/output

NIU – Network Interface Unit

NLI – Natural Language Interface

NLI – Not Logged In

NLS – Native Language Support

NLX – New Low Profile eXtended

NMI – Non-Maskable Interrupt

NNTP – Network News Transfer Protocol

NOP – No Operation

NOS – Network Operating System

NPU – Network Processing Unit

NSS – Name Service Switch

NT – New Technology

NTFS – New Technology File System

NTLDR – New Technology Loader

NTP – Network Time Protocol

NVRAM – Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

NWLINK – NetWare Link

Full Form of Abbreviations with O:

OC – Operation Channel

OC – Over Clock

OCR – Optical Character Recognition

OCR – Optical Character Reader

OCZ – Operational Control Zone

ODI – Open Data-link Interface

OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer

OFP – Open Frame Panel

OLAP – Online Analytical Processing

OLE – Object Linking and Embedding

OLED – Organic Light Emitting Diode

OMR – Optical Mark Reader

OOM – Out Of Memory

OOP – Object-Oriented Programming

OPML – Outline Processor Markup Language

OS – Operating System

OSDN – Open Source Development Network

OSI – Open Systems Interconnection

OSK – On-Screen Keyboard

OSPF – Open Shortest Path First

OSR – OEM Service Release

OSS – Operations Support System

OSS – Open Source Software

Full Form of Abbreviations with P:

PAL – Programmable Array Logic

PAL – Phase Alternating Line

PAN – Personal Area Network

PATA – Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment

PAP – Password Authentication Protocol

PBX – Private Branch Exchange

PC – Personal Computer

PCB – Printed Circuit Board

PCB – Process Control Block

PC DOS – Personal Computer Disk Operating System

PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCIe – Peripheral Component Interconnect Express

PCL – Printer Command Language

PCM – Pulse-Code Modulation

PCMCIA – Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

PCMCIA – Peripheral Component Micro Channel Interconnect Architecture

PDA – Personal Digital Assistant

PDF – Portable Document Format

PDL – Program Design Language

PDP – Program Data Processor

PE – Processor Element

PERL – Practical Extraction and Reporting Language

PFA – Portable Format for Analytics

PFF – Page Fault Frequency

PGA – Pin Grid Array

PGA – Professional Graphics Adapter

PGC – Professional Graphics Controller

PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP – Personal Home Page

PIC – Peripheral Interface Controller

PIC – Programmable Interface Controller

PIC – Programmable Intelligent Computer

PID – Process ID

PIM – Personal Information Manager

PINE – Program for Internet News and Email

PIO – Programmed Input/output

PIP – Peripheral Interchange Program

PL/ 1 – Programming Language One

PL/ M – Programming Language for Microcomputers

PL/ P – Programming Language for Prime

PLA – Programmable Logic Array

PLC – Programmable Logic Controller

PLC – Power Line Communication

PLD – Programmable Logic Device

PLL – Phase-Locked Loop

PLT – Power Line Telecoms

PM – Private Message

PM – Phase Modulation

PNG – Portable Network Graphics

Pnp – Plug and Play

PoE – Power over Ethernet

POP – Post Office Protocol

POS – Point Of Sale

POST – Power-On Self Test

POTS – Plain Old Telephone Service

PPC – Power Personal Computer

PPC – Pay per Click

PPI – Pixels per Inch

PPM – Pages per Minute

PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol

PPPoA – Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM

PPPoE – Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PPT – PowerPoint Presentation

PPTP – Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

PRI – Primary Rate Interface

PROLOG – Programming in Logic

PROM – Programmable Read-Only Memory

PrtScr – Print Screen

PS/2 – Personal System/2

PSD – Photoshop Document

PSP – Program Segment Prefix

PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network

PSU – Power Supply Unit

PTE – Page Table Entry

PVC – Permanent Virtual Circuit

PVM – Parallel Virtual Machine

PXE – Preboot eXecution Environment

PY – Python

Full Form of Abbreviations with Q:

QA – Quality Assurance

QAM – Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QAS – Quick Arbitrate and Select

QBE – Query by Example

QDR – Quad Data Rate

QFA – Quick File Access

QFP – Quad Flat Package

QIC – Quarter Inch cartridge

Full Form of Abbreviations with R:

RAD – Rapid Application Development

RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

RAID – Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

RAIT – Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes

RAM – Random Access Memory

RAMDAC – Random-Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter

RARP – Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RAdAC – Risk Adaptive Access Control

RAS – Row Address Strobe

RAS – Remote Access Service

RBAC – Role-Based Access Control

RDBMS – Relation Database Management System

RDRAM – Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory

RDF – Resource Description Framework

REEAL – Recursive functions Algorithmic Language

RF – Radio Frequency

RFI – Radio Frequency Interference

RGB – Red, Green, Blue

RGBA – Red, Green, Blue, Alpha

RIMM – Rambus Inline Memory Module

RI – Re-Installing

RIP – Routing Information Protocol

RIS – Remote Installation Service

RISC – Reduced Instruction Set Computer

RJ – Registered Jack

RMA – Returned Materials Authorization

RMW – Read-Modify-Write

ROM – Read-Only Memory

ROMB – RAID on the Motherboard

ROM-DOS – Read-Only Memory-Disk Operating System

RPC – Remote Procedure Calls

RPG – Report Program Generator

RPM – Revolutions per Minute

RS-232 – Recommended Standard 232

RTC – Real-Time Clock

RTOS – Real-Time Operating System

RTS – Real-Time Streaming

RTS – Real-Time Strategy

RTS – Request To Send

Full Form of Abbreviations with S:

SAID – Serving Area Identity Document

SAM – Security Account Manager

SAM – Sequential Access Memory

SAN – Storage Area Network

SAP – Systems Applications and Products

SASI – Shugart Associates Systems Interface

SASID – Self Scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display

SATA – Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

SAX – Simple API of XML

SBP – Serial Bus Protocol

SBP-2 – Serial Bus Protocol 2

SBU – Standard Build Unit

SC – Subscription Channel

SCA – Service Component Architecture

SCA – Side-Channel Attack

SCID – Source Code in Database

SCM – Software Configuration Management

SCM – Source Code Management

SCP – Secure Copy

SCSI – Small Computer System Interface

SCTP – Stream Control Transmission Protocol

SD – Secure Digital

SDK – Software Development Kit

SDL – Specification and Description Language

SDL – Simple Direct Media Layer

SDLC – Systems Development Life Cycle

SDLC – Synchronous Data Link Control

SDN – Software Defined Networking

SDN – Service Delivery Network

SDR – Software Defined Radio

SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

SEC – Single Edge Contact

SECC – Single Edge Contact Cartridge

SEQUEL – Structured English QUEry Language

SFC – System File Checker

SFTP – Secure File Transfer Protocol

SFTP – Simple File Transfer Protocol

SGML – Standard Generalized Markup Language

SGRAM – Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory

SHDSL – Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line

SIM – Subscriber Identity Module

SIMD – Single Instruction, Multiple Data

SIMM – Single Inline Memory Module

SIPP – Single In-line Pin Package

SIS – Server Intelligent Storage

SISD – Single-Instruction, Single-Data

SLI – Scalable Link Interface

SLI – System Level Integration

SLI – Scan-Line Interleave

SLIP – Serial Line Internet Protocol

SMB – Server Message Block

SMBIOS – System Management Basic Input/output System

SMP – Symmetric Multiprocessing

SMS – Short Message Service

SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNA – Systems Network Architecture

SNAP – Secure Network Access Platform

SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol

SNOBOL – StriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language

SNR – Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol

SO-DIMM – Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module

SOHO – Small Office or Home Office

SOIC – Small Outline Integrated Circuit

SP – Stack Page

SP – Service Pack

SPARC – Scalable Processor Architecture

SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface

S/PDIF – Sony/Philips Digital Interface

SPGA – Staggered Pin Grid Array

SPOOL – Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line

SPU – Snippet Processing Unit

SPX – Sequenced Packet eXchange

SQL – Structured Query Language

SRAM – Static Random Access Memory

SSE – Streaming SIMD Extensions

SSH – Secure Shell

SSI – Small Scale Integration

SSID – Service Set Identifier

SSL – Secure Sockets Layer

ST – Straight Tip

STDM – Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing

STN – Small Town Network

STP – Spanning Tree Protocol

STP – Shielded Twisted Pair

STU – Secure Terminal Unit

SUB – Subtitle

SUB – Subscript

SUS – Single UNIX Specification

SUS – Software Update Services

SVD – Structured VLSI Design

SVD – System View Description

SVD – Software Version Description

SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics

SVGA – Super Video Graphics Array

SWF – ShockWave Flash

SXGA – Super eXtended Graphics Array

SYS – System

Full Form of Abbreviations with T:

TB – Terabyte

Tb – Terabit

TBps – Terabytes per Second

Tbps – Terabits per Second

TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

TDM – Time-Division Multiplexing

TDMA            – Time Division Multiple Access

TDR – Time Domain Reflectometer

TEC – ThermoElectric Cooler

TFT – Thin Film Transistor

TFTP – Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TLD – Top Level Domain

TLS – Transport Layer Security

TMP – Temporary

TPI – Tracks per Inch

TPU – Tensor Processing Unit

TS – Technical Specification

TS – Time Slot

TS – TypeScript

TSR – Terminate-and-Stay-Resident

TTA – Transport Triggered Architecture

TTA – True Tap Audio

TTF – True Type Font

TTL – Transistor-Transistor Logic

TTS – Text-To-Speech

TTY – TeleTYpewriter

TWAIN – Technology without an Interesting Name

TXT – Text

Full Form of Abbreviations with U:

UAC – User Account Control

UAE – Unrecoverable Application Error

UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

UDF – User-Defined Functions

UDF – Universal Disk Format

UDF – Universal Data Format

UDMA – Ultra Direct Memory Access

UDP – User Datagram Protocol

UDT – Unreliable Data Transfer

UEFI – Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

UHF – Ultra High Frequency

UI – User Interface

UL – Underwriter Laboratories

UL – UpLink

UL – Upload

ULSI – Ultra Large Scale Integration

UMA – Upper Memory Area

UMB – Upper Memory Block

UMPC – Ultra Mobile Personal Computer

UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

UNC – Universal Naming Convention

UNICS – UNiplexed Information Computing System

UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply

URI – Uniform Resource Identifier

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

URN – Uniform Resource Name

USART – Universal Serial Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

USB – Universal Serial Bus

USMT – User State Migration Tool

UTF – Unicode Transformation Format

UTP – Unshielded Twisted Pair

UUCP – Unix-to-Unix Copy

UVEPROM – Ultra-Violet Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

UVGA – Ultra Video Graphics Array

UWB – Ultra Wide Band

UXGA – Ultra Extended Graphics Array

Full Form of Abbreviations with V:

VAN – Valuable Aided Network

Var – Variable

VAR – Value-Added Reseller

VB – Visual Basic

VBA – Visual Basic for Applications

VBE – VESA BIOS Extensions

VBS – Visual Basic Script

VCD – Video Compact Disc

VDI – Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

VDT – Video Display Terminal

VDU – Visual Display Unit

VESA – Video Electronics Standards Association

VFAT – Virtual File Allocation Table

VFS – Virtual File System

VGA – Video Graphics Array

VGCT – Video Graphics Character Table

VHF – Very High Frequency

VIRUS – Vital Information Resources Under Seize

VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

VLC – Video LAN Client

VLIW – Very Long Instruction Word

VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration

VM – Virtual Memory

VM – Virtual Machine

VOD – Video on Demand

VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol

VoLTE – Voice over Long Term Evolution

VPN – Virtual Private Network

VPU – Visual Processing Unit

VR – Virtual Reality

VRAM – Video Random Access Memory

VRT – Virus Removal Tool

VRT – Voltage Reduction Technology

VSAT – Very Small Aperture Terminal

VT – Video Terminal

VTOC – Volume Table of Contents

VTR – Video Tape Recorder

VUE – Visual User Environment

Full Form of Abbreviations with W:

WAN – Wide Area Network

WAP – Wireless Application Protocol

WATS – Wide Area Telephone Service

WAV – Waveform Audio

WB – Writeback

WBMP – Wireless BitMap Image

WCAG – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

WD – Working Document

WD – Western Digital

WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy

WINDOWS – Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution

Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity

WiMAX – Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

WinFS – Windows Future Storage

WINS – Windows Internet Name Service

WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

WLL – Wireless Local Loop

WMA – Windows Media Audio

WMI – Windows Management Instrumentation

WMP – Windows Media Player

WMV – Windows Media Video

WNS – Windows Push Notification Service

WOL – Wake-On-LAN

WOM – Wake-On-Modem

WORA – Write Once, Run Anywhere

WORE – Write Once, Run Everywhere

WORM – Write Once, Read Many

WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access

WPAD – Web Proxy Auto-Discovery

WPAN – Wireless Personal Area Network

WRAM – Windows Random Access Memory

WS – Web Site

WS-D – Web Services-Discovery

WSDL – Web Services Description Language

WTB – Want To Buy

WUSB – Wireless Universal Serial Bus

WUXGA – Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Array

WWAN – Wireless Wide Area Network

WWDC – World Wide Developer Conference

WWID – World Wide Identifier

WWN – World Wide Name

WWW – World Wide Web

WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get

WZC – Wireless Zero Configuration

Full Form of Abbreviations with X:

XAML – eXtensible Application Markup Language

XGA – eXtended Graphics Array

XHTML – eXtensible HyperText Markup Language

XMF – eXtensible Music File

XML – eXtensible Markup Language

XMMS – X MultiMedia System

XMS – eXtended Memory Specification

XNS – Xerox Network Systems

XP – Cross-Platform

XPath – XML Path Language

XSL – eXtensible Stylesheet Language

XSL-FO – eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects

XSLT – eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations

XSS – Cross-Site Scripting

XT – eXtended Technology

XTF – eXtensible Tag Framework

XUL – XML User Interface Language

XVGA – eXtended Video Graphics Adapter

Full Form of Abbreviations with Y:

YARN – Yet another Resource Negotiator

YaST – Yet another Setup Tool

YB – Yottabyte

Full Form of Abbreviations with Z:

ZB – Zettabyte

ZCS – Zero Code Suppression

ZIF – Zero Insertion Force

ZIFS – Zero Insertion Force Socket

ZIP – Zone Information Protocol

ZIP – Zig-zag In-line Package

ZISC – Zero Instruction Set Computer

ZMA – Zone Multicast Address

ZOI – Zero One Infinity

Abbreviations with Numbers:

#! – Shebang

/. – Slashdot

1GL – First-Generation Programming Language

1NF – First Normal Form

2B1Q – 2 Binary 1 Quaternary

2FA – Two-factor authentication

2G – Second Generation

2GL – Second-Generation Programming Language

2NF – Second Normal Form

3G – Third Generation

3GL – Third-Generation Programming Language

3GP – 3rd Generation Project

3GPP – 3rd Generation Partnership Project

3NF – Third Normal Form

4B5BLF – 4 Byte 5 Byte Local Fiber

4NF – Fourth Normal Form

5NF – Fifth Normal Form

6NF – Sixth Normal Form

8B10BLF – 8 Byte 10 Byte Local Fiber

100B-T – 100BASE-T

802.11 – Wireless LAN

It is a long list surely, and more are being included every day. However, all of these abbreviations are not required by every user.

While most of these are good to know for a regular computer user, others are useful for computer programmers, web developers, graphics designers and other professionals.


So, that brings to the end of this article with almost all of the major abbreviations used in the world of computers.

Hopefully, with such knowledge, now you will not wonder what possibly could be the full form of any acronym related to computers that you may come across.

Table of Contents

  1. What are computer abbreviations?
  2. Is there a dictionary for computer terms?
  3. How many abbreviations are there in computer?
  4. What are the acronyms in ICT?
  5. What is the abbreviation of CSE?
  6. What are the basic computer terminologies?
  7. What is ot short for?
  8. What is the acronym full form of COMPUTER?
  9. What is the acronym of technology?
  10. What does ESE stand for?
  11. What are basic computer terms?
  12. What is a dictionary in a computer?
  13. What is the abbreviation for computer?
  14. What are computer words?

A Computer abbreviations are shortened form of words or phrases. They consist of a group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., abbrv., or abbrev.

Is there a dictionary for computer terms?

The eighth edition of Webster’s New World Dictionary of Computer Terms is fully revised and updated with new terms specific to the Internet and World Wide Web and with more than 4,000 of the most important computer terms, acronyms, and jargon.

How many abbreviations are there in computer?

Computer Science: Abbreviations

Abbreviation Full-name
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BIOS Basic Inpute Output System

What are the acronyms in ICT?

There are two options of what the acronym ICT could stand for:

  • information and communication technology.
  • information, communication and technology.

What is the abbreviation of CSE?

CSE: Computer Science Engineering. CSE stands for Computer Science Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that includes various subjects of computer science required to develop the computer system.

What are the basic computer terminologies?

Basic Computer Terminologies

  • CPU. CPU means ‘Central Processing Unit’.
  • RAM. Specifically, RAM stands for “Random Access Memory” or “Ready Access Memory”.
  • Hard-disk Drive.
  • Floppy Disk.
  • Hardware.
  • Software.

What is ot short for?

Acronym Definition
OT Occupational Therapy
OT Overtime
OT Other
OT On Topic

What is the acronym full form of COMPUTER?

Some people say that COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research. A computer consists of a central processing unit and some form of memory.”

What is the acronym of technology?


Acronym Definition
TECH Technology Building
TECH Technical
TECH Technology
TECH The Economic Consultancy House (Sri Lanka)

What does ESE stand for?


Acronym Definition
ESE Elementary and Secondary Education (various locations)
ESE Economic, Social and Environmental
ESE Easy Serving Espresso
ESE East-South-East

What are basic computer terms?

Basic Computer Terms. Hardware. – The physical parts of a computer -. CPU. Central processing unit; the brain of the computer; controls the other elements of the computer. Disk Drive. A peripheral device that reads and/or writes information on a disk.

What is a dictionary in a computer?

Computer dictionary is a simple reference in which you can find computer and technology related Acronyms and their definitions. computer dictionary has over 86,000 Acronyms and their definitions. Get Computer Dictionary and give it a try to see just how useful it can actually be for understanding PC-related acronyms and terms.

What is the abbreviation for computer?

It is the main program that runs on a computer and begins automatically when the computer is turned on. PC – This is the abbreviation for personal computer. It refers to computers that are IBM compatible. PDF – This represents the Portable Document Format which displays files in a format that is ready for the web.

What are computer words?

In computer architecture, a word is a unit of data of a defined bit length that can be addressed and moved between storage and the computer processor. Usually, the defined bit length of a word is equivalent to the width of the computer’s data bus so that a word can be moved in a single operation from storage to a processor register.

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