A word with no echo

Wolf Cento

November stands at the door.

Tonight, the wolf is a solitary shadow

that spills between stone & revery

as bodies resume their boundaries.

Through open French windows

the forest edge enfolds blue animals

& behind the trees, the river—

its strange nakedness of wide

solitary margins. What have I known

but its bending? No more

second self, nor changing face,

no more wild lament of broken

mouths, red clouds. Scarcely

more than a word with no echo,

little tracks in the snow. Facedown,

I lick away the footprints.

Wolf Cento

I want to be strung up in a strong light & singled out,

winnowed from the water & the fire, stalked

by the she-wolf, each day to walk the wilderness

with its people, its animals, its toil & wind.

I want to unfold like Aztec hieroglyphs,

to multiply in the glass a transparent gold shirt,

exquisite as oranges & leaking muscovado casks.

To listen to the metal rattle of the world

as if there are gods somewhere

behind a vaulting sunrise, hissing salt.

A train of cranes outstretched towards alien frontiers.

I want to know there will be wine on the table.

To know the tenderness that gathers

over shoulders of wives. An open window.

A green river. The language of water.

I want everyone to know that I am still alive.

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There was


contact signal, no echo,


bounce-back, nothing.

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сигнала контакта, никакого эха,


эффекта, вообще ничего.

All this nice acoustics and piano and no echo on anything.

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Вся эта приятная акустика, и пианино, и эхо на всем.

Acoustic systems passport parameters assume they are correct for measurements in an anechoic chamber or

an open space where there is no echo.

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Паспортные параметры для акустических систем предполагают, что они верны для измерений в безэховой камере

или открытом пространстве, где нет эха от стен.

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The echoes at the left side of the screen

represent multiple reverberations in the tank wall, and no echo is present within the red gate.

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All codec integrated on a single chip, so its total delay is about 3ms,

which is quite a good indicator and causes no echo in communication networks.

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Весь кодек интегрируется на одной микросхеме, поэтому ее полная задержка составляет около 3мс,

что является достаточно хорошим показателем и не вызывает эха в сетях связи.

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The soft wall upholstery, the special sound-absorbing ceiling panels- all this creates a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere and, most importantly,

ensures impeccable acoustics- no echo or reflection.

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Мягкая обивка стен, специальные звукопоглощающие плиты на потолке- все это создает непринужденную комфортную атмосферу, а главное,

обеспечивает безупречную акустику- никакого эха или отражений.

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If the walls are severely misaligned with respect to one another,

sound waves will be reflected away from the transducer and no echo will be seen.

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Если стенки изделия сильно смещены относительно друг друга,

ультразвуковые волны отражаются в противоположную от ПЭП сторону, и ни один эхо-сигнал не отображается на экране.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

When the walls are severely misaligned with respect to one another,

sound waves are reflected away from the transducer, and no echo is displayed on the screen.

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Если стенки изделия сильно смещены относительно друг друга,

ультразвуковые волны отражаются в противоположную от ПЭП сторону, и ни один эхо-сигнал не отображается на экране.

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From the legal point of view, it would undoubtedly be interesting and beneficial to establish such provisions, but, in practice, propaganda inciting hatred is completely unknown to the Venezuelan people and, were it to

exist, it would be censured by the entire community and find no echo in Venezuelan society, where a large share of the population has ancestors from other countries and

a wide variety of ethnic origins.

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Безусловно, с юридической точки зрения выработка таких норм имела бы свои преимущества, однако на практике пропаганда подобного рода, направленная на разжигание ненависти к иностранцам, чужда венесуэльскому народу и, кроме того,

такая пропаганда подверглась бы резкому осуждению со стороны всего общества и не нашла бы отклика среди венесуэльцев, многие из которых являются потомками выходцев из других стран

и имеют различное этническое происхождение.

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When I was Keith, I certainly wouldn’t allow myself to be as flowery or as vulnerable as I do now,» said Caputo in a

2016 interview that appeared on music website, No Echo.

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Когда я была Кейтом, я, конечно, не позволяла себе быть таким же витиеватый или ранимым, как сейчас»,- сказала Капуто в интервью 2016 года,

которое появилось на музыкальном веб- сайте No Echo.

His cath was clean and echo showed no structural abnormalities.

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Катетеризация сердца- без патологий, ЭХО не показало структурных изменений.

There is no voice echo to game players on the same console; voice only goes to remote consoles.

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Также удачно сделано голосовое общение на одной консоли- нет эха, так как голос посылается лишь на удаленную консоль.

No residual particle halo, no radiation echo.

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Ни остаточного облучения, ни радиоцинного эхо.

MRI and transesophageal echo reveal


swelling, no masses,




sign of anything.

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МРТ и чреспищеводная ЭхоКГ не выявила


опухоли, ни уплотнений,




каких признаков чего либо.

Disappointed, he went back to the well to ask for explanations,

but the well was heard only the echo of his questions, and no answers.

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Разочарованный, он вернулся к колодцу, чтобы попросить объяснений,

но из колодца слышалось лишь эхо от его вопросов, а ответа не было.

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When force and there will be no more Babylon- SPACE otstučitsâ rhythm- echo level pulse Jaguar…(Mayan. Literary translation.).

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Когда закончатся силы и не будет больше навара- КОСМОС отстучится ритмом- эхо ровного пульса Ягуара…» Племя Майя. Художественный перевод.

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У эхо абсолютно нет воображения.

Usually the problem is simplified by assuming no time delays or echoes.

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Обычно задача упрощается предположением, что задержка по времени или эхо отсутствуют.

The sound is clear and there is



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Звук чистый, без эха.

Unlike with ultrasonic sludge level meters, there are no


returns from tank walls

or signal damping by fluff or floating sludge that can cause false measurements.

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В отличие от ультразвуковых датчиков уровня осадка, отсутствуют эхо-сигналы от стенок резервуара или затухание сигнала,

вызванное наличием мелких фракций или плавающим илом, которые могут стать причиной некорректных измерений.

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Нет, они повторят это.

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И это не эхо смерти.

Echo herself will see



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Сама Эхо не увидит ни зги.

What Is an Echo Word?

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

Ding dong!.

Matt Swinden / Getty Images

In linguistics and composition, the term echo word has more than one meaning:

  1. An echo word is a word or phrase (such as buzz and cock a doodle doo) that imitates the sound associated with the object or action it refers to: an onomatope. Also called an echoic word
  2. An echo word is a word or phrase (such as shilly shally and click and clack) that contains two identical or very similar parts: a reduplicative.
  3. An echo word is a word or phrase that recurs in a sentence or paragraph.

Examples and Observations

  • «Sound alone is the basis of a limited number of words, called echoic or onomatopoeic, like bang, burp, splash, tinkle, bobwhite, and cuckoo. Words that are actually imitative of sound, like meow, bowwow, and vroom—though these differ from language to language—can be distinguished from those like bump and flick, which are called symbolic. Symbolic words regularly come in sets that rhyme (bump, lump, clump, hump) or alliterate (flick, flash, flip, flop) and derive their symbolic meaning at least in part from other members of their sound-alike sets. Both imitative and symbolic words frequently show doubling, sometimes with slight variation, as in bowwow, choo-choo, and peewee
    (John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2005)
  • «Repetitions help to echo keywords, to emphasize important ideas or main points, to unify sentences, or to develop coherence among sentences. Skillful repetitions of important words or phrases create ‘echoes’ in the reader’s mind: they emphasize and point out key ideas. You can use these ‘echo words’ in different sentences—even in different paragraphs—to help ‘hook’ your ideas together…
  • «[E]cho words may come any place in the sentence: with the subjects or the verbs, with the objects or the complements, with prepositions or other parts of speech. You need not always repeat the word exactly; think of other forms the word may take, such as freak, freakiness, freakishness (nouns), freaking (participle), freaky and freakish (adjectives), and freakishly and freakily (adverbs).» (Ann Longknife and K. D. Sullivan, The Art of Styling Sentences, 4th ed. Barron’s, 2002)


  • «Echo-words are crucially different from straight reduplicated words in that they have rules sensitive to the reduplicated configuration, ‘detaching melodic elements from the affixal skeleton’ and replacing them with an invariant onset (McCarthy and Prince 1986, 86). This accounts for the ban on auto-reduplication of echo-words themselves. Yiddishized English shm-initial words undergoing echo-pairing (such as shmaltz) have to be echo-paired with something else (usuall shp-: shpaltz) or else with nothing (no echo-pair can be formed), but certainly not with a direct repeat (**shmaltz-shmaltz is disallowed).» ( Mark R. V. Southern, Contagious Couplings: Transmission of Expressives in Yiddish Echo Phrases. Praeger, 2005)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Echo word is a linguistic term that refers to a particular kind of reduplication which is a widespread areal feature in the languages of South Asia. Echo words are characterized by reduplication of a complete word or phrase, with the initial segment or syllable of the reduplicant being overwritten by a fixed segment or syllable. In most languages in which this phenomenon is present, echo words serve to express a meaning of «… and such; and things like that.» In some cases the echo word may express a depreciative meaning as well.

Echo word usage is almost exclusively a feature of colloquial spoken speech. It is avoided in formal speech and writing in all languages.

For example, Tamil echo words are formed with a ki(i) sequence overwriting the onset and nucleus of the first syllable of the reduplicant (Keane 2001). ki with a short vowel is used if the first syllable of the original word or phrase has a short vowel; if the first vowel is long, kii is used instead. E.g.:

Example Tamil echo words

Tamil word Transliteration Meaning
புலி puli «tiger»
புலி கிலி puli kili «tigers and such; tigers and beasts like that»
பூச்சி poochi «insect»
பூச்சி கீச்சி poochi kiichi «insects and such; insects and bugs like that»
தும்மி tummi «sneezing»
தும்மி கிம்மி tummi kimmi «sneezing and such; sneezing and other inauspicious noises»
பாம்பு paambu «snake»
பாம்பு கீம்பு paambu kiimbu «snakes and such»
இன்னிக்கி அப்பா வரார்ண்ணு சொல்லாதே innikki appaa varaarṇṇu collaatee «Don’t say ‘Father’s coming today.'»
இன்னிக்கி அப்பா வரார்ண்ணு கிப்பா வரார்ண்ணு சொல்லாதே innikki appaa varaarṇṇu kippaa varaarṇṇu collaatee «Don’t say ‘Father’s coming today’ and so forth.»

Echo words in Hindi are typically created

with a fixed initial v:

aam «mango»
aam vaam «mangoes and the like»
tras «grief»
tras vras «grief and the like»

When an echo word is formed from a word that already begins with v, complete identity between the base and reduplicant is avoided by overwriting with a different fixed segment (Nevins 2005):

vakil «lawyer»
vakil šakil «lawyers and the like»


vakīl «lawyer»
vakīl makīl «lawyers and such»
ketāb «book»
ketāb metāb «books and the sort»
raxt «clothing item, attire»
raxt-o paxt «clothes and such»

This kind of avoidance of complete identity is found in many languages with echo words. In some other languages, echo word formation simply fails in cases where an echo word’s reduplicant portion would be identical to the base (Abbi 1985). This is claimed for some dialects of Tamil, for example, such that the echo word version of a word like கிழமை kizhamai «day of the week» is simply ineffable (Sankaranarayanan 1982).

(Trivedi 1990) identified twenty distinct regions within India which use different consonants or combinations of consonants in the formation of echo words. These include languages from the Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman and Austroasiatic families. In general, Dravidian languages form echo words with velar-initial fixed syllables (gi- or ki-). Indo-Aryan languages typically use labial fixed onsets (ʋ-, p-, pʰ-, b-, or m-). Other languages of India often use coronal fixed onsets (s-, t-, or ʈ-) or mixed systems using both labial and coronal onsets. However, there is a great deal of overlap and complexity within these systems, and they resist simple classification. For example, as seen in the examples above, Hindi typically employs labial ʋ- for echo word formation, but to avoid base-reduplicant identity it makes use of coronal ʃ-.

Echo word formation is not restricted to languages of India. It also occurs in many languages of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and other South Asian countries. Some reduplicative patterns in Persian and in Turkish and other Turkic languages have sometimes been classified as echo word formation as well.

A doctoral dissertation by A. Parimalagantham provides a detailed description of echo word usage in Tamil and Telugu [1]

See also[edit]

  • Hobson-Jobson, an Indian English expression adopted as the name of an Indian English dictionary.


  • Abbi, Anvita (1985). Reduplicative Structures: A Phenomenon of the South Asian Linguistic Area. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications. pp. 159–171.
  • Keane, Elinor (2001). Echo Words in Tamil. Ph.D. thesis, Oxford University.
  • Nevins, Andrew (2005). «Overwriting does not optimize in nonconcatenative morphology». Linguistic Inquiry. 36 (2): 275–287. doi:10.1162/0024389053710693. S2CID 57563066.
  • Sankaranarayanan, G. (1982). «Reduplication in Tamil». Pakha Sanjam. 15: 457–464.
  • Trivedi, G. M. (1990). «Echo Formation». Linguistic Traits Across Language Boundaries: 51–81.


  1. ^ Parimalagantham, A (Dec 2008). «A study of structural reduplication in Tamil and Telugu». Language india.com. Retrieved 3 Sep 2015.

4 Letters

2 Consonants

2 Vowels

2 Syllables

Types Of Speech
You can use echo as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.
About Echo
A 2 syllables noun and 4 letters with the letters c, e, h, and o, 2 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters ch. Echo starts with and ends with a vowel with the starting letters e, ec, ech, and the ending characters are o, ho, cho, ..
The persistence of a sound after its source has stopped
Middle English
Is echo a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.
Pig Latin
Echo in Pig Latin is said as «echoay or echoway».
e | c | h | o
ec | ch | ho
ech | cho
Word Gram
  • second letter c
  • third letter is h
  • fourth letter is o
  • Use As A Noun
  • Use As A Verb
Noun Examples
the persistence of a sound after its source has stopped

a reply that repeats what has just been said

(Greek mythology) a nymph who was spurned by Narcissus and pined away until only her voice remained

Verb Examples
to say again or imitate;
«followers echoing the cries of their leaders»

ring or echo with sound;
«the hall resounded with laughter»

call to mind;
«His words echoed John F. Kennedy»

  • Synonyms
  • Anagrams
  • Derivatives
  • Hypernyms
  • Hyponyms
  • Names
  • Word Games

Synonyms (Cognitive Synonyms) For «Echo»

There are 491 synonyms available. These are cognitive relationship words which is to say they have a similar meaning, mean the same thing, or have close definition and relationship to echo.

Synonym Definition
Accord sympathetic compatibility
Acknowledge accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority
«The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne»
«We do not recognize your gods»
Acknowledgement a statement acknowledging something or someone
«she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment»
«the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her»
Acknowledgment a statement acknowledging something or someone
«she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment»
«the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her»
Action And Reaction
Act Like
Adumbration a sketchy or imperfect or faint representation
Affect the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
Agree consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something
«She agreed to all my conditions»
«He agreed to leave her alone»
Agree In Opinion

View all cognitive synonyms for Echo


There are 1 anagrams from echo.

Anagram Definition
Echo the persistence of a sound after its source has stopped

View English words with the unique letters used in echo. Words With The Letters Ceho


Echo derives from 5 words.

Word Definition
Echo the persistence of a sound after its source has stopped
Recall the act of removing an official by petition
Resound emit a noise
Reverberate treat, process, heatl, metl, or refine in a reverberating furnace
«reverberate ore»
Ring a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)


Echo has 3 hypernyms.

Word Definition
Reflection the image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material)
«he studied his reflection in the mirror»
Reflectivity the ability to reflect beams or rays
Reflexion the image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material)
«he studied his reflection in the mirror»


There are 1 hyponyms for echo

Word Definition
Re Echo

Names With The Word «Echo»

5 names are spelled with echo.

Name Male Female
Echo No Yes
Echol No No
Nechole No Yes
Echoe Yes Yes
Checho Yes No

The word games Words With Friends, 4pics1Word, Word Chums, and Jumble which is by far one of the most successful of the word games. Jumble was created in 1954 — below, you will find the most unscrambled letters for each descramble word game that others have solved or decoded to make the word echo.

Is echo a scrabble word or can you use echo in Words With Friends? The probability of getting this word in scrabble is 1 out of every 10212 games and in Words With Friends it’s 1 out of every 5527 games. This 4 letter 9 point scrabble word can be rearranged 24 ways. What other words can be made with the letters c, e, h, and o? There’s 25 with 6 letters or less with the letters c, e, h, and o. Here is a list of 25 to try to get you more points.

Word Scrabble Words With Friends Word Chums 4Pics1Word Jumble
Chore (5 letters) 10 +1 10 +1 ocher
Cohoe (5 letters) 10 +1 10 +1 cohoe
Ocher (5 letters) 10 +1 10 +1 ocher
Ochre (5 letters) 10 +1 10 +1 ocher
Echo (4 letters) 9 9 echo
Troche (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 troche
Hector (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 troche
Boche (5 letters) 12 +3 13 +4 boche
Horace (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 horace
Orache (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 horace
Obeche (6 letters) 13 +4 14 +5 obeche
Chorea (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 horace
Epoch (5 letters) 12 +3 13 +4 epoch
Choose (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 choose
Reecho (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 reecho
Chouse (6 letters) 11 +2 12 +3 chouse
Cohere (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 reecho
Cosher (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 cosher
Choses (6 letters) 11 +2 11 +2 choses
Cohue (5 letters) 10 +1 11 +2 cohue
Couche (6 letters) 13 +4 15 +6 couche
Ochery (6 letters) 14 +5 13 +4 ochery
Cocher (6 letters) 13 +4 14 +5 ccehor
Broche (6 letters) 13 +4 14 +5 bcehor
Cheapo (6 letters) 13 +4 14 +5 acehop

Echo Is In These Word Lists

  • Starts With E
    • Four letters, starting with e
    • Starting with e, ending with o
    • Four letters with the second letter c
    • Two consonants, starting with e
    • Two vowels, starting with e
    • Two syllables, starting with e
  • Ends With O
    • Four letters, ending in o
    • Two consonants, ending in o
    • Two vowels, ending in o
    • Two syllables, ending in o
  • Spelled With / Contains Letters
    • Solve the puzzle _c_o
    • Solve the puzzle _ch_
    • Solve the puzzle _cho

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  • A word with multiple definitions
  • A word with metric in it
  • A word with many meanings is called
  • A word with lots of different meanings
  • A word with its meaning and sentence