A word that means to stick to

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We must stick to our agreements.

Мы должны придерживаться наших договорённостей, пойми это.

We have a schedule to stick to.

A magnet will stick to it.

We determined magnets stick to iron or steel.

Всем известно, что магниты прилипают к железным или стальным предметам.

People often share standards and expect another to stick to them.

«Люди часто придерживаются определенных стандартов и ожидают, что и другие будут им следовать.

Once your lawyer has arrived, stick to their advice.

После того, как вы определились с юристом, следуйте его советам.

What really works per legitimate scientific research, if you actually stick to it.

О том, что действительно работает в обоснованных научных исследованиях, если вы на самом деле придерживаетесь этого.

There is reasons we stick to these rules.

Существует ряд причин, по которым мы придерживаемся этих правил.

Yet it seemed safer to stick to the wall.

Даже так казалось безопаснее для меня, что прилипает к стене.

Carefully calculate everything and stick to a budget.

В любом случае тщательно просчитайте всё заранее и придерживайтесь определённого бюджета.

Choose two meditations and stick to them.

Вы должны выбрать две медитации, и только их придерживаться.

Gilt funds stick to high quality-low risk debt, mainly government securities.

Свинка фонды придерживаться высокого качества с низким риском задолженности, в основном государственными ценными бумагами.

We have our system and we stick to it.

So don’t overload your color palette and stick to something simple.

Так что не перегружайте свою цветовую палитру, и придерживайтесь чего-то простого при выборе цвета.

We hope that all who co-operate with us will stick to this position .

Мы надеемся, что все, кто с нами сотрудничает, будут придерживаться той же позиции .

Remember, these are not die-hard rules that you must stick to.

Но помните, что это не жесткие правила, которых вы должны придерживаться все время.

Life works if people stick to the arrangements they’ve made.

Мир наступит, если отдельные лица будут придерживаться договоренностей, на которые они согласились.

We must therefore stick to the original, obvious meaning.

Мы должны, таким образом, придерживаться первоначального, ясного значения этого слова.

When you bully someone your words stick to them like glue.

Когда вы запугиваете кого-то, ваши слова прилипают к ним, как клей.

Italy, however, said it would stick to its high-spending goals.

Италия, однако, заявила, что будет придерживаться своих целей, которые требуют высоких расходов.

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stick to (something)

1. To remain loyal to, committed to, or supportive of something. Are you still sticking to your decision to fire him? So far, he’s sticking to the same story he gave police.

2. To continue or persist in doing, believing, or using something. I think we’ll stick to our normal suppliers, but thanks for the offer. You should really stick to selling used cars, because your stand-up routine is terrible.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

stick to someone or something


1. Lit. to adhere to someone or something; to remain affixed to someone or something. The tape stuck to me and I couldn’t get it off. This stamp won’t stick to the envelope.

2. Fig. to continue to accompany someone or something. stick to me and I’ll lead you out of here. stick to the group of us, and you’ll be okay.

3. Fig. to continue to use or employ someone or something. I’ll stick to Jill. she does a good job and she’s my friend. We decided to stick to our present supplier.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

stick to

2. Persist in or continue applying oneself to, as in I’m sticking to my opinion that he’s basically honest, or The music teacher told John to stick to the clarinet, at least until the end of the year . [First half of 1500s] Also see stick to one’s guns; stick to one’s last.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

stick to


1. To tend to remain in contact with and attached to something: Peanut butter sticks to the top of your mouth.

2. To adhere to some plan and not deviate from it: The writer stuck to her original idea when her friends made other suggestions. We stuck to the main roads and avoided any dark alleys. You should stick to doing what you know best.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • stick to (something)
  • stick someone with something
  • stick up for (someone or something)
  • go through-stitch
  • a matter of (something)
  • a matter of days, miles, pounds, etc.
  • stick to (one’s) fingers
  • stick to fingers
  • stick to someone’s fingers
  • stick by

stick to — перевод на русский

She thinks she now had a lot of nerve to try and tell the world how to cure itself. Why only yesterday she admitted to me there are parts of her book she doesn’t agree with anymore. Henry would like to stick to the book but alas, Kit, the author mind you, wants to make changes.

она потратила много сил и нервов и попытается рассказать как можно помочь себе самому причем вчера она призналась мне что не согласна с некоторыми частями своей книги а Генри хочет придерживаться текста но Кит, как автор желает внести некоторые изменения

Why do you keep sticking to this story?

Зачем ты продолжаешь придерживаться той же версии?

Stick to it, and you can only wind up… by making a public spectacle of yourself.

Если вы будете придерживаться этого, то ваша репутация может… пострадать в глазах общественного мнения.

I think we ought to stick to it.

Будем его придерживаться.

Henry, I suggest you stick to two subjects: The weather and your health.

Генри, я советую тебе придерживаться двух тем: погода и здоровье.

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All you got to do is make up your mind and stick to it.

Все, что нужно сделать — решиться и твердо этого держаться.

But if I stick to the truth and get in your way, then I won’t hear the end of it.

Потому что если я буду держаться правды,.. мне стоит ожидать больших неприятностей. Так?

Those of you who cannot swim, you stick to this pool.

Те, кто не умеют плавать — держаться этого бассейна.

They should stick to the young.

Старики должны держаться молодых.

I’ll stick to my little Riley, I think.

Лучше я буду держаться своего маленького Роллея.

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Well, this one kind of stuck to my fingers, you know and you looked so foreboding and dangerous.

Знаете, он как-то прилип к моим пальцам а вы казались таким агрессивным и опасным.

It sticks to my hands.

Прилип к моим рукам.

What are you stuck to the floor for?

Ц атитс€… Ц»то ты прилип к полу?

All his life was only about reunions and travelling, Or he would get stuck to his laptop or phone, He never had time to be with me.

Его жизнь — это деловые встречи и разъезды, он прилип к ноутбуку и сотовому, у него никогда не было времени на меня.

I kept trying to brush it away, but it was the strangest thing the sand wasn’t stuck to my fingers.

Я все пыталась стряхнуть его, но, странное дело… песок не просто прилип к рукам.

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like silk sticks to the stomach?

как будто шелк прилипает к животу?

Tar actually sticks to some people.

Деготь обычно прилипает к некоторым людям.

Or maybe with a little cheese stuck to the top.

Или, бывает, немного сыра прилипает к крышке.

And of course, presumably every phobia has a philia, so you could apply the same thing to, say a love of having peanut butter stuck to your mouth.

Её можно подставить, например, если любишь, когда ореховое масло прилипает к нёбу.

We attract them, they stick to us.

Мы притягиваем их, а они прилипают к нам.

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You should stick to things you’re good at.

Занимайся тем, чем ты хорош.

Stick to what you know about.

Занимайся тем, что знаешь.

Stick to what you know.

Занимайся тем, что знаешь.

From now on, stick to your pimps and your whores.

В следующий раз занимайся своими педиками и шлюхами.

Stick to the filing, sweetheart.

Занимайся папочками, дорогуша.

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Let’s stick to baseball and say instead,

Давай вернёмся к бейсболу и скажем вместо этого

Stick to the subject… the case of the missing ring.

Вернемся к вопросу об утерянном кольце.

But let’s stick to the facts.

Но вернемся к фактам…

Let’s stick to the classics.

Давай вернемся к классике.

Let’s stick to our arrangement.

Давай вернемся к нашему договору.

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-I’ll stick to milk.

— Буду лучше молоко.

. — Let’s just stick to dinner.

Лучше давайте просто пообедаем.

I’ll stick to vampires.

Лучше уж вампиры.

Yeah, let’s just stick to cash.

Давай лучше наличными.


Лучше будем в боулинг играть, ладно?

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Thank you for your input, Mr. Damar but we’ll stick to the original plan.

Спасибо за ваше предложение, мистер Дамар, но мы будем следовать начальному плану.

I thought I said, no matter what, stick to the fucking plan.

Я же говорил, что бы ни случилось, следовать нашему плану!

Sticking to that stupid story?

Следуя это глупой истории?

I have to write 5 pages to stick to his schedule.

Мне нужно написать пять страниц, чтобы следовать графику.

You stick to it like it’s a boilerplate lease.

А ты следуешь ей будто это инструкция по использованию котла.

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I stuck to him, but he tosses like a fish.

Я к нему приклеился. А он, гад, вертится как на сковородке.

Why is he sticking to us?


You stick to your father like glue and make sure he takes her to that dance.

Приклейся к своему отцу и заставь его пригласить ее на танцы.

Alon undersootd that the only way to get rid of the guilt, which, in a small place like a Kibbutz can stick to you for years, was to destroy all evidence.

Алон понял — есть только один способ избавиться от обвинения, которое, в таком маленьком месте как кибуц могло приклеиться очень надолго, уничтожить все улики.

Which attracted the flies, which got stuck to it and flew off with the whole car.

Слетелись тучи мух, приклеились лапками и поднялись с машиной.

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Some of you probably thing I should stick to polo and not try to run a bank.

Наверно, некоторые из вас полагают, что мне лучше было бы остаться в прежнем деле, а не управлять банком.

I’d like to see the most made of it. Oh, I suppose a fella should stick to his own trade but I know some big men that might not be averse to a deal like this if they’re properly approached.

Конечно, лучше всего остаться в стороне, но… я знаю серьезных людей, которых это может заинтересовать.

I’ll stick to you.

Я останусь с тобой.


Нет, это твой герой – я останусь с Капитаном Астро.


Тогда останусь со скрипкой.

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: to continue doing or using (something) especially when it is difficult to do so

She stuck to her story about the money already being missing when she got there.

Please stick to the script/subject/rules.

Stick to the marked trails.

If you want to succeed, you’ve got to stick to it and not give up.


: to not change (a decision, belief, etc.)

I intend to stick to my promise/word.

She’s sticking to her decision to retire.

Dictionary Entries Near stick to

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“Stick to.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stick%20to. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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stick to — придерживаться (чего-л.); придерживаться; не отвлекаться
stick to it — стоять на чем-либо; упорствовать
stuck up — высокомерный, заносчивый, самодовольный; остановить с целью ограбления
stuck-up — самодовольный; высокомерный; снобистский
stuck in — углублённый в работу; занятый; занятой
stick up — грабить, заставив поднять руки вверх; заливать элементы нагрузки карты
stick-up — прозрачная наклейка с изображением условных знаков, оцифровкой или подписями
stick in — составлять кому-л. компанию; торчать дома целый день; втягивание рукояти
stick it — терпеливо выдержать; снести
stick at — упорно продолжать

stick on — оставаться на рабочем месте; наклеивать; добавлять
stuck on — влюбленный
be stuck — всовываться; сидеть
jay stick — шаровая рукоятка; рычаг управления
stick out — настаивать на чем-л. требовать чего-л.; выдаваться; отлипающий; выпячивать
wop-stick — кларнет
stick pin — палец рукояти
cat stick — лапта для игры в чижики; бита для игры в чижики
cat-stick — лапта или бита для игры в чижики; лапта для игры в чижики
dip stick — масломерная линейка
dip-stick — измерительный стержень; измеритель глубины; реечный уровнемер
gun-stick — шомпол
non stick — не допускающий пригорания
ski stick — лыжная палка
ski-stick — лыжная палка
big stick — политика большой дубинки
bud stick — глазковый черенок
gig stick — радиусная рейка
hop stick — трубка для курения опиума
stick lac — необработанный шеллак; сырая шеллачная смола; штоклаксмола

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

stick  — придерживаться, держаться, приклеивать, палка, палочка, ручка, трость, посох, жезл


I’ll try to stick to my text.

Я попытаюсь не отклоняться от темы.

Don’t let flies stick to your heels.


If you’re driving, stick to soft drinks.

Если вы за рулем, пейте только безалкогольные напитки.

People often stick to their own imagination.

Люди часто цепляются за то, что сами выдумывают.

Miguel was determined to stick to his decision.

Мигель был полон решимости не отступать от своего решения.

Do you have the willpower to stick to the diet?

Хватит ли вам силы воли, чтобы придерживаться диеты?

She used a stick to describe a circle on the ground.

Она взяла палку и начертила на земле окружность.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

«As what, a hockey stick?»  

Cut a notch near one end of the stick.  

I told them they could stick their job.  

I heard something snap like a dry stick.  

They were stuck in a morass of paperwork.  

The door sticks—we will have to plane it  

The stick got caught in the wheel’s spokes.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Asked by: Cynthia Olson

Score: 4.4/5
(20 votes)

stick it to someone in American English

Slang. to harshly criticize, punish, or retaliate against someone. See full dictionary entry for stick.

Is it stick with or stick to?

only stick to may be used to signify «cause to adhere to«: stick the poster to the wall but not stick the poster with the wall. only stick with may be used to signify «impose a (relative) burden upon»: he stuck me with the bill or she got the fellowship, I was stuck with an assistantship, but to won’t work in these.

What does stick it to the man mean?

«The Man» is a slang phrase, used in the United States, that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. … The phrase «stick it to the Man» encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means «fight back» or «resist», either passively, openly or via sabotage.

What stick it out means?

stick it/something out. ​(informal) to continue doing something to the end, even when it is difficult or boring. She didn’t like the course but she stuck it out to get the certificate.

What does stick it to you mean?

stick it to someone in American English

Slang. to harshly criticize, punish, or retaliate against someone.

27 related questions found

What does it mean when something is demeaning?

: damaging or lowering the character, status, or reputation of someone or something The work was dirty and demeaning, though not quite as somber as it sounds.—

What does a stick mean in slang?

Stick is a slang term for “gun,” especially an automatic rifle in Southern hip-hop in the U.S. That means you can “stick ’em up”… with a stick.

Is stick to the man good?

You see, despite looking like a platform game, Stick It to the Man is actually a witty, introspective and superbly-written take on the point-and-click adventure, spruced up and streamlined for modernity, but without ever losing the soul of Schaffer. And yes, it is sort of a platformer as well.

Can we say the man?

1 Answer. “The man” is used idiomatically, as a phrase and acquires special meaning. The man is generally used in one of the following meanings: i) A person of authority who controls others or oppresses them.

What word means to stick to?

adhere (to), cling (to), hew (to), keep (to), stand by.

What is a word for sticking with it?

endure. persist. proceed. pursue.

How do you stick to a plan?

How to Stick to Your Plan

  1. Write it down. Write down your career plan so that you will remember it and can track your progress. …
  2. Set deadlines. Make one of two goals that you can achieve within a few days or a week. …
  3. Reward yourself. Working toward your goals is hard work. …
  4. Have an accountability partner.

What is plural child?

Children is the plural form of the word child and is used to refer to a group of or many youngsters who are below the age of puberty.

What is the spelling of Maam?

: madam —used without a name as a form of respectful or polite address to a woman Thank you, ma’am.» Yes, ma’am.

What is a plural form of woman?

The plural form of woman is women, not womans.

What is your stick?

1 : a usually comic or repetitious performance or routine : bit. 2 : one’s special trait, interest, or activity : bag he’s alive and well and now doing his shtick out in Hollywood— Robert Daley. Other Words from shtick Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About shtick.

Why do they call it the sticks?

What’s the origin of the phrase ‘In the sticks’?

‘In the sticks’ is just a reference to an area where there are lots of twigs, that is, the countryside. It was first an American expression but is now used throughout the English-speaking world. … For a time, the phrase became specifically associated with baseball.

What is pole slang for?

The term and slang “Pole” is a noun, which is used to reference a weapon firearm, gun, or pistol. The term was re-popularized by Trippie Redd and 6ix9ine when they released ‘POLES 1469’ in 2017.

What is a despicable person?

: deserving to be despised : so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation despicable behavior.

What does it mean to demean a woman?

To demean someone or something means to make people have less respect for them. Some groups say that pornography demeans women and incites rape.

What is the meaning of patronizing attitude?

: showing or characterized by a superior attitude towards others : marked by condescension patronizing comments No more endearing is his patronizing jocularity …—

Is it correct to say fishes?

The plural of fish is usually fish. When referring to more than one species of fish, especially in a scientific context, you can use fishes as the plural. The zodiac sign Pisces is also often referred to as fishes.

What is Goose plural?

noun. ˈgüs plural geese ˈgēs

What is tooth plural?

1) Tooth is singular, teeth is plural.

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It is gorgeously shot, and Andrew believes that the old school way of making films in the best way. Meaning: you have a story, and you stick to the story. You don’t change and alter the story because of people who’ve invested in it and what to put product in a shot.

Michael Berryman





Stick to is a verb.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.


Definition of stick to in the English dictionary

The first definition of stick to in the dictionary is to adhere or cause to adhere to. Other definition of stick to is to continue constantly at. Stick to is also to remain faithful to.

Synonyms and antonyms of stick to in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «stick to» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of stick to to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of stick to from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «stick to» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

se adhieren a

570 millions of speakers


stick to

510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

के लिए छड़ी

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

عصا ل

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

s´en tenir à

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

berpegang kepada

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

bleiben bei

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

에 충실

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Kelet menyang

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

dính vào

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

அதனுடன் ஒட்டு

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

ला चिकटने

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

attenersi a

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

trzymać się

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

stick la

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

επιμείνουμε σε

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

vashou aan

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

hålla sig till

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

holde seg til

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of stick to


The term «stick to» is very widely used and occupies the 14.426 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «stick to» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of stick to

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «stick to».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «stick to» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «stick to» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about stick to


Famous quotes and sentences with the word stick to.

I constantly make lists and itineraries and then can’t stick to any of them.

I just like music all the way around the board. I can’t stick to one thing — I’ve got to move around.

What the world is saying to us human beings is, ‘Don’t stick to the old ways, learn to think anew.’ And that’s what musicians do every day.

I never like to stick to one media; whether it’s a TV series or feature film, I enjoy it and I like changing constantly.

Partnerships are increasingly seen through the prism of promises and expectations, and as a kind of product for consumers: satisfaction on the spot, and if not fully satisfied, return the product to the shop or replace it with a new and improved one! You don’t, after all, stick to your car, or computer, or iPod, when better ones appear.

If I’m going to try and find something, I stick to the flea markets, or I pull hand-me-downs from my family because I like pieces to have stories.

But I am a lover of all kinds of art. And I just can’t stick to one thing. I guess I could if I made myself, but I’d always be looking the other way, for other things.

I do not love to work out, but if I stick to exercising every day and put the right things in my mouth, then my diabetes just stays in check.

It is gorgeously shot, and Andrew believes that the old school way of making films in the best way. Meaning: you have a story, and you stick to the story. You don’t change and alter the story because of people who’ve invested in it and what to put product in a shot.

I have no regret about making ‘Heroine’; rather, I am happy I made it. I never shun my films; I stick to it.


Discover the use of stick to in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to stick to and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can …

In this book she explores inconsistent decisions played out in a wide range of circumstances—from our roles as consumers and employees (what we buy, how we manage others) to the choices that we make more broadly as human beings (who we …


From Pimp Stick to Pulpit—«It’s Magic»: The Life Story of …

A notorius Chicago pimp—leading a lifestyle of unimaginable wealth— recalls with brutal candor his rise from ghettto to celebrity as leader of Chicago’s Magic World Christion.

Ann Bromfield, Don Juan, Katheryn L. Patterson, 1994


Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Chip Heath and Dan Heath’s Switch.

Chip Heath, Dan Heath, 2007


Gabby’s Stickto-It Day: A Story About Never Giving Up

Our favorite little angel is back with more giggles, more fun, and an important message for little girls—don’t give up when things get hard.

Sheila Walsh, Sheila Walsh, 2012


Stick to the Road! (Disney Pixar/Cars)

Boys ages 3-7 will love this 64-page coloring and activity book featuring Lightning McQueen, Mater, and all the characters from Disney/Pixar Cars and Cars 2. Plus, over 300 super-cool racing stickers are included!


Why Don’t Spiders Stick to Their Webs?: And 317 Other …

Robert Matthews is a visiting lecturer in science at Aston University, in Birmingham, England.


Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!: Cartoonist Explains …

Adams ventures into uncharted territory in this collection of more than 150 short pieces?on everything from lunar real estate to serial killers, not to mention politics, religion, dating, underwear, alien life, and the menace of car singing …

With Making Vision Stick, you’ll learn how to propel you and your organization forward on the vision God has granted you.


In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run …

The «Greatest Business Book of All Time» (Bloomsbury UK), In Search of Excellence has long been a must-have for the boardroom, business school, and bedside table.

Thomas J. Peters, Robert H. Waterman, Jr., 2012


Stick to Your Vision: How to Get Past the Hurdles & Haters …

Praise for Stick to Your Vision and Ves ViIliams “Stick to Your Vision’ and ‘4l6/
905’ were legendary moments in my life, not to mention this man’s career. Those
two songs let me know that it was possible to make a city so far removed feel like
it …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term stick to is used in the context of the following news items.

Amazon’s $39 Fire TV Stick starts shipping today, but new orders …

As expected, Amazon today started shipping its $39 Fire TV Stick to fill preorders. Yet if you preordered the streaming device in the last few days or want to order … «VentureBeat, Nov 14»


« EDUCALINGO. Stick to [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/stick-to>. Apr 2023 ».

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  • 1
    держать слово

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > держать слово

  • 2
    держать (своё) слово

    General subject:

    stick to one’s word

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > держать (своё) слово

  • 3
    сдержать обещание

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сдержать обещание

  • 4

    1. (

    дт.) give* (




    давать обед, ужин — give* dinner, supper

    давать телеграмму () — send* telegram (to); send* wire (to) ; wire () ; () send* cable (to), cable ()

    2. (


    ; ) let* (


    ), allow (

    + to


    давать подзатыльник, в ухо кому-л. — box smb.’s ears, give* smb. a box on the ear(s)

    давать кому-л. слово () — give* smb. the floor

    давать обет чего-л. — vow smth.

    кто дал вам право (+ )? — who gave you the right (+ to )?

    давать сражение () — give* battle (); ( тж.) measure swords (with)

    не давать покоя () — give* no rest (), never leave* in peace ()

    давать начало чему-л. — give* rise to smth.

    давать волю чему-л. — give* vent to smth.

    не давать воли чему-л. — repress smth., control smth.

    давать ход кому-л. — help smb. on; give* smb. a leg-up

    давать повод ( + ) — give* occasion ( + for ); give* cause (for + to )

    давать ключ к чему-л. — furnish the clue to smth.

    давать силы () — give* strength (, to), invigorate ()

    давать перевес () — give* the preponderance (to), turn the balance in favour (of)

    давать себе труд (+ ) — take* the trouble (of , + to )

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > давать

  • 5
    господин своего слова

    one is as good as his word; one sticks to his word

    — Слову вы своему не господин. (А. Куприн, Олеся) — ‘You don’t stick to your word.’

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > господин своего слова

  • 6



    показать язык — (кому-л.) (врачу и т.п.) to show one’s tongue (to a doctor, etc.); ( дразнить) to stick one’s tongue out, to put out one’s tongue (at smb.)

    3) clapper, tongue of a bell


    не сходит с языка, быть у кого-л. на языке — to be always on smb.’s lips

    попадать на язык кому-л. — to fall victim to smb.’s tongue

    тянуть/дергать кого-л. за язык — to make smb. say smth.; to make smb. talk

    у него бойкий язык, он боек на язык — to have a quick/ready tongue, to be quick-tongued

    у него, что на уме, то и на языке — he wears his heart on his sleeve, he cannot keep his thoughts to himself разг.

    язык до Киева доведет — you can get anywhere if you know how to use your tongue; a clever tongue will take you anywhere

    — высунув язык
    — злой язык
    — злые языки
    — лишиться языка
    — острый язык
    — придержать язык
    — прикусить язык
    — развязать язык
    — распустить язык
    — сорвалось с языка
    — точить язык
    — трепать языком
    — чесать язык
    — чесать языком
    — язык проглотишь



    1) language, tongue

    владеть каким-л. языком — to know a language

    владеть каким-л. языком в совершенстве — to have a perfect command of a language

    prisoner for interrogation; identification prisoner; prisoner who will talk




    people, nation

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > язык

  • 7
    за дело





    used as a command or prompting) start working or let us start working:

    (left) get to it < to work>!;

    to work!

    ♦ «Теперь за дело!» — прошептал один сообщник. «Ну нет, — заявила Мари, — я теперь займусь изучением [документов]». Слово это прозвучало торжественно, и все согласились, что без изучения приступить к делу нельзя (Федин 1). «Now to work!» whispered one accomplice. «Oh, no,» announced Marie, «now I shall do some studying.» This word rang out solemnly and all agreed that to get down to work without studying [the documents] was impossible (1a).


    ЗА ДЕЛО(!) наказать, наградить, посадить (в тюрьму) и т.п.


    (to punish, reward, imprison

    etc s.o.

    ) deservedly, in correspondence with


    ‘s deeds:

    s.o. deserves (has earned) sth. <it>;

    for what s.o. did;

    — [in limited contexts] there is a real case against s.o.

    ♦ [Фира:] Слушай, мы узнали — завтра день рождения Анны Сергеевны. [Олег:] Физички? [Фира:] Да, ей исполняется семьдесят лет… Надо срочно в стенгазету вклеить стихи — напиши. [Олег:] Ей? Ни за что! Она мне тройку… закатила. [Фира:] Так за дело!.. Ты же ничего не знал (Розов 2). [Е:] We’ve just heard that tomorrow is Anna Sergeyevna’s birthday. [O.: ] The physics teacher? [F:] Yes, she’ll be seventy….We must have some verses for the wall newspaper. We’ll stick them in somehow. Write something. [O.:] To her? Never! She’s…given me a «fair.» [F:] But you deserved it!… You didn’t know a thing (2a).

    ♦ Он гордился тем, что, в отличие от массы политических заключённых, сидел за дело: написал статью под заголовком «Государство Ленина-Сталина» и давал её читать студентам (Гроссман 2). He was proud of the fact that, unlike the majority of the political prisoners, he was there [in the camp] for a reason: he had written an article entitled «The State of Lenin and Stalin» and distributed it to his students (2a).

    ♦ «Я именно заслуженно пострадал… Словечко-то какое! Заслуженно! Меня посадили за дело» (Битов 2). «I suffered deservedly. What a word! De-serv-edly! They put me away for what I did» (2a).

    ♦ «Случалось, [принц Ольденбургский] поваров палкой бивал, но всегда за дело» (Искандер 3). «Sometimes he [Prince Oldenburgsky] used to beat the cooks with his cane, but always for cause» (3a).

    ♦ «Имейте в виду, в ссылке ни один человек не скажет вам правды: кто сидит за дело — делает вид, что сидит ни за что…» (Рыбаков 2). «Remember this: nobody in exile ever tells the truth-if someone’s here because there was a real case against him, he makes out he’s here for nothing…» (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > за дело

  • 8
    за дело!





    used as a command or prompting) start working or let us start working:

    (left) get to it < to work>!;

    to work!

    ♦ «Теперь за дело!» — прошептал один сообщник. «Ну нет, — заявила Мари, — я теперь займусь изучением [документов]». Слово это прозвучало торжественно, и все согласились, что без изучения приступить к делу нельзя (Федин 1). «Now to work!» whispered one accomplice. «Oh, no,» announced Marie, «now I shall do some studying.» This word rang out solemnly and all agreed that to get down to work without studying [the documents] was impossible (1a).


    ЗА ДЕЛО(!) наказать, наградить, посадить (в тюрьму) и т.п.


    (to punish, reward, imprison

    etc s.o.

    ) deservedly, in correspondence with


    ‘s deeds:

    s.o. deserves (has earned) sth. <it>;

    for what s.o. did;

    — [in limited contexts] there is a real case against s.o.

    ♦ [Фира:] Слушай, мы узнали — завтра день рождения Анны Сергеевны. [Олег:] Физички? [Фира:] Да, ей исполняется семьдесят лет… Надо срочно в стенгазету вклеить стихи — напиши. [Олег:] Ей? Ни за что! Она мне тройку… закатила. [Фира:] Так за дело!.. Ты же ничего не знал (Розов 2). [Е:] We’ve just heard that tomorrow is Anna Sergeyevna’s birthday. [O.: ] The physics teacher? [F:] Yes, she’ll be seventy….We must have some verses for the wall newspaper. We’ll stick them in somehow. Write something. [O.:] To her? Never! She’s…given me a «fair.» [F:] But you deserved it!… You didn’t know a thing (2a).

    ♦ Он гордился тем, что, в отличие от массы политических заключённых, сидел за дело: написал статью под заголовком «Государство Ленина-Сталина» и давал её читать студентам (Гроссман 2). He was proud of the fact that, unlike the majority of the political prisoners, he was there [in the camp] for a reason: he had written an article entitled «The State of Lenin and Stalin» and distributed it to his students (2a).

    ♦ «Я именно заслуженно пострадал… Словечко-то какое! Заслуженно! Меня посадили за дело» (Битов 2). «I suffered deservedly. What a word! De-serv-edly! They put me away for what I did» (2a).

    ♦ «Случалось, [принц Ольденбургский] поваров палкой бивал, но всегда за дело» (Искандер 3). «Sometimes he [Prince Oldenburgsky] used to beat the cooks with his cane, but always for cause» (3a).

    ♦ «Имейте в виду, в ссылке ни один человек не скажет вам правды: кто сидит за дело — делает вид, что сидит ни за что…» (Рыбаков 2). «Remember this: nobody in exile ever tells the truth-if someone’s here because there was a real case against him, he makes out he’s here for nothing…» (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > за дело!

  • 9



    : human

    1. to breathe in deeply, pause to breathe (


    after strenuous physical effort, because one is frightened



    X перевёл дух = X caught (recovered, drew) his breath

    X took (drew) a deep breath
    X got his breath back

    X едва (еле, с трудом, тяжело) переводил дух = X was short (out) of breath

    X was struggling (gasping) for breath
    X was struggling to catch (to get) his breath.

    2. to take a short break, respite

    X перевёл дух — X caught his breath

    X took a breather
    X got his breath (back)
    X came up for air.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-348

  • 10
    перевести дух



    1. to breathe in deeply, pause to breathe (


    after strenuous physical effort, because one is frightened



    X перевёл дух X caught (recovered, drew) his breath;

    X was struggling to catch (to get) his breath.

    ♦ Трудно сказать, чем кончился бы монолог Ярцева, если бы его не прервал дневальный Алимов. Видно, Алимов бежал от самого городка, потому что долго не мог перевести дух, и, приложив руку к пилотке, тяжело дышал, молча глядя на Ярцева (Войнович 2). There’s no telling how Yartsevs monologue would have ended if it hadn’t been interrupted by Alimov, the orderly. Alimov had clearly run the whole distance from camp, for it took him a long time to catch his breath. Panting, frozen in a salute, he looked at Yartsev without saying a single word (2a).

    ♦ Арестованный пошатнулся… перевёл дыхание и ответил хрипло: «Я понял тебя. Не бей меня» (Булгаков 9). The prisoner swayed….He drew his breath and answered hoarsely: «I understand you. Don’t hit me» (9a).

    ♦ Академик Флоринский, прежде чем заговорить, несколько раз кивнул, опёрся посильнее на трость. «Я рад слышать здесь положительный отзыв профессора Авдиева…» Он перевёл дух… и стал диктовать сидящей сзади него стенографистке… (Дудинцев 1). Before he began to speak Academician Florinsky nodded repeatedly and tightened his hold on the stick on which he was leaning. «I am glad to hear Professor Avdiyev’s positive opinion here….» He took a deep breath and began dictating to the stenographer sitting behind him… (1a).

    ♦…Поняв, что тот [Тимур] рано или поздно поймает его кисть своими челюстями, [Кязым] с такой силой вывернул ему руки, что тот, застонав, повалился. Кязым, с трудом переводя дыхание, положил ключ в карман (Искандер 5). Realizing that sooner or later Timur would catch his hand in his jaws, he [Kyazym] wrenched Timur’s arm so hard that he let out a groan and fell. Struggling for breath, Kyazym put the key in his pocket (5a).

    ♦ Через несколько мгновений он [Скороход] обогнал старуху… Вскоре, тяжело дыша, прибежала и старуха. «Молодец, Страусиная Нога, — зло прошипел старший великан, — на таких состязаниях и второе место почётно». — «Я сделала всё, что могла», — сказала старуха, с трудом переводя дыхание (Искандер 5). Не [Highspeed] overtook the old woman in a few instants….Before long the old woman too arrived, panting hard. «WjII done, Ostrich Leg,» the eldest giant hissed spitefully. «In a contest like this even second place is honorable.» «I did all I could,» the old woman said, struggling to get her breath (5a).

    2. to take a short break, respite:

    X came up for air.

    ♦ Точно демонстрируя на собственном примере возможности новой динамики, Маринетти двоился, выбрасывая в стороны руки, ноги, ударяя кулаком по пюпитру, мотая головой, сверкая белками, скаля зубы, глотая воду стакан за стаканом, не останавливаясь ни на секунду, чтобы перевести дыхание (Лившиц 1). As if demonstrating the potential of the new dynamics by his own example, Marinetti split into two, throwing out his legs and arms in all directions, banging his fist on the desk, reeling about, showing the whites of his eyes, baring his teeth, swallowing glass after glass of water and not stopping for a moment to get his breath back (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > перевести дух

  • 11
    перевести дыхание



    1. to breathe in deeply, pause to breathe (


    after strenuous physical effort, because one is frightened



    X перевёл дух X caught (recovered, drew) his breath;

    X was struggling to catch (to get) his breath.

    ♦ Трудно сказать, чем кончился бы монолог Ярцева, если бы его не прервал дневальный Алимов. Видно, Алимов бежал от самого городка, потому что долго не мог перевести дух, и, приложив руку к пилотке, тяжело дышал, молча глядя на Ярцева (Войнович 2). There’s no telling how Yartsevs monologue would have ended if it hadn’t been interrupted by Alimov, the orderly. Alimov had clearly run the whole distance from camp, for it took him a long time to catch his breath. Panting, frozen in a salute, he looked at Yartsev without saying a single word (2a).

    ♦ Арестованный пошатнулся… перевёл дыхание и ответил хрипло: «Я понял тебя. Не бей меня» (Булгаков 9). The prisoner swayed….He drew his breath and answered hoarsely: «I understand you. Don’t hit me» (9a).

    ♦ Академик Флоринский, прежде чем заговорить, несколько раз кивнул, опёрся посильнее на трость. «Я рад слышать здесь положительный отзыв профессора Авдиева…» Он перевёл дух… и стал диктовать сидящей сзади него стенографистке… (Дудинцев 1). Before he began to speak Academician Florinsky nodded repeatedly and tightened his hold on the stick on which he was leaning. «I am glad to hear Professor Avdiyev’s positive opinion here….» He took a deep breath and began dictating to the stenographer sitting behind him… (1a).

    ♦…Поняв, что тот [Тимур] рано или поздно поймает его кисть своими челюстями, [Кязым] с такой силой вывернул ему руки, что тот, застонав, повалился. Кязым, с трудом переводя дыхание, положил ключ в карман (Искандер 5). Realizing that sooner or later Timur would catch his hand in his jaws, he [Kyazym] wrenched Timur’s arm so hard that he let out a groan and fell. Struggling for breath, Kyazym put the key in his pocket (5a).

    ♦ Через несколько мгновений он [Скороход] обогнал старуху… Вскоре, тяжело дыша, прибежала и старуха. «Молодец, Страусиная Нога, — зло прошипел старший великан, — на таких состязаниях и второе место почётно». — «Я сделала всё, что могла», — сказала старуха, с трудом переводя дыхание (Искандер 5). Не [Highspeed] overtook the old woman in a few instants….Before long the old woman too arrived, panting hard. «WjII done, Ostrich Leg,» the eldest giant hissed spitefully. «In a contest like this even second place is honorable.» «I did all I could,» the old woman said, struggling to get her breath (5a).

    2. to take a short break, respite:

    X came up for air.

    ♦ Точно демонстрируя на собственном примере возможности новой динамики, Маринетти двоился, выбрасывая в стороны руки, ноги, ударяя кулаком по пюпитру, мотая головой, сверкая белками, скаля зубы, глотая воду стакан за стаканом, не останавливаясь ни на секунду, чтобы перевести дыхание (Лившиц 1). As if demonstrating the potential of the new dynamics by his own example, Marinetti split into two, throwing out his legs and arms in all directions, banging his fist on the desk, reeling about, showing the whites of his eyes, baring his teeth, swallowing glass after glass of water and not stopping for a moment to get his breath back (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > перевести дыхание

  • 12
    переводить дух



    1. to breathe in deeply, pause to breathe (


    after strenuous physical effort, because one is frightened



    X перевёл дух X caught (recovered, drew) his breath;

    X was struggling to catch (to get) his breath.

    ♦ Трудно сказать, чем кончился бы монолог Ярцева, если бы его не прервал дневальный Алимов. Видно, Алимов бежал от самого городка, потому что долго не мог перевести дух, и, приложив руку к пилотке, тяжело дышал, молча глядя на Ярцева (Войнович 2). There’s no telling how Yartsevs monologue would have ended if it hadn’t been interrupted by Alimov, the orderly. Alimov had clearly run the whole distance from camp, for it took him a long time to catch his breath. Panting, frozen in a salute, he looked at Yartsev without saying a single word (2a).

    ♦ Арестованный пошатнулся… перевёл дыхание и ответил хрипло: «Я понял тебя. Не бей меня» (Булгаков 9). The prisoner swayed….He drew his breath and answered hoarsely: «I understand you. Don’t hit me» (9a).

    ♦ Академик Флоринский, прежде чем заговорить, несколько раз кивнул, опёрся посильнее на трость. «Я рад слышать здесь положительный отзыв профессора Авдиева…» Он перевёл дух… и стал диктовать сидящей сзади него стенографистке… (Дудинцев 1). Before he began to speak Academician Florinsky nodded repeatedly and tightened his hold on the stick on which he was leaning. «I am glad to hear Professor Avdiyev’s positive opinion here….» He took a deep breath and began dictating to the stenographer sitting behind him… (1a).

    ♦…Поняв, что тот [Тимур] рано или поздно поймает его кисть своими челюстями, [Кязым] с такой силой вывернул ему руки, что тот, застонав, повалился. Кязым, с трудом переводя дыхание, положил ключ в карман (Искандер 5). Realizing that sooner or later Timur would catch his hand in his jaws, he [Kyazym] wrenched Timur’s arm so hard that he let out a groan and fell. Struggling for breath, Kyazym put the key in his pocket (5a).

    ♦ Через несколько мгновений он [Скороход] обогнал старуху… Вскоре, тяжело дыша, прибежала и старуха. «Молодец, Страусиная Нога, — зло прошипел старший великан, — на таких состязаниях и второе место почётно». — «Я сделала всё, что могла», — сказала старуха, с трудом переводя дыхание (Искандер 5). Не [Highspeed] overtook the old woman in a few instants….Before long the old woman too arrived, panting hard. «WjII done, Ostrich Leg,» the eldest giant hissed spitefully. «In a contest like this even second place is honorable.» «I did all I could,» the old woman said, struggling to get her breath (5a).

    2. to take a short break, respite:

    X came up for air.

    ♦ Точно демонстрируя на собственном примере возможности новой динамики, Маринетти двоился, выбрасывая в стороны руки, ноги, ударяя кулаком по пюпитру, мотая головой, сверкая белками, скаля зубы, глотая воду стакан за стаканом, не останавливаясь ни на секунду, чтобы перевести дыхание (Лившиц 1). As if demonstrating the potential of the new dynamics by his own example, Marinetti split into two, throwing out his legs and arms in all directions, banging his fist on the desk, reeling about, showing the whites of his eyes, baring his teeth, swallowing glass after glass of water and not stopping for a moment to get his breath back (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > переводить дух

  • 13
    переводить дыхание



    1. to breathe in deeply, pause to breathe (


    after strenuous physical effort, because one is frightened



    X перевёл дух X caught (recovered, drew) his breath;

    X was struggling to catch (to get) his breath.

    ♦ Трудно сказать, чем кончился бы монолог Ярцева, если бы его не прервал дневальный Алимов. Видно, Алимов бежал от самого городка, потому что долго не мог перевести дух, и, приложив руку к пилотке, тяжело дышал, молча глядя на Ярцева (Войнович 2). There’s no telling how Yartsevs monologue would have ended if it hadn’t been interrupted by Alimov, the orderly. Alimov had clearly run the whole distance from camp, for it took him a long time to catch his breath. Panting, frozen in a salute, he looked at Yartsev without saying a single word (2a).

    ♦ Арестованный пошатнулся… перевёл дыхание и ответил хрипло: «Я понял тебя. Не бей меня» (Булгаков 9). The prisoner swayed….He drew his breath and answered hoarsely: «I understand you. Don’t hit me» (9a).

    ♦ Академик Флоринский, прежде чем заговорить, несколько раз кивнул, опёрся посильнее на трость. «Я рад слышать здесь положительный отзыв профессора Авдиева…» Он перевёл дух… и стал диктовать сидящей сзади него стенографистке… (Дудинцев 1). Before he began to speak Academician Florinsky nodded repeatedly and tightened his hold on the stick on which he was leaning. «I am glad to hear Professor Avdiyev’s positive opinion here….» He took a deep breath and began dictating to the stenographer sitting behind him… (1a).

    ♦…Поняв, что тот [Тимур] рано или поздно поймает его кисть своими челюстями, [Кязым] с такой силой вывернул ему руки, что тот, застонав, повалился. Кязым, с трудом переводя дыхание, положил ключ в карман (Искандер 5). Realizing that sooner or later Timur would catch his hand in his jaws, he [Kyazym] wrenched Timur’s arm so hard that he let out a groan and fell. Struggling for breath, Kyazym put the key in his pocket (5a).

    ♦ Через несколько мгновений он [Скороход] обогнал старуху… Вскоре, тяжело дыша, прибежала и старуха. «Молодец, Страусиная Нога, — зло прошипел старший великан, — на таких состязаниях и второе место почётно». — «Я сделала всё, что могла», — сказала старуха, с трудом переводя дыхание (Искандер 5). Не [Highspeed] overtook the old woman in a few instants….Before long the old woman too arrived, panting hard. «WjII done, Ostrich Leg,» the eldest giant hissed spitefully. «In a contest like this even second place is honorable.» «I did all I could,» the old woman said, struggling to get her breath (5a).

    2. to take a short break, respite:

    X came up for air.

    ♦ Точно демонстрируя на собственном примере возможности новой динамики, Маринетти двоился, выбрасывая в стороны руки, ноги, ударяя кулаком по пюпитру, мотая головой, сверкая белками, скаля зубы, глотая воду стакан за стаканом, не останавливаясь ни на секунду, чтобы перевести дыхание (Лившиц 1). As if demonstrating the potential of the new dynamics by his own example, Marinetti split into two, throwing out his legs and arms in all directions, banging his fist on the desk, reeling about, showing the whites of his eyes, baring his teeth, swallowing glass after glass of water and not stopping for a moment to get his breath back (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > переводить дыхание

  • 14

    — лезть;


    — полезть


    climb (up, on to)


    clamber, crawl (through, into, under)


    get (into); thrust the hand (into)


    thrust oneself (upon); intrude (upon)


    meddle (in, with)


    12) come to pieces


    лезть кому-л. в душу разг. — to worm oneself into smb.’s confidence

    не лезть за словом в карман разг. — to have a ready tongue, not to be at a loss for a word, to have a way with words

    — лезть в петлю
    — лезть на глаза
    — лезть на стену

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > лезть

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  • One Song to the Tune of Another — was the first game played on the BBC Radio 4 comedy panel game I m Sorry I Haven t a Clue and is still almost always played every other episode. It consists of panellists singing the lyrics of one song to the tune of another song, accompanied on… …   Wikipedia

  • stick — I UK [stɪk] / US verb Word forms stick : present tense I/you/we/they stick he/she/it sticks present participle sticking past tense stuck UK [stʌk] / US past participle stuck *** 1) [transitive] to push something long and thin into or through… …   English dictionary

  • stick — stick1 W3S3 [stık] v past tense and past participle stuck [stʌk] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(attach)¦ 2¦(push in)¦ 3¦(put)¦ 4¦(move part of body)¦ 5¦(difficult to move)¦ 6 stick in somebody s mind 7 make something stick 8¦(name)¦ 9 somebody c …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Word processor — OpenOffice.org Writer in Version 3.2 …   Wikipedia

  • word — [[t]wɜ͟ː(r)d[/t]] ♦ words, wording, worded 1) N COUNT A word is a single unit of language that can be represented in writing or speech. In English, a word has a space on either side of it when it is written. The words stood out clearly on the… …   English dictionary

  • stick to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms stick to : present tense I/you/we/they stick to he/she/it sticks to present participle sticking to past tense stuck to past participle stuck to 1) stick to something to do something that you promised or… …   English dictionary

  • word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable …   Collocations dictionary

  • stick to — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you stick to something or someone when you are travelling, you stay close to them. [V P n] There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops… [V P n] Stick to well lit roads. 2) PHRASAL VERB If you… …   English dictionary

  • stick out — phrasal verb Word forms stick out : present tense I/you/we/they stick out he/she/it sticks out present participle sticking out past tense stuck out past participle stuck out 1) [intransitive] to continue further than the end of a surface or the… …   English dictionary

    • See Also:
      • stichometry
      • stichomythia
      • stick
      • stick around
      • stick by
      • stick figure
      • stick insect
      • stick out
      • stick shift
      • Stick Style
      • stick to
      • stick-at-it-ive
      • stick-built
      • stick-in-the-mud
      • stick-on
      • stick-to-it-ive
      • stick-up
      • stickball
      • sticker
      • sticker price
      • sticker shock
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Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

stick to vb (preposition, mainly intr)

  1. (also tr) to adhere or cause to adhere to
  2. to continue constantly at
  3. to remain faithful to
  4. not to move or digress from: the speaker stuck closely to his subject
  5. stick to someone’s fingersinformal to be stolen by someone

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

stick1 /stɪk/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. Botanya branch of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off.
  2. a long, slender piece of wood, for use as fuel, in carpentry, as a wand, rod, etc.
  3. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a walking stick or cane.
  4. a long, slender piece or part of anything:a stick of celery.
  5. Sportan implement used to strike and drive a ball or puck, as a hockey stick.
  6. Informal Terms the sticks, [plural],any region or place distant from cities or towns;
    the country:He thought a move to the sticks would relax him.

stick2 /stɪk/USA pronunciation  
v., stuck/stʌk/USA pronunciation  stick•ing, n. 
v. [+ object]

  1. to pierce or puncture with something pointed;
    stab:He stuck the watermelon with a knife.
  2. to thrust or push (something pointed) in, into, through, etc.:[+ object]stuck pins into the pincushion.
  3. to (cause to) be fastened in position by pushing a point or end into something: [+ object]to stick a peg in a pegboard.[no object]The arrow stuck in the tree.
  4. to fasten in position by or as if by something thrust through:[+ object]to stick a painting on the wall.
  5. to put on or hold with something pointed;
    impale:[+ object]to stick a marshmallow on a fork.
  6. to thrust or poke into a place indicated: [+ object]The dog liked to stick his head out the car window.[no object]The dog’s head stuck out the car window.
  7. to place or set in a specified position;
    put:[+ object]Stick the chair in the corner.
  8. to (cause to) be fastened or attached;
    adhere: [+ object]to stick a stamp on a letter.[no object* (~ + to + object)]The stamp won’t stick to the letter.
  9. to be unable to move:[no object]As soon as I put on my pants, the zipper stuck.
  10. [Informal.]to force (someone) to accept something disagreeable, such as a difficult task:[+ object + with + object]I got stuck with the job of handling all the customer complaints.
  11. to remain, esp. for a long time or permanently;
    persist:[no object]a fact that sticks in the mind.
  12. stick around, [no object][Informal.]to wait in the same place or nearby;
    linger:Stick around; I’ll be right back.
  13. stick by or to, [+ by/to + object] to remain loyal, esp. during difficulties:Her husband stuck by her, even in times when she didn’t have a job.
  14. stick out:
    to (cause to) be pushed out;
    extend out: [no object]His ears stuck out.[+ object + out]She stuck her tongue out at the teacher.[+ out + object]She stuck out her tongue at the teacher.
    [no object] to be easily noticed, as by being unusual:She sticks out in a crowd, perhaps because of her purple hair.See stick it out below.

  15. stick to, [+ to + object]
    • to remain firm in one’s opinion, in keeping to one’s task, etc.:He stuck to it and eventually finished the job.
    • Also, stick with. to continue with something and not turn away in a new direction:Stick to your original plans.

  16. stick together:
    • to (cause to) be fastened or attached;
      adhere: [no object]After you glue them the pieces will stick together.[+ object + together]He stuck the pieces together with glue.
    • [no object] to stay loyal to one another:The two former Army buddies stuck together after the war.

  17. stick up, [+ up + object][Informal.]to rob, esp. with a gun:They stuck up a bank and shot two guards.
  18. stick up for, [+ up + for + object] to speak in favor of;
    support:He always stuck up for his sister when people insulted her.

n. [countable]

  1. an act of pushing or thrusting with a pointed instrument;
    a stab:a stick in the ribs.


  1. Idioms stick it out, [no object] to endure something patiently to the end;
    persevere:Finishing college seemed to take forever, but he stuck it out and got his diploma.
  2. Idioms stick to the or one’s ribs, to be substantial, filling, and nourishing, as a hearty meal:This stew will stick to your ribs.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(stik),USA pronunciation n., v., sticked, stick•ing. 

  1. Botanya branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off.
  2. a relatively long and slender piece of wood.
  3. a long piece of wood for use as fuel, in carpentry, etc.
  4. a rod or wand.
  5. a baton.
  6. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a walking stick or cane.
  7. a club or cudgel.
  8. something that serves to goad or coerce:The threat of unemployment was the stick that kept the workers toiling overtime.Cf. carrot (def. 3).
  9. a long, slender piece or part of anything:a stick of candy; sticks of celery.
  10. any of four equal parts in a pound of butter or margarine.
  11. Sportan implement used to drive or propel a ball or puck, as a crosse or a hockey stick.
  12. Aeronauticsa lever, usually with a handle, by which the longitudinal and lateral motions of an airplane are controlled.
  13. Nautical, Naval Termsa mast or spar.
  14. PrintingSee composing stick. 
  15. Informal Terms the sticks, any region distant from cities or towns, as rural districts;
    the country:Having lived in a large city all his life, he found it hard to adjust to the sticks.
  16. [Mil.]
    • Militarya group of bombs so arranged as to be released in a row across a target.
    • Militarythe bomb load.

  17. Informal Terms, AutomotiveSee stick shift. 
  18. Slang Termsa marijuana cigarette.
  19. Informal Termsan unenthusiastic or uninteresting person.
  20. Informal Termsa portion of liquor, as brandy, added to a nonalcoholic drink.
  21. Slang Terms short or dirty end of the stick, the least desirable assignment, decision, or part of an arrangement.


  1. to furnish (a plant, vine, etc.) with a stick or sticks in order to prop or support.
  2. Printingto set (type) in a composing stick.
  • bef. 1000; Middle English stikke, Old English sticca; akin to Old High German stehho, Old Norse stik stick; akin to stick2

stickless, adj. 
sticklike′, adj. 

(stik),USA pronunciation v., stuck, stick•ing, n. 

  1. to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear;
    stab:to stick one’s finger with a needle.
  2. to kill by this means:to stick a pig.
  3. to thrust (something pointed) in, into, through, etc.:to stick a needle into a pincushion.
  4. to fasten in position by thrusting a point or end into something:to stick a peg in a pegboard.
  5. to fasten in position by or as if by something thrust through:to stick a painting on the wall.
  6. to put on or hold with something pointed;
    impale:to stick a marshmallow on a fork.
  7. to decorate or furnish with things piercing the surface:to stick a cushion full of pins.
  8. to furnish or adorn with things attached or set here and there:to stick shelves full of knickknacks.
  9. to place upon a stick or pin for exhibit:to stick butterflies.
  10. to thrust or poke into a place or position indicated:to stick one’s head out of the window.
  11. to place or set in a specified position;
    put:Stick the chair in the corner.
  12. to fasten or attach by causing to adhere:to stick a stamp on a letter.
  13. to bring to a standstill;
    render unable to proceed or go back (usually used in the passive):The car was stuck in the mud.
  14. [Carpentry.]to start (a nail).
  15. [Ceram.]to join (pieces of partially hardened clay) together, using slip as an adhesive.
  16. [Chiefly Brit. Informal.]to tolerate;
    endure:He couldn’t stick the job more than three days.
  17. to confuse or puzzle;
    nonplus:He was stuck by the very first problem on the test.
  18. [Informal.]to impose something disagreeable upon (a person or persons), as a large bill or a difficult task:The committee persistently stuck him with fund collection.
  19. [Informal.]to cheat.
  20. [Slang](often vulgar). to go to hell with: often used imperatively.


  1. to have the point piercing or embedded in something:The arrow stuck in the tree.
  2. to remain attached by adhesion.
  3. to hold, cleave, or cling:The young rider stuck to the back of his terrified horse.
  4. to remain persistently or permanently:a fact that sticks in the mind.
  5. to remain firm, as in resolution, opinion, statement, or attachment;
    hold faithfully, as to a promise or bargain.
  6. to keep or remain steadily or unremittingly, as to a task, undertaking, or the like:to stick to a job until it is finished.
  7. to become fastened, hindered, checked, or stationary by some obstruction:Her zipper stuck halfway up.
  8. to be at a standstill, as from difficulties:I’m stuck on this problem.
  9. to be embarrassed or puzzled;
    hesitate or scruple (usually fol. by at).
  10. to be thrust or placed so as to extend, project, or protrude (usually fol. by through, from, out, up, etc.).
  11. stick around, [Informal.]to wait in the vicinity;
    linger:If you had stuck around, you’d have seen the fireworks.
  12. stick by or to, to maintain one’s attachment or loyalty to;
    remain faithful to:They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened.
  13. stick it, [Slang](often vulgar). See shove 1 (def. 5).
  14. stick it to (someone), [Slang.]to take advantage of;
    treat unfairly.
  15. stick it out, to endure something patiently to the end or its completion:It was a long, dusty trip but we stuck it out.
  16. stick it up your or one’s ass, [Slang](vulgar). See shove 1 (def. 6).
  17. stick one’s neck out. See neck (def. 20).
  18. stick out, to extend;
    protrude:Stick out your tongue. Your shirttail is sticking out.
  19. stick to one’s guns. See gun 1 (def. 11).
  20. stick to the or one’s ribs, to be substantial and nourishing, as a hearty meal:Hot cereal sticks to your ribs on those cold winter mornings.
  21. stick up, [Informal.]to rob, esp. at gunpoint:A lone gunman stuck up the gas station.
  22. stick up for, to speak in favor of;
    come to the defense of;
    support:She always sticks up for him, even though he doesn’t deserve it.


  1. a thrust with a pointed instrument;
  2. a stoppage or standstill.
  3. something causing delay or difficulty.
  4. the quality of adhering or of causing things to adhere.
  5. something causing adhesion.
  • bef. 900; Middle English stiken, Old English stician to pierce, thrust; akin to German stechen to sting, Latin -stīg- in instīgāre (see instigate), Greek stízein (see stigma)

sticka•ble, adj. 
stick′a•bili•ty n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged penetrate, spear.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged transfix.
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged pin.
    • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged glue, cement, paste.
    • 22.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Stick, adhere, cohere mean to cling to or be tightly attached to something.
      Adhere implies that one kind of material clings tenaciously to another; cohere adds the idea that a thing is attracted to and held by something like itself:Particles of sealing wax cohere and form a mass that will adhere to tin.Stick, a more colloquial and general term, is used particularly when a third kind of material is involved:A gummed label will stick to a package.
    • 29.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stickle, waver, doubt.

stick to‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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