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verb (used with object), ad·vised, ad·vis·ing.
to give counsel to; offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following: I advise you to be cautious.
to recommend as desirable, wise, prudent, etc.: He advised secrecy for the sake of national security.
to give (a person, group, etc.) information or notice (often followed by of): The investors were advised of the risk. They advised him that this was their final notice.
verb (used without object), ad·vised, ad·vis·ing.
to take counsel; consult (usually followed by with): I shall advise with my friends.
to offer counsel; give advice or recommend particular actions, conduct, etc.: I shall act as you advise.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of advise
First recorded in 1275–1325; late Middle English; replacing Middle English avisen, from Anglo-French, Old French aviser, verbal derivative of avis “opinion” (from a vis; see advice)
pre·ad·vise, verb (used with object), pre·ad·vised, pre·ad·vis·ing.re·ad·vise, verb, re·ad·vised, re·ad·vis·ing.
advice, advise
Words nearby advise
advice and consent, advice boat, advice note, Advil, advisable, advise, advised, advisedly, advisee, advisement, adviser
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What’s the difference between advise and advice?
Advise is a verb that means to give advice—guidance about what someone should do.
Despite their very similar spelling, advice and advise are pronounced differently. Advise rhymes with prize, while advice rhymes with ice.
Because the two words are so closely related, they are often used in the same contexts, so the challenge is simply to remember which spelling to use for the noun and which spelling to use for the verb.
Our advice? Remember that, unlike advise, advice never gets an s, even at the end (advice is a mass noun, so it’s never pluralized as advices).
Here’s an example of advise and advice used correctly in a sentence.
Example: I advise you to get some professional financial advice before you start a business.
Want to learn more? Read the full breakdown of the difference between advise and advice.
Quiz yourself on advise vs. advice!
Should advise or advice be used in the following sentence?
If you want my _____, just ask.
Words related to advise
admonish, caution, charge, commend, direct, encourage, instruct, point out, prepare, recommend, suggest, urge, warn, apprise, inform, notify, tell, advocate, counsel, dissuade
How to use advise in a sentence
I am working on getting the group that you advised we needed.
Faced with this possibility, parents of infants are advised to socially isolate.
Claus Aranha, who studies evolutionary computation at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, advised three entrants to the competition.
The attorney, Kathleen Duffield, who advised HHS on issues of fraud, waste and abuse, declined to comment.
This document is thus of no value whatsoever and we advise you not to rely on it for any purpose.
This is where Schwarz comes in: to quell concerns, advise about procedures, and follow up with loved ones.
It warns: “We do not advise you to take this walk after dark.”
We need physicians and food-and-drug regulators to advise us, up to a point.
“I would advise any candidate to assess their viability and not just do a token run,” said Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster.
I asked Rosser if she would advise a male loved one to refrain from sex if his partner disclosed she had HPV.
When Grandfather Mole overheard Mrs. Robin making such a remark he would quite likely advise her to «try a smaller one.»
They shall plan how this may be done with due propriety, and shall advise us of their action.
Please advise the surrender as soon as possible in order to give due and solemn publicity to the event.
Yet he neither wishes the auditors to counsel or advise or influence him, nor that a word be said about his actions.
Woman-like, she could advise and help to the end, but the meanness of the means revolted.
British Dictionary definitions for advise
verb (when tr, may take a clause as object or an infinitive)
to offer advice (to a person or persons); counselhe advised the king; to advise caution; he advised her to leave
(tr sometimes foll by of) formal to inform or notify
(intr foll by with) mainly US or obsolete to consult or discuss
Word Origin for advise
C14: via Old French from Vulgar Latin advīsāre (unattested) to consider, from Latin ad- to + visāre (unattested), from vīsere to view, from vidēre to see
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Need synonyms for give advice? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
To offer advice to
To recommend (a course of action)
To offer advice to
give counsel
give counselling
give direction
give guidance
give directions
give hints
give instruction
give pointers
give someone tips
make recommendations
offer opinions
offer suggestions
show the ropes
clue in
catch up
wise up
give lessons
fill in
give instruction to
give instructions
give advice to
break in
give lessons to
give counsel to
give counselling to
give direction to
din something into
give information to
make suggestions to
make recommendations to
put someone through their paces
give the facts
be responsible for the education of
point out
explain things to
show the way to
equip with
pound into
polish up
open eyes
improve mind
give a grounding in
teach school
drum into
call on
give orders to
boss around
give orders
keep posted
more ❯
To recommend (a course of action)
give direction to
give guidance to
give pointer
tip off
give two cents
wise up
give one’s opinion to
give one’s suggestions to
argue for
push for
speak for
press for
be in favor of
vouch for
be all for
speak favorably of
speak in favor of
go on record for
beat the drum for
appeal to
egg on
try to persuade
subscribe to
strongly recommend
speak in favour of
put forward
insist on
forcefully suggest
recommend forcefully
offer a suggestion
pull one’s coat
give the lowdown on
give the high sign
give a tip
put on to
put in two cents
stump for
root for
lobby for
campaign for
call for
offer recommendation
call on
lean on
use pressure on
put pressure on
call upon
stand up for
approve of
contribute to
side with
work for
think well of
care for
look on with favor
be in favour of
receive favorably
flash on
give the nod to
take a shine to
be on one’s side
regard highly
take to
buck for
thumbs up
tilt toward
look up to
receive gladly
take a liking to
speak in support of
stand for
plump for
plead for
plunk for
go for
go with
go to bat for
run interference for
brace up
campaign on behalf of
spread around
build up
say so
hold with
give a leg up
be in corner
hold a brief for
give a lift
ride shotgun
get on bandwagon
lend a hand
cooperate with
collude with
connive with
collaborate with
work with
look on with favour
go along with
prop up
be in collusion with
participate in
connive at
give a push to
put up to
back up
be hand in glove with
help in
get behind
aid in
more ❯
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See Also
Sentences with the word give advice
Words that rhyme with give advice
What is the past tense of give advice?
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Nearby Words
give advice to
give a face-lift
give a facelift to
give a false account of
give a false colour to
give a false idea of
give advance warning
give advance notice of
give advance notice
give advancement to
give advancement
give a drubbing to
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Other forms: advised; advising; advises
To advise someone is to give them advice, or counsel. If you live in Iceland and a friend visiting you from Hawaii asks what he should pack, advise him to bring warm clothes and snow boots.
Advise comes from a Latin word for vision. We want people to advise us if we think they can see the whole picture better than we can. For this reason, we often seek the advice of trained people. Financial advisors advise their clients on which funds to invest in. Legal advisors advise their clients on the law. To advise can also be to give notice. You should advise your boss of your decision to quit at least two weeks in advance.
Definitions of advise
counsel, rede
see moresee less-
- show 12 types…
- hide 12 types…
exhort, press, urge, urge on
force or impel in an indicated direction
deter, dissuade
turn away from by persuasion
admonish, discourage, monish, warn
admonish or counsel in terms of someone’s behavior
tip, tip off
give insider information or advise to
misadvise, misguide
give bad advice to
put forward, as of an idea
advise professionally
make a treatment inadvisable
hurry, rush
urge to an unnatural speed
bear on, push
press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action
talk out of
persuade someone not to do something
advocate, preach
speak, plead, or argue in favor of
type of:
discuss, hash out, talk over
speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion
inform (somebody) of something
advised him that the rent was due”-
apprise, apprize, give notice, notify, send word
make a proposal, declare a plan for something
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘advise’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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give (legal) advice
дать консультацию
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give (legal) advice
Big English-French dictionary > advice
give advice
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > give advice
— advisable
— advisability
— adviser
— advisor
— advisory
to take/follow somebody’s advice seguir el consejo de alguien
, recomendación
advice on o about something: I’d like some advice on these contracts quisiera que se me aconsejara or se me asesorara sobre estos contratos; to give somebody advice aconsejar a alguien; to seek medical advice consultar a un médico; to take o follow somebody’s advice seguir* los consejos de alguien; take my advice — hazme caso
• he did it against the advice of friends — lo hizo en contra de lo que le aconsejaron sus amigos
• to follow sb’s advice — seguir el consejo or los consejos de algn
• let me give you some advice — permíteme que te dé un consejo, permíteme que te aconseje
• if you want my advice… — si quieres (seguir) mi consejo…
• I need your advice — necesito que me aconsejes
• on the advice of sb — siguiendo el consejo or los consejos de algn
• a piece of advice — un consejo
• to take sb’s advice — seguir el consejo or los consejos de algn, hacer caso a algn
• when I want your advice I’ll ask for it — cuando quiera que me aconsejes te lo pediré, cuando quiera tu consejo te lo pediré
• you need expert advice — necesitas el asesoramiento de un experto, necesitas hacerte asesorar por un experto
• the tourist office will give us advice on places to visit — la oficina de turismo nos asesorará sobre qué lugares visitar
• to seek sb’s advice — consultar a algn, hacerse asesorar por algn
to seek professional/medical advice — consultar a or hacerse asesorar por un profesional/médico
• to take legal advice — consultar a un abogado, asesorarse con un abogado
3) (Comm) aviso , notificación
advice columnist N — redactor(a) / f de consultorio; redactor(a) / f de consultorio sentimental
* * *
advice on o about something: I’d like some advice on these contracts quisiera que se me aconsejara or se me asesorara sobre estos contratos; to give somebody advice aconsejar a alguien; to seek medical advice consultar a un médico; to take o follow somebody’s advice seguir* los consejos de alguien; take my advice — hazme caso
English-spanish dictionary > advice
mama-mtu nasaha hazikumwisha midomoni [Moh], lakini nasaha hazikumwombea Rehema [Sul]
(s)he wanted his/her mother to accept the advice of being taken to the hospital
alitaka mamaake aridhi shauri la kupelekwa hospitali [Moh], mpeleke huyu mwanamke kwa wazee wa ‘Mashauri’ [Ng]
ask for advice
-taka shauri
ask for advice
-taka shauri
give advice
give each other good advice
give good advice
good advice
good advice
good advice
good advice
good advice
good advice
good advice (piece of)
good advice (piece of)
one who can be relied on to give good advice
English-Swahili dictionary > advice
(informal) consiglio
, consigli (on, about su, riguardo a)
a word o piece of advice un consiglio; to give sb. advice dare consigli a qcn.; to take o follow sb.’s advice seguire i consigli di qcn.; to do sth. on sb.’s advice fare qcs. su consiglio di qcn.; it was good advice era un buon consiglio; if you want my advice — se vuoi la mia opinione
to seek legal, medical advice — chiedere il parere di o consultare un avvocato, un medico
* * *
— advisable
— advisability
— adviser
— advisor
— advisory
* * *
(informal) consiglio
, consigli (on, about su, riguardo a)
a word o piece of advice un consiglio; to give sb. advice dare consigli a qcn.; to take o follow sb.’s advice seguire i consigli di qcn.; to do sth. on sb.’s advice fare qcs. su consiglio di qcn.; it was good advice era un buon consiglio; if you want my advice — se vuoi la mia opinione
to seek legal, medical advice — chiedere il parere di o consultare un avvocato, un medico
English-Italian dictionary > advice
խորհուրդ, խորհրդատ վություն. sincere/timely advice անկեղծ/ժամանակին խորհուրդ. a piece/bit/word of advice խորհուրդ. get/re ceive smb’s advice մեկից խորհուրդ ստանալ. ask smb’s advice խորհրդակցել մեկի հետ. take/follow smb’s advice խորհրդին հետևել/լսել. act on advice խորհրդով գործել/շարժվել. reject advice խոր հուրդը մերժել. legal advice իրա վախորհրդա տ վ ություն. on smb’s advice մեկի խորհրդով. give/offer advice խորհուրդներ տալ. act on medical advice հետևել բժշկի խորհրդին.
advice note ծանուցում, ավիզո. letter of advice հանձնարարական նամակ
English-Armenian dictionary > advice
(a) donner; donner, offrir;
∎ I gave him the book, I gave the book to him je lui ai donné le livre;
∎ literary to give oneself to sb se donner à qn;
∎ I give you the newlyweds! je lève mon verre au bonheur des nouveaux mariés!;
∎ familiar give it all you’ve got! mets-y le paquet!;
∎ familiar I’ll give you something to cry about! je vais te donner une bonne raison de pleurer, moi!;
∎ familiar to give it to sb rosser qn; passer un savon à qn;
∎ give it to them! allez-y!;
∎ familiar I gave him what for! je lui ai passé un savon!;
∎ familiar caviare on toast? I’ll give him caviare on toast! du caviar et des toasts! je vais lui en donner, moi, du caviar et des toasts!
(b) donner;
∎ Law the court gave her custody of the child la cour lui a accordé la garde de l’enfant;
(c) donner, offrir; donner; prêter;
∎ give our guests something to eat/drink donnez à manger/à boire à nos invités;
∎ we gave them lunch nous les avons invités ou nous leur avons fait à déjeuner;
∎ the children can wash up, it will give them something to do les enfants peuvent faire la vaisselle, ça les occupera;
∎ to give sb/sth one’s support soutenir qn/qch;
∎ do you give a discount? faites-vous des tarifs préférentiels?;
∎ just give me time! sois patient!;
∎ give me a chance! donne-moi une chance!;
∎ familiar give me classical music any day! à mon avis rien ne vaut la musique classique!□
(a) conférer;
∎ can you give me a few minutes? pouvez-vous m’accorder ou me consacrer quelques instants?;
∎ how much will you give me for it? combien m’en donneras-tu?;
∎ I would give a lot or a great deal to know… je donnerais beaucoup pour savoir…
(a) donner, causer; donner; faire;
(b) imposer; infliger;
∎ Law he was given (a sentence of) fifteen years il a été condamné à quinze ans de prison
∎ the court gave the case against/for the management la cour a décidé contre/en faveur de la direction;
∎ Sport the umpire gave the batsman out l’arbitre a déclaré le joueur hors jeu
(d) donner; donner, fournir; annoncer;
(e) donner, avancer; donner;
∎ don’t go giving him ideas! ne va pas lui mettre des idées dans la tête!;
∎ don’t give me any nonsense about missing your train! ne me raconte pas que tu as raté ton train!;
∎ familiar don’t give me that (nonsense)! ne me raconte pas d’histoires!
(f) reconnaître, accorder;
∎ she’s certainly intelligent, I’ll give you that elle est très intelligente, ça, je te l’accorde;
∎ Sport he gave me the game il m’a concédé la partie
(a) rendre, émettre; donner, faire; pousser;
(b) faire;
(c) donner; faire; accorder;
(d) donner, organiser;
∎ to give way s’affaisser; s’effondrer, s’affaisser; céder, (se) casser;
∎ the ground gave way beneath or under our feet le terrain s’est affaissé sous nos pieds;
∎ I gave way to tears/to anger je me suis laissé aller à pleurer/emporter par la colère;
∎ proverb it is better to give than to receive donner vaut mieux que recevoir;
(b) s’affaisser; se relâcher; céder;
∎ the fence gave beneath or under my weight la barrière a cédé ou s’est affaissée sous mon poids;
∎ now give! accouche!, vide ton sac!
∎ what gives? qu’est-ce qui se passe?□
, souplesse
à… près;
(a) donner; donner, faire cadeau de; distribuer;
(c) gâcher, gaspiller
(d) révéler; révéler, trahir;
(a) rendre; restituer;
(b) refléter, renvoyer; renvoyer
∎ to give in to sb/sth céder à qn/qch;
rendre; remettre; donner
(a) émettre
donner sur
(b) dégager; répandre; émettre, faire entendre
(c) annoncer, faire savoir;
(a) tomber en panne; lâcher; flancher;
donner sur
∎ give over crying! cesse de pleurer!
∎ give over! assez!, arrête!
(a) renoncer à, abandonner; abandonner, délaisser; céder; cesser;
∎ they gave up the game or the struggle ils ont abandonné la partie;
(b) quitter; démissionner de;
(c) rendre, remettre; livrer; se démettre de;
∎ give it up for… je vous demande d’applaudir…
∎ I give up je renonce; je donne ma langue au chat;
∎ we can’t give up now! on ne va pas laisser tomber maintenant!
∎ I give up on him, he won’t even try j’abandonne, il ne fait pas le moindre effort
Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > give
♦ advice
♦ advice /ədˈvaɪs/
4 (
) comunicazione; notizia; informazione.
English-Italian dictionary > ♦ advice
(on sur);
∎ he asked his father’s advice, he asked his father for advice il a demandé conseil à ou a consulté son père;
∎ to take or follow sb’s advice suivre le conseil de qn;
∎ when I want your advice I’ll ask for it! quand j’aurai besoin de tes conseils, je saurai te les demander!;
∎ I took or followed your advice and called him suivant votre conseil, je l’ai appelé;
∎ to take legal/medical advice consulter un avocat/un médecin
∎ advice of delivery/payment avis m de livraison/de paiement;
Press advice column courrier
du cœur; rubrique
Finance advice note lettre
Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > advice
► give + noun may be translated by a verb alone.
► In French the recipient is not made the subject of a passive construction.
b. ( = cause, cause to feel) faire
• I was given to understand that… on m’avait laissé entendre que…
• it gives me great pleasure to introduce… c’est avec grand plaisir que je vous présente…
c. ( = pass on) OK, I’ll give him the message d’accord, je lui ferai la commission
d. ( = put through to) passer
• could you give me Mr Smith/extension 231? pouvez-vous me passer M. Smith/le poste 231 ?
• I can’t give you any longer, you must pay me now je ne peux plus vous accorder de délai, il faut que vous payiez maintenant
f. ( = utter) [+ sigh, cry] pousser
g. ( = pay) payer ; ( = offer) donner
• I’d give a lot/anything to know je donnerais gros/n’importe quoi pour savoir
i. ► to give way ( = yield) [person] céder ( to sth à qch ) ; ( = stand back) s’écarter ; ( = agree) finir par donner son accord ; [car, traffic] céder le passage ; ( = collapse) [bridge, ceiling, floor] s’effondrer ; [ground] se dérober ; [cable, rope] céder ; [legs] fléchir
• «give way» « cédez le passage »
• «give way to traffic from the right» « priorité à droite »
a. ( = collapse) céder
c. (US) what gives? (inf) alors, qu’est-ce qui se passe ?
a. [+ prizes] distribuer ; [+ bride] conduire à l’autel ; [+ money, goods] donner
b. [+ names, details] donner ; [+ secrets] révéler
[+ object, freedom] rendre
( = surrender) capituler ; ( = yield) céder (to à)
[supplies] s’épuiser ; [patience] être à bout ; [heart] lâcher
b. [+ information, details] donner
a. ( = renounce) [+ interests] abandonner ; [+ seat, territory] céder ; [+ habit, idea, hope, claim] renoncer à ; [+ job] quitter ; [+ business] se retirer de
c. ( = deliver, hand over) to give o.s. up se rendre
b. ( = stop expecting) [+ visitor] ne plus attendre ; ( = lose faith in) perdre espoir en
* * *
1) () gen donner (to à); offrir [present, drink, sandwich] (to à)
to give somebody something — gen donner quelque chose à quelqu’un; (politely, as gift) offrir quelque chose à quelqu’un
give it me! —
what wouldn’t I give for…! — je donnerais cher pour…!
to give somebody something —
3) () donner [milk, flavour, result, answer, sum]; apporter [heat, light, nutrient]; faire [total]
4) () accorder [custody, grant]; laisser [quelque chose] à quelqu’un [seat]
she can sing, I’ll give her that — elle sait chanter, je lui reconnais au moins ça
it’s original, I’ll give you that — c’est original, je te l’accorde
to give somebody something —
give me the sales manager, please — passez-moi le directeur commercial, s’il vous plaît
1) () donner, faire un don
‘please give generously’ — ‘merci (de vos dons)’
2) () [mattress, sofa] s’affaisser; [shelf, floorboard] fléchir; [branch] ployer; [leather, fabric] s’assouplir
4) () [person, side] céder
Phrasal Verbs:
if this is the big city, give me a village every time — (colloq) si c’est ça la ville, alors vive les petits villages
‘I give you the bride and groom!’ — ‘je bois à la santé des mariés!’
what gives? — (colloq) qu’est-ce qui se passe?
English-French dictionary > give
1 ( hand over) [person] donner [object, money, medal, prize, punishment, hand, arm] (to à) ; offrir [present, drink, sandwich] (to à) ; to give sb sth gen donner qch à qn ; (politely, as gift) offrir qch à qn ; give it me!, give me it! donne-moi ça! ; give him a drink donne-lui à boire ; to give sb sth for offrir qch à qn pour [birthday, Christmas] ; how much ou what will you give me for it? combien m’en donnes-tu? ; I’ll give you 50 cents for it je t’en donne 50 cents ; I’d give anything for/to do je donnerais n’importe quoi pour/pour faire ; what wouldn’t I give for…! je donnerais cher pour…! ; to give sb sth as offrir qch à qn comme [present, token, symbol] ; to give sb sth to carry/look after donner qch à qn à porter/surveiller ;
2 ( cause to have) to give sb [sth], to give [sth] to sb donner [qch] à qn [headache, indigestion, vertigo, nightmares, satisfaction] ; transmettre or passer [qch] à qn [disease, infection, virus] ; he’s given me his cough il m’a passé sa toux ; to give sb pleasure faire plaisir à qn ;
3 (provide, produce) donner [milk, flavour, result, answer, sum] ; apporter [heat, light, vitamin, nutrient] ; faire [total] ; blue and yellow give (you) green le bleu et le jaune donnent le vert ; the number was given to three decimal places/in metric units le nombre était donné jusqu’à la troisième décimale/en unités du système métrique ;
4 (allow, accord) [authority] accorder [custody, grant, bursary] ; laisser qch à qn [seat] ; [hotelier] donner [room] ; to give sb sth donner or accorder qch à qn [time, time period] (to do pour faire) ; give me a minute donne-moi une minute ; to give sb enough room laisser suffisamment de place à qn ; I’ll give him another hour, then I’m calling the police je lui donne or accorde encore une heure, et j’appelle la police ; she gave him a week to decide elle lui a donné or accordé une semaine pour décider ; he was given six months to live on lui a donné six mois à vivre ; how long do you give the new boss/their marriage? combien de temps donnes-tu au nouveau patron/à leur mariage? ; it is not given to all of us to do sout il n’est pas donné à tout le monde de faire ; she can sing, I’ll give her that elle sait chanter, je lui reconnais au moins ça ; it’s original, I’ll give you that c’est original, je te l’accorde ; she could give her opponent five years elle a au moins cinq ans de plus que son adversaire ; the polls give Labour a lead les Travaillistes sont en tête dans les sondages ;
5 Med to give sb sth, to give sth to sb donner qch à qn [treatment, medicine] ; greffer qch à qn [organ] ; poser qch à qn [artificial limb, pacemaker] ; faire qch à qn [facelift, injection, massage] ; can you give me something for the pain? pouvez-vous me donner quelque chose contre la douleur? ;
2 (bend, flex) [mattress, sofa] s’affaisser (under sous) ; [shelf, bridge, floorboard] fléchir (under sous) ; [branch] ployer (under sous) ; [leather, fabric] s’assouplir ;
4 (concede, yield) [person, side] céder ; something has to give ça va finir par craquer.
don’t give me that ○ ! ne (me) raconte pas d’histoires! ; give or take an inch (or two) à quelques centimètres près ; give me a nice cup of tea any day ou every time ○ ! rien ne vaut une bonne tasse de thé! ; if this is the big city, give me a village every time
si c’est ça la ville, alors vive les petits villages ; ‘I give you the bride and groom!’ ‘je bois à la santé du marié et de la mariée!’ ; I’ll give you something to cry about ○ ! tu vas savoir pourquoi tu pleure! ; I’ll give you something to complain about ○ ! je vais t’apprendre à te plaindres! ; more money? I’ll give you more money!
je vais t’en donner, moi, de l’argent! ; to give and take faire des concessions ; to give as good as one gets rendre coup pour coup ; to give it all one’s got
(y) mettre le paquet ; to give sb what for
passer un savon à qn
; what gives?
qu’est-ce qui se passe?
▶ give away [sth], give [sth] away
1 (as gift, offer, charity) donner [item, sample, ticket] (to à) ; distribuer [samples, tickets] ; we’re practically giving them away! à ce prix-là, c’est donné! ; they’re not exactly giving it away iron on ne peut pas dire que c’est donné ; we’ve got 100 copies to give away! il y a 100 exemplaires à gagner! ;
3 (waste, lose carelessly) laisser échapper [match, goal, advantage] (to au bénéfice de) ;
▶ give [sb] away, give away [sb]
1 ( betray) [expression, fingerprints] trahir ; [person] dénoncer [person] (to à) ; to give oneself away se trahir (by doing en faisant) ;
▶ give [sth] back, give back [sth]
1 (restore, return) rendre [possession, appetite, sight, freedom] (to à) ; give it back! rends (-moi) ça! ; …or we’ll give you your money back …ou vous serez remboursé ;
2 ( reflect) renvoyer [echo, sound, light].
▶ give forth [sth] dégager [smell] ; émettre [sound].
1 (to temptation, threat, person) céder (to à) ;
2 ( stop trying) abandonner ; I give in-tell me! je donne ma langue au chat
, dis-le moi! ;
▶ give in [sth], give [sth] in rendre [homework, essay] ; remettre [ticket, key, petition].
▶ give off [sth] émettre [signal, scent, radiation, light] ; dégager [heat, fumes, oxygen] ; he was giving off hostile signals il montrait des signes d’hostilité.
▶ give onto [sth] donner sur [street, yard etc].
▶ give out [strength, battery, ink, fuel, supplies] s’épuiser ; [engine, machine] tomber en panne ;
▶ give out [sth], give [sth] out
1 ( distribute) distribuer [books, leaflets, gifts] (to à) ;
3 ( announce) donner [information, details].
▶ give over [sth], give [sth] over
1 affecter or réserver [place, room] (to à) ;
3 ( hand over) remettre [qch] à [person] ;
1 ( devote oneself) se consacrer à [good works, writing] ;
▶ give up abandonner ; do you give up? tu abandonnes? ; I give up! ( exasperated) j’abandonne! ; don’t give up! tiens bon! ; to give up on laisser tomber [diet, crossword, pupil, patient] ; ne plus compter sur [friend, partner, associate] ; I’ve given up on him je ne compte plus sur lui! ;
▶ give up [sth], give [sth] up
2 (abandon, drop) abandonner [search, hope, struggle, school subject] ; renoncer à [idea, thought] ; to give up trying/writing cesser d’essayer/d’écrire ;
3 ( surrender) céder [seat, place, territory] ; remettre [passport, key] ; livrer [secret, treasure] ;
▶ give up [sb], give [sb] up
1 ( collapse) [bridge, table, chair, wall, ceiling] s’effondrer (under sous) ; [fence, cable, rope] céder (under sous) ; his legs gave way under the weight/when he heard the news ses jambes se sont dérobées sous le poids/sous lui quand il a appris la nouvelle ;
3 (concede, yield) céder ; to give way to ( yield to) céder à [pressure, demands, person, fear, temptation, urge] ; s’abandonner à [despair, base instincts] ; ( be replaced by) faire place à [sunshine, relief, new methods].
Big English-French dictionary > give
1) сове́т;
2) консульта́ция (юриста, врача)
3) (
обыкн. pl
) сообще́ние
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > advice
give someone a piece/bit of advice
give someone a piece/bit of advice
English-Dutch dictionary > give someone a piece/bit of advice
if you ask or want my advice — wenn du meinen Rat hören willst
ask somebody’s advice [on something] — jemanden [wegen etwas] um Rat bitten
* * *
der Rat
— academic.ru/887/advise»>advise
— advisable
— advisability
— adviser
— advisor
— advisory
* * *
my advice is to give yourself up to the police ich würde dir raten, dich der Polizei zu stellen
some [or a piece of] advice ein Rat[schlag] m, eine Empfehlung
financial/legal advice Finanz-/Rechtsberatung f
to take financial/legal/medical advice einen Finanzexperten/Rechtsanwalt/Arzt zurate ziehen, sich akk finanziell/rechtlich/medizinisch beraten lassen
to ask [sb] for advice [jdn] um Rat fragen [o bitten]
to give [or offer] sb advice jdm einen Rat geben [o erteilen]
to give sb some good advice jdm einen guten Rat geben
to ignore sb’s advice nicht auf jds Rat hören
to take sb’s advice jds Rat[schlag] beherzigen [o befolgen]
take my advice! hör[e] auf mich [o meinen Rat]!
▪ on sb’s advice auf jds Rat hin
advice of delivery Rückschein m
as per advice laut Bericht [o fachspr Avis]
* * *
let me give you a piece of advice or some advice —
to take medical/legal advice — einen Arzt/Rechtsanwalt zu Rate ziehen
my advice to him would be… —
2) Mitteilung
, Avis
* * *
1. Rat m, Ratschlag m oder Ratschläge pl:
he went to a priest for advice er ging zu einem Priester, um sich Rat zu holen oder um sich beraten zu lassen; er wandte sich Rat suchend an einen Priester;
on sb’s advice auf jemandes Anraten, auf jemandes Rat hin;
take ( oder follow) sb’s advice jemandes Rat (be)folgen, auf jemanden hören;
2. a) Nachricht f, Benachrichtigung f
b) WIRTSCH Avis m/n, Avisierung f, Anzeige f:
* * *
if you ask or want my advice — wenn du meinen Rat hören willst
ask somebody’s advice [on something] — jemanden [wegen etwas] um Rat bitten
* * *
Beratung —en f.
Empfehlung f.
Hinweisgabe f.
Rat ¨-e m.
Ratschlag m.
Vorschlag m.
English-german dictionary > advice
ədˈvaɪs сущ.
1) совет (about, on) to follow the doctor’s advice ≈ следовать совету врача to give advice ≈ давать совет, советовать to act on( follow, take) advice ≈ последовать чьему-л. совету to disregard (refuse, turn a deaf ear to) advice ≈ не послушаться совета, пропустить мимо ушей friendly advice ≈ дружеский совет good advice ≈ дельный совет sage advice ≈ мудрый совет sensible/sound advice ≈ разумный совет misleading advice ≈ совет, вводящий в заблуждение professional advice ≈ профессиональный совет, мнение эксперта, мнение профессионала unsolicited advice ≈ «бесплатный» совет;
совет, данный добровольно a bit, piece, word of advice ≈ совет my advice to him was that… ≈ я посоветовал ему, чтобы он… We took his advice to remain silent. ≈ Мы последовали его совету помолчать. My advice is that you see/should see a doctor advice. ≈ Советую вам сходить ко врачу. I acted on/upon her advice. ≈ Я поступил по ее совету. Syn: counsel, recommendation
2) консультация( юриста, врача)
3) обыкн. мн. сообщение
4) коммерч. авизо (тж. letter of advice)
— a piece of * совет;
— to ask smb.’s * советоваться с кем-л;
— to follow smb.’s * следовать чьему-л совету;
— to take smb.’s * послушаться чьего-л совета;
советоваться с кем-л;
— to act on smb.’s * действовать по чьему-л совету консультация (юриста, врача) ;
— legal * консультация юриста обыкн. pl сообщение;
извещение, уведомление;
— disagreeable *s неприятные новости;
— * from abroad informs us that из сообщений, поступивших из-за рубежа, мы узнали, что( коммерческое) авизо (историческое) посыльное судно, авизо в грам. знач. гл.: (коммерческое) авизовать
advice ком. авизо (тж. letter of advice) ~ авизо ~ извещение ~ извещение;
авизо ~ информация ~ консультация (юриста, врача) ~ консультация ~ совет;
to give advice советовать;
to follow the doctor’s advice следовать совету врача ~ совет ~ совет;
консультация ~ (обыкн. pl) сообщение ~ сообщение ~ уведомление
~ of irregularity уведомление об отклонении от нормы
~ of payment извещение о платеже ~ of payment сообщение о получении денег ~ of payment уведомление о погашении долга ~ of payment уведомление об оплате
~ of receipt уведомление о получении груза
entry ~ бухг. извещение о проводке
~ совет;
to give advice советовать;
to follow the doctor’s advice следовать совету врача
giro transfer ~ уведомление о жиропереводе
~ совет;
to give advice советовать;
to follow the doctor’s advice следовать совету врача
individual ~ личный совет
payment ~ извещение о произведенном платеже
shipping ~ извещение об отправке груза
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > advice
advice ком. авизо (тж. letter of advice) advice авизо advice извещение advice извещение; уведомление; авизо advice информация advice консультация (юриста, врача) advice консультация advice совет; to give advice советовать; to follow the doctor’s advice следовать совету врача advice совет advice совет; консультация advice (обыкн. pl) сообщение advice сообщение advice уведомление advice of adjustment извещение о платеже advice of arrival извещение о прибытии груза advice of arrival сообщение о приезде advice of balance информация о сальдо advice of dishonour уведомление об отказе от акцепта advice of dishonour уведомление об отказе от платежа advice of dispatch извещение об отправке груза advice of excess parcels уведомление о дополнительной партии товара advice of irregularity уведомление об отклонении от нормы advice of payment извещение о платеже advice of payment сообщение о получении денег advice of payment уведомление о погашении долга advice of payment уведомление об оплате advice of receipt уведомление о получении груза claim advice страх. заявление об ущербе credit advice кредитовое авизо customer advice авизо клиента debit advice дебетовое авизо entry advice бухг. извещение о проводке advice совет; to give advice советовать; to follow the doctor’s advice следовать совету врача giro transfer advice уведомление о жиропереводе advice совет; to give advice советовать; to follow the doctor’s advice следовать совету врача individual advice личный совет investment advice извещение об инвестировании legal advice консультация юриста legal advice юридическая помощь legal advice юридический совет legal: advice profession профессия юриста; legal advice совет юриста payment advice извещение о произведенном платеже seek advice обращаться за советом seek: advice просить, обращаться; to seek advice обращаться за советом; seek after, seek for добиваться (чего-л.) shipping advice извещение об отправке груза take legal advice запрашивать заключение юриста take legal advice консультироваться с юристом
English-Russian short dictionary > advice
ad·vice [ədʼvaɪs] n
my advice is to give yourself up to the police ich würde dir raten, dich der Polizei zu stellen;
some [or a piece of] advice ein Rat[schlag] m, eine Empfehlung;
financial/legal advice Finanz-/Rechtsberatung f;
to take financial/ legal/medical advice einen Finanzexperten/Rechtsanwalt/Arzt zu Rate ziehen, sich akk finanziell/juristisch/medizinisch beraten lassen;
to ask [sb] for advice [jdn] um Rat fragen [o bitten];
to give [or offer] sb advice jdm einen Rat geben [o erteilen];
to give sb some good advice jdm einen guten Rat geben;
to ignore sb’s advice nicht auf jds Rat m hören;
to take sb’s advice jds Rat[schlag] m beherzigen [o befolgen];
take my advice! hör[e] auf meinen Rat [o mich] !;
on sb’s advice auf jds Rat m hin
advice of delivery Rückschein m;
as per advice laut Bericht [o fachspr Avis]
English-German students dictionary > advice
1) совет, рекомендация
sensible / sound advice — разумный совет
unsolicited advice — «бесплатный» совет
a bit, piece, word of advice — совет
on smb.’s advice — по чьему-л. совету
to give / offer smb. advice to do smth. — давать кому-л. совет, советовать кому-л. что-л. сделать
to disregard / refuse / turn a deaf ear to advice — не послушаться совета, пропустить мимо ушей
We took his advice to remain silent. — Мы последовали его совету хранить молчание.
My advice is that you see / should see a doctor. — Советую вам сходить к врачу.
He asked (me) for my advice on the choice of a new car / on what he should do. — Он попросил меня дать ему совет относительно выбора нового автомобиля / относительно того, как ему лучше поступить.
There’s lots of advice in the book on baby care. — В книге множество советов по уходу за детьми.
Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least. ( Lord Chesterfield) — Мало кому нравятся советы, и меньше всех их любят те, кто больше всего в них нуждается.
One gives nothing so freely as advice. (F. La Rochefoucauld) — Мы ничего не раздаём с такой щедростью, как советы.
[ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]advice[/ref]
2) профессиональный совет, консультация
to follow / take / act on / act upon the doctor’s advice about / on smth. — следовать совету врача относительно чего-л.
On my doctor’s advice and also by my own decision, I will not sing opera next season. — По совету моего доктора, а также в соответствии с моим собственным решением, я не буду петь в опере в следующем сезоне.
извещение, уведомление
We received advice of delivery next Tuesday. — Мы получили извещение о том, что товар будет доставлен в следующий вторник.
; обычно
официальное сообщение
But all this would be nothing if we had not received advices from England which prove that Mr. Grey’s visit here has an element of mystery in it. (A. K. Green, The Woman in the Alcove) — Но всё это не имело бы никакого значения, не получи мы известия из Англии, подтверждающие, что в визите сюда мистера Грея кроется какая-то тайна.
Англо-русский современный словарь > advice
) совет, советы
That is a good piece of advice. — Вот один хороший совет.
All his advice is good. — Все его советы хороши.
I can give you only one piece of advice. — Я могу дать вам только один совет.
Take my advice and go there. — Послушайтесь меня и пойдите туда.
Good advice is beyond price. — ◊ Доброму совету — цены нет.
— give smb much of advice
— ask for advice
— take smb’s advice
(1.) Русские существительное «совет» исчисляемое и, соответственно, имеет формы единственного и множественного числа, согласуется с глаголом в соответственном числе. В отличие от русского существительного, английское advice — неисчисляемое, имеет только одну форму и согласуется с глаголом в форме единственного числа. Английское advice никогда не употребляется с неопределенным артиклем, а сочетается с some, any, much, little: he gave me good advice, ср. он дал мне хороший совет/; all his advice was useful он дал мне хорошие советы, ср. все его советы были полезны; I got very little (much) advice from him я получил у него мало (много) советов; could I ask you for some advice могу я обратиться к вам за советом? (2.) Русское сочетание «один совет (два, три совета)» передается сочетаниями a piece of advice, one or two pieces of advice. (3.) К этой группе относятся также существительные: fruit — фрукт/фрукты, information — сведение/сведения; knowledge — знание/знания; homework — домашнее задание/домашние задания; research — исследование/исследования; hair — волос/волосы
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > advice
Кто из нас не любит давать советы? Куда пойти, что сделать, что надеть сегодня вечером – обо всем этом мы можем услышать, даже если не спрашивали.
В английском языке тема советов более деликатная. Иностранцу не всегда может понравиться, что вы что-то ему рекомендуете, когда он вас об этом не просит. Как же тогда американцы и англичане живут без советов? У них есть очень много способов передать свои предложения, пожелания и рекомендации, чаще всего в завуалированной форме.
В этой статье вы узнаете множество грамматических конструкций, слов и выражений, которые помогут вам поделиться советом на английском языке.
Advice или advise?
Advice переводится как «совет», это существительное, advise – «советовать», глагол.
Советы бывают разные:
Хороший | Good | Advice |
Отличный | Excellent | |
Полезный | Useful | |
Дельный | Constructive | |
Разумный | Sound | |
Ценный | Valuable | |
Плохой | Bad | |
Неправильный | Wrong |
That’s really constructive advice and Ron’s advice was bad. – Это действительно дельный совет, а совет Рона был плохим.
Помните, что английский advice – это неисчисляемое существительное, поэтому с ним нельзя использовать неопределенный артикль и он не может использоваться во множественном числе. Если вы хотите акцентировать внимание на том, что совет один, используйте такие словосочетания, как a bit of advice, a piece of advice, a word of advice, some advice. Все эти сочетания будут переводиться как «небольшой совет», «один совет». В английском также есть такие сочетания, как two pieces of advice или several words of advice, но обычно так не говорят. Если советов больше одного, можно сказать some advice (небольшой совет; пара советов / несколько советов).
He gave me a word of advice on my driving. – Он дал мне небольшой совет относительно моего вождения.
Совет можно не только «дать». С ним используются и другие глаголы:
Дать | To give somebody | Advice |
Предложить | To offer somebody | |
Принять | To take/obtain | |
Попросить | To ask for | |
Прислушаться к | To listen to | |
Последовать | To follow | |
Проигнорировать | To ignore | |
Отвергнуть | To reject |
Глагол to advise используется в речи носителей гораздо реже. В английской традиции не принято напрямую давать советы (за исключением ситуаций, когда вас открыто об этом попросили). В случае крайней необходимости вы можете сказать: I strongly advise… – Я настоятельно рекомендую…
I strongly advise you not to keep company with him. – Я настоятельно тебе рекомендую не водиться с ним.
Making suggestions. Совет-предложение
Как уже говорилось выше, совет лучше не давать напрямую. Для того чтобы быть вежливым советчиком, используйте предложения (suggestions) и рекомендации (recommendations). Этой цели служат:
- Глаголы to suggest (предлагать), to recommend (рекомендовать). После этих глаголов обычно используется существительное, герундий или придаточное предложение с that. С глаголом to recommend употребляется еще и инфинитив.
He recommended taking a chicken in this restaurant. – Он рекомендовал попробовать цыпленка в этом ресторане.
I suggest that you take morning courses. – Я советую тебе ходить на утренние занятия.
He suggested going by bus. – Он советовал ехать на автобусе.
Jane recommended Alice not to wear this skirt for the date. – Джейн посоветовала Элис не надевать эту юбку на свидание.
- Выражения to come up with a suggestion/recommendation (внести предложение/рекомендацию), to make a suggestion/recommendation (внести предложение / дать рекомендацию).
She came up with an interesting suggestion but her boss rejected it. – Она внесла интересное предложение, но босс отверг его.
He made a recommendation to the board of directors on the working conditions. Он дал рекомендации для совета директоров относительно рабочих условий.
- Какие еще слова и фразы использовать для советов, читайте в статье «Nice advice: даем советы на английском языке».
Даем совет с помощью модального глагола
Модальные глаголы – самый распространенный способ дать совет. При этом каждый модальный глагол передает свою степень настойчивости:
- must – настойчивый совет;
- should – общий совет;
- ought to – совет морального характера;
- can (could) – совет-предложение.
You ought to call your mom this week. – Ты должен позвонить маме на этой неделе. (мои моральные принципы говорят о том, что надо позвонить маме)
We can join them after dinner. – Мы можем присоединиться к ним после ужина.
C помощью must и should мы даем совет близким людям, друзьям, так как эти глаголы открыто сообщают, что делать. Малознакомому человеку такой совет покажется слишком прямолинейным. Здесь лучше использовать can (could).
You must see this film on a big screen! – Ты просто обязан увидеть этот фильм на большом экране!
He shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers and French fries. – Он не должен есть так много гамбургеров и картошки фри.
Настойчивая рекомендация на английском языке
В случае если собеседник пренебрегает вашим советом, а вы хотите сообщить ему, что рекомендация очень ценная и ею непременно следует воспользоваться, то вам повезло. В английском языке для этого есть специальная конструкция – had better (лучше бы), в сокращенном варианте – ‘d better. Обычно она подразумевает, что может случиться что-то плохое, если вы отвергните совет.
You’d better put on your wooly hat. It’s freezing outside, you can catch a cold. – Лучше бы тебе надеть шерстяную шапку. На улице мороз, ты можешь простудиться.
You’d better stop teasing the dog before it bites you. – Тебе лучше бы перестать дразнить собаку, пока она тебя не укусила.
Если вы все еще сомневаетесь, в какой форме выразить свой совет, посмотрите видео о разнице между should, ought to, had better:
Совет в форме вопроса
Если вы хотите произвести впечатление учтивого человека, предлагайте совет в форме вопроса. Такой совет будет вежливым и ненавязчивым.
Совет-вопрос может выглядеть так:
- Why don’t you..? – Почему бы не..?
- How about..? – Как насчет.. ?
- Have you tried..? – Ты не пробовал..?
- Have you thought about..? – Ты не думал о том, что..?
- Have you considered..? – Ты не думал о..?
Why don’t you come up and meet this girl? She’s given you a smile. – Почему бы тебе не подойти и не познакомиться с этой девушкой? Она тебе улыбнулась.
Have you considered giving up your work as a ticket collector and concentrating on studying? – Ты не думал бросить работу билетером и сосредоточиться на учебе?
Совет с помощью условного предложения
Условное предложение – это еще один способ преподнести вежливый совет. В такой форме ваши слова не покажутся собеседнику навязчивыми, а будут звучать как предложение.
He will let you drive his car if you ask him. – Он позволит тебе покататься на его машине, если ты попросишь.
If you visited her in hospital, she would be really glad. – Если бы ты навестил ее в больнице, она была бы очень рада.
- Если вы подзабыли «условности», освежить знания вам поможет статья «Условные предложения в английском языке».
Put yourself in somebody’s shoes
В продолжение темы условных предложений: если вы хотите дать хороший совет, поставьте себя на место человека (put yourself in their shoes). Такая форма совета выигрышна вдвойне: вы произведете впечатление и как воспитанный человек, и как понимающий.
- If I were you… – Если бы я был тобой …
- If I were in your shoes… – Если бы я был на твоем месте (дословно – в твоих ботинках)…
- If I were in your place… – Если бы я был на твоем месте…
- If that happened to me… – Если бы это произошло со мной…
- If it was my decision… – Если бы я принимал решение…
- If I had that problem… – Если бы у меня была такая проблема…
I would call my wife immediately if such a joyous thing happened to me. – Я бы сразу позвонил жене, если бы такое радостное событие произошло со мной.
If I had that problem, I would never let anyone interfere in my business. – Если бы у меня была такая проблема, я бы никогда не позволил кому-либо вмешиваться в мои дела.
Мы также можем использовать глагол to want, когда хотим дать совет или предупредить о чем-то. Это вариант исключительно разговорный. По смыслу он совпадает с модальным глаголом should и переводится как «следует», «надо». Как правило, to want используется в настоящем времени, реже – в будущем.
You want to be careful in the streets in the evening. – Тебе следует быть осторожным на улице вечером.
You’ll want to take off your coat and bring it to the dry-cleaner’s. – Тебе надо снять с себя пальто и отнести его в химчистку.
Как еще дать совет: полезные фразы
Вы все еще чувствуете, что полезных выражений для совета недостаточно в вашей копилке знаний? Тогда ознакомьтесь еще с несколькими фразами, с помощью которых можно поделиться советом:
- It is a good idea… – Хорошая идея…
- Whatever you do, don’t forget to… – Что бы ты ни делал, не забывай…
- …always works for me. – …всегда мне помогает.
- Your only option is… – Твой единственный вариант…
- You have no choice but… – У тебя нет другого выбора, кроме как…
- …is worth a try. – …стоит попробовать.
- I read in a book that… – Я читал в книге, что…
- Perhaps/Maybe … will really work. – Возможно, … действительно сработает.
It’s a good idea to calm down and not attack that arrogant guy. – Хорошей идеей будет успокоиться и не нападать на этого заносчивого парня.
This herbal tea always works for my headache. – Этот травяной чай всегда мне помогает при головных болях.
Если вы подзабыли какой-то из грамматических аспектов, вы всегда можете освежить знания, прочитав соответствующую статью в нашем блоге:
- Модальные глаголы: must, shall (should), ought to, can (could).
- Выражение had better в английском языке.
- Типы вопросов в английском языке.
Теперь вы убедились, что совет можно подать под разным соусом: открыто, прямо «в лоб», настойчиво, вежливо и учтиво, примерив «чужие ботинки». Может быть, вы знаете другие способы? Делитесь ими в комментариях. Но предварительно пройдите тест и проверьте, как хорошо вы освоили искусство совета на английском языке.
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Как дать совет по-английски: полезные слова и конструкции
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давать консультации
давать какие-либо советы
She realizes that there is nothing easier than to give advice or make judgments.
Она осознает, что нет ничего легче, чем давать советы или высказывать суждения.
Psychologists have several commandments that relate to professional ethics, one of them is not to give advice.
У психологов существует несколько заповедей, которые относятся к профессиональной этике, одна из них — не давать советы.
The expert has to be here to give advice.
I have always believed that a member of the occupying people has no right to give advice to the occupied people.
Я всегда был убежден, что человек из страны-оккупанта не имеет права давать советы оккупированному народу.
Today, you will always want to give advice to your loved one.
Сегодня вам будет постоянно хотеться давать советы вашему любимому человеку.
I don’t like to give advice outside the office.
The experience gained in combating this disease, allows the actor to give advice to those who suffer from similar diseases.
Опыт, приобретенный в борьбе с этой болезнью, позволяет актеру давать советы тем, кто страдает аналогичными заболеваниями.
Stefan likes to give advice, help people, and comfort others who need comforting and support.
Стефан любит давать советы, помогать людям и утешать тех, кто нуждается в утешении и поддержке.
You are fun to be with and you love to give advice.
Not to give advice in these situations.
With your record with men, I wouldn’t presume to give advice.
Заходите. С твоим опытом общения с мужчинами, я бы не стал давать советы.
In fairness, you can be a little quick to give advice.
По правде говоря, ты можешь иногда слишком быстро давать советы.
I do not presume to give advice, but I prefer to get to know new cities on foot.
Не берусь давать советы, но я предпочитаю знакомиться с новыми городами на своих двоих.
The author of this book has every right to give advice about job hunting and overall career development.
Автор данной книги имеет полное право давать советы обо всем, что касается поиска работы и развития карьеры в целом.
Far be it from us, of course, to try to give advice or provide ready-made solutions.
Мы, разумеется, вовсе не пытаемся давать советы или предлагать готовые решения.
Now, I usually try not to give advice.
«I think it’s smart never to give advice,» Hall laughed.
«Я думаю, что это умный никогда не давать советы,» зал смеялся.
Well-meaning people love to give advice on the Internet, especially about medical stuff.
Tweet Люди очень любят давать советы, особенно если это касается здоровья.
I don’t like to give advice, especially not to the greatest painter in Spain.
Я не люблю давать советы, тем более величайшему художнику Испании.
We aren’t here to give advice or guidance.
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Корпоративные решения
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Advise is a verb meaning to give a recommendation, opinion, or information. Advice is a noun referring to the opinion or information given or received. Very simply, «advise» means «to give advice.»
Although numerous English usage commentators and handbooks, from grade school up, warn not to confuse the similarly spelled—but clearly different—advise and advice, evidence attesting to English users misapplying them turns up frequently enough to prompt us to give instruction on their correct spellings and meanings. A chief cause of the confusion seems to be that these orthographically close words are both associated with guidance that is sought or given.
Mushill has found herself going beyond the normal role of chamber director, providing advise, support and in some cases a shoulder to cry on for business owners.
— The Belleville (Illinois) News-Democrat, 25 Sept. 2020According to The Hollywood Reporter, Travolta, who hadn’t done a TV role for 40 years prior to this, sought advise from Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey before taking the part.
— MailOnline, 7 Jan. 2016The show will contain some adult content and language, so parental guidance is adviced for children younger than 13.
— The MidWeek (DeKalb, Illinois)_, 3 Apr. 2019
The Difference Between ‘Advise’ and ‘Advice’
The main difference between the words, besides a letter and their pronunciations, is their parts of speech. Advise (with an s pronounced z) is a verb that indicates the act of giving an opinion, suggestion, recommendation, or information, while advice (with a c pronounced s) is a noun that refers to the opinion, suggestion, etc., that is given or received. In other words, the verb advise means «to give advice.» Here are examples of correct use of both words:
I advise you to stay at home—the weather is nasty.
The attorney advised her client to not sign the contract.
Patience is always advised when dealing with children.
My parents’ advice was to always follow my dreams.
He followed the doctor’s advice and lost some weight.
Her father offered some words/pieces of advice on buying a home.
Forms of ‘Advise’
As a verb, advise has inflected forms: the present tense advises, the past tense advised, and the present participle advising. For those in doubt on whether to use advise or advice when a verb is called for, remember that a verb expresses action and that the verb advise has an s as does express. Advise is also the word that follows please when expressing a request for guidance or information. «Please advise» is common without a direct object in the closing of a correspondence, but it typically takes one in other contexts (e.g., «Please advise me on how to proceed»; «Please be advised that we will be closing early.»)
‘Advice’ Has No Other Forms
Advice, on the other hand, only occurs in the plain form advice because it is a mass noun, which means it does not have a plural form, making advices incorrect (only advise has an -s suffix); additionally, it is not used with the indefinite article an. If one can recall, when hesitation on which spelling to use strikes, that advise is a verb that expresses action, then by default they can confidently choose advice as the correct noun spelling. Advice can be modified by an adjective («good/bad/professional/unsolicited advice»), and it is often found in the common collocations «to give/offer/provide advice,» «to seek/ask for advice,» and «to follow advice.»
Tips For Keeping Them Apart
We hope this primer on advise and advice is helpful in differentiating the verb advise from the noun advice. We leave you with one more tip for choosing the right spelling: try the alphabet. The term noun comes before verb in the alphabet like the letter c comes before s and, in turn, alphabetically advice and noun come before advise and verb. Pointers aside, correct spelling ultimately comes down to memorizing advice as the noun and advise as the verb. That’s the most sound advice.
When considering advice vs advise, writers need to know that these are not synonyms, and are actually different parts of speech.
The words “advice” and “advise” look very similar, but that one simple spelling change, the “c” into an “s” changes the word completely. Not only are these two words pronounced differently, but they are also different parts of speech.
Yet the fact that these words look and sound so similar and show up in the same context often make them easy to mix up. Good writers need to understand the difference between advice vs. advise if they will create meaningful, understandable writing.
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- Advice vs Advise – Understanding the Differences
- American English vs British English
- The Final Word on Advice vs Advise
- FAQs on Advice vs Advise
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Advice vs Advise – Understanding the Differences
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “advice” with an -ice is a noun that means “recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct.” The dictionary defines advise with an -ise as a verb that means “to give a recommendation about what should be done” or “to give advice.”
Based on these two definitions, writers can easily see why these land on lists of commonly confused words in American English.
A Closer Look at the Noun Advice
“Advice” with a c is a noun. The -ice ending sounds like the word “ice.” It most commonly refers to recommending a course of action or conduct, but it can also be used to mean an official notice.
Here are some example sentences using “advice” as an uncountable noun.
- He gave advice about how to win the girl’s affection.
- The teacher gave the students some advice on how to study for the exam.
“Advice” can also be a countable noun, but in this case, it is always paired with “piece of,” as in:
- Let me give you a piece of advice about going to college.
Finally, the plural of “advice” can refer to official government recommendations or statements, such as:
- The official advices from the CDC recommend avoiding unnecessary travel to countries where illness is prevalent.
A Closer Look at the Verb Advise
Advise with an -ise ending sounds like “ize.” This verb means to give advice to someone. So, you could advise someone with your best piece of advice.
Here are some examples of advise used correctly:
- He advised the students about what time to come to class to avoid late marks.
- She was willing to advise her understudy about the best way to tackle the scene.
Because it is a verb, advise can also be a participle, which is a verb ending in -ing or -ed that acts as an adjective. This might look like:
- The advising attorney recommended the prosecution push for stronger charges.
American English vs British English
The advice vs. advise conundrum comes largely from the differences in spelling between British English and American English. In British English, many words that have both a verb and a noun form change between the “s” and “c” to distinguish. For example, “practice” is a noun while “practise” is a verb.
This is not the case in American English, where both the noun and verb form of the word end in -ce. Thus, American writers get confused when presented with advice and advise.
The same thing is true for the words “device” and “devise,” which are less often confused. Again, the -ice ending is the noun form and the -ise ending is the verb form. If writers can remember these two and keep them separate, then advice vs advise becomes much easier.
The Final Word on Advice vs Advise
Keeping “advice” and “advise” straight is fairly simple. The -ice ending sounds like “ice” and is a noun, while the -ise ending sounds like “ize” and is a verb. This is always the case, without exception, and that makes the differentiation between the two very simple.
Learning this rule will help you avoid problems from these commonly confused words in your own writing.
FAQs on Advice vs Advise
Are “advice” and “advise” interchangeable?
No, “advice” is always used as a noun, whereas “advise” is always used as a verb. Thus, because they are different parts of speech, they are not interchangeable.
Can “advise” take the role of a participle?
Yes, advise can be a participle to describe a noun. The sentence “The advising professor recommended adding another history course” uses it this way.
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Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today’s online marketing world.
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Main Advise vs. Advice Takeaways:
- Adviceand advisesound similar, but they’re not the same.
- Advice is a noun, while advise is a verb.
- You can giveadvice to someone, or you can advise someone.
- Please advise or kindly advise are requests for information. Some people don’t mind these phrases, while others consider them abrupt or passive aggressive.
- Please be advised is a phrase used to share information with a formal tone.
Do you advice someone, or do you advise them? Do you receive advise or advice? Although the English language makes a distinction between advise and advice, it is not always easy to tell the difference because they are both commonly used in everyday conversations. However, understanding the difference between advice vs. advise is the key to knowing how each word should be used. In this post, we’ll cover the difference between these two words plus when and how you should use them.
What’s the Difference Between Advice and Advise?
On the surface, advice and advise sound the same, but they are actually different in meaning. Besides their difference in spelling and pronunciation, they also answer different questions. Advice (c pronounced as s) is a noun. It refers to the opinion or suggestion that you give or receive from someone. Advise (s pronounced as z), on the other hand, is a verb. It refers to the actual act of giving information and guidance to someone.
Do You Advise or Advice?
You can advise (with an ‘s‘) because advise is a verb. You can’t advice (with a ‘c‘) because this word is a noun. In other words, advice is a noun — it’s a thing.Advise is a transitive or an intransitive verb — it’s a “doing word.” You can’t chair someone, but you can give them a chair. Similarly, you can’t advice someone, but you can give them advice.
Advice vs. Advise Pronunciation Guide
These two words look alike, but they sound different when spoken aloud.
👀 On one hand, the ‘s‘ in advise is almost pronounced like a ‘z‘ (add-VYZ). If it rhymes with the word “eyes,” you know you’re pronouncing advise correctly.
🧊 On the other hand, the ‘c‘ in advice is pronounced like an ‘s‘ (add-VICE). If it rhymes with the word “ice,” you know you’re pronouncing advice correctly.
How Do You Use Advice and Advise in a Sentence?
Here are the best examples of how to use advice and advise in a sentence:
Is Please Advise Rude?
The phrase “please advise” is a succinct request for information or guidance, and isn’t necessarily rude. However, it depends on the context as well as the speaker’s tone, intention, and style. For instance, some may take it as too short, blunt, demanding, or even passive aggressive. Moreover, some consider it redundant and would prefer a direct question. On the other hand, it can also stand in for “let me know” (Should you have any questions, please advise).
Let’s look at a few examples of “please advise” in action:
In the first instance, “please advise” comes across as benign and a little dry, but not rude. In the second instance, the reader knows they’re in trouble. Tone can be hard to read via email, so if you’re in doubt, use a different phrase.
What is Another Word for Advice?
Here are other names and synonyms for the noun advice:
- Guidance
- A recommendation/some recommendations
- Input
- An opinion/your opinion
- Some help
- A suggestion/some suggestions
- A tip/some tips
- A word of wisdom
- Some pearls of wisdom
Advise vs. Advice Recap
Is it advice or advise?Advise and advice are two words that frequently cause authors confusion. Notwithstanding, advise and advice play slightly different roles: they’re similar — but they’re not the same. For instance, you can advise someone, or you can give them advice.
When to Use Advice (with a ‘c’):
- When you need a noun, use advice.
- Advice is a noun, or an object, like a cupcake. You give someone advice; you give someone a cupcake.
When to Use Advise (with an ‘s’):
- When you need a verb, use advise.
- To advise is a verb that means to give advice.
- You advise someone; you direct someone.
Feeling clearer about advise vs. advice? Test your grammar knowledge with our quick quiz below.
Advice and Advice Question #1
The answer is FALSE. Although «advice» and «advise» sound similar, they’re not the same.
Advise or Advice Question #2
The answer is B. «Advise» functions in a sentence as a verb.
Advice or Advise Question #3
The answer is B. «Advise» means to give a recommendation.
Advice vs Advise Question #4
The answer is B. The “s” in “advise” is almost pronounced like a “z.”
Advice and Advise Question #5
The answer is A. «Advice» refers to the suggestion or a recommendation itself.
Advise vs Advice Question #6
The answer is FALSE. «Please advise» is a concise request for information.
Advise vs. Advice Quiz Result
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Almost got it! Review the article and try again.