A word that means to be aware of



be aware of — отдавать себе полный отчёт в том, что; отдавать себе полный отчёт чем-л.
to be aware of — отдавать отчёт о; сознавать; знать
be aware of smth — отдавать отчёт; сознавать
be aware of danger — отдавать себе отчёт в грозящей опасности; сознавать опасность
to be aware of smth. — знать что-л.
to be aware of / that — знать, сознавать, отдавать себе полный отчёт
to be aware of danger — сознавать опасность, отдавать себе отчёт в грозящей опасности
be aware of one’s worth — знать себе цену
you must be aware of this — вы, конечно, знаете об этом
to be aware of one’s worth — знать себе цену
be aware of the need to protect — сознавать необходимость сохранить
be keenly aware of — остро осознавать
be well aware of… — отдавать себе полный отчёт в …
he is aware of danger — он сознает грозящую ему опасность
he was never aware of her worth — он никогда не ценил её по заслугам

Автоматический перевод

знать, отдавать себе полный отчет в, сознавать

Перевод по словам

be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
aware  — знающий, осведомленный, сознающий


Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.

Знай свои сильные и слабые стороны.

He is aware of danger.

Он отдаёт себе отчёт (осознаёт) о грозящей опасности.

I am fully aware of your problems.

Я осведомлен о ваших проблемах.

I was keenly aware of the dangers.

Я прекрасно осознавал эту опасность.

He was aware of the wind in his face.

Он заметил, что ветер дует в лицо.

She was barely aware of his presence.

Она едва заметила его присутствие.

He was aware of every nuance in her voice.

Он чувствовал каждый оттенок её голоса.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mr Braley has been made aware of the need for absolute secrecy.  

Even as he spoke, Ivan was well aware of the hollow ring to his words.  

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be aware of — перевод на русский

/biː əˈweə ɒv/

I’m aware of that, but…

Я знаю, но…

I’m aware of that, Mr. Stiles.

Я знаю, м-р Стайлс.

I’m aware of that, sir. But it’s of the utmost importance.

Я знаю, сэр, но это крайне важно.

— I am aware of that.

Я знаю.

Yes, I’m aware of that.

Да, я знаю.

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Yes, of course I’m aware of it.

Да, конечно, я в курсе.

I’m aware of that, commissioner.

Я в курсе, комиссар.

— Fifty-eight days. — I’m aware of that, doctor.

Я в курсе, доктор.

I am aware of the difficulties.

Я в курсе проблем.

I am aware of the situation.

Я в курсе ситуации.

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Yes, I am aware of that.

Да, мне это известно.

I am aware of that, captain.

Мне это известно, капитан.

I’m aware of that.

Мне это известно.

— Yes, I’m aware of that, but…

— Да, мне это известно, но…

I’m aware of that.

Мне это известно.

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I’m aware of the risk, Tom.

Я осознаю риск, Том.

I’m aware of the fact that your telepathic competence might be superior to mine, but there is a more important factor.

Я осознаю, что ваши телепатические способности могут быть сильнее моих, но есть еще более важный фактор.

-Yeah, I’m aware of that, thank you.

— Да, я осознаю это, спасибо.


Я осознаю это.

I’m aware of that, Ma’am.

Я осознаю это, мэм.

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I am aware of the resentment you feel.

Я понимаю, что вы оскорблены.

— I am aware of that.

Я понимаю это.

I am aware of that.

Я понимаю это.

I’m aware of that, and I’m not…

Я понимаю, и я не…

— The police are very busy, Paul, — Yes, I’m aware of this,

Да, я понимаю, но во время телефонного разговора президент компании «Сабена»

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He, at least, is aware of the importance of my work.

Он, по крайней мере, осведомлён о важности моей работы.

I am aware of the colonel’s dislike for our kind.

я осведомлен о нелюбви ѕолковника к нашему виду.

I am aware of every aspect of the arrangement, Colonel.

Я осведомлён о всех нюансах соглашения, Полковник.

I am aware of my responsibilities.

Я осведомлен о своих обязанностях.

I am aware of the properties of holes, Mr. Finch.

Я осведомлен о свойствах дырок, мистер Финч.

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Do you have any allergies or illnesses I should be aware of?

У вас есть аллергические реакции или заболевания, о которых я должен знать?

You’ve got to be aware of what’s out there, nigel.

Ты должен знать, что это означает, Найджел.

— Well, we just need to know if there’s anything our department should be aware of?

— Ну, мы хотели знать, есть ли у вас что-нибудь, что таш отдел должен знать?

The human being with you must not be aware of the trial.

Человек с вами не должен знать об испытании.

I’m aware of that.

Но я должен знать, что он не лжет.

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— Not that I was aware of.

Насколько я знаю — нет.

He didn’t have any enemies on the staff that I’m aware of.

У него не было врагов среди персонала, насколько я знаю.

None that I am aware of.

Ничего, насколько я знаю.

We have no overlapping areas of interest I’m aware of.

Насколько я знаю, у нас нету зон перекрытия интересов.

Nothing I’m aware of.

Насколько я знаю.

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I’ve known Dr. Jones long enough to be aware of her remarkable gifts.

Я знаю доктора Джонс достаточно, чтобы быть в курсе ее талантов.

If this should surprise me, then I should be aware of.

Если это должно меня поразить, тогда я должен быть в курсе.

Now that you’re here, you should be aware of it.

Раз ты здесь, ты должен быть в курсе.

You should all have been aware of that fact.

Вы все должны быть в курсе этого факта.

— so just be aware of that.

— так что будьте в курсе.

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It surprises me that a lady who lives as quietly as you would be aware of my modest success.

Я удивлен, мадам, что леди, живущая в таком уединении, узнала о моем скромном успехе.

As soon as I was aware of them, I disliked Mr Crawford’s attentions.

ак только € узнала о них, мне было непри€тно внимание мистера рофорда.

Wives always are aware of these things.

Жены как-то всегда узнают о таких вещах.

Backhanders are a bit risky these days, so they put our psychic expert on the case with a brief to nudge you in the right direction without you being aware of it.

Взятки в наши дни рискованное дело, так что они наняли эксперта-экстрасенса с целью подтолкнуть вас в правильном направлении, и чтобы вы об этом не узнали.

The words echoed down Wisteria Lane until every last resident was aware of her disappearance.

Эти слова разносились по Вистерии Лэйн, пока все жители не узнали об исчезновении.

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To be aware of all the games, rates and spreads along with hundreds of smaller details is very difficult.

Быть в курсе всех игр, ставок и спредов наряду с сотнями более мелких деталей очень сложно.

To be aware of our words and actions that shape our present and future.

Быть в курсе наших слов и действий, которые формируют наше настоящее и будущее.

To be aware of the aquarium temperature, it is better to buy a water thermometer that is mounted on the inner wall.

Чтобы быть в курсе аквариумной температуры, лучше купить водный термометр, который крепится на внутреннюю стенку.

To be aware of just how sharp and unexpected the knife would be if you discounted that danger.

Быть в курсе, каким острым и неожиданным будет нож, если ты недооценишь эту опасность.

To be aware of, subscribe all airlines — will be plenty to choose from.

Чтобы быть в курсе, подпишитесь на рассылки всех авиакомпаний — будет из чего выбирать.

To be aware of each action is to spend a tremendous amount of energy.

Осознавать каждое действие — это расходовать огромное количество энергии.

Krishnamurti: To be aware of this is also to be in a state of inaction with regard to the past which is acting.

Кришнамурти: Осознавать и это — значит находиться в состоянии бездействия по отношению к действующему прошлому.

To be aware of added sugars in food products, it is important to read labels carefully.

Чтобы знать о добавлении сахара в пищевые продукты, важно внимательно читать этикетки.

To be aware of the environmental impact of digital technologies and their use.

Осознавать влияние цифровых технологий на окружающую среду и их использование.

To be aware of anything is to make it a part of your being.

А иметь осознание чего-либо — значит сделать это частью себя.

To be aware of or know the existence of.

Надо знать или опыт такого явления, знать о его существовании.

To be aware of and abide by the laws and procedures, protecting the child.

Знать и соблюдать законы и процедуры, которые защищают ребенка от насилия.

To be aware of major currencies, and be able to exchange them.

Поддержка основных валют и возможность обмена между ними.

To be aware of what they are doing.

«To be aware of» is perhaps the most pertinent definition.

«Знать», пожалуй, самое подходящее определение.

To be aware of our events,

To be aware of how we live.

To be aware of it may help explain behaviors that do not look rational.

Понимание таких искажений помогает объяснить поведение, которое нельзя назвать рациональным.

To be aware of their surroundings, and the people around them.

Он должен ознакомить его с местом, в котором они находятся, и с людьми, которые их окружают.

To be aware of the body in disease is just an emergency measure.

Осознавание своего тела в случае болезни — мера чрезвычайная.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 5427. Точных совпадений: 5427. Затраченное время: 539 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

be aware of (something)

(redirected from be aware of)

Idioms browser

  • be at rock bottom
  • be at sea
  • be at sixes and sevens
  • be at somebody’s command
  • be at somebody’s service
  • be at someone’s beck and call
  • be at the bottom of (something)
  • be at the bottom of something
  • be at the cutting edge
  • be at the end of (one’s) rope
  • be at the end of (one’s) tether
  • be at the end of nowhere
  • be at the end of your tether
  • be at the fiddle
  • be at the heart of the issue
  • be at the heart of the matter
  • be at the helm
  • be at the mercy of (something)
  • be at the receiving end
  • be at the sharp end (of something)
  • be at the wheel
  • be at work
  • be at your wits’ end
  • be at/below full strength
  • be au fait with
  • be aware of
  • be aware of (something)
  • be away from (one’s) desk
  • be away from it all
  • be away with the fairies
  • be back at (something or some place)
  • be back in (the) harness
  • be back in business
  • be back in circulation
  • be back in full swing
  • be back in harness
  • be back on (one’s) feet
  • be back on the rails
  • be backed into a corner
  • be bad news
  • be badly off
  • be badly off for (something)
  • be badly off for something
  • be badly turned out
  • be baked into (one’s) DNA
  • be baked into the DNA of (someone or something)
  • be bang on
  • be banging (one’s) head against a brick wall
  • be banging your head against a brick wall
  • be banging, etc. your head against a brick wall
  • be barking mad

Full browser

  • be at the sharp end of it
  • be at the sharp end of something
  • be at the wheel
  • be at their beck and call
  • be at their command
  • be at their feet
  • be at their service
  • be at their wit’s end
  • be at their wits’ end
  • be at them
  • be at them hammer and tongs
  • be at us
  • be at us hammer and tongs
  • be at wit’s end
  • be at wits’ end
  • be at wits’ end
  • be at wits’ end
  • be at wits’ end
  • be at wits’ end
  • be at work
  • be at you
  • be at you hammer and tongs
  • be at your beck and call
  • be at your command
  • be at your feet
  • be at your service
  • be at your wit’s end
  • be at your wits’ end
  • be at/below full strength
  • be au fait with
  • be aware of
  • be aware of (something)
  • be away from (one’s) desk
  • be away from desk
  • be away from her desk
  • be away from his desk
  • be away from it all
  • be away from my desk
  • be away from one’s desk
  • be away from our desk
  • be away from our desks
  • be away from somebody’s desk
  • be away from someone’s desk
  • be away from their desk
  • be away from their desks
  • be away from your desk
  • be away with the fairies
  • be baby
  • Be Back
  • Be Back
  • be back (some place)
  • Be Back A Little Later
  • Be Back About That Time
  • Be Back As Soon As Possible
  • be back at
  • be back at (something or some place)
  • be back at school
  • be back at some place
  • be back at something
  • be back at the apartment
  • be back at the office

  • 1
    to be acutely aware of something

    ser perfectamente consciente de algo

    English-spanish dictionary > to be acutely aware of something

  • 2
    to be painfully aware of something

    tener plena conciencia de algo

    English-spanish dictionary > to be painfully aware of something

  • 3
    become aware of something

    English-German idiom dictionary > become aware of something

  • 4

       a. ( = conscious) conscient ; ( = informed) au courant

       b. ( = knowledgeable) informé

    * * *



    1) () conscient (of de); () au courant (of de)

    to make somebody aware of/that — rendre quelqu’un conscient de/que

    English-French dictionary > aware

  • 5


    informado; consciente


    1 consciente




    ə’wer, ə’weə(r)


    I’m well aware of that — soy or (Chi, Méx) estoy muy consciente or tengo plena conciencia de eso, me doy perfecta cuenta de eso

    to be aware that: is your father aware that you drink? ¿sabe tu padre que bebes?; he became aware that something was wrong — se dio cuenta de que pasaba algo

    b) (alert, knowledgeable)




    to be aware that… — saber que…, ser consciente de que…

    I am fully aware that… — tengo plena conciencia de que…


    3) despierto

    * * *

    [ə’wer, ə’weə(r)]


    I’m well aware of that — soy or (Chi, Méx) estoy muy consciente or tengo plena conciencia de eso, me doy perfecta cuenta de eso

    to be aware that: is your father aware that you drink? ¿sabe tu padre que bebes?; he became aware that something was wrong — se dio cuenta de que pasaba algo

    b) (alert, knowledgeable)

    English-spanish dictionary > aware

  • 6


    be aware that… — sich (Dat.) [dessen] bewusst sein, dass…

    * * *


    (sich) bewußt


    * * *

    [əˈweəʳ, AM -ˈwer]

    to be aware of sth sich dat einer S. gen bewusst sein

    as far as I’m aware soviel [o soweit] ich weiß

    not that I’m aware of nicht, dass ich wüsste

    to be well/perfectly [or acutely] aware of sth sich dat einer S. gen wohl/sehr wohl bewusst sein

    to be aware that… sich dat bewusst sein, dass…, sich dat darüber im Klaren sein, dass…

    to make sb aware of sth jdm etw bewusst machen

    to be aware of sb/sth jdn/etw bemerken

    he was aware of a pain in his left arm er spürte einen Schmerz in seinem linken Arm

    3. (well informed) unterrichtet, informiert

    ecologically aware umweltbewusst

    to act politically aware politisch bewusst handeln

    * * *


    adj ESP pred


    to be/become aware of sb/sth — sich jds/einer Sache bewusst sein/werden

    are you aware that…? — ist dir eigentlich klar, dass…?

    we try to remain aware of what is going on in other companies/the world — wir versuchen, uns auf dem Laufenden darüber zu halten, was in anderen Firmen/auf der Welt vor sich geht

    to make sb more aware —

    * * *

    1. (of) gewahr (gen), unterrichtet (von):

    be aware of sth von etwas wissen oder Kenntnis haben, etwas kennen, sich einer Sache bewusst sein;

    I am well aware that … ich bin mir vollkommen darüber im Klaren, dass …; ich bin mir (dessen) vollkommen bewusst, dass …;

    as far as I’m aware soweit ich weiß;

    a) umweltbewusst,

    b) umweltfreundlich (Produkt etc);

    * * *


    be aware that… — sich (Dat.) [dessen] bewusst sein, dass…

    * * *


    begierig adj.

    bewusst adj.

    gewahr adj.

    wissend adj.

    English-german dictionary > aware

  • 7

    English-German idiom dictionary > aware

  • 8
    make oneself aware

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make oneself aware

  • 9



    1) befühlen

    feel one’s way — sich (Dat.) seinen Weg ertasten; : sich vorsichtig vor[an]tasten

    2) fühlen; bemerken; merken; spüren

    3) empfinden [Mitleid, Dank, Eifersucht]; verspüren [Drang, Wunsch]

    feel the cold/ heat — unter der Kälte/Hitze leiden

    4) empfinden; zu spüren bekommen

    feel [that]… — das Gefühl haben, dass…

    feel [that]… — glauben, dass…




    feel [about] in something [for something] — in etwas (Dat.) [nach etwas] [herum]suchen

    feel [about] [after or for something] with something — mit etwas [nach etwas] [umher]tasten

    3) sich… fühlen

    feel angry/delighted/disappointed — böse/froh/enttäuscht sein

    the child did not feel loved/wanted — das Kind hatte das Gefühl, ungeliebt/unerwünscht zu sein

    feel like something/doing something — : auf etwas (Akk.) Lust haben/Lust haben, etwas zu tun

    we feel as if or as though… — es kommt uns vor, als ob…; wir haben das Gefühl, dass…

    if that’s how or the way you feel about it — wenn du so darüber denkst


    feel passionately/bitterly about something — sich für etwas begeistern/über etwas (Akk.) verbittert sein

    it feels nice/uncomfortable — es ist ein angenehmes/unangenehmes Gefühl



    get/have a feel for something — ein Gespür für etwas bekommen/haben

    Phrasal Verbs:

    — academic.ru/86960/feel_for»>feel for

    — feel out

    — feel with

    * * *


    1) fühlen

    2) befühlen

    3) spüren

    4) fühlen

    5) glauben


    — feeling
    — feel as if / as though
    — feel like
    — feel one’s way
    — get the feel of

    * * *


    I. vt

    <felt, felt>

    to feel sth etw fühlen [o spüren]

    to feel one’s age sein Alter spüren

    to feel anger/jealousy wütend/eifersüchtig sein

    to feel it in one’s bones [that…] es im Gefühl haben[, dass…]

    to feel the cold/heat unter der Kälte/Hitze leiden

    she feels the cold more than most people sie ist kälteempfindlicher als die meisten Menschen

    to feel an idiot sich dat wie ein Idiot vorkommen

    you made me feel a real idiot du hast mir das Gefühl gegeben, ein richtiger Idiot zu sein

    to feel joy sich akk freuen

    to feel nothing for sb für jdn nichts empfinden

    do you still feel anything for Robert? hast du noch etwas für Robert übrig?

    to feel one’s old self [again] [wieder] ganz der/die Alte sein

    what do you feel about it? was hältst du davon?

    to feel it appropriate/necessary/right to do sth es für angebracht/notwendig/richtig halten, etw zu tun

    to feel that… der Meinung sein, dass…

    to feel sth etw fühlen

    I had to feel my way along the wall ich musste mich die Wand entlangtasten; ( fig)

    they’re feeling their way towards a solution sie tasten sich an eine Lösung heran

    II. vi

    <felt, felt>

    my mouth feels very dry mein Mund fühlt sich ganz trocken an

    my eyes feel sore from the smoke meine Augen brennen von dem Rauch

    it feels awful to tell you this ich fühle mich ganz schrecklich dabei, dir das zu sagen

    it feels all wrong somehow ich habe ein ganz schlechtes Gefühl dabei

    how do you feel about it? was sagst du dazu?

    how does it feel to be world champion? wie fühlt man sich als Weltmeister?

    to feel angry/glad/sad wütend/froh/traurig sein

    to feel better/ill/well sich akk besser/krank/wohl fühlen

    to feel foolish sich dat dumm vorkommen

    to feel free to do sth etw ruhig tun fam

    feel free to visit any time you like du kannst uns gern [o fam ruhig] jederzeit besuchen

    to feel good/bad sich akk gut/schlecht fühlen

    sb feels hot/cold jdm ist heiß/kalt

    sb feels hungry/thirsty jd ist hungrig/durstig [o hat Hunger/Durst]

    to feel safe sich akk sicher fühlen

    to feel as if one were doing sth das Gefühl haben, etw zu tun

    to feel for sb mit jdm fühlen

    to feel like sth sich akk wie etw fühlen

    I feel like nothing on earth ( fam) ich fühle mich hundeelend fam

    what does it feel like? was für ein Gefühl ist das?

    2. + adj (seem) scheinen

    how do the shoes feel? was für ein Gefühl hast du in den Schuhen?

    to feel along sth etw abtasten

    to feel for sth nach etw dat tasten

    to feel like sth zu etw dat Lust haben

    to feel like doing sth Lust haben, etw zu tun

    the feel of wool das Gefühl von Wolle [auf der Haut]

    you can recognize high-quality leather simply by the feel of it hochwertiges Leder kann man schon beim Anfassen erkennen

    the material has a nice feel to it das Material fühlt sich gut an

    she had a feel around in the bottom of the trunk sie tastete den Boden der Truhe ab

    she let me have a feel ( fam) ich durfte sie betatschen fam

    3. (air) Ambiente nt; (positive also) Flair nt

    a feel of mystery eine geheimnisvolle Atmosphäre

    to get the/have a feel for sth ein Gespür für etw akk bekommen/haben

    * * *








    2) fühlen, spüren

    3) fühlen, empfinden; spüren

    he felt a sense of regret —

    4) leiden unter

    I don’t feel the cold as much as he does —

    she’s fallen, I bet she felt that! — sie ist hingefallen, das hat bestimmt wehgetan!

    5) glauben

    what do you feel about him/it? — was halten Sie von ihm/davon?

    it was felt that… — man war der Meinung, dass…

    don’t feel you have to… — glauben Sie nicht, Sie müssten…

    I can’t help feeling that… — ich kann mir nicht helfen, ich glaube, dass…

    to feel well/ill/apprehensive — sich wohlfühlen/elend/unsicher fühlen

    I feel sick —

    to feel convinced/certain — überzeugt/sicher sein

    to feel hungry/thirsty/sleepy — hungrig/durstig/müde sein

    I feel hot/cold — mir ist heiß/kalt

    I felt very touched by his remarks —

    I felt sad/strange — mir war traurig/komisch zumute or zu Mute

    2) sich anfühlen

    to feel hard/soft/rough etc — sich hart/weich/rau etc anfühlen

    the room/air feels warm — das Zimmer/die Luft kommt einem warm vor

    3) meinen

    how do you feel about him/the idea/going for a walk? —


    I felt like screaming/crying/giving up — ich hätte am liebsten geschrien/geheult/aufgegeben, ich hätte schreien/heulen/aufgeben können



    it has a velvety/papery feel — es fühlt sich samten/wie Papier an


    the room has a cosy feel —

    to get/have a feel for sth — ein Gefühl für etw bekommen/haben

    * * *

    A v/t prät und pperf felt [felt]

    1. anfassen, (be)fühlen, anfühlen:

    feel up umg jemanden befummeln;

    feel one’s way

    a) sich tasten(d zurechtfinden),

    b) fig vorsichtig vorgehen;

    feel one’s way through the dark sich durch das Dunkel tasten; pulse1 A 1

    2. a) die Kälte etc fühlen, (ver)spüren, wahrnehmen, merken:

    feel one’s age sein Alter spüren;

    b) jemandes Zorn etc zu spüren oder zu fühlen bekommen

    3. Vergnügen etc empfinden:

    4. a) ahnen, spüren: bone1 A 1

    b) das Gefühl oder den Eindruck haben, glauben ( alle:

    I feel that … ich finde, dass …; es scheint mir, dass …;

    it is felt in London that … in London ist man der Ansicht, dass …

    c) halten für:

    B v/i

    1. fühlen:

    2. auch feel to see fühlen, durch Fühlen oder Tasten festzustellen suchen oder feststellen (whether, if ob; how wie)

    a) tasten nach:

    b) vorsichtig Ausschau halten nach

    c) suchen nach einer Ausrede etc

    d) herausfinden; versuchen, etwas herauszufinden:

    in the absence of a book of instructions we had to feel for the best way to operate the machine

    4. gefühlsmäßig reagieren oder handeln

    5. sich fühlen, sich befinden, sich vorkommen, sein:

    I don’t feel quite myself ich bin nicht ganz auf



    a) sich einer Sache gewachsen fühlen,

    b) sich in der Lage fühlen zu etwas,

    c) in (der) Stimmung sein zu etwas;

    feel like a new man (woman) sich wie neugeboren fühlen;

    6. Mitgefühl oder Mitleid haben (for, with mit):

    a) entschiedene Ansichten haben über (akk),

    b) sich erregen über (akk);

    how do you feel about it? was meinst du dazu?

    8. sich anfühlen:

    9. unpers sich fühlen:

    C s

    1. Gefühl n (Art und Weise, wie sich etwas anfühlt):

    2. (An)Fühlen n:

    it is soft to the feel, it has a soft feel es fühlt sich weich an;

    3. Gefühl n:

    a) Empfindung f, Eindruck m

    b) Stimmung f, Atmosphäre f

    c) Feingefühl n, (feiner) Instinkt, Riecher m umg ( alle:

    clutch feel AUTO Gefühl für richtiges Kuppeln

    * * *



    feel one’s way — sich (Dat.) seinen Weg ertasten; : sich vorsichtig vor[an]tasten

    2) fühlen; bemerken; merken; spüren

    3) empfinden [Mitleid, Dank, Eifersucht]; verspüren [Drang, Wunsch]

    feel the cold/ heat — unter der Kälte/Hitze leiden

    4) empfinden; zu spüren bekommen

    feel [that]… — das Gefühl haben, dass…

    feel [that]… — glauben, dass…




    feel [about] in something [for something] — in etwas (Dat.) [nach etwas] [herum]suchen

    feel [about] [after or for something] with something — mit etwas [nach etwas] [umher]tasten

    feel angry/delighted/disappointed — böse/froh/enttäuscht sein

    the child did not feel loved/wanted — das Kind hatte das Gefühl, ungeliebt/unerwünscht zu sein

    feel like something/doing something — : auf etwas (Akk.) Lust haben/Lust haben, etwas zu tun

    we feel as if or as though… — es kommt uns vor, als ob…; wir haben das Gefühl, dass…

    if that’s how or the way you feel about it — wenn du so darüber denkst

    feel passionately/bitterly about something — sich für etwas begeistern/über etwas (Akk.) verbittert sein

    it feels nice/uncomfortable — es ist ein angenehmes/unangenehmes Gefühl



    get/have a feel for something — ein Gespür für etwas bekommen/haben

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    betasten ausdr.

    empfinden ausdr.

    fühlen ausdr.

    sich fühlen ausdr.

    spüren ausdr. v.

    sich befinden v.

    sich fühlen v.

    English-german dictionary > feel

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    1) sentir

    2) tocar, palpar

    3) sentir

    4) sentirse, encontrarse

    5) creer

    — feeling
    — feel as if / as though
    — feel like
    — feel one’s way
    — get the feel of



    sentir / notar

    creer / pensar


    1 (sense, texture) tacto

    3 (sense, experience) sentir, experimentar, tener la impresión

    1 (be) sentir(se), encontrarse, experimentar

    how are you feeling? —I feel terrible ¿cómo te encuentras? —me encuentro fatal

    we were feeling cold, tired and hungry teníamos frío, sueño y hambre

    how does it feel to be famous? ¿qué se siente cuando se es famoso?

    3 (perceive, sense) sentir

    as I walked in, I felt the tension in the room al entrar, sentí la tensión en la sala

    how do you feel about exams? ¿qué opinas de los exámenes?


    to feel as if / feel as though sentir como si, tener la impresión de

    sentirse, encontrarse


    parecerse, opinar, pensar

    tocar, palpar


    sentir, creer, considerar




    1. fiːl

    (past & past p felt) intransitive verb

    how do you feel o how are you feeling? — ¿cómo or qué tal te encuentras or te sientes?

    to feel hot/cold/hungry/thirsty — tener* calor/frío/hambre/sed

    2) (emotionally, mentally) sentirse*

    how does it feel, what does it feel like? — ¿qué se siente?

    I feel that… — me parece que…, opino or creo que…


    I feel like a cup of tea — tengo ganas de tomar una taza de té, me apetece una taza de té (esp Esp)

    5) (seem, give impression of being)

    6) (search, grope)



    1) ( touch) <<surface/body>> tocar*, palpar

    2) (perceive, experience) <<sensation/movement/indignation/shame>> sentir*

    Phrasal Verbs:




    a) (atmosphere — of house, room) ambiente m








    1) tocar, palpar; tomar

    I’m still feeling my way — (fig) todavía me estoy familiarizando con la situación/el trabajo etc

    2) sentir; ser consciente de

    3) sentir

    the consequences will be felt next year — las consecuencias se harán sentir el año próximo

    they are beginning to feel the effects of the trade sanctions — están empezando a sentir or notar los efectos de las sanciones económicas

    I feel no interest in it — no me interesa en absoluto, no siento ningún interés por ello

    I felt myself blush — noté que me estaba sonrojando

    4) ser sensible a

    don’t you feel the heat? — ¿no te molesta el calor?

    he feels the loss of his father very deeply — está muy afectado por la muerte de su padre


    he felt it necessary to point out that… — creyó or le pareció necesario señalar que…

    to feel cold/hungry/ sleepy — tener frío/hambre/sueño

    do you feel sick? — ¿estás mareado?

    how do you feel about him/about the idea? — ¿qué te parece él/la idea?

    I feel as if there is nothing we can do — tengo la sensación de que no hay nada que hacer, me da la impresión de que no podemos hacer nada

    he feels bad about leaving his wife alone — siente haber dejado sola a su mujer

    I feel for you! — ¡lo siento por ti!, ¡te compadezco!

    since you feel so strongly about it… — ya que te parece tan importante…

    I feel sure that — estoy seguro de que




    I felt like a new man/woman — me sentí como un hombre nuevo/una mujer nueva



    to feel hard/cold/damp etc — ser duro/frío/húmedo etc al tacto

    5) : feel around) tantear, ir a tientas

    she felt in her pocket for her keys — rebuscó en el bolsillo para encontrar las llaves


    4) (fig) ambiente , aspecto

    to get the feel of — (fig) ambientarse a, familiarizarse con; familiarizarse con

    to have a feel for languages/music — tener talento para los idiomas/la música

    * * *

    1. [fiːl]

    (past & past p felt) intransitive verb

    how do you feel o how are you feeling? — ¿cómo or qué tal te encuentras or te sientes?

    to feel hot/cold/hungry/thirsty — tener* calor/frío/hambre/sed

    2) (emotionally, mentally) sentirse*

    how does it feel, what does it feel like? — ¿qué se siente?

    I feel that… — me parece que…, opino or creo que…


    I feel like a cup of tea — tengo ganas de tomar una taza de té, me apetece una taza de té (esp Esp)

    5) (seem, give impression of being)

    6) (search, grope)



    1) ( touch) <<surface/body>> tocar*, palpar

    2) (perceive, experience) <<sensation/movement/indignation/shame>> sentir*

    Phrasal Verbs:




    a) (atmosphere — of house, room) ambiente m

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    I [fiːl]


    1) (atmosphere, impression) atmosfera f.

    to have a feel of sth., to give sth. a feel — (touch) toccare qcs.; (weigh) sentire (il peso di) qcs

    4) (familiarity, understanding)

    to get the feel of, of doing — prendere la mano con, a fare

    5) (flair) dono m., facilità f.

    1. [fiːl]

    1) (experience) provare, sentire [affection, desire]; sentire [bond, hostility, effects]; provare [ envy]

    to feel sb.’s loss very deeply — essere sconvolto dalla perdita di qcn

    4) (touch deliberately) toccare, sentire, tastare [texture, cloth]; palpare [patient, body part]

    to feel the weight of sth. — soppesare qcs.

    to feel sb. for weapons — perquisire qcn. per vedere se è armato

    5) (be aware of) sentire, essere consapevole di, avere coscienza di [tension, importance, seriousness]; avere il senso di [justice, irony]


    1) (emotionally) sentirsi, essere [sad, happy, nervous]; essere [ surprised]; sentirsi [stupid, safe, trapped, betrayed]

    to feel as if o as though sentirsi come se; how do you feel? come ti senti? how do you feel about marriage? che cosa ne pensi del matrimonio? how does it feel o what does it feel like to be a dad? come ci si sente o cosa si prova a essere papà? if that’s the way you feel… — se è così che la pensi

    to feel hot, thirsty — avere caldo, sete

    I’ll see how I feel o what I feel like tomorrow vedo come mi sento domani; it felt as if I was floating avevo l’impressione di galleggiare; she isn’t feeling herself today — è un po’ fuori fase oggi

    to feel like sth., like doing — avere voglia di qcs., di fare

    «why did you do that?» — «I just felt like it» — «perché l’hai fatto?» — «perché ne avevo voglia»

    5) (touch, grope)


    * * *


    1) sentire

    2) tastare

    3) sentire, provare

    4) sentirsi

    5) credere

    — feeling
    — feel as if / as though
    — feel like
    — feel one’s way
    — get the feel of

    * * *

    feel /fi:l/


    ♦ (to) feel /fi:l/

    4 sentire (


    di spiacevole); soffrire: to feel the loss of


    , sentire (o soffrire per) la perdita di


    ; to feel the cold [the heat], soffrire il freddo [il caldo]

    2 sentirsi: to feel happy, sentirsi felice; to feel lonely, sentirsi solo; I feel ( o I’m feeling) tired, mi sento stanco; Do you feel better?, ti senti meglio?; DIALOGO → — Feeling ill- I’m not feeling too well at all, non mi sento per niente bene; to feel obliged (o bound) to do


    , sentirsi obbligato a fare


    ; I felt a fool, mi sentii un idiota; How would you feel if you were me?, come ti sentiresti (o che cosa proveresti) se tu fossi al mio posto?; to feel as if, avere l’impressione (o la sensazione) di; parere; sembrare: I felt as if I’d lived here forever, avevo l’impressione di essere (o mi pareva di aver) vissuto sempre qui; My arm feels as if it’s broken, ho paura di essermi rotto il braccio; ( USA) I feel uncomfortable around her, mi sento a disagio con lei

    3 (+


    ) avere (+


    ); essere (+


    ): to feel cold [hot], avere freddo [caldo]; to feel hungry [thirsty, sleepy], aver fame [sete, sonno]; to feel angry [nervous, sure], essere arrabbiato [agitato, sicuro]; to feel giddy, sentirsi girare la testa; to feel sick, avere la nausea; aver voglia di vomitare

    to feel one’s age, sentire l’età; sentire il peso degli anni □ to feel bad about


    , essere dispiaciuto per


    ; sentirsi in colpa per


    □ (


    ) to feel cheap, sentirsi un verme □ to feel one’s feet (o legs), poggiare saldamente i piedi; (


    ) sentirsi a proprio agio □ (spesso all’


    ) to feel free to do


    , sentirsi libero di fare


    ; fare pure: Feel free to ask, chiedi pure □ to feel in one’s bones, sentire istintivamente; sentirsela: I feel it in my bones!, me lo (o la) sento! □ to feel like, (di cosa o


    ) sembrare; ( di persona) aver voglia di: It feels like glass, sembra vetro (al tatto); It feels like spring, sembra (di essere in) primavera; What does it feel like being here?, che impressione fa essere qui?; I feel like a coffee, ho voglia di un caffè; DIALOGO → — Dinner 1- I feel like some pasta, mi andrebbe della pasta; I don’t feel like sleeping, non ho voglia di dormire; I felt like hitting him on the chin, mi è venuta voglia di tirargli un pugno sul mento □ (


    ) to feel like hell, sentirsi da cani; sentirsi uno straccio □ (


    ) to feel like a million dollars, sentirsi in gran forma □ (


    ) to feel out of it, sentirsi estraneo; sentirsi tagliato fuori □ to feel out of sorts, sentirsi indisposto; essere di malumore □ to feel small, farsi piccolo (


    ) □ to feel strongly about


    , accalorarsi per


    ( a favore o contro); reagire con forza a proposito di


    to feel one’s way, andare a tentoni; ( anche


    ) procedere con cautela; (


    ) tastare il terreno □ to make itself felt, ( di situazione, ecc.) farsi sentire.

    * * *

    I [fiːl]


    1) (atmosphere, impression) atmosfera f.

    to have a feel of sth., to give sth. a feel — (touch) toccare qcs.; (weigh) sentire (il peso di) qcs

    4) (familiarity, understanding)

    to get the feel of, of doing — prendere la mano con, a fare

    5) (flair) dono m., facilità f.

    1. [fiːl]

    1) (experience) provare, sentire [affection, desire]; sentire [bond, hostility, effects]; provare [ envy]

    to feel sb.’s loss very deeply — essere sconvolto dalla perdita di qcn

    4) (touch deliberately) toccare, sentire, tastare [texture, cloth]; palpare [patient, body part]

    to feel the weight of sth. — soppesare qcs.

    to feel sb. for weapons — perquisire qcn. per vedere se è armato

    5) (be aware of) sentire, essere consapevole di, avere coscienza di [tension, importance, seriousness]; avere il senso di [justice, irony]


    1) (emotionally) sentirsi, essere [sad, happy, nervous]; essere [ surprised]; sentirsi [stupid, safe, trapped, betrayed]

    to feel as if o as though sentirsi come se; how do you feel? come ti senti? how do you feel about marriage? che cosa ne pensi del matrimonio? how does it feel o what does it feel like to be a dad? come ci si sente o cosa si prova a essere papà? if that’s the way you feel… — se è così che la pensi

    to feel hot, thirsty — avere caldo, sete

    I’ll see how I feel o what I feel like tomorrow vedo come mi sento domani; it felt as if I was floating avevo l’impressione di galleggiare; she isn’t feeling herself today — è un po’ fuori fase oggi

    to feel like sth., like doing — avere voglia di qcs., di fare

    «why did you do that?» — «I just felt like it» — «perché l’hai fatto?» — «perché ne avevo voglia»

    5) (touch, grope)


    English-Italian dictionary > feel

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    1 agudamente, intensamente






    a) <painful/embarrassing> extremadamente, sumamente



    1) intensamente; sumamente

    I am acutely aware that… — me doy perfecta cuenta de que…, me doy cuenta perfectamente de que…, soy perfectamente consciente de que…

    2) perspicazmente

    * * *



    a) <painful/embarrassing> extremadamente, sumamente

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    1) scharf [geschliffen]

    2) eifrig [arbeiten]; brennend [interessiert sein]

    * * *

    * * *



    to feel sth keenly etw sehr intensiv empfinden

    to be keenly interested in sth sich akk brennend für etw akk interessieren

    * * *



    1) leidenschaftlich, tief, stark; stark, sehr, leidenschaftlich; aufmerksam; scharf

    I am keenly aware that… — ich bin mir deutlich bewusst, dass…

    keenly priced goods — Waren zu scharf kalkulierten Preisen

    * * *


    2) eifrig [arbeiten]; brennend [interessiert sein]

    * * *


    scharf adv.

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    be or feel uncomfortably aware of something — sich (Dat.) einer Sache (Gen.) peinlich bewusst sein

    * * *

    * * *


    [ʌnˈkʌm(p)ftəbli, AM -fɚt̬ə-]

    they had come uncomfortably close to death sie waren dem Tod bedenklich nahe gekommen

    to be uncomfortably aware of sth sich dat einer S. gen schmerzlich bewusst sein

    to smile uncomfortably nervös lächeln

    * * *



    2) unbehaglich, unruhig

    * * *


    be or feel uncomfortably aware of something — sich (Dat.) einer Sache (Gen.) peinlich bewusst sein

    * * *


    unbequem adv.

    ungemütlich adv.

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    3) unruhig [schlafen, sitzen]

    * * *


    * * *



    2. (causing anxiety) beunruhigend

    responsibility of any sort sits very uneasily on his shoulders jegliche Verantwortung lastet schwer auf seinen Schultern

    * * *



    unbehaglich; beklommen, unsicher; unruhig

    to be uneasily aware that… — sich mit Unbehagen bewusst sein, dass…

    * * *


    3) unruhig [schlafen, sitzen]

    * * *


    unbehaglich adv.

    unruhig adv.

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    1) taknemlighed

    2) forståelse; indsigt

    3) forståelse

    4) værdistigning

    5) anmeldelse; omtale

    * * *

    1) taknemlighed

    2) forståelse; indsigt

    3) forståelse

    4) værdistigning

    5) anmeldelse; omtale

    English-Danish dictionary > appreciation

  • 18


    1) føle, kjenne, merke

    2) føle, kjenne (etter)

    3) føle, kjenne

    4) føles, kjennes, føle/kjenne seg

    5) føle, synes, tenke

    — feeling
    — feel as if / as though
    — feel like
    — feel one’s way
    — get the feel of







    1) følelse

    2) grep, tak (på noe)

    have a feel!

    3) fornemmelse, følelse

    kjennes myk / kjennes myk å ta på


    1) kjenne, merke, fornemme, ha en følelse av, (få) kjenne på, erfare, kjenne til, lide av, ha kjenning av

    det kommer til å kjennes (hardt) for henne å bli nødt til å forlate alt sammen

    2) kjenne på, ta på, ta i

    3) kjenne etter, lete etter

    4) famle

    5) sondere

    6) mene, anse

    jeg anser det som min plikt å gå / jeg mener det er min plikt å gå

    7) innse, oppfatte, være bevisst på

    8) kjenne, ha følelse(r), reagere

    9) kjenne seg, være, ha, kjenne seg som, synes

    how are you feeling today?

    I felt as if…

    det kjentes som om… / jeg følte det som om…

    how do you feel about that?

    jeg vet hvordan det er/føles

    feel badly/bad about være ille berørt over, ha dårlig samvittighet for

    feel for/after famle etter, lete etter føle med, ha sympati for

    ha lyst til, ha lyst på

    kjenne seg opplagt til

    do you feel like a walk?

    det skulle smake med en kopp te / jeg har lyst på en kopp te

    feel oneself føle seg, kjenne seg, synes at man er, kjenne at man er, merke at man er, kjenne seg som

    kjenne på seg selv, ta på seg selv

    kjenne seg i form, være seg selv

    feel one’s legs/oats lære seg å stå, lære seg å gå finne seg til rette, bli sikker på seg selv

    feel small kjenne seg ubetydelig være skamfull

    feel strongly about reagere sterkt mot, føle sterkt for ha en bestemt mening om

    jeg føler med deg i din tunge stund / jeg kondolerer

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    1) sentir

    2) apalpar

    3) sentir

    4) sentir-se

    5) achar

    — feeling
    — feel as if / as though
    — feel like
    — feel one’s way
    — get the feel of

    * * *

    [fi:l] n 1 tato, o sentido do tato. 2 sensação, percepção, impressão. • vt+vi (ps e pp: felt) 1 sentir, perceber, notar. the measure was felt to be premature / a providência foi considerada prematura. 2 ter, experimentar (sentimento, sensação física ou moral). I felt that his hand was cold / senti que sua mão estava fria. I felt as if something were near me / alguma coisa parecia estar perto de mim. 3 ter consciência de. 4 tocar, examinar pelo tato, apalpar, tatear. he felt around in his coat / ele procurou dentro de seu casaco (usando as mãos), apalpou. 5 ressentir(-se), magoar-se com, melindrar-se. I feel hurt / sinto-me ofendido. 6 ser sensível a. he feels the cold / ele se sente infeliz quando está com frio. 7 pressentir, ter impressão ou palpite, achar, considerar. I feel ill / sinto-me doente. it feels like rain / acho que vai chover. 8 reconhecer, aperceber-se de. he feels sure of himself / ele está seguro de si. she is feeling her way / ela está agindo cautelosamente (numa nova situação). 9 ter tato, ter sensibilidade. 10 parecer, dar impressão ou sensação. I feel like taking a walk / tenho vontade de dar um passeio. the grass feels soft / a grama é macia ao tato. by the feel pelo tocar. feel free! fique à vontade! to feel angry irar-se. to feel cold estar com frio. to feel for an object procurar um objeto usando as mãos. to feel good coll estar levemente tocado, bêbado. to feel grieved estar aflito. to feel lonely sentir-se sozinho. to feel no pain coll estar bêbado. to feel one’s way andar às palpadelas. to feel quite oneself sentir-se bem, estar bem-disposto. to feel sorry for ter pena de. to feel strongly that ter forte impressão de que. to feel sure that ter certeza de que. to feel the pulse tomar o pulso de, fig sondar. to feel up to sentir-se à altura de, capaz de enfrentar. you may feel sure of it pode estar certo de que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feel

  • 20








    to be painfully aware of sth/that… — ser plenamente consciente de algo/de que…

    it was painfully clear that… — estaba penosamente claro que…

    she was painfully shy/thin — era tan tímida/delgada que daba pena

    3) con mucho trabajo or esfuerzo

    * * *



    English-spanish dictionary > painfully

  • To be aware means to know about. If you’re aware of a sled zooming towards you, move! And if you’re aware that the other kids wish they had sleds, share yours. That’s being socially aware. Well done.

    Aware is a close relative of beware, «look out for.» Julius Caesar is famously warned to «beware the ides of March.» Too bad he’s not aware of why. Beware and aware share the root ware, from an Old English word meaning «careful.» Be aware of your purse at all times, and beware of the snatch-and-grab thief.

    Definitions of aware

    1. adjective

      (sometimes followed by `of’) having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception

      aware of his opponent’s hostility”

      aware of her surroundings”

      aware that he had exceeded the speed limit”


      cognisant, cognizant


      not in a state of sleep; completely conscious

      alert, alive, awake

      mentally perceptive and responsive;»an alert mind»


      (followed by `of’) showing realization or recognition of something


      aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed


      aware or knowing


      knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts

      sensible, sensitive

      able to feel or perceive

    2. adjective

      bearing in mind; attentive to



      careful, heedful

      cautiously attentive

      evocative, redolent, remindful, reminiscent, resonant

      serving to bring to mind

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘aware’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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    To expand on the title more, is there an adjective for someone that is aware of something happening but is not doing anything about it, even though they could interfere but they’re just not choosing too?

    Here’s an example: let’s say that there’s a toddler at a daycare. The toddler starts stealing toys from other kids and gets into fights with them. The daycare supervisors are completely aware that this is happening, and they can intervene, but they choose not to.

    I tried the words ignorant and oblivious but that doesn’t work since the person is aware it’s happening. I also can’t think of any other word that works. If someone could help, that would be greatly appreciated.

    asked Nov 13, 2016 at 0:04

    Moeez Muhammad's user avatar


    You are looking for an adjective for «someone that is aware of something…»

    You may say they are unconcerned about what’s going on around them.

    • unconcerned — (adjective) not involved, not having any part or interest. It suggests a lack of sensitivity or regard for others’ needs or troubles «unconcerned about the homeless». MW — — Not involved or interested, indifferent TFD
    • «a good parent will never be unconcerned about the education of their children»
    • «The question then is how a person can have self-respect if they are unconcerned about their own interests»
    • «A sensible adviser ought not to be unconcerned about the influence which his writings may have on the public»

    answered Nov 13, 2016 at 0:37

    Centaurus's user avatar


    49.4k47 gold badges163 silver badges291 bronze badges


    How about ignore or turn a blind eye to?


    ignore: to do
    nothing about or in response to (something or someone)


    turn a blind eye to:
    deliberately overlook, ignore

    Also deliberately overlook. From M-W:

    overlook: to
    pay no attention to (something)

    Your example:

    The daycare supervisors are completely aware that this is happening,
    and they can intervene, but they choose not to. They choose to
    ignore [or overlook] it.

    The daycare supervisors are completely aware that this is happening,
    and they can intervene, but they choose not to. They turn a blind
    to it.

    answered Nov 13, 2016 at 0:21

    Richard Kayser's user avatar

    Richard KayserRichard Kayser

    17.8k3 gold badges22 silver badges54 bronze badges


    The word I believe you are looking for is negligence.

    failure to take proper care in doing something.
    «some of these accidents are due to negligence»

    lack of care
    dereliction of duty
    nonperformance of duty
    non-fulfillment of duty
    contributory negligence

    attention to duty

    failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.

    KillingTime's user avatar


    5,93059 gold badges33 silver badges39 bronze badges

    answered Feb 9, 2021 at 16:33

    Britany's user avatar


    I would say unmoved

    not changed in one’s purpose or intention.

    answered Feb 9, 2021 at 17:58

    John's user avatar


    1,0271 gold badge6 silver badges17 bronze badges

    Indifferent or indifference is closest, in my opinion. Perhaps complacency or complacent should also be on the list of choices.

    answered Mar 31, 2021 at 20:10

    Paul M Mutschler's user avatar


    • #1

    A dictionary says that «be aware» is » knowing or realizing sth». And «realize» means «to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation». Are these two words interchangeable?

    «The authorities have to realize the financial burden, and. apparent injustice of the fees, while the farmers have to realize the scarcity of water.»

    But some believe they aren’t interchangable. Like this example, someone says the highlighted is wrong and should use «must be aware of scaracity of water» instead. What is your opinion?

    • #2

    I think the sentence should read «…the farmers must be aware of… » because «to be aware of something» means to be cognizant of the fact, to know that it is happening. To me, «realize» means that this fact «dawns on you» or that you come to understand it in that moment. «Realize» describes the moment when you «become aware of something».
    For example:
    I was aware I left the oven on. (Means: I knew the whole time that it was on.)
    I realized that I left the oven on. (Means: I figured out/remembered that I had left the oven on.)

    I hope that helps.

    sound shift

    • #3

    In the example sentence in post #1, both occurrences of «realise» are followed by a noun and for that reason they both sound a little strange to me. If we must use «realise», I would rework the sentence to read «The authorities have to realise that the financial burden is heavy and that the fees seem unjust, while the farmers have to realise that water is scarce.»

    • #4

    Hello Redgiant,

    Sound shift makes a very good point, to which it’s worth adding that to realize can have a alternative strong transitive use which you don’t mention in your dictionary quotations: to realize can mean to make real, to cause to come about, as in He realized his ambitions. If you use the verb transitively (with a direct object) as you seem to do in your sentence, in the mind of the reader you may evoke this meaning, though that can’t be what you are trying to say — the possibility is improbable in the context.

    This is another reason for making the correction suggested by Sound Shift.


    • #5

    Do these two mean the same and are both natural? Say someone has done something stupid, which hurt someone else a lot. For example made some rasist comments and someone left offended.

    -Do you realise what you’ve done?
    -Are you aware of what you’ve done? (can ‘of’ be omitted?)

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020

    • #6

    Do these two mean the same and are both natural? Say some has done something stupid, which hurt someone else a lot. For example made some rasist comments and someone left offended.

    -Do you realise what you’ve done?
    -Are you aware of what you’ve done? (can ‘of’ be omitted?)

    They are both fine, Zaffy, and they mean very much the same.


    • #7

    Thanks Thomas. Could we omit ‘of’? in the aware example?

    • #8

    Thanks Thomas. Could we omit ‘of’? in the aware example?

    The ngrams suggest that leaving out the ‘of’ was common in the 19th century — ngrams

    These days it’s more usual to include the ‘of’.


    • #9

    And does ‘can’ work?

    ‘Can you realise what you’ve done?’

    • #10

    And does ‘can’ work?

    ‘Can you realise what you’ve done?’

    Try it in the British Corpus. I don’t think you’ll find many entries.


    : having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge

    aware of the latest advances in medicine


    Choose the Right Synonym for aware

    aware of changes in climate

    cognizant implies having special or certain knowledge as from firsthand sources.

    not fully cognizant of the facts

    conscious implies that one is focusing one’s attention on something or is even preoccupied by it.

    conscious that my heart was pounding

    sensible implies direct or intuitive perceiving especially of intangibles or of emotional states or qualities.

    sensible of a teacher’s influence

    alive adds to sensible the implication of acute sensitivity to something.

    alive to the thrill of danger

    awake implies that one has become alive to something and is on the alert.

    a country always awake to the threat of invasion

    Example Sentences

    Are you aware how important you are to me?

    She is one of the most aware people I know.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    Also, be aware of any opportunities for your agent to upsell you during the buying process.

    Jim Slavik, Car and Driver, 4 Apr. 2023

    The novel is aware of its fourth wall without seeming coy, and the occasional writing in script format is unexpected and exciting.

    Sarah Cypher, Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023

    School officials became aware of the matter after another student told a parent and the parent contacted school administrators.

    Graydon Megan, Chicago Tribune, 3 Apr. 2023

    The manufacturer is not been aware of any injuries or accidents related to the issue, according to the recall report.

    Orlando Mayorquin, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

    Some of us were aware, some weren’t.

    Adam Rathe, Town & Country, 3 Apr. 2023

    Becoming aware of it is the first step.

    Caroline Castrillon, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

    Authorities believe concertgoers weren’t aware of the storm and tornado sirens due to the volume of music at the venue.

    Charna Flam, Variety, 1 Apr. 2023

    Eva, who isn’t filming herself, becomes aware of seeing herself nonetheless—in reflections, which express themselves to her doubly, in both a medical dimension and a supernatural one.

    Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 30 Mar. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘aware.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History


    Middle English iwar, iwarre, going back to Old English gewær, going back to West Germanic *gawaro- (whence Old Saxon & Old High German giwar «cognizant»), from *ga-, perfective, associative and collective prefix + Germanic *waro- «cognizant, watchful» — more at co-, ware entry 1

    First Known Use

    before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of aware was
    before the 12th century

    Dictionary Entries Near aware

    Cite this Entry

    “Aware.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aware. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on aware

    Last Updated:
    7 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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