A word that means sharp

резкий, острый, резко, круто, ровно, диез, жулик, знаток, плутовать


- острый, отточенный, остроконечный

sharp angle [knife] — острый угол [нож]
sharp pencil — отточенный карандаш
sharp sand — песчинки, режущие лицо

- крутой; резкий

sharp slope [descent, ascent] — крутой скат [спуск, подъём]
sharp drop — резкое падение
sharp turn /turning, corner, bend/ — крутой поворот
the road made a sharp turn to the right — дорога круто свернула направо
sharp features — заострённые черты лица
the sharp features of his emaciated face — заострившиеся черты его измождённого лица

- отчётливый, определённый

sharp outline — отчётливый /чёткий/ контур
sharp contrast [distinctions] — резкий контраст [-ие различия]
sharp image — чёткое изображение
I caught a sharp view of them — я их ясно увидел
her figure was sharp against the light — её фигура резко /чётко/ выделялась на свету

- сильный, резкий

- умный, сообразительный

sharp wits /intelligence/ — острый ум
sharp lad — сообразительный /сметливый/ парень
as sharp as a needle — очень умный, проницательный
the child is as sharp as a needle — ребёнок развит не по летам
so sharp as to cut himself — неодобр. слишком уж большой умник

ещё 16 вариантов


- ровно, точно, пунктуально

at ten o’clock sharp — точно в 10
the train left sharp to time — поезд отошёл точно по расписанию

- круто

to turn sharp round — круто повернуть
the road turns sharp to the left — дорога круто сворачивает налево

- муз. на полтона выше

to sing sharp — петь на полтона выше (чем нужно)
look sharp! — а) живее!, быстро!; б) смотри(те) в оба!


- разг. жулик, мошенник, шулер

sharps and flats — чёрные клавиши (рояля)

- разг. знаток

business sharp — ловкий делец

- муз. диез

double sharp — муз. дубль-диез
sharp key — диезная тональность
sharps and flats — чёрные клавиши (рояля)
to repeat smth. in all sharps and flats — твердить что-л. на все лады

- остриё

the sharp of the hand — ребро ладони

- длинная с очень острым концом швейная игла
- pl. с.-х. высевки, мелкие отруби


- жульничать, плутовать

he sharps at cards — он плутует в картах

- муз. ставить диез

to sharp a tone — поставить диез, поднять на полтона

- петь или играть на полтона выше (чем нужно)

Мои примеры


a sharp curve in the road — резкий поворот дороги  
the sharp crack of a twig — резкий треск веточки  
as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang — такой же острый и колкий, как укус клыка  
a sharp drop in the stock market — резкое падение фондового рынка  
sharp bursts of machine gun fire — резкие всплески пулемётного огня  
sharp bend — крутой изгиб  
sharp blade — острое лезвие  
sharp decrease — резкое уменьшение  
sharp deviation — резкое отклонение  
heated / sharp dispute — горячий спор  
a sharp drop in the interest rate — резкое снижение процентной ставки  
sharp / watchful / weather eye — острый взгляд  
angry / cross / sharp words — резкие, оскорбительные слова  

Примеры с переводом

She has a sharp intellect.

У неё острый ум.

I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.

Я почувствовал острую боль в нижней части спины.

Sharp’s the word!

скорей, живей!, пошевеливайтесь!

John’s tone was sharp.

Тон Джона был резким.

He was too sharp for me.

Он меня обхитрил.

We’re meeting at one-thirty sharp.

Мы встречаемся ровно в час тридцать.

The horse turned sharp round.

Лошадь резко развернулась.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her tone was sharp with anger.

The steel grinds to a sharp edge.

She was prickly and sharp with me.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sharpen  — точить, оттачивать, заострять, обострять, наточить, очинить
sharper  — шулер, жулик, мошенник
sharpy  — шулер
sharpness  — острота, сметливость
sharply  — точно

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): sharp
мн. ч.(plural): sharps

срав. степ. (comparative): sharper
прев. степ. (superlative): sharpest

Other forms: sharper; sharpest; sharps

Something with a thin edge or a fine point that can cut is sharp. It’s painful when your dog climbs into your lap, poking you with his sharp toenails.

A knife and a pointed stick are sharp, since they can pierce or cut, and a piercing pain in your neck is also sharp. You can also use sharp to describe a smart person or clever decision — or someone who dresses well, or the clothes such a person wears. Sharp also means clear, like sharp images in a book of black and white photography, or sudden, like a sharp turn in a mountain road.

Definitions of sharp

  1. adjective

    having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing

    sharp knife”

    “a pencil with a
    sharp point”



    (of a tooth) adapted for shearing flesh


    resembling a chisel


    resembling a dagger


    resembling a drill


    having a cutting edge or especially an edge or edges as specified; often used in combination


    resembling a fang


    resembling a file


    suitable for cutting or piercing


    having a sharp cutting edge or point


    cutting or able to cut as if with a knife


    hard and sharp enough to cut metal

    penetrating, penetrative

    tending to penetrate; having the power of entering or piercing


    as sharp as a razor


    made sharp or sharper


    having sharp teeth


    having a point

  2. adjective

    ending in a sharp point


    acuate, acute, needlelike


    having a point

  3. adjective

    extremely steep

    sharp drop”


    abrupt, precipitous


    having a sharp inclination

  4. noun

    a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point

  5. adjective

    (of something seen or heard) clearly defined

    sharp photographic image”

    sharp crack of a twig”




    easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined

  6. adjective

    keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point

    sharp pain”

    sharp winds”


    acute, intense

    extremely sharp or intense

    cutting, keen, knifelike, lancinate, lancinating, piercing, stabbing

    painful as if caused by a sharp instrument


    sharp and piercing


    (of speech) painful or bitter

  7. adjective

    having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions


    acute, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing


    having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment

  8. adjective

    marked by practical hardheaded intelligence


    astute, savvy, shrewd


    showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness

  9. sharp criticism”

    sharp-worded exchange”


    sharp-worded, tart


    disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings

  10. adjective

    having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones


    piercing, shrill

    high, high-pitched

    used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency

  11. adjective

    very sudden and in great amount or degree

    sharp drop in the stock market”



    happening without warning or in a short space of time

  12. adjective

    quick and forceful

    sharp blow”



    characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)

  13. adverb

    changing suddenly in direction and degree

    sharp left here”


    acutely, sharply

  14. adjective

    (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone

  15. noun

    a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named

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sharp — перевод на русский


And the sides are sharp, too.

Края тоже острые.

Doctor, they’re razor sharp!

Доктор, они острые как бритва!

Lieutenant Fagioli ordered to remove sharp objects from your room.

Лейтенант Файоли приказал удалить из вашей комнаты все острые предметы.

It’s got sharp corners, that bed-head.

У этой спинки острые углы.

The first sharp working tools, which serve a human,… help and kill.

Первые острые инструменты труда, которые служат человеку,… помогают и убивают.

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It’s a pleasure, Mr. Sharp.

Рад знакомству, мистер Шарп.

Mr. Sharp is contributing the land… the contractors the homes… and the department stores, all the furnishings.

мистер Шарп выделяет землю… подрядчиков, дома… и магазины, мебель.

Directed by Don Sharp

Режиссер Дон Шарп

I’m Colonel Willie Sharp.

Доброе утро. Я Полковник Вилли Шарп.

Sharp, what the hell is that?

Шарп, что это за чёрт?

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Well, it wasn’t quite clear, but I got the feeling that I was headed for the sharp end of a sellout.

Это было не совсем понятно, но у меня ощущение, что я резко направился к концу распродажи.

— Can a whippet tank make a sharp turn?

— Танк «Уиппет» умеет резко поворачивать?

Doctor, life-function indicators, they’ve started a sharp drop again.

Индикаторы жизненных функций снова резко снизились.

Have you noticed how people’s intellectual curiosity declines sharply the moment they start waving guns about?

Замечала, как у людей резко исчезает любопытство, стоит лишь начать размахивать у них перед носом оружием?

Then I cross the river… and I make a sharp right, away from the mountains.

Затем я пересекаю реку… и резко поворачиваю вправо, в сторону, противоположную горам.

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See, it’s just like I told you… right at that big tree… then left for a couple days, sharp right… and then as straight as piss till you come to the ocean.

Ты видишь, как я тебе и говорил… направо от того большого дерева, движешься левее пару деньков, затем — круто направо… затем — прямо, как пописать, до самого океана.

I’m gonna get you $550 suits… so you look real sharp.

Справлю костюм за $550… чтобы ты выглядел круто.

Ya look pretty sharp there.

Ты круто выглядишь. Новые шмотки?

You look pretty sharp, man.

Круто выглядишь.

You look sharp.

Ты выглядишь круто.

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Sharp as sixpence!

Умный как дьяволенок!

That’s right You’re sharp

Какой ты умный!

No, that kid, he’s sharp.

Этот парень очень даже… Он умный.

— You know, you are real sharp for a banker. — Oh, thank you.

— Вы знаете, для банкира вы очень умны.

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Keep a sharp lookout, especially toward those hills.

Следи внимательно, особенно за теми холмами.

Keep a sharp watch, Peter.

Внимательно наблюдай, Питер.

Look sharp, Joycie.

Смотри внимательно, Джойс.

Oh… in the meantime, I suggest you keep a sharp eye on lex’s, Latest endeavor.

Ну а пока, думаю, тебе нужно внимательно следить за за всеми шагами Лекса.

Look sharp, rookies.

РЕКС: Слушайте внимательно, салаги.

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Sam, look sharp.

Сэм, смотри в оба.

All you have to do is sit down and keep a sharp lookout.

Надо только сидеть и смотреть в оба.

Look sharp.

Смотреть в оба.

Look sharp!

Смотреть в оба!

We must keep a sharp look out, Jim.

Мы должны смотреть в оба, Джим

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The simple lessons he taught me are as sharp and clear in my mind as if I had heard them only yesterday.

Его простые уроки встают в памяти так четко и ясно, словно я их вчера слышал.

— You stay sharp, brother.

Четко сказал, брат.

If you’ve words to say in this house, speak ’em up sharp.

Если вам есть что сказать в этом доме, говорите четко.

You look very… sharp.

Выглядишь очень четко.

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— You’re a sharp kid.

— Ты сообразительный парень.

He’s pretty sharp.

Он сообразительный.

Unless the waiter’s not too sharp.

Пока официант не слишком сообразительный.

I thought you were a sharp boy… cunning, intelligent.

Я думал, что ты сообразительный…

-Pretty sharp there, Pacey.

-Довольно сообразительный, Пэйси.

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Him and Ike Sharp and Fred Morris.

Его, Шарпа и Фреда Мориса.

Sharp’s got a date.

— У Шарпа свидание.

I don’t remember a Mr. Sharp.

Я не помню мистера Шарпа.

I suppose that rules out Davy Sharp.

Я полагаю, это исключает Дэви Шарпа.

Took them off Thomas Sharp’s camera.

Удалось напечатать с камеры Томаса Шарпа.

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  • 1


    В буквальном значении ‘острый, отточенный’ sharp, keen и acute различаются оттенками значения. Sharp означает ‘имеющий тонкое лезвие или оканчивающийся острием’: sharp knife, sharp as a needle. Keen редко употребляется в буквальном значении и, как правило, также имеет в виду острое лезвие (в этом значении взаимозаменяется с sharp): keen razor и sharp razor. Acute употребляется в применении к предметам, имеющим острый угол: acute vertex of a triangle. В переносном значении ‘резкий’ sharp, keen и acute редко взаимозаменяются. Sharp обычно предполагает неприятную резкость, остроту: sharp voice, sharp wind, sharp as vinegar. В ряде случаев sharp подчеркивает точность, ясность, определенность: sharp contrast. Keen, в противоположность sharp, имеет в виду приятную резкость или пикантную, придающую вкус остроту: keen frost, keen savour. Keen также употребляется в значении ‘остроумно-язвительный’: keen sarcasm. Acute применяется главным образом для характеристики резкого, пронзительного голоса или тона: acute accent. В переносном значении ‘острый, изощренный’ (об ощущениях) sharp характеризует зрение и слух, keen – зрение и обоняние, acute – слух: sharp-sighted (keen-sighted), sharp ears, acute hearing, keen of scent. Sharp, keen и acute употребляются также для характеристики чувственного и умственного восприятия. В этом случае sharp означает ‘пронзительный’, ‘пронизывающий’, ‘колющий’ (только о физической боли): sharp pain, sharp wind. Acute имеет значение ‘острый’, ‘горький’, ‘мучительный’ (о душевной, реже о физической боли): acute anguish, acute pain. Keen, в отличие от sharp и acute, никогда не характеризует физическое состояние, но имеет в виду желание, стремление: keen desire, keen appetite, keen hunger, а также активно проявляющийся интерес, например в выражении to be keen on sports. При характеристике умственных способностей sharp означает ‘сообразительный’ или ‘чрезмерно умный’, ‘хитрый’, ‘продувной’: sharp practice, sharp customer, sharp youngster (ср. русск. разг. вострый); keen – ‘проницательный’, ‘находчивый’: keen intellect; acute – ‘проницательный’: acute thinker, а также ‘смышленый’ (часто о детях): the boy is acute for his age.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > sharp

  • 2

    sharp [ʃɑ:p]

    1) о́стрый; остроконе́чный, отто́ченный

    2) круто́й, ре́зкий (о повороте, подъёме

    и т.п.


    3) определённый, отчётливый (о различии, очертании

    и т.п.


    4) ре́зкий (о боли, звуке, ветре); пронзи́тельный;

    5) е́дкий, о́стрый ( о вкусе)

    6) о́стрый, то́нкий (о зрении, слухе

    и т.п.


    7) ко́лкий (о замечаниях, словах); раздражи́тельный ( о характере);

    to have sharp words with smb. кру́пно поговори́ть с кем-л.

    9) о́стрый, проница́тельный, наблюда́тельный

    10) продувно́й, хи́трый; недобросо́вестный;

    11) бы́стрый, энерги́чный;



    повы́шенный на полто́на; дие́зный



    мо́дный, экстравага́нтный

    4) дли́нная то́нкая шве́йная игла́


    pl с.-х.

    вы́севки, ме́лкие о́труби

    1) то́чно, ро́вно;

    2) кру́то, ре́зко;



    в сли́шком высо́ком то́не

    а) живе́й!;

    б) смотри́(те) в о́ба!

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sharp

  • 3

    sharp gust

    резкий порыв

    sharp turn


    English-Russian aviation dictionary > sharp

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > sharp

  • 5

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > sharp

  • 6

    1. [ʃɑ:p]


    жулик, мошенник, шулер

    sharps and flats — жулики и простаки [ тж. 3]

    to repeat smth. in all sharps and flats — твердить что-л. на все лады

    4. остриё

    5. длинная с очень острым концом швейная игла


    с.-х. высевки, мелкие отруби

    2. [ʃɑ:p]

    1. острый, отточенный, остроконечный

    sharp angle [knife] — острый угол [нож]

    sharp sand — песчинки, режущие лицо

    2. крутой; резкий

    sharp slope [descent, ascent] — крутой скат [спуск, подъём]

    sharp turn /turning, corner, bend/ — крутой поворот

    the sharp features of his emaciated face — заострившиеся черты его измождённого лица

    3. отчётливый, определённый

    sharp outline — отчётливый /чёткий/ контур

    sharp contrast [distinctions] — резкий контраст [-ие различия]

    her figure was sharp against the light — её фигура резко /чётко/ выделялась на свету

    4. сильный, резкий

    sharp wind — резкий /пронизывающий/ ветер

    sharp pain, sharp twinge (of pain) — резкая /острая/ боль

    sharp hunger [thirst] — сильный /мучительный, острый/ голод [-ая жажда]

    sharp desire — острое /непреодолимое/ желание

    5. 1) умный, сообразительный

    sharp wits /intelligence/ — острый ум

    sharp lad — сообразительный /сметливый/ парень

    as sharp as a needle — очень сообразительный [ тж. 10]

    2) остроумный

    sharp answer [epigram] — остроумный ответ [-ая эпиграмма]

    3) проницательный, наблюдательный

    sharp eyes — а) проницательный взгляд /взор/; б) колючие глаза; [ тж. 9]

    he made some very sharp remarks /observations/ — он сделал /высказал/ несколько очень верных замечаний

    4) бдительный

    to keep /to be on/ a sharp lookout for smb., smth. — быть бдительным в отношении кого-л., чего-л., внимательно следить за кем-л., чем-л.

    6. 1) ловкий, искусный

    sharp tactics — искусная /тонкая/ тактика

    2) хитрый, продувной

    sharp practice — мошенничество, надувательство, неблаговидные дела

    7. едкий, острый ()

    sharp wine — кислое /терпкое/ вино

    8. резкий, пронзительный ()

    his voice took on a sharp note of alarm — в его голосе послышались резкие нотки беспокойства

    9. тонкий, острый ()

    sharp eyes /sight/ — острое зрение [ тж. 5, 3)]

    sharp ears /hearing/ — тонкий слух

    sharp nose /sense of smell/ — тонкое обоняние

    to have a sharp eye /ear, nose/ for smth. — иметь тонкий нюх на что-л.

    10. колкий, язвительный ()

    sharp rebuke — гневный /резкий/ упрёк

    sharp satire [criticism] — острая /резкая/ сатира [критика]

    sharp words — колкие /язвительные, резкие/ слова /речи/; резкости

    to have sharp words with smb. — крупно поговорить с кем-л.

    his words were as sharp as a razor /as a needle/ — ≅ его слова жалили как осы [ тж. 5, 1)]

    11. раздражительный, легко выходящий из себя

    sharp reaction — резкая реакция, раздражение

    12. быстрый, энергичный

    sharp work — а) горячая /быстрая/ работа; that was sharp work! — быстро управились!; б) жаркий бой

    sharp’s the word! — скорей, живей!, пошевеливайтесь!

    13. суровый, жестокий

    sharp battle [struggle] — жестокая битва [схватка, борьба]

    to be sharp upon smb. — сурово судить кого-л.


    сл. элегантный, шикарный

    sharp dresser — модник; модница; ≅ одевается с шиком

    1) диезный

    2) взятый на полтона выше ()

    as sharp as the corner of a round table — набитый дурак; ≅ звёзд с неба не хватает

    3. [ʃɑ:p]

    1. ровно, точно, пунктуально

    2. круто

    look sharp! — а) живее!, быстро!; б) смотри(те) в оба!

    4. [ʃɑ:p]

    1. жульничать, плутовать

    to sharp a tone — поставить диез, поднять на полтона

    2) петь играть на полтона выше ()

    НБАРС > sharp

  • 7

    1. n разг. жулик, мошенник, шулер

    2. n разг. знаток

    3. n муз. диез

    4. n остриё

    5. n длинная с очень острым концом швейная игла

    6. n с. -х. высевки, мелкие отруби

    7. a острый, отточенный, остроконечный

    8. a крутой; резкий

    9. a отчётливый, определённый

    10. a сильный, резкий

    11. a умный, сообразительный

    12. a остроумный

    13. a проницательный, наблюдательный

    14. a бдительный

    15. a ловкий, искусный

    16. a хитрый, продувной

    sharp practice — мошенничество, надувательство, неблаговидные дела

    17. a едкий, острый

    18. a резкий, пронзительный

    19. a тонкий, острый

    20. a раздражительный, легко выходящий из себя

    21. a быстрый, энергичный

    22. a суровый, жестокий

    23. a амер. сл. элегантный, шикарный

    24. a фон. глухой

    25. a муз. диезный

    26. a муз. взятый на полтона выше

    27. adv ровно, точно, пунктуально

    28. adv круто

    29. adv муз. на полтона выше

    30. v жульничать, плутовать

    31. v муз. ставить диез

    32. v петь или играть на полтона выше

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abrupt (adj.) abrupt; rapid; sudden

    2. acrid (adj.) acrid; amaroidal; astringent; austere; bitter; harsh; piquant; pungent

    3. acute (adj.) acute; argute; discerning; gnawing; high; knifelike; penetrative; perceptive; piercing; piping; quick-sighted; sensitive; sharpened; sharp-sighted; shooting; shrill; stabbing; thin; treble

    4. alert (adj.) alert; attentive; awake; eager; hungry; vigilant; watchful

    5. angry (adj.) angry; spiteful; stinging; venomous

    6. biting (adj.) acid; acrimonious; biting; bitter; caustic; clear-cut; cutting; penetrating; probing; shrewd; trenchant

    7. clever (adj.) canny; clever; cunning; shifty; slick; slippery; wily

    8. dishonest (adj.) artful; cheating; crafty; deceitful; dishonest; sly; underhanded; unscrupulous

    9. distinct (adj.) audible; clear; definite; distinct; explicit; marked; obvious; unambiguous; unequivocal; unmistakable; visible

    10. edged (adj.) edged; honed; keen; perceptive; razor-sharp; sensitive; unblunted; whetted

    11. intense (adj.) agonizing; distressing; excruciating; fierce; intense; painful; severe; sore; violent

    12. lively (adj.) active; brisk; energetic; lively; quick

    13. observant (adj.) astute; brainy; bright; brilliant; hep; incisive; intelligent; knowing; knowledgeable; nimble-witted; observant; quick-witted; ready-witted; sharp-witted; smart; wise

    14. pointed (adj.) acicular; aciculate; acuminate; acuminous; barbed; cuspidate; mucronate; needlelike; peaked; peaky; piked; pointed; pointy; prickly; spiked; spiky; spiny; thorny

    15. short (adj.) inconsiderate; short; thoughtless; unceremonious; ungracious

    16. stylish (adj.) a la mode; chic; dashing; dressy; exclusive; fashionable; in; modish; posh; snappy; stylish; swank; swish; tonish; tony; trig; ultrafashionable; with-it

    17. just (other) accurately; bang; exactly; just; precisely; right; spang; square; squarely

    Антонимический ряд:

    bland; bluff; blunt; careless; deep; dim; dull; dumb; flat; gentle; gradual; hollow; inactive; indifferent; inept; insensitive; kind; mild; vague

    English-Russian base dictionary > sharp

  • 8

    I [ʃaːp]


    1) острый, заточенный, имеющий острый конец

    sharp spade

    — sharp nose
    — sharp pencil
    — sharp stick
    — sharp peak
    — sharp point

    2) крутой, резкий, отчётливый, чёткий

    The road made a sharp turn to the left. — Дорога резко свернула влево.

    His voice took a sharp note. — В его голосе появились резкие нотки.

    sharp face

    — sharp features
    — sharp slope
    — sharp outline
    — sharp contrast
    — sharp distinction
    — sharp fall of prices
    — be sharp in his answer

    3) острый, резкий, едкий, терпкий, пряный, жгучий (вспринимаемй эмоционально и органами чувств)

    The food is sharp in taste. — У этой пищи резкий вкус.

    sharp cry

    — sharp sound
    — sharp taste
    — sharp smell
    — sharp flavour
    — sharp sause
    — sharp frost
    — sharp air
    — sharp envy
    — sharp eyes
    — sharp ear
    — sharp push
    — have a sharp eye for colour

    sharp blow

    — sharp attack

    5) умный, остроумный, хитрый, ловкий, колкий, острый, резкий, грубый, жестокий (интеллектуальное восприятие)

    He was much too sharp for me. — Он меня перехитрил

    sharp mind

    — sharp boy
    — sharp answer
    — sharp lawyer
    — sharp words
    — sharp critixism
    — sharp satire
    — have a sharp tongue
    — give a sharp look
    — give some sharp observations
    — keep a sharp look-out
    — be sharp at figures
    — be sharp at algebra
    — be too sharp for anybody
    — be sharp with smb
    — be sharp in one’s answer

    II [ʃaːp]


    точно, ровно

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > sharp

  • 9


    sharp точно, ровно; at six o’clock sharp ровно в 6 часов sharp колкий (о замечаниях, словах); раздражительный (о характере); to have sharp words (with smb.) крупно поговорить (с кем-л.) sharp продувной, хитрый; недобросовестный; he was too sharp for me он меня перехитрил; sharp practice мошенничество sharp быстрый, энергичный; sharp work горячая работа sharp муз. в слишком высоком тоне sharp pl с.-х. высевки, мелкие отруби sharp муз. диез sharp вчт. диез sharp длинная тонкая швейная игла sharp едкий, острый (о вкусе) sharp жестокий (о борьбе) sharp разг. жулик sharp шутл. знаток sharp колкий (о замечаниях, словах); раздражительный (о характере); to have sharp words (with smb.) крупно поговорить (с кем-л.) sharp круто; to turn sharp round круто повернуться sharp крутой, резкий (о повороте, подъеме и т. п.) sharp определенный, отчетливый (о различии, очертании и т. п.) sharp острый, проницательный, наблюдательный sharp острый, тонкий (о зрении, слухе и т. п.) sharp острый; остроконечный, отточенный sharp острый sharp отчетливый sharp плутовать sharp муз. повышенный на полтона; диезный; as sharp as a needle очень умный, проницательный sharp продувной, хитрый; недобросовестный; he was too sharp for me он меня перехитрил; sharp practice мошенничество sharp резкий, пронзительный звук sharp резкий (о боли, звуке, ветре); пронзительный; sharp frost сильный мороз sharp резкий sharp муз. ставить диез sharp точно, ровно; at six o’clock sharp ровно в 6 часов sharp вчт. четкий sharp резкий (о боли, звуке, ветре); пронзительный; sharp frost сильный мороз sharp быстрый, энергичный; sharp work горячая работа sharp круто; to turn sharp round круто повернуться

    English-Russian short dictionary > sharp

  • 10

    имя прилагательное:


    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sharp

  • 11

    1. прил.
    1) острый;
    остроконечный, отточенный Syn: keen
    2) сообразительный, наблюдательный, острый, проницательный( об интеллектуальных способностях человека) Syn: quick-witted
    3) а) определенный, отчетливый( о различии, очертании и т. п.) a sharp image ≈ яркий образ б) четкий, легко обнаруживаемый a sharp contrast ≈ резкий контраст
    4) крутой, резкий ( о спуске, повороте, подъеме и т. п.)
    5) о том, что неприятно для восприятия а) резкий, сильный( о боли) б) громкий, пронзительный, резкий ( о звуке)
    6) пронизывающий (напр., о ветре)
    7) острый, тонкий( о зрении, слухе и т. п.)
    8) а) едкий, острый ( о вкусе) б) перен. едкий, колкий( о замечаниях, словах) to have sharp words ≈ крупно поговорить с кем-л. (with smb.)
    9) суровый, жестокий( о борьбе) Syn: severe, harsh
    10) хитрый, коварный;
    недобросовестный He was too sharp for me. ≈ Он меня обхитрил.
    11) быстрый, энергичный
    12) муз. повышенный на полтона;
    диезный ∙ as sharp as a needle ≈ очень умный, проницательный
    2. сущ.
    1) резкий, пронзительный звук
    2) муз. а) диез, знак диеза б) нота, повышенная на полтона
    3) длинная тонкая швейная игла
    4) а) разг. жулик Syn: sharper б) шутл., разг. знаток, специалист, эксперт You know I am no picture sharp. ≈ Видите ли, я совсем не разбираюсь в живописи. Syn: expert
    1., connoisseur
    5) мн.;
    с.-х. высевки, мелкие отруби
    6) амер. подержанная машина в очень хорошем состоянии
    7) алмаз( для резки стекла)
    3. нареч.
    1) ровно, точно, сторого at five o’clock sharp ≈ точно в пять часов Syn: exactly, precisely
    2) ловко, проворно, искусно He was dressed real sharp, a gray suit, not just sports clothes. ≈ Он был одет действительно со вкусом, в сером костюме, а не в какую-нибудь спортивную одежду. Syn: smartly, nattily
    3) круто
    4) резко, вдруг, внезапно Syn: abruptly, suddenly
    5) муз. в слишком высоком тоне ∙ look sharp!
    4. гл.
    1) обманывать, плутовать Syn: trick, cheat
    2) муз. ставить диез
    (разговорное) жулик, мошенник, шулер — *s and flats жулики и простаки (разговорное) знаток — business * ловкий делец( музыкальное) диез — double * дубль-диез — * key диезная тональность — *s and flats черные клавиши (рояля) — to repeat smth. in all *s and flats твердить что-л. на все лады острие — the * of the hand ребро ладони длинная, с очень острым концом, швейная игла pl (сельскохозяйственное) высевки, мелкие отруби острый, отточенный, остроконечный — * angle острый угол — * pencil отточенный карандаш — * sand песчинки, режущие лицо крутой;
    резкий — * slope крутой скат — * drop резкое падение — * turn /turning, corner, bend/ крутой поворот — the road made a * turn to the right дорога круто свернула направо — * features резкие черты лица — the * features of his emaciated face заострившиеся черты его изможденного лица отчетливый, определенный — * outline отчетливый /четкий/ контур — * contrast резкий контраст — * image четкое изображение — I caught a * view of them я их ясно увидел — her figure was * against the light ее фигура резко /четко/ выделялась на свету сильный, резкий — * frost сильный мороз — * air морозный воздух — * wind резкий /пронизывающий/ ветер — * pain, * twingle (of pain) резкая /острая/ боль — * hunger сильный /мучительный, острый/ голод — * envy жгучая зависть — * desire острое /непреодолимое/ желание — * flash внезапная вспышка яркого света умный, сообразительный — * wits /intelligence/ острый ум — * lad сообразительный /сметливый/ парень — as * as a needle очень сообразительный — the child is as * as a needle ребенок развит не по летам — so * as to cut himself (неодобрительно) слишком уж большой умник остроумный — * answer остроумный ответ проницательный, наблюдательный — * eyes проницательный взгляд /взор/;
    колючие глаза — he gave me a * look он внимательно посмотрел на меня — he made some very * remarks /observations/ он сделал /высказал/ несколько очень верных замечаний бдительный — to keep /to be on/ a * lookout for smb., smth. быть бдительным в отношении кого-л., чего-л., внимательно следить за кем-л., чем-л. ловкий, искусный — * tactics искусная /тонкая/ тактика — * trader ловкий коммерсант — he’s * at making a bargain он умеет с выгодой продать и купить хитрый, продувной — * practice мошенничество, надувательство, неблаговидные дела — * lawyer( разговорное) ловкий адвокат — he is a * customer( разговорное) он хитрая бестия /штучка/, с ним не шути — he was too * for me он меня перехитрил едкий, острый (о вкусе, запахе) — * cheese острый сыр — * wine кислое /терпкое/ вино — this sauce is too * for me этот соус слишком острый для меня резкий, пронзительный (о звуке и т. п.) — * voice резкий голос — * cry пронзительный крик — his voice took on a * note of alarm в его голосе послышались резкие нотки беспокойства тонкий, острый (о слухе и т. п.) — * eyes /sight/ острое зрение — * ears /hearing/ тонкий слух — * nose /sense of smell/ тонкое обоняние — to have a * eye /ear, nose/ for smth. иметь тонкий нюх на что-л. колкий, язвительный( о замечании и т. п.) — * rebuke гневный /резкий/ упрек — * satire острая /резкая/ сатира — * words колючие /язвительные, резкие/ слова /речи/;
    резкости — to have * words with smb. крупно поговорить с кем-л. — she has a * tongue она остра на язык — his words were as * as a razor /as a needle/ его слова жалили как осы раздраженный, легко выходящий из себя — * reaction резкая реакция, раздражение — * temper раздражительность быстрый, энергичный — * walk прогулка быстрым шагом — * game (спортивное) острая игра, жаркая схватка — * work горячая /быстрая/ работа;
    жаркий бой — that was * work! быстро управились! — to be * at reckoning уметь быстро считать — *’s the word! скорей, живей!, пошевеливайтесь! суровый, жестокий — * battle жестокая битва — to be * upon smb. сурово судить кого-л. (американизм) (сленг) элегантный, шикарный — * dresser модник;
    одевается с шиком — * jacket элегантный жакет (фонетика) глухой( о согласном) (музыкальное) диезный — F * фа-диез (музыкальное) взятый на полтона выше (о ноте) > as * as the corner of a round table набитый дурак;
    звезд с неба не хватает > a * stomach makes short devotion (пословица) на голодный желудок много не помолишься > all things that are * are short (пословица) яркий огонь быстро горит ровно, точно, пунктуально — at ten o’clock * точно в 10 — the train left * to time поезд отошел точно по расписанию круто — to turn * round круто повернуть — the road turns * to the left дорога круто сворачивает налево( музыкальное) на полтона выше — to sing * петь на полтона выше (чем нужно) > look *! живее!, быстро!;
    смотри(те) в оба! жульничать, плутовать — he *s at cards он плутует в картах (музыкальное) ставить диез — to * a tone поставить диез, поднять на полтона (музыкальное) петь или играть на полтона выше (чем нужно)
    ~ точно, ровно;
    at six o’clock sharp ровно в 6 часов
    ~ колкий (о замечаниях, словах) ;
    раздражительный( о характере) ;
    to have sharp words (with smb.) крупно поговорить (с кем-л.)
    ~ продувной, хитрый;
    he was too sharp for me он меня перехитрил;
    sharp practice мошенничество
    sharp быстрый, энергичный;
    sharp work горячая работа ~ муз. в слишком высоком тоне ~ pl с.-х. высевки, мелкие отруби ~ муз. диез ~ вчт. диез ~ длинная тонкая швейная игла ~ едкий, острый (о вкусе) ~ жестокий (о борьбе) ~ разг. жулик ~ шутл. знаток ~ колкий (о замечаниях, словах) ;
    раздражительный (о характере) ;
    to have sharp words (with smb.) крупно поговорить (с кем-л.) ~ круто;
    to turn sharp round круто повернуться ~ крутой, резкий (о повороте, подъеме и т. п.) ~ определенный, отчетливый (о различии, очертании и т. п.) ~ острый, проницательный, наблюдательный ~ острый, тонкий (о зрении, слухе и т. п.) ~ острый;
    остроконечный, отточенный ~ острый ~ отчетливый ~ плутовать ~ муз. повышенный на полтона;
    as sharp as a needle очень умный, проницательный ~ продувной, хитрый;
    he was too sharp for me он меня перехитрил;
    sharp practice мошенничество ~ резкий, пронзительный звук ~ резкий (о боли, звуке, ветре) ;
    sharp frost сильный мороз ~ резкий ~ муз. ставить диез ~ точно, ровно;
    at six o’clock sharp ровно в 6 часов ~ вчт. четкий
    ~ резкий (о боли, звуке, ветре) ;
    sharp frost сильный мороз
    sharp быстрый, энергичный;
    sharp work горячая работа
    ~ круто;
    to turn sharp round круто повернуться

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sharp

  • 12



    1) острый, остроконечный; отточенный



    а) определённый, отчётливый

    б) резкий, разительный

    3) острый, тонкий


    4) крутой, резкий


    а) резкий, сильный

    б) резкий, пронзительный


    в) резкий, пронизывающий



    а) острый, проницательный

    б) сообразительный, наблюдательный


    в) бдительный, внимательный



    б) едкий, колкий

    to have sharp words with smb. — уст. серьёзно поговорить с кем-л.; серьёзно объясниться


    8) суровый, жестокий


    9) хитрый, коварный; нечестный

    He was too sharp for me. — Он меня обхитрил.

    10) быстрый, энергичный




    повышенный на полтона; диезный


    the sharpest crayon / pencil in the box, the sharpest knife in the cabinet амер. — самый умный



    а) диез, знак диеза

    б) нота, повышенная на полтона

    б) знаток, специалист, эксперт

    You know I am no picture sharp. — Видите ли, я совсем не разбираюсь в живописи.




    высевки, мелкие отруби



    1) ровно, точно, строго

    They should have lunch that day at three o’clock sharp. — В этот день они, кажется, обедали ровно в три часа.


    2) элегантно, модно, стильно

    He was dressed real sharp, a gray suit, not just sports clothes. — Он был одет по-настоящему стильно, в серый костюм, а не в какую-нибудь спортивную одежду.


    3) круто, резко

    The horse turned sharp round. — Лошадь резко развернулась.







    повышать на полтона, ставить диез

    а) обманывать, плутовать; надувать, вводить в заблуждение


    б) украсть; получить что-л. в результате трюка, проделки, обмана

    A half starved sailor sharped a pair of old shoes from him. — Полуголодный моряк стащил у него пару старых ботинок.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > sharp

  • 13


    AmE infml





    She’s a real sharp chick. Got lots of savvy — Она очень умная баба. Котелок у нее варит


    infml esp AmE

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > sharp

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > sharp

  • 15

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > sharp

  • 16

    1) острый; остроконечный, отточенный

    2) определенный, отчетливый (о различии, очертании и т. п.)

    3) крутой, резкий (о повороте, подъеме и т. п.)

    4) едкий, острый (о вкусе)

    5) резкий (о боли, звуке, ветре); пронзительный; sharp frost сильный мороз

    6) острый, тонкий (о зрении, слухе и т. п.)

    7) колкий (о замечаниях, словах); раздражительный (о характере); to have sharp words with smb. крупно поговорить с кем-л.

    8) жестокий (о борьбе)

    9) острый, проницательный, наблюдательный

    10) продувной, хитрый; недобросовестный; he was too sharp for me он меня перехитрил; sharp practice мошенничество

    11) быстрый, энергичный; sharp work горячая работа



    повышенный на полтона; диезный

    as sharp as a needle очень умный, проницательный



    1) резкий, пронзительный звук

    3) длинная тонкая швейная игла

    6) (


    ) agric. высевки, мелкие отруби

    1) точно, ровно; at six o’clock sharp ровно в 6 часов

    2) круто; to turn sharp round круто повернуться



    в слишком высоком тоне

    look sharp!

    а) живей!;

    б) смотри(те) в оба!

    1) плутовать

    * * *

    (a) острый; резкий

    * * *

    острый, резкий

    * * *

    [ʃɑrp /ʃɑːp]
    жулик, мошенник, знаток; диез
    плутовать; ставить диез
    острый, отточенный, остроконечный; крутой, резкий; остроумный; проницательный, наблюдательный; продувной; едкий; пронзительный; тонкий, чуткий; раздражительный; недобросовестный; быстрый, энергичный; модный, экстравагантный; диезный, повышенный на полтона
    точно, ровно, круто, резко, в слишком высоком тоне

    * * *
















    * * *

    1. прил.
    1) острый
    2) а) сообразительный, наблюдательный, острый, проницательный
    б) бдительный
    в) острый, тонкий (о слухе и т. п.)
    3) а) определенный, отчетливый
    б) четкий, легко обнаруживаемый
    4) крутой, резкий
    5) а) резкий, сильный (о боли)
    б) громкий, пронзительный, резкий (о звуке)
    в) пронизывающий (напр., о ветре)
    6) а) едкий, острый (о вкусе)
    б) перен. едкий, колкий (о замечаниях, словах)
    2. сущ.
    1) устар. острое холодное оружие
    2) резкий, пронзительный звук
    3) муз.
    а) диез, знак диеза
    б) нота, повышенная на полтона
    в) устар. высокая нота
    4) длинная тонкая швейная игла
    5) а) разг. жулик
    б) шутл., разг. знаток
    3. нареч.
    1) ровно
    2) ловко
    4. гл.
    1) а) обманывать, плутовать; надувать, вводить в заблуждение (кого-л.)
    б) украсть; получить что-л. в результате трюка, проделки, обмана (и т.д.)
    2) муз. повышать на полтона, ставить диез

    Новый англо-русский словарь > sharp

  • 17

    Англо-русский технический словарь > sharp

  • 18

    1) о́стрый

    2) круто́й

    3) ре́зкий

    4) ко́лкий, язви́тельный

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > sharp

  • 19

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > sharp

  • 20

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > sharp


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Sharp — Sharp, a. [Compar. {Sharper}; superl. {Sharpest}.] [OE. sharp, scharp, scarp, AS. scearp; akin to OS. skarp, LG. scharp, D. scherp, G. scharf, Dan. & Sw. skarp, Icel. skarpr. Cf. {Escarp}, {Scrape}, {Scorpion}.] 1. Having a very thin edge or fine …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sharp — K.K Rechtsform Kabushiki kaisha ISIN JP3359600008[1] Gründung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SHARP —  Pour l’article homophone, voir Sharpe. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sharp — [ʆɑːp ǁ ʆɑːrp] adjective a sharp increase, fall etc is very sudden and very big: • a sharp rise in interest rates • Unemployment generally brings a sharp fall in income. • The group reported a sharp decline in full year profits. sharply adverb …   Financial and business terms

  • sharp — [shärp] adj. [ME < OE scearp, akin to Ger scharf, ON skarpr < IE * (s)kerb(h) < base * (s)ker , to cut > SHEAR, HARVEST, L caro, flesh] 1. suitable for use in cutting or piercing; having a very thin edge or fine point; keen 2. having… …   English World dictionary

  • sharp — sharp, keen, acute can all mean having a fine point or edge, but it is in several of their extended senses that they are most likely to come into comparison. As applied to persons or their qualities, especially of intellect, all three can… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Sharp — may refer to: *Sharp (music), a musical notation sign (music|sharp) *Sharp (flour), a flour made from hard wheat *Sharp (set theory) *Sharp (crater), a lunar impact crater *Sharp (material property)An organization: *Sharp Corporation, a Japanese… …   Wikipedia

  • sharp — [adj1] knifelike, cutting aciculate, acuate, acuminate, acuminous, acute, apical, barbed, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, edged, fine, ground fine, honed, horned, jagged, keen, keen edged, knife edged, needlelike, needle pointed, peaked, pointed,… …   New thesaurus

  • sharp — sharp; sharp·en; sharp·en·er; sharp·er; sharp·ie; sharp·ish; sharp·ite; sharp·ly; sharp·ness; sharp·ster; un·sharp; …   English syllables

  • Sharp — Sharp, adv. 1. To a point or edge; piercingly; eagerly; sharply. M. Arnold. [1913 Webster] The head [of a spear] full sharp yground. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] You bite so sharp at reasons. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Precisely; exactly; as, we shall… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sharp EL-8 — von 1971 Der EL 8 von Sharp ist der erste mobile elektronische Taschenrechner der Welt, der in Serie gefertigt wurde. Er wurde im Januar 1971 eingeführt. Die Elektronik ist in vier von Rockwell hergestellten LSI ICs (large scale integration)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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adjective, sharp·er, sharp·est.

having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife.

terminating in an edge or point; not blunt or rounded: The table had sharp corners.

involving a sudden or abrupt change in direction or course: a sharp curve in the road; The car made a sharp turn.

abrupt, as an ascent: a sharp drop.

consisting of angular lines and pointed forms or of thin, long features: He had a sharp face.

clearly defined; distinct: a sharp photographic image.

distinct or marked, as a contrast: sharp differences of opinion.

pungent or biting in taste: a sharp cheese.

piercing or shrill in sound: a sharp cry.

keenly cold, as weather: a sharp, biting wind.

felt acutely; intense; distressing: sharp pain.

merciless, caustic, or harsh: sharp words.

fierce or violent: a sharp struggle.

keen or eager: sharp desire.

quick, brisk, or spirited.

alert or vigilant: They kept a sharp watch for the enemy.

mentally acute: a sharp lad.

extremely sensitive or responsive; keen: sharp vision; sharp hearing.

shrewd or astute: a sharp bargainer.

shrewd to the point of dishonesty: sharp practice.


  1. (of a tone) raised a chromatic half step in pitch: F sharp.
  2. above an intended pitch, as a note; too high (opposed to flat1 def. 26b).

Informal. very stylish: a sharp dresser; a sharp jacket.

Radio, Electronics. of, relating to, or responsive to a very narrow range of frequencies.Compare broadband.

Phonetics. fortis; voiceless.

composed of hard, angular grains, as sand.

verb (used with object)

Music. to raise in pitch, especially by one chromatic half step.

verb (used without object)

to sound above the true pitch.


keenly or acutely.

abruptly or suddenly: to pull a horse up sharp.

punctually: Meet me at one o’clock sharp.

briskly; quickly: The horse turned sharp to the left.

Music. above the true pitch: You’re singing a little sharp.


something sharp.

Usually sharps . a medium-length needle with a rounded eye and a sharp point, used for all-purpose hand sewing.

a sharper.

Informal. an expert.


  1. a tone one chromatic half step above a given tone.
  2. (in musical notation) the symbol ♯ indicating this.



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Idioms about sharp

    Origin of sharp

    First recorded before 900; (adjective) Middle English; Old English scearp; cognate with German scharf; (adverb) Middle English; Old English scearpe, derivative of the adjective; (noun, verb) Middle English, derivative of the adjective

    synonym study for sharp

    1. Sharp, keen refer to the edge or point of an instrument, tool, and the like. Sharp applies, in general, to a cutting edge or a point capable of piercing: a sharp knife; a sharp point. Keen is usually applied to sharp edges: a keen sword blade. 17. As applied to mental qualities, sharp, keen, intelligent, quick have varying implications. Sharp suggests an acute, sensitive, alert, penetrating quality: a sharp mind. Keen implies observant, incisive, and vigorous: a keen intellect. Intelligent means not only acute, alert, and active, but also able to reason and understand: an intelligent reader. Quick suggests lively and rapid comprehension, prompt response to instruction, and the like: quick at figures.


    sharply, adverbsharpness, nouno·ver·sharp, adjectivesu·per·sharp, adjective

    ul·tra·sharp, adjectiveun·sharp, adjectiveun·sharp·ly, adverbun·sharp·ness, nounun·sharped, adjectiveun·sharp·ing, adjective

    Words nearby sharp

    Sharleen, Sharm al-Sheikh, Sharon, sharon fruit, Sharonville, sharp, sharp as a tack, sharpbender, sharpbill, sharp-cut, Sharpe

    Other definitions for sharp (2 of 2)


    William «Fiona Macleod», 1855?–1905, Scottish poet and critic.

    Dictionary.com Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to sharp

    acute, pointed, sharpened, stinging, abrupt, extreme, intense, marked, bright, brilliant, fast, intelligent, nimble, quick, slick, smart, subtle, salty, shrewd, biting

    How to use sharp in a sentence

    • The scientists focused on skeletons showing signs of trauma — especially injury with sharp objects.

    • The employer result has remained above 70% since March, while all levels of government have seen sharp declines.

    • Because it will take less pressure to cut through a given substance, a sharp knife is also a safer knife.

    • You have to give people the opportunity to weigh in on challenges and work and I think the diverse POVs that are looking at one particular object really creates sharper work.

    • Similarly, other studies have found sharp regional differences in mask-wearing.

    • Having graduated Juilliard last spring, Alex Sharp is too young to have given the performance of a lifetime.

    • To unwind, Sharp takes long showers, and stops himself from separating his food on his plate as Christopher would.

    • Sharp was born in London, and spent the first seven years of his life traveling with his family around the US.

    • Sharp has spent so long being Christopher he can just “drop into him and stay in him consistently” before a performance.

    • “Everything for someone like Christopher is over-stimulation,” Sharp says.

    • A sob rose in her throat, and broke from her lips transformed into a trembling, sharp, glad cry.

    • It was one of those long moments that makes a fellow draw his breath sharp when he thinks about it afterward.

    • Mrs. Vivian had hardly spoken when the sharp little vibration of her door-bell was heard in the hall.

    • Whatever you do, don’t write a word to that Carr friend of yours; he’s as sharp as a two-edged sword.

    • The farmer told him it was six miles; «but,» he added, «you must ride sharp, or you will get a wet jacket before you reach it.»

    British Dictionary definitions for sharp (1 of 2)


    having a keen edge suitable for cutting

    having an edge or point; not rounded or blunt

    involving a sudden change, esp in directiona sharp bend

    moving, acting, or reacting quickly, efficiently, etcsharp reflexes

    clearly defined

    mentally acute; clever; astute

    sly or artful; clever in an underhand waysharp practice

    bitter or harshsharp words

    shrill or penetratinga sharp cry

    having an acrid taste

    keen; bitinga sharp wind; sharp pain


    1. (immediately postpositive) denoting a note that has been raised in pitch by one chromatic semitoneB sharp
    2. (of an instrument, voice, etc) out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitchCompare flat 1 (def. 23)

    phonetics a less common word for fortis


    1. stylish
    2. too smart

    at the sharp end involved in the area of any activity where there is most difficulty, competition, danger, etc


    in a sharp manner

    exactlysix o’clock sharp


    1. higher than a standard pitch
    2. out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitchshe sings sharp Compare flat 1 (def. 29)



    1. an accidental that raises the pitch of the following note by one chromatic semitoneUsual symbol:
    2. a note affected by this accidentalCompare flat 1 (def. 35)

    a thin needle with a sharp point

    informal a sharper

    (usually plural) any medical instrument with sharp point or edge, esp a hypodermic needle


    (tr) music, US and Canadian to raise the pitch of (a note), esp by one chromatic semitoneUsual equivalent in Britain and certain other countries): sharpen


    Southern African slang an exclamation of full agreement or approval

    Derived forms of sharp

    sharply, adverbsharpness, noun

    Word Origin for sharp

    Old English scearp; related to Old Norse skarpr, Old High German scarpf, Old Irish cerb, Lettish skarbs

    British Dictionary definitions for sharp (2 of 2)


    Cecil (James). 1859–1924, British musician, best known for collecting, editing, and publishing English folk songs

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

    Other Idioms and Phrases with sharp

    In addition to the idioms beginning with sharp

    • sharp as a tack
    • sharp practice

    also see:

    • keep an eye (a sharp lookout) for
    • look sharp

    The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
    Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    This model is a great choice for those who want to avoid the sharp sound produced by other metal wind chimes.

    Kate Mcgregor, Better Homes & Gardens, 24 Mar. 2023

    But the sharp swing between day and night will likely lead to frost watches and warnings in the inland valleys.

    Gerry Díaz, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 Mar. 2023

    Its tremendous low-end torque, linear power delivery, and chest-compressing acceleration are enhanced by the optional dual-mode exhaust, which erupts with a sharp bark at startup and thunderous sounds during wide-open-throttle blasts.

    Eric Stafford, Car and Driver, 24 Mar. 2023

    Large parts of the global economy continue to show signs of a modest rebound after a sharp slowdown at the end of last year, but the improved outlook is threatened by stubbornly high inflation and banking strains in the U.S. and Europe.

    Paul Hannon, WSJ, 24 Mar. 2023

    They’re also made with tear-resistant ripstop mudguards to protect your feet from sharp objects on the trail (and extend their shelf life).

    Emily Belfiore, Travel + Leisure, 24 Mar. 2023

    But the Fed chair’s position has not swayed congressional Republicans, who continue to press Mr. Biden to accept sharp spending reductions in exchange for raising the legal limit on how much the federal government can borrow.

    Jim Tankersley, New York Times, 23 Mar. 2023

    The aluminum vessel pairs a sharp, pointed bow and a prominent main hull with two smaller outrigger hulls that kind of look like wings.

    Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 23 Mar. 2023

    Heavily applied black paint on upholstery creates textural surfaces, which are interrupted by sharp, quick drawings that are inserted like snapshots or postcards into the compositions.

    Briana Miller, oregonlive, 23 Mar. 2023

    Coach Jason Kidd thought sharp-shooting Hardaway would unleash a look from there.

    Dallas News, 17 Dec. 2022

    Our guiding principle throughout has been to maintain the storylines, characters, and the irreverence and sharp-edged spirit of the original text.

    Daniel Kreps, Rolling Stone, 24 Feb. 2023

    Our guiding principle throughout has been to maintain the storylines, characters, and the irreverence and sharp-edged spirit of the original text.

    Seth Abramovitch, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 Feb. 2023

    Our guiding principle throughout has been to maintain the storylines, characters, and the irreverence and sharp-edged spirit of the original text.

    Lianne Kolirin, CNN, 20 Feb. 2023

    Our guiding principle throughout has been to maintain the storylines, characters, and the irreverence and sharp-edged spirit of the original text.

    Matt Pearcestaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 18 Feb. 2023

    Given that Curry and Thompson are frequently referred to as two of the NBA’s best shooters of all time, does that amp up the sharp-shooting Beasley to try and show off against them?

    Eric Walden, The Salt Lake Tribune, 30 Dec. 2022

    Early in the game, Herbstreit, who was calling the game, made his case as to why Young reminds him of the sharp-shooting Curry.

    Mark Heim | Mheim@al.com, al, 22 Oct. 2022

    Our guiding principle throughout has been to maintain the storylines, characters, and the irreverence and sharp-edged spirit of the original text.

    Daniel Kreps, Rolling Stone, 24 Feb. 2023

    Is Love, an extra-aged sharp, cheddar in which all proceeds are donated to help Southern Oregonians in need.

    oregonlive, 8 Nov. 2022

    The Ghibli’s chassis is tuned for fun, with handling that’s sports-car sharp balanced with a refined enough ride to satisfy luxury buyers who might otherwise go for an Audi A6 or a Mercedes-Benz E-class.

    Drew Dorian, Car and Driver, 7 Jan. 2023

    Korngold completed his Symphony in F sharp in 1952.

    Alex Ross, The New Yorker, 30 Nov. 2022

    In the depths of the first movement, immediately before Tchaikovsky’s most consuming cry of desolation, the bassoons, basses and timpani hold a low F sharp, for just a beat and a half.

    David Allen, New York Times, 5 Oct. 2022

    Two minutes later, Ruiz put Juan Pablo Torres in on goal with a sharp through ball.

    Azcentral Sports, The Arizona Republic, 10 Oct. 2022

    As a heavy fog rolled in on the first of two nights of performances in Coos Bay, the F sharp went flat.

    oregonlive, 24 Aug. 2021

    At 9:00 sharp on a recent June morning, Peter Campbell stood at the entrance to Naples’ famed National Archaeology Museum.

    National Geographic, 24 June 2020

    Medical sharps are instruments used to administer medications to individuals or pets.

    Madeline Mitchell, Cincinnati.com, 17 Mar. 2020

    That could require Republicans to identify even steeper reductions, perhaps totaling $16 trillion, in a move that could expose the party to sharp political attacks.

    Tony Romm, Jeff Stein And Marianna Sotomayor, Anchorage Daily News, 10 Mar. 2023

    Investors are reassessing their outlook for economic growth amid these massive policy risks, leading to sharp down and up movements in stock markets.

    Christian Weller, Forbes, 25 Jan. 2023

    President Barack Obama agreed to sharp spending curbs that only recently expired.

    Amber Phillips And Matthew Brown, Anchorage Daily News, 19 Jan. 2023

    The mood of the night was high glam, from flowing gowns to sharp tailoring.

    Essence Fashion Editors, Essence, 7 Nov. 2022

    Additionally, a period of rapid growth is the time to bring in experts to sharp shoot any growth barriers.

    Kelly O’neil, Forbes, 7 July 2022

    Torres-Rosario still gets laughs, thanks to sharp comic timing in her accented line delivery, but those laughs come in appreciation for her character’s sincerity.

    Matthew J. Palm, orlandosentinel.com, 15 May 2021

    Tuukka Rask, sharp down the stretch after recovering from a late-season back strain, will be making his 94th playoff appearance.

    BostonGlobe.com, 15 May 2021

    Pick one that’s medium to sharp for a good melt-to-flavor ratio.

    Catherine Lo, Good Housekeeping, 12 May 2021

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sharp.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    sharp sharp ʃɑ:p

    1. разг. жулик, мошенник, шулер

      sharps and flats ― жулики и простаки

    2. разг. знаток

      business sharp ― ловкий делец

    3. муз. диез

      double sharp ― дубль-диез

      sharp key ― диезная тональность

      sharps and flats ― черные клавиши (рояля)

      to repeat smth. in all sharps and flats ― твердить что-л. на
      все лады

    4. острие

      the sharp of the hand ― ребро ладони

    5. длинная, с очень острым концом, швейная игла
    6. pl. с-х. высевки, мелкие отруби
    7. острый, отточенный, остроконечный

      sharp angle ― острый угол

      sharp pencil ― отточенный карандаш

      sharp sand ― песчинки, режущие лицо

    8. крутой; резкий

      sharp slope ― крутой скат

      sharp drop ― резкое падение

      sharp turn (turning, corner, bend) ― крутой поворот

      the road made a sharp turn to the right ― дорога круто свернула

      sharp features ― резкие черты лица

      the sharp features of his emaciated face ― заострившиеся черты
      его изможденного лица

    9. отчетливый, определенный

      sharp outline ― отчетливый (четкий) контур

      sharp contrast ― резкий контраст

      sharp image ― четкое изображение

      I caught a sharp view of them ― я их ясно увидел

      her figure was sharp against the light ― ее фигура резко
      (четко) выделялась на свету

    10. сильный, резкий

      sharp frost ― сильный мороз

      sharp air ― морозный воздух

      sharp wind ― резкий (пронизывающий) ветер

      sharp pain, sharp twingle (of pain) ― резкая (острая) боль

      sharp hunger ― сильный (мучительный, острый) голод

      sharp envy ― жгучая зависть

      sharp desire ― острое (непреодолимое) желание

      sharp flash ― внезапная вспышка яркого света

    11. умный, сообразительный

      sharp wits (intelligence) ― острый ум

      sharp lad ― сообразительный (сметливый) парень

      as sharp as a needle ― очень сообразительный

      the child is as sharp as a needle ― ребенок развит не по летам

      so sharp as to cut himself ― неодобр. слишком уж большой умник

    12. остроумный

      sharp answer ― остроумный ответ

    13. проницательный, наблюдательный

      sharp eyes ― проницательный взгляд (взор); колючие глаза

      he gave me a sharp look ― он внимательно посмотрел на меня

      he made some very sharp remarks (observations) ― он сделал
      (высказал) несколько очень верных замечаний

    14. бдительный

      to keep (to be on) a sharp lookout for smb., smth. ― быть
      бдительным в отношении кого-л., чего-л., внимательно следить
      за кем-л., чем-л.

    15. ловкий, искусный

      sharp tactics ― искусная (тонкая) тактика

      sharp trader ― ловкий коммерсант

      he’s sharp at making a bargain ― он умеет с выгодой продать
      и купить

    16. хитрый, продувной

      sharp practice ― мошенничество, надувательство, неблаговидные

      sharp lawyer ― разг. ловкий адвокат

      he is a sharp customer ― разг. он хитрая бестия (штучка),
      с ним не шути

      he was too sharp for me ― он меня перехитрил

    17. едкий, острый (о вкусе, запахе)

      sharp cheese ― острый сыр

      sharp wine ― кислое (терпкое) вино

      this sauce is too sharp for me ― этот соус слишком острый
      для меня

    18. резкий, пронзительный (о звуке и т. п.)

      sharp voice ― резкий голос

      sharp cry ― пронзительный крик

      his voice took on a sharp note of alarm ― в его голосе
      послышались резкие нотки беспокойства

    19. тонкий, острый (о слухе и т. п.)

      sharp eyes (sight) ― острое зрение

      sharp ears (hearing) ― тонкий слух

      sharp nose (sense of smell) ― тонкое обоняние

      to have a sharp eye (ear, nose) for smth. ― иметь тонкий нюх
      на что-л.

    20. колкий, язвительный (о замечании и т. п.)

      sharp rebuke ― гневный (резкий) упрек

      sharp satire ― острая (резкая) сатира

      sharp words ― колючие (язвительные, резкие) слова (речи);

      to have sharp words with smb. ― крупно поговорить с кем-л.

      she has a sharp tongue ― она остра на язык

      his words were as sharp as a razor (as a needle) ― его слова
      жалили как осы

    21. раздраженный, легко выходящий из себя

      sharp reaction ― резкая реакция, раздражение

      sharp temper ― раздражительность

    22. быстрый, энергичный

      sharp walk ― прогулка быстрым шагом

      sharp game ― спорт. острая игра, жаркая схватка

      sharp work ― горячая (быстрая) работа; жаркий бой

      that was sharp work! ― быстро управились!

      to be sharp at reckoning ― уметь быстро считать

      sharp’s the word! ― скорей, живей!, пошевеливайтесь!

    23. суровый, жестокий

      sharp battle ― жестокая битва

      to be sharp upon smb. ― сурово судить кого-л.

    24. ам. сл. элегантный, шикарный

      sharp dresser ― модник; модница; одевается с шиком

      sharp jacket ― элегантный жакет

    25. фон. глухой (о согласном)
    26. муз. диезный

      F sharp ― фа-диез

    27. муз. взятый на полтона выше (о ноте)

      as sharp as the corner of a round table ― набитый дурак;
      звезд с неба не хватает

      a sharp stomach makes short devotion ― посл. на голодный
      желудок много не помолишься

      all things that are sharp are short ― посл. яркий огонь
      быстро горит

    28. ровно, точно, пунктуально

      at ten o’clock sharp ― точно в 10

      the train left sharp to time ― поезд отошел точно по расписанию

    29. круто

      to turn sharp round ― круто повернуть

      the road turns sharp to the left ― дорога круто сворачивает

    30. муз. на полтона выше

      to sing sharp ― петь на полтона выше (чем нужно)

      look sharp! ― живее!, быстро!; смотри(те) в оба!

    31. жульничать, плутовать

      he sharps at cards ― он плутует в картах

    32. муз. ставить диез

      to sharp a tone ― поставить диез, поднять на полтона

    33. муз. петь или играть на полтона выше (чем нужно)

    Table of Contents

    1. What is an antonym for sharply?
    2. What is the meaning of sharply?
    3. Is Acute a synonym for Sharp?
    4. What is another name for acute angle?
    5. Is 0 degree acute angle?
    6. What is another name for a right angle?
    7. What is the definition of an obtuse angle?
    8. Is 180 degrees an obtuse angle?
    9. What does a 180 angle look like?
    10. What is a 180 angle?
    11. Which angle is largest?
    12. What is the name of marked angle?
    13. What is the symbol for an angle?
    14. What is full angle?
    15. How do you find the unknown angle?
    16. What are the angle relationships?
    17. What is the measure of angle 3?
    18. How do you find a missing angle with 3 sides?
    19. How do you find missing alternate interior angles?
    20. What is the longest side of a right triangle called?
    21. How do you find a side with an angle and a side?
    22. Which is the length of the third side of the right triangle?

    Synonyms & Antonyms for sharp

    What is an antonym for sharply?

    Antonyms. pointless dullness. Etymology. sharply (English) -ly (English)

    What is the meaning of sharply?

    sharply adverb (SUDDENLY) quickly and suddenly: Inflation has risen/fallen sharply. His health improved/deteriorated sharply this week. The road bends sharply to the left.

    Is Acute a synonym for Sharp?

    The words keen and sharp are common synonyms of acute. While all three words mean “having or showing alert competence and clear understanding,” acute implies a power to penetrate and may suggest subtlety and sharpness of discrimination.

    • cutting,
    • edged,
    • edgy,
    • ground,
    • honed,
    • keen,
    • sharpened,
    • stropped,

    What is another name for acute angle?

    Alternate Synonyms for “acute angle”: oblique angle.

    Is 0 degree acute angle?

    An angle equal to 0° or not turned is called a zero angle. An angle smaller than a right angle (less than 90°) is called an acute angle (“acute” meaning “sharp”)….Individual angles.

    Name Unit
    zero Interval
    right angle

    What is another name for a right angle?

    Right-angle Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for right-angle?

    90-degree right-angled
    square rectilinear
    ninety-degree angled

    What is the definition of an obtuse angle?

    An obtuse angle has a measurement greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. However, A reflex angle measures more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees.

    Is 180 degrees an obtuse angle?

    Angles between 0 and 90 degrees (0°< θ <90°) are called acute angles. Angles between 90 and 180 degrees (90°< θ <180°) are known as obtuse angles. Angles that are 90 degrees (θ = 90°) are right angles. Angles that are 360 degrees (θ = 360°) are full turn.

    What does a 180 angle look like?

    A 180 degree appears like a straight line because the rays or the arms of the angle making 180 degrees are completely opposite to each other and the common point joining the lines makes half revolution that is angle 180 degree.

    What is a 180 angle?

    The angle which forms a straight line is called the 180-degree angle. In geometry, we will be introduced to different types of angles, such as acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, straight angle, reflex angle and full rotation. The angle which measures 180 degrees is named the straight angle.

    Which angle is largest?

    The smallest angle is 1. It is acute and is smaller than a right angle. The largest angle is 2. It is obtuse and bigger than a right angle.

    What is the name of marked angle?

    You can name a specific angle by using the vertex point, and a point on each of the angle’s rays. The name of the angle is simply the three letters representing those points, with the vertex point listed in the middle. You can also name angles by looking at their size. Right angles are 90 degrees.

    What is the symbol for an angle?

    symbol ∠

    What is full angle?

    A full angle, also called a complete angle, round angle, or perigon, is an angle equal to radians. corresponding to the central angle of an entire circle. Four right angles or two straight angles equal one full angle.

    How do you find the unknown angle?

    To determine to measure of the unknown angle, be sure to use the total sum of 180°. If two angles are given, add them together and then subtract from 180°. If two angles are the same and unknown, subtract the known angle from 180° and then divide by 2.

    What are the angle relationships?

    In Geometry, there are five fundamental angle pair relationships: Complementary Angles. Supplementary Angles. Adjacent Angles.

    What is the measure of angle 3?

    ∠1 and ∠3 are vertical angles. Their measures are equal, so m∠3 = 90 . ∠1 and ∠2 are supplementary. 90 + m∠2 = 180 Substitute 90 for m∠1.

    How do you find a missing angle with 3 sides?

    “SSS” is when we know three sides of the triangle, and want to find the missing angles….To solve an SSS triangle:

    1. use The Law of Cosines first to calculate one of the angles.
    2. then use The Law of Cosines again to find another angle.
    3. and finally use angles of a triangle add to 180° to find the last angle.

    How do you find missing alternate interior angles?

    The alternate interior angles theorem states that, the alternate interior angles are congruent when the transversal intersects two parallel lines. Hence, it is proved. Alternate interior angles can be calculated by using properties of the parallel lines. Two consecutive interior angles are (2x + 10) ° and (x + 5) °.

    What is the longest side of a right triangle called?


    How do you find a side with an angle and a side?

    If you have an angle and the side opposite to it, you can divide the side length by sin(θ) to get the hypotenuse. Alternatively, divide the length by tan(θ) to get the length of the side adjacent to the angle.

    Which is the length of the third side of the right triangle?

    The side opposite the right angle is the hypotenuse. The Pythagorean theorem is used to solve for the length of the hypotenuse. If a right triangle has legs measuring a and b with hypotenuse c, the Pythagorean theorem is a² + b² = c².

    Need another word that means the same as “sharp”? Find 128 synonyms and 30 related words for “sharp” in this overview.

    Table Of Contents:

    • Sharp as a Verb
    • Definitions of «Sharp» as a verb
    • Synonyms of «Sharp» as a verb (5 Words)
    • Usage Examples of «Sharp» as a verb
    • Sharp as an Adjective
    • Definitions of «Sharp» as an adjective
    • Synonyms of «Sharp» as an adjective (115 Words)
    • Usage Examples of «Sharp» as an adjective
    • Sharp as an Adverb
    • Definitions of «Sharp» as an adverb
    • Synonyms of «Sharp» as an adverb (8 Words)
    • Usage Examples of «Sharp» as an adverb
    • Associations of «Sharp» (30 Words)

    The synonyms of “Sharp” are: crisp, astute, shrewd, abrupt, precipitous, shrill, acute, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sharp-worded, tart, acuate, needlelike, razor-sharp, pointed, tapering, tapered, spiky, excruciating, agonizing, intense, violent, stabbing, shooting, stinging, severe, fierce, searing, tangy, piquant, strong, acrid, burning, pungent, loud, high-pitched, high, harsh, strident, bitter, hard, cutting, scathing, caustic, biting, barbed, trenchant, mordant, acrimonious, acerbic, acid, sarcastic, sardonic, ill-tempered, spiteful, venomous, malicious, vitriolic, vicious, hurtful, nasty, unkind, cruel, wounding, abusive, heartfelt, very great, overpowering, distinct, clear-cut, clear, well defined, well focused, sudden, rapid, tight, angular, perceptive, observant, sharp-sighted, beady, discerning, percipient, perspicacious, sensitive, quick, quick-witted, clever, intelligent, intuitive, bright, agile, nimble, alert, quick off the mark, ready, apt, fine, probing, searching, insightful, knowing, canny, smart, stylish, fashionable, chic, modish, elegant, spruce, acutely, sharply, precisely, exactly, abruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, swindle, defraud, cheat, fleece, exploit

    Sharp as a Verb

    Definitions of «Sharp» as a verb

    According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sharp” as a verb can have the following definitions:

    • Cheat or swindle (someone), especially at cards.
    • Raise the pitch of (a note) by a semitone.

    Synonyms of «Sharp» as a verb (5 Words)

    cheat Be sexually unfaithful.
    I wish someone had told me my partner was cheating on me.
    defraud Illegally obtain money from (someone) by deception.
    She defrauded the customers who trusted her.
    exploit Use or manipulate to one’s advantage.
    These workers are at particular risk of being exploited in the workplace.
    fleece Cover as if with a fleece.
    The sky was half blue half fleeced with white clouds.
    swindle Obtain (money) fraudulently.
    He swindled me out of my inheritance.

    Usage Examples of «Sharp» as a verb

    • The fellow is drunk, let’s sharp him.
    • If you raise a note by one fret, you have sharped the note.

    Sharp as an Adjective

    Definitions of «Sharp» as an adjective

    According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sharp” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

    • Extremely steep.
    • Very sudden and in great amount or degree.
    • Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence.
    • (of words or a speaker) critical or hurtful.
    • Quick and forceful.
    • Ending in a sharp point.
    • Raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone.
    • (of an object) having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something.
    • Quick to take advantage, especially in an unscrupulous or dishonest way.
    • Clearly defined.
    • Tapering to a point or edge.
    • (of a food, taste, or smell) acidic and intense.
    • Having or showing speed of perception, comprehension, or response.
    • Harsh.
    • Having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing.
    • (of a key) having a sharp or sharps in the signature.
    • (of an emotion or experience) felt acutely or intensely; painful.
    • (of a note) a semitone higher than a specified note.
    • (of an action or change) sudden and marked.
    • (of clothes or their wearer) smart and stylish.
    • (of musical sound) above true or normal pitch.
    • (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone.
    • Distinct in outline or detail; clearly defined.
    • Having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions.
    • (of sand or gravel) composed of angular grains.
    • (of a bend, angle, or turn) making a sudden change of direction.
    • Producing a sudden, piercing physical sensation or effect.
    • (of something seen or heard) clearly defined.
    • Having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones.
    • Keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point.
    • (of a sound) sudden and penetrating.

    Synonyms of «Sharp» as an adjective (115 Words)

    abrupt Surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner.
    An abrupt reply.
    abusive Engaging in or characterized by habitual violence and cruelty.
    Abusive punishment.
    acerbic (especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright.
    An acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose.
    acid Having the characteristics of an acid.
    She was stung into acid defiance.
    acrid Strong and sharp.
    Her acrid remarks make her many enemies.
    acrimonious (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.
    An acrimonious dispute about wages.
    acuate Ending in a sharp point.
    acute Denoting or designed for patients with an acute form of a disease.
    An acute housing shortage.
    agile Moving quickly and lightly.
    An agile mind.
    agonizing Extremely painful.
    An agonizing death.
    alert Quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances; vigilant.
    Caught by a couple of alert cops.
    angular Having angles or an angular shape.
    Angular chairs.
    apt Quick to learn.
    He is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant.
    astute Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence.
    An astute businessman.
    barbed Having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.
    A fair degree of barbed wit.
    beady Small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button.
    A beady eyed observer.
    biting (of wit or criticism) harsh or cruel.
    He leant forward to protect himself against the biting wind.
    bitter Marked by strong resentment or cynicism.
    Bitter about the divorce.
    bright Not made dim or less bright.
    The bright stars of stage and screen.
    burning On fire.
    The burning question of independence.
    canny Pleasant; nice.
    She s a canny lass.
    caustic Sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.
    Caustic jokes about political assassination talk show hosts and medical ethics.
    chic Elegantly and stylishly fashionable.
    She looked every inch the chic Frenchwoman.
    clear Clear and distinct to the senses easily perceptible.
    Clear glass.
    clear-cut Clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible.
    clever Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.
    Too clever to be sound.
    crisp (of a fruit or vegetable) firm and juicy.
    A crisp lettuce.
    cruel Causing pain or suffering.
    People who are cruel to animals.
    cutting Capable of cutting something.
    A cutting remark.
    discerning Having or revealing keen insight and good judgment.
    A discerning reader.
    discriminating Showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste.
    The discriminating eye of the connoisseur.
    distinct Recognizable; marked.
    A distinct flavor.
    elegant Suggesting taste, ease, and wealth.
    An elegant comfortable house.
    excruciating Extremely painful.
    Excruciating back pain.
    fashionable Popular and considered appealing or fashionable at the time.
    Fashionable clothes.
    fierce Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.
    The fire door had a fierce pneumatic return.
    fine Characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment.
    Fine flyaway hair.
    hard Unfortunate or hard to bear.
    Times were hard at the end of the war.
    harsh (of reality or a fact) grim and unpalatable.
    Drenched in a harsh white neon light.
    heartfelt Earnest.
    Heartfelt condolences.
    high Of a singer or instrument producing notes of relatively high pitch.
    People in high places.
    high-pitched Set at a sharp or high angle or slant.
    hurtful Harmful to living things.
    Her hurtful unconsidered words.
    ill-tempered Annoyed and irritable.
    incisive (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking.
    The songs offer incisive pictures of American ways.
    insightful Exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception-R.C.Angell.
    I don t have anything insightful to say about that.
    intelligent (of a device or building) able to vary its state or action in response to varying situations and past experience.
    An intelligent question.
    intense Extremely sharp or intense.
    Intense pain.
    intuitive (chiefly of computer software) easy to use and understand.
    His intuitive understanding of the readers real needs.
    keen Intense or sharp.
    We offer extremely keen rates.
    knifelike Having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions.
    Piercing knifelike pains.
    knowing Showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness that is secret or known to only a few people.
    Knowing instructors.
    loud Used chiefly as a direction or description in music loud with force.
    There were loud protests from the lumber barons.
    malicious Having the nature of or resulting from malice- Rudyard Kipling.
    The transmission of malicious software such as computer viruses.
    modish In the current fashion or style.
    It seems sad that such a scholar should feel compelled to use this modish jargon.
    mordant Harshly ironic or sinister.
    Fun ranging from slapstick clowning to savage mordant wit.
    nasty Very bad or unpleasant.
    A nasty shock.
    needlelike Ending in a sharp point.
    nimble Moving quickly and lightly.
    Nimble fingers.
    observant Quick to notice or perceive things.
    Her observant eye took in every detail.
    overpowering Extremely strong or intense; overwhelming.
    A feeling of overpowering sadness.
    penetrating (of a person’s eyes or expression) reflecting an apparent ability to see into another’s mind; intense.
    The students asked some penetrating questions.
    penetrative Having or showing clear insight.
    Frequent penetrative observations.
    perceptive Of or relating to perception.
    A perceptive observation.
    percipient Having good insight or understanding; perceptive.
    A percipient author.
    perspicacious Having a ready insight into and understanding of things.
    Much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument.
    piercing Having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions.
    I recall one moment of piercing sadness.
    piquant Attracting or delighting.
    A piquant face with large appealing eyes.
    pointed Having a sharpened or tapered tip or end.
    A pointed critique.
    precipitous Done with very great haste and without due deliberation- Shakespeare- Arthur Geddes.
    The track skirted a precipitous drop.
    probing Inquiring closely into something; searching.
    The surgeon s careful probing fingers.
    pungent (of comment, criticism, or humour) having a sharp and caustic quality.
    Pungent satire.
    quick Moving quickly and lightly.
    Quick of foot.
    quick off the mark Apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity.
    quick-witted Mentally nimble and resourceful.
    rapid (of an action) characterized by great speed.
    They lost three wickets in rapid succession.
    razor-sharp As sharp as a razor.
    ready Keen or quick to give.
    Every time I rang up she was ready with some excuse.
    sarcastic Expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds.
    Making sarcastic comments.
    sardonic Grimly mocking or cynical.
    Starkey attempted a sardonic smile.
    scathing Marked by harshly abusive criticism.
    His scathing remarks about silly lady novelists.
    searching Diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation.
    You have to ask yourselves some searching questions.
    searing Having lost all moisture.
    A searing pain.
    sensitive (of a market) unstable and liable to quick changes of price because of outside influences.
    He was suspected of passing sensitive information to other countries.
    severe Severely simple.
    A severe worldwide depression.
    sharp-sighted Having very keen vision.
    sharp-worded Harsh.
    shooting Moving or growing quickly.
    I often feel a shooting pain at the end of my left arm.
    shrewd Having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
    A shrewd career move.
    shrill Being sharply insistent on being heard.
    A shrill whistle.
    smart (of clothes) attractively neat and stylish.
    You look very smart.
    spiky Having or as if having especially high-pitched spots.
    She sounded spiky and defensive.
    spiteful Showing or caused by malice.
    A truly spiteful child.
    spruce Marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners.
    stabbing Painful as if caused by a sharp instrument.
    A stabbing remark.
    stinging (of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character.
    A swarm of stinging insects.
    strident Being sharply insistent on being heard.
    Strident demands.
    strong Relating to or denoting the strongest of the known kinds of force between particles which acts between nucleons and other hadrons when closer than about 10 cm so binding protons in a nucleus despite the repulsion due to their charge and which conserves strangeness parity and isospin.
    A play full of strong language.
    stylish Fashionably elegant and sophisticated.
    The stylish resort of Gstadd.
    sudden Occurring or done quickly and unexpectedly or without warning.
    A sudden decision.
    tangy Having a strong, piquant flavour or smell.
    A tangy salad.
    tapered Becoming gradually narrower.
    Trousers with tapered legs.
    tapering Becoming thinner or narrower towards one end.
    Long tapering fingers.
    tight Pressed tightly together.
    They stood in a tight little group.
    trenchant Vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
    A trenchant argument.
    unkind Lacking kindness.
    The unkindest cut of all.
    venomous (of an animal, especially a snake) secreting venom, or capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting.
    The venomous tone of her voice.
    very great Precisely as stated.
    vicious Immoral.
    Vicious kicks.
    violent Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions inclined to react violently fervid.
    A violent noise.
    vitriolic Filled with bitter criticism or malice.
    Vitriolic outbursts.
    well defined Resulting favorably.
    well focused Resulting favorably.
    wounding Causing physical injury.
    Most wounding to her was the loss of her independence.

    Usage Examples of «Sharp» as an adjective

    • A sharp-worded exchange.
    • A sharp pain.
    • Sharp winds.
    • Her face was thin and her nose sharp.
    • A sharp pencil.
    • F sharp.
    • The sharp crack of a twig.
    • A sharp blow.
    • There was a sharp crack of thunder.
    • The job was a sharp contrast from her past life.
    • Keep tools sharp.
    • Her sharp disappointment was tinged with embarrassment.
    • As sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang.
    • Sharp criticism.
    • C sharp.
    • He heard her sharp intake of breath.
    • The bus creaked round a sharp hairpin bend.
    • Fresh goats’ milk cheese has a slightly sharper flavour than fromage frais.
    • A sharp drop in the stock market.
    • He could be very sharp with her.
    • Paul’s a sharp operator.
    • There was a sharp increase in interest rates.
    • Her sharp eyes missed nothing.
    • His old mind was not so sharp as it once was.
    • A sharp knife.
    • She feared his sharp tongue.
    • I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back.
    • A pencil with a sharp point.
    • The scene was as sharp and clear in his mind as a film.
    • A sharp drop.
    • Cut the cake with a very sharp knife.
    • A sharp photographic image.
    • They were greeted by a young man in a sharp suit.

    Sharp as an Adverb

    Definitions of «Sharp» as an adverb

    According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sharp” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

    • Precisely (used after an expression of time.
    • In a sudden or abrupt way.
    • Above the true or normal pitch of musical sound.
    • Changing suddenly in direction and degree.

    Synonyms of «Sharp» as an adverb (8 Words)

    abruptly In a rude or curt manner.
    The forested terrain ascends abruptly.
    acutely Changing suddenly in direction and degree.
    An acutely inflamed gall bladder.
    all of a sudden To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly.
    exactly Used as a reply to confirm or agree with what has just been said.
    They met in 1989 and got married exactly two years later.
    precisely Exactly (used to emphasize the complete accuracy or truth of a statement.
    She always expressed herself precisely.
    sharply With a sudden and marked change; dramatically.
    The road twists sharply after the light.
    suddenly On impulse; without premeditation.
    Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side.
    unexpectedly In a way that was not expected.
    He died unexpectedly of a heart attack.

    Usage Examples of «Sharp» as an adverb

    • The meeting starts at 7.30 sharp.
    • Turn sharp left here.
    • The road twists sharply after the light.
    • He heard him playing a little sharp on the high notes.
    • He was brought up sharp by Helen’s voice.
    • Turn sharp right at the corner.

    Associations of «Sharp» (30 Words)

    acuity Sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing.
    Intellectual acuity.
    acute Denoting or designed for patients with an acute form of a disease.
    Felt acute annoyance.
    acutely Having a rapid onset.
    We are all acutely aware of the fragility of our world.
    appreciative Having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion.
    The team are very appreciative of your support.
    astute Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage.
    An astute businessman.
    awl A small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather.
    biting (of wit or criticism) harsh or cruel.
    A biting aphorism.
    canny Having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters.
    Canny investors will switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal.
    clipper Shears for cutting grass or shrubbery (often used in the plural.
    A set of hair clippers.
    crafty Marked by skill in deception.
    They are looking for crafty people to join the group to make ornaments.
    diacritical (of a mark or sign) serving to indicate different pronunciations of a letter above or below which it is written.
    discerning Quick to understand- Nathaniel Hawthorne.
    A discerning reader.
    discriminating Having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions.
    The discriminating eye of the connoisseur.
    hock Any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany hock is British usage.
    incisive Suitable for cutting or piercing.
    The most incisive move of a tight match.
    insightful Exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception.
    I don t have anything insightful to say about that.
    keen Having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions.
    Ear splitting explosive bursts keen and sharp.
    keenness A positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something.
    He has expressed his keenness to retain his job.
    penetrating Tending to penetrate; having the power of entering or piercing.
    Her penetrating gaze.
    perceptive Having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment.
    A perceptive eye.
    piercing A small hole in a part of the body, typically other than the ears, made so as to insert a ring, stud, or other piece of jewellery.
    Piercing knifelike pains.
    pointed Having a point.
    A pointed allusion to what was going on.
    pungent Strong and sharp.
    He has expressed some fairly pungent criticisms.
    razor Cut with a razor.
    The tapered cut is razored to give movement.
    scissors A gymnastic exercise performed on the pommel horse when the gymnast moves his legs as the blades of scissors move.
    A dummy scissors from David Thomas deceived the opposition.
    shrewd (of a blow) severe.
    A shrewd career move.
    shrill Utter a shrill cry.
    A concession to their shrill demands.
    sickle A short-handled farming tool with a semicircular blade, used for cutting corn, lopping, or trimming.
    trident A three-pronged spear, especially as an attribute of Poseidon (Neptune) or Britannia.
    understanding Characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy.
    My understanding was that he would find a new supplier.

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