A word that means hidden meaning of

Double entendre (edited Wiki excerpt):

A double entendre is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in either of two ways, having a double meaning. Typically one of the meanings is obvious, given the context whereas the other may require more thought. The innuendo may convey a message that would be socially awkward, sexually suggestive or offensive to state directly. (The Oxford English Dictionary describes a double entendre as being used to «convey an indelicate meaning», whilst Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines it as «a word or phrase that may be understood in two different ways, one of which is often sexual»)

A double entendre may exploit puns to convey the second meaning. Double entendres generally rely on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning. They often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text. Sometimes a homophone (i.e. another word which sounds the same) can be used as a pun.

A person who is unfamiliar with the hidden or alternative meaning of a sentence may fail to detect its innuendos, aside from observing that others find it humorous for no apparent reason. Perhaps because it is not offensive to those who do not recognize it, innuendo is often used in sitcoms and other comedy considered suitable for children, who may enjoy the comedy while being oblivious to its second meanings. For example, it has been suggested that Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing used this ploy to present a surface level description of the play as well as a pun on the Elizabethan use of «nothing» as slang for vagina.

A connotation is created when we mention a word with some hidden meaning.

Although connotation and denotation are two important methods to describe a word used in several types of creative writing, what differentiates connotation from denotation is that denotation is the direct meaning of the word.

Key Takeaways

  1. Connotation refers to the set of emotions, feelings, or ideas a word invokes beyond its literal or primary meaning.
  2. Denotation refers to a word’s literal or dictionary definition without any emotional or cultural associations.
  3. While denotation is the objective meaning of a word, the connotation is the subjective meaning influenced by personal experiences, social context, and cultural norms.

Connotation refers to the hidden meaning or secondary meaning of a word, mostly from an emotional and cultural perspective or from the view of the reader. Denotation means the literal meaning or primary meaning of a word based the dictionary. It is a direct meaning based on facts.

Connotation vs Denotation

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Connotation is the secondary meaning of a word based on its emotional perspective, especially from the reader’s view. It adds extra meaning to the word depending on the background it is spoken about.

It is used to signify or mean something specific. Denotations are the literal meaning of the respective word.

Comparison Table

Parameter of Comparison Connotation Denotation
Definition Connotation is the secondary meaning of a word which is mainly based on the cultural and emotional aspect. Denotation refers to the primary meaning of the word which is the literal meaning of the word according to the dictionary.
Type It is the indirect and hidden meaning of the word. It contains emotional overtones. It is the direct meaning of a word. It is factual.
Classification Connotation can be classified into two types, positive and negative. There is also another type of connotation known as the neutral connotation. Denotation cannot be classified.
Effect of culture and religion Might change depending on the social, cultural, and religious impact of a particular region. Remains unchanged in respect to the culture and religion of a region.
Meaning Connotations are subjective meaning. Denotations are the primary meanings

What is Connotation?

A connotation of a word which signifies the cultural or the emotional association of the word which is a little different from the direct meaning of the word. Connotations are the suggestive meanings of a word.

The word connotation has come from the Latin word “connotation” meaning “signify in addition to the main meaning”. It can either be positive or be negative.

Connotation is mainly used to relate how a thing or a set of things can be related to a word or a phrase based on its emotional or social judgment. In other words, the connotation can be described as the feeling or idea of a word.

What is Denotation?

In simple words, denotation may be defined as the literal meaning of a word. The word denotation has come from the Latin word “denotation” meaning “indication” It is similar to the way dictionaries are used to define the word.

The denotation of a word is generally perceived through visible concepts. In short, the denotation of a word is devoid of feelings or emotions. It can either be an act of using a symbol as well as a word.

Denotation is very important to get a clear view of a particular word but is not a good option when it comes to expressing the creative side.  denotation implies the primary meaning of the word.

The writer needs to be observant about his or her word choices which have to be very precise, as any minor substitution will affect the tone and mood of the writing.

Main Differences between Connotation and Denotation

  1. Connotation can be classified into mainly two types which are positive connotation and negative connotation. Another type of connotation is also present which is known as neutral connotation.
  2. One of the main factors on which the connotation of a word depends is the culture and religion of a particular place.

Difference Between Connotation and Denotation


  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-009-9777-6_11
  2. https://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-HYKJ201608003.htm

Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

                         PRESENT         MUMMY                   MIGHT                 FOX                         
      HUMBLE          GRAM                   BAG              BOX                CRANE                                                                                     COUNTER



         | existing or happening now
         | present situation

a thing that you give to somebody as a gift

         |  word for a mother

a dried and embalmed body (in ancient Egypt)

MIGHT (Modal V./N)
        | past tense of may (Modal V.)

energy, power, great strength

         | a wild animal of the dog family

a very attractive woman

deceive somebody

        | modest, kind
        | showing that you are not important as other people

to easily defeat an opponent, especially a strong or powerful one

     | a unit for measuring things


several beans used as a food for people and cattle

          a container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc, used to carry things in

an ugly or ill-tempered woman

hunting of birds and animals

to claim something as yours before somebody else claims it

         |   a container for holding things

evergreen shrubs or small trees

         | a tall machine with a long arm

a large bird with long legs and a long neck

to lean or stretch over something in order to see something better


         | a long flat surface over which goods are sold or business is done in a shop

a small disc used for playing or scoring in some board games

to reply to somebody by trying to prove that what they said is not true

a machine for counting 

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Lots of the things we say seem straightforward. However, it pays to be aware of the hidden meaning others might see in the words we say.

Language is powerful and there are some phrases that reveal things about us that we would rather others didn’t see. Our values and personality can slip out unawares if we are not careful of the words we use. Understanding the hidden meaning behind common phrases can help us come across as competent, knowledgeable, and fair.

If you find yourself using these phrases, you might like to look for alternative ways to express yourself.

1. No offense, but…

This actually means practically the opposite of what it says. If you say this, you know you are causing offense; otherwise, you wouldn’t need to say it! Adding the words ‘no offense, but’ doesn’t let us get away with being mean or unfair.

The hidden meaning behind this phrase is “I know these words will hurt you, but I’m saying them anyway”.

2. I’m entitled to my opinion

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, that doesn’t mean it is valid. Opinions are not facts. If someone finds themselves using this phrase, it might be better to get the facts right in the first place. Then they won’t need to resort to this pointless phrase.

The hidden meaning of this phrase is “I don’t care what the facts are. I think my opinion is right and I am not prepared to listen to alternative views”.

 3. It’s not my fault

Blaming others can often make us look weak and foolish. If you have done nothing wrong, then the situation will speak for itself. If you had any part to play in a situation, then accepting responsibility shows your good character. The hidden meaning behind this phrase is “I am not a responsible person”.

4. It’s not fair

Anyone who says this phrase sounds like a child. As adults, we understand that not everything in life is fair. However, it is up to us to change the situation or make the best of it.

The hidden meaning behind this phrase is “I expect everyone around me to make my life perfect and I will have a toddler tantrum if they don’t”.

5. This may be a silly idea

If someone is lacking confidence, they might use this phrase before giving their ideas or opinions. Unfortunately, if you say this, you are priming others to see it as a silly idea, too. If you have no confidence in your ideas, no one else will either.

6. I had no choice.

We always have a choice. That’s not to say that making choices is easy. It is not always possible to please everyone and we may sometimes make choices that others aren’t happy about. However, denying that we had a choice is just a way to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. A better phrase would be “I had to make a difficult choice”.

7. He/she is an idiot

Talking behind others’ backs is never a pleasant way to act. If someone behaves in a way that you think is incompetent or damaging, then you need to have a conversation with them in private. Usually, if someone really is incompetent, those around you will soon work it out for themselves. If they aren’t and you say they are, you only make yourself look bad.

 8. I hate…

Hate helps no one. We overuse use the words love and hate about anything from vegetables to war. There are better ways to express ourselves. If you see an injustice, do something about it. Expressing hatred will not solve the problem and will probably make it worse.

Closing thoughts

The words we use say more about us than we sometimes realize. The meanings behind what we say can make us look foolish, childish, and irresponsible if we are not careful.

They also have more power than we think. We sometimes believe that words are not as important as actions. However, saying words is an action. What we say can lift others up or put them down. So use words carefully to uplift, inspire and help others whenever you can.


  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com
  2. http://goop.com
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Contributing writer at Learning Mind

Kirstie Pursey holds a diploma in creative writing from the Open University and works as a writer, blogger, and storyteller. She lives in London with her family of people, dogs, and cats. She is a lover of reading, writing, being in nature, fairy lights, candles, fireside, and afternoon tea.

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But there is another hidden meaning.

This is so because all the colors communicate hidden meaning.

Это происходит из-за того, что многие выражения таят в себе скрытый смысл.

But then the world came real fashion for beautiful decorative tattoos, and some of them continue to carry their hidden meaning.

Но потом в мир пришла настоящая мода на красивые декоративные татуировки, и некоторые из них продолжают нести свой тайный смысл.

Moreover professor said that such associations often reveal the hidden meaning of dreams.

И заметил, что часто эти ассоциации раскрывали тайный смысл сновидения.

Maybe it’s better to pay attention to this and stop searching for deeply hidden meaning in insignificant things.

Может быть, лучше обратить внимание именно на это и прекратить поиски глубоко скрытого смысла в незначительных вещах.

There is no secret, or hidden meaning.

One feels that there is a hidden meaning.

Создается впечатление, что в них есть какой-то скрытый смысл.

But it also suggested a second, hidden meaning.

У этого события, как представляется, есть и второй, скрытый смысл.

Everyone understood the hidden meaning to her words.

I believe that there is a hidden meaning to the story.

Lately, some people have begun to take notice of a possible hidden meaning in the painting.

В последнее время некоторые люди начали замечать возможный скрытый смысл в живописи.

And it’s not even the fact that people just admired them or looked for hidden meaning in them.

И дело даже не в том, что люди просто любовались ими или искали в них скрытый смысл.

In any case, life will always contain a hidden meaning until the end.

В любом случае жизнь всегда будет содержать скрытый смысл до конца.

I see no reasons, why any part of the regional elite sees the hidden meaning in our agreements.

Не вижу причин, по которым какая-то часть региональных элит усматривала бы в наших договоренностях некий скрытый смысл.

But the public on this calms down and begins to look for in such statements hidden meaning.

Но общественность на этом не успокаивается и начинает искать в таких заявлениях скрытый смысл.

Now more and more people feel by intuition that this hidden meaning of life exists.

Сейчас уже всё большее число людей интуитивно чувствует, что этот скрытый смысл жизни есть.

This often leaves us trying to find the deeper, hidden meaning.

Это часто оставляет нас в попытках найти более глубокий, скрытый смысл.

Sometimes doubts have a hidden meaning and, in fact, are a common manipulation.

Иногда сомнения имеют скрытый смысл и по сути являются обычной манипуляцией.

Finally, I do not intend to moralize-neither I am going to search for hidden meaning.

Наконец, я не намерен морализировать — и я не собираюсь искать скрытый смысл.

Gematria is an ancient method by which relate numeric and literal values to understand the hidden meaning of the word.

Гематрия — это древний метод, который соотносит буквенные и числовые значения для нахождения скрытого смысла слова.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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