A word of dedication

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On the monument are carved the names of the first 16 Komsomol members of Surgut, and also inscribed are the words of dedication from the youth of the 1960s.

Памятник первым комсомольцам Сургута — на памятнике высечены имена первых 16 комсомольцев Сургута, а также начертаны слова-посвящение от молодёжи 1960-х годов.

On the monument are carved the names of the first 16 Komsomol members of Surgut, and also inscribed are the words of dedication from the youth of the 1960s.

Памятник первым комсомольцам Сургута — на памятнике высечены имена первых 16 комсомольцев Сургута, а также начертаны слова-посвящение от молодёжи 1960-х годов.

Mr. Granovsky: Russia greatly values Eritrea and Ethiopia’s demonstration — in deeds, not wordsof their dedication to their commitments to peace.

Г-н Грановский: Российская сторона высоко ценит демонстрацию Эритреей и Эфиопией своей приверженности мирным обязательствам не на словах, а на деле.

The work of an evangelist is essentially to preach the gospel, while the concluding words call for dedication to all the various aspects of ministry.

Дело благовестника заключается в основном в проповедовании Евангелия, но последние слова призывают к преданности всем остальным аспектам служения.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The dedication section is where the writer expresses gratitude or others, normally those who have inspired or assisted them in their research and writing. It is usually the shortest page of an academic paper.

The most important thing to remember is that there is NO exact formula for writing a perfect dedication. Dedication is one of the most personal parts of your writing, and you are free to write it however you like.

In this post, we will include examples of dedication for theses, dissertations, research papers and college projects.


  • How to Write a Dedication for a Thesis or Dissertation?
  • Is Acknowledgement and Dedication the Same?

Who to include in the dedication section?

You can choose whomever you want. A dedication section is generally short and focuses on a single person (or specific group of people). It is usually a personal matter to have a dedication section, rather than a professional one.

Dedication Examples for Thesis or Dissertation

Most of the dedications in the thesis or dissertation are dedicated to family and friends.

You can express your feelings on why you want to dedicate your writings to these people specifically in this section.

Here are some of the examples which you can use as an example for writing your dedication for your thesis or dissertation.

Dedication for Dissertation/Thesis: Example #1

I dedicate my dissertation work to my family and many friends. A special feeling of gratitude to my loving parents, William and Louise Johnson whose words of encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. My sisters Katie, Linda and Rhonda have never left my side and are very special.
I also dedicate this dissertation to my many friends and church family who have supported me throughout the process. I will always appreciate all they have done, especially Suquesta Myers for helping me develop my technology skills, LaTanja Riley-Hedgepeth for the many hours of proofreading, and Ramona Taylor for helping me to master the leader dots.
I dedicate this work and give special thanks to my best friend Nelson L. Jennings and my wonderful daughter Cimone for being there for me throughout the entire doctorate program. Both of you have been my best cheerleaders.

Dedication for Dissertation/Thesis: Example #2

I am dedicating this thesis to four beloved people who have meant and continue to mean so much to me. Although they are no longer of this world, their memories continue to regulate my life. First and foremost, to my paternal grandfather Amadou Seydou whose love for me knew no bounds and, who taught me the value of hard work. Thank you so much “kaaw”, I will never forget you.
Next, my maternal grandmother Diariyatou “Lary” Hamady who raised me, loved me, and taught me to speak Pulaar my mother tongue and who, unfortunately, I can never send on pilgrimage to Mecca as promised.
I also want to remember my “little” uncle Massamba Amadou whose life was cut short by a drunk driver at the tender age of 24. May you find peace and happiness in Paradise!
Last but not least I am dedicating this to my late baby brother Moustapha Seydou gone forever away from our loving eyes and who left a void never to be filled in our lives. Though your life was short, I will make sure your memory lives on as long as I shall live. I love you all and miss you all beyond words. May Allah (SWT) grant you Jannah Firdaws.

Dedication for Dissertation/Thesis: Example #3

This thesis work is dedicated to my husband, Bruce, who has been a constant source of support and encouragement during the challenges of graduate school and life. I am truly thankful for having you in my life. This work is also dedicated to my parents, William and Karen Ryan, who have always loved me unconditionally and whose good examples have taught me to work hard for the things that I aspire to achieve.

Dedication for Dissertation/Thesis: Example #4

This dissertation is dedicated to the memory of Jane Smith. Although she was my inspiration to pursue my doctoral degree, she was unable to see my graduation. This is for her.
Thank you to my academic adviser who guided me in this process and the committee who kept me on track.
I dedicate this dissertation to my ninth grade teacher who inspired my pursuit of economics.
For my father who helped me in all things great and small.
This dissertation is dedicated to my husband who encouraged me to pursue my dreams and finish my dissertation.

Dedication for Dissertation/Thesis: Example #5

I dedicate this project to God Almighty my creator, my strong pillar, my source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of my strength throughout this program and on His wings only have I soared. I also dedicate this work to my husband; Owen
Arasomwan who has encouraged me all the way and whose encouragement has made sure that I give it all it takes to finish that which I have started. To my children Charis (Maama), Joel (Human Adult) and Sophia (Babe) who have been affected in every way possible by this quest.
Thank you. My love for you all can never be quantified. God bless you.

Dedication for Dissertation: Example #6

This dissertation is dedicated to the friendship and memory of Jill Huntley. She was a fellow doctoral candidate at Columbia who encouraged me in this study and, over a number of years, she and her husband, Eugene McDowell, facilitated my research by sharing their Washington home with me when I needed a place to stay in the District. Jill's strength and faith during the last year of her life gave me a new appreciation for the meaning and importance of friendship. She lived her life well, acting upon her spiritual beliefs conscientiously by assisting both friends and strangers in need. She faced her too early death bravely. During her terminal illness she managed to complete her dissertation. Her example kept me working when I wanted to give up.

Dedication Examples for Research Paper

Here are some examples of dedication written for research papers.

Dedication for Research Paper: Example #1


I dedicate this research paper to my lovely wife Laura, and my two daughters Dana, and Kareem. To all my family, the symbol of love and giving, and my friends who encourage and support me.

Dedication for Research Paper: Example #2


This research paper is dedicated to my dear father, who has been nicely my supporter until my research was fully finished, and my beloved mother who, for months past, has encouraged me attentively with her fullest and truest attention to accomplish my work with truthful self-confidence.

Dedication for Research Paper: Example #3


This research is dedicated to all the members of group 5 class 21/2012 for their sacrifice and cooperation in researching this paper. Our appreciation goes to MRS KANGETHE and MR KARIUKI for their guidance in the preparation of the final document and to our colleagues in the SMC 21/2012 for their support.

Dedication for College Projects

Here are two examples of dedication for college projects:

Dedication for College Project: Example #1

This project is dedicated to our parents who have never failed to give us financial and moral support, for giving all our needs during the time we developed our system and for teaching us that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step as a time.
We dedicate this Project to all the people who have worked hard to help us complete this project.

Dedication for College Projects: Example #2

This project is especially dedicated to the teachers who helped and guided us to successfully complete this project work.
Also I would like to dedicate this project to my dear father, who has been a wonderful supporter until my research was completed, and to my beloved mother, who has been encouraging me for months.

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посвящение, преданность, самоотверженность, освящение


- посвящение
- посвящение, надпись (в книге)

to write a dedication in a book — написать посвящение в книге

- освящение (церкви и т. п.)
- передача в общественное пользование, в дар обществу
- преданность (идее и т. п.)

patriotic dedication — горячий патриотизм

- увлечённость (работой и т. п.)

his dedication to the theatre — его одержимость работой в театре

- спец. специализация, ориентированность на (определённую) область или круг задач

Мои примеры


the dedication and professionalism of our staff — самоотверженность и высокий профессионализм наших сотрудников  
dedication day — храмовый праздник  
total dedication — полная преданность  
dedication to the cause of freedom — преданность делу свободы  
to demonstrate / display / show dedication — выказывать преданность  
write a dedication in a book — написать посвящение в книге  
autographed dedication — посвящение с автографом  
dedication of term — передача патента в общее пользование на определенный срок  
dedication of way — передача дороги общине в свободное пользование  
dedication service — освящение храма; обряд освящения  
dedication strategy — стратегия распределения  

Примеры с переводом

The book is the result of years of hard work and dedication.

Эта книга является результатом многолетней напряжённой работы и самоотдачи.

The book contains a fulsome dedication to his wife.

Данная книга содержит слишком уж восторженное посвящение его жене.

She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work.

Она хотела купить его любовь своей преданностью ему и его работе.

His speech was filled with familiar platitudes about the value of hard work and dedication.

Его речь была наполнена знакомыми банальностями о ценности упорного труда и преданности делу.

It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we managed to finish the project on time.

Проявив огромное трудолюбие и самоотдачу, нам всё-таки удалось завершить проект в установленные сроки.

Her performance in this tournament has been a testimonial to the dedication and talent she brings to the tennis court.

Её выступление на этом турнире является свидетельством самоотверженности и таланта, которые она приносит на теннисный корт.

He shows a monastic dedication to his job.

Он проявляет монашескую преданность своей работе.

They celebrated the dedication of the new building with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Открытие нового здания отпраздновали церемонией перерезания ленточки.

The company has displayed exceptional dedication to this community.

Компания продемонстрировала исключительную преданность этому сообществу.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…an undeviating dedication to duty…

The troops were praised for their dedication and discipline.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dedicated  — преданный, посвятивший себя, убежденный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): dedication
мн. ч.(plural): dedications

  • 1

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > dedication

  • 2

       b. (in book, on radio) dédicace f

    the dedication reads: «to Emma, with love from Harry» le livre est dédicacé « à Emma, avec tout mon amour, Harry »

    * * *



    1) () dévouement m (to à)

    2) () dédicace f

    English-French dictionary > dedication

  • 3

    4 Relig consécration


    , dédicace



    Big English-French dictionary > dedication

  • 4

    Patent terms dictionary > dedication

  • 5

    dedication [ˏdedɪˊkeɪʃn]


    1) посвяще́ние

    2) пре́данность, самоотве́рженность

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > dedication

  • 6

    dedication Einweihung f; Widmung f, Überlassung f zum allgemeinen Gebrauch

    English-german law dictionary > dedication

  • 7

    dedication GEN, MEDIA Widmung f, Zueignung f

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > dedication

  • 8

    Персональный Сократ > dedication

  • 9

    1) dedicación, consagración

    2) dedicatoria




    (de un libro, una canción, etc.)




    b) ( opening) (AmE) inauguración f



    1) dedicación

    , consagración

    2) dedicación

    , entrega

    , devoción

    * * *



    b) ( opening) (AmE) inauguración f

    English-spanish dictionary > dedication

  • 10



    2) (in a book, on music programme) dedica f.





    , consacrazione


    * * *

    1) dedizione; dedica

    2) dedica

    * * *

    dedication /dɛdɪˈkeɪʃn/


    4 [u] dedizione; il votarsi (a qc.)

    5 [u] (


    ) destinazione a uso pubblico.

    * * *



    2) (in a book, on music programme) dedica f.





    , consacrazione


    English-Italian dictionary > dedication

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dedication

  • 12


    1) Widmung, die (to Dat.)

    * * *

    1) die Weihung; das (Sich-)Widmen

    2) die Widmung

    * * *




    1. (hard work) Engagement nt (to für + akk)

    2. (in book) Widmung f

    to write a dedication eine Widmung schreiben

    3. REL Einweihung f, Weihe f

    * * *



    * * *

    1. Weihung f, Widmung f

    2. (to) (Sich-)Widmen n (dat), Hingabe f (an akk)

    3. Widmung f, Zueignung f

    4. US feierliche Eröffnung oder Einweihung

    5. Übergabe f an den öffentlichen Verkehr

    * * *


    1) Widmung, die (to Dat.)

    * * *


    Einsatzbereitschaft f.

    Widmung en f.

    English-german dictionary > dedication

  • 13

    1) dedikation; indvielse; tilegnelse

    2) dedikation

    * * *

    1) dedikation; indvielse; tilegnelse

    2) dedikation

    English-Danish dictionary > dedication

  • 14


    dedication полигр. надпись в книге dedication отказ от авторских прав dedication посвящение dedication полигр. посвящение dedication преданность, самоотверженность dedication предоставление (недвижимости) в общее пользование

    English-Russian short dictionary > dedication

  • 15



    2) посвящение Богу; освящение церкви

    3) посвящение

    5) верность, преданность

    to demonstrate / display / show dedication — выказывать преданность




    выделение, назначение

    Англо-русский современный словарь > dedication

  • 16

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > dedication

  • 17

    1. n посвящение, надпись

    2. n освящение

    3. n передача в общественное пользование, в дар обществу

    4. n преданность

    5. n увлечённость

    6. n спец. специализация, ориентированность на область или круг задач

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. consecration (noun) celebration; consecration; glorification; sanctification

    2. loyalty (noun) allegiance; assiduousness; commitment; devotion; love; loyalty

    English-Russian base dictionary > dedication

  • 18


    1. посвящение

    2. посвящение, надпись ()

    3. освящение ()

    4. передача в общественное пользование, в дар обществу

    5. 1) преданность ()

    2) увлечённость ()


    специализация, ориентированность на (определённую) область круг задач

    НБАРС > dedication

  • 19

    1) tilegnelse, troskap

    2) tilegnelse, dedikasjon



    1) hengivenhet

    2) engasjement, entusiasme

    3) tilegnelse, dedikasjon

    4) innvielse

    English-Norwegian dictionary > dedication

  • 20

    1) vígsla; helgun

    2) tileinkun

    English-Icelandic dictionary > dedication


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • dedication — ded·i·ca·tion /ˌde di kā shən/ n: a giving up of property to public use that precludes the owner from asserting any further interest in it: as a: an intentional donation of land for public use that is accepted by the proper public authorities b:… …   Law dictionary

  • Dedication 2 — Mixtape by Lil Wayne Released May 2006 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Dedication 3 — Mixtape by Lil Wayne Released November 14, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • Dedication — • A term which, though sometimes used of persons who are consecrated to God s service, is more properly applied to the setting aside of places for a special and sacred purpose Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dedication     D …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Dedication! — Studio album by Duke Pearson Released 1970 …   Wikipedia

  • Dedication — Ded i*ca tion, n. [L. dedicatio.] 1. The act of setting apart or consecrating to a divine Being, or to a sacred use, often with religious solemnities; solemn appropriation; as, the dedication of Solomon s temple. [1913 Webster] 2. A devoting or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dedication — late 14c., action of dedicating, from O.Fr. dedicacion (14c., Mod.Fr. dédication) consecration of a church or chapel, or directly from L. dedicationem, noun of action from dedicare (see DEDICATE (Cf. dedicate)). Meaning the giving of oneself to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • dedication — [n1] faithfulness, loyalty adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotedness, devotion, single mindedness, wholeheartedness; concepts 411,657 Ant. disloyalty, unfaithfulness dedication [n2] speech of praise; sanctification address, celebration,… …   New thesaurus

  • Dedicatĭon — (v. lat.), 1) Einweihung, s. Dedicatio; 2) Zueignung einer Schrift od. eines [791] Kunstwerkes an eine Person, wodurch man seine Achtung, Liebe etc. gegen dieselbe an den Tag zu legen sucht. Schon im Alterthum gebräuchlich. Schriften über D.,… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Dedication — (lat.), Zueignung, Widmung; dedizieren, widmen, zueignen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Dedication — Dedication, die Zueignung, Widmung, Weihe, namentlich eines literarischen oder Kunstproduktes. Daß dieselbe an eine höhere Person geschehe, ist im Begriffe des Wortes dediciren durchaus nicht enthalten, wenn gleich es von Künstlern und Gelehrten… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

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Their dedication and hard work have been truly exceptional.

Они проявили подлинную самоотверженность и проделали огромную работу.


преданность делу


His dedication, professionalism and independence were highly appreciated.

Его преданность делу, профессионализм и независимость получили высокую оценку.




Dedication to Frank E. Block

Посвящение Фрэнку Э.


другие переводы 2



Their dedication and hard work have been truly exceptional.
Они проявили подлинную самоотверженность и проделали огромную работу.

His dedication, professionalism and independence were highly appreciated.
Его преданность делу, профессионализм и независимость получили высокую оценку.

Dedication to Frank E. Block
Посвящение Фрэнку Э.

“His philosophy of life and dedication to his art form the bedrock of a remarkable 60-year career dedicated to self-improvement and universal brotherhood.
— В основе всей его выдающейся 60-летней деятельности, которую он посвятил самосовершенствованию и всем любителям музыки планеты, была его жизненная философия и преданность своему делу.

I should also like to reiterate my appreciation to my Special Representative, Juan Gabriel Valdés, his leadership team and the men and women who are part of the military, civilian police and civilian components of MINUSTAH for their dedication to carrying out their work in advancing the transitional process in Haiti.
Я хотел бы также вновь выразить признательность моему Специальному представителю Хуану Габриэлю Вальдесу, его группе высокопоставленных руководителей и мужчинам и женщинам в составе военных, полицейских и гражданских компонентов МООНСГ, которые продолжают с полной отдачей трудиться во имя продвижения вперед переходного процесса в Гаити.


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