A word of consolation

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

слова утешения

слов утешения

словами утешения

слова сочувствия

слов для утешения

In times of difficulty, words of consolation are hard to find.

These are not merely words of consolation.

He does not offer us words of consolation; He happens in our lives.

Он не предлагает нам слов утешения, а входит в нашу жизнь.

In the Psalter, there are many thoughts addressed to one’s own soul, much advice, and many words of consolation.

В Псалтыри есть много размышлений, обращений к своей душе, много наставлений и слов утешения.

To each, he spoke words of consolation.

He addressed to him some words of consolation.

But the saint did not only speak words of consolation.

I ask you to convey to them words of consolation and support.

I try to find words of consolation.

It is so difficult to find words of consolation.

My words of consolation don’t help.

To each, he spoke words of consolation.

This verse follows upon words of consolation and itself contains a message of consolation and mercy.

«Этот стих следует за словами утешения и сам содержит утешение и сострадание.

Today no fan of Inter wants to hear words of consolation and I’m no different.

Сегодня ни один болельщик Интера не захочет слушать слова утешения, и я ничем не отличаюсь от них .

As with other grave diseases, once you catch it everybody sends words of consolation but they all understand there is no help.

Как и при других тяжелых заболеваниях, как только вы заметили это все посылает слова утешения, но они все понимают нет помощи.

And they were the only people who could do something other than offer words of consolation.

Им легче сделать что-то конкретное, чем найти слова утешения.

For instance the words of consolation should be spoken in a slow rhythm, with a soft voice and sympathetic tone.

Слова утешения, например, должны произноситься в медленном ритме, мягким…

The ability to find a way out in the most difficult situations, to eliminate the essence of the problem without delay, to find the right words of consolation is an important part of medical practice that only a few people can cope with.

Умение находить выход из наиболее сложных ситуаций, и при этом без промедлений устранять суть проблемы, успокаивать и находить правильные слова утешения — это именно та важная часть врачебной практики, к которой далеко не все могут привыкнуть.

My children, give to my Son love for your neighbours, give words of consolation, compassion, and acts of justice to your neighbours.

Дети Мои, дарите Моему Сыну свою любовь к ближним, дарите слова утешения, сострадания и праведные поступки для своих ближних.

Almazbek Atambayev on behalf of the people of Kyrgyzstan expressed deep condolences and conveyed words of consolation to the families and relatives of Mr. Herzog.

А. Атамбаев от имени народа Кыргызской Республики выразил глубокие соболезнования, а также передал слова утешения родным и близким господина Херцога.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 44. Точных совпадений: 44. Затраченное время: 58 мс


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Photo: WomanAdvice.ru Photo: WomanAdvice.ru     

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,
concerning them which are asleep,
that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope
(1 Thess. 4:13)

We can doubt whatever we please: Will it be cloudy or clear tomorrow? Will we be healthy or get sick? Will we be rich or poor? But of one thing there is no doubt—sooner or later, we will stand before God. Death is “the way of all flesh.” But, even knowing this, we still experience sorrow when we lose someone dear to us; and it’s understandable and explainable by human nature. After all, even when we just part with loved ones for a time, we are sad, we mourn, and we shed tears, and all the moreso when we face our last parting in this earthly life. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, when He came to the home of his reposed friend Lazarus, was grieved in spirit and wept, He so loved Him. But believers have a great consolation that helps them survive the death of a loved one—prayer for their departed. And this prayer connects us like a thread with the world of those who have already departed.

Everyone who loses a loved one asks the question, “What else can I do for my loved one?” Indeed, when our loved ones are ill, we rush to help, we go to the hospital, we buy them groceries and medicine; if they’re in some other kind of trouble we also help as we are able. Our love is expressed in this compassion, and our commiseration with them.

But someone who has reposed is no less, and perhaps even more in need of our care.

Man does not disappear as a person with the death of the brain and cardiac arrest. Besides the body (a temporary covering), he has an eternal, immortal soul. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Mt. 22:32). It is precisely the soul that is the essence of man. And we love (if we truly love) our loved ones not for their beautiful bodies and physical strength, but for the qualities of their soul: intelligence, kindness, character, love—all of these qualities of the soul of our loved one that make up his image. The body is the clothes of a man; it grows old and sick, it changes, and it experiences irreversible processes. Sometimes, looking at the remains, lying in the coffin, we don’t even recognize a familiar face in them, so much has the reposed changed. But the soul has no age; it is immortal. It’s not for nothing that they say, “He’s a young soul”—and the man is already sixty.

Since our loved one is immortal, he is in need of our help and support there, beyond the bounds of this earthly life. So, what does he seek from us, and how can we help him?

Of course, nothing earthly interests the reposed anymore. They do not need expensive tombstones, extravagant wakes, and so on. They need only one thing—our fervent prayers for the repose of their souls and for the forgiveness of their voluntary and involuntary sins. The reposed cannot pray for himself anymore. St. Theophan the Recluse says that the departed are in need of prayer, “as the poor of a piece of bread and a cup of water.”

We must pray, repent of our sins, and approach the Mysteries of the Church in our earthly life, for it is given to us as a preparation for eternity; but when a man dies, the result of his life is already summed up, and he can in no way change it for the better. The reposed can only rely on the prayers of the Church and of those who knew and loved him during his life, and the Lord can change the fate of the deceased by the prayers of his relatives and friends. There are innumerable instances from Church Tradition and the lives of the saint that testify to this. An amazing case is described in the ancient life of St. Gregory the Dialogist. The holy hierarch boldly prayed for the repose of the cruel persecutor of Christianity, Emperor Trajan. Trajan not only raised up persecution against Christians (for he did not know what he was doing), but was a just and merciful ruler who took great care for the poor among his subjects. St. Gregory found out that the emperor had protected a widow in a calamitous situation, and took upon himself the podvig of prayer for him. It was revealed to him by God that his prayer was accepted. This example (and many others) is a great comfort and inspires us in our prayers for the reposed. Even if the departed was far from the Church, he can receive relief from his lot by the diligent, tearful prayers of his loved ones.

Another very important point: If someone who has left us didn’t live a Church life, or we know that his life was far from the commandments of God, his loving relatives should be especially attentive to their own souls. We are all interconnected with our relatives and friends, as parts of one body: And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it (1 Cor. 12:26). If some organ is inactive, then a man’s other senses intensify, and his other organs take on an additional load, and its functions. And if our loved one didn’t manage to do something in his spiritual life, we should make up for it for him. We will thereby save our own soul and bring great benefit to his soul. There’s a military song about a pilot who died, whose comrade says that he lives on the Earth “for himself and for that man.” And our life for others, in memory of someone can be expressed in our fervent prayer, in the acquisition of Christian virtues, in generous almsgiving in commemoration of the reposed.

It happens quite often that people who went to church very rarely and lived a carefree, secular life, start coming to church and become true Orthodox Christians after having lost a loved one. Their life completely changes; they come to God through grief. And, of course, they then pray their whole life for their departed relatives. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable.

Believers, and those who are far from the Church perceive the loss of a loved one absolutely differently. Sometimes I end up at the memorial of an unreligious person, and I observe what a painful spectacle it is. One time I participated in the funeral of a famous neurologist and very good man. The Lord took him before he was old, after a sudden, fleeting disease, at the peak of his medical activity. When his colleagues began their eulogies, you could see what bewilderment and numbness the mystery of death plunged the unreligious people into. Almost everyone considered it their duty to begin with something like, “What a terrible injustice… He left us so early and so suddenly… There’s so much he could have done still,” and so on. It’s obvious that such speeches can’t bring consolation to the family and friends of the deceased, but rather, on the contrary, they only deepen their sorrow. Even if you don’t believe in anything, you can still say kind, warm words to friends and colleagues. What causes this? Why are people in such a state of confusion in the face of death, avoiding even mentioning or thinking about it in daily life? Fear and uncertainty. Death scares them; they don’t know what awaits them. Is there life there? Or do we only live here, in the material world? For unbelievers, how to prepare for death and how to relate to it is a seven-sealed mystery. Even official speeches contain the usual wish: “May he rest in peace”—which conceals within itself the underlying question: Is this really everything? The body is in the ground—and then, nothing?

With the death of their loved ones, those who are far from faith often fall into despair, despondency, and black depression. That’s it, life is over; if my loved one is no more, he has ceased to exist, life has no more meaning. I can’t say that believers don’t mourn the death of a loved one, but they have a completely different attitude towards death. Christian sadness is light; we know that man lives forever, that death is just a separation, that his life continues, but in a different capacity. We know that we are connected with the reposed by the bonds of prayer and love. We cannot say, “There was a man, and now there’s not.” If we loved him in his lifetime, then we continue to love him in death. Love never fails, the apostle Paul says (1 Cor. 13:8). When I have lost loved ones, I have always had a feeling of separation, not of termination—as if they went somewhere very far away, but not forever.

Excessive sorrow is inappropriate because it not only destroys our own soul (despair is one of the eight deadly sins), but it doesn’t allow us to pray for the departed. An emptiness forms in the soul of a despondent man, a vacuum, and generally, he can do nothing, and especially not pray. But our loved ones are sorely in need of our help! But we not only do not help them by despondency, depression, and despair, but we also, perhaps, bring suffering. For the sake of our loved ones, we must get ahold of ourselves, calm down as much as possible, and put all our energy into prayer. The reposed are especially in need of our fervent prayers until the fortieth day.

The human soul, leaving the body, experiences unease and fear: It was accustomed to dwelling so many years in its home; it does not know what awaits it and where the Lord will send it. After death, a man gives answer for his entire life, and here his future lot is determined. It’s very important to support the soul of a loved one with commemorations at the Divine Liturgy, the reading of the Psalter, and in private prayers.

Relatives of the deceased often think that if they don’t show others their sadness, everyone will think they didn’t love the departed, and you will sometimes see a heartbreaking sight, with hysteria, lamentation, and wailing over the reposed. This is especially true in villages where the tradition of special wailers has been preserved. People drive themselves into a complete frenzy. What kind of prayer is there in this? True grief and sorrow, as a rule, are quiet and almost imperceptible to others. Sometimes, people who sorrow and weep for the departed too much are actually sorrier for themselves: How poor, unhappy, and lonely they are now.

We inherited all of these traditions from pagan ceremonies, and, obviously, they are incompatible with Orthodoxy.

But we, Orthodox Christians, must dissolve our sorrow with Christian hope, that if we ourselves will be saved, and if we will save our loved ones by our prayers, then we dare to believe that we will meet them there, in the other life. And if they reach the Heavenly Kingdom, then they will certainly pray for us there.

Words of consolation: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

  • in so many words — во многих словах
  • lost for words — нет слов
  • truthful words — правдивые слова
  • choice words — выбор слов
  • many new words — много новых слов
  • touched by his words — тронута его словами
  • words without — слова без
  • will say a few words — будет сказать несколько слов
  • words on paper — слова на бумаге
  • be too funny for words — быть слишком смешно для слов

of [preposition]

preposition: из, о, от, об, для

  • from my point of view — с моей точки зрения
  • show appreciation of/for — показать оценку / для
  • day of the month — день месяца
  • place of business — место деятельности
  • out of gear — из снастей
  • leader of the house — лидер дома
  • rest of it — остальное
  • destitute of — лишенный
  • overlooking of — с видом на
  • take a view of — взглянуть на
  • consolation game — утешительный матч
  • little consolation — слабое утешение
  • consolation prizes — поощрительные призы
  • words of consolation — Слова утешения
  • some consolation — некоторое утешение
  • any consolation — утешит
  • consolation for — утешением для
  • great consolation — утешило
  • of consolation — утешений
  • nice consolation — хороший утешительный

Предложения с «words of consolation»

During our walk, Clerval endeavoured to say a few words of consolation ; he could only express his heartfelt sympathy.

По дороге Клерваль все же пытался утешить меня. Он сочувствовал мне всей душой.

He might have said some few words of consolation or reassurance.

Он мог бы сказать хоть несколько утешительных, ободряющих слов.

Half an hour later the unfortunate Mrs Muller crept into the kitchen and it was clear from her distraught expression that she was expecting words of consolation from Svejk.

Через полчаса в кухню вползла несчастная пани Мюллерова, и по удрученному выражению ее лица было видно, что она ждет от Швейка слов утешения .

A hug can indicate support, comfort, and consolation , particularly where words are insufficient.

Объятие может означать поддержку, утешение и утешение , особенно там, где слов недостаточно.

  • «words of consolation» Перевод на арабский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на бенгальский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на китайский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на испанский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на хинди
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на японский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на португальский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на русский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на венгерский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на иврит
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на украинский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на турецкий
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на итальянский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на греческий
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на хорватский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на индонезийский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на французский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на немецкий
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на корейский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на панджаби
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на маратхи
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на узбекский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на малайский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на голландский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на польский
  • «words of consolation» Перевод на чешский
word of consolation

Общая лексика: слово утешения

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «word of consolation» в других словарях:

  • consolation — UK [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] / US [ˌkɑnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms consolation : singular consolation plural consolations something that makes you feel less unhappy or disappointed It was some consolation to know that no one else …   English dictionary

  • consolation prize — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms consolation prize : singular consolation prize plural consolation prizes a small prize given to someone who has failed to win …   English dictionary

  • Consolation of Israel —    A name for the Messiah in common use among the Jews, probably suggested by Isa. 12:1; 49:13. The Greek word thus rendered (Luke 2:25, paraklesis) is kindred to that translated Comforter in John 14:16, etc., parakletos …   Easton’s Bible Dictionary

  • biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old… …   Universalium

  • David Campese — Full name David Ian Campese Date of birth 21 October 1962 (1962 10 21) (age 49) Place of birth Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia Height 180 cm Weight 89 kg …   Wikipedia

  • 1906 in music — Events*May 27 Gustav Mahler s Symphony No. 6 is premiered in Essen. *Amelita Galli Curci makes her operatic debut.Published popular music* Abraham Jefferson Washington Lee Harry Von Tilzer * Ain t You Coming Back To Old New Hampshire, Molly? w.… …   Wikipedia

  • Consuela — /kon sway leuh/; It., Sp. /kawn swe lah/, n. a female given name: from a Latin word meaning consolation. * * * …   Universalium

  • fróforword — n ( es/ ) word of consolation …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • Consuela — /kon sway leuh/; It., Sp. /kawn swe lah/, n. a female given name: from a Latin word meaning consolation …   Useful english dictionary

  • Boethius: from antiquity to the Middle Ages — John Marenbon Boethius is a difficult figure to place in the history of philosophy. Considered just in himself, he clearly belongs to the world of late antiquity. Born in 480, at a time when Italy was ruled by the Ostrogoths under their king,… …   History of philosophy

  • Hierarchy of the Early Church — • The word hierarchy is used here to denote the three grades of bishop, priest, and deacon (ministri) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hierarchy of the Early Church     Hierarchy of the Early Church …   Catholic encyclopedia

Following the match, the German players and managers offered words of consolation to the Brazilians.

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После игры немецкие игроки и тренеры выражали сочувствие проигравшим.

I got condolence-telegrams even from Azerbaijan,-

said the hero’s widow,- words of consolation were written by those Azeris for whom freedom and independence were values.

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Я получала телеграммы соболезнования даже из Азербайджана,-

сказала вдова героя,- слова утешения писали мне те азербайджанцы, для которых свобода и независимость являлись ценностями.

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The Vicar admonished him at first in grave tones,

but soon began to speak words of consolation, and Juhani returned home with his mind at peace.

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Сначала пастор сделал ему строгое внушение, потом, однако,

сказал несколько слов утешения, и Юхани со спокойной душой вернулся домой.

People from everywhere come to the saint, ask for advice,

listen to his words of consolation and, filled with peace, return to their places.

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Люди с разных концов приходили к святому, спрашивали советы,

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the anger, despair, and pain




our fellow citizens,

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Взирая на гнев, отчаяние и боль многих наших соотечественников,

мы не имеем права лишить их слова утешения, солидарности и любви.

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If pity then awakens in him, together with the wish to say a few words of consolation, this desire binds him more strongly to his physical

body again through the need to make himself understood by the grief-stricken mourners.

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Пробуждающееся в нем при этом сострадание или желание сказать хотя бы несколько слов утешения вновь прочнее привязывают его к Грубой Вещественности, так как у него

появляется потребность проявить себя понятным исполненным боли и скорби земным людям образом.

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Top Aapo shook the hand


Simeoni warmly in greeting, and refilling his pipe, began with

solemn mien and voice to pronounce judgment, followed soon by


of consolation.

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Top Аапо ласково пожал Симеони руку и, набивая трубку, начал торжественно укорять,

а затем и утешать брата. Симеони долго слушал его в молчании,

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Is Sequentia pleased with the North American premiere


Songs of Consolation?

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Довольна ли« Секвенция» североамериканской премьерой« Песен утешения»?

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The Christ


communion[7] offers us this enormous gift of consolation.

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Христос сопричастности[ 7] дает нам этот великий дар утешения.

Petrova ‘s adaptation, and projective test


strategy of consolation F.E.

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Петровой и проективная методика стратегий утешения Ф. Е.

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Но я не могу избавиться от ощущения, что я какой-то утешительный приз.

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Изложены результаты пилотажного исследования стратегий утешения на материале проективной методики« Ситуации утешения».

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Существует несколько версий истории о Леди в сером.

The President of Turkmenistan, on behalf


the people


our country, expressed sincere condolences to the families and relatives


victims, and he addressed words

of consolation

and compassion to all Americans.

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Президент Туркменистана от имени народа нашей страны выразил искренние соболезнования родным и близким погибших людей, высказал слова сочувствия и сострадания всем американцам.

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Admittedly, his letters were just as empty


proper news as Ron and Hermione’s,

but at least they contained words


caution and consolation instead


tantalising hints:

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Хотя он, как Рон и Гермиона, не писал ничего существенного,

но в его письмах все же были слова предостережения и утешения вместо дразнящих намеков:

For them which have remained without recognition, words


the classic can be a consolation only.

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Для них, оставшихся без признания, утешением могут быть лишь слова классика.

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And when these maladjusted human beings had told Jesus about their troubles, always was he able to offer practical and immediately helpful suggestions looking toward the correction


their real difficulties,

albeit he did not neglect to speak words


present comfort and immediate consolation.

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И когда эти неустроенные люди рассказывали Иисусу о своих бедах, он всегда мог предложить им практические и конкретные советы, направленные на решение действительных проблем,

не забывая произносить и слова утешения, которые сразу успокаивали.

Then I would still have this consolation—my joy in unrelenting pain—that I had not denied the words


the Holy One.

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Это было бы еще отрадою мне, и я крепился бы в моей беспощадной болезни, ибо я не отвергся изречений Святаго.

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This is done for the encouragement and consolation of the repenting Christians.

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Делается это для ободрения и утешения кающихся христиан.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Forgive my presumptions, but when I’m making my own reconciliations, I derive some consolation by remembering these words.

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Прошу простить мою самонадеянность, но в поисках примирения с самой собой, я достигла некоторого утешения, вспомнив следующие слова.

And they shall have the consolation of having done something eminently patriotic.

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И пусть утешением им послужит то, что в кои то веки им удалось совершить нечто патриотическое.

I never imagined that I would have the consolation of having her here!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Я никогда не думала, что я бы могла иметь утешение иметь ее здесь!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Выслушайте внимательно речь мою, и это будет мне утешением от вас.

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