A word of caution about discount stores and sales some discount stores are not

People Places Objects Actions
(regular) customer
(shop / sales) assistant manager
(member of) staff
stall holder
bureau de change
DIY store
department store florist’s
fishmonger’s greengrocer’s
(charity / local /second -hand) shop
(street) market
shopping centre shopping mall
chain store
the high street
(in) the sales
bank card
cheque book
credit card
store card
a bargain
(mail order) catalogue
carrier bag
designer label
goods faulty goods
rate of exchange
sales tax (VAT)
cash desk
shop window
‘pay here’
borrow (money) from sb
lend (money) to/ lend sb money
can/can’t afford sth
buy sth (purchase /shop for)
sell sth
deliver (goods)
display (goods)
be in stock
be out of stock
cut (their) prices
get a discount (at a discount)
exchange sth (for sth else)
go shopping do shopping order sth buy on credit
pay (in) cash / by cheque
pay a deposit
pay for sth (at a reduced price)
take sth back
try sth on
see to sb
serve (a customer)
giftwrap sth
wrap sth (up)

Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the chart.

1. I’m sorry but you can’t pay … these with a credit card.

2. I can’t … to buy a new computer – I haven’t even got the cash to pay a ….

3. Can I … a discount if I pay …?

4. I don’t usually …shopping in the high street; I enjoy finding … in the market.

5. Excuse me, can I try these trousers …before I buy them?

6. Is meat cheaper in the … or from your local …?

7. Will you … me some cash so that I can … for the parking?

8. You’ll get the best … at that …de change over there.

9. Do you prefer cheap … or those with a … label?

10. How much does it cost to have this clock gift …?

Ex. 2. Which words or phrases are the following descriptions of?

1. Someone who serves customers in a shop.

2. The main shopping street in a town.

3. The place where you can buy paint, screws, etc.

4. Where you would go to buy medicines.

5. The bag you get in a supermarket to hold your shopping.

6. A shop that sells fruit and vegetables.

7. The place where you can exchange foreign currency.

8. A large shop on several floors selling a wide variety of goods.

A small building in the street selling newspapers, sweets, etc.

The place where you pay for things in a supermarket.

Ex. 3. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and word phrases, pay attention to the use of prepositions.

1) To buy by mail-order, 2) at a counter, 3) the price per item, 4) different prices for the same item, 5) the original price, 6) to pay on delivery, 7) the discount(ed) price, 8) the sale price, 9) an attractively dressed shop-window, 10) to lower the price by 10 %, 11) to discount the goods by 6 %, 12) a low rate of discount, 13) to advertise items on sale, 14) to buy things from a second-hand shop, 15) to own a chain of department stores, 16) to sell a wide variety of goods, 17) to order the goods from a catalogue, 18) to go window shopping, 19) discount stores.

Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words from the list given below.

A word of caution about… stores and…. Some… stores are not actually any… than other stores in the area. In others, the merchandise may not be only less…, but shoddy and not worth the… charged. Some stores perpetually advertise…, even though they never have sold the merchandise at the “regular”… A store may… something at a low price in the hope that if you come into the store, you will not only that item but other items at… prices as well. To avoid this kind of trap,… prices at different stores to be sure you are actually getting a…. Do not buy something you do not need or want if you are shopping where some items are on… Avoid… buying. It does not mean that you can not find real… at… stores or at…; it means that you must… carefully at all times.

price (2), cheaper, purchase, regular, discount (2), compare, advertise, shop, expensive, sale(s) (4), bargain (2), impulse, bargain(s) (2).

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A word of caution about ... stores and... . Some ... stores are not ac перевод - A word of caution about ... stores and... . Some ... stores are not ac русский как сказать

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A word of caution about … stores and… . Some … stores are not actually any … than other stores in the area. In others, the merchandise may not be only less …, but shoddy and not worth the … charged. Some stores perpetually advertise …, even though they never have sold the merchandise at the ‘regular’ … . A store may … something at a low price in the hope that if you come into the store, you will not only … that item but other items at … prices as well. To avoid this kind of trap, … prices at different stores to be sure you are actually getting a … . Do not buy something you do not need or want if you are shopping where some items are on … . Avoid … buying. It does not mean that you can not find real … at … stores or at …; it means that you must … carefully at all times.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Одно предостережение о… магазинов и… . Некоторые… магазины не являются на самом деле каких-либо…, чем другие магазины в этом районе. В других, товар может быть не только меньше, но дрянной и не стоит… взимается. Некоторые магазины постоянно рекламировать, даже несмотря на то, что они никогда не продал товар на «регулярно»…. Магазин может… что-то по низкой цене в надежде, что если вы придете в магазин, вы будете не только… что элемент, но другие элементы на… цены также. Чтобы избежать такого рода ловушки,… цены в различных магазинах чтобы вы на самом деле получаете…. Не купить что-то вам не нужно или хотите, если вы делаете покупки, где некоторые элементы находятся на…. Избегайте… покупки. Это не означает, что вы не можете найти реальные в… магазины или на…; Это означает, что вы должны… тщательно во все времена.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Слово предостережения о … магазинах и …. Некоторые … магазины не на самом деле какой-то … чем в других магазинах в этом районе. В других странах, товар не может быть только меньше …, но дрянной, и не стоит … взимается. Некоторые магазины постоянно рекламируют …, несмотря на то, что они никогда не продавали товар на «регулярные» …. Магазин может … что-то по низкой цене в надежде на то, что если вы придете в магазин, вы не только … этот пункт, но и другие элементы на … цены, а также. Для того, чтобы избежать такого рода ловушки, … Цены в разных магазинах, чтобы убедиться, что вы на самом деле получение …. Не покупайте то, что вам не нужно или вы хотите, если вы ходите по магазинам, где некоторые элементы находятся на …. Избегайте … покупка. Это не означает, что вы не можете найти реальный … в … магазинах или на …; это означает, что вы должны … бережно во все времена.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


предостережение о.магазины и…. некоторые.магазины не на самом деле.по сравнению с другими магазинов в этом районе.в других странах, товар может быть не только менее…, но некачественно и не стоит.обвинение.некоторые магазины постоянно рекламируют…, даже несмотря на то, что они не продали товар на «обычных».. магазин.что — то по низкой цене, в надежде на то, что если вы приходите в магазин, вы не только… этот пункт, но и другие предметы.цены, а также.чтобы избежать подобного рода ловушки.цены в разных магазинах, чтобы быть уверенным, что ты действительно немного.. не купить что — то, что тебе не нужна, если вы по магазинам, где некоторые вещи.. не…покупка.это не значит, что вы не можете найти реальное.в.в магазинах или на…; это означает, что ты должен.внимательно на все времена.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  1. Someone
    who serves customers in a shop.

  2. The
    main shopping street in a town.

  3. The
    place where you can buy paint, screws, etc.

  4. Where
    you would go to buy medicines.

  5. The
    bag you get in a supermarket to hold your shopping.

  6. A
    shop that sells fruit and vegetables.

  7. The
    place where you can exchange foreign currency.

  8. A
    large shop on several floors selling a wide variety of goods.

  9. The place where you pay for things in a supermarket.

Ex. 3.
Russian equivalents to the following words and word phrases, pay
attention to
use of prepositions.

To buy by mail-order, 2) at a counter, 3) the price per item, 4)
different prices
for the same item, 5) the original price, 6) to pay on delivery, 7)
the discount(ed)
price, 8) the sale price, 9) an attractively dressed shop-window, 10)
to lower the price by 10 %, 11) to discount the
goods by 6 %, 12) a low rate of discount, 13) to advertise items on
sale, 14) to
buy things from a second-hand shop, 15) to own a chain of department
stores, 16)
to sell a wide variety of goods, 17) to order the goods from a
catalogue, 18) to
go window shopping, 19) discount stores.

4. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words from the list
given below.

word of caution about … stores and … . Some … stores are not
actually any … than other stores in the area. In others, the
merchandise may not be only less …,
but shoddy and not worth the … charged. Some stores
perpetually advertise
…, even though they never have sold the merchandise at the
“regular” … A store may …
something at a low price in the hope that if you come into the store,
you will not only that item but other items at … prices as well. To
avoid this kind of trap, … prices
at different stores to be sure you are actually getting a…. Do not
buy something you
do not need or want if you are shopping where some items are on …
Avoid … buying.
It does not mean that you can not find real … at… stores or
at…; it means that you must… carefully at all times.

(2), cheaper, purchase, regular, discount (2), compare, advertise,
sale(s) (4), bargain (2), impulse, bargain(s) (2).

Ex. 5.
a. Complete the chart with the words from the list.











household goods

cleaning products

suntan lotion

breakfast cereals




frozen food




bubble bath






denim jacket














food in cans





toilet paper









In pairs ask and answer, as in the example.

I’m going to the
Do you need anything?

please. Could you buy/pick up some cheese?

Sure! Anything else?

No, thanks.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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  • #
  • #
  • #
Key Difference: Discount stores are retail stores that offer merchandise for a discounted price compared to high-end designer stores and department stores. Discount stores are a type of department stores that offer a wide assortment of goods, while others specialize in selected merchandise. Department stores are retail stores that offer various goods and products. A department store is sort of a one-stop shop for many people. The stores try and stock as many objects that people would need in their daily routine.

Discounted stores and department stores are actually quite closely related. Discount stores are actually department stores that offer a discount on the goods that are provided. Discount stores are basically retails stores that offer merchandise at a cheaper price compared to other stores in the vicinity. Department stores are retail stores that offer variety of goods and brands under the same roof. If the department stores offer it at a discount, they become discounted department stores.

Discount stores are retail stores that offer merchandise for a discounted price compared to high-end designer stores and department stores. Discount stores are a type of department stores that offer a wide assortment of goods, while others specialize in selected merchandise such as electronics, jewelry, office supplies, etc. Discounted stores offer many brand names compared to having just a single one. Some discount stores are parts of chains or franchises, while others are independently owned. Discount stores apply a high-volume, low-profit-margin strategy that allows them to offer merchandise as a lower rate compared to other stores in the closer vicinity. They may also make claims to offer the lowest price compared to any other stores that are near-by.

The trend for discount stores became popular following World War II, when a number of retail stores realized that people could no longer afford to spend loads of money on certain merchandise. They opted for the high-volume, low-profit margin to try and draw in price-conscious consumers. Though discounted stores have now spread among many industrialized countries and is even become a huge trend in developing countries, the United States has become known as the leader of the discounted department stores. Discounted stores was at the height of popularity between the 1950s and the 1980s, when it more popular than the average supermarket. In 1962, three major retailers, Walmart, Kmart, and Target, opened their respective discount stores at their first locations. Other retailers also started establishing discount stores around the same time, while these three flourished and are still in existence, many of the others either folded or was sold to more thriving companies. Supercenters, hypermarkets are types of discounted stores.

Department stores are retail stores that offer various goods and products such as clothing, furniture, home appliances, toys, cosmetics, gardening, toiletries, sporting goods, food, books, jewelry, electronics, stationery, etc. They offer a variety of brands under one roof, which may or may not be at a discounted price. A department store is sort of a one-stop shop for many people. The stores try and stock as many objects that people would need in their daily routine, this includes food, clothes, bedding, medicine, etc. These goods are offered at variable prices, depending on the store. Many stores offer a discounted price, which earns them the name discount stores as well. Department stores also offer Do-It-Yourself, which allows people to grab the materials from the store and create it themselves. The oldest department store in the world is Bennett’s of Irongate in Derby, Britain founded in 1734.

Department stores can also specialize in selling particular items such as clothing and jewelry (Macy’s), or offer a combination of products together such as Costco or Walmart. Department stores are commonly part of a retail chain of many stores situated around a country or several countries. They could be a stand-alone store or a part of a mall or shopping complex. Department stores will not necessarily offer additional activities such as food courts, play areas, etc. or even parking structures.

2) Which of the following is true for retailing?
A) Manufacturers are not considered to be retailers as they are engaged in producing the product.
B) Vending machines are considered to be retailing only if they are located within stores.
C) Retailing deals only with goods; it does not include services.
D) Selling from a consumer’s home is direct selling, but not retailing.
E) Wholesalers are only considered to be retailers if they are selling to final consumers.

3) Which of the following is an example of retailing?
A) Dylan’s sends catalogs to retail, industrial, and institutional customers.
B) SEZ U Inc. sells a limited line of fast-moving goods to small retailers for cash.
C) BEL Inc. sells FMCG goods to merchant wholesalers and distributors.
D) Praxis International sells products to consumers directly through the Internet.
E) Hub Styles procures its raw materials directly from farmers in the region.

5) Reynold’s is a grocery chain that has always catered to mid-market customers. However, the owner, Mal, has noticed that an influx of new residents are buying mostly the lower-cost and discounted products. To attract customers, Mal decides to make a gradual switch to the discount store format, but to do this, he will have to cut costs wherever possible. Which of the following types of services should Mal avoid in order to lower costs?
A) limited service
B) self-selection
C) full-service
D) self-service
E) limited-selection

9) Which of the following is true for self-service retailing?
A) They carry more shopping goods and services such as credit and merchandise-return privileges.
B) This service model is favored by discount stores and customers who want to save money.
C) It results in high staffing costs compared to other forms of retailing.
D) Salespeople are ready to assist in every phase of the «locate-compare-select» process.
E) Customers need more information and assistance than in other forms of retailing.

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