A word meaning the chosen one

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for selection?
  2. What is the meaning of selection?
  3. Was there a replacement word?
  4. What is the other word for special?
  5. What is the special word for top?
  6. What is another word for special treatment?
  7. What is another word for top notch?
  8. What does top notch mean?
  9. Is top notch formal?
  10. What is the adjective of excellent?
  11. What’s a synonym for elite?
  12. What is the verb form of dark?
  13. How can I become excellent?
  14. What is the root word of excellent?
  15. What is the definition of prefer?
  16. What is another way to say excellent?

Synonyms for chosen one in English chosen one; beloved; favourite; favorite.

What is another word for selection?

What is another word for selection?

choice pick
option election
preference alternative
bet chosen
discretion druthers

What is the meaning of selection?

Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a vacant job position in an organization. Selection is a process of identifying and hiring the applicants for filling the vacancies in an organization.

Was there a replacement word?

What is another word for were?

made was
symbolizedUS typified
appeared seemed
looked have been
felt turned

What is the other word for special?

Special Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for special?

unique distinct
unconventional exceptional
express extraordinary
separate private
remarkable individualistic

What is the special word for top?


  • highest,
  • loftiest,
  • topmost,
  • upmost,
  • uppermost.

What is another word for special treatment?

What is another word for special treatment?

exemption immunity
privilege absolution
dispensation exoneration
impunity release
relief discharge

What is another word for top notch?


  • ace.
  • choice.
  • excellent.
  • fine.
  • first-class.
  • prime.
  • sound.
  • superior.

What does top notch mean?

: of the highest quality : first-rate a top-notch work.

Is top notch formal?

“top notch” is rather casual, but not wrong. You could use a synonym: “excellent” “senior” “brilliant” “renowned”. These all mean slightly different things, you must choose which is most appropriate. “top-notch” means “excellent, superb, brilliant, exclusive, outstanding, finest, best” or “top-quality, first-rate”.

What is the adjective of excellent?

excellent. Of the highest quality; splendid. Exceptionally good of its kind. Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality.

What’s a synonym for elite?

nounprivileged class, government. elite. gentility. gentry. haut monde.

What is the verb form of dark?

dark. verb. darked; darking; darks.

How can I become excellent?

EXCELLENCE: How to Become Excellent in Anything

  1. Be Adaptable. Adaptability is the most important trait of successful people.
  2. Focus: Focus, Focus, Focus. You cannot become excellent in many things.
  3. Passion: Relentlessly pursue love.
  4. Mindset (Growth Mindset)
  5. Stay Positive.
  6. Stay hungry.
  7. Eat Voraciously.
  8. Grit: Work hard, endure, and never quit.

What is the root word of excellent?

“unexcelled, distinguished for superior merit of any kind, of surpassing character or quality, uncommonly valuable for any reason, remarkably good,” mid-14c., from Old French excellent “outstanding, excellent,” from Latin excellentem (nominative excellens) “towering, prominent, distinguished, superior, surpassing,” …

What is the definition of prefer?

transitive verb. 1 : to promote or advance to a rank or position. 2 : to like better or best prefers sports to reading prefers to watch TV. 3 : to give (a creditor) priority.

What is another way to say excellent?

Ways to Say Very Good

  1. Perfect!
  2. Super!
  3. Exactly rights.
  4. Fantastic.
  5. Fine!
  6. Great!
  7. Congratulations!
  8. Wonderful.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.






He’s the best, the chosen one.

He thinks he’s the chosen one.

It is possible that the chosen one will take advantage of this state, and will simply start playing with feelings.

Не исключено, что избранник воспользуется этим состоянием, и попросту начнёт играть с чувствами.

Love too try to be more soft and careful that the chosen one is not disappointed in your person.

В любви тоже попытайтесь быть более мягким и внимательным, чтобы избранник не разочаровался в вашей персоне.

They did do a showing just for the chosen one.

Это было шоу, которое показывалось только избранным.

«12» indicates that in the near future you will have a serious conversation with the chosen one.

«12» указывает на то, что в ближайшее время вам предстоит серьезный разговор с избранником.

Concentrate not on negative, but on positive features of the chosen one.

Концентрироваться не на отрицательных, а на положительных чертах избранника.

However, during the life of the great composer, he could hardly be considered the chosen one of fate.

Впрочем, при жизни великого композитора его вряд ли можно было считать избранником судьбы.

Eugene never ceases to admit how much she is proud of the chosen one.

Евгения не устает признаваться в том, насколько сильно она гордится избранником.

The tension between the heroes is growing, because each of the eight in every way aspires to become the chosen one.

Напряжение между героями нарастает, ведь каждый из восьмерых всеми силами стремится стать избранником.

The girl works in an insurance company and rarely accompanies the chosen one at the championships.

Девушка работает в страховой компании и редко сопровождает избранника на чемпионатах.

The girl was born in 1982 and was considerably younger than the chosen one.

Девушка родилась в 1982 году и была значительно моложе избранника.

A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one.

Верного друга стоящего в тени Избранного.

The star also said that she has high requirements to the chosen one.

Звезда также говорила, что у нее высокие требования к избраннику.

02:00 — the next day will determine the fate of the relationship with the chosen one.

02:00 — следующий день определит судьбу взаимоотношений с избранником.

All the listed qualities should be shown to the chosen one as much as possible during meetings.

Именно все перечисленные качества должны быть максимально продемонстрированы избраннику во время встреч.

You are the chosen one and your main task is to become the winner on the battlefield.

Вы являетесь избранным и ваша главная задача — это стать победителем на поле боя.

I can’t have any blotches, I am the chosen one.

У меня не может быть пятен, я же избранный.

See what it’s like to be the chosen one.

It’s the only way I could tell the chosen one the truth about you.

Это единственный способ, благодаря которому я могу рассказать избранному правду о тебе.

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What is the word for the chosen one?

chosen one; beloved; favourite; favorite.

What words mean chosen?


  • cherry-picked,
  • choice,
  • elect,
  • favored,
  • favorite,
  • first-line,
  • handpicked,
  • picked,

What is the chosen one in the Bible?

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.

What is the chosen one archetype?

As we define it, the Chosen One is The One Who Solves the Story Problem, or a singular character with a Greater Purpose. Some examples of Chosen Ones: Harry Potter. Hercules and other Greek demigods.

How do you write a chosen one story?

10 Ways to Write a Compelling Chosen One

  1. Give Them Real Struggles: Every hero needs to earn their victories.
  2. Give Them a Weakness:
  3. Give Them Flaws Despite Their Destiny:
  4. Question Their Journey:
  5. Let Readers Like Them:
  6. Allow Them to Want More:
  7. Show WHY They Matter:
  8. Support Them With an Ensemble:

How do you know you are the chosen one?

45 Signs You Might Be the Chosen One

  1. You pulled a sword out of something dense, practically by accident.
  2. A higher power is sending you visions.
  3. One or both of your parents are dead, and you only vaguely know what happened to them.
  4. You witnessed someone’s murder, and they whispered their secrets to you on their last dying breath.

How do you avoid the chosen one trope?

The best way to avoid this cliché is to make everyone equally clueless, even the third-person narrator. No one knows what the future holds or knew that the events that have occurred would happen before they happened.

Are prophecies cliche?

If you want to write a prophecy, go for it. You can’t avoid cliches entirely. But what you can do is make a damn good story. Prophecy can feel like a bad excuse to have things happen for no reason, but it can also add thematic weight to a story.

What is fictional prophecy?

Many fantasy books have some type of prophecy. Most fantasy (and some science fiction) includes a vague prophecy about a future hero who will help good or evil triumph in the world. …

How do you write a prophecy?

What you generally want to do is write the whole story, using a placeholder instead of the actual prophecy, and then phrasing the prophecy around the events that happen during and at the end of the story. You can then go back and include some hints throughout the story.

What is an example of a self fulfilling prophecy?

A self-fulfilling prophecy is an expectation – positive or negative – about something or someone that can affect a person’s behavior in a way that leads those expectations to become a reality. For example, if investors think the stock market will crash, they will buy fewer stocks.

What was Harry Potter’s prophecy?

Harry’s Divination exam was a classic example. Much to his concern, his teacher went into a strange fugue and foretold that ‘the servant’ would set out to rejoin his master, and the Dark Lord would rise, ‘greater and more terrible than ever before’.

Is Harry Potter a half blood?

Half-blood refers to those wizards and witches who have magical and Muggle ancestors in their family trees. Harry himself is a half-blood, since his pure-blood father, James, married a Muggle-born witch named Lily, and his maternal grandparents were Muggles.

What is the prophecy in Order of the Phoenix?

Dumbledore also reveals that Harry is safe from Voldemort with the Dursleys, as by taking Harry in, Petunia, Lily’s sister, seals the protection Harry’s mother gave him. Furthermore, Dumbledore reveals the contents of the prophecy, which foretold the birth of someone with the power to defeat Voldemort.

Is Snape part of the Order of the Phoenix?

Order members. This is a list of notable members of the Order of the Phoenix. Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Fred and George Weasley have their own pages, and Peter Pettigrew is listed under Death Eater.

Is Professor Trelawney a real Seer?

Sybill is the great-great granddaughter of a genuine Seer, Cassandra Trelawney. By the law of averages, Professor Trelawney’s rapid fire predictions sometimes hit the mark, but most of the time she is full of hot air and self-importance. …

What is Boggart in Harry Potter?

A Boggart is a shape-shifting creature that will assume the form of whatever most frightens the person who encounters it. Like a poltergeist, a Boggart is not and never has been truly alive. It is one of the strange non-beings that populate the magical world, for which there is no equivalent in the Muggle realm.

What is Neville’s Boggart?

Severus Snape

What is Hermione’s worst fear?

Her greatest fear was probably failure ‘ Ron was joking (as he often does) but he was actually very close to the truth. Part of the reason Hermione worked so hard was that she was terrified of getting things wrong and letting people down – a common trait among high achievers.

What is Hermione’s real name?

Hermione Jean Granger

What is Hermione’s job?

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (formerly)

Who did Luna Lovegood marry in Harry Potter?

Rolf Scamander

Who did Hermione marry?

Ron Weasley

What is Hermione Granger’s Patronus?



Title character in Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2001). Played by Steve Oedekerk, The Chosen one must avenge the death of his family by defeating the Evil Betty/ Master Pain

Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.

👍67 👎33


THE CHOSEN ONE — what is it?

When approaching a stoplight/crosswalk at an intersection, the light changes to allow one to continue on their way without slowing or stopping, as though one were being allowed to pass by some unseen force.

I always get horrible seats at the movies, but today I was the chosen one and got there super early.

I was sure I was going to be late for class, but I chosen one’d it all the way to campus, through 4 crosswalks, and made it in record time.

👍69 👎31

What does «THE CHOSEN ONE» mean?

The greatest fucking entity ever to walk the wasteland.The greatest thing that ever happened to arroyo,a badass at its core of the core.

«You play fallout 2 as the chosen one,and its a great game.»

👍31 👎11

THE CHOSEN ONE — what does it mean?

A movie/TV show/video game cliche in which a legend says that a character in has been chosen by destiny to preform a task that nobody else can perform. It is the epitome of ultimate power.

In The Legend Legend of Zelda, Link is the chosen one.

👍81 👎33

THE CHOSEN ONE — meaning

The main character of Interplay / Black Isle’s Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game, Fallout 2. He/She is the descendant of the Vault Dweller from the first Fallout, and is charged with a mission to save his/her dying village by searching for a G.E.C.K. (Garden Eden Creation Kit), which can restore the village, and pratically replace it with a grand town.

«You are the Chosen One. You must save Arroyo.» -Elder of Arroyo

👍99 👎37

THE CHOSEN ONE — definition

A beautiful soul. Chosen by the gods to be contained in a beautiful body with soft luscious lips and eyes which would melt sulfur dioxide. An Angel on Earth.

Guy 1: Wow That chick is off-the-chain
Guy 2: Damn bro, she must be the chosen one.

👍197 👎53


A singular person, who is chosen, usually for some special world-saving destiny. It’s also a cliche.

Buffy from «Buffy the Vampire Slayer», Link from «The Legend of Zelda» and Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Paige from «Charmed» can all be described as chosen ones.

👍157 👎41


Can also known as «The One». A common cliche in sci-fi and fantasy. This individual, the «Chosen One» is the sole person chosen by destiny to stop an impending disaster that threatens all life, save the world from a super villian, stop corruption, etc.

Basically, the only person who can save the day. Not their sidekick(s). Not mom. Not Dan. Only them.

Buffy. Frodo. Link. Aang. Neo. Master Chief. All of these people have been the Chosen One at one time or another. Cuz they all saved the day.

👍393 👎75


We don’t know who the chosen one really is he’s a mysterious figure he could be anyone he is a legend when will we get the chance to meet the all mighty chosen one?

Guy: I am the chosen one
Dude: No you’re not

👍45 👎11


The chosen one is the only person that can save the planet from evil destruction using his combined forces of godliness

Hey you saved the world yesterday you are the chosen one!

👍161 👎27

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод CHOSEN ONE

избранник; избранница


choice , elect

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon.

     Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике.

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