A word is a computer used to prepare documents

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Английский язык

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Методичка по-английскому языку для ФЭВТ (новая)

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17.02.2009, 22:30

Методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов ФЭВТ. / Сост. Е.В. Новоженина, О.М. Мутовкина, Е.В. Щепетова, И.С. Чубарова; Волгоград. гос. техн. ун-т. – Волгоград, 2006. – 16 с. 

 Приведены оригинальные англоязычные тексты по компьютерной тематике, терминологическая лексика для запоминания, вопросы для обсуждения, практические задания для фронтальной, индивидуальной работы, работы в парах, творческие задания, направленные на развитие и совершенствование навыков устной речи, расширение лексического запаса студентов, закрепление грамматических конструкций. 

Начало методички:


 As well as the hardware (= the machines), you also need software (= the programs needed to work the machines). These programs are on disks, e.g. the hard disk inside the computer, or floppy disks or on CD-ROMs (= Compact Disc Read Only Memory, a CD on which you can put a large amount of information).

Operating a computer
Using the mouse, you can do a number of things by clicking on different icons (= moving the mouse to point at different pictures at the top of the screen).

What do people use computers for?
A word processor is a computer used to prepare documents or letters, or the software that is used for this purpose. Many people use their computers for word processing, e.g. writing letters and reports. A lot of business people use spreadsheets (= a program used to enter and arrange numbers and financial information) and databases (= programs which allow you to store, look at or change a large amount of information quickly and easily). Some people also use graphics (= the pictures and symbols a computer program can produce).

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Теги: методичка, английский


well as thehardware (=the machines), you also need software
(==programs needed to work the machines). These programs are on
disks, e.g. the hard disk inside the computer, or floppy disk (small
pies of floppy disk) or on CD-ROMs (^Compact Disk Read Only Memory, a
CD on which you can put a large amount information).

Operating a computer
Using the mouse,you can do a number
of things by clicking on

(=moving the mouse to point at different pictures at the
top of the screen

What do people use computer for

word processor is a computers used to prepare documents or letters,
or the software that is for this purpose. Many people use their
computers for word processing,e.g. writing letters and
report. A lot of business people use spreadsheets(=a program
which used enter and arrange numbers and financial information) and
(^program which allow you to store, look at or change a
large amount of information quickly and easily). Some people also use
(= the pictures and symbols a computer program can

Important vocabulary

and more people are becoming computing-literate(=have
experience of working with computers and know how to use them) as
many programs and machines are so user-friendly(=easy to

can now connect your computers to computers all over the world using
the Internet(=a system that allows computers to connect using
telephone lines). People send each other e-mail(electronic
mail) messages using this system or network. If you computer
is slow it may need more memory.It may crash (=stop
working) if there is not enough memory or if it has a bug
(=software problem; also a virus).Make sure you make a
back-up copy
of your work (=an extra copy on floppy disk).

The history of personal computing

of the most important developments leading to the personal computer
revolution was the invention of the semiconductor, or transistor, in
1948. This feat was accomplished by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain,
and William Shockley, who were engineers working at Belt Telephone
Laboratories. The transistor, nothing more than a solid-stale
electronic switch, replaced the much larger vacuum tube and consumed
significantly less power in tube’s job. Thus, a computer system built
with transistors was much smaller and more efficient.

tube also could act as a switch but was inefficient in this role. A
tube consumed a great deal of electrical power and gave off enormous

switch to transistors began the trend toward miniaturisation that has
enabled today’s small laptop PC systems, which run on batteries, to
have more computing power than many earlier systems that filled rooms
and consumed huge amounts of electrical power.

1959, engineers at Texas instruments figured out how to put more than
one • transistor on the same base material and connect the
transistors without wires. Thus, the integrated circuit, or 1C, was
born. The first 1C contained only six transistors, but the Intel
80386 in many of today’s systems has 280,000. Today, IC can be built
with millions of transistors on-board.

1969, a company called Intel made waves in the industry by
introducing a 1 К—
bit memory chip, which was much larger than anything else
available at the time. Because of Intel’s success in chip
manufacturing, the company Japanese-calculator manufacturer called
Busicomp and was asked to produce 12 chips for creation of Busicomp’s
calculator scientific designs. Engineers at Intel took the 12-chtp
design and incorporated all the desired functions and capabilities
into a single» generic» multipurpose chip. This chip was
different from previous designs. The new chip read a variable set of
instructions from memory, which Intel already had been producing. The
concept was to design what was almost an entire computing device on a
single chip. This first microprocessor was the Intel 4004. a 4-bit
microprocessor, introduced in 1971. The successor to the 4004 was the
8008 5-bit microprocessor in 1972.

1973, some of the first microcomputer kits based on the 8008 chip
were developed. In late 1973, Intel introduced the 8080
microprocessor, which was 10 time faster than the earlier 8008 chip
and also could have 64 Кof memory.

a cover story In the January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics
magazine, a company called MITS introduced the Altair kit, which is
generally considered to be the first personal computer- This kit
included an 8080 processor, a power supply, a front panel with a
great deal of lights, and an enormous 256 bytes ( not kilobytes) of
memory. The kit sold for 5395 and had to be assembled. The new
processor inspired other companies to write programs, including the
CP/M ( Control Program for Microprocessors) operating system and
first version of Microsoftbasic-now
things really started moving. IBM introduced its first»
personal computer» in 1975. The Model 5100 had 16K of memory, a
built-in BASIC language Interpreter, and a built-in cartridge tape
drive for storage. The Mode! 5100 was succeeded by the 5110
and 5120 before IBM introduced the IBM Personal Computer (
which was called the Model 5150).

1976, a new company called Apple Computer introduced the Apple I-
This system consisted of a main circuit board screwed onto a piece of
plywood. A case and power supply were not included; the buyer had to
supply them. The Apple I was followed in 1977 by the Apple II. The
Apple II, because of its enormous success, helped to set the
standards for nearly all the microcomputers , including the IBM PC.

1980, the microcomputer world was dominated by two main factions of
computers. One faction was the Apple II, which claimed of loyal users
and a gigantic software base that was grow at a fantastic rate. Also
available were ail the systems that had evolved from the original
MITS Altair. These system were compatible with each other and were
distinguished by their use of the CP/M operating system and expansion
slots that followed the S-100 ( for slot with 100 pins) standard.
Although built by a variety of companies and selling under various
names, these systems all were able (for the most part) to use the
same software and plug-in hardware

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b) Computers software (in a computer shop)

— …?

— As well as the hardware (the machines), you also need software (the programs needed to work the machines).

— …?

— These programs are on disks, e.g. the hard disk inside the computer; or floppy disks or on CD-ROMs, a CD on which a large amount of information can be put.

— …?

— A word processor is a computer used to prepare documents or letters, or the software that is used for this purpose. Many people use their computers for word processing; e.g. writing letters and reports.

— …?

— A lot of business people use spreadsheets (a program used to enter and arrange numbers and financial information) and databases(programs which allow you to store, look at or change a large amount of information quickly and easily).

— …?

— Some people also use graphics (the pictures and symbols a computer program can produce).

— …?

— Not only children, but adults as well are addicted to computer games and Internet searching nowadays.

— …?

— More and more people are becoming computer-literate.

— What do you mean by that?

— I mean they have experience of working with computers and know how to use them. Most of them are skilled computer users now.

Dialogue 4.12 Dramatize the dialogue.

Some advice

— What should I do? I don’t know anything about computers at all!

— Don’t be afraid of computers, as many programs and machines are so user-friendly.

— What do you mean by saying ‘user-friendly’?

— I mean easy to use.

— I’ve just purchased a modem, what can it be used for?

— The term ‘ modem ’ (MOdulator-DEModulator) means a device that adapts a terminal or computer to a telephone line. It converts the computer’s digital pulses into audio frequencies (analog) for the telephone system and converts the frequencies back into pulses at the receiving side. The modem also dials the line, answers the call and controls transmission speed, which ranges from 300 to 14,400 bps1 and higher. You can now connect your computer to computers all over the world using the Internet.

— I have heard very much about it, but I can’t understand how it works.

— In very simple terms I may say that it is a network that allows computers to connect using telephone lines. The user of the computer does not really need to know how computers work, unless they are interested in these workings. All you need to know is how to operate the Front End.

— How can I communicate with the help of the computer?

— Like many other people you may easily send each other e-mailmessages using Internet.

— What does it mean ‘e-mail’?

— It’s electronic mail. There exist also: ‘e-mail address’ or simply ‘e-dress’.

— I’m in a trouble. My computer works so slowly!

— If your computer is slow it may need more memory.

— And what if I don’t add extra memory, what consequences can there be?

— It may crashif there is not enough memory or if it has a bug.

— May you decipher these terms?

‘to crash’ is to stop working. ‘A bug’ means either a software problem or a virus.

— How can I save my files?

— Make sure you make a back-up2 copyof your work, I mean an extra copy on a floppy disk.

— Thanks a lot.

— You are welcome.

NB: 1 bps — Bits Per Second — the measurement of the speed of data transfer in a communications system.2 back up — to make a copy of important data onto a different storage medium for safety.

4.13 Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common ‘computer’ words and phrases given below.

soft… / a computer …/ a word… /…-ROM / floppy … / laser … / …-friendly /…-literate / key… / lap… / spread… / -mail / hard… / hard … / …processor / …ware

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  • Английский язык

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Базовый курс для лингвистов

Вопрос id:1549143

A ___ processor is a computer used to prepare documents or letters.

?) phrase

?) sentence

?) letter

?) word

Вопрос id:1549144

A ___ is a sudden violent storm of wind and rain.

?) squall

?) hurricane

?) tornado

?) breeze

Вопрос id:1549145

About twenty ___ of Great Britain have passed through Eton college.

?) MPs

?) Vice-Presidents

?) Presidents

?) Prime Ministers

Вопрос id:1549146

Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common ‘computer’ words and phrases.

Левая часть Правая часть





a word




Вопрос id:1549147

Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common ‘computer’ words and phrases.

Левая часть Правая часть



a computer






Вопрос id:1549148

Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word, to complete common ‘computer’ words and phrases.

Левая часть Правая часть









Вопрос id:1549149

Admission to universities in Britain is carried out by examination or ___.

?) student’s place of birth

?) student’s income

?) interview

?) student’s age

Вопрос id:1549150

After graduating ___secondary schools Americans spend some time pursuing further education in junior colleges or go on to higher education.

Вопрос id:1549151

Alan’s got very muscular ___.

?) toes

?) arms

?) fingers

?) lips

Вопрос id:1549152

Alice was in such a state when her son died that the doctor gave her ___ to help calm her down.

Вопрос id:1549153

All passengers should be at the station at least 30 minutes before ___ (if you need to buy a ticket, you should have at least an additional 30 minutes).

?) taking

?) seating

?) getting

?) boarding

Вопрос id:1549154

Although Bob ___ fairly quickly from the accident, he had to have plastic surgery to remove facial scars.

Вопрос id:1549155

American football is a very different game:

?) The field looks different and even the ball is a different shape.

?) Players wear special hats for American football, because the game can be dangerous.

?) The players can run with the ball, touch and push each other.

Вопрос id:1549156

American jazz is a conglomeration of sounds borrowed from such varied sources as ___.

?) American and African folk music

?) Spanish folk music

?) European classical music

?) Christian gospel songs

Вопрос id:1549157

Americans have the first class ___ who know exactly how to get the best out of the sportsmen.

?) teachers

?) tutors

?) instructors

?) coaches

Вопрос id:1549158

Americans play tennis, hockey and most other international sports, but they do not play ___ in the same way as the rest of the world.

?) cricket

?) football

?) baseball

?) golf

Вопрос id:1549159

Ann’s got blonde ___ .

?) skin

?) hair

?) height

?) hairs

Вопрос id:1549160

Are they showing the game ___ or just recorded highlights?

Вопрос id:1549161

As well as the hardware, you also need ___, the programs needed to work the machines.

Вопрос id:1549162

As well as the state schools, there are about 500 ___schools in Britain.

?) grammar

?) modern

?) private

?) public

Вопрос id:1549163

At college football matches each team has an army of girls all dressed the same. The girl with the stick is the ___.

Вопрос id:1549164

At the end of this year we should get a good pay ___.

?) tax

?) rise

?) salary

?) fall

Вопрос id:1549165

At the moment there are five ‘terrestrial’ TV channels in Britain. If you pay extra, you can have a satellite dish and receive ___ TV.

Вопрос id:1549166

At the post office you can send money by post. You should fill in a money-order form stating ___.

?) your monthly income

?) the letter of guarantee

?) the name and address of the recipient or payer

?) the sum of money you are sending

?) the sender’s address

Вопрос id:1549167

At the theatre you can see ___

?) musicals

?) games

?) concerts

?) plays

Вопрос id:1549168

At the university the students are called in the following way:

Левая часть Правая часть

during his first year at the university the student is called

a senior

during his fourth year at the university the student is called

a sophomore

during his second year at the university the student is called

a junior

during his third year at the university the student is called

a freshman

Вопрос id:1549169

Avoid ___paper, which suggests you cannot write in a straight line without help, and tends to remind people of junior school handwriting classes.

Вопрос id:1549170

Basketball is another popular game in America. Only ___people play in each team.

?) six

?) ten

?) seven

?) five

Вопрос id:1549171

Because of ___ the grass turned yellow and most of the crops died.

?) earthquake

?) flood

?) volcano

?) drought

Вопрос id:1549172

Because of ___ the walls began to move visibly, and large cracks opened up in the ground.

?) drought

?) volcano

?) earthquake

?) flood

Вопрос id:1549173

Because of ___ we could see the lava slowly advancing towards the town just ten miles away.

?) earthquake

?) drought

?) volcano

?) flood

Вопрос id:1549174

Bob is always making people angry or upset because he just doesn’t consider their feelings. That’s why we can say he is a ___person.

Вопрос id:1549175

Bob really wants to get the supervisor’s job and then become boss for the whole department. That’s why we can say he is a ___person.

Вопрос id:1549176

Both in British and the US media there is a freedom of ___: journalists and pressmen can say what they like about anyone and anything: the army, the President, the Queen, private individuals, the police, provided they say nothing ‘libelous’ and ‘obscene’.

Вопрос id:1549177

Both men are very good-___.

Вопрос id:1549178

By checking your plants often, you’ll ___ problems in the early stages when they are easier to deal with.

?) have

?) realize

?) spot

?) raise

Вопрос id:1549179

CD-ROM is abbreviation for ___.

?) Compact Disc Ready One Memory

?) Compact Disc Reading Once Memory

?) Compact Disc Read Only Memory

?) Compact Disc Really Occasional Memory

Вопрос id:1549180

Chickenpox is a children’s infectious ___, but adults can catch it too.

Вопрос id:1549181

Children under five in Great Britain attend ___ schools.

Вопрос id:1549182

Classes in the USA meet

?) five days a week and five hours a day

?) twelve months a year

?) for about ten months a year

Вопрос id:1549183

Colleges offer courses ___ teacher training, courses in technology and some professions connected with medicine.

Вопрос id:1549184

Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right.

Левая часть Правая часть









Вопрос id:1549185

Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right.

Левая часть Правая часть









Вопрос id:1549186

Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right.

Левая часть Правая часть









Вопрос id:1549187

Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right. What stage of life are these people at?

Левая часть Правая часть

Susan is 25, so she is in her


Albert was a bus driver for 40 years but stopped work two years ago, so he is now

mid twenties

Paul isn’t 2 yet, so he’s still a


Caroline is 50 this year so she is now in her


Вопрос id:1549188

Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right. What stage of life are these people at?

Левая часть Правая часть

Leila is 13 this year, so she’ll soon be a


Ron is 33 and his wife is 32, so they are both in their

early thirties

Joan is 75 this year, so she is quite


Jason was born six weeks ago, so he’s a


Вопрос id:1549189

Complete the following phrases choosing the logical ending on the right. What stage of life are these people at?

Левая часть Правая часть

Rave is 18 this year, so legally he becomes an


15 is often a difficult age for boys going through


Liz is 14, so is a


Jack is 65 this year, so he is quite


Вопрос id:1549190

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.

Левая часть Правая часть


low, moo


cluck, cackle


grunt, squeal



Вопрос id:1549191

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.

Левая часть Правая часть


bark, growl, whine


cackle, hiss




purr, mew

Вопрос id:1549192

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the column on the right.

Левая часть Правая часть




neigh, whinny





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